The following review is sponsored by The Divorces Of A Fat Dad Aged 44 1/4.
One of the most bizarre things about dating, relationships, and marriage is that not only is there very little (mainstream) advice on how to succeed at them, the very idea of giving or getting advice is scoffed at. Doctors, lawyers, electricians, and other professions require years of study and training before they can be turned loose on the world, yet when it comes to marriage and children—one of the most important aspects of any man’s life—we’re thrown in the driver’s seat and given no instructions on how the car operates.
To give an example, just before I sat down to write this review, a friend of mine broke the news that his brother’s wife was cheating on him with a black man. The guy and his wife are feminists and hardcore social justice warriors, and he’s soy to the extreme: my friend once suggested he try testosterone replacement therapy, but he refused because he was afraid the hormones might harm his wife somehow. My friend’s brother has resisted any and all advice he got on how to keep his marriage intact, and now he’s paying the price.
The Divorces Of A Fat Dad Aged 44 1/4 by Palma Sailor is an attempt to rectify the lack of actionable advice for married men. While most ROK readers are likely familiar with the gauntlet that is modern marriage, how many of us know someone who has ran it and survived? Sailor’s book is part-memoir and part-self-help guide, aimed at helping men avoid the mistakes he’s made and live their lives to the fullest.
While Sailor’s style won’t be for everyone, his wealth of knowledge and personal experience dealing with a failed marriage make The Divorces Of A Fat Dad Aged 44 1/4 more than worth reading.
It’s Not All Your Fault (Or Hers)
When a marriage or relationship goes wrong, it’s often tempting to blame its failure entirely on the other person. Women are exceptionally prone to doing this—just take a look at any chick magazine or listen to any middle-aged divorcee—but men aren’t immune either. How many men in this corner of the Internet have a sob story about how some heartless slag took their money and children and ran off?
The reality is that relationships are a two-way street. Spengler’s Universal Law of Gender Parity states that “in every corner of the world and in every epoch of history, the men and women of every culture deserve each other.” Flaws and vices in one sex are reflected in the other, because men and women are inseparable and dependent on each other for survival. The reason why modern women are entitled, ball-busting, and slutty is because modern men are weak-willed, wishy-washy, and lack backbone.
Spengler’s Universal Law of Gender Party also applies on the micro level: for example, if you consistently end up with crazy women, the problem might be with you. Palma Sailor takes this idea and runs with it in his book. The Divorces of a Fat Dad Aged 44 1/4 is a collection of journal entries he wrote over the course of six years, when he began the process of separating from his wife and putting his life back together. His journal entries are inter-spaced with commentary on what he was going through at the time:
Looking back on this diary writing it at 50, alcohol has been a constant theme. It’s prompting memories of exactly how much I used to drink in the marriage and early separation. I still regularly drink, but it’s at a much lower level now, and I often leave drinks unfinished because my agenda is the social interaction of the environment. If you are reading this and drinking a lot in your marriage then look in the mirror and ask yourself why?
Unlike most men who might end up in his position, Sailor doesn’t whine, complain, or make excuses. Instead, he critically reflects on his actions and thoughts, castigating himself for making foolish decisions that worsened his problems. For example, he begins the book by criticizing himself for bending to his wife’s whims and going to a party that he didn’t want to attend:
If I had had any frame at all in the marriage I should have just said no to going to the party. Now some 6 years on I have a much easier time with women as I ruthlessly enforce my own boundaries and frame.
Sailor’s writing style won’t be everyone’s cup of tea. His prose is very matter-of-fact, reminiscent of Ernest Hemingway or Charles Bukowski, as he uses understatement and subtlety to draw you into his world. However, most of the book is unedited, which he says was a deliberate editorial decision to preserve the integrity of his writing. Fortunately, his writing is smooth and slick enough that it shouldn’t cause any problems for most readers.
Dusting Yourself Off
The Divorces Of A Fat Dad Aged 44 1/4 has other things to recommend it. Despite the depths to which he falls over the course of the book, Sailor never resorts to bathos or cheap sentiment in an attempt to make you feel sorry for him. Additionally, despite the self-help mission of the book—and Sailor’s constant critical interjections—it never feels like he’s trying to give the reader a lecture. Sailor lets his story breathe and avoids pointless didactism, which reinforces his points and helps the reader learn from his mistakes.
Sailor’s book, while not short, isn’t too long either, and despite the fact that much of it is diary entries, it doesn’t feel like he’s padding the length out or wasting the reader’s time. Every vignette and word—whether its Sailor commenting on his wife’s shit tests or recalling a story about taking his son to the barber—is meaningful and helps propel the story along. Indeed, by the end of the book, I almost wanted to stand up and cheer.
Ultimately, The Divorces Of A Fat Dad Aged 44 1/4 is a book that is both entertaining and useful. As a first-hand account of a man’s descent into divorce hell and his subsequent escape, it’s an enthralling and poignant read. As a practical advice manual, it’s worth reading for any married—or soon-to-be-married—man who wants to avoid his life going up in flames. As an account of what marriage is like in the modern day, The Divorces Of A Fat Dad 44 1/4 is a must-read. Click here to view the book on Amazon.
Modern day marriage is a scam. Women will ride the carousel and get heir heart broken by chads and Tyrones. By the time she is ready to settle down she is no longer a woman worth marrying. Her body count will be super high but she will tell you that it is 1-5. She has also gave all of her sexual energy to those Tyrones and chads so by the time she is ready to marry you she will only want duty sex. Anal is off the table and don’t you dare ask for a blowjob. However Chad and Tyron could do anal and any other position that they wanted too including getting their ass licked. (I know a few girls who actually did this to a few guys). A married man will take his wife on exotic vacations, pay a 1500+ mortgage, expensive daycares, expensive cars , and everything else but when he ask for a bj from his wife he can’t even get that. But chad Thundercock and Tyrone the 12 incher could get your wife’s sexual best without even having to spend a dime. Marriage is an investment where you get nothing in return.
So true, but truth be told, anything over 0 is too much if you are considering a successful marriage.
He he “successful marriage”
Rule no1: Don,t marry!
Rule no2: If you are a married fool (like me) always live under the Jeff Cooper Color Rules:
Minimum is condition yellow :).
A family is like a wolve-pack. The alpha is permanent tested if he is still able to be an alpha.
Da fuq?
Not really. It keeps you fresh and alert in old age.
For a son dishonors his father,
a daughter rises up against her mother,
a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—
** a man’s enemies are the members of his own household.**
What’s sillier is when a Chad or Tyrone decide to buck their useful trend, and settle down themselves ignoring their years of cock-usefulness. They think, welp, here’s one I can tame as the game is gettin old. And, in 50%+ of cases, they take that jackass to the cleaners too. Vicious, vicious cycle these hoes perpetrate. One of the best pieces Roosh ever wrote, most eye-opening to the knowledgeably challenged, was the True Nature of Women.
In Roosh’s article, he equates women to water. Hot water is steam but can cool to the original liquid state. All water is molecularly the same worldwide.
This brings the question of ‘corruption’ of women into another state, like from solid to gaseous. Can they flip plop and ‘cool’ back to their original state? You certainly can’t just erase non-virginity. You can’t just ‘imagine’ away that your bitch no longer suffers from DIRTY USED and BUG INFESTED PUSSY because dirty is dirty for good . . But her aura and personna can still transmorph to a better state like ‘liquid to solid’ that is dependent on her environment. Apparently women are mirrors of their environment and mimic the herd behaviour in their midst whatever the current herd behaviour be.
SO to transplant a genetically choice breeder woman to an environment where the herd is coralled and subjugated – – meaning not a feral wild shebeast crowing or disrupting the daily shuttle of the majority hardworking herd(ed) ‹‹or better yet SHEPHERDED›› shebeasts under dominion of their patriarch masters – – I’m talking HARD ASS working breeder and tit feeder tribe shebeasts.
The solution really has to lie in ENVIRONMENT. Red pill brahs who control their breeder women properly need to POOL their fortifications and live in close proximity so the ‘herd’ socio community dynamic of the affiliated breeder and tit feeder shebeasts under dominion of said collaberative patriarchs will form a ‘herdosphere’ for the subjugated shebeasts that exists WITHIN the encompassing monosphere. This is lock solid and TIGHT ASS community we’re talking here.
Once cells of MANOSPHERIANS geographically plant, reside and control their nucleii of herdosphere (herd of breeder females) on location {{okay ‘families’ might be a better term}} – – then the growth boom is on. Growth is POWER reclaimed and the western DNA trumps the slave population boom being cultivated with super grow by the globalists. Western patriarchy is ON FIRE and takes off with multiple vectors of patriarchal tribelines restored. First we have to encircle our women to control them properly. Form communities of red pill patriarchs who domineer over their tribeswomen and put them to the call of squatting out and tit feeding hatchlings by the droves. Our state has been ass raped by the globalists and has in turn stolen our women . . . We have to steal our tribeswomen back from the state.
OMG “We” don’t have any “tribeswomen”.
In Germany over 90% of women voted for immigration friendly parties!
Turn around and let them burn!
@Satcadir: If you put forth a rediculous legislative bill to carpet the entire North Pole with plush pile living room carpet, women would vote for it. Then they would demand the carpet be pulled and the color changed.
Women’s fingers have no business pushing buttons in the ballot box. Their fingers are better suited for peeling vegetables, cube cutting meats and promptly sewing a rip in your pants. And their boobies should be busy busy beee feeding junior tribesmen tit-teeee.
ROK had an article on why women shouldn’t vote:
If ‘voting’ age women don’t know the definition of ‘suffrage’, then how on Earth would they know what they’re voting for?
Fact is, I enjoy burning old hags with sjw background 🙂
I don’t say this often but if this comment is anything to go by you clearly have an extremely disgusting, twisted and confused mindset towards women and life in general.
It is ironic that some men think like this and then get angry that women are not interested in them.
The German men are ALREADY turning around and letting the bitches “burn”, as you say. How can 1,200 rapes take place on the STREETS of a major city, like Cologne, during New Year’s Eve and no one saw it happen?? 🙄 Come on!
The German men saw it happen and walked away. They owe the German women NOTHING. Why should German men go fight gangs of Muslim dudes rallying to rape women on the streets? They just walk away. The women wanted the Immigrants in their country anyway, so let them enjoy the “cultural enrichment” these Muslims brought to Germany! lol
Even here in USA, men are walking away from women getting beat up, robbed, and attacked on street. That is because we do not see the value of our women anymore. We simply do not owe them anything at all. This happened in middle of the day in Pittsburg.
Really…. 20 years ago, how many men would have come to help this woman punched down on street? A few, at least. Now, NONE. They take selfies with knocked out woman, steal her stuff, or simply laugh and walk away.
And the rich spoiled Betas in newsrooms pontificate and scold men for not helping her out. 🙄 She is a junkie, yeah, but back 20 years ago, people would have stepped in to help. Now, no one cares.
Good job, ladies. You pissed off the men here that much now they simply do not care. Enjoy the fruits of Feminism! You earned them! lol…….
I haven’t read your book, but it sounds a lot as if it’s about feelings, and divorce is really about money. I don’t care about losing my ‘love’ or my children. They are all instantly replaceable by an Asian thot for a very small price. I do care about losing my house, my pension, my savings, not to mention 20 years child maintenance, and until you can write a book about saving me those items, I ain’t interested. You can keep your feelings, they have little or no value to me, I want to keep my money, I worked hard for it.
You haven’t read it so you’re speaking from ignorance.
But if you don’t care about losing your children then you’re an arsehole.
Keep your money the book isn’t for you.
With respect to JD and PS, divorce is a fixed lottery, and no amount of maintanence will change her mind when she’s decided to cash out.
A wise man once said, “your children never belong to you. Don’t believe me? If your wife leaves and gets another man, they’ll call him dad eventually”.
Awesome book and perspective, none the less.
Fuck yeah! You’re right.
Apparently my former wife (of 30 years) deciding she wants some black cock is partially my fault. You’ll need to explain that one to me, maybe you think I should have found her a black guy and watched while he stuck it in her.
As far as I can see your book is White Knighting feminist claptrap ‘ we share responsibility’ bullshit.
My part in the divorce, was being foolish enough to marry in the UKuck.
John you are very interesting man
Have you gone totally Black Pilled at this point in your life? I get that your wife was a piece of cheating and lying trash (like most women); I have worked for years in legal field, I sympathize with you 100% in that sense. I have seen, met, and worked with and against this type of woman. She is more common then most men are willing to admit.
I am just not sure if the solution is to simply drown oneself into poon as a “fix”.
Technically, you are trading one vice for another, in some ways. I think there is so much more to life then women and getting laid. Getting laid for me is more satisfying a biological need triggered by testosterone hormones then an addiction.
Or is poon with such a variation of women such a great reward in itself that we shall all forsake everything else to pursue such a thing, P4P or straight-up free from Game? ❓
I abandoned my existing western life (not that there was much left of it) moved to SEA, married a much younger women (who is my property), and fathered more children. I believe a man’s worth is about his wife and children, but the western world no longer allows a man to have such things, except as the slave of a woman. It’s impossible for any man to fight the current gynocentric western laws. Your only choice is to abstain totally from women in the west, or move to a country where the laws are more favorable to men. If that makes me bad/evil/cowardly/weak in your eyes, so be it. I’m too old to participate in a fight I see no chance of winning (or spend any more time in jail trying to see my former children).
I’m enjoying my new life with my new Asian family. I protect and care for my wife, in return she serves me.
John, you are on the right path! Leave and don’t look back!
I remember you mentioned how you basically became a “refugee” of the western family court rape system. I understand this situation very well, as I deal with legal matters all day at work in legal field and PT law school at night x3 a week. Divorce rapes are real hell.
But I am surprised you value children so much, given you spend so much time with P4P women! 😀
Basically, I am looking for a middle ground here. My plan is to have kids with an LTR woman in a non-Community Property State that has no common law marriage laws. That is my game plan right now. I simply REFUSE to participate in a marriage system.
The current fraudulent marriage system HAS to collapse and be reset. There is no way to reform it unless we have a crisis. This is how American legislators work; we need to be 20 minutes before a government shutdown due to lack of funding before our loser lawmakers go vote on a budget, for example. 😡
The thing is I am young enough at 35 to fight this corrupt system. I am going to law school to run a side business suing women for making false accusations against men, to sue them for intentional infliction of emotional distress, and so forth. I plan to do this legal work for men on a contingency fee 9which never ever happens right now, so most men that are abused cannot fight back). But I am doing this knowing that I will probably get no money from these lawsuits, so I will have regular job and run these cases for men on the side. My goal is to help straightening out this legal mess we live in.
I do not look down on you. I am just saying I cannot, as a Christian, get involved with P4P women. I have been seriously tempted to do so before, but I couldn’t. 🙁 Just not who I am, you know. But I do not begrudge you for going the P4P route.
If I was not someone with such religious convictions, I would go P4P too. You get waaaaaaaaaaaay more bang for the buck (pardon the pun) with P4P then with a regular, entitled western woman. I do not need to have used P4P women to know the math and cost-benefit analysis. No doubt about it, if you are not religious, P4P is the way to go!
Children are replaceable ?
You’re a POS . You honor your kids and love through them and love them , they are your blood. You must have he worst genes on the planet
I have 3 children, my 6 year old son is mine, my 20 year old daughter is hers, and the new 8 year old daughter was a gift from a single mom who didn’t want her. Then there’s my 4 former children in the UK that a court says in 100% no longer mine. I’ve found it doesn’t matter to me if I bring up my own children or someone else’s kids, I’m happy to love the ones that live with me, and to hell with those that don’t. I ain’t begging to see kids that are deliberately kept away from me.
I’m guessing you don’t have any children at all.
One has to wonder where you guys live that you can be so deluded about reality. My neighborhood is full of happy couples and families, people seem to take great delight in their children. I smiled yesterday watching a happy dad teaching his child how to ride a bike. Some men want the stability and joys of marriage and family and those who have developed the maturity and interpersonal skills to keep their lives, wives, children and families happy are rewarded with the blessings that come with that. The reality is that the man and the woman both work together to create a happy and prosperous life and family where the children can grow up healthy and happy and into productive adults.
Those who are not interested in marriage are free to not marry, to be promiscuous, to complain about their lives and imaginary Chads, and to waste their lives complaining about women.
I wonder how many of the kids in your ‘happy couples’ are biologically related to the man in the couple you see. There’s probably a 10 year window where you can have happiness with a white wife and your own kids, but most of us have discovered it doesn’t last, and those ten years weren’t worth the cost of your home, you assets, plus 20 years of alimony and child maintenance after she’s left you.
Agree with you 100%.
The guys on here who are constantly complaining about modern life can’t seem to see that most men are doing ok for their individual circumstances, so maybe the problem is their’s and not something to do with the whole of society.
The thing is TJ the only thing you can change is yourself.
You can’t change anything else or anyone else.
You can get what you want in your terms but you have to work at it.
I think that’s the point really.
You can change the government and legal system you live under. There are many different countries in the world, and they aren’t all white gynocracies.
What was mom doing when dad was out teaching his kid to ride a bicycle?
I live in an upper middle class suburb in middle America, 93% white Americans here. Tons of families.
I was happily married 12 years, best thing I ever did with my life getting married at age 23. My now late wife enabled me to make career and educational achievements and progress I could not have done on my own, no doubt about it.
The problem you are missing out on is that the man bears 100% of all the RISKS to get into a marriage. I think that is why you are missing the point there.
No one is wasting their lives complaining about women. Our women in this country are a colossal embarrassment, we all know this. You would have to be a willfully blind not to see this.
It is undeniable that women today cheat and lie to an extent that is unimaginable to most blue-pilled men. And it is funny because the women’s websites all admit this openly.
I have a 10% rule that I believe about 10% of whatever a woman tells me. Because women are overly emotional, their stories, for example, tend to over-dramatize, exaggerate, and stretch the truth very often. I see this on a regular basis at work, in a law office environment.
The guys discussing here are simply sharing their experiences because too many young men go blindly into marriage and kids and then become Serfs of the woman and the State.
Again, I ask you: do you think it is an acceptable risk for you, as a man, to risk yur freedom (from prison), at least 50% of their current assets, income, and wealth + anywhere between 30% to 99.99% of their FUTURE income to a woman??
You are conflating having kids, which may be a very positive in a man’s life with marriage.
Dr. Helen Smith, one of the greatest heroines of the anti-FemiNazi movement explains this very issue here:
You are conflating marriage with children. One can be fully committed to a woman, have kids with the said woman, and even have that woman live with a man, but never marry the said woman. And that is exactly what I am going to do, because I do want to have kids in a couple years tops. There is just no way I am going to put up my wealth, freedom, and future income to a woman’s whims. It is folly.
The issue here is marriage, which is a scam and a way to imprison and enslave men.
Or do you deny the existence of #MeToo, the gross bias against mne in Family Court, or the open discriminatory hiring and university admissions policies against men???
Women know exactly what they are doing banging the Chad Thundercock’s and Tyrones. Their hearts are not broken, because they chose to be whores. What is broken is their souls, deep inside, because every dick they take from random dudes, no matter how hot these guys are, sears and scours her soul, little by little. This is why modern women are terrible wives. They are irretrievably broken and damaged inside. And they want to taker out her decade and a half of bad decisions and hurts on you.
IMHO, I would never marry a woman that has banged a Tyrone or a Carlos. But that is just me. “Open minded” women = low caliber whores. I am almost certain that I once banged a SECRET mudshark before, maybe 2….. but if she is open/proud about mudsharking…. fogetabouit.
Women have a dual-mating strategy, as you point out. They wanna get banged by every Tom, Dick, and Harry in their prime, delay marriage as much as possible, then find a fool Beta to finance their manicures and expensive shopping into their old age.
It is amazing how much pressure guys get from people around them to “man up, grow up, and marry these sluts”. 🙄 In church, because I am known as a quality husband, never divorced, no kids, good income, and in great physical condition, there is always some woman who says “I cannot wait to introduce you to this girl I know [name]. She is amazing, you guys would be great together”.
*sigh* Always the same story. Former carrousel rider now found God (which is great), but just not someone for me. Or a single mom whose daddy is now in prison for selling crack…. or worse, a divorcee woman (with or without kids). The divorcees are the worst, because they know how easy and painless it is for her to divorce rape a man.
Do you have any idea how many church applaud divorcees that stole some other man’s money, kids, and frivolously ruined a family…. now to try to re-marry some guy quickly?? 🙄 So many churches have completely embraced FemiNazi ideology and blended it into Christianity. They teach matriarchal feminism in Christianity, a religion that is patriarchal and masculine! 😡
This is why so many men are sadly leaving the church. This is why all men must opt out of marriage completely. It is Atlas Shrugged on marriage or the system will never reset and return to a more bearable situation.
This sums it all best:
Ps. If you ever consider marriage (GIVEN ALL THE MANOSPHERE HAS TAUGHT YOU 🙄 ), tell your fiancée/woman you agree to marry her under one condition. The condition will be revealed later. 😀 Then one day, make preparations and take your woman for a “moment of truth” event, which will surprise her greatly when you arrive. That is, to answer questions you have prepared for her (and follow-ups) under a polygraph exam (can be privately arranged for a fee). She will be shocked and will try to get out of it because you will see about 90% of whatever she has told you about her past. Her notch count, the types of guys she has banged, about her sex tourism, cheating, ect. It will be confirmed about 90% of what she has told you pre-Polygraph will all be lies.
She will say “why don’t you trust me?” and will throw a fit. The harder she tries, the higher the percentage of her stories will be lies. Trust me, the worst liars will do and say anything she can to get out of taking the Polygraph, I assure you of that.
Just sayin’.
Then be Chad Thundercock…what’s the bloody problem? If a guy acts like a punk ass bitch, he gets treated as such…shocking I know. Crying about being a punk and being outclassed by every other man on earth isn’t going to correct the problem. Every guy has SOMETHING can leverage for his benefit.
why marry an old woman ? above 28 is a no no even that is generous figure
While this book may be an interesting one for men dealing with a divorce, everyone here should begin with the basic idea that Marriage 2.0 is a terrible deal for men and men should avoid marriage at all costs.
I can only think of 3 exceptions to avoiding marriage in today’s Feminist western shithole legal system:
1) You want to take the high risk of importing a foreign woman, and thus need a legally-binding marriage to sponsor her for residency and a visa to enter your country;
2) You have an extremely religious background and the woman you will marry is from that same religion and you live in a region where the said religion dominates the culture (i.e. Pennsylvania Amish or rural Utah Mormons); or
3) The woman you marry is incredibly wealthy or she makes at least x3 more monthly then you do.
Otherwise, DO NOT GET MARRIED, ok? You are only asking for legal trouble, misery, and heartache. Period, end of sentence.
With that said………. The OP article makes some good points, but only to some extent. For example, the OP states that “The reality is that relationships are a two-way street. Spengler’s Universal Law of Gender Parity states that “in every corner of the world and in every epoch of history, the men and women of every culture deserve each other.”
This is only partially true. In America, for example, American men of a certain age are totally responsible for the mess we have today, while other men are PARTIALLY or not at all responsible for allowing 50 years of radical Feminism to grow uninterrupted and unchallenged. Thus, while Baby Boomer males are largely responsible for the mess we have today, their kids cannot bear the same level of blame. But how about the Gen X’ers such as myself, who were kids when 2nd Wave Feminism was already almost fully implemented into society, education, and law? I consider myself fortunate to have been a middle class Gen X’er because in “middle America”, because my generation still managed to enjoy stable dating relationships with feminine, sweet, and quality American women (something Gen X men in the Coasts NEVER experienced at all). I actually managed to marry a Gen X’er at age 23 who was super-high quality girl, (her notch count was 5, having prior lived with her last boyfriend 4 years!).
But when you look at Gen X, my generation could not do anything as children during 2nd Wave feminism, and by the time 3rd Wave had already began when we were barely starting college. We had no power, no money, and no idea how to fight it. Websites such as RoK, Dalrock, and Heartiste did not exist. Gen X’ers are coming to this fight against this enemy after the war is basically won by the FemiNazis.
Another example: In Brazil, for example, the Socialists and the Communists ran the country with an iron fist for 8 and 5 years, respectively. Most men voted against the Marxists and the southern States of Brazil voted overwhelmingly against them. And yet, because George Soros funded groups helped the Marxists use Obummer campaign strategies to increase their support among the poor and minorities, the Marxists won huge. They were ready for this day and implemented sweeping legislative changes making radical feminist into actual law. They packed the courts with feminist judges and re-made the entire educational system into an indoctrination machine. The minorities in southern Brazil, for example, who opposed this vehemently, lost and now have to live in legislated Feminism codified into their Statues.
I am a huge advocate of personal responsibility, but when you are born into a culture where the government systematically oppresses the citizenry and empowers women with legal protections to physically assault men and never be held accountable for filing police reports, it is hard to justify all the blame into the individual. Same for people born and raised oppressed from day-one during the shit-show known as the Soviet Union.
If men were not under constant threat of arrest and decades in prison for even the slight pushback against women in their respective countries, I can almost guarantee you this FemiNazi system would quickly reset. ❗ Women rely on the legal protections and police services created by men to protect the women. Without these male-enforced institutions of male repression, men would have a much “stronger hand”, pardon the pun, in straightening out this shitty messy we have in our on-going Gender Wars.
I also know (and just thinking about this makes me snicker a little), that the Feminist leftist WOMEN holding “refugees welcome” signs in Sweden and Germany will someday realize they are now a voting MINORITY compared to the Muslim hordes they welcomed in and lavished their country’s wealth and future with. By then it will be too late for them to escape what is coming.
Does ANYONE HERE, even for 1 second, believes when they Muslims have a voting majority in Feminist Sweden that they will allow Feminist cunts to yell at men publicly or make false rape threats? 🙄 Bitches will get stoned to death for even JOKING about falsely accuse a man of anything, much less raise their voice at them. That is probably the only silver lining of the demographic and cultural death of countries like Sweden, France, and Germany and rise of Eurabia; the Muslims will end Feminism there forever. These countries will be hell to live in by then, but the feminists that created this mess will be enslaved by their own stupidity. Looking at half-full glass makes me savor the thought for a brief moment, even if watching a country self-destruct is not my idea of a positive thought.
Second, I also disagree that men and women are dependant on each other for survival. Women are dependent on men for survival, but not the other way around. I know 2 men (one who is now 61) who never got married and never had kids of their own and one actually later adopted a young boy around age 10 (he is now 19). He never had a woman in his life, by choice, except for occasional ONS and regular use of P4P girls. He said to me “it is much cheaper then a regular woman and my son is great”.
Despite all the modern conveniences that men invented and created for women, if a natural widespread disaster occurs (i.e. Katrina), who will likely survive alone? A man or a woman? Clearly, men have an advantage when it comes to physical abilities and decision-making capacity. Not only that, in the long-term, men are much better suited to do things on his own and alone, then a woman who seeks emotional support and validation from OTHERS. Even the hardened people of the Soviet Union showed us this reality, when Belarus was invaded by the Nazis in 1943. If you watched the movie “Defiance” with Daniel Craig (based on true story), the women HAD TO seek out men for survival and security. The men were getting by just fine without the women. In fact, the women were basically a burden to feed and defense, if you study the story.
Latte-sipping modern career feminists working ANY JOB, except for combat roles in the military, perhaps, have zero chance of surviving in a world where male-provided police, feminist-enforcing courts, fire protection, and ambulance services cease to operate. These “strong, empowered women” are totally reliant upon a “civil society” and an economic system that CATERS to their whims, needs, and wants. The second that this male-provided comfort and security are disrupted, women solely rely on men for survival. Just watch the men and women act during the few days of a large disasters and emergency.
If you think about it for a moment, how many women do you know work in sewer maintenance, installing water mains or in home construction? How about enforcing the feminist-centered civil society laws that benefit them (i.e. white knights and their govt enablers) or investing the next iPhone or creating any of the products, medicines, scientific advancements, or farming that enables modern societies to cater to a woman’s needs? Heck, how many women construction workers built that fancy shopping mall the woman spends so much time in? 🙄
This is why the OP’s argument is so flawed. Women can only thrive in this current environment because men created it for them and handed it over to them in a silver platter.
Besides reproduction and sexual relief, HOW, pray tell, are men “inseparable and dependent on each other for survival”? Really? 🙄
I enjoyed your book. Fantabulous!
Edward, well said. I would even go further and call that book as “encyclopedia” !!
Ed and Ravi: thanks for the support. I did not mean to write that much, but the OP had a fundamental flaw and I am not saying this to demean Fornay. His writing and insight is excellent.
One of the things that has been bothering about some folks in the Manosphere is the obsession about making women the arbiters of value in men. To some, if/when a woman gets gamed by a dude and spreads her legs for that dude (free), then the man feels valuable or “powerful” somehow. They draw too much satisfaction and pride from that.
I simply cannot allow myself to be valued and have my worth in life and this society based on my success with women. I am successful with women, maybe not to the extent of some of the expert players/PUAs around here, but enough that I have a constant supply of 6-8 quality poon, free of charge (no P4P) and yet, that is NOT what gives me status, value, or my own sense of self-worth.
At the same time, I am not suggesting that men simply give up on women and become Big Bang Theory type Betas and Gammas. All I am saying is we need a middle ground in valuing and appreciating women within reason, and seeking pleasure and validation from our success with women to a very limited extent.
Make sense? Simply put, do you feel better when you get a HB7 (7-quality woman) at a club or do you feel better when you buy/pay off your first house or when you experience the birth of your first child? How about banging an HB8 gamed from grocery store/Tinder or getting the job you want or a wild week in Vegas for a week (even if you do not nail some girl there)?
Balance is what I am suggesting. Too much focus in allowing women to give men value or validation.
“Women are dependent on men for survival, but not the other way around.”
This! @CC, you nailed it !!
No surprise there are hell lot of “ungrateful” pussies who never know or heard about Mr. James Marion Sims; Father of GYNECOLOGY !!
CC – I enjoyed your long post and gave it an upvote. I’m so used to Boomers being blamed for everything that I am now immune to any anger or recrimination. It is what it is and men today need support and strength where ever they find it from whom ever they can get it from. Being historically inclined I can tell you that feminism really began to take strong affect on the culture in the 1970’s. At first it was if not welcomed, not much feared either. We were all brainwashed by the civil rights movement and realistically it was now much easier to get laid without being married or engaged. Women were much more attractive, didn’t have the hate for us they have now and with inflation raging it was much harder to have one income families than it was in the 40s, 50s and 60s. So we let this Trojan Horse into the gates more out of naivete than malice. Also you must realize these policies were being instituted in business and academia by those that came before us, the so called Silent Generation and the much ballyhooed “Greatest Generation.” By the 1980s it was becoming more obvious that Affirmative Action in the business world was pure poison for the white male. Contrary to popular opinion it was the white female, not the black male that benefited the most for this sudden radical change in hiring and promoting. One large company I toiled for had a strict quota system in force that basically froze out most white men from promotions. It was so successful that the company was eventually sold and the new owners shit canned the old AA system. Another concern I worked for eventually ended its AA program after two decades of disaster in the work place. As the 80s ended and the 90s began it was impossible to fight this system. Companies and schools were committed to AA and only a few like those mentioned above were making mid course corrections. So blame us for not fighting the monster when it entered the culture but don’t blame us for initiating the madness. The idea that blacks and other minorities should have rights was ingrained into the country by the 1970s. Adding women into the mix was just seen as a natural progression. We were naive. Many of my generation who voted for McGovern in 1972 were for Reagan in 1980. However the die was cast by that time. People born between 1946-64 were not in positions of power to initiate the negative changes that began in the 1970s. Anyway, I still liked your post.
I know we blame the Baby Boomers for a lot of stuff, but as you say, they are such a large generation, many did a lot of good things as well, especially the many technological advances we see today.
When we really think about, Feminism began with Karl Marx in the late 1880s. Marxism is collectivism and woman are natural collectivists. Men are hunters and women are members of the herd. This is why they block vote Left, that is why they go to bathroom together in groups, and that is why they overwhelmingly think alike.
The 1960s is where the Boomers get their bad reputation from. It was a chaotic time all over the Anglosphere. And since the Boomers were the generation of Bill Ayers, domestic terrorists like Weather Underground, Lyndon Johnson, Hippie culture, drug culture, mass immigration, and cultural decline.
I agree naivitee was why most Boomers allowed Feminism and “Affirmative action” to flourish. You guys were raised by a traumatized Generation, the Greatest Generation. The Greatest Gen lived in poverty and then WWII death and destructions, so they sheltered and pampered the Boomers too much.
No doubt, the whole fraud of the Feminist “Affirmative Action” was a scheme by rich white women to help other rich and upper middle class white women.
One thing I give credit for the Boomers for (besides the tech innovations) is that my Generation, Gen X grew up the “Reagan Generation” as well.
There is no doubt Communists had infiltrated education, politics, and the media in America for decades and they used the Boomers to vote their policies into effect. Most Boomers went along because they were sheltered and pampered kids, the most privileged generation in US history, bar-none, no doubt about it. Boomers grew up and worked during the Golden Age of America (1945-1968), with unprecedented prosperity.
Many Millennials today really resent the past generations, as they feel jaded by growing up in a country that is a mess. Despite being handed everything o them in a silver platter, Millennials I deal with regularly complain about the declining economy, lack of jobs for their useless college degrees, their massive college loan debt, and complain about the lack of freedom they have living in parents house after age 30.
I think the Boomers will be viewed as a mixed bag in the future. I do agree with many of your points and give you a “thumbs up” on that. 😉 I have always blamed the Boomers for the mess today, but in relaity, it was a small sliver of the Boomers that made this mess possible. But most Boomers, especailly ones from Middle America were the ones working hard to make the advancements we enjoy today (when you think about it, almost all tech advancements today came from 1980s and early 1990s, they just got better with time, but the ideas and concepts are the same). And the Boomers should get credit for that for sure. 🙂
A 28 yr old woman is done. She’s expired technically. Her eggs begin to turn into duds. She’s an old hen. Her half life is at 21 believe it or not.
The down’s syndrome graph proves it.
For the full breeder wife benifit, she cracks her baby machine into gear at 15 and serial breeds until 25 with near 100% success. Note how the red bar is straight horizontal from 15-25 and indicates optimal unwavering functionality for roughly 10-12 years after puberty.
The red line on the graph holds stedy (HORIZONTAL) for only a few years past her half life point at 21. Yes 21 is a woman’s half life. Actually at 22.5 there’s a slight uptick in down’s probability – – BUT if she’s slick and broken to years of teen momming it already and with her chute sufficiently loose, then she knows the drill and can continue to serial breed until 28. After 28, she’s too crusty for a first pregnancy if she hasn’t had one already. That always rips her ass apart. Head pills, pain pills, the works. And the side effects. Retarded babies aren’t fun. Retarded professional working wives are even more unfunner:(
Think of the down’s syndrome graph like the warranty period on a car vs blue book value. After break in period until 30k miles or 2 years into the warranty, you can bank on functionality and service being near 100%. That’s similar to the flat line horizontal 10 year period on the down’s syndrome graph when a female has 100% equipment functionality beginning right after puberty. After that 10 yr period, her ‘warranty’ is up. Some cars go belly up and throw a rod the year after the warranty expires. That equates to a woman over 25. If a woman is 28+, then you’re talking bottom tier buy here pay here recycled junk.
my mother had me at 39, after having her Fallopian tubes tied and untied again. I do not discount the statistics, and know that my physical health and genetics could be so much more if I had been made from eggs less than 4 decades old..
The age of the eggs have nothing to do with your genetics. The only risk is a 1% increase in risk of child being born with down syndrome. That is it.
I work with a 61 year old lawyer who re-married a 46 year old woman. She lied to him and said she was post-Menopause and he believed her shit. What a dumbass. 🙄
6 months after marrying this tramp, the bitch got pregnant and she then confessed “oh, I always wanted a child, so I let it be natural and see what happened!” -_-
Despite woman being 46, the little girl (now age 9) is perfectly healthy and is straight A student, nothing wrong with her.
The dude was devastated, now he has a 3rd daughter at age 61!!! I learned last month she divorced his ass last year and he is now giving her 50% of his retirement income for alimony and child support.
Bottom line: do not trust any woman, anywhere. Unless her name is Mom or Grandma, beware of what women say, always.
I ended a 3 years relationship because I do not want to marry someone with the red flags of a possible divorce and/or cheating. She does not want kids, she got new friends with the sex and the city mentally, I end it when she said I admire my friend (a slut), admiration is wanting to be like her. Then she said “This are my best years”. It is true misery loves company her sluts friend were convincing her to be a slut too. She must be riding the carousel now. Better to avoid potential divorce than getting a divorce, look for the red flags, they are there as big and red glowing as ever, you just need to known what to look for.
most stupid man they see the red flags but they think they are special and they can change them
You are correct. I know men who are that stupid. Poor idiots. No helping them.
Red flags, white woman, western passport.
The only 2 red flags you will ever need to see.
“Better to avoid potential divorce than getting a divorce,…”
Indeed. Prevention is better than “cure” !!
Duncan, you probably don’t want to hear this, but if you were already suspecting it, by the time the red flags started appearing, she probably already cheated.. a few times anyways. You made a good fuckin move dropping that hoe. My last 2 were similar situations, sort of regular bangs that grew on me and got too close. Now, not to stalk or GAF, but as a social experiment, try to very loosely track how her life has progressed. Every 3-12 months see if you find any signs of the change that’s set in with her. I GUARANTEE it’s not better than it was before the red flags appeared, but only worse. Maybe not worse in her eyes, but from a psychological / physical overview, I promise her life is progressively worsening. I find this to be the case 100% of the time with any girl I’ve dumped.
Sex and The City mentality. ‘Nuff said. This woman should not even be a candidate for an LTR in my book. If a woman even mentions she likes that show, it is good-bye for me.
That would be like dating a woman who likes “Eat Pray Love” book, hangs out with sluts, who used to work as a prostitute, or who likes Gangsta Rap.
Just thought I’d thank those of you that have already bought my book. I hope you get something from it.
Marriage is to solidify a family unit for the sole sake of raising children
Otherwise it serves absolutely no purpose to involve the state in a legal bonding of two people
Yes, until she becomes freiends with some bitter divorcees that poison her mind or reads “Eat Pray Love” and decides “her time” would be better spent fucking random guys overseas, she only lives once and decides this whole “being a mom thing”, is just not for her anymore, and shrugs as she leaves. This is what happens 3/4 of the time in America and the Western world.
Marriage just a financial and legal guaranteed SHE will make out like a bandit on you, should she decides to, man. That piece of paper means nothing anymore. Vows mean nothing. There is no social shame, in fact, her friends will high-five her as she cums in your ass after the divorce rape.
Trust me, if you want kids, as I do, you need to work it out with a specialized family law attorney a way to do it with a live-in LTR.
Eat Pray Love…now there’s a slag for an author. Ended up divorcing the bloke in the end and lesbianing it up with her bestie before she died of cancer.
Honest to fuck some people need drowning!
I think we can all consider the reality that a decent percentage of these mass-shootings are done by kids of specifically fucked up women. I often wonder, as the single, selfish motherhood generation’s broken kids age, if they won’t actually wake up to the reality of what happened (whoring mom wanted easy dick at the expense of ALL of their children’s future), freak out and start harming or even killing their own mothers. Of course the left will use it as a reason for gun control, while leftist ideology is purely the cause.
Eat Pray Love is a fraud. The supposed “rich Brazilian investor” she met in Bali is a broke-ass dude who had to borrow money FROM HER to open a little store. 🙄
Brazilians NEVER EVER travel to other countries to go to the beach, people! 🙄 Brazil is a tropical beach-paradise country, just look for pics of “Fernando de Noronha” or “Praia de Buzios” or “praias nordeste do Brasil”! No need to travel overseas for a beach if you are Brazilian. When Brazilians travel overseas, they come to Orlando (Disney, shopping, and other theme parks). They go see mountains or snow. They go to NYC.
The whole story is a fraud. Dalrock did an expose on “Eat Pray Love” and “How Estella Got her Groove Back” and showed the reality of things. A total fraud.
BTW, the Eat Pray Love woman’s husband was actually GAY. He later sued her in court in divorce, even with though he had signed a Prenup and won part of her book sales proceedings.
I guess only way a man can win in divorce court is to claim to be gay! 🙄
Ps. Any woman who likes that Eat Pray Love book = a huge cheating and lying cunt. ‘Nuff said.
I have been sending my 21 year old son emails with links for several years now, and I am mentoring him on what has happened with marriage and relationships in America…marrying a white woman in America is financial suicide. I am training him that he must be very careful in any dealings with American women. I am telling him that no classes at UT Austin will teach you about the hypergamy of women and the risks, hazards, and pitfalls of trying to be married to one. I am mentoring him that he might want to look outside the borders of America for a wife, but even then they have to be vetted and vetted and more vetted. Do not get involved with a woman with a high notch count, do not get involved with women on depression meds, do not get involved with divorced single moms, do not get involved with women who act like sluts and have slut friends, etc…and the list goes on and on.
I believe you are better off going to countries where women have not been raised under feminism and our USA divorce rape legal system. Go watch a movie on youtude called Divorce Corp. it will make a believer out of you quickly.
Send him this:
“Marriage is the triumph of imagination over intelligence.
Second marriage is the triumph of hope over experience.”
– Oscar Wilde
Best advice ever.
Carve it into a granite plaque and have him put it on his desk.
Hope this helps.
Just a thought.
I second that. I watched Divorce Corp and worked 6 years in legal industry, have a degree in Paralegal Studies, and now doing law school. The divorce industry is, hands down, THE most profitable and vile area of American Law. Law school I attend to is a “legal realism” school like Yale) and they are openly teaching the system is supposed to punish men and make them into serfs of the courts and the woman. Not a secret anymore. There is no more fancy “equal justice under the law” fantasies as you see in leftwing law schools. The law is whatever the judge says the law in base don his/her mood and lunch content in their stomach.
The whole system is designed to make men suffer, torment their children with endless “status hearing”, send men to jail unfairly, and transfer wealth from men to lawyer and the rest to women. Women get away with having Alphas father their kids and cuck the husband into paying child support for 18-26 years; she can steal your home, put you in jail, and ruin a men’s life. She can lie to the courts and the police and get away with it.
The sooner the marriage scam ends in America, the sooner we can reset the marriage system, its laws, and set up a new social contract for marriage, with fault-based divorce, and fair paternity and child support laws.
Good news is: we are closer to that point then ever before. 70% of Men Aged 20-34 Are Not Married (never married before).
My only question is: what the hell is wrong with the other 30%?? *shrug*
I see many of your son’s UT Austin classmates on sugar baby websites.
Hi Keith
Do you think your son is getting the message?
I think my mentoring him is sinking in because a few months back he commented that he sees women now the way the articles I have been sending him portray women. He watched his mother divorce rape me after having affairs, so my mentoring is sinking in. I just sent him this article with my comments that I wrote about the article. He does not date any women from UT Austin, but he also does not date period he concentrates on UT Austin.
If you meet a Conservative, Christian, middle-America raised, Gen X’er under 23 years old or younger, you can train her to please you, anyway you want in bed. My late wife had certified notch count below 5, my woman could not suck or ride well at all. She was actually very bad in bed when I first met her. I had to train her almost from scratch and after training, she did everything she knew I wanted in bed. But she was an honest-to-goodness good girl and very focused on family and marriage. Paid off hugely for me, but short of getting lucky like finding a girl like that, it is a fool’s errand. I doubt it is even possible in today’s world anyway.
You know, if I told you I wanted to go into business with you, we would need to sign a contract, right. Ok, sounds fair. When I handed you the contract to sign, you did not read it, but signed it anyway. During the Business Partnership, you come to me and complain about my contributions to the business. At that time, I revealed to you (now that the business is up and running) that the contract you signed allowed me to steal from the business, cheat on the business and run a side business solely for my own benefit, contribute no cash to the business, and yet I can take half the business profits each month. I also explained to you that I can end the business partnership for any reason at anytime, and walk away with more then 50% of business current and past assets and still collect at least 1/3 of all FUTURE business earnings after leaving the partnership.
Knowing the contract’s terms above BEFORE you signed it, would you enter such a contract for a business??? Sure not! 🙄 Who could blame you??
But that contract I just described is what Marriage is today. This is why you hear the term “Marriage 2.0”, it is Feminism greatest achievement of them all in American society. Most foolish men enter into that contract not knowing its terms when they get married. That is why they suffer and end up miserable. You, as red-pilled men, KNOW this and can avoid this hell. It is up to you to avoid marriage at all costs.
There is no way around it. Only the dumbest or most uninformed blue-pillers among our men fall into that marriage trap anymore. Do NOT get married in America, Canada or anywhere in the Western world today, including Brazil or even in the Pacific side of the Anglosphere.
Let buyer beware, I guess.
Christian Cool, I have to commend you for acknowledging conservative girls with faith traditions, and Christian girls from middle America, as a reasonably safe bet for wife material for traditionalist young men. Sadly, even this is no longer the safety net it once was to guarantee a happy or successful marriage. IMHO, the liberalization, feminization, and infusion of the influences of popular culture into certain denominations today (especially Mainline Protestantism, and even traditionally conservative evangelical Protestantism) has not prevented the ugly faces of divorce and feminism from ruining virtuous young women, or faith centered marriages. Many years ago, I hung out with a group of young men and women, all who had faith traditions, or intact families, and conservative working class upbringings. One young woman, named Lisa, was about 25. She was as plain Jane as a girl could get, worked in a warehouse, and lived near the poverty line. Unlike the others, she grew up in a dysfunctional trailer park home ravaged by alcoholism, drug abuse, criminal activity, abject poverty, and physical and sexual abuse. But she found a faith base, and it transformed her life. I discovered that she got of bed at 5:00 am on Saturday mornings, and drove to the women’s cell block of the county jail, where she held a short devotional and prayed with the female prisoners. How many modern 25 year old women would do something like this? Let’s face it, most 25 year old women would still be in the rack until noon, be in a strange man’s bed (or woman’s bed) after a previous night of clubbing, raving, drinking, drugging, and fornicating. Or they’d be getting up in their Section 8 apartments early with their brood of children fathered by multiple baby daddies, or be heading down to the local Take Back the Night or Slut Walk Rally. Others would be heading to brunch and Mamosas at over priced restaurants, or racking up credit card debt at the malls. I don’t know what ever became of this woman, and that her story doesn’t gel well with the customary atheist and whoremongering rants of ROK, but I’d wager that she may well have made a decent wife and mother for some man of faith.
Don’t get married.
Do’t get married in a western country, under western law.
Marriage in Oman under Sharia law, they stone her to death for adultery.
Ask for a prenup. That will bring about her true nature in about 2.5 seconds.
Prenups have become null and void lately unfortunately . Just hide enough assets before marriage and during the marriage
Yes, asking a woman for a Prenup sets her off. But if she agrees to the Prenup, then be careful, because she may know Prenups are easy to dismiss in court.
The Prenup is a contract between two people. Just like Michael Cohen-Stormy Daniels Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) is a contract. Both contracts SHOULD be enforced, but some loony leftist judge can simply invalidate such contracts.
Prenups have given men in Western countries a false sense of security. Some men even use them to justify getting into a marriage with a woman when he knows marriage is a horrible deal for men. They say “well, marriage is OK for me, I am getting a Prenup”.
But reality is that Prenups, IF enforced later on by Family Law Judge, the Prenup only protect PAST assets and can somewhat limit Alimony for the woman. The woman will be eligible for AT LEAST 50% of all your future assets purchased during the marriage, 50% of future retirement/pension, at least 50% of all asset appreciations from before the marriage, and child support.
That is, IF the judge decides to enforce and accept the prenup. If the Judge throws the Prenup out, she is entitled to 50% to 100% of your assets and present and future income. If woman has an barely compete divorce lawyer in USA, she will get 100% of your primary residence (house), because she will false accuse you of a crime and judge will award her the primary residence 100%, since you cannot return home due to Order of Protection or Restraining Order against you.
A man should only marry under one of 3 conditions:
1) He is extremely religious, she is extremely religious, and you live in an area where your entire existence is with people from that same faith (examples: Amish community in PA or rural Mormon community in Utah).
2) He wants to import a woman from another country and unless he legally marries her, he cannot get her a visa or a Green Card. He accepts the HIGH risks if a divorce later occurs because her standard of living will be HIGHER in USA then in her home country. This means she is not “accustomed to” a higher standard of living and she will qualify for Alimony for decades. The foreign woman’s alimony will be so much higher then an American woman with a job would get. It is risky with foreign woman.
3) The owman you want to marry makes at least x3 times your monthly income OR she is rich and loaded with assets (i.e. marrying a surgeon or rich businesswoman). But how often do women marry a man that makes less then her? 🙄
Bottom line: DO NOT GET MARRIED. Period. End of story. Have a kid with your LTR, if you must, but do not marry. It only brings risks. There is no security in that piece of paper; the courts use marriage to punish and destroy men; she will get no negative social stigma from a frivolous divorce!
Again: do NOT get married. Period. End of story.
A longlasting and fruitful marriage these days is extremely rare. (((Modern))) marriage is meaningless.
When I was sixteen, most valuable advice I ever got was never get married. I am fifty-three now. Having seen so many friends, relatives, and clients, get screwed by the system during divorce, I am glad i never tied-the-knot.
I could see it then. And I wonder why so few can see it now. Why in the world would a man in America want to get married?
When I am invited to a wedding I always decline. When asked why I reply I don’t want to watch a man commit suicide.
Marriage is a win/win for the woman. For the man it is entry into slavery.
Edward, as one older guy to another, I’m 60 now, and I too never married. My late father was a journeyman Tool & Die maker, a devout Christian, never drank nor smoked, literally saved almost every dime he ever earned, and he was one of these old school depression era/WWII guys. He once told me that he’d made up his mind early on that if he’d ever marry, he’d only be married once, and that was it. He was married to my mother for 57 years before his untimely death. I don’t get these men with multiple marriages. My boss is 56, and he’s about to enter his fifth marriage. He’s the bi-product of a single mother upbringing, so go figure. Why would a man go through five marriages? It’s mind numbing in my book. Other than procreation and maintaining the nuclear family, I see no point in this dating and mating business. As a younger man, I wasted irreplaceable precious time, money, and emotion on women that were not worth a second thought. To have those wasted funds in my bank account, or in my 401K today, would be a godsend. It was no cake walk with women back in the day from what I experienced, but what young men are experiencing today (from what I see, read, and hear) is on a completely different level of depravity, incivility, double standards, and downright evil. I thank god every day for celibacy, and that women are in my rear view mirror for good.
Antonio Zoli
I appreciate your reply.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. When you fail miserably at something (marriage), with results as painful and expensive (divorce), you would think people would wise-up eventually. It is shocking to me how some people simply do not get it. It is like a kid sticking its wet fingers into power outlet and getting zapped over and over and over and over and over again. Sheesh.
Multiple marriage people (that end in divorce) are idiots. Paul McCartney, a great singer and best Beatles of them all, was married 3 times. Larry King, 4 divorces, same with Spielberg. All got divorce-raped to the max, despite having an army of expensive lawyers, and supposedly having “solid prenups” each time.
Think these guys would get the message at some point?? 🙄
Let me guess, he remarried an ex-wife at least once? I use to work with a guy who remarried his ex four times. I just can’t imagine doing five weddings.
Cinderella, you are very right, as a general rule of thumb, but he’s one of the rare multiple marriage types that in fact, did not remarry a previous spouse.
Divorce is a death sentence for a man usually the man has to pay (garnish) alimony or child support for many years perhaps decades. Everything he ever worked for or loved is gone never to be seen again. The system is ruthless they do not care if you are destitute or homeless. The marriage is system is in shambles now lawyers are promoting “co-habitual agreements” that adds the same divorce rape language for LTR couples who refuse to marry……how stupid do they think everyone is?
Stupid or hypnotized perhaps both.
It seems all it takes to get the proles onboard is some media saturation and a few Hollywood movies appealing to emotional fubar and wallah! Malleable Cultural shift enabled.
So MGTOW guys kinda have the right idea here. Boycott marriage until it’s exposed for the disaster that is to hopefully bring reform or revolution.
If you ever met a man going through a divorce or recently divorce-raped, they have this look in their eyes…. It is almost as if they are screaming inside for someone to put a pullet in their head and end their misery. They act like a deer shot just inches from its heart, suffering in agony, desperate for that kill shot. men that have their kids ripped away from them, expelled form their own home by a woman making false criminal allegations, and having their money garnished directly from their employers (embarrassing as hell too) are like wounded animals.
MGTOW only have the right idea on MARRIAGE. Avoiding women completely is not a solution. Game is the solution, so you can have a steady supply of women (or an LTR, if you prefer), but never marrying them.
I am currently researching (with lawyer’s help) the prospect of having a child with an LTR, but never ever marrying her, even if we live together. I simply refuse to give a woman such a power over me, even if she chooses not to use her “divorce powers” against me. I do not like the idea of handing anyone a loaded gun to shoot me anytime they desire. Know what I mean?
The ONLY way we can reset this corrupt Marriage 2.0 system is by boycotting Marriage completely as men (but not avoiding women, like MGTOW suggests). We do NOT have strong leaders to fix this process legislatively (as it is needed) because the feminist lobby is too powerful and our legislators begin shitting their pants the second they get even a slightly critical Tweet. 🙄
Only way the marriage rape situation will be addressed is when we have 95%-100% of men being un-married. Suddenly, divorce rape laws will be discovered, there will be a “crisis” and the issue may get addressed at that point.
Sadly, marriage simply is not what it used to be. That piece of paper, vows exchanged, and all that means nothing if the woman can cheat on her man, abuser her kids, and still divorce rape the man, get custody of the kids, and make out with more then 50% of your assets + guaranteed alimony and child support for decades.
Marriage 2.0 is the death trap for men today. Marriage laws and the judicial system that is designed to only benefit the woman are the crown jewels of the FemiNazis. The re-making of marriage as Marriage 2.0 by feminists is their greatest victory, hands down. It destabilized and destroyed the family, the strongest of all institutions of humanity.
Dr. Helen Smith is one of the earliest critics of Marriage 2.0 and her book “Men on Strike” was a game changer that helped propel MGTOW (in regards to marriage) nationally.
Worth watching 3 min video. All the problems with marriage today stem from government policies, laws, and courts. If the cheating spouse lost big on divorce, it would be a deterrent to frivolous divorce and adultery. But when a woman can cheat, lie, and get away with tons of cash, the incentives are all there for her to do it.
It does not hurt us to go overseas. We can ply our trades, get laid with exotic women, live cheaply, wrack up an interesting resume, stop watching the garbage made up by coked-out J screenwriters over Tequila shooters, stop watching the stupid media…and not pay cent of tax.
But white women, minorities, J’s hated in other countries, Mexican Indians, trailer trash etc are stuck in America. They cannot or will not leave and if every white man just fucked off overseas they would resort to cannibalism.
I hate to bring up Detroit again, but it goes for any city.
White people simply moved out. Period. They moved a mere 40 miles away and the blacks were left saying “Where da economy be at? Where Da jobs be at? Muh, dick….”
White cops moved their families to nicer counties and became Sheriffs and crack cocaine and shootings filled the night air.
Whites had their revenge on blacks by simply walking away and the same thing is happening in California.
Now if white males left America, at least those middle-class ones, society would collapse in a dump.
I agree 100%. Go overseas and meet foreign women. Everything in life, except religious faith, is based on pure Economics. Just about everything in life. We determine SMV (Sexual Market Value) of men and women using a quantitative number and that is an economic concept. We rate a woman and men’s values in life based on their appearance scale, wealth, physical conditions, game ability, etc. This is all economics.
The day the American white population, which is the backbone of the middle class-cenetered economy, “went Galt” (Atlas Shrug style), or left the country, the economy would collapse.
You used Detroit as an example, but it is perfectly true. White population of Detroit went from 97% to 7.73% thanks to Democrat policies. The “white flight” set off the city’s total collapse. Detroit was once the 2nd richest city in the world, second only to London.
Video about Detroit basic stats and what city looks like:
Detroit was over 90% white population from 1820 to 1950 when decline began. By 1970, the city was now less then 50% white, all due to people leaving at record speed. By 2010, less then 8% of the city is now white. There are also huge numbers of Muslims immigrants in Detroit metro area, since they can buy a 4 bedroom house for $1,500 (that is one thousand and fiver hundred Dollars, not 15,000!). The Muslims are on welfare anyway, so Detroit is cheap place to live and plan future demise of America from.
Basically, what Marz is saying is that when white flight takes place, areas collapse. When white influxes happen (i.e. Brooklyn, NY with “white gentrification”), the area prospers. The same can be said with educated Southeastern Asians from places like Japan and South Korea, who are often skilled worker.
In Colorado, we have a city that is our version of California and Detroit combined. When the idiots here legalized weed saying nonsense like “we will put the drug dealers outta business”, they forgot to say the drug cartels would buy up land and move in their entire operations to Colorado. There is a smaller city named Greeley, in northern part of the State. Los Zetas cartel came up from Mexico, took over the city of Greeley and daily shootings and drug deals became so common, white flight soon ensued. Greeley, a middle class agricultural area, with a state university, is now basically a mini-Mexican shithole, gang-infested area.
It is a preview of the Californization of Colorado (and America). The Greeley situation is so bad, there is a guy (Vic) running for Governor as a Republican under the motto “let’s not become California”. I kid you not.
Basically, what Marz is proposing is for men to MGTOW when it comes to marriage and Galt when it comes to work and college. It will trigger a crisis and a chance to reset the Feminist legalistic shithole that has become institutions of marriage, the courts, the pathetic legislature, and laws.
I think men are already going MGTOW right now when it comes to marriage and that is awesome. 🙂
The reset will happen at some point in future because economics controls life. If white males continue to opt-out of work and college at such rate as Millennial men are right now, the system will rest in a few years. And that would be a great thing. 🙂
It’s a narrow line to tread.
I’m in the U.K. which is not so bad.
He’s as well avoiding women he’s studying with I think.
Over here, my son and I hang out and approach women as I don’t want him to be scared to.
I think he’s ok so far but you never know do you.
The UK is one of the worst divorce rape countries in the world. A woman can stop all access to your children for 5 years just by accusations without proof alone. Then she can move to the other side of the country to make it more difficult for you to see them. If you have children she will get 100% of the house free and clear in any divorce, if there is a loan outstanding, you still have to pay while she lives there. Family court will believe and act on any accusation she makes, she is always truthful. It’s as if you have never been to family court in the UK.
John is right here, sir. I am now in Law School, but I worked 6 years as Paralegal doing criminal and immigration law. I was also a “floater” Paralegal for a divorce attorney in our firm. I have become desensitized to human suffering to some extent because it is an unconscious defense mechanism after watching so many horroshows take place.
I can tell you with 100% certainty that divorce rape in UK is rampant, probably much worse then in USA. I had SEVERAL clients from Wales (Cardiff) who came to USA as they got divorce raped in UK and wanted to get “the piss outta there”. Violent crime in Cardiff is at warzone levels. I also had many clients from England and they say it has become a raging shithole of a mess in UK, the economy is bad, too much violent immigrants, guns are banned and criminal gangs roam the streets unimpeded and unafraid. They ALL describe the UK as a “pressure cooker” ready to burst. 😮
In USA, divorce rape intensity will vary from State to State, with leftist States being the worse and conservative states being less-bad (but still horrible).
Criminal laws designed to destroy men in UK are worse and I mean MUCH WORSE then anywhere in USA. The Crown Prosecution Services is like the Gestapo/Statzi/Soviet Red Tape of European courts. They knowingly prosecute men they know are innocent to meet “monthly quotas”.
There is ZERO freedom of speech in UK. Zero. Any speech in UK is “tolerated” rather then protected as we have speech rights protections in USA. We actually had a client in 2016 that asked for political Asylum in USA after being targeted for speaking out against gay marriage in UK (felonious violation in UK). The only group with any freedom of speech rights in UK are foreign Jihadist Muslims. Everyone else is a 2nd class Subject there.
I suggest you meet with some men who recently divorced or are in process of divorce in UK and get informed. It is divorce hell in UK, much worse then in USA.
I know.
I’ve been divorced twice in the UK.
That’s what the book is about.
You are my hero for still being alive after 2 divorce rapes in the UK courts! 😮
Now I have to order the book!!! HOW did you manage to remain sane and move on??
Did the women allow you to live in a cardboard box on the street or did they take your cardboard box too??? 😉
In Italy, they have tens of thousands of fathers/ex-husbands now living on the street while keeping a full-time job to pay alimony and child support so their ex-wives can bring men to screw them in his former bed, at the man’s expense. 😡
Mind you, the article above is by the New York Times, a hard-left Marxist newspaper. They paper over a lot of the details, but at least they exposed fathers living on street with a job to finance ex-wife’s lifestyle and kid’s alimony.
Honestly, I feel bad for the men in the UK. You guys have 2 MILLION illegal immigrants in your country, all living off welfare, getting free healthcare, paying $0 in taxes. 71% of UK population want them deported, but the leftists running UK ignore the people completely.
Men are routinely physically abused by women (who never get arrested) and then they get divorce-raped in court. No wonder the UK government sized all private guns, if you guys were armed, you would want to have armed insurrection. 😮
As you can see by article above, a decorated British war veteran, 47 years old, dies on the street and no one cares, no one helps him, since he is white and a veteran. Meanwhile, a Nigerian illegal immigrant woman comes in, pops a sick kid in UK hospitals and costs the government 1.2 million Pounds. Baby Charlie Gard and baby Evans both are killed off by the hospital systems while the abusive British govt refuses to let parents take their kid out of the country for adequate modern medical care (at no cost to the govt).
Icing on the cake: the government there arrest people for speaking out against the injustices. I am not surprised the Brits are leaving their country en masse.
The UK is one of the worst countries, period.
It’s a place where Islamophobic thought crimes are more harshly punished than Islamic gang-rape.
But then again, it’s hard to feel sorry for those with no shame.
The most arrogant leftist puritans are invariably Britbongs, at least in my experience. Traitors like Pierce Morgan, Theresa May, and Cathy Newman really do deserve tbe Sharia Law coming their way.
That must be a very bitter pill to swallow that this white guy. His wife was cheating on him with a n*gro. That must be a giant slap in the face. His wife is probably a N*gg*r lover a massive one on the sly
Tried to read the book on kindle unlimited. Glad that I didn’t have to pay extra cuz the book was hard to read. Has some good points but not worth it IMO.
According to my experience, normally what happens is that, men in their 20s to 40s tend to focus on their work, money, success, etc. But they naturally have no will to focus their attention to see where the family morale and respect is going among the family members(especially for wife and children).
This happens because throughout history, family bonding was the job of women and men were the bread winners. Even considering ancient times, women were meant to take care of the house(and teach good things to their kids) while the men were out to hunt the animals for food.
Now what happened is that the women gave up their job and so they expect their men to take care of house(and keep wife interested in them in order to avoid divorce and bear grave consequences) along with earning money to satisfy needs of the house and the needs of her.
A brutal law and order is required in order to remind women of their duties and morality. Failing to do so, the day will come when the men will be forced to lose their testicles or leave big cities permanently.
Getting married in Current Year is risky for a man.
But getting married to a feminist chick is just plain suicide.
P.S. A friend of mine got divorced. In his state of residence child support doesn’t end at 18 – he’s legally required to pay for his kids’ college, till they are at least 23 (and possibly even 25). This remains true even as his kids rarely want anything to do with him, as his ex committed parental alienation and turned the kids against their own father. So he is now nothing but a living ATM machine to them. His required child support/college payments equal more than HALF his take home salary, and this will go on for years.
How many young men considering marriage are aware of these kind of laws?
When I was a young man these laws didn’t exist. I suffered under new laws made after I was married.
Divorce law is only one that does not “grandfather people” into the old laws. When most laws change, people who were in business before legal changes kept the benefits of the old law. But when divorce rape laws were enacted, the men get screwed even more, even if they married when such laws did not exist.
This is why men should NOT get married unless divorce and child support laws change into men’s favor. But even then, we will always be at risk for law changes back into the “divorce rape” system. *sigh*
Trust is one of these things that cannot be gotten back. I think now that 2 entire generations of men have been royally screwed by divorce and child support laws, even if laws changed and became fair towards men, most men would still refuse to marry or re-marry. The trust is simply gone.
Does anyone think the marriage system can ever be fixed and restored (if we ended divorce rape laws and enforced shared custody of kids and no child support)? ….OR is marriage as an institution over for good?
The comments section of the review seems almost as long and at least as interesting as the book itself.
Personally, I dodged the marriage bullet for a long time and spent 4 years as a divorce lawyer which didn’t enthuse me but didn’t completely turn me off. It gave me a Sherlock Holmes attitude.
“Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.”
Once you’ve seen enough divorces, when you see a relationship that doesn’t look like those, then maybe you are on to something.
At 44-1/4 I had given up my law practice and moved to China. At 51 I got married to a Filipina 17 years my junior. We got married in Hong Kong. There are only two jurisdictions in the world with no divorce laws: Vatican City and the Philippines. Neither of us are residents of Hong Kong and as an ex pat, I’m no longer a resident of Canada, so no courts will take jurisdiction to accept a divorce petition.
I’m not trying to be clever, that’s just the way it is. If we did split, she could probably take up residence in HK (she lived there for 4 years) or even Canada (which has a special permanent resident agreement with PH for domestic helpers). Plus, I will probably have to repatriate when I turn 60 because I won’t be eligible for a Z class visa at that point.
By certain measures taken out of context (ethnicity, age, religion) we are at a high divorce risk, but experience, observation and common sense says otherwise.
Someone made a statement about purity, and whether or not women could ever ‘come back’ to a state of innocence. Purity and innocence are two completely separate things, but it made me thing of something else.
We are the sum of our life experience, choice and attitude. Nowhere is this more clear than in the case of my two sister in laws.
We’ll call the first one ‘E’. E has daddy issues from a drug addicted, absentee dad. E also did her fair share of drugs, got knocked up early on in life and started/stopped several addictions before finding Jesus (and promptly leaving Jesus like her first husband in favor of pagan woo). E likes crystal healing, feel-good mumbo jumbo and is on the marijuana legalization bandwagon. E has since had two more children by a different daddy, is in the process of divorcing said dad, and is a complete and total basket case. A crazy person. The first thing she asked for when I joined the family was if she could borrow two thousand dollars. Like any young 20 something newlywed just has that lying around…
Let’s talk about the other sister in law. ‘A’. A has her very expensive master’s degree from one of those self-paced schools in marriage and family therapy. A has five children by two different husbands and has been married three times. A’s weight fluctuates as wildly as her moods, and she is now buried under the crippling debt of her degree and unable to pay it off, as she legit has several diseases (autoimmune lupus, heart problems, celiac and other imaginary ones) that keep her at home in bed as her husband works like a madman and does a great deal of childcare.
Both women made certain choices in life. A was a virgin until she got married, but her neuroses about being secure with or without a man is now a millstone around her neck. E can’t hold a job, and jumps after every get-rich-quick scheme she can get her hands on. MLM, snake oil, an app that is the next best thing – she throws all her nonexistent cash at it.
These women are the sum of their choices and neither are very happy. I’m not sure if you could say that their lives would have been definitely better had they made better choices…sometimes our mistakes teach us things we could not have learned otherwise.
If I had advice for any young women reading this blog, it would be to keep yourself chaste and pure. If you don’t have a strong father figure to be accountable to, then find a religion. Something to reinforce the standards that protect that purity and sweetness that decent men crave in a wife. Get married young. Have children young, in your fertile prime. It’s hard enough raising kids without adding age and baggage to the mix. Be open and honest with your husband, be accountable to him and yourself and God, and you’ll have one of the best chances out there at a happy life.
Don’t be like E and A.
I bought this book and read most of it, and while it’s not terrible, I wouldn’t call it profound or poignant. He spends 3/5 of the book rambling about his businesses and various dealings and problems associated to those, and when he does focus on relationships, marriage, and kids, it’s all stuff that any reasonably red-pill-aware man would already know. Bottom line: 2 out of 4 stars, but don’t expect anything ground-breaking.