Letter From A Member Of The Global Elite

Below is an email I received from a man who claims to be a member of a family that is one of the top 100 richest in the world. I believe it to be authentic.

I repeatedly told David that the European Union and United States were not yet ready for the final stage of our plan, but he didn’t listen. Because he wanted to rush things through before passing away, we may have jeopardized decades of hard work where the sheep of the West would have voluntarily signed the death warrants of their own family members had we commanded it. I’ve had to cancel many social functions to meet with media owners to develop a modified narrative to save our beloved agenda.

We stumbled upon a useful technique in Germany after World War 2 when we noted how guilty Germans felt about asserting national identity and defending themselves from harm. They gave the keys to the castle over to the Americans, who thanks to their powerful cognitive elite, played an instrumental role in the rise of a digestible multiculturalism that led to the Germans competing amongst themselves to announce who was most welcoming of anything non-German, including people from countries who still practice stonings and beheadings. Once we saw the power that guilt played in allowing our agenda to be adopted, we copy-pasted it throughout the Western world, particularly Scandinavia and the Anglosphere.


Father and son participating in white guilt exercise

Most of your readers already know why we insist on Islamist immigrants, but in case you’ve been stuck under a rock of our design, the biggest threat to our power in a country like Germany is Germans. In America it’s Americans. It’s the natives who may look at each other, recognize themselves, and then begin a government overthrow that threatens my regal lifestyle and those of my friends. By destroying a country’s social fabric, which consists of its nationalistic pride, belief in Christianity, the family unit, and fraternal organizations, we leave a once strong and cohesive people lost, confused, weak, demoralized, sterile, and floating in a plastic consumer wind we created, where the only way they can ease the pain of their psychological suffering and lack of meaningful human bonds is is to seek entertainment, antidepressant drugs, alcohol, and casual sex.

Our offensive front upon the identity of a nation is topped in terms of effectiveness only by feminism, the Hiroshima of cultural bombs that has destroyed the family unit so beyond our wildest dreams that I have a good chuckle about it every now and then. Its success is why David hastily thought we were ready to unleash the Nagasaki immigration bomb to finish off the job before his body gave way.

Our feminist useful idiots on the ground, with their short hair, ugly bodies, and shrieking manner, have been so effective that the German birth rate is now the worst in the entire world! This outcome is better than any eugenics program mankind has ever seen. We have allowed German women (and Swedish, British, American, etc.) to voluntarily sterilize themselves with absurd notions of being strong and independent by laboring dutifully and single-mindedly in our corporations. The scam has so many levels that it’s hard to respect the female sheep for not seeing it:

—By pushing women to work, we increase the supply of labor, decreasing the wage price. This increases our profits. Funny thing is that even though wages are already low, we’re so greedy that we’ll start to offshore the best jobs anyway, forcing women to play a game of corporate musical chairs to stay relevant in the job market while their wages continue to decline in real terms.

—The paltry salaries they do receive comes immediately back to us when they buy our marketed products, GMO foodstuff, technological crap, and mindless entertainment featuring lovable gay—and soon transvestite—characters. Our collective balance sheets don’t suffer a technical loss from the price of their labor, and actually sees a net profit if you account for the credit card debt that women incur to buy our ugly corporate fashions. Sixty dollar yoga pants, anyone?

—Unlike when they work at home, their labor is taxed by governments that we own through crooked politicians who will sell out their people for a mere $15,000 donation. Their income taxes come right back to us in the form of subsidies, tax breaks, and the revolving door where our executives essentially have second homes in government ministries that pay obscene salaries and give huge kickbacks to their former corporate pals.


You have to admit this is genius, especially since there are still women who think feminism is about female empowerment. It is about empowerment—for us! Our research has calculated that a woman begins to be unsatisfied with corporate work after 13 years, but by then she is too withered, barren, and emotionally broken from being pumped and dumped so many times that she will be unsuccessful in finding a mate and reproducing, forcing her to work for the rest of her life. And even if she has kids, she’ll be such a horrible mother that her kids will be sterile degenerates anyway.

Once we took care of the women, the men took barely a pittance of effort to get wrapped around our fingers. Their genetic predisposition already primed them to work like mindless mules, and now that we turned their young, fertile women into feral monsters who destroy their own bodies and souls, all we had to do for the men was hang the olive tree of fun casual sex. Our media guys in Hollywood made the rock star lifestyle the most coveted desire of these mules, and they sucked up the hookup culture, dating apps, drunken sex—you name it. Even the owner of this web site was a useful idiot of ours, spreading the idea of sterile sex even better than Jersey Shore (I secretly bought 10,000 copies of his stupid book Bang so he would continue writing about “banging” or whatever he calls it.) I can’t say I like his more recent ideas, however, since it seems to promote reproduction and stronger family bonds.

As for why we are doing what we’re doing, you have to understand that there are too many people on the Earth, and we’re having trouble controlling all of you. We already have all the wealth we need, so our main goal is to preserve it. Don’t listen to what our politician puppets have to say about “income equality” or egalitarian bullshit—we have no intention of making that a reality. We need to maintain the status quo while gradually limiting the population in a controlled, efficient manner, especially populations of those who can pose problems to our immediate interests: European derived white people.

georgia guidestones 3

I’m white in skin tone myself, but the problem with Christian whites is that our models show they are the greatest danger to our power. I’m sure you’ve read the history books we put in your factory high schools about all the revolutions that happen when white people get angry. This is why we have an intense propaganda campaign of “population control is good” and “global warming is bad” to demoralize whites. It functions alongside programs of open-door immigration and feminism to reduce their numbers relative to other groups that accelerate the decline of their social fabric and make them feel guilty for merely living. Ever wonder why you rarely see big white families anymore? It’s so rare that if there is one, we make a reality show out of them and convince everyone how weird, crazy, and backwards they are.

Back to my friend David. Before the preservation of his brain can take place, he wanted to at least see Germany achieve our end game vision. We gave a call to Merkel and threw out a nice round number of Islamists she must accept: 5 million. She agreed—like she had a choice—and the men flowed in instantly, because of course we financed the boat drivers and smugglers in Turkey and Syria. But provincial Eastern Europeans started to raise a stink.

Even though we control all Eastern European media, we have not been able to get their sheep into completely accepting multiculturalism. Progress has been too slow and I think it’s because of some odd strain of nationalism that our comrade Stalin failed to completely stamp out. The nerve of these people, to think that their borders are something sacred and should be defended with the sweat and blood of their people. We’ll test their commitment soon enough, and see how much blood they are willing to sacrifice for our vision of unified world governments that ensure international order and stability.

Polish, Hungarian, and Czech politicians must have been secretly avoiding our testosterone lowering chemicals and foods to gather enough testicular fortitude. They showed other Europeans that accepting millions of brown men will decrease their standard of living and make their streets more dangerous and unwelcoming. Our media channels, even in the USA, a country we’ve already bombed with millions of invaders with hundreds of our strategically placed “refugee centers,” were not able to silence this grassroots resistance or control it. Every wannabe nationalist tried to be a hero and yell about how the “elite” is controlling the West. Unfortunately for us, it was working.

I told David that the West was not yet ready for their own voluntary annihilation. So we had to backtrack. We let Eastern Europe build their stupid fences and quietly reduced our internal immigrant quota numbers.

epa04931357 Migrants walk next to the razor wire fence at the Serbia-Hungary border, 15 September 2015. Hungary has sealed the last gap in the barricade along its border with Serbia, closing the passage to thousands of refugees and migrants still waiting on the other side. EPA/DARKO DOZET +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++

But let me ask you something: do you think that will stop us? It’s a setback, no doubt, but we’ve had many setbacks in the past century and have overcome them all. We’re going to let things simmer down for a bit and focus more intently on our mind control efforts. We already got Zuckerburg following orders from his CIA backed In-Q-Tel advisers to censor any anti-multicultural chatter and we’re doing the same with Twitter. We need to squelch all independent outlets that give the appearance of resistance and criticism to our plans. This is why we’re in the process of eliminating comment sections in all media sites. If the sheep doesn’t see public criticism, they’ll believe that no disagreement exists.

After we recently put the nail in the coffin of the Western family unit with homosexual marriage (code name “AIDS Marriage”), you’re probably thinking that we’re going to introduce some zany new cause like bestiality, but honestly we don’t need to. Your birth rates are ruined and your most fertile young women are already taking birth control pills at the same time we have them on a schedule of HPV vaccines with delicious long-term side effects. You didn’t hear it from me, but if a woman has been on birth control for over five years, her endocrine system is so ravaged that at least a quarter of them will remain sterile forever. Therefore you’ll probably agree that no more cultural bombs are needed. We can focus instead on cementing our media control even further. Sorry, David, but you won’t see much more action before your third heart gives out.

What we’re actually going to start doing is save some money (as in trillions of dollars). While indebting a nation is good business since we can eventually take it over when they default, just like we did with Greece, we can’t have the entire world defaulting at the same time. Collapses have to be done on our orderly schedule. What we’ll do is start taking care of the most economically wasteful members of society—the elderly. They don’t work or contribute to the tax base, so there’s no real need for them to exist. We’ll make health care so expensive that they will choose to die rather willingly, just like how young women sterilize themselves willingly. I’m already hearing reports that some old men are killing themselves so that their loved ones don’t have to incur a huge debt for their care. This is great news, and I thank Obamacare for opening this exciting new avenue of “health care.”


We monitor sites like this so we can get a rough count for how many of you are on to our plans, but honestly you’re too insignificant to make a difference. I can give Roosh himself the minutes to our secret meetings, but it will be known by less than 100,000 people in a world of 7 billion. None of our media outlets will cover the news and if it does happen to go viral on its own, we’ll get the link banned from Facebook within a day. I doubt that will be necessary because the tsunami of media content we blanket the wires with makes it almost impossible for a genuinely harmful bit of news to rise to the top, and as long as our girl Kim Kardashian has an ass that continues to dazzle the world, your “conspiracy theory” won’t be taken seriously.

Is it really so difficult to accept that you are pawns in our chess game? At least you don’t have to perform hard manual labor in a factory or farm like our sheep of the past. Think about it: you hardly do any real work for a life filled with our tasty entertainments that give you a rough simulation of the joy humans used to experience naturally. Sure your life is sterile, you have no concept of family, and your people think having pride in their own country is neocolonialism or white privilege, but there’s a reason why you are controlled by us instead of the other way around: we were destined to have power over you. You’re lucky we give you our scraps at all, because once we unleash our advanced robots, which are in late-stage development, you won’t even be needed. Pray that we don’t get Bill to unleash his diabolical vaccines on you!

I now have some important business to attend to so that’s enough for today. I hope you feel as graced by my presence as I feel dirtied by yours.


Master Servant Of Lucifer

If you like this article and are concerned about the future of the Western world, check out Roosh’s book Free Speech Isn’t Free. It gives an inside look to how the globalist establishment is attempting to marginalize masculine men with a leftist agenda that promotes censorship, feminism, and sterility. It also shares key knowledge and tools that you can use to defend yourself against social justice attacks. Click here to learn more about the book. Your support will help maintain our operation.

This letter was originally published on Roosh V.

Read Next: The End Goal Of Western Progressivism Is Depopulation

241 thoughts on “Letter From A Member Of The Global Elite”

      1. I think we could greatly reduce population by exterminating all selfie takers.

        1. I wonder if selfie taking and narcissism will ever get extreme enough for the mass production and retail sale of a water squirting device that you put on your phone replicating the old squirting flower trick whereby you actually play a practical joke on yourself while taking a selfie.

  1. Good satire.
    But yeah white people has ran out of things to conflict with so they are scrapping the bottom of the barrel with faggetry and gendernism.

      1. It’s in the earliest of historical writings. And there are good examples and anecdotes about why faggotry and genderism destroys societies. Gays and women both are destructive when they’re given say in laws and cultures.

        1. Research has shown that a little sexual identity wobble is normal in almost everyone. Generally considered repulsive – which basically it is … no different to forcing the north pole of two bar magnets together. They repel each other initially and later simply lose their polarity entirely.
          Probably 0.01% of the population is born with this problem, the rest is just a tiny and relatively natural wobble that is easily correct if it’s not encouraged.
          Unfortunately the persecution of the 0.01% who really couldn’t do anything about it, has resulted in the homo way, spreading like a virus, to the point it’s now desirable. Imagine if the same thing had happened with mongoloid or spastic babies….
          If you look back in history, a large majority of men were killers. It was kill or be killed. The ability to kill with a sword or wild west gun slinger was desired and encouraged. Today it’s not encouraged – which is a good thing since we don’t have to constantly guard against roving killers – but if you encourage it – it will become real again.

    1. I see faggetry as a social/biological mechanism to ‘weed out’ men…starting with the weak & effeminate but especially when it comes to features/adaptations that don’t attract a woman willing to breed with those features. Of course, advances in medicine and more importantly, the ability of men with physical/social features a woman might find repulsive to have resources and thus ‘seal the deal’ have created imbalances on a sociological level, but as technology progresses we will see a ‘war’ on features society deems non-desireable … and before everyone screams ‘Eugenics’, the simple fact is that Planned Parenthood was specifically founded with the idea of ‘improving’ the race. If aborting a Downs Syndrome baby is seen as ‘humane’ then guess what …Demanding little billy with his Autism/Sickle Cell/Cystic Fibrosis/Birthmark simply take a pill or do a couple of radiation treatments to be ‘cured’ will be seen as not only humane & good, but that to NOT treat him will be seen as child abuse.

  2. To be honest most of it is true to a degree. White guilt is the root cause of the western downfall.

    1. Hence why I stopped feeling guilty many, many years ago. No one’s picked cotton for me, my parents, nor even my grandparents. Even if I DID have someone way back in the past that owned slaves, I still wouldn’t feel guilty. Why? Because it wasn’t me. The sins of the father are just that…someone else’s sins, not mine and I refuse to be held ransom for them.
      I’m also not going to feel guilty that I’m better off than others. I work hard for what I earn and I don’t rely on the government, my parents, or anyone else to live the lifestyle that I live.
      Guilt has no hold on me and according to SJW logic, I should feel the guiltiest of all the demographic groups: White, straight, right-leaning, Christian, male.

      1. Exactly, everyone in my family including myself has worked hard with nothing, and reaped rewards of their labour. Who would have thought that good effort = good life?

        1. I’ve been asked at times “Hey what’s the payment on something like that?” in regards to things I own, to which I reply “I have no idea”.
          This often garners a “gee must be nice being a rich boy” to which my general response is “Hey I worked my ass off for it, anyone can do the same with some self discipline, and yes the rewards of hard work does feel good”.

  3. What was left out of this: (I wonder if Roosh censored it to sell more copies of Bang???)
    “Our Exalted Leader (the smoking man) took a break from his latest round of organ regeneration to award the Oscar for Best Actor as he was an early investor in the film and the awaited win had a four-fold benefit:
    1) The long awaited win would cause focus more attention on a spectacle that was already fomenting racial strife.
    2) DiCaprio would draw attention to global warming, a leftist agenda that actually benefits us
    3) That same attention would polarize the audience (and America at large), advancing the TaT (Them against Them) Protocals that benefit us as opposed to the TaU Protocal (Them against Us) which can cause impediments to our objectives.
    4) The increased attention customarily brings a fresh crop of nubile young women to DiCaprio’s side who are then spirited away for mind control in preparation for service as concubines in our illicit harems.”

  4. Wow, what are the odds that you would receive a message that echoes your own previous language word for word, right down to feminists’ “shrieking manner”?
    Or that a member of the global elite would use such puzzling colloquialisms as “hang the olive tree”?
    But all of this is moot because, as we know, the most important part of any secret plan for world domination is when you email the hero and tell him all of the details.
    Yup, seems legit!

    1. It’s a fictional piece you dunce, Roosh writes stuff like this on his own site all the time.

      1. You will have to excuse these leftists. They got their concept of satire from John Oliver and Jon Stewart. As we have seen before, they launch into strange fits of screaming when confronted with actual satire.

        1. Its not a metaphor, you should literally set your nuts on fire and you are literally a preening douche.

        2. I’m a device made for shooting H2O into vaginas, who’s engaged in a behavior common to birds, and also have testicles, which you suggest I set on fire? Your imagery is self-contradictory; nobody can picture what you’re talking about.
          Try something more like this:
          “You, Cody, aged 14 with an uneven bowl cut, slouch in a worn Green Lantern T-shirt which picks up the dancing glow of the monitor. You wipe your lips with the back of your sleeve, a 64 oz Mountain Dew slushie and a belly full of rage fueling the furious tattoo of your fingers on the chipped Dell (which crawls with sypware acquired through countless downloads of exotic fish porn). As you squint through rage and 3 days’ worth of eye crud at the cruel internet users who make you feel so dumb, your feel a righteous surge from your duodenum — the tragic victim of a rare IQ-lowering disorder caused by eating several tubes of a rare brand Swiss sculpting clay as a boy, your parents (both cow insemanators, now separated) have allowed you to grow proud and angry. There is real rage in your tantrums now; your hand dives provocatively in your soiled sweatpants during arguments and other inappropriate times. Rumors that you have threatened a Carrie-style shoot-em-up are whispered behind your retreating back in the hallways; but you are too pre-occupied in your esoteric fondness for exotic fish porn. You are a rock, you are an island, but the casual menace in your sunken eyes betrays an angry gnome, growing angrier the more he is ignored”.
          See? Easy.

        3. That just reaks like a steaming pile of try-hard, pseudo-intellectual douchery.

        4. So, what I wrote smells like a pleasant aroma designed to hide vaginal odors? Not only are you still mixing your metaphors, but I think you just inadvertently complemented me.
          “reek” – it’s a 4-letter word, shouldn’t be that hard.

        5. On some level you tacitly know that it’s time for you to shut your neck bearded face you preening, pseudo-intellectual douche. Search your feelings, butthurt boy, you know this to be true.

        6. You’re right. Somehow, your using the same exact insults, three comments in a row, showed me that you’re a person of rare psychological insight. You’ve helped me realize that I am, in fact, nothing more than a collection of chemicals and scents, both artificial and natural, designed to keep a woman feeling fresh and beautiful. Aren’t we all, on some level?

        7. Wow. I already knew you were a deeply sensitive and evolved soul, but choosing to respond in Esperanto – the universal language created in the late 1800’s by L.L. Zamenhof to foster unity and peace between peoples – is really insipiring. I don’t know what to say — thank you?

        8. Yes, thanks again for your concern. Unfortunately, they were too large, and your mother complained about the thwacking sound waking up the fish at night. I don’t really miss them, to be honest, and the daily bike commute is an absolute joy now. But you’re so sweet for asking!

    2. Except that the average ROK reader probably can’t tell it’s satirical. It’s called “Kidding on the Square” and Roosh knows exactly what he’s doing.

  5. While I do not doubt most of what is listed if not all of it is part of the plans of our elite, I do doubt the authenticity of the “letter.”
    First, why would a world elite write a letter to an author from Return of Kings, telling exactly what their plan is. Even though he said 100,000 people aren’t enough to make a difference, we all know that it is usually a much smaller number of men than that, as thought leaders, that make the real difference in changes that happen in the world. The “elite” would know that as well. Telling 100,000 men that care, hate feminism, love family and many who are very nationalistic would be dangerous.
    The second clue to me that this is fake, is that this article basically sums up 90% of the articles on ROK in one article. Almost all the points espoused in this article have been espoused here dozens of times before, and few are new. Why would the authors at ROK be correct about everything. Surely there is something they missed or something that seems to matter which actually doesn’t.
    The third clue is that most of the language used in this article is exactly that used on ROK all the time. This is an extremely ROK friendly article in terms of the language used within and seems to have been written either by an avid reader of ROK, or an author at ROK, or someone similar within the manosphere.
    I have no reason to doubt the sincerity of Roosh as I don’t know the man and haven’t read anything by him that I know to be a lie, but I do doubt the veracity of the claim that this letter is from a true global elitist, or if it is from an elitist, that he/she is being sincere. I only doubt this based on my guts reactions to the three clues I noted above and nothing else. What does the rest of ROK think? Would a true global elitist write a sincere letter of this type and content to the leader of a website dedicated to destroying their plan?

      1. He got me on this one. I recognized some of his older pieces as satirical. Still, rereading it, the only part of it that makes it satire is what I noted as my objections. If that’s the case, he’s getting even better. I was worried maybe he is going mad.

  6. There are a number of things going on in Western Society, from a public policy perspective, that I have pointed out, in past, on my ROK posts. Much of which, have a number of key, predictable, outcomes:
    1) The economic system in the USA is set up as a “Rent Seeking” platform for those that control the majority of its wealth, PERIOD. To believe any differently is nothing more than mental gymnastics, used to justify why we are strongly coerced to live the way we do. (note, many simply call these people the “Elite”, but lets face facts, they think they OWN us, like indentured servants, so, I refer to them as the “Owners of Capital” in my below posts)
    The “Owners of Capital” want wage slaves DEAD before turning 60. Best case scenario for them, is for someone to work 60+ hour work weeks from ages 16-60, put all of their money into a 401K, cars & home mortgage, neglecting to go to the doctor for decades and then suddenly drop dead of a heart attack; all before they can drain their 401K’s and start using earned social security & medicare benefits (note, some ROK posters, in the past, have said that the “Owners of Capital” want to extract ongoing fees from “lingering, uncured, illnesses in the elderly”, however, that only applies to the top 10%-20% of all earners. The rest, that are below such a level of income, the “Elite” want dying on the job because those below that income level do not have enough retirement savings to pay for such care. Which is why I use the term “wage slaves”).
    Due to the way our current economic system works, we CLEARLY have too many people being born and not enough desire on the behalf of the “owners of capital” to employ them for the sake of having a stable and safe civilization. In the United States, for example, its clear that the “owners of capital” have chosen NOT to employ people on a large scale, preferring “tent cities” and “jailing the homeless”, INSTEAD of providing more “make-work employment” arrangements.
    Up to the 1940 a person could get just about any job with an 8th grade education, but today you need a BA or Masters for entry level. Why?
    Because the government & big business figured out a long time ago that populations would certainly increase over time, but due to technology advancements, the availability of jobs would not expand to meet that population growth. There is a DEFINITE reason they don’t want people dropping out of high school and then at the same time, encourage those same high school graduates to attend junior college, then a 4 year university and finally a Masters degree or PhD. Government strong-arms this concept because it DECREASES the amount of people looking for full-time employment at the SAME TIME, chasing after jobs in a market that CANNOT provide employment for everyone whom is looking, able to perform, qualified for and willing to work.
    Look at it this way, when people could get a job with an 8th grade education, they went out and did it as soon as possible (opportunity cost). Then jobs got scarcer and the minimum requirement became a high school diploma, adding 4 more years of people NOT Looking for jobs within their cohort. Then jobs got even scarcer and the minimum became a 2 or 4 year college degree, adding an additional 2-4 years of people NOT looking for jobs within their cohort. Now jobs are really scarce and may require a Masters or PHD, adding an additional 2-7 years of people NOT looking for jobs within their cohort. Basically due to the way the economy has been structured TODAY, we are looking at young people within their cohort whom are NOT looking for full-time, career type, employment for 4-15 YEARS, beyond K-12, all while they finish more school!
    This has been done ON PURPOSE, to keep the number people seeking employment lower. In 1920 after 8th grade everyone who was able, went out to look for work and typically found it. That’s simply NOT possible today under any circumstances. Easily accessed welfare will soon add another 1-3 years of people within a cohort, to those “not seeking employment”. Note this will NOT be to the specific detriment of society, but as a means to continue to mask the illusion that jobs and upward mobility are still available. So, if someone gets a graduate degree and collects 1-3 years of welfare on top of than, that’s ONE less person competing for scarce jobs. The extra years of welfare are then acting in the same way to the larger economy, as the previously increased minimum education levels for employment. The real goal is decreasing the number of able-bodied applicants out on the job market at the same time, but also not decreasing the supply of “potential workers” who’s mere existence drive wages down for EVERYBODY. Keep in mind this cohort of people “not pursuing full-time employment” also includes those in Prison, Government pensioners/SSI and the disabled on government assistance. The reality is if everyone needed to go out and “get a job” or “start their own business” TODAY, as many “capitalists” and “entrepreneurs” suggest these days, we would ALL be making 0.25 cents a day. THIS RACE TO THE BOTTOM EFFECTS THE SELF EMPLOYED WAGES AS WELL.
    The “owners of capital” have already decided, FOR US REGULAR PEOPLE, that there are going to be LESS jobs available in the NEAR future, due to increased automation and modern corporate labor, cost-cutting, strategies. These measures eventually will affect and include ALL contract work, ALL self-employment opportunities and ALL small businesses, NOT JUST payroll laborers. Its easier to “pay less” or “nothing at all” to contracted or indentured “labor” when there is another willing laborer/slave, waiting in the wings, to do the work for less or nothing at all. In the past when there wasn’t enough money to go around to pay both wages & PROFITS, the “owners of capital” simply brought in more indentured servant immigrants (Irish, Italians, Chinese, etc) or flat out used slave labor (Blacks, Native Americans, domestic prisoners, POW’s, etc). The only difference between now and then is the “owners of capital” can’t LEGALLY have slaves or indentured servants. The mechanisms today that replaces slaves and indentured servants are the following: longer than needed formal education for basic employment, off-shoring of labor, forced retirement, prisoners and welfare
    The largest “recorded” wage increase to happen in history, for non-land owing, wage-laborers, post the introduction of fiat currency, was after the black death pandemic, in the 14th century, especially in post-pandemic England
    But, how was that possible?
    Because “the owners of capital”, post the black-death-pandemic, still needed wage-laborers, but there was a HUGE shortage of able bodied people. So, in order for ANY work to get done, they had to pay the peasants and other undesirables, more money, SIGNIFICANTLY MORE. This principle is still at work today, when you take the time to recognize that sizable portions of the population are actively discouraged from participating in the full-time labor market. This is easily done, by throwing people in prison, forcing them to attend formal school longer and allowing more people to claim themselves as disabled or collect long/short term welfare
    After the Black Death ran its course, in the 14th century, a Peasants Revolt was triggered by the “Statute of Labourers 1351”. By 1381, the sustained wage growth for non-land owing, wage-laborers was rising so quickly that the English parliament, a few decades post the Black-Death, under King Edward III, introduced the “Statute of Labourers 1351”. This statute was used by the “Owners of Capital”, as an artificial means to drive down the wages of non-land owning peasants. Despite market conditions signalling the need for increased wages
    http://avalon.law.yale.edu/medieval/statlab.asp The Statute of Laborers; 1351 (“Statutes of the Realm,” vol. i. p. 307.)
    Think about that for a minute, the MARKET signaled that wages should have been higher, due to actual labor shortages caused by the Black Death, but the “owners of capital” still didn’t want to pay it, so they wrote a law saying why they didn’t have to conform to demands of the market. That’s where we are today, a form of Neo-feudalism, driven by Fascist ideology and practices. Remember the USA a former “slave owning nation”, that fought “tooth & nail” to maintain the legal right to own slaves; even turning indentured servants, whom by contract, were set to be released in 7 years, into indefinite slaves through legal loopholes.

    1. 2) The “Owners of Capital Class” are betting on the Singularity, Cell Regeneration, Mind-clones and AI to provide their creature comforts in the future. “Smartphone Addiction” is just a small piece of the overall strategy that will eventually give them total control over the masses, through the mandatory use of evasive tech. Most tech being developed today is bad for regular people whom are not part of the true “Owners of Capital Class” and its really unfortunate that regular people do not see the scientists that are creating this tech and the financiers supporting their R&D, as TRUE economic adversaries.
      Tech can be used VERY effectively, to further the indentured servitude of the remaining middle and lower classes.
      But, how is that possible, a regular person may ask?
      Remember when cell phones were actually fun?
      I do, the phone was a huge and needed to be carried in a bag, BUT my boss NEVER called me on it, after what was considered typical work hours and certainly never to ask me to do more work while I was at home. Compare that to today, when a cell phone in your pocket can spontaneously generate more work to be done outside of the office, simply because someone higher up than you had a random thought at midnight.
      Here is a second example, when my parents were in school in the 1950’s and 60’s they were told: no one would have to work in the future, that everything would be done by robots and they would, in turn, have increased free time used for creating, making art, learning and helping others…
      We all know how that turned out, mass layoffs, outsourcing due to cheaper communication tech and increased workload for those domestic laborers that remained gainfully employed within USA based corporations.
      The Singularity, Cell regeneration, Mind-Clones Cyborg Implants and Artificial Intelligence are essentially the same lie, that was told to our parents, just rehashed for a 21st century audience.
      I think its funny when regular people get excited about future tech like the Singularity, AI, Robotics, etc. Do people really think when these things finally become real, functioning, working designs, applicable to industry, that we the “peons”, will somehow ALL get a Data from Start Trek or a C-3PO from Star Wars, to help us at home, at the job site or in the office, etc?
      In reality, we are going to get a David 8 as depicted in the Prometheus/Aliens films or the Robot Probation officer seen in the Elysium movie. These automatons are going to take away jobs and make unethical policing and policy enforcement, both easier and cheaper, for the true “Owners of Capital”. Since they won’t be paying a salary to the robot worker, the savings will instead be pumped into legal fees and political lobbying, resulting in an overall good ROI for the corporations/governments and a full blown, loss of liberty, for everyone else.
      Whom goes to jail when an AI Robot or Mind Clone pulls your arm out of the socket? Will it be considered “negligence by the human that lost the arm”, a matter for a “civil suit” only, perhaps “not a criminal act”, to be adjudicated in a arbitration setting?
      I personally at this point are willing to live with 1980’s +/- era tech, if it means, I am more free and can continue to earn money to live off.
      Elysium Probation Officer photo:
      Introducing David 8 webpage:
      In the words of David 8: “I can do almost anything that could possibly be asked of me, including things that my human counterparts might find distressing or unethical”
      We are approaching an era where the “Owners of Capital Class” will not need laborers of any kind to live a life of comfort. But, our civilization is not quite there yet, technology-wise, so the “Owners of capital” need to “keep people calm and unsuspecting” until the trigger can be pulled decisively without consequence.
      So, what are the possible scenarios that regular folks will experience, during this “interim period”, while the technology needed to create the Singularity, Cell Regeneration, Mind-clones and AI, is maturing?
      The “Owners of Capital Class” will simply extract the little remaining labor wages from the lower classes, by decree, through the implementation of a cashless system. Consumers will not have choices in the future because purchases will be mandatory in some way. Policies structured like Obamacare should have taught us ALL how these kinds of scenarios will play out. Obamacare is merely the test run of how to implement future legislated purchases on a large scale. “Click-Wrap Agreements” coupled with a “cashless society” will make that transition easier for the “Owners of Capital Class” to force on the general populace.
      What do I mean exactly?
      Many forget that we now live in what “could” be considered a fascist country, with oligopolies running it behind the scenes. What usually results, is a situation where the “owners of capital”, can and will “legislate” mandatory purchases in the future, if revenue does not match their expectations or projections (for the good of the nation of course, i.e., Too-Big-to-Fail).
      So for example, if someone chooses not to buy unneeded goods or services, they will simply pay a “penalty” at tax time or some scheme involving a “negative interest rate”. The “owners of capital” have, at this point, run out of consumer goods that they can “strongly coerce” people to buy, in order to go to work, such as, gasoline, internet connection, car insurance, bus/subway fare, cell phones, suits/uniforms, soap, deodorant, razors, etc. We are approaching a day when they will simply make it law that you have to buy goods, in certain quantities before tax season (again, just like the current Obamacare that can be coupled Flexible Spending Accounts), except one day we will have an FSA to be used for ALL goods and services, and you can bet those accounts will be “use-it or lose-it”. Also, since you won’t be able to own things like the new “digital cars”, that are currently being developed, nor will you own the current “digital media” being rented on Hulu, Netflix, etc., means that likely, in the future, you could be billed for “damage to the vehicle or product” from the “real owners” of that vehicle or product at any time.
      Regular People will not be allowed to be frugal in the future because the”Owners of Capital Class” can choose, AT ANY TIME to, take close to the same amount of lost revenue back, when a person tries to save money by reducing purchases, in the form of “tax penalties” or other method (cashless, digital currency, negative interest rate, instant credit to cover shortfalls and deductions from bank accounts, ALL DONE whenever the “Owners of Capital Class” see fit). A cashless society, dominated by “click-wrap agreements” is the easiest way to structure “forced purchases” into the larger economy. Another scenario that regular people will face in the future, is when someone chooses “not to buy” and then doesn’t have the proper “proof of purchase” coupon, etc, to prove they bought these items, in the required quantities, when tax fillings come due. I can guarantee that the IRS or some other agency will have some way to calculate the amount “you should have purchased” (kinda sounds like college FASFA aid forms, in reverse, doesn’t it?). People will also have to pay a monthly fee to keep their digital money in the bank and there won’t be any alternative way to store it, without paying the monthly fee. This process will result in an instant, predictable, revenue generator for public companies, that the stock market will then feed off.
      Note, bartering used as a circumvention method has been suggested before, but the IRS already has a plan and system in place to deal with it somewhat. They will tax bartering, by an estimate, the same way they do for restaurant servers receiving tips. There will likely be HUGE penalties for barter and I will bet EVERYONE will automatically be assumed to have “bartered” some amount over the year at tax time (perhaps an estimated $500 in barter per year, that is taxed whether the person in question did any actual bartering or not). The most likely outcome though, is that one day, bartering will simply be deemed an illegal activity (likely a Felony). I don’t recall “bartering” being a named constitutional right anywhere.
      Look at solar roof panels, as another example, many local governments are taxing people for installing them because they reduce dependence on local utilities, which in turn, drives down privatized revenue being collected by the contract companies hired to run the utilities.
      Young people don’t understand that this tech, that they are addicted to, can be used VERY effectively, to further their indentured servitude. Millennial’s and the generation after them, falsely believe tech will save and unite them, when in reality it was designed by “corporate committee” to do just the opposite. The only way to prevent that shift, is for Millennial’s to immediately STOP buying such tech, opposing the development of said tech and discouraging others from buying and using it, even if it means using physical force. But, they will NEVER do this because they have “drank the Kool-aid” and are to a certain extent addicted to technology. Think about it, I’m seeing commercials for ordering pizza on a smartphone app, but whats the point, really? To appease Millennial’s? Perhaps. But, did this consuming cohort of fools take the time to think about whether it is really more convenient to type an order in on an app, as opposed to calling the order in on a phone? No they didn’t AND by using the smartphone app to place a FOOD ORDER instead of a phone, the pizza seller can then become a data broker making money by selling customer info, instead of making money by providing a quality food product.
      Then there is the issue of behavioral “data simulations” being conducted on citizens by corporations and government, eventually, to be used for revenue projections. I can guarantee that some people will not be able to be “simulated”, due to high levels of inaccuracy in the data that exists on file and is collected on them regularly. Some simple examples would be homeless people, old people that don’t use credit or the internet, and low wage earners functioning solely on cash, whom use cell phones or have utility bill etc on a relatives account, which their name is not on (I have a relative that does all of the above and couch surfs, there’s no way a simulation would know anything about him because he has virtually no digital footprint).
      Th rub is when these “behavioral simulations” becomes a real part of business revenue projections, directly influencing tax revenue projections and collection methods. These people that “cannot be simulated” will be labeled criminals and put on some kind of supervised probation and forced to adapt habits that can be tracked digitally. I can GUARANTEE this will happen. As I stated above, Millennial’s are likely the easiest to simulate already because they have already given away the keys to the castle and have no intention of taking those keys back.
      Right now most Americans are expected to and are coerced by employment requirements to buy/finance a car, buy/finance education, buy/finance healthcare, buy/finance insurance and eventually buy/finance a home of some kind.
      What do you think the “Owners of Capital Class” will do when “life-extension tech”, “self-driving cars”, “robot AI home workers”, “AI networked appliances” or “cyborg implants” become viable commercial products?
      They will simply coerce people to buy it, even if the recipient doesn’t want to have the procedure done and the methods used to coerce the general populace in the United States, will not require any additional lobbying or law changes on the behalf of the “Owners of Capital”.
      Imagine a world where life-extension tech is sold and financed to regular people, over long repayment periods, to people that don’t have the ability to pay for it, in cash, up front, similar to a cars, higher education or home mortgages.
      Want to opt-out? Sure you have the “choice” to do anything you want, we are a “free country” after all.
      Imagine the unfolding of the following fictional scenarios, resulting from a person “choosing” to NOT have the life-extension procedure:
      Do you want health insurance? Sorry, but we don’t insure people whom have not had the “life-extension” procedure. However, there is another provider which we can refer you to that will, but that company has both a high deductible and high premium, so as to reduce the coverage risk of your shorter life span, to the provider.
      Want to get a job? Sorry, but we don’t hire people whom do not have “cyborg-implants”, they cost more to insure and are un-insurable in some cases. We don’t consider this discrimination, however, because its no different than requiring you to have a car or a driver license for employment with our firm. Especially with the Supreme Court declaring that those refusing the “cyborg-implants” procedure are not considered disabled, nor are a protected class.
      Do you need a credit card or a business loan? Sorry, but we have to charge you a higher interest rate because our actuaries have found that people whom have not had the “life-extension” procedure are a higher risk, have higher unemployment rates and have lower profit margins, due to a shorter life expectancy.
      Do you need a bank account or cell/internet/communication service plan? Sorry, but we don’t open accounts to people whom have not had the “cyborg-implant” procedure, they cost significantly more to service, due to not being plugged directly into the system.
      Again, as I said above, this mandatory purchase strategy will not be limited to ” life-extension tech”. Just replace the word “life-extension procedure”, in my above example, with the word “self-driving car”, “robot AI home worker”, “AI networked appliances”, “Cell Regeneration” or “cyborg implant” and the result is the same for the regular person.
      Last, “Private Cities” owned by corporations, will be exempt from labor and civil laws. The rally to create these cities will be done in order to lower human labor costs before the Singularity, Mind-clone and AI tech fully take over, rendering regular people back to the old indenture servant system that used to exist in the USA.
      Want to get a job in a “Private City”? Sorry, but we don’t hire people whom have not financed the life-extension procedure and/or do not have an AI car or Robot home worker”.
      In a “Private City” the “Owners of Capital Class” can make ANY RULES THEY WANT, without “due process” or pesky “labor laws” getting in the way.
      All of the above also does not include fact that employers will require people working for them to hold bank accounts with negative interest rates and it won’t matter if the person is paid by on 1099 or has a W-2.
      Do you want to get paid in a cashless society? If so, you will need to have an open and active “negative interest” bank account.
      In the USA the government has the power to simply make certain actions illegal on a whim because unlike Europe, we have no real consumer, civil or labor protections. This also doesn’t account for the private banks just outright refusing to give you your money, on bank run day, requiring you to attempt to press charges against them or suing, in hopes of successfully gaining access to your funds in the far future.
      If, bank runs become a possible reality, the private banks will know well in advance and will have taken all the physical cash out of the local bank locations, before the public becomes aware. The government will also make carrying cash over a certain amount illegal, say something like, no more than $100 physical cash on your person, inside residences, private storage, vehicles or business locations.
      In summary, I suspect that the “Owners of Capital Class” in the USA will “legislate purchases”, little by little, then do a surprise unloading of the negative interest polices on existing accounts. Regular people won’t see it coming and this situation will hit them like a ton of bricks, with no alternatives to fall back on.
      All sounds swell, don’t it!
      First, AI is going to make regular people jobless
      Second, it is going to steal what few liberties and freedoms they have left
      Third, it will make human life valueless to the true “Owners of Capital”, many of whom are Closeted Fascists

      1. 3) Modern Humans have been on earth for approximately 200,000 years, civilization has existed for 6,000 years and the “society” that we live in today, which has rules that we are FORCED to follow, is a little over 200 years old. What this means, is that MANY of the people whom we THINK are Alphas today, may in fact, NOT be Alphas at all. Simply put, the last 200+ years has given LEGAL advantages to crafty, backstabbing, two-faced, Betas, whom gain undeserved Alpha status, due to LEGAL protection from PHYSICAL retaliation, whereas in the previous 199,800 years of “mans existence”, these guys would have been the “follower” or quickly dispatched through physical retaliation.
        If you have any doubts, just think of people like Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg. Could either of these schmucks have lead men and convinced them to give their lives for a mere “personal conviction”? Like say, ALEXANDER THE GREAT or HANNIBAL? Of course not, BUT, people like these guys are given a type of “Alpha Status” today because they are allowed act TOUGH, without any real threat of losing their heads or getting Tarred & Feathered by disgruntled peasants.
        I’ll clarify further, “Appointed Pseudo Alphas”, are winning in America because the “unspoken rules” and “legal system” have been designed to prevent “aggressive retaliation” by disgruntled underlings. Think back to the early Teamsters tactics that were used against stubborn business owners and how you don’t see similar tactics being applied any longer. Once you recognize the overt influence of “undue physical & legal protection” by government, it becomes easy to understand why “Appointed Pseudo Alphas” rule today. Note, its not because of superior leadership, nor because of any amount of endowed masculinity. It is because these “Appointed Pseudo Alphas” are receiving undue legal protection, that keeps the hordes of frustrated Betas from ripping these “leaders”, limb from limb. The current batch of successful business leaders, that we see today, would have been beaten within an inch of their lives during the times of the Teamsters or Tarred & Feathered, right in front of their factories, in earlier times.
        In Tribal and Chieftain level societies, the males that accumulated the most wealth and children were neither the “most fierce” nor the “most “timid”. “Successful leaders” in those times tended to fall somewhere in the middle, the main reason being that the “most fierce” warriors typically died in the hunt or battle because they could not temper when to be “bold” versus “when to hold back”. Also, on the flip side, it should be obvious why the “most timid” didn’t accumulate any wealth or children in a world based on hand-to-hand battles and hunts.
        In today’s world we have set up a legal system that solely rewards the “most fierce” warriors (whom are not always true Alphas according to nature) and it is contributing to our eventual downfall. In the past, when mortality rates were high, due to living in a dangerous environment, these were the LAST people that a tribe wanted running ANYTHING. Today, these types of people get to go to the front of the line for leadership roles. Remember, just because they are “bold” and “fierce”, in a safe, OFFICE setting, doesn’t make them a real ALPHA, in the world of nature.
        If you need a modern example, look no further than the post-war years, after WWII. Who do you think returned back to the USA, alive, after the war? Was it the foolhardy? Was it the yellow bellies? OR the ones whom could properly weigh the situation and take PROPER action? The answer should be obvious because not coincidentally, that was a period of stable employment and high wages for EVERYONE. With that said, it should safe to assume that it was the most “balanced people” returning alive from the war that became “captains of industry” in the post-war years. The “foolhardy” and “yellow bellies” likley died on the battlefield or returned home too physically and/or mentally damaged to function in civilian leadership roles.
        Culturally we have had a big shift in the USA, where those given “appointed authority” seems to be trumping those that have “natural authority” more often than not. Make no mistake, the “winners” that we are seeing and hearing about day-to-day, are “Appointed Pseudo Alphas” at best. Since the early 2000’s I see MORE and MORE spineless Beta types easily surpassing people with stronger personalities and leadership ability, both in personal life and professional life. However, at one time, in the not so distant past, people displaying “natural authority and leadership” would have EASILY been the first choice of BOTH women and corporations and put in charge of most things, due to simply having REAL leadership qualities.
        What exactly do I mean and how did we get here?
        Well, it starts in K-12 education, where certain kids are publicly punished for being natural leaders and Beta Types are rewarded with leadership positions for being “yes men” and “yes women”. Other kids see this and then begin to develop an indoctrinated aversion to kids that have natural leadership, for fear of getting in trouble, by simply being around or associated with them. This mindset then gets extended into the workplace where “appointed authority” is the rule, with no exceptions being made for “natural authority” to usurp the direction of poorly run projects, useless conversations or bad policies. Once people get past a certain age, their “profiles” and “resume” begin to carry much more weight than their actual “endowed masculinity”. Sure, women don’t pine over Manginas when they meet them in the flesh, but they will pine over a “hidden mangina” with a perfectly crafted okcupid or Tinder profile.
        Do real Alpha types still clean up? Of course they do, but a LOT of “hidden betas” are getting FAR more than their share, of both “first looks” and “last looks”, than they would have received in the previous 50 years (heck, even the last 6,000 years of civilizations existence for than matter). These days, this situation applies to both the career track and the surface preferences of females.
        Note, its not specifically that women standards have risen (we all know they have not), its that women keep on adding to the list of “non essential” traits that their potential partners and hook-ups must have, at minimum. So while going over that “non essential” list of traits, women unknowing eliminate what they ACTUALLY want and end up with something that they are ultimately dissatisfied with, an “Appointed Pseudo Alphas”. This exact same scenario goes for employers as well.
        I always use the old comedy film “Revenge of the Nerds”, from 1984, as an example of where we are as a society today.
        When the JOCKS were in charge of the “Greek Council”, parties raged, un-PC behavior was tolerated and everyone was having a really good time, with few harsh consequences for bad behavior (hence the term, “boys will be boys”). As we all know now, in hindsight, when the JOCKS were in charge, people earned good wages, nobody was micromanaged (use your best judgement was a common phrase), people didn’t get fired on a whim and life in general was good.
        Then one day the NERDS gained control of the “Greek Council” and parties started sucking, people had to kowtow to PC behavior (so as not to offend anyone), EVERYONE became micromanaged (i.e. Lean) and people started having less fun in EVERY aspect of life, while consequences for uncouth behaviors were jacked up to the highest degree (i.e. zero tolerance).
        So I ask, was “life” better for EVERYONE, under the rule of the JOCKS or better today under the rule of the NERDS, whom are nothing more than “Pseudo Alphas” with “appointed authority”?
        Long live the “Betas of Nature” wielding “Appointed Authority”, I guess, to our own civilizations demise, I might add.

        1. Beautifully written. All of it. Bravo, sir. Could you start a blog? I would follow it.

        2. “Modern Humans have been on earth for approximately 200,000 years, civilization has existed for 6,000 years”
          Humans have been here roughly 6k years, we were civilized from day one, stone age “cave man” like groups degenerated from civilization (looking at you, Detroit). 194k years mankind supposedly spent twiddling their thumbs in Africa, but then, all of a sudden, in the Fertile Crescent, civilization, which rapidly spread outwards just as would be expected if mankind had just been birthed there.

        3. “Technology” progresses because those with the most wealth request a technological means be created, to increase production and also to simultaneously reduce autonomy of the lower class populations (over time, as those lower class populations grow beyond the capabilities of the older technology, used to previously control their actions).
          One simple example is Amoxicillin which was created by Beecham Group, using funding provided by Bristol-Meyers. Bristol-Meyers was founded by two NON-SCIENTIST, trust fund babies, turned investors, John Ripley Myers and William McLaren Bristol.
          A second example, is a guy named Howard Florey whom showed Flemming how to develop a method of extracting penicillin
          AND it was Florey whom secured the funding to buy the lab equipment needed to conduct the work. Again, the financial drivers of why tech is developed always points back to investment by the “Owners of Capital”.
          To put it simply, old world rulers, like Charlemagne, did not need tech like cell phones to help them control their holdings, so, no investment was made to develop such technology (because they could maintain efficient control of their holdings using human capital alone, which is cheaper than having to develop a brand new, untested technology). However, on the flip side, a modern business leaders cannot control their fiat holdings without the assistance of evolving technology, like Smart Phones & Social Media, because populations today are much larger than they were in Charlemagne’s era and those lower class populations also have communication tech available to them, that would allow for then to sustain much more organized revolts against said business leaders (unionization, boycotting, rioting, etc).
          “Technology” does not “progress” for ANY of the reasons that most people are taught to believe. Technology progresses because those with the most wealth request a technological means be created, to increase production and also to simultaneously reduce autonomy of the lower class populations (as those lower class populations grow beyond the capabilities of the older technology used to previously control their actions).
          Two popularized examples of anomalous technology are the Antikythera Mechanism, which has been estimated to be from 67 BC and the Baghdad Battery, estimated to be from 250 BC. So, how would YOU surmise objects, such as, the Antikythera Mechanism and Baghdad Battery exist when they should not?
          Most people are not aware that there are archeologists, working in multidisciplinary teams along with other data scientist, working for the Feds, modeling exactly what described above. Wallstreet has also latched onto this idea within the last decade, which is why we are seeing such a huge explosion in venture capital funding and a reduction in traditional R&D spending.
          Big business and government can now predict technological advancements based almost solely on population growth trends. I worked as a grad student for a professor subbing for defense contractor in the early 2000’s, whom was working on this very topic.
          So back to my point, why do objects, such as, the Antikythera mechanism and Baghdad Battery exist when they should not? I did not give an answer, but will do so below.
          I mention the Antikythera mechanism and the Baghdad Battery because despite likely being the first of their kind, they are one-offs, with similar devices not being created until several centuries later. So, regardless of their utility and advanced capabilities, the lack of other examples proves, in earlier time periods, to a degree, that the cost to create these devices was greater than simply using human labor to accomplish the same task, at that particular time. However, when populations increased, the utility of these types of devices increased along with that growth and the costs to make these devices ended up eventually being less than using human capital to accomplish the same task, specifically during those periods with the highest localized population levels. Hence, much later in history, you see many more devices, similar to the Antikythera Mechanism and the Baghdad Battery, in the archeological record.
          I’ll give a very small insight into the portions of the DOD project that my professor was asked to work on, which were not Classified (as were the separate projects being completed by the other academic archeologists). My professors specialty was in stone age technology and his most famous work was on how climate affected what specific Stone age Technologies were developed by isolated groups, whom were not in contact with one another. He found that the pending on the temperate zone, certain Stone Age technologies were guaranteed to be developed. So despite having had no contact with one another, groups of humans separated by thousands of miles would arrive at the same technological solution, in order to solve the same problem. He wrote a book in the early 80’s, that still sells many copies today and despite its age, most of it contents still stand today unchallenged.
          Now how does all this relate to a DOD study focused on technology development?
          My professor was asked to extrapolate his research even further, to see if there was also a correlation with population growth. He found that there were distinct population growth markers that would move a society from stone age tool makers into the early bronze age. It didn’t matter where these ancient people were located in the world, nor what temperate zone they were in. When the population hit certain levels, more advanced technology emerged AND the technology developed was always the same between unrelated groups, having had no contact with one another, located thousands of miles apart. By the end of the study he had a graduated scale correlating the population level to a specific tools development. So, as was found in his study, some groups did not develop certain technologies because they never reached, the determined, minimum population level, while other groups took far less time to develop the so-called “more advanced” technologies when their populations spiked over shorter periods of time than their peers.
          Now, he did learn eventually that another archeologist, that he knew personally, was also asked to work on this same DOD project. This professors specialty area was Iron Age trash site/dumps. He was asked to do the SAME THING, in his specialty area, as my professor was, which was to track population growth milestones and correlate those milestones with the creation of more advanced technology. His findings were exactly the same, when populations reached certain levels, more advanced technology emerged AND the technology developed was always the same between unrelated groups, whom had no contact with one another and were located thousands of miles apart.
          Now consider that many other academics were asked to do the same thing for their research areas (across all ages and eras) and it becomes quite easy to see what kinds of patterns the DOD was trying to deduce. Remember this wasn’t an NSF grant, it was a private sector DOD contract (under a defense company holding the Fed contract). This was 15 years ago now, so, do you REALLY think that big corps and government, at this point in time, can’t predict specific emerging technology and then use that knowledge, attempting to corner the markets before smaller inventors can grab any portion of the pie, while developing their own products, unknowingly, in parallel with the Big Boys?
          For example, what do you think is behind the push for self driving cars? Nobody will be able to afford them for another 20 years, at least, nor does there doesn’t’ seem to be any immediate need for them in this same time frame?
          I’ll tell you why, the introduction of consumer grade, Self-driving cars, depends entirely on population growth, nothing else.
          Things will not work out quite the way the “Owners of Capital” believe it will, IF, they are successful in severely reducing the overall world population. Contrary to belief, their current power structure needs overpopulation to thrive. Without desperate hungry people trampling each other for jobs and resources, power will slip from the “Owners of Capital” hands quickly.

        4. Negroes and many others such as Neanderthals have been on earth for about 200 000 years but humans proper appeared about 6 000 years ago in the Fertile Crescent. The former ones still existed but were not considered as human by the authors of Sacred Scripture (Hindu as well as Jewish and Greek Pagan) : they were dubbed the Beasts of the Fields, to be used as the name indicated for work in the fields. They had to be put into subjection, never to be heeded for any suggestion. Alas, the elite of them, which were the most cunning of those beasts, and more so than humans to, convinced the latter to heed their suggestion.

    2. Good rant, and a depressingly plausible outcome. Do you have any suggestions as to how a man (im in my late 40s) can enjoy the rest of his life? Any thouhts?

    3. Be careful, a lot of your common-sense viewpoints would be considered ‘socialism’ and fiercely shouted down around these parts.

    4. Did you read this essay? The vast majority of people are economically obsolete, and soon robots will replace nearly everyone. The “system” is less about rent seeking than impoverishing the masses until such time as they cease to be a threat. Billionaires don’t need anymore money, but they realize that you having more could be a problem. Money is a political concept, a number in a computer given value by the sovereignty that created it, demands its payment in taxes, and adjudicates civil disputes in that currency.
      Having money = having political power. Depriving the people of having access to political power is the goal, not rent seeking.

      1. @Helmut_Schmidt69:disqus
        Did you read all of my items numbered 1-3? It seems that you did not. Do you know what “rent seeking” means? Robots can indeed provide “rent” to the “Owners of Capital”, their existence does not change the motivations of the “Elite” to seek “rent”. I also talked quite a bit about Robots, the Singularity, Cell Regeneration, Mind-clones and AI in my second summary. How did you miss it?

  7. Lol! Roosh is still suffering from PTSD following his ordeal with the SJW media. He’s so scarred he’s emailing himself under the guise of Master Servant of Lucifer. Hahaha

      1. The third rule of comedy: Kill all who heard your joke before. If you haven’t heard it before, it is new to you.

        1. I didn’t know comedy was so labor intensive. No wonder comics don’t last long in the business.

        2. True. Plus women avoid physcial labor. Dragging bodies requires muscle strength.

  8. Or you could just have said. It’s the people who you are not allowed to name but everyone knows about anyway and their gullible enablers of another faith. By the way, I highly recommend the documentary Defamation.

    1. It doesn’t matter about names. You will know them by the fruits of their labor. Identify and attack the enemy based on this. Names change or can be hidden to but their works cannot.

      1. I judge people, governments, organisations and corporations not by what they say but what they do. It has served me well in the past and continues to do so.

  9. If we look back at the atrocities that humanity has committed in the past, it is amazing how transparent the elites were in there intentions. The same goes for agenda 21. How do we go from a population from 7.1 billion down to 500 million without undertaking a genocide campaign that will make the german holocaust look like childs play? Their plan is out in the open, yet the public is too busy making love to their smartphones watching Kim Kardasian’s ass get bigger.

    1. 500 million sounds great until you begin thinking about the details…
      Will the population be composed of producers or leeches? I think we know the answer…sorry progressive libs.
      What will the demographics look like? What ratios of whites, blacks, Asians, etc will be allowed to live?
      How do we enforce this hard number of 500 million and what’s to keep people from spreading outside the range of governmental influence?
      None of these clowns want to think about the grisly reality of what it would take to enact any of those rules.

      1. I actually explain this in my post below. Things will not work out quite the way the “Owners of Capital” believe it will, IF, they are successful in severely reducing the overall world population. Contrary to belief, their current power structure needs overpopulation to thrive. Without desperate hungry people trampling each other for jobs and resources, power will slip from the “Owners of Capital” hands quickly. Here’s why:
        The largest “recorded” wage increase to happen in history, for non-land owing, wage-laborers, post the introduction of fiat currency, was after the black death pandemic, in the 14th century, especially in post-pandemic England
        But, how was that possible?
        Because “the owners of capital”, post the black-death-pandemic, still needed wage-laborers, but there was a HUGE shortage of able bodied people. So, in order for ANY work to get done, they had to pay the peasants and other undesirables, more money, SIGNIFICANTLY MORE. This principle is still at work today, when you take the time to recognize that sizable portions of the population are actively discouraged from participating in the full-time labor market. This is easily done, by throwing people in prison, forcing them to attend formal school longer and allowing more people to claim themselves as disabled or collect long/short term welfare
        After the Black Death ran its course, in the 14th century, a Peasants Revolt was triggered by the “Statute of Labourers 1351”. By 1381, the sustained wage growth for non-land owing, wage-laborers was rising so quickly that the English parliament, a few decades post the Black-Death, under King Edward III, introduced the “Statute of Labourers 1351”. This statute was used by the “Owners of Capital”, as an artificial means to drive down the wages of non-land owning peasants. Despite market conditions signalling the need for increased wages
        http://avalon.law.yale.edu/medieval/statlab.asp The Statute of Laborers; 1351 (“Statutes of the Realm,” vol. i. p. 307.)
        Think about that for a minute, the MARKET signaled that wages should have been higher, due to actual labor shortages caused by the Black Death, but the “owners of capital” still didn’t want to pay it, so they wrote a law saying why they didn’t have to conform to demands of the market. That’s where we are today, a form of Neo-feudalism, driven by Fascist ideology and practices. Remember the USA a former “slave owning nation”, that fought “tooth & nail” to maintain the legal right to own slaves; even turning indentured servants, whom by contract, were set to be released in 7 years, into indefinite slaves through legal loopholes. Overpopulation gives the “Owners of Capital” power and when decreased people are more free to simply stop following instructions.

        1. @Izzal Lirum, yes, but as I said there are many different ways these scenarios could play out. If robots do indeed take over, human population will be rendered meaningless. However, if robots prove to be impractical logistically and too costly to maintain in the field, than decreased human population will reduce the overall power of the “Owners of Capital”.

        2. Well, looking at the vast advancements in that field…
          It certainly doesn’t seem like there’s reason to believe that they won’t be able to replace us within 10 years to 15 years sufficiently enough.

        3. Dig deeper. The robots are the icing. But what about the utilization of sex-bots, stem cells, cloning? To those with more money to spend in this life time, and maybe it sounds Machiavellian, but what if the end goal is immortality? Good old fashion, transmigration from, thinking, breathing, living organic bodies, to thinking, breathing, feeling, inorganic bodies? Does help substantiate the whole children being treated as adults argument for transexuals and pedophilia. It does sound far fetched until you consider, while the robots cost 40k or better, they are being tested by the military whom are in the pockets of those who could spend that kind of money and laugh about it thrice over before noon.

        4. I never understood the drive for immortality. I have great longevity on both sides of my family and am healthy and fit. However, the idea of having to do this life for 60 more years is so appealing that I frequently consider taking up smoking, heroin and fried chicken as a hobby.

        5. Actually, the elite want to replace themselves with robot artificial intelligence to achieve immortality, leaving the rest of us peasants to rot in the ground.

        6. I don’t either. Everything deteriorates and if you are the only thing still standing, something about that must rip at you. At least it would for me. Maybe you come to some kind of solace since you aren’t going anywhere.
          Doing this race for 60 more years feels more of a curse. No family to share it with save nieces and nephews. Having to rely on your savings because you are too weak to work while Uncle Sam looks to take what is left. And to have to live in a body that is slower, and may even leave you feeling misplaced from time to time. If this is to be my eventual fate I am okay not seeing it.

        7. I imagine it more to be on par with Vandal Savage from DC Comics. And something about seeing everyone you love or created go feels hollow. Even if the journey will be cool, it just won’t end even if humanity goes.

        8. I am with you. I often think to myself about quality versus quantity.
          If I could totally sell out everything right now and have enough money to live a perfect life of leisure in the Caribbean eating good food, drinking good booze, fucking good women for 7 years and then just shoot myself in the head…would it be worth it? Honestly, I have to think it would be.
          Of course, the trick is buying the gun first, storing it in a safe place and making sure you return. Spending your last few bits on a nice whisky and a good meal and blammo.
          Morbid? A little. But it has to be better than hoping i have enough savings that the people wiping my ass are in the nice home and aren’t burning me with cigarettes when I am sleeping.

        9. It is less morbid and more realistic. I would honestly say going to the Caribbean might be one of the best choices you can involve yourself in. Depending on the location crime is a non factor. The women are feminine, gorgeous, and pretty relaxed so you can have your fill of them and whatever tourists come around for new vacation dick. Why not control the amount of joy you have before you go? The only odd aspect to this is, time wise, none of us know when we will go, or if we are closer to it or further away from it.

        10. you work and scrimp and save for 20 years for a retirement…maybe a fishing boat or a cabin on the lake or a place on the beach…and the day you retire you get hit by a bus. It can happen.

        11. …which explains why he is such a prick. He’s seen all his plans either come to naught or reach fruition…but after so many years the biggest enemy become boredom.

        12. Worse. Often, by the time people go, they are so accustomed to being work mules that they die out of being removed from the social order. Retirement to them becomes death before death.

        13. Aaron Clarey wrote “Enjoy The Decline” and advocates the Smith & Wesson retirement plan: put a pistol to the mouth and pull the trigger.

        14. Humans are moist robots. We are born, we live for a little while, and then we die. Once you accept the reality of it all, it becomes easy.

        15. I discovered Aaron through ROK and come from a similiar background, but his retirement plan is the same as mine. In fact I said it 20 years ago to my siblings that my “active” plan costed me about $0.45, but the “platform” costed about $400. They didn’t get it.

        16. Yeah but at what age does one decide to call it quits, and all jokes aside, I would wager it would be much more difficult to go through with it when one has the gun loaded and ready.

        17. G-d fearing believer. Reality I can handle, though I wish the rest of humanity could.

        18. Quote: “I never understood the drive for immortality.”
          I suppose i am speculating here but… my guess would be that these elites FEAR DEATH like no one you have ever met.
          This earth, this MATERIAL realm, is their PARADISE.
          They don’t want to leave and will do anything to live forever. Add to this the fact if your life is solely obsessed with power and control over others, than naturally wanting power over death would be a prime desire because, dying would be the ultimate loss of power and control.
          Now… when you consider the facts the elite are 1) killing God and religion and 2) promoting 100% material consumerism and 3) striving for the technological singularity that might, might, allow them to live forever FREE OF THE BODY (but still living in the material world and dependent on whatever material system they put their minds into)…
          Is it really that far fetched to believe there just might be an afterlife, a judgement, that we are all being programmed to believe does not exist and will never happen?
          Why else would you be THAT afraid of death to then go about trying to enslave the whole planet and direct technology to that end as well as granting you immortality… if not for the sole purpose of giving God the big middle finger on his power over life… and your inevitable death… by taking over the whole world and granting yourself “immortality.”
          I mean… contrast this with the atheist belief that there is NOTHING after death. Nothing. Why would an atheist want to live forever? There is no consequence to dying, so who cares if you go. Live it up!!! When you go, you go, stop stressing out about it. On this point, living life as best one can, I am in full agreement with the atheists.
          Most people, atheist or jihadist, know they are going to die and accept it. What happens after? Always up for debate. But everyone who is NORMAL knows, at some point, they are going to die.
          What kind of person tells themselves that they will not die and dedicates their entire life to trying to stay alive? What cost, what means would justify the ends, would you NOT accept and do in order to NOT die like us norms?

        19. When your health fades and you can no longer physically or financially take care of yourself. A guy like that was found by his daughter hanging from the rafters about a block from my house. Older white men killing themselves isn’t news these days. Distracts from other political “narratives.”

        20. If you can handle reality then you should understand that the god you believe in is a mere fiction. Religion was invented to hold groups larger than tribes together. That’s all it is, a fiction that unites people.

        21. Not without eating, drinking and fucking some more but in essence yes, that’s right

        22. This is a very important fact to be analyzed. There are people in my workplace that are like that. Once the company goes bust and lets them go, they will go insane, because working there was all they ever have known. Fucking pathetic.

        23. True – but I’m just saying that the Smith and Wesson retirement plan is easier said than done. It’s one thing to be 30 and think to one’s self that “sure, at 65 I’ll shoot myself” then when one actually turns 65 to actually pull the trigger and call it quits is a different matter.

        24. Funny, if you believe in the veracity of this essay – I don’t believe you can conclude to anything other than a truth repeated in many of the world’s religions: This world is illusory and was created as a test for mankind.
          The globalist regime is behaving in every way as one would expect worshippers of Lucifer. Increasingly, I see no other rational explanation for the madness I see other than pure demonic influence.

        25. Such things are truly on the horizon.
          Artificial womb? http://www.disclose.tv/news/The_Artificial_Womb_Is_Born_Welcome_To_The_WORLD_Of_The_MATRIX/114199
          Artificial skin and organs?
          Artificial sperm and eggs?
          Human like robot?

          Imagine the impact of all of that together. You could literally design your own robot from the look to the character according to your taste. I think the greatest impact off that will be on women. They will be practically obsolete.

        26. I don’t find you to be convincing. The fiction that seems to unite people would be socialism, but don’t let me stop you.

        27. Wild isn’t it?! Women are gradually painting themselves into a corner currently. Thankfully there hasn’t been a war as of late on a global scale, but if someone where to say, toss a bomb out to start one, after the first generation of lives lost, an opposing country could essentially waltz in unencumbered as most people are without children, countries are below replacement levels, cause dual master college degrees are fun.
          It is less about the robot itself, and more about the framework it allows for. Robotics allows for a specific end date on activity but with a few adjustments and repeated upgrades, the shelf life can be extended. It is all about creating a new body for humanity to house itself in while enjoying the current pleasures life affords us. All with a budget that is not easily afforded by the majority of those living.

        28. That’s because you don’t understand r/K selection theory. Look it up sometime.

        29. True. But i think Cyber-immortality might be further down the line than extraordinary extending life with replacing organic matter once in a while or all together with a robot body and still human brain (brains are technically immortal).
          I mean I have heard of some people trying to scan the brain with CCT and upload it and what not, but that would be “just” a copy which might not stick well with people.
          As such I have never heard of the possibility of transferring minds outside of movies.
          If you have however I would like to know.

        30. And the “Elite” (I actually detest that term and solicit alternatives) are 100 years (minimum) ahead of where “we” think they are.

        31. Yep. Saw on the news how retirees were rejoining the workforce due to not having any purpose in live! Bunch of drones.

        32. Not to mention the slight chance of surviving, and ending up brain damaged, or worse, a liberal.

        33. I am not doubting that they are some time ahead but 100 years sounds a little much.

        34. No, in order to graduate into the elite, you have to accept to be part of a plan that has been known by those at the very top in every single minute detail for geological ages. Those at the very top are not humans. But as soon as you renounce to change the world and rather accept the eternal nasty world order as it has always been and study it in greater and greater detail so as to suppress more and more foes of that order thanks to your superior knowledge without getting sighted or caught by the dumbasses, there is no limit to your climbing ladders.

      2. Right…and that’s the trick isn’t it.
        I mean, I want to be there. But I am going to want a good steak house. This means I am going to need some uneducated 75 year old waiters who are gruff and can be funny, a hot shot chef, a dozen or so Mexicans, etc. Also I will need the ranchers to make the cows and a trucking industry to get the meat from wherever cows are to NYC where it can be served to me. This means ranchers, ostensibly more mexicans, truck drivers and arabs to supply crude oil.
        I am going to need some scotchmen to make my scotch and some russians to make my vodka.
        I will need an appetizer so that means I will probably need some portuguese with no ability to speak any language whatsoever to collect shrimp and oysters and the such.
        But I can’t eat that every day. I am probably going to need some guinnies for a nice italian joint and some koreans to make my chinese food and sushi. OF course, this will require more mexicans.
        I will probably need a doorman, a porter and a superintendent for my building….oh, and I will need a bunch more arabs to drive my cabs around.
        Ahhhh fuck it, lets just leave shit the way it is.

        1. You just need some pills that contain all the calories, nutrients, vitamins and such you will ever need. Don’t worry about the flavor, Comrade.

      3. I would imagine it would be a slightly ‘browned’ (euro elites mixed with the top tier in all ethnic groups and then intermixed) all living on estates…their endgame will include genetic therapy so imagine a class of idle rich…the men will have 10 inch penises and full heads of hair, the women will have long blonde hair and 0% body fat. All attended by robots. There might be a class of morlocks allowed to toil away in empty cities doing things like recovering antiquities that might be too dangerous to risk a robot on.

        1. Maybe they’ve invented time travel and the UFOs and aliens we see today are this future idle class with their enhanced bodies (“they be like Gods to men”) and slave armies of robots and morlocks and out of perpetual idyllic boredom they come back to have a laugh at us, every now and again.

      4. The goal is to create a race of mutts without any strong sense of identity.
        YT is first on the chopping block. They don’t like our stubborn individuality or determination to go forth and conquer the unknown one bit. Homeschoolers? Primarily White. People who spend weekends surviving in the woods for fun? Primarily White. Adherants to individualistic and pro-competition philosophies like Libertarianism? Primarily White.
        The ability of the Han Chinese to absorb invading cultures with millennia of entrenched behaviors and sheer numbers is also a threat to their plan. It would be interesting to know what the Elites have in mind for them. India as well.

      5. First 500 million is the upper limit. Of course the population reduction process as they intend it will leave much less humans alive. they hope that robots will replace human labor only leaving enough non elite humans that they can lord over
        Something like Elysium but with much less people around and no need for space exploration (if you notice they are not interest at alll in that).

      1. Crashing this plane…with no survivors !
        Sorry, can’t help it, love Bane’s quotes.

        1. I was actually rooting for bane in that movie. He had a righteous goal to destroy a wicked city and the faggot batman who speaks for the “people” had to get his dumb ass in the way.
          Prolly why they are coming out with the movie now where batman the “dark knight” kills superman, who is the Christ character.

    2. the earth can easily sustain 7.1 billion people, or 500 million with Kim Kardashian size arses

  10. That was pretty entertaining. Is it real? No way to know. 😉 But you know what is real? The history of the Pan-Europa plan, which was backed by Theodor Herzl (father of Zionism) and the Rothschilds. The idea was basically to swamp Europe with non-whites, and create a new order. It’s crazy to me that more people don’t know about this. Here’s the plan, according to it’s originator, Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi:
    “The man of the future will be of mixed race. The races and classes of today will gradually disappear due to the elimination of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-negroid race of the future, similar in appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples and the diversity of individuals. Instead of destroying European Judaism, Europe, against her will, refined and educated this people, driving them to their future status as a leading nation through this artificial evolutionary process. It’s not surprising that the people that escaped from the Ghetto-Prison, became the spiritual nobility of Europe.”

    1. Funny that there is currently a movie called Gods Of Egypt being ridiculed for those very reasons. I don’t understand why it is so pivotal to rewrite history past but I am also not the one writing programs and creating movies and commercials to control how you think.

      1. It’s being ridiculed for what reasons? I mean, the Pan-Europa plan isn’t some conspiracy theory. It’s easily verifiable with a basic Google search.

        1. Not what I meant. The plan isn’t known publically. You mentioning it is the first time I’m reading it. What is being ridiculed is the notion of Anglo Saxons existing in Egypt during it’s period of opulence as it’s ruling class. I related it back because if what you said is true, it was a showing by Hollywood to test how palatable the omni-man, Euroasian-negroid is. Answer, not very palatable at all.

        2. Oh, ok, I see. Well, I mean, there’s no “if” about the Pan-Europa plan, or that quote I pasted from its early champion.
          “The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today’s races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals. Instead of destroying European Jewry, Europe, against its own will, refined and educated this people into a future leader-nation through this artificial selection process. No wonder that this people, that escaped Ghetto-Prison, developed into a spiritual nobility of Europe.”

      2. Symbols are not just pictures or icons. They have real unconscious and temporal energy and effect on human beings.
        Man And His Symbols ~ by Carl Gustav Jung
        I am almost finished this book after owning it for close to a decade What an eye opener. (more like confirmation and support really, but you get my meaning… in the SYMBOLOGY I just used!!!)
        When you ask yourself “Why all the SJW/female swapping in Star Wars: The Farce Awakens, Mad Maxine, Terminator: Feminist and Genderbusters?”
        Reading this book will help explain a lot. This is why any masculine symbolism is now being completely eradicated in the emerging GLOBAL culture. These SJW movies will come up in searches first and the old films… will not be just classics anymore, but entirely forgotten, helped along with having a replacement with the same name and the “correct” symbolism that is the new religion/meme of the future.
        It explains Gods Of Egypt as well. It’s all there for those with eyes to see.
        Man And His Symbols by Carl Gustav Jung

  11. JCOB (Jesus Christ On a Bike), Roosh. Have you started writing satire so the government can locate every freaking crackpot that is suffering from paranoid delusions? I read the comments below and have no sense of wonder any more about why people haven’t learned to take care of themselves. You left and right coasters just keep up the insanity. The middle abides….
    “My brother David” was funny…

  12. I think that right after Roosh got this he received another email that said “ooops, I meant to email my friend Roth. Please disregard last email.”

  13. I did find a letter from an elite buried somewhere that did seem to be totally credible. The writing was a bit different so I doubt it is from whoever authored this. Maybe it inspired this letter if it’s a fake. It doesn’t matter because this is exactly what’s going on. Ultimately the forces of darkness will lose.

    1. “Ultimately the forces of darkness will lose.”
      Yes. Yes they will. The shrillness we are partially seeing is the dawning that the narrative has been lost along with the credibility of the West. Bread and circuses has run ist course. Trump will probably be President and national poltical parties are on the rise in Europe. Violence will follow when it’s clear portions of the public can no longer be bought off with their own money.

  14. Do people really believe this bullshit? Yes, Europe was ruled by a few inbred families, but why would they destroy everything their ancestors built? They belong to the same race, culture and religion as the people they want to destroy. The Jews had no real power back in the days, so they don’t belong to the old elite families.
    I can understand if they want to destroy the useless people that inhabit Africa and the Middle East, but why in the fucking world would you destroy people who give you the most value.

    1. For one thing, those who inherit their money and power have no means of increasing it. Without increasing it, they begin falling behind. They rely entirely on keeping the little man down, and now that the old classist social structure is given way to capitalism, and the little man — with his vulgar working-class accent — can make a fortune, and move right next door to an ancient aristocratic family, then that family is on its way out.
      It’s better to be a high-caste member in a poor country than an average joe in a wealthy one. The most well-off people in the world have always lived in the poorest countries.
      This is why the aristocratic class hated Thatcher, and why so many upper-class elites turned to communism after WWII. Before that, they adopted right-wing British Israelism and racial theory, but that was defunct after Hitler, so better to go full commie, and crush the poor under welfare.

    2. You are assuming the equation of people = value.
      When your entire life view is people = cockroach, things become a lot more clear.
      Quote: “I can understand if they want to destroy the useless people that inhabit Africa and the Middle East”
      See how that people = cockroach equation works? It’s diabolical I tells ya, diabolical.

    3. First the modern elites are not in most cases descendants of the European aristocrats of yore. They mostly killed them off in the revolutions for “freedom” . The ones that survived became allies and puppets of the modern elites. In most cases these new elites share no ethnic connection with us natives hence killing us off comes easy. They look at us the same way some of us look on africans and other races with disgust and contempt.

  15. Good satire from Roosh 👏
    This is close enough to what a real letter from an Elite Globalist would look like reallly. And living in Germany, I can confirm you what a shithole it has become. Muslims and Blacks ruling the streets. The economy shrinking every fucking day coz of stupid social help for the brown Aliens who artificialy somehow popped out of nowwhere in the country. Feminist and Leftist propaganda are everywhere. You will find “Refugees welcome” and “No to nationalism” stamps everywhere. Its disgusting. Like self-castrating. The society is so degenerate you can’t get laid in this strange contry anymore unless you look like a brown thug or a skinny broke hipster yolo. Forget about manliness , self improvement,class , game , resourses and all this stuff guys. Just go skinny broke jobless hipster swag and you will have young german women rushing at you , even providing you with money. Comming from an eastern european Balcanic country , where men are men and women are women and a man had to work hard to provide his family this is mind- blowing. I feel like an alien here. I study engineering and work two jobs myself and can barely make both ends meet .Yet some people seem to be doing just fine on social welfare and enjoying life. Looking forward to moving to USA after college. There may be as shit as here but at least many men like the rok readers seem to have some balls left.

    1. Ich stimme zu. Europa wird einen Friedhof, aber auf passen… die linke Krankheit ist auch in Amerika. Bist du auch in Hessen?

      1. Stimmt…die Linke ist die Krankheit des Westens. Aber da gibt’s Hoffnung. Zb der Trump – Efekt und das Recht auf Waffen usw…In De würde niemals ein Nationalist wie Trump gewält werden…er würde sofort ein Nazi und Monster etikettiert. Die Deutche sind einfach zu dumm geworden. Sorry Bruder.
        Ich wohne in Hannover und hier ist eine Katastrophe.

        1. Finish your degree and go. Ich habe gestern Morgen tot gelacht als Radio Hessen sagte AfD hat 3. Platz gewonnen. Mann kann hier auch den Angst riechen. Kumpel von mir ist Polizei Kommisar in Wiesbaden und sagte es ist schlimmer dann was man glauben kann. Die Polizei sind nicht in den Lager zu helfen aber das Publikum hat nur jetzt das begriffen.

        2. Ich würde hier gerne bleiben und was für Deutschland und Europa machen , aber als Ausländer kann ich nicht viel tun. Die Regierung würde mich sofort raus schicken .Es ist sogar gefährlich dass ich hier schreibe. Das ist ja schon eine Sozialistische Diktatur. Ich weiss nicht viel über AfD..Sind die mindestens ein bisschen Konservativ ? Ich hoffe nur dass das Deutsche Volk noch den Macht hat was zu verändern. Das Problem scheint mir sehr seriös zu sein. Ich war nie ein Fan von Konspirative Theorien aber es siht aus als Merkel gezwungen wäre diese große Scheise zu machen und keine Wahl hätte. Diese komische Einahme von Millionen von “Refugees” scheint mir wie eine Taxe die Deutschland bezahlen muss. Ich meine , ein logischer Mensch würde nie freiwillig den Krebs in seinem Körper einnehmen oder ? Genug Türken und Araber gibt’s hier schon. Gruß

        3. Die Gutenmensch sind die Problem! The biggest problem is the Gutenmensch (the ‘Good people’) that is really destroying Germany; a nental illness no doubt.

        4. Sie können nicht tun. Ich auch nicht. Meine Frau und ich habe schon diskutiert.. ich würde gern zu Pigida unterstützen, aber bin ich auch Ausländer. Ich werde meinen Aufenthaltserlaubnis verlieren und werden wir ausgeschmissen. Aber wir plannen DE zu verlassen trotzdem. Wir wissen was kommt und ich bin zu alt Soldat oder Strassenkämpfer zu sein. Die Türken ich kenne, wollten die “Rape-u-gees” auch nicht. Es wird schlimm.

        5. Morrison not the good people but the “nice” people…the germans are brainwashed to be artificially nice even if they are not all natyrally good.

        6. I understand. But there is the contemporary German expression that I forgot the exact way the germsns call it “Gütemenschen” or “Gut Mensch” not sure what it was – but it describes this exact type of german: the ‘nice’ and brainwashed germans.

      2. Meinen Herren können wir bleiben auf Englisch bitte? Die Leserzahlen hier bei ROK würde sehr gerne, was ins Deutschland geschieht zuwissen.

        1. Indeed 🙂 my russian is really limited. But no doubt the shit that Germany is going through is of interest here, so feel free to keep the posts from german readers coming.
          Supposedly Austria is starting to go against the immigration issue. H C Strache is open spoken about the current state of affairs, and he is running for election.

        2. My russian is crap.. my kids laugh and then correct me. Germany, and most of Europe, is f*cked in the long term. Their birth rates ensure their kids will be foreigners in their own countries in a generation. The Scandis are already there. If Britain leaves the EU, so will other countries and the EU will unravel as the German checks bounce. FUBAR.

        3. the only ‘advantage’ to the UK staying in the EU is open borders so that foreigners can live off the welfare state. That’s not even an advantage to the English, just to the parasites

    2. “Forget about manliness , self improvement,class , game , resourses and all this stuff guys. Just go skinny broke jobless hipster swag and you will have young german women rushing at you”
      Will this work if one is a white male in his 40’s? I kinda doubt it…. 🙂

      1. Yeah but a 40 + white male doesn’t usually pray on 19 year old girls…only refugees do 😂
        I’m 19 myself and Im confused…I don’t wanna go skinny sensitive feminine fag type just to get some pussy. I’m proud of my manliness.

        1. If you’re white you wont be getting any supposedly. If you are dark skinned then you’ll do ok.

        2. Get a McFit membership (€19,99 a month) and pump iron x3 days a week. Make it your personal religion.

        3. I alrealdy do John , I pump iron at least x5 a weak. I’m also self-providing and reducing the money I take from my family. I wanna make my transition from boy to man as smooth as possible. Thanks

    3. “have young german women rushing at you , even providing you with money”
      If I may ask, has there been any cases in germany where a german girl was being groped / raped / harrassed by a refugee and a german man or men stepped in to save her, only to see that she turns against the man who helped her and she notifies the police that he ‘got violent’ with said refugee?

      1. Probaly not coz the german cuckolds would have no problem sharing their pussy with the “poor unlucky refugees”

    4. If the Catholic Church couldn’t hold together it’s power base with
      ‘God’ on it’s side, I find it hard to believe that a group of crony
      capitalists, that are always by their very nature trying to out do one
      another, could keep a cabal going for more than a year or two… let
      alone 100+ years across several generations.
      What happens is more like the leaders are a hollow vacant echo chamber in which the idiotic will of humanity is played out. People get the leaders they deserve. If we deserved decent leaders every president would be a Dali Lama…

      1. The Catholic Church hasn’t had God on their side for a long time now. They lost Him when they decided that political power was more important than faith.

      2. But that’s precisely the point. God informed the Church several times over the past few centuries, that He was about to visit a great punishment upon her, and upon Western man, for the infidelity and apostasy (and immorality) in the West. The current situation is precisely what has been arranged for us, by divine providence. The Scriptures also warned of it – the Great Falling-Away, accompanied by a powerful delusion “that will deceive, if possible, even the elect.”

  16. Too many people become bothered by superficial things, such as whether someone is trolling or not, or whether a letter like this is “real”. Neither matters. Read the words, and decide whether it’s true or not; that’s all that matters.

  17. “If a woman has been on birth control for over five years, her endocrine
    system is so ravaged that at least a quarter of them will remain sterile
    forever.” Is it true ?

    1. If I woman has been with me, just once, her endocrine system is totally ravaged. In fact, that is my pick up line….baby, i am going to ravage your endocrine system.

  18. I love a lot of the cultural criticism of this site, but there are things I find just so, so silly.
    Christianity is not the basis of society or social cohesion. It is important to have a shared creed, absolutly; and Christianity is, as Nieztsche put it, the foundation of West Democracy, it’s most profound metaphysical consequence. And that’s fine.
    But it’s not the only one. Any shared belief, as in, any shared VALUES between people are enough for a society to thrive, as long as those are in accord to civilization (Which requires institutions of Justice, Monogamy, among others).
    When this so-called alt-right or even neo-masculinity people here keep insisting it’s all because of Christianity, it shows a lack of capacity for introspection and self-reflection that is borderline feminine. It also shows a profound lack of knowledge of history, as to believe that before Christianity, we were incapable of forming bonds, create power structures and hierarquies and thrive above our bestiality.
    It also shows a complete lack of capacity to analyse Christianity and realise that we, CULTURAL Christians, are not…actually…Christians.
    Christianity, word for word, is a lot about forsaking our existent world and dwelving in the eternal, in the Realm of the Heavens that is within, and that only demands and attitude of abjetion of the World, it’s adversities and struggles. Christianity is a lot like Platonism. A refuge in an ideal world, that is beyond the realm of the ordinary, of reality.
    The Church is most certaintly NOT CHRISTIAN at all. It’s an institution which had important political, cultural and social power through our civilization, and whose diminished importance also correlates to society’s lack of cohesion – a world without God or new Gods is a world without values that we celebrate in ourselves.
    A lot of the medieval pacts and bonds that permeated feudal christianity and were the foundation of the Land Aristocracy that preventeded degenerated burgeouis ideals to thrive actually existed much prior to Christianity itself, specially in Asia and in Northern tribes of Europe.
    If Sweden believed in Norse mythology pantheons and it’s values, they would be kicking out Muslims just as if they had strong (cultural) Christian values.

      1. “If Sweden believed in Norse mythology pantheons and it’s values, they would be kicking out Muslims just as if they had strong (cultural) Christian values.”
        Slam… and dunk. Dance, dance, dance.
        Excellent analysis.

    1. “If Sweden believed in Norse mythology pantheons and it’s values, they would be kicking out Muslims just as if they had strong (cultural) Christian values.”
      Slam… and dunk. Dance, dance, dance.
      Excellent analysis.
      (And Disqus is odd in how to handle moving a reply to where it was supposed to go.)

    2. Couldn’t agree more. Alexander’s Macedonia, Greek and Roman city states, China all had flourishing people’s and governments before Christ was even said to have been born. Japan today is not a Christian nation but it’s 120 million people are a homogeneous group that look out for each other (and who don’t allow muslims to immigrate there). Christianity or lack thereof is not the problem. Lack of community is.

      1. I don’t understand why you always put the example of Japan. An stagnant economy, a childless society and a country more defenseless than ever in front of its historical enemies, reliant on a declining superpower that is not famous for sticking to its promises.
        if that is the golden era you look forward, the Smith Wesson to the head is a better option.

        1. You’ve bought the lie that non stop economic growth and consumerism are good things. Japanese people enjoy a relatively good standard of living. They haven’t bought in to the multi-culturalism/feminist/progressive bullshit many Western countries have. They have problems sure but guilt and identity and pride are not any of them.

        2. Using strawmen is not a good way to rebut arguments. I didn´t mention consumerism which itself is a disease of the soul.
          Economic growth (which is not the same as consumerism) as well as population growth are just indicators of the health of the nation. Japan is a sick society by any objective standard you might imagine. As I said before is more defenseless than ever, relying on a fading power for its defense. Unless they have their mechas and nuclear delivery drones at the ready on time, Japan will be Chinese by the end of the Century.
          I think our descendants deserve a better future. If anything, Japan is a painful reflection of what might have been in store for the West-a slow motion death. If anything good can be drawn from our present situation is that at least Europe will be forced to fight to the End.

        3. I mention Japan sometimes because I have been there and I know a lot about it. Neo masculine men could learn a lot from the people there. They are homogeneous. Becoming a a citizen there is hard to do. They don’t buy in to the West’s liberal bullshit. The economy may be stagnant but so what? People for the most part still live well. Their free market works for people first and businesses second. Their young men leave much to be desired in terms of masculinity but that’s just a flaw. Get consumer economics out of your head and you might realize that other countries do things well and we can too.

        4. I didn’t reference economy as the all important indicator of their health. It is only one of many but without it military might on the scale they need is impossible.
          I was not just refering to you specifically but to many so called nationalists who idealize Japan despite the situation they face.
          If you know Japan so well then you know that unless it reverses course it is doomed.

        5. Yep. Kids in their 20s have a far better life than in the US. Sure, apartments are small, but they can afford to go to bars and restaurants most nights of the week, have money for toys like motorcycles, etc.
          Old people are hardly the burden portrayed, and a shrinking labor market, which is what an aging population means, results in higher wages for the non-elderly.

        6. I agree. Modern Japan is basically dead, especially when you have things like otakus, hikikomoris, and grass-eating men.
          Their country has been in a death spiral since the 1990s.

    3. As you point out, you really can’t have a Christian state without conveniently ignoring the bits about giving away all your possessions and preparing for the end of days. Which, fortunately, 99.9% of Christians do. Hence Christian-flavored states like the Holy Roman Empire. Most importantly, it provides structure and dogma. Paganism didn’t offer enough afterlife perks or fulfill peoples’ need to be told what to do, which is why it guttered out. Secularism is also on its way out because it creates a lacuna that gets filled with hedonism(and the attendant low birthrates) or mass-conversion to Islam.
      Christianity may be the only rallying point we have against the Islamic hordes. Islam is a faith contrived to unite the Arabs to go forth and conquer. You almost have to admire the rat-bastard who created it by tossing Christianity, Judaism, and Semitic Paganism(note all the lunar imagery) in a blender. It’s got everything: measures for the slow genocide of religious minorities, ideas about how a society should be run, taboos designed to keep it from being co-opted by foreigners(IE, non-Arabic Qurans aren’t “real” Qurans), you name it.
      If the Muslims really are being used as a tool by the elites(whether they’re Jews, “NWO”, or whatever) then I think it’s going to backfire against them in the long run.

      1. christianity say, good charity begin with oneself. and the use of the muslims will not backfire, because before robots muslim are nothing

  19. This seems like un hommage to the late Aaron Russo, who was famously let it on a few secrets by a certain Nicholas Rockefeller (who some deny exists).
    The Rockefellers are certainly unapologetic globalists, and David Rockefeller has pretty much admitted he wants to build some kind of new world order. I’d like to think it was less cynical than in the letter above, but who knows. I think there are some who believe they must first destroy in order to build anew.
    As for the take on feminism, the Rockefellers are very much implicated in the rise of feminism. The first Rockefeller – John, was intimate with a leading feminist – I think it might have been Stopes, and they seem to have been sponsoring feminism ever since

      1. ha – true, either I’ve been reading up on ‘the elements of style’ or I’m an imposter

    1. The playbook of the New World Order, with arch villain Henry Kissinger being the chief editor, is easily obtainable in any high level library, but it is no longer in print. It was funded by the Rockefeller Brothers Foundation, and it is called Prospect for America: The Rockefeller Panel Reports. It should be required reading of the alt-right, but few are able to accept that this about nothing less than global domination, and that all of the other elements of leftism are mere divide and conquer strategies. One could argue that many on the alt right are behaving just as mass propagandists wish.
      The world envisioned as the New World Order is a world of “libertarian” small units of government with a fixed exchange rate currency (read, artificially scarce – i.e. gold) with the World Bank and IMF controlling the internal money supplies of member states.
      You can see the beginnings of what is intended in Catalonia.
      This is the world they want, tiny, powerless pseudo nations without sovereignty over their economic circumstances and money nor military defense.
      All to stop Hitler and all of course.

      1. Thanks, I’d never heard of that. I’ll check it out if I can get hold of it.
        I was aware that a world currency / centralised banking was being pushed but not that it involved any kind of central regulation of fixed exchange rates or anything, assuming that is still the goal.
        Sounds about right re. eroding national sovereignty

  20. Personally… I think this was the safest way Roosh could write about a conspiracy that is increasingly being shown to be fact. There are still some very intelligent people that simply cannot see the forest for the trees.
    Many people, even in 2016, instantly snub you if you talk about a plan to kill almost 99% of the human population. What I have found now, when I do talk about this stuff, is people no longer looking at me like I am crazy. Instead, they get angry and, increasingly, reply that my “bleak” view of the world depresses them and that I am “too negative” to be around.
    It is getting more and more difficult to discount conspiracy theories as kooky fantasies of stupid people (see what I did there?) when the truth of their own lives is beginning to look a lot like 1984 and A Brave New World. When you can’t ignore the truth any longer, you get angry and deny/attack the messenger instead of laugh at him.
    As we here at ROK are very well aware of, we are no longer being laughed at.
    “The plan” is now simply too open and blatant for people to ignore or deny. Muslim invasion of Europe, 2008/9 coordinated near take down of the global economy (a mistake, they got caught with their pants down cause, you know, they is so much smarter than us ), increased daily reality of living under constant govt surveillance with a gun toting thug with a badge or salad on his shoulder telling you to either move along or ask for your identification.
    You control the money… you control the politicians, the police/military, the media, education, entertainment (i.e. culture), “community” (NGOs and SJWs) and the debt (wage slavery).
    It is so simple, but people STILL think it is the dumbest idea on the internet.
    I also feel that “they” have moved too fast.
    Another 25 to 50 years, a generation and a half, with an anemic (but functional) economy, longer slow burn wars in the Middle East (that would have seen the immigrant crisis drip to a climax, like a frog slowly boiling in a pot)… they would had the children of Millenials so fucked up on drugs and contemplating sex changes at the age of 5…. with the boomers died off (the last intact family structure, and i am being generous, as remaining evidence and thus lessons about what life used to be and looked like)…
    There would have been no outcry… just submission.
    Yes, ROK and others would be around I believe, but with a functioning economy/consumer and a still half decent masculine culture (movies and music), people would be as they were just ten years ago when I talked about this stuff.
    Looking at me like I was a crazy person.
    All “they” had to do was wait another 20 to 40 years. Idiots. Complete fucking idiots.
    Being so focused on magic numbers (911, 777), “they” were FORCED (approaching REAL death that no tech will EVER overcome) to execute a plan on some stupid astrological time table they actually believe gives them power over the future… to finally have their dream of world domination and everyone chipped into the digital slave system that is The Hunger Games (for those that did not know).
    “They” have fucked up hundreds (if not over a thousand) years of planning and waiting because they think the tech is finally at a point where they don’t have to wait anymore (i.e. it is their time, not the coming generation, to rule over all) to kill us all off and chain the workers that are left to their yoke.
    Too bad so sad… it seems your grand new world order is not going to happen, and your ways, and your kind (narcissistic, psychopathic, satanic)… are about to go the way of the dead God/religion they arrogantly believe has no control or authority over them.
    A video that is CONSTANTLY deleted from YouTube…
    As you reap…

    1. almost 99%? Georgia Guidestones only suggests 500 million. Personally I’m not convinced about the population reduction thing. People are taxes. They buy things. Things need to be bought, and people need to be taxed, and 500 million isn’t that much buying or taxing, and 1% of 7.1 billion would obliterate wealth

      1. I see you have done some thought… but you need to think like you one of them.
        So many people to kill, as you say… “Why would they kill everyone? They pay taxes! They buy the stuff they make!” Etc etc.
        Have you not figured out this plan has NOTHING to do with money?
        That the plan has EVERYTHING to do with domination, control and the survival of ONLY them.
        They have all the money in the world. They CREATE money!!! They don’t need more of it in either taxes or an economy.
        What they need… is complete submission to them, the “elite” of mankind. Slavery… will take care of any remaining physical labour that is required.
        Or had you not noticed that AI, robots and 3d printing is going to make almost the entire history of human labour (and thus man) obsolete?
        Are you starting to think like one of them?
        Give it a try.
        Close your eyes and say to yourself:
        – we are the most superior over all men
        – technology will make all human labour obsolete, its inevitable
        – the masses are stupid useless eaters and breathers, only good for sex slavery (the beautiful women) and war (the men)
        – we only need religion, an economy, and entertainment/education to keep the masses busy (and preferably fighting amongst themselves until we hit the technological singularity that will grant us ever lasting life ON EARTH, our paradise, and the ability to completely control our slaves psychologically and physically for the bare minimum of human reproduction for what remaining human labour is required to SERVE us (you don’t need any ism of POLI SCI 101 to rule over a mere 500 million people with absolute technological superiority)
        Isn’t being an elite of humanity fun!!!

        1. “Or had you not noticed that AI, robots and 3d printing is going to make
          almost the entire history of human labour (and thus man) obsolete?”
          It’s an interesting question. Our elites do like to do their forward planning. Probably every monday morning without fail. No doubt also there’s the long term planning, but one might be able to overestimate that too. The Georgia Guidestones might tell us what’s planned, exactly as intended or if might originate with some other party, or indeed be an elite production, but relate only half of the truth. Or still further, there may be competing plans than a single one. The guidestones derive from 1980 though so I’m not quite sure how the fine-tuned the roll-out of technology could have been predicted back then, even if population reduction might indeed represent an overall aim, at whatever level. I do think Agenda 21 and the new one they’ve just introduced suggest that population control, however it is done is a major goal, however in some senses any kind of internationalist agreements are going to serve the wider goal of creating transnational order, beyond national borders.
          Re. rule, control, survival. I have no doubt the people at the top care very much about consolidating their position, but on what basis, and with what purpose, may be less clear. Re. control through debt. Yes, but this is pretty much already achieved for the most part.

        2. “I’m not quite sure how fine-tuned the roll-out of technology could have been predicted back then”
          Simple. While the chance of a complete technological collapse is always a possibility (re Rome)… if I were to ask you that in 100 years, the technology of today will make today look like ancient Rome? And all the consequences that follow from that logic regarding technological progress, good and bad? Do you need to actually predict what the technology will be or how exactly it will be rolled out? No. You know its coming and invest to bring about the result you want that serves your purpose (while suppressing and destroying any tech that would prevent it. Sigh, it really is hard planning to control the world. No respect. No sympathy.)
          This is why in a way, they are very smart. They think in terms of GENERATIONS, not mere years or decades.
          Again… try putting yourself in the cat’s bird seat of a true elite of society… the 1% of the 1%.
          You have intergenerational wealth that will allow you, and three generations of your descendants, at a MINIMUM, to NEVER have to WORK a single day of their lives. EVER.
          What do you do with your time?
          How do you see the world? Other people?
          What do you do with a system (banking with interest) that you created and control and is ESSENTIAL to the operation of any economy?
          Start answering those questions… from THEIR perspective… and the answer to…
          “I have no doubt the people at the top care very much about consolidating their position, but on what basis, and with what purpose, may be less clear.”
          It’s about superiority. Period. Psychopathic, narcissistic, arrogant superiority over the stupid dumb animals beneath you.
          They don’t need a reason to want to kill everyone and control the remaining who survive.
          They ARE the reason they do what they do. Their very existence justifies killing you, especially if you don’t cooperate. The masses are a disgusting insult and constant annoyance to their way of life. If only there was a way to just kill them all off, life would be so much better would it not?
          This is how they think… it’s what they believe… it’s how they view themselves and their place/origin/purpose in the world.
          If you can successfully place your mind in that of an elite of society, and THINK like they do, how they conduct their lives makes perfect sense knowing how absolutely absolute power corrupts.
          Of course in the end, they are the stupid idiots if they think we are just going to go along with this plan. But hey… you gotta give’em credit for having the balls to give it the good ‘ol college try.

        3. “It’s about superiority. Period. Psychopathic, narcissistic, arrogant superiority over the stupid dumb animals beneath you.
          They don’t need a reason to want to kill everyone and control the remaining who survive.They ARE the reason they do what they do”
          That may be true of some. But it depends on them having an entire alien psychology to everybody else. Elites that see themselves as such have always existed, and may see themselves as born to rule. But while some may well match such a description there are many who clearly don’t. There are billionaires who are highly idealistic, and I highly doubt all of that is cynicism. Maybe there’s a difference between those who have inherited wealth and titles, who may see themselves as qualitatively different from the rest of humanity, and superior with it, but they don’t rule unopposed. Ordinarily I’m quite satisfied with phrases such elites, 1% etc, but I don’t think the psychopathic picture paints the true or at least full story. Many of the people at the top, who may not necessarily be right at the very top – systems don’t necessarily work well when they are entirely top down affairs – believe very much in what they are doing: they don’t just believe they have a (inherited) right to rule, or even that they automatically know what is best, but that they have the knowledge and the wherewithal to make the world a better place.
          If you assume human motivations are necessarily evil (and sometimes they may be) you risk missing what they are actually trying to do, and why they feel it is for good rather than evil.

        4. Quote: “That may be true of some. But it depends on them having an entire alien psychology to everybody else.”
          Nailed it. They are alien to us – it’s called psychopathy and they are not even close to being human.
          Political Ponerology: A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes
          Don’t let the cover fool you, this is a serious book of science. In short, a man during the rise of Hitler looked around his university and documented what was happening.
          It’s an inside look at how psychopathy affects individuals and human societies on the whole. A single psychopath can effectively hypnotize (for lack of a better word) those around them who are lacking in mental fortitude (i.e. Your Jedi mind tricks DO work!) They then gather around them a cadre of idiots (yes men) who in turn begin to affect the conscious minds of those around them and so on.
          Eventually, because psychopaths only now how to kill and destroy, an entire civilization can collapse from within and it ALWAYS does… because psychopaths drive away any who would save said society.
          This is even documented around the 5 (7?) stages of fascism. Once you reach a certain stage of development, you can’t turn back. It has to burn itself out.
          Anyway… the book is a good (and difficult) read. Not all elites are psychopaths and there are those that oppose them throughout history, but this book was written to warn about just how dangerous psychologically, both to people and the state, of letting a psychopath come into your life.
          How else can you explain people still lining to vote in numbers for Hillary Clinton? How can people NOT see how corrupt and degenerate she is? Her and her “husband”. Even accounting for “Anyone but a Republican.”… how can such a person in good conscience STILL vote for someone that is CLEARLY a lying criminal and traitor to your nation (Ben Ghazi).
          A psychopaths psychological/spiritual power over others goes a long way to explaining the forces of evil in history.
          “Evil”… is not so much a spiritual state… as it is a mental/psychological one.
          Psychopaths… have no moral/ethical compass. Period. They may look human, but what makes us human is entirely absent from their very being.

        5. I’ll have a read of it when I can. I don’t doubt that there are psychopaths in this world, and that some of them may be the one’s responsible for many of the worlds ills. I’ll reserve judgement until I see what this book says, but as a rule I am not that keen on explanations that simply focus on evil or the psychological equivalent as a sufficient explanation. There are people out there who, be it for neuro-biological reasons or their social education effectively function as psychopaths, but in explaining behaviour, both individually and as a mass phenomenon I’m not sure how much it explains. Some people can naturally manipulate others, mesmerise them or hold them in their sway, but there aren’t that many like that. I’d say for the most part people are able to persuade others not because they are accomplished and cynical liars but because at some level they believe they are in the right, doing good on some or other basis, and are fully justified in what they do.
          For elites, that might simply relate to a belief that they have a right to rule, but I’m not so sure. I’d say most of the evil that’s been done in the world, certainly in recent centuries can be accounted for by people pursuing what they thought was best, not just for them, but for the world. Or rather, the most effective psychopathy may involve the ability to believe whatever is good for you is also good for everybody else, even if the latter perish in the process

        6. You’re exactly right, gent. It’s all about the money for us (trying to attain more), but NOT for the Elite as they are literally the money makers and manipulators. “Modern” money systems based on usury / compound interest / speculation were perfected as long ago as ancient Babylon (or earlier) and it is all about CONTROL.
          It’s the best tried and true system of creating a tiny Elite who can control billions of others. As such, the Elite don’t need our tax money; they simply need us to stay on the hamster wheel trying to survive in a rigged financial system. High unemployment, low wages, inflation, high taxes, etc are what keep us on the wheel and distracted as to who and what our problems really are.

        7. I like your position and suggestion that we must put ourselves in their shoes to better understand, although few are creative enough to do that.
          However, you seem to discount the main reason why they keep us alive. The tech to kill us all and replace us with tech (machines, robots, clones, etc) has been available for quite some time, so why do they let so many live? It’s clearly not for money, as they control money creation and distribution. I propose we need to look into their own esoteric / occult beliefs to understand that what drives their psychopathy / narcissism / arrogance is a form of possession. The system they are driven to enforce on us is parasitic because the entities that possess these Elite are parasites who feed on the negative energies derived from it (fear, hatred, jealousy, envy etc). Thus, we have endless “Rothschild Wars” as their own mother predicted long ago.
          However, it’s not enough to point to international bankers (who are largely “Jewish” or Ashkenazim) as our enemy, because we must ask what force animates them. They have everything materialistically, so what fuels their passion for so much destruction?? Well, these very same people have a well-documented history of immersing themselves in “magic rituals” in attempts to contact so-called demonic entities in order to gain control over mankind. They actually figured it out long ago and even write all about it in the Kabbalah and other mystical texts, but they discovered they must agree to a form of possession to be able to gain control. In exchange for control of the physical 3D plane, they must do awful and negative things to energetically feed the entities of the 4th plane. This is the origin of Evil and “doing a deal with the devil”, which is very much alive currently.
          Therefore, as strange as it may initially seem, our true enemies are ageless parasitic entities (also referred to as demons, fallen angels, ghouls, vampires, etc) from an almost undetectable realm that a relatively small group of physical men made contact with thousands of years ago. This brotherhood of men has been called many names over the centuries, including sorcerers, wizards and Satanists, but are best categorized now as international Zionist bankers. Their true cleverness and diligence actually comes from “outside” themselves, quite literally. The 1% of the 1% all see themselves and call themselves Luciferian or Shining Ones.
          But as with all pendulous cycles, it must shift back to the Good before too long. I think we’re fortunate to be alive during such a shift and be able to see how dualistically entertaining life on and around this planet really is. However, before the shift happens within the next 5-10 years, things will get even worse. The Elite are now driven to get more of us 99%-ers possessed by making us more susceptible to such entities. Alcohol, drugs, toxins, poisons, violence, sex with other possessed people, child abuse and even extremely vulgar thoughts all open our physical bodies / minds up for possession. The Elite have known this for thousands of years because that’s how they discovered how to dialogue with these creatures.

  21. “This is why we’re in the process of eliminating comment sections in all media sites. If the sheep doesn’t see public criticism, they’ll believe that no disagreement exists”.
    Do this here and watch your selves wither even faster. So please stop spamming your telegram app. If I wanted to send love letters to your mom I’d send her a dick pic.

  22. “we unleash our advanced robots, which are in late-stage development” This has being doing the rounds since Mary Shelley. It’s like UFOS and Aliens, if they reside on our planet and are superior in every conceivable way to us, why haven’t they already unleashed themselves on us? Why all the secrecy? The same with the elites, why all this slow planning and subterfuges when they have the power and the resources to wipe everyone else out directly?

    1. This time… they are truly reaching for GLOBAL domination, not just local or regional. They want it ALL.
      And in response… it will be a GLOBAL awakening to the plan and a pitch forking/head staking like none other in human history.
      The elites know this is how it ALWAYS ends. Their stupidity is in thinking “it’s different this time.”
      Hence why the “email” refers to frustration with certain members of the elite moving to fast. Some of the psychopathic elite are getting tired of waiting… and being SO CLOSE to the tech that will usher in complete control (or so they think), they have completely bunged up what might have been the closest any small group of humans (males and females) of the elite of society have EVER come to actual, real, total global domination.
      As for the secrecy or why they just don’t “do it”… because they can’t. They are STUPID… and so hide in secret. And also completely evil and degenerate. Remember, the other part of “the plan” is to allow them to OPENLY be homosexual, pedophilic, necrophilic, satanic, drink-babies-blood “human beings”… who are now sadly, and unjustly, being forced to live out this lifestyle in secret from the “weird” morals of us norms. So annoying.
      It’s going to get ugly. How ugly? Only God knows.
      But this very comment of yours only proves what I have been experiencing. The above “email” is no longer laughed at. People are actually starting to ask questions instead and search for real answers, not the bullshit that is contained in history books cover to cover.
      When you wake up one morning and notice your smartphone, your computer, your smart TV and anything connected to the internet is no longer connected… shit’s about to get real and the final new world order hail marry is being tossed madly and wildly into the air, mere seconds before the QB gets his head taken off his shoulders.
      Same as it ever was… same as it ever was.

      1. The Satanic ritual abuse crazies like you had free reign in the 80s and you destroyed the lives of many innocent people with the help of the mainstream media (Geraldo Rivera etc.)
        We don’t need to return to that shit in this country, so please shut the fuck up

    2. well, the question will soon be academic. Have you seen the army of darkness Google is readying to unleash (well they can’t think yet, but that doesn’t mean they can’t shoot or tear you limb for limb)

  23. Enjoy it now schweinhund. Hitler won, not you. You will not see it coming bummer. We know who you are Rockefeller. We know the Rothschilds the Warburgs the Hapsbergs and even those slimy “Russian Oligarchs”. Follow the nose, til it bleeds. The Romanovs send their best. Payback is a bitch worse than you.

    1. JFK was speaking about global communism. And was assissanated by an American one.

      1. Communism… socialism… capitalism… so many isms I get them all mixed up.
        I am serious. Do any of those isms… any of them… mean anything… to an elite with enough intergenerational wealth to survive three generations without working… to actually be worried about which ism comes out on top? When you control ALL THE MONEY that every one of those isms uses to support itself and convince the useless animals that choosing one is vital to the good vs evil fight the peons all believe is so important?
        It’s fun to start thinking like a psychopathic elite. Try it!

        1. Isms. Elite. Jews. Cabal. Right wing conspiracy (hat tip: Hitlery Clinton). On. And on. And on….

        2. Sophomoric… ha… actually had to look up that one.
          Pray tell me though… is it sophomoric to connect the dots and see fact where others see conspiracy… or has my low education and sub-intellect led me to be fooled into believing such conspiracy dots, and the crayons I use to connect them, are facts?
          Just asking for some clarity. I promise, I won’t take offense.

    1. They have, and they also had grafftiiti artists tag things like “the NWO will not succeed!”
      “Jesus is King” and “F*ck the elites”.
      They have security and cctv cameras monitoring the site now.

  24. These sporchi ebreis love to brag about their deceptive successes over everyone else, especially the jewel of their envy the white race. Their hatred knows no bounds and their sick fascination with the ruination of everything pure and good in this world will be their own undoing.
    Entertaining satire, just how I would expect one of them to talk.

  25. Roosh, this is a big step in the direction that I took which led me to religion. I studied every conspiracy theory and every conspiracy caught. In doing exercises like this I learned that there is a conspiracy: its called sin, and it requires some kind of salvation, or we’re all just filthy horrible sinners.

      1. At the very minimum… an understanding, and then acceptance, that there is a higher reality than material reality, a real purpose to our life and at death, we will wake up from this dream and ask ourselves.. “What was that all about?” I think enough religions the world over speak that there will be some kind of account the human soul will be held to. Ignoring this, or believing it does not exist, is truly the greatest trick ever performed on man.

      1. It wasn’t until years later that I committed to a specific God, but for a while there I was open to the reality of sin and the supernatural/transcendent. Many religions touch on this topic, and I realized that they were all on to something. I stopped hating religion and doubting it so much.

        1. Exactly. More importantly I come to realize all the research and reading between the lines led me to a Christian perspective. This is what the elites want to suppress. I no longer needed a church, or group of sheeple, herd mentality. I needed only the truth.

        2. The intuition I followed is this: There is more to reality than reality. There is likely a First Cause or something. If there is a First Cause it is likely personal, not impersonal like in Deism;it’s more likely that a creator created for a reason than for no reason and then abandoned creation. If the First Cause is personal it is more likely to be infinite—not like the Egyptian/Roman/Greek Gods. If the First Cause is most likely infinite and personal, then it has probably communicated with its creations, and it would most likely be for a specific reason. That reason is most likely: to steward its creation in some direction or way, en masse. And those communications and directions would most likely be transmitted in a lasting form, such as in literature.
          This leaves Judaism, Chritianity, and Islam the most likely religions, because they have the most adherents and the best written historically accurate literature that systematizes the things that a First Cause would be most likely to be concerned about.
          That still got me just about nowhere, it was just a mental exercise, using my newly freed mind to consider the “God Theory” against a null hypothesis. It wasn’t until I studied the 3 religions (and some others) that I had a “religious experience” and now I am a Christian.

  26. Damn that’s some good propaganda. It makes white men want to get uppity and get off their kiesters and wrench a few. That’s good prop. Smooth. I drank it in one or two breaths(gulp). Aaaah.

    1. I don’t believe this would qualify as satire in the same way how to stop rape did. I think he means it this time.

  27. This letter is bogus but it does a great job of illustrating what the elite are doing. Marx pointed all this crap out years ago so nothing new here.

  28. Haha, this was great. Seems like the joke sailed far over the heads of some people though.
    A member of the world elite e-mails Roosh and discloses their entire plan… and your reply is “OMG FAKE!!1”
    …are you serious? lol. Good job Sherlock!

  29. Don’t worry. I’m going to singlehandedly breed an army with this cock I’ve got and all its wives, then population will rise again! LOL
    All of it. If it’s got a bag over it, don’t put it into a vagina. If it’s got a barren womb, show it to the door! If it supports abortion, put a boot in its ass on the way out!!!

  30. I call this bullshit. However, if you do want to explain our world by taking a religious standpoint, then you must view the material world we live in as a place somewhere between the ‘Heavenly spheres’ and the ‘Hellish spheres’. Earth is not the best place to live on, but also not the worse. We are somewhere in the middle.
    Humans are not good (otherwise our soul would dwell in the heavenly spheres) and humans are not truly evil (otherwise we would be in the hellish spheres). So, don’t expect that the world will be full of joy and happiness, because human nature is not 100% good. There will always be misery and suffering caused by humans.
    These so-called elite families are simply power-seeking humans and they want to do things the way they want it. They want to push their own agenda, just like ROK wants to push their own agenda. Everybody wants to push their own ‘frame’ on each other. This shit has been around since ancient times, causing wars and revolutions. It will never stop. I personally don’t give a fuck about it, unless their agenda affects me negatively.

  31. A quote I remembered from Kramw:
    Why men can run faster than girls? Cause we got a STICK SHIFT and TWO BALL BEARINGS. Grab that stick shift, choke that baby and GET IN THE RACE. All you swingin dicks, RIISE UPP! THIS IS OUR DAY!

  32. Thank god you didn’t satirise rape again that would have driven those mofos wild “again” even if you’d written “RAPE SATIRE” in 64 font above the article!

  33. to everyone saying “its fuckin satire, you stupid nitwits” — just bc youve figured out its satire, doesnt mean thats the end of it. immediate next question: did the satire fulfill on its purpose?
    satire usually writes in one direction w the subtext pulling in the other direction. the more jonathan swift writes about eating kids, the more we realize homelessness and hunger are real problems. the “graver” life becomes for the bluth family in arrested development, the more we (the viewer) revel in seeing the selfish/rich pricks get what they deserve.
    where were the opposites in this “satire”? roosh writes from the ‘evil white capitalist’ POV, but i dont see an opposite in the subtext. yes, the global elitists really may be pulling the strings. to write, then, as a global elitist pulling the strings with full intentionality, doesnt make sense as satire, since the text and subtext match exactly.
    im calling fail on the satirical attempt.

    1. Someone obviously has been paying attention to Aurelius Moner’s articles. Good for you, and good point. Did Roosh’s satire reach it’s goal ? Did we understand something from this near-real ( or 100% ) real idea ? How are we to interpret the ideas layed out in this letter ? How are we to react ? What’s the direction of improvement ? Check-out from the system and go MGTOW ? Is that sufficient ?

      1. thanks. im a writer and i take the craft very seriously. from a writer standpoint, roosh should be most praised for his prolificness. i could nvr churn out as many words as he does so quickly. hes functional as well – kudos there. but in terms of craft, artistry, etc. he doesn’t have it – but perhaps thats not even what hes going for. which is fine
        still, if hes attempting satire (not easy to execute well), he’d do better to understand the nuances before writing. just my 2 cents

        1. You should. The art of writing is being treated as an industry. The shelves are full of pro-jew-propaganda. Everybody is argumentatively and pro-actively pushing for the end of the white races in everything I read nowadays. Is humanity circulating down the toilet drain, kind sir ? What is your stand-point ?

  34. Roosh, whether this is an actual letter or just a literary example of where you stand, I agree 100 percent. Thank you for this article. Despite where you may have stood in the past, there is hope for change in you, I see it. God obviously has a plan for you and this movement, and I thank you for that.

  35. Love the satire, as always.
    But some brain-damaged leftist, somewhere out there, is going to take this for real. I can’t wait to see how that turns out.

    1. Could be anyone: David Icke, David Walliams, maybe David Jason from Only Fools and Horses. Or that super rich guy who gets a new heart from a virgin every six months

  36. I remember this, It’s one of Roosh’s old satire letters. Satire or not, seems on point. That’s the plan.

  37. Satire probably isnt the write word, as what hes done here is a bit different than that. This is Roosh’s way of voicing his true opinions, and I respect that.
    All im going to say is I REALLY like the new Roosh. Same game knowledge, same understanding, but its all in a different context.
    I would really like to see Roosh write a book on how to apply his years of learning game to find the best kind of wife; and write up a complete book with key tips and indicators when looking for one. It would be his magnus opus.

  38. Obviously satire but so close to home! Pity no one will take it seriously. To focused on Kim’s ass.

  39. The David referred to in this piece is David Rockefeller.
    And this isn’t satire. It smacks of a series of emails passed along at henrymakow.com a few years back, by an alleged satanist who called himself Aloysius Fozdyke. It is most likely generated by an intelligence agency. But it sure as fuck isn’t satire.
    There’s more truth in that piece than you’ll read in a hundred ROK articles. The problem is, most people can’t open their minds wide enough, to the point where they might ask themselves the right questions, which would enable them to do the necessary research which would reveal these wider truths. (And this fact is not lost on the author of this article. He’s basically thumbing his nose at the idiots – i.e., the sheep – whom he and his peers deliberately created. He knows fully well that most people couldn’t find the truth with a road map, a seeing eye dog, and a high-powered flashlight…)
    Truth is definitely stranger than fiction. And it is never what a person thinks it’s going to be.
    If an entire civilization can be made to believe that the earth is a spinning ball, stuck in the vastness of space, like a freaking Christmas tree ornament hung on a hook, well, there is no limit to what that civilization can be conditioned to believe. Basic trigonometry proves that the earth is not a ball, with a 25,000-mile circumference, but it takes guts to actually question such a widely held notion, especially one that has been so completely ingrained in our psyches.
    But that’s precisely what it takes to see the larger picture – you have to question every single thing you believe, or you will understand nothing. The more widely held any particular belief is, the less likely it is to be true, and there are no exceptions to that rule.
    How can you protect yourself against something, if you don’t know it exists?
    The short answer is, you can’t. (Aye, there’s the rub.)
    Personally, I don’t give a flying fuck who wakes up. This world is all about duality, it always has been, and it always will be – equal measures of light and darkness (good and evil). And nothing anybody might do can ever change that.
    But the fine print in the Contract of Life states that you can become far more than just a mere mortal man. You just have to work like hell to see that fine print, and that, my friends, is the ultimate act of any bonafide “alpha male”…

    1. I’ve been hearing an increasing amount regarding “earth is not a ball” recently. I’m learning with shock and bewilderment, that nothing we’ve been told, either via educational establishments, MSM or even just “long accepted truths” are ever as they seem. So, I’m interested: is this your unfounded belief, something you’ve recently taken on board, or do you have any form of “proof” that it’s true?

      1. A good place to start on “the earth is not a ball” debate, is to check out the work of Dr. Samuel Rowbotham, who made a brilliant case for the earth being planar back in the 1800’s, which you can read at the following link –
        You’ll have to read the entire online book to see a good chunk of the big picture.
        But in order to give you one of many mathematical proofs which verify how the earth can’t possibly be 25,000 miles in circumference, consider this nugget, from Page 9 of Rowbotham’s book –
        “If the earth is a globe, and is 25,000 English statute miles in circumference, the surface of all standing water must have a certain degree of convexity – every part must be an arc of a circle.
        “From the summit of any such arc there will exist a curvature or declination of 8 inches in the first statute mile. In the second mile the fall will be 32 inches; in the third mile, 72 inches, or 6 feet. In every mile after the first, the curvature downwards from the point T increases as the square of the distance multiplied by 8 inches. The rule, however, requires to be modified after the first thousand miles.”
        What this means is, if you are at sea, and a lighthouse, 100 feet tall, is 20 miles away, you should not be able to see it due to the curvature of the earth. Because the lighthouse should be hidden behind 266 feet of curvature. And yet, lighthouses are routinely seen from distances of 20 miles, 30 miles, 50 miles away or more. Which is not possible based on the applied math. At a distance of 50 miles, a lighthouse would have to be over 1666 feet tall, in order to be seen at sea…
        Scientists explain this phenomenon by calling it “refraction”. (That’s a fancy way of saying “mirage”.) Science’s job is to explain bullshit theories, invented by their true handlers (the elite), via the process of making up words and formulae which back up the invented theories. In other words, the theory always comes first, the scientific jargon which backs up the theories comes second.
        As time has progressed, science has slowly become the new god – it took the place of the church not that long ago. And its word is sacrosanct (in most people’s minds).
        If you check out Rowbotham’s online book, you will find far more proof that the earth isn’t a globe, than you will find proof for the opposite premise – because there isn’t any proof for the opposite premise. Just a bunch of scientific jargon and bullshit theories, created out of thin air to back up the desired premise (“The earth is a globe, we swear!”), which was created in order to make people feel insignificant, as they spin aimlessly and precariously out in the middle of nowhere, at the mercy of countless quasars and meteors and radiation. And only science, of course, can save them.
        That book link up above is a really good place to start.

      1. Day and night cycles – excellent subject.
        The sun is supposedly a very powerful, extremely luminescent object.
        It’s definitely powerful enough to fill the sky above us during “daylight” hours. And when it’s daylight here on earth, and the sky is clear, we can see from horizon to horizon, and everything is brightly lit, to the point where stars cannot be seen in the sky.
        However, at night, the opposite is true – we cannot see any daylight at all.
        This makes no sense.
        If modern scientists are correct, and the earth “revolves” to the point where those on the opposite side of it, from the sun’s vantage point, are in darkness, we should still see plenty of light emanating all around the sky. Why? Because the sunlight is so intense, that it would permeate everything beyond the earth, out into space, at all times.
        We should be able to see almost the entire sky lit up, at all times – just as we do during “daytime”.
        Try this experiment. Take a strong flashlight. Suspend a marble from the ceiling, on a string, on one side of the room. Turn the lights out and draw the shades so the entire room is dark.
        Now, turn the strong flashlight on, from the opposite side of the room, and aim it at the marble. What happens? Light hits the opposite wall, and only a tiny shadow can be seen, due to the marble. There is light all around the room (if the flashlight is powerful enough), and all around the shadow made by the marble, as the marble is too small to block ALL of the light…
        The same should hold true here on earth. If the earth revolves around the sun, and rotates in the process, we should still see powerful light across the entire solar system, at night…but we don’t. At the very least, we should see a dark shadow, like a shaft, above us, but out at the edges or our field of vision, we should see intense, bright sunlight. And up ABOVE US, as the shadow goes higher and higher, we should see bright daylight all round…
        If the scientists are correct (heliocentric theory, with a spinning earth and planets that revolve around the sun), the sun would have to include an on/off switch, for us to not see any daylight during the evening.
        However, if the sun actually moves across the earth, above us, in the sky, from east to west, in a circle (and we are on a plane), and the sun isn’t as large as claimed, that would certainly explain things.
        Maybe the Dark Age period was the Age of Enlightenment, and maybe the Age of Enlightenment was a return to the Dark Ages…hmm?
        Maybe somebody in power pulled a fast one several hundred years ago and invented “the scientific method” to supplant god, and made the newly trumped-up scientists sell the idea, based on a bunch of bullshit equations and theories. Sure would explain Global Warming and a host of other concepts. Sure would make science the new god…because us plebes would be too stupid to understand any of it (and, in actuality, nobody can understand it, because it’s all made up to fit the theory – and that theory is created, to give the creators of the theory, absolute power over all of mankind).
        So simple a child could see it. But an adult who has been brainwashed via the edicts of science from cradle to old age? That’s another story.
        Check that online book out by Rowbotham. If somebody reads it and then posts a comment with a question, or challenges certain points, I’ll be glad to respond. But you have to have a basic understanding of the evidence on the other other side of the fence, otherwise it’s a waste of time for everybody. It would be like a person speaking Russian yammering at a person who speaks Japanese…you have to be familiar with both languages before you can communicate.

        1. Not sure if you’re a dedicated troll or really believe the shit you just typed.
          “However, at night, the opposite is true – we cannot see any daylight at all.
          This makes no sense.”
          It makes perfect sense, the sky isn’t illuminated during the night because there’s no particles in space for the light to reflect off and bounce back to us. During the day the sky is lit because light reflects off the particles in the atmosphere.
          I can’t even be bothered refuting the rest. Go read a year 9 science book.
          As for debasing religion, it’s possible to believe in religion and physics. After all did God not create the science we study?

    2. That’s pretty deep man. I don’t share this with just anyone, but you’re the exception. I’ve discovered something. A secret has been disclosed to me which is THE SPEED OF DARKNESS. See it works like this:
      What is the ‘speed’ of darkness? Well, when you turn off the light switch, the bulb stops emitting photons. After the switch is flicked off, photons continue travelling to the wall and then bounce off, continuing until they reach your eye. The last photons to be emitted by the bulb therefore reach the viewer for twice the duration of time than if the light is turned on and the photons travel directly to your eye. THEREFORE darkness seems to permiate the room only half as fast as light initially illuminates it. Darkness permiates the room only HALF as fast as light travells. Darkness is slower than light by 1/2.
      Ergo: The speed of darkness D=C/2. Voila

  40. The piece captured the arrogance of the elites well. The elites tend to be old withered desparate bedridden sacks of pus. I once (or twice) ventured into a club where the local’elites’ socialized. It was way back in my club days when any club with lights or music booming would get my attention as I walked by.
    One particular club seemed ritzy. Nice cars parked outside and it was a ways across town from the young hip college clubs where the easy eye candy partied. I walked in and there was FREE FOOD BUFFET. I saw a lot of suits, lawyers, yuppies and tables of fat and post wall painted up old bags dining and laughture that sounded like cindarellas wicked step sisters with warts on their noses, bridge work protruding, a general smattering of the NASTIEST affluent shit that monopolized the town.
    But there was a food bar with FREE BBQ RIBS. I whoofed down my share of grub. Gotta keep my protein up. I was young, slick but broke and on the prowl for poosey. Some of the lard ass parasite bureaucrat looking ladies eyeballed me near the lame dance floor they had like ”who’s he?” like I was maybe some newbie politician in the area or young professional. My nice dress got me into the place, that’s all. What amazed me though is how grotesque the women all were and how the local schmuck yuppies would grovel over their company and hooking up with and hob knobbing with these over fed witches.
    I believe power makes a woman unsightly, so unattractive that the power god they kiss ass to transmits its ugliness onto them. Look at Merkel. I danced with one of the fat cows to some Gloria Estefan garp. Nothing too fast or niggery played there. They’re too fat or arthritic even before 30. Satanic power burns you up and makes you wretched. I garnered that the fat chick I was dancing with was some real estate queen. I got that ”hard” connection like ”let’s go outside and do it in your Cadillac”. But no there was finer poosey at the college club row. On the dance floor her perfume smelled like a PTA meeting but I wasn’t sure. I leaned around her neck and GEEEZ was her ear greasy as all criminnie. Her neck was like a greasy paper towel that you lay the bacon on to drain after you fry it. Something in me said ”Get out of here now” ”you’re full”. My belly was full and the real fine poosey was down the road. As soon as I left the dance floor, the fat girl was met by an old gray guy in suit and then some other parasite looking big whig trying to get her approval. The ‘powerful’ elites if you could call them that seemed so beta, tripping over themselves to mingle with empowered unattractive cunts.
    So I was gone. I was outta there. I think most ‘professional’ clubs and societies are very dry when it comes to women, attractiveness and basically LIFE. They’re sterile. They’re WALKING DEAD. That’s what you get when you sell your soul. Fuck that place. Good ribs though. I knew I would have bromide farts in the morning from all that meat and sauce, but unlike them, at least I still had my soul.

    1. Don’t eat swine. It’s not meant to be good. And I meant both the ribs and the women

      1. Pork is a survival food only, not recommended as a staple diet. Farming families who raise and eat pork on the regular are some of the fattest and sickly of people within the farming communities who are active and should otherwise be healthy. Degenerative diseases plague the heavy pork eater compared with the ag families who produce and consume dairy and poultry. Still avoiding gmo is the big one, but swine is for survival only during times of shortage due to turmoil or disaster. Or it’s good for slaves, peasant workers or prisoners. Pork is similar in makeup, consistency and taste to ‘longham’. If you know what ‘longham’ is, well historically that’s what marooned or stranded sailors in the doldrums called their fellow sailors who passed on and became dinner. Survival food only. Longham.

  41. So nice when a supervillain decides to monologue. Even better when it’s all your key talking points!

  42. There is much anger directed towards the elites in the comments and rightly so. But i’m thinking, isn’t this all made possible by the stupidity and credulousness of the general population? Try and explain these (social, economic, political etc…) points mentioned in the article to the everyday Joe. Either he’s too unread or stupid and can’t understand your reasoning or he will understand but dismiss your points as crazed fabrications because he prefers not to understand or think on his own but rather enjoys getting herded and fucked up the ass. In this sense, i unfortunately have developed more respect for the “elites” than for the masses.

  43. While I normally love ROK, I have to call bullshit on this article.
    The porn industry has evolved to
    1) Have an excess of porn stars, partly due to a more difficult economy, and thus many girls who will agree to be pressured into doing things they don’t really want to do so that they can get the work instead of something else.
    2) The type of porn produced has gradually shifted to more aggressive violent and degrading forms of sex due to that being the most successful in the marketplace (which I view as a sign of a sickness within our culture).
    As a result, many chicks in the porn industry have been weak willed enough to get forced into doing a lot of stuff they do not like and do not want to do, and girls I’ve spoken directly to (you can also find it on google) say they have to be on drugs during the scenes so their body doesn’t get hurt too much.
    I cannot agree with the statement that “porn shows what women really want in bed” To some extent, porn has normalized violence in bed in lieu of having sex, and some girls either accept it, or actually like it, but violence, especially to the level it’s done in porn is not something most girls want, and if you are ignorant of the context you are promoting something very bad (and essentially furthering every single thing feminism is trying to do within destroying healthy male female relations).
    /end soapbox/
    Here is a random article highlighting some of what I stated but there are tons more online:

  44. Roosh, I get that it’s satire, but you should be careful, because some of the visitors checking out this site may actually think you’re a crazed conspiracy theorist, which really doesn’t help this website’s image.

  45. If a guy sent me a letter validating everything I ever wrote, promoted my book, and said he was rich, I might believe him too.

  46. satire or not, i’m motivated.
    deleting my videogames as i speak. let’s get serious here

  47. “This is why we’re in the process of eliminating comment sections in all media sites. If the sheep doesn’t see public criticism, they’ll believe that no disagreement exists.”
    I’ve always wondered about this. Media (especially the bug ones) sites have less and less of these, especially on comment worthy articles. Now it makes perfect sense.
    Whether or not this is satire isn’t the point. There’s is some truth to what is in this. You honestly think people of a higher class never think or thought this way of the lower classes, and rich degenerates? I tell you, it’s try thst power corrupts. VERY true. Only those with a strong will and a sense of “morals” wharever they may be, can stick to them and not allow measures of power to darken them. I’ve seen it happen in others, and have caught myself in it when given measures of power. Now being on thr lower rung of society, imagine those about. Just look at dictators, politicians, etc. Ideas thrown around by conspiracy “theories” aren’t all a far cry from the truth. Some have been proven true. And in the end, conspiracies do take place. All the time. It’s not hard to become corrupt.
    People on cushy nations, and those who have their heads buried in the sand never think it can happen where they are.

    1. But here’s the kicker…our sense of “morals” were put into our heads by the elite. They taught us pretty much everything we know and believe. In other words, they programmed us to behave the way we behave. And like it or not, agree with it or not, that is beyond brilliant. To create a human organism that truly believes it is free, and thinks for itself, when it is a completely programmed robot? I have to give credit where credit is due there…and applaud it.

  48. This is a solid troll, minus a few inconsistencies, such as David being on his third heart rather than his sixth, but it gets many of the points across, and characterizes the dark elite’s motives, desires, and ideologies (rather than regular elite) pretty accurately. What it doesn’t do, however, is tell you their biggest weapon. Destroying cultural values, sterilizing society, causing economic havoc, and inducing chaos are all secondary to one thing. That thing is the promotion of philosophical materialism. It all boils down to the Hegelian dialectic. Under dialectical idealism, ideals like truth, justice, masculinity, femininity, honesty, mercy, religion, spirituality, and love contribute to the formation of society and their relations to physical objects. Under dialectical materialism, this whole thing gets reversed. The means of production and material goods force individuals to behave according to certain ways, which in turn creates society, leading to the creation of ideals. Here’s the problem; only one of these two models can be right. The idealist model is the model humanity has implicitly followed until the Enlightenment. After the industrial revolution, and with the advent of Marxist experiments (which rely on dialectical materialism), materialism has been used by governments. Along with political materialism follows philosophical materialism, which is the idea that you are just matter and its motions, that you have no will, and that you’re along for the ride. Under such a view, not only should one’s politics be based on materialism, but one’s ethics should as well. Rather than pursuit of art, spiritual growth, strong families and communities, or culture- all which have the basis of ideals – one should, under materialism, pursue material goods, wealth, sex, and personal pleasure. Culture gets thrown out the window. Morality becomes entirely subjective, based on what people want to do. Murder is no longer wrong, since right and wrong are seen as artificial. It is this scope which has allowed things to get as bad as they have. This is dumbed down Marxism, which has caused the feminist mess we see along with entropic multiculturalism. This is the tree of death. Actions and policies made under this scheme completely ignore the fact that people are real beings who have emotional needs, and are done as though humans were mere machines. As such, actions and policies created this way tend to be solipsistic. Hegelian idealism is the tree of life for society. It realizes that humans have emotions, dreams, morals, and that they genuinely care about such. Marxist socialism and materialist policies, even conservative ones which try to protect the family, will always impose their will on people who are unwilling. Only Hegelian ideology- direct promotion of correct social ideals- will get society to not only be complicit, but to genuinely seek its own betterment. This, however, has the side effect of legitimately empowering the people- something the dark elite will never want.

  49. Well, I always known…..since 2006, that the Illuminati was trying to take over the world. What make me mad about the situation is two things. One, that everyone in the state of Michigan, CLEARLY see what is going on, but yet, only .5% of the population is willing to go toe to toe with the Illuminati. That’s PITIFUL!!!! CONSIDERING THAT MICHIGAN LAYS THE SOCIOPOLITICAL GROUNDWORK FOR EVERY THING THAT IS CORRUPT(Including wars) IN THE WORLD!!!!!! And 2…. The Illuminati REFUSE TO SHOW THEIR FACES!!!! I mean, I know about the concept of the secret society, but if they were as powerful as they say they are, then the world will have no trouble identifying the “7 men who rule the world” but the fact that they want to stay hidden goes to show how much of cowards they are. THE WORLD DEMANDS TO KNOW WHO YOU ARE ILLUMINATI!!!!! SO IF YOU AS POWERFUL AS YOU SAY YOU ARE!!!!! THEN PUBLICLY(THROUGH THE MEDIA OR OTHERWISE!!!!) SHOW YOURSELVES!!!!!

  50. > I believe it to be authentic.
    Chuckled at this. Implying the elite would waste their leisure time to sabotage themselves by helping us.
    This is clearly penned by a /pol/ack

  51. Although I agree with everything you have written, you sometimes get a bit racist. Of course everyone is to some extent racist. But, you should remember you are a mix yourself. Not all brown men are idiots. Now it is time for me to get racist. All brown & white & blue & green and yellow men who follow an above-average orthodox Islam are idiots.
    The fuckin brits took all the vedic knowledge from us Hindus and now they think they are powerful. But the west opened the pandoras box which we were completely aware of and protected them for so many years. In our Hindu culture, it is said, the moment a human begins to think, it will be the beginning of the end of the world. We humans are also supposed to be living like animals. Just living life as it is. Too much thinking and we end up with shits like feminism. Life life as it is! When you eat food, enjoy the taste, don’t fucking count calories. When you see the sunrise, enjoy its beauty, don’t fucking measure the time it takes the sun rays to reach us. women are submissive and men are dominant. It is like yin and yang. None of them is better than the other. They are equal and unique and yet interdependent. And of course, Even Jesus Christ knows that he is a disciple of ducking Buddha who was originally a Hindu. I regret that I became an Atheist after living in Germany for so long. I am fucking Idiot for buying into feminism and shit. Thank god I have a second chance now at learning how to be a man from my dad. God he is a true MAN. fuck feminism. Fuck the west. I mean the west gonna fuck itself. And of course the east is gonna get itself fucked as well, as we are now modeling our societies based on the west, as we think it is cool and progressive. Dumbass Eastern idiots!

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