7 Reasons Why Extra Virgin Olive Oil Is The Original Superfood for Men

Besides my large, natural masculine bulge, the first few things any girl notices about me are my long eyelashes and smooth beige skin. Sluts these days, right? I almost lament the fact that I typically sow my seed into a woman’s gaping lady garden far before I discover her last name. Unless of course, like my oils, she turns out to be extra virgin. But let’s get back to how olive oil is responsible for how healthy and confident I feel, and how beautiful my body appears to the fairer sex.

Personally, I gulp back at least one heaping tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil twice daily, straight from the bottle. And if I can, straight from the tree. Unfortunately, the vast majority of vegetable and seed oils available in the West are highly processed: they are heated, washed, and treated with a chemical compound called hexane that strips them of most of their nutritional value, all in the name of profit.

Your typical garden-variety vegetable oil, if contaminated, is deprived of the omega-3 fatty acids that make it worthwhile to consume in the first place, leaving only a small quantity of its cousin, omega-6. Though this particular polyunsaturated fat is certainly necessary for the body, when consumed in excess or alone merely amplifies inflammation, and can even increase the risk of heart disease. Few consider that the oils you occasionally drizzle on a Caesar salad at Applebee’s can actually be far worse for you than shooting it straight by the ounce, just like a fine tequila Reposado.

That said, below are seven reasons masculine men everywhere should consider natural extra virgin olive oil as a daily dietary staple.

1. Olive Oil Increases Testosterone and Sperm Count

If you didn’t already know, your testicles produce testosterone by extracting cholesterol from special cells within them called leydig cells. In 2009, a couple of Argentinian researchers discovered that olive oil increases the activity of enzymes responsible for energizing these leydig cells, as well as providing antioxidants to keep them alive for longer. As a result, a positive feedback loop between enzymes and antioxidants in your balls can be strengthened, increasing the rate of testosterone production.

Aside from this, they demonstrated that olive oil acts as an indirect anti-estrogenic. It contains a compound called oleuropein that inhibits enzymes, which would otherwise facilitate the transformation of free testosterone molecules into estrogen. This is clearly not an acceptable outcome for any man. One look around my ancestral village convinces me that without a doubt, the copious amount of olive oil consumed plays a strong role in my cousins’ unparalleled masculinity.

2. Olive Oil Improves Mood and Fights Depression

Depression is like having a tail, right? Nothing you can do about it, right? Wrong. Drink olive oil, and a lot of it. A recent study of 12,000 Spanish students linked extra virgin olive oil consumption with a nearly 50% reduction in depression. Another study, conducted also in Spain from 2009, showed a 30% reduction in depression for the experimental group subjected to a Mediterranean diet high in olive oil. The authors opine that somehow cardiovascular disease and depression may be interrelated. Whatever the reason, you can’t beat results like this. Ableism be damned!

3. Olive Oil Burns Fat

There are only two ways that you can be greeted in the selo (the Croatian word for village) after a long absence. Either with “Wow, you sure have gained weight!” followed by a hard slap to the belly and patronizing laughter, or “Wow, you look like a sick, skinny fuck!” in which case you will be fed until your intestines feel like they are about to explode.

Either way, you won’t get an actual compliment. But if you want to feel good about yourself, you know what to do. Yes, apparently extra virgin olive oil speeds up general fat oxidation in the body, meaning it is directly responsible for burning fat. This is perhaps the most simple and consistent result that appears in studies on the subject. Whether it’s cutting season at the gym, or cutting season at the gym, the answer is extra virgin olive oil.

4. Olive Oil Improves Focus and Memory

A 2012 study by Ligia Dominguez et al. showed that antioxidants in extra virgin olive oil can both inhibit and sometimes totally reverse age and disease-related learning and memory deficits. Although this research has not been tested in human gastrogenomic trials, I swear my baba (grandmother) never forgets to scold me when I leave the house without my sweater.

At the same time, she also never seems to be forget that a mild draft will not automatically cause my head to violently explode into a million pieces. Olive oil is no modafinil, but I still swear by it. It does too many wonders to not give it the benefit of the doubt here as well.

5. Olive Oil Protects The Heart

Given the abnormally high percentage of fats found in olive oil produced in the Mediterranean, most assume that this would exacerbate rather than prevent heart disease by hardening your arteries. Strangely, the lowest incidence of heart disease-related deaths in the industrialized world occurs in Southern Europe, where people typically have high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, and smoke a lot of cigarettes.

Although there are many possible explanations for why this is the case, the proof is in the eating. One study, which examined 7,447 patients at high cardiovascular risk, showed that after 4.8 years, the risk of major cardiovascular events (heart attack, stroke) was reduced by 30% in the group assigned to the high extra virgin olive oil diet.

6. Antioxidants In Olive Oil Help Prevent Skin Cancer

Slavs are typically fair-skinned wherever you find them, and while Balkan Slavs closer to the Adriatic have adapted to become darker as they age, they definitely come out kicking and screaming and white as the dickens, just like many of us. A diet high in extra virgin olive oil, however, has been shown to reduce skin cancer risk because of the prevalence of oleic acids, which inhibit certain cancer-causing genes from functioning in cells.

Apparently, only three in every 100,000 residents of countries in the Mediterranean develop any form of skin cancer, despite summer temperatures in most places ranging from 95-115 degrees Fahrenheit. Another Mediterranean paradox resolved by extra virgin olive oil? I think so.

Actually, I do faintly recall my grandmother massaging olive oil onto my back as a child, before I was allowed to play with the other children in my village by the sea. There must be something to that.

7. Olive Oil Is Nature’s Anti-Inflammatory Agent

Olive oil contains a natural anti-inflammatory agent called oleocanthal. Compared to your run of the mill yellow water from Costco, extra virgin olive oils sourced directly from the Mediterranean are up to 500% more potent. Forget ibuprofen and aspirin, which can cause internal bleeding in the stomach, small intestine and in extreme cases, the brain. If you have a chronic inflammatory condition, it may be worth experimenting with olive oil.

I’m no doctor, but the Monell Chemical Senses Center insists on a spoonful a day to reduce pain associated with allergies, asthma, arthritis, colitis, gastritis, osteoporosis, prostatitis, sinusitis, vaginitis (just kidding), tendonitis, and more. Seriously, just do it. Personally, I take two tablespoons, and always down it with a clove of garlic. No harm done.

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Please keep in mind that just like the ideal woman, the only olive oil you should ever consider is extra virgin. Most extra virgin olive oil is fake, so conduct a routine background check just as you would before dating any girl and make sure to source your oils from the highest quality family farms. Italy and Greece tend to produce a lot of fakes, whereas Croatia, Portugal and Lebanon produce authentic liquid gold.

Extra virgin olive olives typically have between 5 and 10 times as much polyphenol content compared to regular oils, and a healthy dose of monounsaturated fats. This is because they are not watered down with Feminism, sunflower seed oil, and other pollutants.

Along with copious amounts of red wine, vine-ripe grapes, bursting pomegranates, organic prosciutto, and plenty of raw garlic and onions, it is no wonder that my living relatives and Slavic ancestors from the Mediterranean are known for their extreme masculinity and virility. Whenever I return to Croatia after an unfortunate extended absence, it becomes painfully obvious to me how much catching up I have to do. As Baba always says “Ih, ranko, ih!” which, when said in the best combination of a Texan and Russian accent you can possibly imagine simply means “Eat, dear, eat!” and lather everything in olive oil.

Read More: 4 Superfoods And Their Effectiveness

55 thoughts on “7 Reasons Why Extra Virgin Olive Oil Is The Original Superfood for Men”

    1. Good article and great information!
      The problem, as John noted correctly, is that it isn’t very easy to get extra virgin olive oil in the States or anywhere else, except the places where its grown and processed, due to the Mafia.

    1. I think I´m gonna start cooking food that only comes with soybeans to my cucked white husband to make sure his testosterone levels keep getting lower until they hit the rock bottom hahahahaah!!!! I think that tonight I will go to a pub to date some man from a minority background hahahahaha!! Then When I come home I will make my loser white husband kiss my lips hahahahaha!!!
      He is a total retard he even lets me henpeck him as much as I want. But almost all white men that I came across in Canada are like that.
      I hope Trudeau makes a law that I can sue any anglo-saxon men that even looks at me and then force them to give me some money every month! hahaha.
      Hail to the Great Socialist Trudeau!!!
      Hail to the great land of bears, maplesyrup and cucked white men!!
      Trudeau is my God, because he lets me and other minorities live off anglo-saxons money and use white people as our footstools hahaha !!
      What is your GOD?

  1. Well if a man tells me to do something, I do the opposite. I eat all my meals from microwave plastic containers, I double up on the high fructose corn syrup products and if it’s breaded, it’s going in my body. I may get a heart attack early but whatever, girl power.

  2. Unless you buy it fromt the local press, the stuff that you find in stores is crap. No matter how fancy the bottle is. Oils are supposed to be used in engines not human body, it’s liquid fat. Another fad pushed by women magazines.

  3. A good rule of thumb (there are several). If the olive oil does not have polyunsaturated or monounsaturated fat in it, then its junk.

  4. I heard on the (((radio))) by a (((doctor))) that a recent study showed that testosterone is detrimental to man’s immune system. I don’t have to ask to read you gentlemen’s opinions about this pile of dung.

    1. What is the name of this quack doctor who quoted this study. No doctor would say this or you are make up this bullshit.

    2. This is true. But really only seems to come into play when on the gear. Several clinical studies I’ve read support what you said (and so does my own experience).

  5. Christ, could someone just give us a brand name? I don’t care if I need to order it online..

  6. I use to come on this site a few years ago. it was about improving yourself as man. This site had some great articles about lies that women tell, lifestyle, body, game etc. but the past year it has turned to a more racial turn. A few other ” Red Pill” blogs are turning in the same section. Even the red pill reddit is turning down hill. A movement that was once about waking up from the feminized society is now nothing but neckbeards who complain 24/7. The articles on this site are now trash. What happened to the quality that was displayed for the top 35 articles on this site. Those articles were nothing but RedPills being swallowed and now its nothing but racist comments. A real men wouldn’t blame race for all of his problems. This lets me know that most guys on this site have turned into Beta Men.
    Remeber This: Blaming black people will not improve your life. I know many blacks who work in corporate America(Thats what i do even tho i hate it) that are not thugs and make good money 80k+. i feel sorry for some of you guys. Instead of self improvement you guys will race bait.

    1. ie Go back to chasing sluts goyim and reveling like a pig in shit as your societies are depraved and taken over by Satan’s chosen people.
      Individualism! Enjoy the decline! its your own fault, you’re not man enough! Inviting foreign men to fuck your women and high fiving them for the duty is Alpha! Race is just a social construct! Only beta men care about heritage, culture and tribe!

    2. exactly. 2-3 years ago articles here were about game, self improvement and criticism about feminized society and how to live in it without losing one’s sanity. Comments section was a rich source of insight thanks to lost posters like Goj, lolknee and others.
      And now for almost every article, I always see people cackling again and again about jews, blacks and white supremacists. not ROK itself, but commenters here took a racist stance about everything and it’s fucking tiresome to read the same bullshit.
      People, blaming others for your existential problems is not alpha nor beta behaviour . that’s just fucking omega as fuck. And those nazi wannabees here, you are as fucked up as feminists, antifa and other leftist scum.

    3. my first comment has been erased, so i’ll do it simpler.
      indeed ROK and many commenters took a racial stance on everything and it is very far from what it was at the beginning : a good site about self improvement.
      what a sad evolution. it gives credit to all sjw who had been fighting us since the beginning. sad.
      Roosh, as a non white yourself, how come you let this happen ? seriously ?

  7. On the Subject of olive oil Mr. Selo would you care to comment on this:
    Scientific Medical Studies: Mammals to Double Lifespan, C60 & Telomere Lengthening
    Scientists Ian Mitchell and Dr. Ayyappan Subbiah joins the program to discuss the scientific medical studies and breakthroughs they are seeing using C60 and Telomere lengthening enzymes. They are seeing significantly increases in health and lifespan in mammals. Their breakthrough product, (available now for pets) is bringing remarkable results and has been backed up by hundreds of tests and many medical trials performed in conjunction with top Universities around the United States. This interview is groundbreaking and will show you the future of medicine and the potential future of mankind. It’s an exciting discussion.

    They are talking about Olive oil mixed with Carbon 60 (buckyballs). In addition they say they are adding proprietary “telomere lengthening” peptides to it as well.
    Another link:
    “Tom Martin, Founder and CEO of C60 OliveOil .com, joins the program to discuss the amazing benefits of C60. Hear why the entire industry sold out of the product after my interview with Clif High”

  8. Did you write this article while sipping on your cashew milk chai latte? You fucking libtard hippie.

  9. It should be known that all those powerful molecules described as being components of extra virgin olive oil , are also contained in the olive tree leaves.
    An italian company has developed and patented a process to extract an infusion that doesn’t alter their properties.
    The difference is that just 60 ml of infusion provides the same benefits of 2 bottles of extra v.o.o. but without the calories. Just 28 calories versus 18 thousand! Read about such powerful infusion on my website:
    Start taking a daily dose of 60ml of OLIFE and enter into a new world of health and wellness.

  10. Will olive oil help me get white women or like a lot of other losers will I be relegated to desperate asian girls from third world countries and anime body pillows?

  11. “Olive Oil Improves Mood and Fights Depression”
    Jeez, I dunno about that.
    I eat plenty of olive oil and I’m usually in a rotten mood.
    & pretty depressed (or at least depressing) too.

    1. Because oils are nothing but processed foods, they will not boost anything but the cholesterol. Fruits, vegees, seeds, beans and nuts were always the answer health wise.

    1. Yes blame the Jews for soybeans…also blame them for…
      Olive oil
      Girl trouble
      Flat tire
      North Korea
      Italian mafia
      Latina who cheated on you
      PM treudeau
      B!tch fuked last night wasn’t worth it
      You failed math
      anything else?

  12. I’ve visited their factory and fields as well as otherwise investigated, and so I hold great confidence in the “Iliada” brand of olive oils for being what they purport. Agrovim has been my sole source of olive oils for many years. Consider: http://www.agrovim.gr/
    Highly recommend you check out Agrovim/Iliada and if acceptable consume their olive oils frequently. I have no financial or business interest in the company or the brand.

  13. Sadly, after so many years, people steel refuse to admit the truth regarding longetivity for people living in the mediterranean area…it was always the fruits, the greens and the nuts, not the fish, and not the olive oil.

    1. meh…
      not saying that mediterranean, or other sea based diets, aren’t healthy and aren’t somewhat related to longevity, but the article is mostly idiosyncratic and even self-promoting…
      even the 2nd pic in article, the old man with a cig in, is of a villager from a mountainous region in southwestern Serbia, where the diet traditionally mostly consists of smoked beef, cottage cheese, and plumb brandy…not really mediterranean

  14. I am Spaniard, and in my home, for generations, we’ve only used extra virgin olive oil from the South of Spain, for salads, homemade mayo, even for cooking, and my grand grand mother she used olive oil as a lotion for her hair, and at the age of 90 she still had a very strong and bright hair. I confirm everything written in the article, this shit about extra virgin olive oil is f*cking good as hell, in summer I am even more tanned than Papa Selo.
    But it is not only the olive oil, you need a combination of factors such as spending time outside under the sun, having access to real food, spending every meal with the family etc…
    That’s why the roots of our western civilization were originated in the south of Europe.

    1. dont know aabout ”western civilization” , but earliest european culture originated around Danube basin, not southern europe

  15. It is true that good olive oil is hard to come by. Noboby stops the manufacturers putting anything on the label that gets glued to the bottle …
    Just as with good sea salt, real olive oil just tastes so much better than the refined, processed and watered down stuff they sell for cheap !
    Another great source of Omega3 & Omega6 fatty acids is hemp oil. It actually has the preferred 1 to 3 ratio of Omega3 & Omega6 and it has lots of em ! It can be had at any health food store worth their salt. It is roughly similiar priced to olive oil.
    The author should have put more emphasison the fact that heating up any Omega3 or Omega6 oils for cooking purposes should be avoided as it leads to the degradation of the precious fatty acids.

    1. Good point there. I got carried away! We Croatians typically just drink it in small quantities, or put it on fish and meat. “Cooking” with olive oil is a strange modern invention that barely crosses my mind.

  16. @Hmer
    Your triggered tone begs the query “so whose brothers is Hmer plugging?”

  17. The italians buy spanish oil, which is the biggest producer, and sell it with their own brands… what happens from getting to their hands till bottling… only they know.
    A good way to know how good the olive oil is, is watching in winter solids at the bottom.
    I’m lucky to be spanish and pay less than 5$ per liter 🙂

  18. Turmeric tea recipe. I utilize organic ingredients. Try this, all measures approximate and origins from a quality source:
    1 tps ground turmeric
    1 tps ground ginger
    1/2 tsp *fresh* ground black pepper.
    Set aside dry ingredients and then brew water just under boil temperature. Stop heat and add dry ingredients. Stir and wait alternatively. The spices will never completely visibly absorb into the water, suck it up and down the dries.
    This recipe makes my below-waist members tingle, and so I tend to believe there are some health benefits bestowed.
    Please observe the turmeric is barely absorbed by the human body and at the tail end of the colon at that. Contributing pepperin from the freshly (it must be so) ground pepper, by scientific study, renders the turmeric and its benfits 3000% more bio-available.
    The taste of the tea is an acquired one but it’s not bad. Give this recipe one-months try, I do believe you will notice improvements.

  19. I started cooking with animal fat (cow, pig), butter, avocado and coconut oil. All at my doctors behest. All these oils will reduce cholesterol. Extra virgin is best used room or cold temperature.

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