In the past couple of years I began to wonder about the fact that Jews are firmly in the middle of leftist movements centered around socialism, communism, and feminism. The Culture Of Critique by Kevin MacDonald answered why they are so heavily invested in leftist causes and how they have damaged traditional Christian ideals by treating America as a cultural laboratory to further their own group interests above those of gentiles (non-Jews).
Up to recently, Jews did not have a homeland, meaning they had—and still have—to live in countries where they’re minorities. Therefore they would historically favor societies that were open, multicultural, pro-immigration, and left-leaning so that they would not be persecuted by the host nation or be barred from attaining higher social and economic status.
Jews benefit from open, individualistic societies in which barriers to upward mobility are removed, in which people are viewed as individuals rather than as members of groups, in which intellectual discourse is not prescribed by institutions like the Catholic Church that are not dominated by Jews, and in which mechanisms of altruistic punishment may be exploited to divide the European majority.
To accomplish such a society, Jewish intellectuals moved mountains to promote human equality and the idea of racial equality (the inventor of the word ‘racist’ was Russian Jewish communist Leon Trotsky, born Lev Bronshtein). While pushing the notion of equality, Jews were hyper-aware of their own unique race and would exclude themselves from many of the prescriptions they offered to their host cultures. They made sure to help their “tribe” before all others.
Below are the main arguments and highlights of The Culture Of Critique:
“Race is a myth”
Famed Jewish anthropologist Franz Boas was instrumental in pushing the idea of nurture and culture over that of nature. We now speak of “cultural” effects upon nations instead of more genetically determined factors like race.
An important technique of the Boasian school was to cast doubt on general theories of human evolution , such as those implying developmental sequences, by emphasizing the vast diversity and chaotic minutiae of human behavior, as well as the relativism of standards of cultural evaluation.
By 1926 every major department of anthropology was headed by Boas’s students, the majority of whom were Jewish.
Ashley Montagu was another influential student of Boas. Montagu, whose original name was Israel Ehrenberg, was a highly visible crusader in the battle against the idea of racial differences in mental capacities. He was also highly conscious of being Jewish, stating on one occasion that “if you are brought up a Jew, you know that all non-Jews are anti-Semitic. . . . I think it is a good working hypothesis”. Montagu asserted that race is a socially constructed myth.
Freudian psychoanalysis as a gentile subversive movement
The book proposes that Sigmund Freud, a Jew, pushed psychoanalysis to break down traditional pair bonding in gentiles.
Many early proponents viewed psychoanalysis as a redemptive messianic movement that would end anti-Semitism by freeing the world of neuroses produced by sexually repressive Western civilization.
Freud’s theory of anti-Semitism in Moses and Monotheism contains several assertions that anti-Semitism is fundamentally a pathological gentile reaction to Jewish ethical superiority.
Freud managed to diagnose Western culture as essentially neurotic while apparently, on the basis of the argument in Moses and Monotheism, holding the view that Judaism represents the epitome of mental health and moral and intellectual superiority.
…when [Western] institutions were subjected to the radical critique presented by psychoanalysis, they came to be seen as engendering neurosis, and Western society itself was viewed as pathogenic. Freud’s writings on this issue are replete with assertions on the need for greater sexual freedom to overcome debilitating neurosis. As we shall see, later psychoanalytic critiques of gentile culture pointed to the repression of sexuality as leading to anti-Semitism and a host of other modern ills.
The psychoanalysts who emigrated from Europe to the United States during the Nazi era expected to make psychoanalysis “into the ultimate weapon against fascism, anti-Semitism, and every other antiliberal bias.”
Frankfurt school
The Frankfurt school was a research institute set up in Germany during the 1920’s. They were instrumental in developing an intellectual base for cultural Marxism under the “critical theory” framework.
At a deep level the work of the Frankfurt School is addressed to altering Western societies in an attempt to make them resistant to anti-Semitism by pathologizing gentile group affiliations.
…entire thrust of the Frankfurt School’s view of science rejects the idea that science should attempt to understand reality in favor of the ideology that science ought to serve moral (i.e., political) interests.
The end of anti-Semitism is thus viewed as a precondition for the development of a utopian society and the liberation of humanity— perhaps the closest that the Frankfurt School ever came to defining utopia. The envisioned utopian society is one in which Judaism can continue as a cohesive group but in which cohesive, nationalistic, corporate gentile groups based on conformity to group norms have been abolished as manifestations of psychopathology.
In the 1970s, the Frankfurt School intellectuals continued to draw the fire of German conservatives who characterized them as the “intellectual foster-parents of terrorists” and as fomenters of “cultural revolution to destroy the Christian West”
Jewish interests are also served by the Frankfurt School ideology that gentile concerns about losing social status and being eclipsed economically , socially, and demographically by other groups are an indication of psychopathology. As an exceptionally upwardly mobile group, this ideology serves Jewish interests by defusing gentile concerns about their downward mobility.
Jewish intellectual strategies to change culture
Judaism, because of its position as a minority group strategy committed to its own worldview, has tended to adopt ideologies in which the institutions and ideologies of the surrounding society are viewed negatively.
…an important goal of Jewish intellectual effort may be understood as attempting to undermine cohesive gentile group strategies while continuing to engage in their own highly cohesive group strategy.
…one of the themes of post-Enlightenment Judaism has been the rapid upward mobility of Jews and attempts by gentile power structures to limit Jewish access to power and social status. Given this rather conspicuous reality, practical reasons of economic and political self-interest would result in Jews being attracted to movements that criticized the gentile power structure or even advocated overthrowing it entirely.
Another practical goal of Jewish political and intellectual movements has been to combat anti-Semitism. For example, Jewish attraction to socialism in many countries in the 1930s was motivated partly by communist opposition to fascism and anti-Semitism. The general association between anti-Semitism and conservative political views has often been advanced as an explanation for Jewish involvement with the left, including the leftist tendencies of many wealthy Jews.
In the absence of a clearly perceived conflict with Jewish interests, it remains possible that different political choices among ethnic Jews are only differences in tactics for how best to achieve Jewish interests.
Silberman notes “American Jews are committed to cultural tolerance because of their belief— one firmly rooted in history— that Jews are safe only in a society acceptant of a wide range of attitudes and behaviors, as well as a diversity of religious and ethnic groups. It is this belief, for example, not approval of homosexuality, that leads an overwhelming majority of American Jews to endorse ‘gay rights’ and to take a liberal stance on most other so-called ‘social’ issues.”
Institutions that promote group ties among gentiles (such as nationalism and traditional gentile religious associations) are actively opposed and subverted, while the structural integrity of Jewish separatism is maintained. A consistent thread of radical theorizing since Marx has been a fear that nationalism could serve as a social cement that would result in a compromise between the social classes and result in a highly unified social order based on hierarchical but harmonious relationships between existing social classes.
When an experiment in ideology and political structure fails, another experiment is launched. Since the Enlightenment, Judaism has not been a unified, monolithic movement.
In the promised utopian societies of the future, the category of Jew-gentile would be of no theoretical importance , but Jews could continue to identify as Jews and there could be continuation of Jewish group identity while at the same time a principle source of gentile identity— religion and its concomitant supports for high-investment parenting— would be conceptualized as an infantile aberration.
Promotion of cosmopolitanism, individualism, and decadent lifestyles
A race to degeneracy hurts Jews less than gentiles because they still retain guiding ingroup values. Gentiles are left in the cultural winds that Jews help create.
Research summarized by Triandis on cross-cultural differences in individualism and collectivism indicates that anti-Semitism would be lowest in individualist societies rather than societies that are collectivist and homogeneous apart from Jews.
In the long run, radical individualism among gentiles and the fragmentation of gentile culture offer a superior environment for Judaism as a group evolutionary strategy,
Indeed, “the universities, ‘free’ professions, salons, coffeehouses, concert halls, and art galleries in Berlin, Vienna, and Budapest became so heavily Jewish that liberalism and Jewishness became almost indistinguishable”.
People in individualist cultures, in contrast, show little emotional attachment to ingroups. Personal goals are paramount, and socialization emphasizes the importance of self-reliance, independence, individual responsibility, and “finding yourself”. Individualists have more positive attitudes toward strangers and outgroup members and are more likely to behave in a prosocial, altruistic manner to strangers. Because they are less aware of ingroup-outgroup boundaries, people in individualist cultures are less likely to have negative attitudes toward outgroup members.
Jews, as a highly cohesive group, have an interest in advocating a completely atomistic, individualistic society in which ingroup-outgroup distinctions are not salient to gentiles.
…a fundamental aspect of Jewish intellectual history has been the realization that there is really no demonstrable difference between truth and consensus.
…the cultural idealization of an essentially Jewish personal ethic of hedonism, anxiety, and intellectuality came at the expense of the older rural ethic of asceticism and sexual restraint.
Jews went through great efforts to conceal the predominately Jewish nature of their intellectual movements by having token gentiles be controlled spokespersons for their groups.
…because [their] movements were intended to appeal to gentiles, they were forced to minimize any overt indication that Jewish group identity or Jewish group interests were important to the participants.
…to exert their influence, they were forced to deny the importance of specifically Jewish identity and interests at the heart of the movement.
…after the collapse of the communist regime in Poland, “numerous Jews, some of them children and grandchildren of former communists, came ‘out of the closet’ ”, openly adopting a Jewish identity and reinforcing the idea that many Jewish communists were in fact crypto-Jews.
Lyons (1982, 73) finds that “most Jewish Communists wear their Jewishness very casually but experience it deeply. It is not a religious or even an institutional Jewishness for most; nevertheless, it is rooted in a subculture of identity, style, language, and social network.
Freud took great pains to ensure that a gentile, Jung, would be the head of his psychoanalytic movement— a move that infuriated his Jewish colleagues in Vienna, but one that was clearly intended to deemphasize the very large overrepresentation of Jews in the movement during this period.
The Jewishness of an assimilated Jew tends to come out when Jewry is threatened:
Jewish identity of even a highly assimilated Jew, and even one who has subjectively rejected a Jewish identity, may surface at times of crisis to the group or when Jewish identification conflicts with any other identity that a Jew might have, including identification as a political radical.
Their disproportionate participation in communism, Marxism, and socialism
Marxism is an exemplar of a universalist ideology in which ethnic and nationalist barriers within the society and indeed between societies are eventually removed in the interests of social harmony and a sense of communal interest.
Jews perceived communism as good for Jews: It was a movement that did not threaten Jewish group continuity, and it held the promise of power and influence for Jews and the end of state-sponsored anti-Semitism.
…many Eastern European Jews were impoverished at least in part because of czarist anti-Jewish policies that prevented Jewish upward mobility. As a result , a great many Jews were attracted to radical political solutions that would transform the economic and political basis of society and would also be consistent with the continuity of Judaism.
The main weapons Jews used against national cultures were two quintessentially modern ideologies, Marxism and Freudianism, “both [of which] countered nationalism’s quaint tribalism with a modern (scientific) path to wholeness”
Communism was good for Jews: It was a movement that never threatened Jewish group continuity, and it held the promise of Jewish power and influence and the end of state-sponsored anti-Semitism. And when this group achieved power in Poland after World War II, they liquidated the Polish nationalist movement, outlawed anti-Semitism , and established Jewish cultural and economic institutions.
12 of the 20 NKVD directorates were headed by ethnic Jews, including those in charge of state security, police, labor camps, and resettlement (i.e., deportation). The Gulag was headed by ethnic Jews from its beginning in 1930 until the end of 1938, a period that encompasses the worst excesses of the Great Terror. They were, in Slezkine’s words, “Stalin’s willing executioners”
Jewish dissidents whose parents had run the Gulags, the deportations, and the state-sponsored famines, now led the “urgent call for social justice” [after Stalin’s crackdown on Jews].
Jews were originators of the “social justice” movement that we now have to deal with, but they lost control of it after Jews were no longer seen as minorities in need of social justice but as privileged whites who are part of the power structure. Many Jews are confused about how to handle a movement they helped create that is highly sympathetic to Palestinian causes.
Jews in neo-conservatism
Neoconservatism evolved from those on the farthest right of Stalin’s communist left, who eventually became anti-communist because of Soviet persecution of Jews after World War 2. They still retain liberal ideals like the denial of race and gender differences. Their most preached position of “Middle East democracy” is a euphemism for “let’s hurt Israel’s enemies.”
Jewish liberals promote domestic issues which help their interests in the USA while neocons promote foreign policies that support Israel under the false guise of conservatism. They don’t work together directly but seem to cover all the bases to help Jews both in and out of Israel.
…origins of neoconservatism as a Jewish movement are thus linked to the fact that the left, including the Soviet Union and leftist radicals in the United States, had become anti-Zionist.
The New Left also tended to have negative attitudes toward Israel, with the result that many Jewish radicals eventually abandoned the left. In the late 1960s, the black Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee described Zionism as “racist colonialism” which massacred and oppressed Arabs.
Part of the attraction neoconservatism held for Jewish intellectuals was its compatibility with support for Israel at a time when Third World countries supported by most American leftists were strongly anti-Zionist.
In alliance with virtually the entire organized American Jewish community, neoconservatism is a vanguard Jewish movement with close ties to the most extreme nationalistic, aggressive, racialist, and religiously fanatical elements within Israel.
…by far the best predictor of neoconservative attitudes, on foreign policy at least, is what the political right in Israel deems in Israel’s best interests.
…neoconservatives have been staunch supporters of arguably the most destructive force associated with the left in the twentieth century—massive non-European immigration.
Jewish influence in America
Jewish groups, particularly the AJCongress, played a leading role in drafting civil rights legislation and pursuing legal challenges related to civil rights issues mainly benefiting blacks. “Jewish support, legal and monetary, afforded the civil rights movement a string of legal victories. . . . There is little exaggeration in an American Jewish Congress lawyer’s claim that ‘many of these laws were actually written in the offices of Jewish agencies by Jewish staff people, introduced by Jewish legislators and pressured into being by Jewish voters’ ”
By 1968, Jews constituted 20 percent of the faculty of elite American colleges and universities and constituted 30 percent of the “most liberal” faculty. At this time, Jews, representing less than 3 percent of the population, constituted 25 percent of the social science faculty at elite universities and 40 percent of liberal faculty who published most.
[Jewish intellectualism] has resulted in a society increasingly split between a disproportionately Jewish “cognitive elite” and a growing mass of individuals who are intellectually incompetent, irresponsible as parents, prone to requiring public assistance, and prone to criminal behavior, psychiatric disorders, and substance abuse.
…neither communism nor fascism was good for Jews in the long run. But democracy cannot be trusted given that Weimar ended with Hitler. A solution is to advocate democracy and the trappings of traditional religious culture, but managed by an elite able to manipulate the masses via control of the media and academic discourse.
Of considerable importance to the history of U.S. immigration policy has been the collaboration between Jewish activists and elite gentile industrialists interested in cheap labor, at least in the period prior to 1924.
Jewish progress in the 20th century
In the late 19th century the great bulk of the Jewish population lived in Eastern Europe, with many Jews mired in poverty and all surrounded by hostile populations and unsympathetic governments. A century later, Israel is firmly established in the Middle East, and Jews have become the wealthiest and most powerful group in the United States and have achieved elite status in other Western countries. The critical Jewish role in radical leftism has been sanitized, while Jewish victimization by the Nazis has achieved the status of a moral touchstone and is a prime weapon in the push for large-scale non-European immigration, multi-culturalism and advancing other Jewish causes.
The victory over National Socialism set the stage for the tremendous increase in Jewish power in the post-World War II Western world, in the end more than compensating for the decline of Jews in the Soviet Union. As Slezkine shows, the children of Jewish immigrants assumed an elite position in the United States, just as they had in the Soviet Union and throughout Eastern Europe and Germany prior to World War II. This new-found power facilitated the establishment of Israel, the transformation of the United States and other Western nations in the direction of multiracial, multicultural societies via large-scale non-white immigration, and the consequent decline in European demographic and cultural preeminence.
While constituting approximately 2.4 percent of the population of the United States, Jews represented half of the top one hundred Wall Street executives and about 40 percent of admissions to Ivy League colleges. Lipset and Raab (1995) note that Jews contribute between one-quarter and one-third of all political contributions in the United States, including one-half of Democratic Party contributions and one-fourth of Republican contributions.
Predictions for the future
One may expect that as ethnic conflict continues to escalate in the United States, increasingly desperate attempts will be made to prop up the ideology of multiculturalism with sophisticated theories of the psychopathology of majority group ethnocentrism, as well as with the erection of police state controls on nonconforming thought and behavior.
History also suggests that anti-Jewish reactions develop as Jews increase their control over other peoples. As always, it will be fascinating to observe the dénouement.
Presently white gentiles are the most underrepresented group at Harvard, accounting for approximately 25 percent of the students, while Asians and Jews constitute at least half of the student body while constituting no more than five percent of the population. The United States is well on the road to being dominated by an Asian technocratic elite and a Jewish business, professional, and media elite.
Jews feel an intimate bond with each other as you may have already noticed by their professional networking circles like I have in Washington DC. Their actions, lives, and ideology are dominated by their race. While I don’t have a problem with that, I do find their subversive movements against gentiles hypocritical in that they would in no way advise or enact those ideas for Israel. Their morality, fairness, and justice is limited to whether they are dealing with fellow Jews or gentiles, and they will not push any idea or notion that may paint Jewish actions in a critical light.
The book makes clear that Jews conducted cultural undertakings that they believed would end anti-Semitism once and for all, but like most utopia builders, they forgot to account for the consequences, particularly how multiculturalism, a Jewish keystone policy, is beginning to cater to additional groups that are hostile to Jewish interests. Also, incubating social justice and then losing control of it has left out Jews as a victimized group and promoted Palestinian interests instead.
Their overshot explains why the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), a neocon organization, has in the past two years begun attacking feminism, an ideology that developed with disproportionate Jewish support. They’re doing so because minorities are clamoring for a bigger piece of the victim pie and introducing anti-Semitic and pro-Palestine thought. Some Jews have calculated that at this point it’s better to introduce some truth and realtalk in gender issues (but not race) so that non-Jewish groups don’t gain too much power. Don’t be surprised if Jews throw multiculturalism under the bus at some point and claim that they are the true “white” Americans in need of protection from the anti-Semitic minority hordes.
In turns out there is no “Jewish conspiracy” at all. The Jewish people simply are hyper-nationalistic and ethnocentric and so live and work in a way that their group is benefited first. Their participation in every sociological movement is structured so that Jews are benefited outright, or at least not hurt. This would be no different than if your efforts to increase your income and well-being went to benefit your direct family.
What amazes me is how methodical, patient, and determined Jews are in promoting their group interests. Such efforts should be commended and modeled. Why isn’t there such a group of Americans that do the same for Christian interests? The answer lies in the fact that gentiles are less organized, less ethnocentric, more altruistic to outgroups, and more prone to selling out their people if presented with money and power, while Jews would only sell out after their ingroup needs are met.
A lot of red pill truth is concerned with dismantling myths that have been institutionalized by intellectual Jews over the past century. Not being able to highlight race or gender differences matches with the Jewish imperative because doing so will inevitably lead to “anti-Semitism” when differences between Jews and gentiles are pointed out concerning each group’s propensity for ambition, intelligence, ethnocentrism, identity, and socioeconomic class status. The Culture Of Critique explains where significant parts of our current cultural problems came from, connecting a lot of dots I had missing about why our culture got to where it is. The bulk of what I criticize about Western culture was in fact ushered in by intellectual Jewish movements.
Before opening this book, I wondered if it would turn me into a neo-Nazi, but instead it served as a historical truth bomb that has made me skeptical of the ideas, behavioral actions, and teachings of prominent Jews and where their true intentions and loyalties lie (i.e. if an American Jew would die for America before Israel). I’m also having trouble getting my head around the fact that such a small group would embark on a massive reconstruction of reality and ideological manipulations on the world’s people just to protect their group—and succeed. I feel both outrage and admiration at the same time.
Ironically, my parents were allowed to emigrate to the United States in part because of intense Jewish lobbying to loosen immigration laws. I probably wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for their efforts in creating a multicultural America. The neomasculine ideals that I believe are correct, and the traditions that I would want to bring back, would have likely prevented me from coming into existence and becoming an American citizen.
That said, when I witness the cultural destruction today and how it negatively affects my male peers, I feel not anger for what has transpired in the past but a deep focus on actions I can take in the present to preserve secular masculinity for men who don’t want to turn into a effete male who prays at the alter of a matriarchal power structure.
The Culture Of Critique is thoroughly cited, but the author often went on long tangents that veered away from his main arguments. It reads likes a textbook and does repeat itself often, but the author is patient in making sure you understand the gravity of the information he’s presenting. If you’re interested in how our culture got to this point in time, I highly recommend the book.
Read More: “The Culture Of Critique” on Amazon
After all this time… I’m amazed nobody on Return of Kings has ever brought up the topic of Jews being the puppeteers of feminism and cultural Marxism…. or ok, maybe there was just that one time.
Anti-Semitism is a made up word intended to make you feel that whenever there is a problem with Jews it is always your fault.
The same goes for Islamophobia, homophobia, feminism and all the other political -phobias and -isms.
If I hate blacks, I’m racist. If I hate Mexicans, I’m racist. If I hate Chinese, I’m racist. If I hate Indians I’m racist.
But if I hate Jews, I’m anti-semitic. Is it worse to hate Jews versus other groups? How did they get their own term for hatred against them?
The strange thing is, criticizing Islam somehow makes one a racist as well.
That annoys me too, how is criticizing a religion followed by many races racist? The same people who say it’s racist nearly always criticize christians too but are too dumb to know they are doing the same thing.
Because the West has been brainwashed with anti-white propaganda. Isn’t it obvious?
I know that, I was being rhetorical.
True. But Islam is more a political ideology (a particularly violent one) masquerading as a religion.
It’s pretty simple, and it’s something I realized years and years ago- the vast majority of muslims are non-white, so in many people’s minds, that means it’s all about race.
Yea I understand that’s a big part of it but it’s still ridiculous, giving an ideology a complete free pass from criticism an debate simply because it’s made up mostly of non white people.
You’re correct.
The degree to which some followers of Islam feel insulted when their religion is ridiculed and mocked is both astounding and frightening. It’s the same kind of reaction you would get if you called a proud black person a nig—.
But whose reaction is justified and whose reaction is not? The black man is defending who he is while that follower of Islam is defending his beliefs. Both need to be respected but only one is debatable
Nationalism is the only solution. True pride for who you are as a people while respecting and celebrating the differences of your fellow man. It is practiced by the elites behind the curtains yet shunned as an ideological canvas for a nation to use.
It’s not even just hate. If you just merely complain about Jewish dominance in finance, media, Hollywood, etc. than you are “anti-semitic”. If your just smart enough and red pill enough to acknowledge the disproportionate power structure and Jewish influence of society than you are “anti-semitic”.
Often, merely calling a Jew ‘a Jew’ is enough to warrant the anti-semite label.
So then what do you call them? Judes? Yehudis? Sons of Shem? WTF is good enough for them to where they won’t hang you on Israeli national TV after a show trial of people in the jury “fainting”?
Poor Adolf Eichmann.
what ?
“disproportionate power structure..”
Do you even hear yourself? You sound like a SJW feminist who is complaining about the ‘patriarchy’ and ‘oppresionz’ due to laziness and jealousy of people who work harder. Lol whats next “jew privilege”?
On the surface, the word seems to be similar to Islamaphobic. Perhaps by creating a word like that, it allows that particular group to rally around the cause, and defend themselves, or have others defend them.
A more effective way to criticize Jews is to only use facts never make generalizations. You cannot be called an anti-semite if you say Jewish people dominate the news media, Hollywood entertainment, elite academia, or are disproportionately represented in the US Supreme Court. These are facts. It is also a fact that it is statistically impossible for this to happen without some form of ethnic networking.
There is a whole range of professions that are dominated by Jews in the US. Sport franchises for example NFL, MBL, NBA, and NHL are all majority owned by Jews, they don’t seem to play though.
Some Jews conveniently call themselves atheists but they still identify as Jewish. The list is infinite don’t even mention banking or finance your eyes will roll into the back of your head.
It is also a fact that it is statistically impossible for this to happen without some form of ethnic networking.
Is that why 76.3% of the NBA players are black? Because of “ethnic networking”? Is that why 81% of NFL quarterbacks are white?
What? Was that also “ethnic networking”?
Not the same thing actually, though they appear superficially the same.
Blacks are great athletes, they will be picked by other races who are motivated to create great sports teams.
Networking applies at the higher levels, not the dumb jock level. Kind of like how women in HR tend to hire only women, that’s a form of networking, an in built prejudice to only want “my kind” and screening appropriately, and on the other side knowing that “my kind” are in a position to hire for certain types of jobs and presenting yourself for an insta-hire. Rather an unspoken but well observed phenomenon.
Plus, regular networking is standard fare in business. The “good ol’ boys club” could easily be applied to *any* group and realistically have a chance of sticking, regarding higher level jobs and offices.
“You cannot be called an anti-semite if you say Jewish people dominate the news media”
I think a recent ADL survey seeking to measure anti-semitism across the world actually asked questions like “do Jews dominate the media” as something that would indicate an anti-semitic views.
It’s important to cite facts such as who owns the media conglomerates. The ADL can sight anti-semitism if they want but if you can present facts without hyperbowl there is nothing that can be said to dispute it.
There are four members of the US Supreme Court who are Jewish that is way out of proportion to their population in the US. They only represent 2% of the US population yet make up 4 out of 9 Justices on the Supreme Court. The ADL cannot dispute such a fact, their only response is that they were the best people for the position which is completely subjective.
yeah, claims have to be made very carefully, so that the facts speak for themselves and not ‘interpreted’. IMO opinion the issue of over-representation should be addressed at as an issue of over-representation, just as the issue has been addressed with white hetero males vs women / minorities. Jews themselves have been at the forefront of highlighting ‘jewish privilege’
Judaism is not a religion, so much as a race.
Networking is key to a groups survival. All ethnic groups do it except whites apparently. Greeks, Armenians , Jews, Vietnamese ,Chinese…
Armenians in Southern California (e.g Kardashians..)
Persians in SoCal
Chinese–how many of our cities have a “Chinatown “in them
Sikhs–saw a turbaned man driving an 18-wheeler and on the side of the truck was “Guru Trucking” with the Sikh symbol on it.Sikhs are huge into trucking The Sikhs are now into olive growing in California
Greeks–“Greektown ” in chicago
Vietnamese–I have yet to see a nail salon NOT Vietnamese
St Louis MO–big Bosnian /Serb community. There now is an entire Bosnian neighborhood in STLouis and only arrived in STL in the mid 90’s
Lebanese—my friend had a marlin fishing business Ghana in east africa. ALL the construction trades were owned by the Lebanese.
Hindus/ Indians–7-11 and convenience stores and motels. It is not a stereotype ..
Folks should learn from this. Being in a tribe has its’ advantages.
It’s not due to networking, it’s due to the way bell curves work. If the bell curve of black athleticism, Jewish intelligence etc. is shifted slightly to the right, there will be a major over-representation at the top end. For example, if the 99th percentile among the general population is only the 97th percentile among a particular group, its members will be 300% as likely to fall within the top 1% of the general population (3/100 vs. 1/100).
Combine this with an increased likelihood of being steered in a particular direction – selection to train in a sport or parents who push academic achievement – and the over-representation will be compounded.
israeli jews did 911
All the proof in the world.
“Blacks are great athletes, they will be picked by other races who are motivated to create great sports teams.”
Much of the “blacks are great athletes” thing is just contrived by TPTB to influence society.
How many people even know about this:
And this:
Seems to have resulted in this:
“Jack Reacher”:
I was going to remark that I think the Pats Super Bowl win really got the Usual Suspects going on cranking up the machine against Whites, but I saw in the thread that Riggins44 already had the same thought in mind. I have no doubt this could be a factor. Who knows what behind the scenes machinations are going on? Hell, the folks in charge of it all print out damn money.
The Zenner situation – among many others – is absolute proof that a conscious effort is made to ignore White athletes, never mind vilify them.
It goes beyond the folks in charge realizing very few blacks are going to succeed at anything if they have to perform at the same standard Whites when it comes to “regular jobs”, so let’s just give them sports. It’s an evil program of social conditioning, as vile as the work by Barbara Lerner Specter and her ilk when it comes to immigration.
Actually it is the same thing.
My point is not that Jews don’t network. Everyone networks. My point is that Jews don’t achieve their success because of their magical networking powers.
Women network relentlessly. They do that better than anything else. Their networking abilities don’t save them from their incompetence. They will hire the woman they like over the man who can do the job. The failure rate of female run companies is well known. Such that they insist on forcing companies to artificially put them in power.
Jews succeed in business because they have what it takes to succeed in business. They also have what it takes to succeed in just about everything else. I say this, because Jews tend to succeed in everything else they do as well. Your friend says it’s because we exclude you from our networked groups. Well, I think he is full of shit, but even if that was the case, women do exactly that and it’s clear they can’t get very much done.
Here is the reality regarding Hollywood and any other company: Jew or no Jew, if the people getting hired didn’t get the job done, they wouldn’t stay hired.
The question……”Who is a jew?”
The answer will depend on which jewish person you are asking and what circumstances they are in plus who their audience is.
I saw a rabbi…forget his name at the moment but he implicitly stated that “a jew is anyone who practices Judaism”.
You must realize that due to their stringent culture of pursuing and keeping knowledge for their benefit plus their worldly experience among the nations they are extremely adept at dialectics.
In that regard I believe it is safe to assume that you aren’t going to hear many jewish people answer a question like that in any way that could be negative for them.
There is no such thing as “white privilege,” only Jewish Privilege. We’re told that race does not exist, until someone needs a scapegoat, then the white race magically exists.
Blacks are not “great athletes.” African countries get their asses kicked in the World Cup every four years, same with the Olympics. If blacks were naturally better, they’d clean house in both. So why are Western blacks different? In the West, for hundreds of years, blacks were bred like cattle to be used as slave labor. It was artificial selection, basically eugenics, that created the dominant “black athlete.” It’s no surprise they naturally excel at sports, but not a whole lot else.
When I was in high school, we went on a spring break baseball trip through the Carolinas and we stayed at a Jewish private school for a few days (our coach was Jewish). One night we wandered around the campus and found some papers with students’ schedules on them and we were shocked at the subjects they were learning. Accounting, finance, business law, etc. in middle and high school.
Its a mixture of networking and competence. They learn business earlier than most so Jews know that they are hiring someone that will do the job effortlessly.
Wrong. Jews control of the money from nothing scam coupled with their ethnocentric networking is the only logical explanation for their success. Jews loan wealth created from nothing to each other in giant amounts. Behind almost every successful jew is a loan of wealth created from nothing from a jew lending institution. Ignoring this for your blather is silly.
Stats have already shown jews to be overrepresented at ivy leagues when compared to SAT results. Jews get into Harvard with lower grades than Asians and whites and don’t seem to be affected by affirmative action. Jews are sufficiently small enough in number that even their higher average IQ doesn’t explain the overrepresentation at the highest levels of law, government and business worldwide. The guy with the 160 IQ ends up working FOR the company, not owning it. They end up top engineer or if they have the people skills and are lucky they make CEO, not majority shareholder. Some things are not obtainable simply with talent and hard work, some things in our society really are hereditary or as a result of “privelige” like owning oil/energy companies, mega banks and *Cough* shares in the federal reserve “Cough”.
IQ doesn’t explain everything, but even if it did there are different classes and groups within groups. such that if you compare the average jew to the average American, sure the jew is smarter, but compare to the average Mormon, episcopal or some other group, or someone from a “professional class” or capitalist class not so much. No point comparing jews to construction workers or cleaners, we all know jews don’t fulfil that role in society, namely because they choose not to touch it. Compare them to their actual counterparts/competitors and you find they are still hugely outnumbered but still definitely overrepresented. when you make the correct comparisons, IQ is not even factoring into it., because they are very similar or indeed the gentile IQs are greater.
I think the point people are making is that it’s fishy that a jew is usually doing the hiring, and very often hires jews, especially in positions that hold cultural, social and economic importance. The most important thing a woman can exclude someone from is usually a birthday party or some such irrelevant event. Sure the jews are good at business and “succeed” but then again nazis were quite good at science and business as well. The ability to succeed doesn’t equal goodness or rightness or positivity. People can think objectively and decide for themselves if something is good or bad for them and their society.
No one begrudges jews their success, it’s what they choose to do with it once in a priveliged or powerful position, that makes people question how they got it in the first place. I’m happy to buy a jew product and make some jew rich, and not hate him for it, are jews happy not to destroy my country?
Well how does it happen? The blacks go to schools, the colleges recruit the best players from the schools, the league recruits the best players from the colleges….what is that if not a type of networking? What if running the world financially is not some noble goal of being victorious in fair, legitimate, rule based competition? Do we compare the actions of the british empire to innocent fair play sports, just because the brits were dominant or victorious? what if there is one game, and you invented the game and the rules, and get to decide who wins or even gets a shot at playing, no one can defeat you simply by replicating your peformance at the same time, same place on the same day, as they could even in war? You can choose not to watch a basketball game, but what if your game influences the whole world, everyones way of life etc, suddenly people have to take more interest than if it were a mere NFL game. the players are responsible when the team peforms badly. don’t try and shirk responsibility by comparing to NFL players, when NFL players suck and play badly, they get replaced, not bailout money.
Basketball is a game played again and again over time for entertainment. As a sports player you have to be the best to be the guy at the top, to make the money. In other areas you just have to be at the top to be at the top. If you want to be the guy making the money, you have to be the guy making the money. And that’s great, but it doesn’t make you the “best” by any agreed upon requirements, like winning at football does, it just opens you up to scrutiny as to what motivates you to be on top and what you plan to do with the money/power.
I think i’d be as good as the queen at sitting there doing nothing, owning a 6th of the planet, BP etc
How do I go about mounting a fair, rule based challenge to her throne…?.
oh wait I can’t, that’s not how the real world works. There’s only one game, the winner makes the rules and the winner is the winner, not the “best”, in whatever way that could be quantified or determined. Stop being naïve.
It’s not only an advantage, but its natural. The reason you don’t see this type of mentality in the West, anymore, is that cultural Marxism has spent the last century making sure it doesn’t.
Unfortunately the Psychological Warfare model implemented here in the States has been most effective at seperating Whites from having any sense of culture.
Most of the I’ve personally been acquainted make no bones about it: it follows the maternal line – end of story.
But the best African players are in Europe where they can make more money.
Yeah, no, there’s no basis to the idea american blacks were “selectively bred” for strength, that’s mainly a Chris Rock standup people took too seriously. They’re very little different from caribbean or african blacks.
Wrong dipshit.
I just pointed out a rabbi that differs with your assertion. Since he is actually jewish I would say he is more qualified to make a statement about who a jew is than you.
Also the ashkenazi converted to Judaism in the ninth or tenth century I believe and now all of them are considered jews. Prior to that their mothers had no fucking claim whatsoever on jewish ancestry. They also have zero semitic blood.
NOW it’s end of story motherfucker. Get your shit straight.
Bullshit! Sounds like disinformation, not surprising. Ha ha, are you a jew perchance?
Are you really that stupid?
A simple google search on the history of khazaria and the ashkenazi would show you otherwise but I KNOW I KNOW, that’s asking too much!
Actually, it became common after the African slave trade was banned in 1807. There are numerous slave narratives that describe slave masters arranging marriages and such. It certainly did happen whether artificially or naturally. Probably both. American blacks could have become better athletes via natural evolutionary pressures. The environment always molds the animal. The best physical laborers would also been the healthiest slaves, which would’ve been favored by slavemasters in the production of slave children, and naturally seen as more attractive to female slaves. Healthy = sexy. Weak slaves would not have been given as many reproductive opportunities, both artificially and naturally.
Being miserly also helps 😉
What an obvious dumbass you are! Read up and wise up.
Jamaicans dominate sprints, Ethiopians and Kenyans dominate long distance events. You can’t say that Africans are bad athletes knowing these facts.
Also a lot of their lack of Olympic success has to do with funding, Chinese people aren’t athletically superior to any race yet they dominate the olympics getting more medals than the U.S most years due to mass amounts of funding for training.
Google is owned by the jooze, dumbs
Jamaicans are the descendants of British-held slaves. Kenyans do perform well in long distance, and it is likely linked to an African hunting style of running down and exhausting game over long distances, which was common until relevantly recently, and is still practiced by a few African tribes. Peoples outside of Africa abandoned this style of hunting roughly 10,000 years ago in favor of farming and livestock, hence the lack of an Evolutionary pressure to maintain extreme long distance running abilities.
There is some truth to the funding argument, but it doesn’t explain the World Cup. African countries have been qualifying for decades, but are usually eliminated early in the tournament. For example, Nigeria often qualifies for the World Cup, but is not as poor as you think. Nigeria’s GDP is similar to that of Belgium, Sweden, etc.
The US has practically always gotten more gold medals than china. Also the sports that China wins are like shooting, archery and table tennis. LOL!
Artificial selection was implemented by the slavemasters. But the most significant contribution was the slavemasters having sex with back female slaves. Black slaves came from west Africa where the people were and still are diminutive, tiny people. The huge massive blacks you see today in American football and Basketbal is the product of white genes that were introduced into the black population from admixture.
The east Africans such as Ethiopians, Somalians and Kenyans have ancient caucasian dna in them from Arabic and other Eurasian people. This is why they have more caucasoid cranial facial morphology and other physical characteristics.
The sports blacks tend to excel at are all involving explosive speed. Such as track events.
Your right that China did not beat out the U.S in 2012 but they did in 2008 (51 gold to US’s 36). Also the Top 5 sports that they won medals in came from Gymnastics, Diving, Weightlifting, Swimming, and Badminton, all of which require athletic skill which Asians are not known to have. It’s all about the funding with money you can turn even asians into athletic beasts.
I don’t mean GDP wise I mean funding that goes into various sport training. China pours tons of money into developing athletes from very young ages to compete in the Olympics. They send them to specialized schools that require the kids to train hours upon hours a day to perfect their sport whether it be powerlifting or gymnastics.
Asians aren’t the epitome of athletic ability yet they still dominate in the Olympics getting in the top 3 medal earning countries almost every games and in 2008 they had 51 gold (1st) to US’s 36 (2nd).
Same goes for Soccer, even if a country like Nigeria has the same GDP as some European countries there is huge disparity between the rich and the poor and virtually no middle class plus lots of government corruption. They don’t fund soccer training nearly as much as other countries do.
I’m aware of the fact there were arranged marriages, but selective breeding on the scale to affect their physical prowess (or really anything else) did not occur, nor was that at all a common practice on the part of slave masters. I imagine it did happen, but it wasn’t at all on the scale to affect things much, if at all. African-americans differ little in terms of their physique from other africans.
Western European Men are in dire need to wisen up and realize they should network with their fellow Western European Men. Il help out whenever I can cause were all white, but at the end of they day if its between a Bulgarian and an Englishman sorry pal the Englishman is going down cause Im gonna help out my people first.
Ive been saying for a while the White and Arab men busted some nuts in those sisters!
Eh. It was not on a wide, organized scale, but it did happen. I’m sorry, but 300 years of slavery is a pretty strong Evolutionary pressure. It’s going to have an effect on the population by selecting for physical fitness traits. It’s a myth that Evolution moves slow. See the Domesticated Silver Fox experiment.
What you wrote is plausible, but I don’t see any strong evidence to support it. England has a ton of money to devote, and it’s their national sport, yet they do not dominate at the World Cup. I wouldn’t consider Brazil and Argentina countries that do not have disparities between rich and poor. I think you’re trying to rationalize. At the World Cup there is no strong correlation between a country’s wealth, nor how they share that wealth, and where they finish at the World Cup. If native Africans were naturally better at sports, they would dominate regardless, but they don’t.
I’m aware of all that, and all I’m saying there’s no evidence selection and breeding for physique was at all typical (I think it was rare) in american slavery, and a pretty good piece of evidence for this is the fact african-americans really aren’t anymore athletic than carribeans and west africans. Plus, black athleticism is really overblown to begin with, it’s more accurate to say they’re better in whites in some areas and correspondingly worse in others- they’re much worse swimmers, for one.
That ONE year 2008 is the only time they ever recieved more gold medals than the US.
Also you have to break down which of these sports they actually recieved more gold medals in.. For example that year the US team won more gold medals in swimming 12 while China only recieved 1. The only two truely atheletically taxing sports that they recieved more gold medals than the US was gymnastics (which they usually do well in) and surprisingly weightlifting. The rest of those 51 medals were supplemented by way of bullshit sports like ping pong and yes badminton.
Dude all you have to do is look at the blacks back in west Africa where the slaves came from and see how tiny and diminutive they are and then look at all these huge massive blacks in the US. That didn’t happen by way of Voodoo.
Something that everyone knows and used to joke about pretty openly is now a taboo. SHUT IT DOWN.
I don’t know where you’ve been living these past five years but in my neck of the woods many people have gotten into big trouble for stating facts.
all power should be open to scrutiny. Its as simple as that.
It happened by way of malnutrition and disease.
Do you think the children of west african immigrants in western countries look any different from american blacks physically then?
The NBA is based on meritocracy. The prevalence of Jews in media, banking, education, and government is due to nepotism, which is clearly shown by any standard deviation analysis even when assuming that the Khazarian 115 average IQ is accurate (and we know the Jews like to toot their own horn as witnessed by the Nobel Prizes).
Note – this post is not for codemonkey, but for all the gentiles to see how the Jews push the same talking points tirelessly while ignoring facts. Their goal is to “win the argument” by tiring you out.
Plus, the stronger slaves survive the ocean passage.
My point is that the average of the entire group is not particularly relevant. There are proportionately more Jewish outliers but they are a few tens of thousands of people among a population of around 8 million in the US.
It’s funny because the term anti-Semitic is inaccurate, a Semite can be either Hebrew or Arab.
Or an Ethiopian or a Maltese. In fact, Jews are one of the smallest population of Semites yet have made “anti-Semitism” exclusively about them.
I knew some “brilliant scholar” was going to regurgitate this tripe.
Word meanings change over time. Get over it.
The original meaning of “manufacture” means to “make by hand”.
If I call a factory-made product “manufactured” am I incorrect?
“Oh god, how could the goyim dare to use words in a way that I personally don’t agree with?!”
Yeah it changed because Jews changed it for their own benefit.
Wow I’m ignorant… didn’t know this. They are the most pompous people on the planet. I suppose they don’t think their shit stinks because they invented the Bank.
If you hate whites then you’re given a high 5.
“How did they get their own term for hatred against them?”
From a non-Jew. It was invented in the 19th century by a German (Wilhelm Marr) to make Judenhaas sound scientific.
The term was invented when Mr. Marr founded the “Anti-Semites League” which was a think-tank to figure out how to save European civilization from the recently “emancipated” Jews who were gobbling up all the financial, cultural, media, and academic institutions.
Therefore it was a term of self-defense. Of course, to the attacker, it might be interpreted and projected as “hate” to appeal to the sympathies of the mob.
Marr started out as a philo-semite, went through his anti-semite phase, then at the end of his life, renounced anti-semitism.
What if you hate vanilla European whites?
No term for that, not even racist.
It’s reverse racism which sounds silly.
Says a lot
No such thing as “reverse racism,” only racism.
I will squash that bs if I ever hear it in public. It’s a way for non whites to state that only whites are racist.
As Jews killed because the wealthy wear the skin of the whites they have punished for thousands of years the jews as they did in apartheid south africa will enact stronger conditions against those of other ethnicities.
I’ve been wondering the same thing my entire life. The audacity of jews to have their own anti racial term is idiotic considering their successes are built on the backbones of others.
They ‘think’ they’re special though… doesn’t make it reality.
“Anti-Semitism is a made up word [ . . . ]”
True. It was invented by a German to make Judenhaas sound scientific.
It was made up by a German. So tell us, does that now make it a good word?
From the mouth of the horse:
The word “homophobia” was coined by a Jew, George Weinberg, to stigmatize those who opposed perversion.
The man who led the the effort to declassify homosexuality as a mental illness was also a Jew, Alfred Mordecai Freedman.
Frank Kameny, one of the Jewish leaders of the “gay rights” movement, has come out in support of bestiality.
Homosexuality was decriminalised in the UK in 1967. The bill was put forward by Jewish millionaire Leo Abse.
The list is endless. When you go looking for degenerate culture, under every rock you will find a Jew.
Anti-semitism is some kind of contagious illness, apparently. People keep catching it for no good reason whatsoever. Is there a cure? Are people born anti-semitic? Does this anti-semitic behaviour come and go randomly? How exactly does this thing they call “anti-semitism” work? Why do “anti-semites” pop up in random places for no reason whatsoever?
Look up the Austrian AntiSemitic Party and Wilhelm Marr. Stop reminding everyone that modern antisemites are lazy ignorant fools.
I’m glad someone finally wrote about this, it needed to be said. I look forward to the day when the US wakes up and takes notice.
Roosh, I commend you on taking a risk and writing a piece on such a…”sensitive” issue such as this. It’s good that you took great care towards the end of the piece to explicitly distance yourself from all associations with the neo Nazi/Jewish conspiracy side of this issue. Still, you never know what might happen. Hopefully, certain people out there don’t take bits and pieces of this article out of context and use it to paint ROK or any other redpill media as anti-Jewish in order to villify them even further than they already have.
Screw those people. They are not the target audience. We deal in facts here.
Great article. Sadly, being jewish today means nothing but being a part of an ethnical group. They just turned their backs on Judaism. Yes, they take part on cerimonies, wear their garments and all that, but it means nothing to them. That’s the type of jew I have a problem with, and those are most of them. If all these people that were mentioned ever really gave a damn about what the Torah says then we would never be seeing all this leftist bullshit they insist on promoting (feminism, homossexual behavior, communism, etc.)..
Zionists hate the torah and orthodox jews as much as they hate the goyim, even though in many instances the line is blurred between the two there is a world of difference.
The zionists have no problem in sacrificing normal jewish folk if it fulfills their agenda.
In a nutshell…
In nature, it is the wild bitch mother who eats her young. The ‘great bitch’ did this after she couldn’t chew off any more foreskins.
Frankist/sabatean handywork at its finest…
Says the half-Persian/half-Armenian guy who grew up in the U.S. and now travels around the world as a sex tourist.
Not criticizing you for that, Roosh. I like reading the accounts of people who have had uncommon experiences. But it sounds like you owe the Jews some thanks for enabling your current way of life.
Did you finish the article? He proffered a bit of gratitude towards their push for more open immigration.
“and now travels around the world as a sex tourist.”
You have me confused for another man.
I see what you did there. Jews did not invent chasing pussy so no, Roosh doesn’t have to thank them for that.
Very impressed to see ROK coverage of an issue like this… although anyone who diligently researches enough feminist thinkers is bound to fall down the rabbit hole eventually.
The rabbit hole is turning out to be a huge strip mining pit you can’t overlook, but not supposed to acknowledge.
Rabbi* hole. HUEHUEHUE
This is an article geared for “that which needs to be said, but it not”.
I’ll say this much: the Germans didn’t just wake up one day and decide to hate Jews for no reason. The Germans had a front row seat to what communism was doing to Russia and German Jews were big on communism.
Let the sparks fly. Let the heavens fall. Truth must be known. This must be discussed once and for all.
The leaders of the failed communist revolt in Bavaria after WW1 were Jewish
The Germans also had no problem exterminating many Jewish WWI vets who fought with distinction.
Most German Jews left Germany before the outbreak of war. But your point is taken. Jews that fought for Germany were treated badly and many did die. But that is always the way. The few ruin it for the many. I suggest you look up chancellor brunings correspondence with Churchill.
Genocide is always an overreaction, but it that doesn’t negate the fact that it’s always a reaction to *something*.
Citation please? There was not even 6 million jews in Germany according to jewish records from 2 years before the war. So if anything their must have been a huge influx in order for there to be millions collecting survivor benefits. Germany also would have know about the Jewish Bolsheviks killing 60+ million white Christians in the Holodomor after they took their guns.
“Citation please?”
“SS-Obergruppenführer Heydrich went on to say that an important prerequisite for the evacuation as such is the exact definition of the persons involved.
It is not intended to evacuate Jews over 65 years old, but to send them to an old-age ghetto – Theresienstadt is being considered for this purpose.
In addition to these age groups – of the approximately 280,000 Jews in Germany proper and Austria on 31 October 1941, approximately 30% are over 65 years old – severely wounded veterans and Jews with war decorations (Iron Cross I) will be accepted in the old-age ghettos. With this expedient solution, in one fell swoop many interventions will be prevented.”
The Minutes from the Wannsee Conference, January 20, 1942
Jews were tagged, locked up in ghettos and gassed many, many times throughout history. Just watch the first 5 minutes of the 2004 movie: “The Merchant of Venice” to see how Jews were tagged, locked into ghettos and gassed in William Shakespeare’s day.
They have been tagged, locked up in ghettos, gassed and banned in and from 109 countries in the past 2000 years. So many gassings have they suffered…
So many gassings… So many ghettos… So many taggings…
They had to wear red hats in William Shakespeare’s day. The hats couldn’t protect them from the gassings though.
A History of the Jews, a list of expulsions for 2000 years:
717 A.D.
Jews had to wear special yellow garb. Originated in Islam. Many Jews gassed to death.
1012 A.D.
Emperor Henry II of Germany expels Jews from Mainz, the beginning of persecutions against Jews in Germany. Many Jews gassed, doubtlessly.
1215 A.D.
The Jewish badge introduced. Dr. Mengele’s great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather made badges out of Jew skin, no doubt. Lampshades too.
1240 A.D.
Talmud burned in France. Many Jews died from smoke inhalation.
1298 A.D.
Massacre of thousands in Germany, in 146 localities. All by Zyklon B gas, of course.
1306 A.D.
Expulsion from France. Many Jews gassed.
Etc., etc..
We (as a society) always discuss the extermination of Jewish people but it’s very rarely ever mentioned how many other groups were exterminated.
We always seem to discuss only “some” of the facts…never all of them. It’s rule number one when trying to paint yourself as the victim.
SJWs (women) follow this rule to the “T”, today.
Nonsense. it’s true that they had their own gated community in Venice just like other foreign groups doing business there but they were not harmed or gassed.
hey fucking nigger cunt, first of all 60+ million people did not die in the holodomor. second of all, you do know that German Jews were not the only victims of Holocaust, right? Most of the Jewish victims were from Poland and Eastern Europe but people seem ignore that part of the Holocaust and focus on Auschwitz and Anne Frank instead.
When Jews are rich they’re evil, when Jews fight as poor they’re evil. The problem is Jews.
Maybe there is a similar problem with Yankees. They’re the most capistalism and they were the inventors of feminism. The problem is Yankees we need a genocide against Yankees because when they do a thing who others doing they are considered as a group rather than a different stupid individuals, because there is a Yankee conspiracy to destroy traditional values
And the leader of the f ailed National Socialist revolt?
They have been expelled from 109 different territories over the years. But everybody else is the problem.
Well a friend of mine who is mainly a scholar of scripture and can read the Greek Concordant texts (in Greek) once told me that the Ten Commandments were written for the Jews. The gentiles are already expected to do right and not be in need of commandments written in stone.
(That’s arguable but each line of the Concordant can be interpreted several different ways).
If you read the inside cover of the Concordant it lists the name and address of the printer.
There is a good amount of evidence to suggest the “Jews” of Jesus’s time were local Judean residents who pretended to be Hebrews, while the original Hebrews were white folk who migrated northward through the Caucusus and into Europe after their slavery in Assyria (the tribe of Dan, for example, is purported to have founded “Danmark”, or Denmark).
You really have to go further back in time and study demographics to understand the mid East and N Africa.You can begin from 10k years ago, the beginning of modern human history and when the entire pop. on earth was 1m. ALL of the world was Caucasian and virtually the same people with only a handful of others on the west coast of Africa and in the Far East.The people who moved to these empty areas to the south were Ice Age Europeans (and of course the same people who lived in W Asia another Caucasian homeland. People begin with families then clans then tribes and the nations and that’s all the Hebrews originally were. Loosely connected tribes of Caucasians.Like everyone else they were shamanists or worshippers of local gods, Baal, Moloch etc As time passed and populations increased these White people formed countries.Things began to change about 3k years ago during what we call the Biblical period.
Jews are the descendants of Esau, not of Jacob. They are liars!
There is actually no evidence for this.
Good old Herbert Armstrong with his “British-Israel” booshi! He also said “Scotians” were really “Scythians” and Cymru (Wales) were Cimmerians
No, the tribe of Dan fled south to what is now called Ethiopia, married locals, and thus created what became the Beta Israel.
And yet they keep on succeeding in spite of you.
More like they keep on succeeding to the detriment of everyone else…
Then maybe you should stop trying to fuck with us.
“resistance is futile!” Do you really think that’s the best way of arguing your case?
considering that estonia is considered a racist state for not wanting non-white immigration (by explicitly jewish groups too) I have to disagree that “fucking with you” is why this is happening.
What has estonia done?
If I thought that, then I wouldn’t keep resisting.
Nothing can be gained by engaging the JIDF Matzah balls. Just ignore them!!!
“They” just changed pretty quickly to “us.”
“Estonia hasn’t licked my fetid scrotal region, goyim!”
Thosr same explicitly Jewish groups are forcing Israel to take in Sudanese refugees by the truckload. What has Israel done to them?
Oh dear. Well… at least Israel can render them infertile.
Maybe Israelis and gentiles should team up?
Let’s see…
Actually they just do the same scams that Martin Luther wrote about 500 years ago. That’s not high IQ.
If I got kicked out of 200+ bars I might think that the problem was me not the bars. How many times have J00s been kicked out of nations for what Martin Luther covered in every financial scam known to man 500 years ago?
Oh mad are we now huh? Don’t like immigration do we, you Jews have done this to yourselves and now you’re going pay for it big time.
I will continue to fuck with your whore wives on Adult Friend Finder while you watch and and enact your cuckold fantasies of being tied to a chair while your wife takes my “mongol”? cock up her ass. Seriosly Jews have the balls to talk about “racism”? Ive had 6 Jews tell me Im not white, and that Im a filthy mongrel who shouldnt touch their Tribe, just cause I come from SE europe haha.
GTFO, kike.
You can’t even help but lie.
Also I wouldn’t call having millions of your people wiped out on a regular basis “succeeding”, more like surviving. Cockroaches are also pretty robust, maybe that’s where the comparison comes from.
Israel’s space program is roughly on par with Iran’s despite all the free cash Israel gets from the US and the sanctions on Iran, I wouldn’t really tout that as “success” either.
“What has Estonia done?”
At 10:36 AM, on February 16th of the year 1859, a Jewish man walking to get his morning paper in the city of Tallin was derisively addressed with the term “Jew” by a 10 year old child eating an ice cream and holding a balloon.
This we shall never forget nor forgive.
Estonia must be destroyed.
Yea, I am sure non-jews have it great in New Judea
And Israel is – correctly in my view – throwing back out again. One rule for you, another for the rest of us.
Great book.
maybe you should all go to the country that disallows immigration of non-Jews…
crosses fingers…
Of course they do. They’re fucking smart. Ashkenazi Jews have the highest average IQ of any ethnic group. But being successful and destructive are not mutually exclusive.
Diversity is Israel’s greatest strength. I think they should let in some Syrians too.
Are you sure about that? Or perhaps they just don’t test or include their mental retards and autistic kids in that average who are locked away in hospitals and homes.
Dude, you cunts have been given a free pass for about 60’s years (after you got fucked up by “us”) and now your time is up. If any “race” (which you aren’t, you’re just a bunch of cunts who pretend to believe the first testament) was easy to fuck up, it would be the Jews, since you’re, stereotypically, just nerds. And there are so few of you, we could separate you into small pockets, like you’ve done to the palestinians, and pick you off one at a time. I’d sign up.
You mean Jew York? We know why so many people hate NYC, it ain’t because of the goyim there.
SE? The Balkans?
I mean Israel
Origins Im Canadian.
Probably paid them off handsomely.
Then maybe you should stop trying to fuck with us.
The poor downtrodden Black community thinks the same way. Even in Israel, so the rumors run*. I suppose the difference between the poor downtrodden Black community and the poor downtrodden Jewish community is that the former combines infallibility with low IQ and the latter combines infallibility with high IQ.
*It’s a sorry world when one set of eternal victims oppresses another, nicht wahr?
squeezed and pulled and hurt my feelings in 1859
Success is not zero sum.
There are those who dislike competition. The best documented case is England in the 13th century,. Two reasons, but both really the same. The Jews were property of the King. Whilst they were in England, although a tiny fraction of the population, they paid one third of all the taxes – and in cash. This was important, because without cash the king could not easily hire mercenaries. This was one of the grievances in Magna Carta, which restricted the rightys of Jews to collect on certain loans – it was another check on Royal power.
Thus, the Jews lent money to the Christians, and the King took his cut. Second, Christians wanted to enter the Banking business themselves, and wanted to break the Jew’s monopoly. The problme had been, of course, that Usury was a great offence under Cannon Law. But, eventually people in England came to the same opinion as was earlier in Italy: “He is takes usury goes to Hell; he who does not, goes to the poor house”.
Of course, interest rates doubled after the Jews were expelled – less ompetition. Many merchants called tor their return – but too late.
Well let’s see, last time EU tried that, they blew our their own brains, not to mention the wartime FUBAR of the fission bomb project.
SE Europe is too general a location. In Hungary, Jews entered into and were accepted by the Magyar nobility. In Romania or Bulgaria, no comparable phenomenon. In Greece, the Jews were Sephardim, a legacy from their high status in the Ottoman Empire.
hYes, the same Martin Luther who opposed the Bundsuch Rebellion, siding with the corrupt, tyrannical German nobility. No wonder Lutheranism became a lackey of the State.
Israel get $3.0 billion p/a from the US. It foes mostly for arms credits ie money that can be used only to purchase American armaments. The future of this subsidy is in question as Israel’s own arms industry takes off and now isselling nearly two billion dollars a year – mostly to India. Also, given the Obama support of Islamo-fascism around the world, Israel has re-oriented itself and joined the Saudi alliance. Instead of being the US’s muscle in the ME, they are now the nuclear ‘force de frappe’ for the Saudi alliance. As interesting turn of events, to say the least.
Either the entire world is congenitally anti-Semitic or there is something about the way Jews conduct themselves that elicits this reaction in their host societies.
What’s the definition of an anti-Semite?
Someone Jews don’t like.
I’m sure Jebus worship had nothing to do with this
Bishops and Imams both used their religious positions to attain secular power. In response to having Jewish populations who clearly did not think that was what God wanted, they fostered anti-Semitism. The low IQ of many Christians and Muslims made them vulnerable to such propaganda.
Anti-semitism is best explained with an example:
Ashkenazi jews bombing palestinian semites.
Ashkenazi jews are also semites (partially at least, according to DNA studies), but the term “anti-semitism” was coined by germans specifically for jews (and even more specifically, for ashkenazi jews), so your example is irrelevant at best and idiotic at worst.
Patently so.
“Isaac Baum” #LOLL
No, that’s just social hygiene. And besides, for what it is worth, the Arabs are, in a certain sense, Semites. And spiritually, all Christians are Semites – check with Pope Pius XI if you don’t believe me.
I vehemently concur mate. The Jews have successfully manipulated the Western world into thinking that they are forever the victims of gross oppression.
The more powerful Jews get, the more we have to hear about how oppressed they are.
The Jew shrieks in pain as it strikes you.
Shame on you for making the Jew go out of his way to strike!
“The Jews have successfully manipulated the Western world into thinking that they are forever the victims of gross oppression,” that occurs over and over again endlessly, for no good reason whatsoever, apparently, just because.
Sort of like some cop beating up a negro and yelling stop resisting lol
That Polish proverb: The Jew cries out in pain as he hits you.
It’s called societal programming. Repeat a set of information under 100 versions (documentaries, movies, interviews) and eventually, the minds exposed to such information start to rationalize it’s reality. It’s a basic form of mind-control done over a time interval – very effective and very deadly as we can now witness.
A jew is to much of a pussy to strike anybody himself, he bribes some race traitor idiot with money he stole from him to do it
Being a religious minority makes you an easy scapegoat, especially when you don’t believe in Christ. Things go wrong? Blame the Jews. Not sure why that’s hard to understand. You see the same thing happen to minority groups all over the world.
Sir you bring up a valid point.
As Henry Kissinger said, “Any people who have been hated for two thousand years is doing something wrong.”
But if they’re occupying all(or most of) the positions of power then it’s working.
[Difference between blacks and jews]
The degree to which Jews have infiltrated government is astonishing. Just a few decades ago you had people like Kissinger, Nixon, etc. talking about how they would never trust someone from The Tribe. Now politicians today from both parties cannot say enough good things about Jews. The Democrats have been in the back pocket of the Jews since my childhood but it is astonishing how they have been able to so rapidly get the Republicans just as far up the other ass cheek.
I can think of no other group that receives such strong universal love from both party D and party R.
Huh? Kissinger is Jewish.
Eh, I was following up on the earlier poster’s reference, so I don’t specifically know about Kissinger. But the Nixon tapes are full of him saying how you can never trust a dirty kike, etc. And there is plenty of evidence of the self hating Jew so it wouldn’t surprise me if Kissinger was among that bunch.
Kissinger expertly walked the tightrope, benefiting from being a tribe member and simultaneously distancing himself from the tribe whenever it suited him.
But at the end of the day Kissinger, then and now, was just a front man for the real power behind the throne – David Rockefeller, who is incidentally a crypto-jew of Sephardic heritage.
Amazingly, Nixon himself didn’t fully understand the real power structure behind the presidency. Kennedy did – and paid for it.
OK now you’re being stupid. The old man John D who founded the oil companies back in the 1800’s was a Baptist born on a chicken farm in NY. His ancestry is Swiss.Sephardic? None of them even remotely look like Arabs which is what Sephardic jews are.
One big party with cash flowing in is all it takes, today.
Politicians will jump to either side because in the end they know it’s all one party. They’re not called “Washington Insiders” for nothing.
Yes, this includes the round of Tea Party members who joined their ranks. They, now, belong to that group. It’s all about the money.
This book, written on behalf of several Jewish organizations to help other Jews trace the history of Jewish life in America, including the country’s “hidden or crypto-Jews” outs the Rockefellers as Jews from Europe and traces their family back to Switzerland and France.
The Christian cover story was just that – a cover story.
They are not jews so stop believing that jew propaganda you’re reading. Many of these so called outing sites set up by jews are really just jew bragging sites. Stop being so naive.
r u new to rok?
Bill Clinton is rumored to be a Rockefeller.
The Jewish connection to the Rockefellers came from intermarriage and did not include John D. or his descendants.
He’s a crossdresser. A full on Dr. Frankfurter.
I could never understand Jew-ery from an outsider’s point of view. The Torah is clear… God hates crossdressers Deuteronomy 22:5. He can’t be Jewish if he doesn’t follow the Laws of Moses. A man putting on stockings, garters and high heels in his own home for the benefit of his company is as great a violation of this law as I can think of.
Rockefeller wasn’t Jewish lol. Some of you Jew haters like to paint everyone white that you hate as Jewish. You’re paranoid. I’ll give you the Rothschilds, but Rockafeller was a Christian.
First, I’m not a Jew-hater.
Second, there is credible genealogical evidence, including this family-history book written for the American Jewish community, that traces Rockefeller’s heritage back to France as Sephardic Jewish and related to the Rothschilds:
It should be noted that the Rockefellers themselves at least *claim* to be Christian.
Credible evidence suggest they are Jews related to the Rothschilds and, if true, that would certainly explain their multi-generational, inter-familial cooperation and their virtual global monopoly in the banking sector.
They are Rothschilds day time helpers at bare minimum
lol. you don’t specifically know about ANYTHING. yeah keep following up on earlier idiots’ “references”. keep being a follower of idiots. is it a part of red pill philosophy?
omg “credible evidence”! there was also”credible evidence” about WMD in Iraq. if there’s something on Amazon it must be true.
“One Big Party” pretty much describes it all !
U don’t have to be a Jew elite or radical scientist to control and manipulate the masses. U just have to be a greedy elite
take it easy, it’s just paid people doing what they are paid to do – deviate the nature of the discussion. You are right and on point. Pay no attention to the dissidents.
It’s about power and control that is what the Jews crave. To live in this world and for the non Jew (religious traditions) the afterlife is the main preoccupation.
You guys are incapable of taking any criticism of any kind. If people don’t do as you want them to do (dictating society) that means we want to put you in ovens.
Paranoia & hyperethnocentric behaviour is the main problem that irritates us about Jews. If you want to live the way you want that’s fine by me, but that doesn’t mean you’re entitled to dictate my culture or lifestyle.
By the way Whites are a distinct race with our own interests and how we live or what we value is of no concern to you. So to be forward snd succinct, “mind your own bloody business”.
As long as you’re born of a Jewish mother and do not convert to another religion, you’re still a Jew.
No you’re not. You’re just “jewish” and you know what people say about the lawless joos and their immorality.
Nothing because they’re afraid for their livelihood.
A Jew won’t fire you for following God’s Law. A fake christian will, but you are better off without them in your life.
That’s what I was saying lmao.. He’s from the evil tribe.
They’re Jewish, crypto Jews
Criticism of Jews on Twitter= “Get in the ovens chosen man’.
And, for a person like me, who has OFTEN criticized LEFT WING “Jews” who are not Jewish at all, I must also ‘get in the ovens.’
When people are ready to have an honest discussion without blaming ALL of us, then go ahead.
But, if you want to know why communist Jews are the way they are, its something that religious cannot answer. Ask a Commie Jew and stop pinning their evil on religious ad right wing because we DONT have the answer and do not answer FOR them.
If you want to discuss the Talmud, most Jews are not into it at all but we do not study David Dukes version, either.
A Crypto Jew is a Portuguese or Spanish or Italian Jew
Jew can publicly confess any faith christian, atheist, muslim etc. But his real allegiance is to the Tribe.
“Some call it Marxism. I call it Judaism.” – rabbi Stephen Wise, New Yourk 1935
…Or Turkish or English.
So, one idiot says that, so that means all of us.
Ok, gotcha.
Like Christian Pastors for Communism must represent you.
I dont even want to talk to you.
People like you look at garbage said in 1935 and that = today.
You’re a waste of time.
Judaism is far RIGHT wing btw.
Leviticus 18:22
“‘Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable.
Communism, Zionism & Feminism Share NWO Pedigree…From the writings of Jewish men…
Founded by Fredrick Engels, German Socialist, non Jew.
Founded by Susan B Anthony, Non Jew Quaker..
Back to what I said:
Criticism of Jews on Twitter= “Get in the ovens chosen man’.
And, for a person like me, who has OFTEN criticized LEFT WING “Jews” who are not Jewish at all, I must also ‘get in the ovens.’
When people are ready to have an honest discussion without blaming ALL of us, then go ahead.
But, if you want to know why communist Jews are the way they are, its something that religious cannot answer. Ask a Commie Jew and stop pinning their evil on religious ad right wing because we DONT have the answer and do not answer FOR them.
If you want to discuss the Talmud, most Jews are not into it at all but we do not study David Dukes version, either.
Which you did not address.
Feminist Non Jews –
Mary Wollstonecraft, non Jew, Alice Paul, non Jew, Carrie Chapman Catt, non Jew
Simone de Beauvoir, non Jew, Sojourner Truth, non Jew, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Germaine Greer, non Jew and more non-Jews in the founders of the scam called feminism.
Ursula Burns, non Jew, Ashley Judd, non Jew, Madonna, non Jew, Ertharin Cousin, non Jew, hillary Clinton, non Jew, Bell Hooks, Jessica Valenti, non Jew, Tracie Egan Morrissey, non Jew, Roxane Gay, non Jew, Elizabeth Warren, non Jew, Cecile Richards, non Jew, Tressie McMillan Cottom, non Jew, Huma Abedin, non Jew, Malala Yousafzai, non Jew, Rosie Odonnell, non Jew, Whoopie ( Caryn Elaine Johnson) Goldberg, non Jew, Cher, non Jew, Beyonce, non Jew, Lady Gaga, non Jew, Katy Perry, non Jew.
I could go on forever, but if I am only looking AT Jews, I am only going to SEE Jews and I am also going to think there is a “Jewish plot’ when there isnt.
The Birth Of Cultural Marxism: How The “Frankfurt School” Changed America…It was a bad time and place to be a Jewish Marxist, as most of the school’s faculty was Jewish…The Origins of Political Correctness.
The founder of modern feminism, Betty Frieden, left, relied on these texts when she wrote The Feminine Mystique (1963). These women all hid the fact that they were long-time Communist activists. In the 1960, their daughters had everything they needed, including the example of subterfuge, to start the Women’s Liberation Movement.
As you will see I’m talking about modern day multi-cultural Marxism being used to rob and destroy white and christian western civilization by the Jewish Frankfurt school of cultural Marxism and the Freudian Tavistock institute of mental warfare.
So, you’re point is Jews were involved.
wow, I could have had a V-8.
Bye, you’re only posting AT me b/c I’m the token Jew.
I notice you basement dwelling pinkos never bug left Wing Jews about this.
Oh yeah, I read Rense & Henry b/c they hate their Jewishness.
And, I double read Daily Fag, Andy Anglin b/c he is 25 years old and knows everything.
Rockefellers were yours.
Well Said! One thing far right guys don’t understand is that it is because of what Germany did in ww2 that Europeans can’t defend themselves with the migrant invasion they have. The bloody Nazis gave Europe a “guilt” that prevents European taking action.
I could understand Germany feeling a certain amt of guilt, but ALL EU nations? ALL?
They bought into the guilt, too.
At any rate, all Jews think that just b/c some idiot “Rabbi” has a demented version of Judaism, that means we all celebrate it.
Judaism, in its purist form is the MOST holy faith on the earth. It is the faith that brought us the Bible and Jesus also
Yes Judaism is the purest form of Abrahamic Monotheism and is 100% monotheistic… unlike Christianity that has some aspects of a dualistic religion it it.
Regarding that European guilt, many European countries sadly actively collaborated with the Nazis invader- Also neutral Eu countries collaborated to some extent, like Spain or Switzerland. To some extent these countries took part in what the Nazis did.
Sweden took NO part and they are suffering the worst.
The past is the past.
The damage in EU was set up by far left wing Fabian Marxists who wanted to destroy EU because of its “Colonialism”.
You are right for Sweden, totally. And Sweden also became a refuge for anti-fascist and Jewish refugees from all over the region. They do not deserve this yes!
No countries deserves it but I still think that if Nazis never came in power Europe would be able to fight the migrants invasion… I mean today out of the fear of being pointed as Nazis or racists people are paralyzed… And also you are right in saying that the marxists are using that guilt or fear to destroy Europe.
As for “colonialism” every culture in the world was a colonialist at some time in their existence…. Egyptians, Romans, Greeks, Incas, islam and much more. So blaming white people for all is really misguided.
At this point, the meanest barbarians need to come to power. Thats what I believe.
Jew or non Jew, illegals, etc.. EU barbarians need to throw out anyone not loyal to EU’s traditional roots of Christianity and the worlds most beautiful culture.
Leave the people that ARE loyal: Jew, non Jew, migrant who IS loyal and demand they fight or die.
You are right!
An ancient roman author (I can’t remember the name) wrote : “Si vis pacem, para bellum” and he was so right. So now is not a time for weakness because the weak always loses at the end of the day. I just hope that “barbarian” will not be the nazis coming back.
Well, I hope not also. Hitler was terrible.
In fact, Soros is still with us because Hitler targeted wrong people
It isn’t “the bloody Nazis” who induced a guilt trip; it’s the media as always.
Christianity is not, in any way, less than 100% monotheistic. Learn Christian theology before talking about it.
If Hitler had been completely successful at what the Jews accuse him of wanting to accomplish, Soros wouldn’t be here at all.
Hitler left a lot of Commie “Jews” here.
That What *I* was thinking
Kissinger was a pragmatist. It is a fact though that Jews are disproportionately represented in politics, industry, entertainment (not rap though.. lol ) educational institutions, medicine, law and other socially influential fields..
“To succeed in their attack against Christian civilization, the Jews of France had to use deceit, to lie, to disguise themselves as freethinkers. If they had said frankly: “We want to destroy that France of old, so glorious, so beautiful, and replace it with domination by a fistful of Hebrews from many lands,” our fathers, less soft than ourselves, would not have let this happen. For a long time the Jews kept things vague, working with Freemasonry, hiding behind sonorous words: emancipation, enfranchisement, the struggle against superstition and the prejudices of another age.”
“Thanks to the Jews’ cunning exploitation of the principles of 1789, France was collapsing into dissolution. Jews had monopolized all of the public wealth, had invaded everything, except the army. The representatives of the old French families, whether noble or bourgeois, had divided themselves into two camps. Some gave themselves up to pleasure, and were corrupted by the Jewish prostitutes they had taken as mistresses or were ruined by the horse-sellers and money-lenders, also Jews, who aided the prostitutes. The others obeyed the attraction exercised over the Aryan race by the infinite, the Hindu Nirvana, Odin’s paradise. They became almost uninterested in contemporary life, they lost themselves in ecstasy, they barely had one foot still planted in the real world.”
— Édouard Drumont (1886)
And Dreyfus was guilty, right?
“Go away you sill little English knigget, or I shall taunt you again.”
for future reference
It’s not a black-and-white issue, yes or no. Whether someone is guilty or innocent requires a great deal of sifting of evidence.
I’d make that 3k. Remember Abe who invented his new bullshit Yowly religion? Well, before he did that and went around circumcising everyone on his plantation including the animals he was a con man.He had bought a younger good looking wife, Sarah, from some camel driver. He wasn’t rich yet but thought that he could pull a good con down in Egypt. So he goes there and pretends that his hot wife is really his sister.The King at the time sees her and gets the hots for her as Abe planned and they begin screwing.The King then discovers that he had been shagging another man’s wife which to the moral Egyptians is strictly taboo and would bring down the wrath of the gods.The fact that the King just didn’t have them both killed shows that unlike the whoremongering vagabond Hebes they had some morality.The King pays Abe to leave the country with his wife and as it says in the Bible, Abe was a wealthy man when he left Egypt.Abe pulled the same stunt with another minor king.
So Abram went up from Egypt to the Negev, with his wife and everything he had, and Lot went with him. 2 Abram had become very wealthy in livestock and in silver and gold.
Richs are hated by poors everywhere
And the usual vermin crawls out of the woodwork the second you finally see an opportunity.
If there was a community or race foisting ideals on others while being exempt from it themselves, wouldn’t you want to know?
This needs to be discussed. And in past red pill forums where Jews come up, people who would state that intelligence is inherited end up having to submit that genetically, Jews are up there with Asians in kicking ass with intelligence.
Meaning, if you don’t like Jews, then you have to work harder to beat them, and stick to the premise that an entire race or religion can game a society and get one over on them. There’s no point in being a dumb redneck and going “Muh jobs!”.
I was raised around a lot of Jewish peers and find they put much stock in education and success, way more than other groups. No matter what you are made of, this matters more than anything. That some cryptoid agenda’s have yoked the prowess of a society to (obviously) push Marxism is well the product of gaming people and pushing their buttons.
This discussion must happen, no matter how anybody feels about it. I’m seeing young people say racist and religious shit that nobody in my generation would have ever said or did, meaning that something is being pushed too far.
It’s only the Ashkenazi Jews that have the high IQ’s and have made scientific and other contributions to the world. The word Ashkenazi means ‘German’ as in those jews that lived in Europe. Genetic data shows that Ashkenazi Jews have more European DNA than other Jewish groups. Which is where the higher Ashkenazi IQ’s come from, in comparison to other Jewish groups such as Shaphardic and HasItic. For example the national average IQ of Israel is only 94, which is nothing to brag about.
That was very elegant, especially this part:
Meaning, if you don’t like Jews, then you have to work harder to beat them.
If that’s important to you, than by all means, work hard and honestly. Get wealthy and enjoy it. If you had stuck with that, we’d have had no issue.
But this is what you wrote:
The Germans didn’t just wake up one day and decide to hate Jews for no reason.
Two problems with that statement.
#1 “hate” wasn’t the issue. The butchering, raping, stealing, gassing, of 2/3rds of the Jews in Europe and Russia was the issue.
#2 It wasn’t the German Jews that were mostly killed, it was primarily the Jews living everywhere else. Particularly the ones that had nothing at all to do with Germans or Nazis, or whoever you feel more comfortable blaming it on. It didn’t matter where they were, where they had lived or what they had done, if they belonged to a particular ethnic group and they weren’t living with the Finns, or lucky enough to have been serving in the kriegsmarine when the war started, then they were murdered.
All honor to both those groups for actually acting like human beings, especially the kriegsmarine. They put the rest of Europe to shame.
The Germans had a front row seat to what communism was doing to Russia and German Jews were big on communism.
That reason is a load of horseshit. What they did had nothing to do with some noble reaction to communism.
Communism is the complete antithesis of Judaic law, especially property law, and laws regarding the limiting of state power, etc etc.
If there was any truth at all in anything you wrote, than the Nazis would have allied themselves with the conservative elements in the Jewish population. In reality, these elements were some of the first to be murdered, raped, humiliated, gassed, and even have their body parts used to make goods such as soap, or mattresses.
It was about murder and theft, plain and simple. They saw an opportunity to advance themselves over the corpses of another group, and they took it. There is nothing more noble in what they did, than in the Turkish genocide of the Armenians only a few decades earlier.
And before you cite Godwins law, I’m going to point out something to you: I’m not the guy that decided to start justifying what “one particular ethnic group” did to “another particular ethnic group” some time ago.
I’m not going to play games with you. No amount of arguing or “feels” is going to change a damned thing. Notice nobody around here is complaining about Episcopalians? What have they done? Nothing. That’s what they have done.
In the end nothing ever gets away. So if you come here to do damage control, have fun. You won’t change history here and the control of the narrative is already lost to you.
He is a Jew and proves the point of this article through his attempts at trying to deceive we goyim and slander anybody that threatened the “chosen people”.
That’s right, it isn’t.
When I write these things I write it so people who are decent can see it and take heart. I also know, contrary to Nat that guys like you don’t give a flying fuck about right or wrong. With you it’s always going to be about the opportunity. Like a woman, whatever random argument you happen to use at any moment is just something you say to justify the evil in that vicious black pit you call a soul.
As for “controlling the narrative”, I only care about the few that care about the truth. Those people matter. You are welcome to the rest.
And no, nothing ever gets away. Too bad you don’t listen to yourself.
Is it genetic or do their cultures just place much more emphasis on education and success. I went to a private boarding school my senior year of high school and the Asian amd Jewish kids were far more serious about school than anyone else. They didn’t play sports and weren’t attractive to girls so school was their life.
A lot of my friends are Jewish. I was once tricked into joining my friend’s sader thinking I was going to a rave-party. I guess that was fun… why eat horseradish?
I don’t have a problem with the Jews as I’ve more or less always gotten along with them. But what I have seen personally is institutionalized nepotism. But the kind of nepotism I’m not allowed to call out for fear of losing my job. Criticizing the Jews is simply not allowed, and this is my only problem with this group.
I’ve seen benefits offered to Jews over those more qualified simply because they were Jewish. Why do I think it was because of their Jewishness? Because when I asked why so-and-so was able to get into this highly competitive program without meeting the technical requirements I was told to stop asking questions.
This is a red-pill site. Not everything everyone is going to say is going to be correct, but nowhere else can we even entertain the idea of pointing out the unique characteristics of the Jewry. This in and of itself is significant and trudges towards truth.
Get back in your oven bitch.
Askenazım are Turkıc ın orıgın. Try agaın.
“People who are decent” = people who are useful to the jewish race
IQ is genetic
The genetic data I provided a link too says you’re wrong.
A pity you don’t listen to yourself. Your fierce reflexive antagonistic defense of your race is, by definition, racist. Why not simply try to understand what others have to say, rather than assuming their opinions are the result of their genetic inferiority?
Does the icon on your taskbar still look like a little bugle?
Defending ones race is racist? Get the fuck out of here with that nonsense.
You’re dismissed.
exactly! Jeremy Dahmer was right by killing and eating his victims. they did something. they induced the desire to kill and eat them. after all, he didn’t kill someone he didn’t want to kill. why his victims couldn’t be like those he didn’t kill? they brought it upon themselves!
well, that wasn’t very subtle at all
Bullshit alert. No soap was made from work camp prisoners, nor lampshades. Admitted war propaganda.
Their Khazars( Bulgars), which have been disproven to be Turkic speaking many times.,+Not+Turkic+-+Gene+Study
It’s not that simple. Intelligence leads to a culture’s prosperity, but it is also a result of it. Nowadays northern Europeans have higher IQs than Southern Europeans, but this wasn’t the case 500+ years ago, and certainly not 2,000+ years ago. Nowadays Koreans have higher IQs than Chinese, but again, this is a modern phenomenon. Before the latter half of the 20th century Koreans contributed nothing to the world. Nowadays Japanese have higher IQs than the English, but this wasn’t the case in the mid 1800s. 3,000 years ago the most accomplished people on earth were in the Middle East. Nowadays… not so much. I could go on here. But the point is that these variations in intelligence was due to the relative prosperity of the given time and place. Peoples that were once undeveloped and ignorant (Germany, Sweden, Korea, Japan, Finland) are now smart and productive. Peoples that were once smart and productive (Greece, Egypt, Levant, Anatolia, Spain) are now somewhat backward.
Ashkenazi Jews have high IQs in large part because of their current wealth. As the article notes, this wealth comes heavily from networking and nepotism. When one Jew makes it, they all do. They hire each other, they promote each other, they support each other. All you have to do is look at Hollywood to get a glimpse of this. So many Jews and most of them are ugly and untalented.
Of course you have many Jews who have become successful on merit. But for every Jew who has established himself through merit, there are hundreds who have found a profitable niche in finance, law, entertainment, advertising, or academia solely as a result of their Jewish heritage. For this reason, most Jews are born into privledged backgrounds. They come from stable families, go to the best schools, get the best internships, etc. Naturally people with superior opportunities are better able to reach their full intellectual potential. Hence, the high Jewish IQ.
As for Asians, most really aren’t that smart. Outside of Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans, the average IQ in Asian nations is quite low. You can’t pick the smartest groups of a race and claim they represent the whole race. Asian-Americans are smart because America has a very selective immigration policy towards Asia. Pretty much only the skilled and educated are allowed in. America is admitting the Asian businessmen, grad students, engineers, software developers, and doctors, not the masses of Asian criminals, junkies, deadbeats, dropouts, peasant farmers, or sweatshop workers. So like Jews, Asian-Americans often come from privledged backgrounds.
People really underestimate how much environment plays a role in determining one’s potential. It’s not all nature.
You might be be their friend but they are never your friends
I don’t think all jews exactly fit the stereotype that is being discussed in this thread. I do acknowledge them as a different race, with a distinct set of virtue and vice, but I still prefer to engage with them as individuals.
Where I overlap with the alt-right is that I want this multiculturalism nightmare to end.
This is a very important speech.
@Shoxrux_Babayev:disqus Please share it! If this one speech were well disseminated in the western world, the world would be a different place.
Wow…these people are ridiculous. The more I learn about the scale of their international treachery, the less I can stand them.
Yea. The communist uprisings in Germany were headed by ‘guess who’
And after seeing the Holordomor it became them or us for the German people
Pretty much. When it gets to that level, it’s “them or us” or as they say “every man has a thumbscrew”.
Sometimes with the kind of world the SJWs envision, or the more honest ideas of their handlers who have stated similar goals for the United States, I think the same “them or us”. It’s a sick game really. I find myself wondering if I have to don a brown uniform to do away with the red uniforms before they do it to me. Then I wonder if that was the plan overall, and why the communist/left/SJW brigades are acting out so insanely and so openly anti-science and anti-civilization. The goal may not be for them to take over but for our reaction to it. It’s all happened before.
Yes, of course, the adlepated pawns have neither the desire nor the ability to “take over.” it is all about your anticipated reaction. Be cool. Be patient. Be circumspect, skeptical and self-interested.
Except this time White Brothers won’t be fighting each other.
What this is missing is that the Jews not only contributed mightily to ideas and movements you find pernicious, they also contributed mightily to the Arts and Sciences and Industries. They’ve won about 1/5 of Nobel Prizes for example.
But this may understate the extent to which they dominated fields like physics, not to mention Hollywood.
A recent list of “Top Health Start-Ups Changing the World”, 2/3 of them were Israeli. There are more patents filed in Israel every year than the whole Islamic world, and Russia, and India, combined…
Do you like the idea that humans have inalienable rights? Do you know who created that idea, that Locke got it from? Try Spinoza, a Jew.
Without us the world would be far more primitive.
In as much as a co-opted Catholic Church engages in a “learning against learning” scheme to pretend to forward the renaissance while combating it, and how that given rise to “whig-ist” prostentantism which at least is honestly anti-spiritual, the idea of “inalienable rights” and it’s bed mate, “democracy” is a sham in itself designed to make people think they are free when they are not. I highly recommend you read this.
As MacDonald has said, “the dispossession of our ethnic group completely outweighs those contributions.”
There is nothing more disgusting in God’s eyes than an ingrate.
Jews destroying nations which go out of their way to be sensitive to them is pretty ungrateful.
If we are gonna talk God then the Old Testament is God punishing the israelites for their poor behavior.
Classic. And yet those countries that have no Jews among them say much the same bullshit.
Countries going down the toilet with Jews – claim it’s the Jews fault
Countries going down the toilet without Jews – claim it’s the Jews fault
Common features to both: when they go down the toilet they blame the Jews
How’s this for a radical suggestion: it’s actually not the Jews fault in particular as it is the fault of the country as a whole for their own corruption. You just like blaming the Jews because it’s easier than owning up to a problem.
And you miss the whole point of the Old Testament if you think God had that written so you could look down on people like that. Compared to the shit everyone else has pulled, those people were saints.
“Oh those nasty goyim hating us for trying to destroy their civilization and exterminate their race through silent genocide!”
Except that countries with dominant Jewish influence are also the majority of major world powers today, and many of their actions directly affect countries without Jewish dominance.
You’re trying to deny causation merely by hand waving and anecdote.
There are good jews, like those that developed, alongside British intellectuals of the time, quantum theory. And then their are people like George Soros….
It isn’t that all jews are evil, it is just that they have such a strong group identity that they fail to police themselves spectacularly. just cannot accept that we the Gentiles finally got to know the truth of Jew hypocrisy don’t you kike? Jews through their monster appendage Mossad subtly bring down a nation with pernicious ideologies. Pornography is largely controlled by Jew moguls. They constantly degrade whites and Christians by producing videos whereby white, blonde woman being spitroasted by Blacks. But the same hypocritical Jews raise a shitstorm if a Jew woman chooses to marry a Muslim man.
hehe… how come you exposed yourself like this? here we come: someone who opposes pornography. i.e. a Communist. pornography was illegal in the Soviet Union – and could be punished by death.
the truth of course is it’ the people like YOU who are real commies and hypocrites.
qJews run all those nations, they’d be nothing without the jews.
Yes, would you rather live in a jew run country like canada, uk or america or die of tb in white run belarus and moldova?
Who’s eyes? Never met this “God” guy you’re going on about.
Your low, contemptible opinion of non-Jewish intellect is really
hateful and astounding, as well as supremely ignorant. The Roman Empire,the Chinese, the Greeks, America in the 19th Century, and the English and Spanish and Portuguese built mighty empires with high standards of living, and 95% of those nations were built without leaning on “Jewish knowledge” (spare me some anecdote about the Romans, who were already at the height of their empire when Pompey took the Near Eas). Learn some history before you start spouting off hateful nonsense about how backwards everyone would be without Jews.
In only the last 200 years, the contribution of European-gentile stock doctors has led the mighty health reforms that you lay solely at the feet of Jews. Louis Pasteur, for one example, was no Jew.
And Jews lived in a lot of squalor in their existence, by their own designs. Eastern European Jews were living in fetid disease-ridden neighborhoods. The Black Plague happened when Jews were thriving across Europe.
Besides, the choice is not between no Jewish contribution and total Jewish domination; it is a question of limits. Many societies that came into contact with Jews found that there was a point of diminishing returns with Jews; that is, Jewish influence/activity up to a point was good for the society, but past a threshold, corrupted/debased the culture past that point. This is why Jewish influence waxed and waned in nations—going from no Jews to some Jews to a significant percentage of Jews, followed by a backlash, pograms, and reduction/limitation/expulsion. This is why they were confined to limited areas/neighborhoods–to confine their influence to what was thought to be acceptable numbers. There was always an observable tipping point where Jewish influence became more of hindrance than a help.
Whats up my pale spanish cuckold from pure blood whites( your words). As a disgusting slavic mongrel, I will be very glad to fornicate with your sisters and absorb your self hating genes into an animalistic mongrel offspring. That is if you are actually what you say you are? And not the animal nigger that most people suscpect you of being. But hey nigger>mongrel in your mind so I guess Im the biggest threat here!
They also get their panties in a knot if a “mongrel” like myself fornicates with their women. What the fuck is mongrel? I had to look that shit up damn I always thought if you look white your white. Nope apparently im a mongrel cause im with Balkan ancestry!
You still preaching how bad the white man is and how peolple in Eastern Europe are mongrels? While you yourself being a pure bred blond blue eye white noble???
I wonder where whites learned that solidarity among whites is so evil? We’re basically told in grade school that the next step after such a development is gas chambers.
Well, at least you’ve admitted that the US has a serious problem. The first step, as they say…
” it is just that they have such a strong group identity that they fail to police themselves spectacularly.”
Hahaha sounds familiar. They dindu nuffin, goy.
I’d be more than happy to roll the dice and find out.
America in the 19th century was jew controlled, black built, whites have had almost no role in it. Except the jew roles out a white face who is often a cryptojew or in a jews backpocket.
England, spain, portugal all jew controlled. That is why they booted the jews and quickly collapsed after. Roman and greeks built by blacks. Whites invaded and plunged it into a dark age.
You can live in modern belarus jew free or live in the civilized jew run world which is it?
Your mother is a nigger
“whites have had almost no role in it. ”
Come on. That is bloody ridiculous and you know it.
lol. ok, you’re a troll and hilarious. Go back to gawker, boy. Everything you just said was a lie.
Your mother is my sex slave boy. I got her on my way to Timbuktu, or was it Valencia again depending on what you feel like being today black or white you bipolar little bitch.
Whites were just along for the ride, jews running it, blacks building it, whites doing not much but watching it
Another double talking bullshitting jew here.Ignore their silly tricks.
Belarus is jew run you moron.It’s part of the old Pale of Settlement where the jews were confined to protect the innocent somewhat naive White people.
The men in the white coats are about to take this dummy back to the bughouse.Another dumb negro who read too many of those wacko books sold at ghetto book stores.
You are from bats(crazy) country you stupid femtard.
Oh no! I have been insulted as being a feminist! What ever will I do? Oh… wait… that’s not an insult. -_-
Which God?
Tell me about it. It’s like a smoker blaming the cigarette company for getting cancer. Sheesh!
rofl. you make me laugh, monkey.
Seriously are you comparing whatever real genocide with this?
Jews, based on testing are the most intelligent group on earth. But in all fields Jews are over represented and IQ cannot account for the massive numbers. Ethnic networking accounts for a lot of it. Are there many Jews that have done wonderful things and contributed massively in certain areas especially the sciences? Absolutely. Although Spinoza is practically unreadable. I can’t for the life of me see what Nietzsche found so admirable about him.
On average, Jews are probably *slightly* more intelligent. However, the average isn’t what matters to dominate things like academia, science etc., it’s exceptional individuals. For whatever reason there are proportionately far more Jewish outliers with exceptional intelligence.
The ashkenazi are Brahmin and drive all the start ups and innovations.
Same with India. The stereotype of the smart Indian nerd is based entirely on Brahmin expats.
Brahmin apparently have a really high average IQ, created by being selected as the Elite group.
That’s only counting the white jews not the Sephardic.
What you don’t umderstand is that Jews are in charge of who’s invention or contribution gets recognized. There are millions of artists, scholars, scientists, etc. in the world but the Jews are shoved in our face and hailed as greats. Look at Hollywood and the music industry. All the award winners are Jewish. The Nobel prize is a joke also.
this is far closer to the core matter at hand hand: the charade of false openness.
a masquerade that is in reality petty hyper-selfish advancement closed from the very beginning. it exploits every patience and resource of others until there is nothing. by design. and by design, so feigns ignorance and ‘unfair’ persecution for this deeply parasitic behavior when, at length, it is revealed that it’s global net ‘contributions’ are actually net losses. net losses to society, to civilization, to history, and most of all, to men.
some may disagree, but at some point in history, long ago, most parasitic groups weren’t. they were started by men for their sons, which aligns with reality. but they became themselves subverted, leaving reality, throwing all resources into the feminist imperitive matriarchal black abyss, and thus necessitating such net non-contributive behavior to keep feeding their female harpies. when such groups exploit long enough, instead of being dismantled or dying, this insidious cloaked-in-good-feels net loss behavior becomes the modus operandi, the culture, the default world view. eventually, no matter what the contributions, this default is simply untenable.
judaism aside, too many groups exhibit this today.
Feminism and Judaism aligning themselves together is so fitting. Physically inferior, parasitic beings trying to gain complete power and dominance the way physically inferior beings fight: cunning and deception. They wear a mask to hide their true intentions which are to suck the life force out of any and everything in their path. Jews are probably responsible for every war in the last 1000 years but haven’t fought anyone themselves. Much like how men built civilization with our bare hands while women watched and actually have the nerve to disrespect the patriarchy.
Equality, racism, homophobia, misogyny, etc. are all tools to corrupt the power of words and opinions to fit their false narrative that we are all the same, while secretly believing that they are superior. We can only hope that enough men see underneath the mask before its too late, if it isn’t already. As you said, the culture has actually changed to accommodate a “victimized” society, where everyone is oppressed by the mere presence of straight white men.
obama won a Nobel Prize, what does that say
” Jews are probably responsible for every war in the last 1000 years but haven’t fought anyone themselves…”
Israeli war of independence (November 1947 – July 1949)
Six-Day War (June 1967)
Yom Kippur War (October 1973)
just to name a few.
Please tell us more about how jews “never fight for themselves”
The ttruth is most of us white people cannot even tie our own shoe laces. This is why we assume anyone who can tie their shoelaces is a jew.
Well, it says you too Subtle Gestures were just as qualified as him, if not more so, to win a Nobel Prize. As well as I.
Precisely. That Jews like Nadine Gordimer (a South African “anti-apartheid activist” ™) have won Nobels in literature isn’t surprising: the very literature promotes Jewish ideas and Jewish goals.
What about us mongrels? What are we capable of except defending europe for hundreds of years from muslim conquest and suffering through our boys being taken to be boy soldiers by the Ottomans? Oh why did our king marry a Jewess, why oh why poor sap.
“The ttruth is most of us white people cannot even tie our own shoe laces”
>replace “white people” with “nigger” and then you’re on to something.
Nope, but I will replace it with white nigger, and white niggers like you think everyone is a jew who can tie their shoe lace. Whites are so lazy they can’t even catch their own slaves, LOL
OK, Nigger. whatever you say.
There may be a 100 doctors or physicists or in any other category who are doing absolutely equal work so how do you decide who to give the prize to? It’s all jew pushiness and lobbying and besides it’s just a prize and really means nothing. How does Obama win one when he had only been in office a short time, or Al Gore? Hmm? think maybe it’s all politics.
I have Never read anything written by a jew that any value. Just a lot of banalities and ordinary crap.Tell me even one book that you thought was good and I’ll waste my time and read it and give an opinion.
why catch a nigger when another nigger will catch him for you? rofl.
yeah, jog on you prick.
My grandfather (british jew) got knifed in WW1 all in the name of fighting for king and country so its pretty sad that a 40 year old virgin like yourself actually believes the bullshit that comes out of your mouth.
You better hope I never meet you or any of your KKK arse bandits cos then we’ll see who’s physically inferior, you nancy boy bedroom dwelling nonce.
That’s true, but it doesn’t dismiss the negative. Both sides should be heard.
One of the most brilliant minds in the 20th century when it came to understanding the evils of fiat banking was Murray Rothbard ( a jew). trust me there was no preferential treatment for him in academia. His colleagues hated him.
The Cathedral hates most of all those it thinks are one of them but goes against the grain.
Jews are about monopoly control of money, either by owning the bank, or getting people tobelieve piss metal is valuable.
So you kikes burn down the house and one of you has the courtesy to piss on the flaming wreck and we dumb goyim are supposed to thank you?
How’s your thousand year Reich working out for you? ( crickets chirping)
How’s your Temple in Jerusalem looking? (Palestinian RPGs whistling through the air)
Jewish companies control the media. In a nutshell they control what most are allowed to see.
Networking and self promotion are their game. It seems logical that they want everyone to think they are the smartest.
If their whole religion is a stolen spinoff of egyptian religion during their servitude as hebrews i have to question the notion that theyre so brilliant.
And why do they as a people have such a large inferiority complex anyway?
Cleverness is not the same as intelligence.
That’s great… I still want my Country back, thanks.
1/5 in Nobel Prizes isnt that much considering their way of scheming and manipulating
Don’t you get it, euro-whites for the most part cannot function on much more than a primitive level. The Germanic, slavics, and italic whites were all illiterate until blacks went into Europe and civilized them and taught them how to spell their own names. Without blacks the whites don’t even have any ancient civilizations as ancient greece and rome where both black civiliations that the whites invaded and ran into the ground. The whites then plunged europe into the dark ages, and it stayed dark until black muslims called the moors tried to teach them to bathe again. Predictably the whites went back to to their savage ways and killed out anyone who dear try to life them out of primitive tribal european ways.
The whites in europe continued to believe the world was flat despite the fact the ancient black egyptians and malians and dogons had disproved these theories 3000 years earlier.
Then you had the turks, mongols and huns, all of whom tried to lift whites out of savagery but whites couldn’t accept behaving civilized so they went back to butchering each other in yugoslavia and greece and russia once the asians abaondoned them as hopeless
The last bout was the jews. The jews tried to life white europe out of it primitive and savage ways. For 600 years the jews have given whites most of their developments. And what do the jews get for it? The same racism because whites hate anyone who tries to improve their behaviour, they think you are being an uppity jew. Don’t you see whites still believe vaccines are which craft invented by jews to eat christian children.
In conclusion, anglo whites cannot be helped, and would rather die of easily curable diseases like tb than take a vaccine, because the vaccine comes from a black, and they think blacks are being uppity by making whites take vaccines.
Most whites are lazy and would rather be in the cave days.
If EEF and CAN both come from Asia then are Asians white? Early European Farmers and Central Asian Nomads( Gingers). Damn good thing those Gingers were smart enough to show the local mongol dogs how to make animal skins or they would have died from frostbite in the Caucasus. But they developped Red Skin syndrome so fukem right!
Without Jews, the world would be blissful. Nobel prizes have been horseshit since the 1960s. Top Health start ups???!!! Like figuring out how to put more mercury in vaccines? More fluoride in the water?? More kids on anti-depressants?? Jews change the world alright, they subvert and then destroy it as they absolutely cannot integrate / assimilate. As some high-level rabbis have admitted, Judaism = Satanism. Their god is Lucifer.
Just like the mercury in my Tuna Sandwich. Learn science then cry
Einstein stole relativity from an Italian scientist. The claims of Jewishness for many Nobel prize winners is even less than Elizabeth Warren is Indian. Before the internet Woody Allen was a movie star because jews in the news gave good reviews & people couldn’t realize until after they saw movies. SadPuppies extension of GamerGate shows little clicks making award choices and faking things.
“Without us the world would be far more primitive.”
This is an example of Jewish supremacism.
Besides, whatever contributions the Jews have made to the modern western world are dwarfed by the European majority. Yet if we say “without us the world would be primitive”, the Jews screams out in pain.
Finally, the contribution of European Jews is due to the culture of the people they have lived amongst for 2000 years. Sephardic Jews have accomplished practically nothing because of their lack of association with the European people.
“Do you like the idea that humans have inalienable rights?” No, actually I don’t. Absolute human rights have crippled society, not set it free. I’m actually not surprised the Jews were behind that one too. Thanks for letting me know!
Einstein was a fraud and the Nobel Prizes are a Jewish circle-jerk. Tell your rabbi thx for 9/11.
Well yeah, so much is not said – so much that one wonders who controls the province of what is said. It doesn’t take much research to parse that one out. But since so little is said, and Roosh has, indeed, said quite a bit, I wonder if he won’t find his modest meanderings slated for “special attention” by such self-designated patron saints for “the cause” as the SPLC. Let’s hide and watch.
It is said that,, if you want to know who the rulling power is in your country, find out who you’re not allowed to criticise.”
Blacks and latinos?
Jews, jew.
That’s exactly how “they” want you to think.
Ironically it was the Germans who used communism as to weaken the Russian Empire during WW1 and the same goes for Jihad which was resurrected by German historians to cause riots in the British Middle eastern territories!
German send Lenin, USA send Trotsky, send poisons to your adversary/competitor is nothing new.
Yes, because those (((Germans))) were not helped by the other Germans as well. With or without brackets around their name,all sorts of Germans were involved in spreading communism to Russia.
Get a grip boyo!
I am on cloud nine since Roosh finally relented to discuss about Jewish supremacy and hegemony over the Gentiles.My comments on ROK was removed for posting the first picture which clearly shows Jewess(female Jew?) are the linchpin in Feminazi movement. Here is food for thought
what “food for thought”? so you found a single person’s opinion – plus a religious freak as well. omg omg! that’s how the world comes to an end 🙁
Don’t get your panties in a bunch kike. Isrealis as a whole strive to avoid immigration in Israel while shouting for diversity in Western Christian nations. I can’t post every link here u greedy hoggish hook nosed kike!!!!
hehe didn’t take you too long to lose your cool.
Using words like “kike” is counter productive. It alienates mainstream people who might otherwise listen to your arguments.
Not to mention feed off it. And I do mean that literally. And that wasn’t sarcastic.
“the Germans didn’t just wake up one day and decide to hate Jews for no reason”
That’s right, the catholic church had been preaching hatred of Jews for centuries and the protestants were no better. The pope did not absolve the Jews of collective guilt for killing Jesus until the 60’s.
And then the catholic church helped a couple hundret jews to escape from axis europe.
prob due to the fact that jews were responsible for helping the muslims establish a caliphate in spain/iberian peninsula and sacking, conquering Christians cities by being a bunch of blood thirsty backstabbers. It was almost 700 years before the muslims were finally kicked back out of Europe! Its recorded that jews were opening the gates at night and letting the muslims in.
I was unaware of this. Where can I find more information about it?
you know, Germans also wanted to exterminate mentally disabled like yourself…
If tthe jews were running communism why did the communist persecute the jews and pogrom them? I understand why the germans did get angry at jews for running their country. Such feelings are natural when a tiny minority comes in and takes over control.
Stalin got paranoid over the jews after some stuff happened. So he decided to purge jews from certain communist institutions which made the jewish bolshevik core very mad. Stalin was a psycho after all who even let his brother die in a german prisoners camp even tho the germans where willing to exchange prisoners.
your post is a stark evidence that you have a very little idea about Soviet history as well as Stalin in general.
brother? lol. it was his son – but how would you know?
so you’d expect that Stalin would exchange his son – who fell a prisoner to Germans – for some high-ranking German? man you understand NOTHING about Soviet Union – please don’t even get into this.
Yes His son pardon.
Anything to refute my point that he got paranoid of his jewish doctor and other jews in the NKVD?
Rats eat mice
Stalin out-jewed you, that’s why you ended up getting ‘persecuted’ in the very slave state you kikes created.
It’s actually pretty pathetic on your people’s part that you can’t even rule over something you created.
You’ve had about 65 years, endless military aid, and a huge mass media apparatus as your propagandists, and yet you people still can’t conquer a small strip of land populated by mostly unarmed and starving Arabs.
Eternal things are not for the Jew.
Maybe stalin did but who has the last laugh, russia is one of th emost violent savage hell holes on the planet. Who’d want to live there? Not even rich russians do,
Jeews runs all of west europe an america and israel and canada, why do they need a piece of palestine when jews run america which controls halff thoe oil states. whites animal, jew power
Jews aren’t laughing when they yet again moan and groan about ‘muh persecution’. Yeah, you people totally wrecked Eastern Europe, ruling is not your forte. All you Jews are capable of is destroying and ultimately you will destroy yourselves.
Yeah and the jews control the media and banks still and the whites are still poor LOL
Here are some instructive images from Cécile Tormay’s An Outlaw’s Diary:
Those pictures are related to the communist take-over of Hungary in 1919.
Look at the rulers of Hungary, then look at who made revolution against them and destroyed native European culture in the process. Note the racial differences.
Don’t let the “political ideology” canard fool you. It was RACE WAR.
Jesus Christ these people have demonic facial lineage! Is this a coincidence or what the fuck kind of humans are these ?
Jewish communists were actually fighting in the streets against the German military and German militia in the Sparticist Uprising immediately before the rise of National Socialism. When I first heard about this, I was completely shocked, “why have I never been told this before?”.
I remember learning in school about the communist uprising in German after the first world war but the teacher didn’t tell me that it’s leadership was Jewish. This made the German people look like lunatics who turned on the completely innocent Jews for no good reason…
Exactly. It was presented like they were simply insane and chose to hate the Jews out of mid air.
Right…and any country reacts in this manner when they feel an “uprising” or threat.
The U.S. is now turning into the former Soviet union with the “Patriot Act” as it’s first step. You would never have dared to come up with this act in 1985 because that’s something that “communist countries do”. We’re a democracy (sure).
The next step is this Operation Jade Helm going on this summer (southern U.S. states).
Take a read here:
You can google it to find other stories (versions) but all in all…you should ask questions.
Ask them now, because later on it may be too late. A takeover just happens….you won’t see it coming and the government is not going to give you any real answers (the truth).
They had just taken over Russia and were on the move.
If a fraction of the members of a group that shared only their origin do something bad you condenm all the rest of the group? May we need a genocide against each human group on the Earth
It’s because certain groups or people want to control the narrative. The U.S. is acting no different in the way it’s handling our current situation with terrorism (now coming to a U.S. city near you). The U.S. has done it before (WW2 camps with Japanese Americans rounded up). Don’t ever think it can’t happen to you, no matter the country.
You always have to be on the lookout for the “quiet takeover”.
It happens over time and if (when) you want to react then it’s too late.
Half of those Japanese were not US citizens and this is what happens when countries are at war. Even some Germans and Italians had their property seized like Joe Dimaggio’s father’s fishing boats. People get interned during wars if they are foreign nationals of the country we are at war with.
My point was this country always talks a good game… we’re different than other countries when we’re really not (when you get down to it). We’ll round up people as well (and we’ll find a reason to justify it…citizen or not). It’s primal.
All you have to do (today) is paint a citizen a terrorist and it’s off to camp (whether the person truly is one or not). That’s the reality of it all.
Gosh I’m happy everyone is waking up to the fact that Jews are people you just don’t want or need in society. About fucking time too.
In order for people to wake up they need to be exposed to the information and after that to try to apply it to see if it fits their country’s reality. When that sinks in, and the people understand the reasons why their country is governed by poverty and betrayal, only then can you call them awaken. This article that we are reading here is just a little spark.
Wow. The truth is you Muslims just want to watch the world burn.
You can’t actually consider yourself intelligent or rational and be honest.
The leaders of this whole retarded Islamic Caliphate movement live such lavish lives while all the plebians live in filth and squalor. So how do they keep you idiots busy while they are fanned and fed grapes? They pit you drooling, uni-brow wearing, body odoring, poor hygiening, uneducated cavemen against the Jewish people. A tiny group that comprise less than half of one percent of the world pop. If they died tomorrow, your leaders would still have trillions of dollars, having sex with the most beautiful women, eat the best foods, smoke the finest herbs, and drink the best wines as they find another “Jew” to take your attention.
you guys are the dumbest sheep in the world.
Listen to Adolf Hitler describe the New World Order, in his own words:
Good points. I do find it interesting that Jewish people can no longer paint themselves as “the victim”. They may try but in today’s world (the U.S. at least) we can see that is a sham. There are too many of them in too many high profile or high powered positions. That dog don’t hunt anymore.
Also, it’s backfired on them (in dealing with Palestine) because Palestine is now “the oppressed” versus Israel. If you take away the support Israel has by the U.S., then it would be very interesting to see how it all plays out.
oy fucking vey
Rosa Luxemburg and the other mostly-Jewish leaders of the Spartacus League/KPD literally gave Hitler and the NSDAP all the credibility they needed. They deliberately downplay just how high the political stakes were during the Interwar Period following WW1… Germany was the #1 target of the Comintern. Luxemburg was killed when the Spartacus League made their move in the chaotic atmosphere post-WW1 and was crushed by German nationalists in the Freikorps.
They make it all about race — even making people believe fascism somehow needs racist policies to be fascism, thereby masking the “smiley-face fascism” dominating the Western World today — when in reality the aversion to Jews was political in nature. Germans had already been betrayed and had many reasons to be wary of Jews questionable loyalty.
But alas, history is written by the victors.
General Patton knew all of this and was murdered once his services were no longer needed. He couldn’t believe that hostilities were being ended in a war that the US entered to supposedly “save Europe”, with half of Europe under the Iron Heel of the Bolsheviks/Red Army. How was that saving Europe?? He wanted to fight alongside the Germans and drive the communists out of Europe while they were heavily weakened.
But that didn’t fit into the grand plan so they had him killed. The best US general, and a true patriot. He knew what was going on. Everything is minimized and the focus is of course always on the grossly exaggerated Holocaust… and this narrative is literally enforced by law in parts of Europe!!
There was else a lot of communist Germans, nowadays there are a lot of communist Germans. We need a genocide against Germans because some of them are communists.
The German nasis murdered mass amounts of religious Jews who were not Communist.
Of course, a deeper reading of history would show you that Jews simply appropriated ideas which white guys invented starting back in the 18th Century. The ideology of sexual freedom came from decidedly non-Jewish people like Havelock Ellis, Margaret Sanger, H.G. Wells, Bertrand Russell, D.H. Lawrence and Alfred Kinsey.
“Of course, a deeper reading of history would show you that Jews simply
appropriated ideas which white guys invented starting back in the 18th
Century. The ideology of sexual freedom came from decidedly non-Jewish
people like Havelock Ellis, Margaret Sanger, H.G. Wells, Bertrand
Russell, D.H. Lawrence and Alfred Kinsey.”
Jews and crypto-Jews seeking to sin as much as possible and take as much of humanity with them.
…he cited 1666 [ 666 ] as the apocalyptic year.
They argued that such outward acts were irrelevant as long as one remains inwardly a Jew. Those who embraced the theory of “sacred sin” believed that the Torah could be fulfilled only by amoral acts representing its seeming annulment. Others felt they could remain faithful Shabbetaians without having to apostatize [that is pretend to convert to Islam or Christianity and work to change them from within, thus they remained openly Jews even they still secretly working towards the same goals as the crypto-Jews].
After Shabbetai’s death in 1676, the sect continued to flourish. The nihilistic tendencies of Shabbetaianism reached a peak in the 18th century with Jacob Frank, whose followers reputedly sought redemption through orgies at mystical festivals.
What we consider as “moderate” Islamic states are largely due to their hidden hand.
Despite their conversion to Islam, the Sabbateans secretly remained close to Judaism and continued to practice Jewish rituals covertly. They recognized Sabbatai Zevi (1626–1676) as the Jewish Messiah, observed certain commandments with similarities to those in Judaism, and prayed in Hebrew and later in Ladino. They also observed rituals celebrating important events in Zevi’s life and interpreted Zevi’s conversion in a Kabbalistic way.
The Dönmeh played an enormous role on the Young Turk movement, a group of modernist revolutionaries who brought down the Ottoman Empire.[6] At the time of the population exchange between Greece and Turkey in 1923, some among the Salonika Dönmeh tried to be recognized as non-Muslims to avoid being forced to leave the city.[citation needed] After the foundation of the Turkish Republic in 1922-1923, the Dönmeh strongly supported the Republican, pro-Western reforms of Atatürk that tried to restrict the power of the religious establishment and to modernize society.
my understanding is that Zevi’s ideas have mainly been propagated through the growth of Hasidism a sect which was originally at odds with Orthodox jewry and therefore quite marginal.
My favourite quote of the article (below) because from what I’ve seen there is no human more lost than a Jew that has taken the cultural left totally seriously. Without the ethnic ties and strong conservative family values, they end up on social assistance, with drug problems, highly neurotic, without any sense of where they came from or where they are going.
Broken homes and a gang-mentality but without the toughness and aggressiveness of other ethnically defined gangs… the Jewish gang is more like a passive-aggressive gang that either flounders or eventually takes on more stringent traditional values, all the while still advocating leftist ideals. With that said, some of my closest oldest friends are Jewish.
“[Jewish intellectualism] has resulted in a society increasingly split between a disproportionately Jewish “cognitive elite” and a growing mass of individuals who are intellectually incompetent, irresponsible as parents, prone to requiring public assistance, and prone to criminal behavior, psychiatric disorders, and substance abuse.”
Thanks for the enlightenment!
On point
So true.
Very ballsy, Roosh, very ballsy. Expect the ad hominem attacks to come pouring in.
This is the most importan article ever written on ROK and probably will stay as the most important one. This is the topic of topics.
Roosh, I may have my qualms with you personally, but I have to give you a lot of credit for looking into this, and running with this kind of material on your site. Very bold move going with this. This is one of those things people too often wish to brush under the rug and never actually address.
Great article, Roosh. Very brave. If the SPLC already had your websites listed as “hate sites” I can only imagine they will start a more aggressive smear campaign now!
“Ironically, my parents were allowed to emigrate to the United States in part because of intense Jewish lobbying to loosen immigration laws. I probably wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for their efforts in creating a multicultural America.”
Heh. I’m in the exact same boat. On the one hand I hate to see how western society has degraded due to these policies and yet I am a beneficiary at the same time.
“In turns out there is no “Jewish conspiracy” at all.”
Yeah, yeah. McDonald has to write that, doesn’t he? If he said the opposite, he would have been thoroughly run out of academia.
I don’t want to drag ROK further down the rabbit hole (there are other sites for that) but I will just post this link for the hell of it. No discussions necessary. If anyone is truly interested, just do your own research and come to your own conclusions. And if you want to discuss it, there a multitude of other sites and forums to do so:
Important to note that even if there *is* a conspiracy, I am adamant that the vast majority of Jews are not “in on it” but are rather along for the ride, and just following their leaders who they truly believe are are acting in the ultimate moral right. And also important to note that there are Jewish activists who are fully awake and make efforts to expose their Elite’s alleged conspiracy.
Right. The $PLC already consider Roosh a hate-monger, and always will, so might as well give them a good excuse for doing so!
It’s looking like human nature.
Women will sit back and let feminists have their way with civilization because they think or expect that this is indirectly benefitting them.
Blacks sit by and let the race baiters and social hucksters have their way because they think they would otherwise have no advocacy.
Hispanics (an invented race and even now Hispanic on black crimes are classes as “white on black”) sit back and let La Raza do what they want because they think at least a voice to upset whitey will be good for them in the long term.
So of course, while the rank and file Jews may not be in on some vast conspiracy, how many would sit back and let it happen?
Funny thing is, as the most hated scourge of the earth whiteracistchristianCISmalebigothomophobeveterangunowner targeted by the entire “cathedral” for marginalization (at the least) and destruction (considering what the military is training for these days) I’m ready to sit back and let any “brown shirted” movement do whatever they want to all those red shirts out there and I won’t be doing a damned thing about it.
That “I don’t agree with what you say but I’ll defend your right to say it ” contract was dead the moment the SJWs started using their free speech to destroy not only the free speech of everybody else, but their livelyhoods, careers, and futures too. Now all bets are off. Fuck them.
Sometimes I wonder if there is really a plot to destroy minorities and GLBT (the former aborting their own and the latter pretty much snipping themselves out of the gene pool) but they can only be goaded through social engineering to destroy themselves so far and a little “help” would be needed. So a nationalistic Nazi-like movement as the reaction to the socialistic left wing movement might be part of the overall plan.
Hasn’t the military been infiltrated by dominionists? Who tend to be white?
The Dominion was Deep Space Nine I think
Christian dominionists
In America Hispanic on black crimes are regarded as ‘white on black’ crimes? Sounds like another case of trying to demonize the white man an create more racial tension.
David Cole exposes the holohoax
For years I’ve found solace in the thought that there is an upside to the rise of islam in the western world – they don’t bow down to jews, israel or their lobbying efforts.
Israel thinks they have an “existential problem”? Oh boy, wait til there are no white christians left to protect them. Lulz
Its difficult not to conclude that islamic radicalism hasn’t been promoted at least in part to produce an international risk society that would need to be robustly managed. Despite Muslim numbers are they really a threat that can’t be controlled. Together with wahabist Saudis etc the neo-cons and US hawks have nursed islamic radicalism for decades
Exactly. Before the Anglo-American-Zionist Empire got involved, there hadn’t been any Islamic radicals (that posed a threat to global civilization) for centuries. At best you had a few radical clerics in this or that middle eastern country and some minor inter-tribal skirmishes. But from Jordan to Afghanistan, it was pretty much peaceful. I’ve talked to many a hippy from the 60s and 70s (some of them Jewish) who traveled by car, bike and camel all over those countries and only met friendly people.
All this Islamic Terror nonsense has been aided, abetted and in some instances created out of whole cloth by The Empire. It’s all fake. It’s all a tool of control.
Just look at what happened in Texas today. Pamela Geller (Zionist) and her organization launched some insulting cartoon competition to insult Islam and then some radical (most likely an FBI patsy, as they all are) goes in and shoots. Of course this will now be blamed on ISIL or some other CIA front group.
it might not be ‘built’ from the ground up, but there are too many people in governments and amongst zionists / progressives who seem to have an incentive to amplify the ‘hate’ coming from radical islam etc. One has to be careful about having too much hindsight, but the foreign policy incompetence of the last twenty years or so its hard to believe it was all accidental…the neo-cons have got what they wanted, and frankly that’s something that should make people angry
Dog wags Tail was invented when Israel was made a country.
its not a particularly obedient dog
If one is a Nationalist then he can’t be obedient to other Nations. While I understand their motives, I don’t understand why Europeans don’t have similar motives for their ‘own’ people… oh that’s right, because the Jews understand the name of the game, Unite/Conquer/Divide.
its legitimate for everybody to look after their own interests constructively and transparently
Shit. I didnt think anyone would dare go there.
Just the facts
Hasbara alert.
Dozens of Hasbara trolls suddenly posting nasty, “anti-semitic” Jewish caricature cartoons and memes to make this site look as bad as possible. ROK is clearly on their radar.
Hopefully the mods delete all the junk posts are soon as they show up.
lol. don’t be paranoid.
No one is attacking judaism. People attack zionism. Huge difference between zionism and judaism.
Sure, “Sir” who created his Disqus account 6 YEARS AGO and made a total of only 4 COMMENTS back in 2009!
And now your auto-bot re-activates a dead account AFTER 6 YEARS so you can post on this thread.
Get the hell outta here. We ain’t that stupid.
Idiot. People can make random accounts with random usernames at anytime. Anyone can use the same username as other people on Disqus.
Sure they do. And they leave them dead for 6 years and then magically re-surface to post propaganda. Totally normal posting profile.
Just today me and my grandma created 5,000 random Disqus accounts just so we can use them years from now. I’m sure everyone does the same.
C’mon, you people are generally smarter than that. Looks like your supervising officer will be firing you soon and replacing you with a fresh young recruit.
Now that you have been outed, you should take this opportunity to do some self-reflection:
Who are you fighting and why?
Maybe you have become your own worst enemy and it’s time rethink the big picture. It’s not too late to start righting the ship, to avoid the same-old historical cycle that has played over and over again through the centuries. Enough is enough. Be smarter this time.
You are an idiot. A typical paranoid freak, spending too much time on the internet. Go out and get some fresh air.
Sure “tol” – account created in 2009 with a grand total of only 3 COMMENTS in the last 6 years.
But you magically wake up just to post on this thread!
So who’s the paranoid freak again? Two different accounts, both dead since 2009 and now posting furiously on this thread.
Nothing suspicious at all. Move along. move along.
Are those posts pre-fabricated or were they written by an actual person?
Written by actual people. Most are Israeli college students and new military recruits hired by the state of Israel. Google hasbara.
I’m sure they have bots as well, with pre-fabricated posts for certain topics.
Other countries also have their own online propaganda brigades at this point, including the US.
I had forgotten about that. I read a lot and I only retain so much. I read about this a few years ago… now I remember. Propaganda is propaganda and if a country has to pull such a move then it is a sign of weakness, USA included.
Thank you! There are MANY Jews who are anti-Zionist and condemn Israel’s open apartheid policies regularly!
In the book “Escape from Auschwitz” Rudolph Vrba does describe at the end that there was a Zionist element that collaborated with the Nazis. That book has been out of print since 1986.
Sanhedrin 57a
Before you praise jewish intellectuals for subverting American immigration policy and allowing your ancestors to immigrate, you owe it to yourself to investigate the jewish role in the genocide of half of your ancestry in Armenia. Also consider that jewish neocons advocate for a violent war against the other half of your ancestry in Iran, of course with gentile American lives, like Iraq.
The Jewish people are NOT the enemy. It is Zionism. Zionism is the real threat which has attacked Judaism and non-Jews, and have committed the destruction of our world.
History proves otherwise. Jews have Israel and yet continue and intensify their destructive campaign against their host nations. If it was truly about Zionism, Jews would move to Israel and live in peace with the rest of the world. Instead it appears Jews are motivated to exploit and divide and rule other nations as they see themselves set apart as a so called “chosen people.” If one host becomes destroyed or if they are caught for their crimes they can flee to Israel for asylum, from which they will never be extradited, before leaving to exploit another people.
Edit: Just after I wrote these words a Jewish client brought in a small gift to say thanks. I am reminded that most Jews who I know personally are good people. I think the situation is complicated in that the Jewish elite foster a fear of antisemitism among the otherwise majority of innocuous well intentioned Jews in order to maintain control. In a sense they are as hostage as we are and I feel compelled to express this sentiment as we search for solutions to these problems. I suppose our problems lie with the concept of a “chosen people” to rule others and with the jewish elite themsleves, not with the masses of jews who are or otherwise would be good citizens if allowed to fully assimilate by their jewish leaders.
That gift arriving right after you posted was not a coincidence
First gold, then lead
Zionists are a lot less harmfull then liberal and communist Jews.
Always the same number tied to an appeal for money.
True. But too many Jewish people hold on to the “I cannot be criticized” trope.
This article will be on the top 5 articles of May post next month.
“Up to recently, Jews did not have a homeland, meaning that had—and still have—to live in countries where they’re minorities.”
“that” should be “they,” hope this helps.
If you haven’t read Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald, now’s the time:
had to stop at “chosen by God”
Holy shit, you are way more fucked up than I ever thought possible. Another mentally unbalanced extremist in so many ways. Wasn’t a big giant step to go from fat American women to the Jews, huh? Wowser. No wonder you moved out of the country. It is time for the American men who read this blog to wake up to the fact they are getting fed ideals stemming from the same beliefs that led to 9/11 and all the rest.
I’m impartial, tell me what facts he got wrong please? Is there more or less Jewish representation in left wing politics, feminism, socialism, entertainment and media? I’ll be happy to examine your factual rebuttal when you offer it.
Don’t hold your breath.
Although being a ghost, what’s the worst that can happen?
Indeed, I don’t even have the corporeal essence required to contain oxygen any longer, alas. It does make for a good time though, as I can infiltrate cheerleader locker rooms at will. So I have that going for me.
I agree. If Roosh is wrong, and if his source is wrong, then he should attack those facts. Instead, @trx2:disqus resorts to an ad hominem attack in order to undermine the article (i.e. “Another mentally unbalanced extremist”)..
Is it wrong to point out the large Jewish influence in the Marxist-Commie left and the media? Would you rather ROK be about nothing but articles on how to be more alpha, banging chicks, and how feminists suck?
trx2 has a total of 26 comments, including the one you responded to. It doesn’t seem interested in expounding a bit on his assertions.
Plus “he” used “Wowser.” as a sentence, so my guess here is…chick.
Yeah, it does read something like you’d hear from a feminist in a sociology 101 class. Wouldn’t surprise me if the account is active just to shit post once in a while when the person is enraged.
Oh this thread is going to be one heck of a Trollercoaster ride. I don’t normally eat popcorn, but when I do, it’s for articles like this.
I’m only contributing a few wise cracks and impartial requests. The topic does deserve serious debate and discussion, and it’s frustrating to me that usually I only see Hate Versus Hate when the subject comes up.
“Jew untermensch!”
Why not just discuss the facts and be truthful on all sides?
Yeah, I know, I live in a utopia on top of Fantasy Mountain.
Mmm… “wrong” or “right” doesn’t really fit into this discussion. Looking at the bigger picture of singling out and blaming some sliver of humanity for your own personal ills. I stumbled on this site because I was channel surfing and came across a ‘fat shaming’ topic on Dr. Oz. I stopped to watch and the owner of this blog was the guest. He claimed that he was concerned about health, yet he only commented on fat women and certainly a topic of health and obesity would cover both genders. He also stated he was afraid of running out of thin attractive women to date. That is a laugh out loud comment right there and it led me to this blog.
But on to the bigger picture — this is how hate grows. Singling out one group and blaming them in such a way that it empowers the ‘little guy’ to get on board because they feel powerless and it is a message that resonates with them. It is so much easier to blame others than blame yourself. This is how Hitler got started. This is how any extremist group gets started. These feelings of hate are presented as if they were facts (like this article) and people jump on board and for the first time in a long time they feel like they are part of something, they’ve found their tribe.
I visited a concentration camp when I was in Germany. You cannot be in such a place and not be overwhelmed by the magnitude of what happened there. Genocides have happened since then and genocides will continue to happen and it is because people feel powerless and want to feel powerful so they will latch on to the first person who comes along and tells them what they want to hear and makes it sound like they are smarter than the average bear for agreeing with it. Maybe they don’t totally agree with it, but they aren’t going to rock the boat and lose out on being a member of the tribe by questioning it. I invite you, as a human being, to always question and always be alert to things like this. Do not think it is harmless drivel, because it leads to other things.
Singling out one group and blaming them in such a way that it empowers the ‘little guy’ to get on board because they feel powerless and it is a message that resonates with them. It is so much easier to blame others than blame yourself. This is how Hitler got started.
How am I to blame for the media, cultural Marxism or leftism precisely? Why would I want to blame myself for things I have no power over?
World War I was caused by a very small, tight elite clique of Germanic kings, queens and such. We can identify them by name and they were all interrelated. Should we instead not notice and simply assume it happened because of one idiot anarchist with a revolver?
What is it about identity that causes leftists to recoil in fear? “Don’t label me maaaaan!” and “You don’t know me maaaaaannnn!” and other such retreats from identification are treated as sacrosanct totems amongst the left.
Also, curious, what’s wrong with being in a tribe precisely? Tribe is just an obnoxious way of saying “group”. We’re social animals, human beings, we identify and associate by groups, and further, I posit that this is natural and healthy. Why deny realities? To keep us atomized maybe?
Nobody here is singling out any one group. All Roosh did with this article is investigate the Jewish question, and Jewish involvement in the socio-political world.
You’re doing what a lot of people right now are starting to see… you criticize the Jews and any involvement they may have in things and you get called some evil hate monger, and your thoughts will eventually lead to a holocaust. People are tired of being brow-beaten by everyone’s victim complex while the alleged victim uses it as a weapon to wield power. It doesn’t matter if we’re talking about socialists, feminists, SJWs, fat acceptance people, or even the Jews.
You can’t hide behind “well, it might lead to genocide” as a defense against questioning something. Hiding behind “muh holocaust” is exactly the kind of mentality most people at ROK are trying to fight against. Take your victimhood bullshit and fuck off. We know many like you only use it as a shield to deflect criticism.
Well, as long as you are so open to ‘questioning something’, why don’t you ask yourself why you want to defend this point of view and why it resonates with you? Who are you blaming for your failures?
Defend what point of view?
What things did Roosh bring up that are factually wrong?
All you’re doing is trying to comment from the fence post while also continuing to throw out ad hominem. Address the facts, not the individual please.
there are no ‘facts’ to refute since this article and the comments are garbage. And you are certainly not impartial and posting to every comment asking for ‘facts’ is just your own laziness and desire to continue to stir the pot while appearing to be oh so objective.
Already asked myself those questions and answered them a long time ago.
As for my own failures, I blame myself. I do a lot of introspection and figure out where I have fucked up in my life, who I have wronged, etc. I don’t want to have the same victimhood mentality that plagues most people in modern society today.
My problem is that Jews are another group, like SJWs, feminists, and others, that don’t want any responsibility, refuse to be criticized, and think they can hide behind their victim shield while wielding it as a weapon as efficient as Captain America does.
I’m not someone who goes around screaming “GAS THE KIKES, RACE WAR NOW!” I just think it’s fair to bring to light and question things about them, their past, and their influence on our world. It’s no different to me than the feminists screaming “MISOGYNIST RAPE APOLOGIST!” every time you try to criticize them.
So the Jewish feminist names listed in the graphic are not facts but are garbage? Were the various and numerous Jewish names involved in the Bolshevik revolution faked as well?
You seem to need to jab ad hominem. Just a quick note to let you know that I generally ignore that, so if it’s your only tactic you’re in for a world full of disappointment when it fails at its objective.
But seriously, what did he say that was incorrect factually? Was Freud not a Jew and did he or did he not write what Roosh detailed? If not, I’d sure like to know about it, so give us your rebuttal to that. And the Jewish feminists which even very racially/ethnicity tolerant people can’t help but notice nowadays.
More factual rebuttal, less sneering please.
I await your considered reply.
” Who are you blaming for your failures? ”
I’m blaming gravity for disabling me from performing this:
Yeah, this is a woman alright…. nonstop incessant rambling which leads into talking about self..
Never responded to GhostOfJefferson…. fail
Historical Facts don’t = a point of view.
Quit wasting your breath on her. To her, facts = opinion unless they’re in line with her opinion, then they become facts again.
I farted. Would you like to smell it?
Isn’t it funny. Americans simply want to control their borders, European countries simply want to stay European. What’s wrong with that? All other peoples have their homelands, but anybody who expresses this desire is called a racist. Anybody who even suggests that White people might ave ethnic interests in called a Nazi.
Jewish ethnic interest is quite out in the open, Israel keeps a giant population in a huge open air prison which the occasionally bomb from the air and drop white phosphorous on, and they are never called racist.
Who’s controlling the narrative?
At the end of CoC, MacDonald speculates whites will adopt Jewish strategies.
That sounds rather scary.
That’s actually funny, I suggested as much earlier in the thread. If a tactic works, eh, why not?
Hire our own, promote our own, network only with our own, stay group conservative while appearing outwardly “fun” in a way destructive to our enemies. Seems legit.
It will take a lot of pressure to make whites an ingroup oriented people.
Speculation that northern europeans were so isolated they never developed the instinct as strongly.
Which one can see in Sweden.
But the other nordic states are turning fairly right wing so maybe not. Or maybe they see Sweden from the outside looking in.
The dominant narrative in Europe about nationalism is that the newcomers “don’t respect our culture”, “don’t respect the social contracts”, etc.
All of which have a theme: lack of reciprocity.
And as a more outgroup oriented group, white europeans would likely have a mechanism for altruistic punishment (punishing those who don’t reciprocate).
As a digression, Roosh alluded to in the article, currently the European altruistic punishment mechanism is being used against their own culture because they’ve been convinced it is unworthy and cruel.
But looking in on Sweden that is what strikes most people as insane: how much the Swedes give and how little (to put it mildly) they receive in return. A microcosm of which can be seen in the story of the 19 year old swedish girl who housed some gypsies; they raped her.
The other nordic countries would likely be keenly aware of that fact and seeing it in a neighbor would help them notice it domestically.
agreed with both of you
I see nothing wrong with Americans becoming extremely Nationalistic to combat this infestastion in our Public Office.
Yeah. Right of association: People are free to choose who they fuck, live, work, speak and whatever else
Just like how guys act like bitches since feminism
Prediction – we are going to find out exactly how many comments is the maximum limit of Disqus. *Sits back with big tub of popcorn*
🙂 i see you have been waiting for this moment
Can confirm it’s not 35,000
Of course, yet white people who are hyper-nationalistic and ethnocentric are demonized as evil.
It always strikes me as odd how people fear “demonization”. So some social justice weenies call you a bigot or a racist or whatever, big hairy deal?
Maybe we should take a cue from the documented behavior of the Jews that Roosh outlined, and start doing what they do. Hire “in house” as it were. Promote dissent and eroding principles amongst the leftists (eroding to their ideology). Promote and give raises and network benefits to others of our own kind “in house”. Squash any suggestion of collusion by creating new brands of “-ist!” out of thin air.
“You only seem to hire people with Gaelic last names, Mr. Jefferson, why is that?!?”
“Gaelophobe! Anti-Scot-ist!”
If I ever get my druthers and make a business out of my opus I WILL be going out of my way to hire “desirables”.
It’ll be (gasp!! HORROR!) a pure meritocracy.
But then… you’ll have yet another business filled with Jewish and Asian men.
Agreed to the fullest! Excellent post
Ever read the Protocols of the Elders of Zion? Even though we are told it is fake, the stuff in that book actually happens/has happened. That is a mighty funny coincidence don’t you think?
Jewish leftists fear MacDonald’s book because it exposes them for what they are- a neurotic and manipulative cult full of hatred towards gentiles.
That said, our true enemies are their multicultural SJW lap-dogs. Our university campuses are home to a disgusting monster. I’ve noticed that is is largely made up of the lower classes (most of whom shouldn’t be in college anyways) and those who come from screwed up (no-daddy) families. Throw in the genetically mutated freaks that are victim to exotically ambiguous manifestations of gender- and you have the modern day SJW.
The thoughts in this monster’s head may have a left-wing Jewish origin- but the heart is full of primal rot and anger— they’re pretty much like zombies with a preprogrammed ideology implanted within them. If Jewish intellectuals don’t understand this- that they have created a destructive “socialist zombie”- then the zombies will go after them too.
A two thousand year old tribal cult based on the ethics of primitive warfare and the wholesale destruction of their enemies in a modern world is simply horrifying.
This reads like some frustrated beta is blaming jews because he can’t get laid.
What facts did he present that you found incorrect, may I ask?
Serious question.
Also, in what capacity was getting, or not getting laid brought up, outside of your post?
Say what you will, but there is a point to the notion that the only rebuttal to noticing Jews run a lot of things are charges of anti-semitism and, in your case, typical feminist shaming.
Roosh a frustrated beta who can’t get laid.
I’m a Chinese jet pilot.
You always struck me as….taller….for some reason. Heh
Stay out my airspace, yankee!
Man. Check out all the lowercase name trolls coming out of the woodwork on this article page alone. It’s as if some weird troll coding prevents them from using uppercase letters for their name.The amount of ad hominems thrown out by these goat munchers could feed the entire African continent if converted to food rations.
One major example of contradictory information comes from these two parts:
“Their morality, fairness, and justice is limited to whether they are dealing with fellow Jews or gentiles”
This quote by Roosh, which is echoed in MacDonald’s book, makes it seem like Jews are only willing to be fair to other Jews.
This directly contradicts another part:
“Jewish groups, particularly the AJCongress, played a leading role in
drafting civil rights legislation and pursuing legal challenges related
to civil rights issues mainly benefiting blacks. Jewish support, legal and monetary, afforded the civil rights movement a string of legal
victories. . . . There is little exaggeration in an American Jewish
Congress lawyer’s claim that ‘many of these laws were actually written
in the offices of Jewish agencies by Jewish staff people, introduced by
Jewish legislators and pressured into being by Jewish voters’ ”
Those two ideas are mutually exclusive – how can Jews be devoted to only helping their own, yet be active in the civil rights movement? MacDonald foolishly attributes this to the “group evolutionary strategy” to promote liberalism that helps other Jews. This is terribly cynical – he doesn’t seem to think that most of the lawyers acted as they did because they believed in what they were working for.
There are many, many other examples of lies, half-truths and loads of BS in the short quotes that we were given.
I don’t think the first clause excludes the counter example you gave. John S. Mill’s notion that when you work for your own self interest it usually comes out benefiting others whether you intend it to or not applies.
For example I work for 2nd Amendment rights. I don’t do so because I give two shits about you or others, but rather, because I cherish my individual right and want to see it preserved and not infringed by government. With that said, my advocacy also helps other people, even people I may not particularly care for.
The thing is, people who want to take away your 2nd Amendment rights are affecting you personally and directly. The lack of civil rights for blacks did not in general affect whites directly. The whites who agitated for those rights could have happily and profitably done nothing or worked to keep the status quo. By supporting legal changes, many of these lawyers (Jewish or Christian) could have faced loss of prestige, and possibly even death threats. This points to the conclusion that the people who did support the movement were motivated by something other than self interest, namely, a desire for justice and human rights. Is it reasonable for MacDonald to say that the Christians and Jews (or just the Jews) who supported the changes were doing so only for greedy and self serving purposes? I think that is absurd. If this MacDonald fellow saw a doctor giving free medical care to orphans, he would probably think that the doctor was just doing it to make his own business look better. Such cynicism cannot be the product of a healthy mind.
PS: thanks for fighting against those stinking gun-grabbers!
The (((civil rights movement))) made stupid, violent animalistic niggers THE SAME/EQUAL as civilized white humans in the eyes of the law. Now even “the great savior” Trump is advocating to give pig cops the right to stop and frisk EVERYBODY as a response to violent gun crime perpetrated exclusively by pavement apes, thereby violating caucasians’ constiutional rights. It’s all about the long game with this (((parasitic vermin)))
You know the pig cops are going to stop and frisk a white guy in Jew York to prevent him from doing the world a favor and exterminating some Wallstreet kike for stealing people’s life savings instead of stopping and frisking Jamarcus to prevent him from busting a cap in Tyrone’s ass for selling crack cocaine on Jamarcus’ corner because Jamarcus gets his cocaine from the CIA who imported it from Columbia. FYI the CIA is owned by that Wallstreet kike I mentioned earlier.
A (((doctor))) giving “free” (((medical care))) (poison) to orphans is definately only doing it to make his own business look better to attract more customer$. It’s called good P.R. through virtue signalling.
The only people without a healthy mind are gullible, idealistic suckers like you who need this explained to them
Hard to change something if you don’t understand it, or the history if that in which you are fighting.
Out of all the articles on this site you pick this one to say the author is blaming someone else because he can’t get laid? Out of all the articles on this site about how women suck, feminism sucks, our culture and society suck… you pick this one?
Yes, it’s like an alarm went off somewhere
The reason why “it’s like an alarm went off” is because the sins of the jewish elite, quickly becomes the sins of all jews, which is complete b.s. It is ALL the elite that are causing this planet to self destruct.
That’s closer to the truth than most other things we hear these days.
And they keep us barking at each other in a 24/7/365 day a year Minute Of Hate.
Now watch as these storm front idiots use this article to incite hate towards all the Joooos.
As mentioned below, that always frustrates me. I’d love to see a rational discussion about this topic from all parties.
you sound paranoid. There’s a lot of Armenian Shisters in this country, I’m not scared one bit, my conscience is clear.
Paranoid? What happened in Germany during WW1? You telling me all the jews that were killed, deserved it ?
What happened in the Ottoman Empire to Armenians was equally bad..sent to the Syrian desert to fry..but then again your kind wants to monopolize suffering.
The Armenian holocaust was a horror story. It’s amazing how few people know what Turkey did (well, the Ottoman Empire technically, but still).
My Grandfather’s 2 sisters, 2 brothers, and parents were shot to death in their own home. My grandfather, not home at the time, found some tattered girl’s clothes, dressed up as a Kurdish Muslim girl and fled to Tblisi, Georgia.
My kind? You mean middle class, socially conservative, hard working people who detest liberal ideals?
you being so worried about people hating jews, you must be jewish. then. Simple deduction.
1/2 by birth. I am agnostic.
don’t care, you are being selfish , and you never addressed the suffering of others. Israeli/American Jews use the Holocaust for self-interests not for the prevention of another one or else you would address the equally violent Armenian Genocide.
I wasn’t aware of it. Never learned it in school.
This article is about the evil jews, not evil Armenians.
but your answer to the facts posted is always how everyone is racist and anti-semitic. I am clearly showing how Jews are equal in their “hatred” for others. Any mention of Holocaust denial is met with an angry response.
I understand what you are saying, you are correct. The fear is because jews are such a small minority in the world. How many anti-Armenian articles do you see published? I don’t come across many.
we don’t proliferate the media or try to change the laws of the countries we are minorities in. We don’t shape foreign policy of MUSLIM Iran even though we are Christian. We just engage in business and trading enterprises, some illegal, but in no way try to change the “culture” of the countries we immigrate to. Most Armenians hate Anita Sarkessian and the Kartrashians.
You don’t think I detest that there are so many corrupt jewish politicians and fat and/or ugly jewish feminists? It’s shameful. Many jews support them out of fear, and hope that these “people” keep them safe.
it has the opposite effect.
Hasbara Brigade to the rescue
Yes. Just read up on Hasbara. Their search engines constantly scour the web for trigger words and then their troll army goes into action.
And for sites like ROK, that were already on the radar, they are more closely monitoring and can act in real time.
More and more people are seeing through it though, especially on social media where the trolls really overplayed their hand.
Even the Jews who are not “elite” put their thumbs on the scale at the deli when they sell you your smoked meat
Yes, they weren’t singled out based on being jewish and there were much less than you think. There were more jewish Nazis than jews killed in Germany in WW2 ffs
The Armenians were the ones killed BY JEWS in Turkey in the Armenian Genocide, retard
Nice try, schlomo.
This reads like some frustrated Jew is blaming someone for calling his kind out for giving themselves last name-based privilege in all of their decision making processes, including, but not limited to, banking, media, litigations, politics and hiring for any and every job (I’ve asked a few, they especially admitted to that part shamelessly!).
next you will be calling people Hitler or NAZIS, lets hear it…
You know who else made people wear pieces of flair…?
The jewish owners of Shenanigan’s?
arm bands or yarmulkes, same thing.
That movie is a documentary, not a comedy. Kind of like Idiocracy. Mike Judge seems to have a knack for exposing the horrors of life while making you laugh like it was a light hearted joke.
I actually liked Office Space and Idiocracy much more than Fight Club for their ability to be amusing and charming. I certainly felt like I could relate to the people and stories more.
I agree. I noticed that most of my more intelligent friends loved those movies.
Intelligent people would not be friends with you
Finally, a red pill article on Jews
I know YOU waited a long time for this.
Damn, he finally said it. Thanks, from all of us.
look at the Ethiopian Protests in Israel…what’s good for the goose ….
Speaking of
It’s a shame they’re not trying this in Europe.
Jews are 3% of the US population, 0.3% of the world population. 2/3 of the Democratic Party’s money comes from Jews. 1/3 of the Supreme Court is Jewish. The media is overwhelmingly Jewish. Being interested in (and maybe a little bit paranoid about) Jews and what they are up to does not make you evil. It doesn’t make you racist. Watchdog groups that monitor “hate speech” are always Jewish. There are grants that Homeland Security gives to non-profits (I have no clue why). 94% of those grants go to Jewish groups.
Ever watch the news? Every so-called “analyst”, “expert”, “human rights advocate”, “foreign policy think-tank” …… is ….
true if in UK.
gotta admit tho: i lol’d
Roosh, you better stay away from hot tubs
The time we waste in not finding a reasonable solution the Jewish question, its just a matter of time until another ubermench rises up again to implement the Final solution 2.0
Hopefully this happens sooner than later
The book is a hatchet job. He cherry picks what facts support his idea, and ignores any evidence to the contrary. There is also evidence that he “misrepresented the work of author Jaff Schatz in order to portray Jewish communists as the “core” members of Communist Poland’s brutal security service”.
MacDonald still does tons of interviews and holds the same beliefs and opinions. MacDonald has gotten tons and tons of shit for his positions and research. He has been vilified pretty intensely, and has a hard time doing a lot of public stuff.
So Jewish people aren’t disproportionately Cultural Marxist?
With a selective attention towards history, you can come to any conclusion you want about any group.
I’ll offer a few points of dissent:
1. Although lots of well-known liberals are Jews, Jews are also overrepresented on the conservative end of US politics, and it’s not just about Israel. American Jews are much less pro-Israel than American Evangelical Christians.
2. Jews are overrepresented in various liberal intellectual movements that are detrimental to western culture, but they are also overrepresented in science and philosophy, making contributions that we’d all agree are positive.
3. American Jews have some in-group favoritism and networking, but so do other groups such as Armenians and Iranians.
Let me offer an alternative hypothesis: Jews have traditionally lived in cosmopolitan liberal cities such as Vienna and NYC, which have been the main source of liberal intellectual movements. (Led by gentiles as well as Jews.)
Jews have also traditionally been education and achievement oriented.
the scientific contributions of Germans, Italians and French are FAR Greater than Jews or any other tribe. I am Armenian and have no loyalty to my so-called tribe. I prefer to live in communities without Armenians and prefer assimilation.
And don’t forget the British, who gave us Isaac Newton and the industrial revolution. So what?
it seems every pro-Jewish post has to amplify their contributions. I want to hear the WASPS, Anglos, and Germans AMPLIFY their contributions as well. I am tired of hearing about Ann Frank on TV. The only thing we hear/see on TV about the Germans is NAZI related.
Agreed. We should spend more time discussing the great cultural contributions of Germans, French, British and what led to their golden ages. I agree that all the lauding of great Jewish intellectuals is tiresome. In the context of this article, though it’s really the only valid counterpoint to the argument that Jews are overrepresented among various degenerate liberal movements, which is true—but they are also involved in various positive movements.
Hitler sinned greatly in order to remove sin. He should have kept control mechanisms in place and removed those Jews from positions of power and allowed them to assimilate only; what Putin did with Khordokovsky and Gusinsky.
Thats a joke, right? Open any history book. American history is primarily anglo saxon. Every president, most industrial barons (Rockefeller, Henry ford, Thomas Edison, Wright Brothers, et. al)
Well yeah. But technically, well, Anglo-Saxon are two Germanic tribe names, so, eh, kinda redundant. Heh.
“Thats a joke, right? Open any history book. American history is primarily anglo saxon. Every president, most industrial barons (Rockefeller, Henry ford, Thomas Edison, Wright Brothers, et. al)”
From your own examples.
Presidents (27 English aka Anglo-Saxon, two English/Scottish, two English/Welsh, four Scottish, one Scottish/Irish, two Irish, three Dutch, one German, one “whatever” it is that the real background of the man calling himself “Barack Obama”)
Edison (Dutch)
Wright Brothers (The Wright brothers were two of seven children born to Milton Wright, of English and Dutch ancestry, and Susan Catherine Koerner, of German and Swiss ancestry.)
Henry Ford (50% Dutch, his mother’s parents were both from Belgium)
Rockefeller (His father was of English and German descent while his mother was of Scots-Irish descent.)
Actually, the Rockefellers are in fact Crypto-Jews of Sephardic origin and related to the Rothschild family.
This book, written as an index for Jews in the 20th century, proudly traces the Rockefellers’ Jewish ancestry. The rest of us are not supposed to know that though:
My bad….you are right. should have said “white”, as in the generic western European descent. You also understand that “anglo saxon” is a general descriptive term that includes inhabitant of England from and until the Norman invasion of England. All of the german/ dutch/irish and scottish peoples are all very similar genetically as opposed to hispanic, middle eastern, african, asian, etc..
Jews are also overrepresented on the conservative end of US politics,
Neoconservative, you mean.
American Jews are much less pro-Israel than American Evangelical Christians.
And those who are not pro-Izreel are typically left-wing SJWs.
but they are also overrepresented in science and philosophy, making contributions that we’d all agree are positive.
Did you even read the article?
American Jews have some in-group favoritism and networking, but so do other groups such as Armenians and Iranians.
True, but Armenians don’t try to take dynamite to the outsiders’ culture.
Jews have traditionally lived in cosmopolitan liberal cities such as
Vienna and NYC, which have been the main source of liberal intellectual
And why are they liberal, and the source of liberal intellectual movements?
Roosh, how do you define the west and what is your role in it? What are you (with respect to the west) and why? Who is and who isn’t western, why?
The term ‘anti-semitism’ is the biggest bullshit I’ve ever heard. Its used as a way to control/shame anyone who criticizes them.
These people aren’t even Semitic. They’re originally from Eastern Europe genetically.
Hell I’m from East Africa and I’m more Semitic than they are lol. Arabs are Semitic too.
These Jews describe themselves as Semitic so as to lend legitimacy to their claim of being tied to ancient Jews (who really were Semitic).
Its crazy how they wanna fuck everybody else up but insulate themselves from all the chaos. And anytime someone “exposes” them its immediately condemned, shamed, made to look like its a ‘crazy conspiracy’.
These people have been exposed numerous times but its been dismissed as a ‘conspiracy’. I hate that term ‘conspiracy’; its just like ‘anti-semitism’, its meant to shame you and dismiss you. When a small group of people have that much power and money, its not a coincidence or ‘conspiracy’, its reality.
There are “regular” Jews who are good and decent people. The rank and file Jews are astoundingly successful which huge representations amongst elite professions like medicine ,science etc. No different than other successful ethnic groups e.g Asians, Indians . Roosh is describing a small percentage of Jews who are “up to no good” with nefarious motives. Is this on purpose?? Do these folks get together in a room to plan this stuff???
I think he’s probably gets things wrong here and there, but in general it’s worth going through his entire channel.
Bill Cooper is a troll distraction. The Elite do not belong to “all types of religions and mystery schools” blah blah. It’s very specifically AngloZionist.
Is that why he was shot in the back of the head about a month after 9/11?
Because he was an AngloZionist?
You are giving out disinformation.
He fucked up, he waited too long.
I am not giving out disinformation. Further below in this very thread, I posted this link to a very taboo subject:
My issue with Bill Cooper, David Icke and guys like them is all the nonsense linking geopolitical machinations to aliens and inter-dimensional space lizards. If you can’t see that as obvious disinformation meant to poison the well, and make all legitimate researchers look like nutters, then I don’t know what to say.
It’s certainly possible that Bill Cooper and David Icke really do believe that extraterrestrials are behind world politics. But then that just makes them misguided at best, insane at worst.
Space lizards, heh.
Everybody knows it is the mice who actually control everything.
…and the dolphins who at least thanked us for all the fish.
Exactly. You’re one hoopy frood.
“My issue with Bill Cooper, David Icke and guys like them is all the nonsense linking geopolitical machinations to aliens and
inter-dimensional space lizards.”
They’re demons, thus shape-shifting inter-dimensional beings able to pose as ETs/UFOs/lizards/pagan-gods/whatever.
Please stop. Evil is all too human. We don’t need to invent demons in order to explain any of this. If anything, that is a cop out:
“The devil made me do it!!”
The devil didn’t make you do shit. You, and you alone, did it. End of story.
SO much this.
Even the biblical words for demon prove it comes from us and our “self” or our imagination.
Demon or Daemon comes from the greek base word…Daio, which means to distribute fortunes. Hercules who I am sure all of us can agree here is a man made myth was called a daemon. He gave gifts to man after he came back from the underworld.
The roman emperor Augustus was called a Eudaemon because he was such a good autocrat.
The demon is YOU! People who claim demonic influence from some outside “evil” entity are just rationalizing their faults and problems away so as to alleviate responsibility and agency in their own minds. It’s all the ego.
“Demonic possession” is the penultimate form of hamstering.
All 42 of them
Every religion mentions “angels/gods” sometimes benevolent, other times malevolent coming down fro the sky. Alledgedly Jesus’ mom got knocked up by one remember.
What created mental illnesses like psychopathy, multiple personality disorder, schizophrenia?
“Do these folks get together in a room to plan this stuff???”
Yes, they do. And it is a small percentage at the top. And they are not 100% Jewish. The oligarchs should more accurately be called The AngloZionist Elite. Zionists are just one component, albeit the most important component. Here is an excellent primer:
You read that on the Internet, right? Must be true.
You wrote that rebuttal on the internet, right? Must be true.
Wasn’t a rebuttal. Just a retort.
I dont quote ideology based on a wacko Internet site.
I didn’t quote any ideology. Do you even know what that word means?
“wacko internet site” – really? Have you ever bothered to read any articles on It is head and shoulders above any other news site in the alternative media, with impeccably sourced and researched articles on issues of globalization, geopolitics and war.
The article I linked to gives a solid historical primer on the western power structure we are currently living under and complaining about.
If you can’t even be bothered to read anything related to real history, then you are part of the problem.
And here is a satellite photo of a building in the form of a Jewish Star of David in the middle of an American military base built in 1967 just 22 years after the West were deceived by the Jews into destroying Nazi Germany.
Photo proof, taken on google maps, that definitively proves who runs the Zionist Occupied Governent of the United States.
Here are the coordinates so you can cut and paste them into google maps directly:
32°40′32″N 117°09′38″W
(the coordinates don’t go directly on it, move a little to the right and up)
And here is the link:,-117.1585305,589m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en
There is your proof on who REALLY runs the country.
There’s a swastika shaped building at Croix…?
I’m with Tim – all I see is the swastika shaped building at Croix.
I scanned to the right and up and I don’t see any Star of David. You either posted the wrong map or there is really nothing there.
Isn’t it just like our patriarchy meetings? Y’know, strippers, drugs, oppression, and all that good shit?
Shit, wait…you mean those exist?!?
Why the hell haven’t I been invited?!?!?
Yes but there is a caveat.
The double-speak of pro-PC/leftist ideals in contrast to the extreme nepotism and traditionalism of successful Jewish families is often still there.
I think in many cases they do it without thinking about it, because their brains are wired that way.
No there is no conspiracy, just ethnocentric tendencies to work closely together for self-advancement, to use deception and to have as a priority always “what is good for the Jews”.
Whites are hobbled by their universalistic, idealist. Look at the way that Swedens is importing refugees from everywhere.
Then look at how Israel works. Viciously ethnocentric, deports non Jews at a drop of a hat.
That is the dual standard. And Jews exploit it ruthlessly/
If you want to be enraged read the Jewish Century by Slezkin (mentioned in article)
Ya it’s called a synagogue and they are all in on it, some are just smarter than others.
Professor MacDonald has many interesting YoiuTube videos about Jewish power. But I also recommend this one about how European Whites have voluntarily co-operated with their own suicide. It answers the question – why are we allowing this to happen to us?
Nations need to be homogeneous by race. Jews (mostly Ashkenasi) have more influence and control in white nations than other minority racial groups, because they are more intelligent. Yet their caring about ther own interests is no different than all the other racial groups. This is an inherent trait that is absolutely natural for survival and genetic proliferation. It’s whites who are responsible for allowing this.
This guy is interesting thanks for sharing.
His website has many fascinating articles you definitely wouldn’t be able to read anywhere else.
It is
I would suggest subscribing to The Occidental Quarterly, I’m going to send you a sample via mega. Check your email.
you might like this from dr. michael jones
What is interesting is that the sources MacDonal uses are in fact often Jewish sources.
In regards to college admissions, check out the AmericanConservative article: The Myth of American Meritocracy by Robert Unz.
Basically some groups are not only overrepresented by population but also by academic merit.
Douglass Murray and Ben Shapiro are good in my book largely because they do oppose non-white immigration into white countries.
And on a final note, much of their group strategy is based on opposition to groups that dislike them.
And yet an interesting hallmark of American Jews is their intermarriage with non-jews at rather high rates.
Because Americans LIKE jews. Maybe they don’t know how to deal with that?
American whores like money
“Some call it Marxism… I call it Judaism”
-The American Bulletin, Rabbi S. Wise, May 5, 1935
“The Bolshevist revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish brains, of Jewish dissatisfaction, of Jewish planning, whose goal is to create a new order in the world. What was performed in so excellent a way in Russia, thanks to Jewish brains, and because of Jewish dissatisfaction, and by Jewish planning, shall also, through the same Jewish mental and physical forces, become a reality all over the world.”
(The American Hebrew September 10, 1920)
Let assume everything in this article is correct.Also as is noted and well
documented Jews dominate the media,Hollywood,banking,and so on.
The Jewish percentage of the world population is very small much less than 1 percent.
Now the point I would like to make,and that no one ever talks about is that how could this be possible unless Jews have a genetic advantage over the majority population?Many people would accept that Blacks for instance woud have a advantage over Asians in basketball,but to say that Jews or any race have an genetic advantage in academics is not possible. Note:I am not Jewish.
It has to do with money. He who controls money, controls the world. Doesn’t matter if they are just 1%. They could be 0.1% and would still run things just so long as they control money.
And to the money point – in some sense it’s not even the fault or design of Jews that they control banking. It was the English kings and aristocrats who put Jews in the role of usury and money collecting and banned them from all other professions. Anglos created their own Frankenstein and we are all paying for it (literally) centuries later.
It was the English kings and aristocrats who put Jews in the role of usury and money collecting
Edward III kicked them out for a couple hundred years. It was the nouveau riche like the Cecil and Cromwell families who saw an opportunity via the Protestant Reformation to loot all the Catholic Church’s monastic wealth (which also happened to serve as the Social Security of the time) and enrich themselves, and invited the Jews back in to eventually run the Bank of England. These English nouveau riche served as the Jews’ useful idiots.
Just to play devil’s advocate for a moment, did Cromwell et all serve as the Jews’ useful idiots or was it the other way around?
The Jews, as you correctly noted were already banned from the country. They had ZERO influence. It was Cromwell who pulled them back in, specifically to use them as tools against his own serfs.
For all the criticism we levy at Jews (or Zionists – and much of it deserved) I still feel that it was the old Anglo establishment that effectively ‘made them.’ Cromwell anointed them the Keepers of Money and banned them from almost all other professions. So whose fault is that? You can’t blame Jews for that one. They just made the best of what they were given
Over the next few centuries, Jewish money married into the Anglo aristocracy. What we are dealing with today is an Elite which is really a separate caste all together. That is why many in the know refer to them as AngloZionists. That’s exactly who they are.
The peculiar characteristic of this upper class is that are more than willing to sell out both of their sub-castes (white people and lower class Jews) in the name of their insane New World Order. Finance Hitler? No problem. Dilute the white race? No problem.
They are neither fish nor fowl and owe allegiance only to their circles of inbred power families.
protestantism particularly in its ‘revolutionary’ aspect (as in the civil war) worked hand in hand with jewish bankers. There’s certainly some truth in the idea that the British Empire and jewish money worked very closely together, and one reflection of this is the fact that there is a lot of jewish blood in the British aristocratic families.
Interesting question. I’d say the English are the useful idiots because the UK is being swamped with brown hordes but Israel is not.
Heck, all white European countries have below-replacement birth rates and brown immigration, but Israel is up around three per woman (above the world average!) and only allows Jews to immigrate. The Jews’ motto is “Family and national breakdown for thee but not for me”.
Yup. Check out Prince Chuck’s nose:
They tend to have a very high verbal IQ, as well as a an intense propensity towards nepotism, and lack of out-group altruism.
Jews were the biggest supports of blacks during the civil rights era, mostly leftists. Now they are clamoring for more immigration, including from Muslim countries, particularly in and to Europe. Lack of altrusim out of group? I guess it depends on how you define altruism.
Actually if you take a look at the average Jewish IQ and extrapolate that across their population vs. the average IQ of European peoples and extrapolate that across their population, you will find an overwhelming number of Europeans cognitively qualified for the positions held by a small minority of Jews. It becomes quite clear that this is not a case of genetic intellectual superiority, but a case of criminal nepotism that is enabled by a Jewish stranglehold on finance. This is of course not a statement in regards to an individual Jewish doctor or lawyer, but in regards to Jewish control of finance, media, academia, politics and other institutions.
the Southern Poverty Law Center lists all people with non-liberal views as “extremists”. Not one Israeli or U.S. Jewish Group is listed.
You are a liar.
Right on the front of the groups hate list is listed the Jewish Defense League.
Aside from that I can think of a few other blogs and groups that are on their list. But you will probably split hairs and say you were referring only to expressly Jewish groups, or you werent referring to blogs.
I missed that one…but’s the caveat. THE JDL is a TERRORIST GROUP and should be in the FBI’s most wanted list because they have committed crimes and murders whereas the Westboro Baptists never committed a crime that I know of. So the SPLC had no choice but to list that one.
thanks for bringing that up BTW !
“In a 2004 congressional testimony, John S. Pistole, Executive Assistant Director for Counterterrorism and Counterintelligence for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) described the JDL as “a known violent extremist Jewish organization.”[27] FBI statistics show that, from 1980 through 1985, there were 18 officially classified terrorist attacks in the U.S. committed by Jews; 15 of those by members of the JDL.”
I noticed how you ignored that I pointed out the other groups and websites founded by Jews and put on their lists anyway.
Thanks for confirming my initial assessment of your dishonesty.
no JDL is the only one on the list.
Don’t engage the Matzah ball there is absolutely nothing constructive that can come from talking or arguing with JIDF (Jewish Internet Defense Force).
I was about to warn you about never making statements with ‘all’, ‘always’, ‘never, etc. – They are too easy to shoot down with one counter example.
You’re right . I should have flipped through it slower but There is no way the westboro baptists are the same as the jdl.
The President is Dick Cohen? Ah…another coincidence.
The Jewish people control our government.
They own our financial institutions.
They manage public education.
They own so much of the media as to essentially control the dissemination of information and thought throughout Western society.
We make them rich.
We fight wars for their interests.
We die for them.
You’re not living in a free country, or a white country, or a black country, or a Christian country. You’re living in a Jew owned slave colony.
Your television is not entertainment. It’s a Jew owned apparatus for the mass desensitization of viewers to degeneracy of thought and action. It’s a tool used for the cultural, religious, and moral deprogramming of you and your family.
But none of this is new. It’s happened hundreds of times throughout history. Wherever the Jews are allowed to take root, they establish their own separate “nation within a nation” and then take to poisoning the wells of their host culture.
The US is simply the latest casualty, another victim of a war tribe that has been attacking the rest of humanity for thousands of years.
The only thing notable about the Jewish conquest of the US and through it, the Western world of our era, is the ease with which it was conquered, and the totality of that conquest.
Right about everything except for religion, that is what they used for the same purpose as TV before TV was invented
What this is missing is that the Jews not only contributed mightily to ideas and movements you find pernicious, they also contributed mightily to the Arts and Sciences and Industries. They’ve won about 1/5 of Nobel Prizes for example.
But this may understate the extent to which they dominated fields like physics, not to mention Hollywood.
A recent list of “Top Health Start-Ups Changing the World”, 2/3 of them were Israeli. There are more patents filed in Israel every year than the whole Islamic world, and Russia, and India, combined…
Do you like the idea that humans have inalienable rights? Do you know who created that idea, that Locke got it from? Try Spinoza, a Jew.
Without us the world would be far more primitive.
I think most of us who are honest in our research understand as much. The entire ‘Jewish question’ is really an intricate, double-edged sword.
If you disliked people for being consistently evil that would be one thing, but you seem to dislike Jews for being consistently inventive and productive, of both good and bad ideas.
If you dislike people for being productive, you should get a life.
What?! I was actually agreeing with you.
You chose to misinterpret what I wrote according to some internal knee-jerk reaction.
I was agreeing that Jews have contributed a lot and commend them for all those contributions to humanity. And at the same time, I am critical of their negative contributions (Marxism, Feminism, etc.) – hence the ‘double-edged sword.’ Please look up that term in the dictionary if you are not familiar with it.
My approach is correct and balanced. I believe you are coming from that same perspective.
Yeah because communism is so fucking productive. Also there amazing modern art…
Apologies. I think the “the Jewish question?” is offensive, not just a double edged sword. The “Jewish question” is whether people should decide to eradicate people based on their contributions? Or what is “the Jewish question” to you?
But if you don’t dislike Jews, I apologize for jumping to the conclusion you do.
BTW, if you haven’t seen “The Believer”, you should.
Hey Dude, we largely invented capitalism too.
Productive as in, without us the world would be a pale shadow of its present state.
Yeah you invented trade. Sure.
No, we invented capital.
Communisms’ roots are traced to Plato, Roussea, etc. the early communists were as much Gentile as they were Jews.
Jewish private property laws are so anti-state, that a family can’t even sell it’s property for more than a generation. That means no mega corporations. That means no communism.
So if you didn’t like the way Jews turned from their laws and backed communism as a movement, then let me point something out to you:
England wasn’t overrun by communism, neither was France, even tho those two countries were the origins of Communist thought.
The only place that was overrrun by communism was Russia, and the Tzar and the Church there had made it their mission in life to stomp the Jewish community there into the ground. They did this because they wanted the Russian Jews to lose their faith in the religion, to be broken from their traditions so you could assimilate them into your church.
Well you broke them all right. By the time you were done with them they wanted nothing more to do with their religion or with their faith.
But you guys fucked up. Because instead of turning to your Church, they turned to the Communists.
You want to blame someone for the Communist Jews? Look in the mirror.
Yes, there are unfortunate historical connotations to using the term “the Jewish question” and I certainly did not use it with the implication of any kind of genocide.
The Jewish question to me is what it is to Roosh and to many figures in history who have all been unfairly condemned as anti-semites for simply pointing out the undue influence of Jews in proportion to their population in their host countries. We merely ask the questions:
“Why is this? What are the root causes? Where is this all going? How far does this influence go? What is its scope? Is it good for gentiles? Is it good for Jews? Or neither? And what can be done?”
That in a nutshell is the Jewish question. And if there is anything to be “solved” let it be solved peacefully! At least, that’s my philosophy.
And at the risk of sounding like a stereotypical bigot (in triplicate) – my three closest friends are all Jews.
So no, I don’t dislike Jews but if *some* of them are at the top echelons of destructive social revolutions, then I will point that out and question why that is, while simultaneously acknowledging that “Jews” are not some monolithic block of evil. Far from it. As you have pointed out, their positive contributions to humanity are as monumental as anything in the negative column of their collective balance sheet.
So the goy makes a bunch of mistakes earlier in history in his own nations. You think that’s a good reason not to talk about a foreign peoples involvement in wars, cultural decay, economic decline and mass murder?
No, the Goy decided to be a corrupt thieving murderous asshole and got his head handed to him as a result of something he unleashed that no one could control.
And you might want to rethink the second half of your argument, because you basically just reopened an attack on the entire German ethnic group over WWII.
Why should I rethink that? You afraid that some Germans would get buthurt or something? I think we have talked quite a lot about the Germans have we not? Answer my question instead.
Smith is a Jewish name is it?
You invented usury.
What are you doing here? Jews have been booted out of every place they’ve gained a foothold. I suppose you think that’s because people are jealous of you. Generally when someone enriches my life I like to keep them around, you know?
You don’t get to solve a “Jewish Problem” (which doesn’t exist). Jews will work and act in their own best self interest, just like “gentiles” (Can’t believe this term is even used anymore…) Like it or not, we live in a pluralistic society. Your choices are either vote out government officials, boycott products or not listen to media, etc.
Nice try with the “my best friends are Jews”. Its the typical bigot disclaimer. I sincerely doubt you could truly express your views to your “friends”.
FWIW..I am not Jewish.
Didn’t President Obama win the Nobel Peace Prize before he ever set foot in the White House? Yasser Arafat won the Nobel Peace Prize also. I’m not going to knock the fact that Jewish people are smart but the Nobel Prize is nothing in my opinion. In fact I respect the Jews who refused to sit and listen to Benjamin Netanyahu when he addressed the House and Senate. PM Netanyahu was undermining the foreign policy of a sitting US President. I was bothered by the lack of Republicans who refused to sit that speech out.
The peace prize is political b.s. The prize for science is not.
Dispossessing my ethnic group is more important than any of that.
The balance sheet is pretty evenly weight IMO. The great irony of the jewish (and particularly zionist) preoccupation with anti-semitism is that even amongst those who criticise Jews (anti-semitic or otherwise if the distinction may be admitted) many if not most will genuinely admire their contributions. Most people wouldn’t be that keen to live without jewish culture – or at least that part of it which doesn’t fall into the categories listed by McDonald above. I for one would love to lose marxism but would hate to lose Seinfeld…..etc. In other words Jews have a store of good will they could use constructively as a shield and defence (beyond the reflexive cry of ‘anti-semitism’) if only they were to tackle head on the kinds of claims that are being made up, but not just in denial…but to examine whether some of those claims are substantive. The argument above in particular is that jews ‘critique’ because consciously or unconsciously they want to undermine rival cultures to make themselves safer etc. But one could also argue that critique is woven into the jewish mind and culture itself, and could and should be applied to its self, its own working. It really is time that intelligent, conscientious jewish minds,applied some of that razor like wit to its own productions. Seriously there is a great deal at sake, and not just the security and prosperity of jews: the whole infrastructure of democracy and “social justice” is at stake. The plausibility of any kind of altruism is at stake, unless the people who did so much to produce theories of universal altruism can rid themselves of the canker of particularism. There is no doubt in my mind that some of the above is true, that ethno-centric interests worked to commandeer principles and institutions that were supposed to egalitarian and altruistic: perhaps instead of repairing the world you might engage in a little bit of self-directed remedial work. After all jews are big on catharsis and purification aren’t they?
Look at the comments below Nat. This is why it’s a waste of time trying to justify your existence. You don’t realize it, but you are effectively begging for your life with what you are writing. How well do you think that is going to work?
The economy hasn’t even crashed yet, and look and see what kind of crazy shit you are expected to answer to. What do you think happens when that dollar turns into smoke? Who do you think is going to be hung from a lamppost on that day?
You don’t have much faith in humanity. The McDonald book comes across as powerful as it does, because hardly anyone ‘respectable’ bothered to address the claims raised as ‘issues’. Instead there was the predictable ‘denial’ and shaming. McDonald almost certainly overstates the argument about jewish ethno-centric self-interest – do you think he would have done that if he could have made such an argument in a responsible way without potentially losing all ‘respectability’. I have never understood why any criticism at all immediately gets interpreted as the thin end of the wedge of nazism. Why not try a little homeopathic ‘innoculation” instead of the usual catastrophism? You don’t have to emigrate to Israel because a few red pillers think jews are overly inclined to support leftist causes. I would be willing to bet that most of the people here like jews for the most part, and would infinitely prefer it they could avoid ever having to think of themselves as anti-semites because they happened to have noticed some patterns they’d never noticed before
Who do you thnik is always responsible for crashing the economy and the dollar turning into smoke?
The same people that were responsible for your homework coming in late and your wife leaving you for her girlfriend next door.
Primarily the Dulles brothers. Southern California oil in collusion with Rockefeller oil. The Hapsburg family who I believe colluded with their beloved cousins to start even the first world war. All the old Connecticut and California money, some of whom Im embarassed to say are crypto Jews, most of whom are probably not.
Anyway, its pointless to try to justify your existence. You have to live with honor and integrity, know what to answer people and stand up for yourself. But once you start trying to justify your existence, you may as well kill yourself and get it over with fast.
Move to Israel then.
You have absolutely no control whatsoever over your women. Even your orthodox encourage the highest levels of education and most prestigious vocational options for your daughters with absolutely no teachings of female submission whatsoever. You create these weird abnormally and inappropriately intellectually aggressive automatons with religious like devotion to education and career. I dated one of your women once and she openly professed that one of the most important edicts in your faith is to be learned which of course translates to economic empowerment. This is the single greatest factor that has decimated the western nuclear family.
I knew I’d never marry this girl so I took plenty of liberties in fucking with her to mess her up enough emotionally, so that she would wind up a useless old maid. The first time you smack the smug off a jewish girl’s face is a priceless moment indeed. She was so enthralled with her education so I would make it a point to gaslight her for laughs and outright accuse her of having no idea what she was talking about anytime she ever tried to contribute to conversations on science, philosophy, politics, whatever – even if she was as right as rain. It drove her so batshit, it was hilarious.
Why are all jewish men such milquetoast who allow their daughters, wives and girlfriends such a prominent seat at the table?
At some point you must ask yourself why.
“When Grant Expelled the Jews”
Roosh, be careful. We need ROK active.
“A coward turns away, but a brave man’s choice is danger.” ~
R.I.P. my king. You will be missed…
Nicol Williamson – fantastic under-appreciated actor
Well, we’ve all got files. But just think: our NSA, MI5 files are just full of print-outs of thousands of pages of disqus comments.
The great game isn’t what it used to be
They’re WHAT????
The NSA have a huge underground library – a bit like that warehouse in Raiders of the Lost Ark – containing nothing but printouts of your Disqus comments……probably
I gotta go.
what, a warehouse for each commenter? impressive.
We all have files?
Even me?
Probably. I have no idea
evolved from those on the farthest right of Stalin’s communist left”
They’re a confusing bunch. I understood that some of them were ex-Trotskyists, but that their main influence was Leo Strauss.
The trotskyist influence worries me a little because Trotsky was after all the theorist of the permanent revolution, and they seem to have turned US foreign policy into something akin to that. I don’t think these people see themselves as war mongers. Apart from the pursuing strategic self-interest (where US and Israeli interests are assumed to be identical) they probably genuinely hoped that the product of their wars would be social change for the better – read democracy, read social justice etc. However if that was a primary rather than a secondary peripheral aim then they sorely fucked up.
The irony of this movie’s title is just sickening:
Hey Roosh, as a jew I must commend you for your courage on writing this piece, as I know how powerful jews can wield their influence when it comes to criticizing those thay criticize collective jewish movements.
I would like to hear thoughts on solutions to solve this jewish problem. I am sure some would say “mass extermination” is the solution; I personally can’t help with that nor agree for obvious reasons.
However, I welcome other opinions too from more moderate “red-pillers”. Should all jews go to Israel? Should all jews go to the diaspora? Should all ashkenazi jews populate Birobidzhan and let the rest of jews and palestinians work out their issues? I welcome the last solution as a good one, but I am open to original answers.
I can’t say I agree with the article as a whole; after all, jews in America assimilate at great rates, and a large percentage of Israelis have non-jewish foreign partners living with them in Israel (10% I think). Regardless, I find Kevin McDonald an interesting individual and I hope to make a red pill blog from a jewish perspective (one that supports red pill thought without necessarily becoming a “jewish uncle tom”, but certainly advocating awareness in gender and racial differences).
Just my 2 shekels 😉
All that is needed really is a recognition of what people are doing. Nobody needs to freak out. Once it becomes more common knowledge that Jews are out for Jews, as a group, and will leg up each other, then that’s that. Individuals can still decide if they want to deal with Jews or not. I don’t think it would matter to most people anyway.
In fact if there is some vast Jewish conspiracy afoot, it would even derail that conspiracy. People might think “well, Jews do it and get away with it, so I will do it too” and reflect that in their business and hiring practices. Meaning they might choose more often who to do business with and who to hire.
This, by the way, is also known as “freedom of association” and to the left it’s like a cross to a vampire. So much that they attempt to vilify it when it’s carried out by anybody outside of the status of “protected minority”. (In other words: white men). But in fact it’s protected activity. Thick headed? Probably, but we can look at the Ukraine and Yugoslavia as examples of what happens when centralized states force people to associate with each other over time. It never ends well.
You really think that’s going to work don’t you? LOL.
It might. Your strategy of denial and deflection has NEVER worked. Just look at history.
Wake up and contribute something constructive to this issue.
“I am sure some would say “mass extermination” is the solution”
No-one would say that. At least anyone who would say that on these pages would be cut to pieces I hope. The problem perhaps is the tendency to catastrophism inherent on both sides of the equation. Criticism, including self-criticism doesn’t automatically lead down the rabbit-hole to nazism. For a start we all love Seinfeld too much
I’d add, that I think the red pill blog is a good idea if can deal with such issues honestly and constructively. There’s no reason to become a jewish uncle tom. If its constructive you will be defending the jewish people against its real enemies
Isaac, your idea for a jewish red-pill sight is a good one, but it will no doubt be inundated by jew haters, resulting in discussions being impossible.
The best critique of multiculturalism is a book by a Jew called Byron Roth. He’s spoke and attended white nationalist conferences. Paul Gottfried is another great intellectual that sides with white nationalists and is also a Jew. But they are few and far between.
“But they are Jew and far between”
American Jews need to get over their neurotic fear of White Gentiles. American white gentiles are probably the most jew friendly bunch of people in the entire history of mankind. Yet American Jews still vote overwhelmingly for mass immigration to replace the White Gentiles. As Joe the Plumber types get demographically replaced by non-white third worlders things are going to get worse for the Jews. Non-White third worlders hate hate hate Jewish people.
Well-said and very accurate.
“I am sure some would say “mass extermination” is the solution”
A real holocaust, this time.
Your people have asked for it.
Heck, you are all inbred anyway.
You need gentiles to keep your genes from falling apart.
And you call gentiles “filthy”.
Go back to stormfront, loser.
Its either US or you, jewboy.
I’m not a Jew you fool. Just read some of my posts.
Now again, go back to Stormfront with your one-dimensional bile.
“I’m not a Jew you fool. Just read some of my posts.
Now again, go back to Stormfront with your one-dimensional bile.
“I’m not a Jew you fool. Just read some of my posts.Now again, go back to Stormfront with your one-dimensional bile.”
“I’m not a Jew you fool…Now again, go back to Stormfront with your one-dimensional bile.”
Go suck another mutilated kosher cock faggot
Good post. At least you are willing to look into this problem rationally and not as a reactionary.
I’ve thought about this issue myself for a few years now, wondering where all this is heading. History moves in repetitive cycles and when it comes to the subject of Jewish Power vs Gentile Power – it all always ends in a catastrophe. It’s like a pressure cooker that keeps building up for decades and then finally explodes into mass insanity, war, genocide, etc. Despite that, I remain hopeful that the cycle can finally be broken, without bloodshed. Slavery, for e.g., was a constant for 10,000 years of human civilization, and just accepted as a normal feature. But (the west at least) managed to end that cycle.
Will all 9 million Jews in America just pack up and move of their own accord to Israel? I doubt it. Just doesn’t seem realistic. Will 320 million non-Jewish Americans wake up one day and violently attack Jews in some nationalistic revolution? I very much doubt that too. Other than a minority of neo-nazi types, the masses would never stand for that.
I think the only long term solution would be something like South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation commission, post apartheid. The lower and middle ranks are granted immunity to testify against the head criminals (Neo Cons, 9/11 conspirators, the worst of the social engineers). Maybe a few thousand nasty criminals go to jail. The entire media, military and political system thoroughly reorganized. Quotas and oversight to ensure a minority ethnic group does not dominate all the levers of power in society. A slow and steady return to a moral, family-oriented society.
No violence. No chaos. No mass persecutions. No mass revenge. Just a quiet revolution towards a saner and more ordered world.
Well, one can dream at least…
Ah the last sacred cow of the western world, Jews. you can say what you like about them, but in the end they have been nothing but a pain in the ass to European civilisation and mankind in general for the last 2000 years and more. To remove what ails civilisation, the cancer of feminism, multiculturalism and other predominantly jewish spawned evils, you will have to remove said group from power positions. To find out who rules you, look who you cannot criticise.
At this point of my life i doubt the ‘holocaust’ even really happened the way it was portrayed in Hollywood films, due to the fact that you CANNOT investigate the so called death camps, and can be jailed if you do, as has happened to people in the past.
Deport them all to Israel and just let them duke it out with their Semite brothers, the Arabs, its NOT our concern.
what do you mean by “investigate the death camps”?
i have been to auschwitz, but it’s obviously more of a museum with hot dogs at the gates.
I’ll just leave this here:
interesting. i honestly don’t remember the numbers we were taught at school.
im using the jews own words when refering to these camps. also SJWs use it. they also call them ‘extermination camps’ etc
Time to revisit The Madagascar Plan.
Roosh has done a 180 on this issue. Which is good.
Read the Ron Unz article on whites and ivy league admissions. When you control for IQ and SAT scores they are massively underrepresented. Asians are also underrepresented but when you take IQ and SAT scores into consideration it pales in comparison to the lack of deserving whites that were not selected. A certain group is massively overrepresented but I’d rather not say who that group is. I wouldn’t want to be accused of antisemitism.
Yea. Myth of American Meritocracy by Robert Unz, on the American Conservative
I can’t believe roosh has reviewed McDonalds work. I didn’t agree with Jared Taylor and Greg Johnson’s criticism of Roosh and the manosphere and I respect both men immensely. But a real red piller couldn’t avoid the Jewish question forever.
Viva Roosh!
What was Jared Taylor’s criticism of the manosphere?
As far as I know he criticized an article Roosh wrote about how white people become nazis when exposed to HBD (not literally what Roosh said of course).
You’re right. JT criticized Roosh because of that article. Johnson said the manosphere corrupted young white men even though he likes and reads Roosh. I can’t say I care much for the game articles and that was Johnson’s main criticism.
“When you control for IQ and SAT scores they are massively underrepresented. Asians are also underrepresented.”
Haha just snuck that Asian bit in there did ya? In reality if acceptance was 100% based on SAT and IQ scores Asians would dominate every Ivy league school in America. They have to score much higher than whites, hispanics, blacks, etc. to even be considered because affirmative action is severely skewed against Asians.
Kevin McDonald has the Zionist-line on the Khazar theory.
I recently got badly screwed by a Jew lawyer, and there is nothing I can do about it but post here, and it won’t do the slightest good even though I won’t forget or forgive, but I understand better now how hate can become a seed.
Do me a favor, unless you are worried about repercussions, go to him directly and tell him that. It probably won’t change anything, but when they tell him in Heaven just what his actions caused I don’t want the little shit to pretend that no one warned him.
Lawyers are the most vulnerable assholes around. They screw over coutless violent criminals for a living. The cops would never figure out who was responsible if one had an accident
Thank you for being dedicated to honesty with this wonderful article
Roosh, are you still butthurt after that Oz guy? Need some anger management help? Tell you what, like it or not Jews have invented the entire 20-th century, if you don’t like that, please, drop your cell phone, Internet, etc.
yes, you are right. But you could have said exactly the same of straight white males before that. If we’ve learned one thing from the 20th century its that past achievements don’t always work in your favour, they become evidence of over-representation or heaven forfend even of oppression / domination etc.
We can thank the 20th century for constructs like that
The article was anti-jewish, so I spoke for the Jews(I’m not Jewish, by the way) of course straight white males made the 20th century happen as well.
Pro or anti, most of this reads blue pill. Jews are sceeeeeery because they’re too intellectual. ROK isn’t good for anything except gender issues.
You don’t get arrested for being blue pill. Being blue pill will not get you convicted of a hate crime in Western Europe.
Talking about the people who are plundering and destroying your civilization is not blue pill it is natural. I bet you think white blood cells are blue pill for attacking a disease in the body…
ROK has gone to shit. The pick up thing has gone stale and isn’t generating the clicks it used to. So they’re trying anything. Video gaming. Neo fascism. What’s next? This will get a spike in traffic for like one day. This shit looks desperate.
go find a safer place for yourself
Keyboard threats. It just doesn’t get more blue pill. The old ROK is dead. This is beating a rotting carcass with a thousand bloody hammers. Sad.
so go find a better place. that wasn’t a threat by the way – I’m just concerned for you because you sound very sad 🙁
Tell you what, like it or not Jews have invented the entire 20-th century,
Whites invented the technology, while Jews invented all the -isms, doofus.
Uh huh
Which Jew invented f=ma? Which Jew invented astronomy? Which Jew invented the jet engine? Which Jew invented the tank? Diesel englne? Battery?
Ironic though that the strongest supporters of America and nationalism are Jews e.g Michael Savage and Mark Levin , Dennis Prager….
Some of the biggest critics of the state of Israel and its’ treatment of the Palestinians are also Jews e.g Chomsky
They control both sides of the debate.
Pretty much, yeah. Both the ultra liberal Marxist ones, and the neo-con Zionist ones are pulling us in shitty directions.
Yea. The right wing jews tend to be more fair minded (studies have shown right wing people are believe it or not), and also they know that white americans are more pro-israel than any other ethnic group.
And the left wing jews see Israel as a white supremacist state. Which it kinda is in many ways, the white ashkenazi jews run the show.
And their anti-black immigration measures are fairly notorious
Gatekeepers all of them.
They are nationalist’s about Americans fighting Jewish wars that benefit Israel…
But the pro-American ones you mentioned are staunch Zionists that support America being 100% unwavering in support to Israel and fighting Israel’s enemies. Even if those enemies are no actual threat the USA, e.g. Iraq and Iran.
Jews are also behind the race baiting. I’m black and I can tell you they are the biggest racists on the planet. I have to laugh when people say whites are racist. I’ve had more white friends than black in my life. All these Hollywood movies with some of the most antiquated stereotypes are backed with j-bag money.
It’s amazing how well blacks and whites can actually get along when they’re not driven to madness by Marxist Commie leftist bullshit.
It’s true. I saw an article on Vice the other day about a time when a bunch of prominent White Nationalists went to a Black Panthers rally in support of it, because the speaker was condemning Jewish power and influence. Afterwards the two groups met together in peace and discussed strategies against the Jewish groups in question.
That’s huge. Jews have always used our differences to create a false doctrine. Blacks and Whites have been fighting like cats and dogs when, in fact, Jews are behind the hate.
The NAACP was founded in 1909 by W.E.B. DuBois with many affluent Jews people funding everything. The NAACP was so Jewish during its first 66 years that it is almost unbelievable. Indeed, the NAACP had only Jewish presidents until 1975.
Jewish involvement in the Black civil rights movement had nothing to do with “ending racial discrimination,” or with their love of Black people (who they call “shwartzas” & “shooks”), but rather using Blacks as a violent Marxist army in their divide & conquer strategy.
It’s good to hear people are slowly recognizing the common enemy.
Ha YES. I’m a black South African, and ALL – yes ALL – of my white friends are white AFRIKANERS. I live in a predominantly AFRIKAANS town, and once when I got lost as a kid (new to the neighbourhood). an AFRIKAANS family took care of me, until my mother picked me up. My favourite teachers, teachers who I could honestly say loved me, and probably prayed for me at night – where all Afrikaans, and I’ve had few really negative experiences with Afrikaners – the big bad evil racists of South Africa!
Race relations obviously aren’t a utopia – and this is the fault of both blacks and Afrikaners; ie more so just human nature – but where leftism is eliminated, blacks and Afrikaners get along quite well in my experience. You see it with the blue-collar workers as well, who happily speak Afrikaans, or even with my teachers, who shared genuine interest and experience with black culture because of rural interaction.
On the other hand, when I started studying at university – an elite one here, and disproportionately Jewish might I add – I immediately noticed that The Jews had their own closed networks, and refused to have “my kind” around. They where very condescending, fake, closed off. And because they’re mostly in wealthy suburbs, and even the money they have is often from the abstract – finance, media, software etc – they had no real experience with blacks, or the rest of South Africa in general. They’d say some obviously trained “politically correct” things here and there, but they where very inauthentic. This is also where they hook each other up with jobs, internships, connections etc. Remember, these are the “white liberal elite”. I’m reminded of Clarence Thomas’ quote about how he only experienced racism in the north, and not Georgia. The same dynamic plays here. They have no roots in this country. They’d always talk about their visits to Israel, and all they where ever concerned with was “the antisemitism” of lefties who oppose Israel because of it’s “new Apartheid”. They’re a somewhat sickening people to be honest, as harsh as that may sound. I admire their intelligence, but it doesn’t make up for their horridly selfish behaviour.
The Jew raped SA. Apartheid was just a way to control white people while a million black miners were brought in and paid slave wages. The whole mess is for the gold.
HA HA HA! Hey Uncle Tom! You think these people are your allies? If the jews were to disappear tomorrow, you would be next on their list. They see jews as evil, they see you as sub-human scum, stealing their tax money and their women.
I bet you wouldn’t even know the origin of the term “uncle tom” without Google. Go back to the nation of Islam motherfucker.
Welcome to the alt-right, Roosh.
Roosh should write an article about recent Turkish contributions to Western Society. Will be a quick read.
Sally fox is listed twice in that image.
one last thing: I wish that list of feminists didn’t include Christina Hoff Sommers. She campaigns tirelessly against nutcase gender femninism and I have a lot of respect for her for her work
Academically superior?! Yeah in such mind-blowingly hard subjects like English literature, Modern “Art” and Woman Studies, while those silly man study such worthless professions such as law, finance, engineering, physics, chemistry, astronomy….
I’ve read some of her stuff and that sounds like a misquotation. There’s nothing female supremacist in her thinking at all. I imagine the quote relates to girl’s current performance not true ability
I was thinking that as well.
But I still don’t trust her.
feminists boycott her, she seems sound too me
She could always be a false front, promoted to look like she is for men, a female alex jones of feminism?
probably best to risk that possibility. Benefit of the doubt – there is no evidence to the contrary that I’m aware of
Yupp Agree ! Einstein for sure was a woman trapped in a man’s body !
Christina Hoff Sommers does way more good than bad. But at the end of the day she isn’t pro Patriarchy she is Pro-Equality. Which is still just another degenerate strain of Progressiveism.
THIS^^^^^^ amen brother!
She just believes in equality of opportunity which just means you have the same chance as everybody else – but no one’s going to bend any rules because you’re ‘under-represented’. That’s not progressivism
I partly agree with you. Equal opportunity without regard to getting equal outcomes would be infinitely better than the ‘disparate-impact’ ‘affirmative-action’ nightmare we are living in right now.
But let me LARP for a moment and go full Reaction. Is equal opportunity really a good thing? Should women be allowed to apply to Medical School as much as men do? From a societal stand point the answer would be no. Letting high IQ women follow their career ‘dreams’ would be dysgenic and detrimental to the long term health of the civilization.
What about the Jews at the forefront of conservatism? Frank Meyer (founder of the National Review), Eric Cantor, Mark Levin, Matt Drudge…
These men are neocons. It was covered in the article.
Frank Meyer was definitely not a neocon.
The book is not intended to describe 100% of Jewish behavior, just the trends of where they are disproportionately represented and the reasoning behind it.
Oh Roosh, You just pulled a Mel Gibson! Tomorrow you will wake up sober with a killer headache. It’s too bad that you can’t close Pandora’s box. Enjoy ROK-front!
Understood. My point is that they are disproportionately represented in most academic movements, including conservatism. While the majority Jewish influencers are on the left (unsurprising given that Jews are a fairly liberal group) they are also among the loudest opposition voices.
When you look back and say that these people damaged “Western Culture” you should consider where the culture stood in their time and place. Most of the people discussed in your article are products of more socially and politically extreme environment. Religious and racial prejudice, segregation and violence were profound and often institutionally sanctioned. Of course oppressed people are attracted to egalitarian philosophies, and of course a group that produces a large number of intellectual outliers include many of the loudest voices.
These people may have over-corrected, but some correction was needed.
The Neocons are Trotskyites that switched costumes.
I’ve already come to terms Jewish activism in the western culture is a BIG FAT RED HERRING a lot of people ate up and gallons of Kool-Aid drank up.
Seriously, I won’t find it hard to believe if a lot of Jewish participation in England’s Four Estates are part and parcel (read: UNDER THE TABLE, LOST FOREVER DOCUMENTS) of Balfour 1917.
Oy vey
What Ford said
The term anti-semite was invented by non-jews in Austria as the term for hating Jews. The problem with this essay and Kevin McDonald’s book is it ignores that all these Jewish intellectuals hated Jews. The soviets persecuted Jews and attempted to stamp out Judaism. All these intellectuals did everything they could to destroy Judaism.
The soviets also destroyed churches . And who were the soviets ? Kaganovich, Lenin ..
Rats eat mice, you don’t want either infesting your house
This is a good review Roosh. I may pick this book up soon.
Stalin has redeemed all his sins, by terminating with extreme prejudice this mass murdering psychopathic piece of shit !
Well, ashkenazis aren’t hebrews, and most jews are khazars, so they aren’t semitic….it’s science.
I usually have an open mind, and have been prepared to give them the benefit of the doubt. But I have had too many bad experiences with Jewish people being stingy and trying to rip me off.. it is a stereotype for a reason, I can’t draw any other conclusion!
Roosh is very brave posting this article. You should show your appreciation and leave some money in the tip jar. I fear the power that be are going to try and come down on him.
I am very proud of Roosh for this.
More like go down on him
I will give you three guesses who Hitler was talking about.
And the first two don’t count.
They know!
Jews still are among the most murdered and terrorized, but for, in the world. As a secular, unaffiliated Jew who is virulently anti socialist/fascist, I basically fit nowhere, not with most Jews, and not with most gentiles. I’m thankful to not suffer constant threats of harm and certainly should be able to overcome most any ‘Jew impediment’ with sufficient motivation. That’s a pretty good equal opportunity when viewed through a historical lens. Funny, those Jewish cultural Marxists in Israel, and many within the US, aren’t very supportive of Israel. If you monitor MSM in Israel, it’s highly critical of Israeli nationalism, and as here, forever making excuses for Islamist attacks.
What you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
What the fuck is a gentile? The arrogance of you – you fool. So everyone outside of the synagogue of Satan is given some overarching name? What am I a fucking animal? How about saying you don’t fit in with most “people”. “Gentiles” May god have mercy on your soul. And there’s no such thing as a Jew by the way.
Isn’t all that “Gentile” shit put into the mouth of your Jewish mangod Jesus in the “New Testament”?
Seven Woes on the Teachers of the Law and the Pharisees
13 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to. [14] [a]
15 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when you have succeeded, you make them twice as much a child of hell as you are.
16 “Woe to you, blind guides! You say, ‘If anyone swears by the temple, it means nothing; but anyone who swears by the gold of the temple is bound by that oath.’ 17 You blind fools! Which is greater: the gold, or the temple that makes the gold sacred? 18 You also say, ‘If anyone swears by the altar, it means nothing; but anyone who swears by the gift on the altar is bound by that oath.’ 19 You blind men! Which is greater: the gift, or the altar that makes the gift sacred? 20 Therefore, anyone who swears by the altar swears by it and by everything on it. 21 And anyone who swears by the temple swears by it and by the one who dwells in it. 22 And anyone who swears by heaven swears by God’s throne and by the one who sits on it.
23 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spices—mint, dill and cumin. But you have neglected the more important matters of the law—justice, mercy and faithfulness. You should have practiced the latter, without neglecting the former. 24 You blind guides!You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel.
25 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. 26 Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean.
27 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean. 28 In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.
29 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You build tombs for the prophets and decorate the graves of the righteous. 30 And you say, ‘If we had lived in the days of our ancestors, we would not have taken part with them in shedding the blood of the prophets.’ 31 So you testify against yourselves that you are the descendants of those who murdered the prophets.32 Go ahead, then, and complete what your ancestors started!
33 “You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell? 34 Therefore I am sending you prophets and sages and teachers. Some of them you will kill and crucify; others you will flog in your synagogues and pursue from town to town. 35 And so upon you will come all the righteous blood that has been shed on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah son of Berekiah, whom you murdered between the temple and the altar. 36 Truly I tell you, all this will come on this generation.
37 “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing. 38 Look, your house is left to you desolate. 39 For I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’[b]”
Nice plagarisms, paraphrases and bending of several Old Testament writings (particularly Prophets), but I don’t see the word ‘gentile’ in there…
And your Jewish mangod Jesus was married to a Jewess, did they have childrengods, just like Mithras and Zeus? Or was Jewish mangod imperfect in the stones [and not a member of the holy community according to His own Law] and childless?
Your understanding of the historical Jesus appears to be based upon 19th century concepts. Might want to update your knowledge there.
Fact: Jesus=Jew
Other than that,
Jesus was:
lolz u funny
What’s a “jew”?
A jew is your own, personal, jesus.
It was a rhetorical question of course. There is no such thing as a “jew”.
you are gay
That was a lengthy response. The end got cut off, “it makes more sense to get” what?
That’s not what your mother said…
haha ur a funny goof
That’s what she said, too 😛
The most murdered group right now are the Christians in the Middle East and Africa. Most Jewish people live very safe lives in the United States or Israel. If all the gentiles here are triggering you then you need to convince all the jews you know to quit supporting Cultural Marxism.
Kevin McDonald is a brave man. I don’t know why They have let him keep on doing what he does.
According to newer interviews, although he is tenured his university has not let him teach any classes recently. They’re still paying him but it looks like they’re trying to distance themselves and make him less visible.
This sounds like Hitler is talking about modern day America
Swallowing the Red Pill means confronting hard truths. If you notice something, like that there are a disproportionately high number of Jews in high places, you should acknowledge it. That’s not an endorsement to go pull a Hitler. Just don’t pretend you don’t notice something because you’re told not to. Maybe Jews are just naturally smarter. Maybe it’s a conspiracy of Illuminati Lizardmen Free-Masons.
I don’t go in for conspiracy theories, but emergent behavior can result from underlying factors. The “in-group” mentality is one that seems to account for a lot. I can at least respect white nationalists because their ideology is open and honest, rather than Jewish nationalists who profess multiculturalism while actively promoting their in-group interests.
what the fuck is this lizard-stuff? that nonsense is starting to scare me.
ye, i heard that name.
any notable proof to that other than video compression errors?
Not sure but I think he is a bit like Alex Jones, just crazier.
i mean hubbard was crazy, but at least xenu wasn’t a reptilian. oh well, maybe i’ll hire myself a turtle as an interpreter.
David Icke has been proven correct on so many issues I have lost count.
Only the blue pill takers attack him.
i don’t attack him, i know nothing about him.
but lizard people?
lizard people?
am i the only one who finds this a bit too fantastical?
well, maybe i’m not open enough for new ideas…
David Icke is controlled opposition to make all “conspiracy researchers” look like nut jobs.
Lizard people. Please.
Enough said.
“am i the only one who finds this a bit too fantastical?”
Only a woman, or a mangina thinks “truth” is democratic.
Which are you?
“David Icke is controlled opposition to make all “conspiracy researchers” look like nut jobs.
Lizard people. Please.
Enough said.”
since there more theories out there than i have hours left to live, i gotta choose wisely how to spend my time.
i’d rather not spend it reading or listening to moronic fairy tales.
“i’d rather not spend it reading or listening to moronic fairy tales.”
Then stay in your blissful ignorant state of illusion (blue pill).
PS I have talked to more women than men about the “lizards”.
Weird how they would accept it without all this “proof” aka it’s self evident whereas “men” have to be dragged kicking and screaming down the path of red pill land.
So many little boys in grown up bodies.
so you have proven that women easily believe in lizard people. that is indeed very interesting. i’m not being ironic.
you should spare your breath and talk more about facts than about the greatness of your insight and how grown-up you are.
if i don’t know the truth, i will neither understand why i am stupid for not knowing it.
logic 101.
“so you have proven that women easily believe in lizard people. that is indeed very interesting. i’m not being ironic.”
No, you are intellectually dishonest. That is not what I wrote.
“you should spare your breath and talk more about facts than about the greatness of your insight and how grown-up you are.
I am talking as I type?
Again, you aren’t making any sense.
we’re on two different wavelengths here. let’s call it a day. thanks for pointing out my imprecise use of words. i’ll consider using the word “write” in future remarks to eliminate all possible confusion.
when i start believing in ninja turtles, i’ll let you know.
Keep not not watching the videos and arguing like a little bitch.
Occam’s razor
watched the lizard movie.
icke is one confident motherfucker. the video does a good job showing the profoundly insecure opponents of icke. you don’t want to be one of them.
it baffled me once to find that the most charismatic people are full of shit. now it doesn’t surprise me anymore. icke is another good leader.
i don’t know whether you were being serious about lizards. anyway, i’m sure it’s a good good night story for your girls.
Its very hard to figure out just what exactly you are saying.
You seem to be stuck in cognitive dissonance.
Maybe proofreading your comment before you post them?
Anyway, coherence is so much better for the reader.
you are right, my comment is indeed hard to comprehend.
the video you linked does nothing more than present david icke in a good light by showing off his confidence.
it does not contribute to our discussion about the existence of lizardmen, other than indicating that icke may be referring to jews.
if that is your point and your insistence on the existence of lizardmen is either a joke or an attempt to protect yourself, i haven’t understood it.
Icke does not believe in lizard people. He is just using the words lizard people to replace the word jews. It is amazing how many people cannot get this. Using the lizard people as an analogy for jews kept Icke in the mainstream for a long time until the jews figured out what he was up to and then tore him down, John Carpenter made the film They Live for the same reason. He lost his career after that film because the jews figured out it was them he was clowning.
Cowabunga, dude.
No. Icke is not using lizard people as analogy for Jews. He already names Jews and Zionists specifically and THEN adds another layer behind them of inter-dimensional space lizards, replete with a detailed mythos.
I have a couple of Icke’s books where he details all the space lizard nonsense. A few years ago I also had a close friend who interacted personally with Icke for some business matters and Icke fully believes (or at least preaches) the literal existence of inter-dimensional lizards.
Icke is full of shit. He is either insane or he is a controlled agent whose mission is to infiltrate the “conspiracy movement” and discredit it by linking these issues to UFOs, aliens and all types of fantasy nonsense.
The Ubaid civilization disagrees with you.
in 5000 years, when our descendants watch hollywood movies about aliens, they will think we were on to something.
ever heard of fantasy?
“ever heard of fantasy?”
I read an ayn rand book once.
Does that count?
Those aren’t “fantasy”.
Lizards play a part in almost every civilization.
You are either a clueless idiot or you are intellectually dishonest with yourself.
Which is it?
sure it does.
where is the proof? i’m not that hard to convince, brother. will those videos you linked convince me? i don’t want to waste my time on fables, but if you promise that it will enlighten me, i may spare an hour or two.
No one can force you to take the red pill.
i’m not that hard to convince, brother. ”
Then watch the videos and quit arguing.
PS Someone who isn’t hard to convince, doesn’t have to tell me that they aren’t hard to convince.
Logic 101.
Don’t waste your time with David Icke. He is controlled opposition to make legit questioners looks insane. Yes, he says 70% of the truth. But then he pulls “space lizards” out of his hat at the last minute to make the entire line of questioning look illegitimate in the eyes of the public.
i didn’t know the red pill was trademarked.
that statement was meant as a challenge to you, so that i could avoid watching the videos. oh well, i’ll look at it. even if it means that i will be laughing at my own folly for the next five years.
i’ll have a look at that video and icke’s proof of lizardmen.
something inside me even wants to believe that stuff. i mean how crazy would that be. fucking lizards, man.
Please prove, or provide evidence that Lizards don’t exist.
This is for you and blinko the hasbara troll
sure, whatever
Your request is retarded. No one is going to prove a negative.
Invisible 1-inch tall goblins are perpetually circling the head of Betty White. Go ahead prove that they don’t exist. Remember – they’re invisible and don’t show up on infrared or any other spectrum of light. They also have no mass because they are inter-dimensional.
Prove that the 1-inch tall, invisible, massless flying golbins (only around the head of Betty White) don’t exist. I dare you.
I am waiting.
“Your request is retarded. No one is going to prove a negative.
Stop projecting.
I am not asking for you to disprove a negative.
I am asking you to disprove David Icke’s books and videos, ie his thesis that an inbred blood drinking pedophile “elite” of demon worshippers control the world.
You keep subjectively defining what he is saying by minimizing what he is saying into a condensed version of your own twisted and immature take, instead of listening to what he says and digesting it like a mature, rational adult.
“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” ― George Carlin
Are the smarter or are they just willing to sink lower than most to deceive and rip people off?
Western Civilization requires high trust and Europeans assume people will stand by their word and do the right thing. European civilization can not handle Jews who exploit that trust and look at civilization the way a hacker looks at a firewall.
Why do you choose this name?
That feminism graphic reminds me of this one. If you’re white remember: all of that hard work that either you or those that came before you did to ensure that you live well didn’t really happen. Everything was handed to you as part of some massive magical “white privilege” conspiracy. After all, would these people lie?
i’ve read some points being made about jews making a lot of money “on the backs of others”.
since i fancy libertarianism – and i think that many here do – how can that thought exist without a certain cognitive dissonance? people choose their product from free will. or are the jews somehow bypassing capitalism?
This part.
“or are the jews somehow bypassing capitalism?”
i don’t know most of these. can you elaborate?
i don’t see how certificates force anybody to pay for something. if i as a programmer buy a new computer, that cost will also be included in my wage. as long as i am competitive, that is no problem. it is a company’s free choice to purchase a certificate.
“i don’t see how certificates force anybody to pay for something.”
It is a tax.
It is not “libertarian”.
You are being intentionally dishonest now.
the article you linked was primarily concerned with the kosher certificate. i didn’t find the statement that companies were forced into buying that.
maybe you are referring to the cheese stuff. then again, it’s israel.
it’s not a tax, since it is not imposed by the state.
“i didn’t find the statement that companies were forced into buying that.”
They don’t.
The consumer does.
“it’s not a tax, since it is not imposed by the state.”
a burdensome charge, obligation, duty, or demand.
by that standard, how do you define freedom? a business always has to consider the consumer.
by that definition, even my rent is a tax.
“by that standard, how do you define freedom? a business always has to consider the consumer.”
Freedom is not having to pay jews for a product being stamped “kosher”.
That is theft, since it is not told to me why I pay for it.
“by that definition, even my rent is a tax.”
False. You don’t have to live there. If you don’t pay, you are stealing, or squatting. Or forcing someone to let you stay, violating the (lol) NAP.
I thought you said your were a libertopian?
well, you don’t have to buy those oreos, do you? and the maker of oreo doesn’t have to buy the certificate. i thought that should be easy enough even for you to understand.
“well, you don’t have to buy those oreos, do you? and the maker of oreo doesn’t have to buy the certificate. i thought that should be easy enough even for you to understand.”
That doesn’t even make any sense.
guess i don’t speak reptilian.
Or proper English.
Try and find a food item that doesn’t have a Kosher certification on it. God knows how much money every year is funnelled to the Rabbinate through this little scam.
Tom is using superior libteroidspeak.
He thinks it is the goyims fault for buying kosher taxed food.
i don’t see the significance. if a company chooses to buy the certificate for profit, that’s their freedom to do.
They don’t profit.
It is a hidden tax.
The goyim don’t know.
Oh well, you are a libertoid, another jew belief system.
you’re repeating yourself and you are contradicting the article you posted where the ad said that it is profitable for companies to purchase the certificate in order to boost sales by up to 20% and expand market share. although it sounds bogus, i haven’t seen any data.
if they don’t profit from it, why do they do it?
I have done no such thing.
Show me where it says it is a tax on the purchaser.
The pass that cost on to you. Not only does THEIR production have to be certified, but all ingredients that go INTO it. Israel funnels is billions through this little scam, which relies on the ignorance on the consumer, and blind apologists like yourself. Fund you own fucking religion.
The shekelstream must not be interrupted.
Yupp… It’s a tribute to the Light Upon Nations & the little shitty country ! & not a TAX !
of course they pass the cost on to me. how else are they supposed to pay it?
just because it may empower israel, jews or any other group you dislike, the underlying principle isn’t bad.
again, if it is a scam, why do the companies buy it? they are not obliged to do it. if they WERE, that would be a different story.
Here’s an article about Ivy League admissions practices. There is right now a pro-Jewish, anti-Asian, and anti-White gentile bias among our Nation’s most elite schools. Taking over institutions and then using them to benefit your own people at the expense of everyone else would be an example of group cronyism.
Jewish people invest in private equity, get control of business and pay no tax, gentiles buy mutual funds and pay full tax, with no influence.
The really bad shit is the SJW stuff not the money.
How would they fund the SJW stuff without the money?
Guess, you are right… Some one has to be founding them either through the public sector or the private…
I moving to some place like wyoming or texas where they have no state income tax. Spend the savings traveling in latin america or asia. Or sit there in your fucking basement and blame jews because you can’t get laid.
Jewish finance/economics is very simple: pool money, start private equity, buy companies, put their people in charge, leverage up, issue stock options, use buybacks to channel profits, cut dividends to stop money reaching shareholders (mostly Gentiles), pay no tax (Carried interest) close business and move on. Repeat the above all the time, Gentile fools are happy with mutual funds, no returns after fees, higher taxes.
Can we blame them? Should we be doing the same?
Bringing gentiles under one roof and get something done is painstaking and laborious.
Ze Germans did it in the 1930’s.
Was the opposite of what you just wrote.
Don’t have to bring everyone in on it. Just saying smart “gentiles” and business partners should do something similar. I belive the Mormons have been quite sucessfull by doing it too.
You forgot to mention: spy on the US government, compromise people in the government to get surveillance on private corporations to aid business decisions, blackmail, gangstalk political opponents, use private security firms to harass people who defy you, assassinate the characters of people who don’t toe the line, railroad innocent people with expensive lawsuits, etc. The average Jew is not the problem. It’s the network of highly unscrupulous Jews at the top who have such power, the US government cannot stop them. The opposite, they control the entire machinery. And they are ruthless in shutting down even mild opposition. This has to stop.
Many Jewish people met through business were intelligent, straight forward and very business oriented, don’t touch their religion or Israel, that is a no no, same as Muslims, avoid discussions about their religion.
You mean avoiding calling a spade a spade ?
Roosh, it is unfortunate that you decided to uncritically accept the ravings of a worthless-degree holding fool. You’re a smart guy – you should be able to see through his poor scholarship and abysmal logic.
In the first quote:
“Jews benefit from open, individualistic societies in which barriers to
upward mobility are removed, in which people are viewed as individuals
rather than as members of groups, in which intellectual discourse is not
prescribed by institutions like the Catholic Church that are not
dominated by Jews, and in which mechanisms of altruistic punishment may
be exploited to divide the European majority.”
First, ANYONE who isn’t a collectivist, parasitic scumbag would benefit from open, individualistic societies where their talents and hard work have a chance to be noticed, regardless of their background.
Second, this guy claims that Jews use “altruistic punishment” (which exists throughout many cultures) to divide Europeans. This means nothing, and seems to be based in the belief that Europeans (or any group) have massive social cohesion in the absence of Jewish influence. A short reading of history would show such notions to be nonsense. In the middle ages, there was almost no Jewish presence in Ireland, Scotland or Scandinavia. yet those places were constantly wracked with war.
There are a lot more fallacies, and this is just the tip of the iceberg.
If this rustles your jimmies move to Israel.
Was that supposed to be a rebuttal?
As it is, I much prefer the mad rambling of David Icke. Not only does he inform us that Jews rule the world, but they do so with the help of the freemasons, illuminati and reptile aliens!
Are Jewish people in the west not overwhelmingly progressive? Why is that?
Interesting question – I’m not sure, but MacDonald’s “group evolutionary strategy” idea is absolute nonsense.
I did some research – apparently 60-70% are Democrats. Yet amongst the most religious orthodox Jews, over half are Republican/conservative. The majority of US Jews are not orthodox, but it stands to reason that if most were, then the majority would be non-progressive, traditional and conservative.
Additionally, the goals and lifestyles of the orthodox are at odds with secular liberal Jews – doesn’t sound like much of a strategy if they can’t agree on much.
What percentage have loyalties to a foreign power that they hold higher than their loyalties to their own country?
“What percentage have loyalties to a foreign power that they hold higher than their loyalty to their own country?
That’s… problematic.
“Not only does he inform us that Jews rule the world, but they do so with the help of the freemasons, illuminati and reptile aliens!”
Not only does he inform us that Jews rule the world, but they do so with the help of the freemasons, illuminati and reptile aliens!
That would depend on the time and place. For instance, a Jewish person living in 1938 Berlin would have much lower loyalty towards Germany than an American jew living at the same time.
Oh, I’m sorry, you didn’t understand me. I meant in America. Right now. Or… are you comparing non-Jewish Americans to Nazis?
I’m not comparing Americans to Nazis. Unfortunately I couldn’t find any solid data on the subject. It would depend on the individual – a democrat weed smoking commie would have a lot less loyalty than a conservative, regardless of their religious beliefs.
Interestingly, the belief that Jews would be less loyal to the US than Israel mirrors the belief that Catholics would be loyal to the Vatican that circulated during the past 100+ years.
I’m sorry, I’m not following. A Democratic weed smoking commie would have a lot less loyalty than a conservative, regardless of their religious beliefs… to Israel? or the United States? Or are you simply trying to muddy a very simple question?
Are you saying that it’s a “belief” to say that large numbers of American Jews have a primary loyalty to Israel–even when it is detrimental to America? If so, congratulations–you just lost all credibility in front of this audience.
“Are you saying that it’s a “belief” to say that large numbers of
American Jews have a primary loyalty to Israel–even when it is
detrimental to America?”
Would you please cite a respectable source for this? Maybe a Pew Research poll or something.
So, you’re answer is “Yes, it’s a belief.” Thanks. I’m going to go to bed now, but I’ll be back tomorrow with plenty of interesting facts (you know–the things you call ‘beliefs’) to share. Hopefully we will attract some readership. It’s important that people know the truth, and I actually enjoy shooting fish in a barrel.
By all means, please share your “facts” that show American Jews are more loyal to Israel than the US. The caveat – they must be from reputable sources. Conspiracy, neo-nazi and other wacko websites do not count. Anecdotes are similarly unacceptable. I eagerly await your evidence.
Please continue to make an utter ass of yourself while third-party readers enjoy to following interview of honest Jewish American thinker Eric Alterman:
Alterman: You know, one of the touchiest words you can say when you’re discussing Jews and Israel is the word dual loyalty. It’s sort of one of those words that American Jewish officialdom has ruled out of the discourse. If you say dual loyalty, you’re playing into the hands of anti-semites, because it’s been a consistent trope among anti-Semites that you can’t trust Jews. etc. etc. And I find this very confusing because I was raised dually loyal my whole life. When I went to Hebrew school, the content of my Hebrew school was all about supporting Israel. When my parents who I think are here tonight sent me to Israel when I was 14, on a ZOA [Zionist Organization of America]-sponsored trip… [laughter/backtalk] that was a bad idea, yeah– it was drummed into me that I should do what’s best for Israel.
I was at the Center for Jewish History not long ago where I heard Ruth Wisse, the Yiddishist professor at Harvard who happens to be the Martin L. Peretz professor, instruct a group of young Jewish journalists that they should think of themselves as members of the Israeli army. That in Israel young people have to serve in the army– well, they didn’t have to serve in the army, but they should think of themselves as members of a Jewish army, supporting the Jewish people, supporting Israel, putting aside their intellectual qualms and concerns about things. Like [the recent elevation of Foreign Minister Avigdor] Lieberman.
Now it so happens that because so few people are willing to say this, and there’s certainly good historical reasons for this, I end up being quoted by Walt and Mearsheimer as the only person saying, I am a dual loyal Jew and sometimes I’m going to actually go with Israel, because the United States can take an awful lot of hits and come up standing. Whereas if Israel takes one serious bad hit it could disappear. So there’s going to be some cases where when Israel and the United States conflict I’m going to support what’s best for Israel rather than what I think is best for the United States.
The big fiction that permeates virtually all discussion and I bet you even in J Street, but certainly amongst official organizations is That there’s no such thing, that there could be possibly anything that could be both Good for Israel and Bad for the United States or vice versa. Every single speech you go to at AIPAC or the AJC says, thank god that our interests and values are perfectly aligned and We support a strong Israel and we support a strong United States. No– that’s not always going to be the case. They’re two different countries with two different strategic interests and different points of view on certain things.
Lieberman is bad for everything as far as I understand the world. He’s in the long term detrimental to Israel’s interest, and he’s certainly not in the United States interest, which has a strong interest in maintaining peace and stability in that region. And so in this case, there isn’t really a conflict in my saying, look if the Israelis are going to elect a government that’s detrimental to my interests and Israel’s interests… I’m going to do everything I can to convince them to elect a different gov’t. Just the way the Palestinians elected a bad thing by electing Hamas…
[Alterman then describes Israel’s role in founding Hamas, a “terrible mistake as many countries historically have made a terrible mistake.”]
As a friend of Israel and a person who’s concerned with the long term health and happiness of the Jewish people. I’m going to say I’m not going there with you guys, I have no trouble doing that.
Eisner: Can you imagine a time where you would feel that dual loyalty and go with Israel?
Alterman: I just said, there are many occasions.
Eisner: Can you give us an example?
Alterman: Off the top of my head. Well look, to me the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is simple in the following regard. It’s complicated in most regards. But it’s simple in the following regard. The only people who can deliver peace, who can deliver a state to the Palestinians is the Israeli public… You can’t force Israel to make peace against its will. Israel will only make the concessions necessary to peace if they believe that the Palestinians are sincere about making peace so I can see that saying to the Palestinian leadership or saying to the Saudi leadership or Egyptian leadership, look we need to do a lot of unpopular things in Palestine to demonstrate to the Israeli public that the Palestinians have finally accepted their historic position and are now ready to make the peace that the Israelis can trust– now I’m not saying we’re anywhere near that situation, I’m answering your hypothetical question– that might make the United States a great deal more unpopular in the Arab world. It might increase terrorism in the Arab world…
Here’s a much simpler example actually. I think that bin Laden and 9/11 were to some degree inspired by U.S. support of Israel. I think a great deal of the terrorist attacks and the sort of pool of potential terrorists who want to attack the United States are inspired by the United States support for Israel. I’m not saying we shouldn’t support Israel for that reason. I’m saying, Dammit if that’s the price we have to pay, then I’m willing to pay it. I’m just saying Let’s be honest about it. Let’s not pretend that it’s unimaginable that the two states can be in conflict because if these two states happen never to be in conflict it would be the only time in history that ever happened, and yet we all treat it as if it’s a given.
I believe I said to present evidence that American Jews (plural) were more loyal to Israel than the US. Your “source” is from one individual who obviously does not speak for everyone in his community, much less his country.
The fact that you would consider this as valid evidence displays a profound lack of reasoning capacity or intelligence. This, sadly, is what I have seen a lot of recently on RoK. For every Quintus or Aaron Clarey, there are at least 10 twits like yourself or muh freedoms. Every foolish canard created by the basest minds of the past has found a home inside your collective heads.
The fact that many of you are dumb enough to believe in worldwide Jewish conspiracies, mass disloyalty, and other nonsense shows a terrible lack of the logic that men are supposed to possess.
If such dung beetles make up a significant portion of the manosphere then the feminazis will have no trouble destroying the movement – it will collapse under the weight of it’s own idiocy.
Translation: You can’t control this conversation and it’s making you absolutely apoplectic. I will continue to post fact after fact here, and you will continue to rant and rave, attempt to change the subject, and throw out tired cliches like “canard” (I’m still waiting for “blood libel” and “tinfoil hat”). You’re not fooling anyone. Thanks for playing your role even better than I expected.
Here is some more great information, written by a Jewish man about this issue:
Rabbi raises ‘dual loyalty’ question– and all hell breaks loose in DC Jewish communityIsrael/Palestine :
Philip Weiss on January 25, 2014
Rabbi Weintraub talks about dual loyalty
Last month at a Washington Jewish forum, a liberal Zionist rabbi said that the Iran issue raised the question of “dual loyalty” for American Jews, and all hell broke loose. Other Israel supporters on the panel expressed outrage that a Jew would dignify the charge. One said it was the fare of anti-Semites, racists, and David Duke. Rabbi Melissa Weintraub stood by her statement: Some Jews have a “real sense of being torn,” they “experience a competing pull,” and it’s important for American Jews to talk about it.
The forum at the Washington DC Jewish Community Center was called, “Embracing Democracy: The American Jewish Community’s Evolving Relationship with Israel.” Weintraub said of the Iran deal (at 31:00, in the video):
Are Israeli interests and American interests actually aligned here? If our American interests do diverge from Israeli interests, what then for us as American Jews, how do we navigate that?… There are several positions that have been articulated in the American Jewish community around this agreement, one of which is that this was the ultimate dual loyalty test actually because what arose here was actually a divergence between American and Israeli interests, in which the agreement helped America avert a war and did place Israel in existential danger.
Wexler flinched as Weintraub spoke
Robert Wexler, a former Florida congressman who now heads a pro-Israel organization, flinched as Weintraub spoke.
Moderator Jane Eisner of the Forward stepped in.
“I saw Robert wince, and I know why, and that was using the phrase dual loyalty. This is a really tough one. This is the kind of thing that makes a lot of us squirm. On the one hand we’d like to believe that there is this alignment, that America’s interest are Israel’s interests. And Israel’s interest are America’s interests, and as Americans Jew with the descriptor of American to being Jews, we want to see this both happen, and yet at the same time we know as Americans, unlike most other hyphenated Americans we have this other country that we care about– a real lot.”
DISGUSTING PHOTO MISSING: {{Long Island Jewish center with Israeli and American flags at half mast after Sharon’s death, photo by Scott Roth}}
Eisner said her children went to Jewish day school and they sing two national anthems, the Hatkivah and the Star Spangled Banner, at assemblies. “Both flags flying.”
Wexler was unmollified. He said that “the whole notion of dual loyalty introduced to this conversation, I find completely unwarranted.”
“We’re the only community in a certain respect…that takes the most heinous of tactics that the worst people have employed against the Jewish people and in innocuous way we somehow continue that discussion. I think we should just wipe it away, because it’s really not relevant.”
One of two neoconservatives on the Jewish community panel, Michael Makovsky, who served in the Bush administration as an Iraq hawk, took the issue personally. He said raising the issue was equivalent to calling him a “traitor–I never felt anything so repugnant in my whole life.” He then linked it with the “idea of Israel Firster” that has been taken up by the antiwar left. “I’ve never seen anything so disgusting.”
Makovsky then brought up Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer, authors of The Israel Lobby.
“I find it unbelievable that people do this kind of thing…. I personally would never be on a panel with Stephen Walt or John Mearsheimer.”
Makovsky said he’d refused to go on a show on PBS or NPR a year or so back because Walt was on the panel. “I told them I wouldn’t do it. Then they replaced Stephen Walt.” He said this was “a minor victory,” and he’d only shared it with his brother– David Makovsky, who serves now on the Middle East negotiating team for the State Department.
Makovsky added of Walt, “How come that guy still has a job at Harvard?” And Mearsheimer was a “nut,” he said. Eisner, the moderator, said nothing in defense of the scholars.
Weintraub did not back down. She said there was a tension between American interests and Israel’s interests, and it had to be addressed, even if you don’t like the words dual loyalty.
“I think it’s a very important question whether the phrase itself is repugnant because it brings up anti-Semitic slurs around our loyalty… The importance of the phrase is that it gets at something that has been articulated in those terms by many Jews whether we use those terms or not, which is a sense of real competing interests….a real sense of being torn. Because there are those who think that American and Israeli interests don’t align here.”
And while all the other panelists think that American and Israeli interests did align here,
“there are many people who don’t think that is the case and therefore experience a competing pull. And that’s what has been called in some op-eds dual loyalty and we can call it whatever we want, but I think that it’s important to articulate.”
Weintraub is not alone. The Netanyahu government put out a poll and then withdrew itlast year that asked American Jews where their allegiances would lie if there were a crisis in American-Israel relations. Both Peter Beinart and MJ Rosenberg have raised the issue of dual loyalty in order to support Obama’s deal: Beinart reminding Jews that the American Jewish leader is Obama, and Rosenberg suggesting that supporters of the Iran deal lean harder on the dual loyalty issue to scare off AIPAC (I believe he’s taken that tweet down). The term has a long pedigree inside the Jewish community. John Judis of the New Republic has said that Jewish organizations demand dual loyalty of Jews, Eric Alterman has said proudly that he feels dual loyalty to Israel, Doug Rushkoff has written that all the Israeli flags in his Hebrew school gave him a sense of dual loyalty, MJ Rosenberg coined the term Israel Firster, Rabbi Elmer Berger raised the issue in the 40s, and London Jews threw dual loyalty at Herzl when he tried to recruit them at the turn of 1900s.
Makovshy: “I’ve never seen anything so disgusting”
But Makovsky continued to harp on Walt and Mearsheimer. He said the Jewish community should never grant a platform to the scholars, and that Theater J’s Ari Roth was wrong to say that he would stage a play about Walt and Mearsheimer, because “the dual loyalty issue…. is out of bounds…. Why should the Jewish community give any credibility to what I think are racist views, certainly anti-Semitic.” He then compared Walt and Mearsheimer to David Duke.
Again, no rejoinder from Jane Eisner, moderator.
For the record, Walt and Mearsheimer’s book makes the following points about Michael Makovsky: that he worked for Richard Perle’s Office of Special Plans in Bush’s Defense Department, which made the case for war with Iraq, and that he had worked for Israeli PM Shimon Peres after graduating from college in 1989. In the footnotes, Walt and Mearsheimer quote an article in the St Louis Post-Dispatch about Makovsky when he went to work for Peres:
“I have strong feelings about helping to build a Jewish state… It’s like returning to your roots.”
Don’t such statements raise a question about whether someone should be working on war plans in the Middle East for the Pentagon?
Also, while their book implicitly raised the question of whose national interest the neocons were supporting in pushing the Iraq war, Walt and Mearsheimer said they were not raising the issue of conflicted loyalty: we all have lots of loyalties in this modern world, and that’s alright, they said.
But let’s be clear about the forum the Forward published on video, above: the Jewish community provides a platform to Melissa Weintraub when she raises the issue of dual loyalty. Weintraub is Jewish. Walt and Mearsheimer are not; and they can be smeared with impunity.
“In the struggle to stop the displacement of Bedouins from their ancestral homes, the launch of SodaStream boycotts coast-to-coast, and the exciting new conversations we’re seeding in living rooms and synagogues, we can tell that people are grappling with the myths they’ve been taught about Israel and Palestine.”
Social justice and opposition to apartheid– in living rooms. With people. Vilkomerson is describing a conversation among Jews and non-Jews (including two-staters like Walt and Mearsheimer). That is Jewish leadership.
Update: MJ Rosenberg explains why he took down that tweet:
I now take all old tweets down (automatically) b/c they are just tweets and I don’t need them out there as if they are well thought out statements. I most certainly do believe that dual loyalty is a valid consideration when any group knowingly chooses the interests of a foreign country over their own. Like Israel Firster, it describes reality. The good news for me is that this is not a Jewish community problem but rather the problem with a small group of Jewish organizational hacks, neocons, and rank-and-file true believers (mostly old), etc.
The reason Makovsky and Wexler go nuts about “dual loyalty” and “Israel Firster” is because they know how valid the charge is when, as with Iran, people knowingly put the interest of Israel’s Likud government above America’s. Walt and Mearsheimer terrify this gang because, simply put, the truth hurts. And, in this case, shines an unhelpful flashlight on their motives.
– See more at:
“. A short reading of history would show such notions to be nonsense. In the middle ages, there was almost no Jewish presence in Ireland, Scotland or Scandinavia”
More jew lies.
Was that a joke?
If it was, then don’t do stand up comedy.
If not, I commend you for managing to type despite suffering from profound retardation.
“Was that a joke? ”
There were jews in Britain and Ireland.
The only retard is you spewing lies and half truths.
How precious. It’s trying to read. Let me help you out there:
“…was ALMOST NO Jewish presence in Ireland”
Almost nothing is not the same as nothing. For instance, you have almost no brains, but apparently just enough to get yourself into trouble.
For those of you with decent reading comprehension, I googled “jews in ireland”
and got this link:
Well there are only 2% of jews in the US.
And yet 4 of you on the supreme court, a jewish president, and 40 or so of you in the 214 congress..
So it doesn’t take that many of you shylocks to ruin a nation….
Lets talk about all the holocausts you have survived.
The sufferink….of your people.
When vill it end?
Let’s instead talk about how your inability to read, reason or think is the result of your momma and dada being brother and sister.
It is a good time to bring jewish inbreeding diseases up at this time.
Thanks for reminding me with your projection, putz!
So cute. It must be hard to type with so much drool coming down your chin and onto your keyboard.
Good point.
The good Rabbi Freirich has some opinions on this.
Is this article the reason why this site when down today? If you dont believe in how jews have an unspoken fraternity , vicously help their own kind,and protect group interests, all you need to do is watch one episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm.
Very well done Roosh. I’m looking forward to your expose of the Rothchild dynasty.
Ron Unz had an excellent article about Ivy League admissions back in 2012. Its a long article but the important point is that Jews make up roughly 25% of the student body at Harvard, gentile whites only 20%, and Asians are at 16%. Askenazi Jews do have high average IQs but 25% is over representation even when the IQs are taken into account. He shows examples of how the Asian numbers are capped and how the admissions process is biased against gentile whites, especially conservative gentile whites.
The canned Jewish response to this disparity is always something along the lines of: “That’s because Jewish culture values education and hard work and has high I.Q.’s. Non-Jews should quit whining and stop watching reality TV and hit the books!”
The problem is that this is a lie. White ethnic Christians with similar (or higher) scores, I.Q.’s, etc. are represented at the Ivy league at a much smaller percentage than Jews, who only make up about 2% of the country. Unz does an excellent job of showing that the biggest cause for this disparity is a culture that helps its own to the detriment of others. Well, why don’t white Christians do the same thing? First and foremost, because Jews would literally make a federal case out of it. As it is, whenever Jewish enrollment numbers dip even slightly from the lion’s share they feel entitled to enjoy, the alarm bells go off all over and accusations of anti-semitism abound.
My dad went to Columbia.
He told me how all the jew frats would steal the tests and pass without ever studying for finals.
The movie “Animal House” seems to be a joke on gentiles for what the jews do.
Boy, are you gonna catch **** for this one.
Soviet Armenians and soviet Jews : 2 of most greedy and callous groups I’ve ever met
Never been to NY, LA, or Miami eh?
I think he’s talking about soviet armenians and jews in those kinds of big cities.
once sold a box of candy to an Armenian, he was happy first, two days later came back for return and demanded full refund. Told him, he opened a candy and can’t get the refund, boy, he was mad, but I am Turk, no BS here!
Roosh: Hats off to you. I honor you.
You finally used your powerful voice to expose the root source of our social ailments. Thank you Roosh. If there’s anything you let me know, you’ve earned it.
It’s hard to separate Judaism from it’s most sacred covenant – circumcision. The Torah instructs the Mohel, after he has cut off the foreskin, to suck the infant’s penis until the bleeding has stopped. It’s called Mitzvah-B-Peh, and it is the traditional methodology for circumcision.
When you think of this action, its base depravity, is it any wonder than Jewish minority groups have been universally hated? In simple terms. “Hey, can you believe what those people do to their children?”
And then, by pure coincidence, ciscumcision ends up to become popular in the US after WW2 (perfectly coinciding with an increased Jewish presence in the medical profession).
If you would do violence to your own children, then imagine what type of violence you would inflict on total strangers.
Not only do the sick freaks cut babies foreskins off….some of them suck the blood out, sometimes giving them diseases.
I am….verklempt.
This is the reddest of red pills – the knowledge that they have been a major influence (via their influence in the medical profession) in the genital mutilation of millions of American men.
Circumcision may just be the cause of the high level of divorce in this country by emotionally “cut off” men due to having the tip of their peckers chopped off.
How far does the rabbit hole go, Alice?
It’s logical to assume it’s a contributing factor.
Foreskin restoration, anyone?
Without circumcision there is no Judaism. It’s a weak point that should be attacked. Think about it, chopping off a part of a baby’s genitals without its permission. That’s just plain evil. We don’t permit other kinds of religious genital mutilation, circumcision should be permanently banned, and with it the weakening of Jewish identity.
This is an interesting take on it and how it affects the mother/child bond.
Oh man, I bet the SPLC is gleefully reading this as their latest excuse to keep Roosh on their list of evildoers.
Or its a “honeypot” trap to see who and how many goyim are awakening to the ko$her master race’s influence….
I was thinking along similar lines. Roosh was paid his 30 pieces of silver by the Mossad and the SPLC.
Fuck em. They can go suck Karl Marx’s dick.
I generally read the $plc’s list to see who my potential allies are.
Good article
“I’m also having trouble getting my head around the fact that such a
small group would embark on a massive reconstruction of reality and
ideological manipulations on the world’s people just to protect their
group—and succeed. I feel both outrage and admiration at the same time.”
Welcome to the party.
“I feel both outrage and admiration at the same time”
I feel about the same amount of “admiration” as a lamb being eaten by a lioness.
This isn’t a surprise. All peoples try to manipulate “reality” in order to give themselves an evolutionary advantage. The Jews have just been the most successful.
No they don’t. It’s too glib to say this kind of behind-the-scenes manuevering, this amoral plundering, this extreme ethnocentrism and Survivor-like tactics to destroy anyone who isn’t part of the Jewish clique is ordinary behavior. It is the hallmark of a people that did not cultivate individual ethics or boundaries; the lack of mutualism and fair play is what prevents them from building their own civilization, so they must instead hijack existing ones. If society were filled with opportunistic liars, we would spend all day backstabbing one another instead of building wealth. It’s a problem.
Sore loser or crybaby/moron.
Guess you never had a job?
Welcome back ROK !
I googled Dave Futrelle’s site to see if he wrote about this article and sure enough, there was an article right on the front page saying “ROOSH IS A NAZI!!!!1111111ONEONEELEVEN”.
I got a huge chuckle. David Futrelle looks like Michael Moore !. Saw his images pop up just now after I googled his site.
Maybe he should go to the gym. Roosh sometimes is a little too mean, but at least he looks cool.
Also saw Futrelle write about Roosh on Dr. Oz.
I actually agree with Dr. Oz that Roosh was too mean with his fat shaming. But on another level, that is exactly what our culture needs.
I get sick of Oprah style liberals making a “feel good” comment and having everybody do their plastic little supporting applause.
Just by showing up and getting hit by metaphorical tomatoes and rotten eggs waS a triumph of sorts. Sometimes even “the dude” gets an ass-kicking, but he took it with style. It was a bit like Lucifer appearing before the Inquisition and not recanting. Loved it.
Hilarious video. You got your but kicked, Roosh, but then got up off the floor and held your head high.
A video for those with humor. Highly recommend. Google it.
Excellent to see this dissident book explored on such a great site.
OK, Roosh, you are treading on a very dangerous territory here. The idiotic Putin-worshiping here is bad enough, but such articles may undermine manosphere’s credibility for good.
First of all, for all those “Protocol of Zion-Jewish Conspiracy-Holocaust-never-happened” types, I want to ask a couple of very simple questions:
if Jews are “controlling” the world, are monolithic to the core, focused exclusively on their mission, as the conspirators believe, then WHY, FOR CHRIST’S SAKE, WHY DO THEY VOTE FOR ANTI-ISRAELI OBAMA?! WHY do they vote for the dude (or if they “control” the world, why even allow him to run as a president in the first place?!) who is trying to appease IRAN in every single conceivable way and declares ISIS to be NOT-ISLAMIC? The guy all but allies US with Iran and they still support him feverishly? Should not they be supporting Republican hawks who want to bomb Iran and other Islamic countries? ARE THEY SUICIDAL?!
It does not stop there. Why do Israelis allow Arabs every single privilege of their country, including allowing Arabic as a second official language? Why give Sinai Peninsula back to Egypt? Why not take more of the “historical” land in Middle East or declare far more Holocaust dead, if they “faked” those 6 million so convincingly and WON every single war with numerically superior Arab countries with ease? Why did not the US and British Jews pressure Britain and US to declare war on Hitler during his 12 year reign of terror, especially during Rhineland, Munich or Prague crises, when the victory over Nazis was all but assured?! Why was it the anti-Semite regime of Stalin who, though unintentionally, saved hundreds of thousands of Jews from certain death and not “Jew-controlled” Britain or US?! What about thousands of Sonderkommandos, burning their own compatriots mercilessly? What about JEWS WHO FOUGHT AS FINNISH SOLDIERS AGAINST SOVIETS (AS IN ON NAZI SIDE)?! Were they also a clever ploy of some sorts too?! What about “HONORARY ARYAN JEWS” who even served in the SS?!
As for the whole overrepresentation of Jews in both business and socialism, it is not that hard to explain: Jews are great businessman, are pretty good at jobs and sciences(and yes, their solidarity and networking is an important, but not a decisive factor), therefore they become rich, while their kids, starting with Marx and ending with that fat hog feminist Dworkin, grow up as spoiled brats, who feel guilty over their wealth, practice what I call “mental masturbation” and try to “bring the paradise” on Earth. Such things are not limited to Jews and there are many gentiles, who had similar backgrounds and became socialists, communists and feminists (Sidney and Beatrice Webb, George Bernard Shaw,etc). Let also not forget important scientific discoveries and inventions Jews made, making modern living possible. Basically this old ROK article is pretty spot on:
I agree on many things on this site, am against socialism and communism but do wish that ROK and especially Roosh to be more vigilant and careful . While this is just a review of a book, which is not really all anti-Semitic ( which I also admittedly have not read), the underlying assumption the author makes is pretty clear: Jews are uber-smart devious and cunning group of people who want to “rule the world” or “make the world more comfortable for their rule” or something. Not that far from Jewish conspiracy, if you ask me.
While denouncing modern socialism, feminism and political correctness, we should not dive right into another extreme of right-wing wackos. Manosphere and ROK should focus on self-improvement and knowledge and away from stupid conspiracy theories.
Hasn’t Putin strengthened his country? your statement right off the bat already shows your true colors .
Strengthened his country?! Strengthened?! If by that you mean alienating the rest of the world(except, of course,such “world powers” like Iran, North Korea, Kazakhstan, Venezuela and Nicaragua), making mortal enemies from his neighbors like Georgia and even Ukraine-a nation whose even the most pro-west elements wanted normal relationships with Russia prior to Crimea annexation and even Belarus and Armenia are looking towards west, than yes, he did “strengthen” his country. If by that you also mean a demographic disaster, highest divorce and aids rates on the ENTIRE EURASIAN continent and falling ruble, yes he did “strengthen” his country. If by that you also mean, terrorizing business with government racket and abysmal poverty in the regions, than yes, some quite impressive “strengthening” then.
Putin did nothing for Russia-rising oil and gas prices did. If he would come to power during Yeltsin years, say during the 1998 crisis for example, we would have seen “how he would have strengthened his country” (TM).
Last, how does my off-bat commentary on Putin in any way affect my statement on Jews, showing “my true colors”(whatever that supposed to mean) or, according to your logic, if anyone dares to criticize your dear leader Putin, he is “da ENEMY!”. How does it make you any different from Obamadrones exactly?
Seriously, you would definitely benefit from reading this book:
In what way is Barack Obama actually anti-Israel? His cabinet is full of jews, he has appointed jews to control America’s nuclear arsenal, he has given more military and financial aid to Israel than any administration in history.
All he does is get on jewish television every now and then and make milquetoast statements about equality and throw crumbs to Muslims. And it’s always wrapped up in language that casts aspersions on White Christians and traditionalist Americans — not zionism.
There are no anti-Israel presidential candidates. Only candidates with varying degrees of Israel cock sucking abilities.
Slow clap.
But the article will really make ROK a target now. Fighting feminism is one thing, but opening yourself to the guns of Jewish organizations hell-bent on eradicating “antisemitism” and the paranoia of many individual rich and powerful Jews in this country—well, may heaven help ROK and Roosh.
Indeed, especially when travelling around Europe where there all sorts or ridiculous “hate speech” laws.
Historian David Irving was famously thrown in jail in Austria, not fore denying the holocaust, but for merely questioning its overall scope. He was officially sentenced as a “holocaust denier”
In France, no less than the president of that country now wants to make the publishing of “any conspiracy theory” grounds for fines and imprisonment!
well decry the decadent lifestyle they’ve helped foment but like all immoral pragmatists – participate last fully in it. Ahhh the irony!
uh oh, did roosh go there!!??
Was just in Malaysia. They won’t even let you in if you have an Israeli stamp in your passport.
“Why isn’t there such a group of Americans that do the same for Christian interests?”
I would argue that Mormons and the LDS church are an example of a very powerful Christian movement that does look after its own in the same matter as Jews. Not only do they have very strong group ties, but they tend to be very well educated and well represented in law and high finance.
BYU is a very good school and has resisted degeneracy which have plagued the rest of the university system in the US.
Not only that, they are very powerful abroad as well and have a very loyal following.
This is a fascinating article. I will add an apocalyptic element. This situation where Jews take over is actually predicted in the bible. End of book of Daniel if I recall.
That does not mean I am happy about it. It simply is.
It does appear that the effects are negative any many ways. Positive in others.
Even if the motives of self-preservation and dominance by the Jews are not pure, aspects of these philosophies could represent human progress. And as a Christian, I am fully aware that Jews have total disdain for my own religion.
It does appear that the deviousness of some Jews is inadvertently raising the level of consciousness among the many, even as it undermines the ethics and morality by destroying the fabric of traditional societies.
I think I understand why Jesus spoke in parables that often used parables of plants growing.
The wheat (good) and chaff (evil) are both growing together and simultaneously increasing in strength. This is true for all, but especially the Jewish people.
My own take is that when the fruit is ripe, our Saviour Jesus Christ will come back and sort it all out. Because I do believe that the seed of Abraham will ultimately bring salvation to the world.
This revelation of philosophy, psychology etc through the Jews goes well with the idea of Paul when he said the gentiles were grafted on through the Saviour.
I do not think Christians really understand what the return of Christ means. Nor do I. But it will likely entail some sort of consciousness shift where dry Jewish intellectualism becomes spiritualized and made living.
Kind of like a re-growing together of the tree of life and the tree of knowledge. Things like meditiative practices from the East enriching our intellectual culture may be part of the process.
The process of it all becoming one in Christ. The Jews are the tool of evil but also good.
More evidence that christians are satanic/demon worshippers and that they should be treated as such.
“My own take is that when the fruit is ripe, our Saviour Jesus Christ will come back and sort it all out. Because I do believe that the seed of Abraham will ultimately bring salvation to the world.”
The Antichrist will be Jewish.
Ironically socialists never learn that once full blown communism and fascism takes over their movement, they will be persecuted and driven out, as Trotsky found out when Stalin forced him into exile.
Best article on king by far.
excellent article, long overdue
The jewish race is the one that doesn’t exist, but certain jews have made us think all other races don’t exist, except themselves…It always amazes me when I research certain organisations, particularly sham human rights organisations (basically tools of war for the elite) such as amnesty international, avaaz, human rights watch – ALWAYS a jew at the center of them, amazing.
Also, the part about your parents being allowed to immigrate because of jewish lobbying – this is exactly what they want, an end to all nation states and to literally mix up the world. a people without a culture are easily controlled.
Good piece, although I disagree with the “there is no Jewish conspiracy” line. There is indeed a Jewish conspiracy, and almost all Jews participate in it consciously or not. That is the dispossession and cold genocide of Europeans is their highest goal, without Whites they will reign supreme for the rest of history.
Here’s the thing: subversiveness is built into the Jewish psyche. Jews are the omegas of civilization. They are highly neurotic and envious. Their psychoses begin with their first sexual experience, which involves an older man placing his mouth on the Jewish baby’s freshly sliced penis, known as Metzitzah B’Peh (look it up). Their religion is also neurotic, including their god. There is not a masculine bone in the Jewish male’s body.
That’s the stereotype which is also a jewish lie. The biggest players in the world are jewish geniuses who hold the highest positions of power.
Money lending does that. Have to finance both sides, ya know?
WRONG!! the jewish geniuses work for those who hold the highest positions of power. The most powerful people in the world do very little, they may even be jewish, many of them, at least in part. But geniuses they are not. Look past the curtain, to the ownership class, and you will be closer to understanding what the new world order is…..a conspiracy to keep power and money in the hands of a few families who have been dominant for hundreds of years, and bring to realisation their vision of the world….new money geniuses need not apply, jewish or otherwise, unless they want to play servant, caretaker, puppet or placeholder for money.
They are no more geniuses, than every king was a genius….does Prince Charles look like a genius to you? we know for a fact from his academic record he is not….but kings and queens never ruled by doing algebra or peering through telescopes, And it isn’t the descendants of da vinci and Edison that run the world today.
Ownership is 9/10ths of the law, and doesn’t require anything but your name on a piece of paper. The rest of us, smart or dumb, work for those people. Those genius jews you speak of are short nerdy involuntary celibates who take orders from 6ft, blue eyed quarter jew aristocrats that speak in a queens English accent and would sooner murder you all than share any real power with you. And sadly for you jews, that’s actually the truth lol.
I’m a Cristian, and I have many friends who are Jews. All pretty decent and good to me. So I’m supposed to kill them all? Get rid of them? Not associate with Jews? Where fors one draw the line between the jewish intellectuals and having friends who happened to be jewish?
Speaking openly and thinking analytically about reality is not the same as advocating a murderous rampage. It is possible to think and to speak without losing all control of your faculties.
False conclusion. The point is that you have to treat Jews like women: you cannot allow them to walk all over you and take control, because they will do so otherwise.
I think this is true of all people. I know plenty of cristians who i had to treat the same way.
You can’t be a real Christian and associate with jews.
After reading this book, the main action I will take is a skepticism of who leftist policies benefit, and how it all fits into context among various competing groups.
So after having read the book, would you have jewish friends or not?
I have and do. I personally see no conflict.
Most Jews (at least the many I’ve met in my life) are as oblivious to these issues as most non-Jews and are just trying to live a normal life. On the other hand, if they are either fanatically pro-Israel or higher up in the power structure of media, finance or politics, then it’s another story.
That makes a ton of sense. So, I get it. Leftism was a super-secret strategy of Jews to dominate Europe. One problem: Jews are now less than 1% of Europe. They have been victimized by the Nazis and then the Muslim immigrants. Although it is true that many Russian and German Jews were the vanguard of the cultural Marxism/communist movements, this has been an unabashed disaster for European Jewry, which is now all but extinct. Jews can’t flee Germany, England, Russia, or France fast enough. They run to right-wing Israel dominated by Sephardics and Orthodox (and surrounded by 500 million Arabs looking to exterminate them). Jewish communists are misanthopes who are at war with all of humanity. Jewish communists destroyed European Jewry and instigate anti-Semitism.
I wrote this into MacDonald’s website, but he won’t post it. His theory is absolutely idiotic because once many secular Jews adopted communism, they went from exponential population grown to population collapse. I’d bet that most of those communist Jews have no great-grandchildren.
The harm from the leftist jews can’t remain silent. The fact is that the MAJORITY from the jews living outside Israel are HARMING Europeans. They are like Finkelstein and Chomsky, exploiting the Holocaust myth and in the same time pushing for Arab/muslim immigration.
And now the entire European race is well on its way to dying out, whereas Israel is growing like gangbusters.
That was the real “Samson Option”.
I’m sorry, what was your point again?
It’s astonishing to see this article here considering the PUA community itself was established by the Jews too.
The Jews of the ‘Pick-Up Artist’ Industry
Neil Strauss, reporter of the Rolling Stone Magazine. With his book The Game he marked the beginning of the enormous growth of the PUA community.
Ross Jeffries, once “the father of the PUA-movement,” now a filthy old man. He mainly speaks about Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), an over-hyped method that he claims will help you seduce women in no-time, simply by your choice of words.
David deAngelo is NOT a romantic Italian who speaks from his own experience with Mediterranean beauties. No, it is the nomme de plum of Eben Pagan, a Jew with a marketing background. He is the author of the e-book Double Your Dating, a thin booklet that promises much and delivers little. He also offers lots of seminars, records them and sells the recordings on DVD and CD.
Mystery, pseudonym of Erik Horvat-Markovic. A strange person who always wears weird clothes to “peacock” (stand out for the women). He authored The Mystery Method, another commercial booklet full of empty promises.
And last but not least
Robert Greene, author of The Art of Seduction, is also well-known for his 48 Laws of Power book, where he instructs people as to how to manipulate others to gain influence.
Why the Jews Do This
Jews do their utmost best to poison absolutely every aspect of the society. First they poison the women with feminism, then they offer their PUA merchandise to the men frustrated by arrogant feminists.
They Jews have a lot to gain. Firstly they earn a lot from the PUA industry. If you didn’t get it by now, it’s a terribly commercial industry, in which they try to offer you more crap every two seconds. Jewish lawyers earn from divorces and Jewish banks from the increased materialism. Singles who are constantly looking for more “status” to convince the females they are “alpha,” spend more, and thus borrow more. Apart from that, the dangerous PUA worldview causes a decrease in cohesion in society and more poisonous individualism.
You find it astonishing that experts in the field of psychological manipulation might be Jewish? Really?
I said:
It’s astonishing to see this article HERE.
As Roosh said in the article, they don’t always think about the long term consequences. If you take a bunch of guys, give them a forum were they can freely talk without women, PC culture etc, eventually the discussion will go from women, to more important subjects.
never knew this …. thank you !
interesting and his wife is NOT hot at all…and for a person who is against marriage, he did it….wow…
Greene’s wife is awfully grotesque as well.
Eben Pagan lives in la-la world!
he made his 1.2 million, like Bernie Madoff’s 65 billion, and as soon to be trillionaire con-artist Zuckerberg .
They may have started it, but what I find rather amusing is that their “advice” was really not that good. Plus, they charged for it (heh). Yet another snake-oil scam.
The current generation of Game blogs run by non-Jews such as Roosh, Heartiste, Vox, and Rollo actually provide advice that works. Plus, most of it’s free.
Mormonism is an anglo-saxon movement directly modeled on Judaism that seems to serve as a time-capsule of traditional Amiercan values, while simultaneously infuriating Jews by co-opting a Jewish identity. It is hierarchical and secretive, however, like Masonry, and so is ultimately vulnerable to infiltration and control by Jews.
And, given that this post is being read by the American NSA, as well as maybe the Mossad and Goldman Sachs and God knows who else, I would just like to go on record as acknowledging that Jewish infiltration and control are very good things, indeed. You’re OK by me – keep up the good work. Zei Gezunt!
PS: regarding the manipulation of public opinion and perception, I put it to you that some traumatic events, from Sandy Hook to the Nick Berg execution and possibly even 9/11, may not have happened quite as they are portrayed to have happened. But, again, if so, then this can only be a good thing. Next year in Jerusalem 🙂
Well, it was a nice blog while it lasted
Fuck, you got me. Only kidding my ancestry is English/Scottish/ German.
Unlike those filthy slavic untermensch, too bad the fuhrer didn’t kill the rest before they came to London to claim benefits.
Yeah, UK immigration was so much better when it was confined solely to the brown hordes of the commonwealth.
The myths that Hitler hated slavs are amusing.
UK is rotten country mate, but keep bitching about the Poles.
Not myths. And yeah I agree. Anyway, I was using you’re implied values and rhetoric to satirist your implied values and rhetoric.
You are right, not myths. Just fairy tales.
Part of the brilliance of this strategy is that at the individual level, one need not be cognizant of it in order to execute it. For example, the animating principle for most of American Jewry (with the notable exception of the Orthodox and Hasidim) seems not to be belief in a God and fealty to his injunctions, but rather a tacit definition of self as Un-Christian or Anti-Christian. In fact, the majority of Jews in the U.S. line up in opposition to public policies that reflect the injunctions of their God insofar as they would be shared by the Christian majority population. This self-definition can even be taken to such an extreme that the majority of American Jews defend aggressive Islamic movements (whose prescriptions are far more severe than even that which the most Fundamentalist of Christians would propose) with the twin slanders of “Islamophobia” and “racism” presumptively because Muslims are a numerical minority and furthering their interests is a way of dividing the culture, making their group strategy more efficacious.
How do we turn this into a TV special to be aired nationally?
You guys truly want to end the Culture War? This needs to be taught to boys and men the world round.
Imho, with what I’ve encountered in life: Zionist Jews are the most racist people on planet earth as well as the most successful at causing social issues wherever they reside.
There is nothing wrong with being Nationalistic… but not when it comes at the expense of other nations and cultures. They are vastly ahead of the rest when it comes to undermining nations to serve their interests (tail wags dog is now dog wags tail).
If this info reaches enough capable minds the thread will slowly unravel. Unfortunately, most Men are complacent with current affairs and are unwilling to ruffle the feathers of a Minority Giant.
History shows that women lead or Gynocentric society fall apart, the same will happen to USA and it’s showing. Most career women that don’t get married and are on dating sites looking for mister perfect when he certainly isn’t on a site full of pill popping depressed women.
Men are opting out,and they’re right to do so. It’s not worth it to get in marriage with broken women who are walking divorce prenup traps.
and where did these women get their values? TV and Hollyweird, which is controlled by whom ?
What career women don’t understand is that their career doesn’t make them more attractive. Now, a man’s career DOES make him more attractive to women, but not vise versa. The reason for this is because through all of human history men were providers and women were consumers of those resources in order to produce children, but not vise versa. It’s mental hard-wiring, which science says exists.
Lets see, you say that you thought the book would make you Neo-Nazi, but instead you just ended up believing Neo-Nazi bs about the Jews trying to control the world. That’s just a distinction w/o a difference. Well congrats, you finally went full Neo-Nazi.
By the way, of course AEI is putting out anti-feminism pieces. They’re a neo-CONSERVATIVE organization. Conservatives are almost always against feminism and always have been.
Everyone who is truly open to the truth eventually understands that National Socialism is the only true solution, that Hitler was right, and there is no way out but through the jews.
what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
Women have the same strong in-group bias as Jews. But within a family structure that in-group bias evolved because it is adaptive. In a difficult world women helping each other raise kids, take care of the sick and elderly, and welcoming strangers made communities more resilient for all of us. But the separation of women’s interests from the greater social good on the other hand is harmful to the interests of both men AND women. The devastation wrought upon the black America by feminism’s gender war is proof positive. We are two halves of a whole. We cannot win a war that divides us. In the same way Zionism, by dividing Jewish interests from those of the rest of the human family, hurts both Jews and gentiles. Little wonder many if not most people who consider themselves true Jews are profoundly anti-Zionist. Just like a nuclear family thrives from combining male striving with female nurturing, our racial and ethnic differences can help ensure our survival as a species. Whether our societies are multicultural or not is outside the issue, we all thrive when our societies are bound together in way that makes us responsible to more than our in-group. When our different societies exist in some relationship that ensures responsibility to the larger society then the special gifts of each people, including the Jewish people, have benefited us all. Within an intact humanity the Jewish in-group bias can and HAS been just as positive as women’s in-group bias is within a nuclear family. There is wisdom in the ancient solutions for ensuring responsible behavior of each group. But it is wisdom that must be separated from the mistakes of the past.
PUA lifestyle is becoming empty as well. My mother was right all along. Pure joy comes from a loving home and family. Watching and mimicking porn is degrading and lonely.
“My mother was right all along. Pure joy comes from a loving home and family. Watching and mimicking porn is degrading and lonely.”
What are you, some sort of fag?
Or a hungry beta?
I have 6 plates up in the air and my cock is a good 12 inches and my net worth is over a billion dollars(/sarcasm)
yeah… kidding…”plates” – I once had 2 and it all collapsed on me within 2 weeks.
Having a loving home and family IS joyous. Fucking difficult in the US of course, but learning the stuff on this site has taught me some techniques that has brought more peace, order and balance in our house, and made it less likely to just wash away, like some of my Uncles and friends have had.
I couldn’t imagine not having a family, and I wasn’t about to let those degraded bastards destroying our culture and women take it from me. Take what you want. Don’t let them take your happiness.
Frankly, I couldn’t imagine spending a lot of time talking to these skanks. When I was in high school, I decided I wouldn’t waste my time or money on skanks. Just hook-ups. You were DTF tonight or we weren’t talking.
Now that some years have past, most of these girls voices make me nauseous. I couldn’t imagine what a pick-up artist has to put up with to fuck on the regular. And for what? Where are your Sons and Daughters?
Best of luck, eventually you find a good one, nail her down, fuck her silly and knock her up.
“Frankly, I couldn’t imagine spending a lot of time talking to these skanks.” – I’m getting tired of it as well. I already divorced a so called “career woman”
tough lesson, sorry for ya.
Right on. PUA is only a tool and without it, attempting to forge a family with only the media programming model, the scenario of the chump provider and the materialistic house boss bitch is inevitable. After your family is established, the continuation of controlling your woman under patriarchal order is like advanced course level pua. Initial pua was the initial stalk and ‘catch’, a known set of techniques and bait to woo the desired female and was practiced in ancient cultures. Every union wasn’t arranged and pre selected especially with commoners. Elites were selective in pairing but their concubines had to be seduced still.
Some are calling this article a risky move. NAAH! It’s only testing the waters. It’s not like making an unpopular comment in the teachers lounge. This is the MANOSPHERE. The greatest assembly of FIRE BALL POWERED minds ever to quake the TESTO-VERSE. The Jews have been chopping their men, circum-whipping them for millennia. Their intellectual penchant follows the instinctive plat OF A FEMALE. The uber beta jew intellectual males don’t even know it but they clear the room and their ‘turf’ the same way a shit testing ‘hamsteris erectus’ does. The typical female starts domestic and community division, strife and war out of pure emotion and does it so well, you’d swear she had a degree from the war college. The right brain is a powerful thing to harness.
The big question is WHEN are the Jewish males going to finally say enough is enough of the dick chopping. When will they finally do an independence day SMACKDOWN on ‘Magda’, making her stolen roman nose protrude inward instead of outward, and begin calling her by her proper title ‘BITCH’ like all niggaz do on the jew produced sitcoms?
WE ARE THE GREAT HOMOSAPIENUS ERECTUS!! The next great leap for our great species is to reign in and get back control of our women. THAT INCLUDES YOU JEW BOY. Jews have been circumcised TOO LONG and have slipped TOO DEEP both physically and spiritually into the cunt of ye woman. WAKE UP JEW and smell the stewed cabbage. Get out of there now!
All hail the patriarchy!!
It’d be better for everyone involved if jewish males never say enough is enough.
When are some people going to start understanding — fully, truly understanding — that you cannot allow jews into any kind of social movement?
” that you cannot allow jews into any kind of social movement?”
Male or female.
Damn man you have a way with words!
“The uber beta jew intellectual males don’t even know it but they clear the room and their ‘turf’ the same way a shit testing ‘hamsteris erectus’ does”
At last, welcome to the social / economic / political reality Roosh. Your journey begins now, realizing that the truth is always labelled anti-Semitic. Hope your skin is thick…
When you look around with your eyes open, you realize the entire “narrative” of Western society via text books (especially history and social science), magazines, movies, TV, advertising, marketing is dictated by people of Jewish heritage. Not to mention that all the “isms” that have destroyed our western world (communism, fascism, feminism, multiculturalism, etc) were originated, developed and endlessly promoted by Jews, and the fact that they are the inventors of USURY and fractional reserve banking, you can understand why over 100 countries have, by LAW, exiled the Jews and then almost immediately prospered. It’s no longer any mystery, is it??
I have to commend you Roosh,
you are truly fearless. Keep it up!
I commend Roosh for climbing Mt. CoC—it’s a book worth reading, with claims worth contemplating. Now, for some brief counterpoints. (The comments below apply mostly to Ashkenazi Jews, the most prominent Jews in MacDonald’s discussion.)
• Jews have significantly higher average IQs than white gentiles. This introduces a grave risk of selection bias. For example, if leftism is particularly attractive to smart people, Jews will be overrepresented simply by virtue of being smarter. I’ve never seen anyone, including MacDonald, control adequately for this factor.
• Similarly, there is grave risk of cherry-picking. A group that produces many individuals of extraordinary cognitive ability will necessarily produce outliers in any field that rewards intelligence, including all the fields mentioned in CoC.
• Most crucially, the overwhelming majority of Jews considered by CoC are Reform Jews. In terms of morality and ethics, Reform Judaism much more closely resembles the New Testament than the Old. Reform Judaism is effectively Jewish Protestantism, or even Jewish Puritanism.
• This suggests the following interpretation: Jews—that is, Reform Ashkenazi Jews—have been especially effective in developing and promoting the radical agenda of their adopted ideology, neo-Puritanism, due to their high intelligence and high in-group affinity.
• Finally, a solution presents itself: The problem is not Jews per se, but rather the ideology many of them serve, i.e., leftism/neo-Puritanism/neo-Jacobinism/progressivism. To defeat said ideology, it is wise to recruit smart people who work well together. It is thus foolhardy in the extreme to adopt a general attitude of anti-Semitism: to defeat leftism, recruit Jews (and other smart dissident leftists) rather than alienating them.
The problem is absolutely jews.
For those who may be lurking, be very cognizant of attempts to minimize the jew-specific nature of our problem. This is one of those such attempts.
Always remember that the problem will never be solved through debate, the perfect essay, pleading, electoral activism, or by trying to co-opt jews into your movement.
That’s how YOU lose, not how the jew loses. There is no way out but through the jews.
not true.
of course many jews have IQs, and are high-achieving with it. Leaving that aside as an explanation for leftism (and I’m not exactly sure what leftism has to with intelligence) jews are also notable for excelling in the realm of verbal intelligence. Some have speculated that this might relate to the importance of studying torah (both written and ‘oral’) and the kind of questioning attitude this may promote. The thing is that while this kind of aptitude for questioning, may result in a tendency to critique things, if CoC is correct (in whole or part) it seems that tendency is being applied very selectively with regard to the objects to be critiqued. It might even be unconscious to an extent – perhaps unconscious (rather than cynical) in-group preference / outgroup prejudice could account at least in part for how a group of people who in aiming to promote equality / social justice actually seem to end up promoting their own ‘ethnocentric’ group interests a lot of the time.
So you are quite right, jewish talent and intellect is needed, but not just for the usual leadership roles (the err. vanguard roles) of peoples who might not have the same intellectual capacity. What needs to be done perhaps (“What is to be done?!) is that jews of good conscience start applying some of that critical horsepower to their own practice. How can it be right for instance that so many of the hard-core socialists end up so wealthy – in UK for instance I just learned that Ed Miliband’s parent’s home was in Hampstead. His father was a leading marxist! So if Reform judaism is the protestantism of its age shouldn’t it be fighting corruption in its midst. Isn’t that where the real tikkun Olam needs to happen. I.e. inside the jewish heart, not the ‘heathen’ body?
Eeh . . I’m pegging your I.Q. towards the high 150’s, could be 160 judging on the length that you continue the roll and maintain the dictum. Me, I have to stop and have a beer and make a joke. A good joke greases the finale.
Thank you, that’s nice to hear – I wish it were true though. As for beer and a good gag – that’s called social intelligence and there’s a good chance it’ll get you a lot further in life than trying to sound smart all the time
There is no truth that jews have a significantly higher average IQ and they all appear to be ordinary at best. Their feeble minded and autistic kids are not even tested and pretty much hidden away. If we deleted the bottom 10% of our dummies the average IQ would be 115. But for arguments sake let’s say their average is 115 which is not significantly higher than the norm of 100. There are perhaps 5-6 million jews in the US. At 115 you likely have 80m non jews at that level 10x as many so it doesn’t explain why they would be successful since they would be competing with a tremendous number of people at their level and that’s assuming that they are even better than ordinary.There are a lot of other factors at play and most of them are sinister.
Hey Valizadeh, you want to do the world a favor in addition to the truth pill on the Jews? Stay away the fuck away from our sacred white women you slimey scumbag. The Jews let your parents into America for what? So you can “game” our women into bed? Go fuck yourself.
I don’t think him and Troy Jew Francis are getting laid as much as they say they do.
How do you know that?
Troy’s articles sound almost identical to “letters to the editor” Penthouse 1986.
he offers no proof or pics either…just heresay . Like going to court an saying someone is guilty or innocent.
Troy Jew Francis is a fucking retard and his articles are worthless. I wish ROK would can his ass.
He didn’t in Denmark because you know like the Jante code or something.
Well he is half Armenian which is white and Iranian. Hitler declared the Iranians honorary Aryans so he has the Fuhrers stamp of approval.
He did that with lots of Jews in his military, to save his own ass. Guess they are honorary Aryans as well. So I guess Hitler, who was a Jew himself, has the last word on who’s a Jew. Hilarious!!
Hitler did have half and quarter Jews in his military. This alone should prove that the Holocaust is absolute bullshit.
Hitler was not a Jew the evidence for that is from huckster Jews using used cigarette butts from some of Hitlers supposed family members to get the DNA results. The evidence and the way the evidence was acquired is extremely Jewey.
Nope. He sent lots of his honorary Aryans to the death camps after they have outlived their usefulness, i.e., when he realized the Third Reich was going down.
Not a Jew? For sure? Not buying it. Hitler was paranoid his whole life that he was a Jew. He had good reason to be.
I love how Jews claim Hitler was so evil while simultaneously saying that Hitler would also have to be Jewish to accomplish so much.
Oh yes, the Telegraph never lies. The telegraph claimed Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. Saddam Weapons of mass destruction claim were about as true as the article you linked too.
I wouldn’t bother engaging someone with a name like “Red State”.
You can see the residual conservative slime pooling on the floor beneath him.
Can’t refute my points. Powerful stuff. Well done.
It’s already been refuted elsewhere.
Ah, so now the Telegraph is lying! You sound like a Jew.
Sadaam did have weapons. He used them on the Kurds.
Your intelligence has been refuted elsewhere, Jew boy.
The Marxist revolutionary Kurds?
It’s amazing how all the enemies of modern American conservatism are the enemies of communists.
I was refering to Sailor’s point, dumbass. He changed topics. i answered.
You answered by protesting the use of supreme military force in the suppression of communist rebels.
Duly noted.
Stop your bullshit. You are either a real dumbshit or pretending to be one.
You’re just getting frustrated that real, normal people see through your jingoist bullshit.
Sailor was making fun of you for sourcing from the Telegraph, one of the chief liberal fish wraps responsible for the illegal march into Iraq, and you’re upset that anyone would question the validity of that military adventure.
Who cares if Saddam Hussein gassed a bunch of communists?
Saddam gassed the Kurds in 1988. Saddam lost all his WMD’s after the first Iraq war in 1991. Do to the conditions of his surrender.
The telegraph said Iraq had WMD’s in 2003 and that was a LIE to support the second war in Iraq.
In typical Jew fashion you confuse events and bring up Saddam gassing the Kurds in 1988 and leave out his surrender of WMD’s after 1991.
I don’t give a shit, but it proves that he had WMD. Period.
Like I give a fuck if it was illegal? Illegal? Who decides if a war is legal? A bunch of French, German and British faggots who would sell their own grandmas out to save their asses? HAHA!! Might makes right. Just like Hitler. He got that right.
The low-brow face of ZOG, everyone.
You mean yourself, Jew boy? Most anti-semites are Jews like yourself. Must be why you are a leftist.
“Most anti-semites are jews like yourself.”
Now it’s just descending into the absurd.
Can’t march these Scofield-humpers off to the forever war soon enough.
Saddam had no WMD after his surrender to American an allied forces in 1991 due to the terms of surrender after the first gulf war.
Nope, quite factual. Anyone who spends all the time you have on this thread must have something to disprove!
And you know that..,.how?
That’s not how logic works.
It seems to be with you, Schlomo.
Or is Ira? Or Jacob?
Because they never found them and because the narrative to for the war astonishley changed from WMD threat to bringing democracy to the middle east.
Ah, so we never found them. That MUST prove they never existed! Thanks for clairfying that!!
Yes it does, considering the Neo-Jews said they knew exactly where the weapons were located in order to start the war.
You are the Jew. Look at your picture.
Why do you trust Sadaam? Even his own generals say he had WMD. Some think they sent them to Syria before the war. There are former Iraq military officers who say so, who swear he did. Not sure if we will ever know. But to take Saddam at his word? Come on now…
How do you suppose Assad got WMD? Curious…
That proves they were wrong in their assessment. Not that they didn’t exist. That’s you know…third grade logic.
Why would it even matter if Iraq possessed WMD? Lots of nations possess WMD.
The Soviets. The Chi-Coms. The Israelis.
Yes, and never seeing a unicorn is not proof they do not exist.
I bet Unicorns are hiding Iraq’s WMD’s.
Unicorns never had generals who claim to have organized or had knowledge of the transport of other unicorns into Syria.
Again…I’m curious…How do you suppose Assad, Sadaam’s fellow Baathist, got WMD? I’d really like to know your thoughts.
How do you know maybe their assessment was wrong about unicorn transportation of WMD’s.
Saying unicorns dont exist because they were wrong in their assessment. Not that they have never existed. That’s you know…third grade logic.
I don’t know it’s wrong. Or right. I asked you originally how you KNEW FOR SURE he didn’t have them. Especially when he tried his best to make it seem as though he did have them. So we have a stalemate. But you cannot prove for sure he did not have them, and you must admit he tried to make it appear as though he did. Kind of a strange dichotomy….claim to the world you don’t have them but try to convince those in your inner circle that you do…or at leaast might.
If he wanted to convice the world he did not, he could have easily done so. I wonder why he didn’t.
And I am STILL waiting for your hypothesis concerning how Assad got WMD.
You also can not prove for sure unicorns exist and transported Saddam’s WMD.
So lets just agree that Saddam’s WMD’s have as much validity as Unicorns…
I wasn’t asked to prove anything. But you were. And you failed.
You never addressed my final quesion. Hmmm……I wonder why.
Enjoy your day, Jew.
Oy vey, and you enjoy your matzah ball for dinner…
Stop writing back to me, you fucking retarded ugly Jew. Now your omega ass wants attention? Go fuck yourself.
LOL, You mad because you got your azz whooped in an argument?
Go to the wailing wall and pray!!!
You lost the argument Jew. Now stop trying to butter me up, fag. Go to the gay bar down the street with all your homo Jews. You are embarrassing yourself and your parents who let you use their basement.
And change your Avatar you stupid fuck. You surely have a more flattering picture of yourself. How about the one from your bar mitzvah when your were dancing with Uncle Ira?
You need to go get checked for Tay-Sachs disease. I am worried about your mental stability…
Your mom, who fucked Uncle Ira, had it. And you clearly do too. Take care of that shit, Jacob!!!
You are writing me again??? Damn you are a fag! Stop it! I’m not interested homo!
The German scientists believed that the original Aryans in Europe came from northern Persia and there is some truth to this but those areas changed over time so that they are not exactly the same people today. They also believed that the master race (it means original race) in Germany were Aryans which is partly correct but the Old European group was there forever and their racial cousins came and mixed with them, as in Rome. At any rate, they believed that their original or master race of Europe had become diluted over the millennia and wanted to recover it which was what all of those racial hygiene laws were about. The SS was the elite both in IQ and looks and they had intended to breed them with acceptable Aryan females.Remember they had been influenced by US and British eugenicists concerned with breeding bad traits, low IQ and physical and mental defects out of the gene pool.
Its called cultural marxism and it was born in London and Wallstreet.Cultural marxism is the death of the west in small doses but in another 30 years there wont be any west to remember.3000 years of history will be gone forever in just 75 years.
Pic related: Our next ‘Chosen’ president…
These are 2 jews who need to get their arrogant ugly faces punched every time they open their mouths.
He knows he’s full of shit but this is how jews behave. Probably thinks by saying something controversial (stupid actually) he’ll get to write a book and the dumb goyim will buy it and make him some schekels. Ignore jews and their antics and con jobs.
The assertion on psychoanalysis is incorrect. Freud, Adler and Jung were predominately inspired by Nietzsche and Ancient Greek philosophy. Although Freud’s conception of psychoanalysis was semi-judaic in that it saw the human as sick.
The section on Freud/psychoanalysis in the book was least convincing.
In what way?
As Roosh says people’s exterior reflect their inner world and let’s not beat around the bush – Most Jewish people are plain ugly!
I can always tell if someone is Jewish simply by looking at their faces and I don’t mean just the nose. I guess traditions like incest, child sacrifices, Metzitzah B’Peh, etc are bound to reflect on their exteriors and characters.
If they hadn’t mixed with other races they would have become totally deformed by now.
Very impressed that Roosh had the courage to tackle this issue of utmost importance. There is, in fact, an enemy within the gate, a traitorous entity amongst us, and most people have absolutely zero awareness of the threat this poses to their posterity, and to America as a nation.
As far as their group evolutionary strategy for Europe, YouTube Barbra Spectre, as she will explain their plans directly, even acknowledging that they will be resented for what they’re planning to do.
Also Google “wikispooks 911”. There was another guy from some pro-israel thinktank a couple years ago, in a news conference, stating how hard it was to instigate a war. Forgot his name tho.
This article is bullshit.
Typical jidf ignorant reply. Don’t refute the facts presented, aim for the feels.
“Going for that righteous indignation dollar, very smart!”
I have to be at work in 20 minutes. If I had the time I would exactly show why all of you Neonazi Paultardians are some of the most pathetic human swine on the internet today. However I will leave you basement dwelling smucks with this one question:
How can the following 20 people be working hand in hand with the Progressive Left:
20) Jeff Jacoby:
19) Jennifer Rubin:
18) Lucianne Goldberg
17) Ben Shapiro: Columnist,
16) Pamela Geller:
15) Ari Fleischer
14) Ben Stein
13) Ken Mehlman
12) Michael Medved
11) John Podhoretz
10) David Horowitz
9) Dennis Prager
8) Jonah Goldberg
7) Michael Savage
6) William Kristol
5) Charles Krauthammer
4) Irving Kristol
3) Andrew Breitbart
2) Mark Levin
1) Matt Drudge
Easy; play both sides, be your own opposition, that way you control the limits of the dialogue.
These are NeoCons who have hijacked the republican party and promote an Israel first policy in the Middle East, an open borders policy in the US, and a strong totalitarian surveillance state here as well. So do you have any others you can think of?
Michael Savage supports open borders!?
Easy, divide and conquer. Age old strategy, still works today.
Those aren’t people. They’re jews.
Erm… thoughtful point, there.
Oyyyy vey! The goyim know! SHUT IT DOWN!
You wouldn’t happen to know Jewmosis, would you?
Face it Marxism was the biggest scam ever pulled. Throw in the holocaust and fractional reserve banking, and it isn’t hard to see why people question the jews. Rightly or wrongly. They have a bad rep. Corruption is corruption. Most people hating on jews have specific reasons, not simply envy, in fact most people see jews as ugly and cowardly, nothing to see there unless they are fucking up your society lol. People don’t hate jews because their boss is jewish, because they got the promotion they wanted or own the local jewellery store LOL, that’s not really happening on a mass scale anyway. They have legitimate questions about why their women are fat whores/dykes, their countries overrun with immigrants, economies in the dumps in shitloads of debt and taxes, fucked housing market, surveillance and social engineering, paedophiles everywhere as well as WHAT ON EARTH really went on in central and eastern Europe during the first half of the twentieth century.
you either got dumbed down and are a monkey that jumps for money and social acceptance, or actually worship satan, otherwise you know all this leftist stuff and admit this stuff is BS. you know this stuff is BS. If not take a pick,
Dumbed down monkey that jumps for money and social acceptance
Actual satan worshipper that wants to see us dead
Marxism is a mind killer, I dunno about satan though.
If you’re palestinian who lost their home, myabe you have real grievance. But mostly this is keyboard beta male venting. Just like feminists who have no power without beta males to control, same for neo-fascists they need their sheeple. Sitting around watching youtube vids of old hitler speeches because you feel its “inspriring” for 60 seconds is very beta. You fucked up your life somewhere and you need a hero to save your ass. Alpha males believe in self determination.
Stay nervous.
keyboard threat = beta
You haven’t been threatened. Only identified.
For jews, I suppose that’s pretty much the same thing, though.
“The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel,
parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat.
But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured
he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
– Joseph Goebbels
Playing toy soldiers, very beta.
I’m sure it was all very beta when a few German men started meeting regularly in a handful of beer halls to discuss the gravely serious problems their nation was facing as well as those behind those problems.
I’m sure it was all very beta right up until you were hidden in the flood boards, smelling of shit.
“Peak beta” is standing up and pointing out corruption, and bullshit of those wishing to take advantage? This is some of the most alpha shit on the internet. Try again.
Jews put the Commun in Communism.
We also put the Capital in Capitalism.
A Jew, Spinoza, invented the concept of inalienable rights. Locke got it from him. It was so revolutionary a concept at the time, he had to publish it posthumously.
We invented Hollywood, Las Vegas, and the atom bomb.
Jews wrote the Old Testament, a Jew preached the new, and other Jews wrote it down.
Western culture wouldn’t exist without Jews.
Can you name the author of this?:
OF COURSE, YOU DO RESENT US. It is no good telling me you don’t. So let us not waste any time on denials and alibis. You know you do, and I know it, and we understand each other. To be sure, some of your best friends are Jews, and all that. I have heard that before once or twice, I think. And I know, too, that you do not include me personally—”me” being any particular individual Jew—when you fling out at us in your wholesale fashion, because I am, well, so different, don’t you know, almost as good as one of yourselves. That little exemption does not, somehow, move me to gratitude; but never mind that now. It is the aggressive, climbing, pushing, materialistic sort you dislike—those, in a word, who remind you so much of your own up-and-coming brethren. We understand each other perfectly. I don’t hold it against you.
Bless my soul, I do not blame anybody for disliking anybody. The thing that intrigues me about this anti-Jewish business, as you play at it, is your total lack of grit. You are so indirect and roundabout with it, you make such fantastic and transparent excuses, you seem to be suffering from self-consciousness so horribly, that if the performance were not grotesque it would be irritating.
It is not as if you were amateurs: you have been at it for over fifteen centuries. Yet watching you and hearing your childish pretexts, one might get the impression that you did not know yourselves what it is all about. You resent us, but you cannot clearly say why. You think up a new excuse—a “reason” is what you call it—every other day. You have been piling up justifications for yourselves these many hundreds of years and each new invention is more laughable than the last and each new excuse contradicts and annihilates the last.
Not so many years ago I used to hear that we were money-grubbers and commercial materialists; now the complaint is being whispered around that no art and no profession is safe against Jewish invasion.
We are, if you are to be believed, at once clannish and exclusive and unassimilable because we won’t intermarry with you, and we are also climbers and pushers and a menace to your racial integrity.
Our standard of living is so low that we create your slums and sweated industries, and so high that we crowd you out of your best residential sections.
We shirk our patriotic duty in wartime because we are pacifists by nature and tradition, and we are the arch-plotters of universal wars and the chief beneficiaries of those wars (see the late “Dearborn Independent,” passim, and “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion”).
We are at once the founders and leading adherents of capitalism and the chief perpetrators of the rebellion against capitalism.
Surely, history has nothing like us for versatility!
And, oh! I almost forgot the reason of reasons. We are the stiff-necked people who never accepted Christianity, and we are the criminal people who crucified its founder.
But I tell you, you are self-deceivers. You lack either the self-knowledge or the mettle to face the facts squarely and own up to the truth. You resent the Jew not because, as some of you seem to think, he crucified Jesus but because he gave him birth. Your real quarrel with us is not that we have rejected Christianity but that we have imposed it upon you!
Your loose, contradictory charges against us are not a patch on the blackness of our proved historic offense. You accuse us of stirring up revolution in Moscow. Suppose we admit the charge. What of it? Compared with what Paul the Jew of Tarsus accomplished in Rome, the Russian upheaval is a mere street brawl.
You make much noise and fury about the undue Jewish influence in your theaters and movie palaces. Very good; granted your complaint is well-founded. But what is that compared to our staggering influence in your churches, your schools, your laws and your governments, and the very thoughts you think every day?
A clumsy Russian forges a set of papers and publishes them in a book called “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” which shows that we plotted to bring on the late World War. You believe that book: All right. For the sake of argument we will underwrite every word of it. It is genuine and authentic. But what is that beside the unquestionable historical conspiracy which we have carried out, which we have never denied because you never had the courage to charge us with it, and of which the full record is extant for anybody to read?
If you really are serious when you talk of Jewish plots, may I not direct your attention to one worth talking about? What use is it wasting words on the alleged control of your public opinion by Jewish financiers, newspaper owners and movie magnates, when you might as well justly accuse us of the proved control of your whole civilization by the Jewish Gospels?
You have not begun to appreciate the real depth of our guilt. We are intruders. We are disturbers. We are subverters. We have taken your natural world, your ideals, your destiny, and played havoc with them. We have been at the bottom not merely of the latest great war but of nearly all your wars, not only of the Russian but of every other major revolution in your history. We have brought discord and confusion and frustration into your personal and public life. We are still doing it. No one can tell how long we shall go on doing it.
Look back a little and see what has happened. Nineteen hundred years ago you were an innocent, carefree, pagan race. You worshipped countless gods and goddesses, the spirits of the air, of the running streams and of the woodland. You took unblushing pride in the glory of your naked bodies. You carved images of your gods and of the tantalizing human figure. You delighted in the combats of the field, the arena and the battle-ground. War and slavery were fixed institutions in your systems. Disporting yourselves on the hillsides and in the valleys of the great outdoors, you took to speculating on the wonder and mystery of life and laid the foundations of natural science and philosophy. Yours was a noble, sensual culture, unirked by the prickings of a social conscience or by any sentimental questionings about human equality. Who knows what great and glorious destiny might have been yours if we had left you alone.
But we did not leave you alone. We took you in hand and pulled down the beautiful and generous structure you had reared, and changed the whole course of your history. We conquered you as no empire of yours ever subjugated Africa or Asia. And we did it all without armies, without bullets, without blood or turmoil, without force of any kind. We did it solely by the irresistible might of our spirit, with ideas, with propaganda.
We made you the willing and unconscious bearers of our mission to the whole world, to the barbarous races of the earth, to the countless unborn generations. Without fully understanding what we were doing to you, you became the agents at large of our racial tradition, carrying our gospel to the unexplored ends of the earth.
Our tribal customs have become the core of your moral code. Our tribal laws have furnished the basic groundwork of all your august constitutions and legal systems. Our legends and our folk-tales are the sacred lore which you croon to your infants. Our poets have filled your hymnals and your prayer-books. Our national history has become an indispensable part of the learning of your pastors and priests and scholars. Our kings, our statesmen, our prophets, our warriors are your heroes. Our ancient little country is your Holy Land. Our national literature is your Holy Bible. What our people thought and taught has become inextricably woven into your very speech and tradition, until no one among you can be called educated who is not familiar with our racial heritage.
Jewish artisans and Jewish fishermen are your teachers and your saints, with countless statues carved in their image and innumerable cathedrals raised to their memories. A Jewish maiden is your ideal of motherhood and womanhood. A Jewish rebel-prophet is the central figure in your religious worship. We have pulled down your idols, cast aside your racial inheritance, and substituted for them our God and our traditions. No conquest in history can even remotely compare with this clean sweep of our conquest over you.
How did we do it? Almost by accident. Two thousand years ago nearly, in far-off Palestine, our religion had fallen into decay and materialism. Money-changers were in possession of the temple. Degenerate, selfish priests mulcted our people and grew fat. Then a young patriot-idealist arose and went about the land calling for a revival of faith. He had no thought of setting up a new church. Like all the prophets before him, his only aim was to purify and revitalize the old creed. He attacked the priests and drove the money-changers from the temple. This brought him into conflict with the established order and its supporting pillars. The Roman authorities, who were in occupation of the country, fearing his revolutionary agitation as a political effort to oust them, arrested him, tried him and condemned him to death by crucifixion, a common form of execution at that time.
The followers of Jesus of Nazareth, mainly slaves and poor workmen, in their bereavement and disappointment, turned away from the world and formed themselves into a brotherhood of pacifist non-resisters, sharing the memory of their crucified leader and living together communistically. They were merely a new sect in Judea, without power or consequence, neither the first nor the last.
Only after the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans did the new creed come into prominence. Then a patriotic Jew named Paul or Saul conceived the idea of humbling the Roman power by destroying the morale of its soldiery with the doctrines of love and non-resistance preached by the little sect of Jewish Christians. He became the Apostle to the Gentiles, he who hitherto had been one of the most active persecutors of the band. And so well did Paul do his work that within four centuries the great empire which had subjugated Palestine along with half of the world, was a heap of ruins. And the law which went forth from Zion became the official religion of Rome.
This was the beginning of our dominance in your world. But it was only a beginning. From this time forth your history is little more than a struggle for mastery between your own old pagan spirit and our Jewish spirit. Half your wars, great and little, are religious wars, fought over the interpretation of one thing or another in our teachings. You no sooner broke free from your primitive religious simplicity and attempted the practice of the pagan Roman learning than Luther armed with our gospels arose to down you and re-enthrone our heritage. Take the three principal revolutions in modern times—the French, the American and the Russian. What are they but the triumph of the Jewish idea of social, political and economic justice?
And the end is still a long way off. We still dominate you. At this very moment your churches are torn asunder by a civil war between Fundamentalists and Modernists, that is to say between those who cling to our teachings and traditions literally and those who are striving by slow steps to dispossess us. In Dayton, Tennessee, a Bible-bred community forbids the teaching of your science because it conflicts with our ancient Jewish account of the origin of life; and Mr. Bryan, the leader of the anti-Jewish Ku Klux Klan in the Democratic National Convention, makes the supreme fight of his life in our behalf, without noticing the contradiction. Again and again the Puritan heritage of Judea breaks out in waves of stage censorship, Sunday blue laws and national prohibition acts. And while these things are happening you twaddle about Jewish influence in the movies!
Is it any wonder you resent us? We have put a clog upon your progress. We have imposed upon you an alien book and an alien faith which you cannot swallow or digest, which is at cross-purposes with your native spirit, which keeps you ever-lastingly ill-at-ease, and which you lack the spirit either to reject or to accept in full.
In full, of course, you never have accepted our Christian teachings. In your hearts you still are pagans. You still love war and graven images and strife. You still take pride in the glory of the nude human figure. Your social conscience, in spite of all democracy and all your social revolutions, is still a pitifully imperfect thing. We have merely divided your soul, confused your impulses, paralyzed your desires. In the midst of battle you are obliged to kneel down to him who commanded you to turn the other cheek, who said “Resist not evil” and “Blessed are the peace-makers.” In your lust for gain you are suddenly disturbed by a memory from your Sunday-school days about taking no thought for the morrow. In your industrial struggles, when you would smash a strike without compunction, you are suddenly reminded that the poor are blessed and that men are brothers in the Fatherhood of the Lord. And as you are about to yield to temptation, your Jewish training puts a deterrent hand on your shoulder and dashes the brimming cup from your lips. You Christians have never become Christianized. To that extent we have failed with you. But we have forever spoiled the fun of paganism for you.
So why should you not resent us? If we were in your place we should probably dislike you more cordially than you do us. But we should make no bones about telling you why. We should not resort to subterfuges and transparent pretexts. With millions of painfully respectable Jewish shopkeepers all about us we should not insult your intelligence and our own honesty by talking about communism as a Jewish philosophy. And with millions of hard-working impecunious Jewish peddlers and laborers we should not make ourselves ridiculous by talking about international capitalism as a Jewish monopoly. No, we should go straight to the point. We should contemplate this confused, ineffectual muddle which we call civilization, this half-Christian half-pagan medley, and—were our places reversed—we should say to you point-blank: “For this mess thanks to you, to your prophets and to your Bible.”
The piece above is quite boastful and thundering. I’ve never heard the month of August used as an adjective like that, have you? Pity the author Marcus ElI Ravage was a dickchopped honey do pussy licker. He is very creative with words.
“this anti-Jewish business……you are so indirect and roundabout with it”
That would be because if you speak out you’d lose your job at best, get jailed at worst.
Western civilization has a far older tradition and intellectual legacy to draw upon than the Old Testament, Las Vegas, or Hollywood.
You really aren’t doing anything here other than confirming the shallow and cracked foundation that the modern occupation of our countries rests upon.
It will be swept away like the dusty topsoil that it is.
The bigger picture is Asiatic man vs Westerrn man. The Asiatic Ashkenazi tribes migrated westward as a priest based (not warfaring like Gengis) colonizing force. The Chinese are known for having a 5000 year plan. The impostor Israellite bands are a slow methodical subjugating force FOR ASIA. The yellow cup floweth over. Not being warlike themselves they come as mothers on the warpath, taking on the wildest uncircumcised men of every stripe and then chopping their newborn semitic sons.
The ancient Zoroastrians and Stoics talked of inalienable rights way before Spinoza.
Hollywood was invented because the Jews stole the Goyim Thomas Edison camera technology and moved out to Hollywood to keep from getting sued by Edison.
Gambling has been around since the dawn of time in all cultures and the Italian mafia is who really got Las Vegas started.
So you are a typical lying ass Jew giving credit to Jews for things and concepts they stole from Gentiles.
The only things Jews do better than Gentiles is lie, steal, and cheat.
It it wasn’t for the aryan blood of America, UK, and Russia than Jews wouldn’t exist.
European goy would be just fine without the Jews, thank you very much.
Khazars put the Commun in Communism.
They also put the Use, in Usury.
The Greek Stoics, invented the concept of inalienable rights.
Hobart Whitley created Hollywood, The LDS founded Las Vegas, and the Germans created the atom bomb.
Khazars stole the Old Testament (from other ancient texts) Khazars stole the new as well, and other Khazars made up other shit or stole it from Gentiles…
Western culture would thrive without Filthy lying khazars who say they are jews…
Fixed to reflect reality.
The original people who inhabited the empty mid east were Ice Age White Europeans. Some of these people were from loosely connected tribes and were called Hebrews.Jews are just a degenerated and mixed group but are not Hebrews.It would be like two groups of Whites where one remained as they were and the other mixed with negroes. Just because they may have had common origins doesn’t mean they are now the same. If there were some sort of ‘chosen people’ it was the white Hebrews not the mixed jews(follower of the Abe invented Yahweh cult among a lot of other junk, shamanism, snake worship and mid east death and whore cults)
And yes, I’m sure that Spinoza in his newly ‘discovered’ writings invented stuff too lol
It’s not like the Romans had any law or that to this day many legal terms are still in Latin or that there was a Magna Carta
No one ever thought of inventing the camera, motion picture camera or gambling resorts and spas before the jews came along either lol
Or was there an Enrico Fermi or in ancient times a Greek who discovered Atoms. The jews did it! lol
And let me repeat, Hebrews are not degenerate jews.The Hebrews from the 10 northern tribes(40k) were thrown out in 600BC by the also at that time white Assyrians and likely went north back to their white homeland in Europe and may have even practised their new Yahweh cult there along with local cults. These “jews”, really just white Europeans are the smart ones who win Nobel prizes etc. The stranglers who remained behind began mixing with the Canaanites who in turn were mixing with the newly arrived negro field hands and hired help. Fast forward 600 years and they had built up their population (now mixed and degenerate from vile and savage African customs) btw, Jesus was from the tribe of Judah which along with Benjamin was untouched by miscegenation. He’s descended from one of Tamir’s twins who got knocked up by her father-in-law because her husband Onan was spending too much time jerking off and not fucking like a husband should so she tricked Judah pretending to be a whore into doing the deed. Now, you find this stuff in the Bible where a big taboo is broken like fucking your daughter-in-law or even daughters(Lot) and it’s clear to me why. As bad as this was to the Hebrews it was better than to mix with the beasts of the field(negroes)that was punishable by death or half castes and dilute their genes. Jesus was of the pure Aryan blood which was why he despised the jews of Canaan.Even though they had not mixed much it ruined their pure Aryan genes and had turned them into savages who were only good to make bricks and do menial low IQ jobs for the Romans.
When Cain was banished from Adam’s protected area (Garden) for killing his brother (this btw is a European White custom for killers in the tribe) he was afraid because he knew that savages lived outside and would kill him so Adam gave him some sort of weapon to take along to scare the primitives with(Whites are compassionate even to killers) Cain did manage to get these savages to build a city for him but when he mixed with one (probably some half caste girl) he was completely written out of white Hebrew history along with his now savage line.This line along with the degenerate Canaanite line were now referred to as jews in Jesus’ time.After the Romans kicked these trouble making savages out of Palestine they then travelled north(we won’t concern ourselves with the other places) and mixed with other degenerates and gypsies along the way until they got to the land of the savage snake worshipping shamanist Khazar(like the snake cult in Conan the Barbarian) and added their now degenerate mid east cults and Yahweh to the mix.
This site is hilarious. Nothing like seeing a bunch of little boys pretending they’re men.
u silly
You are silly. Learn the language.
ha ha u silly billy
How alpha it is to call people names and using emotion to shame people.
Alpha. Heh. Such a little boy word.
How do you distinguish big boy words from little boy words???
Nice ad hominem troll. Nothing like seeing a weak little cunt anonymously troll a website. 7000+ comments? Get a fucking life. Fight on, O Keyboard Warrior!
You’d almost think I’ve had this account for quite some time to accumulate such a post count.
But its okay kid. You be a man someday.
Or you’re a fucking butthurt loser who has nothing better to do than troll websites. Keep backpedaling. Too bad you’ll never be a man, since you lack a dick and balls. Bend over and take it up the ass, you limp-wristed little bitch.
More man than someone who posts that diatribe will ever be.
Later kid.
You’ve got to grow a dick and ball sack first, anon. Good luck on your epic internet adventure, Mr. Keyboard Warrior. I’m sure there’s a damsel out there that needs your outraged screed. Later, loser.
Nah “damsels” can handle themselves. As far as the rest, stay clASSy. Later kid.
Propaganda 101: Do NOT address the information in the article. Attack the source, or the readership.
Common Sense 101: thinking for yourself.
Oh I have. Outside of the entire media apparatus that Jews own, lock, stock and barrel.
They can certainly handle themselves better than a butthurt Torontonian eunuch like yourself. You have hundreds of posts in the last few days. You seriously have no life, do you? Keep trolling, cockroach. We all know you have nothing better to do.
Funny how his reply was another personal attack. He’s just a weak-ass troll.
Ballsy article, and one that should be praised. I have obviously not given this site the respect it deserves.
You have to understand that what this article presents is pretty much everything the modern Western media society works to obfuscate.
Nobody wakes up one day and comes to the conclusion that everything they learned in school, through the news, was carefully manufactured bullshit. Sure, they understand that plenty of authority figures fudge numbers, falsify expenses, get sweetheart deals. The usual. Sure, many of them enter professions and fields that may not directly relate to anything they were taught in standard education and they may come to the realization that it wasn’t the best prep.
But to come to grips with the insidious, all encompassing subversion that the jew represents to Western culture can take years. It’s usually the result of constantly finding a jew behind everything you hate.
One of my biggest hobbies is explaining to my evangelic, and/or Christian relatives that a “muh chosen” is behind every degeneracy that they hate.
Over the years it has had devastating effects.
I have found evangelical christian relatives are impervious to negative talk about the chosen. When I bring Jewish degeneracy to light they say “da joo’s are da holy people”. They are literally unreachable..
Question: Does their church have a ‘wood floor’? It seems the mega tabernacle warehouse churches with concrete slabs for floor tend to breed the non thinking judaized sheep that you speak of. Ever notice on the other hand how a wood floor church echoes? I’ve heard some of the most hard core thumping sermons where the congregation stomps and dances on the wood floor. It is like music.
I have never been inside the church. It is a good size church so it is probably concrete slabs for the floor.
I said it earlier in the comments and I’ll say it again.
This is a very brave thing that Roosh has done. He is now going to make some real enemies. You all might want to drop a little something something in the donation box to let him know that he has our support.
Peak beta.
Yep, talking about problems and the people plundering your country is very beta. The alpha thing would be to ignore the topic because someone might call you a name or use emotional shaming techniques.
OK man you’re a keyboard alpha for one brief fleeing moment. Feel better now?
Do you get a shekel for every time you call someone a keyboard alpha???
while implying i am not trying to prove myself alpha whilst implying others are claiming they are alpha and being keyboard tough guys, then i win right? pfft! fucking pathetic….
I have seen some cunt behaviour here on ROK before and you just drew it up a notch, congratulations you get a gold star.
Anon Guest is donating his shekels to Hillary 2016.
Found the jew!
It’s all a Zionist conspiracy for the Illuminati Jew banking families.
For anyone still curious about International Jewry, I think the quintessential example of this disaster is contemporary South Africa. Here’s a brilliant piece by an Afrikaans man (there are many parallels that can be drawn between American Southern Whites and White Afrikaners):
Great article, all people and races should know Jews have their own interest at heart.
Jews were and still are even in the 21st century a tribal society that in belief and custom is not so much different from the Islamic “savages” that they claim to be surrounded by. Judaism is in itself an extension of culture for the self-preservation of the group and not so much of a religion. There is no promise of a heaven or punishment to a hell, so why bother to follow those commandments at all, only the perpetual wait for a Messiah which they threw under the bus when He came around 2000 years ago.
It is simply the powerful group-belief that they are the chosen people of “their” God which gives them the stamina and monomaniacal persistence to excel and try to subvert any society that they inhabit.
Jews printing money by way of the Federal Reserve in the United States, which by the way is a private bank. This money increases inflation and some of it is given directly to Israel.
Blaming Jews for everything is extremely similar to feminists blaming men for everything. Seems like a cop out, like how the feminists blame the “patriarchy” for being the evil oppressor while stormfronters blame Jews for being the evil oppressor.
but facts are facts tho. its not an opinion.
exactly, that’s why it’s ridiculous to blame Jews for everything.
lolz maybe you should follow the money to literally every large multinational corporation, subversive political organization, international bank, news media outlets, political positions of power, porn industry, etc. they truly are a detestable people
Not for everything.
Merely for what they’ve been responsible for.
No more. No less.
You seem reasonable, however a majority of people who dislike jews take that shit to extreme levels.
Have you actually observed this or have you learned this from images in the media?
You can observe it right here in the comments
I don’t see many extreme comments here at all.
Maybe it’s time for a new prescription of reading glasses.
Yes for you it is. Do you dispute what’s been said in the article and in the comment section or are you just offended because you don’t want anyone to talk about the subject?
Sorry, criticism is Jews is not “hate” or “extremism”.
Learned it from visiting stormfront websites.
Perhaps you should read the book in question, written by a professor, which is extensively well researched. Anger is also perfectly justified when you’ve been fucked over and betrayed.
This is more than criticism. Many of these commenters are just at this site because of the headline, to join the “virtual” mob complete with pitch forks and torches. If you are able and/or willing to empathize, consider this:
You are an average middle class Joe. You have no real power or wealth. You bust your ass everyday to pay your bills, just like the Smiths next door. You turn your computer on to see the newest article on one of your favorite websites. You like this site because you can relate to the authors and many of the commenters about how difficult life has become for modern men. To your surprise, there is a flash mob waiting, and blaming you for all their problems, knowing full well that this world would not be a utopia if your people didn’t exist. Would you feel that it is not “hate” and “extremism”?
Yep, same game, different players. Both competing for beta followers.Both punishing independent thought. Both eventually collapsing upon their own contradictions when pursued long enough. Being alpha means being autonomous, or at least striving in that direction.
I read the article and I didn’t take from it that the Jews are to blame for “everything,” just that they are ethnocentric and dominant in media and politics. Stats show that most are stalwart supporters of Leftist causes, so….
Let’s remember though that those feminists were all jews
A very complex issue.
Let me start by saying I admire the Jews. They are smart, driven, organized and aggressive. They get what they want. As a red-piller I admire that.
Here are some points I’ve concluded over time from reading the Bible, personal experience with and observations of Jews:
– Jews are a race. They try to camouflage it with “Jewish faith” talk but make no mistake — they consider themselves a race. Theirs is the only influential religion that discourages conversion or proselytizing. That’s because religion is only part of “being a Jew.” A larger and perhaps more powerful part is the ethic and racial identity.
– Jews are separatist. They consider themselves completely separate and fundamentally different from other races.
– Judaism has existed for thousands of years and outlasted other religions and preserved ethic identity because it has an exceptionally strong immune system. Call it “in-group/out-group” identity.
– There is no “World Jewish Conspiracy.” There is just an ethnic group pursuing its own interests.
It is in Jewish interests to undermine the ethic cohesion of competitive groups (namely, white Europeans) because it benefits Jews. Jews know that their ethnic solidarity, ethnocentric behavior and pursuit of power tend to create enmity in their host societies (which is why they’ve been thrown out of scores of countries repeatedly throughout history), so they work diligently to undermine the ability of white or Christian groups to develop similar in-group/out-group belief systems (as the Germans did in the 30s with terrible consequences for Jews). Hence advocating massive non-European immigration and shaming (“pathologizing”) any group built on European ethic pride. “Europe for Europeans! <– raaaccist!!! “Israel for Jews!” <–yaaay!!!
The smart part of this is Jews break down other competing groups’ cohesion and identity while maintaining their own ethic cohesion and group identity. It’s fucking brilliant. I admire the sheer chutzpah of it.
I have no problem with Jews pursuing their own interests. It’s human nature to pursue interests. Deception is a powerful ally in doing that. Game on.
If other groups care about pursuing their own interests it’s important for them to see reality. Otherwise they run the risk of being racial cuckolds to advance another group’s interests.
Do your own research. Draw your own conclusions.
For me, reading ALL of the Bible a few years ago (after becoming red-pill) really opened my eyes to the underpinnings of Judaism and Jewish identity. It’s all right there in the Old Testament:
– Jews are G-d’s “Chosen People.”
– Jewish law says that a Jew must always pay debts to a fellow Jew but not Gentiles (i.e. Gentiles are subhuman, Jewish interests always more important)
– Jews are ordained by G-d to rule other races
– Jews are always under attack. This theme is pervasive. It creates a powerful, martial sense of group identity. I would go so far as to say that Judaism *needs* enemies to retain ethnic identity and integrity.
I reading the OT I had an epiphany — Judaism is a brilliant self-perpetuating social system that creates and sustains a powerful in-group/out-group identity. Basically, Judaism has evolved very powerful antibodies to invading ideas or ethnicities. You will see this clearly in the OT if you are experienced in Game.
The Book of Deuteronomy — the rules of Judaism (or rules of Catholicism for that matter) regarding what you can wear and what you can’t, what you can eat and what you can’t, what is unclean, etc etc — is really nothing more than compliance training. The more people comply with small rules the more it enforces the frame and power of the rulers. Go to a Landmark Forum event to see this psychology in action.
The failure to submit to G-d’s (i.e. religious leaders’) edicts or mixing with Gentiles is to blame for every disaster. Everything good happened because you followed all of G-d’s rules. Again, fucking brilliant.
Gentiles are different, lower. Jews are higher. Mixing with Gentiles is bad. There is no G-d but ours. He is a jealous G-d so do NOT f*ck with him.
You are missing a huge part of your education if you haven’t read the Bible. I recommend the New International Version. Very readable. Go to the source code and read every word.
One interesting bit for me was the story of Passover. Nice family holiday? Think again. My takeaway was Passover is a celebration of murder. Read the Bible and decide for yourself.
The Pharaoh had enslaved the Jews. He refused repeatedly to release them because G-d made him “stiff-necked”. So in return, after G-d had caused the Pharaoh to refuse releasing the Jews, G-d exacted vengeance on behalf of his chosen people by going from home to home and slaying the first-born son of every Egyptian family. Jewish homes were “passed over”. Hence, “Passover.” It’s an annual celebration of the murder of scores of thousands of Egyptian sons.
Then after escaping Egypt and wandering in the desert for 40 years the Jews returned to Canaan, their “promised land given to them by G-d.” Unfortunately people were already living on that land. So the Jews killed *everyone* living there — men, women, children (you might even call it a Holocaust). No one was spared.
It’s all there in the Bible. Educate yourself.
no mention of the new testament, and yes niv is my favorite translation
I don’t consider the New Testament Jewish at all.
My takeaway from the NT was that Jesus was a committed Jew who believed the Pharisees had become corrupted. He wanted to purge the corruption and purify Judaism (hence the money-changer scuffles at the temple, etc). He was not really interested in Gentiles, but did not discourage them either.
He was viewed as a disruptive heretic by the Jewish establishment. So they had him killed.
Christianity didn’t take off until after Jesus was dead. In death his message and legacy became more powerful (call it the “Elvis effect). Paul, Peter and the other disciples built on Jesus’ teachings and proselytized Christianity to Gentiles. I don’t believe Jesus would have done that.
jesus wasn’t a jew
Erm…tell Jesus that. He certainly thought he was a Jew.
There are two ways that a person can be a Jew; racially (which means a cross between the descendants of Esau and True Israelites ‑ There is Edom [Esau is called Edom in Genesis 36:8. And Edom is in ‘Modern Jewry’ Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 edition, Vol. 5, p. 41) or religiously. Let us now see whether Christ fits either of these categories.
Ninety‑five percent of the people that we know as Jews today, are mongrels; they are a product of the amalgamation of many races. The majority of the Jews are Asiatics, of Mongolian, stock, the descendants of the tribes of Khazars of Russia who accepted Judaism in 740 A.D.
They are the descendants of Cain; No racial Jew is an Israelite. That’s right, NO RACIAL JEW IS AN ISRAELITE. The Bible itself identifies the Jews as the seed of Cain thereby identfying Satan as their father. (John 8:44)Z”
Christ said to the Jews, in the 23rd chapter of Matthew, verses 33‑35: “You serpents, you generation (race) of vipers, how can you escape the damnation of hell? Wherefore behold I send you a prophet, wise men and scribes and some of them you shall kill and crucify and some of them yuo shall scourge in your synagogues and persecute them from city to city that upon you may come all the righteous blood that has ever been shed upon the earth from the blood of righteous Abel” (Note that carefully).
Here Christ is saying to the Jews that they are guilty of the murder of Abel. Jesus could not have said this unless the Jews were/are the descendants of Cain. Christ goes on to say: “Unto the blood of Zacharias, son of Brachias who you slew between the temple and the alter.” It’s very plan! And it’s in your Bible.
Christ said to the Jews “You are guilty of the death of righteous Abel because you rfather Cain murdered him.” It is also well for you to note here that Jesus further blames these Jews for all the deaths of righteous people from the beginning of time right down to this day. This is not a statement of man but of our Redeem, our King, our Savior.
Christ never lied and spoke only the truth; every word contained in the sixty‑six books of the Bible is the Word of Almighty God. Are the Jews then God’s Chosen People as some “fogbound, lying, deceiving, Judeo‑Chrisian Clergy” would have us believe? Far from it! Rather than being God’s Chosen People, they are Satan’s Children! Let us turn for proof of this, to the eighth chapter of John the 42nd verse. The Jews have just said to Christ, we are God’s Chosen People, God is our Father. Christ did not answer the Jews the way ninety‑nine percent of our Judeo‑Christian preachers would do today. Rather, He said in the 42nd vers, “If God were your Father you would love me for I proceeded forth and came from God. Neitherdid I come of myself, but He sent Me. Why is it that you do not understand my speech. It is because yuo cannot hear my words.” (Read carefully the 44th verse) where Christ said to the Jews, “Ye are of your father the devil and the lusts of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth because there is no truth in him. When he speaks oa lie, he speaks of his own for he is a liar and the father of it.”
Excellent analysis.
It is telling how every country that has a large Jewish minority ends up having a much larger anti-jewish population. They become hated wherever they go.
Gee, I wonder why. Could it be things like this?
The creator of Seinfield a few years back admitted that he only hired a 100 % Jewish staff to work, write, and act in the series. He admitted this and still proudly does.
Could you imagine if the Duck Dynasty crew ran around bragging that they would only hire 100% Christian staff?
They complain about discrimination and yet not a peep when it benefits them.
Have a look at the writers for Jon Stewart’s Daily show.
“…how they have damaged traditional Christian ideals…”
for sure it must be really annoying for Roosh who has always been a fanatical promoter of “traditional Christian ideals”.
Roosh, I am really glad that people are aware of this topic and slowly waking up. This calls for a quiet peaceful revolution. They are a minority and let’s face it, they need us. So what if we just do what they have been doing if they are so smart ? Keep strong moral and nationalistic values in our households. Support our own non Jewish businesses, professionals and charities. If you have a business, you can choose who to hire. You can vote with your $$$. If you are pissed by the depravity of Hollywood, stop paying for their movies. Get off facebook and turn off the TV. What will the all powerful jew-controlled media do if people no longer trust them and stop paying attention to their crap ? You get the idea. And of course, if somebody accuses you of nepotism, cry out victimhood and call him a bigot, racist or whatever …ist you come up with.
I agree that whatever has to be done should be done peacefully. We must capture and maintain the moral high ground.
Instead of boycotting, I advocate turning their entire leftist ideology back on them. Make them the new “white devil” and cause them both here, and in Israel, to eat their own poison.
The Culture of Critique presents the truth but it should come with a warning. There are abrasive after effects to understanding what has happened to European peoples. It is inevitable that one begins to hate the Jews.
It is very easy to hate them but it is counter productive, both to the struggle against them, and to ones own mental, physical and emotional health. Violence and hatred towards Jews only feeds their psychosis.
I believe the world should clearly understand Jewish behavior, but instead of reacting violently, as has happened throughout history, the people of the world must honestly openly confront them but peacefully.
The whole world needs to join hands and chant “we shall overcome”.
Yes, because life isn’t actually nothing more an evolutionary battle for genetic supremacy, right?
The Culture of Critique is subtitled “An Evolutionary Analysis…..”, meaning it looks at the subject through the perspective of evolutionary psychology.
MacDonald never claims evolutionary psychology explains everything.
I agree about not hating and violence. The best weapon by far is exposure because their whole racket is built on a mountain of lies enforced by ‘hate’ legislation and White guilt-tripping.
A fantastic thing about the internet is that it allows us to check our observations with others in very different circumstances and realize that we are not just imagining things!
…unless you “check your observations” with only those who are imagining the same things.
Which can easily be avoided by using the internet to research historical claims yourself, such as the involvement of the ADL of B’nai B’rth, the American Jewish Congress, and the American Jewish Committee in pushing immigration legislation that undermines white ethnic hegemony, culminating in the Immigration Act of 1965.
Only after confirming these claims from sources unbiased against the Jews, such as the institutions themselves (who are proud of their legacy) did I seek out like minded individuals for further discussion.
well, “colored” people of the same mindframe read exactly the same sources and still blame Jews for all their troubles. so i guess you can’t win here no matter what.
I don’t understand this idea about the “Jews” somehow controlling and infiltrating everything from behind the scenes.
What the Jews have done is keep their identity over 4000+ years, despite consistent displacement. I just don’t see the “subversion” of other cultures here, but a retention of their own.
While there are plenty of “progressive” jews, there are prominent ones who are not.
There are many groups and ideologies which been trying to influence societies throughout history. Why is it anymore of a negative thing for it to be Jews doing it vs any other group?
Once thing I didn’t see covered here is Messianic Jews. Where do they fall in?
I just don’t understand all the suspicion and negative attention given to the concept of being Jewish.
(Note, I’m not jewish.)
You obviously didn’t read the article.
Yes, he clearly didn’t read the article.
so is Seinfeld also “damaging traditional Christian ideals”, that are so essential to release a series of Bang books? you once recommended to watch Seinfeld to form your sense of humor – in fact, you said that Seinfeld is a single sufficient source for this.
after your recent enlightenment, will you use a different kind of humor – something more in traditions of “Christian ideals” of fun?
Any form of light entertainment is damaging to one’s intelligence.
and that’s as opposite to “heavy entertainment”?
Here’s one aspect no one addressed – nobility. They are not a noble people. Subversive, tactful and socially industrious – yes, but noble, absolutely not. They are a spiritually bankrupt people. They make their fortunes on the backs of others. It is not the goal of every person on this planet to merely acquire resources and power. Some people legitimately want to walk through the forests, play with their children and be part of a loving community. Jews are the devil’s servants and seek only self gratification and preservation.
Totally agree!
Amazing : you are very brave for posting this. A deep study of Mien Kampf leads to the same conclusion. The international Jew by Henry Ford out lined this 120 years ago!
Ford’s commissioned work is invaluable. The Protocols are a must read as well. I’ve always maintain that you can not even have a political opinion unless you have read them. It does not matter if they are true or not, just to know that these ideas were present 120 years ago is chilling. And hisotry has borne out the Protocols perfectly.
also read Cinderella. it will open your eyes!
A holy Rabbi has been convicted of spreading herpes to hundreds of babies.
It is a custom for Jewish Rabbi’s to suck the bloody penis of a newly circumcised baby.
When ever you see an old Rabbi you can bet he has sucked thousands of bloody infant cocks.
Baby cock sucking is another wonderful gift of the Jewish people…
Shlomo Sand,the author of “The Invention of the Jewish People”,shows that the jews today are not the descendants of Biblical Hebrews but are people of different races who converted to “Judaism” down through the centuries.Unknown to most jews ,Talmudic Judaism is a satanic secret society like Freemasonry,not a religion.This is why you don’t have to believe in God to be Jewish.
Kevin Macdonald. Who never authored any papers, except one on child’s play, and who is not a historian.
For starters, these points have already been discussed already and you’re not proving any points.
Two: the NKVD was NOT run by Jews – I am tired of seeing this claim repeated over and over again. It’s a 70-year-old myth and the NKVD list is available with ALL THE NAMES OF THE PEOPLE IN IT.
Third, the origin of the word racism changes, and Trotsky is often not the one who started it.
Jews did not run the Gulag. I am also tired of seeing this claim, and of course people are going to believe ‘research’ by Kevin Macdonald because he is so edgy.
Jews did not start feminism – feminism precedes the 1920’s and has roots in the French Revolution, which some also claim was started by Jews. It is true that a lot of Jewish women got involved in it; most were in fact mentally ill women. So it was not a strictly Jewish affair.
Boas never outright admitted race was a myth; he knew it existed. It was his two female assistants that said it was a myth.
As for every other claim – I’ve seen it already. The gentiles were subverted nonsense. Macdonald says whites are altruistic, more than other races, so that would imply that we’d be our own executioners. There is also that: “Jews want multiculturalism to protect themselves” schtick, which doesn’t make sense because it – lol – never worked for them, and if they are ethnocentric, they wouldn’t be supporting it, but since Macdonald has done clearly impeccable research, we’re all supposed to believe him.
White gentiles were not a minority of university students.
There are many different groups of gentiles and certainly not every single one of them would sell out each other for money. Come on. Let’s get real here.
There are tons of books and sources on Communism in the former Soviet states and former occupied territories, but did Macdonald ever consult them? No. He just vomited up the old myths and couldn’t be bothered to actually research Soviet History if he tried.
Here’s the entire makeup of the NKVD:
Now count how many Jews are there.
“A race to degeneracy hurts Jews less than gentiles because they still retain guiding ingroup values. Gentiles are left in the cultural winds that Jews help create.” – Lolwut.
Macdonald’s work is not ‘thoroughly’ cited. He uses a source more than once and cites it more than once, and likes to re-word other people’s sayings and use it to make his narrative seem correct, when it isn’t. Not to mention he cannot handle criticism and blames it on Jewish persecution of him.
Want to know how many people get fooled by this man? A lot. He’s not a scientist. He writes for an online webzine and he repeats himself to the point of irrelevancy. Anyone who knows their history, especially Soviet history, will know that this guy is full of shit.
Not surprised to see people ‘liberated’ by this truth. Congratulations: you’re listening to an old man who, when he was young, was a Leftist. Who cries like a feminist when people criticize him.
Uh-oh. I must be a cypto-Jew. Do I get cake yet?
Yes everything is a myth, yet the names of the people remain overwhelmingly Jewish. Did you even read the article?
“I thought about something just now: The decision to nationalize this library was made by the first Soviet government, whose composition was 80-85 percent Jewish,” Putin said June 13 during a visit to Moscow’s Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center.
You claim that to be a lie too?
It is, actually. And I have read that article. It’s clear you did not read the one I offered that directly contradicts you.
I have seen that link used before and it has no source. It’s based on nothing. The myth that the NKVD was run by Jews is contradicted by primary sources – and I suppose you’ll say those are lies too, because they’re from the Soviets. There is no research linked, and hardly any names offered. There are books written by a few Brits back in the day that claimed to have the Who’s Who of the NKVD – and of course they said it was mostly Jewish. It was not. In fact, in the USSR there was a clear distaste of Zionism and many corrupt Jews were in fact purged later on. You wouldn’t know that because you didn’t bother to try.
Read the list I offered again. It’s not hard. It’s clear you did not, nor did the people who upvoted you, because you’re believing a dogma no different than the ones feminists use.
How typical.
I asked you if Putin was lying at Moscow’s Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center and that’s your’e answer? Also the Cheka was the first sectet police not the NKVD.
Was he lying? Yes, he was. Politicians lie. Khrushchev lied. Trotsky lied. Mao lied. Lots of people lie.
And so does this article.
Plus, what are you doing believing anything a Jew says? Doesn’t that make you a hypocrite? Lol.
Hypochrite of what? Seriously what are you talking about?
Yeah, he was lying. You asked. I answered. His comments were based on nothing at all. I wager that entire article was based on nothing.
The NKVD was mentioned in the original article as being formed of mainly Jews. I offered a list that said otherwise. You provided a link, did not read the one I offered, and continue to speak of things you do not understand.
No mention of the Cheka here. We’re talking about the NKVD, remember? A shame how this point is repeated so often and nobody actually wants to find out if its true or not.
Selective skepticism. Believe one thing fully, ignore something else entirely.
We have over 2000 years of the finest European minds warning about the Jews. A clear historical record which is perfectly consistent with their behaviour. They have bought up the entire media apparatus of the Western world, it is a monopoly that must be broken, they serve their own interests by steering the thoughts of the unconscious and historically ignorant.
Good point. If we can celebrate the achievements of our collective past that bore the fruit we eat today, we should heed their warnings.
Well, technically, we’re supposed to feel guilty about our past, which consisted, apparently, only of slaving brown and black people thus preventing them from reaching the stars.
I find it odd Jewish people are selectively white when it works in their favor to be so and Semites when it gets around to the “white people are the devil” they aren’t. They distance themselves from us.
They’re also a race when it suits them, and a Religion when it suites them.
Right. And you, being a free mind, believe this, which makes you an apparatus.
Only 2000 years? Hmm. There are older civilizations, you know.
Fine, then. Break this monopoly. Go out there, work, get your own organizations and companies and compete with them, using their own logic and driving them out of business. You’re not going to achieve it believing the same old tales written by people who do not understand their history and couldn’t double check their sources.
As for the ‘entire’ media apparatus? I think not. It’s a wide world and is anyone’s game. You’re free to break that cycle.
I think the most ironic thing is that your unconscious thoughts have been undermined and being historically ignorant, you believe anything you’re told.
Can I say: good goy?
I’ll get right on it. Got a few billion to invest?
Oh, yeah, that pic. Got any rabbits that are actually new and original out of the hat?
It’s funny because that pic says Marissa Mayer is Jewish when she isn’t. Same with Huffington. A few discrepancies there~
Also, get your own money. Hard work pays off a lot. No one likes a moocher.
Do you deny that the media is nearly all Jewish owned? Is that what you’re quibbling is supposed to prove? Nice attempt at derailment. The media works for Jewish interests, this can be seen quite clearly in its incessant criticism of whites, and it’s utter lack of Jewish criticism. Jews themselves admit they run the media. You are coming off a bit desperate.
exactly – and especially true about Soviet history. people of this mindframe just love talking about Soviet history – taking advantage of the fact the most of their readers hardly know where Russia is, and will gladly swallow any story about whatever happened in Russia that supposedly supports their point of view.
If you want to talk about Communism in Russia or anywhere else, there are plenty of sources – for and against. Macdonald cries as loud as Diana West, who also couldn’t take criticism.
Soviet Russia is very interesting and it literally kills me to see so many misinformed about it. It really is unknown to the West.
An interesting message here in the form of a letter to a Jewish friend from a guy who, after a lifetime buying into the Narrative, finally ‘awoke’.
Funny of you to talk about multiculturalism when you’re an arab whore mongerer diddling with white women
Good point. And one that needs to be made loud and fucking clear.
Jews have their problems. They are ethnocentric as fuck, ridiculously leftist and are generally a pain in the ass. I want to puke everytime I see a leftist Jew on news shows.
Having said that, never forget that Roosh is at least 50% Raghead Muslim. Keep that uppermost in your mind when you read his articles. And there are lots of Muzzie and Sadaam sympathizers on here too. Like leftist Jews, they are no friend of the West.
This is true. Roosh targets white women only.
The Jews are a bit of an enigma. While excelling at business, having a strong work ethic and being astute geopoliticians ( do you think Israel would survive a day in a sea of Muslims by itself?), they nevertheless have a few “national character deficiencies”. This topic has fascinated me for several years. Before I present my thoughts, I would just like to remind everyone that I am not a Stormfront aficionado, nor do I generally read David Duke’s stuff. Just my own observations from researching the topic.
The Jews as as a group strike me as an element that is prone to subversion. For example, during the Muslim conquest of Spain in the early middle ages a Muslim scholar wrote that it would have been impossible to garrison the captured Christian towns without the help of Jewish militia. These Jews were people who previously lived side by side with the Spaniards for possibly hundreds of years. I think such incidents also shed much light on the actions of Tomas de Torquemada when he eventually rose to prominence in the Spanish Inquisition.
Such behavior is repeated again and again. In Poland during the First World War, the Jews lobbied the Germans to create “Judeopolonia”- a Jewish state on the ancient Polish lands. The plan was close to fruition, thwarted only by the defeat of the Germans in the war. Again – keeping in mind that the Jews have lived in Poland since the Middle Ages when they were invited by the king Kasimir the Great. It is a mystery that the Jews not only refused to assimilate but were also quite happy to advance their interests over that of the native population while collaborating with an invader.
The Jewish attraction to Communism has been described at length, therefore I will not go into it. I do feel that a solid argument can be made for the proposition that Jews were a driving force behind the movement which can only be described as total soul rot.
Another charge which the Jews must answer is the contents of the Talmud. The Talmud is the written law of the Jewish people. I acknowledge that not all the Jews follow Talmudic teachings but nevertheless a portion do. The Talmud is sick, I will make no bones about it. I do not want to overload this comment with quotes so I will let you do your research yourselves. Here is a good article to start :
Finally, some of the Jewish sects also send shivers down my spine. Ever hear of the Frankist-Sabbateans? These Jews deliberately pretended to convert to their host nation’s religion in order to progress in society and reach positions of power. Apparently, they still exist. They were also accused of devil worship – hence all of the blood libel trials of the previous centuries. Isaac Singer, a prominent Jewish author, acknowledges this cult in his works. The Kabbalah, and its popularity among Hollywood stars, is also something to mention.
Therefore, I would agree with the fact that there is something different about the Jews. They are resilient and hard working, but there is a certain kind of Machiavellism about them. Perhaps they could exist as a valuable addition to any state, but they need to be more transparent about their beliefs, tactics and goals.
” do you think Israel would survive a day in a sea of Muslims by itself?
They don’t. Every potential enemy knows that America has Israel’s back. Who arms and finances Israel?
“We will openly reveal our identity with the races of Asia and Africa. I can state with assurance that the last generation of white children is now being born. Our Control Commissions will, in the interests of peace and wiping out inter-racial tensions. Forbid the Whites to mate with Whites. The White Women must cohabit with members of the dark races, the White Men with black women. Thus the White Race will disappear, for the mixing of the dark with the White means the end of the White Man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory. We shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, the Pax Judaica, and our race will rule undisputed over the world. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain mastery over a world of dark peoples” Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich’s summation of the progress of his tribe, the Modern Tribe of Jews, toward their goal of the One World under Jewry. Emergency Council of European Rabbis in Budapest on January 12, 1952.
“Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves.” Menachem Begin ) Russian born Jew, ardent-Zionist, terrorist and mass murderer, leader of the Jewish terror gang called “Irgun,” Israeli Prime Minister (1977–83) and recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize.
sjw alert
I’ve noticed that many Jews in the US strongly proclaim themselves to be white, but many white people proper maintain that Jews are not so.
Jews tend to say they are white only when it benefits them. They also call whites Goys and Gentiles so they clearly make distinctions on the subject.
“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel.”
“Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat… That is why gentiles were created.”
“In Israel, death has no dominion over them… With gentiles, it will be like any person – they need to die, but [God] will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money.
“This is his servant… That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew.”
How would the media react if the Pope would say something similar?
I think the key is to destroy Jewish identity. The way you do that is by attacking circumcision, which is nothing more than religious genital mutilation. Remove their ability to follow their tribal practices and you remove their identity.
Let me add one thing that you left out. Yes, it was about masturbation but it was based upon a debunked medical belief of masturbatory insanity. They believed that if you masturbated you would become compulsive doing it and this excessive masturbation would lead to insanity so it was better to stop it before it went this far.
“Jews tend to say they are white only when it benefits them. ”
Exactly. And don’t ever forget that they see the White European male as their deadliest enemy and thus the target for their most destructive attacks. The kind that Roosh writes about here.
Like Tim Wise who poses as White and makes a fortune preaching “White privilege”.
Letter to Haaretz:
In response to Haaretz article “Jews, white privilege and the fight against racism in America” (by Benjy Cannon 4/12/14) I would like to say loud and clear: Ashkenazi Jews are not white.
Every time I read about a Jew somewhere identifying as a white person, I cringe. As an Israeli Jew, who like most other Israeli Jews, is completely foreign to the concept of Jews being “white” I would like to address this article to my Jewish brothers and sisters in America.
Ashkenazi Jews who identify as “white”, please understand the following:
1.History and identity – As late as 1987 the US legally defined Jews as non-white. To the best of my knowledge, 50 years ago Jews had the same skin color as they do today. I deduce that white is not skin color, it is first and foremost an issue history and identity. The “white people world” is represented by its European (often colonial) history, it’s culture, heroes, it’s Kings, ethos, faith etc. – and Ashkenazi Jews are not part of that world. Their heroes are the Maccabees and not the Vikings or Joan of Arc, their Kings are David King of Israel and Hezekiah King of Judah (both archeologically confirmed historical figures) and not Kings Edward and George.
Secondly, Jews are not a “religion”. While in the Western world identities fall under the categories of religion or race, Middle Eastern people have tribal identities that are based neither the former nor the latter. Jews, similar to Pashtuns (who also often have pale skin and yet would not identify as white people) and other Middle Eastern Tribes, are neither religion nor race but a tribe. Jewish identity since the days of the Kingdoms of Judah and Israel had always been a tribal/national peoplehood. While tribal practices and customs (which is often incorrectly referred to as “Judaism”) and a strong biological link between many of the members are certainly present, Israelite identity was never based on either of these. Israelite identity has always been a tribal membership that goes by lineage (being born into the Tribes of Israel) or tribal acceptance (which is incorrectly translated as “conversion”). The identity Ashkenazi Jews have today is identical to that of King David whose great grandmother was a Moabite convert, but was nonetheless a Jew by virtue of being born into the Tribes of Israel by lineage.
You are Jews not because of your “religion” (are you even religious?), but because you were born into a tribe/people called the Nation of Israel. You are not “white people” with a “Jewish religion”, you are Jews – members of a people who origniated in Judea, whether you adhere to the laws of the tribe or not.
Thirdly, Ashkenazi Jews have been the victims of Europeans and Western imperialism for centuries precisely because they were not perceived as part of the “white people world”, beginning with the Roman colonialism of their nation state and ending with 6 million of them being killed precisely because they were non-whites.
2.Culture – Whether it’s the Hebrew calendar, the tefillin they put on at their Bar Mitzvah identical to the ancient second Temple tefillin found in Qumran and across Israel or celebrating the Judean revolt for independence in our historic homeland on Hanukkah – Ashkenazi Jews have kept the entire indigenous culture, customs, traditions, books, and to a high extant language and of their ancestors – Judeans and other Israelites.
3.Biology – Although biology is not the main part of the issue, Ashkenazi Jews are not genetically white either. An extensive number of genetic studies show they originated in the Middle East, that despite European admixture they are genetic brothers of other Jews, Palestinians, Druze and Lebanese Arabs and share a highly significant amount of ancestry with Sephardi Jews to whom they are genetically almost identical. Tests also show Ahskenazi Levites are descendants of Hebrews, and Ashkenazi Cohanim share lineage with Sephardi Cohanim.
Lastly, Ashkenazi Jews, whether the world likes it or not (and apparently it does not), are direct descendants of the Tribes of Israel, as we know from history, culture, science and a little something I like to call reality. Those who wish to deny it for political or theological reasons, should try forming an alliance with holocaust deniers because the two are no different.
Jews are not white. People who try to argue otherwise are not only abrogating history and denying our people’s authentic identity, they are in fact (even if unintentionally) also practicing a form of Western imperialism, as nobody has the right to superimpose an artificial Western identity on a people with an ancient Middle Eastern-tribal identity. Nobody has the right to try and make Jews, or any other Middle Eastern people, feel they “need” to fit into the “neat” Western categories of religion and race. Nobody has the right to force Jews into identifying as white people when they are clearly not. As for Jews who identify as white without being forced to do so – please decolonize your identities and understand that the identity your claim to express is a falsification of who you really are.
Ashkenazi Jews have influenced European culture—and been influenced by European culture (perhaps more than this author would like). There has also been a large amount of intermarriage between Ashkenazi (and Sephardic) Jews and Europeans, resulting in a genetic similarity.
This is the best article ever written by Roosh.
Thank you for sharing this! Isn’t it funny that whenever a Hollywood actor openly states Hollywood is ran by Jews, he’s groveling on TV for forgiveness later?
For 70 god damn years this has been a taboo topic, but it once again needs to be re-opened. These people have disproportionate influence to their demographics. It took me years to come to grips with what I thought was the domain of tin foil hat nutters and Nazis, but my god they are right.
Mark my words, there will be no peace in the world while Jews hold such enormous influence. And of course, it’s not all of them, but a small elite clique at the top (though they are heavily ethno-centric).
Took me most of my life to realize it. Before that I had swallowed the whole thing hook, line and sinker. But once you take the red pill everything starts to make sense. All those seemingly inexplicable things become fully understandable.
Everyone should do everything possible to get this knowledge out there as we goyim are getting royally f*cked over.
It’s funny, Jews can say they run Hollywood, but they raise hell if anyone else says it.
Good to see you guys waking up.
Oy vey! Continue down this path and we’re going to have to bring the full force of the Revolution down on your heads!
This is a forbidden subject. Please better talk about the glories of sexual licence!
Do u happen to know Jewmosis ?
I cannot say that I knowingly do.
Lol do you know Beevus, you look like his Dad
Lol that was me 🙂 aka Reeturn of Pogrom
Lev, don’t forget your Jewish comrades in za politburo like za child murderer and molester Lavrentiy Beria, or our very famous Yiddish kamrade Lazar Kagonovich za butcher of Ukraine.
so here’s roosh, the asshole who’s been dumping on WNs for years to appease his black followers, repeating what WNs have been saying for three or four decades … and receiving the adulation of his fans for being so *ballsy*.
what a farce.
what’s the point in attacking someone for changing to a position that you actually agree with?
Honor? Again, he’s been using WNs as a foil for years. Now suddenly he discovers KMac and it’s relevant that he agrees. Fuck him, he’s a career egotist.
That just sounds like a bunch of LARP to me. If you agree with the article you would like more people to read it and understand the problem.
LOL. We’ve been understanding the problem for like fifty years. Longer if you care to go back so far. Hasn’t made a difference yet, and never will. Roosh adds nothing to the work of judeoskepticism. And the point is: he was always willing to slander those who had taken the whole red pill.
I got banned here for anti-semitic remarks. That was the old policy not it seems the rules have been changed. Roosh, and anyone else, is allowed to change his mind.
Sure. How about he own up to it in full before you start excusing him, though.
Well maybe Roosh started to take notice of other red pill truths besides feminism. Feminism surely is another Jewish production. Why look at that hot little minx Betty Friedan the mother of American feminism.
What a repulsive Hobgoblin.
Well said bro. And SPOT the fuck ON.
I was one of the people who wrote early on that roosh was “ballsy.” The reason I wrote that was because he had the guts to write these things and attach his real name to them. Most WNs rely on anonymity. (Heartiste, for example,) That’s why I thought Roosh was ballsy. He’s not the only one, of course.
But that’s no virtue: his name is his brand. As an international peddler of his own material, his risk is minimal. Then again, he has braved some harsh reaction from the fembots, and if I recall from Polish authorities, so I’m not saying he isn’t ballsy, either.
Well, at least he’s working on his blindspots. That’s the mark of a thinker … even one way behind the curve.
Very important interview here, also look into Red Ice Creations, they’ve been doing a lot of great interviews on this topic.:
They tend to follow their psychopaths, while others groups keep them away.
The media has already collapsed, Conspiracy media is the new “in-thing” Secret leaks, Hidden suppressed technology, Mind-control population theories, “intellectual manipulation” no one wants the general worthless crap the public reads anymore, so i guess the media controllers will have to adapt to the disruptive trends in curiosity and people wanting REAL INFORMATION(which is by default more valuable than how many wrinkles are on someone’s botox enhanced asscheeks), this all means that the value of journalism is in the disruptive conspiracy trend which means we can expect more and more unveiling as capitalism does it’s job of simply catering to the almighty $ and demand for information
We are witnessing the merging of the information and news becoming LEGIT and democratic
This article has 1000+ Comments , more than anything else , thereby PROVING this dis-ruptive trend in a more curious and awakened public, Hence, the world is getting wiser, and more free
This site preaches masculinity, and techniques needed in order to develop the creativity and patience to adopt a long-term vision to see the grand pay-off of a merciless work ethic
In my opinion, Due to technology, IQ and intelligence differences between groups is shrinking rapidly, Whatever gaps we had due to billions of years of evolution are closing fast, especially with effective supplementation and greater knowledge about the workings of memory ETC
The internet seems to be giving everyone “intellectual binoculars”
Careful ROK commenters… based on some of the unusual hateful and emotionally-charged comments for this article, it looks like certain external interest groups may have joined in the fray.
Just remember to discuss your points rationally and don’t resort to attacking one’s character, as always. Don’t let them divide-and-conquer.
I’m not sure if this is true, but I heard recently that the phrase “Judeo-Christian” is itself a piece of Jewish propaganda. It implies that Jewish and “Christian” (read: Western) values are congruent when in fact they are fundamentally in opposition in a lot of ways.
Holy shit Roosh, you read a book by a white supremacist and now you’re pushing an anti-semite narrative. Here’s hoping you never actually read anything written Anita Sarkeesian or shit this site will start proposing how we need to become a slew of manginas and white knights. I mean seriously, you read the trash spewed by a man who sits on the board of a white supremacist publication and contributes to a “white-pride” (in the same embarrassing style of black pride and the new black panthers)website and thought it worth myopically re-spewing? I’m all for free speech, but one of the reasons that I visit this site is the fact that NORMALLY well thought out and researched things are published here. If I wanted inane ramblings I’d visit the plethora of feminista websites.
Another one who hasn’t read the book nor the article itself.
Only I’ve read both, but I’m sure with you watching over my shoulder and not making blanket pronouncements about the actions of others you knew that. While he doesn’t go full neo-nazi as he feared, he’s opened the crack, an in this article doesn’t really offer any real critique of the manuscript. He’s begun to represent a wandering into the dogmatic “conspiracy” that several of the more rabid members of this space have placed the softening of America at the feet of Jewish movements.
“I’m also having trouble getting my head around the fact that such a small group would embark on a massive reconstruction of reality and ideological manipulations on the world’s people just to protect their group—and succeed. I feel both outrage and admiration at the same time.”
So maybe the next time you feel like attacking someone who disagrees with you, you might bring up points and counterpoints instead of crying using the SJW tactics of ” you don’t understand and therefore can’t be a smart as me” mantra
lolz ur so smart. ur my hero
over 6 milllion German non-combatants were killed after WWII. No people in modern history have been screwed as hard as the Germans, and it was done at the hands of the top Jews.
Oy Vey! Enough already vit all za quilling and kvetching! Act like you have a schmeckle of man – hood calm down!
HA! Now that’s pretty funny. While i understand what your comment is meant to do, it is no less entertaining and I salute your comedy.
If white supremacists can’t write books about Jews, can multiculturalists or the Jews themselves do so? Why don’t you simply consider what has been researched and presented without reverting to edgy ad hominems?
Actually I didn’t claim that they couldn’t write those books, but by the same token if a Jew decided to write a biography on Hitler, I wouldn’t take that at face value either and would want to see points and counterpoints from someone discussing the work. Which is the real base of my complaint, which I demonstrated in the second half of my comment with words like “myopically” and the phrase ” NORMALLY well thought out and researched ” . That was after I admittedly allowed myself to go off and yes I did use ad hominems, in my statements,( so if that offended you, then the offense is yours) as I’m well aware that the other author referenced(or as he calls her “typist”) is someone he has read and is not nearly so flippy-floppy as my over the top accusation stated.
This is something a woman would write. Unbridled sophistry.
Supremacism is not Nationalism and vice versa.
“Thick skin and self reflection are masculine traits here on ROK, that are striven for.”
Those are your words. You are a hypocrite (and a kike)
I can tell a lot of people have been waiting for this. It’s definitely the ballsiest piece on this website, and it’s increased my respect for this place. You either go all the way with the red pill, or you don’t bother at all.
ROK has been bursting at the seams for a Jewish article.
for every medicine or drug, there’s a right dosage. if you don’t take enough, it doesn’t work – and if you overdose, it can hurt you significantly. it looks like you’re one of those who’ll take 10 extacy pills every day – and then wonder why it doesn’t work anymore and you feel like shit.
I agree with the point about their professional networking circles. I have also witnessed this, perhaps on a higher level than you have.
As we talked about on the forum though, this didn’t arise in a vacuum. These ideas that have been discussed stretch back many centuries. Jewish intellectual movements put a distinctly Jewish stamp on them and carried them forward in what way seemed best to them. It can only occur with the tacit approval of gentiles, of men, etc.
That point about American Jews being willing to die for America before Israel is a pretty good litmus test. The hypocrisy is the worst aspect.
American Jew who would die for the USA but not Israel? Fine by me
American Jew who would die for Israel but not USA? Then fucking move there, asshole.
American Jew who would die for neither one? Marxist/Zionist pussy.
JSwipe. Nuff said.
If you want the Cliff notes film version of CofC watch Byron Jost’s film “Minority Rule” on YouTube:
Watch “Minority Rule: The Rise of Political Correctness …” on YouTube
Minority Rule: The Rise of Political Correctness …:
Why is there a Jewish diaspora? Some say it is because the emperor Vespacian crushed a Jewish rebellion in Palestine and dispersed them throughout the well built roads of cosmopolitan Rome. Still others say they descend from Turko – Mongolian Khazars that were sandwiched between Christian Kievan Russia to the north and Muslim Arabs to the south that converted to Judaism to remain neutral. Eventually, the Russians crushed the Khazarian kingdom and they again dispersed throughout Europe.
No matter which version is true, or maybe they are both true, the core of the Jewish race is a parasite. They don’t build prosperous nations and states, they wait for others to do all the grunt work of nation building. Then they show up as merchants and money men. They ingratiate themselves to the king and aristocracy with financing. Other people look at a land and see a vision of how they can use the resources of that land to build civilization. Jews look at “others” as their resources. This leads to their economic predation of the host people. This is the Jewish Motis Operandi. When your racial survival strategy is one of avoiding hard work and using other people as a resource you engender the hatred of the resource people. This is why they have been repeatedly expelled from every country they have infested.
Natural selection has made them very ruthless and cunning. Their survival depends on it. They have bred themselves into a race with extraordinary verbal skills with an uncanny ability to manipulate words and emotion. They are also, for the most part, frail and weak and are physical cowards. Their strategy over the last few hundred years has been to use their control of the financial systems to manipulate Europeans into horrible and fratricidal wars in order to strip us of our best genetic material.
They also intend to destroy all nationalism and ethic and racial homogeneity. A racially plural society with many different quarreling factions makes it easy for them to move all the different herds into the same pen for them to be harnessed for Jewish advancement and luxury, and most of all never having to do any manual labor or get their hands dirty.
They fear European man the most. They plan to exterminate us. They have been using a soft kill of cultural poison and unchecked immigration. Once they have weakened us sufficiently they will use the dark people to move in for the hard kill.
The Jews’ fatal flaw is that they don’t know when to quit. That’s usually been their downfall in the past. There always comes the point when the host population has had it and all hell breaks loose. It seems like the Jews just can’t help themselves.
Whatever happens this time around, the Jews probably won’t fare well. If the West succumbs to multiculturalism and progressivism and descends into chaos, the Jews will find themselves at the mercy of unmanageable hordes of diversity who don’t respond to guilt trips. If the West somehow manages to wake up and turn things around, no one will be able to deny the central role of the Jews in creating the crisis. In that case, things would likely play out as they always have in the past.
“We will openly reveal our identity with the races of Asia and Africa. I can state with assurance that the last generation of white children is now being born. Our Control Commissions will, in the interests of peace and wiping out inter-racial tensions. Forbid the Whites to mate with Whites. The White Women must cohabit with members of the dark races, the White Men with black women. Thus the White Race will disappear, for the mixing of the dark with the White means the end of the White Man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory. We shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, the Pax Judaica, and our race will rule undisputed over the world. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain mastery over a world of dark peoples” Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich’s summation of the progress of his tribe, the Modern Tribe of Jews, toward their goal of the One World under Jewry. Emergency Council of European Rabbis in Budapest on January 12, 1952.
“Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves.” Israeli Prime Minister (1977–83) and recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize.
yeah keep posting those fake quotes. are you being paid by Mossad for ruining credibility of Roosh’s diatribes?
lolz dude you are crazy. I’m done with you.
why would someone post notoriously fake quotes? only someone like Jason Beck would.
the quotes come straight from an israeli newspaper you idiot!
He isn’t crazy, he’s getting paid.
“Once they have weakened us sufficiently they will use the dark people to move in for the hard kill.”
Kinda like they did to the Russian Christians in the early days of the USSR
What the article did not discuss was how the Jewish neoconservatives have manipulated Protestants on the lower end of the IQ spectrum into supporting Israel. The insane apocalyptic rantings of Hal Lindsey and John Hagee are eaten up by such people. Virtually every so-called “conservative” radio talk show is pro-Israel, not moderately, but vehemently and without question or reflection. The fact that Jews are behind all forms of Cultural Marxism in the US is never discussed on such shows. Overnight it became de rigeur for Republican politicians to be solidly Zionist. Look at how the Republican presidential candidates knelt before Sheldon Adelson. Could we have one, just one, Republican nominee who merely questions this one-sided relationship with Israel and doesn’t beg Sheldon for campaign cash?
That’s interesting, I was not aware of that perception among the Protestants. And yet the Bible warns us about the ”fake jews” in the book of the Apocalypse (Rev 2:8-10), which I understand as being the corrupt jewish elite. Why they have not picked that one up if they are so zealous ?
Message to the Church in Smyrna
“And to the angel of the church in Smyrna write: The first and the last, who was dead, and has come to life, says this: ”I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich), and the blasphemy by those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. ” Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to cast some of you into prison, so that you will be tested, and you will have tribulation for ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.…
Her father is an American, I guess that should make her an American.
She is a amalgamation of 3 different ethnicities though.
one of the ethnicities is certainly no surprise to anyone.
why is it “no surprise”? it doesn’t look like she’s producing porn.
emo porn. Produced to trigger feels without evidence.
If you start playing with genetic genealogy, you might end up with “bad surprises”.
A lot of people confuse nationality and ethnic group.Nationality just means that you are a citizen of a certain country.Like those arabs or negro terrorists who are reffered to as British or French etc. in the media.American means that you’re a citizen of the country but pretty much meant a White European in the past. if you said you were from NY in 1940 people would always think White since the city was 92% white back then.British was a nationality but also here people would think White since there were very few people from a different group in the country. In many of the small countries in Europe nationality and ethnic group were the same thing which is why people confuse the two terms.
ur not getting the point homie
You’re not getting it and apparently have led some provincial life in Podunk.
Regardless of what any man here, as an individual, thinks of Jews the fact of the matter is that they have been despised by every people and nation that has had them live amongst them since the beginning of time. So were all these people, separated by time and space, in many cases by millennia and thousands of kilometres all sharing the same delusion? Bravo Roosh, this took a lot of guts.
“…they have been despised by every people and nation that has had them live amongst them…”
not true.
“Their morality, fairness, and justice is limited to whether they are dealing with fellow Jews or gentiles…”
oh wow… what a piece of mature, intelligent discussion! who can accuse Roosh in blatant generalizations and groundless claims?
so how Roosh is different from feminazis who claim that all men are “rapists”? he’s the same feminazi.
or… Roosh, do you have some beef with Jews maybe? did Jewish girl refuse to suck your dick in favor of a Jewish dick? i agree then – that would be a despicable anti-gentile conspiracy… but let us know – at least it would give some ground to your accusations.
Nobody cries over lack of jewish pussy.
ok i guess it means you agree with my assessment of Roosh, as you didn’t address it at all.
there is a difference between a jew and a zionist jew. Lets not forget all the Jewish scholars for peace and justice. Don’t forget to add to the list of yours, the zionist christian and muslim (saudi) power centers and then you got the real equation of who constitutes the NWO
The reason there are so many Jews at the top of those leftist movements is not because Jews as a whole are on the left, or pushing those idiotic ideas, it’s because whatever field they enter, they are successful in. So the leftist Jews become the worlds best leftists, the scientist Jews become the worlds best scientists, the banker Jews become crazy rich, etc. look at the list of Nobel prize winners, it’s stuffed full of Jews, likewise a list of great artists, great musicians, great writers – majority are Jews. Gotta admire the excellence really.
lolz are you smoking crack? Jews have been booted out of every nation they ever sunk their claws into. why do you think that is? I suppose jealousy is your answer, right?
are you talking about Gaddafi?
“We will openly reveal our identity with the races of Asia and Africa. I can state with assurance that the last generation of white children is now being born. Our Control Commissions will, in the interests of peace and wiping out inter-racial tensions. Forbid the Whites to mate with Whites. The White Women must cohabit with members of the dark races, the White Men with black women. Thus the White Race will disappear, for the mixing of the dark with the White means the end of the White Man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory. We shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, the Pax Judaica, and our race will rule undisputed over the world. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain mastery over a world of dark peoples” Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich’s summation of the progress of his tribe, the Modern Tribe of Jews, toward their goal of the One World under Jewry. Emergency Council of European Rabbis in Budapest on January 12, 1952.
“Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves.” Menachem Begin (1913-92) Russian born Jew, ardent-Zionist, terrorist and mass murderer, leader of the Jewish terror gang called “Irgun,” Israeli Prime Minister (1977–83) and recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize.
Wow, and you think I smoke crack? You are delusional, let’s hear a few more fake quotes, you white pride moron
ha ha. why the qualifier “white pride”? would there be something wrong with that? and please forgive me for using obviously “fake quotes”. I can find some more fake quotes if you’d like 🙂
get out of here you troll. you’re not even a good troll. anyways here you go pal.
I found this one pretty quickly on the times of israel website, it’s probably fake 🙂
3) The purpose of Gentiles — to serve Jews:
“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel.”
“In Israel, death has no dominion over them… With gentiles, it will be like any person – they need to die, but [God] will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money.
“This is his servant… That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew.”
“Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat… That is why gentiles were created.”
– Weekly Saturday night sermon in October 2010
Just in case:
Look up the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
You can talk to George with his protocols if you want fake, you losers should get on splendidly.
look up Cinderella too.
hehe. notorious fake quote. Roosh, you’re in a good company now!
So, what do you think of what’s in the volumes of the talmud then? Is that all fake and a hoax too? Do jews ever object to what some rabbi wrote there and reject it?
Actually you probably don’t realise the impact of what you just said. The story of Dinderella, Disney style, has done to women exactly what the protocols of the elders of zion have claimed it would do to them and society in general.
yeah under the title “5 of Ovadia Yosef’s most controversial quotations”. Jews know they religious clown freaks and laugh at them openly.
oh wow i didn’t know Talmud was written in 1952.
The Babylonian and Jerusalem talmuds are from about 300AD and continue up to the present. My point is that if some rabbi added something that is totally insane and objectionable to gentiles why haven’t any newer rabbis repudiated it.
The talmud is basically the oral law with commentaries and anecdotes added etc According to the rabbis there is the written word (Bible) and the oral tradition of the elders passed down orally. In fact, this is why they murdered Jesus. He said that only the written word is the law(Jesus was a statute of frauds man :o)) while the rabbis were making a lot of crap up for their own benefit and power and then claiming it was the oral tradition of the elders equally as valid as the written word (Bible). However, 300 years after they killed Jesus they even recognised that this oral history stuff was getting distorted and out of hand so hence, the talmud.
And btw, they know it contains objectionable things because as I was just searching the talmud and was surprised how many sites there are now ‘explaining’ to the goyim what stuff in the talmud ‘really’ means haha
“Jews are God’s chosen people. You cannot choose to be chosen.”. Rabbi Schmuley Boteach.
That of course, in any Jew ‘ s mind, would not be considered a statement of supremacy.
One only need read their bible to understand them: Joseph and his coat of many colors. Joseph, through Jewish guile and deceit uses the host people of Egypt so that Jews can “live off the fat of the land” while the native Egyptians toil and are starving. When the new Pharaoh takes control he tells the people of Egypt that they have been displaced and enslaved in their own land. He orders the Jews be driven out.
Everyone hates them for absolutely no reason.
Let me know when they get booted out of the UK and USA. If the Jews are some sort of master conspiracists who rule the world, they must have been slipping to get the boot. make up your mind which it is, do they control the world or not?
Why do you then require the annual financial aid from the USA?
The world wouldn’t mind if you all move to Israel or form another zionist state and stay there. Considering you’re so great, you can make it on your own. But instead you prefer, like women, to live as parasites.
You’re full of shit like most jews.Jews are one of the dumber groups on earth.I’ve put them under my microscope and analysed them many years ago as a med student when I was assigned to the psych ward for a few months in NY.I found that it was hard to distinguish a ‘normal’ jew from a mentally ill one(outside of extreme cases of schizophrenia) They do have certain qualities which would tend to make them get ahead but none of these qualities are things that normal humans respect or admire.They also tend to have very good memories but in that autistic Rainman way where they can become obsessed with one subject like remembering a gazillion numbers or baseball statistics from the year 1 but yet can’t find their own dicks or have any insight into why other normal people don’t like them.(must be anti-Semitism lol) They also have a very high level of neurotic nervous energy and paranoia and combined with a good memory and pushiness this can only increase the chance of success.They are immune to shame, a very non human trait, and will never take the blame for anything even when they know they’re wrong. They have no understanding of subtle humour, also a sign of low IQ and insight, and their ‘comedians’ are into 3 Stooge and vulgar toilet or bodily function ‘humour’. Freud? His claim to fame was the Oedipus complex where put simply is when a boy wants to fuck his mother and kill his father. This may be true to them but no normal European would ever even think of something this sick and perverted.BTW, Jung was put in charge of this so called movement but that’s because he was attached to a prestigious clinic in Zurich while Freud and his jew group were like freaky outcasts in Vienna and in fact Freud was thrown out of the medical society. Jung however quickly dropped the Oedipus crap and developed a more modern and rational form of psychoanalysis suitable to the normal Aryan brain.Freud’s patients were all jews so he really didn’t have any experience with normal humans.
You’ve all likely heard something to the effect that Caucasians are 3% Neanderthal. This is a misinterpretation and what it really means is that in 3% of Caucasians some Neanderthal genetic markers can be found.Those 3% are found in the East which means that jews or Khazars have these markers.From what we know of Neanderthals we know that they couldn’t smile or understand any subtle forms of thinking and lacked any refinement (sounds a lot like jew traits to me). It’s in the genes and we now know that even facial expression is genetic and inherited as a result of studies done in China with blind children.Take a look at jew faces and expressions and compare them to normal Europeans.
Any Aryan man can spot them just by looking at them. They are for the most part a hideously ugly race. Watch “The Eternal Jew” and the pictures the Germans took of them in the Warsaw ghetto. Besides their hideous facial features, there is a very primitive carnality that can be seen in their expressions. You know you are looking at something very alien to Aryan man, something to be killed or driven off. I too have noticed their tendencies to scat humor and sexual degradation, especially of our women. Nothing gives them more sick pleasure than the degradation of a “shicksa”. And for all you Jews who want proof of this sick sexual depravity one only need read your famous author Phillip Roth and his famous novel “Portnoy’s Complaint”.
Jews are sociopathic, driven by their Amygdala, and have very little capacity for any higher emotions. Fear, lust, greed, hate, want, this is the Jew.
Oh look, a fake doctor
Haha, you dumbass fake doctor, there are plenty of studies that show that Jews have the highest IQ on the planet. Enough to upset white trash like yourself apparently.
Keep up the copy and paste, but remember, if you have to keep repeating yourself, it’s because no-one is listening.
The name may be fake but I am an MD and also have a degree in law.
Whites have accomplished a hell of a lot more than Jews. And Jews contributed very little until 200 years ago. Also, Mendelssohn sucks compared to Bach, Wager, Telemann, Purcell, Vivaldi, Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, Liszt, Handel, Haydn, Scarlatti and Graupner. jewish art is degenerate – just look at Hollywood. Toilet humor.
Well of course white people have accomplished more than Jews, that’s obvious… But for population size, Jews have massively outperformed – I don’t see how that can be denied.
“We will openly reveal our identity with the races of Asia and Africa. I can state with assurance that the last generation of white children is now being born. Our Control Commissions will, in the interests of peace and wiping out inter-racial tensions. Forbid the Whites to mate with Whites. The White Women must cohabit with members of the dark races, the White Men with black women. Thus the White Race will disappear, for the mixing of the dark with the White means the end of the White Man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory. We shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, the Pax Judaica, and our race will rule undisputed over the world. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain mastery over a world of dark peoples” Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich’s summation of the progress of his tribe, the Modern Tribe of Jews, toward their goal of the One World under Jewry. Emergency Council of European Rabbis in Budapest on January 12, 1952.
“Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves.” Menachem Begin (1913-92) Russian born Jew, ardent-Zionist, terrorist and mass murderer, leader of the Jewish terror gang called “Irgun,” Israeli Prime Minister (1977–83) and recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize.
thanks, can you post some more fake quotes?
“We are the lost tribe of Judah” – modern day Jews