Women Have Taken Over Science Fiction

Sci-fi used to be an action-packed, thought-provoking genre of storytelling. Sometimes sci-fi stories can even be prophetic. Here’s a great article about an Isaac Asimov sci-fi/mystery and how our culture is slowly becoming like the sci-fi dystopia in the story. But the genre is not what it used to be.

Women are taking over sci-fi. Men are there but they are second fiddle. They’re the muscle when the muscle is needed, but sci-fi stories are predicated on the need for intelligence more than physical strength. Women now fill that role as often or more often than men. That might be emasculating as it is, but the portrayal of men in sci-fi is where the contrast really becomes clear.

When men aren’t weak beta cucks they’re brainless muscle power. Women solve the complex solutions and give orders to the men. We see how feminism is taking over sci-fi in several ways.

The Brilliant Beautiful Scientist

There is a new archetype appearing in many sci-fi stories; the brilliant beautiful scientist. This is a woman with beyond-genius level intellect. She’s usually either bitchy or brooding. When some moment of epiphany is needed to solve the equation or defeat the alien, she has that moment. The most unbelievable part is that she’s also beautiful. Attractive women can be smart, but very few have the work ethic to be the best of the best in a field (if they even have a field).

Here are some examples of the Brilliant Beautiful Scientist:

These are the scientists who save human life in Interstellar

Just look at the size of that equation she solves

Sandra Bullock in Gravity

Amy Adams decodes an alien language in Arrival

Jennifer Connelly in the day the earth stood still

Rebecca Ferguson is the scientist that makes the hard calls in Life

Not long ago, leftist media tried to push the brilliant beautiful forensic scientist on us. The two best examples of that are the lead actress in that show Bones and that hippy gothic girl in NCIS. It didn’t catch on, but Hollywood is tenacious.

Men’s Roles in Feminist Sci-Fi

Amazon Prime recently released a sci-fi show based on the stories of Phillip K. Dick called Electric Dreams. It had great production value and was very well-made. Of the ten episodes, five have female protagonists, one has children protagonists, the remaining four have male protagonists. These males explain how feminism is taking over sci-fi.

In one episode, Steve Buscemi stars as a beta male who falls in love with a hot red-headed robot. He does beta stuff for her and is manipulated by her, even though he already has a wife. By the end of the episode, the wife has left Buscemi to have a lesbian affair with the hot ladybot.

He gets cucked by the girl who manipulates him

In another episode, a morbidly obese man starts to rebel against the state and is hunted down because of it. The obese man is married to a fatty. The fat wife is shown in several scenes to be fantasizing over an attractive man in a coffee ad. A fat, beta man on the brink of being cucked by his fat wife.

Another episode shows a guy working a crappy job and saving his money so that he can be with his long-distance girlfriend. She doesn’t want to be with him though—she wants to live in the big city because she loves her job more than him. Just when you think he might gain some self-respect he sacrifices himself to entertain an old lady. The fourth story with a male protagonist is about an old man and his relationship with his son.


The best example of how feminism is taking over sci-fi today is the critically acclaimed Annihilation. In Annihilation, brilliant beautiful scientist Natalie Portman misses her Army special forces husband who is believed KIA. He comes back one day in a weird state. Covert soldiers pick her and her husband up and take them to a secret facility.

It turns out his Army unit was in an alien-inhabited zone. All died except for him. Natalie Portman decides she has to go in, along with brilliant beautiful scientist Jennifer Jason Leigh and a couple more BBSs, and find out why her husband is the way he is. She owes it to him.

Once there, we learn the reason she owes it to him. While her husband was deployed Natalie Portman was cheating on him. Her guilt drives her to make it up to him by trying to cure him. By the end, she and the other lady scientists have figured everything out. Natalie Portman does what teams of green berets couldn’t do for years.

This film has it all: not one but four brilliant beautiful scientists and a man easily cucked. The BBS solves the problem and renders the solution, thereby absolving her of her guilt for cheating on her husband. She gets to have her cake and eat it too.

For more from Jared Trueheart on the roles of men and women in literature and film check out his writing at Legends of Men.

Read More: 5 OF The Best Horror Short Stories By Stephen King

140 thoughts on “Women Have Taken Over Science Fiction”

  1. But this is movies and Hollywood has always favoured ‘strong women’ from Alien to Fifth Element. Books are different, men are still in power there. Forget Hollywood, it’s infantile feminist rubbish and has been for the past 20 years.

    1. The thing with books is that there are so many including old books you can find what you want. But the newer books, especially the ones pushed by traditional publishers are so much worse than Hollywood.

      1. Pulp stories is where is at, no cucks there, Ashton Clark Smith wrote a short story where an old Wizard revived his 1st love & when he saw her his reaction was like: “Meh, u are not her, not pretty enough, my magic failed me.”
        & his familiar responded:
        “Motherfucka, u were naive & full of ragin’ hormones back then, ofc the bitch didn’t look like a goddess.”

        1. Check out Tim Willock’s Tannhauser books, verbose, violent, mildly esoteric. Read the Amazon reviews, infact, only read the negative ones, they’re more likely to make you want to read!

        2. The Robert E. Howard stories (Conan, Kane, various poems) are the gold standard in that genre, IMHO. James LaFond has exhaustively analyzed and expanded on these works.

      2. man should just forget about Hollywood films me even before I knew what ted pill was I stopped watching a movie half way if I feel like its trying yo conflict my moral values by trying to sell me an idea that I know is wrong is justifying adultery, make the man look bad dumb and the woman look good and intelligent

    2. It’s just a matter of time before the SJW’s pile up and burn the science fiction novels written by the older generations of writers who were regular guys, and who thought like men regarding organic sex roles. This follows naturally from the effort to tear down the monuments of accomplished white men and erase their memory from history.

      1. In fact, a mindless mangina called Rick Riordan already wrote in one of the books of his series (Magnus Chase) by the words of a character of him “This library sucks! Too much white male autors”

      2. Everything is leading to Armageddon that is the wish of the evil head of that influencing the liberals while they think they are doing it for equality. They are going to suffer in a way that a Somalian has never seen.

        1. “They are going to suffer in a way that a Somalian has never seen.”

      3. S.M. Stirling’s Emberverse series is an example of pandering to TPTB. The first trilogy was an excellent saga of post-Apocalyptic survival and rebirth, with many believably-heroic male characters. Then, along came the poz. Now the books feature nothing but “strong” female characters besting men in Iron Age combat and a plethora of poofters prancing around in the ruins of 20th-Century Civ. It would seem that the editing/publishing pink mafia got to him. The most recent books are unreadable.

        1. Robin Cooks thrillers are the same. Super bimbos, cucked males and making tbe world safe for Star bucks

      1. @Dan: Yep! “A ranger caught off his guard my ass.” I watched Fellowship of the Ring numerous times (its probably been 6 years since I watched it all the way through last)…Not too many people noticed it because most of the movie is thrust with white male Germanic/Celtic heroism (from 10,000 plus men marching against Mordor), to Gandalf’s stand against the Balrog, all the way to Aragorn and Boromir putting a serious ass wooping on the Orcs at the end.
        If you love fantasy films, I always find myself going back to Krull and Excalibur more then LOTR (no matter how great those movies are themselves). In fact, I thought that LOTR (when it was introduced in the early 2000’s), would pave the way for more great fantasy and sword-and-sandal flicks (like those of the early-mid 80’s) to be introduced.
        Whatever was introduced was Eric Roberts crap (straight to DVD). King Arthur with Clive Owen was an abomination of a film and Kingdom of Heaven was absolutely filled with anti-white, pro-Islam trash. Making Saladin out as Mother Teresa. When Muslims took back Jersualem from the Christians during the Crusades, they would cut their testicles off while they were still alive.
        What I did notice, like you mentioned with LOTR, are the hints in older films, of the PC crap about to be rammed down our throats. I think it was in 2004 or 2005, that Aeon Flux, Resident Evil: Apocalypse, Underworld and several others came out, where the heroine takes on a 100 guys or Zombies. The only red pilled movies you saw on or after 2005, were the countless Fast and Furious and XXX action movies with red pilled mulatto stars (The Rock, Vin Diesel). I truly thought Gladiator (2000) and LOTR (2001-2003) would have rekindled a genre of fantasy and sword-and-sandal movies that stopped being made after 1987. I was wrong!

    3. @John Dodds…At least women in movies 20-30 years ago still showed feminine traits. Ripley wasn’t a super badass who knew everything, she needed lots of help fro others, she played the motherly role in any ways…big difference between the female led movies of the past and the movies today where they are literally trying to make women seen as masculine, or even more masculine, than most men today. Granted, those older movies definitely had subversive messaging in them, and they were all probably trying to normalize the BS we see today.

      1. Sigourney Weaver.
        9 foot tall masculine dyke.
        Always hated her.
        The only “strong female” character I thought was done well was Eowyn from LOTR. She wanted to fight at Helms Deep, but deferred to her uncle. Then when she snuck onto the battlefield at Pelennor Fields, she was scared out of her mind, and fought only when she had no choice, and with loads of help. And most importantly, after the battle she went back to being a supportive female.

        1. Ya, Ripley was definitely more dikish, but that played the role just right…at least she wasn’t some 5’0″ tall childish looking woman roundhouse kicking aliens and solving mathematical problems off the top of her head that even Einstein would have trouble with. LOTR has some decent female leads in it, but the HOBBIT MOVIES WERE A FUCKING DISASTER. I guess the (((executives))) thought Jackson didn’t do enough for females in the LOTR’s and needed to add it to the Hobbit.

        2. They even sneaked some “gogrl” feminism into LOTR, the scene with Arwen rescuing Frodo and drowning the Nazgul in the river was totally made up, in the book it was Glorfindel , in fact most of her scenes didn’t happen at all in the book (“a ranger caught off his guard” my ass !)

      2. @Dan, Interesting, I can’t believe I didn’t notice that. Amazing how (((subversive))) and clever they are with gogrl-ism in the movies. I do find that every time I watch an old movie I catch some of those things…I literally just watched “We Were Soldiers” and it was full of all sorts of “muh diversity” horseshit.

    4. Sci-fi and movies in general: entertainment for children/escapism for adults. Find something important to do and you will have no time for this silly nonsense. Enough said.

    5. Strong men of science-non fiction:
      1)Crick and Watson
      2)George Harrison
      4)Alexander Fleming
      5)Hendrik Lorentz
      6)Henri Poincare
      7)Wright Brothers
      8)Montgolfier Brothers
      9)Robert Fulton
      10)Eli Whitney
      11)Thomas Edison and Dickson
      12)Nicepore Niepce
      13)Ferdinand Magellan
      14)Karl Benz
      15)Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
      16)Christian Huygens
      17)Louis Pasteur
      18)Alexander Graham Bell
      20)Henry Ford
      21)Ben Franklin
      22)Werner Von Braun

    6. Got your Brilliant Beautiful Scientist right here: search “Galaxy of Terror worm scene.”
      If you’ve seen it, you’ll know why I didn’t post a link. If haven’t seen it, you can’t possibly imagine.
      Good day to you all.

      1. Great scene.
        They should have used a younger actress, though.
        I believe that woman was in her 30s.

    7. Men still have power everywhere.
      Is just that some “bad” men chose to put on this “you go grrrl social engineering charade”.
      You don’t think that the situation will emulate in the publishing world?

  2. When I saw Annihilation I thought I was watching an episode of “BLACKED” porn when Oscar Isaac gets cucked. Scariest part of the movie for me. Decent movie otherwise. The directors previous film Ex Machina, had themes about women being cunning, deceitful and manipulative.

    1. Agree that the word is being thrown around alot these days where it shouldn’t be. OTOH, I bet she knows exactly what it means, and has probably even done it to someone herself…

  3. Amanda Tapping is a plain Anglo-Canadian actress who played a butt-kicking warrior physicist in the TV series “Stargate: SG-1” about 20 years ago. But she fits into the general pattern that has evolved into the preposterous BBS’s we see in science fiction now. I joked at the time that it’s called “science fiction” for a reason, so we shouldn’t complain about these unlikely characters.

    1. That was a time, when these “strong female characters” were still allowed to be feminine. Look at the oldschool sci-fi females and the new ones. Sarah Connor was a mother, Carter, while being the hot female scientist still acted feminine and the most famous scene with Ripley from the Alien franchise is when she uses the power loader to save a little girl from the Alien queen, in other words her mothernal instincts kicked in.
      Quite a difference from the pseudo-males of new generation.

      1. The Sarah Connor character was the only “realistic” female action hero that I can recall, in that her fight scenes were reminiscent of documented female combatants such as Nancy Wake. During the breakout scene from the mental hospital in T2, (after it was established that she trained fanatically) SC attacks by surprise, uses Fairbairn-like striking techniques that actually have a chance of working against a male opponent, and she runs from contact at every opportunity. The contrast with the high-kickin’ flamboyant spin moves of “Atomic Blonde” or the indestructible stunt-work of “Salt” is obvious.
        She also breaks down with a case of the weeps, rather than assassinate the scientist she believes is responsible for Judgment Day…so there’s that, too.

    2. “Amanda Tapping”. Her middle initial wouldn’t be “B.” by any chance?

  4. I like to read. I watch a movie about once every 2 or 3 years. I wonder if anyone is surprised by the brain washed nonsense coming out of Hollywood.
    They make women look like geniuses in movies. So what? When is the last time you worked with a woman that was anything except slightly entry-level okay in the brain department.

    1. @ EE
      “When is the last time you worked with a woman that was anything except slightly entry-level okay in the brain department.”
      In 31 years, perhaps a handful.
      And they have all been butt ugly.

        1. AUTOMATIC
          Smart ugly women are often good at cock sucking and fucking. The women I had sex with for free were less attractive but could suck and fuck well, and acted like they loved it.
          Prostitutes are better fucks than civilian women in general, but more intelligent women who are ugly know what they are doing.

    2. They do it to make young men weak by taking away all role models they could get. These kids will have no father at home or it will be a weak cuck. They want to be sur a politician like trump never appear again.

  5. Off Topic.
    Happy Father’s day to all you fathers out there!
    And of course, my annual and ultra-redundant Father’s day message.
    The most important job in the life of a father is not being a strong provider or being good husband. Those things are extremely important, but they are not the most important. The task that should be paramount to a father is raising and training his son to be like him and to one day surpass him. That should be every father’s dream.
    Sometimes this is easy. Your son may be naturally strong and athletic. He may be naturally charismatic. Other boys want him as a friend, and as he gets older, pretty girls will want to date him. But other boys are no so lucky. They are the ones who need their father the most! If your son has few/no friends. If he spends most of his time in his room or moping around. If he is not on sports teams or gong out on dates. If he never wants to talk to you and tells you to leave him alone. These are warning signs. That kid is screaming for help! He will never just come out and tell you he is having problems. He will think it is correct to keep it to himself and “take it like a man”. And also, he will not want to admit these things because he is afraid of disappointing you, and letting you down. No, it is your job as a father to notice these things and correct them! To actively train your son to become a strong man!
    Get him involved in weight training and fight training. Teach him how to fix cars and other things around the house. If he is skinny, get him on a weight gaining diet. If he is fat, put him on a diet. It is your most important job to get him on the right path. If he fails, then you fail. If you have a kid with these problems, then please do everything you can to correct them.
    Don’t let your son fall through the cracks! He may eventually find his way on his own after years of scrambling around by himself, but it won’t be the way you had always hoped for him. My father never knew about what I have to do to be with females. And if he were still alive and I told him, I am sure he would not be happy about it. But he let me fall through the cracks as a kid. Don’t let that happen to your son. Don’t let him end up like me.

    1. i never had a father. from my human perspective i missed out on alot. i was not in shape from age 7-15, the more important years of developement. i never knew how to deal with girls. (they all wanted me, but i rejected them, because i did not know what to do) i had no social skills, love, and i was a bully, i was such a mean asshole. i was always small, but a brutal bully. somehow the girls sensed at their young age that i will turn out the way i did. 6 foot superhuman ultra smart. my chad level is over 9000. all girls loved me, but i was so mean to them and rejected them all because i was so insecure (age 13). i needed alot of healing in the later years.

    2. Don’t simply try to train your son to be a strong man in a corrupt world that is increasingly rigged against him. Fight the difficult political fights in government and elsewhere to restore upward mobility, self-sufficiency, independence and freedom that America used to be all about – because our forefathers fought and died for it in multiple wars and through economic hard times. It is all being warped, destroyed and re-imagined by progressives now and no one is stopping them.

      1. What you describe is a “nice to have”, but a father ensuring his son’s individual success is much more important. If the father neglects his son, especially one with problems, the kid will NEVER go on to do the type of things you ask.
        BTW, here in the US, the only way we get out of this quagmire is by (1) Partitioning and (2) Disallow women from voting. May happen eventually, but not in my lifetime.

        1. AutomaticSlim,
          Probably not in my life time either, and I’m still in my 20’s.

        1. Wish my dad took that message to heart 30 years ago. Beer & TV. The only things he cared about. His sons were a burden to him & became drug users by the 7th grade. One died years later of an OD. Very true you words were AS, painful to read cuz they were like my exact story. I didnt even see my pops today just sent him some lame dads day meme. I cant even look at him anymore. Severe alcoholism has him looking like radiation poisoning. And i tryed for 20 years to get him to sober up and he cursed me for it the whole way. So if you have kids dont be a f-ing drug addict alcoholic pos. If I get to nyc maybe u could line me up w/ a hott callgirl? Lol

    3. Great post. The most important thing a father can do is train his son to be social, even if it is against his nature. Every kind of success depends on that.

  6. In TV shows you always see the white women having a sexual adventure with a black man. i live in central europe they all seem to prefer the forein man. after they whored themselves out it´s white cucks turn LOL. im white but i have ZERO in common with cucks in my country, i have zero friends of my own country since 15 years (im 27). white women chose strange foreign cock. im glad i never had a connection to them so i dont feel any loss. white sluts can get raped in front of me and i dont care. all i see is a great opportunity for a fight. i could go as hard as i wanted. having supreme fighting skills is like being extremely horny or hungry, but having no release because there are no opponents. after i had destroyed the gang rapists, im sure the slut would throw her disgusting snatch at me.

    1. Take it easy dude. Women are “adventurous” when they are young, but they don’t drool over foreign cock. When it happens is either cause the white dudes surrounding them are soyboys or they are psychotic(daddy issues) &/or fat.

      1. i dont get the “take it easy dude” but your comment i think is great!

        1. Sorry if I might have misinterpreted ur comment, it just seemed overly bleak somehow.

      2. It’s called programming. If the white g0y women are constantly exposed to positive imagery and messaging of black male superiority, alpha-ness, oppressed minority, embracing diversity etc and the white male demonized as racist, privileged, ugly, mysoginistic,incompetent, weak etc it is going to have a profound effect on women’s mentality.
        Corporations spend billions on advertising because it works. The Ju knows what it’s doing and it’s destructive anti-white ‘advertising’ is working 24/7 365 and has infiltrated all facets of western society.

  7. The only way I can buy into a storyline that has the beautiful competent woman archetype in it is if a fictional male scientist clones a Victoria Secret model & raises her in a secluded environment.

  8. Jennifer Jason Leigh hasn’t been beautiful since the 80s.
    She’s been an old bag for a long time.

      She played a 15 year old in Fast Times, I was 8 when that film premiered but that is how old my ass is.

      1. She got railed twice in that film.
        Once by the guy from the stereo store and then by Damone.
        Damone lasted about 15 seconds in that tight young poon.

  9. It is a continuation of the something-for-nothing ideology celebrated in America now – especially for women. They get to get into college easily by virtue of having a vagina and you don’t. They get to have advanced degrees and you have to pay for it, while you must shut up and go to trade school or work construction or do some other form of physical labor. They get to graduate with their advanced degrees and get jobs in government and academia by virtue of having vaginas and you don’t. Then after all of that, they are put in charge of you because they have now have advanced degrees and are in a position of power in government – and if you complain, you are a knuckle-dragging sexist bigot.

  10. Gravity wasnt science fiction, its based in reality.. also Bullocks character wasnt exactly a strong female, i saw her as inept, she fucked up every thing she touched and only got through the story because of Clooneys character and luck

    1. gravity is science fiction. gravity is a theory. there is no pull. the apple falls down not because the earth pulls it down, but because it is more dense than the air. thats why helium rises, and bubbles in the water rise as well. im sick of this hoax. holohoax, evolution hoax, ball earth hoax, every hoax. im sick of it.

      1. I suggest you learn physics properly, including the difference between mass and weight, and stop trolling regressive creationist shit against proven Biology and Earth/Space science; the later nonsense had already been disproved by discoveries by the Ancient Greeks, and probably earlier by the Sumerians, and Neolithic builders.
        Gravity is a de facto natural force, backed by Newton’s Law of Universal
        Gravitation and Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity, a solid foundation used practically for engineering and science, on earth and in space.

  11. This must be one of the most sexist, anti-women articles I have ever read. Hey, Jared – cuck you!

    1. Don’t you have a SJW cry-in to attend to soothe your nasty belly aching poon?

  12. Although it isn’t science fiction, does anyone remember Christmas Jones in The World Is Not Enough?
    “I thought Christmas only comes once a year!”

  13. Not just science-fiction. Every big movie name this days is overtaken by feminists and sjws. Star Worst (the new movies do not deserve the title of the glorious George Lucas saga) is simply the worst example of it.
    I thought Annihilation was okay. There is no female powah bullshit in it. The women struggle and screw up a lot and they do no physical feat that would be impossible for a woman to do (no roundhouse kicks, no suddenly superior female intellect ec…). Natalie Portman is my kind of feminist: she just want equality but can’t stand those women that pretends to behave like men.

    1. Yes, Disney destroyed the Star Wars franchise, at least starting with a female human Jedi lead in the crap plot episode 2, even episode 1 looks suspect now, so I skipped the apparently dire recent one!
      Media started to become increasingly boring, vaguely wrong, or an insult to my intelligence several years before I became Red Pilled e.g. including historically out-of-place Blacks and other forced-diversity WTF continuity-fails. I grew bored of Game of Thrones during season 3, Doctor Who died years ago for me.
      Now that I’m significantly Red Pill aware, most Movies and TV, and even some animation are too painful to watch, and my media collection is getting culled too.
      The recent “Altered Carbon” series on NetFlix had a plot which diverged significant from the original trilogy of books, despite the author (Richard K. Morgan) involvement, and was a little painful, because it was SJW/diversity BS to show the rebel leader “Quellcrist Falconer” in a Negress body and her to say that she was the inventor of the cortical stack. When I re-read the book trilogy, in “Woken Furies” the rebel leader “Quellcrist Falconer” (“Nadia Makita”) is described as the daughter of “Stefan Makita” and “Fusako Kimur”, so obviously Japanese race, and born on “Harlan’s World” like Takeshi Kovacs, so it very doubtful that she could/would find and wear a Negress body, and I deduce it unlikely, even impossible, that she was the inventor of the cortical stack! The author must have become cucked and lazy; very sad and disappointing! I hope that if they do another season, they don’t diversity taint it too.

  14. Although not Sc- Fi we have the latest Hollywood You go Girl Film Ocean’s 8 starring no other than former pop star cave woman Rihanna and others. They will just not give up the easy way to fight this is never to waste your money on any Hollywood movies whatsoever pull the plug on the lot.

  15. Most men aren’t moved by such distractions, and women haven’t “taken over” anything of importance by glomming on to the realm of science fiction.

    More Western women are achieving some success in STEM, so it addresses the times, but more so I think authors/screenwriters are just trying to hit the market and sell scripts. Can’t blame them for finding ways to make money from creative thinking in the midst of a multi-year gender war. Discrediting and erasing (mostly white) male achievement and identity is hot stuff these days.

    When they have to resort to fiction as an empowerment tool, what do you think that means? Much ado about nothing, and lacking originality (swapping a vagina for the penis that typically fills the role in the real world = paper-thin Hollywood tactic, and no big deal). All they’ve done is layer a facade over the male world, and pretend to be men in a vapid, sub-par way. AGAIN. And AGAIN. There is no sense of true female identity in the world of men, so they continue to orchestrate their fictions inside the cave of shadows. “Let’s act like men.” Very few people of substance are fooled by this lowest-common-denominator form of gender shilling. It’s like the hilarious tabloid Weekly World News writ large. BS sells. I can’t take it seriously.

    Clearly, this is why it is called FANTASY. Women seek out an endless stream of privileges and double standards, and want others to follow them into their empowerment fantasy. Very little of it is based on reality. 40+ years into the feminist movement, and women can now see where the natural barriers are between genders, and how psychologically damaged it has made the hardcore feminists. Their denials, and their unresolved failures to adapt to the challenges of being “equal” to men, then manifest as sci-fi fantasies. Pathetic consolation, if you ask me, and a typical modern-day compensation maneuver for those who hold little power or influence.

    I see it as a subtle validation of maleness every time we are mimicked or mocked by those who aspire haphazardly to achieve uniquely/traditionally masculine things. So the surface-y “cucking” the author complains about is just that…on the surface.

    1. Whilst much of what you say has merit, giving any masculine ground away to feminists is being weak. Just part of the death of 1000cuts. They chip away and before you know it you are living in a fag, feminazi, clown world.
      Don’t give any ground to these bitches, cause they want everything.

      1. @William
        Good point! Feminist elitism should be kept in check. Reminds me of their incessant meddling and whining in that non-starter known as Gamergate.

  16. This article didn’t even mention what is in my mind the worst offender: Star Trek Discovery.
    Holy shit it is a feminist/ homo shitshow.
    Soft butch black female lead
    Openly gay characters that kiss (dudes)
    All white men are background, villains, or fruits……. The list goes on and on

    1. They also did a group pic “taking a knee” as the series began last fall, “in solidarity” with the football players. They compared their version of the Klingons to Trump supporters. Roddenberry is spinning in his grave at warp speed. They had to tie in USS Enterprise in the last minute of the last episode to convince people to stick around for season 2. Pathetic.

      1. I watched like half the 1st season Cancelled that CBS crap after.
        Just like star wars, everything you enjoyed as a kid gets perverted and twisted.
        Maybe in season 2 “Michael” will go to Starfleet hr, threaten a lawsuit, then magically make captain.

    2. It definitely started going wrong in Star Trek Discovery with that Janeway.
      Star Trek the Next Generation was iffy with Troy, and Wesley.
      Even the original Star Trek was a hot bed of diversity, which probably wouldn’t work for real.
      I much preferred Babylon 5, to camp Star Trek.

  17. Sjw’s who write this trash just don’t understand people very well. I’ve never met a woman who really enjoys the fantasy of inflicting violence or likes puzzle solving for fun. Putting a lead woman in a sci fi movie doesn’t make a woman enjoy that kind of entertainment any more than putting a lead man in ‘sense and sensibility’ would make a straight man enjoy romance movies.
    Overly educated, low iq, sjw’s fail to understand just how people behave and why. They don’t seem to know that to have a woman lead an action movie they have to write her exactly like a man (minus the heterosexual relationship) because women never have or will ever want to lead a platoon into a firefight, save the planet from asteroids, or kill aliens, or whatever. In the real world women will just watch the men do heroic, high effort, things and decide which man of the group they think is worth fucking stupid until he puts a ring on it and she has his baby. That’s how natural selection works and It’s healthy.
    Sjw’s in entertainment think natural selection is sexist but all of their solutions are uncreative and unfruitful. If people feel unhappy after reading these books or watching these movies It’s because what the low iq sjw’s offered is wrong and unhealthy. Your mind is rejecting it just like your body would reject poison. Best to enjoy entertainment written by people who are mentally healthy.

    1. What, no “Eat Pray Love for Dudes” on Netflix? ;^)

      More to your point, female subversion of a literary/film genre is symbolic of the tragedy of our current predicament. In order for modern women to fully exist as individuals, they need the fiction of a big “other.” There must be an agency (or medium) which registers their complaints, an agency where the “truth” of themselves will be inscribed, accepted — an agency in which to confess. Without such an agency, women would be in the utmost despair. They think “these ideas must survive so we can tell our version of the truth.” But then they make a terrible discovery — there’s no one, really, to listen to them aside from ignorant social workers, relatives and/or hollow virtue-signalers seeking money or favors.

      The bottom line is there is no “big other.” There may only be a virtual “big other” that women are going after in sci-fi and other media genres, but it never addresses the real “other” in men. As a result, and in reality, they are ALONE.

      This observation stems from the studies of “the real” and “the big other” as described by Jaques Lacan, whom feminist thinkers have both utilized and criticized. His foci on symbolism, desire, drive, knowledge and error help explain why we see so much rationalizing and tilting at windmills by feminists and their media/entertainment agendas.

      1. Thank you oceanson, I’ve never heard of ‘big other’. I’ll read on that. It seems to fill a few gaps I couldn’t quite put together: why sjw’s all repeat the same stories that are untrue to human behavior.
        I had been leaning to the idea that they were trying to reshape society with the man as the woman and the woman as the man. It does make more sense that their just trying to insert their story into a place it doesn’t belong and making a mess of it.
        In an older action movie: a man would fight, beat the bad guy, get the girl. Simple and true. Women were inconsequential because it was simply a story for men.
        Now a woman behaves exactly like a man, belittles her lesser men teammates, defeats a masculine man. At the end she’s a childless lonely cat lady. I can only guess the back seat male marines go home to their fat wives and watch the tv? The sjw ending is really unhappy without any winners. So even the sjw’s (while celebrating women) show us what the world would be like without strong male characters.

      2. Lacan is a pain in the arse. Judith Butler and Zizek can keep him. (Zizek – yeah i’ve seen the perverts guide – it’s quite good) is the only one who can almost make Lacan intelligible but only for a couple of paragraphs). I can only imagine the horror of being in therapy with a Lacanian psychoanalyst
        Moreover the guy intentionally made everything he wrote difficult to understand

        1. Zizek is also a PITA, but worth the effort…channeling some of the best bits of Foucault, Derrida, etc.

        2. foucault and derrida’s best bits. That would be all of foucault’s hair and derrida’s clear to the point writing style
          (actually I quite like foucault sometimes)

        3. Actually I was thinking of Foucault(I hate all these French cunts). He was the most degenerate of the lot, by a long way. Some of his writing is interesting but the further you get into it is a justification for degeneracy, and depravity.
          Derrida is gibberish passed off as brilliance, by hordes of unquestioning idiotic simp’s. All three of those French turds were insane, and lost up their own arses. Lacan was the least objectionable of the three, most of his work is bullshit too. Psychoanalysis hasn’t had any credibility for more than a hundred years. It is more akin to astrology.
          They are all tools for the destruction by neo Marxists, feminists, and fag’s. It was bad enough when it was limited to tertiary education, but now it is seeping into secondary education.

        4. I actually quite like reading Foucault in small amounts. He was a gay leftie probably more responsible than anyone for laying the intellectual foundation for moral relativism (and with it moral decline) but some of his ideas like genealogical analysis (following Nietzsche) are quite useful methodologies even if they’ve mainly been against any kind of tradition / conservativism so far. Derrida is a different story. His writing his godawful and unreadable and is basically a wrecking ball applied to western civilization – logos, reason, and of course the ‘phallocracy’. Lacan’s is too, but not as bad. Both of the latter seem to have written deliberately impenitrable text in order to dazzle and mesmerise those readers stupid enough not to keep clear of them. They both have some interesting ideas but they’re style and obscurity makes it antithetical to clear thinking

        5. Alan Sokal took apart Lacan in his book “Fashionable Nonsense”.
          Now there a lot of people doing that, but what makes Sokals book mentionable is how he did it.
          He looked at how Lacan and other postmodernists wrote about maths and physics. These people love to talk about “quantum mechanics”! Sokal himself is a physics professor at an Ivy Legue university.
          His conclusion is “not even wrong”.
          Really, in the examples shown it was clear they use the sciences just as a quarry to mine for jargon.
          Now let me ask you: if these people are not able to reproduce settled science with integrity, how can one trust them on matters far more unsettled like, for example, human psychology?

        6. Ede Wolf – Good comment.  I actually read that book (when I got it it was called Intellectual Impostures) and it’s a real titter.  Lacan’s use of maths is slightly bizarre and it makes already difficult and sometimes impenetrable texts even more unclear – I seem to remember encountering some instances in his Ecrits and quickly giving up on it because I couldn’t make head or tale of it.  I once went to a short lecture series on Lacan, and the young woman lecturer was completely unable to explain the concepts involved, although Zizek would probably do a fair enough job.  I think you are broadly correct when you say “they use the sciences just as a quarry to mine for jargon”. It’s a misuse that goes against the spirit of maths and science as a rigorous disciplines.
          Interestingly I was just reading the other day about the feminist Suzanna Danuta Walters who wrote an article in the WaPo asking why shouldn’t we [feminists] hate men? She is the editor of Signs (arch feminist journal which references the feminist obsession withn semiotics) and it turns out her PhD supervisor who was the marxist founding editor of Social Text, the journal which accepted the pastiche troll article in the first place.  So, it’s a small corrupt place, the world of fashionable social theory

      3. The vast canon of anonymous Eastern philosophers are severely underappreciated in the West. Daoists and Vedics knew the polarity of the different sexes far better than the ineffectual intelligentsia of the past 200 years (Except Schopenhauer). A man strives for infinity and immortality. Women aren’t built to think or feel beyond their immediate sensuality.

  18. Archetypes withstand the ravages of time forever. Schwarzenegger and Stallone will always remain the gold standard for action/sci fi. Conan, Predator, Total Recall, Running Man, Rambo, Demolition Man, Rocky; ALL legendary movies that people will know in 50 years. Anhilation will be completely forgotten and lost to the Hollywood milieu in 5. Men are warriors and scientists and women are housefraus.

    1. I quite liked Annihilation, but it will be forgotten by the end of the year – two years tops. It’s very forgettable

    2. …wamen are housefraus….And Dinosaur food….Oh wait. The only frontier in SF movies they have not successfully done yet in the equality markets…making wamen dinosaur and alien food. Can’t happen soon enough.

  19. Wow. So when women are seen as secondary characters with very little development it’s all fine and good but when it happens to men it’s WAHWAHWAHWAHWAH! And you think FEMINISM is the problem? Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

    1. I loved it when the wamen secondary characters in the Lake Placid series had intimate internal knowledge of the giant alligator, as hors-d’oeuvre before it got down to eating main characters that were men. And in the remake of the Blob too.The whamens getting jiggy with the jelly roll.

  20. hollywood is about pushing the occult derived (shekinah rising) matriarchy. People scoff at the notion that it’s related to occult ideas but you only have to pay attention to the shows / movies in question. The Expanse is one such. Has just introduced a lesbian methodist pastor who pretty much represents religion in the 23rd century. The super badass marine (who would once have been played by schwarzenegger or something is now played by a woman (although she’s not that bad in the role at least being a six footer by the looks of it. The themes of the Expanse are pure occultism. Another one I was watching was the dire, oh so dire remake of Lost in Space (although no occult themes here that I can tell) which is completely ruined by having the wife be a complete harridan. Hubby is a special forces alpha male but he’s still hen-pecked by his alpha wife, brilliant scientist who makes it clear she wants to be leader of the pack. The daughter moreover is about 14 years of age and is qualified doctor by the sounds of it. How inspiring for girls. Dr Smith is now played by a woman, a fairly good actress, who unfortunately doesn’t bring anything to the role and makes it a lot less fun compared to the first time round.
    Re. Annihilation I have to slightly disagree. Although on paper I thought it looked as bad as the Ghostbuster remake, it actually worked fairly well. The fact that they’re all women makes it slightly easier to see Portman, who isn’t fantastically assertive, to act as their leader, at least when Leigh is off-screen (JJ Leigh is by the far better actress). Overall, it was a somewhat dull movie, again with strong occult themes, but it worked overall, and beyond the fact it was all women it did seem particularly feminist or involve too much socially engineering
    Unfortunately it’s inevitable that feminism will infect sci-fi as it progressives are attracted to its ability to present the future (and therefore our imagination) as involving their vision of equality / feminism / matriarchy (take your pick). Its a way of colonising the mind. No reason why that can’t be undone where necessary, but in the case of annihilation I would leave it as it is. It’s a bad thing if there are good roles for women my objection is purely to those movies / shows which are effectively engaging in social engineering, and targeting the present by trying to change representations of the future. People are beginning to get progressive fatigue and the time is ripe to subvert that even as hollywood etc seeks to intensify the hamster attack

  21. I have a documentary recommendation for Jared Trueheart and anyone else who wants to peel back some of the layers on this subject:
    “The Pervert’s Guide to Ideology”
    Philosopher Slavoj Zizek has an intriguing way of deconstructing a wide range of movies as a means to show us the epicenter of ideology. Produced in 2012 and just over 2 hours long, it is packed with enlightened cinematic analyses and offers serious food for thought about the difference between “what is shown” and “what we are really seeing” — and also “what you believe you saw” versus “what it actually meant.”

  22. The ultimate “forced feminization” of sci-fi was the new Doctor Who. Females are free to create their own heroes, from Wonder Woman to Ellen Ripley, but I really burn when they just grab traditionally male heroes and role models, in this case going back 50 years, to multi generations of young/adolescent boys, and just flip the gender like that, without grasping the ramifications of that, just ticking off a PC box at the BBC. Been a fan for decades, but I hope this version crashes and burns – quickly – so things can “regenerate” back to normal around there.

    1. that’s called capturing an institution with a view to repurposing it. Male sci-fi is where the male imagination often resides and young men in particular form their imaginative lives around such mythic heroes (c.f. joseph campbell and mythmaking as the hero’s quest). Luke skywalker / Han Solo / Captain Kirk / Starbuck etc – all of these are now seen as a problem by progressives insofar as they sustain what has become a problem identity. So male franchises have to be both captured, destroyed in terms of the sustenance they provide to masculine ego formation, and then subverted in order to supplant the masculine idea with the feminine or gender neutral one. It’s pretty evil

    2. Coming soon in Episode 9 under JJ Abrams, will be Rey the next Sith, Darth Menopause. Rose will go back to Cantu Bight to go shoe shopping because she missed out the first visit.

      1. Episode 9 will be titled Social Justice Wars; the Last Fandom Menace

  23. Star Wars is probably the best example of this. I bet they would have made Han Solo female for the new movie if they could get away with it.

    1. Solo was actually a lot better than I thought it would be. Only one female main character, and she was eventually seen to be a treacherous, untrustworthy slut.
      I had heard that Lando was to be gay, but thankfully that proved to be untrue.
      The other recent Star Wars were SJW proganda.

        1. I know right, the 16 year old mottled Rebel “heroine” anagrammed name Feminist (Emfis Nest Mess)
          And that obnoxious f**king droid that Lando apparently was freaky with .
          ALL the white guys were inept or criminals or evil or……ad nauseum.
          And Soylo, god bless Alden Ehrenreich for doing his level best to not be forced to act out soy boy with a fur rug friend who actually did beat the living snot out of a few aliens barehanded and ripped off the arms of one of them, but sadly didn’t eat them). They made Chewbacca NOT eat the cooked puffins in TLJ (epiregurgitate 8 The Last SJW guffaw), and instead made him fly around with them like pets instead shitting up the Falcon for soyboy glory points so Mary Sue Rey would have her mementos of AhcHoo world.

      1. Hey Neal, Compared to The Last Jedi, Solo was a massive improvement in terms of being full of SJW bullshit. No female generals with shit unrealistic ideas, castigating men who actually put their lives on the line and were successful. No inter racial romance with ugly Asian bitches. And no grossly incongruous actions like have a bomber that relies on gravity, used in zero gravity space. The last one is not very SJW related, but it really grated on me, WTF.
        There could be something intended with the Enfys Nest, but it isn’t quite an anagram for feminist, who knows. I must admit her bi racial freckles looked enhanced, and it did piss me off a bit. Her character was not believable, both with her age and sex, so yes SJW bullshit there. At least her character was not a main character, she was only a segue hinting at a future connection with the Rebel Alliance.
        Yes nearly everyone, male, female, robot were criminals or morally negative. That didn’t bother me much, the females were shown to be the most corrupt, degenerate and manipulative.
        I fear you are right in that future movies will be high level SJW propaganda.
        I think in the long run it won’t last, because Hollywood is spitting in the face of its traditional supporters, they will find out that many modern women support the ideas, they are not actually interested in watching the movies, and they won’t be buying tickets. Money is the only thing Hollywood scumbags ever really care about.
        I think the only way to get a decent traditional picture made these days will be with crowdfunded assistance, from us guys

  24. Hollywood and other media is not going to magically improve. It’s only going to become worse. So you can scavenge through the sewage looking for something semi-passable or you can stop feeding the beast and simply reject it entirely.

  25. The wahmens are going to get away with having it both ways. In our prosperous times they have the luxury of LARPing as the brains of the outfit, the great scientists and inventors, the special operators, the very architects of advanced civilization.
    When nature takes its course, plunging the world into WW and catastrophe, those same wahmens will fall to the rear, and shame you all into manning-up and marching off to your doom. They will unapologetically and unashamedly claim that is the proper roll of men, to fight and protect. They will deny ever having claimed they were up to the task of fighting in brutal combat to save the nation. They will not miss a step or blink an eye.
    You will say, ‘Wait, but, but you’re a strong independent wahmen…here’s a rifle.”
    She will say, “WTF are you babbling about? Are you insane? Get your cowardly ass out there, man-up and go fight those Chinese, you manbaby.”
    In past wars, since the dawn of man, when the existential crisis arrives, and a nation or state faces total annihilation, wahmens have always enthusiastically sent their men and boys off to fight and die. So it will be soon. Any fables about wahmen’s brilliance and bravery will be forgotten overnight.

  26. The wahmens are going to get away with having it both ways. In our prosperous times they have the luxury of LARPing as the brains of the outfit, the great scientists and inventors, the special operators, the very architects of advanced civilization.
    When nature takes its course, plunging the world into WW and catastrophe, those same wahmens will fall to the rear, and shame you all into manning-up and marching off to your doom. They will unapologetically and unashamedly claim that is the proper roll of men, to fight and protect. They will deny ever having claimed they were up to the task of fighting in brutal combat to save the nation. They will not miss a step or blink an eye.
    You will say, ‘Wait, but, but you’re a strong independent wahmen…here’s a rifle.”
    She will say, “WTF are you babbling about? Are you insane? Get your cowardly ass out there, man-up and go fight those Chinese, you manbaby.”
    In past wars, since the dawn of man, when the existential crisis arrives, and a nation or state faces total annihilation, wahmens have always enthusiastically sent their men and boys off to fight and die. So it will be soon. Any fables about wahmen’s brilliance and bravery will be forgotten overnight.

  27. I still enjoy watching Krull (both fantasy and sci-fi mix) even though its light fare (and probably considered corny for audiences today)compared to the violence in today’s films. Its definitely red pilled as all the fighting is done by men (Liam Neeson is very young and also in it). The slayers in the Black Fortress are still scary, even by today’s standards.
    Another film, Excalibur, is very red pilled. Just look at the scene where Uther Pendragon wants one night with the King’s wife. Merlin gives him his opportunity at a cost.
    If you take out the Ewoks and the ridiculous dance number in Return of the Jedi, this can be a very dark film. It would be probably the best sci-fi film if George Lucas wasn’t involved in any of it.
    To me, science fiction died after the mid 1980’s. Most of those fantasy/sci-fi films at that time had Norse or Germanic mythology heavily mixed in, where the man is the crusading warrior out to take the whole kingdom and sweep the beautiful princess off her feet.
    The Sci-fi of today is mainly based off The Matrix but with stronger female leads. The Alien franchise, in my opinion, did well because it incorporated strong male leads in with the Ripley. Ripley didn’t do everything on her own in the first two.

  28. For my part, I believe the present trends irreversible. This society’s march to a sort of secular nirvana state is going to speed up in the coming years. Then it will all come crashing down like nothing has crashed since Satan.
    The next generation of voters will be the most open to submission to government, to women, to whatever. Very sad.
    I cringe when I see “strong, empowered and intelligent women in t.v. Why, because they don’t exist in real life.
    Hey, has anyone heard over the Japanese comic book here Rapeman?
    He’s a super guy.

  29. Male feminist’s (White cuck/J) version of feminism is not uglifying but pussy, fertility worship. Arguably J males have the most power, that’s why they glorify pussy.
    The prettier, the hotter is preferred and worshiped. You have beautiful and smart females in science fiction, proving that some fertility goddess worshiper cuck is making them – if a big red feminist were making them, they would be ugly dykes.
    Feminism could never take off without inherent White male’s goddess worship instinct. That’s exactly feminist get all they want with 0% compromise.

  30. The movie industry is in decline, hemorrhaging money and I am glad for it. Tired of female protagonists and white male antagonists. Women push feminism on the masses and men are not biting. Would rather avoid feminist drivel and I have pretty much stopped going to the cinema given all the BS cultural Marxism being shoved down our throats.

  31. Anyone have an opinion on Lois McMaster Bujold? For sheer entertainment,she’s good-although quite a bit of poz has to be overlooked.
    I’ve always been surprised that none of her work has made it on to the screen. Not really sure why,although I suspect that almost her entire fan base knows that the end result would be a dog’s breakfast,and wouldn’t pay to see it.

  32. As someone who works in the sciences, I can tell you, the BBS is a myth. I’ve met 1000’s of people in my field, maybe 10’s of thousands (conferences, speaking, etc). Of those, maybe 2-3% are women. And 0% of them are beautiful. There are beautiful women in my field, working in supporting roles, marketing, HR, etc. But who actually have a degree and work in the science end of what we do? 0%. Might was well look for a 6’5″ guy with a 10″ dick, a 100M in the bank who’s model good looking and just can’t find the right poor overweight single mom with kids from 5 different guys to marry. It’s a myth. Always has been. Probably always will be because, well, science is hard.

  33. First, many scientists who are women have masculine faces. Therefore, these attractive scientists are hilarious. Second, Steve Buscemi looks like the poster child of “beta males” in the above picture. What a loser. Finally, as to Annihilation, no real man would ever watch such trash.

  34. I noticed this years ago and quit buying scifi except from good authors who aren’t preaching feminism. The old space opera stuff was the best.
    I don’t buy any book by a woman author, or one with the main character being a woman. Simply not worth it.
    They are also trying to take over action adventure, but it is more difficult for them because they can’t just write about female brainiacs, they have to deal with real male actions and behavior, and most women just can’t write it believably.
    The good male authors like Thor, etc., who put women into their novels basically take a male character and write her as female. Easy enough to ignore, but absurd.
    I have noticed that more male authors are writing about tough women who fail miserably and have to be rescued.

  35. “Annihilation” was very slow paced in my opinion. I rented it from Redbox because I read the trilogy (Annihilation, Authority, Acceptance) and presumably they’re planning on doing all three but who knows how that’ll work out.
    Having to pull it from the trilogy probably meant a lot of viewers were left scratching their heads over a lot of stuff, so it would help to have read the books but I have to say the books are even more gynocentric than the movie. As in the film, the major characters are female and at least two (iirc) are apparently lesbian.
    The male lighthouse keeper, who I don’t even remember in the movie, is homosexual and living with a male partner at the time of the weird events (he’s the first person to get replaced/duplicated by the alien DNA-bolloxing process or whatever the hell it’s supposed to be.)
    The concept is a good one and has Lovecraftian overtones. Basically, a meteorite from who knows where crashes into earth carrying some possibly intelligent alien lifeform that seems to hijack and duplicate any DNA it comes into contact with, leading to weird hybrids, and a sort of “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” situation later one where we’re not sure if we’re dealing with the real human characters or duplicates, and they may not know themselves. This seems to have some good potential (as in “The Thing,” maybe) but trying to turn it into a slow-moving, thoughtful art film doesn’t work.

  36. I truly miss those old sci-fi books, films, and TV shows – the men were men, yet the women were both intelligent and womanly.
    I’m in the midst of planning a sci-fi book about an Earth society that has gone to its ultimate and logical conclusion – no families, kids totally planned, and few truly elderly. This society is disrupted by Earthlings returned to the home planet after many centuries on other-world colonies. They have developed in alternate ways, and their culture does not fit into the Earth mold. The books will explore the conflicts between the cultures.

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