The Future Of Denmark: Women May Be Stoned If They Cheat On Their Husbands

The Danish TV channel TV2 has aired a two-part documentary called “The mosques behind the veil.” Reporters go undercover as Muslims who just arrived in Denmark, and use hidden cameras to expose how Danish imams say one thing to the media and another thing to their devoted mosque-goers.

One imam at the Grimhøjvej mosque in Aarhus, Abu Bilal, preaches that adulterous Muslim women should be either stoned to death or whipped, according to Sharia law. The imam also says that leaving the faith or denying any of the religious rules is punishable by death.

Anyone who withdraws from the religion, who is an apostate, he must be killed. Or a denial. One who denies fasting or do not believe in fasting. His verdict is that he is a disbeliever. If he is stubborn and will not fast, he will be killed.

“I hope that ISIS wins”

The hidden camera captures him lecturing women and children about Islamic law and how it should be applied in an ideal Islamic state. He says that the “eye for an eye” rule should be applied to those who hurt Muslims: “If you kill a Muslim, you shall also be killed.”

Abu Bilal’s teachings depart from the mosque’s official line. The chairman, Oussama ElSaadi, says in an interview that they follow Danish laws and encourage Muslims to take an active part in society: “We can accept everything that is happening around us, and we can cooperate with the people of this country without problems.”

But this is not the first time that the Grimhøjvej mosque has been in the media spotlight. For several years it’s been known as a place where young Muslims become radicalized. On Danish radio, Oussama El-Saadi has shown sympathy for the terror organization ISIS: “I hope that ISIS wins, and that one day we have an Islamic state in the world.”

abu bilal

Abu Bilal.

Professor Thomas Hoffmann studies Islam and the Quran at the university of Copenhagen. According to him, imam Abu Bilal was expressing what a “perfect” Islamic justice system looks like. There is a duality in the imam’s view of stoning—the penalty is not allowed today, but might be in the future.

On the one hand the imam admits that stoning is not a part of this society’s law. But in his view, stoning should be allowed in the best of worlds—the Islamic world. The penalty of stoning points on the one hand back to an ideal judicial norm of Muhammad’s era, but on the other hand it is also postponed to an unspecified Islamic future.

Thomas Hoffmann thinks that teaching Sharia law makes the integration of Muslim women into Danish society more difficult.

It is helping to create a distance and alienation in relation to Danish democratic values and notions of crime and punishment. It probably also contributes to the idea that the Danish society effectively prevents the “true” Islam to unfold.

The Danish reporters also expose how three mosques recommend a woman not to go to the Danish authorities when her man is being violent. One imam tells the woman to just trust in God, and that going to the police will only make things worse.

I will give you one advice: Don’t go to the Danes. If you can not live with him, then come to the Sharia council. Then it may dissolve the marriage.

Extremists survive by lying


Danish TV has done a great job of showing just what is being taught in mosques in the West. While people are not currently being stoned in the streets of Denmark, this foreshadows what Western societies might look like in the future, if Muslims come into power. It might seem like a terrifying dystopia to us, having people killed over their religious preferences, but to Muslims it’s paradise on Earth.

Of course not all Muslims have the same opinion on these issues. But it’s not just their crazy ideas that are troubling, it’s the way they lie. How can we know if these ideas are widespread or only true for a small minority, if Muslims aren’t openly talking about them? They obviously say one thing behind closed doors to their trusted peers, and another thing to the media and ethnic Danes. It’s a deceitful act, and it shows their ungratefulness to the people that let them in. It’s also an established custom of Islam.

Taqiya is, according to Wikipedia, “a form of Islamic dissimulation or a legal dispensation whereby a believing individual can deny his faith or commit otherwise illegal or blasphemous acts while they are in fear or at risk of significant persecution.” This means that Muslims are allowed to conceal their true opinions and goals in order to protect themselves. A companion of Muhammad, Abu Darda, said “we smile in the face of some people although our hearts curse them.”


Coming to a mosque near you.

Lying is a Muslim survival tactic as old as the religion itself. Now we see it practiced in Western countries. It may be the case that Muslims fear that showing their true colors will lead to bad consequences for them. After all, they are still a minority, and they must be aware of how immigration and multiculturalism is being questioned now much more overtly than before. The narrative that made it possible for them to come here in the first place is crumbling under the weight of an unprecedented migration wave.

By nature I’m quite pessimistic, and I don’t see this situation getting better. We now have hundreds of thousands of Muslims in Europe, ready to be radicalized, and more are on their way. ISIS can find many allies among them, and behind the closed doors of the mosques their savage message can spread. After the terrorist attacks in Paris, some asylum seekers could be heard celebrating in their tax-funded Swedish home.

It’s a ticking bomb just waiting for someone to lit the fuse.

Read More: 12 Ways Danish Women Are Different From Brazilian Women

278 thoughts on “The Future Of Denmark: Women May Be Stoned If They Cheat On Their Husbands”

  1. Yet another very clear article.
    I don’t know how many times this needs to be spelled out – open door policy to fighting age males from a tradition that takes an uncompromising stance, glorifies martyrdom, and has at it’s core an anti-western and everything it stands for doctrine…
    What could possibly go wrong?

    1. The Left’s hatred of all things White like Western Civilization knows no bounds. As for the sanctioning of executing women for adultery, it’s very much sanctioned in the Quran, specifically in Saheh Muslim 4206 where Mo(PB&J) executed a woman who has given birth to a child from adultery. Let’s leave the issue of Mo banging 9 year old Aisha alone for the moment….9 year old’s dude…
      Besides that problem, my problem is that Islam despises the cultural aspects of Western Civilization, especially its art and music. We’ve already seen Islam destroy Byzantine Civilization and its achievements. I’d rather not see the Sistine Chapel, the Louvre, the Prado, and the British Museum end up like those Buddha Statues in Bamiyan, Afghanistan.
      Also, who wants to live life with out booze and bacon? or dogs as pets? That’s another broad objection I have to Islam. The prospect of living eternity alongside a puritanical killjoy twat like Mo is a major disincentive.

      1. Well said, especially the bit about bacon… They will be banning Kratom next too!

        1. If you strike Kratom down it will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

        2. I am still pissy that you can’t get DMAA (which actually poses many of the hyperbolic qualities we assign to Kratom) anymore. Responsible use of DMAA posed no health risks. some dip shit high school kid and a few 19 year old army kids take some obscene dosage and blow their hearts up and now I can’t use the most effective preworkout supplement.
          Is it legal over on your side Bob? You guys are at least civilized enough to trust your citizens with some codeine.

        3. You can buy it online here I believe.
          The key is here, it is not dangerous supplements they are banning (they would ban acetaminophen). They are banning your ability to a) get stronger and b) maintain your health without dangerous and expensive drugs.
          Like I always say, the government doesn’t like competition.

        4. Makes sense. You can get it online here too but rumors abound that it is just the old DMAA containers which have non-DMAA suppz replaced in them. Plus, they are incredibly expensive. I have seen synadrex with DMAA sell at 140 for 60 pills and there is no assurance that it is even real when you order it.
          Just wait, eventually protein will become illegal.

        5. Alas likely true… in the meantime this side of the pond (for I, too, am on englishbob’s side of the Atlantic) has inexplicably sane laxness regarding the possession of effective supplements. We shall see how long that continues given Touchy Teresa’s animosity towards Kratom!

        6. I don’t know how the laws match up with Australia, but I think the Aussies lead the charge (or at least got on the bandwagon very early) against DMAA

        7. The first law of supplements is that if any of them turn out to be effective (especially in building lean muscle tissue) they will be banned.
          Second law is that the speed of the ban is directly proportional to their effectiveness…

        8. It will. The moment some prick kills himself by eating a whole case of protein powder in one day. They’re already trying to ban caffeine pills because some idiot overdosed on them. But you can overdose on acetaminophen and die, that’s OK.

        9. It’s true. F’n a. People are so stupid.
          One day someone will down an entire jar of protein powder with a 126 ounce steak and then then next morning pull the covers over his wifes head and protein fart her to death. Then it will be all carbs all the time.

      2. In most Muslim countries you can still find booze and bacon. Only Saudi Arabia utterly bans these two products. Don’t forget there are Christian minorities in the Middle East and they still have access to bacon and booze.
        Don’t get me wrong, Islam is a very serious problem but it’s more of a problem for the non-muslims in the islamic countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia. Our problem in the west is FEMINISM!

      3. I think that Islam is heavily influenced by its Christian roots. For example see this passage from the Bible, Leviticus 20:10:

        And the man that committeth adultery with another man’s wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbour’s wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.

        I.e not just the woman but the man as well!

        1. If I’m not mistaken, these are the laws which regulate the Jewish society, until God comes down on earth.
          Jesus actually saves an adulteress from being stoned.

        2. Not just in this area… Islam *is* heavily influenced by Christian roots. Mo was pretty clear on this himself… if we can trust the oral traditions Moslems call ‘Hadiths’. He claimed Christ as his ‘brother’ and Islam as a ‘confirmation’ of what had come before…

        3. What you are saying is true. I guess what Jesus demonstrates here is that just because something is written in a Holy Book you don’t need to follow it.

        4. I think you are correct here. In a nut shell, Christ is “the new covenant” and supersedes the old one. All 613 Hebraic laws have been superseded by the deontological ethics of Christ and his blood is the new promise (no longer the dick snip and rainbow).

        5. Not exactly; learn to read. Also, he commanded them to keep ALL the laws until all things be fulfilled.

        6. Yes, obviously. Again, since when is the OT Christian since it was long before Christ?!

        7. Don’t bother with Melanie. She’s bitter about her weight problem and jealous of thin and beautiful girls. Trolling is her way to escape the emotional pain. You know there are many people with mental health issues like her on the Internet.

        8. Someone should tell Christians about the no snip thing.
          I will hate my mother forever and mooch as much as possiblrnas revenge for her consenting to have me mutilated.

        9. That’s an American custom. In the rest of the West, circumcision is not common at all among gentiles.

        10. Happens in Canada too. I’d say “North American custom” but I’m not sure if they do it in Mexico. “North-western custom” maybe?

      4. You just need to look at Islamic civilisation. They are currently only cess pools and the few good ones are underpinned by massive oil wealth.
        Islamic civilisation is good at conquest, fighting and demographic assault. Nothing more. They started declining from the 11th century due to intellectual stagnation killing of even technical process and though their fighting spirit never declined by the late 1700s European technical superiority saved us.
        Critical battles at Vienna and Laponto had only held them off.
        Thomas Jefferson had to create the United States Navy and the United States Marine Core because of state sanctioned pirates from the Barbary states (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Libya) that kept Americans as hostages for over 10 years and demanded such high ransoms that US shipping insurance costs were 20 times higher than necessary.

      5. They’re worse than the priest scandals. Those desert cult dudes bang 9 year old boys and make them prostitutes.
        But yeh man, I won’t even see a chick that that doesn’t like animals, let alone pets? How can anyone hate dogs? Islam? Nah, foh with that hypocracy.

    2. I think you guys are missing the underlying premise of the article. Honestly I don’t see what’s wrong in stoning a lying sniveling wife who blatantly and shamelessly cheated on her husband who provides her with everything. Yes Islam may be a barbaric cult. But they sure know how to keep their women from committing crimes and get away with it. Imagine a white woman cheated on her white husband. The white man might forgive her on spurious reasons and he will be exalted as the epitome of understanding husband.It’s sickening.Cuckoldry is absolute bullshit.

      1. No I think you’ve missed it.
        Nobody is objecting to lying, fucked-up, thousand-cock-stare, promiscuous women getting punished. We are all rightly offended by a non-indigenous, ahem, ‘culture’ (sic) being given a free pass while we get falsely accused of the same sh*t they are blatantly getting away with.
        I generally enjoy your contributions, but this time it’s you who’s missed the point. Apart from equating feminism with cuckoldry, which is quite accurate.

        1. The immediate threat men face is FEMINISM. All men in the west suffer because of those bitches – they deserve what they get.
          I’m not worried about terrorists and I draw cartoons of Mohammad. Because I am not the kind of guy terrorists dare mess with (ex mil, super alpha type guy, own guns).
          Let the feminists and Islamists clash and destroy each other!
          Get your strategic priorities straight.

        2. Currently those feminists and Islamists seem to be getting on together quite well…

        3. The two are completely incompatible and it is inevitable that they will clash is a big way and when this happens, women will return to their traditional and biological gender role.

        4. Yes, and it amazes me they have not yet realised it… can only be that they believe their common enemy (Western Men…. Us) somehow unites them.
          If something cannot go on for ever it will end. It is indeed inevitable that they will clash.

        5. …. And we win in the end. We just have to be clever, take care of men’s rights, let the feminists fend for themselves without our help. Women will fail, realize our value as men, protectors and providers in society and restore our biological/traditional gender roles. [Darwinian Evolution model]

        6. But isn’t interesting that while we rail against them, we actually agree with them on major points. Whereas feminists disagree with them on every major point but support them.
          Could it be that inside every feminist is a submissive female dying to be dominated? Hence their desire to be ruled by an Islamic Caliphate?
          And in fact, many of the guys here seem to wish they lived in such a country, where women know their place and you can be certain of a virgin wife.

        7. Maybe feminism is just one big shit test and only the Muslims are currently man enough to dominate them?

        8. There is a certain symmetrical irony going on here, yes…
          I wonder whether this may be behind the otherwise inexplicable fixation of RoK on the subject. We know our women would be happier submitting to us and are, frankly, pissed they are projecting that craving on a bunch of ugly barbarians.
          Didn’t anyone learn anything from the fall of Rome?

        9. I think you know the answer to that one already, so I’ll consider that you ‘testing’ me…
          Yes of course. Nothing else ever has.
          No such thing as the various ‘ologies’… It has always, only, ever been one man, or many men acting together, that has written the story of the world.

        10. “Could it be that inside every feminist is a submissive female dying to be dominated?”
          I assume you are asking this questions hypothetically as you know, for a fact, that this is absolutely the case.

        11. Then keep on doing it Bob, for all our sakes! It is an act of mercy… a self-sacrifice of the highest level… your patriotic and noble duty to dominate those Feminists! Every. Single. One. Of. Them.

        12. “…clash in a big way…” ? I think you are giving feminism too much credit.
          More likely that they’ll opt to throw their “independence” away and come running to us crying for protection.
          Literally, there are actual feminists right now that demand that men “man up” for their protection.

        13. Yes, you are correct I am indeed giving feminists too much credit, and I know it. But that was not my main point. And the video you linked to is correct too.
          What’s going to happen when women feel vulnerable and can’t defend themselves without the protection of men is that women will finally realize the value and biological role of men. Nature (and Darwinian evolution) has it’s natural law. There is a reason why “sexual dimorphism” exists in all mammals.
          The key is we stop helping women, especially feminists. The strategy is “divide and conquer”. Delusional feminists who thinks they can walk late at night acting like sluts get assaulted or raped vs. decent traditional women such as “women against feminism” who understands the value of men.You see, feminism is so toxic that women suffer from infighting. In time, the feminists will lose out and the patriarchy will be restored. Don’t forget patriarchy is the norm in all of the world and cultures except in modern western society.

        14. Completely agree obviously.
          Just felt it fitting to point woman’s duality with power out there.

        15. I understand the sacrifice you are making and it is one I would not make. I couldn’t stand to talk to a feminist much less engage in other intercourse with one.

        16. The strategy is to survive until the eventual fall of feminism. It may be quite a while. Contributing nothing to the beast and draining it when ever possible is key. Not marrying, not cohabitating, and not procreating is the only way to limit your exposure to the beast of Babylon.

        17. You just need to realize that its just typical female prattle. Just say “yes dear” and let her drop to her knees.

        18. Too bad for the man-haters; let Big Daddy Government ‘man up’ for them.
          Some VERY serious schadenfreude here.

        19. You’ve picked up that the gap between feminist and mansphere is not so large at points. For instance I support the basic concept of slut walks. Hot looking women should be able to dress hotly wherever and whenever they want. Beauty brought into public spaces inspires us. It’s more an issue of good taste. Slut walks look more like slattern/slag walks.
          The female tendency to work through empathy and seek consensus leads them to compromise on everything. Burquas, Sharia, Cliterectomy, Polygamy and lowering age of consent even to children has been supported and rationalised by mainstream feminists.
          It is the systemising nature of men that seeks to maintain a functioning stable system that ‘holds the line’
          The submissive female idea holds I think. I recall reading Howard Blooms Mohamed Code. The number of times a conquered village was wiped out and all men, women and children killed with only fertile age virgin females spared was quite common. You willingness to submit was maybe what saved women and they may have been preselected for this. Submission is attractive and sexy. I recall a woman who was infatuated with me saying she wanted to be my sex slave. After a couple of days I it worked on my mind and I started fining her far more attractive. After all sex on tap is likely to promote both reproduction and keep a man around to help.
          If the feminists go to far in supporting the Muslims they may find that western men give up defending their rights and join in with the Muslims.

        20. If the immigration keeps going feminists will be the first to come running to us specifically.

        21. I only date submissive women. Any other kind is ejected with the quickness. I do not tolerate back talk in the slightest. But I also fulfill my role as protector, organiser and leader. A woman doesn’t need to worry about anything when she’s with me.

        22. Liar. You are all talk and in reality would get a slap from a woman if you treated them that way. You know you are all talk.

        23. Then fuck off to Saudi arabia. By the way you say shit about fat women, yet you defend Islam. You do realize that in some Islamic countries women are encouraged to be fat? If you do not know this you are ignorant.

        24. He is not a liar. I am the super alpha women chase and fantasize about; and have a lot of experience. I have had everything from long term relationship (cohabitation) to one night stands. I encourage feminism in front of women just to get in their pants. And then, display dominance and it’s like women are in a trans – They are too easy for the passive aggressive dominant men. Feminism makes women promiscuous and readily available to dominant alphas without needing to commit to any of them or needing to marry them.And there is nothing you can do about it because women are wired that way thanks to millions of years of evolution.

        25. Fat women are prevalent in the feminist west because feminists are delusion and feel entitled. In the rest of the world, women are mentally more mature than western feminists, and as a result, they live a healthier lifestyle, fit and their population is growing. Soon western feminists will be an extinct “species”.

        26. You are not the kind of guy terrorists mess with? I do not think they care what kind of people are in the way when they detonate their bombs.

        27. You wouldn’t understand anything about combat, conflict, tactics or strategies; but I’m sure you know everything about shopping for shoes and purses.
          FYI, terrorists do their deeds where people are weak, and in places like markets (women shopping), schools (Beslan siege), Paris (feminized culture).
          I am not worried at all because I am a man and I can fight back very aggressively. Women need our protection, we are keeping the wolves away. Without us you are red meat for the wolves. So, we will let the wolves have their ways with you for a bit until we restore the patriarchy. I think you are more afraid of the wolves than the patriarchy. LOL

        28. Shopping for shoes and purses? Actually, dick head, two things I hate. Combat didn’t help anyone in the 9/11 attacks or the 7/7 attacks on the London underground. If you were in the way, then you were fucked. Being male doesn’t help when someone has a fucking bomb. You sound like a child boasting about what a tough grown up boy he is! And what is all this about patriarchy? Certainly not a term I would ever use. Fucktard

        29. Like I said before, you won’t get it. Mansplaining it for you again with little cute pictures will be difficult online. But I can try again only if you are good looking and sexy otherwise I’ll be just wasting my time on a fat and ugly feminist.
          But wikipedia also can explain patriarchy for ignorant girls like you:

        30. Good luck with those combat skills when the suicide bomber sitting next to you goes up. I am sure mummy tells you what a grown up, big boy you are.

        31. You still need more mansplaining? I understand that most girls are weak in mathematics and statistics but I will explain it like I explain it to children (you know women and children are always associated together as in “Women and children first on the life rafts off the sinking Titanic). The statistical probability that men get hurt from a suicide bomber is much less than the probability of winning the lottery. Men are not fearful and don’t suffer from panic attacks like women are terrified of harmless spiders. So we know why you are so afraid of everything. But relax, when the patriarchy is restored, you will be protected by men.
          I am sure your mummy did not tell you how fat and ugly you are. That’s why you did not take better care of yourself.

      2. and the man she cheats with? What about a cheating husband? What about a woman falsely accused.

      3. Stoning may be a bit harsh. But nothing is more fearsome to a woman than public humiliation. I’d say the woman gets to live but her head is shaved completely bald, she is stripped naked and publically whipped. She can then put on her clothes and go home if her husband takes her back.

    3. ironically tolerating everything seems to be a western trait itself

      1. Yes, tolerating and equating…
        Everything is *not* equally valid… everything does *not* have equal value… there *is* such a thing as objectivity… there *is* a hierarchy of values…
        Reading and understanding Aristotle would sort this mess out, but I understand he is no longer considered… ‘relevant’.

        1. He is a dead white guy. Being a white guy clearly invalidates anything he ever said.

    4. Has anyone here ever lied to protect themselves? Just asking.
      Also, what would you do if you discovered your wife was banging some other guy? Would you feel like stoning her? Not saying that this is just but I don’t think this guy is saying much that is controversial. Hell even the US Gov’t wants ISIS to win.
      And the Imam is bang on point with this:

      …going to the police will only make things worse

      Never, ever, go to the police for any reason. Do you really want your woman going to the police? She will claim that you beat her whether you did or did not and you will wind up in jail. This happened to my brother.
      This is why conflict between a man and wife should be handled “in-house”.
      I am no Muslim and no supporter of Sharia Law but the spirit of what this guy is saying (except that ISIS nonsense) is acceptable to me.

      1. In medieval southern France cheating spouses were paraded naked in the streets, for everyone to see. No stoning, no death sentence, but a reputation ruined for ever.

        1. Wow… Yeah a death sentence is a bit heavy. Isn’t that what they did to Cersei?

        2. Yes, I’ve heard about it . George R.R. Martin definetely stole it from us.

        3. Also, I’ve read that a French Knight caught with a prostitute in the Holy Land was given a choice between being paraded with his trousers off in the camp in front of his fellow knights, pulled by the prostitute holding a string tied to his willy, or bannishment with confiscation of his horses and weapons.
          He chosed the latter.
          I love medieval punishments.

      2. Well…. yes…. pretty much what I was saying to Hardcore Realist earlier in the thread.

        1. So what exactly bothers us about these guys? Is it because they wear long dresses and funny hats? Because on point after point we seem to agree, right down the “hatred of our freedoms” i.e. the freedom of chicks using tech to accumulate cocks or show half naked pictures of themselves.

        2. I think the unvarnished truth is that we know an existential threat when we see one.
          Nothing more complex than that…

        3. Vague? Not at all.
          Islamic doctrine is very clear, and black and white. It aims at the extinction of all other doctrines.
          If we consider ourselves part and product of western culture, then the threat to our existence is very clear.
          Despite the similarities you have pointed our, the only option presented by Islam is to accept it’s doctrine once and for all (leaving is punishable by death), there is no right to co-exist as a ‘similar’ belief system.

        4. It def the funny hats.
          By the way, while being disgusted about the constant ingestion of cocks that women seem to believe is more important than breathing, I am not necessarily “against” it. I hate children and have no desire to ever be married or cohabitate…I like living alone.
          So that women have become such disgusting pigs actually works out very nicely for me.

        5. At least they are honest about it.
          All revealed religion which presupposes that it is the very word of God and totally infallible must, by definition, being antagonistic to others. Whether this means proselytizing, sending to hell, killing or some other combination doesn’t matter.
          Christians, for the most part, are incredibly weak here. Either it is the case that the new testament is divine, that Christ was the son of God and through him is the only way to salvation or not.
          I can’t even begin to count the number of girls wearing little cross necklaces whose faces I’ve cum on. Do they really believe that the bible is the very word of God?
          Just FYI, I am not religious even a little big. I am what I like to call an apatheist. I just don’t fucking care. But if Jesus Christ rode a magic horse down to earth, rang my bell and said to get my ass to church I would be eating so many jesus cookies that same fucking day. That’s just the way it is.
          There is no way to actually believe that your lord is the one and only true God, that the scripture is his word and rules and then not act exactly the way extremist muslims do.
          If nothing else, give them props for authenticity. I don’t see the slut whisperer pouring a gallon of milk on a lot of muslim girls asses.

        6. You hate children? What did those little cherubs ever do to… No wait. I was a kid once and I remember what snot nosed little shits they are!

        7. They really are. I fucking hate kids. I make it a point to sneer when I see them.

        8. You are a holy man Lolknee and have spoken wise words on religion.
          Personally I worship the 12 Olympians. They were so obviously a complete f*cking joke that nobody could even have got the impression they or the ‘religion’ built around them were ever meant to be taken seriously.

        9. I think that the worship of the Olympians was foreshadowing for Greece’s current financial situation.
          I mean, they claimed that their Gods lived on top of Mt. Olympus. This wasn’t some theoretical mountain, some story. This was an actual fucking mountain.
          Thousands and thousands of greeks every year went and stood by the base of mount olympus and not one of those lazy fucks ever thought to climb it.
          It isn’t even THAT high of a mountain. It’s elevation is nearly 6,000 feet lower than Mont Blanc and 4 thousand feet lower than any mountain in Colorado.
          Not once did one of those lazy fucks put down their ouzo, hike up their toga and say “ok, I am going to go find out wtf is up with 12 gods living on top of a mountain fucking with us, turning women into cows and shit like that.
          It’s not like these gods living on top of that mountian right there were benign. Zeus tried to deny fire to humans and then when Prometheus gave it to them chained him up and had an eagle eat his liver….every day for eternity. Pluto was constantly coming to earth and raping women. Athena started the Trojan war. Artemis is constantly killing babies.
          Dionysus made King Lycurgus cut his own sun into pieces…he did this to a King. Pan got rejected by some chick and then used god magic to turn her into a flute (he did teach humans how to wank it though). Ares made a throne for himself on Mount Olympus out of fucking human skin. Poseidon fucked with the seas to ruin peoples voyages, made earthquakes when he was bored and took the wife of King Mino and made her fuck a bull…..a bull.
          All of this and not one greek said “ok, let’s go investigate”
          And we wonder why they have an economy in the toilet.

        10. Is that not the same as Christianity? They basically tell you that you’re going to burn in Hell if you don’t accept their teaching. And there’s no shortage of people who’ve been killed for believing in the wrong version of Christianity.
          Sounds like a Mexican gang the way you define it. “Blood in, blood out…”

        11. Upon further reflection of your view that a quarter of the World’s population wants me dead, I must confess that I am struggling with it. Of the worst crimes that have been committed against me (theft by taxes, theft by police, state coercion, being held against my will, the right to decide what I put inside my body, chemical contamination, etc.) all of these have been committed by Western democracies. To date, not a single Muslim has harmed me.
          So I’m puzzled that you think these guys want to end our existence. Especially since if you fail to follow the doctrine of the State within certain boundaries, it certainly will kill you.

        12. To be frank the biggest difference between Christians and Muslims is just the way they choose to go about spreading there religion. Whereas Christians threaten with just hell, Muslims may kill you. Which ironically Christians/Jews also used to do when they took over a foreign land as god instructed them (which I agree with seeing as that took care of the fag problem and people with ridiculous beliefs) but things get really unclear as to how aggressive you’re to be when Jesus entered the bible

        13. I give them props and felt exactly the way you did but to recite my favorite Philosopher “To have faith is to lose the mind and win God” and now figure there’s no way to know what’s at the bottom of the rabbit hole but to jump down like a blind god believing fool

        14. I’m with you. But if you are going to be mindless, might as well be honest. I’d trade 10 brilliant liars for 1 decent and honest man any day of the week

        15. In my experience Christians are much more aggressive about spreading their religion. They are constantly coming to my door and hanging out in the street “spreading the good word”. While I have been harassed many times by Christians, not a single Muslim has ever approached me about joining his religion much less threaten to kill me.

        16. Hahaha it sounds like you have Christian Gangs in your area spreading the word by any means necessary. That should be a TV show. And I think we can all agree not Christian nor Muslims go as hard at spreading there faith as Jehovahs Witnesses, those people will travel to the ends of the earth just to give you there pamphlet and tell you to come to there church.

        17. I love children. I had 6 of my own. But I realize what nasty little shits they can be if not strictly controlled and trained to be decent human beings.

        18. When ever I spanked one of my children they always pulled the CPS card. I told them if they thought foster parents would be better to go ahead and give it a try. I had no takers.

        19. The only reason they have not hurt you is that they have been kept far from you by the western nations. If that distance and protection is removed you will become a slave to Islam. It does mean submission, and that is what the religion of Islam wants from 100% of the world; submission.

        20. No. They do not only say you will burn in hell, but they send you there by express ticket through beheading. No Christian sect now a days is killing people that do not agree with them.

        21. I can appreciate that some people like them and make good parents and teach kids to be well behaved but I don’t like them either. It’s just me. Can’t stand kids. It’s ok, I never had any and never plan to. I also don’t like avocado. Somethings just aren’t for everyone

        22. I agree it is a matter of taste, and those who don’t want and love children shouldn’t have them. I did what I wanted and urge others to do the same. That is the essence of going your own way.

        23. Mate, Muslims live in my street. I grew up amongst them and have dated Muslim girls. Tell me again why they haven’t hurt me.

        24. LOL! Nice one.
          Make sure they watch documentaries on foster child abuse. They will never ever want to go near a CPS Agent.

        25. JWs and Mormons are essentially Christians aren’t they? And its not just them, there are many other Christian sects running around. Now they have realized that I am the “wrong nigga to fuck with”… and they leave me alone but when I was young they were all over me like a cheap suit.

        26. Yeah I guess you could say Jehovahs Witnesses are extremist Christians in the sense that they follow every single letter to a tee i

        27. Yeah i guess you could say JW’S are Christians in the sense they follow every word in the bible to a tee which is also a problem because they see everything a lesson (they won’t celebrate birthdays, christmas or do anything fun really if someone died doing it in the bible, my cousins hated there mother for having them practice it) and Mormon is just a con artist religion. And if you could only teach me the way you bat off these religious enthusiasts so I could use it on feminists

        28. I had some Mormons who would come to my door weekly for months. One day, one of my female friends was home and she entered into a theological debate with them for about an hour. I don’t know what she said but they never came back.
          I find the best way to deal with JWs, is say “yes that’s great, thank you for the pamphlet can we talk later I’m cooking dinner?” They promise to come back but never do.

        29. “…But I realize what nasty little shits they can be if not strictly controlled and trained to be decent human beings.”
          Described that way, they sound a LOT like Modern Western Women, don’t they?

        30. Why would a Muslim preach to you? Their religion does not tell them to teach the word of God. Christians are taught to spread the good news, while Islam does not have any good news, only BS. Dumb shit

      3. one of the major issues with Islam is the arabization and the slavery to the Saudies that follows it’s acceptance by people. Islam is not a religion, it’s a bogus software used to dominate people mentally and to draw them to black box called “The Kaaba” thus perpetuating spiritual slavery to Saudi Arabia.
        for instance It was a clever move from the Romans to move the center of Christianity from the middle-east to Rome. ensuring by this mean the spiritual and political freedom of south-european people.

        1. of course all religions are that way! but there is a huge difference between being controlled by a local priesthood and being controlled by another country!
          for instance in every Islamic country there is a proportion that can be activated by an Imam far away from saudi arabia.
          speaking from my experience in my own country unfortunately

        2. Exactly. this is why Saudi Arabia crafted the Wahhabi aka ‘refined sunni’ movement. and this is why Saudi arabia is fighting against Shia muslim because Shiism is a separation between the Arabs and Islam. In the end it’s all about Power.

      4. This. With the state of “domestic violence” law in modern Western countries, the imam’s advice to avoid involving the police is a good idea for any community that wants to maintain some kind of domestic stabilty. The current legal definition of a “victim of domestic violence” is any angry woman. The “abuser” is the man that she’s mad at.

      1. An interesting insight… I suspect much truth in it!
        Perhaps this ‘attraction to the hated’ may have insights into Feminism? Or even, more controversially, the ‘manosphere’?
        What does what we appear to hate and fight against say about our subconscious attractions?

        1. The west has gotten in bed with those death cults in the past then dumped them. They’re just acting like crazy ex-girlfriends… and of course acting out their apocalypse in the Q-book. It’s all those absurb theocratic rules that have them going nuts too. Same rules their own leaders beak.
          I think it also has to do with wiring and conditioning. If some people are depressed long enough, it becomes a comforting, familiar and addicting feeling and behaviour. It almost makes them oddly happy to be depressed and put themselves down. Same with hate I suppose. “Love the thing you hate.” Seems like a lot of sayings have an interesting truth at times.of course all of thst is not true for everyone.

      1. I actually read that quote on ROK originally. Was accredited to a meme going around Youtube

    1. Hotel? I wish! It’s more like a homeless shelter filled with dirty vagrants and psychotic violent criminals with nothing to lose if they steal, rape and murder.

  2. Jews and Muslims lie because most white people are too stupid to look beyond the surface of anything. Lying wouldn’t even be effective if whites weren’t so gullible.

    1. It’s because we’re not naturally scum who have to lie and deceive to people simply because they’re a different race than us. You’re probably another black racist piece of shit.

      1. I’d say it’s because we’ve been beaten over the head with the white-guilt sledgehammer so much that most white people are too frightened to do anything other than self-flagellate. Others are too scared to say anything because it can mean their jobs.

        1. Before white guilt, whites were beaten with Jesus guilt. It’s no surprise after thousands of years of repentance over absolutely f*cking nothing, that we have turned out like this.

        2. “Before white guilt, whites were beaten with Jesus guilt. It’s no
          surprise after thousands of years of repentance over absolutely f*cking nothing, that we have turned out like this.”
          Who is this “we”? Orthodox Russia is sitting pretty. It is western Europe has come to ever increasingly resemble the walking undead as it has moved ever farther from Christianity.

      2. no, I’m white and live in the Midwest. The plain reality is most white people are naïve and gullible about other races. That’s my point. It’s easy to brainwash them. I don’t have much faith in most of my fellow whites.

        1. It is more of a guilt complex forced onto whites. I don’t give a shit, but many want to be seen as caring people in the eyes of all other races. They bend over backwards for people of different color.

        2. Christianity is more washed down and irrelevant than ever. It’s called liberalism and its many social ills (libertinism, atheism, primitivism)

        3. Better do your research before spouting non sense. Christians normally distrusted strangers precisely because they weren’t Christians.

        4. How do you explain why the disunity among Christians then? How they won’t seem to unite under a Christian flag to fight the infidel Muslim. Precisely because Christians can’t even get along with each other, they are as guilty as liberals for letting Muslims advance.

        5. Christians repelled for a long time the Muslim advance, however disunity among our ranks and the rise of the national state meant that the State interests (and political elite) came before religion or culture and even family (ie. France aided and abetted for 300 hundred years the Ottoman empire against its enemies in the Mediterranean, namely Spain and Venetia; or that England fought Russia in the 18th and 19th and hindered its efforts of dismantling the Ottoman empire in order to get the spoils of that empire) It’s not that I am against the nation state, just stating what happened, events which made cooperation along religious lines impossible in the West.
          By the way Christianity started dying in the West a long time ago, it took a mortal injury in the WWI but before then signs of decadence abound, otherwise Spengler or Nietzsche wouldn’t have written their essays. THeirs was the time when the sun set in the Christendom, ours in the nightfall…

        6. Wrong. White men are gullible about feminism. Only in the west you seen women walking all over men. Look at other cultures and races – traditional gender roles still exist and healthy. Divorce rates are low and marriages are high and women respect their men!

      3. no, he’s right
        white people are very gullible – that’s what happens in wealthy societies
        much of what white society calls “sociopathy” is fairly normal elsewhere

        1. The problem is that white men allowed feminists walk all over them. All that white men need to do is became more masculine instead of being manginas. Just take a look at Eastern European, Middle Eastern, Asian,….. etc. men. Over there men are men and women are women.

  3. I suppose the only Danes that get stoned so far are the ones living in Christiania, Copenhagen.

  4. Hey let’s look at the positives here Denmark.
    It would really help the divorce rate!
    You let them in you fuckin cucks.

  5. One imam at the Grimhøjvej mosque in Aarhus, Abu Bilal, preaches that adulterous Muslim women should be…whipped, according to Sharia law.

    That’s too harsh for adultery (just divorce the bitch and go your marry way assuming CS and alimony laws are drastically changed) but how about for false accusations? It’s better than sticking people in cages for years or decades at our expense. Besides what’s worse, a little corporal punishment or being locked in a cage for thousands of days? Oh, that and the accuser is forced to pay restitution. It might be very effective and without the expense to go with it.

  6. Ok, so thought experiment here. What if we combined Islamic treatment of adultery with western treatment of divorce (the way it was before no-fault divorce laws)? If women have a way to legally opt out of a marriage, provided they have a legitimate reason to do it, what is so bad about having harsh punishment for commiting aldultery? First off, don’t get married if you aren’t prepared to for the life commitment that marriage is supposed to be. Second, if your spouse is really treating you like utter shite, you can have a divorce. Third, given that, what reason do you have to cheat on your spouse? It’s not like it can happen on accident like falling down the stairs, is it? So maybe if women knew they would be harshly punished if the commit adultery, women wouldn’t do it as often? And, of top of that, they couldn’t abandon their husbands and take their money for some bullshit reason like “I love him but I’m not in love with him so let me go fuck Jamal and his gigantic black bell end”. Of course, that would require that we hold women accountable for their behaviour and, considering the current political climate, I’m more hopeful for the return of Jesus Christ than that. And I’m an atheist!

  7. This is why the liberals here need to be put behind the barn. They want us to believe in Islamophobia. They want us to accept these fucks that will never accept us.

    1. First step: we march on Washington and end the lives of the traitors who sell us out every day.
      Second step: extreme authoritarian monarchy e.g. return of kings to get rid of the psychosis plaguing our country

      1. Okay, you first. I am right behind you, I promise. If you don’t see me, I’ll catch up.

  8. “If there is hope,it lies in the proles.”
    The so-called rabble in Europe is starting to push back to the shock and anger of the empty elite. They know the way of the Mohammedens is not the way of Christian Europe. In America, Trump is capitalizing on that anger with the average Joe who sees clearly what terror diversity brings. They have to live with the consequences of ideas that only work in college discussion groups. We better start pushing back hard, or we are doomed.

    1. “They have to live with the consequences of ideas that only work in college discussion groups”. – Yup.

    2. You may want to rethink that one. Christianity was getting its ass handed to it by the followers of Mohammed until the Renaissance went into full gear. The re-discovery of Latin/Greek influenced paganism is what eventually allowed the west to re-conquer lost territory.

      1. The Reconquista was done long before the Renaissance. With few exceptions Western Christianity simply never did all that much to fight the mohammedans until the East fell to them and they were forced to start fighting. Even as the ottoman empire collapsed the post-renaissance british and french were looking for ways to prop it back up.

        1. Or maybe instead of offering repentance for something they had no control over(death of Jesus), maybe they should have been studying battle tactics of antiquity in order to become better educated in trying to fight Islam? Just a thought.

        2. Ignorance there. You can read the writing of Christine de Pisan, to see that works such as De Re Militari of Vegetius were deeply studied and put in practice in Europe since the Carolingian era.
          Also Medieval Europe studied and saved the works of the Classical philosophers. The Christian Scholars were the only ones with mandatory classical philosophy courses. Just educate yourself and read Dante’s Inferno, written in the 13h century, just to see how wrong you are about Middle-Ages ignoring the Antiquity.
          Stop talking of things you don’t know and stop spreading lies. You idiot.

      2. Christianity was the only force that allowed cooperation between peoples who fought, sacked, raped and killed one another for fun. Besides the Christians were cleaning the clocks of muslims long before your Renaissance came (the liberation of Spain and Portugal the impact of the crusades despite their improvisation). Besides the rise of the nation state and your precious pagan influence along with the reformation were the main reason behind the continued Muslim presence until the 20th century in Europe….no one could agree to do anything for the sake of Europe let alone Christianity.

        1. Spain was inconsequential, really. It was Rome that the Muslims truly wanted. But even taking into account the Iberian peninsula, they lost the entire near east, middle east, North Africa, Anatolia, and the Balkans all to Islam. That’s a pretty dismal record.

        2. The areas you described (mostly part of the Byzantine empire) followed your recommendation and fell. Almost all of them were imbued in the classic culture, for them the tearing apart from ancient Greece and Rome never happened and even then all but Constantinople itself fell and pretty quickly.
          By the way, despite being outnumbered and in many ways more primitive and logistically limited (try to transport 100.00 men from Europe to the Middle East and their horses, armour, weaponry, food and siege machinery etc.) European Christians beat numerically superior armies many times in Europe and the middle East, Arab and Turkish armies that had the knowledge of the ancients at their disposal.
          What happens is that people like you haven’t realized the “Dark Ages” weren’t so dark and in spite of the hardships (loss of commerce, invasions), Engineering and sciences made numerous breakthroughs without which the “Renaissance” would have been impossible.

  9. The west needs to glorify Islam with about 250 million muslim martyrs. Islam is not going to stop.

  10. First, we have to collectively accept that they won’t ever cooperate. They will not assimilate. They are not looking for a “melting pot” but a divisive “mosaic,” placing themselves on their own “tile” in the mosaic, with defined borders and defenses. They will create a country within your country and attempt to subsume it from the inside. Taqiya is doctrine. The religion itself is an archaic form of mental illness from a flat-Earth, ignorant old world. Once we get to work around that, we can solve some problems free of delusion.
    Ancient philosophers understood the crucial importance of “the words,” and how we must select them carefully in the course of examination, on the path to wisdom. I will only address one word today: IslamoPHOBIA. But it’s not — it’s not “fear” (phobia) the vast majority are feeling. This word was created to rob validity, to hasten the expiration of meaning and truth in those who simply oppose. “Awww, you’re just against them because you’re scared!” 100% and 100 times, No. The pervasive and abused term “Islamophobia” empowers the adversary, as it portrays non-Muslims who question their menacing, outdated presence as scared, weak and confused. Such non-Muslims are none of these things, I’ve found. I implore others to squelch the mass media’s dumbed-down rhetoric by calling it very simply what it actually is: ANTI-Muslim sentiment. It is “anti” — it is “against.” This is the correct phrase, the one that expresses an equality of opposition, and the true face of those who refuse to succumb to a wicked, brainwashed ideology. When I know I am against something, and the force of facts are lined up behind me, I am ANTI. I will never be PHOBIC. Live without phobia and remind those you are against exactly WHY you are against them. Realize the small but clarifying boost of internal power — feel the concreteness — that stokes justified opposition without the Newspeak. In wars of ideology, these “little things” matter. Hail the logic of the stoics in times like these.

    1. Couple your ideas with “the West can’t kill itself fast enough” and you’ll be able to predict the future.

      1. Just to clarify, I’m not anti-religion and think I’ve practiced forbearance in attempting to impartially understand hard-line religious ideologies of any kind — I do not relish jumping to conclusions. I just think some old truths expire (the “rules” of life need upgrading and revising from time to time, as we as a species evolve intellectually) and that the church/state should be utterly separate as the US founding fathers forewarned. As most informed people know, Islam is a complete political ideology and not simply a church or a scripted interpretation of divine power and the hereafter; if its collective will prevailed, it would impose itself on your life. The religious leaders discussed in this article would just assume come directly into your kitchen whether you invited them or not. Such an incomprehensible absolutism is suffocating, and hard for the independent-minded to stomach, so how are reasonable modern human beings supposed to live with that interference? Then get belittled as “phobic,” as if they’re running from some mighty, purified, sanctified ideal. Soul not for sale (or up for a pillaging), period. Too much time being a self-made man, too much “fancy book learnin’” in a first-world brain, and too many nights in the proverbial wilderness to hand it over now. So I have zero interest in meeting a parasitic, aggressive and intolerant old ideology (the version discussed in the article) halfway.

      2. “What can we do to save the West?!”
        “Will you have at least four children per couple and raise them well so they turn out to be good citizens ?”
        “What else can we do save the West?!”

        1. Because the legal system is bias against men. If you get divorced, the man loses his house, his children, pays alimony, etc.
          This is what you get from feminism.

        2. The west is not savable. It is not because it does not want to be saved. It is suicidal and bent on self hatred and self destruction.

    1. i was talking to a friend just tonight about how over here in my very blue state part of the US, all those rapes and sexual assaults in europe on new years eve seem pretty much forgotten. whether it’s trump or cruz to go up against hilary, i hope he absolutely hammers her on the rapefugee question. i do not want my daughter to have to wear the hijab to be safe in public when she’s grown.

      1. yeah but conservatives dont pretend to be against those things, just the presence of diversity
        muslim men should in fact, practice traditional culture in their countries

  11. While the west yaps about a “fair fight” in places like Syria and silly constraints like the absurd Geneva conventions of “humanitarian” war, muzzies embrace Sun Tzu, that all war is deception. SJW’s and brainwashed libtard progressive are sniffing each others’ collective butts like dogs in heat while jackals surround the perimeter perimeter, preparing to attack, preparing to destroy.

  12. I don’t have any sympathy for liberrhoids who eventually get crushed by religionists.

  13. But why is this so wrong? The followers of Islam are simply practicing something that’s been going on for billions of years of evolution…the strong take from the weak.

  14. At this point, I think sharia law would be karma for Scandinavian feminists..

  15. By claiming some Muslims are extremist you are falling for Taqiya and be made into a chump. There is no difference between the two.

      1. Vigilance is good. But I think the guy was trying to make a point that there’s no difference between a muslim and an extremist.

        1. Keep the eyes open. Motherfuckers be laying around the comment section, checking out what we talk about. Stay vigilant.

  16. For anyone interested in learning a bit more about european cultures, Denmark included, head over to Entertainment and education in the same package.
    He considers Denmark to be a country that is racist without knowing it, and there is some truth to this –
    Our politicians are as shitlibby as everywhere else, and a lot of people have a hard time openly talking about the problems with immigration – but we really don’t like them.

  17. “One imam at the Grimhøjvej mosque in Aarhus, Abu Bilal, preaches that adulterous Muslim women should be either stoned to death or whipped, according to Sharia law.”
    im no muslim but i 100 percent agree with this. they got some things right

    1. Yeah right. Sure, when some camel shagger wants to kill your sister, get back to me.

      1. i dont have a sister but if i did, shame on her if she ever cheated on her man.

  18. You know, Muslims really embody the core values of masculinity and patriarchy. Maybe they’re not the bad guys. They sure seem to demonstrate expansive cultural energy due to their, “ironically” non-psychotic patriarchal culture. I think Islam is the way of the future. They keep their women under control.

      1. It’s easy to win the battle against terrorists, we have the superior technology and firepower. But we have lost “the battle of the sexes”. Feminism is the greater threat of the two.
        You are more likely to be hurt from feminism (family court, alimony, child support, losing the house, etc) than get hurt from a suicide bomber. Think about it!

      2. Bullshit. I’m ready, rifle-in-hand right now to take my country back. But where are my brothers? Where are my fellow countrymen? They’re neutered hiding in the corner.

        1. They’re down at the local mosque. Hurry now, even you can marry your 8yo. cousin.

    1. They are slaves brah,
      nothing masculine bout bowing down five times a day on the pain of death, nothing manly bout selling your 12 yr old to uncle habib,
      Nothing manly bout bitching and moaning, lying about everything,
      nothing masculine bout keeping 4 women as chattel,
      nothing masculine bout not being able to build one country that works for over 1400 years
      that’s what you call masculine?

  19. Here in Australia we have our own snake in the grass. Australia’s Grand Mufti (sounds like a burger from Mcdonalds). He has been in Australia for over 20 (yes 20) years and he refuses to speak English.
    After the terror attack last year where a police employee has shot dead by a muslim boy (armed officers returned fire and gunned the little fucker down) there was a conference where we spoke to reassure the public about Islam but not in English.
    The fact that he refuses to do so is a glaring indicator of how he really views Australia and no doubt a reflection of how muslims view Western society as a whole.

  20. As much as I hate Islam, I can’t say that it’s elimination of Denmark would be a bad thing. Denmark is to women what the playboy mansion is to men – a on the surface real life realization of their greatest sexual fantasies. All those blue haired sjw enemies of ours get their inspiration from Denmark.
    A land where they can bang and get impregnated by tall handsome alpha men while making the short betas pay for their bastards. Denmark is as close to the platonic ideal of alpha fux beta bux that exists in the real world.
    The cunts of Denmark voted to bring in the sand niggers so that they could secure the votes necessary to create their alpha fucktopia. Now with the women of cologne they reap the whirlwind.
    What I can’t understand is how white Christian Nordic Germanic danish men refuse to realize that their dansker cunts betrayed them. It is as if they never read about hamlet’s mother Gertrude.
    Oh and btw I’m a short (by Danish cunt standards) male Danish citizen.

  21. Islam’s founder promotes the violent stoning of women who cheat, while Christianity’s founder and Lord had mercy on an adulteress about to be stoned, stopping her attempted killers cold with the words, “He who is among you without sin, cast the first stone.” Guess which religion of the two leftists say is a religion of peace, and which one they accuse of being sexist and oppressive.

  22. Lets see, I have a choice, be called a Whatevsphobic by a bunch of spineless sycophantic drooling parasites or my head on a pike and my culture/temples destroyed by a bunch of spineless sycophantic drooling inbred raping parasites.
    Words are becoming so meaningless.

  23. Can Christianity please stand up!!!
    Time to stop playing nice with these Radicals.
    The west and their apathy has greatly weakened the very foundation that protected them for 2 millenias.
    Now is the time for another Crusade.

    1. Doubt it. Christianity was born in persecution and finds martyrdom through persecution. Rather Christianity has piggy-backed off Western Imperialism. It’s pretty much the same when Gandhi supported the Nazis because they would hopefully defeat his British overlords.

  24. ~Author: “The Future Of Denmark: Women May Be Stoned If They Cheat On Their Husbands”
    ~Me: “Great!”

      1. Go cheat on your husband, wench. Show everyone how “liberated” you are.

        1. That’s what the ugly ones always say. They get fat because they are lazy, and then the husband / boy friend loses interest.
          At least some women are still beautiful, athletic and educated; and are still marriage material. You on the other hand, are the last woman a man desires.

        2. Yup that’s exactly what the fat and ugly ones claim. It’s never your fault… LOL.

        3. Yup, that’s exactly what the degenerate fems always say. It’s never their fault… LOL.

        4. Yup, that’s what happens when men marry low grade women like you. They end up fighting in court for their property and lose their hard earned money to gold diggers like you.

        5. Jesus Christ you are stupid. Read comment then comment. There was no property or gold.

    1. Because stoning cheating women is the only thing sharia law would bring us, yes? Nothing else. Idiot.

  25. The only problem is fecundity – namely fertile Muslims will simply out-populate and displace non-Muslims throughout Europe.
    On the other hand, why try doing the scare-quotes from the Koran when you can find the same verses in the Bible?

    1. The verses in the bible you’re referring to only applied to ancient Jews. Like circumcision.
      Jesus actually saves an adultress woman from being stoned. Although adultery is a mortal sin, there is no incentive to Christians to stone women who cheat on their husband, contrary to Coran and Sharia.
      Stop making false equivalences, thank you.

      1. Christians are apparently coming out with that crap nowadays because they feel they got to distance themselves from Muslims so they’re editing the “sharia” parts out of the Bible.

        1. What ever. Keep not taking in account what people write to you. Otherwise you might get educated.

        2. Your ignorance of what the “new covenant” is and means is on bright display here.

        3. Matthew 15:4-7 reaffirms the Old Testament that dishonouring your parents carries the death penalty.

  26. Stoning women in Denmark?! That’s laughable. But who cares about those bitches?
    Feminists poison everything and maybe this is a solution so they learn where they stand in the food chain. Women getting stoned because they cheat on their men is fine by me after seeing how feminism degraded our society and the damage done- family court, alimony, degraded gender roles, etc.
    Feminism and Islamism are both diseases like cancer we need to get rid of but let them both clash with each other.

    1. Agreed. Trading racists for rapists seems to be the modern European woman’s mantra these days. I should know–I was married to one for 10 years. The eery thing is how they spew out the Leftist rhetoric so casually, like it is as simple as 2 plus 2 makes 4. I wonder how they will all feel when the Muslim rape gangs scouring the streets of London or Paris for blonde prey become a lawful, everyday activity; I wonder if they will have the balls to speak out for their cherished liberties then?

      1. We have let the feminist women walk all over us for so long. It’s pay back time. No more mr. nice guy, it’s time for a historic cultural revolution for MEN.

        1. I have seen a avatar on another site that is pertinent here. It shows a Che poster where the face has a skull draw over it. The phrase is F*ck the revolution; bring on the apocalypse.

      2. No, the bitches will do what they’re doing now — demand that we men ‘man up’ and protect them. (BTW, F*CK that noise; time for some schadenfreude!)

      1. People here don’t seem to realize, that the same way there are false rape accusations, there can be some false adultery accusation.

        1. I assume your comment refers to both men and women being falsely accused of adultery.
          False rape accusations are reprehensible.

        2. “False rape accusations are reprehensible.”
          Not according to feminists (may they burn in Hell):
          “Men who are unjustly accused can sometimes gain from the experience.” — Catherine Comins, assistant dean of student life at Vassar

        3. Men are sick of your whining and bitching, we don’t care if you get raped, get run over by a bus or mauled by wild animals. You will get what you deserve.

      2. I Agree, but let us be honest, it is women that are far more dishonest and unfaithful in relationships.

  27. Has anyone here ever lied to protect themselves? Just asking.
    Also, what would you do if you discovered your wife was banging some other guy? Would you feel like stoning her? Not saying that this is just but I don’t think this guy is saying much that is controversial. Hell even the US Gov’t wants ISIS to win.
    And the Imam is bang on point with this:Never, ever, go to the police for any reason. Do you really want your woman going to the police? She will claim that you beat her whether you did or did not and you will wind up in jail. This happened to my brother.
    This is why conflict between a man and wife should be handled “in-house”.
    I am no Muslim and no supporter of Sharia Law but the spirit of what this guy is saying (except that ISIS nonsense) is acceptable to me.

  28. “It’s a deceitful act, and it shows their ungratefulness to the people that let them in.”
    The thing is, they believe the world belongs to them…

  29. I don’t understand the people who are, not really agreeing, but not really objecting either to this. Read some of the comments and you’ll see. To cheat on someone, it’s a douchey thing to do, it’s a fucked up thing to do, but that doesn’t fucking mean they should be stoned. If my boyfriend cheated on me I wouldn’t stone him. If I cheated on him he wouldn’t stone me. We’d probably do stupid psychological shit to each other like stupid people.
    By saying “Good” to reports like this, you’re not condemning this barbaric behaviour. Hate women all you want, but you’re just as bad as the people who do this if you don’t condemn this. I don’t understand the men on this site.

    1. Killing is wrong really. Unless you’re deranged like these folks then death penalty is justified. Ex cheated on me. When I found out I shamed her and moved on. Why waste your time and life? Not everyone who reads or comments on this site is mentally sick. Some take it too far, but most see the world for what it really is.

      1. I’m not saying everyone on this site is mentally sick, I don’t think I ever implied anyone was. Forgive me if you thought I was, however.
        But even then, by taking it too far, they’re still spreading the wrong message. How will we know they won’t teach their sons and daughters this?

        1. Eh, guess you can never know. Just have to trust people are mature enough to have a mind of their own. Just because Roosh believes one thing, I’m sure he doesn’t expect everyone else to agree. And I would hope some other main writers feel the same. I would hope people understand the difference between understanding positions and learning from them and blindly fanatically agreeing with positions and ideas and making them in their own scrolls of a Bible.

      2. Discrimination against men is wrong too. So if women don’t want bad things happening to them, then they better ensure they don’t erode our MENS RIGHTS! or else.

        1. Nah, men can’t be discriminated against. No way men can be victims. They’re not poor defenseless little creatures that are constantly looked at lustfully by the opposited sex and used at times as tools for orgasmic pleasure after a night out drinking more that a horse at a brook.

        1. Prepare for moozies to rape your mother and sister. Oh! I guess you’ll be excluded?

        2. Don’t worry, under the patriarchy you will be protected by MEN (your father, brother, husband, male relatives). Patriarchy is the norm and natural social structure all over the world and most of other cultures.

        3. I have no male relatives. Just me, my sword and shield. Onward Christian solders.

        4. You should not rely on anybody if you are fat or ugly. You rank very low among other beautiful, fit and valuable women. Nobody is coming to your rescue ugly, fat feminist!

    2. You don’t understand men? Of course not. You are just a privileged women you wouldn’t understand anything, you wouldn’t understand that the legal system discriminates against men. But you will see all this privilege will be reversed soon. This is a man’s world. We are smarter, stronger and can make it happen. Just ask Issac Newton, Leonardo Da Vinci, Galileo, Einstein, etc. etc. etc.

      1. Alright, you’re just assuming, because I am a woman, that I don’t know these things. It’s stupid. For a long time I’ve known that the injustice that man face if wrongly accused of something. And don’t say I only know of this because of this website. I realised it a long time ago. Men 9/10 lose custody battles to women. Men, if accused of rape, (and if wrongly accused) can never live a normal life. Being accused of rape is a thousand x’s against your name, and no matter how innocent you’re proven, your life is ruined. I know this, so don’t assume I don’t.
        You may be physically stronger but women and men can be the same, depending on how much work you put in. You get out of something what you put in. I work hard so I’m a high achiever. And let’s be real. The men you mentioned were from aeons back, in a time where women did jack all.
        I won’t say I understand men because we are two different types of people, but I get more about them then I do about the men on this site, who hold such a bitter view of women everywhere.

        1. who hold such a bitter view of women everywhere.
          And often rightfully so.
          Things are so messed up at this point that the number of women men might consider worth saving/protecting sometimes seem to be far outweighed by those who aren’t.

        2. All men have the “Y” chromosome which contains the SRY gene regardless of whether they come to this site or other sites. Your argument that somehow men are biologically or psychologically different depending on which site they visit is asinine. But we learned to expect this sort of twisted logic from women.
          Men are always smarter than women. Just to name a few recent smart men: Garry Kasparov, Terrance Tao, Dr. Evangelos Katsioulis, Rick Rosner, Mislav Predavec, etc. etc.
          You can test this yourself. Just sit in an advanced math class and see how clueless you are among men.
          Obviously you are terrified of what we can do that you are lurking in a men’s website. But don’t worry, it’s only natural. All over the world, in every culture, Patriarchy is the norm and natural social structure.

        3. You misinterpret what I said. Or maybe I wasn’t clear. The men, by choice, who come to this site and have these views are the ones I don’t understand. You have your reasons, of course, but when the rest of the world is moving forward I don’t understand why you men choose to stay behind.
          Men are not always smarter than women. In the past, yes, men have done great things no denying there. But women have done great things as well. It’s not the sex that’s born smarter, it’s the individual who works hard to accomplish something. Some women don’t work hard, some men don’t work hard, that’s the way it is.
          And for your information, when I was in high school I was in advanced maths, English, SOSE (Geography, History etc.) and science. In college I went on to do specialist maths. Your point is invalid. Some of the boys in my classes were the ones who didn’t concentrate and were the ones that struggled. But I worked hard, and I achieved something and so did the other boys and girls in my class who worked hard.
          I’m not terrified of this website and the people on it, but thanks for caring. Patriarchy might have been the norm centuries ago but now the times are changing for the better.

        4. What do you mean “saving/protecting”? Women are far more capable of handling themselves you asshole misogynistic cunt…
          … is what you expected me to say. But I agree somewhat, that women have ruined themselves by excessive partying and sex that it’s pointless really. But some men do the same thing too, excessive partying, sex till it means nothing. But to say you’re saving girls and protecting them is a bit much.
          No, you just found a girl who focuses on other things and has enough self respect to not become a mindless zombie. If they can do that, they don’t need your help.
          And please, don’t take this as the usual feminist bullshit; going on about how women can look after themselves.
          I mean it that if they can save themselves from the nightclub / nymphomaniac scene that long, they don’t require assistance.
          Apologies if that didn’t make sense or you felt I was attacking.

        5. You are as misinformed as all the other irrational feminists.
          1- Patriarchy is CURRENTLY the normal and natural social structure in Eastern Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia. It was even prevalent in the west up until the 50s.
          2- Male and Females are biologically, physically and mentally different. Females are genetically deficient lacking the “Y” chromosome. This is a scientific fact and no matter what nonsense you spew, you cannot change millions of years of evolution. There is a good reason why competition is segregated by gender – Men outperform women. Imagine the decimation of women’s soccer team playing against a men’s soccer team. Imagine the humiliation of the top female chess player competing against Garry Kasparov. No matter how many fictional stories you proclaim about how good you are in math, there is always a man better than you in math.
          3- The views of most men (regardless of which site they visit) is that Men are Men and Women are Women – based on FACTS, BIOLOGY, and EVOLUTION. You see, you are the woman who does not understand men. Conversely, Men understand women. Despite your denial, you are terrified of the cultural revolution that is about to blow up in the face of feminism – the return of the patriarchy in the west. That’s why you are lurking in a men’s site that you don’t understand and fear.

        6. Be careful of Tyne’s exercise of the feminist theory of “micro aggression” on you.

        7. Let’s be real here I don’t think any of us thought that a women’s football team could out perform a men’s. That’s just a given fact.
          Also, of course you’re going to assume my facts about being in all the high level as fictional. To be clear, however, I never stated that I was the best in maths. I will be the first to admit that there are both women and men much better than I am, but that doesn’t diminish my knowledge.
          And despite your assumptions, I’m not fearful of this site. I came here to read what you people thought and occasionally engage in banter, but that’s all. I’m never going to meet any of you in real life. So yap at my comments all you want, make assumptions all you want, they fly past me because I don’t know you, and frankly I don’t care for you.
          I’ll be sure to be terrified of the patriarchy returning when I get married, if my boyfriend even thought that was the way to go.
          And holy fuck I know men and women are different. If we were the same there’d be no fun in life.
          Furthermore, back to your first point, the areas you listed are places torn by wars, places where women are treated like shit. If you want that to come to the West, go right ahead.

        8. Gather round my manly lass,
          You better listen up now don’t be rash.
          Tyne’s in town,
          You better bow down.
          You listening? I’ll tell you why.
          Here to spout her feminist bullshit,
          When all she wants is equality for all sexes,
          Ah come on boys, I want first hit,
          Why won’t she go back to the kitchen eh?
          I’ll tell you why, she’s a new age hoe,
          She respects herself and wants men to go.
          No place for patriarchy?
          No place for her!
          No place for misogynists?
          Spill some acid on her face!
          Now my little lass, don’t be shy,
          Papa’s gonna teach you how to be brave.
          No my little princess, you can’t come along,
          For the berating of women and Islam?
          Well, it’s a men only throng!
          Now all the big burly 100% men,
          Slosh your grog and stay in tune with me!
          She-e-e-e-e-e’s a feminist,
          And I-I-I-I-I’m a meninist,
          Everything she says,
          Is fake, according to me,
          Cause my na-a-a-a-ame is NextLeader,
          And I’m on this site to learn how to feel her.
          So why don’t you join me?
          Only men, 100% men,
          And I’ll help you see,
          The lies within Tyne,
          And all her freedom horsecrap,
          Cause if a girl can’t cook, she ain’t by the book,
          And if she ain’t by the book, she’s caught by the hook,
          Of a different man day and night, puckering up with no end in sight.
          Disgraceful I say,
          But if I may,
          When I see you in a club,
          Oh please, won’t you dance with me?
          Let’s go don’t let me down,
          We’ve almost gotten to her,
          Her face is in a frown,
          Now sing with me, and let’s finish this!
          We hate Tyne!
          She-e-e-e-e-e’s a feminist,
          And I-I-I-I-I’m a meninist,
          And everything she says,
          Is fake, according to me!

        9. Cheating is not the same for men and women due to differing roles. And on some level everyone knows this. Yes women should be whipped for it and no men shouldn’t unless he knowingly cheats with another man’s wife.

        10. I don’t recall implying that cheating was the same. Anyone who cheats is a shit human being, man or woman.

  30. Adultery, in the form of marital infidelity (adultery consists of more than just marital infidelity), as a capital crime is a Christian law. A close comparison of Sharia law and Yahwehs’ law shows that Sharia plagiarizes true Biblical law and perverts it in any instance the two seem similar.
    A man and another man’s woman willfully conspiring and participating in intercourse is completely wicked. This act tears individuals, families, and societies apart. Just take a look around you. Western societies, based on righteous Biblical commandments, at one time enforced Yahwehs’ judgment against infidelity. Yahwehs’ stating this act is a capital crime (Lev 18:20, Lev 20:10) far predates the Muhammadans perversion known as the Koran:
    ‘If there is a man who commits adultery with another man’s wife, one who commits adultery with his friend’s wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.” (Lev 20:10)
    Yeshua (Jesus) did not repeal this law with the woman taken in adultery. Lengthy quote from Pastor Ted Weiland below, but well worth it. Emphasis added:
    “This incident is often used by opponents of the death penalty in an attempt to do away with capital punishment altogether under the New Covenant.
    If Yeshua’s statement abolished capital punishment in contradistinction to Yahweh’s law, He would have sinned in doing so and could not be our Savior. In order to be our Savior, He had to perfectly teach and observe all the laws of Yahweh, which is precisely what He did in this and all other instances recorded in the New Testament (Matthew 5:17-19).
    By pardoning this woman instead of requiring her to be stoned, Yeshua did not repeal capital punishment. Instead, He upheld it, as demonstrated in His initial ruling that this woman was to be stoned by her witnesses in compliance with Yahweh’s judgment for adultery in Leviticus 20.
    Some scholars suggest that when Yeshua bent down and wrote something in the dirt, He wrote the names of those standing before Him, accusing them of being the woman’s fellow adulterers. Whatever it was that He wrote, it caused the accusers to exit the scene, in effect leaving no witnesses against the woman. Deuteronomy 17:6 and 19:15 (a statute that Yeshua referred to in John 8:17) require that capital punishment cannot be administered without the testimony of two or three witnesses– who are required to throw the first stones at the execution:
    At the mouth of two witnesses, or three witnesses, shall he that is worthy of death be put to death; but at the mouth of one witness he shall not be put to death. The hands of the witnesses shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterward the
    hands of all the people. So thou shalt put the evil away from among you. (Deuteronomy 17:6-7)
    Yeshua required this prerequisite when he told the woman’s accusers, “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.” Apparently these men were guilty of the same sin, and therefore they could not witness against the woman without subjecting themselves to the same judgment.
    Yeshua did not change the judgment for adulterers. He upheld Yahweh’s law perfectly, as required in order for Him to be our sinless sacrifice and Savior.”
    Sharia law is not Biblical law (1 Tim 1:8). However, it is the Christian God Yahweh who is the origin of marital infidelity being a capital crime. Yahweh does not change (Mal 3:6) and His moral law is still in effect under the Christian New Covenant. Be careful what you condemn:
    “It is actually reported that there is immorality among you, and immorality of such a kind as does not exist even among the Gentiles, that someone has his father’s wife. . . I have decided to deliver such a one to Satan for the destruction of his flesh, so that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.” (1 Cor 5)

  31. Maybe Islam can be reformed the same way that violent tendencies in European Christianity (of the “kill their leaders and baptize them” sort) were eradicated by Western thinkers. But looking at the respective histories and founding models of the two religions, I think that may be a lost cause.
    I used to think that Islam is just a Middle Eastern copy of Christianity, but I was wrong. Christianity was founded by a peaceful ascetic sage and suffered hundreds of years of persecution before being accepted as the core of European philosophy and culture. Islam was founded by a warlord who indulged in all variety of earthly pleasures while spreading his faith through the sword.
    This, and the fact that Mohammed’s successes were immediately followed up by a massive caliphate point to the despotic tendencies inherent in the culture of Islam. Islam destroyed the Byzantine empire and wrecked the ancient Persian civilization. While most Muslims today are no doubt normal people who just want to live in peace, those most active in interpreting the religion and shaping its dynamic can justify their terroristic goals on historical precedent.
    EDIT: Also, Islam is like an ancient form of communism. When you look at the teachings the whole idea is about being mindlessly subservient to a religious structure that essentially replaces all secular institutions and is incredibly intolerant of ideas, practices, and people (i.e. non-Muslims) not enshrined by the establishment. Like communists and other militant atheists, the vanguard warriors of Islam see the need to take God’s wrath into their own hands and either forcibly convert or slaughter/enslave infidels.

  32. Good. Bring back stoning them. Children living in adults’ bodies who literally have no agency and who are never held responsible for any of their idiotic decisions deserve no less. By the same token, fuck Islam and its bullshit amoral lies. Quite the paradox of sorts, eh?

  33. I bring joyous news.
    There were plans to build a mosque in Aarhus, Denmark, but after this documentary those plans have been cancelled.
    Keep the pressure on. Once exposed to a critical mass of people, they will have nowhere to hide.

  34. So currently women aren’t allowed to be stoned when they are cheating on their husbands? What about drunk?
    That might work in Denmark, but there’s no way that it would fly in the Netherlands.

  35. Zabiba, jihad, fatwa, dhimmi, jizya, razzia, taqiyya, taharrush, bacha bazi…
    I wish people wouldn’t accuse me of prejudice for hating islam

  36. Sharia will one day be more common than liberalism thanks largely due to feminists and SJW (Social Justice Warriors).
    The dictators and military of much of the middle east imprison and even kill Islamic fanatics which Islam seems to inspire in large numbers.
    Unfortunately these nutters are not being controlled in the west due to the SJW and feminists.
    Feminists have to a large part accepted Burqua’s, Sharia and even cliteroectomy because of their female tendencies to seek consensus. They’ll compromise anything.
    There slug like feminist brains will not allow them to hold the line of western civilisation. That usually takes a man.
    Incidentally the Saudi’s spend billions building domineering mosques in once European neighbourhoods and then fund fundamentalist clerics there.

  37. Focus on the real enemy: Feminism. Islamism is very easy to defeat and we can use it to our advantage to return to patriarchy. Let the feminists be very afraid, only then they will beg us to return to patriarchy to protect them.

    1. Funny thing is, many feminists defend Islamism, which is basically an extreme, granted degenerate, patriarchy. How deranged is that?

      1. Islamism is a gift for us to the restore the patriarchy. Let the feminists dig their holes deeper. As a man, I am not worried about Islamism because I draw cartoons of Mohammad, criticize their religion, and for the most part, the moderates somewhat agree with me. Even hard core terrorists, don’t dare mess with me because, I am the kind of guy who fights back, own guns and won’t have a problem giving them a taste of their own medicine. Seriously, feminism is the greatest threat to men than Islamism. We are more likely to get hurt in family court, alimony, child support, than a suicide bomber. Think about it.

        1. Can’t argue that. Actually realized how much subterfuge I have to use at work after someone admired to being a secret raging feminist. Won’t grovel but not trying to catch that fake rumour. One more reason I rarely drink with coworkers. #TrustNoone

  38. Let’s be honest: the Muslims have more closely aligned motives to us, if we subtract the religious insanity. They keep their women under control. They establish strong families with sturdy cultural values. The problem for us is that they’re on the wrong side. If the alt right could get past the cultural divide, we could team up with them to take down the remnants of materialism and Marxism. Those two things are the bigger issues. I would willingly pay the jizya just to get rid of those, since those things are capable of making society implode. It may set us back a few hundred years culturally, but when compared with the transhuman nightmare that the materialist elite consider to be utopia, it’s worth taking the risk. (I’m not against transhumanism, in so far as I am against the current iteration of it, which, by rushing to replace humanity with machines, will likely cause us to lose our being and our morals. A properly done transition- not by mere electronics or biology, but by technologies that manipulate the Planck scale, can truly both give mankind the “godhood” transhumanists seek, while completely maintaining the core faculties that make us human, and can do so without requiring us to limit our reproduction).

  39. It`s becoming clear that the guys on here hate everything. Children, women, Christians etc. I thought it was just woman hating but the comments make it clear you are all just hateful , angry losers. Sad really. Must have really messed up lives.

  40. I got banned from a forum for explaining Taqiya and it being why In do not trust claims of allegedly moderate Muslims.
    It is run by a company who I have spent hundreds of dollars on. Guessing Muslims never bought a single RPG sourcebook. So now I illegally download and will never buy again.

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