Too many otherwise good men are bashing the nice guy. I am not talking of constructive criticism but of blaming the nice guy as if he was morally evil or guilty. Even on ROK some said nice guys should be shamed or that nice guys are “liars.”
If you tend to think of this as normal, beware. For feminists have always done the same. Years ago, I tried to explain to an upper middle class girl what being a nice guy meant, with all the pain and chronic frustration associated, and the only thing she did was send me a feminist-made comic strip that consisted entirely of labelling nice guys as egotists, sexists, creepy, homophobic, and whatever leftist slur you can think of.
This was not exceptional. In fact, the incident contributed definitely to my awakening. The same feminists who gloat about their bleeding hearts, muh “care ethics” and “you’re lacking empathy” have absolutely no empathy and no human feeling for their brethren. Nice guys need approbation, nice guys tend to be already chivalrous and respectful to feminism, yet the feminists discard them with even more disdain than the Aztec priest discarded the dead body of his last sacrificed.
The manosphere has done an excellent job in helping numerous men to go beyond the nice guy phase. Game, the acceptance of rejection and struggle, knowing the female nature—all these aspects have been well covered in our milieus. However, the nice guy figure per se was never morally redeemed. This is, I think, a mistake.
The nice guy, that bastard son of feminism…
Nice guys did not choose to be so. As nice guys, they are, or have been, produced by a complex set of factors.
Feminists killed the father figure. Many of us were raised by weak fathers and strong mothers. Many saw their parents divorce. Boomer and some X parents raised their girls and sons the same, because having an identity is “prejudiced” and “bigoted.” This is how men grew without ever learning how to pick up—and, even worse, were taught that men picking up were “pigs” and “disrespectful.”
Nice guys are often the product of a middle class environment. Yes, the same middle class that has been conned and impoverished by our psychopathic elites through globalism and debt. Delayed gratification, work ethic, a sense of personal responsibility, and the willingness to be gallant are all middle class values. The nice guy shows them at a high degree. He wants to commit and be committed, he’s ready to work and be patient.
Raised by “educated” parents, the nice guy is also imbued with the idea that “progress” is cool, that feminism is obviously great, and that equality and other blue pill idols are good as well. The nice guy genuinely wants to be “respectful”—which is why he’s so patient and unwilling to game, as he perceives game as manipulation—and supportive. He truly believes in the gender pay gap crap and frowns upon being “sexist.”
The nice guy is a product of the pre-2000s West: he is the bastard son of feminism, almighty female figures, and of a middle class that did not realize it was heading to a social meat grinder. He is the dream figure of feminism, imbued with any neutering, misandric conditioning feminists have crafted. He just doesn’t please the natural instincts of female nature.
No courage. No warrior values. No migrant invaders yet. No pickup and game know-how, no knowledge at all about identities, as he was raised in a world supposed to drop all identities, whether sexual, racial, or national, below the altar of the career-minded abstract individual. No felt need to level up your life. No masculine solidarity either of course.
Nothing but the almightiness of mom, the media, the educators, and hope that college and hard work will pay. This is how otherwise healthy and pro-social young fellows end up in debt and late virgins.
…who was then thrown under the bus
Yet, after he gets turned down by another girl he had hoped for, the nice guy realizes he’s facing an untold reality. On the one hand, it becomes clear that women are not attracted to him. They friendzone him while opening their legs for so-called pigs. These women are also hypocrites who use him as a support, telling him about how they got “abused” by the bad boy they chose over him, then gorging on his likes, attentions, praises.
On the other hand political correctness forbade to speak about human differences. All knowledge about what women really want was suppressed. And now the nice guys starts to feel the need for such knowledge. But then, his need, which could be partly satisfied by some philanthropic concessions from the Cathedral’s side, remains not only unanswered but even openly despised and trodden upon.
Before feminists became hysterical over Trump, they routinely gloated about drinking “male tears.” This was nothing less than open sadism. Their whole gamut over the “white males” and “privilege” is of the same cloth: your average Western woman considers that men have no rights, not even to empathy or fulfillment. Thus the same women who complain endlessly about their perceived problems as if they had no responsibility start tampering tantrums when men want to discuss their problems as well.
The bourgeois bohemians female “friends” who pretend their hearts are bleeding for rapefugees turn into cold, despising monsters, when you try to tell them about what the average mom-raised millennial goes through. And then they speak about care, empathy or fairness. Empty words in such (fish)mouths.
In other words, the nice guy, who usually started as an average believer into “progress”, was utterly abandoned by said “progress.” The intersectional forces that dominate mainstream culture purposefully excluded nice guy as nice guys from their ranks.
If you’re a man and you want to be a hipster, you have to virtue-signal and kowtow endlessly to even remain on board. Men are expected to tread upon their own identity and dignity whereas any so-called minority has a right to exalt its own identity endlessly.
Or, you can choose to leave. Which means struggling to go beyond the nice guy beta conditioning and thrive at least. This is usually the moment you begin to be really alive.
The best intentions when you were born and raised into the blue pill
Thus many who were nice guys managed to surpass this stage of their life. Good riddance. But as a memory, and part of our history, it is ours, and no one else has legitimacy to write it for us. Instead, we should recognize that the nice guy has, or had, a moral logic of his own.
Being nice is being pro-social. Politeness, respect for conventions, make society easier to live in. It softens conflicts and allows for peace (until predators come in, of course). It is also conform to moral universalism: if everyone were as nice, the world would just live happily ever after.
Being nice is also being “respectful.” The nice guy has no game because he “respects” girls and address them as equals. He helps. He knows to listen. All of this is deeply ethical as long as you’re blue pill—and, at least, up until the whitemalephobia and “white = racist” leftism started to reach unbearable levels.
But, you may tell, what about the sex drive? The nice guy wants to fuck women as well, yet he never really assumes it, doesn’t that make him a hypocrite and a liar?
Feminism gave men contradictory imperatives: on the one hand, “emancipation” and a world of sexual liberty, on the other hand, the need to avoid picking up and avoid “sexism.” How can you assume wanting to fuck when you were raised to hate the Don Juan? When you were contradictorily taught that sex was good, yet actually doing anything about it was “sexist”, thus horrible?
Radical feminists went even farer when they chastised the normal, healthy masculine desire for beautiful and feminine girls. In his mind, the nice guy achieved equilibrium between his normal desire and felt social imperatives. This delicate compromise was cruelly shattered by fat lesbians and urban princesses.
A face without pain or fear or guilt
Being a nice guy could seem OK in Francis Fukuyama’s world, when feminism looked like it was part of a general, “win-win” progress, and when all humanity seemed headed towards perpetual peace.
Now that feminism made clear it wanted us dead, neutered, or starving thanks to destructing people’s livelihood, and now that we’re aware, it should be clear to every sane man that the nice guy stage was never the normalcy it pretended to be.
Yet, as weak as it was, the nice guy condition should never be attacked as morally evil. If you were a nice guy once and keep bashing what you were as unethical, you will always carry a secret guilt, no matter how successful you became at bedding sluts. The mere tainted remembrance will make you ashamed. This is undeserved and unfair. It was not your fault, not your choice, and you did everything to be good and equilibrated according to what you knew then.
Immaturity is not a sin. Having been born in leftism, with a weak father, an almighty mother, is not a sin. Having been mentally conditioned by the globalists is not a sin. That being said, the sinlessness of our victimhood should not make us believe it is a desirable condition, and any man who finds himself carrying weakness or blue pill beliefs should strive to push himself.
If by nice guy u mean a dude who is loyal, friendly & helpful in general, then I agree.
If by nice guy u mean a dude who caters to the whims of his girlfriend or his wife or women in general then fuck him.
I usually leave them alone but when they start hating on other men and call the jerks ( like a bitch talk…) then i slam them for their cuckery behaviors. cause alot of them ONLINE are self loathing betas who can’t be masculine so they’ll write some articles or blogs about ” toxic masculinity ” ….lol
No point being loyal, friendly or helpful to a woman.
They will just use you and discard you.
Waste of your time.
John Dodds, I guess it depends if u want to develop any sort of relationship with a woman or not. U have to be somewhat friendly to them if you care to gain something from ur interaction with them.
Recient generations are awash with brain fog. We have to piece back together the knowledge of how to properly keep and quarter a shebeast. Of course loyalty has gone out the window with males and females alike having been wiped cdean of traditional patriarchy. But it’s not too late. Our cages are rattling. This is it. The big escape from feminist hell is near, very near in the west.
It’s also dependant on the type of society you live in. As welfare and resultant genetic demographic changes push our societies towards single-mother hood and low paternal invetsment then there is no advantage being good to a woman.
She will no longer reciprocate anyway. Try and impregnate but then violate your promises to her and leave. That is what all the black alphas do and that is what white men now must learn from them as they are successful in this society. Promises made to women should no longer be kept. They started moving towards single motherhood by choice now we must continue that trend and also try and create them when possible.
I just ask myself this question. “What does this bitch bring to my life besides 3 holes.?.” If the answer is essentially nothing, or just a little something that doesn’t off-set the finite time of life investment in her thus far, I treat her like.. nothing, like the nothing she has made HERSELF worth, not by my ascription, her own doing of lack of thereto. If in the course of escapades, she decides her holes can be used by me, and I think she’s hot, then it’s on, but just for that. If she feels used but knows the agreement, then flips out saying she doesn’t want to be only used for sex, I blatantly ask this: “Ask yourself, what do you bring to my life, as a single man before meeting you, that brings significantly greater value besides your mouth, pussy, and ass… seriously convincingly tell me.” And virtually the last 3 bangs made themselves look like dip shit whores trying their best to answer that. One, I even surmised all she was worth was her holes, but wished it wasn’t true, and walked out of my place like a bewildered bimbo-zombie.
Women aren’t your friends, unless you’re a woman.
You can’t mix sex and friendship.
“The big escape from feminist hell is near, very near in the …”
** East, West, North & South **
Many men are that way . I’m 2 levels higher than a buddy of mine but for some reason he thinks he can be a little bitch with me because I don’t act superior or bossy around him . I had to cut him out
It is indeed possible to be “nice” without being a cuck. There’s nothing wrong with being considerate, polite or even kind. You can be all these things as long as you have the testicles to call out the bullshit when it comes your way. I don’t think that to be red pilled or “alpha” means you have to act like a crazy gorilla who’s not getting his way. Sometimes emotional maturity and a quick wit are better weapons than a lousy attitude. Sometimes a punch to the nose is appropriate. Build your arsenal not just for landing pussy, but for “going along to get along”.
Does buying the homeless guy that camps out across from my office a cup of hot chocolate on a bitter winter day make me a cuck? I think it makes me a compassionate human being. Does not throwing a tantrum when my wife hasn’t started dinner by the time I get home from work a cuck? Perhaps I’m just not an asshole who expects his family to live in fear of a tyrannical husband and father.
Three simples things I’ve discovered in life on my own are:
1. Life is not fair, don’t expect it to be.
2. Treat people how you would like to be treated. This is proper 95% of the time.
3. Being “kind” is not always being “just”. Choose how you wish to proceed. Some actions demand justice, others require understanding. Choose wisely.
Being nice in any way to a woman or child is destructive. They only expect more nicities like spoiling . . . or chocolates . . . or CRACK!! Coddling, knighting, advocacy and spoiling debilitates the full maturing of the subject in every case. It’s like the difference between painkiller drugs used to expedite healing versus being used for pleasure.
Excessively coddled women and children are the weakest. This is a law of nature. The pampered and knighted women don’t reproduce or tit feed. It’s too inconvenient and challenging. It’s too “haaaard”.
And spoiled children too do no work on the farm or ranch. Boob joob TV depicts only the spoiled rottenest youth without a lick of chores or farm work. Youth shows all revolve around the social circus of the targeted age peer group. It’s all blabber and female gossip. Even the male youths are portrayed talking to the young girls about problems galore. The females then grow up to continue pulling problems galore out their a§§ and NOT A WHITE BABY properly produced and tit fed. The boys too are wiped of any memory from only several generations ago of how to run a ranch. Disney kids propaganda shows are all feminine yappity-yappity-yapping blabber.
My dad was far too kind rather than just with my mom. Not even sure had he been less kind if it would have changed her. She was and is a total cunt. She’a appalled by anything not perfectly laid out for her. She tries to act like she’s some fucked up royalty or something while being the biggest hypocrite, very gossipy and a drama queen.
“Gotta luv your mum” they say. Heh . . well an honestly lovable mum is one that is kept in check and taught grace and how to act, how to walk and how to keep her opinions respectfully within the heirarchy of the patriarchal home. She has a voice but mustn’t constantly blast it above the master plan of KING DADDY. Being a bossy house henpecker just isn’t ladylike. Beating everyone over the head with your wants and opinions is as wild and untamed hypergamous as an untamed animal who shows its naked a§§hole to everyone.
Every woman has a display of her a§§hole hypergamous nature – her bad unladylike side that she can throw at the world and throw about in her home – but the proper woman keeps her bare shitter personna under wraps and concealed and respectful of the ultimate judge and last word in the patriarchal house – DICKO DADDYO.
Her wild peacocking hairdo – UNDER SCARF and under wraps.
Her nit picking over every household detail kept you know where – BETWEN HER ASS CHEEKS half past her tailbone and a quarter to her funhole. Yep, her DOO DOO side of her personna stays in its place.
A properly heeled and kept woman is so much better. Any woman can be like a breath of fresh air to her patriarchal lord when her irritable and bossy side is kept down where it belongs and her feminine subservient beauty is watered and sprouts. And a thriving watered mother serves her weaning offspring and TIT FEEDS without hesitation. Any properly tamed woman can blossom as we all have seen.
A truly happy and soulfully content woman is like a beautiful ornamental or fruit bearing plant that is well pruned, protected and watered. There can be no higher joy for a woman than to give herself 100% body mind and soul unto her patriarchal master and to live and breathe according to his patriarchal master plan!!
Marriage is not viable any longer and white men must learn from blacks who are breeding up the place and start breeding and abandoning also. A promise to a woman should be considered as worthless as she would consider a promise to you.
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I agree with Warblade. I stayed a “late virgin” because I refused to sleep with sluts and did not want herpes. I loved the power I wielded by having women seek me out and try and try to get sex from me. In a sense I treated women with respect, but these “nice guy” types, some of them were awful human beings. They went around sleeping with sluts while saying it was for “female liberation,” then condemned guys like me for sexism and for opposing abortion and lesbianism and other left-wing trash. Also, I did not go to college. The “nice guys” love to play their collegiate preppy routine as if that makes them better guys, and they cast guys like me as abusers even though I am not the one taking sluts to abortion clinics or sleeping with girls and encouraging them to ask lesbians to join.
Nice guys are just cucks waiting to happen.
It’s their spinelessness I find so viscerally disgusting.
How else are you supposed to react when in a drunk moment you take his girlfriend by the waist as she willingly leans into you to flirt more. All while her useless POS cuckfriend furniture boy just stands there doung nothing?
I’m the kinda guy who should have gotten smashed in the face long ago for getting too intimate with other guy’s girlfriends, but these cucks just never intervene. lol
Ok, I had one skinny soyboy fag intervene, but he was harmless.
I gave him his whore back.
Faggt got scared by a soyboy “gave his whore back”
Nice excuse loser lol
Nah dude, he was in tears and she wasn’t that hot.
Were you there?
If you used some beta’s gf with her beine hypergamous and flirtatious towards you, then you can rest assured she was a used whore. Virgin gf’s from a rigorous faith or clan are di|ferent. Don’t mess with them. Her pitchfork relatives will already be scheming ways to make you push tulips. You’ll never know what hit you.
But the typical cosmo girl without clan or religious roots isn’t even attached to her beta bf. If you screw her the sooner, her bf will get the wake up call all the sooner. He’ll be hit hard, real hard if he invests his life into her and tries to pave a future with paid shelter and security.
Many forks in the road come to a man whether he goes the path of becoming fatally entrapped as cuck/beta or if he gets a wake up call early and chucks the piece of §¦-¦¡† hobag. You have to learn to let go and pitch a bad disloyal woman like a wad of paper into a desk trash receptacle. You get good at it like basketball or anything else.
> muh church will save muh true aryan princess!!!
Nah dude, as someone who has fucked quite a few taken/married thots let me tell you this:
No inanimate object or principle (LMFAO!) is going to check a ho.
Male authority is the only thing which will check a whore.
Just ask Muslims.
If you think some church, tradition, or imaginary Hollywood Irish clan is gonna deter whoredom, then ur an impotent cuck just waiting to happen.
Women are like water; they flow to the lowest level. If ur too much of a useless cuck to contain them, then blame urself, not the slut.
Meanwhile I’ll be collecting all the leaks hahahaha
@Gongetbanned: ‘Aryan princess’ – heh that term reallly needs returned to the category of oxymoronic. What good are princesses to any race? The term ‘princess’ itself implies that PUSSY took over and had victory over your culture or civilization somewhere down the line. We must erase ‘princess’ from our lexicon. Otherwise in a society where ‘princesses’ exist, men might as well walk around wearing pussy masks. Yeah big pink rubber TWATS held over their faces with an elastic band. That would look real good for aliens landing and looking for an easy race to conquer and enslave wouldn’t it? . . . So let’s get busy and get rid of the title ‘princess’ wherever we see it pop up. These self proclaimed ‘princesses’ ain’t shit. They’re just tittied pussied shebeasts like the rest of them, only more entitled and less likely to breed and belt out a lifetime of cranking, sweating, breeding, ass pumping loyal service.
As for your point about churches not saving muh princess – look to the Amish who have nearly ZERO divorce rate. Most other western Christian churches are cuck factories full of recycled divorcé whores galore. And the conservative church biddies are like tradhots who have such big mouths. Still their mouths are their bread and butter. True the tradhot speaks alt right power points that are like music to the ear, but tradhots are so liberated and outspoken that they answer to no man. HEY, you can’t have all the mouth and all the pussy in the tribe. So tradhots FESS UP and let go the pussy or the mouth. Can’t control both dummy. I suggest tradhots shutting up with the mouth for a bit. The best sounds a tradhot can make are repeated groans as you trespass beyond the cold shitshields of her yapping face and bludgeon her innermost cervical wall.
Also tradhots keep many beta servants, rolodexes of them to fix this and help with that, but thots are about as difficult to nail and keep nailed loyal to your dick as they come. Being outspoken, they think they’re so powerful and liberated they’ve even been known to take a sample of monkey dick once or so, just to see. They’re like a lady trying to think like a man and doing a messy buttery job at it.
Tradhot verdict – not good for wifing or breeding. But good genes and exceptional intelligence run in the tradhot’s family. Go for her shy sister instead for the LTR and loyal pump and breed service. Fist and party the big thot sis, but keep the more modest sister for the serious investment.
‘Aryan princess’ – heh that term reallly needs returned to the category of oxymoronic. What good are princesses to any race? The term ‘princess’ itself implies that PUSSY took over and had victory over your culture or civilization somewhere down the line. We must erase ‘princess’ from our lexicon. Otherwise in a society where ‘princesses’ exist, men might as well walk around wearing pussy masks. Yeah big pink rubber TWATS held over their faces with an elastic strap. That would look real good for aliens landing and looking for an easy race to conquer and enslave wouldn’t it? . . . So let’s get busy and get rid of the title ‘princess’ wherever we see it pop up. These self proclaimed ‘princesses’ ain’t shit. They’re just tittied pussied shebeasts like the rest of them, only more entitled and less likely to breed and belt out a lifetime of cranking, sweating, breeding, ass pumping loyal service.
As for your point about churches not saving muh princess – look to the Amish who have nearly ZERO divorce rate. Most other western Christian churches are cuck factories full of recycled divorcé whores galore. And the conservative church biddies are like tradhots who have such big mouths. Still their mouths are their bread and butter. True the tradhot speaks alt right power points that are like music to the ear, but tradhots are so liberated and outspoken that they answer to no man. HEY, you can’t have all the mouth and all the pussy in the tribe. So tradhots FESS UP and let go the pussy or the mouth. Can’t control both dummy. I suggest tradhots shutting up with the mouth for a bit. The best sounds a tradhot can make are repeated groans as you trespass beyond the cold shitshields of her yapping face and bludgeon her innermost cervical wall.
Also tradhots keep many beta servants, rolodexes of them to fix this and help with that, but thots are about as difficult to nail and keep nailed loyal to your dick as they come. Being outspoken, they think they’re so powerful and liberated they’ve even been known to take a sample of monkey dick once or so, just to see. They’re like a lady trying to think like a man and doing a messy buttery job at it.
Tradhot verdict – not good for wifing or breeding. But good genes and exceptional intelligence run in the tradhot’s family. Go for her shy sister instead for the LTR and loyal pump and breed service. Fist and party the big thot sis, but keep the more modest sister for the serious investment.
All boys are ‘nice guys’ looking for approval, unless they pretend not to be to gain favour with the girls. Eventually, only they come to the realization that the situation dictates which side of one’s personality is needed.
I respect the attempt of an outreach here; all were once Blue pilled and systematically deceived, but the ire and vitriol aimed at “‘nice guys” is not toward your average brainwashed gen z boy but willfully ignorant, destructive and degenerate manlets/soyboys/beta cucks.
Also the difference between us judging them and others doing so – is that we’re men. We have the validity and right to. They don’t.
This essay raises an interesting and inherently conflicting question about “nice guys”. I will summarize my thoughts after being married almost 30 years with 5 kids.
1-Nice is relative and depends on many external factors such as family, work environment and community. It is not black and white but a grey area. Dont be “nice” in a bad hood or you will be beaten or worse. Jungle means being a bit nasty, cold-faced, etc. In upper class areas tone down the cold exterior (but dont eliminate it see later).
2-Generally, you cannot be too nice or I have found that others WILL take advantage of you. Its human nature so while its fine to be a friend dont be a sucker. Your in laws will also dump on you if they think you are a “nice guy.”
3-Being too nice will prevent you physically disciplining your kids when needed. Make sure you get them used to roughing other guys up also or they will be pussified. I never stopped my boys (unless it got too extreme) let them slug it and with classmates. I always said, if you get suspended for fighting its fine. Dont surrender and run to the teachers; hit back hard.
4-Never be too nice in bed; all women want some aggression/domination. Do not be nice at all – its the best way to get your wife/GF to orgasm. I do not mean a full frontal assault and each woman is different you need to be a bit of a bad ass. I know TONS of divorces where the guy was mild mannered and would never think of “roughing up his wife” in bed. They ALL cheated and found men to play with.
Be a nice guy to men who are worthy of your respect.
Be a manly man to women who deserve masculinity.
Treat everybody else like tools and toys to reach your goals.
That’s it.
Thanks for those useless platitudes Ellen.
OK…hold the f*** up. One has to put into perspective the PROGRAMMING AND BRAINWASHING the “Nice Guy” is projecting (been created with, thank you feminism and public schools), because the “nice guy” being vilified, not for the plainness and plain nature of his personality, but justifiably being vilified because of his mental programming to the current progressive and gynocentric world and projectile vomiting that programming at everyone else around them. So far that particular point has not been plainly stated. Its not that the physical embodiment is bad, it is the poisoned and scripted aberrant mental state that is the abominable part. It is patently cognitive dissonant, devoid of any self preservation or self awareness or recognition and is otherwise a doormat psyche that willingly abused and taken advantage of. there is no masculinity in mindset at all to him. there is the problem. It is a blank slate of ignorance that has no desire to BE and all the desire to have validation SOLELY through others. He is disgusting showing his smarmy suicidal public face.
@Deplorable Neal J
THAT’s the psycho-social deconstruction of this weak male archetype I was looking for. Perfectly worded. My sentiments exactly. Clarifying the deeper nature of their betrayal to their fellow men while striving to be its opposite has made you bomb-proof.
Shame on these “kept” men, shame on these pawns in the game of life. All scurry about beneath the simplified subterfuge of “good guy.” There’s a calculated fear with these indoctrinated dudes, and it reeks. I’ve lost several buddies from college to this…they basically were given an ultimatum my their wives or GFs to obey them and “get rid of that OceanSon guy or you’re going to catch hell”…to which my sad, lost cuck buddies say “Yes mommy!”
These fools have mutated and they’re not coming back. I was slightly saddened by the loss of one or two of these friends, felt like my wolf pack was disintegrating, having known them for more than a decade, but…Cut and run. It was for the best.
I just wanted to comment from the last blog post about CPR…..whomever the people are who are spamming shit about feeling up passed out chicks and pro Russian army recruitment posts are a bunch of flaming pillowbiters.. .
Fuck you cuck
Fuck you…..FUCK YA MOTHA!
I was an Eagle Scout long ago and the Boy Scout motto was “Always Be Prepared” and the law for was “A Scout is TRUSTWORTHY loyal helpful friendly courteous kind cheerful obedient thrifty brave clean and reverent.”
None of this was predicated or prefaced to a NONRECIPROCAL UNCIVILISED SOCIETY, that exists now.
Notice there is no supplicating, submissiveness, cheating, prevaricating, groveling, cuck0lding, self deprecation, meaningless self sacrifice, submission to tyranny, or wh0reshipping of women anywhere in all that law.
You know why society is the way it is? FEMINISM AND GYNOCENTRISM destroyed the best guides and groups that REINFORCED MEN BEING GOOD MEN!
Nice guys can be reformed. Their inherent masculine nature needs to be nurtured. They can be men of character with just a few things;
1. They need to boost their T levels
2. They need some tough love
3. They need need something to grasp on to i.e. neo masculinity
4. They need to be welcomed by real men once they’ve made changes for the better
The term “nice guy” is too broad, too vague, and therefore misunderstood.
Holding a door for an elderly person, having manners, and respecting property of others are all virtuous behaviors. Globalism enabling, gun grabbing, and free speech restricting behaviors are a net social negative but portrayed as a positive by the mainstream/left. For many, ALL of these behaviors would be considered “nice guy” actions.
Stick with the former and not the latter.
Conscientiousness, intelligence, and fitness are the hallmarks worth striving for. These are the cornerstones of the modern Renaissance Man.
The only country that hasn’t grabbed guns is the US. To this day, the homicide rate in the US is exponentially higher than any other wealthy country. It’s the trade off.
Yeh but it’s mostly dindus going Congo on each other, as dindus do.
Look at switzerland where you can walk around with actual military assault rifles. No problems.
u have a dindu problem, not a gun problem.
Switzerland has complied with European Firearms Directive thus since 2008, gun ownership is relatively low. For our purposes, their gun ownership isn’t anywhere near that of the US. It doesn’t matter who is shooting who because each country has its respective share of thugs and gang members. The only determining factor that dictates homicide rates and gun violence is gun access and the US is top dog. There’s a trade off: everyone and their dog has a right to a firearm but the violence and killing accompanies it.
Potential thugs have a generous welfare system, a fridge full of liquor, a filthy apartment to sit and drink or drug their time away in.
No Swiss woman will have a baby with them so they simply waste away in the drug dens and dive bars that every country will have with occasional bouts of jail time.
There is a huge amount of drug violence involving Mestizos and blacks.
Welfare is not so generous so some degree of criminality is predicated on survival.
Moreover, the welfare-dependent reproduce at a swift rate-creating pissed off juvenile delinquents who are as likely to own a gun at 12 and kill somebody as a 40 year old duck hunter from rural Tennessee.
Burton, you are making his point for him. He says gun crime is actually a black problem, and you tell him a low crime country with no guns has no crime, but then it has a very low black population, as well.
@Wormwood what do you think the result would be if gun access was severely restricted in the US, just like all the other g20 countries? Do you think homicide rates and gun violence would go down, up or stay the same?
You need to read ur own FBI crime statistics.
Dindus commit the overwhelming majority of gun crimes.
Just coz ur (((media))) likes to cover staged school shootings with (((white))) perpeteators, doesn’t mean white ppl with guns are dangerous.
Remove dindu immediately u civic cuck.
Burton, firearms are strictly regulated in big American cities like Chicago and Washington D.C., yet they have very high homicide rates. Such laws impede on lawful citizens abilities to legally possess even long guns, and to protect their lives and properties. While much of this violent crime and homicides are gang and drug related, these strict gun laws appear to do little to control the criminals access to illegal firearms. I often thought that ending the War on Drugs, and some viable alternatives to a punitive judicial system, might help to curb this problem, but even with doing this, we are still left with a now huge populous of morally bankrupt and entitlement types in America.
@Antonio Its’ irrefutable that wide access to guns is at the root of the problem. No other g20 country has gun violence or homicide rates even remotely close to that of the US. The laws in Chicago and Washington that you call “strict” are not even close to being so. If an average man wants to buy a handgun, he very well has the right to. In an average month, 50 women are shot to death by intimate partners in the US. I guess it all boils down to ideals and what people find most important, and obviously having the right to sleep with an AR under the pillow is high on that list. It’s not the fact that guns themselves are evil, quite the opposite actually. If you take a step back and look at the big picture, it becomes blatantly obvious that it’s the guns that are the common factors for why the USA has homicide rates that are exponentially high. It’s not “gangs” or “thugs” or other scapegoats. Again, if this homicide and gun violence problem is only found in the US, one of the biggest and more desirable countries in the world, chalking up this problem to gangs and people is such a whitewash. Most people know what the problem is but are unwilling to let go of their beloved machine guns.
@ Burton
Dude stop being so ghey, with the globahomo ‘guns are evil’ crybaby shit.
Man the fuck up ffs.
@Corinth Arkadin Telling someone to man the fuck up is a slap in the face to all the victims that have had their lives cut short because of gun violence. Of the 49 months since January 2014, only six have passed without at least one instance of gun violence in a US school. If you think this isn’t a problem, you’re either blatantly ignorant or purposely lying to yourself. I don’t know what’s worse.
@ Burton, blaming the object and not the criminal is a phaggy thing to do and more disrespectful to the victim than anything else. It is irrational and a cowardly, feminine thought.
One bark from Government types and you will roll over and show your belly.
If you’re insulted, GOOD. I don’t give a fuck, you phairy.
@Corinth Arkadin Of course I’m blaming the object because without it, homicide rates would plumment (exhibit A: every other first world country besides the USA). Every country has criminals, in the case of the USA, those criminals happen to have wide access to automatic machine guns.
“One bark from Government types and you will roll over and show your belly.”
You’re probably of the party of people that believes that if Americans gave up their guns, the army and authorities would begin barging into houses holding defenceless people are gunpoint. In that case, I’d be speaking with a delusional.
@ Burton
Pussified thinking and zero logic skills. No surprise there, LOLZ.
You phucking phag.
@Corinth Arkadin Instead of using lame insults and telling me my logic sucks, you could try and put together a coherent sentence and explain yourself. Then again, you’re a gun-hungry lunatic. I don’t expect anything less.
Burton, read your own posts aloud. Shit, you can even add some bass to your voice while you do it.
It will still seem it was initially uttered by a prepubescent girl.
Your unfathomable logic is that you blame inanimate objects for violence, instead of persons, which is precisely what women do.
Again, you’re foolish and stupid and feminine.
Go kill yourself or get somebody with balls to do it for you, phag.
@Corinth Arkadin “Your unfathomable logic is that you blame inanimate objects for violence, instead of persons, which is precisely what women do.”
When guns are defended and innocent lives are not, I know I’m interacting with a lunatic. I wish you well.
LOL Burton Ok phuck you.
Why aren’t you demanding the end to privately owned vehicles?
Why aren’t you calling for the end of fast food?
Why aren’t you calling for an end to abortion?
These kill far more people than guns.
(USA 2014, 500 fatal shootings, 32,000 fatal RTAs, 800,000 deaths from heart disease, 650,000 abortions)
Use your time more efficiently by aiming to limit the big killers.
@John Doods Good point, though people do not routinely use vehicles or burgers to slaughter dozens of people. Further, vehicles are actually far more useful than they are deadly and crashes are indeed inevitable but without vehicles, the USA would be in an utter standstill. So the benefits far outweigh the potential drawbacks. Compounding on that, I could argue that owning an AR-15 has no useful value except “Murica” and “flexing my amendment right”. There are Americans (maybe yourself) that want to arm themselves because they believe the government and authorities would be able to control them like sheep otherwise. As for abortion, I am pro-life but we need not go there. In this day and age where America is seemingly one of the safest places on earth, it just doesn’t make sense to me why so many are attached to their guns. Do Americans not look around sometimes and wonder why no other wealthy country has their gun violence problem and wonder why? Maybe Americans are ok with having the occasional school shooting or Vegas slaughter. I’m not sure.
Burton, the gun laws in Chicago and Washington D.C. ( as well as Massachusetts, New Jersey, California, etc.) are in fact very strict! I disagree with you emphatically, and submit that you research American gun laws more. Handguns are quite illegal in Chicago, and long guns require a special purchase and owner permit/firearms I.D. card in the state of Illinois. The gang and criminal element in Chicago has all the handguns (or any guns) they want, and they’re acquired illegally. The definition of an outlaw is one who lives outside the law, so it’s naive to believe that criminals will abide by the law, be it gun laws, laws against robbery, laws against rape, etc. In America, to legally purchase a handgun or long gun from a Federal Firearms license holder (under the Gun Control Act of 1968), you are required to fill out form ATF 4473, and now submit to an instant background check. Convicted felons, those adjudicated mentally ill, those who have renounced their US citizenship or have been dishonorably discharged from the military, or those convicted of misdemeanor spousal abuse and stalking now too, are precluded from purchasing or owning firearms. States like California have 15 day waiting periods on even long guns. Those who commit a straw purchase (purchasing a firearm for a convicted felon), or felons in possession of a firearm, face a mandatory 5 years in federal prison (no plea bargaining with federal charges either). The mandatory federal gun charges are often used to secure some type of conviction where the criminal has been able to plea bargain or evade drug charges and/or other charges. Legal interstate sales of all firearms are between licensed FFL holders only, and the individual purchaser must go through the entire process in their respective states to then purchase the gun. Private sales of firearms between individuals are governed under state and local laws, and interstate private sales of firearms are a violation of the GCA of 1968. I own a Para Ordinance 1911 colt .45 (manufactured in your very Canada where you can’t even lawfully own one), and possess a Kansas Concealed Carry License (I work in a high crime urban core area of Kansas City). This required a background check with the FBI, a 2 week waiting period, and 8 hour class, and demonstrated proficiency with the weapon on a firearms range with a state certified instructor (in my case, a police officer). Laws in Kansas and Missouri (where I carry) are very clear, restrictive, and strict on the use of deadly force to defend one’s life and property. Not all states recognize other states CCLs either. So the common misconception that the alleged availability of firearms in America, and the ease of acquiring a firearm legally (and I stress legally by law abiding citizens) is the cause for violence, is a pure false narrative, and is incorrect. So, Burton, its a hassle (perhaps somewhat necessary, I will concede) to lawfully purchase a firearm in America. Also, the current popular globalist push to adopt, and/or impose the EU (and U.N.) type initiatives on gun grabbing (plus atheism and socialism), is also not realistic in America. I for one will do whatever I can, legally, to continue to exercise my 2nd amendment rights.
@Antonio Interesting post there, thanks. The fact remains that there are 101 guns per 100 people in the USA, meaning there are more guns than there are people. The problem is that often times, like most mass murder sprees, the criminal is often unrecognized until after they commit the crime, when it’s vastly too late. Unless there are psychologists or other professionals at all the gun stores actively interviewing and monitoring individuals that purchase guns, background checks and waiting periods are futile and that’s blatantly apparent (cue any of the dozens of mass murder sprees of the last while). Furthermore, purchasing a gun and actually acquiring a gun through other means are two separate ideas. Law abiding citizens will go through the legal process and like yourself, will have regard and poise with the weapon they have. That doesn’t mean that Timmy who knows his dad has 4 weapons upstairs will be rational when he gets his hands on a weapon. As soon as a gun enters the public circulation, it’s anyone’s best guess where it could end up. We all like to hope that they are managed carefully and most times they are but many times they are not (i.e. of the 49 months since January 2014, only six have passed without at least one instance of gun violence in a US school). The facts don’t lie and the facts say that the USA has a gun violence problem. There are many Americans that want to chalk this violence up to “shitty people” but they are forgetting that there are shitty people everywhere, not just the USA. What those Americans are saying is that it’s the people and not the guns. Yes and no. If there are shitty people everywhere and the USA is the only country that has a problem, what gives? I’m sure we both know the answer to that. As for the amendment, that’s where the wheels fall off. In order to actively restrict guns, the amendment would literally have to be rewritten and that’s where the fabric of the USA would be torn apart. As I see it, this gun problem that our southern neighbours have is not going anywhere. I wish you and everyone else Godspeed.
it correlates with the proportion of blacks almost exactly. UK had guns and no murders before banning them and switzerland still does. Countries murders are commited by blacks and they have a higher percentage of blacks than any other rich country
Yes, brother.
You CAN be a gentleman and a scholar and a warrior and a believer in Christ, as was Brother Mel’s depiction of William Wallace. You CAN be a pleasant, ‘nice’, polite man…while being prepared to murder everyone you meet.
in essence WE SHOULD BE EQUATING REAL MEN with nobility in character and conscience and action, but mindful to not waste it on the undeserving who know no humility or decency or nobility themselves.
well that will make all the snowflakes pretty mad then. all manner of smear on anyone who expresses that shade of mindset will be villified….and mocked and CRIMINALIZED.
Boy Scout law, back in the PRE Politically correct and infested by feminists and gay men in the ranks, was “A Scout is trustworthy loyal helpful friendly courteous kind cheerful obedient thrifty brave clean and reverent.” None of this was predicated or prefaced to a NONRECIPROCAL UNCIVILISED SELF INDULGENT AND SELF CENTERED SOCIETY, that exists now.
Notice there is no supplicating, submissiveness, cheating, prevaricating, groveling, cuck0lding, self deprecation, meaningless self sacrifice, submission to tyranny, or wh0reshipping of women just because vagina anywhere in all that law.
You know why society is the way it is? FEMINISM AND GYNOCENTRISM destroyed the best guides and groups that REINFORCED MEN BEING GOOD MEN!
I remember being in Boy Scouts fondly. I made Eagle at the age of 16 and have many positive experiences. Now, they want kids who are gay to flaunt their gayness and they’re about to begin really recruiting girls to join. Needless to say I’m not too sure my boy will be joining in ten years.
Jared, has some points above. Why does it seem that dudes around this website here are ready and willing to eat our own young? That’s retarded. Alpha doesn’t equate to superior. In fact, A-type personalities tend to be self-serving assholes who I don’t have the temperament to tolerate. I’m no ones doormat. I consider myself a C DISC. Helpful, conscientious, contemplative, and someone not to lightly antagonize. Ever.
1. They need to boost their T levels.
Well, stop drinking or cooking from plastic anything. Check your diet, amend your deal. A healthy lifestyle is a damn fine start.
2. They need some tough love.
Or need to be screwed over to get the point made- hard. At work, in a relationship, whatever.
3. They need need something to grasp on to i.e. neo masculinity
Examples by which they can emulate is essential. There’s nothing new under the Sun. Plagiarize like nobody’s business. And then they fake it until they make it.
4. They need to be welcomed by real men once they’ve made changes for the better.
This is a good one. But definitely in a social setting(s). But..,
But I will not subscribe to any mold- cultural or otherwise. I shall not be defined what man is and is not by anyone’s subjective narrative or yardstick. That is what makes us men, no?
What was the name of that site that provides game material in quick little blog posts. I remember reading about ‘text game.’ Ways of teasing etc. Push and pull. Ideas on ‘stories’ to tell. One of them was a complex story where you asked a woman to close her eyes, then guided her on a journey through a countryside town and you were supposed to ask her questions about her experience. And it could tell you about her morals and worldview as a person.
That site definitely had a link to ROK, which is how I found this site. Maybe someone Roosh used to be associated with.
Young boys are taught and rewarded for seeking the approval of women: first, their mothers and, then later their teachers.
Of course, women are sexually repelled towards men who seek, rather than demand their approval. Approval seeking is evidence of low value.
And most of the best of our young generations are incubated in this awkward approval seeking audience that leads young men down a harmful path.
Get your boys exposure to high value men, such as fathers, coaches, tudors, or teachers, because our education environment is failing our boys.
real nice guys are nice, self proclaimed nice guy are egotistic narcissist douchebags who believe they deserve something from the world (pussy) for playing it nice. Then got mad when there was not gold in the end of the rainbow. Felt betrayed and release their frustration blaming the thots instead of seeing that the problem are themselves.
I feel bad for “nice guys” because they truly don’t understand why they fail with women so badly. You can even try to give them a taste of the red pill but they never bite. These guys will go through their 20’s absolutely miserable when it comes to women. Some don’t figure out what is wrong until they do it by accident or they hit their 30’s and that cute 20 something who friend zoned him 10 years ago pops up on social media with ulterior motives.
The guys who figure it out by accident are the ones that become assholes. Not total asshole but just ZFG asshole. They have failed with women so many times they just sort of stop caring and maybe even be brusk to women out of all the rejection. I love seeing these nice guys convert because they will start screwing chicks and not even care about their old ways. It’s like watching them plan a hate fuck each and every time.
The guys who never make the conversion though are just sad. They make decent friends as a man. You can count on them for just about anything and they will be there. Need a place to crash for the month between leases? Boom Bob with right there with his spare room. Sick and can’t get to the store? Boom Joe will take off half a day to help you out. You genuinely appreciate a man like that who will just help you out no questions asked. The only problem is they will do the same for women and the reverse happens with them
So don’t hate the nice guy. Just feel sad for them.
Jeff, astute post. I became a ZFG-type asshole. And then I took it further, being as hostile as I can to women, within social and legal limits, especially if I don’t care for their personalities. It works, especially on the extroverted ones.
An example: A few years ago, I was looking for a new place to live. One of the landlords was a cute loudmouth from Boston, so I ran asshole game. Ended up not renting the place, but I did bang her in it.
It’s been twenty years since the ladder. Thank you for articulating something that needed to be said.
Don’t marry single moms . The rest can be practiced and eventually the nice guy becomes either red or black pilled
Hammered, Absolutely correct. Most guys from childhood are conditioned not to be too Alpha, to always tell the truth and be nice like domesticated animals. You grow up and realise you don’t need to take shit from some weak bitch, who tries to walk all over you.
As long as they take he red pill they will be fine.
nobody marries single moms anymore that is ancient history nobody does that any more.
We bash “nice guys” out of contempt. The contempt everyone feels for the unaware, never-learning fool.
I think we hate it when nice guys kiss a woman’s ass or marry a post wall slut. All problems with women would end if those nice guys cut that shit out
We dislike the “nice guys” because they remind us of one time in our lives where we were easily manipulated. If I look back on the way I acted with the first girl I dated I shudder.
I get a swell of anger when I see them being played, I want to slap them sideways and shout in their ear how much they’re getting fucked, or fucking themselves. I don’t, of course, I just turn away and get out of their aura in case it rubs off on me.
” used to be such a sweet, sweet thing
‘Til they got a hold of me.
I opened doors for little old ladies,
I helped the blind to see….”
“I tried to explain to an upper middle class girl what being a nice guy meant, with all the pain and chronic frustration associated, and the only thing she did was send me a feminist-made comic strip that consisted entirely of labelling nice guys as egotists, sexists, creepy, homophobic, and whatever leftist slur you can think of.”
I know right? And women are supposed to be the empathetic gender. They think decent sex is readily available to them because dick is as available as delivery pizza and if you cant get pussy then something is wrong with you.
Explaining is poor frame.
Makes you look bad to a woman, and she won’t listen anyway.
“Nothing but the almightiness of mom, the media, the educators, and hope that college and hard work will pay. This is how otherwise healthy and pro-social young fellows end up in debt and late virgins.”
I already had that ice cold shower years ago, but showers need to be taken daily.
“Yet, as weak as it was, the nice guy condition should never be attacked as morally evil. If you were a nice guy once and keep bashing what you were as unethical, you will always carry a secret guilt, no matter how successful you became at bedding sluts. The mere tainted remembrance will make you ashamed. This is undeserved and unfair. It was not your fault, not your choice, and you did everything to be good and equilibrated according to what you knew then.”
Well said.
Yes. There’s no need to feel guilt for past ignorance, so long as you learned from your mistakes.
Who are the nice guys?
The nice guys are US, pre-Red Pill.
quite a few of us to include myself can trace our lives back to being a nice guy. There’s 3 types from my viewpoint:
– SJW/Cucks
– Soy boys
– The ones still playing by what Rollo calls the old set of rules.
The SJW/Cucks are the ones that deserve to burn in the 9th circle of hell for being the ones that sold manhood down the river and put women on a pedestal their hypergamous nature didn’t deserve and attempts to keep it up there.
Soy boys i don’t know what their issues are, but hey society and progress needs its grinders that work thanklessly for the betterment of society.
The ones still playing by ‘the old set of rules’ the rules espoused as being ‘traditional’ or chivalrous are the ones I feel sorry for, I fell into this group….badly. Some may exhibit bonafide alpha traits, but still live life through a blue pill lens. Like Heath Ledger’s joker said though, all you need is a little push. Show them the videos, the articles, the books if you can, or sleep with their women and force the truth onto them. These are the guys that can build or break society and need more of that are redpilled.
Great read André.
We need to Red Pill these fuckers,if that doesn’t work well there just a lost cause
We do Roy, but we’ve been making fun of them and trying to bang their girlfriends while bragging about it to their faces for a long time, it is going to be hard.
Best comment section in ROKs recent history guys. 👍
Bashing nice guys as betas that need to have their GFs taken by “alphas” is what the ‘game’ would has been about for 15 years….a sudden change of heart?
There are no nice guys. Just liars.
Nah David.
Some of us are plenty nice.
Especially after banging a hot 20-something.
Even more so after 2 pops.
I’m still plenty nice. Just as nice as I was at 19.
Just been banging hookers since I was 20. Whenever I feel the need…for the last 32 years…
The Nice Guy is basically a Tabla Rasa. He needs the Red-Pill; he wants it, he craves it. He may not know it.
The trouble is that he’s usually been subjected to Feminist propaganda and cultural Marxism and needs to be deprogrammed. This is not easy or quick; it doesn’t happen overnight, and it’s hard work not only for him but for a mentor.
Not many Red Pill Men have the skill or patience or inner strength to mentor him.
A lot of times he has to discover the Red Pill on his own.
I have been mentored by good Men who were Red Pilled before the term was invented: my father, my master during my apprenticeship, and my weightlifting buddy. I didn’t appreciate them as much then as I do now.
I get what you’re saying, but just to play devil’s advocate…
Why should we bother? Are they not so thirsty for female approval that they are beyond therapy or “conversion”? Is the reason why they never resisted the blue pill BS because it wasn’t in their DNA or “man code”?
The modern male archetype you speak off — his blank slate (tabula rasa) was already overwritten by garbage because he lacked the inherent ability to screen it out. Too dumb, too weak, not assertive or righteously hostile enough, took the easy way out and conformed — whatever the reasons, he’s not like you and probably never was. I’m “scorched earth” on these guys — fuck ’em. They’re lucky we live in a world of laws or more of them would end up dead in the Darwinian race.
Like I wrote, not many have the patience or skill to mentor.
We can leave it like it is, or better than how we found it.
I guess it’s up to individual choices.
I’m doing up an article on the topic of the nice guy but in summary it is like this. Sluts are girls that make their bodies easy for men to access. Nice guys are men who make their feelings available for women to access. In short Nice Guys are the male version of a slut.
If you doubt this just bear in mind that men get most upset when their women have physical affairs but women really get cut up when their boyfriends have emotional affairs.
Conclusion women feel threatened by nice guys because they are worried that those men will then go share their feelings with someone else.
Today’s $luts are women that make their bodies easy for men well above their own sexual market value or either she is extracting something of value from a man much like a prostitute.
You’re correct some ‘nice guys’ are emotional Whowah’s but a lot are just genuinely good people perhaps misguided by (((feminism))) (((indoctrination))) etc that weren’t blessed with great looks, inherited bank accounts and find using asshole charisma morally bankrupt.
The truth is, nice guy bashing was never done as a “wake up man!” strategy. It was, and is, a way to feel good by ripping on someone who is clueless. ‘Game’ types simply get a kick out of it. Plain and simple. The truth is often ugly.
Being a nice guy to a point is ok but it won’t get you much in return (sex). I will be nice when its warranted and not expect anything in return…If I want something I will go out and get it. Even then, there isn’t much available these days even if you want it hard enough. There are just too many men (competition) and too many feminists (degradation).
Whites are constantly doing things to improve themselves to appease the opposite sex…Whether it be going to the gym, boxing club, tats, and getting $100 haircuts, etc…Because the T-LEVELS and SWEAT GLANDS are larger in blacks, Hispanics, and Middle Eastern men, white women pick up on it like a mouse looking for cheese. You can take any ugly black guy out of a crowd and he will have all kinds of female contacts but if you take an ugly white guy out of a crowd, he has nothing.
There is a grey area you must meet between asshole and nice guy. In the real world, you won’t make it being an asshole or a nice guy.
Good points Crom’s Son. The pickens are slim because we are not, as a country, reproducing. Had the previous generation reproduced accordingly, this would not be the case. And as the purpose of ‘game’ is to have as many underproductive sexual encounters as possible, the next generation of ‘gamers’ will have even fewer options.
Girls would LOVE that George Clooney act nice towards them. same with a hot guy being nice.. it comfort them. You can be nice if you have value, otherwise, being nice, as well as acting like a dick, won’t get you pussy.
the general idea behind this “nice guy” material is to project an image of high value guy, since high value dudes don’t give a shit about women’s validation.. in the long run it’s exhausting to play a role several days/nights in the week. it’s almost schizophrenia..
we can’t ask guys to give priority 864 to women in their lives (behind career, family, acheivements, sport..) and yet tell them to change their core values according to the desire of some bitches. if you’re generally agreeable, stick with it. there’s enough asshole in the world.
Nothing wrong with being a nice guy, just understand that you won’t get sex from westernized women that way. Consider that a blessing, since sex in USA can lead to false take charges or, even worse, marriage and children followed by divorce raping, alimony, child support, use of children as hostages. Stay single and use a flashlight for relief. Nice guys can do very well in the modern business world. Then when older, take your money to a place like SEA or Ukraine and have no problems getting access to young women to make up for those years of deprivation.
Guy in top photo has classic lean but muscular male physique, btw. Hardly low-T “fast food” body like in the cartoon.
fucking spell corrector. Fleshlight, not flashlight. And false rape, not false take.
Used to be a nice guy. Now I know better, can’t see women for anything else than treacherous whores. Some might say it’s a bit extreme but can’t change that thought patteen now. I am too broken mentally and physically to save myself. Can’t even see a positive future for myself, only think about how I can put an end to it.
Point I’m trying to make, some guys are just fucked and beyond saving, that’s the hard truth that even people here have a hard time to accept. All of you who proved themselves capable to strive for the divine, you guys better take care of the root of the problem (and you know what I’m talking about) or else even the capable among you will fall.
“female “friends” who pretend their hearts are bleeding for rapefugees turn into cold, despising monsters, when you try to tell them about what the average mom-raised millennial goes through.”
Is the writer actually claiming that a healthy upper middle class man in a relatively safe, peaceful first world country should receive as much sympathy as people who have had to flee war zones?? Is he aware that many people coming to western countries as refugees have lost their jobs, had their homes blown up and their families killed by ISIS? Is he aware of the things these people would have gone through in their life?
Does he genuinely think these peoples lives are in anyway comparable to the life of a well off man in a first world country who’s main problem is that he can’t get laid?!