3 Reasons You Shouldn’t Move Out Of Your Parents’ Home Until You’re 30

Family values are the one thing that remain constant in life. However, in modern times the average person feels as though they should leave home by the time they’re 18. Living at home is often looked down upon by Westerners, especially by thots, career bros, and Boomer dads who tend to look down on you if you aren’t slaving away for a mortgage on a condo by the time you’re 25.

Don’t you find it odd that for anywhere other than America, living at home until you’re 30 is actually the norm? If you think that living at home is weird, you’ve been sold a lie. Fortunately for those of us in the know, living at home is not such a raw deal. In Europe the average age of leaving home is 26:

The following are three reasons you should refuse to leave home (and learn to tame your parents) until you’ve at least hit 30.

1. You Will Get Laid More

What do the top five countries in the list above have in common? Clearly, the Mediterranean Gods and Goddesses who hail from these locales have the best sex in the world.

It appears that there is a strong relationship between living at home in your 20s and having lots of good sex. According to a 2009 global survey of sexual behaviors, the average Greek is extremely sexually satisfied, having sex 164 times per year, while experimenting with at least six different sexual positions in the bedroom. The Poles, the Italians and the Spanish lag not far behind.

In Europe, unlike the West, your sexual marketplace value is not determined by whether you live at home or on your own. Imagine not having to host lewd parties and do drugs in order to be valued by your peers, and to be found attractive by most women.

I can personally vouch for this. For the past year, I’ve been living at home with my parents. Before that I was living in in a large metropolitan city in Central Europe. I am currently having better sex living at home than while I was while living alone abroad. Part of the reason for this is that I can’t take girls back home. I don’t want to tell them that I live at home, so I come off as mysterious.

At some point after the second or third bang, they typically ask me what I do and where I live. I just tell them that “I import and export exotic animals.” They laugh, then I change the subject. When it comes to short-term romance, girls don’t actually care what you do, how much you make, or whether you live on your own. They only care that you own your life choices, and that you are confident. You can always bang at their place. Besides, the impossibility of a long-term relationship means that you are forced to stay on top of your game if you want to regularly meet new women.

2. You Will Become Financially Independent

One of the best things about living at home is saving money. Unless your parents are stingy Anglos, you aren’t paying for rent, food, or utilities such as internet and hot water. This means more money for your financial investments, your nascent internet businesses, and the rest of your personal expenses.

By comparison, most people spend one-third to one-half of their income on rent, groceries, and their heating bill. Despite the fact I know how privileged I am, I do still understand that it really sucks not to have a family that actually loves you. Trust me, if living at home until you are 30 is not an option, your family doesn’t actually love you as much as they love themselves.

I am 27 years old and have been living at home for the past 10 months. In that time I have managed to save quite a bit of money securing independent contracts for web and app development work. I spent nearly every day of the past 6 months cold-calling business owners over LinkedIn, Upwork and Freelancer.

With the profits I’ve acquired fulfilling independent projects (along with a hefty dose of family debt financing), I was able to bring in 1,000 liters of olive oil from my family farm in Croatia. I am now starting an olive oil import and export business with a friend that will earn us a considerable income quite quickly. I will never need to have a full time job ever again, allowing me to focus on even larger ventures. This is only the beginning.

3. The Bond You Share With Your Family Will Grow Stronger Than Ever Before

As a practicing Catholic, my Church, family, and community are very important to me. Even though I am a regular sinner, and go to Church every Sunday, it took quite some time for me to come around to the idea that attending mass was actually a worthwhile investment.

The droll and drudgery of the weekly liturgy, especially on mornings where I would rather be nursing my hangover instead, was far too much for me to handle in my youth. Today, however, it is both a blessing and something of a requirement for maintaining my sanity throughout the week. Without influence from those closest to me, I don’t believe I would be attending Church as often as I do now.

Every morning, I wake up and do the sign of the cross, then pray the Apostle’s Creed. I perform three “Hail Mary’s” for hope, faith, and charity, then finish with one “Glory Be.” While I am no Saint, my life has never been more centered, and my family has never appreciated my presence as much as they do now.

I credit the vast majority of my recent growth in personal decency to God, of course, but otherwise living at home has been my saving grace. After a decade of unavoidable debauchery and bad influences in Western social climes, including high school and college, I have come to realize that society’s hedonic treadmill, that vile social force which venerates loveless sex and hip hop, is a worthless investment of mental energy. I am now more at home with myself than I have ever been.

So it stands to reason. Are NEETs actually killing the game? They have more passionate sex, they save more money, and have better family relations than most; in the long run, they have brighter futures. Given that you never chose to be born, you should seriously consider the notion that living at home until you are 30 is your birthright, and that it is your parent’s privilege to invest in your well-being. At the end of day, all you have is your legacy. For most middle-income people, there is no legacy beyond their kids.

So make sure you remind your parents that you are the most important thing in their life, especially if they step out of line and decide that they would rather buy dirt-bikes and careen over sand dunes in the Oregon Park National Recreation Area in favor of sending you to private school.

At the end of the day, the fun you have in yours 20s doesn’t really matter, but your 30s are your Golden Years. You have to be prepared if you don’t want to waste them because after that there’s no starting over. Living at home is a Godsend that allows you to prepare for the future without the distraction of nappy-headed hoes and utility bills eating away at your valuable creative capital. When you are financially secure enough to provide for children of your own, your parents will ultimately thank you for the tenacity and stoicism you exhibited in your 20s.

Read More: 10 Reasons Why You Should Live Without Apology

154 thoughts on “3 Reasons You Shouldn’t Move Out Of Your Parents’ Home Until You’re 30”

  1. Practising Catholic, having lots of sex?
    pick & mix, my man!
    seems like a maminka’s boy peddling the greatest of endeavours
    To quote the author
    if living at home until you are 30 is not an option, your family doesn’t actually love you as much as they love themselves.
    You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar!
    Young men here is some advice: get your ass out there and get experience. Men are made, not born.
    An amusing article by the author; nevertheless to the author: get some real life experience young man. Some men have no choice but to leave at 16 and do the best with what was given. With all due respect you have a lot to learn at 27
    A good day to you and the best on your journey

    1. Self serving garbage from the parasite generation.
      Get out and actually see the world.
      I can understand wanting to save money and being close to one’s family but hiding under Mom’s skirt in one’s late 20s is an abomination.

      1. The author is trying to justify his loser lifestyle. Guess what loser; your parents want you out but failed in raising you. Don’t worry someday they will die and you will be a “self-sufficient man” living in your inherited house. Right now you’re more of a daughter than a son.

      2. The reasons Southern Europeans and Southern Slavs live longer at home is because opportunities for young people are few (compared with the Anglo world); it takes considerably longer for a young man to establish himself; property prices/rents to wages ratio is massively skewed and way above what you would pay in the US.
        Lastly I doubt Greek and Italian families would allow you to bring your GF home for a “sleepover”.

        1. Yeah, maybe, but at the same time, this trend starts also now in the western countries, with all these housing bubbles …
          This is pure madness …

        2. “The reasons Southern Europeans and Southern Slavs live longer at home is because opportunities for young people are few (compared with the Anglo world)”
          Yes, but now you have to ask WHY these countries have fewer opportunities for young people. WHY are there more opportunities and more prosperity in the Anglo world? Could it have anything to do with race, genetics, IQ? Why are the most prosperous countries in the EU all in northern and western Europe, and the southern Euros and southern slavs are poorest and biggest net drain on the EU coffers?

        3. @I solve problems,
          Agree. The rent/income ratio is def on the rise in the USA over the last 15 years or so.
          @uncle harley,
          Has less to do with IQ and more to do with who won WWII, in addition to the migrant flows. Culture is also a big factor.

    2. Most Europeans do what this piece describes.
      They graduate, work, live at home, put a deposit down on land, then finance with saved money the construction. Often it takes years. But then its paid for.
      Its sensible.
      OR one can opt to dodge the bullet of knocking up some Thot and getting STDs, reported for ‘date rape’ and all of the rest that goes with ‘experience.’

    3. My first job was as a lifeguard when I was 15. I worked as a lifegaurd at a fancy hotel tbat had an indoor pool heated year round. In my senior year of high school I already lived in my own apartment, had my own car and stayed on my own ever since.

    4. “When he reached the New World, Cortez burned his ships. As a result, his men were well motivated,” Captain Marco Ramius. That was the motto of the generation that went out and did something. This article is the exact opposite. Staying at home only prolongs the kid in you.
      Get out and burn your ships. Never go home except in extreme emergency and always make it as short as you can if you must. Stand on your own. This is all part of manhood. Something completely missing from today’s world.

    5. >get your ass out there and get experience
      My Dad also uses this phrase “out there”.
      I never really knew what he meant by that.
      Either way, I’m not convinced that the latter (get gud experience) results from the former (getting the ‘ol ass out there).
      Living at home:
      Regular sex? Check
      Don’t have girls pestering me at my apartment? Check
      Saving money? Check
      Starting my own businesses (that generate sales)? Check
      Going to pubs and clubs on the weekends? Check
      Car? Check
      Learn to play the Tambura and serenade girls deep into the night at the beach by my house because they can’t sleep over? Check
      All that and I only have to do recycling once every two weeks?
      Man, life sucks 🤔

    6. The author likely has a little old mother in a black dress that scrubs floors in the local university then comes home to make dinner for her manbaby. The money he saves comes indirectly out of his parent’s retirement. Oh sure once his fledgling olive oil business takes off, he’ll be roll in the lipas. I’m sure he’ll take care of his parents if they’re still alive.

  2. Hahahahah, apparently RoK finally embraced its true nature of basement dwelling inceldom. I’ve said it many times, RoK is an incel site and not here is the official statement from RoK itself hahahahahaha

    1. You live in Bulgaria. And aren’t even trying to leave. You are more pathetic than anything on this site.

      1. Yep, u are right, but the fact that u still read a site aimed at 30yrs old basement dwellers is also interesting.

        1. “Yep, u are right, but the fact that u still read a site aimed at 30yrs old basement dwellers is also interesting.”
          Yet here you are yourself, reading and commenting daily. Ironic, isn’t it, slav boy?

        2. I am well aware that I read an incel site and unlike many of u here I don’t deny it. And I’m not a slav, I’m of turkish origin but considering I’m white and my anthropological features I believe I’m actually a caucasian.

      1. Doing a lot of banging and reading a site like RoK is like being a millionaire and reading articles titled “How to make your first 100k in crypto trade”.

        1. @Trollstein
          When it comes to big 5 personality traits, You’re clearly highly neurotic, highly introverted and highly disagreeable. It’s just about the worst combination of traits if you want good relationships with women (or men). Watch some Jordan Peterson videos and straighten out your damn life ! It’s not too late.

        2. I appreciate another free psychoanalysis from u dude and thanks for u concern about my wellbeing but I’ve tried everything, actually in real life I was nice and agreeable but that sucked. Once I realized that other people don’t care about u regardless of ur personality I found out that I also don’t care about them… and here I am now enjoying the world burning.

        3. @Trollstein ok so you think you were agreeable, neurotic and introverted. Still a terrible combination. I sympathise as those are my traits. I haven’t responded with cynicism and rage as you have. I focused on getting happier

  3. A practicing Catholic and getting laid by different girls? I don’t think you follow the Catholic doctrine as closely as you think..
    I agree with the financial gains of staying home like paying off student loans but there comes a point where you’re missing out on opportunities of being out on your own.

    1. No, I’m a Catholic fundamentalist and can bang as many different women as I like, as long as I, 1) don’t wear a condom, and 2) confess after.
      You wouldn’t believe how many women in the Philippines and Vietnam agree with me!

      1. Catholic doctrine is that you sleep with only one person ever and that’s your wife/husband. Until you find that person and married, abstinence is practiced. How much that is practiced now a days in the Catholic church is probably low
        Something about committing a sin and just going to a confessional afterwards telling your wrong doing. Then going about doing the same thing despite being forgiven never sat well with me

    2. What other opportunities do you miss out on other than bringing a rando back to your place to bang?

  4. This article will surely create a lot of contention. All I want to say is that, there appears to be a bit of a positive correlation with SJW-feminist degeneracy and leaving the nest early.

  5. basement dwelling inceldom
    This is a superb phrase that I shall use at the Gentleman’s club whilst we discuss investments, migrants and the ghastly women who protect them, practical female management (not the corporate venture type) and soy ingesting pompadour wearing closet free boys.

  6. Q: What is the difference between being an adolescent and being an adult?
    A: Responsibility.
    Don’t take this writers advice advice unless your desired goal is develop a severe case of Peter Pan Syndrome.

  7. What I notice in that list: it is in the poorer and lower IQ countries that peeps stay living with parents longest, and the wealthier, higher IQ countries of northern and western Europe are where they leave at the youngest ages. Coincidence? I think not. I believe it speaks to the motivation and dynamism, or lack thereof, of the various nationalities there.
    As for staying at home longer so that your bond with your family grows stronger, I’m sorry, but that does not sound like what most young manly men would or should want to do. You can be close to your family without actually living with them and having mommy doing your cooking, laundry, etc. That’s gay.

    1. Italy is number 4 in the world IQ ranking.
      There goes your little theory out of the window.

      1. not even close… and within the best selling book titled Wealth of Nations, the Italian IQ falls considerably lower. The Italians of today are NOT the Italians of yesteryear… and certainly southern Italians cannot compete with their northern Italian industrialized brothers. In fact, Northern Italians look and act like Europeans and their southern brothers…. do not. Take if for what it is. https://www.worlddata.info/iq-by-country.php

      2. A little butthurt Italian makes up a stat to try and disprove what I said.
        No bud, wops aren’t even close to #4 in the world. They’re not even #4 in Europe. Southern Italians have lots of arab, turk, and african blood. And they look it. You are no longer the white Italians of the Renaissance era and before.

    2. I don’t know man the Mediterranean countries are not far behind in terms of IQ (Italy ranks highest in Europe) compared to the Northern European countries, but they have totally different ways of going about family life, sex, politics, work, food, daily life, etc.
      Not sure why you guys think it’s all about IQ when the data doesn’t really seem to support that at face value.

      1. Bringing facts to an argument!? How dare you! You might hurt people’s feelings with facts!

  8. if you want to have sex with a girl where do you take her ? you live with your parents.
    I think this article is bullshit just like 95 % of the article written on the Return of chodes.
    I am not a troll but reading some of the content on here you get a vibe that most of the readers are pure white knight betas who got rejected by 5 and 6s who find them as sexless objects and cucked on MGTOW soy boys .
    OR they are pulling a Roosh and living with their parents and they 35 .I feel like a lot of readers got their hearts broken and need someone to blame because the game they using doesn’t work… so they blame feminist , the Tyrones, the Chads and the Goverment for their downfall with women .
    Whats more Sad is that most of the readers are more Alpha then Roosh V.
    I dont have anything against the guy or his views in life but if you claim to be an Alpha at least back it up .
    you talk about pulling women yet in the same breath you complain alot about women. men who fuck a lot of women rarely ever complain about them because they sticking their dicks in every single 6 and 10 they can lay their hands on.But for some strange reason the main Alpha …. the guy who came up with the concept alpha and beta .
    you show a lot of beta traits , you speak about yourself a lot in a positive manner instead of letting other people actually praise you. I listen to your pod cast for the shits and giggles and listening to your latest one i couldn’t help but laugh.
    the articles that are written on the return of king chodes are pure and utter shit. they dont actually give useful advice , you complain more then find solutions to a problem .No wonder most men actually come back to read the articles in the hope that an article will be written that is actually good and something that they can apply that will produce results .
    RETURN OF CHODES is a website that is owned by a sad bearded man who thinks his a God. I am piece of shit who use women for sex but Roosh V is just a nerdy boy playing Alpha pretending to have a high notch count, to me Roosh V is still that nerdy guy that women friendzone and they end up fucking the chads of the world .
    Roosh V is still that guy who plays World of warcraft and cums into a sock. Roosh V is still getting rejected by women all over the world. It must suck Roosh V has to be someone else completely different just so women can talk to him and give him the time of the day.
    If Roosh V and the Guys at Return of Chodes were getting pussy like crazy they would produce articles that would help men get laid at a rapid rate that , men would recommend coming to this website , this website would be flooded and crash but because Return of Chodes is a shit show run by a Sad MGTOW boy a.k.a Roosh V its never going to see success because Roosh v has never seen success . Now a days he is using recycled articles and trying to sell old books like Dead Bat in Paraguay (hastag:Dr Wang is the real hero).
    I wish Roosh V finds happiness because when he does he would actually change his readers life and the people who support him . I genuinely feel sorry for guys who look up to him because he wouldn’t know happiness if it face fucked him to death .
    you can delete the comment but then you just going to prove my point . Instead of complain and writing articles about how women use social media as a platform to to become goddesses , write us articles on how to attract women on instgram and how to stop girls from ghosting you . Complaining never solved anything so present a solution.
    women are evolving at a rapid rate you can join neo-masculinity and cuminto socks and read shitty articles or you can present a solution to a getting women in this day and age .
    I know Roosh V I went to high school and college with him

    1. Someone’s salty…you must have a thing for Roosh from the sounds of it. The number of times you mentioned his name, you just can’t get him out of your head

      1. I am surprised you can read since most of the people that read his articles i would assume are illiterate . (kidding) I am not obsessed with him but i went to high school with as well as college and his still the same guy i knew when he was 15. You think people would change or at least grow up .

        1. Dude…your response on Roosh was 745 words long. You’re not obsessed with him. Yeah okay
          If you dislike the guy, why are you even on the site? Waste of your time and everyone elses with your drivel

      2. why you ready to protect him ?? what do you hope to gain ?? Roosh Doesn’t even know your name . I know know this guy , I have been to school with this guy .
        He was actually more of a man in high school and college then he is now.I came across this article and website because one of my students in psychology used it as a reference .It was actually surprising to see who ran the website.After spending a couple of hours reading Roosh V actual forum.
        I came to a conclusion that ‘Roosh V’ is still a slave to pussy and validation.

      3. “if you want to have sex with a girl where do you take her ? you live with your parents.”
        Most of Asia has short-time rooms that you can hire by the hour, I like this one near me called “The Love Boat”, aircon, large round beds and themed rooms for about $4 for the first 2 hours, then $2 an hour after that, open 24/7. I’ve had some great times at ‘The Love Boat”, not because I live with my mom, but my wife wouldn’t like be bringing younger women home.

        View post on imgur.com

        1. Here in Brazil, we have something similar, called “Motel”. It only purpose is for sex, costing about 15 dolar 1 hour.

    2. Translation of this tl;dr rant…. I came on to Roosh, he rejected me, and now I have a terminal case of butthurt.

        1. In a previous response you wrote “his still the same guy.” Now you write “you so right.” Given your lack of English grammar/writing skills, you are in no position to be scrapping on someone (Roosh) who has been more successful than you. And Roosh can write well.

        2. true but English is not my first language and honestly you have no idea what have achieved in my and you have no idea of who I am. The weird thing is though that Roosh is someone who puts his life on the internet for everyone to know and he writes books that are shitty I would know i have read through the from a source that provides free books and went to school with him I defiantly know who ‘Roosh v’ is.
          In a couple of years ‘Roosh V’ is gonna be 60 cashing validations and pussy like he did in high school and college.Like I said I have nothing against the guy .
          but if you going to help men do it properly or dont do its all.

    3. “Return of Chodes”–thanks, I’ll be using that in the future.
      Roosh and his gloomy band of followers at RVF are indeed desperate for validation, which is why the true secret to success with women (other than for Chad and Tyrone) is strictly suppressed there. Namely, P4P. That’s right, you just plunk down money to raise your value in the woman’s eyes so that she has sex with you rather than some other chode. Works like a charm, trust me. Of course, you don’t get validation, but then the hunger for validation is a bottomless pit. No one who needs validation ever gets enough to feel satisfied.
      In addition to satisfying the need for real sex, P4P has many side benefits. It tends to weaken the hunger for validation, contrary to what you might think. It makes you less concerned about external appearances, since if HB10 and HB5 are both available and the only difference is the price tag, why not just look at the HB10 then hire the cheaper HB5 and fuck with your eyes closed? It tends to make you indifferent to women in general, since P4P pussy is always available if you have money. It frees up a huge amount of time and energy otherwise wasted chasing free sex, and probably saves money if you only indulge occasionally and mostly masturbate. It allows you to treat regular women as humans rather than potential notches.

      1. ” “Return of Chodes”–thanks, I’ll be using that in the future.”
        No doubt you will, Rabbi Goat.

    4. Carter,
      “or you can present a solution to a getting women in this day and age .”
      Move to a country with no welfare.
      There you go, I’ve presented the solution, you might not like it, but it works.

      1. THIS^
        …. the root of it all. Since Welfare allows “first” world benefits; no country (women) will want much changed.

  9. “It appears that there is a strong relationship between living at home in your 20s and having lots of good sex. According to a 2009 global survey of sexual behaviors, the average Greek is extremely sexually satisfied, having sex 164 times per year, while experimenting with at least six different sexual positions in the bedroom. The Poles, the Italians and the Spanish lag not far behind.”
    Most of those countries are the “poor men” of Europe. Oh well, I guess having lots of sex and trying different positions is more important than working hard and having a robust economy.

    1. As one digs deeper into the national character of the Americans, one sees that they have sought the value of everything in this world only in the answer to this single question: how much money will it bring in?

      1. Sounds like an excuse for not working hard or being motivated.
        America is only about 5% of the world’s population, yet we produce a very outsized amount of the world’s inventions, industrial exports, military hardware/exports, agricultural exports, medical technology, etc., and we have been doing so for decades.
        Don’t be so quick to bash American capitalism, because you Europeans and others have benefited from it in many ways. To say otherwise would fly in the face of statistics and reality.

        1. So many here are obtuse beyond credulity! That is a quote from the 1840’s by a man named Alexis de Tocqueville but I shouldn’t expect an over-educated millennial to know that. Europeans had not benefited very much from America up that point and America was not producing a great amount of exports. Also, enough of the worship of a country that has failed me, failed my race, failed my forefathers, sold EVERYONE out, invents and exports technology around the world the sole purpose of which is to enslave the entire planet, has the largest corporation(U.S. War Dept. now called the Department of Defense) in the world which is violent and has more WMD and a larger budget than at least the top 5 countries in the world combined, a country which has been taken over by your so called ((((enemies)))).
          WTF? Why defend it? Son, you have Battered Citizen Syndrome. It’s the same as battered wife syndrome and akin to Stockholm Syndrome, you have been bitched-slapped and ass raped by Big Gov. for so long you actually think Big Gov. is Big Daddy. It’s what Hegel called the Master Slave Dialectic. Stop being a catamite and emulate the founding father’s who needed neither king nor crown to construct and institute their own authority…

      2. Don’t confuse the (((Americans))) who are all about money and things while not producing anything of value, with the real Americans who work hard, produce, take pride, and are happy to be middle class. The latter is most of us.

        1. Exactly! I am PROUD to be an American! (Pride is NOT one of the Seven Deadly Sins, I know because I’m a (((Christian!))). I WORK HARD! (of course it’s for some corporation owned by (((them))). I PRODUCE! (can’t say exactly what since there is no manufacturing in America to speak of). I am HAPPY! (Prozac and Lexapro makes sure of that!) Every Time I Look Into the Mirror I See Nothing But Awesome!!! What a great time to be alive and an American citizen! Come on everyone and join me in a roaring rendition of the My Country ‘Tis Of Thee!!!! Oh! That sweet land of liberty!! I’m gettin a chubby!!!

        2. @genxman
          Well said. And The author of this article is right about what he says. There is no need to leave home so early. Also, Italy has the highest IQ in europe, along with Germany, and South europeans have a good standard of living and lifestyle.

    2. What’s the point of working hard and a robust economy if you aren’t having lots of sex and trying different sexual positions?

  10. This is an interesting perspective but does have many holes in it suitable for criticism. I for one grew up with a dysfunctional family that is now separated. After getting suspended from an SJW-university I now live back home with my mother and stepfather, which was my last resort. I’m 27 and have been here for 4 months. And although it is a privilege, I’m working my hardest on getting the fuck out of here because I personally value independence and always have. However, since I was an idiot leftist I got sucked into the academic system and accrued tons of debt. I have never truly been independent and that’s what I crave. I cannot imagine living at home until 30.
    But I do enjoy the reference to women in the Mediterranean. For whatever reason I am fascinated by European women much more so than Americans.

    1. Fairplay to you. I like what i hear. You’re honest and not afraid to admit fault or reality.
      You’ll be fine.

    2. If you can pay down your debt, do it. The day of your financial freedom will feel like true liberation. There is no shame in staying with your parents while you get back on your feet. You can renegotiate the house rules if your parents are still treating you like you’re a teenager. And if you help them with repairs, chores or expenses, they will appreciate it.

  11. Generally speaking those in the far north have weaker, if any family values often, and they hate their families who often hate them and they run away at 18 or their moms just throw them out. The concept of fmaily is far weaker and that is especially true amongst the women so the eductaed men often marry asians or southern europeans to mitigate divorce risk.
    The stereotype amongst the Southern European is that the Northern European is that their women are
    generally sleeping around ( further South the men are more pplayers, further north it is the women who are more players ), that the men are ugly, low-T and passive who bend any views they have to fit-in eg natural cucks not strong enough to survive into the long term.

  12. That is why their societies
    will always fail on the long run eg communism, nazism, multculturalism is since those who see the issues are too much bending to the will of the mainstream to say anything about them. That they follow the rules and laws is not about philisophically agreeing with them it is about being weak and unwilling to stand out and that gave them intense short term success when they can follow the legal and social systems developed by medetaranians with extreme cohesion who stood out to make them but in the long run they are too weak to actually change course when they start going wrong. They are similar to Chinese in this regard ie copying the systems of the stronger men of the South but the chinese men are less cuckish and don’t let outsiders present as Chinese “oh as a chinaman I think we must let a million white dudes in to breed our women”.

  13. They are group creatures who function more in groups of hunters but the social norms they took from the Meds and Levatines was a patriachal family-type eg with the Bible and Following the Latin legal and social systems which doesn’t work that well as the Men are not masculine enough to be Patriachs and bend to their women until eventually you have countries like Sweden whose people will have been made extnict in a few years. They know this but are too weak and controlled to actually say it lol and yes their men are all laughed at like German “men”

  14. Hm, the level of articles declines in the last time.
    Especially this Papa Selo guy writes quite strange things (just look at his other articles), it just doesn’t make any sense …
    I miss Tuthmosis http://www.returnofkings.com/author/tuthmosis and A.V. Yader . And at least Troy trew in some good pics. The problem is many of the former ROK writers are working now on their own sites.
    Roosh should implement some voting system for the articles, so he can get more feedback, which writers produce the best content.
    Also like Roosh predicted, many more men will switch to mgtow. Complaining about that wont change anything, and in every article which is about societal decline, you will get the mgtow / black pill perspective in the comments.

    1. Problem is nobody wants to write forever for free! and the powers stop this site making enough money to pay real money for articles!! This is a dissident site in a controlled social system and is hardly even allowed to stay online and only because they pretend to be free speech whilst libs oppose it at every level in reality as they are really not enlightened thinkers or in admiration of those ideals and are just ideologues

    2. Couldnt agree more. the quality of the site is seriously plummeting. Might never recover really.
      I learned a lot but everything comes to an end.

    3. Man, where´s AV Yader now? it’s been years since I heard about him last time. I really liked the articles of that fucking bastard.

    4. reichelt best,
      und pepperl fuchs sensor überlegen
      Yeah, I had this conversation with a friend from ROK as well.
      The point is, there is enough PUA content out there and a lot more bs spam …
      It’s quite difficult for Roosh to monetize as this is a dissident site like you said.
      Ok, maybe we should donate and buy more stuff from Roosh, if we received value in the first years from this site. (But I already bought his combo packs twice, and now I’m waiting for his new book)
      @Gerard & Blas & basically @all
      Yeah, their articles were hilarious. I’d like to know where they are now and what they are doing.
      I think in a last step, we should increase the value we get from this site: Let’s build a red pill network (similar to what the Identitarians are trying to.)
      Roosh provides the site & comment section and Roosh provides the forum, which is in fact extremely valuable as it attracts such a red pill readership.
      The question is, what are we going to do with this.
      Yeah, at the moment we’ll give feedback if the articles get shitty …
      I basically found one friend with whom I can talk about all the red pill topics. It’s extremely hard to find red pill people here in cuckistan #4 (=Germany).
      (Positions #1-3 are in my options Sweden, GB, and Canada, btw)
      I think, it would be a quite interesting idea to have a network of red pill guys, whom you can trust, maybe help each other out with job opportunities, etc.
      The point is, we need to convince many people here on the forums, to do this and spread the word. So if you guys have ideas, how we can connect the best way, feel free to share your thoughts.

      1. sorry, some copy paste accident
        ignore the first two lines 😉
        Btw, a edit function or at least a preview would be really useful 😉

      2. Roost cannot even accept donations easily as he is banned from anything that is not banned by the banks ie the donation sites that allow him the banks and card providers won’t work with so other than bit coin it’s all impossible. We know there is little freedom I. This world we are all slaves to ‘the system’

    FFS, if you men can’t get your sorry a*ses out of the damn PARENTS house and support your damn selves, there is little hope for you. I was on the path of self sufficiency in my early teens by developing a work ethic and then working hard to go my own way. My folks offered to let me stay after my HS graduation if I met one of two conditions: I had full time paying job and was paying all my other bills aside from rent utilities and food and had to continue with also doing household chores OR I was a full time student. I could not WAIT to get out and get my own place and immediately did so so I could be the king of my domain and bed whores without violating their house rules. This current trend of parasiting off their parents with NO REQUIREMENT to be heading off to their ownlives..is well, sickening. I dont care if this is 30+ years later…You aren’t managing your own life and living your own life if you at snuggling up under mommy and daddy wings still. How freaking immature to not separate yourself and pursue your own lives. no wonder society is collapsing in on itself in degeneracy. you don’t get to be ALPHA if you cant get control of your own life and need to parasite off of others. That’s not alpha and it is damn sure not masculine nor responsible

    1. Oh wait, I forget all the lost causes with testosterone in their blood that call themselves men that are living with their single mothers still…the analog ” at” for the crazy cat ladies who won’t their spawn go and have a life, never mind the man babies that never want to leave their pathetic feminist self serving “mothers”…These “men” will forever be wiping their dear old “mothers” as*es. Its all that they have been taught to do, save the very scant few rebellious ones that desert her witchy a* because they are starved for real mans life. Trapped with a crazy feminist cat lady home, a hell that begs for a death. no sane testosterone creator would ever do this. Ya got f*king “seeds”, what is your f*king problem you aren’t independent and moving the hell on?

    2. >I was on the path of self sufficiency
      Everybody commenting is missing the point. I could choose to live in a lavish apartment downtown if I wanted to. The point is to stay at home until you can afford your own precisely because of the additional benefits.

      1. Men should not be reaching self sufficient life at 30. They should be headed there as a teen with good mentoring such that they are independent and self sufficient through their best years. It’s not on your parents to carry you after you complete school. It’s why teens rebel against their parents. Its is a genetic imposed imperative to separate yourself and get away from family to prevent inbreeding. Look at the perversions among society now, especially the twisted inbreeding ones. Mother nature has her reasons, but perversion resists her efforts for the sake of self indulgence. Mother nature corrects these practices with self destructive mental mental illness and suicide.

      2. The lavish apartment lifestyle did not offer me anything in additional to improve my life than I already had. Always seemed like a waste. My perspective was that I am so busy working and having fun that I would never physically be there anyway. Avoided flushing tons of rent money down the drain and getting no return on your investment. I would be so busy that paying $1200 a month plus util for basically a place to sleep would not be worth it. Like you said, the bangs still come.
        It just did not offer me any life benefit, other than material bullshit and “social status”. Fuck that.

  16. Leaving the family home or what was remaining of it at just shy under 17 from not so good family circumstances and 22 years later it built grit and led to many a epiphany.
    Your article paints a landscape of superlatives but from an early age leaving the home and taking responsibility for one’s own well-being in an eat or be eaten environment will push and forge you.
    I know many a comrade who stayed at home and claim to be hungry lions, but remember this: they know where to go when their hungry as its laid out for them.
    I dealt with multiple feminist H.R. departments throughout the U.K. and the bullets i have taken from them for my beliefs, would make today’s boys crumble.
    Treat your religion with respect: this is the biggest right we have in the world. No SJW or left wing organisation can take that from us, try as hard as they will.
    Gentleman: some of you are Catholic, Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh but remember not to disrespect your faith and identity, because the invaders certainly will try.
    My faith is for my family, my village and country. If we stay strong to this our countries will be free from the upcoming invasions as hard as they will try to make it hard for us. Your faith is worthless if conducted per vaudevillian circus act.
    If Roosh and handful of men at the meetup can start making changes for the better, bravely against the enemy, then why cannot we make a difference? It doesn’t start by staying at home until 30.
    The end is certain if we keep doing what we are doing, if we go out and make the change a few will survive.
    Remember God.
    Young men: use your faith as you shield, your experiences that will turn you in to stone, so that each Red Pill man can talk fearlessly to feminist and liberals so that no SJW or feminist no matter the size or the disadvantage we face shall will know who they are messing with. Fight this with determination that your future generations will remember you.
    Blessed are the ones, who practice the faith and follow the Red Pill for future generation.

  17. In many ways I don’t think it’s a bad idea. There are other groups, not just the Mediterranean Gods and Goddesses group, who make the choice to live at home with their parents, until they move out to have their own families. There’s nothing wrong with it.
    Immaturity is when someone stays home, like dead wood, BC they haven’t consciously made the choice and are not consciously moving forward.

  18. I do agree anglo parents are stingy and heartless but still staying at home until the late 20’s is not something that should be advocated for. Of course it can be different if you all live in a villa in which many generations live together all their lives, just like it used to be in the old times, but that is not the case for almost everyone.
    The reason why the young in Southern Europe stay at home until so late is because we live in socialist shitholes in which the state confiscates more than a half of our income and housing is incredibly overpriced due to regulations, squatter’s rights laws and mass tourism driving up the price. This is not something to be celebrated in the least.

    1. Stork, I agree wholeheartedly. Staying at home too long is not desirable. Unfortunately these days for the reasons you mentioned less and less people, both men and women are able to support themselves with only one income. If you have health issues and can’t work, you are fucked unless you have support from your family.

  19. These Mediterranean dudes that are stay living at home until late 20s or early 30s are not “Gods.” They’re the furthest thing from it. They’re just mama’s boys who imagine they are Latin lovers and try to have a lot of sex to compensate for their lack of real man accomplishments. Mommy takes care of them, many don’t have jobs, so they have lots of time to play macho man.

      1. Not necessarily, kid. Often the audience is angry because a person says dumb or incorrect things. Now accept it and move on.

  20. This is fucking ridiculous !!! Financially independent ??? are you fuckign dense or what,you’ll have money because you AREN’T financially independent. Your still suckling on mammies tit
    And more sex ?? you are an absolute fucking retard. Noway do people living with their parents have a better sex life than people with their own fucking actual house !!!! Just not true. Make a million graphs take ten thosuand surveys,still not true.
    And a better relationship ??? Less clear but I find I got on better with my parents when I had my own space. My own rules. My own INDEPENDENCE. I was an actual adult. An equal and therefore got on better with them.
    Your a fucking idiot and someone should be checking your content before your allowed post.
    Come on people isn’t htis EXACTLY what the site is NOT about. Arent we trying to make masculine lives ??? and this clown says stay at home till your 30,fuck sake life will be over and you wont even be able live without your mammy wiping your arse.

    1. The myopic dream of Manifest Homeownership finally culminated in the explosive Subprime Mortgage Crisis of 2008.
      And most importantly, this (ironically) left many of those same “adults” without a home, forcing them to fend off starvation daily with food stamps.

      1. Very wordy for a statement that says absolutely nothing and address’s none of the points I raised.
        I understand that some people were forced into staying at home longer than previous generations due to the recession.
        But you actually advocated it. You didnt say some poor people had to live at home and it wasnt their choice. No you actually said people should CHOOSE to live at home till 30. You didnt mention anything about “myopic dreams of manifest home ownership” due to financial crisis.
        Terrible fucking attempt to move the goalposts. And also people never sound more stupid than when they attempt to sound intelligent. That reply was a cringe inducing attempt to sound intelligent.
        I’m glad you got lots of shit for this crap article. Shows the ROK community still has some balls. But you keep telling yourself the angrier the audience the more right you are. See how that works out for you :)))))

        1. “But you keep telling yourself the angrier the audience the more right you are. See how that works out for you :)))))”
          There are some situations, where this might be in fact a good thing (to gain publicity, etc).
          But this is not the case here 😛
          If the article provides values, then I send it to friends. And I can’t claim that about this article.

        2. >I understand that some people were forced into staying at home longer than previous generations due to the recession.
          That’s not the point. The 101st Congress under Bush explicitly advocated it. What I am addressing is the cultural ideal of “moving into your own place” before you are ready, which is an explicit cultural notion that exists only in America.
          Moving out to a 280ft2 apartment downtown is a stepping stone to a mortgage you can’t afford. This is something I did not do and will simply be better off for it, no exceptions. I think most people here are just salty and regret their 20s :/

        3. Ok well to be fair thats absolutely not what you said first nor second time and a big leap for me to make from “The myopic dream of Manifest Homeownership finally culminated in the explosive Subprime Mortgage Crisis of 2008.” to the “cultural idea of moving into your own place before your ready”.
          Now listen this could degenerate into going down a rabbit hole and playing semantics. Neither of which I’m willing to do. I stand by all my points. Do you have a point with the cultural notion of AMERICANS moving out to early and then getting into massive mortgage debt. Absolutely. But again not really what you said in the article.
          Lets say you are genuine. Then you need to take a minute when your writing and be more clear in why your writing the article. Big difference between telling americans dont move out too young just because you come under social and cultural pressure too advocating men everywhere staying at home till your 30 because you’ll be loaded and get lots of pussy.
          Hats off for not engaging in my ad hominen. I appreciate the measured response regardless of whether I buy what what your trying to sell me or not.

  21. There seems to be a growing trend adjacent to social media that gives an inflated sense of worth to both men and women today.
    Actually, this article has given astute feedback, and pleased that there are still a few gentleman here who encapsulate the frontiersman spirit.
    To the author:
    audere est facere
    aut cum scuto aut in scuto (please do not mistake this for a title of a horrendous art movie that can be viewed on some repugnant website, its actually latin)

  22. no thanks.
    and btw when you move out that’s when you start having the best, most cordial relations with your family.

  23. A man should move out on his own as young as possible. In fact it is really the only way to become a man. I speak from experience. It was many years ago that I moved out at age 25. I wish I had moved out at 18. Life experience and maturity really excellerated at that point.

      1. Doesn’t matter what a 27 year old Croatian with limited real world experience thinks. I’m twice your age and have been around the block. Cavalier’s advice is apt for most young guys. Except mama’s boyz.

  24. On the Ohio State Football Coach story…See a trend here, goyim?
    BOULDER, Colo. (AP) — A federal Judge has dismissed part of a lawsuit by a woman who has accused a former University of Colorado assistant football coach of domestic violence, claiming the head coach and other university officials knew of the abuse and tried to cover it up.
    The Daily Camera reports the lawsuit against former coach Joe Tumpkin remains in place, but U.S. District Judge William Martinez dismissed the other defendants, including head coach Mike MacIntyre and athletic director Rick George.”
    Her Liars are looking for a payday. Follow the money.

  25. My bags were packed at left at the front door the night of my high school graduation. Leave at 30? Is that a joke?

  26. Quality of return of kings articles is going downhill real fast. Im 20 and i live with my mom, and i damn sure aint proud of it. However i dont know how the fuck to get out. 400 a week doesnt pay for shit unless you have roommates, and i dont think id exactly trust people in my age group. Geuss i gotta just say fuck it and try.

    1. Hey buddy, I’m 20 as well, live at home with my parents. I’m lucky to get 500 a month from my current job. Of course I don’t know wtf I want to do for college, so I decided to join the military.
      Not sure what your views are for that. Yeah, you could die. Yeah, we fight for imperial causes that may or may not directly benefit us. Yeah, you are joining the big statist system that everyone hates. But its not all bad.
      Free food, shelter, clothing, etc. Reduced interest rates loans, some with NO down payment. Free quality healthcare. You get to be around guys your own age, and the stories you’ll tell after you’re out, I can only imagine how memorable they’ll be.
      For me, USMC was my branch. Love the warrior ethos, the code of honor, and generally how hard and challenging it seems. Besides that, I really don’t have any skills, or any clear bearing on what seems to interest me, or even what I’m good at. If your smart on your ASVAB and don’t wanna do the infantry stuff like me, you can do Air Force or Navy. I respect guys from other branches. We all have different paths and goals in life, yet sometimes we’re in the same boat. Good luck to you.

  27. I agree with most commenters’ sentiment about this article. I didn’t truly leave the nest until I was nearly 31, I’m embarrassed to say. But by 30, I was itching to escape not only living with the parents, but also the perpetually economically depressed semi-rural town I lived in for the previous 28 years.
    While it was good for my bank account to live with no rent, utility, or food expenses (item #2 is accurate), I paid a price it. It was terrible for my personal life (item #1 is flat-out wrong), strained my family life (having some distance between you and your parents can be good for everybody’s sanity), and weakened my sense of independence.

    1. I appreciate your honesty. I’d hate to say that your situation made me feel better about myself, but it does feel re-assuring knowing other men are going through the same stuff you are too. Sometimes it seems I’m doing everything wrong myself, and everyone else is doing fine. Its an insane way to look at things but that’s what I do.

  28. “As a practicing Catholic” — all I needed to know. The BS you say makes a lot of sense — parasitism is a very latin and Catholic trait. No wonder Southern Europe is such a joke…with mommy’s boys living at home until even well past their 30s, they can’t fight for shit if their lives depended on it and for all the bad here in America, at least our men (outside major city shitholes) look a lot more masculine and like real men than these manlet Manolos, Antoninis and Markos. LOL.
    Financially independent?? Tell that to Jesus living with papá and mamá in Madrid lol.
    Get laid more? NOT A CHANCE…most women wouldn’t dream of going to a guy’s place who lives with his parents.
    One of the things I thank heavens for everyday is that I did not grow up either Catholic or Latin. I was just lucky enough to at least get some sense of intelligence around me.

  29. Living with your parents past the age of 21 has always been seen as loser status but you want to tell me that’s a good thing? Return of Kings has been becoming a joke since the pro-white faggots moved in.

  30. Left home at 15, one step away from homelessness at 34, still not sure I’d change it.

  31. With regard to posted content complaints by some posters…STFU. I for one appreciate that ROK is not an echo chamber and people submit then Roosh posts varying content both pro and con. You cant have a conversation when all the heads bob in agreement and you damn sure wont speak you mind if its all agreement…So bring it on. No man should fear content they do not agree with, doing so stifles free and open dialogue. If you cant comment and take a stand and stick to it, if you cant speak your mind without fear, you don’t deserve a voice to start with. GFY if I offend you, but have the guts and balls to actually state a position that is not nonsensical and back it up. I don’t expect to be everyones friend, in fact I give less than runny sh*t if I am at odds with all of you. but you’d waste my time if you disagree and don’t state your case for why you do. Find your fuc*ing joke of balls between your legs, post and disagree, but don’t let the other commenters shut you up unless your just here to disrupt with nonsensical trolling. that sh*t I absolutely hate. If you cant handle criticism, GFY, this is the wrong place for you to be at all, you whiny as* little bitc*es.

    1. Hm, you have to distinguish between the comments.
      Sure, you can ignore the pure trolling. That’s why I’d propose also a flag spam button here on the comments, and if more than 30 or so (user hat set this value), then the comment is hidden (but can be unlocked).
      The other type of comments here are comparing the quality of the article to previous articles (why we came here to ROK in the first place). 4 years ago I found Roosh’s, tuthmosis’ and yader’s articles, was intrigued and wanted to learn more.
      I don’t think, when new people read this article, they want to read more ROK.
      This article can be critizised, as it goes against red pill values, imho.
      How is living with your parents helping you developing your independence or more precise idependent thoughts and way of thinking ?
      The argument on point 1 is also quite weak.
      #2 may be true in some sense
      #3 is an interesting view point and some of it may be true. On the other hand it starts with “As a practicing Catholic” , which probably collides with #1 laying as many girls as possible.

  32. ??? (Re: “anglo” parent: Says who? Lol. Are you on crack?
    And…. Socialism is a manmade thing. Like plastic shoes. This is why it hasn’t worked anywhere. All the best to you.

  33. I don’t mind others living at their parents home until they are 50, so long as no one is being a lazy waste of space, and everyone is okay with the situation. In fact, if one of my children needs to do this, as long as there is a good reason and said child isn’t spinning their wheels, I’ll probably be all for it. Especially if they are starting their own business. But I will require them to pull their own weight including cleaning up after themselves, and buying their share of food, toiletries etc. I’d also consider charging them rent, but I’d save their rent in an account and give it back to them when they were ready to or needed to get their own place.

  34. @Carter “men who fuk a lot of women rarely ever complain about them because they sticking their dicks in every single 6 and 10 they can lay their hands on”
    I FUCK ALOT OF WOMEN & I COMPLAIN ABOUT THEM….. I wouldnt say I Fuk EVERY 6-10 Because that would be Ridiculous but Ive had many women in my life & continue to have. The problem is Not Many of them are Worth the keep. Believe it or Not sleeping with Random girls & having short Mini relationships get OLD Once you reach 30. EVERY MAN wishes to find a Good Woman to settle down with like my father & generations of Men before me & thats the problem living in the West. FEMINISM set out to do EXACTLY what it said it would do which was DESTROY the NUCLEAR FAMILY because it was OPPRESSIVE. Mission ACCOMPLISHED!! Back in 1965 ONLY 8% of childrens born into the Black Family where out of wedlock. For white men in 1954, unemployment was zero. For African-American men in 1954, it was about 4 percent. Race statistics for Incarceration wasnt available till the 70s But In 1974, it was nine percent of Black men compared to one percent of white men.
    WHAT CAUSED THE DECAY TO SOCIETY IN THE PAST 50-70 YEARS WHAT MOVEMENT TOOK PLACE To DOUBLE these figures. While many things can be to Blame Family Life is the Cornerstone to a Healthy Society & that was the Sole Aim to the FEMINIST AGENDA. So YES Complaining about or Bringing Attention to these things I think ARE IMPORTANT because Mainstream usually Doesent as they Push FALSE NARRATIVES such as the Gender PAY GAP Myth ect. But the question what the Fuck are you doing here ? Im sure alot of betas such as Yourself come here but from the feel I get from it its a Mix of Happily Married Men who are Still AWARE! Divorsed Men Who have been Taken Advantage of the system that was built to destroy them. Single Men who Bang Alot of Pussy & Men who get No Pussy. There are ALOT of Men Who Run their On Business & have successful careers & they are probaly ALot of Under Employed Men. In OTHER Words I dont think there is ONE KIND Of ROK READER Your trying to Define to make fun of to feel better About your Existense. Roosh by the way Lives in ANOTHER COUNTRY that his parents have probably NEVER BEEN EFORE. So STOP playing with your VAGINA & gGet OFF THIS SITE!! Seing your comments every Article is getting Annoying! And is an Interesting hobby to have & Odd way to spend your time for a person who doesent like the articles or message here. Is this ARticle Lame …?? YES IT DEFINITELY IS!! But what is LAMER is coming Online Complaining about Every Single One. From the Moment I saw the TITLE of this Article I thought to Myself that this is Gonna BRING OUT THE TROLLS WHO Want to Do NOTHINg But LABEL & BRAND people who Read susch articles into a bunch of herbs. I was Correct.

  35. I was injured at work right after high school, and had to stay at my parents’ house for 2 extra years, for PT and to make up for lost time financially…and it was galling and embarassing- AS IT SHOULD BE. My parents were so nice about it, but I was deeply and morbidly ashamed of myself. AS I SHOULD BE. I got out finally, and started my own life, knowing that I had my parents’ love, and also that I would be disappointing them AND myself if I ever had to go back. I never did have to.
    To the author, I say: It’s not supposed to be easy. The struggle is where we are formed as men. And not being European, without looking down on them or their culture, I say that I do not give a shit what they do. I am not of them. The pride of accomplishment takes time, but the pride of self-sufficiency is a fine start for a young man.
    I train and employ about a dozen 18-20 year old kids each year on my boat. We take kids from the US south, where men are tougher and have a better work ethic, and where parents are practical enough to insist their boys have a trade before considering further education. There’s nothing wrong with an unskilled and uneducated boy working multiple jobs to make up a hundred hour workweek for a couple of years to pay for something better.
    Young men have energy and the ability to develop strength of body and of character. A young man who whines about having no opportunities in the US, of all places, where there are more jobs than job seekers, and having to stay on the tit until age 30 is not a man worth developing into something better…

  36. I found when I was living at home even while paying rent I was saving at least $1500/month as well as hassle free from home or apt rental ownership.
    After leaving the Army I did this for about 3 years in my late twenties despite making nearly $100k.
    One of the best decisions I ever made as this would equate to saving over $50,000 dollars tax free.

  37. Even though I was earning well into the six figures through most of my 20’s, I still lived at home (with my Dad, who is divorced and lives in a cheap house in the woods in a rural area) until I got married at age 30. Less than a year after marrying, my wife and I quit working and traveled for a year. If I hadn’t lived at home, I would’ve been less able to afford the trip and/or start building a retirement fund, and my Dad enjoyed having me around. I’m American.

  38. Decades ago I lived home until I was 29. I finished college, got laid the entire time and spent most nights shacked up in some chicks apartment on a casual basis. With only a moderate income from my own business (horses) I was able to save the equivalent of $100k . Then I moved out, traveled overseas awhile and relocated 3,000 miles away from my parents. With all that F U money I never had to take s*it from bosses, coworkers, landlords or anyone for the rest of my life. I have a 30 yr old Physical Therapist son who moved out five yrs ago. He has no savings! My 26 yr old is living home. He finished college, plays in a rock band, does martial arts and olympic lifting. His income is half his brothers but he is saving $2,000 a month. When he moves out by 30 he should have $100k easily and he will be able to tell the world to get fkd just like dad did. Maybe having an old red pilled dad from way back helped. When I finally moved out at 29 it just wasn’t that hard to learn to deal with everyone who tried to screw me over, especially since I had that FU money in my back pocket. Stay home, finish college, lift, read, get laid and then head out knowing you have enough FU money to tell the world to get ****ed.

  39. I’m sorry author, but this just isn’t practical advice.
    If anything, still living at home PREVENTS me from having sex, considering our house is only 1500 sq ft and I share a room with my brother who’s a sophomore in high school and I rarely have the house to myself.
    Beyond that, my parents fight so much, its driving me insane. I need to get away from my family, live my own life out on my own, not stuck in the same place I’ve always been. And that basically means moving states away, cause no one my age can afford owning property here, they either bunk with 5 other people (rarely does that leave them happy), or they still live at home with their overbearing parents who still treat them like a 6 year old.
    Maybe your European values influenced you in writing this, where there is still some semblance of community, which is made up of closely knit families in a defined area. But here in America, its dog eat dog, brother. Every man for himself. Its a very lonely place, cutthroat and not for the weak, not if you wanna accomplish anything worthwhile.

  40. So you were living in a “large metropolitan city” and moved back with Mommy and Daddy. This article reeks of someone trying desperately to justify his not cutting it.

  41. The author is on a reimagining of the Hero’s Journey – from his bed, to his mom’s refrigerator, to his laptop, to the bar, to his local beech to have sex ! But seriously, all that matters is results. I moved out at 25 (European). It massively improved my career and sex life and happiness. Family home meant safety and no life risks. For someone who is basically happy and stacking cash and having sex while living with their family that’s fine with me. Maybe not being a rent slave has helped the author take more risks. Basically I see his advice as being disastrously wrong for men like me who were shy and risk averse in their early 20s.

  42. This is the worst ROK article I’ve ever read. Encouraging men to live with their parents until they are 30 is the equivalent to a feminist encouraging women to stay fat and not shave their armpits.

  43. Weird article.
    I don’t care if your Don Juan, in my
    Experience, when I was 22 and still living at home the fastest way to have a woman lose interest in me was to tell her exactly that. Now I’m 25 and have been living in my own apartment for 3 years. (I still rarely take girls back there. I take them to hotels when it’s time to get down to it) but yeah now it comes easier. I know the economy is tough these days but even I can understand how unappealing a woman must find it to go back home at night to your parents house. They’re attracted to financially independent men, not mammas boys who are still cleaning up their rooms.

  44. Actually the author isn’t alone here I’m hearing from more and more feminist groups that since so many children are staying home till their late 20’s and early 30’s support obligations should be extended to those ages that means paying “child support” till 26 or 30 as well as juvenile criminal laws extending to those ages an absolutely ridiculous notion. Just shows you how dependent society has become everyone is just trying to leach off parents, lovers, siblings, government etc. The author stating that your family must not love you if they don’t allow you to sloth in their home till 30 shows you how entitled he really is.
    I do believe parents poorly prepare their kids for independence hoping they will just figure it out but many times it doesn’t end up that way. A plan should be drafted entering high school and again senior year, trade school, university, government/military, business or freelance etc with a plan a, b, and c. The author omitted what he was doing from 18-27 other than living in a large metro city probably as a barista or something that sounds so similar to what young entitled THOTS do when they leave home for the cock carousel and return home broke still guilt-tripping their parents that they owe them.

  45. Yeah, I especially agree on the last paragraph. “I do believe parents poorly prepare their kids for independence hoping they will just figure it out but many times it doesn’t end up that way.”
    Or they still believe in the public school system, that the children will learn there something useful. LOL
    It’s really difficult to find the culprit.
    I’d say it’s a combination of
    – wrong prepation/non-independent upbringing
    – total bs taught in government school
    – current societal trends/believs in general (feminism, etc)
    – housing prices going through the roof, so young people just can’t afford an own flat.
    This is maybe a point, which is missing in the main article and could’ve made it better:
    In the “good old days” a man could afford to buy a house in his 20-30ies and provide with his 9-7 salary for a family with several children. We just don’t have this situation anymore. So we could ask the question why is that.

  46. Mothers can be so over-rated. I had to live with my mom for 8 months a few years back and it was the most hellish 8 months of my life. One thing good I can say about that time is that I was extremely motivated to get the hell out of there. I would gladly forgo all of the perks outlined in the article to not have to endure mommy-ism ever again.

  47. WRONG.
    Just what America needs: more soyboys staying at home until they are 30, and having an extended adolescence so they can play on daddies dime.
    Not at my house.
    Both my kids left at 18 and never came back. Both were debt free by the time they were 26, INCLUDING a paid off house. All without any $ being given to them. They just worked hard. Like we taught them.
    Kids who live at home until they are 30 are pussies who are scared of being adults.

  48. “…Unless your parents are stingy Anglos you aren’t paying for rent, food, utilities…”
    Bullshit. I’m 24 and come from a Mexican family. My pops has me paying $400 a month on rent. Fuck this shit. As soon as I another couple grand saved up and enter an electrician apprenticeship, I’m getting my own apartment. I can have my own 1 bedroom apartment and be able to save up easier for only $250 more than what I pay at home in my city.

  49. In Asia, people live at home to help their aging parents until married, even when we get married, more often than not the bride move into the groom’s home and become part of the families. We help eachothers under one roof, this is how big families are born, we define home as where the family is. From tradtional Asia’s point of view, the American’s way of life is quite selfish, also, women who stay with their parents are less likely to be hoe.

  50. I won’t fault you for living at home at 30.
    It’s still better to be 30 and living at home
    than 30 and divorced, living in your car

  51. I see lots of butthurt people here who left at 18 and started paying of the mortgage of another person who stayed home later to invest his money into property. Work smart not hard is what comes to mind. If you’re still home by 30 then you’ve already got your first investment property bringing in net positive income and your second one is starting to pay itself back off. Your parents will never need to worry about old age because that huge investment headstart means that you can guarantee them a comfortable retirement. Everyone wins.

  52. This article hit so close to home for me.
    “Not having to host lewd parties and do drugs in order to be valued by your peers”
    “Not having to slave away for a condo and drive yourself into massive debt in order to please others”
    I just finally moved out at age 29 and could not be more happy with my decision. I am so much better off than a lot of people my age and have so much financial freedom heading into my 30’s, essentially having build up a “Fuck You” fund. And I didn’t really miss out on anything because I was able to live a fun lifestyle and get plenty of bangs using the exact methods described by the author of this article. Ate some great food and save up a fuckton of $$. The mystery element always helped and in relativity, girls didn’t really give a shit. They are too shallow to even analyze and care about the fact that you live with your family. In fact, many times it turned them on because you are going counterculture and against the norm not giving into the societal brainwashing on what you “should” do with your life, i.e. blow all your money on things with the least possible return and benefit to you in order to look cool to others. I could not tell you how many people I know that are 30 and have literally nothing to show for it other than bags under their eyes, a shitty liver, and an empty wallet. They literally live paycheck to paycheck and cannot do anything fun.

  53. Being forced to leave home just as you turn 18 is very traumatic! Why? Because you do not get a chance to go learn & train at college. So then you are truly forced to take low paying jobs for those who only have High School. You live in poverty after paying for Everything plus you are isolated.
    Have seen friends who were Never pushed out by their family – got college education & good paying job & had great savings & were living safely & securely with their family until they got married at 30.
    Being suddenly pushed out of family at young age traumatized you for life! Does not help your self confidence at all. Very destructive to young person.
    You Never Get over it at all.
    It is humiliating & painful & you feel betrayed & thrown away.

  54. Now the good points start to come in.
    But the point is basically, it depends on how your family raised you. This financial argument is quite good.

    1. Yeah, the family and community culture plays a big role on one’s mindset for his/her future.

  55. What on earth has happened to the “For masculine men” motto of this site? This is a straight set-up for boys eager to remain boys and free of adult responsibility. This author does not hold with the nature of being. Men must find their own way. Regardless of money or girls.

  56. Imo, 30’s should be the age of getting more matured towards having responsibilities like for a family of their own, for parents, etc.

  57. In Nordic countries the low average age of leaving home is made possible by the welfare state. With government benefits even the working (unemployed) class youth can afford to live in their own apartments.
    State childcare has effectively weaned them from their family since they were babies anyway.
    We also put our elderly into institutions, and then recruit Filipino nurses to bring them some warmth from a more southern family culture.

  58. This self-appointed Croatian “philosopher” is pretty much a trust-fund baby. His olive oil business has been passed on to him by his grandfathers. He lives with his parents and doesn’t have to worry about rent. Basically, he never had to work for anything in his life. He is spoiled and he doesn’t even realize it.
    What kind of advice can this person offer struggling young men?
    I’m also from a Mediterranean country, but my life was completely different. My father was a psycho who used to beat me and my mother, until they divorced. My mother is a religious zealot, and dumb beyond belief. I grew up poor and we couldn’t even afford toilet paper. One of my sisters got pregnant at the age of 15 and the father was a drug dealer who once pointed a gun at my head. We never owned a house (it was seized because my mom couldn’t pay the mortgage). It goes on and on.
    Despite these horrible problems (or rather, because of them) and the oceans of suffering I went through, I traveled the world and did all sorts of things in my life. I’ve lived and worked in England, Romania and Thailand. I speak four languages. I’ve had sex with more than 100 women. I’m currently working hard on an online business.
    This Croatian idiot has nothing to offer me. I’m a self-made man and I don’t need to read this nonsense by a dumb kid who has little to no life and world experience. If it weren’t for his family, he would be a nobody and he would amount to nothing.
    If you have any self-awareness and respect for your audience, refrain from writing on this site until you have some CLEAR ACCOMPLISHMENTS that you achieved ON YOUR OWN. Otherwise you are just misleading and confusing young readers with your bullshit. You should be ashamed of yourself.

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