Let’s talk roofies. Everyone has heard stories about some poor girl whose drink was spiked with rohypnol and who woke up naked in a room with a guy, without any memory of how she got there or what happened the night before.
Many women are keenly aware of these stories and always keep an eye on their drinks, ever vigilant for unseen predators prowling the bars and clubs, ready to pounce on an unattended drink and spike it with roofies or other drugs so they can take advantage of the girl, once she is incapacitated.
In the UK, the National Health Service dedicated a page full of warnings to spiked drinks, Australia has a similar page, and supermarkets are stocked with devices to test drinks for drugs, including the roofie-detecting straw pictured above.
But how often are drinks spiked? A survey by researchers from the University of Kent among UK students showed that 55% of the participants knew someone who had something slipped into her drink, suggesting this phenomenon is widespread.
However, this assumption is wrong. A 2007 study performed blood tests of people (82% female) who came to the emergency ward of an inner city London hospital, claiming their drinks had been spiked. The vast majority was merely very drunk and, in other cases, medicinal or illicit drugs were detected. Rohypnol was not found.
An Australian study from 2009 came to similar conclusions, where none of the 97 people who visited an emergency ward for drink spiking were found to have been roofied. Most people were blind drunk instead of drugged. Let these results sink in for a moment.
In both studies, dozens of people, mostly women, showed up at an ER, claiming to be victims of drink spiking. Subsequent blood testing did not find supporting evidence in even a single case! Likewise, policing authorities in The UK and Australia found little evidence for so-called drug-facilitated sexual assault, noting that it is:
improbable as a widespread crime, involving as it does a stranger extracting an individual from her social group unnoticed, precisely controlling drug effects, administering a substance undetected, and reliably erasing memory of the experience
So, the idea that strangers are out and about trying to drug a girl’s drink are an urban legend without even a shred of substantial proof. But why do so many women believe that this is an imminent threat, and who do so many women claim that they personally know someone who got roofied?
The usefulness of the narrative to excuse bad behavior
The Kent study offers two interesting explanations, noting that: “the drink spiking narrative has a functional appeal in relation to the contemporary experience of young women’s public drinking.”
[the idea of drink spiking] has inspired a female code of conduct and a language that gives license to binge-drinking. Alcohol consumption was very rarely explicitly framed as a problem, and limiting alcohol intake was very rarely seen as a means of mitigating risks to one’s safety and health. Unprompted, respondents nonetheless felt the need to address the alcohol contribution in their accounts, if only to deny its role. There appears to be widespread disbelief, or active denial, that excess alcohol could cause the same incoherence, physical distress and incapacity associated with the date rape drugs.
In other words, the drink-spiking narrative provides hamster rocket fuel to rationalize bad behavior, in this case binge drinking and all the bad decisions that come with it, including deciding who to go home with. Wake up the next day, hung over, and being an innocent girl who got roofied is the more preferable explanation over being a sloppy drunk who makes bad life choices.
It also puts this story by a Vice writer typist who claimed to have been roofied three times in 18 months in a different, harsher light.
Heightened spiking concern can enhance a sense of group security and act as a substitute for acting upon the problems associated with drinking too much in public. Many UK interviewees invoked a sense of female camaraderie when speaking about going out, drinking, and drink-spiking. Women are frequently held up as people who look out for each other, drink-spiking incidents often involved a thoughtful female friend stepping in and taking someone home ‘before it was too late’. [This] opens up the possibility for women to express an ethic of care towards others, and this is made possible by the ready-made discourse and narrative that convey the perils of drink-spiking
In that sense, the “drink-spiking” urban myth is very similar to the “rape culture” urban myth, which offers an identical protection mechanism to rationalize bad behavior away, without being held accountable. Here are four parallels:
1. Rationalizing regrettable decisions
When a girl who comes to regret a sexual encounter she can, at any point and without any evidence, change that encounter into rape. Prominent feminists have proclaimed that we should always believe a rape accuser. A girl accusing a man of sexual assault now calls herself a “survivor,” a term that used to be reserved for people from my grandmother’s generation who survived the Nazi concentration camps during WWII. In doing so, she tries to claim special victim status that automagically shields her from criticism.
2. Not supported by any hard data
Just as there is no hard data underlying the drink-spiking narrative, the data that was supposed to prove the rape culture narrative turned out to be highly unreliable. The canard that 1 in 5 college women are raped keeps rearing its much discredited head, despite more recent studies showing that the real number, according to the Bureau of Justice statistics, is one in 53.
Still too many, but nowhere near the vaunted one in five. Instead of celebrating this much-reduced number, feminists seemed mostly disappointed at this massive blow against rape culture.
3. Allows women to show they care about each other, without tackling a real problem
In both the drink-spiking and the rape culture narrative, danger lurks in every corner. Women can show how much they care about one another by protecting them from men who are keen to take advantage of their vulnerability. Where the drink-spiking myth merely focuses on dangers associated with drinking, the rape culture myth casts its net much wider.
Men everywhere are suspect all the time, so women need protection everywhere, all the time. By fighting this imaginary danger, a woman can show how much she cares. The internet only serves as a platform that magnifies all this empathy flowing outwards in a most attractive way.
4. Everybody knows the narrative
Both urban myths consist of a popular narrative that everyone heard of but no one has seen. Just as everyone heard the story of girls being roofied and raped, everyone has heard rumors about student fraternities are hotbeds of misogyny, populated by rapist white males who are keen to violate the innocent little coeds in drunken, drug-fueled initiation rites.
Rolling Stone’s Sabrina Erdely was so convinced that this story was real that she went rape-shopping, traveling from campus to campus interviewing rape accusers, until she found someone who could tell her the story she wanted to hear. We all know how what happened next.
Thankfully, both have been thoroughly discredited by proper research. Even the rape culture myth has been denounced, both in popular media and by the Rape Abuse & Incest National Network, the most prominent US organization fighting sexual violence. In a press release, they stated that:
Rape is caused not by cultural factors but by the conscious decisions, of a small percentage of the community, to commit a violent crime.
In other words, do not mistake the hamsterizations of a small minority of vocal feminists to be descriptive of Western culture as a whole. After all, it is puzzling that feminists pump so much energy into their cherished but discredited narrative about Western rape culture while simultaneously ignoring the very real rape culture that was uncovered in the UK, where groups of Muslim immigrants were found to have organized abuse of hundreds of girls in both Rotherham and Oxford.
Read More: The Myth of Date Rape Drink Spiking
If drink spiking happens on any large scale, and I’m skeptical that it does, the solution is pretty fucking simple: don’t take drinks from strangers, and don’t leave your drink unattended. Problem solved. But there I go being a victim-blaming rape apologist again.
it rarely happens. Science talks bullshit walks.
It happens about as frequently as a professional baseball pitcher hitting a bird in mid-flight while throwing a 92 MPH fast ball across the plate.
apparently, once was enough to trigger a panic. I wonder why Peta isn’t picketing the major league?
I would say it is a bit more common then that but I think it is overblown. I was with a large group of friends in Las Vegas and it occurred to one of the girls that was with us. She went from mildly intoxicated (1-2 drinks) to nearly passing out after one more drink. Fortunately our group was looking out for the girls that were with us. Her boyfriend was there and he and I had to pretty much carry her to their room. So there was nothing bad that happened.
My girlfriend and her friend were road tripping after graduating college and they stopped in Vegas on their way to my college and a similar situation happened. Unfortunately for her friend the same thing occurred and while my girlfriend was in the bathroom a group of guys scuttled off with her. When she came to, she was in a bed being banged while two other guys watched (who knows if they had participated prior to her regaining full consciousness). While it was a second hand story, I knew the girl and she was not someone to do something like that and my girlfriend wouldn’t fabricate a story like that.
While the prevalence of such events may be overstated, it definitely does occur and is not simply an urban legend. As someone else in the thread posted, whether you are male or female, you should always be watching your drinks. Especially if you are not part of a large group of people who are keeping an eye on one another.
couple of things:
The girl that had a third drink and suddenly got massively affected? That wasn’t a drug. That was a standard reaction of people who are not constant drinkers. The same thing happens to me when I drink and I am 6’2″ and 270 lbs.
The second story? Rohypnol lasts quite some time. If she had been drugged, she wouldn’t have ‘come to with two guys banging her’. I don’t really care if she is ‘one for telling stories’, she was either badly mistaken or lying through her teeth.
Was she tested for the presence of the drug in her system? did she file charges?
The first girl was a pretty heavy drinker. We were in college and drank very regularly and I had drank with her many times and was not the type to get sloppy drunk.
The second girl was missing for over an hour. She did file a police report and had a rape kit performed.
and does she have paperwork proving the presence of rohypnol? It’s a very very ‘obvious’ blood drug and can show up for up two a week and a half after it’s use (after that it takes liver biopsies)
I notice you have moved on past the first case. Do you have something to gain out of trying to prove there was a lie involved? As I said in my first post, I find it likely that there is a perception that spiking drinks is a more rampant problem than it truly is but it does happen.
The girl in the second anecdote was found to have rohypnol in her system but the perpetrators were not found as the location of the crime was a property that was broken into. She didn’t share her story for sympathy; she was really ashamed that she had not paid enough attention to her drink and that she was even in a situation like that. She was a good girl who wasn’t promiscuous (at least according to modern college standards).
I have personal knowledge of the first anecdote and I consider the second hand information in the second anecdote to be highly reliable. As I mentioned in my first post, whether you are male or female, if you are in a place without many friends watching out for you then you should pay attention to your drinks at all times. Men can easily end up getting rolled and regaining consciousness sans wallet and watch with potentially some injuries while women can find themselves robbed and sexually violated.
Once again, I don’t understand your motivation to respond combatively to my anecdotes and try to prove them false. The world has some shady people and a lot of them either live in or like to visit Las Vegas to do such things since it is a target rich environment.
Actually I was referring to both cases. Without evidence, your entire story is fiction.
The anecdotes are not sensationalistic…I am not receiving any sort of benefit for relaying the stories… I am not promoting any sort of agenda…What would be my motivation to lie? I understand that people with mental issues and low self esteem will make up shit to post on the internet, but if you gave me the benefit of the doubt as being a reasonable person, why would I lie about something like this?
This is a message board not a courtroom and given that we aren’t debating something where I can provide citations you can choose to believe me or think I am a pathological liar who is making up a story for no sort of benefit. If you choose to believe that I am lying then so be it. There was no real negative result from the first story other than a night being ruined for a couple people and we were in a very crowded bar so it would be an exercise in futility to try to identify and locate the guilty party. In the second case I would not reveal any personally identifiable information of the girl who experienced the traumatic event so you can’t “fact check” it.
Trying to prove to you that the events occurred is appearing to be an exercise in futility as well. So believe my anecdotes or don’t believe them, there is no skin off my back either way. Good night.
Frankly, the biggest reason is attention. but you are trying to prove that something is ‘far more common’ than stated, without offering a shred of evidence, to men who have dealt with the absolute WORST lies of SJW’s, entitlement princesses, gold diggers, and political social climbers imaginable.
You can go off in a huff of offense if you want, but when dealing with those who have had first-hand experience, they are simply not going to accept “I heard my friend say that such and such was…”
You need to work on your reading comprehension buddy. I never said it was far more common than stated. I actually said the opposite. I stated that it was “likely overblown” in the very first sentence of my first comment. The only thing I said it was more common than was your comment that it happens “about as frequently as a professional baseball pitcher hitting a bird in mid-flight while throwing a 92 MPH fast ball across the plate.” which has happened only once that I know of in nearly 150 years of major league baseball. I’m sure there have been other incidences that I am not aware of, but as you know, it is an extremely rare occurrence even when measured in number of seasons where a bird was hit by a pitch, let alone the infinitesimally small probability on any individual pitch.
I don’t care about getting attention on an online message board full of people I have never met. However, since you don’t believe my previous posts, I doubt you will believe that comment either. My post wasn’t in support of any position, I was merely relaying a couple of personal experiences. I met several hundred girls at my college in my 4 years and 2 were roofied, so it happened to less than 1% of the girls I met (although it may have happened to others that I didn’t know as well and find out about, but it probably wouldn’t move the needle much). So it is a rare event, but it does happen.
Actually it’s happened twice. But once it was filmed.
But I was not the only one missing the point.
Sure, drugging and fucking a girl should be illegal. However, it is not common enough to even remotely justify the amount of Paranoia it has created. The vast majority by an order of magnitude is a girl getting drunk, and then trying to blame her poor choices on someone else.
“Fuck that, why would I pay for my own drinks when I can get lines of suckers to buy them for me?”
Oh, absolutely. But like I said on another article today, if women can’t be bothered to give a fuck about their own safety, why should I?
✢►►✢✢►✢I RECEIVED FIRST DRAFT OF $13000!@ak34:
Don’t you get it, that is the thing, women want zero responsibility for their own actions so when anything goes in a way that they’ll later change their mind they can blame men. If women drink their own drinks and not from men, then who will they blame when they are caught slutting it up with some “loser” who must have raped them because they remember nothing.
If a woman asked you to buy her a drink tell her you support equality and buy her own.
Same advice this old austrian woman(tough old woman grew up around the war apperntly..can still do manual labor) told me when she was teaching me how to drink back when I was 13. Still remember it,”make sure they pour the drink in front of you otherwise throw it out,dont trust anyone”.
doesnt matter if youre a guy, you still protect yourself otherwise youre an idiot for being this oblivious to it.
In other words, the absurd drink-spiking panic has been around for generations. No doubt it used to be more racist – orientals putting (gasp!) opium in the drinks and selling the girls into white slavery.
These moral panics all have the same basic themes.
In other words claims of drink spiking = evasion of personal responsibility.
Add another point to our column boys. Winning.
Yeah, I don’t know one single dude with rohypnol on their checklist of things to put in their pocket before leaving the house, do any of you?
I mean, it’s so easy to get from all the rohypnol dealers running wild in public peddling it, ya know.
I’m sure my hippie hairdresser weed dealer also sells rohypnol on the side. Oh wait…
Oh I know him! I saw him selling it on the street corner in plain sight! I hope his prices can compete with all the other rohypnol dealers in the neighborhood, though! I hear the competition out there is getting really fierce!
The competition is great. It’s driving the price down so low so I can drug like 20-30 girls in a weekend and still have money to keep the patriarchy intact.
OMGGGG! Douchebag! Awkward! Creeper! Douchebag! Awkward! Creeper!
The date rape drug hysteria has been going on for years, and has been consistently debunked over the years.
Wow. 96.5% of cases where the woman thought and claimed she was drugged and raped turned out to not have any drugs in her system (other than alcohol or speed/coke). Wow.
It’s an old study, but I doubt the numbers would change much if it were done today.
I wouldn’t be surprised if that 3.5% was due to voluntary recreational use.
That combination of drugs, pharmacologically, has very similar effects to the various drugs used for DFSA!
Oh man, way to dash my hopes with this article! I so wanted to be the guy who lurks in the corner of a club in silhouette (the token “creeper” every girl likes to emblazon any guy under The Sun who isn’t up to her station) waiting for those precious few seconds for a drink to be set down and the girl to turn her back to it so I can place the pills in it as nobody else happens to notice, wait for them to completely dissolve and blend in with the consistency of the drink so it doesn’t look peculiar, wait for the girl to bring her eyeline back to the drink, quaff it, watch her turn into a lifeless heap then carry her caveman-style back to my apartment (with nobody noticing, of course!) as I violate her unconscious precious little snowflake self then go place her into her own bed at her apartment someway, somehow with no recollection of what happened someway, somehow.
I mean, happens ALL THE TIME, right? So I should totally be a pro at this by now, and so should all of you!
And from what I’ve heard, if you were legitimately roofied then you wouldn’t wake up the next day in a stranger’s bedroom. Rather, you’d wake up naked in a ditch 3 days later with no idea how you got there or what happened between the drugging and waking up. I highly doubt guys are carrying around hypnosis drugs to convince women to sleep with them, much like I doubt that women are kidnapped or raped in dark alleyways by complete strangers that they encounter walking down the street.
“A girl accusing a man of sexual assault now calls herself a ‘survivor’…”
This makes me laugh. Can you actually die from the physical act of being raped? Has it ever happened? I crossed the street today and didn’t get hit by a car, can I call myself a “survivor” now?
Yes my brother, you are a true survivor! Say it loud and proud! I, myself, rode my motorcycle to work (no accidents), walked down a whole flight of steps that I could have easily broke my neck falling down, and ate my lunch without choking to death. I’m scared of what the rest of the day may bring, but I know I’m strong and I will rise above the threats against my life and cunt punt Lady Death the next time she tries to take me away.
Deaths by sandwich-eating are not a laughing matter and they effect countlesermetnearghhhh.
hahaha I should have issued a trigger warning
Probably 100x more likely to die from choking on a sandwich than killed during a rape.
You are more likely to get kicked to death by a mule.
10? are you understating a little? It’s closer to 35,000.
Grrr, I mean 10 a day. Thanks for the correction.
It’s still a bit closer to 100 a day 🙂 last year, 334,000 americans died in vehicle accidents. divide that by 365 days and you have a little under a hundred americans a day dying from car accidents.
And people wonder why I laugh at no smoking commercials and want to shoot people talking or texting while they drive. You should watch the episode of ‘myth busters’ where they showed that you are actually far worse of a driver talking on a cellphone (let alone texting) Than you are when you are drunk.
Go get in line for survivor handouts now, courtesy of Al Sharpton!
Yes you can die. Girl in India died after being violently raped with a pipe. Also, you can ‘survive ‘ the mental trauma.
I think there is a 5th cause.. women think it is such a “thing” that they will write off any bad reaction to alcohol as “he spiked my drink”. The sister of my best friend in high school claimed her drink was spiked (I don’t think there was any rape allegation) and I always believed her.
This past new years, I had two glasses of champagne (extremely small, probably equivalent of 1 shot of liquor), and a couple of hours later had one crazy mixed drink (it was whiskey mixed with some weird stuff and had an involved procedure which required lighting things on fire twice). I got a severe stomach ache while at the bar, and retired home early where I threw up. It was likely an adverse reaction to one of the ingredients, but were I a woman, I would have become convinced that my date drugged me, and planned on raping me that night.
These days, with binge drinkers and women who forgo food but take shot after shot of alcohol until they can barely walk, it would be quite expected that their bodies would reject this poisoning that they are doing to their livers, brains, and bodies, and therefore upset stomach, dizziness, or whatever symptoms they are attributing to “drugging” are likely just the effects of the drug of alcohol.
plus women , physiologically can’t handle booze like men. Size, weight, fat:muscle ratios on and on. Ethnicity plays a role. A 110 pound asian chick will not handle 3 jello shots very well like Mike McHurley the 6’2″ , 220 lb the Irish fella.
Drink spiking is a myth. It is virtually impossible to pull off and if you were able to do so, you’d like be on the video camera of the bar dragging out a lifeless girl, right pass the bouncer. You might be able to rape the girl but you most certainly would be noticed and would get caught.
Then there is the whole issue of dealing with a passed out woman and removing their tight jeans and other clothing. Not impossible but extremely difficult and this has been debunked elsewhere. Besides, with as many sluts out there, why go to all this trouble to stick it in a lifeless, dry hole when real sluts are everywhere and porn is pervasive and free?
Exactly. The only person that would go through the trouble is someone who is fucking sick in the head, ie people that actually commit legit rape. The media/left would like to have everyone think that all guys “have a lil rape in them”
Oh, you mean the kind of sociopaths that women can only protect themselves from if they follow advice like “Don’t go to strangers houses alone” “Don’t leave your girlfriends behind at the bar by themselves” etc.?
The kind of advice feminists want to ban? http://www.returnofkings.com/61997/uk-feminists-shut-down-sussex-police-efforts-to-prevent-rape
We’re on the same page. SJW, manginas, feminists will call that “victim blaming”.
Yes, just agreeing with you and linking to another article. Basically if someone is sick enough to actually poison a girl then the only thing that can prevent that type of crime from happening is if she takes steps to secure her safety, like staying in groups of friends, waiting until at least the second date before letting yourself become vulnerable, etc. But of course feminists are banning that in the UK.
Except that most drugs used in these cases result in a total loss of inhibitions for the first 2 hours where the potential victim would be far more trusting, outgoing and easily lured somewhere. It is not until usually the 2-3 hour mark where the victim would experience the extreme sedating effects. Pharmakokinetics aren’t always what you assume…
There is this from Spring Break 2015 in Panama City Beach:
“Shocking cell phone footage of the alleged gang rape of a teen in Panama
City Beach Florida shows crowds of spring break revelers steps from the
victim, but none of them intervening. The video, found during the
investigation of a related crime, has already led to two arrests, and a local sheriff is vowing more.”
No graphic pics that I saw there, but this ‘teen’ claims she was drugged, gang raped right on the beach in the midst of hundreds of bystanders and no one did anything.
1. The girl never claimed she was raped. The police who is a white knight did. The girl claim she was drunk and she was “drugged” and “didn’t remember anything”
2. When the cop showed her “Rape” on national tv, you think she is going to come out and say, no it wasn’t rape guys, I was just slutting it up? Easier to be a victim or claim to have no memory than admit you’re a slut and make an international embarassment of yourself.
3. If she was raped, with all the white knights, women and manginas it wouldn’t take long for someone to step in and likely beat the shit out of one of the rapist.
This doesn’t surprise me one bit. Young Americans live in a drink-until-you-pass-out culture which discourages responsible sexuality.
Where I live girls take “date-rape drugs” (i.e., GHB and other horny-downers) for fun… It’s part of the party.
No one forces or tricks them into doing it… They’ll even give you some if you hand them cash.
In the survey cases where the girls did in fact have these drugs in their system, imo it still doesn’t prove anything.
That’s an excellent point. Was one of the survey questions, “did you willingly ingest any of the following [insert list of date rape drugs]?” My guess is that if this were asked, the number of true drugging cases would plummet far below statistical insignificance and into complete outlier territory.
That’s victim-blaming! Asking that is as wicked and wrong as asking a rape survivor if she’d been in a prior relationship with her rapist!!11eleven!
It’s not just where you live, it’s everywhere. Nothing but excuses, so no personal responsibility is needed. It’s all part of women’s psyche.
I never got “drink spiking”. So say that I am a predatory man looking to rape a woman on a Saturday night. I go to the bars with my ruffies in hand. I see a hot chick. She left her drink on the bar to go dance. I slip her the mickey finn. Now what? The logistics that must be undertaken to complete my dastardly deed are pretty darn complicated.
First, I have to get her to pay attention to me and at least engage in small talk. Then it is not like my date rape drug is going to allow me to control her mind. I will still need to convince her to come home with me and that will probably mean also plying her away from her friends. Oh and all of this has to happen as the drug is taking effect. Then I have to get her stumbling intoxicated person back to my abode. I’m sure that will be easy. Then once I get her home I have to get her undressed. Do the dirty deed. And then presumably get her out of my place so she doesn’t wake up asking questions. All of which I am sure is going to be little to no work, right?
So by the time I am all said and done from beginning to end, how probable does it sound like I will achieve my goal? Not very much.
Rape apologist!!!!
Not to mention you have to actually get the drugs first. Surely someone is going to notice that.
Good point. I don’t do drugs, but I know where I can find normal street drugs like pot if I wanted some. But, I have no idea how I would go about even sourcing a ruffie. Out of curiosity I asked a drug dealing entrepreneur that was a friend of a friend if he sold ruffies. His response was no because no one ever asked and it took him a bit to even think of someone who he knew that might have some.
With so many easy women to be found in the anglo/western world why would any man (other than a socialpath/psychopath) want or need to roofie a bitch’s drink?
Even BDSM/rape roleplay isn’t much of a taboo anymore with the advent of 50 shades of grey and the $500+ million it earned in the box office.
Occam’s razor – it slices, it dices, it rips feminist fantasies to pieces.
Feminism = Murphy cutting his dick off with occam’s razor.
Drink spiking is blatant nonsense. If someone wanted to fuck this way they could just as easily wait for her to get shitfaced for roughly the same result.
And also if someone is so desperate to get laid that they would resort to drugging random women in bars under the risk of real criminal liability, why wouldn’t you just order an escort?
or use a rubber doll. who wants to fuck a woman with no internal tension?
Just follow the “Janitor’s Dicktum”: An ounce of blow is worth dozens of blowjobs. You just need to hang out by the restrooms.
Hey I understand the anti-MGTOW sentiment on this site, MGTOW is too synonymous with giving up on sex and living a life of “entertaining oneself”.
But I just wanted to try and promote Sandman, a MGTOW Youtuber from Toronto Canada. He is good because he mostly talks about current events in a manosphere context. In this video he is acknowledging how the MGTOW movement is gaining traction and marriage and common-law marriage are basically dying in Canada. Canadians are just not shacking up and having kids anymore, except for Quebec where there are no anti-male common-law marriage policies.
Sandman starts to make predictions about how the Canadian government will try and change policy to encourage MGTOWs (who now can be said to make up a significant portion of the population in one way or another) to jump back on the relationship train. I think Canada will just increase immigration tbh. Anyways whatever your mentality Sandman consistently puts out some thought-provoking stuff so here I am doing some free marketing for him.
Cool. I’ll check out his videos. I myself practice certain principles of MGTOW. I do still try to pull women for sex but the whole LTR/marriage thing I’m not to sure about.
Same here, I don’t completely abstain from sex but it’s not a massive priority an I’m not looking for LTRs or marriage either.
It’s a good balance.
yeah, I listened to most of his videos.
Aaron Clarey/Captain Capitalism did a couple good videos on MGTOW.
I agree that people mistake it for giving up on sex. I’ve always understood it as not “giving up on sex,” but rather not making women the #1 priority in your life.
He’s great. Good stuff to say, and great voice. Reminds me of my own voice, ahem.
He’s good some of the time, barbarossa is better though, more interesting and thought-provoking. I like “misandry treadmill”, it really made me think of energy politics with their relation to modern day misandry.
I’ve seen a few of his videos before.
I agree, I can binge watch him some days.
His videos don’t drag on and just get to the point. If you want something really in-depth barbar is probably the best, but aint nobody got time for that.
So True.
yeah but he seems a little creepy. the message is mostly good but it’s incredibly repetitive.
I don’t know of anyone who has had their drink spiked, however I know lots of guys and girls that take GHB to party. But the propaganda is there. I had a guy buy me a glass of wine at a concert once, but there was no way I was drinking from an open glass! The paranoia is always there.
sorry for spamimng people, but I have to drop hot coals on women when I have the chance. http://www.mccl.org/unborn-babies-can-feel-pain.html
Still what happened in the movie “White Chicks” on this subject was pretty darned funny.
Yeah, the first The Hangover was funny too. In a way it was a huge poke against this lunacy of date rape drugs a la Agree and Amplify.
I don’t think drink spiking is common, but I have an ex-girlfriend who claimed it happened to her and I believer her. It was a guy she met on a dating website. He took her out, slipped something into her drink, took her home and had sex with her. In the morning she really wasn’t sure what happened. She just figured that she must have gotten drunk blacked out and had consensual sex.
I think she went out with the guy a few more times. Anyways, it turns out that this guy had been doing the same thing to many other girls (I guess he had an unethical first date bang recipe). The usual reaction from the girls was that they must have blacked out and many ended up dating the guy (these being not the carousal type of girls, but the girls who figure if they’ve slept with a guy they’re now dating). Eventually it caught up with him after some girls compared stories, it was investigated and he was prosecuted, convicted and sentenced to jail.
And was there physical evidence of the drug in his possession?
“I think she went out with the guy a few more times.”
that’s where I was leading this actually. All the chicks just up and thought “ha! I blacked out and he fucked me! Cool! Let’s date!”, sure, right, yeah. Kind of says to me he was very high SMV alpha and they got dumped but didn’t want to accept accountability for being played.
and for round #2, she thought: “maybe I’m in his head and he thinks about me all of the time. This time, I’ll make him fall in love and rape me.”
Dear diary, we made sweet sweet rape last night. He’s so dreamy!
I think the gist of it was the guy was nothing special, dinner and drinks on a first date from match.com. The kind of guy who the girls would likely say to their friends they he was “nice”, but not go out with again.
Imagine a beta who scores an internet date. But he has no game and can’t bang the women especially on the first date. So he ruffies them at dinner, takes them home and bangs them. The next morning he acts like it was consensual and they had such an amazing time she decided to have sex on the first date. The girl, embarrassed, probably prefers to think she just got drunk too instead of getting ruffied and raped.
I know in my experience (no ruffies involved) there is a very high rate (very close to 100%) of getting a second date with girl if I bang her on the first date. And it’s widely known that the best way to get a girl interested in dating you is to bang her as soon as possible. I guess the same goes even when it happens with ruffies.
And if you think it sounds weird, remember we are talking about women’s behaviors here.
that’s all fine and dandy but you said that she claims it is rape and that you believe her. None of what you described above is even close to rape.
faulty reasoning.
I would assume so since he was convicted of it. I’m not sure if they set the guy up with a sting or what. But it would certainly take more than girls saying they had their drinks spiked for him to get convicted and go to jail.
Assume so? Men and women were murdered as witches after trials under the same rules of common law that we follow, during the Salem witch nonsense on nothing but the acceptance of the words of deranged girls. If she didn’t mention this, he did not have any and I’ll bet you five bucks the guy never actually faced a single charge or day in court.
When I hear “Sure he raped me, so I dated him further.” That screams 100% pure grade A hamster to me”.
that girl is more fucked up than The Who was on their 1973 Quadrophenia Tour
+1 awesome reference
Salem Witch Trials, kinda reminds me of the False Rape Criers the Liberal Media is Hyping these days.
Yep, it’s the same shit, hence why I mentioned it.
More importantly, Why are you still talking to your ex?
I’m just pulling your leg, bro.
uh dude..you believed the story after she said this: “I think she went out with the guy a few more times.”
“She just figured that she must have gotten drunk blacked out and had consensual sex.”
You don’t figure that unless you figure it within the realm of possibilities, and you don’t figure it within the realm of possibilities unless you have experience of it.
I don’t know what happened, but my snatch hurts.
then go get an STD test. Why are you telling us ?
Humourless fuck.
How much do you weigh ?
Is that important to you? Between 100 to 500lbs.
you’re a continually morphing blob like Jabba The Hut?
If that makes you happy David, then sure. I can be whatever you want me to be.
Aha, a succubus, I always wanted to try one out!
Slurp, slurp.
well I laughed 🙂 reminds me of Gilbert Gottfried’s hilarious joke at the roast of Bob Saget :
at the 3:41 mark – Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen walk into a bar. They say to the bartender, “Give us two asshurts.” The bartender says, “How do you make an asshurt”…
Thank you for sharing that.
I think I heard about this. San Diego, right?
I’m sure it does happen. So does terrifying stranger rape.
Just not very often.
It was hilarious when the changing color nail polish got shot down by the feminists. The easiest, most practical thing that women could do to prevent themselves from being drugged, by literally directly being able to test if there were any of the drugs used to spike in her drink and yet the feminists turn it down.
There was a giant outcry about it like ” do you expect us to have to do this now?” Well yeah, if you’re so concerned about being drugged and want to make sure it doesn’t happen. It’s like somebody bitching about having to lock their doors at night. Well I don’t really want someone to break in and locking my doors is the easiest way to prevent 95+% of people that would likely do so. But hey, that’s actively preventing a potential problem, which feminists know nothing about.
What you have to understand is that Women/Feminists never actually want to FIX a problem. They’d rather sit there and bitch about it to get attention. If the problem is gone what will they do all day? That’s one reason why women are drawn towards assholes more than capable men. She can spend all day complaining about the “asshole” and getting attention from her peers in the process. The capable man already has his shit together so therefore he isn’t a problem. She has nothing to complain about so therefore he’s boring.
Crazy. Who would have assumed that women would place the blame for their own inhibitions on an invisible boogeyman!
great article. Maybe these hospitals should be testing these girls for other poisons. “Miss the results are in and I’m afraid we’ve found high levels of the toxin feminism in your blood stream. Could anyone have slipped lies into one of your drinks last night when you weren’t looking?
bottom line is fellas be careful about drinking with women. I’d highly recommend not drinking with women or using it as a tool to try to hook up with them. i’ve seen guys get screwed over pretty hard for drinking with women bc women will use getting drunk as a ‘get out of jail free card’ to do slutty shit to not get judged. examples: ‘well i was drunk and he took advantage of me’ or ‘he raped me and gave me liquor’ and the sad thing is the woman knew she was going to drink with the guy and it was mutual/consensual sex between both. i’ve seen military careers ended and guys thrown in jail bc of this. men have a strong biased in court for any rape and liquor sex cases. even if a male is found not guilty and the woman made false claims the guys reputation is ruined forever. it’s a double standard bc if a woman gets us drunk (which we shouldn’t let happen) then you have sex and she ends up pregnant you can’t go crying to a judge…but if it’s the other way around you are going to be a sex offender likely to serve jail time. women love to use drunk sex setup to not get looked at as sluts and to put the blame on somebody else for their poor slutty actions.
look at Jameis Winston at Florida State: people literally hate this guy even though he was found not guilty from sexual assault and there was no evidence plus the woman’s story didn’t not match up. now since he’s going to be a number one draft pick the lady’s lawyer coincidentally stated they were going to file a civil suit on Jameis after the draft and after he signs his rookie contract. so she goes to a FSU party lets the football team have their way with her, gets ‘drunk’ bangs em’ then goes crying to the feds.
I’ve been on first date with a woman who started rambling on about how common it was for women to be assaulted. I put her in the category of don’t call back. If she’s that freaked out to be projecting that vibe on a date to somebody she’s just getting to know, things are just going to get worse. Maybe that’s her kind of shit test, and she wants the male to respond with some bodyguard posturing…? Sounds emotionally damaged.
Good call.
If 1 out of 4 guys got robbed & stabbed in a particular place, I would never go to that place. Yet 1 out of 4 women “get raped” in college. If I was a woman and saw those stats I would stay away from colleges, yet millions of women continue to go to college. Basically, women are hoping to get raped.
The stats are distorted. It refers to “assault” which has been defined as any unwanted attention. You slap a girl on the butt, that’s assault. You make a joke about spanking, you’re threatening assault. Women are actually safer in college than women the same age who aren’t in college.
I know the stats are highly distorted, that’s why I put quotes around “get raped”
Right..read Anne Coulter’s recent columns about Roling Stone and UVA. Brilliant and devastating. Ann coulter gets the honorary red pill award.
the articles referred to state ‘rape’, not assault.
How DARE you compare being robbed and stabbed to being “raped”… being raped is wayyy worse!! Misogynistic pig!!!1
The drinking-spiking narrative isn’t just rationalization, but also serves as a humble brag e.g. “I’m so hot, I’m out of every guy’s league. Men have to drug me in order to get into my pants.”
Oh god I was afraid of this.
A 5 was telling me recently how she had been roofied on New Year’s Eve. I’m like, “Really? Out of all the hot girls out and about stumbling around in revealing clothes blind drunk and looking to hook up, some dude picks your frumpy ass out of the crowd and decides, oh yeah, this is the one I’m going to render unconscious and have my way with? Riiiiiight.” OK, technically I didn’t say that, I just said, “You weren’t roofied, that’s ridiculous.” I ain’t that dark triad.
Another reason drink spiking is a myth is because most people don’t have access to these date rape drugs. Drugs like rohypnol and GHB are quite exotic, even in most circles of regular drug users. It’s a lot easier and cheaper to just ply her with more alcohol than it is to get these drugs. Pills are a chick thing. Men dont’ dabble with them.
nobody holds a girl down in a bar, forces her mouth open, and pours liquor down her throat.
GHB was and may still be quite popular and available in Baton Rouge home of LSU.
It was available as a clear liquid and could be sourced from people who knew where to get other drugs like MJ and coke, for example.
Women took it for fun because it made you feel drunk without consuming multiple drinks, or so I was told.
I, back in my more reckless days, used to fuck this stripper who not only sold but rather enjoyed the effects of ‘roofies’ as she called them. She evidently had a tolerance and would consume more than 1 in combination with alcohol.
Funny thing I also knew a stripper that did roofies on purpose.
Was the stripper you banged white??
I think guys who actually do that should be shot in the face.
It’s not a myth, it does actually happen.
Are you also “friends” with women?
Not hardly. Only a pathetic loser would need to slip something in some cunt’s drink, now quit nagging me like you’re my girlfriend.
Leykis 101 works, no ghb needed.
Where? when? Prove it.
I was out with a friend and some other folks. This guy mentioned to me something along the lines of “I slipped something in her drink, I’m getting laid tonight.”
I thought he was joking, then my friend told me that she was drugged.
I know 99 percent of chicks lie about it, I’m not denying that. However, seeing this in my own life was pretty disturbing.
99% chance you are lying. if you aren’t, there’s another 99% chance that the guy was lying.
Anecdotal evidence is bullshit.
I don’t expect anyone to take my word for it. Sure, I could be some troll working for the mob for all you know.
However, I find it beyond unsettling that this guy said that to me right at closing time and took her home, then about a week later I hear about her claiming that what the accused said to me actually happened.
and thus you become a true believer.
I thought I saw a ghost once. Someone else told me they saw one once. That doesn’t make me believe in ghosts.
Are you familiar with the phrase “confirmational bias”?
Show me the stats of actual convictions of this particular crime. Thanks in advance.
Do you own a “this is what a feminist looks like” t shirt ?
When the likelihood of it occurring is roughly equal to the odds of Zeus hurling a thunderbolt down on your head, um, yep, it’s pretty safe to call it a myth.
It happened to somebody I met. Read my earlier posts… I know most allegations are a myth.
ElSohly, Mahmoud A.; Lee, Luen F.; Holzhauer, Lynn B.; Salamone, Salvatore J. (2001). “Analysis of urine samples in cases of alleged sexual assault case history”. Benzodiazepines and GHB: 127–144.
Roofies/GHB found in 0.33% of rape cases. So, 300-1 shot it was not bing drinking. Also, they are illegal in the US.
Also, the Euro pill version from Roche turns bright blue/green in liquids.
But, c’mon guys! Feels >>>>>> Facts
Yeah and how long after the assault were these tox screens done?
There have been exactly three confirmed cases of Rohypnol being used on Campus in the last 40 years. Two of them were the same fellow, who is still in jail, and had been arrested previously for two counts of rape. In the third case, while Rohypnol was used, the woman was unmolested. Apparently it was someone wondering if it actually worked.
I hear Bill Cosby’s espresso has aphrodisiac qualities!
I’m so paranoid that even at 21 I don’t drink nor do drugs. A girl on instagram posted a nail polish that women can dip in their drinks and if the polish turns black than their drink had been drugged. My thing is if you have to go to these lengths just to make sure you aren’t raped is going out really worth it. People label me as lame because I consider fun going to the beach, theme parks and hopefully traveling when I start making more money. I may be lame but I don’t have to test my Pumpkin Juice at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal.
the over protection on your hamster wheel isn’t functioning properly today. Please make sure it is rated for the correct amperage.
LOL =] o shocker you leave me a stereotypical hostile comment come on you have to change it up a bit it’s starting to become redundant ^___^
pass this on to your friends; http://www.mccl.org/unborn-babies-can-feel-pain.html Oh and by the way there is not such thing as rape culture
Leah has strongly indicated her highest aspiration is to have a husband and children so I doubt abortion is something she aspires to.. Also, send that link to o your male friends as well.. They also play a huge role in this genocide.. Many are pro abort and even insist that their wives/ girlfriends terminate pregnancies.
I have met very few men ever who are pro abortion. Only women are selfish enough to kill children.
While I think it’s great you are pro- life, it’s wrong to presume that a person is pro abortion just because she is female.. Stats show more women than men are pro life. They also show that many women feel pressure to abort from either the father or other family members. Of course there are many fathers who do not want the pregnancy terminated- and my heart goes out to them.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1DhscWRT9w inst she so bravE!!!!!! so proud of her
No she’s either a sociopath or completely desensitized..and a narcissist to boot.. Apparently she’s married to or with man who is pro- abort as well.. And their daughters will be raised in the same sick environment.. The irony is she thinks she is a champion for “women’s health”
“I’m so paranoid that even at 21 I don’t drink nor do drugs.”
Why does it take paranoia over drink spiking to keep you from drinking and doing drugs?
At the age of 21 most rational people know to avoid doing drugs or drinking over the top because they themselves fuck up your brain, quite apart from any “supplements” a passing rape fairy might drop in them.
This is a good post.. with some good empirical data and evidence countering the ridiculous feminist myth of date rapes and predatory males on the loose everywhere apparently.
Our lesbian feminist premier here in Ontario, Canada and her feminist liberal party would do well to examine the evidence that you’ve laid out in this post.. because this is the kind of crap she and and her political party are airing on tv in Ontario:
I’ve mentioned this before but it seems especially relevant to post it here again. This ad makes me really, really angry. Men in Canada need to start waking the fuck up.. instead of “going your own way” or whatever the fuck that movement is called. You’re not going anywhere. You’ve part of society and this culture.. and if you don’t fight back … the feminists and women here will continue to take more and more of the reins of power, as they have already.. and tighten the noose for most men through the legal system, through the mechanisms of the State, and through the culture wars. Women are already graduating from universities and college at a far higher rate than men are, and it won’t be long before women will dominate positions of power in the legal system and in government if they haven’t done so already… and they’ll be changing things to suit their feminist and female imperative, i.e, to be able to slut it up with alpha males and make the lives of men they find unattractive, i.e., beta males, miserable. If you think things are bad now, just wait…
Omg does your brain really work like that? 🤔
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Are they really man?
Specious reasoning. Nobody is ignoring this scandal and this is a failure of government. I doubt that any feminists anywhere, for all their flaws, are ignoring this. Furthermore, I might ask, are you ignoring the continuing cover-up in the higher eschelons of British society where wealthy (White) men have been sexually abusing children?
Oh for the day when bars and clubs execute thier legal duty to eject excessively drunk young women.
The hysteria about rape has reached ridiculous levels. And the irony in this is that we live in an era where the rape rates are very low.
No, sexual assault rates are not low at all, they are not reported! Less than 50% of sexual assaults are reported to police or hospital.
“I snorted a gram of coke in the 70s and fucked a fat jewish chick. I only had that, a few qualudes, a joint and some bourbon.
I would have never fucked a jewish chick sober. Somebody must have laced that coke with something.”
That is apparently the logic behind it.
On a somewhat related note, the other day I was having a debate with a female acquaintance of mine, which started on the premise of an article written on systemic child abuse.
In the piece the writer has a few examples of apocalyptic stories of kid being left in the cold all night without food or clothing while mom/dad gets high and fucks for money,followed by a list of agencies to donate money to.
I noted that the stories were too over the top. There was a noticeable absence of sources, agency representatives, or physical interviews. In other words the story looked fabricated or exaggerated to garner support for a cause. I am all for helping children, just not being snowed.
After being called a few expletives, I was informed that it was good enough to raise awareness, that references or fact checking was not necessary, and a plan is not always needed even if a problem exists.
Stories like these are generated to create sympathetic feelings. There is not much imperative to effect change but lots of imperative to make noise. This becomes problematic when it lands on something that crosses a line (UAV rape, Syran war crime videos, etc…). High profile stories like these that give someone in government the opportunity to increase authority or wealth on the back of momentum. I am sure many readers here have noticed that things change quickly on social justice issues that increase restrictions, but never roll back on issues such as NSA spying revelations.
There will always be noise on the internet, but that is not the source of real damage. Problems happen when reputable publications run false stories that then become elevated in the national/global debate. These cases need to be publicly and loudly discredited, and the publishers punished whenever possible to prevent the gap that would be exploited.
Roofies give girls a good lay and a good nights sleep.
I lol’ed at that.
For the backstory on the way the meme of “rape culture” was created from misandric feminist ideology and eventually insinuated into almost every facet of US society, including nearly every media story on the “epidemic” of campus sexual assault, see: All Sex is Rape – All Men are Rapists: Patriarchy = Rape Culture
Four students came up with a nail polish that detects date rape drugs. Dip your finger in your drink, if the polish changes colors it’s drugged.
Guess who opposed it? Feminists.
Feminists opposed an easily used product to protect women from being drugged.
Feminists are loons that not only hate men, they hate women, too. The only thing they like are women who suffer from penis-envy like they do, and crying about how women are weak and need training wheels for everything.
I have never known of even one case of a female being drugged or raped.About 1 in 40,000 females may be raped.
Now, when it comes to men being drugged for the purpose of robbing them it is common.Whether it was the old ‘mickey finn’ (chloral hydrate) or drugs used today it was Men who were the ones being drugged.I used to live at the Plaza for awhile in the 80’s and would sometimes talk to the house detective (security). These guys would dress as ordinary guests of the hotel and just sort of keep an eye on things for the protection of the guests.Guys would drink and bring girls back to their room, some of these girls were prostitutes, or more probably girls posing as Hos, who would drug the guy’s drink and he’d wake up minus his money, Rolex and credit cards etc so the house detective tried to protect them. If she was a real prostitute they may take her picture and tell her to stay out of the hotel but they weren’t really concerned about that too much.
It’s funny but when these things happen to men and they have pretty much have been happening since the beginning of time no one gives a damn or even mentions it.One female though who has had a 100 cocks in her complains about the 101st for some stupid reason and now it’s a big campaign by the feminazis.
Rohypnol is not much different than Valium.For some reason drug companies sell different variations in other countries. I’ve taken this myself and it was no different from Valium. These drugs are not hypnotics and you would have to take a large dose to knock someone out which would be hard to do in a drink. Taking larger doses especially with alcohol would likely make you vomit it all out.All benzodiazepines have the tendency even without alcohol to make you vomit if you take a larger dose so Rohypnol is not something you would use to drug someone.
All of this is just one of those urban myths and has been around since I was a kid where mothers would warn their daughters about drugs being put in their drinks. I have never heard of this happening in real life. Perhaps people, especially these paranoid man fearing cat women, are just dumber today and will believe anything they hear.
And as far as Chinamen drugging girls in opium dens that was bs too and just propaganda put out by the jew run unions to get them banned from the US because they were better and cheaper workers. Yes, they did run dens both when it was legal and illegal but the customers both male and female went there to smoke. It would be pretty hard to knock someone out anyway just by making them keep smoking until they were unconscious. And orally opium tincture is very bitter so someone would know they were taking something. Besides, the Chinese were careful because in those days they’d get lynched doing this to a white woman.White slavery is pretty much a myth just as trafficking is today.It may exist but it’s very minor. Most girls become Hos because they can make enough in a hour compared to working for a week at a job and usually have some expensive drug habit.
< col Hiiiiiii Friends….’my friend’s mom makes $88 every hour on the internet . She has been unemployed for eight months but last month her payment was $13904 just working on the internet for a few hours.
try this site HERE’S MORE DETAIL
Not a total myth – John Worboys! However, by and large people who know about these things agree, like ACPO. Likewise the idea of male predators lurking behind every bush is a myth, but almost all predators are male, and as the IRA said, we only have to be lucky once. Don’t throw out the baby with the bath water.
Best way to protect against spiked drinks: Don’t go to clubs and do not drink around random men like a dumb whore.
When I was in high school, the only girls who were “drugged and raped” were the school sluts. How interesting!
The female fantasy of sex without personal responsibility is behind the date rape hysteria.
True story: a male friend of mine became unresponsive at a house party. Not drunk, zombie like. I couldn’t get any response out of him. I went home and left him there. Next day he couldn’t remember anything and was asking people what happened…
I don’t think spiking occurs on a massive scale but I was a victim of it–not by a stranger like many tales involve. My “best” friend had many issues unresolved and decided it would be a prank so she made my favorite drink for me, and because she was my best friend I completely trusted her. It was 100% the only drink I consumed that night and have very fuzzy memories of very terrible things happening to me while I was essentially paralyzed locked in a bathroom for a joke. CLEARLY I had no business being friends with them but sometimes the crazy reveals itself too late. So yes it does happen but I’m willing to guess it more likely happens with people you assume you’re safe with. And I did not report to the police out of absolute terror especially because where I lived there were very few laws protecting me, and complete conviction that my credibility would be damaged because of where I was and who I was with. I also woke up the next morning to a devastating family crisis and felt I absot couldn’t tell anyone and add to the pain. It was a very very long road to recovery. So yes this does happen and goes unreported because it truly is the most terrifying experience but I don’t know if the way it is usually presented is actually accurate or just a scare tactic more damaging to men with genuine intentions than women in no imminent danger.
I’m sorry to hear this. I must say though, that was a horrible friend you had!
This is one of my biggest problems with rape culture. The lack of accountability for the supposed victims (I want to spit when they refer to themselves as survivors), coupled with the ever expanding definition of rape. I got blackout drunk one night and fucked a friend. The friends I talked to about it freaked and told me I needed to call the cops and go to the hospital for a rape kit. I was confused as to why that was necessary, and they were confused as to why I was confused. I made a bad life choice, shit happens. If you’re smart, you learn a lesson from it. If you’re not, well, be prepared to wake up naked next to someone you fucked while drunk, a lot. My friends honestly couldn’t wrap their heads around that idea. One of them even went so far as threaten to kill the guy if he came near me again. Hell, I even pointed out the fact that he’d been drinking, too. Still didn’t matter, apparently.
So, I have this rule about never setting my drink down, but even so, the only two times that I have ever had something slipped into my drink…. it was done by another girl.
If women are that paranoid about being drugged at a club, there is a quick fix. Buy your own damn drinks.
Bartenders have been charged in Vegas for drugging drinks behind the bar.
I just stumbled upon this…
I can say as a Forensic Nurse Examiner, specializing in Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence, that it, in fact, happens far more than you realize or demonstrate in your article! Maybe it doesn’t happen in your neck of the woods too often, but there are definitely major hot spots; like Las Vegas!!! I see plenty of drug-facilitated sexual assaults in my patients, both with and without tox reports and I work mainly in a large town, not a city or a hot spot!
I was personally a victim of drink drugging in Las Vegas; 2 of my usual one shot drinks and less than 5 very brief memories for several hours! I won’t share the details but the whole ordeal, especially the aftermath was terrifying and one of the most traumatic experiences of my life. I feel fortunate that I’m alive and that someone intervened before I ended up in a ditch somewhere! This experience was the driving force that inspired me to go into my field.
Rohypnol is ONLY ONE of numerous drugs used to facilitate sexual assault and/or robbery! GHB and Ketamine are also very commonly used! BUT alcohol is still the #1 Date Rape drug used today!!! Many other drugs used aren’t even on our tox screens in hospital and there are several designer drugs that we are still learning about.
Less than 50% of all sexual assault cases are actually reported to hospital or police. And most victims that were unwillingly drugged (for various reasons) are too ashamed to report it at all… Also, no hospital would EVER do a liver biopsy to check for a drug, that is only done in autopsies, so that claim has zero value! Further, detectable levels for most drugs used in these cases are excreted by the kidneys within 12 hours to 4 days, and most sexual assault cases are reported 3-30 days following the incident rendering the studies mentioned inconclusive.
Minimizing a woman’s risk is absolutely unacceptable and shameful! The risk is real…and if you have any women in your life that you value and love, you would not minimize and/or discredit the realities of DFSA!