Will 2017 Turn Into An Epic Year For Good Men?

The following is a sponsored article by Expandourmind. It is the final part of a series on Marxism and upcoming events for mankind. Read Part 1Part 2, and Part 3.

Dr. Lawrence Dunegan attended a Pittsburgh Pediatric Society lecture in 1969 where he listened to Dr. Richard Day, an admitted “insider” in the “Order.” The lecture was about the “New World System,” also called the “New Order of Barbarians” in which he defined the changes that would be accomplished by the year 2000.

Procedures and people had long been positioned to implement this nefarious system where the rulers want to become human gods who enslave the few people who are allowed to survive – just like Lucifer wanted to become an almighty God in the Bible.

At that time, Dr. Day was a Professor at Mount Sinai Medical School. He had previously been the Medical Director of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America. He reiterated that people would have to get used to change. He also said: “People are too trusting; people don’t ask the right questions.”

Dr. Richard Day – Insider Of The Barbarian Order

Nuclear terrorism, world wars, depopulation, world religion, mass euthanasia, LGBT, falsified science, death of the family, death of religion, vaccines, mass surveillance, free sex, bad food, chip implants, no private property, luciferian world religion, destruction of young people, secret cancer cures for the elite, etc. They are responsible for all these things and their purpose is to depopulate large parts of mankind and enslave the survivors under their tyranny. Who gave them the right to play God?

Dalai Lama Performs Kalachakra Rituals All Over The World

Dr. Day disclosed that there is close cooperation between the east and the west – communism of the east has the same hidden leaders as the capitalist system of the west – in line with Hegelian dialectics.  The term Barbarians have a striking connection to the Kalachakra prophecy which Dalai Lama promotes across the whole world as “absolute truth” with ample support from Western puppet leaders. In this prophecy, the non-Indian “Demon King of all Barbarians” attacks the whole world from India – a country where non-Indian Dalai Lama resides since 1959.

We can see that most of the predictions of Dr. Day have come true or are on the verge of becoming true with nuclear terrorism and/or a quick World War III being on the charts, because these globalists want to seize absolute power by threatening the masses into submission. Make no mistake – whichever countries that oppose each other have traitorous leaders serving the same globalist masters and the purpose is to enforce their Satanic world state. Dr. Day mentioned falsified science in 1969 as it applies to the Theory of Evolution.

The Theory Of Evolution Has Deceived Many

I was one of those completely deceived by the evolution theory as a youngster. First of all, who was Mr Charles Darwin? He was the grandson of Erasmus Darwin, a top mason and a sorcerer who was involved in the French Revolution. Facts prove that Charles Darwin was a complete fraudster too.

Mike Sutton’s book ‘Nullius’ proves that Darwin told six deliberate lies in order to achieve primacy over Matthew (another researcher whose theories Darwin stole). Having destroyed the myth of Darwin, the honest gentleman of science, we can turn to his mysterious love of Karl Marx, who lived in London from 1849, and sent his book Das Kapital to Darwin. Darwin even wrote an affectionate letter to Karl Marx expressing his deep admiration of Marxism. Were they both part of the same secret society in London?

Karl Marx set out the link between Darwinism and communism as follows:

Darwin’s work is most important and suits my purpose in that it provides a basis in natural science for the historical class struggle. (Letters: Marx-Engels Correspondence, vol. 2, p. 126).

Stalin said:

There are three things that we do to disabuse the minds of our seminary students. We had to teach them the age of the earth, the geologic origin, and Darwin’s teachings.

“Darwin Revalued” (1955) by Sir Arthur Keith states that Darwin made a fortune through investments. Darwin lived as a gentleman on a huge estate with up to eight servants. Yet he received no wages from employment, and earned only about 10,000 pounds from his books during his lifetime.

Could Darwin’s fortune and triumphant investing have resulted, not from fortuitous newspaper picks, but careful guidance by financial powers? Might this also explain his son’s good fortune in landing a bank partnership?

Ernst Haeckel (1834–1919) was a German professor of zoology and an icon of Evolution Theory. His schematics of embryos have been published in virtually every textbook. Yet he was proven to be a great fraudster already during his own career and he admitted it openly and stated that the whole “elite of evolution science” were fraudsters.

During the trial, Haeckel confessed that he had altered his drawings, but excused himself: “I should feel utterly condemned and annihilated by the admission, were it not that hundreds of the best observers and biologists lie under the same charge. The great majority of all morphological, anatomical, histological, and embryological diagrams are not true to nature, but are more or less doctored, schematized and reconstructed” (Bowden, Malcolm (1977), Ape-Men: Fact or Fallacy?)

“Natural Selection” Will Create A Master Class And A Goblin Class – “Modern Evolution Science”

Scientist To BBC: The Enslaved Class Will Become Goblins

A leading evolution scientist claims in a BBC interview from 2006: “Humanity may split into an elite and an underclass”, says Dr Curry in an interview with BBC. The article further states, “The descendants of the genetic upper class would be tall, slim, healthy, attractive, intelligent, and creative and a far cry from the ‘underclass’ humans who would have evolved into dim-witted, ugly, squat goblin-like creatures.”

We all know from the Jewish Talmud that the Jewish masters of the world are supposed to rule all “goyim” as “animal like” slaves in the future. Now we see how they plan to turn people into goblins – we already see how people have more and more trouble to keep in shape due to poor diets, GMO, computers etc.

Do we believe that people will become goblins “naturally” as in “natural selection” or do we believe that the evil rulers deliberately transform people into goblins by engineering and feeding them poisonous stuff? Do we really believe that Globalist rulers will become tall, healthy and intelligent people because nature favors them?

David Kills Goliath – Mankind´s Epic Battle To Take Back Freedom?

We see how the rulers mock people with fake science. I know for a fact that there are many men out there that would fight until death for their freedom if they knew that complete enslavement and loss of their willpower and human body was at stake. Many ROK readers know the hidden rulers of their country and this world by now. It´s a small group of hidden people. If they have unveiled the monstrous truth shouldn’t they get a chance to fight for their freedom?

The Upcoming Epic Battle Of Good Vs Evil

Above: Viking Battle Prayer.

Man’s life is short; and therefore an honorable death is his immortality. —Publilius Syrus

From ancient history, we know of Samurais, Vikings and American Indians. Upright men of those cultures all wished to die an honorable death in battle. Their enemies seem very civilized compared with modern man’s monstrous enemy.

Man’s enemies are almost completely identified and they hide behind labels of media tycoons, government advisors, zionists, intelligence agencies, super bankers, leaders of secret societies, religious leaders, politicians, multi-national companies etc. These people work for Satan knowingly or unknowingly and they destroy our human civilization. What will happen next? Prophecies have real answers.

 ..when the Church and her servants are denied their rights, the monarchies have been abolished and their rulers murdered, then the Hand of Almighty God will work a marvelous change, something apparently impossible according to human understanding… The powerful Monarch, who is sent from God, will uproot every Republic. (Ven. B. Holzhauser, 1650)

This is first and foremost about Faith. There are only two sides in the conflict: In favor of the Lord or against the Lord! (Katharina aus dem Ötztal (b. 1883))

Ancient Prophecies – A Hidden Source Of Inspiration

We have investigated many ancient prophecies and found hope, truth, and inspiration. If modern people have become brainwashed weaklings how can they battle these satanic globalists who control every country with their MSM, puppet leaders, intelligence agencies, and central banks? There is no chance to fight them unless divine support appears. What was prophecied in ancient times for our modern age?

  • Subversion of all religions from the inside. Collapse of divine belief.
  • The rise of antichristian governments controlled by traitors who sell out their countries and suppress their own people.
  • The birth of a worldwide Marxist culture including destruction of the family, Marxist education of the children, feminism, free sex, materialism, high technology, computer age, drugs etc.

Prophecies: Falun Gong´s Arrival And Persecution By The CCP From 1999-2017?

  • The birth of a new spiritual belief which spreads across the world very quickly and which can heal diseases. It’s upright and the evil can’t control it from the inside and becomes extremely jealous. Its subsequent persecution in China was prophecied to start in 1999. This evil persecution will last for 18(6+6+6) years until 2017 when the evil will be eliminated and Gods will reappear according to prophecies. The only matching spiritual belief is Falun Gong and it focuses on cultivation of mind and body in daily life without dogma, priests, membership, monasteries or fees.

Dalai Lama – Supported By All Countries And Religions. Prophesied Antichrist?

  • The arrival of the non-Indian Antichrist who will attack the whole world from India. Dalai Lama travels to our world leaders using India as his base. He openly promotes the Kalachakra prophecy as absolute truth and he tries to play the role of the Barbarian Demon King in the prophecy.
  • The sudden appearance of a warrior king from the north in 2017 with divine abilities who will help people overthrow their traitorous governments. People will face a choice to either fight the Antichrist or become enslaved by him. If one dies fighting Antichrist he will go to heaven. The return of real Kings (Monarchies) – “Return Of Kings” will come true according to prophecies.
  • From 2017 – 2024 there will be cleansing of the earth from all evil through many battles between good and evil people. In the end, even water will become undrinkable. Finally a new, wondrous earth will be born with a few good people surviving.
  • Traditional culture will be reinstated and good men will rule again.
  • Towards the year 3000 people will have developed spiritual powers and they will know about their previous lifetimes and they will have supernormal abilities like levitation, telepathy. They will know how and when to cure their own diseases. People will take good care of the earth and they won´t waste resources. They will remember our wretched era and they will have a heart for helping each other since they know that without unity the world collapses.

Why Was This Evil Era Arranged For Mankind?

Why are bad people allowed to rule the world today? According to polymath and prophet Emanuel Swedenborg, all people need to be tempted by this evil culture to let each person choose between good and evil under very trying circumstances. In physics there is a balance between positive and negative charges and there must be a similar balance between good and evil human beings. After this era is ended, bad people will perish. Good men have suffered greatly and they will be given the honor to cleanse the world from evil.

Nordic Warrior God Thor Is Prophecied To Kill The Midgard Snake

A warrior King´s arrival is prophesied in 2017. Below some examples of his mission and how he will wipe out the evil republics:

That valiant duke [MONARCH] will exercise a fatal vengeance on all kings and princes who have betrayed their country. Woe to those who have made a prey of the kingdom of their forefathers, as well as of the Church. They must pay everything back with double interest. No safety will be in the house of those thieves. (Matteo Ricci, 16th century. Beykirch 1849 – “Prophetenstimmen”)

Through the power of the Most High he shall confound the tyrants, the heretics, and infidels. He will gather a grand army, and the angels shall fight for them; they shall kill all God’s enemies. (St Francis de Pau, 1470)

Nostradamus stated in his ”Centuries, 10:86”:

Like a griffin will come the King of Europe,

Accompanied by those of “Aquilon”:

He will lead a great troop of red ones and white ones,

And they will go against the King of Babylon.

Nostradamus Was Right? The Sky Shows Us The Time?

From the MSM, you might get the idea that 2000 and 2012 were the big years in prophecy. They were not. 1999 was the prophesied start of the spiritual battle of good and evil. That’s when 100 million Falun Gong practitioners were persecuted in China by the CCP.

Except for the Mayan calendar, many prophecies, including Buddhist prophecy, have targeted 2017 as the starting point of the golden age. That’s 18 (6+6+6) years after 1999 and exactly 2500 years after Buddha passed away in India. The stars and planets are said to be aligned with Revelation 12:1 for the first time in 7000 years when the Feast Of Trumpets kick off in the evening of Sept. 22, 2017 in Jerusalem.

Norse Mythology similarly claims that the End Times Battle, “Ragnarokkr”, will kick off when “Heimdallr” blows his horn to the world. People on hell roads will quake from fear while good people will dance from joy. Good and evil will then fight each other until the end, which is the birth of a new and wondrous earth after all evil has been defeated. It sounds rational, plausible and yet unimaginable to modern people. However, Queen Elizabeth recently stated that 2017 must be the year of WW III.

What will the end of 2017 really bring us? Expect the unexpected, have hope, stand on the good side at all times.

For more, visit Expand Our Mind.


Dr. Day 1969 – An Insanely Evil Plan To Enslave Mankind – Transcript

Evolution Theory A Fraud? – Part 1 Of 3

The Eternal Book(Ragno Nero 14th Century) 2016-2030

Knight Templars Prophecy AD 1099 – Describes Marxist Culture In Year 2000 And Future Society In AD 3000

Mitar Tarabic Prophecy Describes Modern Society And Our Path To The Future

2017 – The Cataclysmic Year According To Prophets And Buddha

First Resurrection Is Calculated In The Sky For Sept. 23 2017?

Where Is The Saviour Of Mankind According To Prophecies?

The Arrival Of The Northern Warrior King – Prophecies

Catholic Prophecies About Antichrist

Fight Antichrist And go To Heaven

German Prophecy  Deciphers Number Of Beast(666)

Norse Myth: Heimdallr Blows His Horn To Kick off Ragnarokkr In Sep. 2017?

Dalai Lama – The Antichrist Of Christian And Buddhist Prophecies?

Advertise Your Product Or Site On Return Of Kings 

112 thoughts on “Will 2017 Turn Into An Epic Year For Good Men?”

    1. I was just in Houston and we drove by a business called Kraton. I was thinking it was a front for ROKers. I wondered if inside there was a free weight gym that allows grunting, hot friggin hostesses that bring you platters of green powdered ambrosia, and no pc police.

      1. I think most of the businesses in Houston are front organisations for ROK

    2. Word to the wise: Kratom + cigar = puke.
      Don’t adulterate the Kratom, kids.

      1. Lets see YOU do nothing but refresh your screen starting at 3:55!
        “yeah?, yo MOMS is easy….”

  1. The laws of nature will rear their ugly head in a purge that will shift things back to the natural order. It could be a global dying off, wars, upheaval, disease….anything. Something’s gotta give when you stray from God and nature too far. It is simply the way of things and it has been proven true time and time again. The usual suspects that lead us away from God and nature will get right back to work with what they do best again, but hopefully this time we recognize the chronic disease that they are on the world and prevent humanity from descending into darkness ever again.

  2. Pluto is in Capricorn until 2024, which for anyone who understands astrology means that this is a great period for disballancing the power structure. Hidden truths surface and there is a meltdown in the halls of power, hence the victory of Trump and the whole Alt-right, fake news, wikileaks etc fiasco. Neomasculinity is also part of this. We have to be ready to smash the skull of this ancient dragon that wishes to strangle the lives out of us.
    I refuse to kneel; I am the Son of the Serpent and this kingdom belongs to me and my brothers. The filthy elite deserve the worst and i’ve had enough of these weaklings who wouldn’t punch their way out of a paper bag on their own!

        1. I had to take your comment and sleep on it, then as I was laying there at 1 am, as my wife was facing the other way, suddenly I understood what you were saying.

        1. I haven’t noticed anything in the 14 years of marriage with my wife. I think it is mostly just to get the feminist’s goat.

  3. Those of us religious folk know good will triumph over evil, but we also know that it will suck prior to. Revelations….

  4. I think I heard this author on Coast to Coast last night. The Bilderberg Group better not read this…

    1. Don’t worry. Thursdays are their bowling and beer night in Davos. They’re a wild, macho bunch.

  5. Way too dramatic and superstitious. Also, the points actually raised were pretty *eh*: Dalai Lama’s a globalist (who knew), the elite’s are elitist pricks (didn’t see that coming), and conflict is likely to erupt soon (haven’t heard that before). Lots of flavor text, little content.

    1. I went to see the Dalai Lama speak a few years ago. 90min talk, and most of it was him telling us to give him money. The rest of the time he was extolling the virtues of communism, apparently oblivious to the hard fact that Chinese communists cost him his home. Guess enlightenment ain’t all its cracked up to be…

      1. Dalai Lama. Isn’t he the guy who writes the sayings for the fortune cookies?

    2. Samurais were also pedos. Not a group of warriors I would want to be associated with if you read their history.

      1. What do Samurai have to do with anything? Also, you can say the same thing about Feudal Knights, Classical Greeks, and pretty much any premodern fighting force.

  6. A lot of these clickbait copywriters are starting to go after bible thumping christians. What they seem to miss is that quoting norse mythology and nostradamus destroys all credibility with the christians. Know your demographic.

    1. it’s a bit of a smorgasbord. I think its an attempt to shape another alex jones type market, and appealing to ‘gullible christians’ is part of that, but if it’s exclusively christian that would limit the market . The idea is to get us to encourage general credulousness. General Credulous will probably be a character in the next star wars movie

        1. My understanding is that they needed to “borrow” some Norse concepts, like Hell, to convince the Scandinavians to sign up and stay committed.

        2. I’m not familiar with that idea, but it’s certainly interesting / possible

        3. What I mean is that the concept of hell existed with the Babylonians and others before Odin and his religion.
          Sheol existed before in the Judaic religion as also mentioned in the Old Testament.

        4. Sheol wasn’t hell though. It was the Earth. Everyone came from Sheol and went back to it. It wasn’t a place of punishment or anything other than the Earth. You come from “hell” and go back to “hell”.
          Literally everyone in the OT went to Sheol.

  7. “Dalai llama is a bitch.
    I freebase kratom to enlightenment”

  8. I haven’t looked at my future-predicting calculations in over a year, but I think the Trump victory was our spectre of things to come.
    And if I remember right there will be another kerfuffle/victory for the redpill around 2020. Hmmm…

  9. With Kratom I can see the future, I’m pretty sure I’m going to be ok, the rest of you are fuked though.

    1. Watch out, with Kratom you may THINK you can see the future, when in fact you are creating it. In ancient Mayan they referred to Kratom as “God’s Finger”, and it was only through careful meditation, kratom, and the sacrifice of 1,167 Toltecan warriors in 761 AD that the priest 14 Jade Knife was able to avert the end of the world in 2012. This was all foretold.
      You should seriously thank that guy.

  10. The warrior king better hurry up and get here, 2017 is half over.
    The whole WW3 thing ain’t happening. Any scenario would involve the US, China and Russia. Petroleum is traded in US dollars, the US doesn’t want to upset that system which WW3 certainly would. Russia makes their money selling oil and natural gas to the rest of Europe they don’t want anything upsetting sales. China makes their money selling cheap stuff to the US and Europe which in turn sells them raw materials to make cheap stuff they don’t want to upset that system, WW3 ain’t happening, not yet anyway.

    1. WW3’s not happening. This article’s nothing but ridiculous conspiracy theories. He’s quoting Nostradamus for crying out loud.

  11. Nice article. I do not think it will happen that way. But it points to the signs of the times. People need to look at prophesy and also, Dr. Richard day.
    No, this guy does not have it all figured out. But I am glad he rose the issue and gave it his best shot.

  12. Yeah right. Romanticizing about some era where you be could some hero warrior. It sounds like something out of a movie. Strange when people romanticize about the past they assume they’ll be someone of importance as opposed to the statistically more likely peasant or slave.

  13. Compare with Melchizedek freemasonry orders, who are followers of Melchizedek, the King of Salem. Even revered as the ultimate master of judgement, if you study his life you will find he is also the master of sterility and equality, and therefore satanic in nature, because lower design. Many Alt-Christians believe he is in fact a Jesus-like manifestation of God on Earth. Watch out for this being, whatever it is he/she/it is a very, very crafty spirit and imo a driving force behind the current globalist/Bohemian Grove elite

    1. There are no “alt-christians”. Only sinful humans who put their faith in Jesus and try to do his will. Christianity is not some alt-right meme.

    1. nothing bat-shit crazy about conspiracy theory. That’s a CIA generated meme I believe that derives from the time of the JFK assassination. In other words, even if bat-shit crazy is a real thing, the tin-pot hat meme is most likely a psy-op designed to discredit suspicion in advance of its expression

        1. I’ve designed an inside out hat that can be used to attract truth rays from a higher dimension

  14. If the Dalai Lama is the anti-christ he will be like the final boss and we will need to fight him in order to save humanity.
    Oh btw conspiracy theory is generally true. If you minus the misinfo, and the disinfo, & a smattering of mental illness, but still basically true

      1. The nazis liked rocket technology too so that means it’s not supposed to work.

        1. My point is that saying that the nazis liked something or believed in something doesn’t invalidate it. Hitler loved his dogs, so is liking dogs evil?

  15. What a bunch of horseshit, written by a goblin. Why does ROK publish such nonsense?

    1. Because they are paid to. Sponsored article. Doesn’t even mention Kratom.

  16. Queen Elizabeth said what?
    “They are responsible for all these things and their purpose is to depopulate large parts of mankind and enslave the survivors under their tyranny. Who gave them the right to play God?”
    That’s quite an interesting question, even if it was asked rhetorically. There are a few possible answers. Firstly, God may have provided the mandate, himself, in which case it isn’t satanism, but God’s will incarnate. Some jews might recognise that formula. Alternatively it could be seen as the ultimate act of Thelema, human will, in which it is the individual Himself who takes the right. One’s own Godhood is by this reasoning grounded on a philosophy of right is might. If as in Crowleyianism this formula opposes a human godhead to transcendent deity – e.g. yahweh – then this might potentially be identified with, or indeed self-consciously identify as satanism. A third possibility, eschews any kind of theological grounding, monotheistic or thelemic, but simply involves elites acting as God’s in the belief that their better understanding of what is necessary for the world gives them such a right. For the most part this is the kind of ‘playing God’ that is probably most characteristic of our leaders way of think, whereby the end always justifies the means: the people – we – are already goblins or as good as – insofar as our attention span is limited, our capacity for long term planning and strategy even more so, and our inability to resist immediate gratification virtually non-existent.
    “We all know from the Jewish Talmud that the Jewish masters of the world are supposed to rule all “goyim” as “animal like” slaves in the future. Now we see how they plan to turn people into goblins – we already see how people have more and more trouble to keep in shape due to poor diets, GMO, computers etc.”
    Including this passage flags the article up as overtly anti-semitic. This should be reason to mistrust the purpose behind such a sponsored post. When unorthodox claims are anchored in a known anti-semitic ‘canard’ – this is often a means of contaminating the substantive claims. I’m not too sure about that actually, as a lot of this is quite silly, but then this is all part of the ‘construction’ of tin-foil hat discourse.

  17. Charles Darwin lived a traditional Victorian life: He married around the time he and his cousin Emma Wedgwood both turned 30, and I’ve never run across anything to indicate that Charles had premarital sexual experience, though in his 20’s he hung around sailors and he stopped at ports with brothels during his journey on The Beagle. The captains in those days just gave their men a wink and a nod when they went on shore leave because they accepted man’s nature in its given state.
    Despite the Darwins’ late start, however, they had ten children, and seven of them survived to adulthood. I read somewhere that they have a couple hundred living descendants now.
    In today’s context secular degenerates would mock a white guy like Darwin for living sexually abstinent that late in adulthood before marrying, and then having a large family like the ones in the Quiverfull cult.
    Apparently the people who claim to admire Charles Darwin don’t value the personal example he and his wife set.

    1. True. Evolution is full of holes scientifically and is already tottering. However, of the 3 men who have shaped our modern world (Marx, Freud and Darwin), Darwin was the only one who could be described as a decent, normal human being. He also lost his beloved daughter at the age of 10. I can sympathize with that even if I don’t hold with his theory.

  18. Damn. I always knew the Dalai Lama was a sneaky ass bitch, what with all those rainbow robes and Prada shades. Bet you a unicorn he might have 10 kilos of Kratom stashed in that big ass gown of his.

  19. This author- Sponsored Article, writes fucking shit pieces.
    It’s not the first one either.

  20. Outside of technological advancement, nothing is happening in our time that has not happened in the past. Humans have not changed one iota, in the same way tigers remain as tigers and penguins as penguins. Yes, we have acquired more knowledge and a deeper understanding of the cosmos and our relationship to it – but our nature as human beings is unchanged. The many millenia world of antiquity without Christ and the greater mass of humanity of today – especially in the east – that is without Christian life is proof that Christianity is not now nor has it ever been an answer for those who seek to change the nature of man. It persists as is and will so persist until such time as we exist no more.

    1. Yes. There are no new sins. However, the ways of acting out and propagating those sins have increased beyond the imagination of our descendants. Internet, social media, TV, etc. can spread the evil around the world in seconds.

      1. So, do you seriously believe today’s world to be worse than the days of Rome with its bloody spectacles of death in the Colosseum and other arenas throughout its empire, or the Mongol hordes of the Khans purposely killing every man, woman and child in cities that didn’t surrender to them, or the Catholic inquisitors torturing and burning witches by the dozen in medieval times, or Stalin’s purposely starving upwards of ten million peasants in the Ukraine? I could go on for a very long time about this. It always amuses me to read how someone believes humanity of today to be worse than what preceded it.

  21. Interestingly enough there are those saying that the Christian Church was imposed on the west by Jews to make us weak, and that we should go back to old Pagan beliefs.
    Nice that you write “fake science” without giving examples.

    1. probably a Sabbatean assertion. The sabbateans were / are jews who opposed or infilitrated both orthodox judaism and christianity

      1. Dem Joos. They screw up everything don’t they? I’m sure they sabotaged my lawnmower too.

        1. No, it was the Jew hating excommunicado sabbateans who sabotaged your lawnmower.

  22. How are they turning people into goblins? How about vaccines? They can cause death, autism, learning difficulties and ADHD.
    Even ask a question about them and the MSM will label you an anti-vaxxer kook. Sounds a lot like Climate change.
    Anyone who has seen their children regress after having certain vaccines are told there’s no evidence to support it and there are so many studies that they’re ‘safe’.
    Safe, yet they have paid out over $2.5 billion in compensation for people affected by side effects of taking them.

  23. I notice you missed the prophecies of Fatima concerning the coming triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and the conversion of Russia to the Catholic Church after the Pope’s consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart.
    Mary, as Our Lady of America, also notes the coming nuclear war and gives a promise that if we do as she requests America will be spared being nuked.
    While there are several sites claiming this or that, here is the site of the nun Mary visited as Our Lady of America – http://www.ourladyofamerica.com
    As for the other prophesies from non-Catholic sources, I’m not sure how many are flipped, prophesies claiming triumph for evil forces posing as good.

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