Recently I published a document listing the main points of neomasculinity. From that we can now make predictions of how those ideas will interact with the environment to create noticeable gender and societal changes in the Western world. Here are the five stages that offer a possible path to the return of patriarchy.
Stage 1: Rise Of The Networks
This stage has already taken place with the spontaneous development of internet communities that serve to help men meet women, teach them entrepreneurship skills, improve their health and bodily strength, and enlighten them with counter-cultural truths. They arose because in the past forty years the singular cultural focus has been about empowering women (providing them with benefits and privileges) while giving bad advice and withholding information from men, if not outright sabotaging them. The informational black hole left by the establishment was filled by various teachers and thinkers like myself.
My teachings on game, along with the columnists on Return Of Kings and the hundreds of contributors on RVF, are but a drop in the bucket of Western men helping each other through antifragile networks that share common ideological beliefs. Each network attracts men who have become aware of societal problems that inhibit their own self development and liberty when compared to women.
Timeline: Already completed
Stage 2: Seed Resistance
There are many paths to truth, and once a man has attained what he believes is the correct reality, he will execute one of two options: (1) escape from the effects of the oppressive narrative by structuring his lifestyle to avoid its most severe faults, or (2) try to impose his righteous narrative upon society.
I tried the first option by expatriating to foreign lands, but have soon watched large components of that narrative follow me, most commonly through Western technology. I have moved to option two by actively resisting efforts of the far left narrative that is currently dominant in the West. Seed resistance can come in many forms:
- Providing basic alternative media — producing blogs, videos, podcasts, and mailing lists that disseminate subversive information
- Counter operations — producing attack pieces against far left narrative bots that expose their damaging behavior and hypocrisy
- Awakening men — enlightening men by continuing to refine and disseminate ideological talking points and memes
Each resistance group has their own style of fighting, from sharing concealed knowledge to public shaming through humorous images and comics. Collectively, they begin to push back against efforts of the dominant narrative.
Timeline: Ongoing
Stage 3: Culture War
Separate networks and groups will form natural alliances that put aside their differences to defeat the enemy. In the past year, I have exchanged friendly gestures from the men’s rights sphere, religious conservatives, liberal gamers, and even white nationalists, whereas in the past there was either no communication or only hostile communication between us. These groups are currently probing each other for common ground, loyalty, and commitment.
Assuming that individual groups are ready to sacrifice and put their differences aside (a challenging task), a huge fighting force will be created that can balance out the immense power of the existing establishment. The neomasculine sphere will be but one regiment in a large army to defeat the enemy.
Culture war will involve sustained, asymmetrical, and intense informational warfare against the enemy that starts to damage their way of life, happiness, and disposable income. They will soon have sleepless nights just like I did in Canada when the full force of the establishment came down upon me. While guerrilla tactics must still be used to ensure our self-preservation, allied forces may be strong enough in the near-term to engage in open battle without having to be as anonymous as before.
Here are some additional strategies for successful culture war:
- Acute divide and conquer campaigns that target weak-willed individuals who are not ready to fight without being part of the herd.
- Sustained criticism of individuals to encourage meltdowns and bad decisions, facilitating their descent into illogical madness that makes them lose support or prestige within their group.
- Psy-op campaigns to undermine the word of women and other alternative groups by painting them as pathological liars or mentally insane
- Creation of pressure groups (i.e. mobs) to target small companies that are sensitive to even small amounts of negative publicity and profit loss.
- Stealth infiltration into intellectual circles and various institutions such as universities, media, military, and government bureaucracies.
The victories of culture war will also make it easy to attract new members to our ideology. Initially, self-improvement (e.g. “how to get laid”) and dissemination of truth allowed men to find us, but now merely being seen as a “winner” will be sufficient, and I saw this first-hand with the large jump in my follower count after winning in Canada. A winner strategy may also attract women since they have an innate need to be part of groups with strong males they admire or respect.
It is difficult to estimate the start of culture war, but I want to state that it began in August 2014 with the introduction of Gamergate, a revolt against corrupt social justice gaming websites. The revolt has turned into a sustained gathering of individuals who criticize gaming websites and other sectors of the media, and which has resulted in millions of lost dollars for media companies along with career frustration for social justice journalists.
More recently, another victory over the narrative came in the form of the Hugos, a science fiction book awards show, when authors of the far left failed to exclude “Sad Puppies” authors whose disagreements with the narrative blocked them out in past awards. The cuckserative meme followed shortly afterwards to expose the traitorous social justice leanings of establishment conservatives. If we are indeed in culture war, events such as Gamergate, Sad Puppies, cuckservatism, and my battle in Canada will become more commonplace and increase in intensity in the next two years.
The current narrative is failing an increasing percentage of people, so a culture war is necessary for them to see the opposing viewpoint that is being deliberately hidden from them or outright distorted.
Timeline: 2015 – 2025
Stage 4: Culture Vacuum
After culture war, a large percentage of the population will have lost faith in the existing narrative and convert at least partially to an alternative narrative. Victory will come when approximately 20% of the American population will solidly believe in neomasculine or alternative ideals by 2025, compared to what I estimate to be 3% and lower currently. A size of 20% seems small at first glance, but it allows a tipping point that is more than sufficient to convert others at a rapid pace as the existing narrative fades away.
Culture vacuum will be highlighted by intense confusion within the population over what to believe and think. Individuals will be far more open than during culture war to give the patience and time required to understand the logic behind an alternative narrative that they were once hostile to, especially since the losing narrative utterly failed to provide them with answers on how to live and pursue happiness, and which may have even put their life at risk.
The groups that comprise the winning side of the war will now attempt to differentiate between each other and convert believers, not unlike how varying religious faiths attempt to convert those to their own church. This may result in battles where once-allied groups fight each other out for the spoils. As is said, those who start the revolution are rarely those who end it, so it is possible that the winning group will simply be less fatigued than proto-groups that were involved from the beginning stages.
It is at this stage that a winning group must position themselves to accumulate institutional power. Those who infiltrated institutions during culture war can now more readily assert their views to usher in new policies and laws that roll back the damage caused by the previous narrative. They can also open the door to allow entry of those with similar beliefs to form powerful in-groups within the institutions.
If existing institutions can’t be successfully infiltrated, parallel institutions must be made. This will be easiest to do when it concerns establishing independent media organizations. We will have to improve the quality and professionalism of our entertainment and propaganda to rival that of current slick products that so easily capture impressionable minds.
Timeline: 2025 – 2045
Step 5: Return Of The Patriarchy
Over the course of a generation, there will be a gradual return to the patriarchy as at least 50% of the population believes in traditional ideals and have the voting power to usher in non-bought leaders who see patriarchy as the only way to maintain cohesion of society.
Since America is a multiracial nation, this means that minorities must be a part of those aching for patriarchy, or else the country may be split into several different countries along racial, cultural, and economic lines. I expect many minorities to come to the realization that patriarchy serves them better and provides a deeper life meaning that the consumerist and nihilistic ideals of the far left narrative that race-baits them for their own ends. While converting these more liberal groups may seem like an impossible task today, it’s a requirement if the United States will continue to exist as one nation.
In this stage, neomasculine ideals will be obviously entrenched in the media, government, and academic spheres. Women will be encouraged to marry young instead of embarking on a decade or two of sexual experimentation. Men will put their labor into helping their family or society instead of spending large amounts of time trying to get laid for short term pleasure. Heuristic rules of living that stem from religion and tradition will be used instead of ever-shifting scientific “facts” and technological mandates. A swing back to puritanism may result, but families will be stable, welfare will be less encouraged, each gender will fulfill their biological roles, and society will be better off as a result.
Timeline: 2045 – 2075
The return of patriarchy will essentially roll back what has been added since the sexual revolution of the 1960’s, and all the damage that the far left has caused since then. Neomasculinity, and those ideologies that overlap with it, will either triumph outright in America or be a big part of republics that form as a result of secession, and I can state this without exaggeration since the current narrative is already showing severe signs of stress that will lead to outright cultural collapse of nations that have foolishly adopted it.
The process of culture change is long, and the end result may occur well after we’re dead, but since the current narrative is not sustainable, victory is inevitable. When you have the truth on your side, it becomes only a matter of time and effort. I just hope to be alive when these events do unfold in the Western world.
If you like this article and are concerned about the future of the Western world, check out Roosh’s book Free Speech Isn’t Free. It gives an inside look to how the globalist establishment is attempting to marginalize masculine men with a leftist agenda that promotes censorship, feminism, and sterility. It also shares key knowledge and tools that you can use to defend yourself against social justice attacks. Click here to learn more about the book. Your support will help maintain our operation.
This article was originally published on
Read Next: Narrative Warfare
I approve of long-game thinking for solving hard problems. I have a vision of a long game for restoring patriarchy as well. Read my Amazon review of this book:
Also refer to:
The Science Surrounding Cryonics
What the nervous system of the roundworm, frozen embryos, and extreme hypothermia tell us about preserving the mind.
21st Century Medicine’s Aldehyde-Stabilized Cryopreservation
Typical, the crap gets cleared away and I’ll be too old to enjoy it. I was either born too late or too early 😛
Nah, you were born at precisely the time you could make a difference. The men of the Revolution of 1776 were preceded by a generation of men who laid down the philosophical framework of the Revolution, as well as provided the impetus to their sons to not want to live under the yoke of a king. Every generation has a role to play.
I may not be Thomas Jefferson, but my son may turn out to be. And that’s because of how I raised him and what guidance I gave him.
Millenials? As significant in history as a dodo.
Unless they out-breed any other demographic strata. Non-natives in particular.
Eh, there’s hope. My son’s peer group of young men (20 and below) hunt, fish, own guns and despise feminism. To take this back to the original article, there’s probably a reason for that, namely, the rise of the manosphere in their formative years. They may not read it, but guaran-fucking-teed a lot of their fathers do.
My son, who has never read the manosphere to my knowledge, is fond of GamerGate, hates feminists with a passion, laughs at Sarkeesian, shoots guns, did papers in high school mocking socialism and seems to have nearly intuitive level game.
As a group in the demographics, do they matter?
I doubt they’re an “ethnic” group.
Every man who resists and contributes towards resistance of this matters. No exceptions.
You sure about that?
Obviously I can’t speak for GoJ but, I can echo what he says; my son (early twenties) and many of his peers see feminism for what it is and women for what they are.
This is the generation raised not just on MSM but also on alternative media as well.
IMO more young men ‘get it’ than we think.
For his peer group (22 and younger)? Absolutely. They pass around anti-feminist memes, and anti sjw memes. My daughter, 16, does the same with her friends.
The Millenials in their mid 20’s and older are a lost cause, total hipster freaks. Those just coming up out of high school though are an entirely different breed.
There’s a lot of hipster faggots but not all of us are.
Agreed. As I’ve noted on other threads, there are plenty of young men who are in or just out of the military who flip the bird to the hipster manginas. And the younger Millenials seem to be an entirely different breed (they should probably opt out of the Millenial label, if you ask me).
That’s interesting. Why the difference since some are only in their early 20s while the ones you’re talking about are only a few years younger?
Agreed. I love telling the wimp hipsters that I shoot and eat birds when they say “omg who would even want a gun?”. Turns their mousy girlfriends on… can’t blame em…
Geez, what pussies.
The questions, GoJ, and I am not trolling you but being serious, how quickly will your son (or any man 20 and below) sell out those beliefs for a piece of pussy. I am sure plenty of young men sit around with each other talking about hating feminism and what they will do and achieve right up until a shaved pussy looking like a brand spanking new penny and smelling like a mix between fruit lotion and heaven tells them to go to a protest to make sure that young black boys can call themselves Pilipino girls or whatever.
A 20 year old boy will, more often than not, follow pussy to any cause selling beliefs, values and, hell, their inheritance for a piece of tang.
30 years ago it was the same but getting laid wasn’t in the offering….most of the time it was just a promise of future poon. Now, with girls hitting double digit notch counts in high school, a well behaved 19 year old can, if he acts correctly, EXPECT (not hope for expect) sex in any of the holes of some young girls, nude pics, videos of him doing her and, in most cases, a threeway with her friend.
He was anti-feminist when he had a girlfriend of 2 years who may or may not have agreed with him. He’s anti-feminist now. He was anti-SJW when he had a girlfriend of 2 years, he’s anti-feminist now. He seems to have made it past the girlfriend test when it regards his beliefs.
My daughter won’t date a boy who hasn’t shot a gun. Heh.
“Millenial” here, 23 years old, reporting for duty.
What group does a 30-31 year old fall in?
Isn’t that generation X or something ?
From my own observations, watching my 5 year-old son play with his friends, the good guys are still fighting the bad guys, any stick laying on the ground is a gun or a sword, and they still dream of masculine pursuits like fighter pilot, cop and fireman.
Had to do a google search. Looks like I fall in Gen Y….yay?
I was a weird one, I guess. I wanted to be a barber then I changed my mind to a landscape architect…
good for him. you raised a good one. On the other side, I did get to say “vagina like a brand spanking new penny”
You’ve been waiting to pull that one out all day haven’t you?
I have seen some theories that if you keep your dick parked in a woman too long, some kind of hormone will backflow up your pee-hole and it has some mind-control effects.
“Theory” I said.
But this “selling out for pussy” business might have some hormonal or chemical backing to it.
I’ve heard about that too. Sounds logical, female survival function through controlling a male to protect and care for her. symbiotic/parasitic survival strategy depending of how you view realtionships between men and women.
Years ago there was a movie based on a real crime case. It was a murder in South Florida where some teenager was killed and buried somewhere but it was orchestrated by another teenage girl. I remember Court TV being all up on it.
Anyway, in the movie, there was a scene where the perpetrator girl was “programming” her simp in preparation or the murder and in that scene, they were both naked and his dick was “parked” in her.
I always thought that odd, but then when I started hearing about the theories about this hormone and the mind control influence on men, it put 2 and 2 together.
I don’t expect expensive university studies about this, revealing any “truths”.
That wich led me to the redpill was a relationship with a crazy BPD woman who had been sexually abused by her brother growing up, it took me a good year to understand something very freaky was going on neurologically, she would draw me in very close emotionally and love bomb me make feel warm and fuzzy and the very next moment reject me and make me feel the exact same way as when you come down from a meth frenzy (horrible that is).
I was a god damn zombie, but it was a blessing in disguise because she initiated me to the redpill indirectly and ultimately made me find RoK. So yes i believe a woman can possess a man neurologically speaking (if he is a simp of course)
If you have been a chump and experienced it first hand then you know its nothing out of the ordinary.
The Barber Shop and I am talking barber shop, not a hair dresser is one of the remaining frontiers of public masculinity. Old Italian dudes wielding straight razors with deadly precision, a stack of playboys on the table, decor that hasn’t changed since the place opened 50 years ago…real Barbers are God damned heroes.
How different are they to the stuck-up city kids with big egos and believe that they are bring progressive in their decisions. I’m a millennial with a goodish upbringing and I can see morsels of red pill in my generation but many lack the skills aforementioned by Psquare, as well as dedication or camaraderie. I’m no model either but I know when I fuck up. In addition to this my generation seems to notice the chasm between feminism and reality but don’t fancy missing out on pussy by going against the word of bitchy females. Well, as if they get any pussy.
Being labelled by feminists might decrease your social circle,which no fresher wants.
omg “keep your dick parked in a women too long , some kind of hormone will backflow up your pee-hole and it has some mind-control effects”…that sounds horrifying. Sounds like those fish from the Amazon that swim up your urine stream and then wreak havoc in your dick.
sons are natural red-pillers , masculine types . Doesn’t hurt to have the GOJ as their daddy. Do you ever tell them to check out ROK and the manosphere or are you letting them discover this stuff on their own??
It’s like some certain bracket of birth year has created freaks, perhaps those born between 1985 and 1995… but good to know that some of the younger ones are not carrying the same sickness..
I disagree, the Millenials(born:1988-2000) are the true Lost Generation. Its not that we lack intellectual capabilities or physical capabilities on average. It’s that we don’t have that spiritual, righteous drive that fuels most if not all revolutions. The next generations after millenials will be a fore to be reckoned with since they will inherit a broken world devoid of any normalcy and tradition
You’re here, aren’t you? I think Millenial young men who consciously eschew feminism and this feminine society are the first of the return of Men. They chose that path for a reason, and I’m betting that reason is an active mind and, I hope, present fathers. Plus, they have resisted the programming so much that they are acting against the FI. Even if they are a stop gap to my son’s son, at least they exist.
I do agree that there is hope, but I speak for the average rank and file millennial. Considering you raised your son to be red-pill, I imagine we would be good comrades in this cultural crusade. I think more red-pill millenials need to connect with each other like how the American revolutionaries would congregate in taverns discussing their dissatisfaction with the British Empire
I’m always down. Clark and I had a great talk when I was up in Canada. Shit… gotta finish my half of that article.
I met our good Clark Kent as well this summer while travelling from coast to coast. Fun times. It’s pretty cool that some of us are able to meet up and keep in touch.
And Ghost, it’s a shame our schedules couldn’t coincide while I was rolling through your neck of the woods, but we may have crossed paths at Sturgis and not even known it. What an insane party! If you find yourself cruising the beautiful rolling highways of Canada’s West Coast (good for motorcycles almost year-round), drop me a line. And that goes for you other glorious redpilled bastards.
Roger that!
What is stopping you now? Rhetoric question.
No, you were born at the perfect time to make a meaningful contribution and change the course of history! A couple of decades earlier and you would be to old now to do anything. A couple of decades later and the work is already done.
It has to return. It’s patriarchy or extinction.
Let’s face it, most people are truly lost. Their life is their mortgage, utility and cars bills and their monthly paycheques.
Their lives are hollowed to the core and made worse every time they are led around a shopping precinct or “up and coming” apartment block. This is the casual day-to-day effect of feminism – pressuring men to value the shit women value
Men have no reason at all to live in a mcmansion. It’s totally unnecessary.
Watch the new Bond film – I laughed at the scene where it shows the inside of Bond’s flat – nothing but a leather couch, computer and bottle of fine Scotch
This is a man’s natural state. Minimal materialistically with perhaps some room for an old, personally nostalgic sportscar, but maximum room for physical and intellectual development.
Men don’t collect expensive furniture outside of what is necessary. Men don’t collect toys outside of our scientific interests. Men don’t spend large percentages of their income on disposable tat from the cluster-fuck commercial complex.
Men fuck, read, work out, discuss the world with our peers and friends and eventually children, and drink. The rest is feminist indoctrination. Pure and simple. Patriarchy put us on the fucking moon. Feminism gave us welfare additiction, bastardy and debt.
Of course men are unhappy. Fuck’s sake – 85%+ of their lives are total bullshit. They’ve…we’ve disengaged from life.
Roosh wrote a great article about how women waste a man’s time. He was damn right. My wife is a good, old-fashioned woman and even she buries thousands of my hours a year
One of my mates recently divorced. Since he’s been single he’s actually become more intelligent and articulate, the reason being he now pursues his interests instead of her so-called interests.
He’s taken to reading instead of slouching on the sofa watching shit TV. He drinks less as it was always just an escape anyway.
I’m not one of the guys out their promoting MGTOW, but I can sympathise.
Patriarchy or MGTOW.
The only 2 possibilities.
I say the former
Mostly agree with you, although I do collect some things out of nothing more than plain simple curiosity or unabashed interest. Antique paper ephemera, for example, fishing/camping gear, blades, silver, gold and firearms
I collect assorted knives and am more recently into acquiring cigars and assorted spirits for some weekend indulgence.
go the spirits!
Sure but they’re hobby related
You’re not accumulating stuff to keep up with the Joneses
Yes, correct.
I collect tears.
And beer.
good whiskies and fuck sessions with women for my part.
“Men fuck, read, work out, discuss the world with our peers and friends and eventually children, and drink.”
Outstanding summation.
And it speaks to a dynamic that Roosh has not touched on, one that I believe will also speed the return of patriarchy – male dis-engagement.
Take a look around – almost every instance of feminist / female shaming, almost all of the ‘deficiencies’ that men are being accused of, almost all the increasing social pathologies we see, are the result, not of female behavior, but of the rational male response to it.
All the accusations of men being ‘Peter Pans, not committing, not going to college, not jumping on the corporate treadmill, not interested in becoming engaged fathers, not dating, not stepping up to help women…..they are all about men NOT doing something. Men are increasingly NOT doing things that women expect them to. And with good reason; the mass of women no longer give men any incentive to do so. Women, mostly, don’t understand that the new behavior from men is a direct result of the ways they themselves are now behaving.
But the significant thing here is that many, I would say most, of the men disengaging have never heard of the red pill, the manosphere or MGTOW. They are simply observing the new feminist world order and arranging their lives in ways that best suit them as individual men. Rarely does this suit society, feminists or women in general. Like a thousand cuts it increasingly bleeds the current cultural narrative dry – of funds and legitimacy.
As much as the pro-active dynamics that Roosh talks about help to bring back patriarchy, so too will men’s disengagement. The world was built on the backs of men. As they walk away the very foundations crumble.
As you say, all men want to do is fuck, read, work out, discuss the world with their peers and friends and eventually children, and drink. Men have simple needs – the ability to live well so modestly is something that feminists and women can barely comprehend. They have ignored it at their peril.
Great post
Yes incentives and lack thereof is the key
MGTOW may not be a big movement yet, but it’s growing almost incidentally
You really can’t have a “movement” of men going their own way. It’s impossible.
More of a scatter 😀
From order to chaos… and back again o.O
Herding cats is difficult but not impossible.
Technically correct, the best kind of correct.
“Men are increasingly NOT doing things that women expect them to. And with good reason; the mass of women no longer give men any incentive to do so.”
Quite correct:
“Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.
Matthew 7:6
The whole modern left doesn’t seem to get the idea that people will react to decisions that you try to impose on them. Your typical socialist will laugh at the – well – Laffer Curve because their conception of people is as mindless zombies who, if faced with tax hikes, will continue to putter away and simply hand more of their income over.
The “patriarchy”, such as it ever was, was a relatively stable but dynamic system. When feminists come along and say “we want more entitlements for women and more obligations for men” then there is a point where guys will say fuck that. Entitle yourself bitch; oblige yourself; just leave me the hell alone.
And the things is, they get incensed guys want to pick up their marbles and leave the game.
SJWs project. They themselves would willingly pay whatever is demanded, and they assume everyone else would too. This is because they are weak. They do not have the ability to put up any kind of fight, not physically and not in any other form. It’s not even a conscious choice, it is mere animal instinct.
TBH in my experience they themselves are not actually willing to pay when the time comes. I have seen this on numerous occasions. The spin loops they go into when they realise that they have been hoist by their own petard can be entertaining to watch. The incomprehension they have of being on the other side of their own argument.
This incomprehension is a testament to their weakness, both in terms of mental fortitude and intellect. They are so willing to enforce the cost of their feeble mindedness on everyone else because they do not truly believe that they will ever rise to a position where they will ever affected by thier insane propositions.
Sooner or later they will, of course. We are all, ultimately, dependent on each other to a degree. Any world view that believes it can benefit one constituency at the expense of the other will end up hurting both.
And this is the Achilles heal of feminism. In the real world, the more independent always have less to lose and those that care least will always win, when all that is left to do is walk away. And men are walking away everywhere you look.
We have let women and weak men have their time in the sun. The future belongs to strong men and the women who support them.
We’ll said Sir!
If you want to be a Patriarch , (men’s disengagement.) you have to manage your woman and you can’t do that if she controls you, so you have to be MGTOW , go your own way.Or you will and your people will become extinct.
well done
Spread the word, Bro
You’re bloody welcome, Sir
“Feminism gave us welfare addiction, bastardy and debt.” Maybe they increased the number of, but feminism did not invent them. They occur naturally in any society.
I agree. Materialism is the female natural state, because women feel secure collecting and owning as much as possible. But not the things that are really useful. (like tools)
Women used to scavenge for mushrooms and berries while men hunted. Nowadays you still see women happiest going trough clearance bins for knickknacks while men are more minimalistic and save up for durable goods or purchases like a car or house.
Women like non-essential things. Example: We all know what happens with men when a woman moves in to a man’s house. They want to “decorate” the man’s place with pillows, flowers, signs that say “Home”, mirrors, vases, pictureframes, candles, wooden decorative crates etc. All useless shit. And a man… well, he doesn’t want useless stuff in his livingroom. A guitar and computer aren’t useless.
That painting you think is cool and has meaning she will be disgusted by. She doesn’t want guitars in the living room and especially no model cars or computers.
We all know the women with 30+ pairs of shoes, closets full of clothes, a dozen of handbags. But how many clothes does a human really need? I never heard of heterosexual men with more than 10 pants, pair of shoes in their closet, and 10 is a lot.
“Materialism is the female natural state, because women feel secure collecting and owning as much as possible”.
Exactly. I had a girlfriend who owned approx 40 boots/shoes. I told her, what was the fucking point for having so much stuff she didn’t use. She answered it makes her happy.
So I told her to put all the shoes on her bed an to sit at the middle of her stash, and tell me if she would feel happier. silence and she finally answered no.
fucking non sense materialism.
If I ever start a normal family it will be after living with her for years, always with the option of throwing her out if she starts any of that crap. My home will remain my home, with or without a woman in it.
You can say this and I believe when you are red pill aware that helps you a lot, but the fact is that women mark their territory very slowly. It all starts with a simple hairpin they forgot, or a piece of clothing. Then comes the toothbrush in your drawer. And when things become more serious she will talk about having her own drawer, or even worse: exchanging keys.
These things happen over a course of months, but probably multiple years. You know the story of the frog in the cooking-pot?
– Rome wasn’t build in a day
My home will be clean and orderly and she will be the one keeping it that way. I wouldn’t get together with a bathroom slob like that. And if we’re living together, of course we will have places for all our stuff. Both of ours. Why do you make that out to be a problem?
Did you ever have a relationship? Did you ever watch your own mother leaving stuff around in different places? My mother always had her handbags laying on the stairway. You don’t want to know how often I almost broke my neck. I also never could find anything in the bathroom because I had to go trough dozens of make-up items first.
Stuff like that is going to happen when you have a woman living in your house.
If you can be the dominant one in a relationship, you are good to go. But if you give a woman your finger, she will take your whole arm.
Stuff like that is not going to happen with my women because I do not live with women like that. It is a simple choice. Your home is yours and you allow her to live in it, or it is not yours.
That is what Al Bundy said before he got married. Frankly, there are millions of Al Bundy’s in this world. Beaten dogs who go to work every day in order to pay for the mortgage and utilities to come home to a wife that sits in front of the tv watching Dr.Phill but didn’t cook.
You are the exception to the rule huh? Tell me, how many relationships did you have, how many years did you cohabit with a woman who isn’t your mother? Tell me.
I am no Al Bundy.
I’m in the process of de-cluttering my house (basically throwing all the useless shit in the garbage). Even got the wife onboard…to an extent. I find it’s easier if I just don’t ask her if she wants to keep said item and I just throw it away. Done that with quite a few trashbags worth of items and haven’t heard a complaint yet.
Women like to clean up, because in their heads it’s already a mess. And it allows them to buy new stuff.
But the question is: do you have pillows on your couch, and candles in your living room? Do you have crates or baskets placed somewhere, vases with flowers? If so, you live in an emasculated home.
I have pillows on the couch, but they came with the couch (not those froo-froo frilly pillows that you buy separate) and I actually use them regularly for back support when I’m leaning against the armrest portion. While we have vases, they are rarely used; really only when I buy my wife flowers for an anniversary or birthday. Not really sure what you mean by crates or baskets….we have laundry baskets because we’re not slobs…
Reminds me of a great scene from the UK series Coupling.
Vases with actual living plants is healthy, creates oxygen, but this latest trend in dead fucking twigs in huge vases… that’s total crap.
I have nothing against plants, but I find flowers to be expensive for the amount of time they are acceptable to display.
Women don’t bear the cost of ownership. That’s one major root cause. When they move, they get men to help. They rarely have to move heavy things, or feel the cost of living frivolously. Men, bearing these costs, gravitate towards functionalism over ornamentalism, over getting more done with less volume, less weight, less cost.
Whew…great summary sir. ^^^^this^^^^^
I will say one thing about Bond (the modern one). He is not a happy man. He is damaged, perhaps even traumatized. I would draw some inspiration from him (his toughness) but not his weaknesses.
Aren’t we all damaged in someway good sir?
But, we stand up, move on and get our shit together. That’s what makes us Men.
I’m guess what I am saying is that I don’t think any of us would really want to emulate his life. The reality of someone like him is that they would die alone and miserable. If they were lucky, they would die in the field.
You may recall in the previous movie that his idea of retirement was to get drunk at the bar and let all of his awesome skills go to pot.
Dying alone doesn’t necessarily mean that someone had a terrible life.
In fact, a Real man wouldn’t be afraid to take the path least taken and live a life that he knows deep in his heart that he has no one to depend on but himself. It takes mountains of courage to make this choice.
I don’t know. It looked to me that JB was taking the cowards way out. To me, a real man raises a strong healthy family after building the necessary foundation. In this case, a man that dies alone would have met with some significant misfortune. My grandfather was far from alone when he died with the respect and love of family and friends.
The corollary of depending on no one else, is being responsible for no one else. This to me, is not courage.
We have different opinions in this matter, and I respect yours very much.
I would imagine that the opening scene has him eating rainbow Doritos and watching “The Big Bang Theory.”
Partriarchical society will eventually return no matter what. This will happen when the Western Democracies collapse and there is no more money for welfare, no more money for endless programs to make women “feel better” (about sports and sciences etc. when generally they are not interested), no more belief in the Great God of Government to fix everything and keep us safe.
This is inevitable and it will happen as part of a process beginning with the collapse of fiat currencies. However, this process may be more bloody than that outlined in the article.
It does make sense, one can intuitively feel, even women can, that patriarchy is the natural order of things. The system has merely been temporarily displaced from its equilibrium position, but nature will win.
You can see this with any woman. No matter their education level, business success etc, when things get tough, the first thing they look for is a man to come along and solve their problems. Stress makes them crumple and lose all confidence. This is where a man comes in. Even when shit is hitting the fan, he still has that ability to calmly assess the situation and make rational decisions. Women struggle with this.
Also, if 50% of the voters are women and they really wanted their own gender to run the show there’d be a lot more of them in power.
Yeah ironically they vote for men who promise to be sympathetic to “women’s issues” rather than women who they secretly despise.
well said……..hillary clinton, michelle obama, margaret thatcher(past tense), carly fiorina, sarah palin etc are in general not well thought of by middle class women
So many gems in this comment :
“This is a man’s natural state. Minimal materialistically, but maximum room for physical and intellectual development.”
“Men fuck, read, work out, discuss the world with our peers and friends, and drink. The rest is feminist indoctrination.”
“Since he’s been single he’s actually become more intelligent and articulate, the reason being he now pursues his interests. He’s taken to reading [&] he drinks less as it was always just an escape anyway.”
We should all relate.
Unlike the feminist and liberals , at least we make our goals clear without any tricks or lie or concealment. That alone makes us better that them.
Another “to be fair” moment, they did make their goals clear – in the 19th century. The entire Communist manifesto and subsequent writings at the time went into great detail about how they were going to destroy not only the economic model and engine, but also the family by deconstructing it. They were very clear and forward about it. This is why men opposed them, in the past.
Today, well, who reads “old stuff”, right?
The Partiarchy is waiting for us in the Great Books for Men–in art, literature, philosophy, and poetry–in the Iliad, Odyssey, and Aeneid–in Shakespeare and the Bible–in our natural, rightful heritage and most prized property which they tried to take away from us.
“They all fall off, one by one, until we are left with Virgil and Homer, and perhaps Homer alone.” –Thomas Jeffeson
If one takes the time to look back through history, then what you will observe is the fact that the patriarchy is the central core of our species. All of the greatest inventions and modern civilizations were built on the very foundations which were established by the virtues and principles of a male dominating society. In essence, it was the backbone which held together, the very solid blocks of our society such as the nuclear family, the ability to build an income and maintaining the religious and moral values of a free society.
It never ceases to amaze me when I see that all of the great contributions of our world, have now been systematically flushed down the toilet and what was once perceived as the natural order of life, has been smeared and destroyed in a matter of a few generations. Now, we have a society and a world which only intends to reverse what was provided by the natural order of God’s law. The world in which we live in, only tends to cater towards the very needs and desires of the female gender, while aggressively, intends to pursue and create a gynocentric matriarchal society which is hellbent in forcing men to kowtow and submit to the whiplashing of female supremacy.
It is a false premise to believe that a women can lead a society, when in reality, most countries with female leaders and even female CEOs of companies, have naturally, failed to lead a nation or a company to prosper and succeed. This has nothing to do with being sexist or misogynistic, as critics would claim while they come out to attack your credibility. This is to do with the natural order of life and more to do with human biology. Just as a woman has her biological need to reproduce and to nurture for her loved ones, it is also a man’s biological programming, to build society, lead and to raise his family with love and to provide protection. There is nothing wrong with that- that is how life was intended to be for centuries.
Not only can science support this very notion, but even all the mainstream religions have provided this very teaching and foundation of what a patriarchal society is about and how we must respect and acknowledge this concept. There is nothing wrong with a man choosing to work and provide for his family, while there is nothing wrong for a woman to stay at home. All of this should be encouraged as it provides a healthy foundation for the well being of the traditional nuclear family and the well being of society. It is unfortunate that we now have radical feminists who would attempt to dismantle all of this for the sake of validating their own selfish and childish delusions, which perfectly symbolises why the world has gone to hell in a handbasket.
Trophy husbands, female breadwinners, divorces etc. All of these symptoms are the direct result of the destruction of not only the patriarchy, but the interference and meddling of God’s natural law and as long as society continues to walk down this pathway where men are abandoned and treated like second class citizens, then the world will only continue to cover itself in darkness.
Look further back in history, on evolutional scale. Species that are mostly matriarchal, are less advanced in terms of evolution (bees, ants etc.) There are no “alpha males” amongst them. One more thing, all those species live in a system that we would call “comunism”. ‘Nuff said.
Eh, Bonobos are doing pretty well, but they’re not going anywhere higher on the ol’ evolution tree that much is certain.
People claim that we diverged from them and chimps and share similar traits. I tend to wonder if chimps and humans instead diverged from bonobos as a single branch (chimp/human vs. bonobo split), then diverged later from each other (chimp human split). We really don’t seem cut out for matriarchy as a species, every time we try we self destruct or our progress in life basically reverses to hunter-gatherer levels.
Yeah, we also have dolphins and whales who, roughly said, got out of the oceans to become land animals, and then returned to the oceans, so now they can not walk on Earth, but also need to breathe. Seems like inconvenience to me, inconvenience like matriarchy.
That is exactly what I see happening. Women want thugs and murderers because in the past they would have been warriors, which were the highest ranking men in tribal societies (just a hair over bear and mammoth hunters). The ZFG alpha attitude that people talk about is exactly what they likely had.
This all seems like so much work. I just want to earn some money, spurt out and raise a passel of chitlins, and try to fit in some time for the dogs, hunting and board games. How am I supposed to fit a culture war into that schedule??
You doing just that and raising your kids to have the same values IS part of the culture war. You can win the culture war by 2 methods: Changing minds or outbreeding them.
Earn money – check
Spurt out and raise passel of chitlins – check
Dogs, hunting, entertainment – check
Same thing I’m doing. Only one difference; raising kids consciously to not be blue pill and not be feminist. Not really that much work, and the opposition does most of the work on our behalf due to how stupid insane they’ve become. You put forward an axiom, the SJW’s demonstrate their stupidity in spades, you point and say “see?” and your work is done.
Patriarchy will return when we find those feminists and put them right back in their place. The reformed feminsits will love their new job, and with time they will perform it well
Not many women will love their life, not ever. They’re famous malcontents. Therefore, they must simply do their duty, as men must as well. Women’s lib must be revoked, and women must be sent back into the kitchen. They must not be allowed to divorce. If they’re unhappy, well then think of it as a form of affirmative action: Since men have to be unhappy in combat fighting for their country and and work feeding their family, women have to be unhappy and shut up in order to be equal to men. If thinking of equality in this way makes it easier to put them back in the kitchen, so be it.
The funny thing is how small “making a sandwich” actually is, in terms of a time committment.
My wife thows down complete meals every day: marinated chicken/fish, salads, beans, rice, etc. It takes a while to prepare, but she wants us to eat well. A sandwich, by comparison, takes what…2 minutes to put together? It’s not even “cooking,” by the true definition of the word.
It’s a true sign of the times when a woman views making a sandwich (which involves little to no time) as an act of oppresion. She is essentially saying, “I will not even give you a morsel of what you want.”
Men are wrong to view a woman “making a sandwich” as a good thing. If she cannot cook (and I mean meals) then she is not worthy to be your girlfriend/wife. She is a parsimoinious woman, serving the feminist agenda.
The future will belong to the strong. The weak will be crushed under the increasing weight of difficult times.
Embrace trials and hardship. Take the road less travelled. You will make your way back to society as a conquering king and every shit bred faggot can either shape up or ship out. Personally I make sure of this in my own vicinity if you’re a pussy, a pushover or an ass kisser I will be in your face talking shit, mocking your bitch ass and making you feel threatened until you either fight me and for once become a man or slink back into your corner of obscurity like the fucking wimp that you always were.
Whorish women and baby murderers will be left to the wastes as well. When strong men rule there will be no exceptions to this as we want chaste women for the mothers of our children.
So you drank the cultural poison like a fool? Now you can suffer the real consequences by being excluded from a proper functioning and structured society. No excuses and no mercy for weak men and damaged goods women.
Burn burn burn in hell you fucking insects.
I can’t wait.
Always enjoy reading your RealTalk
“Personally I make sure of this in my own vicinity if you’re a pussy, a
pushover or an ass kisser I will be in your face talking shit, mocking
your bitch ass and making you feel threatened until you either fight me
and for once become a man or slink back into your corner of obscurity
like the fucking wimp that you always were.”
Drumroll . .
SJW’s must burn first..
Excellent article. In the interest of Step No. 2, I’d like to share this video that will hopefully open some eyes to the chaos engulfing Europe. It ties in to the larger culture war against what’s being shown by the mainstream media, and is a reflection on the sorry state of the pathological alruism of the suicidal Left.
In just over a day it’s hit 100,000 views already — spread it far and wide. And prepare to be filled with rage.
With Open Gates: The Forced Collective Suicide of European Nations
What kills me is when some people absolutely deny this is happening, as if all of this were made up or a one off thing on occasion. Yet videos from across Europe are confirming this is happening. It’s as if some people are so deep in denial that they forget that we have video technology today to easily show them to be wrong.
I got into an argument with two native Germans after showing them this video and their responses were astounding. I just couldn’t believe their cognitive dissonance.
“Oh, that footage is taken out of context!” “Germany has always gone through change, now we are just adapting!” “We are the crossroads of Europe and have to expect immigration!” “Fear just leads to hate and intolerance!” “We wouldn’t want to be described as Nazis!”
Not an ounce of pride for their country. Not a thought to their great heritage being destroyed or to future for their children. Just bending over to take it in the name of “tolerance.”
Bezmenov succinctly sums it up in the interview herein contained, describing “the psychological shock” of someone like this: “A person who is demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic truth, with documents, with pictures, he will refuse to believe it, despite the abundance of information. No one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interests of defending themselves, their family, their community and their country.”
I would be of the mind that the Germans really deserve what’s happening to them, but I can’t shake the fact that *we*, as in the Allies, basically did this to them after the war. Gave them heaping helpings of constant high level guilt, from the end of the war to present day, such that any chance of an independent and pro-German thought over there is now almost literally impossible. So while it’s easy for me to mock the silly effeminate German boys, I feel rather badly for them, because they literally know nothing else and are the product of *our* brainwashing.
“Fear just leads to hate and intolerance!”
I don’t think I’ve ever seen the words “tolerance” and “intolerance” defined. Tolerance/intolerance towards what? Towards being fucked in the butt? Where is the limit? I wonder what would those Germans answer.
The destruction of Europe started when USA and UK sided with Stalin. So USA bears part of the blame of what is happening today in Europe. Plus, Germany today is not even a sovereign country and still listed as “an enemy state” in the UN charters.
For the record, I don’t blame directly USA and its people but those who control it.
In my opinion it was first and foremost the russians that destroyed germany.
You got it.
And as others have noted: The tolerance of intolerance is cowardice.
Not entirely true. Stalin was aided by USA and UK or else he was finished.
Hitler also did some “mistakes” … intentionally or unintentionally. Like postponing the attack on Moscow.
Watch this documentary –
Great documentary but i have only seen half of it since it was more than six hours long.
You are right the red army would not have been able to land its deathblows to the third reich without the aid of the allies.
There is another documentar called hellstorm wich goes in more on the red armies invasion when germany allready was finished, also i must add during that stage of the war i think there were more mongol merceneries than actual russians.
The only thing that is of most imprtance now though is no more brother wars, us germanics and slavs are almost the same people and we must stand united against our common enemy.
This is called willing ignorance and moral cowardice.
The documentary is divided in parts. It is very informative but also a bit biased in favour of Hitler.
In my opinion, Hitler created a model country for the whole world to follow but he betrayed it at the same time with his international ambitions.
The helpings of high level guilt that *you* applied to the Germans *you* in fact applied to yourself simultaneously. By condemning what was natural self and fair protective behaviour in the Germans, a desire for racial and national survival the Americans and British made it impossible to have those natural survival values themselves.
There is a lot of rubbish written about German’s as the guilty villains that were unfair to everyone else and that caused WW1, WW2 etc. Most of it isn’t true or complete, there is so much misinformation out there the truth of recent research that has come out of 100 year archives is lost in the noise. We recently found out that the von Schleifen plan to invade France via Belgium in WW1 often used a s a smoking gun proof of German guilt wasn’t a plan but an 15 year old war game exercise. The German army wasn’t even 60% the size it needed to be for that ‘exercise’.
I didn’t apply shit, home fries, I’m all for nationalism.
Well GOJ, the point is that they don’t care whether it’s true or not. People in religious cults never do. And yes, Leftism is a religious cult.
It’s scary. What about the United States? Do you think this will happen here as well?
It is happening. Go tell some of the people you know that white americans will soon be a minority. Watch their reactions. Maybe report back, give us all a case study.
I’d have no success here. Southern state, majority black. The whites here are what most would consider “racist” as a result of experience. Or at least my family and close friends are that way. Other than them, I don’t know all that many white people.
It’s just Like the KGB Defector Said.
It’s a brilliant video. Do you know who made it. I’d like to support them.
Yes, a great anonymous video creator named Gex. He’s a student just doing this on the side, so any support helps. If you look in the writeup for this video on youtube he has information for how to donate bitcoins for his effort and to keep producing more quality work.
I don’t have a bitcoin account. Shame.
Yeah, I guess it’s the one method of payment he can use that will retain his anonymity, which is unfortunately such a dire concern in these times.
Only option would be to use: and I believe through that you can send him support directly using that code he gives in the video description. But I am unfortunately unfamiliar with this method of currency and can’t offer any more help than that. Good on you for wanting to help out.
I’ll check it, thank you. Hopefully he’ll get some money from the popularity of the video too.
That was disturbing. I do not understand why these people are not being greeted with gunfire
Brilliant Video, The Barbarians are at the Gates of Rome. Make no Mistake a country Invading another is an Act of War, and the Leaders of the Free world do nothing, something has to be Done, Europe needs to get Organized or in a couple years everybody is going to be Saying Allahu Akbar. By the way I think this Video should be shared as Much as Possible as the word needs to get out, and the Director in the YouTube Description thinks the Video will be taken Down.
You’re right on the money. And yes, I’ve been spreading it around all over the place. His last one got removed after five days. The more people that see this, the better.
Unbelievable the Filthy Libs running YouTube would take the Video down….But then again being filthy liberals its really not that unbelievable,… the whole video Makes My Blood Boil I can’t imagine Being a Man over in Europe and being told to just sit around and Do nothing while My Country is Taken over by muslims , European Men need to start creating Resistance Groups.
There goes the low crime rate of the gun-free Eurozone
Check out Generation Identitaire, they’re doing their bit but it’s a drop in the ocean..
astounding. beware folks, we should spread this kind of video quickly before It will be banned from youtube.
And it was banned! Breitbart is carrying a working link still:
I wish there was a webcam on the German borders so the public could actually watch what was going on before it gets completely filtered and reconstituted watered down for mass consumption. Man, that woman on Lesbos. You never see anything like that in the mainstream press. Once you’ve experienced a little bit of this around Europe first hand you will have no problems believing what you see in the video. Is certainly sad that making the Germans feel guilty has gone so far that they’re barely reacting to this. Well there is resistance but can’t really be sure if it’s growing fast enough to be of any use.. Is certainly forced collective suicide, the majority does not want it.
Don’t give up hope my friend. The resistance will rise when more people wake up. I’m on the other side of the water but am trying to do my small part… spreading things like this help stoke the flames. We just hit 1,000,000 views on youtube within three days! The pendulum is swinging… and as history shows great things can happen very quickly.
Yes, and the unfortunate events of Friday evening will hopefully speed the pendulum up.. that would be some good that could come out of it
Testimonials are also powerful. Every evangelical religious group has people taking the stand witnessing how once they were lost and now are found. The core beliefs must be unwaveringly patriarchal and testimonies that get the raving applause must be cheered with tears of joy screaming ”Hail the almighty patriarchy”. Religion aside, god will always be there. You can’t put god in a box or even a church but you can put patriarchal revival in any church or assembly hall.
I just saw this pop up on the radar. We may be too late, it appears that the idea of Brown Shirt squads sent out to “deal with” political enemies has begun.
“The email did not define what constitutes “hurtful” speech but did say if anyone experiences or hears it they are immediately get in touch with cops and also provide “a detailed description of the individual(s) involved” along with the “license plate and vehicle descriptions…” Also, “If possible and if it can be done safely, take a photo of the individual(s) with your cell phone.””
“If possible and if it can be done safely, take a photo of the individual(s) with your cell phone.”
Isn’t that illegal? Oh, I forgot, nothing is illegal if it’s in the name of protecting one’s feeeeeeelz.
No, it’s not illegal I believe, at least not in most states.
I remembered the article about “Yes means yes” where the people in the comments were discussing about how from now on men must record their sexual encounters in order to prove that the woman gave consent. Then it became clear that they can get sued for recording without consent. I understand now. Legality depends on whether or not recording/shooting photos can be used against SJWs.
No, that’s wrong actually. In almost every state in the union (I’m not sure there are any exceptions any longer, but check your local laws just in case), today, you can record an encounter if only *one* party consents. If you’re in the recording, you consent, thus, you don’t have to notify.
The More You Know! ™
GoJ, please see my response to Nobody for the recording exceptions (which may or may not have changed).
Video recording is legal with one party consent in all states. Audio recording with one party consent is not legal in all states.
See the following link:
The laws may have changed since the post, so research is still advisable. Also, knowing what the camera records (video and/or audio) would be useful.
As for why I know this, let’s just say that I have very personal reasons for this and knowing this has saved my backside on more than one occasion.
Good link.
So basically recording is illegal in some states. You have no use of a video record alone. Without an audio record, the woman you have sex with could say that you threatened her, or something, and that’s why she is not physically resisting the “rape”.
On the other hand, in this case shooting a photo is helpful to SJWs. Yeah, the law works in their favor as always.
You would need to set up multiple cameras and the appropriate angles before hand (eg make certain that the expression on her face, and the body language of both parties is caught on film before/during/after sex). “From Russia With Love” and “Die Another Day?” have good examples of this, but be creative.
I can’t say that I’ve recorded sex, but I have recorded law enforcement (think traffic stops), and I am certain to have cameras both on them as well as myself. They have literally saved me from things getting out of hand.
Milo just made a great comparison that these fools are the new Red Guards as well. Seeing as how both originated on campuses, it’s a fairly apt observation:
Kinda reminds me of the KGB coming to get somebody when they said something that was “Hurtful” to the Regime, I thought the 1st amend protected against things like this, but I guess not…..
I don’t want to come off as negative, and I in no way want to discourage the fight for neomasculinity–on the contrary I want to be part of that fight. But taking a long view of history, isn’t it much more likely that a new neomasculine society will rise above America?
Setting our culture problems aside, when one takes a grand historical view, America has seen its power come, peak, and decline. We are still just over the hump of our peak, and have a long way to go on the decline, but when you look at the nation economically, philosophically, and socially, it is bad and getting worse in all of these areas.
I say this not to throw up my hands in despair, but to realize that the more likely outcome of our actions will be to spur on a new dominant society. After all, there is nothing special or unique about the USA, as much as that causes traditional conservative USA firsters to have a heart attack. The middle east, China, Italy/Rome, England, France, Spain, and Turkey/Ottomans have all seen their time at the top. There was nothing inherently superior about any of those people, it just happened that a confluence of social, economic, and political factors aligned to make a prosperous and efficient society. America is not an efficient society.
I do want to work for neomasculinity, only I see the end result not as a patriarchical US society, but a decline of the weak feminist warlike US presence, and a domination of a new country. I don’t even speculate who that could be, although Russia is a bastion of family and social bonds, China is a master of production and industry, and the Mideast definitely has feminism in check.
Perhaps it would be a return to times when there was no one dominating force, but alliances and alliegiances were important. Nevertheless, the goal should be masculinity, not nationalism or patriotism, or worshipping any particular flag or government. What is important is the ends, not the means. I care not whether Canada or the USA or France or the UK is the first newmasculine country. I simply long for neomasculinity to return.
Eh, I think our Enlightenment based ideals of codified human liberty are pretty damned unique, at least in theory. The follow up on those ideals was sorely lacking though.
As to empires, I think we place too much emphasis on the Rome model of empire, without considering the sine wave fluctuating ancient Egyptian form of social order. Heady times, then low times, then heady times, for thousands and thousands of years. We need not go down Rome’s path.
Five years ago I was 100% with you. And ole TJ is still one of my heros. However, today I’m more inclined to agree with the view that too much freedom leads us to where we are today.
As far as relative greatness, our ideals of human liberty are laudable, but there are not that unique. Most of the world agrees in them, outside of a few outliers in Asia and the M.E. Heck, the UN Declaration of Human Rights is in some ways more liberty-minded than Americas itself.
Excess freedom?
In what way am I free today?
I don’t own my own labor, the government claims it by right and allows me to keep whatever *it* determines I should keep. That *alone* is SLAVERY.
I can’t have a child without the state first stamping an ID on it for life via SSN.
Patriot act.
TSA patdowns without a warrant.
Perpetual monitoring by the NSA.
Credit following.
Following my finances (if I deposit or withdraw more than $10k, I get Federal snoopers at my door).
War on drugs.
Warrantless roadside ‘sobriety checkpoints’.
If I want to protest at a political convention I’m herded outside and out of view to a “free speech zone”. If I refuse to comply on the basis of the 1st Amendment, I’m beaten with batons or, possibly, tased or even shot.
If I want to open a business I have thousands of pages of laws that I *must* comply with, most of them utterly fascist or socialist, I’m not allowed to hire whom I wish to hire, and if I fire the wrong minority or female I’m liable before the law. If my product becomes too successful the government gets in my face and tries to break me up, if I am modestly successful they take my earnings and give it to their politically connected cronies and, potentially, my competition.
I can’t own my own land in full, the government always claims it as theirs and taxes me even if the deed is paid in full, and if I refuse the tax I lose my “lease” to their land. I can’t add onto my house, or take away from my house, without government permission and inspections first, which of course cost me money.
If I wish to grow corn but the government doesn’t want me to, it forces my fields to go fallow or forces me to grow an “approved” crop.
I can’t own an automobile without registering it and giving them money, I can’t own a pet without a license from them.
In some places, I can’t even hang a fucking flag in my window without running afoul of the law.
If a man so much as raises his voice to a woman, he’s put to the floor with zip ties around his hands. If he tries to separate from his spouse then way more than half of his shit disappears, his children go away and he is forced by law to support his ex. in “the manner in which she has become accustomed” even if they made close to the same income, in fact, he becomes a literal legal slave.
Yeah, way too much freedom here.
The only “freedom” I have is to be a deviant in the correct way to bring down the traditional family. That is perfectly acceptable.
The only other “freedom” I still retain is my right to keep and bear arms which is a real freedom, but standing alone in the cold now, it’s the only one.
One solitary real freedom left. I doubt we’re collapsing because I own a Glock. Oh well, at least I can drink one beer or less at the bar and gripe with buddies (if I drink more, I’ll get arrested and lose $10,000).
Damn…now I’m depressed.
It ain’t pretty. I could add at least another twenty items to the list that are big ticket items. People think we’re free, but they’re making the mistake of buying into the Leftist notion that freedom is defined alone by being able to dress as you wish and have sex with anything that can consent. There’s more to freedom than that.
Please don’t…I feel the need to go home and drink some whiskey and smoke one of my cigars reserved for the weekend.
Yep, nothing like a highly regulated and taxed beverage and your choice of legally restricted, highly regulated and highly taxed tobacco products to relieve one’s tension at being a slave. Heh.
Curse you GoJ….a pox on your house!
Break out the Victory Gin.
1000% correct here. As my friend from Russia put it, “In America you are given choice, you are not given freedom. I go to the drug store and there are 7 types of aspirin! Why! ”
^^ From around 3:30 on
Basically we are given freedom for unimportant or false choices like picking which gender we are, and no freedom on the big things that really matter, as you so eloquently put it above.
Well depending on the State, even the 2nd Amend is being gutted ( I live in NY and Cuomo fucked over every gun owner Really Really Hard) oh and Don’t forget Obama Care…
The Leftist Version of Freedom Is: You May engage in any degenerate activity you want that Hinders your capabilities as an Individual and ensures dependence on the State.
I was actually going to go with Victory Gin then pulled back at the last minute, heh.
That may end soon actually, the 14th is being eyed heavily as the path to eradicating blue state gun laws. You know, because if “rights” apply across the states to trans-queer-faggots, who don’t even have specific rights under the Constitution, then they sure as hell apply to enumerated rights like the 2nd.
Lets hope, one would think the 2nd amend would have covered that…it being the 2nd amend, and everything…but if it takes two amends to power through to victory, so be it .
The US is actually a pretty masculine country, but it is mostly misplaced. We still have no gun laws, get crazed over 5+ professional sports, huge weightlifting and mma scene, ultra-competitive workplace and just about every place, high murder rate. We haven’t channeled all this masculinity to a hard-charging economy or stable families, however.
Our Geert-Hofstede score for masculinity is 62/100, which is pretty high. Japan was #1 and Sweden was dead last.
The only high murder rate is in approximately 8 large cities. The rest of the nation has a violent crime/murder rate on par with or lower than Switzerland.
Yeah, and up until recently I was willing to blame America’s violent crime on the high black population, but you have white and asian kids regularly going on shooting rampages in public.
Well actually, no, not so much. The shooting rates are actually down and violent crime is half what it was in 1995. And a lot of mass shooters don’t get much press or are swept aside. For example, the man in 2012 who shot up the Navy base. Who ever thinks of him?
The shooting rates might be down overall, but you have a scary trend of random mass shootings which is definitely increasing.
You’d hate me for this, but I’ve been entertaining the thought of more gun control after the last shooting in Oregon. I would actually ban guns if we had a country with a clean slate that hasn’t had legal guns. The obvious problem is that there are millions of guns legally floating around the US and you can’t just start banning them now and expect change. So sensible gun control it is, for me at least.
Yeah, no thanks
No, they’re really not, they’re just reported more, and many “mass shootings” as of late are muggings in parking lots with more than one person shot.
Educate yourself on violent crime and gun crime before advocating such short sighted policy. There is no such thing as “sensible gun control”. Criminals don’t follow laws, they disobey them by their very definition. You are falling into the same myopic trap as Leftists. Besides, no gun owner will comply, just look at the failure of mass registration in CN.
And if you ever get power and attempt to pass such a law, you’ll be against the wall in less than a week, looking directly at me. Nobody takes my guns, or any other sane man’s guns, ever, in this nation. 110+ million gun owners beat 1.4 million military any day of the week.
This kind of thing just grinds my gears. People simply do not learn. This isn’t Europe, we still have some common sense here.
What violent crime and gun stats? Mass shootings have quadrupled since the 70’s (Time). A lot of info that the left puts out (I don’t believe it) claim that gun control works in every country it’s been tried.
I do think that we can implement background checks and mental health screens without infringing on “the good guys” freedom.
Your point about criminals is correct, but remember that mass shooters are not career criminals. Would it deter all of the mass shootings? No, but I bet Elliot Rodger or the kid from Newtown wouldn’t be able to cop a burner off Tyrone from Compton. Not to mention the fall-out from the gun-running industry when they realize selling a piece to a disillusioned white kid can land them in jail for murder.
Well yeah, and car accident deaths are astronomically high compared to 1850.
The baseline is 1995 for most comparisons since that’s when it became “a thing” that was tracked. There were a few shootings beforehand but they were so rare as to be hen’s teeth.
I do think that we can implement background checks and mental health screens without infringing on “the good guys” freedom.
Background checks already exist across the land. This is what I mean when I say you are unfamiliar with the issue. You can’t “screen mental health” because that means that government gets to define mental health, which means that if you’re politically opposed to the sitting regime you may find yourself classified “insane”. Additionally a lot of vets come back with mild PTSD, which is a mental issue, and your suggestion would find them disarmed for nothing. In addition to the addition, none of the “insane” people who shot folks up had an actual clinical evaluation that would prevent them from firearms ownership, and you can’t predict crazy. So fail on that count too.
No, but I bet Elliot Rodger or the kid from Newtown wouldn’t be able to cop a burner off Tyrone from Compton.
The kid from Newton got the guns from his mom’s safe. Fail. Elliot Rodger had a clean criminal record and no serious and diagnosed mental illness. Fail. So your solution didn’t work.
Not to mention the fall-out from the gun-running industry
Gun running industry? WTF? There is no such thing, if you want a gun you can buy one cheaply from a retailer, you don’t have to resort to a non-existent “gun running industry”. You’re not American, are you?
Background checks exist, but they are not universal, and the private sale rule can get around them.
“You can’t “screen mental health” because that means that government gets to define mental health, which means that if you’re politically opposed to the sitting regime you may find yourself classified “insane”. Additionally a lot of vets come back with mild PTSD, which is a mental issue, and your suggestion would find them disarmed for nothing.”
I’m not saying that the government getting more involved in gun ownership and mental health would be perfect, but IMO the above speed bumps are fairly trivial considering that multiple innocents being slaughtered by high-powered weapons are becoming a monthly occurrence. You can certainly predict some sort of crazy. All these dudes, from Oregon, Aurora, Newtown, Santa Barbara, VT, had Aspergers or something similar, with a lifetime of documented mental health issues. None of them were surprises.
“The kid from Newton got the guns from his mom’s safe. Fail. Elliot Rodger had a clean criminal record and no serious and diagnosed mental illness. Fail. So your solution didn’t work.”
I believe you misread me. I don’t quite have a solution, as I am pretty undecided on the best way to combat the issue. The idea I was floating was that if somehow guns were not able to be bought in a store like a soda, these two young men would not have the street smarts or connections in order to obtain a gun on the black market. BTW, Rodger did have a history with different meds, Aspie, psychiatrists.
“Gun running industry? WTF? There is no such thing, if you want a gun you can buy one cheaply from a retailer, you don’t have to resort to a non-existent “gun running industry”. You’re not American, are you?”
Of course there is a gun running industry. How do you think the “bad guys” who have six felonies and need a hot weapon get guns? A dealer gets a large supply in bulk, moves them on the street for a markup to criminals who don’t want a traceable gun. Of course I’m American, American enough to watch them do this in Sons of Anarchy occasionally lol.
I’m from New York originally, so I have conservative principles but never got caught up with the gun culture.
Good quote for the time period, but if public mass shootings become weekly or bi-monthly, I will most certainly “No longer trust the citizens” to handle weapons.
Notice how those shootings are exclusively in ”gun free zones”?
An armed society is a polite society. Violence has nothing to do with availability of guns. Instead it’s a function of poverty and population density.
Why not ask all the victims of communism and ISIS how gun control has made their societies safer.
“Instead it’s a function of poverty and population density” Not in the specific instances we are talking about. Those are straight mental health cases, and I think you might be exaggerating when you compare communism and ISIS to making it a little more difficult for a lifetime schizophrenic to access a weapon which can murder an entire room in under 30 seconds. We already know that not everyone in the US should have the right to own a gun, the question is whether the government could do a reasonably good job in filtering out some obvious mental health cases. I know the government is known for being incompetent, but this would be relatively easy. If you’ve taken certain medications, or have been extensively treated for serious mental health disorders for the last few years, you can’t get a gun! All of the mass shootings over the last 20 years have had prescription medication involved. Is this still a risk we should take? We are not talking about beer or a hammer here, we are talking about an object which only has one purpose: to kill, and do it effectively.
Yes, you will have to give up a tiny bit of freedom, but I’m willing to suck up an application and interview if it means that the next dude who is manic and bipolar taking four different psycotropics and plotting to kill as many people as possible will have to at least get his weapon the hard way. These dorks would have to post up in some shitty ghetto and try to make connections there. I give up freedom every day. In New York City, particularly Manhattan, you are being watched every minute of every day. They have a giant live feed of the entire city, searching for bombs, assault weapons. It sounds like Thoughtspeak, but we need it. The city would be nuked within a few years, if not weeks, without it. I also allow myself and my bags to be searched by the government when I enter an airplane. No other form of transportation does that, but people started taking weapons on planes, then flying them into buildings, so the policy had to change a little. The ideas that I’m discussing are not irrational. You have to ask: is the freedom for the mentally ill to purchase guns worth the killings that we know are coming? We don’t let the blind drive, because they would fail the road test. We don’t let the poor borrow huge sums of money (anymore), because they don’t meet the qualifications. We don’t let Muslim immigrants become president (wait…) There are certain people in this world who cannot have a gun in their hands.
Drunk drivers kill people far more often than guns do. I’m surprised we haven’t banned cars yet.
Every society which uses public safety as a guise to ban firearms has always used that as a precursor to democide.
A firearms lisence and criminal record check is all one should need. Arbitrarly banning firearms because someone ‘may go crazy’ does nothing to address the issue.
I really miscommented before on the banning guns, speaking more from idealism. I look at other first world countries with worse gun rights, and much lower homicide rate (5-10% of the US), but I realize that it is moreso due to a variety of cultural factors that are prevalent in the US. But if I knew that banning guns would definitively take the US from the top to the bottom of the homicide rate, I would do it in a second. I don’t believe that this would be the case, mostly because there is a mental health epidemic rising along with high rates of illegal firearms within the black community. The severely mentally ill can be easily screened out of the gun purchasing process. If you had met any of these shooters when they got the gun, you wouldn’t give it to them in a million years. The guy from Aurora was particularly weird.
One thing that absolutely needs to be banned is the releasing of info about the shooters. It might sound like a violation of the first amendment, but sensitive info in cases (such as sexual abuse, child molestation) is not released to the public. It will be much healthier to focus on the victims and not give the next shooter an easy platform to become an international celebrity, because every time one of these shooters gets instant fame, his picture is hanging on the walls of the next generation of crazed killers.
See but that’s where your issue arises.
Banning firearms would not change the homicide rate at all. Look at Gun Violence vs Gun Ownership data for various US States. You may find an interesting trend.
No, you are correct, but a mental health screen would absolutely curb some of these mass shootings.
None of these shooters would even come close to passing a mental health test for firearms. Do you really think that all of them would be able to find an assault rifle on the street?
Patriarchal we are, right now, because it is biological and efficient.
This chaos exist because we are a society living in abundance, ruled by a political system that infantilizes and enslaves everyone by being dependent(laws and equality)
Patriarchy is what supports weak ones whom need of men, intrinsically.
This is a degenerated patriarchy lead by the less dominant creatures of our species.
They are protected by the system men supported for the benefit of society without knowing that it would also become a safe environment for parasites to thrive in.
We do not need the return of anything, we need a proper natural system based on merit and differences. But that is impossible when most people are idiotic.
Return to nothing, the past was chaos too, society needs to fight against ignorance and it will rearrange by itself. But they are scared of reality.
Yes, patriarchy will return. Only I fear it will be under Sharia law.
The patriarchy has been replaced by government, and thus the patriarchy will not return until government goes away. However, when you look at the state of the world, then it doesn’t appear we’ll have to wait too long.
A bit too simplistic. Government existed in the 1920’s and we were quite patriarchal at the time.
I’d say it won’t return until we smash socialism into the floor, cut it into a hundred pieces, burn those pieces and salt the earth where the bonfire took place just to ensure it doesn’t return.
He’s right in a sense
Governments across the West spend 50%+ of GDP
That financial reach gives them too much power
Yes, but it still comes back to culture. Change the culture, change the government, not the other way around.
In theory, but the government is a pretty powerful entity with tentacles all over the place
Takes time
The problem with western governments is that they are now enforcing ‘GOVERNMENT HUSBANDRY’ on their constituents. No mammal species lives under government husbandry except animals kept on an animal farm where you might say that farmer Joe practices authoritative ‘husbandry’ on the animals kept in stalls. He inseminates them, chooses mates for them and segregates those he wants for meat. He also puts blinders on the work mules.
“the country may be split into several different countries along racial, cultural, and economic lines”
Vermont technically hasn’t been a full-fledged state until the 1990s, when the 200-year trial period expired and the annual stipend of $1 stopped. Kick out the yuppies and such then you’d have a decent conservative state . One that is no stranger to being a republic.
I have always assumed Patriarchy will return “through” the hell, not as backing away from it.
The collapse would come and we would end up as before: warlords and harems. Because the few guys who can be warlords are going to get all of the pussy.
We see this already today: you don’t have the bucks, you don’t get the fucks – unless you are Mr. Alpha and there’s a beta with bucks (the usual).
But notice this much: it’s said that 10-20 percent of men are fucking 70 to 80 percent of women. Meaning it’s the guys who go out there on their game banging and hanging the majority of the girls who also go out there and get gamed.
It’s almost like ….. a game!
So already men with the juice get most of the pussy. Patriarchy was as much against that as it was with feminism. Heck, patriarchy as defined with loyal non-slut women and hard-working beast of burden men is exactly what civilization was built on.
Yes there was civilization before that, but not in the manner we know it. It was kingdoms and fiefdoms. Some good, some bad. Feast or famine. Maintained (by serfs) highways or broken roads. Civilization did not really advance well, just “progressed” but that can be lost to a mini ice age or plague as without a real civilization with the kind of patriarchy that built the west, civilization is vulnerable to (mother) nature.
For many men, civilization without patriarchy as it has existed was a brutal and short life UNLESS you were royaly or a eunuch. Western patriarchy delivered “every man a king” and one wife and family for every man. What a deal!
But people who despise civilization or even humanity sought to end that. Would it not be fitting for them and the complacent masses to get “brutal and short” back for their crimes of ignorance, complacency, and reckless hatred of men?
This is why I don’t think there is going to be any easy “turning back”. There’s a reason why God protected Hitler from assassination: because if they whacked der fuhrer, Germany would have negotiated a cease fire or peaceful surrender and all those assholes who supported him “because he made the trains run on time” would not have gotten their comeuppance. I can say the same for Stalin’s useful idiots: they got what was coming to them and nothing was going to stop it (if only they killed Trotsky too).
The rot is so deep that to expect to turn away from it and go back in the right direction would be to rely on the same people who were part of the problem as part of the solution. No carousel rider so indoctrinated so deeply is going to see the light and change. The SJWs, the degenerates, all double down when faced with reality and get even more insane. And, as we see, they get violent too.
I don’t want to detract from the article but I don’t see a peaceful solution or a social evolution back towards patriarchy. True patriarchy was a solution to some very horrible human tendencies and it worked well enough to build civilization. Those tendencies are coming back, and those who brought it back will not go quietly. Especially as they think they were the good guys in all this. Much is said about human strength but it ebbs and flows.
Human weakness is unstoppable to all but death.
It’s coming to a head and we’re due.
I agree with most of the ideas you have explained here. It is astute that you make the definition of Western patriarchy instead of just calling it Patriarchy. Polygamous patriarchy has been the default human social condition of past tribes and empires where essentially the top few men got most of the goods with few left over for everyone else. I also don’t see an evolution in the right direction for the same reasons you mention. Most people are not able to really understand what’s really going on and talking to a blue-piller is an exercise in futility which further stokes their hatred and insanity. The only way is for some men with similar ideas and impose their will via mass meetings and force if necessary. Think of the European nationalist movements of the 19th century. They all started small but eventually took root and transformed the society they were a part of. I see the greatest impediment to this positive change the fact that a lot of men today grow up raised by women rather than men.
I think a variation of this will happen, but, not in the manner predicted in the article. History unlike technology moves in those cyclical Fourier type function waves. After the excesses of mass consumerism and feminism in about 30 years time, another part of the wave will be rediscover our lost patriarchy. This new generation will be the offspring of the current millennials and no doubt they’ll sing its praises and they’ll adopt this philosophy. However it seems impossible that such a movement could realistically impact their own future anymore than they could influence the past, which is our present of course. These laws are immutable, contraction and expansion, inflation and deflation, excess and scarcity, the cyclical nature of all things. The whole pagan world understood this viewpoint, the plain fact that nothing lasts forever.
Reflecting on this point, our current world is a complete deviation from this natural rule. How can any movement or patriarchy expect to obliterate the cultural tends of the last 50 years, it’s impossible to do this. Western civilization has changed more radically in these years than the preceding 5000, and everything, even the most banal and grotesque details are recorded for posterity upon our eternal disembodied cloud banks that can be accessed by all future generations.
The point is that nothing escapes post-modernism and even when you think your spaceship has got outside the pull of this black hole’s terrible gravity it turns out to be a trick of the light, and that’s what all our wisdom to future ages will sadly amount too. You can’t beat or destroy the secular influence of post-modernism. It’s a force so cunning,clever and evil that when you think you’re fighting your enemy you end up punching yourself in the face.
Either destroy feminism and re establish the patriarchy or become incorporated into the borg/caliphate collective. The patriarchy will win eventually the question is wich one do you want to win.
Feminism is oil and patriarchy is water, they don’t mix and if they do it’s unhealthy. They can’t live side by side due to their juxtaposition and one has to give way to the other.
If patriarchy and the attitudes necessary to it return, then you will see Whites in America reestablish their control over the country and its institutions.
Look at Mexico. As dark as the country is, it is still run by a White upper class. As long as the will is there, the other races will accept the power structure. The problem in the U.S. now is that the will has been rotted out from within by the traditional enemies of Europeans.
Whether a Reconquista must needs be waged is unsettled at present. There is still a large enough White population to do it peacefully; especially considering that the Asians will support a reestablishment of a strong civilization, as will many of Mexican descent who want the illegals out.
This is old strategy, as the Army used Indian scouts, etc. to win.
Racializing only serves to divide, focus on the individual not the collective
The divisions are ingrained and beneficial to the commenter that you replied to. Why would he want to change his thought process?
Read what he said, whites or rather jews of European decent control most of our political landscape.
Deracializing serves to divide, if people were allowed to live according to their natural instincts (tribalism) things could be sorted out in the best way for everybody involved and restore the natural order of things. Racism does not equal hate and hostility as so many believe today.
Remember before 1700’s “interracial marriage” wasn’t even a term, also to note it’s the progressives who originaly invented the technique
Please elaborate i dont understand your point.
Division is good. Why do we build suburbs? To get away from them. From their crime, to get our children out of their schools, to stay out of their cities that we handed over to them. If that’s not division, I don’t know what is. We already allow certain tribes to live according to their natural instincts in Detroit, Atlanta, DC, Baltimore. They are uninhabitable, hateful, murderous places, even for themselves. Of course, it’s MY fault, me, Mr White guy.
I agree, forcing integration and planting in somali families in every small town of europe and north america is an act of war as far as i am concerned.
What i meant to say “integration” creates conflict and ultimately is nothing but opression and i see it as nothing but hostility towards me and my kind and kin.
Andrew Young, Ambassador to the UN during Carter’s years and later, Mayor of Atlanta, Georgia, seeing the dwindling tax receipts because of Whites moving out of the city panicked. That was the beginning of Section 8 vouchers, to move minorities out of the city. Young said, “It doesn’t matter where you go, we will follow, we will integrate your suburbs, we will find you and follow”. And so Whites move, further and further out until the corporations move out of the cities too, their employees unwilling to go to these cities to work, leaving a legacy to these people and they proceed then to ruin that legacy.
Section 8 vouchers are an act of war all their own, against Whites, forcing them to accommodate the crime and sloth of the descendants of Somalia and the tribes of Africa. All of our cities, handed over to those who can’t begin to fathom how to maintain them. Most of them in ruins, all productivity, all wealth moved away because of their murder, mayhem, reverse racism and incivility. Rather than commit massive force against them, Whites moved, always moving, always, just to get away. To simply, live in peace. And that of course, is intolerable to those tolerant of murder, mayhem and incivility. This is an equal, or likely far greater problem than the bailing operation that is feminism, but make no mistake, it is all a war on men that built and maintain the system that sustains them and feeds them and which enables them to wage war against us. It’s inexplicable, but it is real, gentlemen. It is war, make no mistake.
The immigration curve is still rising and isis has allready infiltrated europe, at the same time feminism and left wing ideologies are breaking down and being abandoned by the masses. Nationalism is on the rise and when people feel cornered and threatened multiculti goes out the window and the natural instinct of banding together with your own kind kicks in full power, so yeah it is interesting times we live in and things will probably escalate dramatacally.
Interracial marriage wasn’t a problem until that time frame
That’s not even how humans associate wtf?
No, Abba, focus on the group when it comes to race.
Collectivism, sorry I don’t consume poison
There will be no reestablishment by whites in the U.S. and it’s a far larger problem than feminism. Whites don’t have the guts and will to do what needs doing with 13% of the U.S population. SBPDL, Google it and get up-to-date. And stay the fuck outta Detroit, Atlanta, DC and Baltimore, amongst a hundred other cities. White are over in this country, period.
On an (somewhat) related note, these two sluts groped and twerked a man in DC WITHOUT his consent. One had been arrested and is looking at a third degree felony. Harsh? Yes, but so is going after men who had to pee in public. Even if it’s one act, but maybe the patriarchy is back.
Agree with the article and most of the commenters. It would be nice to be around when it happens.
Tired of the special snowflakes who refuse to melt at the idea of reality.
Stealth infiltration into intellectual circles and various institutions such as universities, media, military, and government bureaucracies.
In my opinion, this is the most fundamental part.
Right. That’s what the sjw’s are doing. Alinsky/Machiavelli rules plus evangelize/proselytize. No one can discount that the effeminization is un natural. Our species is being violated. Nature is on the side of our natural state. The pendulum is rebounding and the most we can do is guide the momentum. Unity of minds will save many. The minds of men must be in lockstep and keen to the direction of the pendulum. This is no time for a proxy or mass campaign theater war, allowing men to divide into opposing camps. The next great leap for mankind will be to pummel the ‘bitch force’ EVE and reclaim dominion over our females. We stagnate as Earthbound animals, consumers and pigs under the dominatrix bitch whip. We sieze the coming age of Man and the stars are ours. We must avoid a fratricidal bloodbath at all costs. Great ‘awakenings’ are magnetic. Many wayward men from all ranks will awaken from the meer pull of others in the vicinity who reject bitch rule over man. Even a herd has community of mind. We’re all spiritually connected
” I just hope to be alive when these events do unfold in the Western world.”
I unfortunately will not be alive. Even when the patriatchy comes back, one will have to wait an additional 20 years from that point after, to find the first slender and feminine sweetheart women from that new generation. I will be in the fucking hole by then. Meanwhile, in order to have a halfway decent life and to meet young hotties today, it means being an expatriate and looking for greener pastures outside of the States.
Cultural roll back alone is enough to support Roosh’s theory.
The social movements of the 1920’s were radically liberal enough to make the 1960’s blush. Loose credit, even looser sexual morals, break up of the family, sky high crime rates due to prohibition made it seem like excess was tearing the social fabric of America apart.
Then came to the crash of 1929.
All of a sudden, the hollow excess of the 20’s conducted a 180 overnight and society resumed it’s traditional roles (not to be challenged again) until the mid 1960’s. When times are tough, humans will always revert to their tribal instincts and follow a strong male figure.
I think the timeline is a lot closer than people think because I believe there is evidence of a much more violent global collapse coming. Patriarchy is the natural order, and in chaos the natural order will always rise. West and East have never been able to truly form bonds of friendship. The mass immigration in Europe and the violence that has erupted as a result, but has been suppressed by the media, is proof that nothing has changed. Hopefully enough men are left to wage war on the socialists and invaders (let’s just call the ‘migrants’ what they are) to save most of Western Europe.
I suspect as the culture war erupts and collapse intensifies across the globe our current networks of communication will come under scrutiny from our adversaries, our counter culture message delivery systems will need to adapt quickly and creatively.
A recent article dropped that Twitter is releasing 3 white men from their board and ushering in new board members that are not white and probably not male because the CEO is worried about diversity. I believe this is in response to the rise of popular alt-right twitter users essentially re-framing the argument in real time to the surprise of leftoid SJWs. I wager the new Twitter mission statement will be “safe spaces” and shadow bans will ensue on mass.
We need to find a way to establish more meat-space communication methods and networks, this needs to happen sooner rather than later. It is risky for sure, the anonymous nature of the internet allows us the freedom to express our deepest thoughts and congregate to like minded message boards. But at some point we will need to assume the risk of exposing our names and faces to the world….I think this will happen when more men are unemployed than employed, when we are sharing apartments with 3 or more guys, when food for the day becomes more important than downloading the newest video game…..these days are just around the corner.
Ah yes, Maury. Even if its scripted, both it and Jerry Springer are windows to the decline of Americana. May God have mercy on our souls.
Roosh, I have good news for you: All 5 steps will happen in less than 10 years. When I discover ROK/manosphere 2 years ago, I thought these theories were just myself. But I never had other narrative to «modernist» behavior. Since I take the red pill, I find myself. So any men will find himself just 1 year after reading red pill/manosphere/anti cultural marxism concepts and will start acting according.
We need a world war for that to happen within 5 years. Not going to happen.
We will have a mega global recession, 10 times bigger than 2008. It’s enough.
In all probability women will prostitute themselves for food when that happens.
I think the best way for women to accept the superiority of men is to be scared of something they can’t control. Like the fear in a war that the enemy will rape them. Or the possibility of being in poverty because of the absence of the welfare state. What about the absence of the police or judicial system after a large natural disaster.
The key is fear. A devastating event could end our feminized civilization overnight.
I agree. I think mega recession will be more likely than war, and will be better than war for men regain power.
Scared of something they can’t control? They can’t control shit. Men do that for them. Witness the obese, annoying nitwit PHD (I can’t rightly even call that pig a woman) at Yale in the hassle with the camera-kid, “I need some muscle over here!” That’s women. As long as a man is there to control things for them. And there always seems to be, always.
With control I mean the pussypower they use to control men in this society. The other side of control are the favors governments give women. So women actually do have power. When the state is removed from the equation there is A. no taxmoney anymore to fund women’s weakness and B. There is no protection anymore.
That is the moment women will be scared for sure. Then they have to fall back on men to protect them. Like it always was.
Even then, their power comes from MEN. There is no pussy power, as such. There is only the power that is conferred upon that pussy by men. The women go to other men to control the men they need to control. Women’s power always springs from instigating the action of men, acting in women’s behalf, against other men as directed by women. White Knights and the police come to mind.
Take a good look at these SJW nutjobs who raise hell over every imagined slight against an ever expanding array of “protected classes”. Examine the feminists who, without any scientific or factual basis, make the laughable claim that women are equal to or even superior to men. What do they all have in common besides sharing the same severe mental disorders?
They’re all the useless products of the current generation of entitlement. They all truly believe that the world owes them a living. Nobody should ever pierce their illusionary bubble with reality. Their sustenance, their security, and their comfort should be handed over to them on a silver platter without question or hesitation according to their warped view of the world.
They consume an ever increasing amount of resources, contribute nothing of value to society in return, and drive those who do contribute to society through witch hunts, false accusations, and violence. As I’ve said before, this cannot last. Feminism, Cultural Marxism, and the SJW movement cannot and will not last. Not one bit of it is based on a sustainable model.
For the sake of argument, let us postulate that the extreme left does actually take over. Feminism is the law of the land and our science and history books have all been rewritten to declare women superior to men in every way. A virgin who has never even seen a penis in her life can cry rape and all men within a fifty mile radius are terminated immediately. The SJW movement has succeeded in creating a legal framework ten times the size of the current US tax code to cover all their “protected classes”. Every single satire piece posted to date on ROK is a true story. Grab a bottle of Pepto Bismol and just picture all of this to be true for a moment while I present some questions.
Who’s going to be doing the work to maintain this society? Who will work to extract resources with which to expand it? Everyone feels that they’re entitled to everything for nothing in this dystopian future, so you can bet there’s going to be fuck all for motivation anyone to be productive. Why have anything to do with the cow at all when you’re owed the milk for free? And where’s all the art going to come from? Since SJWs have taken over, all creative expression must be carefully vetted and approved lest any one of the ten thousand “protected classes” be offended. Nobody is going to be painting the next Mona Lisa, writing the next great book, or producing any films or music for fear of running afoul of the SJW Thought Police and sent to a work camp for life. It’ll be just like North Korea, but with Kim Jong Un as an overweight (yet totally healthy!) non-binary tranny with a butch cut in flaming hot pink who sexually identifies as an ottoman.
The Patriarchy will return. This much is certain. That there is an active resistance to feminsim, Cultural Marxism, and the SJW movement only hastens the inevitable. In all of biology, in all of science, and in all the laws of the known universe there is no case where a parasitical entity that depletes resources and energy from its host faster than the host can produce them ends without both the parasite and the host dying. And thats all the extreme left is. A parasite whose days are numbered.
For the “where will they get their resources?” answer, one need only look to the large, failing cities. Imagine the city of Detroit, a city falling apart, a failing water and sewer system with lots of folks in public works but not a one that can fathom how any of it works. Why? Preferences. They cared not that they drove away those that could help. And civil engineers, the ones that bring cities their water have options. Don’t want me and my White ass here? I’ll go there. Same for electricians, IT and telecom, same for business itself. Detroit doesn’t even have grocery stores, all their malls are dead, everything dead on the vine, all of it. Meanwhile, with no one to repair things, they can’t even call in outsiders because outsiders know they’ll never be paid. And so it goes, the great cities and the country wide, if you destroy those who make it go. All will wither and die. Great men built civilization, it takes great men to maintain it. Otherwise it all becomes, well, like Detroit.
What more can be said? This post nails it, and victory is unavoidable as the enemy is commiting suicide! We’ve ridden the tiger ragged, and now the time has come to cut its throat. This is WAR
Good outline, but this is really the “slow war” with feminism, and not likely to unravel as cleanly as you write.
I expect that a national crisis will change things far more quickly than 40-60 more years of this nonsense.
The 1920’s were a fairly decadent decade, but traditionalism snapped right back after the Depression. This country will not make it back in one piece after the next economic downturn.
On a more current note, I have noticed a huge difference in the quality and quantity of seed resistance, which gives hope. Youtube comments, blogs, forums on feminism all seem to have passionate protestors and angry red-pillers. I believe that a large portion men are intelligent enough to question the media’s lies about women, and they are getting more and more fucking pissed with this nutty movement. There are so many ways to protest and disseminate info, both in overt and covert ways. the ‘sphere has a lot of different viewpoints on how to live an effective life and deal with feminism, which helps when you have such a diverse range of ages, races, and life experiences. I’m a 25 year old trying to make a career and get laid but through the ‘sphere I can connect and relate with a broke 60 year old across the country who got shafted in family court or the mid 30’s aspie who doesn’t date because of a diminishing return on relationships with females. In either case we can all unify under a few common life truths and battle feminism together.
Agree with you in terms of economic downturn. I’m a few years younger than you (20), and I am convinced that within our lifetimes we will see the complete destruction of the United States. It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when.
Yep, that’s gonna suck, but I will try to enjoy my life the best that I can until that day comes. I’ve checked out of procreating, because I don’t want to bring kids to see it.
Just to clarify, I don’t necessarily mean that we will wind up in a Mad Max type scenario future after the US falls. More likely what will happen is that the country will split apart into several sociopolitical regions which will become smaller nations. That doesn’t sound too terrible.
It depends on the economy.
We aren’t getting invaded or losing a traditional war, so our quality of life will depend on whether the economy gets a little better over the next 20 or a lot worse. This country is already violent, but as you can see with the riots in Baltimore, Ferguson, things can get out of hand if people start really struggling.
The war is real, but it can be won.
Great article Roosh. Your analysis is brilliant and scientific as always.
There won’t be time for your narrative, Roosh. Demographics are going to come into play long before. The feminists in education and really, everywhere that were so content to crush the old European patriarchy will be faced with a new Islamic or Hispanic patriarchy that will make feminists rethink their wildest multicultural desires. That of course is already fully in play in Germany, France and Denmark and Sweden with the influx of THEIR new patriarchy, Muslims and radical Islamists from all over the Middle East and Africa. People of color. Diversity. A true rape culture. So be careful what you wish for ladies, gays and miscreants of the alphabet soup of sexual depravity. Be strong, because there soon will be no one there to protect you from those with other ideas.
Can I share a thought, gents?
What about the impact of automation (and foreign workers) on the return of the Patriarchy? If jobs are taken by machines, won’t women’s carreirist ambitions become increasingly pointless as machines and foreign workers make them redundant? Women do have an advantage that their jobs are no physical, but still.
It would be amusing if women end up back in the kitchen because there’s nothing else to do.
Braz-Slaught, good takes all, except women are ALREADY redundant. Look where women work. Government make-work, bullshit positions in human resources, “communications”, and marketing, millions and millions of them with bullshit degrees doing bullshit work, making real salaries. All of this, to fulfill a legal imperative, affirmative action. They wouldn’t bother building robots to do what 90% of “educated” women do in government and business because they don’t do anything but make-work.
Now, it could be argued that all this could be put to a stop, putting these gentle flowers out of work much as men in steel mills, but all of a sudden, they’d be madly looking around to cash out and get married. Maybe that’s the solution and a beneficial one, because as I travel through the offices of my customers (I’m a telecom/IT guy), the tension between the women in the workplace could be sliced with a knife. Modern women avoid a life of home and hearth and children and marriage because that is slavery, they are told by their feminist mistresses. Instead, they go to work in a cubical (sorry, “open workspace”) and scheme and cheat and back-stab to get ahead and with all of them gathered together, it’s a hateful environment. The relief that floods my skull when I get out of these offices unscathed until my next repair-call is palpable.
In all cases, in my customer base, they’re working for a company owned and commanded by men. That’s the trade they’ve made for themselves. The “slavery” of family, home, children and a husband, swapped for the rather more realistic slavery to a male-headed corporation all so they can buy trinkets, cars and service their massive, negative-net-worth debt, debt they hope to pass on and solve through marriage to a beta after they’ve ruined their beauty, their bodies and their spirit. This is their liberation and on top of it, the modern office is a terrible environment because of them. And they don’t even see it.
I think this may happen sooner. First off, we’re on the cusp of a red pill/conservative/alt right renaissance. Two institutions are going to be disrupted – the media and academia. The media I foresee will be properly democratized not centralized out of hollywood and created by just progressives. Check out FPS Russia on Youtube that is the “tv show” of the future and the future is basically here. This will mean that we’ll be competing on equal terms with the establishment media, and it was the establishment media via their propaganda that largely brought us to this sad point in history. It will be undone in part by the structural changes, but to really give it the coup de grace if the conservative community starts making its own content…then its a renaissance. Similarly, today on ROK we learned that harvard lost to a bunch of inmates (debate team), again, via online education is going to shake up that whole institution and if conservatives are smart we can shape this new institution, but even if we’re not, structurally it will still favor us. So, another renaissance can occur in academia too.
Nonsense. Never happen. As long as those folks are alive. You see, this is where revolutions end up.
This is happening. Go to Youtube see for yourself, millions of “channels”, its the self made media going forward.
Folks, starvation is the normal human condition. The food supply chain is very fragile. Fact is, the best way to end this is to let the women starve.
Would solve the problem of obese women… but then we’d just have a bunch of fat dudes.
Nope, it will solve a lot of problems in the inner cities. Food chain supplies are very fragile. A lot of rioters would starve to death looking at a cow.
meh. i was raised as a mormon~ which is an actual~ honest to god~ self declared patriarchy. And i swear~ it isn’t that great. it is much more sexually repressive and puts far more burden on men. Honestly gender equality (not feminist style~not what we have currently~ but actual gender equality~ freedom of choice) leads to an easier and more satisfying life for men.
The demographics are in gents, the religion of peace will make damn sure the patriarchy is restored. and sooner than you think. 60,000 home grown white british women converted to Islam last year. white guys clearly couldn’t give a toss about fighting feminism, immigration, sjws & lefties, but Allah will. The only consolation us white guys will get as we shed our mortal coils is the pleasure of knowing that the world will be free of the scourge of white western feminists
Not much of a consolation for going extinct as a race you might argue, but that’s the price you pay for sitting on your arses whilst the lefties & sjws roll you over every time.
the price of liberty is…
Think about the next generation to follow. For example membership in boy scouts dropping because of gays, they are considering merging with girl scouts. That just mirrors other changes. Society is accelerating to peak beta. If you think millennial males are beta, just wait for their sons to grow up.
Yeah, but they won’t get any more pussy than their fathers did..
I’m also happy that the unfortunate changes since 1968 are likely to reverse over the coming decades. One small point, can we say “attract new members to our movement” rather than “…to our ideology” ? Worry about that term lumping us with the leftists who follow of an ideology ignoring its real world outcomes. It’s a movement based on observation and pragmatic action more so than an ideology..
This timeline assumes no wars.
War is already brewing. Russia standing for traditional values against Western cultural decline. China ever-expanding. Islam vs. Secular (defense of Christianity has yet to be awakened, but it will most likely). Not to mention the internal riffs in American society – another wave of secession is not unthinkable.
War might slow down or accelerate the time line back to Patriarchy. It just depends on the nature of the war. But, ultimately, Patriarchy offers stability and protection for women and children. Under the current cultural regime, men have lost any incentive to protect women. When real fighting is required, fantasies of women being equal to men will disappear quickly. Then protection will be sought, as has always been the case for the species.
In other news, Affirmative Consent is NOT THE LAW in:
Alabama, Alaska, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
well about damn time
I don’t want to wait!!
I wish i could have grown up in my Grandpa era!