Your Idea Of Rights Is A Convenient Myth

Before he died, George Carlin was one of America’s richest deposits of red pill wisdom:


Boy everyone in this country is always running around yammering about their fucking rights. I have a right, you have no right, we have a right!

Folks I hate to spoil your fun, but—there’s no such thing as rights. They’re imaginary. We made ’em up. Like the boogie man.

Rights are an idea. They’re a cute idea. Cute, but that’s all – cute, and fictional.

But if you think you do have rights, let me ask you this – where do they come from?

People say they come from God. They’re God given rights.

Aww fuck! Here we go again…”

Lets imagine that, tomorrow, our society were to collapse in some severe way – nuclear war, solar flare, the machines revolt—whatever, pick your apocalypse.

How long do you think the niceties of the modern world would last?

 The modern world is an aberration

Social justice warriors are just one group constantly yammering on about “rights.” In their case, they’re generally negative rights.

They believe they have the right not to be offended, the right not to have to physically defend themselves, the right to avoid any real hardship, like an empty belly or lacking a roof over their heads.

Basically—the right to do anything they please without any consequences. Any flaw in their perfect little world must be corrected, and since they’re precious little flowers who would “never hurt anyone” somebody else must be at fault, and made to change their behavior. Only someone who grew up in the sterile confines of modern suburbia could be so delusional.

For most of human history life was a matter of day-to-day survival. You were grateful if you were able to put enough food on the table, that no barbarians raiders appeared on the horizon, that God did not cast down a thunderstorm to destroy the small wooden shack you called your home. As Hobbes would put it, life was “nasty, brutish and short.”

Going further back, the case against utopia only grows stronger. In our naked, primal state human beings rarely lived a peaceful existence. According to the best data we have, one in six hunter-gatherers died at the hands of fellow humans, puncturing the myth of the “noble savage.”

Looking at the animal kingdom, the picture is unquestionably worse. I have actually had arguments with people who try to dispute the savagery of nature. I point out that for nearly every type of living thing but humans, life ends with being eaten. For many species, including dolphins, chimpanzees, and orangutangs, behavior resembling rape is common, and may account for as much as half of all copulations.

Honest to god, I hear answers like – “but many animals require courting – that sounds like a form of consent to me!”

Fur Seal

Pictured: A penguin consents to sex with a 200 kilogram Fur Seal

The problem of human nature

Despite its insanity, many would rather stick with the Disney narrative that nature is kind and gentle, and it is only modern, capitalist society that has corrupted our gentle souls.

Unfortunately, like all living things, human beings are selfish, petty, violent, emotional creatures at our core. People usually learn this around the same time they realize Santa Claus isn’t real.

The modern world however keeps piling on layer after layer of feel-good bullshit to try and bury our true nature until we’re more like machines than people. Many literally don’t realize this because they grew up in a bubble where the machinations of real power occur out of sight, and thus out of mind. Young women are particularly susceptible to this—after all, everyone’s always so nice to them.

Meanwhile men, who represent 70% of assault and 80% of murder victims, as well as more than 90% of the prison population, know only too well that the relative peace of the modern world is maintained solely by the respective police forces and armies of the world’s governments.

Peace Through Firepower

Opening your eyes just a little, you can see evidence of this all around you.

Many wonder why so many thousands of people, even those living the lives of comfortable westerners, have dropped everything to go join the Islamic State for instance.

At least part of the answer would seem to be an innate bloodlust, a fundamental desire for violence and excitement that modern life simply doesn’t provide. Yes, they may be stupid – but I would say they are not actually crazy.

Plenty of perfectly ordinary people have signed up to join. These people aren’t mentally ill, they’re just severely under-stimulated by the modern world to the point they find its banal routines insufferable. They have been insufficiently brainwashed by modern platitudes, and would rather take after our ancestors and live like a lion for a few months (probably the average life expectancy of an IS fighter) than endure a whole lifetime as a sheep.

There’s a stereotype that soldiers all turn out mentally damaged by the violence they see, but if anything they seem emotionally healthier than the general population. Suicide rates are no higher for veterans than a similar demographic of the population.

When was the last time you heard someone say of a serious crime like murder or rape that they “would never do that”? Given that such a high percentage of our ancestors died from murder, so by extension a similar portion were murderers, does this promise not sound extremely hollow?

It would all change if the situation were different

Someone needs to do an experiment someday. Hook some volunteers up to a VR scenario, wipe their memories, and put them in a survival situation—stuck on a desert island perhaps, with no other sources of food.

I wonder what percentage of people, including said “wouldn’t hurt a fly” social justice warriors, will find themselves resorting to cannibalism to survive? I put forward the hypothesis that the average person, if pushed far enough, is capable of just about anything.

Almost anyone you meet feeds their appetite for drama somehow. Sports, action movies, and video games are all multi-billion dollar industries. Alcohol and drug abuse remain rampant, and suicide rates are on the rise in most western countries, even though they’ve never been safer or richer.

Agent Smith perhaps put it best:

Did you know that the first Matrix was designed to be a perfect human world?  Where none suffered, where everyone would be happy.

It was a disaster.  No one would accept the program.  Entire crops were lost.

Some believed we lacked the programming language to describe your perfect world.  But I believe that, as a species, human beings define their reality through suffering and misery.

The perfect world was a dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from.

Even social justice warriors themselves embody this. They demand people act calmly, rationally, and without hate at all times—while marching down a street waving signs, blocking traffic, getting people fired from their jobs because they made a comment they didn’t like, shouting abuse at those who don’t toe the official line and just generally being a nuisance.

Britain Student Protest

Clearly, people need a cause to fight for. Otherwise, they will just make one up. No exceptions.

Despite all our achievements, at heart, human beings remain little more than fighting and fucking machines. We evolved to survive out on the savannah, dealing with death and suffering every day. Thousands of years of civilization later, our nature hasn’t changed.

Enjoy your rights, but don’t take them for granted

Of course, the relatively peaceful era we live in is not a bad thing. I love the fact that I can walk the streets fairly safe from attack, that I have “rights” like voting, free speech, and so on. It’s great while the party lasts.

But I do not take any of this for granted. We must stay aware of the underlying reality – that all of this is based in quicksand, that society is fragile and that any city is just three meals away from anarchy. To this day, we shouldn’t be asking the question—“why do people act selfishly?” We should be asking: “why don’t they?”

The classic disconnect is when feminists demand that society should “teach men not to rape” rather than “teaching women not to be raped.”

Yes, its a noble idea, but you can only take it so far. They truly seem to believe that violence—which, at its core, is obviously a completely natural, instinctive behavior, needs to be “taught”.

I have been the victim of assault. I have been punched in the face. I have had a knife pulled on me. On that occasion I didn’t turn around and scream “How dare you threaten me! We should teach people not to stab, rather than victims to avoid being stabbed!”

No—I looked at it, managed to blurt out “That’s not a knife mate!” and ran the fuck away.

I sincerely wish we lived in a world where a woman’s odds of being raped are zero regardless of what she does, where she goes, and how she dresses. But do you really think we live in that kind of world, at least yet?


If you want to prevent rape, you must use the same carrot and stick methods you use everywhere else.

The stick is the law. Ensure procedures are in place to catch and jail rapists. Encourage victims to go to the police, but ensure they are only prosecuted with evidence. Never lie about rapes, thus reducing the credibility of victims everywhere. Feel free to shame actual rapists, but not on a mere accusation.

The carrot is ensuring that men have options to, as a feminist might put it, “express their sexuality.” Don’t shame them for seeking wives overseas. Teach young men the realities of modern dating, rather than keeping them in the dark and ostracizing them for being “creepy” then wondering why they inflict violence on themselves and others later on.

All of our so-called “rights” are mere privileges of the unprecedented golden age we are currently living in. Hopefully, this is an age that will never end. If all goes to plan, within a few centuries we’ll be out amongst the stars, having eliminated poverty, cured all disease (perhaps even the aging process) and used technology to advance us as a species. Who knows—maybe altruism can be instilled by genetics?

Aside from screwing around with the genes of the human species, however, we still remain smart monkeys, always fighting against our violent, selfish instincts, and not always successfully.

You have rights so long as the police are just a phone call away. Otherwise, the law of the jungle returns.

Read More: Ancient Sparta Showed That Women’s Rights Are A Function Of The Economy 

161 thoughts on “Your Idea Of Rights Is A Convenient Myth”

  1. “Opening your eyes just a little, you can see evidence of this all around you.”
    Once you open your eyes, there is no going back. And it’s depressing as fuck…

      1. Indeed. The more I realize this stuff the more “free” I feel.
        America is an atrium of lies, a tyranny disguised as liberty, comprising the biggest hoax that ever existed.
        We were on stolen land the entire time.

  2. George Carlin in my opinion, was one of the greatest stand up comics of our time.
    His astute observational material proved to be unique and different from other comics and he was definately a man who was ahead of our time. He was never afraid to stand up against the establishment and challenge the status quo. He would deliver strong messages throughout his material on many issues affecting our society such as the ongoing tyranny of our governments, the widespread corruption of the banking elite, to the rampant consumeristic and materialisitic bullshit that people consume and indulge in to fill the void in their empty lives.
    The way in which he dicussed his material was very original and clever. Regardless of the dark subject matters, he would would talk about some of the important aspects of our society and at the same time, deliver it in his own unique style of humor, that it would make you laugh and think at the same time. For example, some of his greatest material includes discussing the bullshit mechanics of marketing and advertising, the obesity epidemic of America to the scams and illusions affecting our society such as the “American Dream.”
    He may have been a successful rich comedian, but regardless of his success, he was one the most cynical people of our times, and rightfully so. I honestly think, that throughout decades of his life, he saw enough bullshit in his life to realise how messed up our world truly is. He definately in my opinion, was one of the early veterans of the red pill and despite his departure, his legacy will continue to live on in our hearts and minds.

      1. 98% of his work is brilliant, absolute Red-Pill Truth, but I agree he has a few skits that show his liberal side, and the fact he doesn’t understand the true nature of women. It’s amazing how even those who are so logically well-put together can have significant gaps in their understandings of human nature. Then again, to truly understand human nature is to map the universe with binoculars (for now anyway).
        Similar to idea behind the recent article proposing the question “what is logic?”, we don’t have the mental framework to understand what makes us tick at the core. What drives our thought and memory process. We can describe our behavior, sure, but how our brains are set up in such a way as to allow the autonomous, continuous processing of data from our 5 senses performed by an organic electrical structure which adds up to what we know as our consciousness? What drives our attention to certain things, how we naturally have the ability to make sense of the mental images our eyes produce, the sounds we hear, the things we touch. Our brain structure has developed in such a way to take advantage of the laws of physics, to allow our atomic structure to perform as an individual who recognizes itself from the non-living. With built-in impulses such as hunger, satiation, anger, sadness, happiness, horniness, etc…how did this come to be? At the end of the day, we are just atoms (although the fact we experience life and make decisions suggests we have “meta-presences” (spirit, soul, call it what you will) which we cannot grasp with the senses we have been given). I have always wondered why we see death as such a bad thing. It is a part of nature, and while the process of dying involves highly negative feeling (pain), I do not believe it to be possible for us to know what lie on the other side.
        Well I took that a little farther than I’d originally planned. That logic article really got me thinking though…it’s this kind of thought that makes me thankful to be a man. I rather ponder the origins of mankind and the universe than what overpriced clothing I should squander daddy’s money on tomorrow.

        1. “I have always wondered why we see death as such a bad thing. It is a part of nature, and while the process of dying involves highly negative feeling (pain), I do not believe it to be possible for us to know what lie on the other side.”
          Death is not natural. Immortality is the natural state of man. But, Adam fell from unity with God, mankind’s default nature became sinful and death came along with sin. Death being unnatural is something to feared and even more the Judgement that follows.

      2. Carlin was a superfunny guy, but he also knew his audience, and his audience was mostly liberal and had to feel like there were “in on the joke”. Thus, America always sucked, etc.

      3. greyenlightenment:
        I’m about as conservative as they come, and I agree with Carlin’s assessment of the banking industry.
        A fucking snake den. Most of them need to serve time for fraud.

      4. Carlin was a pretty balanced guy, though. He was liberal on some issues while pretty conservative on others. I believed it came from being born in New York and he was from the older guard (older generation).
        Besides railing about the financial sector, he also talked about some of the bullshit like safety issues that too many Americans worry about today (i.e. helmets and pads kids wear to ride bikes).
        He “operated” from common sense, first and foremost, be it a liberal or conservative issue.
        I’m sure everyone here can agree that a politician (any politician) isn’t looking out for your best interest, first, right?

        1. To anyone who has investigated the nature of politics and government, the answer should be clear.
          For his last (or 2nd last..I forget) show before death, he performed on C-span, on the topic of US politics. Worth the watch if you can spare ~half hr. Slow start, picks up @ 10:30.

      5. Care to elaborate with some actual examples you disagree with instead of just throwing labels around? I think this word does not mean what you think it does…

    1. i love george as much as anyone. i have all his books.
      but, he was kind of a man hater, and kind of a feminist.
      he definitely thought women were better people than men. other than that, and him not being pro-gun, ive agreed with everything he has said.
      great , wonderful, timeless, legendary artist.
      but red pill? idk, he pretty much misses the main point of it all.

  3. Not a bad piece, but a few issues.
    According to at least one theory, this peaceful age is indeed a Very Bad Thing:
    And it won’t last. Within 50 years, unless things drastically change, all of Europe will be muslim territory. Brits are a minority in London, and there are entire cities where muslim law rules. The white man is literally facing extinction, within a few generations.

    1. I doubt us italians will accept the islamic law, there are parts of this country that don’t even accept the italian state law

  4. In the United States of America, the several states have a
    contract with the federal government in the form of the Constitution whereby each citizen’s rights and the rights of the several states, as enumerated, shall not be infringed.
    So George Carlin and the author are wrong. Rights are what are
    agreed to in a contract or compact.
    The USA was born under the concept that each person is endowed with unalienable rights, among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We form governments to protect those rights not negotiate terms or submit.

    1. There is nothing in this world I wish above you being right. The reality is different, sadly….

        1. Technically you are correct. The problem is by the time I get up to the Constitution the condo association, the alderman, the city hall, the state, and everybody in between make my life a living hell through the thousands of laws and regulation and so it’s almost impossible to “pursue my happiness”. I know what you are saying, but the hordes of lawyers can always argue each and every law/regulation being Constitutional.
          Furthermore the rules by which a law is implemented are written by unelected officials.
          I am entitled to trial by jury.. So? What good is that gonna do for me if the laws I am judged by are unfair? What can the jury do about it?
          And btw, while we are in the manosphere, why is it I don’t have the right to a jury in Family Court?

        2. You have contract with the condo association. Change it.
          As for the rest……the short answer is – move and pursue your happiness elsewhere.

        3. Move where, and find what? The same thing? It does not compute.
          Here’s the secret though. You only have rights if you have money… Even the judicial system has nothing to do with the truth and it has everything to do with money. And so we’re getting back full circle: I wish you were right, but the reality is completely opposite. And it’s devious.. It gives the false impression you can do anything you want. No, you can’t. Anyway, it is what it is… trying to make the best of it..

        4. No. No. No.
          You keep yourself locked up. Change hurts. It is a question of how much pain you can tolerate, for a better tomorrow.
          Good luck bro.

        5. You know what’s funny bro? Some 25 years ago, pissed off about how things were going in Eastern Europe, I moved here.. Good deal that was..LOL.

    2. Note there that the term is “the pursuit” of happiness, not happiness itself. Even the writers of the Constitution knew no set of laws, or governments, could guarantee happiness. They could at best only guarantee they would try to create a space where a man could seek out happiness for himself without having to worry about British armies marching over the horizon any time soon.

      1. Yep,…good point. The “pursuit”, I believe, is what makes many people happy and appreciative – in the long run. Our grandparents look at us, today, and they shake their heads because they worked many years to obtain a certain lifestyle (towards retirement) – the pursuit or journey.
        Too much is given too fast these days (I hate to say it). No appreciation at all (just look at Xmas as an example).

    3. It’s amazing how the “Man-Up” shaming is in such perfect, absolute and direct opposition to each individual’s right to the pursuit of happiness on their own terms. Add to that fact that both the right and left are on board with the “Man Up” movement and then draw your own conclusions.

    4. Your theory is that.. because there is a sheet of paper claiming that there are these imagined things called “rights” and that piece of paper says they should be honored and protected, makes it so? Is there any evidence of this?
      If we wrote down on a piece of paper that no one should die from murder and that the purpose of government is to keep people safe, would that make it true? Or if no one would hurt from hunger or suffer from disease?
      Does the USA really protect your life or liberty more than any other typical government today would? Is there evidence of this?

      1. “Your theory is that.. because there is a sheet of paper claiming that there are these imagined things called “rights” and that piece of paper says they should be honored and protected, makes it so?”
        ” the purpose of government is to keep people safe”
        No. No. No.
        The rights that you and the author are so dismissive of have nothing to do disease, hunger or safety. Here is a portion of the Declaration of Independence:
        We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
        That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government……
        The rights discussed are between individuals AND their government. I don’t have a right to not get sick. You and the author appear to have a complete misunderstanding of American society under the Constitution. Sadly, you are not alone.

        1. What are some examples of rights which do exist? How are these rights protected by their governments?
          Did rights exist before the declaration of independence declared them so? Do they exist in other countries that don’t have a declaration of independence?
          The 3 rights of Life Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness (typically translated as property):
          1) Life – The state has a legal right to kill; therefore this right is not absolute and unalienable. There are other preventable problems which abrogate the right to live–if this was of paramount importance then it would be imperative to lower speed limits by 10 MPH if it were able to save tens of thousands of lives a year at the expense of costing people a few extra minutes of driving
          2) Liberty – I don’t think this even needs discussing. The amount of liberty in western liberal democracies is laughable and rapidly declining.
          3) Property – Property is encumbered with taxation and may be confiscated by the American state even if one is not charged or convicted of a crime (see asset forfeiture laws).
          These 3 rights are *NOT* unalienable. But it’s a nice idea if they were! Therefore, they are not rights at all, but merely privileges.

        2. “What are some examples of rights which do exist?”
          I have the right to bear arms (got several). I have the right to practice my religion.
          “How are these rights protected by their governments?”
          These rights are protected by my government.
          “Did rights exist before the declaration of independence declared them so?”
          Yes. The Declaration of Independence merely shouted them from the roof tops.
          “Do they exist in other countries that don’t have a declaration of independence?”
          Yes. However, many governments deny them.
          If your mother named you Paul and all who know you, recognize you as Paul, can a government change that. Will your mother then call you Betty? Merely because a government denies your name, does not change your name.
          “Property – Property is encumbered with taxation and may be confiscated by the American state even if one is not charged or convicted of a crime (see asset forfeiture laws).”
          Taxes in the US are the product of laws created by the republic. Property is not taxed. Property cannot pay tax. Some taxes are levied based upon property that is owned and the owners are burdened to pay the tax.
          The right to life as understood by the framers has nothing to do with speed limits. this may help….

        3. Bearing arms is not an unalienable right. If you mean that because you own weapons in your home and no one is actively trying to take them from you, that you have a “right” to them, then the use of the word “right” becomes meaningless. That is the point Carlin is making. The word “right” is simply a fiction. The way you are using it (and sorry to make this such a personal post on a public forum), I have the right to eat a chicken sandwich. There is no “right” involved in either scenario. It’s just actions we are taking. You are buying a weapon because you want one. And I am eating my chicken sandwich. Because chicken is not illegal, do I have a right to eat chicken? If that is the point you are making, then as Carlin says, we all have unlimited rights.
          Moving past the idea of ficticious rights, let’s say owning a weapon and having spiritual beliefs is important to you. Owning weaponry is restricted. This is true in most countries, including the USA, and there are certain weapons which you may own and others which you may not. You may be able to have this weapon in certain places, and not in others. You may be required to hide your weaponry you leave your home. Owning weaponry is not an unalienable freedom.
          As far as spiritual beliefs go, it is almost impossible to monitor one’s mind in 2015, so most people are free to believe what they wish. If you are talking about practicing one’s beliefs, Mormons are not free to practice one of the major tenants of their faith, plural marriage. And there was a group of Christians who went to worship and study the bible together in Waco Texas who were killed and had their church destroyed, incidentally, because the pastor they followed thought that he had the “right” to bear arms. So religion is not an unalienable freedom.
          As far as names go, governments can and do force a person to change their name.
          The statements on property confuse me. Of course a non-living entity like a farm cannot pay money. Money is a human invention, and only humans use it. Property is indeed taxed, in my understating of what “property” and “tax” are. There is even something called a “property tax” where I live, and I believe in all 50 states. The important point here is that the state can confiscate the property of another under asset forfeiture, even if that person has not committed a crime, and therefore property is not an unalienable freedom.
          I guess my main question is, what does it mean to have rights? Does it make you feel better? It seems like an academic argument to me that doesn’t really make a difference to the important things in life. You are “free” to do most of the things you think you have a “right” to do. Until you don’t. Until then, enjoy them. Enjoy your life until the day the government decides it will imprison or kill you. Enjoy your weaponry until the government steals it. Enjoy your property until it is taken by a criminal or government agent. If you want to believe these things are special “rights”, fine. I do not share that belief. There is sufficient evidence that the government only allows people to have rights some or most of the time. Which, in my book, makes them not a “right” at all. Did you watch the Carlin clip?

        4. “I guess my main question is, what does it mean to have rights?
          You and others have mistaken the ability of someone else or some entity to deny your rights with actually having rights. Might does not make right.
          It is a notion that I cannot make you understand. You are on your own.
          I did watch the Carlin clip. He’s wrong for the same reasons.

        5. “Might does not make right”
          That may be true but no-one has rights without might.
          Blacks were slaves in America for around 300-400 years, what rights did they have back then until being recognised before the law as human beings and citizens of the United States?
          Rights in the USA are being eroded by the year precisely because those with the might(government, backed by police, military and alphabet-soup agencies) are taking them away

  5. “Someone needs to do an experiment someday. Hook some volunteers up to a VR scenario, wipe their memories, and put them in a survival situation—stuck on a desert island perhaps, with no other sources of food.
    I wonder what percentage of people, including said “wouldn’t hurt a fly” social justice warriors, will find themselves resorting to cannibalism to survive? I put forward the hypothesis that the average person, if pushed far enough, is capable of just about anything.”
    Such an experiment has already been conducted: the 1972 Andes flight disaster.
    Admittedly these survivors had easier choices in that they wound up eating the bodies of people already killed in the crash, and didn’t have to draw lots for who was going to die or anything like that, but at the same time the point that the average person is capable of just about anything is made — in reference to their morale, their belief, and their courage in circumstances that could easily have led to disaster. Note that even in the midst of this, an older woman — because of her religious convictions — still refused to resort to cannibalism.

    1. Heh.
      It’s going to be worse. You know why?
      Because out of the box you have people who already think they are victims.
      And that means when they are hungry, it’s not because there’s no food, it’s because someone else has all the food and is keeping it from them.
      So everything they do, they will do under the auspices of “we are the good guys”. Anybody not as starving-looking as them will be suspect. Anybody just as bad in condition as they are they will team up with.
      And these mobs will make undead zombies look like child’s play.

  6. Been browsing a bit but I feel like now is the time to add something.
    I’m a vet. Deployed 4 times in 8 years for a year+ each.Long story short, I considered buying property in Iraq I was there so much. Anyone who has been in a nation that isn’t exactly “first world” a strange thing happens. At least for me and my friends.
    You see, after a while we began to wonder exactly what real life was like. Is it how things were in the states? or was the day to day grind of doing tasks that needed to get done while watching out for people who want to kill you?
    To be honest I feel like life in those craptastic locations is much closer to reality than our little bubble we created here in the west. People still worked and lived generally normal lives, but the folks with the biggest guns essentially ran the show. Even though the general public may disagree, they were “peaceful” so their rights amounted to a blood stain on the ground if certain people saw fit.
    That is reality. That is human nature. It sucks, but it’s the truth.
    Then I come back to America and see people trying to relate a gangbanger getting capped the same as true racism of the past era. Hell, There was a Jewish reporter who’s grandparents survived the Holocaust who was called a Nazi. What the hell man?
    Long story short. People are savage things. We could live in a perfect utopia and folks would still start killing each other simply because “reasons”.
    “I don’t like the way you say toilet! You must be one of them Slightly South Eastern Americans from the South side of the river we declared to be the limits of our territory. DIE!”

    1. Brutal truth. Spent my own time in that shithole and was there when it collapsed in OIF I. About ten minutes after we rolled in to Baghdad, there were angry mobs formin to loot, burn and settle scores.
      People here don’t realize that it can just as easily happen here.

      1. “…People here don’t realize that it can just as easily happen here..”
        Damned straight. I recall the black-out of ’77 in New York City. Everything collapsed and was without power for 3 days. I saw on the cover of Newsweek Magazine two guys carrying a couch out of a furniture store in the middle of the day. There were people looting in broad daylight for the entire duration. The police were no where to be found because they were too busy protecting the elites in the posh neighborhoods.
        Indeed it can happen in the States.

        1. Good point…and I remember that one like it was yesterday (’77 black out).
          Also, for a more recent even, look at New Orleans with Katrina (hurricane) not long ago (a similar situation). Police took care of their own…some stayed on duty but many took off to man their own homes.
          Always be prepared because it can happen anywhere. You don’t have to be “crazy” to be prepared. If it happens,’re prepared…if not, then ok, too.

        2. Speaking of hurricanes, my mother was over in New York when Sandy hit. When she came back she said that was the only night in New York there wasn’t a murder.
          Makes me happy(ish) I live in Australia.

        3. Yea New Orleans broke down quick after Katrina. Even after the smaller hurricanes if you drive around NOLA after the winds die down you see car windows smashed etc.

    2. You see, after a while we began to wonder exactly what real life was like. Is it how things were in the states?
      No. Americans live under a bubble. That’s why people actually come up with shit to complain about like “man-spreading”. Like this is an actual thing.

      1. I took care to manspread real good on the airplane this week, with my leg halfway out in the aisle. Yeah baby

        1. “Day ruined.”
          No criticism here, I just got to wondering: why the fuck do women think you can ruin a day? A day is composed of two things: the fucking earth turning and the seconds ticking by on your clock. So unless you can mess in a serious way with the space-time continuum, it’s pretty much impossible to ruin a day. Even if your dog takes a shit on your carpet, it’s only fucked up your carpet for a while, it hasn’t fucked up your entire day.

        2. That’s why you don’t ever take a woman at her word.
          “You ruined my day.” she says.
          Translation: “Me female, Me not entertained this exact millisecond.” Day ruined.

        3. You know Sgt. that verse is actually this:
          “Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath:”
          Be angry and do not sin, never let the sun go down on your anger.
          Here the anger is about wanting to be righteous but failing. However the anger is essential.

        4. Depends how you’ve lived up the this point. We’re all getting “pin cushioned” at some point. Make sure you’re standing up.

        5. Ok I see, the translation you used indicates that your righteous anger should always be burning, never letting the sun go down upon it so to speak. Righteous anger is a tough act. Christ used it in the temple. Paul uses it against false teachers. But it can be done.

        6. I think the verse is mainly referring to the anger one should feel inwardly for missing the mark (sin) and motivate us to keep in the fight.
          The bible also says elsewhere to agonize over sin. To literally fight with yourself over it like a gladiator in the arena would fight another combatant.

      2. I look at animal rights and think only a super affluent country would have the time for that, does a person starving in Africa consider animals rights if he’s lucky to find a chicken? We create problems in America because we’ve run out of all the real problems.

        1. They’re eating people in Africa and people in the West are worried about the rights of meat that isn’t dead yet.

      3. I’m not a vet but long-term expat. The things I see my friends shit themselves silly over when I come home makes me feel like a have made a great investment in depriving myself. Twenty minutes in an airconditioned SUV that is larger than my bedroom, listening to any entertainment under the sun. “Goddamnit. It should only take ten minutes!!!” Day ruined.
        I’m not trying to out-martyr anyone here but I can breeze through life there. It’s actually sad. Having a full-fridge, plus a stocked freezer in the garage, a patio for stogies, clean air, huge bed, clean shag carpet etc. etc. all add NOTHING to a person’s life when they are a GIVEN. There’s no ‘happiness capital’ (new term) build up at all. It’s a given and a person’s happiness level starts out at flat zero despite all the awesomeness of American size/comfort. If you’ve been deprived in some way then having a freezer lined with Trader Joes, a stacked wetbar, a humidor and a patio with any kind of view and you’re just kind of borderline insane with happiness if you’ve lived without those things for a significant amount of time. I have to ride a train for thirty minutes, catch a bus then hike out into the woods for a quiet stogie. Once again, it’s hard to explain this without pumping up my chest about my sacrifices. So much goes entirely unappreciated.

        1. Agree. It’s why the generations before us just look to see how spoiled we’ve become, today. They had to work many years and build up to a certain lifestyle where, today, many have it handed to them (no work, no wait)..all just handed to them.
          Brand new house, TV, cars, clothes….and people are still miserable.
          The perfect recipe lies in the journey to get that point in life.

        2. “The perfect recipe lies in the journey to get that point in life.”
          Good point, good sir. I do get the impression that it is indeed the journey, not the destination that counts.

        3. Sometimes the destination can be pretty awesome to. The question is whether that is (or even can be) appreciated by people who worry, intently, whether their latte is the right temperature, or whether someone else got a bigger slice of cake….

        4. I think too that once the destination is reached there’s them comes a point where the ‘destination’ is no big deal, and another journey is needed.

      4. I had never heard of man spreading until I read this – had to look it up. Fucking ridiculous. Can’t believe this is an issue.

      5. The problem as I see it: life has become too easy for many living in western society. As the author and many here have stated, it used to be a chore to just live day to day – to find food, shelter, water, etc….many other countries still live this way.
        Today, too many people are living in a cozy “bubble” world instead of doing something constructive. It’s a shame but that’s where we are today.
        We should have left the bottom fall out during the financial bust of 2008. It would have actually done us more good in the long run (restored balance), put things in perspective.

      6. There was a big thing about this in London a few years ago. This is one of the issues with women. They cannot place themselves in the shoes of someone else (empathy). So they do not understand a man’s nuts need to breathe. As such, sitting with your legs neatly tucked together is impossible even for the uh… smallest man.

        1. On those occasions when I ride the subway (which is basically never, since the advent of Uber), I prefer to stand b/c (a) I prefer it, (b) heaven forbid some elderly or infirm person need a seat and I don’t notice.
          Oh, and because sitting is uncomfortable for me because my balls are enormous, made of brass and go “KLANK!” when I walk.

      7. Okay so it’s fine to ride around the metro in just your underwear but sitting with legs apart is a big no no.

    3. The only conclusion is that life is a dream; God’s dream. It’s all so absurd, so that’s the only thing that makes sense.

    4. I’ve long begun to realize this. The only “rights” we have are truly based on our ability to retaliate against those who would try to take things from us, or subjugate us for any reason.
      Cruel mobs are out future. But at the least, where our “rights” begin to depend on who outvotes who, a 30 round magazine will contain 30 votes.
      (Hence the Marxist “we love mob action” crowd really despises high capacity magazines for this very reason)

      1. The Mob is forming in America, it’s easy to pick up these collective self-righteous energies, most of which have been constructed by mass com. Cheers.

    5. Yes but these rag-tag muslim extremists may be the last who stand up against the banks which cause all these wars in the first place. What do you think will happen to your friends, when the puppeteer’s are done with America’s armed forces? Or it’s people? I have no doubt the muslims want to kill and hurt American people, but America has enough problems, and I don’t understand, there is more violence in your backyard, Mexico, than there is in the middle east, why not send American troops there to squash the drug & trafficking cartels once and for all? Why do they bother with only destroying Israel’s …oops I mean the “free worlds” enemies? Rhetorical questions. Proxy wars, the men they put overseas to fight are not soldiers, nor are they assassins. They are errand boys, sent by grocery clerks, to collect the bill.

      1. The USA is fully controlled by SICK INTERNATIONAL JEW BANKS. Kill the JEW, save our Nation. Jewry = Anti Christ.

    6. “枪杆子里面出政权” – 毛泽东
      Translation of the above quote:
      “(Political) Power comes from the barrel of a gun.” – Mao Zedong

    7. Best time I ever had was being in the USMC invading Somalia. Life and death. Nothing better. Getting a job and paying taxes is comical and unnatural… Slavery. With that said, those Somalis should have killed my ass. I fully support all patriotic people on Earth who kills any US Troop inside another man’s sovereign Nation. The only good US Troop inside another man’s nation is a dead US Troop. Sad to read that you still fall for the Jew LIES about WW2 and the laughable Holocaust Fables. If only you knew who really did 9/11 and what these sick people have been doing to Western Civilization ever since pure evil won WW2. You are so brainwashed and you have no clue. Truly sad and amazing.

  7. Excellent piece, at their core “rights” are ultimately moral constructs ostensibly granted by God but ultimately conceived by man. Anything conceived by man is plagued by flaw.

  8. My only issue is that this does sort of uphold the left wing idea that any rights you have are on the sufferance of the government. Now that is aberrational.
    It is true to an extent but it’s used as an excuse for the government to curtail them.

    1. Any rights you have are secured by the vigilance of you and others you trust.
      Rights do not exist in a supernatural vaccuum. If someone denies me freedom of speech, or tries to take my firearms by force, the hand of God will not come out of the sky, and use God’s thumb to squish the malefactor like a bug.
      Individuals in a civilization have to do the squishing.

    2. Now you’re getting somewhere. This is why governments always focus on your “rights”. Because they are an invention of government.

      1. Really? Which government do I thank for “inventing” my, and every one of my ancestors, rights to pick a stick up off the ground and use it to beat some sense into clueless fellows?

        1. Not sure if this is a serious question. But one does not have a “right” to beat others. If that is how you define rights, then I have the right to do literally anything, because I can, in the moment, do anything which is physically possible, including raping the next person I see up the arse with a squirrel and pooping on their chest. Does not mean I have the “right” to do so. Rights are ficticious.

        2. You are woefully mistaken about the rights part. And you make an additional classic mistake of confusing ability with rights. One has every moral and legal right to beat someone. You may beat them a little, or all the way to death. Often with no repercussions at all other than bruised knuckles. This happens every day, a lot in fact, all over the world, in every surviving culture. The right I refer to is the right to defend your self and your charges and property. At all times, by any means. Stretch your mind and see the obvious difference between the ability to beat someone to death and the right to. Most humans have this ability, but its only ever socially allowed in the Right time and place. When you act Rightly. See the commonalities?
          This right existed long before any government was ever conceived. Every government has leveraged itself into existance with this right. Your government claims this right when they go to war, in defense of its citizens. Governments regularly make the same mistake you made regarding rights vs abilities though, and you aren’t alone in seeing that they are at times, wrong and not Right. But those governments continue in existance for as long as they respect the majority of its peoples natural rights. No government can take this away. They can try. And you can give up, or fight them. That is YOUR choice. Maybe your ancestors gave it up for you, and you will need to take it back…using? That’s right. The same right. Babies are not given a modern injection of “justice” at birth, yet the baby who has his sucker taken away screams for help. For justice. For the righting of a wrong. He will age and this will not change without extreme brainwashing. Every functioning able bodied man is born with this ability, this understanding and this desire, and hence, this right. And large groups of able bodied intelligent men with common interests have made the real rules for all eternity and that will never change. For they decide the small details of the acceptable wheres and whens that our right to beat a fellow human are, but the rights are always there. In every culture, in all of history, even if you are a subject vs a citizen.
          Where does this ability and mental understanding of justice originate? Did some group of democrats, or republicans or whigs or torries make me? My culture will determine my flavor of justice and acceptable use of force only
          Now, if a bad man rapes your mother, and you walk in while its happening and you beat the bad man to death in defense of yourself and your mothers life, that is your right. Do you suppose your neighbors will find you in the wrong? Or in the Right? If you don’t, and your mother is brutally murdered, and you testify against the bad man, the state ( or the crown…etc) will forcefully take away his rights and may beat him to death for you, though they may choose different means. Same result, same reason. Same logic. Will you judge them to have acted Rightly?
          Modern society has fooled many into believing that this type of common sense is anything but, and we are lied to in every possible way. But in your heart, you know the truth, for you are fighting percieved tyranny and what you see as ignorance right now through words. I aplaud that attitude. Words on paper are just that. But they can be a valid description of a reality nonetheless, in this case, the second amendment of the US Constitutions bill of rights.

  9. I’d replace it with “you don’t have rights rather you have powers.” People only have rights because there’s some sort of power protecting their perceived rights hence when that power is removed people lose their rights in kind, e.g. Carlin’s mention of the Japanese-American internment camps.

  10. There are many ways you could describe Iraq under Saddam’s rule, but there can be no doubt it was an orderly place, with law brutally enforced to keep folks in line. I witnessed it go to shit and people become raging animals literally within about ten minutes of us rolling into Baghdad.
    What is written here is true. Civilization and rights are a thin veneer that work because we’ve all agreed to play along. It doesn’t take very many deciding not to play by the rules to make it crumble. Look at ISIS. A few thousand dipshits hold millions of people under their sway, and whatever “rights” they imagined themselves to have are now replaced by whatever comes out of the mouth of the hooded dude with the butcher knife.

    1. That’s why rifles were invented.
      If those people don’t like their new ‘rights’ they have the ‘right’ to self determination.
      If ISIS comes here I will not submit. I will either see them driven from our shores or die trying.

    2. ISIS = US Weapons + Saudi Troops + Turkey Money + Israel Hospitals. The only people fighting ISIS are Russia, Iran, Syria, Lebanon Hezbollah. The Jew is the Anti Christ that fully controls the USA and Europe.

  11. It’s honestly like carlin just told people blunt truth and they’re so naive to it, maybe even by choice, that they just laugh. Almost like laughing the the face of death.

    1. People hear Carlin explain the is/ought dilemma in humorous terms and instead of having the existential crisis they need, they laugh and tell themselves “What a funny guy. What’s else is on TV tonight?” Having an existential crisis can lead to suicide and murder, so I suppose it makes sense that most people would rather smoke a bowl and forget about all that nonsense.

      1. Oscar Wilde — ‘If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they’ll kill you.’

  12. One minor critique. You confused negative rights with positive rights. Liberals believe in positive rights, ie rights that they expect the benevolent government to bestow upon them: food, jobs, shelter, a standard of living, safety and protection, healthcare, etc. Real rights, like inalienable natural rights, are negative rights that cant be taken away because they are retained by the individual. True liberty, even in chaos or oppression, is negative. Exercising it may mean death, consequences, or prison in certain societies, but theoretically the liberty of being an individual is self retained no matter what.

  13. Just stumbled upon this. There are no rights, and there is no Constitution anymore. If anybody here can argue otherwise in the face of fact after fact, then please set me straight. I know it says the courts are looking into this, but you know what? I just don’t trust the fucking courts. And who knows what other things they are doing with or without technology…

    1. A written document explaining a social contract is only as strong and morally healthy as the individuals involved. Stop looking for safety and validation from anyone. Not the courts, not the congress…The most you can do to a free man is kill him. Free yourself and ignore all the fear mongering. Its your life to give in defense of what you feel worthy. If that’s for extra large diet sodas and big macs, then you have made a choice. Live by the fear and die by the fear if you want. I choose differently. And yes. I don’t trust anyone, courts included to protect my family. That is my job. If two people in this country treat each other both with the respect spelled out in that amazing document, the constitution , then the document is still valid. You choose.

    1. Are you following me mo chara lol where on this God forsaken island do you dwell. North or south?

  14. Hurricane Katrina proved that our Democracy is at the mercy of the power grid. Look how animalistic private first world citizens (and our Government) became when the levees gave way.

    1. There’s also accounts of Romans joining the Barbarians in the sacking, raping, and pillaging of their own city in the Sack of 455A.D. Hobbes had it right when he said humans are loyal only to self interest. Civility is a thin veil indeed.

    2. Very little has changed among the “civilized”. There are accounts that many Romans joined the Barbarians in acts of rape and cannibalism during the Sack of Rome in 455 A.D. Humans are loyal to one thing: self interest.

      1. Rome was sacked in 455 because the Roman state had cheated the barbarian mercenaries, and their own soldiers with completely debased currency as “pay” … silver plated bronze slugs.
        Rome fell because the trust between members of its civilization was gone. No barb can destroy a working trust-based civilization. Once trust is gone, a feather can knock it over.

    3. The other thing you should learn from the Superdome experience (believe me the MSM did not tell you everything that went on there) is this:
      Because the first thing that happens when you stroll up is you are disarmed and then placed in the camp with the general population.
      without firearms, the strongest rules, period.
      The superdome was a jungle and the law of the jungle prevailed to the point that cops wouldn’t go in there without full battle rattle and significant numbers, despite the fact the guests inside were brutalizing each other and committing violent felonies.
      In order to avoid the gunvermin’s helping hand, you need to be able to provide for your own food and water as well as your own protection. WRT to FEMA and natural disasters: GYOW.
      Not unlike our ancestors 100+years ago, who would have thought anyone who didn’t have a food store to be insane.
      How did that get flipped in the intervening years?
      Ease. Like a couple of the veterans and expats noted above.
      Just because there’s food in the store right now, doesn’t mean that something couldn’t happen 5 minutes from now that renders that store either a hole-up for the local PD, or looted and empty.
      Driving a car by looking in the rear view mirror is guaranteed to fail.
      Living life as if every future day will be like yesterday or more succinctly, assuming that because a disaster didn’t happen yesterday it will not happen tomorrow is a major miscalculation that leaves the person extremely vulnerable.
      The clueless and myopic suffer due to their inability or unwillingness to accept that things could go tits up in this country in the blink of an eye.
      Stay ready. Stay prepared. Ever vigilant. A traditional male role if there ever was one.

      1. Whatever happened to Dizzy? One of the hottest women ever. Cant remember ever seeing her in another movie.

        1. She died in Johnny’s arms after getting speared by a bug, remember…
          …Oh, you mean the actress. Dina Meyer. She was in the Saw franchise as one of the detectives, but seems to have been stuck with mostly B-movies and second-tier TV series.

    1. This flick predicted our present state- perpetual war for pertual peace. I like how it ended with another war starting!

      1. Want to know more ? Click here!
        It was very prescient. As are many older movies.
        Is the movie the message? If so, what do our newest movies tell us?

  15. In the reactionary Christian community there are many who believe that the American rights supposedly granted by God are jibberish. They are still mad about Oliver Cromwell killing the king. They still hate the Whigs. And don’t mention the French Revolution around them.

  16. All rights not claimed are waived.
    We’ve grown fat and lazy in recent decades and in our stupor we’ve passively waived all the rights & privileges our ancestors fought and died to secure because….well it sounds super hard……and I’ve got the Big bang theory DVR’d…..and my boss said if I waste away for the next decade I could maybe be VP….and…..and….excuse after excuse after excuse.
    The unalienable rights are God given but are easily alienated when no decent man stands up to tell those who would take them, “These are mine. If you try to take them, one of us will die in the process. Proceed as you see fit.”
    Cowards become slaves. It is inevitable. The rest will take whatever they can.

  17. After hurricanes blow through my area (East Texas/Gulf Coast), and we lose power for three plus days, gas becomes scarce and grocery store shelves empty out, you can definitely feel the barbarians at the gate.

  18. We have some degree of equality under the rule of law , but that’s as far as it goes and should go. The left wants equality of outcomes instead of equality of opportunity.

  19. I think it was Thomas Sowell who said that liberals look around and wonder why there is poverty–they think the natural state of the world is prosperity, and then something came along and ruined it. However, the question liberals should be asking is not what makes poverty, but what makes wealth.
    The same is true for the other fruits of civilization like freedom, justice, and safety.

  20. George Carlin was indeed red pill but most of RoK authors and readership are not. Here’s what he had to say about your favourite boogeymen, the terrorists

    1. “you ever get vuja-de? That funny feeling that none of this shit has ever happened before?”
      His bit on the difference between football and baseball was my fave.

    2. He certainly was one of the greats. He brought a lot of common sense and truth to his shows (he’ll be missed).

  21. The one realisation that marked my transition to manhood: The world owes you nothing but a cold, hard death.

  22. the relative peace of the modern world is maintained solely by the
    respective police forces and armies of the world’s governments.

    Terribly naive. The modern world is not peaceful because of the police (who infringe continuously on property rights) and the armies of the world are responsible for violence not peace – that’s what they’re for.
    The best way to maintain peace is for governments to stop restricting the natural right of people to defend themselves. Yes “natural right” or rights which the article failed to address. If you are going to claim that people have “no rights” you will quickly run into contradictions.

  23. As a further blow to equality ,for things such as socioeconomic status, biological determinism means some people will be better than others. The left cannot come to terms with this reality, so they create bogus narratives about how IQ is not important or they try to soak the successful with wealth redistribution. We live in a society that increasingly rewards wealth and status for those in the top 5% or so of intelligence, with not that much for everyone else.

  24. Well, this was a whole lot of nothing that anyone who isn’t a dumbshit didn’t already know.
    Why do I keep on giving this place traffic? Self-help sites are one of the pinnacles of pathetic. Any man who doesn’t know what it means to be a man through intuition and plain common sense isn’t going to be helped by engaging in more pathetic activities – IE, trying to improve themselves through the words of others on a self-help site.
    MRAs are most annoying of all the SJWs. A real man laughs at those too weak and feeble to be the same. The elite tier of manliness scoffs at RoK. Get a clue, guys. You’ll never be a king if you need someone else to tell you how to be one.

      1. Adorable, you have adopted the language of the Pack. A true sign.of a beta and a follower. Its like you’re not even a person anymore, you’re a groupthink node.
        Please continue to rage at women who won’t sleep with you.
        Understand, I’m not criticizing the rhetoric. I’m criticizing the fact that you’re so fucking stupid you need a self-help site to feed you the obvious. You’re here because you want to feel like you’re a part of something, because being around others who think like you is comforting.
        And do you even know what a neckbeard is?
        A lion does not teach other cats how to be lions. You either are one or aren’t one. If you read a self-help site for anything other than humor, you aren’t one.

        1. I don’t need a site and I get more pussy than you. I read this site for the entertainment.

    1. ROK isn’t about giving advice to transform Men into Men. ROK is a place Men can go and enjoy articles that are Masculine. ROK doesn’t pander to PC culture it’s a breath of fresh air.

    2. Dude you nailed it….put the perfect words to a half formed idea I’ve been chewing on for many months. If ROK is “for masculine men”, then why are there so many whining little bitches here?

  25. “You have rights so long as the police are just a phone call away. Otherwise, the law of the jungle returns.”
    Ring ring… it’s the second amendment. And no…rights aren’t privileges, you have them because you are a human being. Now whether or not you keep them is entirely up to you.

  26. Rights are a facet of morality, rooted in Natural and Divine Law. Yes, I agree that if there are rights, there must be a God; but if there is no God, there are no rights. Now, while I also agree that 1) people yammer on about their rights in an entitled and irrational way (whereas rights must be grounded in what is actually right, and in reason), and 2) often rights, real and imagined, are violated at will, the fact remains that rights – like every other distinction between right and wrong – deal with the situation not as it always is, but as it ought to be. The fact that things are not always as they ought to be, does not per se disprove that this is yet how they ought to be.

  27. Yes rights are man made, but that was because while I agree with Hobbes that human beings are innately violent, brutal, and self-serving (the nazis can attest to that) I do thing it takes a concerted effort and general sense of empathy to be good, and that goodness can shape our world for the better, like Kant argued. So, if the world dwindles into anarchy tomorrow, I will arm myself and fight for democracy.

  28. There is no other right than the right of the stronger. Never was and never will be.
    If you have no power you have no rights. It is as simple as that.
    Power comes from a combination of physical power (how strong you are, your skill in battle), economic power (money, income, property, companies you own) and political power (how many people you own in one way or the other).
    If you are weak and never learned to fight;
    your physical power level is 1 out of 9.
    If you are living from paycheck to paycheck and your house belongs to the bank your economic power level is 1 out of 9.
    If you have nobody to command, no servants, no employees, no wife/children, to followers, no disciples; your political power level is 1 out of 9
    With 3 x 1 you are as low as a human beeing can fall. A powerless slave to the system. Congratulations you are one of many.

    1. Question came in what a 3×1 guy can do about it; so here we go:
      Physical power: Get stronger by lifting weights or hard physical labor. Learn to use a knife and a gun. Carry a knife with you at all times (gun better but not in all places possible). Be ready to use them as needed. No fear.
      Economic power comes from freedom. No debt. Save a lot. Use every opportunity to make some money. The law is no border here.
      Buy property in an area of the world where there are low to none property taxes and obligations. As long as you pay taxes and interest you work for other.
      When you EARN interest and pay little to no taxes, others work for you.
      Political/social power: Make it so others depend on you. Remember the tale with the fish and teaching how to fish? Never teach them. Power comes from others following you because they need you. Never expect gratitude only self-interest.
      Understand that you have been born into servitude. You have been told lies all your life.
      What you see as “good” in movies leads into servdom.
      What you see as “evil” leads to freedom.
      The matrix was right in its message.

  29. This is one of the best posts.
    I often find things that cause a resistance in me when reading Return of Kings. But I’ve managed to not be a pussy mentally. I mean accept the mental challenge and let the fire burn me for a while. Let ideas different than mine permeate, give them a real chance.
    You create outstanding content! Thanks for the challenge.

  30. “The mutaween circulate among us endlessly, looking at the third page of the paper you’re perusing, checking the spread of your legs as you ride the subway, parsing your words for forbidden phrases, investigating suspicious Greek fraternities, ensuring the requisite Wellness, retaining all the data passing through your ISP to be sure you have had no impure thoughts recently, even as they remind you that “yes means no” — all the while denying that there is an ultimate meaning to anything. Why all this busyness? Well that’s the irony. They don’t even know why.
    Well, just because.”

  31. Completely true. We are 99% the same as chimps, and chimps routinely stage ‘wars’ on neighbouring tribes, killing them. Humans are not a peaceful species, and will never be, unless we evolve into something completely different in say, a million years. Violence, tribal and family loyalty (racism), sexual dominance (rape), is all totally ‘natural’ for our species, and while of course we can overcome these instincts with our intelligence, and obviously need to now that there are (unnaturally) billions of people on the planet, it’s moronic to pretend we are naturally ‘civilised.’ We’re not, and that’s why laws and police were invented.

  32. The author was doing so well until the last sentence. “You have rights so long as the police are just a phone call away. Otherwise, the law of the jungle returns.” The police do not guarantee your rights; they only (hopefully) arrest someone for violating them and serve as a deterrent.
    The founders of the US called them God given rights to distinguish them from monarchy given rights and to give legitimacy to their efforts to protect them. The American Constitution is predicated on “…and if you don’t like it, we will shoot you.” We, meaning the People, and you, meaning any government or individual. Peace through superior firepower indeed. The Great Experiment of the USA is based on natural law, which is the most powerful rule. If everyone is equally armed, there would be much less crime; lions do not fight each other.
    150 years ago, a man escorting a woman (and that means take her someplace under your protection) would be armed, and should he or she be accosted by a criminal, not only would he know how to and have the tools to kill the criminal, he would be proud to do it as an honorable man. Punishment for such a gentleman ridding the town of a vagrant would be unheard of; the local police would ask the gentleman for a report and he would take it as they shared a drink.
    Man is the tool using animal. Arm yourselves, and know how to use them well. Learn to shoot at range; I can recommend some good rifle programs.

  33. Seems parallel to something I realized and formulated more than 15 years ago.
    “We have only those rights we and our ancestors have taken;
    “We will keep only those rights we and our descendants maintain.”

  34. First off props to this article quite thought provoking. Way too much to really comment on. I have things I agree with and things I am not in complete agreement with. I like the point about outside of humans most animals die by being eaten. I do not believe in evolution like we come from Monkeys and that BS, but I do believe we evolve as humans.
    I think Dinesh Disouza in his film “America: Imagine the World Without Her” summed it up best. “Before America existed everything was gained by conquest.”
    No other Super Power has conquered places only to leave and give it back, this is because America is not about conquest. America thrives through ingenuity, entrepreneurship and smart work.
    I think this kind of HUMAN EVOLUTION is good, I think the world will and would always be a better place if domination and power is not achieved by conquest and conquest never happened. That being said there will always be flaws, there are flaws in capitalism, the American Government should never have bailed out corps in 2008 this was tampering with capitalism. Furthermore ever since the creation of the Federal Reserve Banking System aka the FED this country stopped being a 100% capitalist country. It was the creation of the FED that rigged capitalism for the “Super Rich”
    As far as rights go which is what this whole article is about. I think it simply comes down to this: THERE IS A HUGE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A RIGHT AND PRIVILEGE. Anything outside of what America’s founding fathers wrote in the Declaration of Independence in my opinion is privilege. This is what they wrote:
    “We hold these truths to be sacred & undeniable; that all men are created equal & independent, that from that equal creation they derive rights inherent & inalienable, among which are the preservation of life, & liberty, & the pursuit of happiness; …”
    If people would start to cherish and not take for granted these three things and be grateful for all of their privileges we would be much better off.
    I find the attack on our liberties in this country an outrage and I find it deplorable that people seem to fight for their privileges more than they fight for their rights.
    For instance in current news “No more texting and driving, I am 41 years old I know when it is safe to text and drive and when it is not, I know how to safely text and drive”
    We are so quick to take away privilege and in a round about way freedom as opposed to thinking of other solutions.
    Teach the damn teenagers how to text and drive properly, or put the ban on only teenagers. I have yet to hear about a 30+ have an accident because they were texting and driving.
    Sorry for the the side rant, I hope it did not take away from what else I wrote.

  35. Most supermarkets have three days worth of food stockpiled at any given time. It should last the city that long barring any looting, hording, etc.
    So we’re actually nine meals away from anarchy. Still not very reassuring.

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