“Hannah” Mouncey, a 220-pound, 6’3″ transgender “woman,” has recently been excluded from playing in the female version of the Australian Football League (AFL). Australian rules football, for those who have never seen it, is somewhat like the bastard child of soccer and rugby, combining kicking and tackling. It is most popular in the southeastern state of Victoria, which includes the city of Melbourne.
The exception is to ensure players don’t have an unfair competitive advantage in single-sex competitions where the strength, stamina or physique of players is relevant.
— Australia’s Sky News explaining how Hannah Mouncey was banned using the laws of the state of Victoria because she would be too damn good against female players
Despite constant reassurances from SJWs that transgender women are indeed “real” women, the powers that be ruled that Mouncey would be far too good compared to the so-called cis-gender female players. Normally, testosterone levels are the benchmark for whether a transgender woman can participate in a female sporting field. Having fallen below the maximum permissible levels of the male hormone, Mouncey nevertheless received a ban from the sport’s governing body.
Female sport needs to be continually protected, not just from men, but also men trying to be women. The Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission specifically prepared for the risks of transgender women outclassing biological women, allowing the former to be excluded if they would cream the female players.
The decision has been made more hilarious because Mouncey only seems to have properly taken up the sport of Australian rules football in the last couple of years. Before injecting loads of female hormones, the player represented Australia in men’s handball. Whilst this is quite an achievement, handball is close to the least popular mainstream sport in the country and is hardly analogous to Australian rules football.
Watch as the SJWs eat each other
I went to university in Melbourne for one of my degrees. Even compared to Sydney, which has the most extreme small-scale leftist hotspots, Melbourne is the country’s SJW capital overall. Still, there are occasions where tussles between privileged groups, like real women and transgenders, lead to disputes that are only temporarily resolved by one group shitting on the other. In this case, women with vaginas won.
Predictably, The Guardian has been super-pissed at the decision to boot Hannah Mouncey from contention. Meanwhile, those more interested in advocating the lie that women’s sport is as good as men’s (by very strictly keeping the sexes from competing side-by-side) appear to support it.
Australia’s nemesis New Zealand is also increasingly befuddled by the transgender sports issue. Unlike Hannah Mouncey, though, our sheep-loving neighbor backed the dick-removing side. A deeply troubled Kiwi man (or budding, self-sacrificing shitlord) opted to “become” a woman and then proceeded to smash the competition in weightlifting earlier this year. God knows the sort of intra-SJW wars we will gleefully witness when this fabulous new craze fully hits North American and European shores.
There is no rhyme or reason to leftist madness
You know the fall is coming if the SJWs really can’t decide who amongst their pet groups to preference and why. As I said, the biological women won this time around concerning Hannah Mouncey. Yet the next victory in Australia or elsewhere will probably be chalked into the transgender column. And so the madness continues.
We live in a sad but interesting period. Amidst the braindead social experiments of the 2000s and 2010s, every once in a while we see developments that bring smiles to our faces. Leftists squabbling over which pecker-less demographic gets the reward of the day is always going to be one of those instances.
Read More: How Social Justice Warriors Ruined Australian Football
I’ve been there, done it.
18 years old and given 6 months in Wellington Penitentiary for trying to rob a hard liquor store with my buddy Wilson. He was 16 so got off.
Judge Saunders wanted to make an example of me I suppose.
So there I was in the Jail Wagon with Officer McCoy and Officer Randall.
They looks at each other and then says to me that there’s some tough guys – led by a guy called Samson – in the jail that will make my life hell. But my luck being in, they said if I won the competition on Saturday night, I would get my own cell on the West Wing for the whole six months of my term.
“What competition?” I enquired.
“Lady for a day.” They replied.
“Fuck that” said I, waving my fists at the two through the bars of my cage in a fit of rage.
“Ok sonny. If you’re not interested then Officer Murphy will probably put you in the same cell as that tough Mother Fucker – Samson.” They turned to talk to each other. But they had ignited my inquisitiveness, and so leaning forward I enquired for further information on how to become the victor in the up coming competition, for the with my mind busy imagining Samson and his brutishness, a cell for my sole occupation suddenly seemed more and more agreeable.
“Sir,” I said, “Tell me how to win.”
Now the journey to Wellington was over an hour, and they took most of this time to explain in detail the forthcoming competition, and took great efforts to describe the luxuriousness and comfortableness of the cell that I could acquire through a victory.
They promised to help me in every way possible and so upon our arrival sent to the hospital wing where they could prepare me. I knew if I won lady for a day, by being the most realistic lady in the jail, my 6 months residence could be so much more like a vacation than a prison term. And the two kind officers had seen many winners and knew what I should need to do to become a winner too.
To cut a long story short, and a short story even shorter, in hospital wing they provided an outfit for me to wear (Heels, Daisy Duke shorts and a crop top), dyed my hair (blonde), added hair extensions, waxed my legs and applied the make up that made me look like the prettiest lady in town.
Upon being transformed, Officer Murphy walked in swinging his defence stick and said, “Mighty My, I think the sole occupation cell is yours already. But first you must do the cat walk and win the votes of your fellow inmates.”
Office Murphy kindly walked me down a long corridor, leading me to the catwalk area for the parade and the prisoner votes.
“You look mighty fine.” Said Officer Murphy. “Nice shaved legs, and the rest shaved too so I am told.” He said with a wink. ” And I hear you taped back your manhood, to give you a real dainty lady look.” Said he with a wink and a smile.
Anyways we finally get to a door and he says, “you’ll have to wait in this cell while we get the preparations prepared. I’ll lock you in for your own safety. Just sit there on the bottom bunk and I will be back shortly.”
Officer Murphy left and slammed the door behind him. Shortly after the key was in the door and locked. So glad the kind officers had all collaborated to help me so. They could see I was a nice guy and too young and innocent to be bullied. And by helping me win lady for a day i would get my own cell and see out my 6 months in peace and safety. All I had to do now was go out on the catwalk and impress the boys and win. Then that would mightily succeed in keeping me safe and sound from the prison bully Samson.
Timed passed quickly and so within minutes, there was a tap and the door and the door creaked open. Once open wide a man stood in the brightness. Tall, muscles and black as ash, while behind him I saw Murphy, McCoy and Randall counting and sharing dollar bills between them.
“And who are you? May I kindly ask.” I said.
He barked back “Samson” walked in and slammed the door shut.
I just wanted to say that ROK will always be a safe space for anyone who wants to share their prison arse rape stories.
What is with all the trolls recently?
Australia, New Zealand, the UK, Canada, USA, Germany, Sweden – all freak shows, all anglo-german countries.
Agree. Shitholes. I don’t understand how could men live there, seriously.
They must be weak men
Well, see it this way.
Compare the Tranny above to the average Tranny you know! 🙂
Oh come on man, honestly? I live in Australia and I’ve lived in SE Asia, and yeah there’s a lot of bullshit going on, but to not recognise that these are some of the best countries in the world (Probably not Sweden at this point) is ridiculous. Sure its fun living in Thailand and doing crazy shit but at the end of the day its a third world country. I don’t really understand how some guys let the bullshit get to them so much, just live your own life, surround yourself with like-minded people and chill out. The more you focus on bullshit like this the more it will drag you down, when really, it is inconsequential to your life.
Men are better athletes than women.
The sky is blue.
Water is wet.
The sky appears to be blue and water is not wet, water makes other things wet.
Under 15 boys team beats woman’s national team.
Can’t wait to see what will happen when ‘lesbians with penises’ are put into female prisons.
Don’t give the readership ideas.
If there were truly as many “trangenders” out there as they want us to believe, women’s sports would have already been overrun. It’s only their true rarity that has saved these activities thus far, but it may be wishful thinking (well, not on my part) to think that will continue to be the case.
Still pissed they turned the Hulk transgender in Thor Ragnarok
This exposes many things:
1. Women admit they are not equal to compete with a man.
2. This is the only way this beta gimp can lay his hands on a woman.
3. This beta gimp didn’t want to do the work to be a man.
4. Women activist are cowards to defend this guy because they know they are wrong and we ae right.
5. Even if this guy does not have one, he is a pussy trying to not be a man.
6. He will not qualify for prostate cancer aide since he now declares himself a female. Females have vaginas, not prostrates…
I have seen images of the guy in question, he is one really big dude in a dress, compared with the women on the field. The problem with women’s sport in Australia is it is now dominated by lesbians, and SJW, who are sympathetic to trannies even if it is not in their best interest to compete against one.
These traditionally men’s sports are being subsidized by the government, and by established men’s sporting clubs. Most of the women’s clubs have piggybacked themselves on Men’s clubs. Mens’s clubs board members have been stacked with SJW men, and women, with little to no actual experience playing the sports in question.
Men’s Rugby Union in Australia now have a new CEO. Guess what? Its a women. She isn’t even an Australian, but our arch enemy in the Rugby world, New Zealand, and a supporter of the “All Blacks”(even I admit they are the best MF in Rugby for a very long time).
I’d hate to be a straight woman in one of these sports, bad enough having to play against high T women, let alone massive trannies.
Looks like Kevin Greene in drag.
This is ridiculous, womyn and men are equal. Why would they have an issue playing with a she-male when gender is just a social construction?
The “woman” in question should sue them for discrimination. I mean it’s 2017 guys. Hello?
Absolutely horrible and unbelievable that in a Western nation, in this day and age, such a brave woman is discriminated against. Australia stop being so closed minded and sexist. All women are beautiful…and she deserves it.
well, we see the truth of transgender and feminist “equality” they scream about….we should ask what equality is that, but we know the equality only for those aligned to their racist and biased agenda…they are equal, cept not equal at all to everyone else attached to reality.
every time we get a hlimpse of their feeble thoughts in their mentally disturbed little minds, it makes one grateful to not be as mentally crippled as the snoflake populations.
No Such Thing as a ‘Transgender Woman’ just a mentally ill guy, some delta male mommy’s boy gone off the deep end who should not be humored but sent for therapy. Good for the ladies to say no to this guy. More people should be that way.
The trans game won’t get men female privileges, meaning the leftists know all along it’s a load of crap.
Let’s hope this marks the beginning of this fad.
And yet tennis has tolerated Martina Navratilova and Venus Williams for decades. Nothing transgender going on with those two?
“Even compared to Sydney, which has the most extreme small-scale leftist hotspots, Melbourne is the country’s SJW capital overall. ”
No wonder I had such a shitty time when I went to Australia in 2014. Stayed with a friend in Melbourne and it was the most excruciating 3 weeks of my life. Every place I went was full of bitter, angry fruity colored hair feminists and bearded man bun soyboy hipster cucks…. I couldn’t wait to go home.
Sounds like your friend just took you to shitty places tbh, definitely not all venues are like that, but yeah, if you go to the wrong place or area there are a fuckload of annoying SJW hipsters.
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