Is Kanye West Saving American Conservatism?

Via Breitbart:

Rap megastar Kanye West released a new song on Saturday sending what could be considered one of the boldest political statement’s in rap history — questioning black Americans’ near-monolithic support of the Democratic Party.

The fiery track, “Ye vs the People,” sees the Chicago crooner in a back-in-forth lyrical debate about the merits of thinking freely and the political and economic state of black Americans, as well as addressing the fallout from West’s seeming embrace of President Donald Trump, with actor-rapper T.I.

“Bruh, I never ever stopped fightin’ for the people. Actually wearin’ the hat’ll show people that we equal,” West says of posting a picture online this week of him wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat — a hat which the rapper says “stayed in my closet like ’bout a year and a half.”

“Then one day I was like, ‘Fuck it, I’ma do me, I was in the sunken place and then I found the new me,” West says to a defensive T.I. “Not worried about some image that I gotta keep up. Lot of people agree with me, but they too scared to speak up.”

“See that’s the problem with this damn nation. All blacks gotta be Democrats, man, we ain’t made it off the plantation,” West argues.

T.I.’s verses confront West’s willingness to align himself with President Trump, questioning is West’s “selfish agenda” will “stop police from murderin’ niggas.”

“This shit is stubborn, selfish, bullheaded, even for you. You wore a dusty ass hat to represent the same views as white supremacy, man, we expect better from you,” says T.I., who last year called President Trump a “poster child for white supremacy.”

“Have you considered all the damage and the people you hurt?” T.I.’s rhyme continues. “You had a bad idea, and you’re makin’ it worse. This shit’s just as bad as Catholic preachers rapin’ in church.”

“Ye vs the People” comes after Kanye West’s wild week in which he received criticism for calling President Trump his brother.

The fashion mogul is reportedly gearing up to launch an initiative to help revitalize the lives of hundreds of thousands of Chicago, Illinois, residents.

Read the entire article

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87 thoughts on “Is Kanye West Saving American Conservatism?”

  1. No, this is just another black taking advantage of a desperate group of libertarians desperately looking for token blacks to make them look un-racist. If I was a black person I would totally try to get fame and money by calling myself a libertarian or a pro-Trumper. Kanye West is stupid as F, and this whole fiasco is embarrassing as F. This country is done for.

    1. you are wrong Kanye is already and he is not trying to be rich, a libtard or get fame because he has it already.
      He is just questioning the blind support of dp from black people.It is not normal and many black people ARE now questioning the support as well as its not normal but their voices are constantly ignored.

      1. Oh, and rich people have never done anything to get richer. The way Republicans are worshiping him is still pathetic as fuck. I glad the dude wants to help blacks in Chicago, all the power to him, but OMG another token black on the republicans side, “the liberals are the real racist” REEEEEEE.

      2. “dp”. Is that “double penetration”?
        I don’t know. I am from the other side of the earth away from America.

    2. Wes the Great
      I can see your agony and misery lol
      you just hate when a black person joins the other side. because you like your blacks domesticated like pets. anyone of them become woke BAAAAM he is evil blah blah blah.
      Thats why you are the REAL racists….you liberals cry babies hahahahaha
      I dont even like the guy but its funny to see your pathetic reactions…..

      1. No, I don’t hate it, I just don’t think someone married to a massive attention whore and slut, and who up until the last couple of days was considered a moron, is anything special. Kanye is a fucking idiot dude, have you read some of the shit he says? Nothing special about this shit, and for Republicans to obsess over it as much as they have is just pathetic.

        1. First, get your facts straight. Republicans aren’t obsessing over his statements, the Left is. If anything he’s only getting attention from the right, because it’s hilarious to watch how they are flipping out over their own village idiot suddenly becoming “woke”!

        2. Let’s simplify this. Kanye may have enough clout in the black community to get millions to vote Trump. That alone may be enough to get Trump re-elected if everything else goes moderately well for Trump. Trump will almost surely be better than the Democrat option.
          If Trump supports a convention of States, we might also save the federal government without the eventual default. If nothing else, the decline is slowed again. If Kanye stays on the Trump trains and starts supporting conservative causes, he could bring millions more people to support other causes.
          This could in turn make life better for the average man, in the US, in general.
          So if you support Trump, then get fucking excited that a famous black man is sticking his neck out to do the same. It’s useful, you idiot. Don’t we want to see whole blocks of voters stop supporting dumb, destructive causes?

      2. Its not obsession its a FACT that you love your blacks as pets ! hypocrite much ?
        you just love the idea that republicans are racists… just dont accept that there are other races at the same party lol…
        I know its hard for you to absorb that my fellow snowflake.

        1. Oh shut up dumbass. Pets? Why the fuck would I want a black as a pet? LOL, The most racist people in this country are blacks….have look you looked up data on the black community? “you just don’t accept that there are other races at the same party lol” LOL, ok, I guarantee you that Kanye is doing this for popularity and blacks will never vote against the welfare state, against affirmative action, etc. If Kanye is the best you got than that is fucking pathetic. Sorry bro, but Kanye is mental.

        2. If you actually read my first comment you will find out that I really dont give a shit about him but rather enjoying your mental breakdown lol
          anyway nice coping…….hahahahaha liberals.

        3. You never heard of Latinos, Blacks, Asians, Indians…etc as conservatives ? hmmmmm I wonder where you get your news from !!! lol

        4. WTF are you talking about? Asians vote 95% leftist, Latinos are 70% leftist, Muslims vote about 95% leftist, blacks vote about 90% leftist….I mean, come on, those numbers are typically numbers you see in one party countries. Sure there are some conservative blacks, but give me a break. Kanye is a nutcase BTW.

        5. I never mentioned the percentages of voters. you seem to shift away the convo ! lol typical liberal. can’t handle someone have different perspective.
          Anyway i suggest you should take a nap….darling.

        6. Blacks, latinos, and feather Indians can be quite conservative. Whites are the only self-sacrificing liberals. Non-Whites self-serving liberalism reminds me of Patrice O’Neal basically saying blacks shouldn’t be typecasted, yet Arabs are likely terrorists. Most non-Whites seem keen on my racial views/jokes about groups they don’t belong to. Such tribalism is natural & admirable.

    3. Disagree. He’s successfully started the debate over whether being black means you have to vote democrat or not. This shouldn’t be underestimated.

      1. Bro, Blacks are not going to turn into libertarians, they are not going to vote against the welfare state, and they are not going to vote in mass to support Republicans….maybe some of them will and that’s great, but for Kanye to be the shinning example of a conservative black is fucking pathetic….but whatever, let the clown show go on.

        1. I think you’re blind to the fact that blacks in America have heard the news: lowest levels of black unemployment. And that’s only 1 year in. I also think you’re blind to the fact that a lot of them in the hood don’t ever hear a black voice saying anything other than, “Democrats are good, republicans are racist. White people all hate us. You’ll never make it.” And Kayne is shouting bullshit quite loudly. This does make an impact, you’re just not seeing it from a perspective other than yours.

        2. Bro, they are just getting on a bandwagon….they are never going to vote against welfare, they are never going to vote against affirmative action…you do realize that we still have welfare going on right now? I guarantee you that if you cut medicaid and other forms of welfare the blacks would shit themselves. Kanye is a mental nutcase. HE is probably trying to run for president, which would be the most horrible thing to ever happen. I also doubt he is in any way a conservative person.

        3. more than half of blacks are not on welfare. while at it will republican cut all welfare if they get all black votes? will they completely remove affirmative action? will they close all borders? the answer is no. The black people need to know that conservatives are not your enemy as it is the single biggest lie that DP feeds them for the votes not welfare again black people even those with relatives that are wealthy and are wealthy themselves born in a second generation millionaire family still vote DP and that can be changed with dialog not black bashing and racist remarks. people like Kanye are seeing it and many other that DP has nothing to offer except saying the other guy hates u so vote for us.

        4. @ Wes, I totally agree with your thinking; looking at history to predict the future. It’s solid. But you’re not getting it, Trump isn’t “same old” and minorities are waking up to this. He’s helping every American, young and old, and that’s starkly different from the previous presidents (JFK’s still the man, though).
          I really think you’re underestimating the situation. Black people like to think short term, they’re not great long term planners, so if you show them immediate results, and enough of them, well, I think you’re going to see a seachange. They’re dumb, but they’re not THAT dumb.

        5. Minorities are not waking up to shit bro, and all they will do is what is in their best interest over that of white boi. They will want more colored people in this country, they will continue to breed like rabbits, they will continue to try to fuck white pussy (consensually or not), they will continue to kill at higher levels than the rest of the nation, they will continue to vote massively for the left, they will continue to fail academically and will always require affirmative action, they will always want more representation in this country, they will continue to revise history to make themselves feel better. Just because Kanye, who is dumb as fuck and who is totally not Conservative, jumped on the popular bandwagon doesn’t mean blacks, or minorities in general, are changing for shit. Even rich ass Asians vote 95% Leftist and soon they will be an even bigger minority than blacks.
          Sure, some blacks might join the Republicans if it means that the Republicans do a 180 on policy and hand them more money and other goodies, but that is about it. Do you realize how conservative many African nations are, and look at them. Have you ever heard of that place called the Rainbow nation, ya, that South African wonderland where race issues were solved and everything was suppose to be all hunky-dory.
          Once minorities get a larger share of the population than the racism will turn into overdrive. You do realize that one of the only ways to clean Chicago up is by closing the borders, implementing a nationalistic economic policy, somehow educating all the blacks, and then throw about a quarter of them in jail….it ain’t going to happen as long as white people continue to worship minorities and “vibrant diversity”. All that is happening now is that Republicans are getting distracted and arevgoing into appease minority mode, WHICH IS THE LAST THING we need right now, all this is going to do is end up fucking Republicans over even more, just watch, I am sure Republicans will be nothing but minority worshiping morons from this point on.

        6. Republicans are just trying to beat the liberals at their own game, just like when they tried pulling the woman card with that idiot Sarah Palin.

      2. Allegedly there is now a hit out for Kanye West by the the Crips or Bloods or whatever. Not sure if it’s real or just posturing, but if it’s real, he must be protected and embraced by the Alt-Right. However, he does need to take nude photos of all the Jenners/Kardashians for us to see.

        1. He’s supposed to be a good little mind control slave. Kardashians tow the line, Kanye flew over the cuckoos nest and had to be “reprogrammed” against his will. If he dies mysteriously, I’d look at the coven surrounding him and not a bunch of street thugs….

    4. Wes catching it for telling the truth. Most white people are so terrified of being called a racist that they go to the most humiliating ridiculous lengths to “prove” that they aren’t. Why anybody would take Kanye West seriously on any level is way beyond me.

  2. He probably doesnt give a fuck and is just exploring a new form of being told “no” so he can chimp out

    1. Or how about he’s spilling the beans, naming names, to Trump in exchange for protection from the Gay Hip Hop Mafia?
      Jay Z’s a fag. Puff Daddy’s a fag. Lil Wayne’s a fag. Dre’s a fag. Usher’s a fag. Uh… there are a bunch of other big name hip-hop fags but I’m drawing a blank right now.

  3. At least Kanye is not those nefarious BLM and Antifa supporters who would throw ethnic men like Jian Ghomeshi and Bill Cosby under the bus because of a white Starbucks liberal femicunt.

  4. Lol he definitely isn’t. He is just doing another marketing campaign for his new album, just like with the confederate flag a few years ago that flopped spectacularly. I support him this time though. Blacks will never vote Republican. Not enough gibs and too many woke whites make them fearful.

  5. You know American conservatives are desperate when Kanye West, a literal cuck, is their new idol.

  6. I doubt its for publicity. When voicing your support for a conservative or “alt-right” figures as they call them now, it’s typically suicide for your career.

    1. Bingo. As much as I love to hate the guy and his music, I like how he’s hell-bent on expressing himself. Like, his clothing line. Wow. Worst shit ever created, and he got his fat wife to wear a full nude suit. This is brilliant entertainment. And the recent MAGA hat wearing. Made my day. And these gifts Kayne keeps giving us would never be possible if he wasn’t trying to be himself.
      So, you’re spot on, this latest fiasco is not about publicity, or money, it’s about expressing his dragon energy.

      1. lol, oh dude…
        asada you nailed it on the head. I, too, am enjoying the show, just like he Charlie Sheen Tiger Blood Comedy Routine and the Tiger Woods debacle before that.

    2. If you’re a white male, yes. If you’re not, then no. Political correctness only applies to white hetero males. It’s part of reparations. How many nonwhites have ever been ‘doxxed?’ Exactly

      1. Eh, not exactly true. Look at how they treated Ben Carson, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, Kanye West, Sheriff Clark Thomas etc.
        If they’re not on the same page as the libs, they’re called Uncle Toms

        1. Which one of them lost their jobs? Which one of them are harassed every time they go out in public? Which ones have been disowned by their friends and families? Sorry, EXACTLY true. White men face a hell that nobody else faces.

  7. There have always been Africa-Americans who supported the Republicans instead of the Democrats. Most of them way more educated than K.West.
    Let’s not make this into a race-baiting article.
    Move along folks, there is nothing to see here.

    1. Only queer homosexuals use gay and faggy terms like “Africa-Americans”.
      Lurk for two years before commenting, turd burglar.

      1. HECTOR
        Specifically black Americans are West Africans with some British and French blood. A surprising amount, actually.
        Whoopi Goldberg was something like 25% British and she looks as African as fuck to me.

        1. Whoopi Goldberg is ugly as shit.
          That’s all I have to say about that.

  8. Trump is controlled by Jews. Otherwise he wouldn’t let his daughter marry Kushner and convert to Judaism.
    Kanye West is also controlled by Jews likewise the entire mainstream music industry.
    Kanye does what his Jewish promoters tell him to do. His fake support for conservatives is nothing but another attempt to gain attention for Kardashian’s transgender empire to remain profitable and keep influencing massses in terms of promiscuity, race-mixing, and overall degeneracy and sodomy.

  9. when you realize all politicians are garbage, democrats & republicans are basicly the same shet…. youre in the right path

  10. Whole thing is orchestrated. After HarveyGate, people should have known the entire entertainment industry is a fraud run by degenerate elites.
    This new stunt by Kanye just seems like another one of his fake meltdowns to go with his diva personality he developed after his second album. After about a week he will be old news just like the Syria bombings. Just more bread and circus for the drama hungry masses.
    You really think it would be the story of the week if Kanye just regurgitated the same leftist talking points as every other celebrity?

    1. …And who gives a shit. I’ve never listened to Kayne West in my life.
      He fucked some Arab slut whose sleazy greaseball Dad was the lawyer who defended a coked-out Negro athlete who killed his wife because she was fucking a Jewish stud waiter.
      I’ve been out of the United States for so many decades that I cannot believe how fucking stupid Americans have become.
      If Kayne West told people to stick their dicks into vices would they do it.

      1. Interesting example you chose, involving dicks. I don’t normally think about penises when I’m talking about Kayne West. Are you trying to tell us something, Gen X-ile? It’s okay, this is a safe space.

        1. No, I was talking about your sexuality. Sure, I was trying to be subtle about it, but I figured you would get it, even with that autistic handicap you’re working through.

      2. The Kardashians are many things, but Arab isn’t one of them.

        1. Actually they are Caucasian, along with Georgians, Chechens and a whole bunch of other tribes. I thought you would be more disciplined than that.

        2. Race is a big deal. We can’t assign people to incorrect categories. Entire wars are started that way. But in this case, it is fair to say that the entire Kardashian clan are race-traitors and deserve nothing but scorn. Their grandmother was blonde, blue-eyed. Her beta patriarch son successfully defended a black racist killer, cursing their entire family (including the Jenners) with African descendants and other weirdness for all time.

      3. She’s Armenian, not an Arab. Not splitting hairs here, just pointing it out. Armenians are Christians; the plus side is they hate Muslims almost as much as Sikhs do…

        1. Their language too. Totally separate. Not at all related. The Greeks even occupied that region for thousand of years until not even a hundred years ago.

  11. NOBODY
    Kayne West was never a ghetto thug. He lived in China and his mother was a college professor.

    1. I didn’t know that. Gee, you sure do know a lot about the guy. Are you a fan?

        1. That’s a bit rude. I don’t consider it idiotic not knowing Kayne’s life story and penis size. We all value different things, like I enjoy researching science articles, and you like researching certain male celebrities. I wouldn’t call you an idiot if you didn’t know about some of the latest science tech, so maybe you should show the same level of courtesy.

  12. I like Kanye, but being married to the ugly fat slut is not the thing conservative would do

    1. Q for Americans?
      Who gives a shit what entertainers do or say? Who is Kayne West? Some guy who sent his demo tape to the right Jew back in the 1990’s and rode an existing trend in Hip Hop?
      Who gives a fuck if the guy supports Minnie Mouse for president or Donald Duck?
      Now many years out of the United States what I cannot understand is why the US public regards some black college dropout as a sage of anything? What? He mailed a demo tape to a label and got lucky 15 or 20 years ago?
      Who gives a shit who African Americans vote for unless it is Oprah Winfrey and she decides to mobilize the Egyptian army to invade her neighbor and start WWIII.
      How many people on this site want anything to do with the average ghetto black?

  13. How many Californians or Jews in the Hollywood machine do you think will regard such a statement with any weight.
    What happened to the days when the television was some meaningless distraction in the corner. Men came home from work and maybe once a year watched the primaries with interest.
    All of this is such shit.
    Some huffing puffing groid who did a typical California Hood Rat thing and impregnated some Armenian slut with a cokehead lawyer father out-of-wedlock said something about the President.
    Who gives a shit about this?
    When you leave America and lose track of the media you shake your heads with disbelief.

  14. It says something about the United States and their media gullibility that some grunting Hip Hop artist can form political opinions.

    1. I don’t normally think about Kanye West grunting. Seems kinda sexual. I’m seeing a trend in your posts about the guy.

      1. I see something sexual about your posts towards me-a vaguely girlish hysteric.

        1. I don’t doubt that. And that disturbs me. In a homophobic way, if I’m honest.

        2. Disturbs you in a homoSEXUAL way, you mean.
          You’re a reminder of how effeminate UK Indians can be.
          Apart from your homosexuality there is also a childishness to you…I don’t actually believe you are man in your 30’s.

        3. Sorry, dude, I don’t swing that way, not even a little. Try grinder, you’ll find more luck. I’m sure there’s even an Indian grinder if you search for it (though not positive, but no harm you searching).

        1. You know, after you insinuated that I was gay and now we are finding out that you’ve been leaving breadcrumbs to your out-of-the-closet revelation (I said it before, this is a safe space, you don’t have to hide around here), I’m now questioning whether you may be Indian too. I mean, you seem to have a strong fantasy about me being an Indian from the UK… just thinking aloud.

  15. It’s not that Kanye is on “our side” or the “right side” it’s that he’s not subscribing to the BS the left and media pump out. The term white supremacy was never used until Trump got into office. Suddenly anything that involves white men doing well is WS. Good for Kanye.

  16. He’s just another pet ape for (((them))) who has delusions of grandeur while actually being close to bankruptcy (a common fate for entertainers used up by (((them))) ).
    Touchy feely enough for whites, baller enough for blacks, selling race mixing, fashion (gotta get those $300 shoes) on behalf of (((them))).

  17. Wes is right, Kanye either is mentally unstable or is out for financial gain. Will i am even said that the new album is scheduled to launch soon. What Kanye has not yet calculated is the Black Celebs and Athletes calling him out for this Coonery. If it persist, he will not only do his reputation and business irreparable harm, but also his wife. Blacks will do him like OJ and it will be all down hill from there unless Whites and Browns start buying Yeezys and Kim’s bogus diet and make up wares. I hope he wakes up sooner than later.

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