The White Woman Punched In The Face By A Black Cop At A Football Game Deserved It

Feminists and white knights everywhere are up in arms because a black cop at a college football game punched a white woman who struck him (and tried to strike him before that, too). Well, in a nutshell, the woman deserved it.

The incident occurred as a whole squad of officers had to carry her to remove her from the stands. Here’s the fisting that came her way:

Not only did Bridget Freitas of Pembroke Pines in Florida get what was coming to her, she should also be shamed for her terrible, drunken behavior. It is high time that women dealing with police (and men in general) realized that hitting someone should come with the expectation that they will hit you back—and potentially hard.

For now, Freitas is charged with felony battery against a police officer. If the charge sticks and she’s convicted, the pussy pass will likely come into effect during sentencing. Vulturous attorneys in Florida are probably already salivating at the prospects of being able to launch a million-dollar civil suit for “excessive force” on her behalf. That said, how she should be able to stay employed as a registered nurse, a job in which she presumably often interacts with police, is beyond me.

Freitas’ attack on lawman Douglas Ross had been preceded by her repeatedly refusing to leave Hard Rock Stadium, where the University of Miama was hosting Virginia Tech. She even sat on the steps for a time and didn’t budge. Of course, the reason for her eviction was clear—she had been abusing other patrons and allegedly hit another woman.

So just take it on chin, Bridget (or in the face).

No news here, move along

Why did she hit first?

I have lost count of the number of occasions I have seen police, security guards, nightclub bouncers, and bar patrons hit other guys back, usually much harder than the blow they received. None of this makes the news, irrespective of how much bigger, more martial, or less inebriated the retaliator was. Nor should it usually make the news.

If you pick up one end of the stick, you’re picking up the other end, too. If women deserve the special sensitivity that comes with not being backhanded or punched by a man, they can keep their hands and legs well and truly to themselves.

As we can always predict, various outlets are going into overdrive to defend Bridget Freitas and cast defamatory aspersions about Douglas Ross. ABC News takes the cake so far:

With her eyes half-closed, Freitas flails with her open hand at Detective Douglas Ross, who is carrying her right leg.

No, this was a deliberate and premeditated attack on a law enforcement official and therefore the community. “Flailing” is when you’re having an epileptic fit and cannot control yourself, or falling and desperately trying to grab onto something. Only God knows how much worse professional liberal typists would have reacted if the races were reversed and a black woman had been struck by a white officer.

Who’s going to wife her up?

Incoming: subservient future husband.

Sadly, some chump will. And you can bet your bottom dollar that if Bridget Freitas hits a cop when she’s drunk or feels irritated, she is capable of taking swings at her future husband. Thankfully for the guy who marries her, though, the police now have her priors and will be more likely to think that any domestic dispute was triggered by her.

It’s a pathetic indictment of the state of the modern sexual marketplace that we know without a shadow of a doubt multiple, probably desperate suitors await Freitas, if she doesn’t have them already. Needless to say, she will probably rule the roost over any man she half-settles down with, as he will believe that she is the best he can get.

We can hope that the courts will throw the book at this poor excuse for a woman, but I am not holding my breath. The bigger, more obscene probability is that hardworking Douglas Ross will lose his job either soon or down the track.

Read More: How To Get Over The Fear Of Being Punched In The Face

105 thoughts on “The White Woman Punched In The Face By A Black Cop At A Football Game Deserved It”

    1. What a lovely young lady, a real model of femininity our country and culture produces…
      for me to poop on!

    2. the movies where you skiny little girls beat up buffed guys.
      they also take a hard puch from such a guy and come back for more?

      1. About a year ago, this 19 year old girl attacked a man at a party. He hit her back and she fell, hit her head and almost was killed. She survived but with serious brain damage. This was her before
        Here’s a FB update on her 1 year later
        In one on one situations, I don’t think most women would engage a man in a fist fight unless she sees him as a total weakling and totally non threatening. In a one on one situation, a lot of girls will sleep with a guy because they are scared to say no because she thinks he might get mad, let alone engage in a knock down, drag out Mortal Kombat match with him.
        But in public, it’s different because they think that they won’t get hit back and if they do, the crowd will come to the rescue. Especially if she believes herself to be attractive.

        1. I honestly feel exactly ZERO sympathy for that dumb thot. I grew up around these types and I know exactly how self-important, entitled, and narcissistic these dumb sluts are. Of course she would hit a man. Funny how her mother forgot to mention THAT part. I guess her mother also forgot to teach her how to act like a woman.
          Her daughter wouldn’t be brain-damaged in a hospital if she raised her properly.
          I bet you anything all her thot friends are a little bit more careful in how they treat men now. And that is the important part.
          Fear is the beginning of civility.

        2. I think my favorite part of the video is when the guy asks if this isn’t a win for feminism. She got what she wanted, to be treated like a man.

      2. “the movies where you skiny little girls beat up buffed guys.
        they also take a hard puch from such a guy and come back for more?”
        Yes exactly like in the “cartoon” clip I posted earlier; or an even better example here:

        From “Avengers: Black Widow Fight Scene “. Millions of girls grow up now days thinking this is more than a semblance of reality if that.

      3. There’s also the fact that in real life, most guys are going to hold back when attacked by a girl because it isn’t likely to hurt much. A lot of girls interpret this as somehow being on equal footing with men in an altercation. In the video above it looks like the cop hits her back because he’s pissed off, not because she hurt him in any real way.

    3. That one’s got a squarer jaw and more T than the whole team of Buzzfeed combined. Sign of our times.

      1. Are we even sure that’s a chick? My uncanny valley monitor just went over into the red, that’s all I’m saying.

        1. actually that’s the first time the uncanny valley concept referenced in respect to trannies as opposed to AI. I suppose AU artificial uterus isn’t that far off

      2. I’m going to white knight and say she’s cute. Thin, long, hair in a color that occurs in nature, no visible tattoos, and I don’t know where you guys are getting the idea that she’s got a man jaw. Seemed to have nice legs in the video too. Doll her up a bit with some make-up and something girlier than a t-shirt and she’d be a solid 8 at least. Crazy and unstable, sure, but she’s attractive.

    4. She earned/deserved that punch. It was an appropriate response to her intentionally hitting the officer. They probably should have tazed her before hauling her out.
      On the other hand, charging her with “felony battery” for a couple of pathetic slaps is absurd. Were I on a jury, I’d convict her of misdemeanor assault, but certainly not felony battery.

      1. Absolutely, if you watch closely, she got very close to his eye. In legal terms it’s called Assaulting an officer.

      2. The way I look at it, if a Jury would convict my white ass for a hate crime just for slightly touching a black cops face, and sentencing me to 10 years of jail.
        I don’t see why this bitch, who WE KNOW is most likely the same type of cancer that is a proponent for such unfair policies, should get it any easier than the punishments she herself would like to see imposed on you.

    5. The three that down voted…..Yes, I would definitely put you chicks down if you laid a hand on me.

    6. Sorry Roosh, you are underestimating the females nature of being cunning, bitchy, arrogant, opportunistic, victim card tactics, slutty, whorish, disloyal, disobedient and “ungrateful”.
      I come from Hindustan and have no qualms to accept that females back there (at least from the past 30 years) are almost “mirror images” of their western counterparts. There are ‘n’ number of cases in Hindustan where females know very well that they can “get away” (pussy pass !?) with anything they do (yes, this also includes physical assault !) or however they behave with the MEN.
      Now, this is the problem of MEN; not just the west, east, africa or asian !!

    7. “Now where in the world did women get the idea that they are as strong as men and could get away with hitting them?”
      Of course women can go toe-to-toe against men why would you doubt it?:

      She (the woman) is called “Huntress”; a non-super powered “super hero” from the justice league cartoon.

    8. Its well past time for Whitey to get back a strong pimp hand.
      Just this morning I was prevented from getting to work on time because some FAGGOT had to pick up a trasher at the bar last night and end up parked in the middle of the road preventing me from passing.
      At first, I thought dude was beating her ass. Then I see that he is pulling her hair to keep her from further clawing his bloody face.
      She tries to come at me lime some White Knight, covered in that thirsty douchers blood, and I put up my hand and said fuck off.
      As soon as he moved the car and left her roadside, I bailed.
      Bitch really thought she was going to trick me into defending the honor she never had and sic me on the dude.
      I just made them clear out of the way and fucked off. To work.
      Where Im shitting up your comments.

  1. “It is high time that women dealing with police (and men in general) realized that hitting someone should come with the expectation that they will hit you back—and potentially hard.”
    This the product of the GoGirrrl and ‘super hero’ women kicking men’s asses pumped into the zeitgeist by the American media and misandrist apologists. Sadly, with the recent Hollywood witch hunt on men; the misandrist filth pumped out by the MSM is about to go into hyper-drive as the male talent in Hollywood goes Galt and the femmes take control of Hollywood output. The females majority doesn’t want equality of opportunity at all, they want preferential and princess class treatment until death…

      1. No it won’t, white people are becoming the minority and quickly, and though there are some redpilled non-white men, the majority are most definitely NOT, and they eat up liberal bullshit.

    1. On the good side, can you imagine the output from female controlled Hollywood? The films will be so garbage attendance levels are going to be in the pits.

    2. It will continue until all of you call out the fedguv as treasonous and stop playing their game.

  2. What can be said about this incident. She fully deserved it. When it takes 4 cops to remove you, anything you get from them you deserve. A rational person can be led out by one LEO and no cuffs. A civil society is one where the consequences of being a boor is dealt with at the incident. I don’t care if it female or male. Act the drunken fool, get treated like one.

    1. I don’t care what your job is, how pretty you are or how much damage you take. Be smart, be polite, and be rational. Truthfully batons and tazers are not used enough, she should have been tased at the first moment of her fighting the cops.

    2. Agreed.
      Ive been an out of control berserker in public(past tense), yet managed to never get thrown out of a club/bar or fight a group of cops.
      Women should never have been allowed such agency. Generations of women FORCED to act decent BY MEN made White knigjts believe they could be trusted to be responsible for themselves.
      Dumb cunts get the vote and the first thing they do is vote to ban alcohol.
      That should ha e eneded that expiriment but central bankers wanted to double taxable incomes while statifying the family unit.
      None of this could occur without the complicity of the fedguv, therefore fedguv is the cause of this destabilization.

  3. I can’t believe a single, career cunt American white woman would ever feel entitled in 2017. Wow just wow

  4. While all ladies are women, not all women are ladies. A lady would not put herself in a situation like this, and thus, would not hit and risk getting hit in return. This woman entered “the world of men” and got what she deserved. There is no law on the books that says men are required to be punching bags.

    1. The world of men? That’s exactly why I don’t go to bars or clubs. If you’re a woman, and you go to those places, there will always be some creep touching on you and pretending he’s “passing by” or some sort of undesired altercation in those sorts of places.
      All the men who ever approached me did so in university, mostly because that’s the only place I ever go outside of the library. And those men tend to be more respectable than the ones you would find at football games throwing tantrums. Don’t get me wrong, you can still get the run of the mill promiscuous dude who thinks you’re an idiot, but they’re figured out quick. Just ask them to take you out, and see they’re expressions get flustered. That’s when you cut them off quick because you know they were never serious.

      1. Why you are surprised by “The world of MEN” !? you dumb ass !
        From the ass wipes to toilet flush to tampon to the keyboard you used (or smartphone/whatever) to type your comments are courtesy of MEN.
        Do you use Electricity/Power !? Do you use Microwave, Toaster, Refrigerator, Washing machine etc. !? Do you have a Radio/Watch/Clock, TV, DVD, Blue-Ray !? Do you use Camera !? Do you watch Movies !? Do you Drive (Transmission, Engine, Gearbox, Ball-bearings) !? Do you use Elevators/lifts !? Do you use “Battery” for your MOST favorite “toy” !?
        Do you even know anything about GYNECOLOGY !?
        Aah ! guess I am dealing with an “ungrateful” pile of shit !

        1. hey dumbass …. the only reason you’re walking the face of this earth is because of a woman …. funny how that fact escapes you little pea-brained neanderthals

        2. Gloriahole says we are here only because of women.
          She is forgetting daddy given momma the D is why we are here. Daddy protecting momma is the ONLY reason she had kids…..
          Bitches are property.

      2. If you go in public without a male escort, your a degenerate whore with no sense of decency.
        You get mad that dudes act like you are trash WHILE YOU ACT LIKE TRASH?
        Fucking club rat, bad people attract other bad people but youve never been taught actuall responsibility for your behavior.

  5. I love how the cop instantly hit her back. I wouldn’t have sprung back so hard and so quickly.

    1. Blacks are more primal and savage and will resort to violence a hell of a lot more quicker.
      Personally, I enjoy watching white women beat up by these savages, it’s hilarious, watching their “equality, no-racism!!!, you go girl” bullshit get smacked out of their head, almost literally, in the blink of an eye.

      1. seem to recall that per capita blacks are far more likely to hit white girlfriends than white or asian men are.

    2. The Brothers DO NOT put up with shit from any woman.
      Gotta keep that Pimp Hand strong and lighting fast.

  6. With that temper tantrum she was throwing, the cop figured she was tired and provided her with a sleeping pill. You see how fast it put her to 💤?

  7. And in the meantime themainstream media is going apeshit with the results of yesterday’s elections claiming it is the end of Trump, particularly because of the tranny that won.
    Yeah, I know, I should not look at the shit HuffPost and AP publish, but self-deluded liberals are so funny…

    1. I had to see if this was legitimate, no offense. It is. That’s fucked. The victory was against a Republican deemed “Biggot Bob.” Well, district 14 in Virginia, I’ll take the shovel, and you can go lay down now. You made your bed, now go lay in it. While Biggot Bob, apparent rational-thinker, goes back to his private life, enjoy reveling in your virtue-signaling, because it’s the last good feeling you’re bound to have before the cavalcade of face-palms that await people who elect liars and the insane. And you lucky assholes were given two for the price of one. Darn, Skullomaniac, way to find a thread to pull!

      1. I expect a RoK article about this soon.
        Anyway, Seth, keep in mind the dems won in states where the Don lost, meaning no republican would win there. And unsurprisingly for the SJWs in those states, their fanatic behinds doubled down on virtue signalling by voting in the worse candidates available. But of course, the Washington Post claims the dems have the morale momentum going in their favor for 2020, and that Trump-style nationalism was defeated. A gigantic example of fake news if I ever saw one. The comments by deluded liberals in the news so far are great nuggets of involuntary humor, however.
        On the other hand, Republicans won 4 out of 4 House seats, but of course that doesn’t get any media attention, it’s all Trump’s apocalypse with the media today, I swear these people are so predictable.

        1. Yeah, their locked geographic-demographics didn’t hit me until you brought it up. The Republican’s more of a strawman candidate. At least there is competition. When I get a ballot where no one runs against incumbents out of fear of reciprocal rulings, I wonder why there are no whispering-write-in campaigns.
          And yeah. Thank God for the republicans holding the house seats. Wouldn’t want to give them credit on the news, though. Oh, no.

  8. Looked like justifiable force to me. I personally have seen an officer use more force than that strike in real life, a strike against a woman too, which was also just force. Self-defense is pragmatic. Long live Douglas Ross.
    Also, “if you grab one end of the stick,you get the other end,” is going into my repertoire. Well said, Brown.

  9. I really think these women believe they can strike a man without consequence. They never take into a account the fact that most men can hit much harder than women due to biological advantages in this arena. It’s why boxing (and most sports for that matter) are not co-ed. I was the recipient of an undeserved female slap when I was a senior in high school. The knuckle sandwich she received in return sent her straight to the floor and I didn’t hit her that hard. I hope she still carries that cautionary memory with her today. Maybe I made things easier for a future boyfriend or husband.

    1. When I was in high school, my feminist older sister decided it was a good idea to slap me during an argument. I stood there for a few seconds, in shock that she had done so. Then rage. I will forever remember the look of fear and realization on her face when I came at her like a rhino. She never touched me again.

  10. Wif her up? Her face looks like a well used road, and she’s fat.
    Just think how much she’ll blow up after some thirsty simpmputs a ring on it.

  11. I’ve been assaulted by two big, fat ugly, 200lb white dykes when I was on the bus in London a couple of years ago. Just come out of gym, minding my own business, looked at a pretty Latina/Middle Eastern girl (unsure what she was, but she was pretty) I saw on the bus. All of a sudden these two ugly cows start asking me intruding questions such as ‘is she your girlfriend? Do you like her? Do you want to be with her?’ Etc. I tell them to leave me alone. They get up and start getting aggressive to me, I tell them if you touch me I will defend myself. They then don’t listen and grab me. I freak out and punch one of them with a jab, knocking her out of the bus and out cold (the bus door was open as we were at a stop).
    Get off the bus (as I don’t want to get in trouble), her other fat 200lb dyke friend is following me telling me I abuse women, i tell her to go help her friend but no, she continues to grab me and say she’s going to hit me so I knock her out too with one punch and then run away.
    I was only 19 then and 150lb, now I’m 23 and 215lb I might have done a lot worse to them. My parents said don’t worry about it, they weren’t acting like a woman or even a decent human being should so it was justifiable what I did. Another reason why White British women should be avoided at all costs lol.

    1. They were jealous because you were looking and admiring that pretty girl instead of them. Deep down they wanted to be stared at too. Lol.

    2. @WRBLondon, Bless You ! I know first hand how some females behave in the United Kingdom, especially in London.
      When I was traveling in a Double-decker Bus at Wimbledon (there is popular Temple of Lord Ganesha/Ganapathy, I visited the Temple and was returning to my place, Newington), few School girls (white & black) are shouting and commenting on me; apparently for No Reason ! and this happened way back in 2001 !!
      If at all I have encountered any so called “racism” during my 5 year stay in UK, it was majorly from females !

  12. I was flipping through the TV channels last night for about two minutes and I saw three separate scenes in a movie or a TV episode where a woman hit a man. Of course, it was all justified. The man said something the woman didn’t like or he did something stupid. Women are raised on this crap and they are malleable to the point where they will mimic whatever they see, especially if it’s on TV. This is merely more proof that women are exactly like little children and they need constant supervision. And when they aren’t being supervised, they should be removed from society completely and placed in mental health wards, or locked up in cages, not only for their own safety, but for the safety of others.

    1. when I was in high school like 20 years ago. There was this girl who slap boys for the minimal offense and she was easily offended by anything, she slapped the face of half the boys in the classroom. She was an entitled princess and she slaps when you told her no. Let’s buy food -I want vegan food she said -but we are a group of 15 and only you is vegetarian why not… BAAAM slap in the face. The Chads quickly learn to manhandle her and parry the slap, the beta cucks avoid her entirely. A very efficient shit test I guess.

    2. ‘Bout time you came ’round, Uncle Bob, I was starting to fear you’d headed for other pastures. Maybe I haven’t seen you by coincidence. Still hanging around like normal?

  13. If a man had done this, no one would bat an eye. If she gets the same sentence a man would I would be very surprised & my faith in humanity would rise. What’s the saying? “equal rights come with equal lefts”.

    1. Thought about this as well, the outrage would be monumental. I’m betting this girl will get off the hook easily, I mean look at that bitch in Europe that stabbed her bf…

  14. Like this article points out, and Dalrock confirms, the marriage data show there is no shortage of thirsty betas ready to wife-up aging sluts after they tire of riding the cock carousel.
    Additionally, that other ROK article about thirsty Chinese males buying a crafty slut $1000 iPhones is just one story on the long-known issue of a dangerously high male/female ratio demographic there.
    Historically this overabundance of males was solved by wars and invasions; the winners taking the women of the vanquished and male populations drastically reduced on both sides due to the carnage.
    The trend of degrading female behavior and shift to feminine-primary social order is also a consequence of an oversupply of men in the SMP.

  15. If a white cop did that to a black lady there would be cop cars on fire in the hood. Because they are fucking out of control children with guns and no father figure since he pumped and dumped the fat ugly mother.

  16. They created tazers to end fights with cops quickly. They should use them much more often.

  17. There’s a ‘gentleman doctrine’ being bandied about in schools where males are expected to passively spectate while girl fighters perform. Hallway time is slotted as learning (propaganda) time by the social re engineers. Every school hour tabulates, even the back of the bus ride. Males flip the role as cheerleaders and the girl fighters get a disciplinary pass.
    (this is from the SLC burbs, 99% Mormon country believe it or not) The gentleman doctrine runs rife. It is the doorway to feminism.

    The female gladiators feel further inclined with the right to fight anybody and men can’t hit back due to the enforced gentleman doctrine.
    ‘Gentleman’s’ strip clubs too customarily punish men for openly touching the females. Undercover cops whose gf’s and wives are dancers moniter the patrons who keep their hands on the rail while the dancers perform a previlidged role of smearing their crotch on the tip of the men’s noses. It is in part ‘gentleman’ training or to be a ‘gentle’ emasculated man while passively allowing the female to play a dominant role.

  18. Yeah, now watch Bridg-sh!t get her own reality TV show for this…right after the CNN and Today Show interviews of her being portrayed as “victimized.”
    You can (easily) predict here that this event is going to become just one more example of a “Modern American Woman” prospering/becoming famous for 100% abhorrent behavior.
    Stay classy, America

  19. In a sane world she would have had a man with her, who 1. would not let her drink that much and 2. If she did get that drunk he would be able to pull her out of there with force, without anyone getting in his way.
    It’s almost impossible to control a drunk, wild acting woman in public because of the public itself. If someone comes around a corner and sees you man handling a (almost invariably) struggling woman, what are they going to assume?
    My date to my brother’s wedding went over the cliff right at the end of the reception. She started acting wild and it was fine. Nothing I couldn’t handle. I was taking her up to our hotel room to change before we went and hung out at the hotel bar with others. She was being a brat and struggling with me. We get to our floor and waiting to get in were 3 mexican guys. We get out and she is flailing in my arms, saying “help me! help me!” Two of em got on the elevator while one stays behind looking at me. His friends tell him to come on. He points at me and says “she’s saying she needs help.” I respond “ShEs SayIn sHe NeeDs HeLp, mind your own fuckin business”. I get her in the room, she changes, she’s all over me at the bar and when we go back up she fucks so hard on top of me the mattress comes full off the bed. We laugh about it all later.
    Point being she easily could have caused a situation where I would have to have fought 3 guys just because of how the situation looked, even though I was in fact helping her. When women get out of control drunk they throw down the pussy pass hard and can’t fathom it getting rejected. Sometimes, or maybe mostly, just for fun.

  20. Is something wrong with me that I watched that video several times and enjoyed it?
    By the bye, no way was she “flailing about.” She deliberately swung back to drunkenly hit the cop. Video don’t lie, but I fear the jury won’t care.

  21. Football is a man thing. You guys can keep it! If that were me I would be dragged out for falling asleep on a cop. I tried giving the sport a chance but i still don’t see it. It’s 11 minutes of actual playtime and the rest of the game is various sponsors forcefully shoving their products at you. Also I think NFL players are overpaid especially those who kneel. Want to make a real stand and difference donate a half of your annual earnings to a cause. Rennovate a school, buy kids notebooks. Make a difference in your community instead of being a bunch of privileged anti American cocksuckers.

  22. Please stop!!!
    Stop the silly idea about nurses. I have been a nurse for almost 40 years and some of the most unhinged, evil cunts are nurses. It’s not Florence Nightingale, it’s Florence Frightenwhale.

    1. You do realize that Florence Nightingale was a 100% actual lesbian. She had no issues with men, unlike the faux lesbians you see everywhere, and had opinions about women that would be right at home on this board.

  23. I LOVE the fact that a propper “down vote button” is back in the comment section!
    Now opinionated idiots can be instantly notified of the “value” of their irrational, mentally retarded, commentary.

  24. Years ago, when I decided my daughter was ready to learn self-defense and began bringing her to my Kendo classes, I told her that if you hit/strike someone be prepared to be hit/struck back…..possibly very hard (and if indeed she was going to hit someone….hit them really hard and take them out so they couldn’t retaliate…..but, I’m getting a little off-topic).
    Also, Miss Registered Nurse could most definitely lose her nursing license of convicted of felony assault and possibly could lose it over a misdemeanor assault conviction (not sure of Florida’s licensing laws).

  25. I guess that ABC stenographer, er, writer, missed the part where she took two swings at the cop. First one barely missed, second connected.

  26. Fuck Trannies. Fuck Drunks. Fuck the NFL. Fuck Nigger Cops. Fuck anybody who sees this as anything more than another media distraction to blind you from the Congressional Push for GunControl and the arrival of WW3.

  27. Another way Hollywood and feminists have duped females into unrealistic beliefs that get them injured or worse. It’s the rarest of things when women can win a fight with men — usually men win it for them by coming to their “rescue”.

  28. Bwahaha! That was hillarious. The laughs are strong today at ROK.
    This was more entertaining than anything on the field by the Miami Convicts and Virginia Tech Goatropers.

  29. I’ve never hit a woman in my entire life but if I were put in the same situation as the black cop my fist would’ve flown!

  30. I raised 3 daughters to never hit a man unless they expect to be hit back, I would never allow my daughters to be abused by a man, but just to know where they stand in the relationship.

  31. This cop was 100% in the right. The drunk woman hit this officer of the law not once but twice. Not only has she earned herself national embarrassment thanks to the video, but also a nice felony charge as well. Let us hope she gets held to the same standard as would happen if a man struck this officer. Moreover, he incapacitated her and stopped immediately afterwards – excessive force did not occur in other words.

  32. So a big Black oaf can hit a White female and its wonderful?We should all be opposed to that.Only a White male should be able to do that.And we all know if a White cop had hit her he’d be in huge trouble.This is no great victory people,its absurd.So now Black males are allowed to take the masculine role but not White males,great victory indeed.

  33. “And you can bet your bottom dollar that if Bridget Freitas hits a cop when she’s drunk or feels irritated, she is capable of taking swings at her future husband. ”
    No truer words have been said. Shameful….. the double standards these days.

  34. One thing that comes into play is hero worship.
    I have seen in comment sections women cheering this cop on. These same chicks would excoriate a husband for the same behavior.
    There are many double standards at play here.

  35. Yes she did, but if it had been a white cop punching a white woman or God forbid black woman he’d have been hung by his balls.

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