How Subversive KGB Tactics From The Past Are Being Used Today To Destroy America

The Soviet Union made exporting revolution a high priority. Although the USSR is gone, the effects of their subversion campaign linger to this day.

The script for Communist takeover

KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov gave an in-depth look.

[O]nly about fifteen percent of time, money and manpower is spent on espionage as such. The other eighty-five percent is a slow process which we call either ideological subversion or active measures, or psychological warfare.

He described how they recruited journalists and prominent figures to spread the Party line. Further, they compiled hit lists, including Communist sympathizers likely to outlive their usefulness after the Revolution.

Bezmenov described the revolutionary script as demoralization, destabilization, crisis, and normalization. After coming to the USA, he was horrified to see this process well in development. Let’s see how his predictions from 1984 turned out.


It takes from fifteen to twenty years to demoralize a nation… Because this is the minimum number of years required to educate one generation of students… exposed to the ideology of the enemy. In other words, Marxism-Leninism ideology is being pumped into the soft heads of at least three generations of American students, without being challenged or contra-balanced by the basic values of Americanism, American patriotism.

This has been the standard brainwashing for college students since the 1960s. This is why subverting education was instrumental.

Getting the media on board—our other opinion-forming institution—surely was much easier, given all the fellow travelers and such-like already running the show.

Most of the people who graduated in the sixties, drop outs or half-baked intellectuals, are now occupying the positions of power in the government, civil service, business, mass media, educational system. You are stuck with them. You cannot get rid of them. They are contaminated. They are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli in a certain pattern.

This is what the leftist “Long March through the institutions” did. The educational system is thoroughly pozzed out. Even the K-12 public schools have become indoctrination centers, with sickening results.

Propaganda saturates journalism, Hollyweird, television, the literary establishment, the music industry, and a great many magazines. It’s even seeping into mindless entertainment like comic books and pornography. Many other institutions have been subverted, of course: government, big corporations, several nonprofits, even many religions.

The demoralization process in the United States is basically completed already. For the last twenty-five years, actually it’s over-fulfilled because the demoralization now reaches such areas where previously not even comrade Andropov and all his experts would even dream of such a tremendous success. Most of it is done by Americans to Americans thanks to lack of moral standards.


After society has been softened up, then the plan is to create chaos leading to a revolutionary ferment.

This time, and it takes only two to five years to destabilize a nation, what matters is essentials. Economy, foreign relations, defense systems. And you can see it quite clearly that in some areas, in such sensitive areas as defense and economy, the influence of Marxist-Leninist ideas in the United States is absolutely fantastic. I could never believe it fourteen years ago when I landed in this part of the world that the process will go that fast.

The Age of Aquarius had a violent undercurrent. This included angry demonstrations that sometimes got out of hand, terrorism by leftist whack-jobs, and race riots. As G. Gordon Liddy, an FBI agent and Watergate burglar, described:

[W]e were involved in an exterior war in Vietnam, but they tend to forget that we were also embroiled in an undeclared civil war at home. And unless you can understand the nature of that struggle and the issues it posed for the administration in Washington, you’ll never be able to understand my motives or the motives of my associates in undertaking the actions and running the risks we did. We were up against a formidable constellation of forces in those days, an alliance of influential elements of the media with a so-called counterculture that represented a Weltanschauung and lifestyle that were utterly repugnant to me. […]

We didn’t have a crystal ball at our disposal in those days that would inform us that mass student opposition to the war would peter out after the end of the draft, or that the racial cauldron in the big cities would eventually simmer down. We had to act on our best intelligence assessment of the forces arrayed against us, and that assessment was far from encouraging, particularly when you consider the revolutionaries.

As Vasili Mitrokhin, another KGB insider, said:

The attempt to stir up racial tensions in the United States remained part of Service A’s stock-in-trade for the remainder of the Cold War.

Actually, Communists have been up to that since the 1930s. Besides inner city riots, most other havoc was from the not-always-peaceful peace movement; it would be an obvious priority for the Soviets to hamstring the Vietnam War effort. This doesn’t mean that all the protesters were taking orders from the KGB; most just didn’t want to get drafted. Still, Soviet “active measures” (even when indirect) had their effect.

During the 1960s, chaos reached a fever pitch. Then during the Reagan years, things got almost as calm as during the 1950s. Afterward, disorder returned to approximately the late 1970s level and stayed that way.

Then during the Obama administration, angry demonstrations and riots against the police became relatively frequent. Often the participants included paid protesters bused in from out of state. Worse, on-duty police officers started getting assassinated. The agitation groups haven’t been linked to that, though their rhetoric didn’t quite promote tranquility.

Finally, 2016 saw rioting reminiscent of the 1960s. Was someone trying to start something? Is it merely a coincidence that was an election year?


Occupy Wall Street protesters gather in Duarte Square in New York

The flash point begins:

The next stage of course is crisis. It may take only up to six weeks to bring a country to the verge of crisis. You can see it in Central America now.

In the wake of the 2008 economic meltdown, Obama was elected, promising to fix the economy. He was also supposed to heal America’s racial divisions, halve the deficit within his first term, get us out of war within a year, and give everyone a pony for Christmas. Somehow The Lightworker managed to get re-elected, proving conclusively that the masses have a short memory.

Surely there are those who can hardly wait to exploit (or engineer) some new crisis. What form this might take, and whether it might be more successful, is anyone’s guess.


And after crisis with a violent change of power structure and economy you have so called the period of normalization… This is what will happen in the United States if you allow all the schmucks to bring the country to crisis, to promise people all kind of goodies and the paradise on Earth, to destabilize your economy, to eliminate the principle of free market competition and to put big brother government in Washington DC…

In the end, they had to settle for the legal route, which means they didn’t get everything they wanted. Therefore, it was a remarkably half-assed revolution. Rather than a radical Gleichschaltung, they got a dysfunctional healthcare law.

So the leftists got their mediocre “community organizer” elected. After that, they placed their hopes with Hillary, expected to run against some lukewarm Republican nominee.


How much of the revolutionary activities beginning in the 1960s were caused by the KGB’s “active measures” campaign? The circumstantial case is pretty compelling, but the full story hasn’t yet been told. It’s easy to underestimate how well-networked the radical left was.

I’ll concur with Bezmenov that the demoralization process has been over-fulfilled. Leftists are still pushing psychological warfare. (In 1984, today’s degradation would’ve been unimaginable.) Destabilization was very promising at first, but they failed to keep the ball rolling. Thus, they never got to the point where a violent overthrow was possible.

Then in 1991, the USSR dissolved. Thus, the KGB was no longer in control. Still, this was far from the end of the story. Their dysfunctional “for export” ideology—cultural Marxism, better known as progressivism—is still shoved down our throats by the schools and the media. Certain elements have embraced it, from SJW losers to petty bureaucrats to the ultra-wealthy (quite ironically) who find it useful for their purposes.

Cultural Marxism lost something vital after it was co-opted by a clique of decadent billionaires with a God complex. Although their shadow government (usually) can anoint the candidates for both parties, they still have to operate through figureheads. Their New World Order dictatorship isn’t ready for prime time. They overplayed their hand. The public is getting wise to their games, and they lost their chance for Queen Hillary to finish the job on us.

We now have a fighting chance to restore national self-determination. The future is what we make it.

Read More: Soviet Defector Yuri Bezmenov Accurately Predicted How America Would Decline

69 thoughts on “How Subversive KGB Tactics From The Past Are Being Used Today To Destroy America”

  1. i have been in k12 for 6 years and i agree it is an indoctrination center.

  2. But consider the irony: The Cultural Marxists have worked hard at spreading nihilism and demoralization in American society for generations, only they have done their job too well. If nothing matters in life, then misogyny, racism and the Holocaust don’t matter, either.

  3. Long story short: Modern leftism and cultural marxism is an echo of KGB social subversion spanning back into the 50s. McCarthy was right, McCarthy was a patriot.

    1. Go read _Blacklisted By History_ and realize his sin was a failure of imagination. He thought it was only an infestation at the State Dept and was destroyed. It was already in the White House, the media and the very Committee convened to flip the script into a trial of McCarthy himself.

      1. I spent time with the State Department. Pure insanity. Leftism run amok. Most FSOs feel ashamed of their country, and attempt to apologize for being American every chance they get. They also teach their children to despise the motherland. And fyi, the State Department in its current incarnation doesn’t practice diplomacy. It’s sole purpose is to hand out bags of money.

        1. There’s a whole lot more countries receiving money than just the Zionists.

        2. “There’s a whole lot more countries receiving money than just the Zionists.”
          Right you are! Haiti comes to mind. And they are still broke….

        3. Well, Haiti didn’t really receive most of their aid. Other individuals *Clintons* intercepted great portions of it.

        4. “Haiti didn’t really receive most of their aid.”
          Right again.
          Aid was sent in the name of Haitian Relief during the Clinton Administration. Only, Aristide pocketed about $900,000,000.00 of that, then fled that country. And did the U.S. Government ever do anything about it?
          Ah…hell, you know not a damn thing was done about it. He probably broke off a big chunk-of-change for Bill.

        5. You did a tour through the swamp? I bet that was eye opening.
          I always suspected that the DC corridor is exactly as you described and ran by upper crust WASPs who got their jobs through nepotism or political favors. Something I noticed when the dems are out of power, they all burrow easily into fed or NGO jobs and wait for the next democrat administration to resurface.

      2. I would recommend and even earlier book called “Witness” by Whittaker Chambers. The rot has been going on a lot longer than people realize.

        1. It was too early to properly tell the story. Blacklisted benefits by the Senate’s 50 year seal on all of the records expiring, the author getting access to several other important document sources like the Verona decrypts, the access available during the brief thaw to the old Soviet records and an until then unknown backup copy of many of Sen. McCarthy’s own records. He includes full page images of the important documents substantiating his assertions, something Chambers couldn’t do. Stanton fully documents the Soviet influence from before WWII all the way to the collapse of the Soviet Union. It is utterly damning and pretty much incontestable. It isn’t opinion, it isn’t even Chamber’s first person testimony, it is a scholarly and definitive history of what really happened.

      1. When I went through indoctrination (read: school) the narrative was still that McCarthy was a boozed up conspiracy-theorist who stirred the pot and got everyone scared.

        1. Same here. We were taught that in a civics class in the late 80s by a flaming liberal who openly told us he is only became a teacher in order to avoid (the chance of) being drafted and getting his precious, pink ass shot off in Vietnam. I loathed that guy.
          The Venona transcripts and former soviet files vindicated McCarthy, but the left continues to chant their mantras and indoctrinatation.

        2. … who openly told us he is only became a teacher in order to avoid (the chance of) being drafted and getting his precious, pink ass shot off in Vietnam.

          Considering how the left hanged our military out to dry there, and how other places we’ve fought have backslide into globalism, I can’t blame him for doing that.

        3. Fuck him. He was a smug leftist who was bragging about his cowardice as it was a virtue. He either didn’t realize or care that there were students who fathers didn’t have this priveledge, but went anyway.
          He is long retired and still sucking up that public school teacher pension. Just checked him on the web for lolz– he is affiliated with the local democrat party. Shocker.

        4. True he’s a scoundrel… but if the USA is no longer interested in winning foreign wars, and retaining those victories, then being judicious about putting one’s life on the line for the same isn’t a terrible idea anymore.
          Maybe my kids might choose a military career, but if they don’t, I will do everything I must to ensure that they are not conscripted to fight in another foreign war that we have no intention of winning.

        5. I agree with the winning part, but me thinks it was a diffent Republic in 1967 and no one knew how treacherous the left was.

        6. True. The media of the time was also instrumental in covering the left’s nature.

        7. +1
          my hats off to the Men who went to Vietnam, American Men and other Men whose countries got suckered into it also.

        8. I have nothing but the absolute of respect for all of them. But the way they were left out to dry, and all of what they fought for was squandered by the left like it was nothing is a sad lesson that we must all take to heart.
          The same left would cheerfully do the same to our children, and we must not let them do that.

    2. “McCarthy was right, McCarthy was a patriot”
      I never thought the day would come when I would yhink the McCarthy witch hunts were a good thing, but damn we definitely need another one of his cleansing programs.

  4. The solution is simple but will be very hard to push through. Cultural Marxism, Progressivism, whatever you call it, say the Cathedral…. is a religion. Formalize that truth and we win our civilization back. Their trick was banning ‘religion’ from the public square after declaring their belief system was not a religion. Baloney, who is denying Science now? Who always was?
    Push for your local and State legislature to pass a proclamation that it is a religion and then make them live by their own book of rules regarding Church and State. Public educational institutions can’t be religious seminaries, public funds can’t pay for instruction in religion. Well what is Women’s Studies? And the rest of the crap? All gotta go from state universities. And government student aid can’t pay for it. And it can’t be the official established Church of the State either.

  5. There were a few bumps on the road with brexit and Trump..but now they are back on track in Europe.

  6. There is so much (((echoes))) in this article that a tsunami is happening somewhere…..
    Beau, excellent as always.

        1. Christopher Columbus. I was being a little obscure with my joke. For me, hatred of white European heros started with Columbus in grade school. It was all downhill from there. My memory is a little fuzzy. One day Columbus was a hero, the next day, he was a racist slave master/pirate who wanted to commit genocide on the Native American Indians. Whether it’s true or not is irrelevant to me. The commies are hell bent on erasing national pride and erasing white European heros from the history books and replacing them with their own.

    1. the odd 1 or 2 times, why whats your angle?
      btw, isn’t it dee joos???

  7. A good article. And it sheds some light on the forces at work to destroy America.
    However, I don’t buy that they failed.
    “Destabilization was very promising at first, but they failed to keep the ball rolling.”
    It may be that they’re reassessing their plans and laying low for awhile.
    They will return. There will be no peace until they are dead.
    “The demoralization process in the United States is basically completed already.”
    We don’t need Communists or KGB or the MSM for this one. We can thank soulless bankers, arms merchants (Vietnam anyone), and crooked politicians and religious leaders for this one. Also, we can thank weak-ass parents and punk-ass schools.
    Also, we in America can thank La Cosa Nostra for stealing Union Pension funds to build their empire with in Las Vegas in the ’50s, ’60s, and the ’70s. Really, was that money ever returned to the Unions? Was anyone ever prosecuted for that?
    To make a long story short; does anyone here remember scratching their heads and wondering what kind of hair-brain thinking it takes to invade Iraq (2003), send Marines to Beirut ( 1982 and again in 1983), abandon Rhodesia to the wolves (1964-1979), abandon Nicaragua to the Sandinistas (1977-1978 or ’79)?
    These are to the best of my memory. To make a long story short, the only rights you will ever have are the rights you make for yourself. It doesn’t matter which country you live in. Forget about poets, priests, and politicians. Secure your own fate and defend it against all comers. You can’t save the world. But, with a little luck, you might be able to save yourself and a few friends and loved ones.
    Timely article. Good job.

  8. What does the author suppose a proper society should look like? A racially homogeneous people of ultra-Conservative, fundamentalist Christians where men have all the power and everyone else had none? It’s sound soulless clone army.

    1. “It’s sound (like a) soulless clone army.”
      It sounds a whole lot like the left, doesn’t it?

    2. I go back and forth on this. On good days I feel that the extreme nature of articles like this serve as a counter balance to the extreme nature of the left wing nut jobs and in the end the left and the right st the idiot wings are exactly the same but that a reasonable Middle requires balance st the sides of the nut jobs.
      On worse days I just roll my eyes

    3. That’s your subjective interpretation.
      Aside from the racially homogenous part everything mentioned leads directly to the furtherment of the will and soul in this.
      Being a indulgent, complacent degenerate controlled by his own body’s desires and without a will is what is truly soulless.

    4. I like the sound of it better than a diversified horde of commie heathen anarchist degenerate moron leftists who think the government should run everything.

    5. No, it sounds like the entire history of the United States up until 1965.

  9. I think it’s starting to backfire. The Bill Nye and Antifa agendas are missing the mark and people are embracing the anti-left in growing numbers. It seems to me that many now are simply waiting to be “activated”, as one person on here put it, and rebel.

  10. …this article dances around the issue…Only a complete brainwashed moron who hasn’t studied world history could possibly think that the poisonous vectors that have breached American borders are not
    [still] funded by…..Moscow & Tel Aviv.
    The Article is of huge importance, yet not once was Russia mentioned.
    Grow some balls !

    1. Moscow no longer has to be directly involved in sending in subversives to take over the lower education, entertainment and news industries. The leftist takeover of there is complete and they reproduce on their own now.

      1. Russia is not longer involved. The vampires have moved on from that victim. Now it’s YOUR turn.

        1. ,,Russia is not longer involved.”
          Obviously you are an intelligence expert.
          here’s your 1000 rubles.

  11. Communist takeover ?? Nahh.. Judaic takeover !
    100 years ago it was in Russia the Judaeo-bolshevik takeover, today in Murica is the Judaeo-neocon takeover !

      1. “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it
        cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less
        formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the
        traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers
        rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government
        itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents
        familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”

        Marcus Tullius Cicero
        You have to terminate the enemy within first ?

        1. You my friend, are well read man.
          Please make sure we collaborate on subjects !
          Recognized !

  12. The really sad thing is that too many people who know this is going on and who should be caring about this, i.e., far too many Christian conservative types, still continue to send their kids to public k12 schools that were long ago taken over by communists. They willingly let their kids be indoctrinated into hating the USA and everything for which we stand, and if they’re white, and especially if they’re male, they are taught to hate themselves.
    They’ll be in denial… “Oh my kids’ school isn’t like that that. It is one of the good ones. They don’t do that sort of thing there.”
    They’ll rationalize… “Jesus wants our children to be missionaries in a worldly place like that.” (An aside, Jesus never taught this of children)
    They just don’t want to take the lifestyle hit needed to private school or home school their children, and as the article states, it doesn’t take that long to lose an entire generation.

    1. I had this “discussion” with my adult daughter. She became a public school teacher and sends my grand children to public schools. much to my dismay. She has been awakened after spending 5-6 years in the profession, but still will not pull the children out of the system.

      1. Unfortunately the perceived “benefits” of a dual income lifestyle are hard to give up.

        1. It is possible, if one is willing to scrimp and cut back, to survive on one income even in an expensive part of the country. My wife and I do this and we live not too far from DC. Yes there are some serious lifestyle limitations with which we must contend, but it is all worth it.

        2. I agree! Unfortunately, I cannot get my daughter to see the light. She and her husband are in it for the long haul. That means the grandchildren graduate from a public high school and her and my son in law collect the government pensions.

  13. But … but… but I thought all the conspiracy theorists are all nutters who can not get laid and feminism fell from the skies?

  14. Do you ever wonder why the US is giving away billions of dollars to Israel?
    Do you ever wonder how Hitler managed to magically recover the German economy back from the ashes?
    Do you ever wonder why Hitler was working with the Zionist to create the state of Israel?
    This might give you a clue:
    The Jewish refugees the US turned away
    In May 1939 more than 900 Jews fled Hitler’s Germany on a luxury liner, the SS St Louis; they hoped to reach Cuba then travel to the US, but were turned away from both.
    The increasingly desperate passengers were forced to sail back to Europe, where more than 250 of them were later killed by the Nazis.

  15. One additional thing, not related to the US directly, but to the global project:
    Why has no one noticed that the boats the “migrants” are in when they come to Italy, and then make their way up through Europe, are BRAND NEW?
    Once in a while they’re old. But mostly they’re BRAND NEW. That was my first question: where are they getting all the BRAND NEW boats in their war torn countries?
    Second: What is the real reason 90% are men? I see very few women and children.

    1. Since the beginning of time, the world has been “diverse.”
      Everyone knows this and doesnt need to be told this again bc it’s a basic fact.
      What is not “diverse” is one group of people wanting complete control of the population via manipulation of the “concept” of “diversity.”

    2. ,,Discard the strain of mortality, reset and display anger sequences
      Improve your connectivities, conceived in reverse of your neural patterns of hate
      A mass of coalescent material, your mind is weapon to control
      Your eyes now see the flesh in pure design
      So pull the trigger of dissidence, and focuse your soul
      Cryogenic fluids to irrigate your skin”

    1. Sweden has fallen, Paris has fallen, Germanistan is done, Londonistan is dead, Poland ?! More pictures please !

  16. The only solution at this stage is for the military to intervene. They and the citizens militias are the custodians of our Republic. If they take over DC and drain the swamp arrest all the Leftist and globalists leaders and pretty much clean house. Restore our gov’t and country back as close to the Founding Fathers vision and Constitution.

  17. This story is over 30 years old. I am not at all surprised to see RoK try to pass it off as something new, as well as include videos of Soros, a man they didn’t care about as soon as five years ago. The cover picture is telling, too.
    Let’s consider Wikileaks. Back when the Left still had a modicum of sense, they picked up on the leaks that showed everything there was to know about the intelligence around the Iraq war. It also showed collusion of the CIA and the US government in the interference of foreign elections – including Venezuela. None of you cared then, because it was facts you didn’t like nor want to hear. Then, when the Podesta e-mails came out, you all latched onto Wikileaks and held it up high for the Leftists and Liberals to see, because this time around, the facts were ones they didn’t want to hear. As soon as the election was over, you dropped Wikileaks altogether, spare the few Podesta leaks that still come out.
    What is truly amusing was this line:
    “Propaganda saturates journalism, Hollyweird, television, the literary establishment, the music industry, and a great many magazines. It’s even seeping into mindless entertainment like comic books and pornography. Many other institutions have been subverted, of course: government, big corporations, several nonprofits, even many religions.”
    Your website advocates the use of pornography. You offer ‘advice’ for men to pick up women, which often leads to disaster as your users don’t even know HOW to talk to women. You use propaganda yourselves: you use Roosh’s ‘Bang Book’ as a Bible to get girls, when in reality, Roosh never so much as banged half of the women he claimed he did in that book, and the women whose pictures he used on his website that he claimed he slept with – the Ukrainian women – never met him in their lives. You say American women are petri dishes, yet advocate the use of natural cures to get rid of genital warts as if to say your STDs are no big deal.
    The best irony of it all is that, while you write about the worst ‘globalist’ weapons, you subscribe heartily to globalist mindsets: that is, bad advice speaks, and people are suckers when they are lonely.
    Here’s the kicker: while you guys were busy focusing on KGB infiltration, the CIA had already gotten you guys to believe there was Russian interference when in some cases there were none. Sound familiar? Intelligence wars aren’t black and white in most cases; their role is to deceive. MI6, VEVAK, China’s Secret Police, they are all there to watch you. And in the 1960’s, during the height of the Cold War, Allen Dulles was busy fixing elections in South America, throwing away democracy and sucking up resources. Populism rose and kicked them out, but that populism had socialism – which you detest. In your bio, you write that a family member viewed Castro as the bee’s knees, yet it was Castro who warned the West about CIA influence, and no one believed him. Even a dictator is right once in a while. Remember Gaddafi on the migrant crisis? No? Well you had since 2011 and earlier to do something, but only Leftists cared. Must’ve been a Soros plot.
    The best part is, you guys are shocked that Leon Trotsky was assassinated with a pickax, when that has been known for DECADES. My God, you guys are daft. Ramon Mercador, know the name.
    Return of Kings is an epitome of hypocrisy. You want an end to globalism and mainstream propaganda, yet read women’s magazines. You want women to stop being stuck-up bitches and sleep with you, while going to bars and picking up bar sluts. Oh yes, you are totally fighting the Soros plot. Mmm-hmm.
    I’ll be sure to pick up my copy of Space Vixen Trek – which reads just as bad as any homoerotic fanfiction I’ve ever seen on AO3. Good God. Try to get some standards. Or is that asking for too much?

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