How To Make Your First $100 Online With A Simple Niche Site

The following article was sponsored by Pro Niche Site.

Sometimes, it’s the simple things that can have great returns. In 2017, we have informational overload. As a result, there is a high demand for good information out there.

There is a stupid amount of money in telling other people what you think about a product. If you’ve ever looked at the price of buying ads on keywords, you’ll take note that certain keywords are much more expensive than others.

For example, keywords that have “buy steroids” or “steroids review” tend to be a lot more expensive than “how to take steroids”.

Generally speaking, there is a funnel that people go through before they actually purchase something. Using our steroid example, it would look something like this (as far as keywords):

  • steroids
  • steroids for beginners
  • how to take steroids
  • where to buy steroids
  • best steroid stores
  • where to buy steroids online
  • ABC steroid store review

The beauty is that there is usually an opportunity to make a sale somewhere on that path. Somewhere that, if you know how to write, how to do your research, and generally have some business sense—you can make excellent profits.

Many of you who have read my work on this site for the last 3+ years have likely seen some of my contextual links to my “niche websites” such as Ukraine Living, Eastern European Travel and Speaking Abroad. My goal isn’t to convert an ROK reader (i.e. you) into buying a product on those sites—it’s to improve the ranking of the site so that someone else finds me somewhere on that funnel of keywords.

When I quit my corporate job back in February of 2016, my main blog was fledgling to say the least. And I had my first course in the works, and was hoping that it would ultimately be able to support me. It was a gamble, that thankfully paid off. I did commit to posting on my main site at least daily for the first year. I mostly achieved this.

But there is only so much growth you can force (I wasn’t going to post 3 times a day)—some of it has to take time to happen organically. So I decided to spin up a few other sites in the spare time I had. I wrote some of the articles myself, hired out some others, and generally took them on as fun “hobby sites”.

Well, in June alone Ukraine Living cleared over $600 in revenue. A fitness/supplement site that I started in early January will clear $500. Eastern European Travel will make $100. Speaking Abroad is new and is a little slow off the line.

Is this big money? Absolutely not.

But at the same time, the amount of work I have put into either of these sites is barely 50 hours (each). And when they consistently make numbers like that, you can often sell them outright for 15-20 times the monthly revenue.

I have firmly shifted my belief that starting off with a small, low-investment website is one of the best ways to make your first foray into “passive” income (I hate that term). No matter what way you spin it, internet business is always going to take trial and error.

My aim is to remove as much of that process as possible and to send people the right way. Here are a few reasons why niche sites are an excellent way to get started in online business.

Very Minimal (Or Zero) Start Up Cost

If you already have a web host, you’re already set. Most plans allow you to host unlimited websites free of charge. If this is the case, your only additional investment is the new domain name.

If you don’t have this, your out-of-pocket costs (other than your time, obviously) is going to be about $100-150.

  • $75 or so for hosting, for one year
  • $10 for a domain name
  • (Optional) $50 or so dollars for a premium theme (of course you can go as cheap or as expensive as you want with this)
  • If you choose to hire out some articles, you can probably expect to pay $20 for 1,000 words of reasonably good quality content. I encourage against this at the beginning.

I mean, what other business can you start for $150 or less? There’s not many out there.

The Skills You Learn Are Numerous

If you choose to take on a project like this, there are so many skills that are applicable to multiple online businesses. Or hell, you could even use these types of skills to get a corporate job in certain sectors.

Here are just a few of the skills you easily develop:

  • Web and basic graphic design
  • Writing (to sell)
  • Search engine optimization
  • How to hire freelancers (if you choose to outsource some work)
  • Social media marketing
  • Business planning and strategy

It Builds Equity In Something

As I mentioned earlier, if you have a website that can consistently make $500 a month, you can reasonably sell that on a site like Empire Flippers or Flippa for 20 or so times those earnings. That’s potentially a $10,000 payday if you’re willing to let that income source go.

The internet moves quickly, and things go out of style quickly. While content websites are by far the slowest way to make money off the bat, it’s one of the few ones that builds equity in something.

Many people have asked why I haven’t gotten into higher-end affiliate marketing—pushing thousands of visitors to signup pages and making money off each conversion. The answer I give is: because at this point in my life, I feel more comfortable with building pillars of support that I know aren’t going to disappear. Things that I can leave for a few weeks, and trust that they will still be making money.

Eventually, there will be a point in my life where tackling those bigger ticket challenges will come about. But the first year of quitting my job, moving abroad, and trying to scale a business was not that time. I had another friend who moved with me and attempted to learn to day trade as he was running out of money. Take a wager how that turned out.

Closing Thoughts

The internet is continuing to grow, and more people are coming online every day. This kind of business isn’t going anywhere, because people are always going to be searching out information.

So if you want to pursue a niche website, how do you start? Well, find a passion in a niche—then within a subniche.

For example, the “fitness” niche is a poor choice. Good luck competing with Men’s Health,, etc. But what’s within the fitness niche?

  • Supplements
  • Home gym equipment
  • Yoga
  • Information products
  • Many others

It doesn’t have to be difficult, but there is a lot of information out there—and that’s why I created a 6-part FREE video series that helps pick these topics out, and get started.

You can get access to all 6 videos here.

PS: Beyond the free workshop, the full Pro Niche Site course (including 12 weeks of 1-on-1 coaching, Kratom not included) has launched this week, and is available at it’s lowest price until this Sunday night at 11:59pm EST. Click here to learn more.

Advertise Your Product Or Site On Return Of Kings

62 thoughts on “How To Make Your First $100 Online With A Simple Niche Site”

    1. I will pay everybody 1,000,000 grams of Kratom if we keep this comment section Kratom free from here on out.

      1. Wait, what if we used Pro Niche Site to make an entire website devoted to Kratom jokes?

      2. Hyperbole much? The annual mining rate of Kratom is nowhere near enough for that to be remotely feasible.

      3. Careful, Kyle. My sweet tooth for alkaline intoxication is something fierce!

      4. You’ll note, I’ve not mentioned it once.
        Divide the total commenters on this thread and then give me the share I earned of…you know.

      1. Wrong. It clearly says that the article was sponsored by Pro Niche Site.
        On a related note, I highly recommend Pro Niche Site to anyone and everyone. All of my experiences with Pro Niche Site have been fantastic!

        1. Yep, those girls will be begging for two new ones to come in and relieve them from your unshackled godliness.

        2. It’s a documentary about famine in Asia. There are two girls, and they only have one cup, the poor things. Won’t you help?

        3. Dude. With that kind of virility. I just pictured those two girls giving birth to enough babies to power the Matrix.

    1. If you used Pro Niche Site to make a website full of Dick picks, I would visit it every day.

      1. I didn’t mean in advertising sense. I meant in a more face to face interaction.

        1. Yeah, I don’t really put much stock in that study. I have bought more than a couple things I really didn’t need or want from a chick with big tits and a cute smile.

      2. ” But critics slammed the tasteless ads, and groups like One Million Moms staged protests.”
        Hahaha feminist propaganda imo.

  1. I am a curious observer of the online economy. I say kudos to people like Kyle who have it working for them. And $1,000 a month is enough to live well in many countries. I make well above the national average in the US, but the idea of working <10 hours a week for $1,000 a month in pay and just doing whatever I please the rest of the time is appealing.
    If you don’t need to physically work here, there is little reason to live in the US.
    But I would caution that these types of businesses are risky and break many economic “rules” that we see in other industries. Now, if the cost is really just a couple hundred bucks, and you already earn that back in your first few months, perhaps it doesn’t matter, other than you should go into the endeavor knowing it could all disappear.
    The numbers surprise me. $600 a month means 60 people every month are wanting to learn about Ukraine living. Or 720 people a year. That seems like a lot. I’m not doubting it’s true, it just really surprises me. If that’s the case, you could make a lot of money partnering with some Ukranians, like a real estate broker or apartment finder.. the fees off a single transaction for someone moving to Ukraine could be in the thousands. In other words, the opportunities are vast.
    If it’s really that easy to earn that kind of money writing some online articles, then it’s a sign that this sector is still in its early stages and prepped for growth. The early arrivers to the Gold Rush made a lot of easy money, while guys like me who studied it a bit too long and concluded it sounded too good to be true, found after hesitating a couple of years, it was no longer a great way to earn money.
    The thing I still can’t wrap my head around is the online ads. I mean, right now I’m staring at an ad “43 stars who have grown into horrible looking creatures.” Perhaps I’ll click on it for a laugh, but how does that generate money for anyone? Somewhere down the line someone has to spend real US dollars because of an ad for it to pay off, and I just can’t make that connection. But hey, if it works, work it for as long as it does! Interesting article!

    1. As I understand it, those “43 stars…” bullshit ads exist mainly because companies monetize views/clicks. Advertisers are looking for the biggest bang for their buck, so they want to advertise on websites with very high view counts. If you want to get some advertising on your website, but don’t have a high enough view count, you either generate more views by setting up a bunch of those “25 pictures that will blow you mind” sites where each picture is a different view/click, or you can actually buy views from existing websites like that. Then you can tell potential advertisers that your website “network” gets 50,000 views when your actual website itself only gets like 25,000 views. At least, I think that’s part of what’s going on with all of that crap.

      1. Yeah I just clicked on it, and there are further ads embedded in the funny article, one for a viagra substitute, and one for shopping for women. “Say goodbye to Viagra if you click here” and “The shopping site that lets women choose their price.”
        To me clicking on either of those is the same as answering a spam email from the Prince of Nigeria,
        but with the state of our Idiocracy, I’m sure 5% or so of web surfers are clicking stuff like that, ordering products they didn’t know they needed from sites they have never heard of before.
        I actually clicked on a hilarious spam article this week.. I can’t find it but it was “celebrities you didn’t know were gay” and it listed straight people with gay looking photos, ie Sean Penn looking like a woman, Margaret Thatcher holding a machine gun, Ann Coulter looking like a man, John Voight wearing some weird outfit and looking like an elderly lady. The text was 100% troll and they deserve some fake money for my LOLs.

    2. I reckon it works best when you create content you can sell. Look at our good friend Pro Niche Site (all rights reserved) – the hook is free video content, but the product is instruction and consultation. With the right slate of videos and ebooks available for a decent rate, you make ad-free money off anyone who is interested enough in the information to pay, but not enough to learn it the hard way (i.e. other entrepreneurs).

    3. “If you don’t need to physically work here, there is little reason to live in the US.”
      AMEN! I wish I’d found out that little nugget of truth 15 years earlier than I did. 😀

    4. Pay per click.
      If the set up cost is minimal then so is the risk.
      It is the future. Jobs are dead.

    5. Think about it dude. 720 people a year out of the entire 7.3 bn world population? That’s tiny. More to the point Kyle has multiple niche sites. So if for example, you had 10 niche sites earning an average of $300 a month? Do the math.
      What the Internet does that is not possible offline is allow you to duplicate yourself. Online courses instead of going around physically teaching people? Think about it.

  2. The computer is the single greatest feminizing force in society today. Machines that are “user friendly” are electro-plastic seductresses. We already have too much information. We need to use what we’ve got. We don’t need to worry about how much calcium or zinc we’re getting in our diets; we need to annihilate our egos.
    Enter the computer terminal. Terminal means“end” and of all the dead ends humankind has created for itself, staring at computer screens all day long has got to be one of the grandest.

    1. I’m going to have to partially disagree, and say that the smart phone is the single most feminizing force in society today, and in all of human history.
      Smart phones. Stupid people.

      1. Then I must be a really fucking girly-man because I’m running my business on my smartphone all day everyday.

    2. Well ok, but if we take this metaphor to it’s finish: computers are women.
      So…. blaming the computer as a great feminizing force effectively indicates you… can’t control your women?
      Jokes aside, the computer does what it’s told. If you don’t want a constant stream of junk going into your brain… don’t visit junk sites. There’s plenty to do on a computer that is productive.

      1. You mean there is more to life than funny cat videos? I don’t believe it!

    3. You’re out of your mind Rich. There are few inventions more manly than a computer.

      1. A gun seems pretty manly. Also power tools. A smartphone is a combination of things, but not just a computer per se. Computers are pretty manly, though. They think like we think.

        1. Isn’t a smartphone a computer by definition? As is a calculator? Also, smartphones are designed, developed and built by men.

    4. Then why did you big burly men make such easy computers? Make them even harder to use so you can maintain your advantage.

  3. And, if’n you want a designer what won’t overcharge ya or nuthin’, I actually build websites on the side. Good deals for my friends, exorbitant rates for my enemies, and something like $20/hr for everyone else.
    EDIT: As long as you aren’t using Magento’s ecommerce solution. You almost can’t pay me enough to dive back in that mess (almost).

    1. I built a website for a local food truck recently. I didn’t know the guy personally, but he got a good-looking site and directions on how to do basic tasks (update image galleries, modify the menu, etc) for $85.
      AND SO CAN YOU! or something

  4. Hi Kyle, I love what you do and you’re an inspiration to me but I don’t think that you will motivate many people with $100. Anybody could do that with eBay.
    That said, I agree with your fundamental premise and will reaching out to you personally.

  5. “The following article was sponsored by…”
    I stopped reading right there.

  6. If such sites really performed as claimed, you would be making gigantic assloads of money operating same, while guarding your intellectual property — instead of selling your “secrets” to others.
    Carleton Sheets ran the same game 30 years ago with his programs on how to make money investing in real estate.

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