Girls Just Want To Have Fun

A lot of men like to believe that the promiscuous or degenerate impulses of women today had to be programmed into them, but most of those impulses were there all along. All women needed was a more permissible environment. One song that hinted at this truth was Cyndi Lauper’s nearly forty-year-old single “Girls Just Want To Have Fun.”

On a casual listen, the song seems to portray a girl’s innocent need to party, but decoding the lyrics reveal that “have fun” really means “fuck.” The song then makes perfect sense and accuately portrays the female behavior we see today.

I come home in the morning light
My mother says when you gonna live your life right
Oh mother dear we’re not the fortunate ones
And girls they want to have fun
Oh girls just want to have fun

Cyndi went out, partied, and had sex with a man. After coming home, she received token resistance from her mother, but not enough to change her behavior, perhaps because mother also wanted to live out her own youth in the same manner.

The phone rings in the middle of the night
My father yells what you gonna do with your life
Oh daddy dear you know you’re still number one
But girls they want to have fun
Oh girls just want to have

The father is portrayed as a disgusting, idiot slob who is out of touch when compared to his empowered daughter. It’s a surprise that he even lived in the house. Today, 23% of children are raised by single parents. Removing the father figure is especially dangerous to a female because she then attempts to simulate his love through shallow sexual encounters or attention whoring. Even with a father in the home, there is no sign that Cyndi was punished for her late-night party lifestyle.

Some boys take a beautiful girl
And hide her away from the rest of the world
I want to be the one to walk in the sun
Oh girls they want to have fun
Oh girls just want to have

Cyndi wants to display her beauty to everyone, even if she already has the love of one man. It’s important for her to always be in the position of upgrading her current man if she happens to find something better. She wants to have the option of fucking other guys on the side, because relationships are too boring for a young girl who has her entire life ahead of her.

That’s all they really want
Some fun
When the working day is done
Oh girls, they want to have fun
Oh girls just want to have fun 

Before feminism really dug its heels into the culture, Cyndi already assumed a “working day” for women. Even she knew that work would be so dull that it would have to be counter-balanced with fun and casual sex. Girls spend the day working to be independent from men to spend their nights getting used by attractive men at night.

The song was originally released in 1979, but does it not perfectly describe the mentality of an average woman in 2018? Today’s woman spends her prime having fun and only considers settling down when her career is “established” or her options for attractive men begin to dwindle. It then becomes a game of musical chairs to lock down any reasonable man, but even in that case, she will still be open to having fun on the side if a new man excites her vagina.

Have enough fun yet?

I used to believe that men and women had to be somewhat brainwashed to participate in degenerate behaviors, but I no longer think that is the case. The problem with the modern era is not that it programs people to be bad, but it allows and encourages people to be bad by simply acting on their human impulses. The wives you think were so traditional fifty or one-hundred years ago would be just as promiscuous today if they had the choice, and that includes your beloved grandmothers. Societies of the past did a reasonable job of constraining the flaws of our species, but those constraints are now gone, and what you see today is actually more “human” than ever.

This article was originally published on Roosh V.

Read Next: Women Who Don’t Have Babies Go Crazy

76 thoughts on “Girls Just Want To Have Fun”

  1. You’re addressing the symptoms of feminism but not the cause – evil )ews. Feminism was a way to destroy the family unit and get women into the workforce to pay taxes. Its worked. Marxist feminism accompanies its twin, marxist multiculturalism. More immigrant babies = white women feel less of a need to replace the population. Its more expensive to have kids these days and especially since women have devalued the pay of jobs; meaning a man in the 50s could be a TV repairman and support 6 children who cannot do that these days. Honestly, all societal evils can be traced back to the JQ, and few people directly choose to address this. Sure, both men and women 9especally whites) have a lot of blame for being duped by the )ews and doing their will, but in the end it all comes down to the usual suspects. They were kicked out of 109 nations since 250AD for doing the same thing. And now that they’ve offshored the food and manufacturing supply, they have real western men by the balls(i.e. those that do not love this degenerate society).

    1. If you’re hated by billions all over the planet, there is almost certainly a solid reason for that hate. It didn’t happen by itself.

    1. LOL.
      The last paragraph of this article was the best. My grandmother, love her to death she’s still living home alone baking for people 30 years younger ina retirement home at 98, got preggo by grandpa back in the 30s. They married of course. And stayed for over 60 years. Those days are done.
      Women back then didn’t restrain themselves because they were so much better. They did it because their options were limited by religion, cultural traditions that no longer exist, and geography.

      1. You forgot lack of welfare. What really empowers women’s bad behaviour is abortion and welfare.

    2. @a contrarian viewpoint.
      Fuckofff lesbian bitch.
      No women or homosexual allowed or wanted here.

  2. Of course they do, children like having fun … anything else hurts their little brains.

  3. A few years ago I also rediscovered that song and deconstructed it pretty much as you did. But ya know what – I still think it’s a great song. It might be evil, but it is so perfectly evil! Perhaps that’s what the Pied Piper’s tune sounded like.

  4. I’m going to slightly disagree with jmolonoy above. This one we cannot squarely pin on ‘da j00s’, let me explain why below… (though that being said they do NOT get a pass for making the problem exponentially worse through their satanic subversive ways!)
    Here is the deal folks- You are dealing with a problem FAR far older than Cyndi Lauper, the ‘sexual revolution’ of the 60s, women’s lib, or even the suffrage right to vote movement of the 20s-30s. Did you notice the ‘flappers’ of the 20s were todays THOTs by that time’s standard?
    You cannot pin those things solely on (((them))). It is simply the nature of woman you are contending with, and it was ancient knowledge that gets lost from time to time throughout the ages.
    On the spectrum of human experience we have children at one end. Tiny still developing bodies and minds, incredibly irrational and illogical. Emotion and ego drive their every interaction. MY needs, MY wants.
    On the other end, we have men. Grown strong bodies, have to be the leader instructing children how to control their emotion, anger, impulse. Logical and calculating, the unquestionable and absolute builders of every civilization that has ever existed since we first picked up a stone tool.
    In the –middle– of this you have this creature called women. Who even as far back as biblical times was shown to be created from man, for man, to serve and obey. Why was this? Because even 3000 years ago it was VERY obvious this creature was not man, and not child. But something right in between. Childish in form, un-developed muscle mass, thin bodies and small but with secondary sex characteristics, breasts, ass, hips to separate her from child.
    A mind somewhere between child and man. Driven by emotion, impulse, illogical, irrational. She was the link between child and man. This is why she was purpose built for child. To care, nuture, and interact with child and bring him towards growth as man. Female children were to learn to be this middle link between child and man.
    This worked for millenia but every now and then societies would “experiment” with this setup or simply forget. The results are ruinous. Our modern incarnation is the worst that has ever been, and it will destroy us utterly as the “correction” it will require can only end in ruin.
    p.s. I write good comments, i.e. I write good articles. I may put one in the pipeline for you Roosh. Stay tuned.

    1. Very good analysis. THEY do know how to exploit these weaknesses in women for their own purposes. Just like their father Satan. After all the Devil did not bother even trying to tempt Adam, he knew it was easier to fool Eve. Unfortunately, Man’s weakness is his desire for sex and his need to please women. If a man can overcome that he can be master of himself.

    2. It all started with invent of agriculture, planting, the sedentary existence, subduing and controlling the earth, which were all inventions of the Great Earth Mother, whoever she was. And soon enough men were being enticed out of the forests and set to work in the fields. Pussy power? You bet. The guys who went off to be men, to do God’s work, didn’t get laid, and in their stead emerged the manginas, the men who think like women, the men who espouse female values, the men who built castles and lived in mansions surrounded by wealth.

    3. Lauper hit the airwaves in 1984-1985 during the relatively conservative 1980’s.
      This is a far cry from the madness of the late sixties.
      By the 1980’s, hippies and free love were out of style and yuppie Conservatives were suddenly in style.

      1. The 80’s were not conservative socially. In fact, what you know of the 60’s probably only applied to a small group and they were still rather conservative in general. Probably just as many incels around as today. I was around in these eras and in places where things were happening not out in Podunk so I can pretty much tell you what it was like.
        Reagan may have been President in the 80’s and perhaps he was a fiscal conservative but he was more of the California Hollywood type before he became governor there in the 60’s.
        The 80’s were actually more of the sex, drugs and rock and roll era. In 1980 I can tell you that people, at least in the more sophisticated cities like NY, London etc didn’t even think that cocaine was harmful, not to mention Quaalude which were out of fashion by then.And of course most people were drinking and smoking everywhere you went.Despite that, I never once saw a girl puking on the street or passed out.
        Pussy? No problem. You could easily find a girl in a bar or club (clubs were different back then). And before some of you puritans say the girls were sluts, you’d be wrong because they were just normal young females. Never heard them cursing either. They could fuck but they couldn’t say fuck lol
        No tattoos either. Average girl was slimmer so even fucking an average looking girl was better than today although the top beauties are about the same.Many girls that I considered average back then when I look back I can see were actually very good looking.I guess that when you’re accustomed to seeing good looking girls they become average to you.
        You didn’t have any femtards around either except a few you’d see on TV and people just laughed at them.Homos mostly stayed in the closet and no on bothered with them.
        And although I’d been in very diverse places and people I never heard of a girl being raped. Never heard of any getting knocked up either so apparently they used birth control.
        Yes it was a different time

        1. The 80’s were great. You didn’t have to fit in with any particular style or need game, If women were physically attacked to you and you weren’t a complete asshole getting pussy was easy. Everything flipped in the 90’s for the worse.

    4. It’s not for nothing that the God of the Bible says that women should be subject to that. Western societies with all their ((((progressivism))) have lost touch with some very basic stuff and we are going to pay the price dearly. What more, if some other properly oriented (read patriarchal) society doesn’t take replace the degrading West, this same (((progressivism))) will be the ultimate doom of the entire human species. Nature doesn’t care about fancy smartphones and rockets. Survival and only survival matters.

    5. Of course it’s the Jews. You stupid motherfuckers with your historical blah blah blah. Your lives are so fucked up that if can’t blame the Jews you’d have to look at your pathetic selves.

  5. Of course all they want is fun, why else they would dumb a faithful beta provider for tattooed guitar player or motorcycle bad boy? Let’s be logical here, if I were a wahman and wanted something else besides fun like say social stability and materialism/money why would I ever want to be an office slave? I would have just simply filtered out the most wealthy and attractice man I know and entice him and voila u got urself a stable and secure life. But the fact that wahmun fanatically want to work and make their own mony and be independent leads us to what conclusions? That they actually simply want to do whatever they want, have fun and whatever so the myth of the wealth/social stability seaking wahman is null, wahman are the female equivalent of the fat lazy gamer dude who only wants some office job in order to sustain his lifestyle, wahman are the same they only need their office job in order to sustain their travels… hey maybe they will meet the mandingo of their dreams while backpacking to some spiritual shithole, who knows…. fukin punk unwashed backpacker rasta cunts!!!!

  6. Is this Rooshs breakdown of Cydni Lauper the same way Tarantino breaks down Madonnas “Like a Virgin” In Reservoir Dogs?

    1. @Rob No. Just look around you. The rot has really set in. Except a few woke people, nearly all the rest of the sheep don’t even realize there is something festering in the heart of modern societies.
      There are only 3 possibilities
      1. The degenerate West will fall. A younger, more patriarchal and traditional culture will dominate large parts of the world. We will go back to traditional norms of marriage and gender divisions. If this is going to happen, it will happen soon because I predict that after the turn of the 22nd century, it’ll be too late to reverse the current trends.
      2. The degenerate West will keep spreading its degeneracy to the rest of the world so that there won’t be any traditional cultures left. Marriages and birthrates will decline, the economy will fall, the globalist Elite will finally crumble. The system will collapse and we will go back to a past age of the world. The slow death.
      3. Divine intervention

  7. Another great article Roosh. Do you believe a change will happen or do we continue to navigate this through redpill wisdom and game? What could the change be?

    1. They’ll be a backlash against the craziness of the puritanical femtards and the millenial soyboys.
      It won’t happen overnight but in 5 years time you look back you’ll notice the difference. The late 60’s didn’t just come out of nowhere but things had been changing slowly from after WWII and through the 50’s and 60’s.

  8. If you ever come to doubt your modern red pill wisdom, just take the time to listen to female songs and/or read female books, it be more than enough to restore your faith stronger than ever.

  9. Fine article, Roosh. This kind of song is why dune coons don’t allow music. Not that I think those drastic measures are acceptable (in fact, disavowing music reeks more of desperation than reason). This particular song always makes me think of a video game called Bioshock Infinite, where a thin spot between demensions exposes a WW1-era composer to 1980’s pop, and he plagiarizes the lot of it.

  10. “Girls spend the day working to be independent from men to spend their nights getting used by attractive men at night.”
    I agree that environmental factors are crucial but why is it that particularly Western women had and have this strong need for independence from men. Particularly those of Northern European stock. This has been the case historically. Most women the world over never exhibited such need before westernization. Feminism and female independence did not originate in China, India, Russia, Africa or South America. It did in Western Europa. The question is why?

    1. Others might say da jooz but I say protestantism. The protestand ideas of individualism and liberalism paved the way for feminism. While studying english literarure I found out that the first feminists were actually protestant female writers, maybe they were like ohh what good it is to have intellect if u dont express it like men do.

    1. Uber fucking gay, you like watching guys playing w/ their dicks out on stage?
      Remember when I said there are lots of beta fucking herbs and sperg knights here on RoK? See above…

      1. Decadent shit man, as I said many times… the guitar players are to blame for everything!!!

      2. Hahaha. I just like the music. The fact that he whips his dick out is just funny. Dicks are funny, so are farts. Get over it asshole.

  11. I blame “Christianity”. You see, one of the primary tenets of the Christian faith is “The Law Was Nailed to the Cross”. In other words – they have preached LAWLESSNESS for at least a generation.
    The end result? Take a look around – A lawless society of men and women that embrace every perversion under the sun.

    1. People don’t know what the rules are any more. Christianity has not been replaced by a newer or better moral code. So basically we don’t have a moral code, just civil laws and those can be changed any time. All it takes is lobbying.

  12. Many years later I see your point, Roosh, but at the time I first heard this song I thought it was counter-revolutionary in a good way.
    As a child in the 70’s I was always hearing the sound bites about the ERA and the feminist anthem “I Am Woman.”
    Enter the 80’s and we had this song and it’s contemporary, Madonna’s “Material Girl.” Both through the political activism out the window and declared a young woman’s right to be a shallow partier.
    This has created the problems addressed on this site, but at the time, for me, this song turned the feminist dogma on it’s head.

    1. So if it is socially acceptable for wahmyn to be a shallow partier then why society refuses to acknowledge my right ro be a selfish, antisocial, gym and history geek???? Why society insists that it’s mandatory for me to grind in some office so I can live the hipster travel lifestyle in order to attract some pseudointellectual whorman? What if I don’t like that lifestyle huh???

  13. How much farther is the decay of women going to go? Try to enjoy the decline fellas because I don’t even think we are even close to the bottom. I think obesity rates, social media influence, and careerism will continue to accelerate. Are there any intelligent and attractive women left? I’m holding out for both and it’s wearing me down.

    1. You are right, we have not reached bottom, but it’s hard to say how far we have left to decay. The complete lack of restraints means whamens will continue pushing to maximize their power and control while minimize men’s. As long as there are men willing to acquiesce, the trend will continue. Until the great culling, there will always be sufficient numbers of men willing to provide full support and agency for single mom’s and thots — overlooking the blubber, laziness, bitchiness, self-mutilation, and mental illness — and any efforts to identify and rectify the dozens of “root causes” will fail. Desperate horny men will fuck ANYTHING including animals, so even the grossest, smelliest, foul sweathog wildebeest will get some man’s attention (Usually Mexican).
      Large numbers of people are observing an acceleration in decay and more signs of societal breakdown. We’re in the “weak men lead to hard times” cycle you often hear about. The only fix is the deaths of tens or hundreds of millions of males. With fewer tech nerds keeping the grid going, fewer white knight cops and judges oppressing men, and fewer beta orbiters and suck-ups providing comfort and aid, women will lose agency and revert to other strategies (like being feminine) to get resources from men who provide nearly every ounce of food and comfort on the planet.

  14. Roosh this song was written by a man about a man smashing hoes…Lauper turned into some empowerment BS

    1. Nick, I’ve always thought it weird that someone can write and release a good, original song, and get no credit. Someone else does a cover version and all the credit goes to Cyndi Lauper.
      It definitely puts a new(original) interpretation of the lyrics, potentially the opposite of how it reads when Lauper sings it. Oh well I guess he made millions from the copyright off her cover version.

      1. That’s not even the best one Otis Redding’s Respect was about a woman respecting him when he comes home Aretha Franklin made it an empowerment hit too.

    2. Most of these ‘artists’ get works put in front of them and told to perform it from higher up music execs and MTV. They decide on the message and then sell it.
      Whores to the industry.

  15. Now common on Roosh! I can say without any doubt that everybody knows and are well aware of all that “just want to have fun” stuff !!
    People, especially the females are Traditional and followed their Culture because:
    They have no other alternative, majority followed the same path, they have no skills to earn and survive on their own, they were subjected to shame & distanced if they behave grossly or differently etc. Apart from many other reasons.
    Yes, there were prostitutes, whores, bad & loud mouthed, arrogant and ungrateful females; since the ages !! And, everybody “just wants to have fun” !!
    But once the Urbanization began, followed by the dirty Politics; things changed drastically. Living style, comforts, advancement, entertainment, affordability… you name it!
    Can we imagine to “hand wash” our clothes now!

  16. Another article complaining about women being loose while every other article is about getting your notch count up and being Chad.
    Men and women have their weaknesses in the dating market and their dark secrets as well; for women it can be interracial orgies, servicing shiftless drug dealers etc. while for disadvantaged men it can be something like sleeping with underaged girls (fertile ones, not children) if they show interest.
    We cannot really consistently expect women to be virgins or treat them as permanently damaged goods if we’ve had a hand in ‘damaging’ or further disrupting some of them. There’s no perfect virgin just like there is not a perfect guy who would not have done some shady things OR taken advantage of the easy girls he complains about.
    There’s just flawed people with embarrassing mistakes of the past. Owning your past without embellishing or romanticizing it, growing more mature and learning to love another confused human being is key in the today’s dating market.

  17. Half of the articles on this site complain about how modern women want to have fun, have excellent sex, party with men. The other half are about how to score with modern women want to have fun, have excellent sex, party with men. It’s hilarious.

    1. Half of the time pussies shout that they are “equal” to MEN and are independent, empowered & strong !! and the other half of the time they complain & nag about not being pedesteled, preferential and entitled !! It’s hilarious !!

  18. women are programmed to deal with babies, that’s why they have such a brain and the “enjoy the moment” mentality.. so they can understand and communicate with babies. hence, the importance of having a strong man around (father, husband) to make sure this behavior doesn’t degenerate (cock caroussel and the modern dating scene..).
    we have the world we deserve.

  19. Well shit Roosh, what about muh conservative White Woman who is content to quote Bible verses and help build the barn?
    Women are meant to be fun and care-free. They are meant to be spoiled, gossip with their friends and talk and read silly novels or watch silly shows.
    If women were serious, virtuous, stoic and action-oriented professionals, they’d be Men.

    1. Interesting perspective on what God intended (though may not have expressed well in Genesis) his intents and purposes for creating woman as a companion to man. maybe intended but not well expressed in writing/oral history? It would merit at least a relook at Genesis to see what the word says and if that is implied in it (behavior wise, but not specific to modern woman in the technological age, just in general). What is the possibility that men are getting it all wrong about women and their actual nature to be sloots and wh0res, liars and partiers and ennui artists turned shopping maniacs wasting men’s resources and money? What if men’s understanding of what Gods creative efforts is wrong, and that women are really meant to build and test our patience and resolve, a species ongoing sh!t to push ourselves to have more and more mental strength to adapt and overcome the all the more noise some and disturbing female behavior. Nah..I doubt it. Eve was Gods sh!t test of man to see if we would follow or d*cks and let women manipulate us into trouble, and we failed so we get to repeat the punishment over and over again until we get it right.

      1. (NIV) “20 So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals. But for Adam[f] no suitable helper was found. 21 So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs[g] and then closed up the place with flesh. 22 Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib[h] he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. 23 The man said,“This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh;she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man.”
        24 That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.”
        ODDLY for a GOD that proscribes so much, he was kind of lacking in specifics as to what the “helper” was supposed to do…even in Genesis 1: 27 which says
        27 So God created mankind in his own image,
        in the image of God he created them;
        male and female he created them.
        28 God blessed them and said to them, (emphasis mine) “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”
        Again, still lacking in specifics but does specifically say procreation. So getting abortions and denying their womanly duty to God to procreate, is direct defiance of Gods authority and base commandment to the species.

      2. What exactly did God mean, by “helper”. “20 So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals. But for Adam[f] (emphasis mine)no suitable helper was found.”
        Lacking specific instructions on this leave the command from God open to a wide interpretation (an oddity in its own right because God rarely ever leaves things vague and open to interpretation which is strangely absent in later books of the Bible.
        But before an trad thots or feminist trash go citing biblical verses, they need to go all the way back to the beginning to the very imposition of who is in charge (and why men defy Gods will by allowing and encouraging women to act outside of their role dictated from above, a principle sin man made again at the very beginning and punished across all generations of our species much as women blatantly defy Gods authority with abortions and being anything BUT mans helper).

        1. With God came also Satan. God represents order and authority, Satan represents chaos and the undermining of authority. Satan went to Eve, she was the easier target. I think the original sin was about sex. Maybe Eve was seduced by Satan and then went on to show her new “skills” to Adam? The modern Eve rebels not only against God but any kind of authority (parents, teachers, older siblings, other women, the state). All the “progressive” movements are about destroying order and authority, until nothing functional is left.

        2. @ Nevermore. What you say is true according to the Bible, Satan arose from a serpent that God created in the Garden Of Eden, therefore, Satan is FROM God directly…we could read this as Gods version of the lifelong sh** test and is targeted at man THROUGH women although not exclusively through, but it was the primary path of influence.
          “3 (emphasis mine) Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?”
          2 The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, 3 but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.’”
          4 “You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. 5 “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
          6 When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. 7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.”

        3. What would have happened if Adam had refused to eat of the fruit? What Would God have done to the woman? What would God have done to the serpent? What if Adam had PASSED GODs sh*t test instead of failing it? What then? Ever give that any thought? Why did God create Adam “in his image” and make him susceptible to the womans urgings(which God also created), and hence the serpents (which God also created) urgings THROUGH the woman? What does this say about God, and does this mean than mans ULTIMATE WEAKNESS is due to being created in his makers image, that God is not perfect either and that Adams weakness is in fact Gods own weakness? Hmm, the whole thing looks very different without blinders on.
          Yeah, bake your noodle over those questions.

        4. Great questions… I think that Genesis is a modified version of earlier creation myths from Mesopotamia. Some of the meaning was lost in translation, during cataclysmic events, etc. I realize we don’t have 100% complete account of what happened, so all I can do is try to extract the moral of the story. Clearly, the first people were vulnerable and didn’t know much about the world. They had to learn their lessons the hard way. I suspect the story of Adam and Eve is about sex, because when you start having sex, you lose your childhood innocence and you can never go back. Girls mature (sexually) earlier than boys, so they are often the ones who initiate intimate contact. When I was in elementary school, a few of my female classmates were 2 years ahead of the rest of the class when it came to sexual maturity. In the Middle Ages, they would have been quickly married off to avoid potential trouble. But back to Eve. She should not have trusted Satan, no matter how sweetly he was talking to her. She should have checked his claims by asking God if Satan was right. She was stupid, she fell for the lies, and she doomed herself. The part I don’t understand is why God left Adam and Eve alone, why he didn’t let someone (like an angel) keep an eye on them in his absence. Did you read the part of Genesis that talks about angels who came down to earth to have sex with human females? (This is why I think Genesis is a bastardized version of Mesopotamian myths, where there were multiple gods who either liked or disliked mankind.)

        5. @nevermore. Without adding anything to the genesis material, I won’t assume anything beyond what that text says (according to the translation), however I agree that genesis is stolen lore from predating culture and is stolen creation myth. However, if even the creation myth was based in truth or for that matter lore predating law, the basis of it is still valid proves female rebellion from rightful dominion by man.

        6. In the various versions I have read, Satan is described as being extremely jealous of Adam. After creating Adam, God asked all his angels to bow to Adam but Satan refused to do it. It didn’t stop there. Satan started scheming how to cause the fall of Adam without taking the blame for it. He used a woman to achieve his goal. Satan didn’t seem to be jealous of Eve, he just used her as a means. Satan was jealous of Adam because the guy was smart, worked hard and was God’s new favorite. As we know, Satan also couldn’t abide Jesus, whom he tried to derail from his truth path. In a book by Maria Valtorta, an Italian visionary, it says that Satan wanted to be loved in the way Jesus was loved. He offered the whole world to Jesus in exchange for total adoration. But Jesus was no Eve and withstood the pressure. It’s an interesting read.

  20. Only White Sharia can save the White world.
    PS. Roosh, you are a great man. Nietzsche would have loved you.

    1. Female suffrage needs to become history PDQ, with destructive (((Culture of Critique))) , including (((Cultural Marxist))), and Romantic Love (adapted Courtly Love Genocentrism propaganda).
      It would also help if a repeatedly revealed problem is also addressed, of European civilisation becoming increasingly detached from nature, as described in several books, including “Decline of the West” and “Iron John”, so spiritually rotting; something alien (((plagiarist, liar))) based Christianity can’t solve. Rural-origin Adolf Hitler and the Nazis were successfully addressing this politically, culturally and economically, but were sadly snuffed out by corrupt elite and (((tribe))) power cynically causing WW2, rather than Europe and USA fighting the real enemy, the USSR and the parasitic (((tribe))) controlling it and infesting the West!

  21. i feel embarrassed to admit Cyndi Lauper’s
    She’s So Unusual album was my first CD.
    I used to listen to it in my old 320i
    **think i just dated myself 😮

  22. I mean you’re probably right. Did you ask the original artist, Robert Hazard, what he meant by the lyrics? Might be a good place to start if you want to know for sure.

  23. @ROOSH
    BAN WOMEN AND HOMOSEXUALS from writing and commenting.
    Not doing so will degrade the website.

  24. Women have and will always be covert sluts. Just like men want to fuck the shit out of hot women, women want to be huge sluts and have powerful orgasms with hot men. There is no joos, no feminism, no west culture. It’s nature. And you dear reader, you are the loser

  25. ‘all women needed was a more permissible environvent’ (Roosh totally aces it with this one sentence.

  26. I don’t believe that at all. If that’s true then is it also true that men have always been closet trannies? Feminine entities locked up in a male body?
    No – I think deep down you dislike women very much. Maybe even a deep seated hatred. I certainly understand hating the behavior of today’s women but I think that you hate women. You got issues man.

  27. Evil can be (was) defined as absence of empathy. The Biblical God said “Vengeance is mine”. Make the most of your time above ground while waiting for God to do what He said He’d do. Keep on chasing wisdom. Helps discern buckwheat from bullshit. Moreover, I ask my Guardian Angel almost daily to interior-ly humiliate me so as to see myself as others see me. God hates unearned-misplaced pride. Empathy and humility – practice and expect it.
    “I et two cans of axle grease and it made me sick”. – Buckwheat.

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