How To Respond To Threats Of Political Violence

It’s an unfortunate fact that political disagreements can turn to violence. The left has an extensive history of this from guillotines to gulags, with terrorism and urban riots often in fashion. When the right gets fed up with being attacked repeatedly, responses typically include boot parties, death squads, and one-way helicopter rides.

Some disturbing trends are emerging lately. The “basket of deplorables” speech was laughable, but highlights a malevolent mentality; apparently Cupcake thinks people like us shouldn’t exist. Operatives used “bird dogging” tactics to try to influence the last election. Further, the leftists started turning up the heat with degrees of rioting unknown since the 1960s. Radicals often riot, make threats, and use other dirty tactics to censor voices they don’t like. The left’s narratives are slipping, and now they’re acting out of desperation.

I’d prefer to avoid future violence, if at all possible. It’s best if everything is settled in the marketplace of ideas. A mere difference of opinion shouldn’t warrant rough stuff. Besides, large amounts of aviation fuel can be dreadfully expensive.

Persons of interest

Triggered, but unlikely to do anything crazy

I don’t count all leftists as enemies. The majority are just moderate liberals. Those ones tend to be kind and gentle; actually too nice for their own good. They’ve been conditioned from a young age by TV, the schools, and pop culture to believe an ideology based on flawed premises, reinforced with guilt complexes.

When liberals regurgitate silly talking points, try not to be angry; they’re doing as conditioned after years of mental abuse. It’s by no means easy, but with enough patience and exposure to real facts, they can be deprogrammed. Until then, let’s remember that there’s a difference between being wrong and being evil.

Those of greatest concern are the radical leftists. The indoctrination went deeper for them. They don’t merely support bad policies from ignorance; they wish to wreck their own society. Some are rebels without a clue; others are truly twisted. Although I hesitate to write people off as irredeemable, the fact is that it would take a major epiphany for them to get their heads screwed back on straight. Unlike moderate liberals, they’re not out for “progress“; they only want to steal from the productive and cause destruction. If trouble happens, it will come from them.

Today’s weaksauce Red Guards

Communists ain’t what they used to be.

Leftists don’t make fighters like they used to. In the past, they were a force to contend with and highly determined. A platoon of snowflakes cowering in a “safe space” wouldn’t measure up to a single Viet Cong guerrilla. The fighting skills of today’s leftist radicals are pretty lackluster. They specialize in sucker punches and cheap shots. They don’t like to attack unless they significantly outnumber their opponents, and even then they often lose.

For some examples, a dreadlocked Antifag activist set out to take “100 Nazi scalps” in Berkeley. As soon as she choked someone, she found she’d greatly overestimated her combat readiness. James Hodgkinson went postal on Republicans playing baseball, but picked a second-rate rifle and had poor Marxmanship. This Bernie Sanders fanatic merely wounded four people before getting poetic justice from the police. Diane Oughton of the Weathermen blew herself up trying to make a bomb. I have a pretty good idea what she did wrong, but out of general principles, I won’t discuss IED safety tips.

Efforts to build strength

Since leftist radicals with any sense are painfully aware that their comrades can’t punch their way out of a wet paper bag, they’ve been trying to build alliances with violent groups. One of my liberal friends researched the agitation groups that raised hell and burnt cities in 2016. (To her credit, she disapproves of that sort of thing.) She told me that they’re half Social Justice Warriors and half gang members. In turn, I clued her in about the funding from globalists. As for the Antifags, they’re being recruited from the homeless and seem to operate like a cult.

Then there is the curious effort by leftists to ally themselves with radical Islamists. It’s been argued that Islam is progressive too, as it was an improvement over the way things were done before in 7th century Arabia. All I have to say is that it’s not the Dark Ages any more. Muslim theocracy has nothing to do with leftist politics; obviously this is an alliance of convenience. Those people want friends on their side well known for shootings, bombings, rioting, and driving trucks into crowds. Bless their hearts.

This is why globalists are so enthusiastic about importing them by the millions, with no end in sight. However, if they think that their virtue signaling will inspire Muslims to take orders from them, they’re in for a rude awakening. They might also be shocked to discover that transgender potty rights aren’t in the Quran.

The case for restraint

Effects of the castor oil cure

If someone breaks the peace, let it not be by the right. In any confrontation, don’t count on the legal system to be impartial. Further, trial by media in the court of public opinion definitely won’t be impartial.

Although violent leftists even can attain folk hero status, anything done by the right always is spun the worst possible way. Not only does it give the left a propaganda victory, but it also can be a convenient excuse for punitive actions and more repression. For example, the Unabomber hasn’t tarnished environmentalism. However, Timothy McVeigh was used to discredit the militia movement, even though he wasn’t part of it.

Further, we should try to refrain from overconfidence ourselves. Recall the words from Gone With the Wind, echoing popular sentiments at the time:

Why, we could lick them in a month! Gentlemen always fight better than rabble. A month— why, one battle—

The political climate might well become more tumultuous, but it’s too early to tell what the outcome will be. It depends on factors not (yet) in our control. If fighting occurs, we shouldn’t be the ones who start it, but we certainly should be the ones to finish it.

Proportionate response

WEDGIE TIME! Who’s the big, tough Red Guard now?

I’m all for taking the high ground. Still, this doesn’t mean we have to fight (either rhetorically, or physically if it comes to that) with both hands tied behind our backs. Leftist radicals need to understand the reciprocity principle:

  • If they want reasoned debate, we all can have a polite discussion.
  • If they scream at their opponents, they’ll get an earful back.
  • If they attack, we will defend ourselves.
  • If they try to start a revolution, they’ll either go to prison or go to hell.

Reactions should be proportionate, as this is generally required by the law. This isn’t the place for a long legal discussion, and I don’t have the technical qualifications. A basic example is that if a guy shoves someone, that doesn’t make it okay to stab him.

There’s an old Italian custom called the “castor oil cure for Communism”. A Yugoslavian saboteur was caught in Fiume (if I recall the details correctly). He was an old guy, so rather than giving him the traditional penalty, they showed mercy and made him drink castor oil instead. This became a tradition involving a Blackshirt, a liter bottle of castor oil, and a Communist soon to get a case of the screaming Trotskies.

Consider this not as a specific recommendation, but as food for thought. The castor oil cure for Communism took on a figurative sense too: basically showing them who’s boss as gently as possible. This is what I mean. Remember that these radicals are spoiled children and should be treated with an appropriate level of discipline.


Si vis pacem, para bellum.

Let us remember the Roman proverb, “If you want peace, prepare for war.” The goal is not aggression, but deterrence. Your enemies won’t attack if they fear you.

Preparedness is essential. If you’re not muscular yet, it’s time to get in shape. I found that my physical confidence went way up, and it deters others from starting trouble. Learn some fighting skills. Buy guns and practice target shooting. Hopefully you won’t need any of this, but if you do, you’ll be glad you made the effort.

Read More:  The Culture War Is Being Transformed Into A Hot War

179 thoughts on “How To Respond To Threats Of Political Violence”

  1. Beau: referring to Hodgkinson’s rifle skills as “Marxmanship” was damn brilliant, and my biggest smile of the day.

    1. He fired 50 rounds, and from what I understand he hit his targets 4 times, and only 1 of those was serious. I’ve also heard he was firing 24 inches low. That kind of says to me he just bought a rifle, didn’t practice with it, and didn’t sight it in, and was a poor judge of distance. Spray and pray.
      Conversely Micah Xavier Johnson hit 14 of his targets killing near a half dozen. However he was militarily trained, and also used a warsaw semi-auto weapon the Saiga AK-74 5.45×39mm rifle.

      1. Libs think guns magic killing machines. He probably had less experience than a 10 yr old Boy Scout

  2. “For example, the Unabomber hasn’t tarnished environmentalism. However, Timothy McVeigh was used to discredit the militia movement, even though he wasn’t part of it.”
    Keen observation.

  3. If leftists act a fool too much we will simply send Vinny Pringo to their house to break their focking legs.
    Seriously though, they can talk trash about going out to the suburbs and burning them down but, that’s the day when things would get really ugly for them.
    Folks will just watch them burn down and loot other people’s businesses or they will stop their cars when they block the interstate but, when they show up at someone’s home to loot well, that will be different.

        1. “Hail. On your knees, dog.” is what Vinny Pringo would say.

        2. Motorhead’s ‘King of Kings’ is even better. It’s a fine theme for Vinny Pringo.

        1. To the U.S.A. Commander of the encircled town of Bastogne.
          The fortune of war is changing. This time the U.S.A. forces in and near Bastogne have been encircled by strong German armored units. More German armored units have crossed the river Our near Ortheuville, have taken Marche and reached St. Hubert by passing through Hompre-Sibret-Tillet. Libramont is in German hands.
          There is only one possibility to save the encircled U.S.A. troops from total
          annihilation: that is the honorable surrender of the encircled town. In order to think it over a term of two hours will be granted beginning with the presentation of this note.
          If this proposal should be rejected one German Artillery Corps and six heavy A. A. Battalions are ready to annihilate the U.S.A. troops in and near Bastogne. The order for firing will be given immediately after this two hours’ term.
          All the serious civilian losses caused by this artillery fire would not
          correspond with the well known American humanity.
          The German Commander.
          General McAullife: “Pringo”

        2. They dropped Pringo on Hiroshima and Nagasaki too.

        3. You tell them Pringo’s coming, and Hell’s coming with him!

  4. Simple-learn how to fight, lift weights, do some Tren/Deca/Dbol for massive gains and learn how to handle a firearm. When they come you’ll be ready and know what to do.

    1. “I again saw under the sun that the race is not to the swift and the
      battle is not to the warriors, and neither is bread to the wise nor
      wealth to the discerning nor favor to men of ability; for time and
      chance overtake them all.” Ecc 9:11
      “A Psalm of David. Blessed be Yahweh, my rock, Who trains my hands for war, And my fingers for battle;” – Psalm 144:1
      May you die full of years, brother.

      1. Powerful. I appreciate that and extend the same wish to you. And I hope such years are fruitful and productive in any endeavour you pursue.

      2. OT but have you noticed Bible verses changing from what you remember? DOES YOUR Bible read that Christ was crucified on a cross or hung from a tree? If you Google Acts 5:30 it now reads that he was hung from a tree in most translations. I have an old NIV that still says ‘cross’ in Acts 5:30. A Guideon’s I have here now reads he was hung from a tree.
        The symbol of a tree is a peace sign inverted or ‘tree of life’ symbolism, but a man hung from a tree is cursed as per scripture. He must be removed from tree within 1 day and be entombed otherwise the ground becomes cursed. Write down your best memories of correct scriptures. The Bibles have been reported to be changing right under our noses (reference Mandela effect).
        If you take a cross and bend the arms at an angle upward, it becomes like the peace sign inverted. Keep an eye on this.

        1. Actually, the greek says he was on a stake, Gr. stauros.
          However, you make a great point, the bible verses do keep changing with different translators who insert their sects bias into the work.
          If you want a truly accurate translation, you will have to hire an atheist to do it, and even that is a little questionable.
          Trivia time and question !
          J. R. R. Tolkien was a bible translator.
          Which religious group hired him, and what books did he work on ?

      1. That also. It is imperative to be of strong mind also to combat the rabble.

    1. Deploy also the power of nonsense-make very serious points using nonsense and pointing to how everything they hold sacrosanct is nonsensical and idiotic. You deflate them and pre-empt some of their vitriol when you expose what kind of buffoons they are.
      Otherwise, learn Sambo and Catch Wrestling and keep your shooting skills nice and tight-there’ll be plenty of target practice if shit gets real.

        1. Google is paying 97$ per hour! Work for few hours and have longer with friends & family! !pm157d:
          On tuesday I got a great new Land Rover Range Rover from having earned $8752 this last four weeks.. Its the most-financialy rewarding I’ve had.. It sounds unbelievable but you wont forgive yourself if you don’t check it
          ➽➽;➽➽ http://GoogleFinancialJobsCash447GroupBoxPay$97Hour ★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★:::::!pm157..,…..

      1. Shame! That’s as dishonorable as the guy who taught her how to give BJs. When you’re buzzing good you really don’t want to deal with that shit.

      2. It took a lot of plastic surgery and Photoshop to make it possible for you to rub one out over her. Thank the men that made it possible (and profitable).

    2. It is hard to process how foul she is in her unmodified state. Crazy.
      Got to circulate that image. Every time she uses her utterly institutionally-manufactured, corporately produced glamour to take a political position, that pic needs to get flood-posted.

      1. Girls are lazy hence the obesity in American women. If it dont involve applying a bit of make up or throwing on expensive clothes its to hard for them. Makeup as you can see is a unfair advantage and can make a 4 girl a 7 or 8. Their easiest laziest fix

  5. tl;dr
    (will read later, bro. Love your writing.)
    Stay away from Sheeple. That’s how you avoid political violence.

  6. Meet force with overwhelming force. If antifa comes to your town looking to start shit then organize a counter attack with twice the force. We have the numbers when it comes to force. Be prepared. Think smart. Think strategic. Fight to win.

    1. Agreed, but leave the guns at home. Red guard maggots warrant fists and boots (season to taste). Save the lead.

      1. There’s two schools of thought. If you want to wreck shit, yes, leave the guns at home and go be a hooligan. If, however, you carry every day, and you are not looking to start shit, then continue your normal routine, but you cannot take the party to them when you are armed better than they are. The only time for guns is in clear self defense or open insurrection, and self defense claims are often negated if you are proven to have gone “looking for trouble.”

        1. Respect, Luke– but I can’t agree. If you bring a weapon to one of these clusterfucks, you must put that weapon in hand or risk being disarmed and having it turned against you. And once in hand, there is little likelihood that you will not be descended upon by cops indoctrinated with the priority “to make it home at night” by any means necessary.
          Instead, leave the piece at home and treat this as an opportunity for some satisfying and valorous cardio. Bullets are for other types of crises.

        2. If you have a family, you have to keep them safe. Move them away from trouble zones. I’ve never encountered an antifa mob where I live but it seems they are rabble in training for a insurrection style revolution at a later date. How organized are they to hold a battlefront? Their salting process is the riot proving ground where the stars among them are identified. If shit hits the fan, arms are ready to be pipelined in to them and they become like Sandanistas – only they’re for the union of marxist professors – the whole lgbtq social marxist enchilada – with their foundation backing. What a joke and a riot in itself. Only with a stand down from inside traitors can the rabble groups ever become dominant in any region. Otherwise they’re a joke in any land where citizens keep and bear arms.
          Latin American gangs operating in cities are 10x the threat of the antifas. These gangs of immigrants are a precursor to domestic guerilla forces and are more of a threat than college campus antifas. I lived miles and miles away from any city where you would see any kind of Latin American gangs like Latin Kings or MS 13. In certain cities, these gangs would freely walk about in small groups and the graffiti was unsightly. In the city, I would see a few with the jackets and symbols and heard of their initiation rite of walking behind a random person with a machete and slash/attacking. It sickened me to see city public parks being descended upon by these vermin and my blood boiled at the thought of them ever coming to my remote rural community. I swore if I ever saw their graffiti in my rural community, I would FIND AND BAG the motherfuckers responsible. Or if I ever saw them on my street carrying machetes, I’d pick their asses off in a heartbeat. Whatever the outcome, I would drink and savor in the glory of citizen vanguardship. I told my wife so too. And my neighbors as well. Most agreed.
          THEN my wife’s mother comes over and I told her too that I would preemptively take the scalps of any MS 13 that came to stink up my zipcode. So what does my bitch mother in law do then? She goes berserk and starts screaming “You men are all the same. Worthless. Blah blah blah” Then she tries to twist my wife’s arm to leave and divorce rape me. Why? For speaking in a dominant tone advocating citizen sovereignty and citizen vanguardship over your own neighborhood. The bitch mother in law then tries to pull punches like threatening to have me watched and hounded by traitor forces. So I whistled a different tune to get her out of the house and spiked her drink good. How dare that bitch. She herself was a divorce raping whore single mother. Nice western neighborhoods are full of awful divorce raping whore gold diggers and single mothers. And I see clearly how when you disrespect, disempower, divorce rape or tear down the men of your community, then the meekest weakest forces close in to consume your community and culture. This can only happen when you kill off the man first – or you kill his authority. Think Germany or Sweden. Family courts are legal hired contract killers of male authority. They are legally contracted to do a whack job on the patriarch. Would YOU stand there and take it if some paid contract killer thug pulls a snub nose on you in an elevator? Or would you flip the tables and flip his ass out the nearest window down to the sidewalk like a pile of worthless rabbit guts? Then why take a legal contracted killer kick in the balls by an empowered feminazi family court terrorist judge? This citizen approves. Many more like me too.
          If that bitch mother in law had stayed any longer, she would have infected my wife (her own daughter among four) and I would likely be under the axe of a meek weak empowered bitch and her fembitch whims run amock.
          How can a man fight and slay in glory for the community he pays taxes on when the bitch system grinds down the patriarch men of the community with an axe? How did this inversion happen? It happened when the crazy bitches overran and pirated the roost THAT’S HOW. Everyone in a community has to be vigilant and has to be free to openly rail against the enemy and THE MEN need to lead the charge. The enemy won’t even enter where they hear extreme warcries of solidarity. Vigilence and loud war whoops are the best deterrance. You’ll never see me on the news offering Christian foregiveness to the Salvadoran thugs that butcher my kids on my front lawn as their initiation rite. Those stinking flea ridden vermin. This white motherfucker would be on the warpath. It sickens me to see victims anywhere coralled into inaction by subversive ‘authorities’.
          It is never planned but SOMETHING bad always happens to an enemy band or group entering a hyped up warwhooping and vigilant community that opposes them. It wasn’t me though of course. Every man has his hands in his pockets. “Wasn’t me. Prove it” In a solid community, anyone, even Bart Simpson could be responsible for the unlikable’s demise driving into a faux tunnel painted onto the side of a brick wall. It’s a tight game to run when the system is not your friend. But was it ever your friend?

        3. What he’s saying isn’t that you can’t be armed, but that if you are shown to have gone out and sought to put yourself at the center of violence, there will be legal consequences that you will have to face.

      2. Know your State laws when it comes to self defense and practice your best judgement.

    2. Use the wedge formation and pound them into the pavement.

    3. On the roof, with a scoped .50 BMG and a cooler full of beer. Like rats on a garbage dump.

      1. That’s a lot of steel that you’re probably not going to need in an urban like environment. A .308. or a .338 should do just fine and you can carry more ammunition…. or more beer as the case may be.

    4. I’d say it’s not worth the risk. If you want real change try garner support for strong political figures on your side. Force should only be in compliance to self defense.

      1. You should see what they did to Antifa in Berkley. It was glorious. Antifa got their asses handed to them and ran out of town. When antifa says they’re coming to your town to “take Nazi scalps”, vandalize businesses, burn down buildings and physically attack conservatives then yes it’s self defense.

        1. You would be surprised. At any rate it’s a fine example of what men can accomplish when they’re not too scared to fight back.

    1. I wouldnt pull my pants dowm in front of a Leftist crowd – half of them are queers.

  7. “…and a Communist soon to get a case of the screaming Trotskies.”
    I do so appreciate a clever turn of phrase. Good brief on the subject, and chock full of references to articles on specific points (of which I’m honored to have some of mine included.)

    1. I get the Trotskies myself when I eat something past expiry unwittingly. I get a powerful case of Lenin and end up leaving Marx.

    1. Every time I see that pic, I want to beat her like a borrowed mule.

      1. See I’m an optimist – I’d like to dress her up like a girl and see what we really have here.

        1. I thought it was just a sissy looking dude, on the other hand she reminds me of my fifth grade math teacher…. I really hated that bitch.

        2. Honestly, I want to put her in a headlock, pet her head gently while whispering in her ear, “relaaaaax, just relaaaaax. Everything’s gonna be ok, just relax.”

    2. That is well and truly the look of derangement that the mind-virus of Leftism causes.

      1. In her case there are three genders. She is neither male nor female. We can only allow for three genders. Male, female and ‘neither’ or ‘disqualified’. I don’t care to sort the leftovers into sizes and shapes. Just brown bag them all as abnormal and leave it at that.

        1. was thinking that also, did who ever put that chart together get bored and just throw a pic of a Bell model 47 on there for sh*ts and giggles?

    3. I don’t know how it works exactly, but the fish mouth usually a dead giveaway that you should back away.

  8. “If they want reasoned debate, we all can have a polite discussion.”
    Oh man, I’m totally down for reasoned debate and polite discussion. Problem is, a majority of Trump voters were and are incapable of engaging in it. He hit them right in the ole amygdala — fear, fear, fear, and more fear.
    BTW why wasn’t his name mentioned in this article? It’s like a giant orange elephant standing in the corner of the room. After all, Trump was the only candidate, in any party, to encourage violence during the campaign. That’s a fact.

    1. Typical horseshit from you-why am I not surprised. True to form as an apologist for Leftist violence.
      Last I checked it was Hillary’s cronies throwing around all kinds of epithets and being irrational and thereafter engaging in violence because the outcome of a democratic election was one they didn’t like.

      1. Read for comprehension. My comment clearly stated that Trump was the only CANDIDATE, in any party, to encourage violence during the campaign.
        And tell me where I’m apologizing for leftist violence, you moron? I don’t condone any political violence.

        1. Who you calling moron, jackoff? Either point to specific examples of where President Trump incited violence or stop talking out of your backside as is your customary stance. And your trying to shift the goalposts is apologia-I don’t give a fuck what you have to say otherwise.
          You’re an agent provocateur and a fifth columnist.

        2. “My comment clearly stated without any evidence and in fact incorrectly that Trump was the only CANDIDATE, in any party, to encourage violence during the campaign.”

        3. It’s funny how having a political view — and voicing it in a decent way — gets one labelled as “an agent provocateur”, “fifth columnist”, “troll” and all sorts of other labels. In the old days, we just called this **debate**.
          Hey, how’s that depression treatment going? You still on heavy meds?

        4. You’ve been renowned for that hence the epithet and it is well warranted.
          Depression? Nah. I kick the ass of a Lefty and you can’t wipe the smile off my face-otherwise I’m just dandy. I beat that like I beat up Commies.

        5. Mashable?! Mashable?! Oh good grief. This is just sad.
          You’re embarrassing yourself.

        6. degenerates like myself lol — what the hell are you talking about?
          Hey “BurningHammer” — which SSRI are you on? Celexa? Paxil? Is your dosage high enough? Does making ignorant angry comments against strangers on the Internet relieve your feelings of helplessness and hopelessness? Or do you feel just as bad afterwards?

        7. Actually, since you’re suffering from depression, by definition, YOU are the one who’s **sad**. I’m an upbeat guy with a great life. Would you like some of us here at RoK to help you improve your life?

        8. You’re right. You’re worse than that. I’ve stepped in things better than you
          Fuck off. I have better things to do than waste my time on you.

        9. Depression is serious, man, don’t ignore it. Irritability, anger, and lack of concentration are all common symptoms. RoK is here for you, whenever you want to stop chucking digital spears.

        10. Thanks for the tip Herr Freud.
          I’m actually amused by all this and how when asked for citation the best you could offer was Mashable-a website infamous for their pronounced Left slant Maybe you’re trolling for a giggle.

        11. Lol! Yeah, a guy making non-specific blowhard comments about knocking the crap out of non-specific people is “calling for violence.”
          You’re either a pussy or mentally retarded. Which is it?
          Seriously dude, I get that you’re liberal and therefore your brain is defective, but do you really watch that video and tell yourself that Trump is calling for violence? Lol. Do you also conveniently ignore the actual leftist violence at Berkeley and outside Trump rallies where women and even an old man had the shit beat out of them by “antifa” faggots?
          You don’t even have to answer, we all know you’re RoK’s token leftist retard, but this cognitive dissonance is hilarious even by your standards.

        12. Better to be thought a fool than open one’s mouth and removal all doubt-or in this context, type on one’s computer/smart device.
          The cognitive dissonance, lack of awareness, lack of anything approximating a coherent thought, as you astutely point out, is nothing short comedy gold. You really stuck the shiv in and twisted.

        13. You made a serious accusation against Trump. Is that “decent?” You have still not verified it, even after being challenged. Typical lefty. “My hate makes me right”

      1. His claim is “centerist”. You know, wants socialized medicine, liked Bernie Sanders (a full out Fabian Socialist), etc. Like, you know, a centerist.

        1. I don’t remember seeing your handle before, but it’s clear that you’re not interested in being civil.

    2. Well, I’m looking at my window and I’m not seeing Trump supporters herding people into concentration camps. They did drive Shia Lebouf to near insanity, but that’s hardly the same thing.

      1. I’m not seeing them lynch people either or have cross-burnings as we are led to believe they’re all white supremacist KKK types. And they’re not throwing them into Gulags either or smashing up things like Red Guards or starving people because of central planned economies which are spectacular failures-whoopsie poopsie, Leftist Communists do/did that

    3. “Trump was the only candidate, in any party, to encourage violence during the campaign. That’s a fact.”

      1. Muh feelingz! I asked for it and and am still waiting. Don’t hold your breath for it.

        1. I had to chuckle also. It comes from those colossi of intellectual prowess and paragons of journalist integrity and accuracy, Mashable. Hilarity ensues.

    4. In my experience, Trump supporters are more likely to possess the traits of people that I have a lot of respect for. They are typically more fun, kind, better sense of humor, emotionally mature and emotionally well adjusted, not out to get anyone. Hillary supporters and Trump haters are usually unhealthy individuals who become unhinged rather quickly over something minuscule, very spiteful, disrespectful to white men, again out of spite, they are virtue signallers and black ass kissers. What I mention, is painfully obvious and that is my experience.
      I will never regret voting for Donald Trump. It was a fuck you to SJWs, feminists and white male self loathing cucks who continue to step on the dicks of some really great men. And for what? Because they feel inadequate and they are useless, jealous and unable to achieve a state of satisfaction with ones self. I will continue to move forward with my progress as an individual and with my career with both middle fingers in the air to these people and I will continue to go tell them to go fuck themselves every time they try to distract me.
      Last night, I probably saw one of the most disgusting videos I think I have ever seen. This is what Hillary supporters contribute, enjoy.

      1. They’re sick degenerates. Between that and teaching children about masturbation it makes you want to smash their brains in with a brick.
        That said, I feel very much the same way. They are the cult of envy, inadequacy and hatred and are full of hate. Fuck them. Their hubris will cost them gravely.

        1. “They’ve been conditioned from a young age by TV, the schools, and pop culture to believe an ideology based on flawed premises, reinforced with guilt complexes.
          When liberals regurgitate silly talking points, try not to be angry; they’re doing as conditioned after years of mental abuse.”
          In my experience this is 100% spot on, but sometimes it’s almost impossible not to become angry. I had the misfortune of taking a few night classes at a local college recently and the indoctrination is forced in every class. Topped off by every “woke” millennial social media addict blaming EVERYTHING on white men. It was very hard to not become nihilistic. I thank websites like ROK for helping me maintain my sanity.

  9. Sorry to get all pedantic, but considering that under Seleucids and Romans there were Arab cities with theatres performing Euripides in classical Greek, Islam was actually a step back even for 7th century standards…
    Rant over, carry on!

  10. Burn down the suburbs? Hahahahahahahahahaha! That is so freaking funny! The suburbs, contrary to the opinions that the Left have tried to force on us for decades, are actually more or less giant bunkers filled with guns. You’d think that it was all people doing BBQ’s with Tom Jones playing and all kinds of boring (because being self sufficient and happy is “boring” if you ask a Leftist), but turns out, lots and lots of guns out there. So yeah, c’mon LaQuansha, bring your little rabble to the suburbs. I dare you.

    1. Right. The passivity of the ‘burbs is a common misconception. Once you get past the inner suburbs and all their “Bernie in ’16” emblazoned Prius’s and beyond the “hate has no home here” signs, its a whoooooooooooooole different story.

      1. The Leftists have done a bang up job in movies portraying the ‘burbs as centers of conformity, with passive little pastel shirt wearing dweebs cluelessly traipsing around and soccer moms dominating life. It is literally the only picture that they’ve given since at least the 1970’s.

        1. I might be wrong, but I thought either Hitler or Hirohito warned against invading the US because “there was an armed man behind every bush”

        2. I think it was Hirohito or even Tojo. I think Tojo also expressed concern when they attacked Pearl Harbor as he felt it could awaken a sleeping giant.

        3. I fear we have awakened a sleeping giant, and instilled in him a great resolve

  11. Organise.
    Stockpiling guns and lifting weights are good..but the left can get out much larger numbers backed with an ocean of billionaire foundation money and the support of the establishment. We need to be able to project political power in all aspects of life to make it harder for the left the commit violence.
    Form yourself into clandestine and autonomous cells of 2-10 people. The left operates through infiltration and decapitation. Orgs like the Proud Boys and FOAK are doomed because they are hierarchical and overt, allowing the left to use its decapitation strategies.
    Your cells should focus on gathering information on local activists and antifa terrorists, infiltration of local mainstream organisations (such as churches, school boards, city councils,the local republican clubs), agitprop and disruption.
    You need to make sure the left has no space to organise without you being there. Prank them. Mock them. Use posters. Make sure they are funny.
    Some old lady selling muffins to help the muslim colonisers in Europe? You should be there with a sign. The Knights of Socialism are hosting a terrorist training camp on a local university? Your cells should be there with the organizations you have infiltrated physically occupying that space. Some shrieking blue hair is giving a misandrist speech? You need to be there with whistles and blow horns.
    Give them no space to breathe. Lean on them hard. In the long run Disruption makes it harder for them to commit violence.

    1. Brownshirt tactics really work well dont they !
      Your best suggestion by far is to be funny, making fun of the Klan destroyed it’s credibility and lead to it’s downfall.

      1. Mockery, harassment and contempt forces them into defensive mode, and they have no justification

  12. The Alt Right is supposed to have a meetup in Charlottesville, VA on 12 August. Not too far from me and looks like it may be fun. I’m curious to compare the Alt Right women to the Antifa women. I’m sure there will be more of the uglies than the beauties. I’ll need to get pics to post on RoK.

  13. As a side note, trump declared no more trannies in the military. Just awesome!!!

    1. The military will get its balls back. Pun intended.

  14. Their tactics are group attack but they encourage individual its just a matter of time that a superman(or supermen) step up to the plate and beat them all. Billionaires tend to be democrats who tell the poor the ‘rich’ millionaire republicans are the enemy.

    1. If it reaches that, heaven help them. They don’t stand a chance.
      While they bloviate and obsess over carbon neutrality, letting in transtesticles into the armed forces, Black Lives Matter, vagina hats and micro aggressions, Conservatives have been waiting patiently, training their minds and bodies and preparing for when society breaks down because of the largesse, hubris and stupidity of ‘Liberals’.

  15. Excellent, Sir, my compliments.
    We cannot afford to be the ones who start violence.
    We have to be the good guys.
    The marxist democrats are hoping that we shoot a bunch of these ” protesters, so they push gun control.
    This why the democrat mayors tell the cops to stand down, they are trying to start a war.
    We must be smart enough to not fall for it.

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  17. I”ve come to the point where I call out saying leftists (and a good number of conservatards) are statist who need to be physically removed from society. Few of my fellow ‘Muricans have a life or property I would give a damn about defending since most are more than willing to enslave even more via taxes or more asinine security BS in the name of ‘terrorism’ or whatever BS the sheep believe will make them feel safe.

    1. Problem with physically fighting back is, its going to take extreme provocation to justify. Anything short of Armageddon and our side will be hunted like dogs and hung from light poles. If a serious battle broke out, you know we would be portrayed as Nazi’s and them as nuns and orphans. If it comes to that, its all or nothing

  18. I’m surprised that socking money away into a “fuck you fund” wasn’t listed as part of preparedness.

  19. I can’t wait for Ben Shapiro vs. Cenk Ugyur way more than that Mayweather vs. Paquio fight

    1. Or use Alexander’s tactics-the man was unstoppable. The Hammer and Anvil using a nice phalanx is the ticket. Crush the decadent Leftists like the united Greeks under Alexander did the Persians.

        1. Thank you very much. Your mode of thinking is also most agreeable to me.

  20. “The left’s narratives are slipping, and now they’re acting out of desperation.”
    Their narratives are irrelevant, only power matters. It’s who, whom, and through mass immigration they are on the verge of seizing near dictatorial power. Their increased fanaticism is caused by their frustration at being so close to destroying their enemies but still being denied. They don’t care what you think, they don’t really care about what the public thinks since they are awaiting the arrival of the future public and its identity politics. They don’t really care what future public thinks either, as long as it destroys their present enemies. They’re fundamentalist religious fanatics and cultural suicide bombers.

  21. Left, right? Who gives a fuck? The only one truth and “red pill” you useless crackers need is that whether you like it or not, brown people will rule the world, sooner than later.
    White privilege is bullshit. Wanna know what’s real? Brown privilege. Your own Aryan women are leaving your useless asses in droves for our big brown dicks. And while the world is slowly imploding, we’ll face the apocalypse with a blonde girl sucking us off.

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