Twenty year old Emily Weinman was recently arrested at Wildwood beach in New Jersey and now she is suing for excessive force used by the officers. In the body cam video, the officer is shown suspecting Weinman was consuming alcohol in public and being underage. The officer gave her a breathalyzer test, but it was hard to see what the reading said in the video. Weinman explained that she was not drinking and waiting for her aunt.
However, the officer continued to ask her more questions to which Weinman refused to answer leading the officer to say, “I’m done with you”, and “you’re about to get dropped” as he pursued Weinman who was calling for help. She is shown being tackled and screaming while the officer pulled her hair and punched her repeatedly.
The Jersey Shore beach babe arrest is another example of why you should not argue or engage in any dialogue with a cop since they are trained to get you to verbally admit to a crime. While legally in many states you aren’t required to play 21 questions if approached, most don’t know that and the cops know it, so they continue to push your buttons to get you to say something they can use to bust you.
Was Physical Force Really Necessary?
Being a cop is very difficult these days with all the political correctness and everybody having an entitlement mindset thinking they have rights, but still some cops take things too far. As seen in the video, the cop punched the unarmed young girl who was not a physical threat to them or the public. Yes she should’ve kept her mouth shut and just complied as resisting only leads to more trouble, but there’s a civil way to deal with college chicks, even if they’re rude.
At another angle, you get a better picture of what happened. Pouring out the alcohol and issuing a fine would have been enough. Was it really necessary for two men to hold her down and slug her? No, but then again Weinman was repeatedly cursing them and refusing to answer questions they were asking so in a way she brought it onto herself. Kids need to learn to just shut up when dealing with cops, they just don’t know when to quit.
It’s not farfetched to conclude that some bystanders wanted to pummel the cops, but they would have been beaten severely and arrested, or even shot. According to New Jersey Law, a cop cannot demand your identification and pursue you without a warrant or proper reason, but the common mistake this girl made was having an attitude. Snappy replies like “I don’t have to answer you” only increases your odds of being arrested.
Cops Of The Past Compared To Today
Tony was a cop I used to work with at his second job at the warehouse. He had no tattoos, no six pack, no blazers, nothing—just an honest work ethic. He told me and the other guys that if he ever caught us speeding or not wearing a seat belt that he wouldn’t care. Normal men wouldn’t unless it gets out of hand in a crowd where safety is an issue.
You don’t see guys like him anymore on the force, but rather diversity hires like the one who shot Justine Damond, or tattooed junkies like Philip Brailsford, the officer who killed Daniel Shaver while he begged for his life. These beta males are quick to pull the trigger, because they themselves are weak and were never meant to be put into these positions wielding such enormous power.
Similar incidences in the recent past like the Salt Lake City nurse being arrested, and Michael Cohen’s office being raided by the FBI shows that America is heading down a slippery slope.
Another thing is if cops don’t make a certain number of arrests or tickets, their superiors question why are they not doing their job, so they go out looking to bust someone for the dumbest reasons just to meet their quota.
Writing tickets is the best way to get back at someone giving attitude, because it hurts them financially. I heard of an incident in Jersey where an Indian guy cursed out an officer to his face for giving him a ticket. This man probably had a high salary job and probably looked down on the officer, but instead of getting angry, the cop continued to write ticket after ticket, and do you know what the Indian man did then? He got on his hands and knees and begged for forgiveness while touching the officer’s shoes. I’m sure that’s a story he shared with his buddies.
That’s a responsible cop who would not get riled up over petty things like a skinny college girl with a supposedly opened beer bottle.
What If A Cop Comes To You?
Just comply, it’s not worth risking your life. I know emotions and tempers get high, but be sensible. Whenever I was stopped, I made it out unscathed. I’ve also met and befriended a lot of former cops, and they all warn not to anger one, because if they want, they can keep pressing you which will increase your odds of slipping up giving them reason to bust you.
Paying tickets or fines is better than potentially losing your life. If you disagree with the officer’s decision, complain to the municipal office. “Knowing your rights” like they say on YouTube doesn’t work in reality, especially in Jersey. If pressed about a serious accusation like rape, you can politely reply that you can’t answer questions pertaining to such an allegation without legal representation and wish to remain silent.
This is what the American youth needs to understand, but hey if you want to play tough guy, go ahead right ahead, don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Read More: What To Do When The Cops Show Up
Smack that bitch up. Shit is hot as fuck. Break out the ankle cuffs
“Just comply, it’s not worth risking your life.”
Hey, I will stand my ground and I won’t back down.
If they want to shoot me, I’m OK with that.
You are a bad guy after all…
I won’t back down —-> Flees to Thailand.
My former wife was a lot more frightening than the police, not to mention it’s hard to fight back against the woman you love.
“If they want to shoot me, I’m OK with that.” She was worse than getting shot? Considering you left a long time ago before people started waking up I could maybe cut you some slack, but it is still funny.
Having watched the video, I’m not entirely sure they had any right to breathalyze the girl or even demand her name. They didn’t appear to have any just cause. Can you even breathalyze people not driving a vehicle? The white world has become a strange place.
When you are a minor in possession of alcohol and you are breaking the law by having it out in the open on a beach where public consumption is outlawed…ya, they have every right to breathalyzer her and get her name.
I see no alcohol on display in the video, can you point it out to me please?
Just cause, evidence needs to be clearly on display from a public place.
As the police were recording a video, I would expect the evidence to be clearly in shot.
You do know the rules for ‘just cause’?
Dude, it doesn’t matter if you can see it in the video or not…but the cops saw it, it apparently existed because even the woman acknowledged it was there. The police were just doing their job. People have to give their last name to people all the time, especially when you buy alcohol. So what is wrong with this cop asking for her last name? He was probably just about to write a warning or a citation so he needed her full name to do so. This is basic shit. Dude, and the bitch didn’t want to comply because she was on probation. Woman: single mother, mouthy bitch, on probabtion, uncooperative, resists arrests, spits on cop, kicks cop. Result: Got punched in the head and arrested —-> YAWN. You are going into epic levels of white knighting, John. I guarantee you that if the woman just acted like most pussies do, cried that she was sorry, told them that she meant no harm, blamed some dude for making her do it…than those cops would probably give her a back rub and kiss her feet, but she chose the man way, and got treated as such.
Don’t bother arguing with Wes. He just LOVES a man in uniform. Nothing better for him than to wrap his lips around cop jock and get a shot of blue jizz. What a pathetic creature. Totally omega.
Wes is correct. Quit the White Knighting shit.
Go ahead call me gay too.
Herbie…wow, that is some desperation. You sound like a feminist, and you are angry that you cannot argue against me with anything logical. You are an emotional man-child, more than likely a dumbass libertarian, and you are a white knighting pussy piece of shit.
No white knight here. Wouldn’t make any difference to me if this was a man or woman being abused over a nonsense law.
Random thoughts:
-15% of cops are psychopaths. The rest of them give the psychos a pass because of the Thin Blue Line subculture.
-Police departments deliberately avoid hiring the high IQ applicants. Your average cop is not the best and brightest. Oftentimes they only possess a GED. Critical thinking often is not their strong suit.
-Police department recruiting media usually emphasizes things such as SWAT actions and car chases, indeed painting them as something that happens routinely. In turn, that appeals to the adrenaline junkies and thrill seekers.
-Many if not most new hires are only in their early twenties. That means in turn that they lack a fully developed moral sense combined with a diminished sense of their own mortality. In other words, they’re immature and lack the wisdom that comes from life experiences.
-If hired directly from the military, they bring with them a mindset that, while useful in a combat zone, is disastrous in dealing with the public. In other words, they have acquired bad habits that are unlearned only with difficulty, if at all.
-Police training is paramilitary in nature – Thanks Chief Parker! – and empathizes the Us vs Them relationship between Law Enforcement and the Public. *It’s completely at odds with the early tenants of public policing as developed by Sir Robert Peel, who created the Metropolitan Police Force for London in 1829.*
-Steroid use among cops is widespread and is a cause of psychosis. Roid Rage is endemic in Law Enforcement. If you encounter a jacked up cop, be careful; you’re probably dealing with a loony.
-All the above taken together highlight and validate the argument that the Police have developed for themselves a completely dysfunctional subculture for themselves.
There’s a book – there’s always a book – that covers this topic in more detail:
Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America’s Police Forces
Radley Balko
Note also that Mr. Balko has an ongoing column that’s worth a regular visit.
Finally, you can’t help but reflect on the changes in policing in, say, the last 20 years or so. I don’t believe a Sheriff Andy or DCI Barnaby would ever dream of beating down on a (rude) young girl. Granted, these are both fictional characters, but they both represent an ideal of what a cop out to be and how they interact with the public. (Hell, Sheriff Andy didn’t even carry a gun.) The actions of present day cops, and the more or less tacet acceptance of those actions by the public, show how far the police have been allowed to stray from that ideal.
“In any advanced society, ‘civil servant’ is a euphemism for ‘civil master.’”
Robert Heinlein
Just a thought.
The police increasing act like an occupation army. Not coincidentally, this has risen with the rise in a globalist elite that openly hates the citizenry
Golden State killer
Your first point on the ‘thin blue line’ subculture – WATCH what happens when you try to file a complaint against a police officer. The blue wall of silence seems to be a blue stonewall against the citizens now. You CAN’T complain or even communicate with ‘police’ in a civil manner in many places. Police antagonism against the public is top down FROM THE GLOBOHOMOS!! This vid is juicy:
So the bitches get a dose of pimp hand..So what? They earned it (see also video down below from Netherlands….)
God forbid my kids do something stupid like that. Would I be mad, yeah, but if they are dumb enough to ask for it, they deserve it. I didn’t teach them to be uncivil bitches, I tried to teach them to be smarter than that and use logic…I hope the learn by seeing these girls pain, to not be a self entitled snot nosed bitch. Stand back and give the law its space and be calm and reasonable.
Neal there appeared to be two girls sitting on that beach blanket, both teens. The real issue is WHAT daddy lets his teen daughter sit on a beach looking like a Baywatch scene? A divorce raped dad is probably in the story as well as an abscent skank mother. The ‘aunt’ picking her up indicates possible family dismemberment by some octopus arm of the same piece of shit government that you otherwise pay homage to.
Bottom line is that white girl is breeding age and WHAT THE HELL is she doing gallavanting in public without a burka? None of this would ever have transpired if that girl was hip to the NEW black for whites – as in headcovering. Believe it or not in some parts of the world we’re seeing CHRISTIAN BURKAS. They’re not moo moo’s (muzzies) either. Real white christian women getting it together and getting on that protective covering against the Sun’s rays. I’ve got a fitted cover for my boat and my car to extend the life of the finish, but you can never turtle wax or shinola back to life sun baked Caucasian skin that looks like a prune. Keep your young noob daughters protected and chaste to preserve their ‘WMV’ (wifable market value).
Should have shot her in the head leave that bitch to die. Spit on her corpse. Fuck her
Don’t be silly.
This is a set-up, it’s clear that the policeman is not really hitting her with his closed fist. If he was, she’d be knocked out in seconds.
Just watch the video again and pay attention.
Many females do need a good crack across their face. But when you’re the Alpha King you don’t need to resort to this. These cops are really just pipsqueak Delta- types.They are more like armed bullies who think they can get away with this.
Cops were sentenced today in Baltimore, and you can be sure that it was for only a fraction of all the nasty crimes they committed including causing the death of an 85yo innocent man. They got 18 and 25 years in prison and were bawling like babies and begging for mercy like the little chickenshits they are.
Suuure they’ll pass a law to allow resisting police if it allows migrants to flood the place. Grass roots citizens have had no say in the increasing aggressiveness of domestic policing. The current police structuring comes from Banksters International Globohomo & Co – and THEIR playbook is dictated to them by THE DEVIL!!
Satan by the way is GAY. He’s got pointed ears and a tail and he runs around naked with a pitchfork trying to poke you in the hiney. The pointed ears is the giveaway. Yep Lucifer is light on the loafers – the biggest fudge packer and dicksmoker of them all. Sumbitch is a FAG big time.
Seriously we’re being civilly managed with a more global criteria. There’s nothing nationalistic or protectorate about the thug shock policing of our communities. The drug roadblocks with K-9s are a farce. The state green lights the drugs that the politicians lobby for money to fight. And next we see democratic party machine females running for office everywhere in every state with a platform to create more pork barrel boondoggle treatment programs to combat ‘victims of opioid illness or disorder’. BULLSHIT!! It’s not an ‘illness’. It’s a fed green lighted DUMP OF DOPE – a massive dope carpet bombing of our nation.
What we need is DUTERTE plus the 2nd Ammendment. In fact MAINE’S Governor Paul Lapage basically deputized Maine’s citizens to ‘get rid’ of dope dealers. (In other words, dealers killed by vigilantes in Maine won’t be pursued by the Attorney General) BIG golfer’s clap to that. Anything to throw a wrench at the globalists is commendable.
Here’s how to get rid of dope dealers. Repeal the Harrison TAX Act and the Marijuana TAX Act.
The reason that these were passed as TAX acts is because drugs laws are unconstitutional but tax acts are legal. Sort of the same as Obamacare.
Hmm ok I’ll pay the tax and then be able to buy all the drugs I want. The problem is that only certain people are allowed to pay the tax eg, drug companies, pharmacies, doctors etc etc so these Tax acts were just a way of getting around the constitution.
If you’re a doctor in addition to a diploma from a med school you need a license from the State to practise but you also need a license from the DEA if you want to prescribe any drug higher than a Cv and you have to pay the fee(tax) to them.
When I was a med student I used to also work in a relative’s pharmacy. One day I’m just sort of looking on the wall where he had his diploma, state license and all of the other licenses and crap you need to run the business and I noticed a certificate that was like a tax stamp showing that he had paid the tax on marijuana. The only problem was that we were not allowed to sell it so he had to pay the tax on something he couldn’t even sell!
Drug laws are insane and there was never any reason for them, besides being unconstitutional under the 9th amendment.But as you can see from court and even Supreme Court rulings they can pretty much interpret it and also use precedents to twist the constitution any way they like and rubber-stamp what the people in power want.Or what politicians want to appease their constituents like the rather convoluted abortion ruling and the more recent gay marriage ruling.
Dr. Benway nails it. Well done. Especially regarding the silliness of 21yo drinking laws.
Dr. Ben,
I don’t agree, nobody needs to be subjected to acts of violence (outside of invasion), if someone behaves in a way you don’t like, just ignore them.
This girl appears to be sitting on the beach quietly eating (watermelon?). There is no indication of any wrong doing that I can see.
I wasn’t really writing that you should go around smacking females.
There was no reason for the cops to even annoy her simply based on their believing she was drinking.
Unless she was really drunk looking or holding a bottle of booze in her hand they should have left her alone. They may have wanted to see her ID to verify her age and give her a breathalyser to see if she drank anything.I’m not certain but they may have wanted to issue a summons but if you cannot identify yourself then they arrest you in this cases.
The crazy 21yo drinking laws also mean (let’s say you were driving) that in an person over 21 the usual BAC would apply but if under 21 even a .01% is a DWI. The cops wanted to get any reading to show she was drinking under 21 even if not driving.
I would suggest never taking a breathalyser or performing any drunk tests because you’re just giving evidence against yourself which is why cops do this to have probable cause to arrest.It’s not to show you’re sober so they let you go. If you refuse you will get your license suspended for not taking it but they won’t have much to work with in court to convict on a DWI. So you’ll get your license suspended anyway if you take the test and may be convicted of DWI too. Better not to take the test or talk to cops if you are arrested. Say nothing. What do you think they do if arrested by internal affairs.
Came here to post this but good to see that someone else is keep their eye on the ball.
It’s really bad acting from start to finish. Like Papa Zel said, watch the video again but this time with the attitude that you’re watching fiction and suddenly you’ll see that it actually is fiction.
When something goes viral on the mainstream media you know it stinks of a set-up. No surprise that this particular starlet is a (((star)))let.
This is just another propaganda piece to keep the masses in fear and in line and train them not to resist authority in any way, shape or form.
And it very well might end in a bogus multi-million dollar lawsuit (like it has time and time again in the past) footed by the taxpayers.
Check out what Miles W Mathis has to say about this incident. He’s usually on point.
Letting police officers have tattoos while being on the force has been one of the worst developments in policing that I was witnessed over my life. Back in the 90s, I wouldn’t see a single cop have ink, at the same time that tattoos were just starting to become semi mainstream for the “youf” of Generation X.
It is important for a police officer to look the total opposite of the exact type of scumbags which are going to wind up in jail a lot, which are people with tattoos over 80% of the time. It’s called being a good role model for society, and demonstrating that you have self-respect for the body which was given to you. Not treating it as some kind of damn canvass.
But now, the answer to policing degenerate tattooed scumbags is to look like a degenerate tattooed scumbag yourself? And accordingly act like one?
It is the type of Tattoo…full arm tats are disgusting, ESPECIALLY ON WOMEN. Then you have these tattoos that just look like graffiti Having some tats that actually may mean something, are typically hidden by uniform, and are from the military or something else is a different story.
in the 90’s
most agencies
didn’t even allow
any visible tattoos
Cops all look like gangbangers today, and behave like them too.
Yes Fred, the tats made him do it.
Beta cops, beta British princes, Beta politicians, beta churchians, beta society.
Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, soy for ur boys, sex toys for ur girls.
Wait for ur government to regulate u more!
Those cops are beyond beta. They’re more like the new girl scouts.
Trump needs to make it okay for us to use force against cops who are using unreasonable force. A bullet between the eyes should suffice if a cops feels it’s necessary to beat up a 90 pound teenage girl for sneaking a wine cooler on the beach.
“The punishment must fit the crime” doesn’t really come into play there.
They passed such law in Indiana:
Fuck that girl…she was acting like a bitch (in front of her little kid too), she walked away fro the cops when told not to, and she was resisting…she was a basic bitch and I think it is great that the cop got ruff with her. Stop being a white knight. If that had been a man he would have been tazed, beat, pissed on, and then shot.
” If that had been a man he would have been tazed, beat, pissed on, and then shot.” Yes, all for exercising his right as an adult to drink an adult beverage. Try to see the forest for the trees. This incident isn’t about battle of the sexes, “pussy pass” or any of that stuff.
They outlawed drinking on that beach because “some” people get out of control and ruin the “family beach” experience. If she had just complied she probably wouldn’t have gotten in trouble. Oh, so are you one of these idiots that thinks a person should just decide when the law is applied to them?
@herbie, I guess if I don’t agree with a speeding ticket because I want to drive faster than I can just tell the cop to F off and then drive away…is that what you are saying?
Enforcement of drunk driving laws has increased and improved enormously over the last 40 years. And the legal limit nation wide is .08 (or maybe less in a few places). That, not an increase in drinking age, is what has caused the drop in DUIs. So a 18 year old drinking age wouldn’t matter much as a public safety concern. And as for 18 year olds of time gone by (e.g. The world Wars ) not agitating for voting rights; it takes consciousness a long time to kick in. There’s a lot of civics brainwashing and false consciousness that must be overcome.
@Herbie….”Enforcement of drunk driving laws has increased and improved enormously over the last 40 years. And the legal limit nation wide is .08 (or maybe less in a few places). That, not an increase in drinking age, is what has caused the drop in DUIs. ” You have zero proof of this, but what is your point? So one minute you talk shit about law enforcement, now you glorify their work when handing out DUI’s. Doesn’t that seem like a little bit of an illogical argument you are making.
Those cops were such pussy rookies they could barely handle a tiny teenage girl. Now those cops look like real bitches on camera. They’ll probably start using roids if they’re still beat cops.
Why is the drinking age 21 in the first place? It ought to be 18.
Exactly the point.
Because when they lowered it to 18 drunk driving accidents and a bunch of other bullshit increased. Can you fucking imagine the shitshow it would be if 18 year olds today could go to bars and get drunk. It use to even be that the voting age was not 18 till the 26th amendment was passed. All the 17-18 year old men that fought in the civil war, Spanish American war, ww1, ww2 didn’t complain, they just fought for their country. According to you than only men who have fought for the country should be able to drink, why should this immature bitch be able to have that freedom when they are no required in the draft, or required to fight?
the only
reason it’s
21 to drink
is NJ Senator
Frank the louse
Lautenberg twisted
the arms of all the states
with the Lautenberg Amendment
that withholds Federal Highway Funds
from any state that doesn’t enact 21 to drink. NJ is at fault here to begin with
Drinking age of 18 isn’t a problem in Europe, or are you claiming American youths are less mature and responsible from Euro kids.
@John…their laws are a lot different, and ya, I do think Americans are fucking immature as shit. In Germany you have to be 18 to drive by yourself, and 21 to operate a bus or truck. They have different cultures and different infrastructure than we do here in the states. We tried the 18 and up thing, and it didn’t work, and it didn’t seem that important to let 18 year olds drink in exchange for more driving deaths. They also have a lot more public transport in Europe, and their cities are compact and easy to get around in by just walking. IN Germany the drinking and driving limits are even different for different ages, for instance, a reading of 0% for anyone under 21 and less than two years of driving experience. They even punish bicyclists who are above 0.16% limit as if they were driving a car. I bet if they bring in too many youth from “other places” than it will go to shit in Europe too, and they will have to start banning all sorts of things.
@John, plus we have a lot of Hispanics and Indians who literally cannot process alcohol like a German in Germany can. LOTS of drunk driving crashes caused by Hispanics.
“They have different cultures and different infrastructure than we do here in the states”
Guess that logic (I would rather say “common sense”) applies to any other Country, Culture etc., not just Germany !!
German-American here.
European kids don’t have access to vehicles as easily even at age 18.
Alcohol is more socialized so unlike the United States they are brought up around it.
I would speculate however, that American kids are more likely to do hard drugs at a younger age-on average. There are more 14 year old meth addicts in the United States than in Germany or Holland.
Due to your aboriginal Australian blood South Indians cannot handle alcohol well either.
A South Indian is similar to an Australian aboriginal.
@ Wes
Even years ago when you were an adult at 21 the drinking age was 18.
The drinking age was not lowered to 18 it was raised to 21.
It seems crazy that in the days when you were considered an adult at 21 the drinking age was 18;and today when you’re an adult at 18 the drinking age was raised to 21. This is all nanny statism,unconstitutional, and has nothing to do with drunk driving which is another topic and besides in the city most people who go out are not even driving. It’s females who pushed these laws like that MADD.
Never trust a female’s motive because when they claim it’s for one thing eg drunk driving, they may have an ulterior motive and may not even be conscious of it sometimes.
Making a 21yo drinking age keeps 18yo females out of bars and away from older men. Females don’t do things for moral reasons or for any concern about drunk drivers. They are all in competition with other females for a man’s attention and this is their primary goal in life.
Now, imagine you’re in a bar and have to compete with 21yo females which is bad enough without competing against 18 year olds.At that age they are at their peak and they still have a bit of that girlishness that men like and before their personality begins to deteriorate and they also become a bit cynical.
So you’re in a bar and men are looking over the girls.At one table it looks like a group of females that are left over from Sex in the City, and at another fresh faced 18yo girls who may be a bit innocent looking and still have that romantic attitude that girls of this age have.
Just the contrast between them is enough to make the older female’s heads explode. The 21 year olds were bad enough but this is intolerable.We got to make a law against this!
The drinking age in France is 16 and they can buy anything they want in a store.
In a bar they can drink beer and wine but must be 18 for hard liquor.
And other countries it may be 18 but is not so stringently enforced.
In the US you will see signs in liquor stores that if you look under 40 you may be asked for ID lol
At 14? There are kids younger than that taking amphetamine in the US for attention deficit(whatever that
s supposed to be) Now that I’m older I can’t think of even one kid who had the symptoms of ADHD a couple of generations ago.
As far as hard drugs, there was use in Europe and if you’ve read Christianne F or seen the film it will show the heroin scene in Berlin in 1980. She was 14 at the time. You can watch it here
“All the 17-18 year old men that fought in the civil war, Spanish American war, ww1, ww2 didn’t complain.” Wes, google “false consciousness” then get back to us.
You are a deplorable human being, no child, half naked on the beach deserves to be beaten by a government employee. Let’s face it the policeman wanted to handle her half naked body, and that’s the real reason for the assault. He will be losing his job for this be of sexual assault, and deservedly so.
He’ll be lucky to get a job as a car park attendant in the future.
@John….Fuck You dude, seriously. So I am deplorable for enjoying a bit of equality being dished out to some loud mouth, single mother, bitch? “No child”, “half naked”, “beaten”….jeeze, I think I am going to cry, you should write cop/crime romance novels. Don’t be mad I made people laugh at you in this thread. You have no real argument but old man emotions, stop, it is embarrassing. LOL, too bad you weren’t there to stand up to those cops and die for “muh lady”.
“He’ll be lucky to get a job as a car park attendant in the future.” Yup, just like that asshole campus cop who tear gassed those Occupy Wall Street student protestors just for sitting ON THEIR OWN CAMPUS. He’s probably a mall cop now, riding a Segway and chasing sistas shoplifting panties from Victoria’s Secret.
Nothing to do with gender and don’t be so quick to call a fellow reader a “white Knight” I couldn’t give two sh*ts about that c*nt. The issue here is a cop going way beyond reasonable force to subdue a “suspect” male or female.
Wes, you are such a beta pussy. Or a troll.
“Police are just doing their job”
“I think it’s great the cop got rough with her”
You speak clearly from the position of a weak man who doesn’t HAVE power and hasn’t learned how to control it.
You ignorant fool: it DOESN’T MATTER if Nazi soldiers just “have a job to do” or if police “have a job to do”- just because somebody is hired -and paid- to do a job doesn’t grant unilateral authority for heinous acts.
You stupid fuck. I shouldn’t hate you for your gross ignorance.
I’m sure you’re just doing your job.
Maybe you’ll grow a pair of balls someday and understand that beating the crap out of a weaker opponent because you think you will get away with it is the mark of a coward.
@Samuel…ya, most police just do their jobs. I do think it is great the cop didn’t give her a pussy pass for being a bitch and resisting arrest. Hilarious how an idiot like yourself just uses aqd hominem attacks in your argument “weak boy…stupid fuck…grow a pair of balls” LOL, none of that shit means anything
“heinous acts. ” lol, this was not a heinous act you chicken shit coward.
“beating the crap out of a weaker opponent..” Cops are not in the MMA bro, he did not beat the crap out of her, and quickly subdueing a suspect who is kicking and spitting on you has nothing to do with pride/honor. Go white knight somewhere else faggot.
Your lips to God’s ears. He also needs to get rid of that awful law dating back to 1984 that withholds states’ highway funds if they don’t keep the drinking age to 21. The idea that you can sign a contract, get married, killed or maimed in war etc. but can’t drink a beer until you’re 21 is beyond stupid–and beyond unjust.
So get the law changed then instead of whining about it. Until then be civil and calm and things will work out just fine. If the officers are bored they will WANT you to be stupid, so why give them what they want. Be smarter than them, not deservedly blacker and bluer than them.
It doesn’t really even stop highway funds but just reduces them 5%! It shows you how desperate these States are to grab every penny even if they have to violate citizen’s rights.
Yeah, Reagan signed that bill but it was sort of forced on him, just like amnesty at the time.
And btw, when the voting age was lowered to 18 (thank the Boomers) every thing else was as well so at 18 you were an adult.
Imagine trying to tell people over 60 that they couldn’t drink because they were too old! And as a doctor I could give some good medical reasons for it but it would never happen because they just wouldn’t allow it.
Millenials have to be the most pussy whipped low Testosterone generation known to man. I don’t want to say all but it appears that the majority of them are.
Do any of you seriously think Boomers would put up with the crap they inflict on you today?
I’m pretty sure everyone would resist arrest then.
Long story short: it’s not a good idea to resist arrest but cops are not the judge, jury and the executioner. No matter how annoying or difficult their client may be, they cannot slip excessive force in through the backdoor by appealing to emotions any more than a waitress or chef cannot tamper with a customer’s food just because (s)he was unlikable. A dentist or physician cannot torture patients having a bad day and a prosecutor cannot make shit up in court just because the accused is a bit of an ass.
Choose the kind of job you can do without losing your cool or live on the dole or something else.
They can use whatever force is necessary to get some one resisting into handcuffs. What is this idea that people can resist enough so that the cop has to stop and let them go. I love when entitled women like this get a taste of the male world. Bitch spit on the officer, was not cooperating, was acting like a bitch, walked away from the cop when she was told not to, then resisted arrest during the takedown which then led her to getting punch. No sympathy for the bitches. That is also the last way a person should act towards cops when they little child is around too. Now, that guy who was begging for his life and crying “don’t shoot me” getting lit up by that tattooed freak…ya, that is a little much.
Copsuck, much?
Is that your only argument Herbie…because that is not much of an argument.
I’m not an expert on protocol so perhaps multiple police officers can hit a young chick with their fists to get someone into handcuffs but I live in a different country and while I don’t trust out police I have never heard of them punching someone to get the handcuffs on. I think it shows poverty of imagination and physical fitness.
The police are the ones on the field that are supposed to be an example of keeping a cool head and not let things devolve into animalistic anarchy in situations such as this. They will lose their moral authority (and by extension the courts too if they let it slip) if they simply join the scene as a rival gang of thugs wanting to get their piece of the action. If cops act that bad, what kind of an example will it give to security guards and bouncers? Since cops are higher on the hierarchy, it gives them a rationalization for using excessive force as well.
This will always be a problem of course because the people with the highest aspirations (smarts, impulse control etc.) will rarely want to become cops; they’ll become lawyers or something of that sort instead so the appeal of being a state sanctioned bully and fake tough guy (no need for lifting, martial arts, military etc. just get a cheap education and a badge) will always be there for many men.
There’s no reason that cops have to handcuff anyone, man or woman, unless it is absolutely necessary when dealing with a violent criminal, and should not be a routine procedure when making even an ordinary arrest. The citizens should determine what is and what is not acceptable. Cops are employees of the locality and can’t just make up what they think procedure should be.So throwing someone on the ground and punching them because you want to handcuff them because you want to arrest them on what is a violation of an ordinance is not acceptable.And wht’s more, handcuffing someone behind their back is torture esp. if it’s an older person who can fall and doesn’t even have their hands to break the fall or becomes ill.
They do this to intimidate people because I find it unbelievable that 3 burly cops could be afraid of an unarmed female.
Police academies in the USA do a piss-poor job of psychological screening of cadets–if they even bother doing so at all. They admit too many sociopaths who think they’ve got elephant balls because they’ve got a badge and a gun. The militarization of police departments–and recruitment of ex-military–doesn’t help matters either.
This is true
So let me get this straight…you think people should be able to fight against the cops, and I am sure you think the average citizen should have the right to militarize himself, right?….but the cops whose job it is to go into dangerous places and enforce the law should not be able to militarize? What is wrong with a cop having an armored vehicle or other defensive devices? What is wrong with a cop having an AR15..a citizen can have one, why not a cop? You seem like a simple minded idiot just regurgitating shit he reads on libertarian pothead sites.
I believe the police should have to obey the same laws as ‘the average citizen’. They are employed to uphold the law and not break it.
@John…Why? They have a specific job that requires the use of force. Plus, most of the militarization of the police force is with things that the average citizen can buy. Average citizens can buy armored cars, body armor, AR15s, silencers, helmets, night vision. Why can’t a police officer have the ability to over power a potentially crazy citizen when that is literally in the job description? Besides, most police are not militarized, and they don’t even have armored squad cars. With the way our country is going, with the importation of new “minority units” from the south, with increased gang activity in our cities, and even with crazy libertarian redneck organizations like that Bundy Ranch stand-off….I don’t blame the cops for militarizing.
Reasonable force, I’m fairly sure I can hold a teenage girl down by twisting her arm a little. No need to punch her, a punch (especially from a man to a woman) can kill. Nobody should be hitting children, restraining OK, hitting not OK.
“[C]razy libertarian redneck organizations like that Bundy Ranch stand-off.” Wow. Just. Wow. That really says it all. Wes, you’re the living definition of an authoritarian mindset.
It is systemic and deliberate too.
The idealistic young crime fighters
are weeded out at the academy level.
When they begin; they are all told,
“you all know why you are really here”
Your sweeping statements in the first two sentences are pure nonsense, and fuck you for the little jab at us ex-military.
Stick to subjects you know something about. Law enforcement isn’t one.
I’m talking to Noodleman with the above.
I don’t think it really hurts a kid to do two years in the National Guard.
Going through boot camp is something all males should experience.
Triggered, much? Aww.
Wow, that’s quite a comeback, noodleboy. In these warmer months I think your yarmulke is causing your head and brain to overheat and then you say stupid things with no cognizance of that fact.
This bitch thought she would get a pussy pass. When you deal with the police it’s best to shut your mouth and comply.
That’s cuck thinking. Anyhow, here’s the problem (at least in the USA)
1. The young woman was cited for underage drinking. We in the USA have a silly law that withholds highway funding from states unless they maintain a minimum drinking age of 21 (signed into law in 1984 by Reagan, probably worst thing he ever did). But 18 year olds can join the military, enter into contracts etc. So the whole thing is asinine and she was right to flout this idiotic law.
2. Police are given too much leeway by the courts. Acts which would get the ordinary Joe in big trouble are given the benefit of the doubt if done by a cop.
3. In cases where police brutality actually gets to court, prosecutors don’t do their utmost to get a rogue cop convicted. After all, they need police cooperation. So they throw the fight.
4. Until Americans–especially conservative Americans–stop being copsuckers and worshiping the man with a badge, this sort of abuse will continue.
5. Thank God for smartphones. A lot of shit that used to be swept under the rug now sees daylight.
At the back end of every law, no matter how well intentioned it may be, there is a man with a gun. Who will use that gun on you for non compliance.
And I mean every law.
If you resist, they will escalate until you are dead. For not wearing a seatbelt, for underage consumption of alcohol, for having the wrong type of plant in your pocket, for speeding, and for any other violation.
When you violate any law in the USA you will be subject to deadly force if you do not comply.
I always remind people when they say “they ought to pass a law” of that fact.
There’s always men with guns ready to do violence to enforce any law on the books. They don’t care what you did really. Just that you are in violation of some obscure statute.
And always record your interactions with the police. If possible, make sure it’s live-streaming to the net or cloud also — and tell them that they’re being live-streamed so they know right off that they won’t be able to erase any evidence off your phone. Many will try to you get you to believe that you’re not allowed to record them but that’s bullshit. The courts have consistently stated that people are allowed to record public officials in the course of their duty. As soon as you’re approached by a cop, whip out your phone and record.
They tried pushing the drinking age down to 18, and it turned into a shitshow…more drunk driving accidents (which usually kills the innocent person), and just more degeneracy. Funny you mention voting, it use to be that before the 26th amendment the voting age could be as high as 21 in many states…the civil war vets didn’t complain, the ww1 vets didn’t complain, the ww2 vets never complained….only the entitled, “muh individual” generations of modern clown world America complained. Sorry, but this whole libertarian BS about people just doing whatever they want is total horseshit, because it doesn’t JUST affect you as an individual. You are at the mercy of society (and you will ALWAYS BE), individualism is a crock of shit and it is the weakest state of human existence. It is why white man cannot even close his borders these days, or put women in their place. Grow up child, become a man, and understand that “life isn’t fair”…pay your taxes and follow the law. You want to change it than go out there and convince your society, lead your society, to change it. “So the whole thing is asinine and she was right to flout this idiotic law.” that is retarded and immature, that cop cannot change the law, but it is his job to enforce it. Bitching to cops about laws is fucking dumb. Everything you are complaining about is shit that has to be taken care of at a state/national level…it requires the power of the voter to change. This is how civilized societies work, unless you want to be like Mexico with corrupt cops that have to be bought off and that you can never trust. A good cop should be almost robotic in their implementation of the law. “Until Americans….stop being copsuckers” —> bro BLM is that way—->. Just because there are a couple of bad cops out of the million plus cops in this country, who are putting murders in jail and keeping the peace, is no reason to start hating on the cops. After all, you even blamed the prosecutors and the courts, how is that the cops fault? Yes, I think cameras are good for everyone, even the cops.
About 30% of cops are, bad cops and the other 70% will turn a blind eye to the ‘bad cops’ raising the percentage of bad cops to 100%.
This is quite true.
The World War vets didn’t complain because they were brainwashed and beset by false consciousness (for you folks in Rio Linda, “false consciousness” is when you identify with your oppressor instead of your group that is being oppressed). It takes decades to overcome that.
YAY for equality!
If by “equality” you mean the police can abuse an 18-20 year old adult woman for the “crime” of drinking an adult beverage like they can an 18-20 adult man, then, then yeah, I guess that’s equality. Equal enforcement of an unjust and inane law. It amazes me how passive today’s youth are in the face of real injustice, as opposed to SJW rubbish.
This ain’t Megacity where Judge Dredd is the rule of the land.
(Gasp!) We’ve been spotted again!
Yep, just another entitled, mouthy J.A.P.
just last week here in the Netherlands some girl gets shoved by a police officer and pretends to fall hard, insults the police and tries to slap an officer. This is what happened next:
Coal burning euro trash. Toll paid. LMAO
@Rick, thanks for the video. That bitch’s hand must be cut off for raising hand on a on-duty police officer. More and more pussies and becoming entitled and think they don’t have to face any “consequences”. Guess that fuckin bitch had the taste of “equality” !!
I agree with compliance. However, America is a now a police state and you are not free.
These guys can kill you in broad daylight if they want, best to play ball. Hope some esé smokes him.
Yup. Some of these bastards need the sound of bagpipes.
That bitch deserved everything she got. The cop was did nothing wrong.
I’m so sick of try hards with sleeve tattoos, women, and diversity hire police.
So predictable.
There’s always a white knight defending this pure chola-trash her cause “she’s a girl”
The funniest thing is that he’d never get inside her Guatemalan pussy. Never.
She’d rather fuck a cop that had beaten her up but never this cuck at the end of video
She probably got soaking wet the more it escalated.
Swamprat: Or you did, it sounds like.
The police are not the common mans friend. The great unwashed are to be made compliant to the elites game. “Serve and protect” does not apply to us.
F that. I vacation in Wildwood every summer for two weeks. It’s such a chill place. I would have loved to see the people on the beach pummel these asshole cops. This BS will continue until the population will no longer tolerate shit like this.
Such police people have lost their empathy. From their eyes, everybody seems to be a potential terrorist or at least doing something illegal. It is all because their training curriculum does not include any chapter on how to be a reasonable person while having an interrogation with a civilian.
funny video, she is an awful disgusting skank isnt she? a good represantation of an american woman. im suprised she isnt fat.
That’s not the point. She was resisting a bullshit law (not allowing 18-20 year old adults to drink alcohol). When will young people in the USA get off their collective asses and start resisting this nonsense en masse?
cops are assholes, nothing new. but its fresh to see them going against skanks.
Herbie…get out of here with your “muh I don’t have to follow the law” libertarian bullshit.
Keep saying that when they come to collect your guns.
or come to confiscate your car and house for illegal parking.
The laws are only going to get more oppressive, at some time you will have to make a stand against some laws or become a slave.
@John, ya, I know someday they could take my guns away. Libertarianism is the ideology that turned white men into weak, pathetic, selfish, and retarded individuals who cannot even close their borders. The only reason we would lose our guns is if women, like the one in the video, and our brown imports vote a democrat into office and then outlaw guns. So what is your point?
Give her ten years, and she will be fat.
I would definitely bang now, don’t care what she looks like in 10 years, pump and dump guys.
Yea guilty as charged Akee. Gotta say, I enjoying every second of that bitch getting checked.
What happened to ROK? Is this do.e kind of white knight board now and nobody told me?
Please see above comment.
I know, right?
Lmao you cant have police monkey wrangle half the time and the other time expect them to deal with actual human beings in a correct manor..
I understand that there is police abuse and so on, but precisely the example of the single mom NJ whore is not valid. She deserved it. It is called law enforcement.
The author seems to be an Indian white knight. Sorry for being redundant in my last sentence.
@Better, Indeed. That entitled pussy 100% deserves the kind of “treatment” !! I am pretty much surprised that the author is trying to “pedestal” that bitch !! Shame on the “white-knights” !!
It’s better to die on your feet than live on your knees.
Living a life like a worm giving everything to people because they pointed a gun at you is not worth living, get a gun, and defend yourself when necessary.
Use your head or you will you will get beat down. If you use a gun, or other weapon vs a cop you will definitely get shot. If you survive you are going to get lots of time. That is the reality everywhere in the world, whether you like it or not.
If she had acted like a lady and complied she would have just got a fine. The “aunt” story sounded like bullshit anyway.
Some girls(and some men too) need a bit of a bashing to bring them back to reality.
William Rubin, another authority-worshipping copsucker. Why not point out the idiocy of 21yo drinking laws? No one is going to arrest you for that. Not yet, anyways.
1 Avoid all contact with the cops
2. Don’t talk to the cops
3. If contact with cops happens, lawyer up immediately
4. If contact with cops happens, don’t challenge or physically confront them
5. If contact with cops happens, comply with their commands and requests when in public, even if it is unfair. The cops are the spear end of the globohomo global empire. You will be swatted, crushed and memory holed if you take on the globohomo state openly and foolishly.
6. The struggle against the globohomo empire is a strategic struggle that is going to be hard, long one and needs to be fought with patience, cunning and intelligence and organization.
6. If you don’t want to join the globohomos or fight it, go off the grid.
Yes, in other words, FOLLOW THE FUCKING LAW and be a decent human being and 99.99% of the time you have an interaction with a cop you will be fine. Even in globohomo clown world the cops still have laws to abide by. If this bitch had not talked so much shit and walked away like she did than she wouldn’t have gotten “dropped”, and she may have even gotten away without a warning. Most cops don’t even want to arrest people, it is a pain in the ass to them and they don’t like having to write up reports and go through the hassle, unless the city gives them quotas (which is bullshit) but that isn’t the cops fault.
@nick, you are simply trying to “generalize” the situation and that’s preposterous. I agree with @Wes on this: FOLLOW THE FUCKING LAW and be a decent human being and 99.99% of the time you have an interaction with a cop you will be fine.
I myself had to deal and interact with Cops, and I NEVER had any problems. They were straight to the issue, subtle and polite. If you are arrogant and entitled; you have to face the “consequences”, period.
Try being a reasonable human being to a cop after your wife/gf/passing woman has just said ‘he hit me’, let us know how that works out for you.
I totally agree with you, but I get a lot of flak for moving ‘off the grid’. Apparently it’s running away, and I should submit myself to excessive taxes, no sex with women and constant oppression from the authorities in order to be a real man.
@John…excessive taxes? Bro, America has some of the lowest tax rates in the modern world. Probably 60% of people don’t even pay a federal tax. Didn’t you just say earlier that you would essentially tell the officers to fuck off and to shoot you before you submitted? Constant oppression? The whole point is that men running away and/or turning into some libertarian retard that just goes around talking all big and badass is what got us here in the first place. Other groups saw an opportunity to take over a country that use to be run by tribalistic and proud white men, which is why we are in such deep shit now. Women and minorities pretty much run this country. The only reason you are able to enjoy your life in Asia is because you came from a first world nation, you lucked out. That is not going to be a good option for most of us today in our 20s, and I doubt if Thailand would allow white people to colonize their country if too many started to flood there.
Where I live only 20% of the population pay income tax (nobody in my family pays), there are almost no property taxes (my house property tax is around $5/year) or vehicle taxes (road tax/insurance/road test for my pickup $30/year, scooter $15/year) but there is VAT of 7% on ‘luxury’ items. Garbage collection 2x a week for $10/year.
I’m guessing you pay more in America.
@John, ya and where you live is considered a developing nation, and if you had been born there instead of being born in a first world nation than you would be a poor piece of shit. What do people like you not get about the fact that when you take first world wealth to a third world country, ya, it sees like the place is cheap and amazing….that doesn’t prove anything, it doesn’t mean that that third world country is better in any way. The average Thai makes around 7,500 bucks a year….as opposed to the 55,000 dollar average in America.
Listen to it all
Very enlightening Dr Benway. Thank you.
I love a good beat down, nothing like watching a bitch getting a good beating.
I’m posting under a different name, but I sort of agree, except specify bitch doesn’t mean any woman, it’s mean some foul mouthed sassy creature like the subject of this article
Read the book, Arrest-Proof Yourself. 99 percent of people get themselves into trouble doing really stupid things. This is a case in point. The only time you can argue your rights is in court. But that won’t stop the 99 percent from acting up and acting out like the fools they are. You may not have to answer all the questions, but anything physical, even walking away, is resisting and you will be in trouble for it.
Most people also don’t know that body cams have exonerated more cops that have been disciplined because most of the busted people have lied.
Wise up, losers. If the cops can see you, they can bust you, and if you want that changed you’re gonna have to do it with legislation.
Exactly, comply with the cops, they aren’t there to determine innocence or guilt, just to arrest suspects.
Argue in court.
I wonder what that black guy in the background of the title picture is thinking, lol.
This girl is definitely a whiny and bitchy SJW and I do not blame the officers for subduing her like that.
But if the girl was East or SE Asian, I bet that every reader here that is defending the cops would sing a different tune and declare that the cops “went too far.”
I understand the instinct to criticize the girl, obviously her lifestyle and attitude leave a lot to be desired, but that really shouldn’t distract from the fact that these cops were in a position where they’ve been encouraged to forcibly control adult behavior. This was a 20 year old person having a recreational drink. Why on earth should this situation have devolved to the point where two cops are striking and detaining a fucking adult who’s having a drink?
Leave the bashing of the girl for another time. The takeaway from this is that we’re pretty much living in a police state, subject to the whims of an elite class and their jack booted enforcers.
I am not an apologist for most modern policing. There are A LOT of problems that get swept under the rug every day and “cases” such as these usually serve as a more then convenient way to avoid discussion on the root causes. A la here.
This is what happened, verified through people I know who have specific knowledge of the incident.
1. The beach and boardwalk at Wildwood are notorious locally/regionally for having underage drinkers that do cause real problems when intoxicated.
2. Hence, the police enforce alcohol laws with a little more grit as opposed to other shore towns that tend to let them slide. It is a “quality of life” issue and not a made up one either. Drunk and disorderly teens are a regular “feature” of this beach.
3. In NJ it is a crime to both consume AND posses alcoholic beverages if one is under 21. The person in question here was only 20.
4. To be in possession you do not have to have such an alcoholic beverage directly on your person. The state uses “constructive possession” as its standard which basically means if it is in your immediate control. Here the beer was within her reach.
5. The officer had reasonable suspicion to investigate both the crime of underage drinking AND possession. When the breathalyzer came back negative he still had suspicion to continue his investigation into possible possession.
6. Here, it sounds like the officer was not going to press a case for possession but still had the right to demand her ID. I was told that his original plan was just to make a brief report about the contact since he had taken an official investagatory action – using the breathalyzer – and that was going to be the end of it. Police have to justify their stops for lots of reasons including reporting, insurance, potential lawsuits, etc.
7. This is where the person in question go the “I didn’t do nothing” attitude and refused to give her name. Well, that isn’t really legally a thing. If a police officer gives you even an unlawful order your only recourse in most states is to comply and later pursue administrative/judicial remedies.
8. At this point, both parties get sort of in the wrong if you wanted an ideal circumstance. The lady should have just given up her name and address. The ensuing report probably would have ended up in an archival box never to be seen again unless she was caught later drunk on the boardwalk or something. The cop could have done a better job explaining why he needed her ID instead of reverting to “respect my authority”.
9. But as things go neither of these happened and refusing to ID yourself is an arrestable offense because the only way the police can compel you to produce ID is to haul you to jail and do it through fingerprints, attrition, etc.
10. So the DINDU (didn’t do nothing) and ‘roid cop go at it at you get the predictable result. One side says police brutality while the other side so “go cops!”.
I call these types of stories “DINDU stories” because they are all written like a mad-lib game.
was just .
police officer shows up after person called to report what was .
DINDU then proceeds to badger police or impede an otherwise legal investigation. DINDU feels justified in doing so because . .
Police <use excessive force/beat DINDU/or similar actions which sound completely outrageous.
I love all of this anti police talk too. Lol man y’all would fit in pretty well at an antifag or ape lives matter meeting.
This is not about white knighting.
(Side note, a real man in his prime of life would not need this amount of force to restrain such a little woman no matter how rude or resisting. If he really needed to cuff her he should have been able to do it relaxed and happy, chuckling to his coworker with one hand tied behind his back.)
This is about respect for the law. Stupid laws kill the law. Treating alcohol as intrinsically evil is ridiculous and even heretical by orthodox Christian standards and weakens respect for Law by citizens.
This is about respecting law enforcement. Their authority does not extend beyond the law. When they serve their own passions instead of the laws and the people that is tyranny and it’s idiotic to support this tyranny over yourself just because it gives you pleasure to see a trashy woman get beaten. Even if it was “deserved” it’s not worth degrading our country’s laws and law enforcement.
If you want to uphold law, order and patriarchy, make laws few but well chosen
and don’t be a tyrant.
Too late for few but well chosen laws in this country. We’d need to start over to succeed in that.
They’re supposed to be held to a higher standard.
All this will ever do is jeopardize more cops.
Millions have already seen the video and it
reinforces what viewers believe that when
cops starts talking to you, it’s already over.
i read those cops were only hired on
for the summer as temporary help.
Her pussy pass will get her out of it,
but it won’t help her win the lawsuit.
This is incredibly important advice. I’ve had a cap train a gun on me while his partner had one on my buddy for the non offense of having a toy gun. The only thing thing that kept us from getting shot was hands out where they can be seen, not moving, saying, “Yes sir, no sir.”
In all my dealings with cops, attitude only hurt and polite deference only helped. I’ve gotten out of a speeding ticket by saying, “I really didn’t know I was speeding officer. I know you are just doing your job and if you say I was speeding I was, and if you want to give me a ticket you have every cause. May I tell you what I noticed? The last time I looked at my speedometer I was just under the speed limit and just after I saw your lights I looked again and was just under. I apologize for causing you trouble.” Followed by yes sir, no sir, yes sir no sir. Now that kind of thing doesn’t work every time, but an attitude will make every cop encounter worse. I’d estimate this type of deference will reduce your tickets by 50% and never earn you any extra unwarranted treatment from the boys in blue.
That said, if you can take a beating and wish to sue a city, follow that gals example.
Never ask a cop if he has better things to do, like catching real criminals.. Just for that you should expect an ass whipping.
Bite your tongue, comply, yes sir no sir, apologise, don’t say to much and if your’e in a situation where a lawyer is needed, make it clear without being a nob.
I saw the video with the that young cop with the glasses and rose tattoo on his left arm. Usually, they don’t show what happens before the police have to resort to assault or defending ones self. I know that most today are desensitized from the violence in this country, but just one look at that dudes black, soulless eyes and you will easily see something doesn’t look completely right.
And if you had to ask me, a cop in the 1990’s probably had to have thicker skin…Today, you sometimes see 2-3 flashy, brand new black police SUV’s pulling one young lady over in her Prius. Back in 1997, you might be pulling 4 thugs in a van over with just you and your backup officer in a white Chevy Caprice or Ford Crown Vic. And today’s police look like SWAT or a US Marine from Mosul conducting door-to-door raids. In 1997, police had one 9mm sidearm, a few magazines on his utility belt and a nightstick. I would have to guess it was around 1999-2002 or so when cops started to look really jacked.
Hey, I’m happy the police are keeping us safe but the FBI says that crime has been going down steadily since the late ’90’s and from a 1992 high. Is that REALLY TRUE or is MOST CRIME TODAY GOING UNREPORTED?
Well there is something new to learn, something like, hey cops are humans too! I got many cop friends, and lets just say, when people are normal, there is a mutual respect you know? In this scenario, a girl is stupid from the start, with no respect. It is funny to see people learn body language for girls, why not use it on a police too? For fuck sake, get up, greet them, talk normal to them, look them politely in the eyes, a few light jokes, and WOILA you are now 1-2% population that will make their day easy and enjoyable. Calling someone dickhead, fag, retarded, etc, want help you anywhere, nor will it with a police. A little dose of diplomacy and machiavellianism will get you a long way, and a lot of money and time for sure. Be objective, learn a skill how to be in someone else shoes, and leave ego for battle and survival.
Just saw this chick on tv the other day. Does not look like she’s been hit. AT ALL. Fake news? Besides, she had priors, she was mouthing off, and she was fighting them. Cops were right except they should have hit her because there will be NO consequences here. Not for the girl, anyway.
That foul smell is the wafting odour of fascism’s imminent return,sanctioned by dumb Billy Bobs and Bubbas whose favourite pols (yeah,you,Donnie Baby ) scammed out of Vietnam. Nice beat down,boys !!!! So much for gallantry in 2018 !!!!! (Of course,a black man such as Yours Truly would have been shot by those blue-clad thugs !!!!!)
Uncle Lalo,you’re as full of crap as the horse and cow dung my father worked in for seven years after being laid off Ford’s Of Canada !!!!!!
It looks like it was her who first got physical.
Even if the cops could have been put to better use elsewhere strictly speaking they were just doing their jobs, weren’t they? She was a wacko, really unstable with an idiotic entitlement attitude. If only her father had disciplined her 15 or so years ago… She’d have had no problem. By the way I think she referred to him as “my fucking father”. some serios respecting going on over there
Definitely an example of a real life version of:
“When keeping it real goes wrong”…..
And …….check mark on that job or college application,……..”Have you ever been arrested”…
I was a cop for a while and, in the state where I worked, if a suspect isn’t attacking you, you can only use pain compliance (wrist-twisting, etc), pepper spray or a taser – no punches.
Did she assault the officer? We can’t see. It doesn’t appear so.
Cops deal with situations like this all the fucking time, it blows.
These cops did a poor job of detaining and arresting this asshole suspect.
NEVER engage police in dialogue. NEVER argue. Even if you are innocent.
If you are the suspect in a time, obey, give them your name and nothing else.
Actually “knowing your rights” does help. You don’t have to be a dick about it and get body slammed into the ground. You will go to jail though, so be prepared for that. Know your 4th and 5th ammendment by heart, if they don’t read you your Miranda rights, it’s not a violation on their part. They can read them to you any time. They will only keep pressing you if they have nothing, so say nothing and they won’t have a confession
Also, there’s this thing called “implied consent” that cops will use. If they try to search you, all you have to do is invoke your 4th ammendment that protects you against unlawful search and seizure. Calmy tell them they do not have permission to search you, car, backpack etc. Again, you will go to jail and they will still search you, but now it’s an illegal search and all evidence found is not usable in court. So you will walk. This doesn’t work on cars if you are pulled over, because if they pull you over, your vehicle is now linked to a potential crime. So play that card wisely in a traffic stop
NYC cops circa 1980’s. This was the worst precinct in the city, S Bronx
None of those cops look like they were on steroids
Cops are not your friends, they are an enemy to all. What should have happened on that beach is for the men to beat them fools down. They were committing the crime, not the girl. Many people are starting to wake up to this fact.