Think for a second back to when you were younger and met someone who was a doctor, attorney, or banker. Unless it was someone in your immediate family, you were probably impressed, a little in awe, perhaps even inspired. As you grew, maybe you carried this respect over into a belief that, if you worked ‘hard’ enough to become a member of one of those high skill professions, everything else would fall in line.
Fast forward a little further, perhaps during an exam prep all-nighter in your first year of law school, the third in four nights, and you may have used your perceptions of the increased attractiveness a degree would hold with women as inspiration to push through. I know I often did, as did many of my friends.
At some point during the first semester of law school, most of us realized that casually dropping the fact that we were ‘in law school’ during the middle of chatting up a girl got us nowhere fast, often even backtracking any game progress that had been made up to that point. That became logical, as they knew “I’m in school” translates to “I’m nearly broke right now, monetarily and temporally.”
So the mantra became “just wait until we are attorneys.” I faced the harsh reality that the opposite sex could give two-fucks about your professional success unless you have your entire frame together a bit early, because my girlfriend broke up with me after an 8-year relationship within a week of when I graduated law school. After the day of shock, I started trying to look at it logically.
I could not move past the fact that she had stuck with me, begged to stay in fact, while I was a borderline burnout in college, but now chose to cut me off. I thought my potential earning capacity, displayed intelligence, and all those logical markers we often use to gauge our own self-worth mattered to her.
Granted, this was all prior to discovering the manosphere, Return of Kings, reading the Rational Male, and so on. Amidst studying for the bar and coping with being single for the first time in forever, I found solace with this community, a way out and a path to self improvement. But I had other friends who weren’t complete strangers to the red pill and still intangibly linked their attainment of professional status with an inevitable flow of interested women.
I’ve had this conversation with some of them, but weekend after weekend, inevitably, they still name drop the prestigious law firm they work out, or how they spent the week prepping for a deposition. They appear surprised when the girl they are chatting up starts glancing across the room, disinterested.
I’ve abandoned that tactic altogether. In fact I’ve had far more success coaxing girls into talking about their thoughts on crypto than anyone I’ve known has had slyly bragging about their ‘accomplishments.’ I’ve even made it a personal challenge to see how far I can get with each girl before they find out what I actually do.
The success of this tactic boils down to three factors, in my opinion:
1. Mystery
For the most part, you emerge from the trials of attaining a professional degree a smarter, more impressive individual. I’ve noticed it in all my peers. Women do not miss this. If you explain your ‘intelligence’ away too quickly, the mystery disappears for them. In fact, it likely seems less organic to them, becoming no longer associated with superior genes but more related to a good work ethic. They start seeing you as boring and less mysterious with less sex appeal.
2. Over-Projection
While you may absolutely love operating on patients in 18-hour shifts and reading anatomy books in your spare time, that is boring to her at 11:30 pm on a Friday. Even if interesting, it likely isn’t sexy.
She knows what a doctor does, and maybe has slept with or dated one in the past. Even if you have no intention of pivoting out of your professional career at a later point in life, it is beneficial to project that you are much more than your career, it is a temporary existence and is the least impressive or interesting thing about you. By holding out as long as possible in discussing it, you are building out her image of you, keeping it from being artificially narrowed by other professionals she has known in the past.
3. Frame
This is critical, as it always is. No matter how sly or casual you may think you are at dropping the fact that you are a high-riser with Goldman, she will notice, even if just subconsciously. It stands out as an attempt to qualify yourself to her, to prove your own worth, and reeks of insecurity. There are literally hundreds of thousand of women frothing for the opportunity to settle down with you, a high-earning professional in the Western world. Even if you don’t believe that, make her think you do.
Many areas of the red pill community have handled the phenomenon of ‘illogical attraction’ in greater depth than this article is capable of. Rollo Tomassi has mentioned multiple times that his most prolific period of game was when he was jamming with a band and living in a shithole apartment. This doesn’t mean that your best days of wheeling are behind you, far from it. It just means that you have to maintain that edge you once had, or recapture it if you feel it’s lost. Don’t project yourself to her as a bland, suitcase-carrier, because unless she’s in deep debt, the amount of zeros in your bank account isn’t going to matter the first night.
Read More: What To Do If You Have A Worthless Degree
Not sure I agree. No doubt a high end attorney (i.e., working in a prestige firm or prestige investment bank) does set you apart from 95% of other males and most women will have an interest as you are essentially an alpha. Any man who earns more than the average is subconsciously viewed as a “winner” . Unless your physical appearance is truly bad – no muscles, no definition or someone displays non dominating behavior most high earning lawyers working at big firms do get plenty of pussy either – and this is key – outside the office OR – within from junior female associates, paras and other support staff. You dont know what goes on unless you are in such a firm money and power truly turn them on and at the Christmas parties any single guy with a good body and a good male presence will go home with a woman that night from the firm. Its a lock unless he is physically not dominant. Outside the office I also know these attorneys have no problem securing high quality ass. Again, with the caveat they are not some wimpy weirdo that women just dont want.
All well said White Pride, but ultimately, we’ll have to take over the culture and ignore what they like and simply impose firm boundaries and deadlines; that is, if we intend to get our population back up to a healthy replacement level so that we are not drowned out. That is infinitely more important than playing games and dancing monkey for decades, if their attractions are illogical or not, it should not matter and must ultimately be shunted, ignored and given no attention. Once they see that no one cares about their silly, fleeting ‘desires’ they’ll have no choice but to play along. Guys, start making this transition in your minds now, the “game” era needs to end and the survival/retention era needs to begin.
I hear you Bruder, but keep in mind these are not games to our women – these are serious turn-ons. Women are hard-wired to lust after the ‘winners”. I am over 50 and have been married 25 years plus. This is just the way it is. Its not cultural its been this way forever. The natural desires of people do not change.
Why do wives have flings – hubby has let himself go. I read a study of 50 women who used that cheating site ashley madison – ALL women stated that they did not want to get divorced, they wanted to stay married but their guys were not satisfying them sexually. It true is the alpha fks beta bucks. They actually admitted they would not want to marry the guys they were cheating with (ie they would not be good spouses).
Women are lustful as men are.
If alpha f*cks beta bucks is true than this statement isn’t
“Why do wives have flings – hubby has let himself go. ”
Either the first is true or the second. They can’t both be true. What you’re basically saying is: women marry betas and cheat on them because they are beta i.e. it’s inevitable. The reason women cheat is because the environment encourages it…or at least allows it. Would these women cheat if they would have lived in Afghanistan? A small percentage of hardcore ho’s would probably still do it but most wouldn’t dare take the risk. Pussy is something men would risk their lives for dick isn’t nearly as important to women.
Without a doubt all people have the raw capacity to cheat but it’s the environment that shapes the morals and sets the risks and rewards.
Women do not lust after winners. You are out of touch with modern day reality. Women want to be the winners. They want to be the men. Same with parents. They do not want gifted children: they want retarded messed up children to show on social media.
I think the author mentioned that women used to line-up for lawyers, because that aura of respect associated with title was still there. Your experience might have been your generation, before you were married. The author is probably a Millennial, and his case is that Millennial women don’t necessarily line-up for Millennial lawyers, which I agree with. Hope that helps!
@White Pride
All well and good sir. There is not a single untruth in your comment. But I suggest that their silly and petty desires and satisfaction issues be openly shunted and treated with a slightly mocking smile, as though they were silly children. Our society prioritizes their every whim and encourages their natural, society wrecking tendencies. The new are to spend hours upon hours figuring out how to pass tests, “game” them and try to secretly survive without anyone noticing. All this energy could be spent recapturing our societies. The mentality needs to switch from “game” to openly acknowledging and preventing these behaviors. It happened in the past, it can happen again. As for cheaters- why not reinstitute consequences again? This is the last taboo gentlemen.
The problem is relying entirely on it. If you constantly bring it up, it just appears as if you are desperately trying to impress her (which you obviously are). If it comes up (seemingly) randomly, then she will be all ears and her interest will be heightened.
I can certainly say my 6-figure salary has never hindered me with regards to the fairer sex (except for leaving me with less time to pursue them outside of the workplace, of course).
Well and good anon404, but the problem is our structurally subservient position where all this finagling is necessary to begin with. If all of the energy spent on finagling and juggling was spent on culturally, and later politically, taking over our society that would end all of these problems over night. Time to get past “game” and start thinking big gents.
High income and status a precursors to bagging babes is a remnant of mid-century game, where women were looking for long-term investment, marriage material. Now that they are relatively self-sufficient, with their own careers, money and virtual social media status, they seek those things from men less and less. So I concur with the OP.
What women want is fun, excitement, drama, and titillation. And they want it from the best looking, most stylish, masculine male who display witty intelligence coupled with unshakable confidence/frame.
I’m an accomplished man who rolls with those in high places, and can tell you I really don’t give a shit what boring profession most of these dudes want to lead off the conversation with. And I could care less about the business some multi-millionaire runs to buy drinks for his hoes at the ultra pricey bar.
I’d rather just hang with guys pass the “good guy” test, and can talk about RP things, gaming girls, the meaning of life, etc, while holding his liquor, and, perhaps, offering to buy me a round or two. And, I’m guessing women are after the same, based on my experience of ONS and easy lays. It was by ability to be the fun guy in a sea of boring, yet successful men, that had girls giving me their numbers in hopes that I’d save them from a sea of tired sameness.
Stand up and stand out. Your career and money will do that for you less and less in the future.
All true, but what women are looking for needs to be shunted in favor of stabilizing society and rebuilding our numbers. It is better to take over and simply impose proper order with little to no regard for their silly whims and with no alternative other than isolation and poverty. Do powerful cultures worry about the feels of illogical individuals? I think not. Guys, the “game” phase would be over by this point, start using the confidence you’ve gained from it to think big. Onward and upward.
I fully agree, and there are a lot of guys that do put most of their self worth in their job and love to talk (brag) about how important their job is when out meeting women. You see it all the time, especially if there is a few guys trying to get the attention of a woman, and the one with the impressive job will make sure she knows how important he over the other guys.
If a woman is attractive and is a regular going to the trendy nitespots, parties and hip bars she will have experienced this so many times from men trying to impress her. In their early, mid 20s your degree is not going to give her the tingles. More than likely she has a degree and most of her friends. A man having a degree is just ‘base specs’ for any woman with a degree. Yes, going to a top 5 law firm is impressive, but when she is young and is ‘just dating around’ (ie sleeping around), that is not a box ticker yet. When she hits 29+ it will be different then. I am not saying all single young women, wont be impressed, but women are now earning good money in their own careers and the guy needs to win her over with more than his job title or buying her expensive drinks. “What women want is fun, excitement”….exactly and talking about some important deposition you are working on, is not going to get her neurotransmitters & hormones surging.
Being a professional is no where near the same as it was a few generations back when it made you a great catch on that alone.
Modern women don’t want to be intimidated. Pure and simple.
Getting a law degree ain’t that impressive. Loads of guys with law degrees not earning any money and litigation is destroying the western world. Tell them you’re a rocket scientist.
@ JD
“Tell them you’re a rocket scientist.”
Nah..tell them you’re a cop, or a fireman, or a guitarist in some sh*tty band, or a drug dealer. That’ll do it.
Thing they love most is a man with a demonstrable history of violence. Sounds crazy but they fucking love it. Something very primitive inside their basic little hamster brains.
I earn quite a ways more than “average” and I am a loser, a f*cking LOSER!!!
And I don’t give a sh*t.
I get laid using $$$, playing the cards I was dealt.
And I will do so until I croak.
Eeeek – legal girls?? I would avoid girls with legal connections. Paralegals fresh out of school can be very hot, similar to political groupies, but the hollywood meat market still steals the finest from across the land.
If you’re going for a paralegal girl, get her on her first day at work and steal her away from the place. Get her away from that insideous environment. You may have to practically kidnap her. Get em while they’re hot. After only a few years of office work, they get whored out good and their bodies get cellulite ripples from all the trans fatty restaurant lunches and dinners. I’ve seen paralegal girls regularly shovel $30 plates at Outback and then put away the entire bloomin onion. They do this excess eating with their colleagues on the regular. I’d rather stick my dick in a bear trap than marry up or risk breeding by any woman with legal connections.
But the paralegals still in community college can be very hot when they’re still 17-19. Same for pharmacology majors who want to be pharmaco reps. Get them out the first semester, wreck their vain career ambitions and SMACK, PUMP and BREED their white smartass.
Some of those girls you would swear could be runway models. But somehow they got bitten by the career bug. Big ∫uck¡ⁿ shit. Just get them away from their sterile office environment and breed, breed, breed the shelf life out of them until they forget whatever craziness that made them think they needed some stupid career requiring sitting in an office chair with a skirt. What are they supposed to do, lift their skirt and then grind and hump a black office chair seat all day? The truly smart women can’t be tricked into that sterile career shit and they know that their true purpose is to breed, breed, breed large quantities of plump pink progeny for our great green republic – and their dual purpose is also of course to keep their master’s balls drained.
Anyhoo, it’s still less work to find a trad woman from a trad culture and flip her into a serial breeding machine than it is to take an office girl where you have to deprogram her before she squeezes out a sickly only child at 30.
You could certainly bullshit your way into a legal social circle but the female gems in there are rare and the fake boobs abound. Legal groups have roughly the same type of females to pick from that political circles have. And there are a lot of remarried painted older women who get swooned over. It’s like the place gagues down to the jew¡sh princess smv scale. Think Monica was the best Bill Clinton could do.
With pursuing a legal office girl, the bu||sh¡tt¡ⁿg and the game, not to mention the deprogramming – he|| it would be easier and less intimidating to cold approach these next three girls pictured and no deprogramming would be necessary. They’ve never even seen an office rat race. They’re busy thinking of what to name their 10 offspring.
Show me a white [email protected] with two balls, especially a racist [email protected] that doesn’t already have 5 non PC openers ready to roll off their tongue for those three. I name that picture “world peace”. I spell that “world piece”. Damn I want to go to Pennsylvania now.
My 2 cents, what he is stating is very accurate. From my experience, each generation has heroes who they celebrate, in the old days it was the lawyers and the engineers. In today’s generation, however, its “entrepreneurs”, Activist, rapers, etc. so those are the ones perceived as alphas. The best attorney is just a dude with a high paying job!
What I mean is you are competing with the stereotype celebrated in TV & social media.
Women simply don’t need or value a hard working stable income man anymore.
No matter how many stupid life decisions she makes or different fathered Chadlets they spawn big daddy government and society will pick up the pieces.
We need to be that “big daddy” government. That would fix this situation fast.
then find a way for people to vote for a party that removes grants for the poor that makes people work ie fix roads paint gvt buildings etc and then get gvt assistance as payment.
of not this then forget it
I’m not implying voting good sir;)
Which is why anybody thats pro-big government is anti-family. Its so obviously the case as to be virtually indisputable as it clearly removes the family and all the advantages children gained from families.
We need to destroy that ‘big daddy government’ and end welfare and pussy pass jobs for women.
hahaha women are not breeding with Chads you dolt. If they were, kids today wouldn’t be all Autistic and balding at 20. They’re breeding with Melvins.
Although there is a correlation there is no causation. The kids are sick because the women that have them are having them way too late in life. Producing kids at an advanced age is actually more risky than inbreeding. From a risk management perspective it’s better to smash your cousin of 21 than smashing a random of 39.
Ironically westerners like to mock third worlders for inbreeding (arranged cousin marriages) not realizing they engage in something that’s statistically and scientifically worse.
third worlders DESERVE to be mocked for cousin marriage. even with your claims being accepted, the rates of genetic abnormalities for Pakistanis, Arabs and others are WAY higher than for Europeans. Even the PC UK crowd admits this.
But yes, in general you are correct. Late reproduction has consequences.
I doubt the high and ever increasing rates of autism are genetic.
Most likely environmental factors and that kids today are subjected to large doses of questionable vaccines.
“Children born to parents who are 35 or older are at an increased risk of autism, and the risk continues to rise with parental age, a new study suggests. ”
“Advanced maternal age is associated with adverse reproductive effects such as increased risk of infertility,[4] and that the children have chromosomal abnormalities.[5] The corresponding paternal age effect is less pronounced.”
@ace, and @qwerty
the autism etc – who knows?
again who knows – there is a dearth of younger mothers.
so cannot accurately compare time to age…
I definitely don’t trust the vaccines – medical-peoples, insurance(all types), pharmaceuticals, etc…
my gf deals with spectrum -so I hear of plenty. I’m an older parent, and most parents I know are old – but know of none in that social circle.
I have also noticed that in very large families kids have far better social skills so I am guessing some issues around poor socialization at some stage with this being stuck in their rooms must screw them up with the aspergers thing. Thats just a guess but it ain’t natural to be isolated half your childhood.
I always suspected autism is caused by multiple vaccinations at an early age damaging the children’s immune systems.
“Melvins” huh?
Well, I’m no Chad, and I don’t think I am a
“Melvin”…start to think I just may be a “Ted”…
and the real dude received far more pussy offers in jail than most guys.
So, tell em you were just paroled – and let the pussy flow…
Also, when you reveal yourself to be a lawyer, doctor, or – God forbid – Engineer (like me), you have just told most people, including women, “I am boring.”
“I am boring because I follow rules and do what I am told to get ahead. I am not an outlaw. I won’t do and say crazy shit that will excite and scare you. I get up every morning and go to my boring job. I am not indendently wealthy, and I am not a devil-may-care independent man who gallavants about the world and does what he wants, when he wants.
In short, I am another drone, like all the drones you have met all your life.
I am just a better qualified drone, so if you are looking for excitement forget about me. You want excitement? Run off with that guy over there who drove up on the Harley and is doing shots at the bar with his friends and has them all in stitches with the dirty jokes he is telling them.
Because I have to get up in the morning and go to work.
Now, when you get a little older and realize that you need somebody dependable to go out and earn a salary and support the babies that you decide to have – or have already had with guys who ride Harleys – then you might want to look me up.”
I think this is true to an extent. A large extent. The exception being people who start their own companies as an engineer, etc. Then there is a bit of glamour involved from a woman’s standpoint.
Depends on the type of woman, though. Young Chinese women find the ‘I am sensible and disciplined’ thing to be attractive. I used to clean house with Asian women because of my disciplined streak (albeit I am not attracted to them, so it didn’t do me much good).
Nah. Asian girls just love white guys.
You’ll see your share of Asian girls with fucked up white guys, sub-par on both the Alpha or Beta scales of appeal or attractiveness. Part of it is most likely due to the White man’s lofty position in the world as a group though.
Women like exciting, dangerous guys.
Problem is, these guys don’t usually make enough money to support their babies.
So they used to marry boring educated guys.
Not anymore. They go with the exciting, dangerous guys and let the boring, educated guys support their babies by paying taxes.
In my point of view people go to college or university to educate themselves, so they would have more options choosing a high paying and satisfying job in the future. This path should be taken in selfish reasons, not impress other people or, in this case women.
People make lots of money with college degrees?
they dont give a damn about your profession, its the income that matters
…and how EASILY they can get tapped into it for themselves…parasitism at its most fine form.
@Chris, I think this is essentially right for a majority of American white chicks. The title might matter insofar as it denotes high income. But you have to have observed that to high-end status-conscious Asian chicks (Korans esp, but Persians too), title matters a hell of a lot. Status is more than just income to them. They have to be able to brag to their family & friends that their husband THE PHYSICIAN has to do rounds and shit.
Now for low-IQ white trash (my favorite), they don’t GAF about your title, only that you aren’t a totally busted loser.
White trash, huh?
How about Black trash or Yellow garbage?
So low IQ white is about the same as super genius Cholo or Black, right?
Right. Generally women like men in demanding professions because those professions pay more. They love rich guys that don’t work and inherited their wealth too because ultimately they want the guy with resources.
They like them when they’re looking for somebody to support their babies.
Until then, it’s just like high school.
The women are all attracted to the bad boys and the athletes.
The LOVE rich guys who don’t work because those guys have the spare time to keep the bimbos entertained with partying, clubbing, vacations & stuff. A well off working guy has to work in the morning and can’t stay out till 4 AM every night keeping Sluttis Americanus from getting bored.
Who care what children trapped in adults bodies think or not think? Their only value is a piece of meat with a short expiry date.
You are very close to the point of the reply comment I made to commenter “White Pride,” I urge you to read it as I believe you concur. You have the attitude necessary to survive it seems, kudos good sir.
Remind me of your comment, pls.
“….ultimately, we’ll have to take over the culture and ignore what they like and simply impose firm boundaries and deadlines; that is, if we intend to get our population back up to a healthy replacement level so that we are not drowned out. That is infinitely more important than playing games and dancing monkey for decades, if their attractions are illogical or not, it should not matter and must ultimately be shunted, ignored and given no attention. Once they see that no one cares about their silly, fleeting ‘desires’ they’ll have no choice but to play along. Guys, start making this transition in your minds now, the “game” era needs to end and the survival/retention era needs to begin.”
Hi Gonad and JJ
You both have valid points but let me refine my initial comments. Here are my thoughts.
Most women do in deed want the man with the higher money rolls.
Its also true they want excitement – this is not mutually exclusive nor does it mean only high-end lawyers, etc.
Let me elaborate – as I mentioned prestige firms do offer lawyers in the litigation and corporate departments prestige and a huge income. To say women are not attracted is nuts. But of course if he is a social bafoon or has no muscles that is a huge turn-off and a no go.
And yes women do love a bit of danger or excitement – high end litigators do offer this action the lawyers with Porsches that drive way over speed limits, the sudden week-ends in Paris, etc also appeal to them. Being a hard ass ie playing hard against the IRS can also do this (my Bitcoin sales are currency and not property). Suing others who try to screw you over whether a neighbor or a company or a govt agency can also be very very alpha particularly if she sees you get money damages. Its like taking on a guy in a fight beating him up and taking his money. Believe me it is a giant turn-on. You are the king and she will blow you very deeply. After the court victory she will absolutely worship your cock if you win a big case. It proves your superior to the other men. The posters above who dont agree are clueless. But day traders/drug kingpins also offer this so it doesnt have to be a “profession.”
Before I continue reading let me add to this:
“ecause my girlfriend broke up with me after an 8-year relationship within a week of when I graduated law school”
Similar shit here, even though thing were awry for the past year, she decided to step out couple of days before I left to two weeks military campus to get myself an upgraded skills and some ranking on top of that.
Go figure, they just love to think all for themselves about themselves and they couldnt give, for the most part, a flying fuck when it comes to the fact that both are struggling, its allways about the bitch’s feelings and hardships in life, we, men, have to feel for them as well, but they dont even think about giving a fuck or two about our struggle.
Were on our own, even if with words they say were not.
*goes on and keeps on reading article further*
As for the article, not to go completely off-topic due to my previous comment, Id say that what they might be more interested is you being an interesting person or FUCKING RICH BASTARD, because, lets face it, lawyer sounds insanely boring, this profession has lost its appeal and prestige, overproduction of lawyers per numbers and low morale values of some lawyers might be at play as well, some serial rapists might be more pleasing personalities than your regular lawyer suing the shit out of some poor wanker whos got too much copyrighted porn on his shared HDD.
Yeah, the lawyer field is saturated, many who just make $40-60k. Painters probably make more.
A woman will always find the worst possible time for you to bail and to cause the most damage on you, sometimes she will “stick it out” just to cause more pain later.
Could one state that by showcasing your degree, you are essentially saying, “Behold my beta bucks”?
I dont want to spam this place, but I LOL’d at this :D!
Never do anything in life with the intent of getting or impressing women. They have zero idea what they want and when they figure it out, changes almost immediately. Their egos do not allow them to admit that either. Take care of yourself and maximize every inch of your life in a positive way. I asked a woman one time what she wanted in her life, then a month later asked her again and got 2 completely different answers. Since women are horrible listeners it is no surprise she did not even notice it.
Golden words have been spoken, never ever do anything “for the girl” most won’t appreciate it, many will even be turned off by it. This style of thinking is outdated by decades if it ever held true.
If you tell a girl “I did this and that.. and nearly died doing it” they will be like “uh oh ah.. tell me more”, but if you say “and I did it all for YOU” she will be looking at her phone texting Chad by the time you finish the sentence.
A girl once told me she wanted to visit Aberdeen in Scotland, UK because it was a beautiful city like a fairy tale, she said. I looked it up and the city didn’t look so impressive. So I asked her: Why do you really want to go there? She said: I’ve sold most pictures to people in Aberdeen than anywhere else in the world.
That tells you that women’s interest in anything or anyone at all has always to do with their egos.
‘Beautiful city, Scotland’ Where was she from? Fucking Chernobyl?
Close – Eastern Europe.
I had a girl “slip” one time, when I told her I was in IT she let below her breath but still audibly “that would fit”, because she was in IT too(although from a different angle). She completely froze when she realized she said it aloud. This gave me an idea of how girls “think”, they will at 1st measure you from head to toe, your intelligence, style, physique, wallet, future earning potential.. and then go with Chad or Tyrone, like this one did.
So don’t worry if you are a doctor or an accountant or just a barman – most girls don’t care one shit about it as long as they are “pre-wall” only later when they start looking for husbands it matters to them more, but by then it should not matter to you anymore.
Women are not going with Chads or Tyrones. It’s not 1999 anymore! They’re going with the short, scrawny, timid guys. Look on college campuses. You people are stuck in a time warp.
college campuses are >55% female, so the amount of choice for college girls is way down. I wish I was a professor, as I’d be banging students left and right.
and be sued for that. #metoo anyone ?
“They’re going with the short, scrawny, timid guys”
Uh ? you must come from a distant future. Tell me more !
depends on the country dude. more socialist less money matters and in poor countries passport is huge ie in third world so really depends where. USA is not whole world in USA status/money is much bigger than much of europe.
In strong socialist states manlets and turbo manlets are screwed as providers don’t matter
These short scrawny guys are of Old Colonial stock. There’s truth to the theory floating around here of the brainwashed normies having less than ideal genetics, just look at Carl the Cuck.
Where were these bitches back when I was in college? Maybe if you’re talking about Asian girls with white guys, but even then, they prefer the taller, more rugged ones if Asian-American and the taller, pretty boy ones if Asian-Asian.
There may be more females on campuses, but that means that the top tier guys are banging more women and low tier guys are assed out in a depressing environment where sex is abundant, but they aren’t getting any.
Only an autistic would let that slip “under their breath.”
“most girls don’t care one shit about it a long as they are “pre-wall” only later when they start looking for husbands it matters to them more, but by then it should not matter to you anymore.”
perfectly summarized !
in decades past she would have locked you down in law school.
nowadays a law student is future bucks – and she need fucks.
come back in 10 years
I agree with this article. Being a trial lawyer never got me laid. But as soon as I bought a nightclub I was banging groupies left and right. Even women who aren’t obvious skanks find it “fascinating” and “exciting” that I own a successful club. The fact that I can get them past the 45 minute line and they can hang out in my private area gets their panties wet. Winning millions in jury trials never did that.
Personally (and keep in mind this is simply my opinion), I believe that any guy that has to boast about how his line of work gets women’s pussies wet and has to brag about how much pussy he is banging in reality actually gets fuck all for women. No offence.
The reality is that some professions or positions of status turn women on. Rock stars and celebrities obviously get a lot of pussy. Cops and firefighters do well from what I’ve heard. My comment had nothing to do with bragging. My point was simply that in my experience, being a club owner has led to much more success with women than being a lawyer. And I know other club owners who are obese, in their 60s, with obvious toupees, who still manage to bang hot young skanks. Anyone who’s familiar with the club scene can tell you that.
If women don’t like you, you won’t get hired.
If women like you too much, you won’t get hired either, which is a saving grace in this case.
You can wipe your ass with your diploma and certificates.
“could give two-fucks”
If they COULD give two fucks that means they actually care albeit a small amount. You mean they COULDN’T give two fucks. Why are people so confused about this? Why are people so fucking stupid? Also why is two fucks hyphenated?
No, it really is: “I could care less.”
American English is often idiosyncratic (like the expression, “head over heels in love” – it should really be “heels over head”), which is why foreigners never master it and instead wield the English language like a cudgel.
The proper phrase is actually “I couldn’t care less”.
Yeah and Custer and the 7th “Calvary” were defeated at the Battle of the Little Big Horn
Obviously. If they did sugar daddy sites wouldn’t exist. Percentage wise most virgins in college are to be found where the most potential is. The only thing the physics, math and engineering majors are slaying is their right hand.
“Harvard’s Class of 2017 Is Full of Virgins”
“Intercourse and Intelligence”
Virgin by college major
The article is correct. At the end of the day, you have to understand that most women (we’re talking 95%) are simpletons. Their interests and desires are completely different from yours. They don’t want to hear about your job, they only care that it has high status and that you earn a good salary. Keep conversations as light as possible and fun/funny. A typical woman’s top concerns are looking good, buying purses/shoes, gossiping with her girlfriends, watching trashy reality shows, keeping up on celebrity pop culture, and having a man that makes her feel safe and secure. Let her vent about all the BS that’s going on with her co-workers and her boss who is a jerk, empathize, and connect by letting her know you go thru similar struggles in your office. Talk about where you want to travel to and where you’ve been and how cool the places were. Make plans with her for future dinners at great restaurants you know. Tell her how your workout went and what movies you’ve seen lately and how much you like playing baseball in a rec league you joined (if you don’t belong to one, lie) and how you won the game. Be the winner and the hero but indirectly and keep discussions about your job on the back burner unless she is very curious and asks you direct questions about it.
Basically northern european/ eastern european white women you are describing quite perfectly. Better women not really.
On the other hand, say you’re a pilot and watch the legs snap open. No degree necessary, lol.
One of the problems I have is that you use law as an example. Law doesn’t have any prestige anymore, nor is it intellectually stimulating. (I should know, as I have taught it in several elite law schools).
Median salary for lawyers in the USA is not particularly high, and the work involves long hours and a lot of boring, low intellect tasks.
Physicians are a whole different lot. I don’t believe that women are unimpressed by doctors.
Physics, philosophy, mathematics, biomedical engineering… there are fields that still have some allure and prestige. Advanced degrees in these fields would indeed impress educated women with some brains.
Lawyers are basically overworked and too numerous, making them less prestigious than plumbers in some ways. At least a woman gets to see her plumber husband during the week, while the lawyer is working > 50 hours. Both take equivalent amounts of intelligence, unlike a PhD in mathematics or physics.
Many lawyers are overworked and aren’t making phenomenal salaries. But saying that being a lawyer and being a plumber, “take equivalent amounts of intelligence,” is asinine. Judging from your writing and reasoning I assume that you’re a fairly intelligent plumber. And when you say that you, “taught in several elite law schools,” I assume you refer to teaching your assistant to clear clogged toilets in the restrooms.
Great article
The confidence I exuded from my future degree got me more than the actual career after reality sank in. Now I focus on cashflow, they don’t care where the money came from.
Archer Holmes seems clouded by being burned and dumped.
Holmes fails to tell us about the girlfriend who dumped him. Perhaps she had another high flyer waiting in the wings, another lawyer, or maybe an investment banker.
Holmes also fails to tell us about the sex life. Maybe after eight years, Holmes and his gf hardly had sex. Maybe she tired of masturbating and decided to get a better lover.
Holmes does not seem to get it. Females MEGO when they hear about what a guy does because females, like everyone else, only care about themselves and what interests them. People simply desire to talk about themselves and never about you.
It’s not what you do for earnings but what you do in the moment that counts if you are going to pick up women for sex.
The man in command like James Bond (the Sean Connery or Daniel Craig ones) is the guy who gets laid. What you should project is commanding dominance. Commanding dominance comes from being poised, being confident and being a leader without being overbearing.
By authentically dominating, you will get girls to qualify themselves to you.
By leading them in conversation where they feel good about themselves, they will attribute the good feeling to you.
The talk should not be about you. The talk should be about them talking about themselves.
Holmes confesses that he was like his lawyer buddies. They failed because they were selling themselves “Hey, we’re lawyers. We’re special.”
But selling (picking up women) is about leading the would-be customer into buying. You are not trying to explain who you are. You are not trying to prove anything. You’re triggering emotion and imagination to fire up desire.
Having sex is about self-indulgence (orgasms). Bragging about wealth or power to entice someone is about suggesting to the female that she can get ahead through attachment.
But if you’re seeking to get laid, you’re trying to stir up self-talk in her that goes something like this “I bet he is good in bed” and “I bet he is sexy when he takes off his shirt.”
When you’re talking up a women, your goal is to satisfy them. Your goal is not to defeat your them. Bragging about your job, if you have a high-power one, defeats them.
Anyone will classify you by her personal needs and desires. You will be seen as being necessary (“I must talk to him to get to his friend”), gratifying (“He’s interesting. I want more of him”) and thus desirable, or neither as necessary or gratifying and thus undesirable.
You should be trying to position yourself into the the gratifying, desirable category, that is, the category of those who bring gain or pleasure. You do that by commanding dominance.
Completely wrong! if anything having a career is the biggest thing. I think its not 100% everything but its the biggest thing that makes a difference. Obese vs ripped is the other big thing. The degree means nothing but money and earnings a lot. Degree if useful is a good proxy for earnings.
Many don’t use their college degrees. I have multiple degrees I don’t use. It’s mostly a con game, learn a trade instead. Most Doctors are quacks and lawyers admit the justice system is a joke.
This is so True LOL , As a Med Student i learned the longer i hide it the better it is , or i wrap in form of mystery ” I Help people when the feel bad”
Trying to Convince a women in a club that you are a ” GOOD PROVIDER” is absolutely the Worst Frame Ever!
IMO, true red pill thinking dismisses concerns about whether your education is attractive to women or anyone else for that matter. Knowledge is its own reward. That’s not to say formal education is necessarily worthwhile (recommend for that debate). I know the author is just making a specific point about what doesn’t matter to women, but for me this raises a larger question: who are you trying to impress and why?
Women dont care what you do as long as it pays the bills. Women want a man who treats them well.
Women biologically want to reproduce. Therefore they want a paradox a rugged man who will protect them and their offspring but a kind sensitive man who will be a good father. The mentality is “He treats me well he will treat our kids well”
BUT THEN media movies songs Facebook Netflix College professors divorced bitter friends slurry mentally deranged friends tell them they want to be “free” and”party” so that they don’t “hit a wall when they are 30” because they “had kids too soon” when the reverse is true. I have yet to meet a woman who regrets having kids and few sexual partners. I met many a regretful slur with no kids or several maladjusted illegitimate children.
There are a lot of women who think they “could have been” a lawyer, even though they didn’t. Hypergamy!
Every harpy who’s been in a shouting match thinks, “she could have been a lawyer,” because she’s argumentative or stubborn. May as well say she could have been a surgeon because she successfully inserts tampons.
Depends on the age of the woman. Girls from 18-24 are still attracted to cool, popular guys with fun parties. Its college social circle game that does best, but you can still catch these chicks and get lucky. In fact this is my area of focus.
After 25, yes they do begin to notice wealth, mostly the fruits that it provides. Pictures of you on a yacht, owning a sick pad, dressing slick will be noticed quite a bit.
After 30 is when the real gold digger comes out. They want a wealthy beta to forgive their sluttery, buy them a $5k engagement ring, a $300k house, and spend his life wondering why she’s not happy.
You dont want those gold diggers anyway. Game comes first. Learn how to party and have fun. Then do it where the girls are. Having a pad to bring them to is all you might need after that.
After kid gold digger comes out.
All women are golddiggers to some degree. It is inherent to their nature. I’d rather have a fresh, nubile 18-20 year old even if she’s attracted to money to a degree than some 30-year old post-wall bitch who lies about liking a man for his personality.
Get a hooker then.
Story from Zero Hedge about private kindergarten – year 12 schools. The head masters are getting around one million dollar salaries. $50k tuition.
Comments mention is so the elite can make “connections” and distance from public schools.
not a bad reason to go to best schools – connections – part of the club
your pedigree dont mean shit, it all about how easily you are parted from your earnings by the women that matters. everything else can be overlooked and choked down if the dollars slide easily from your grasp to hers.
Not to nit-pick, but being an attorney nowadays is hardly an accomplishment, and even most lowest-percentile earning engineers will beat out an average attorney.
When it comes to wealth and status, of course having an abundance of those things to display will flip a switch in a lot of women and garner more attention.
But then again, men who fit in that category are amongst just the 20% or smaller of the male population. Just go to any country bar night club, and you’ll see lots of 20 something and early 30 something hot chicks with blue collar guys. The reasons will vary…some of those girls might be with those guys because they score drugs and the female is a druggie herself, other females come from the blue collar backwoods types of environments themselves, so to them the guys that represent that background are what they like.
I work with quite a few guys that are average wage earners like I am. Two of them of are below 6′, badly balding in their 20s, average shape, average personalities…..but yet they got photos of pretty decent looking young wives on their desks with kids. And not a single one of them ever appear to have marital problems either. They’re just average guys that have had all of what I’ve struggled for in life and never could obtain handed to them on a silver platter.
If you went back to pre-9/11 days, basically the late 1990’s and further, most lawyers would not be ripped…They would have slim, athletic builds from playing racquetball, running, and swimming. Today, almost 70% of adults are in the obese category. I think the overall obesity in 1985 for the US as a whole was around 10-15%. That could be any profession today, not just truck drivers anymore.
This site has to face reality at some point…People who have above average intelligence or ‘simply gifted’ are not necessarily the best looking people. If you have both above average intelligence and are very good looking that is as rare as a person with both a long and wide face (Michael Wincott, Marlon Brando, Christopher Walken, Russell Crowe, Klaus Maria Brandauer, f.e.). Most people in the real world that have a long face, its narrow from side to side. Most people who have a shorter face, its wide from side to side. Black and white, dolichocephalic and bracycephalic, successful and unsuccessful, poor and rich, a lady’s man or in your mom’s basement.
Its hard to compare today’s world to the previous one we left. There are some similarities but in both worlds you’re most likely not going to get your dream girl. And yes, its true, if you’re a WHITE MALE in this world, you will now eat more shit burgers then other races will. The world is a giant pendulum. It swung for white males in 1000, 1492, 1776…It might again before Trump finishes his 2nd term.
White males will eat more Asian pussy (if they’re into eating it, that is) than any other race too. I think that you have it good. The way I see it, the pendulum still swings for White men, but just being White in and of itself is not a GUARANTEE of success like it was in the past, more people talk shit, and the occasional non-White male might have some success here and there.
If I could, I’d take the problems and pleasure of being a White man over my life as a Black man any day.
Never date a female lawyer or law student. They are professional Boner killing arguers and will litigate even the most casual of relationships right into the ground. Nuff said, ye hath been warned !
There are lots of women who go for professional titles. The problem is they’re all swamp donkeys. Real wife material will always like you, for you – regardless of what you do.
Real wife material? Unicorn hunt much?
I have read this site for a while now. Most of it is fairly sensible. My take is with most of you folks, women are the enemy. I disagree to some extent.
I have 4 children. My wife was 40 and 41 when the last two were born. I have always been weary of all Gov institutions. When my last 2 babes were born my wife and I agreed no vaccines. Found a lot of resistance from the peanut gallery. A doctor even told me I was not doing my duty and putting my childrens health in jeopardy. We decided to be bad parents. Limit the amount of sugar, no digital devices, no vaccines, exercise, very little tv, home cooked meals and so on. Today we have healthy and happy children in the top of their classes, can think and process what is being presented. To sum up, no sicknesses, no dis-eases, no drugs to control them. Did I mention my wife did this with one fallopian tube and one egg. I could not have done this without the help and cooperation of my beautiful wife. There are good women out there, you just have to sift through all the shit to get to the diamonds.
It’s true. Women don’t give a flying whatever if you have a degree. They do care about your alphatude level.
Furthermore, if they do appear to care after you drop hints about it, you know you have a golddigging wh0re on your hand.
The author wasted alot of time.
Should have just wrote ‘women don’t care’ – once you see that the rest of it makes sense.
Look bros, I make a average decent salary as a software engineer. I do it because I like it and It gives me independence. I would not give a shit ass if a woman likes me because of my dollars. In face if she does i quickly peg her as a Gold digger. To me it matters more if I actually dig the chick. Other than that its a waste of my time. Chicks are a pain in the ass anyways. Divorced older friends tell me all the time “dont do it”. Gonna Thailand in 2 weeks.
A lot of women aren’t impressed when a guy start talking about what he does for a living because too many guys have spoiled it for the rest of us by lying and saying they’re something when they’re not. Now when we say (or hint) at what we do (even when we’re telling the truth), a lot of women think: “Oh yeah, he’s probably just saying that to impress me and get into my pants!”
This is an argument to prove that not all women are interested in a guy because he’s rich or because he’s in a high-paying profession (the way a lot of men believe women to be).
“A lot of women aren’t impressed when a guy start talking about what he does for a living because too many guys have spoiled it for the rest of us by lying and saying they’re something when they’re not.”
That isn’t why.
Women value status in her environment. If you own a club, club skunks will be highly impressed by that. If you are a professor, nerdy girls will be impressed by ththatIf you own a gym, butterface gym girls will like that. Its all relative. It depends on the girl and what she’s in to. Btw the only girls who like lawyers are those unattractive career broads
Women aren’t interested in someone as self-absorbed as the author and his “friends”. Why should they be interested in someone who isn’t interested in them?
This interview sort of shed’s some light on the articles question….womens IQ is very narrow (most women have relativity the same IQ), men have a very broad spectrum of differing IQ’s, we have more dumb men than women but also more smart men than women – this video is sort of brilliant in many ways – showcases a women who probably thinks she has high IQ and yet is dumbfounded and beats a dead horse over and over again. It really showcases men and womens differences…its like she’s reinforces his argument through the whole interview.