Mehmet Oz, more commonly known as Dr. Oz, is the most famous and “most trusted” doctor in America. People bow down before his superior knowledge, healer skillz, and telegenic good looks, as described in a recent New Yorker profile.
“I worship you, Dr. Oz,” one woman told him. Another threw her arms around his neck. “I haven’t seen a doctor in eight years,” she said. “I’m scared. You are the only one I trust.”
Now let’s take a look at his wife:
The most trusted doctor in America has a fat, unhealthy wife. That fact warrants some additional investigation…
Lisa is intelligent, articulate, and unconventional; she eats no meat (Oz does)
[Lisa] is wholly opposed to genetically modified foods (Oz is ambivalent)
Sounds reasonable.
[She] has repeatedly expressed reservations about the value of some vaccinations
Oh boy.
It didn’t take long for Oz to become convinced that a patient’s state of mind could be important to a successful surgical outcome.
And where did that convincing come from?
With his father-in-law’s encouragement, he began to explore music therapy, energy fields, and therapeutic touch, and he began to offer them to his surgical patients. Here, too, Lisa played a major role; she is a Reiki master, and Oz soon became famous at New York-Presbyterian, not to mention within the broader surgical community, for encouraging the practice of Reiki in the operating room. Reiki, the Japanese art of laying on hands, is based on the notion that an unseen, life-giving source of energy flows through our bodies. Oz hired a Reiki master named Julie Motz to stand in the operating room, where, she has said, she would attempt to harness “the body’s own energy to help patients survive risky operations, such as heart transplants.” Many of Oz’s colleagues, including some who worked directly with him, thought that permitting a Reiki master to enter the surgical suite at New York-Presbyterian was ludicrous.
Being famous and married to a fatty is no crime and does not warrant my mockery alone, but not only does she cause him to go against medical science, she outright controls him like a puppet:
[Dr. Oz had] to explain publicly that, although he disagreed with Lisa, at home she was the boss. “I’m going to get it, but, I’ll tell you, my wife is not going to immunize our kids,” he said, on “Campbell Brown.” He added that he was powerless to reverse her decision, because “when I go home I’m not Dr. Oz, I’m Mr. Oz.” (Oz still disagrees with Lisa. In January, in front of an audience, he gave the CNN host Piers Morgan his first flu shot, and encouraged millions of viewers to get one as well. At home, however, the situation hasn’t changed. He remains Mr. Oz.)
The most famous doctor in America, and probably the richest doctor in America, with a million fans, gets bossed around by his man-jawed wife like a dog. It gets even more humiliating….
Lisa Oz takes some credit for launching her husband’s television career. “My favorite thing to do in the world is hang out with my husband and boss him around,” she said. “His favorite thing to do is to work. There was no way for me to go into the operating room and hang out with him, and he was spending all of his time there.” She went on, only half in jest, “So I had this scheme, about a television show where we would work together and I would be his producer, so I could boss him around.”
During the inevitable divorce trial, I believe she’s going to want a little more than “some” credit when her attorney demands 50% of his wealth in addition to alimony payments that allow her to live a life that she has become accustomed to. And there’s more…
Oz then introduced Jeffrey Smith, the author of “Genetic Roulette,” who says that engineered foods may cause many serious diseases, including colitis, asthma, and cancer. Smith has also made a film version of the book; Oz, for the sake of full disclosure, noted that “my wife, Lisa, was a narrator in Jeffrey’s film.”
When I asked Lisa about her involvement, she said that Smith presented a point of view that needed to be heard, and that the safety of genetically modified foods has not been proved. “I think Mehmet and I both feel, in general, that our mission is to empower the viewer or reader,” she said.
This woman has a vice grip around Dr. Oz’s balls, embarrassing him in a national publication, and he takes it like the pussy that he is. Dr. Oz is a disgrace to men everywhere. As long as his behavior is seen as “normal,” more men will be pressured to follow in his mangina footsteps.
Read Next: Life Advice From The Doctor
Maybe the sex is fantastic?
Ah, who am I kidding.
^ Joke of the century.
Ha ha ha
He’s constantly on Oprah. Nuff said.
Oprah would never give a real man a platform to preach the gospel.
Dr. Oz isn’t just a pussy, he’s a criminal, period. He goes on TV to promote medical quackery that has no scientific basis. And I’m content to let people believe in ghosts, or psychics, astral project, tarot, or other mumbo jumbo that doesn’t harm anyone. But there’s a different standard when it comes to science.
Dr. Oz peddles snake oil. He constantly pushes bad science, “alternative” medicine that can’t be proven to work under scientific observation, and “alternative healing modalities” that are not only a waste of money, but potentially life-threatening, or dangerous.
I strongly urge people to look seriously into Dr. Oz. He’s not just some loser on Oprah to roll one’s eyes at, but a serious -danger- to health.
Ha! That’s hilarious. I completely agree with you that Oz is a criminal quack. But I’m on the other side of the fence, I’m big into natural medicine, after extensive research in the scientific literature for evidence of “alternative” or what should rightly be called natural medicine. There is plenty of very strong evidence to support things like acupuncture, nutritional therapies, and herbal medicines. Something like 75% of all drugs ever produced have come from plants. I agree that reiki, astral projection, ghosts, and whatever else that quack OZ is pushing these days is quackery, including some of the plant based things like green coffee bean and raspberry ketone, those are shit and he’s simply in it for the money.
But you can’t paint with a broad brush, not all natural medicine is quackery, and not all of conventional medicine is legitimate. One has to weight the merits of any treatment on the evidence supporting it. In that sense, there’s no such thing as natural or conventional medicine, there is only safe,effective medicine and unsafe, ineffective medicine. Check your biases, bro.
There really isn’t any evidence at all to promote the value of acupuncture, and I challenge you to find a body of substantive peer-reviewed evidence that says otherwise. There’s a simple maxim I stick to – Do you know what they call alternative medicine that has been proven to work? Medicine.
Sure there are natural medicines that work. One of them is called aspirin, it’s made from the bark of the Willow tree. But natural medicines that work have been validated through peer-reviewed research, they have been tested by the FDA, they don’t sit on the “supplements” isle of the drug store, nor do they have to carry a warning that their claims for efficacy have not been validated by the FDA.
My only bias is that something needs to be able to be proven with basic, peer-reviewed science. If the scientific method is a bias, then guilty as charged:
Not a proponent of “alternative” medicine, but your views on acupuncture are not quite accurate. See, e.g.
The flip side to this is that poking someone with needles, sticks, or anything pointy, using the traditional Chinese “acupuncture map”, or not, produces pretty much the same results.
The researchers, from the Ruhr University Bochum, say
their findings suggest that the body may react positively to any thin needle
prick – or that acupuncture may simply trigger a placebo effect.
The results of this study done at Linköping University in Sweden, which found no significant difference in response from those getting true acupuncture and those getting sham acupuncture, provide evidence against the accuracy of the traditional Chinese meridian map. It doesn’t seem to matter where you stick the needles, whether you stick them in deeply or twirl them, or, whether you stick them in at all. The fact that it has been shown that the same effect can be induced from true acupuncture and fake acupuncture that doesn’t stick needles into the subject casts doubt on the need to claim that some sort of mysterious energy, called chi, is needed to explain acupuncture’s effects.
Sure, sticking someone with a needle is going to cause something to happen. The question is… is the effect doing anything useful. Is the Chinese explanation valid. Are there any long term effects that are more beneficial than, say, getting your woman to give you a nice long massage.
So far, the evidence suggests you’ll get the same results from a good massage, and pay a lot less in cost.
Actually, the ancient Chinese did believe that all skin points on the body are fair game for acupuncture, especially if they exhibit point tenderness, so called “a shi” or “ouch” points. The meridian points are simply those that connect to other points with some kind of channel flow, while all the other points are used locally for pain. So there’s no such thing as a non-acupuncture point.
Secondly, it’s impossible to design a sham acupuncture study, because even non-penetrative stimulation of the skin qualifies as a form of acupuncture, such as the Japanese method of Toyohari acupuncture. So there’s really no such thing as sham acupuncture.
Study design challenges aside, there are great studies in peer reviewed journals that show not only that it works, but that it works better than a lot of other interventions, and now we know how it works too.
Recent studies show acupuncture trumps physiotherapy and “sham acupuncture,” which is really just non-meridian acupuncture,or low back pain. (Leibling, 2002), found here:
We not only know conclusively that acupuncture works, but we also have pretty clear information on how it works. The most current model shows that it works by affecting ion channels in fascia and other dense connective tissue, which in turn decreases inflammation, increases blood flow, decreases sympathetic nervous system activation while increasing parasympathetic activation. (Oschmann, 2009)
Because the needles are stainless steel, local cell depolarizations are also seen, which creates a whole cascade of other beneficial effects.
I work in medicine in the fertility field, and I’ve seen a huge shift in the last few years. We have mainstream, totally western OB’s referring women on the regular to acupuncture to turn breech babies based on a solid peer reviewed study that it works (American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Sept. 2009), found here:
Massage is great, too, I get a deep tissue massage every week from one of my dames, and it’s awesome. It has many beneficial effects, but it doesn’t do the same as acupuncture, which in most areas is usually way cheaper than massage for repeat visits.
You seem like a scientific guy. If you’re willing to take the red pill on dating and sexual matters, you ought to really think about opening your mind to other possiblities in medicine and science too. It’s only your biases that hold you back from greater levels of understanding.
Also, you do yourself a disservice by linking to quackwatch, a site that has been thoroughly discredited, and also not updated regularly for more than 3 years. Use pubmed instead, and dig deeper, using rational thought and critical thinking skills while still maintaining an openness to new ideas. You are thorougly blue pill in your views on medicine and science, I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re a closeted game denialist as well.
Good post. I like that study.
Good stuff revo. Yes, I’d challenge many on this board including roosh to take the red pill when it comes to health, wellness and medicine.
I’m bemused that you consider it blue pill to face reality as it is, rather than buy into a modern new-age reinterpretation of Chinese medicine from the same people who thought that regular doses of mercury would make you immortal, and who to this day grind animal dongs and consume them, thinking it will make them more potent in bed.
There’s dozens of rational, skeptical, critical thinking web sites on the Internet dedicated to solid science-based medicine that thoroughly dismiss acupuncture as little more than the placebo effect, if that.
I’m really not sure how you expect me to apply rational thought and critical thinking skills to a belief system that holds that sticking someone’s skin with needles changes the dynamic of a mystical energy field it’s impossible to see, measure, or quantify… but manages to produce tangible results.
See also:
But you seem to be taking this in a personal way. I’d suggest you man up, and use that critical thinking and rationality you keep bringing up to look at the body of evidence, and the skepticism of professionals way more qualified to comment on the science than either of us.
Don’t be so easily huffed up because someone doesn’t agree with you. That’s classic victim thinking. You post your sources, make your commentary, and move on.
If you want to swallow the blue pill, and imagine that fluffy new-age thinking is going to heal your aches and pains, and fork over money to lay on a table while someone jabs you with needles, well, I’ll try and warn you away from it. And good lord, someone explain to me when willingly paying money to lay down on a table like someone’s bitch while they jabbed needles into them to adjust their energy fields was the medicine “manly men” would be going for?
But if you’re dead set on doing it, there will come a point where I just don’t give a fuck what you do to yourself, or how much money you want to waste on it.
We’ve reached that point.
Haha, well, I expected nothing less than some ad hominem and more appeal to authority, and look what you provided. Surprise, suprise, Haters gon’ hate. Your thick-headed lack of reading comprehension is quite entertaining. Your references are not impressive, they just show you’re looking for and finding references that share your simple-minded, uneducated worldview.
It’s interesting to note that in your appeal to authority you reference skeptics who are “professionals way more qualified than either of us.”
First of all, speak for yourself, I have a master’s degree in physiology. Secondly, you want to appeal to authority, you picked the wrong commenter to foist your simpleton opinions and poor sources upon. The scientific study of bioenergetic medicine was pioneered by one of the greatest biochemical scientists of the last three generations, the great Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, a PhD biochemist and biophysicist who received a nobel prize for the discovery of vitamin C, in 1937. He established a research program at Woods Hole, MA that has demonstrated many, many evidence-based methods to measure the changes in biochemistry and biophysics that occur not only in acupuncture, but in many other “alternative” modalities. Those include galvanic skin response, nitric oxide expression, histamine response, cell depolarization, biophotonic effects, and dozens of other scientific phenomenon *that are measurable.* Emphasis for the scientifically retarded.
You can elide these things as folk medicine or mysticism or pseudoscience if you wish, but it doesn’t make it any less true that there’s real, solid biomedical research demonstrating its mechanisms, effectiveness, and safety. It may have been folk medicine and “qi” for five millenia in China, but it’s 100% scientific method, verifiable, quantifiable biophysical science today in the US.
There’s top level research performed, and ongoing at many major universities on the subject. At UC-Irvine, Cho et,al, 1998, determined that acupuncture on points on the foot associated with the eyes created direct, significant, positive, and instantanous effects on the occipital cortex of the brain. That’s the visual cortex for those who’ve not studied cerebral anatomy.
The evidence is out there, you’re simply too closed to look at it. Again, that’s your selection bias. You look for evidence that supports your position, and find it in the form of uninformed opinion of “skeptics” but refuse to look at the other evidence. ASF linked to a study above in Nature, a reputable journal, and you apparently lacked the inclination or the comprehension ability to grasp its significance.
Far from taking it personally, I find it entertaining to joust with fools such as yourself, because I was once one. I’ve been in the medical field for 15 years in various forms of practice and administration. I began in this field and still am a die-hard scientist, a firm believer in scientific method and a student of the scientific method for over 20 years. My mind was as closed as yours is, because that’s what “science” people do–remain skeptical until evidence demonstrates. But some people get stuck in the skeptic mode.
I had to learn the hard way, to be confronted with overwhelming evidence of effect and efficacy. I’m attempting to do that for you, and for the benefit of other readers. Consider it a favor from your better, or a form of my community service to the Red Pill community that has done so much for mey. I give back by doing the same as someone once did for me. But all I can do is show you and everyone else the studies and explain the physiology. You, or anyone else, has to read and comprehend the studies and the various models, before you can integrate this information into your worldview.
It took me a long time as a young man to grok the fact that the body is as much of an electromagnetic mechanism as it is biochemical. Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, A famous German physician who has been a mentor to me, has said repeatedly that Americans and most western Euro’s are overeducated in chemistry, and drastically undereducated in physics, and thus any attempt to explain physiology through the lens of biophysics in the west is doomed to failure. Your closed mind is a testament to that.
And as for your last points, they are laughable indeed. I don’t spend money on natural medicine therapeutics, I make money on it. I’ve probably cleared an extra $30k in consulting fees in the last couple years directly related to the subjects at hand. When I want to receive these therapies, I get the professional courtesy visit, which is to say they are free, gratis, nada, zippo, zilch out of my pocket. Many of the practitioners I receive from are young attractive women, and not a few of them I know on a more intimate level.
The economic question brings up a larger point–the question of legitimation of medicine. Who legitimates medicine? It’s an important question to think about.
While some governmental approval is needed, once that’s achieved, and it has been, It doesn’t matter in the least if dipwads such as yourself and other “skeptics” out there don’t believe in any given therapy. The NIH has already endorsed this therapy as having evidence to support its efficacy for a number of common disorders, and has issued similar position statements regarding dozens of other related treatments. Moreover, public opinion and widespread use of these therapies are the ultimate arbitrager of whether they’re worthwhile or not, as the market won’t support therapies that aren’t worthwhile for long.
The Eisenberg study (1992, look it up) showed that consumers spend more money out of pocket on natural medicine than they do on conventional medicine. People vote with their pocketbooks, and this field is growing in double digits every year.
As the business of natural medicine is growing in leaps & bounds, so does my own consulting business. I’m consulting right now on what will likely be the largest integrative therapy center in the western US, a multimillion dollar project with big VC behind it that will have MDs, PTs, acupuncturists, even natural dentistry, along with yoga, massage, and a dozen other natural therapies. I’ve been involved with 5 other similar though smaller projects over the last decade, and all of them have been winners. One my consulting clients, an MD, wrote a book with a celebrity on natural medicine, both made bank on that, I provided some back-end supply chain support. If making money is “victim thinking” in your book, I’ll take it, and the paycheck. Yah, I’m a poor, deceived victim of natural medicine, and also of your mean diatribe, you big meanie. Ha!
And finally, if it assuages your ego to believe it’s not manly to receive acupuncture, be my guest. Know that men far more manly than yourself get acupuncture on the regular, including a ton of professional athletes from many sports. Pros use this stuff because it works. I happen to know the practitioner in LA who treats quite a few Lakers, and I know for a fact that Kobe Bryant gets it all the time and relies upon it to keep him in top shape. Look it up, it’s not a secret. Know that it’s far easier to be an internet cynic, an internet hater, than to go out and do some cool shit like win some basketball tournaments, or make some money helping people with effective, safe therapeutics that doesn’t have side effects or come with a black box warning for increased suicide risk. But somebody’s got to do it.
To long; did not read.
Here’s the real thing that cinches your blue pill status, and puts you firmly in the category of girlish and bitchy. Even when I made it clear I was done with the conversation, you kept going. For the record, I was done the moment you took it personal. Another womanly attribute, to feel free to insult all you like, and then act like the wronged party when someone responds in kind.
You could have just gotten in the last word by calling me a tard, or agreeing to disagree like a man, and dropping it. But, like an enraged woman, you wouldn’t let the fact that the other person was done stop you from arguing some more.
But, whatever, by all means vomit up some more text.
“TL:DR” Spoken like a true winner. Way to show intellectual capacity. You speak well for the entire “skeptic” community.
Now you’re doing it right. When someone says they’re done, responding with a wall of righteous text is just a waste of your time. It’ll go unread by the person you most want to read it.
Just get in your snarky comment, be content you got the last word in, and feel good about yourself.
“TOO Long” (not “to”) . To avoid making a complete fool of yourself, you might want to brush up on basic English grammar before posting.
You know what they call alternative medicine that works? Medicine.
Yeah Doctors believe strongly in double blind studies…except when they dont. So if they don’t believe in the studies for vaccines, are vaccines quackery? Big Pharma learned long ago that advertising and money go farther than money spent on studies. Niacin rips apart any other cholesterol lowering drug in clinical trials, yet is only prescribed 1/8 as much. Dessicated thyroid beats synthetic T4 in every single trial that directly compared the two(about 6% of the population is hypothyroid) Yet sythetic T4 replaced it and at one point became the number one drug sold(one of the most profitable drugs ever!). Yay double blind studies we demand them when we don’t like something, ignore them when we do like something!
Highly functioning beta, the oprah crowd’s dreamboat. He badly needs a red pill followed by a divorce lawyer and a new 23 year old “assistant”. Seriously, fucker should know better about vaccines. That’s the sign of a supreme beta. Ignores important facts to please others. The japanese witch doctor in the ER is hilarious but if it was me going under i’d get another doctor.
It doesn’t affect the validity of the article necessarily but the flu vaccine is a useless money-making scheme. So Lisa Oz is a domineering harridan but she is right about the flu vaccine.
Really? After you’ve seen grandpas succumbing to simple flu, or people with COPD getting admitted again and again into the hospital in the cold season, I bet you’ll change your mind.
Flu vaccine may not be urgent for the healthy young folks, but the chronically ill and the elderly benefit immensely from it.
I take a teaspoon of baking soda in water straight up every night when I get up to pee. It bathes the prostate in soothing high pH for a more comfortable feeling the next day.
And I’m giving this advice away for free while patent-medicine salesmen like Dr.Oz are out fleecing the public on these useless remedies.
That is ridiculous. I know this post is 3 yrs old but hopefully someone will see this. Nothing cycled through your stomach and small intestine is going to “bathe” your prostate gland in anything. That’s NOT how the human digestive tract works at all. Baking soda will be promptly neutralized by stomach acid in the gut, and the urine that passes through the bladder and into the urethra , which is a tube that runs through the middle of the prostate “doughnut” and out the end of your tiny dink – never touches one cell of tissue in the gland itself. Posts like yours are a complete misunderstanding of human anatomy and physiology. Please stop posting nonsense.
Rich, handsome guys with shrews. Crazy. Can anyone think of other examples?
A comment at Roissy’s brought up Pierce Brosnan’s and Roger Federer’s fat wives.
Don’t forget Hugh Jackman. His wife is a beast.
I was about to say Hugo Schwyzer and John Scalzi, but I’m not sure they fit your handsome or rich criteria.
I used to think Dr. Oz was some sort of pimp, gaming women for their loyalty and viewership (and thus cash)…cleary am wrong. Dr. Oz is no pimp, but a mere castrated chattel, enthralled by a domineering wife…may his manhood/masculinity rest in peace.
You cannot be on Oprah’s show without being “castrated” first.
I’m quite proud of myself for being completely unaware of this man’s existence until today.
is she often pregnant
every picture i see of her..she has a if she is 3 months pregnant in every picture
A major requirement for being a daytime talk show host is to constantly pander to women and be a spineless male bitch who feels the women’s pain. 99.9999% of women don’t care about truth, fairness, logic, consistency or hypocrisy, they care about what FEEEELS right to them which is always self-serving and selfish at men’s expense. Most men are manginas and don’t realize this so they’re constantly telling a woman what she wants to hear instead of putting her ass in check.
It seems like some men feel they need a woman to dictate their lives – I’m glad I’m not one of them. Also as many commenters have already pointed out he’s full of shit but he’s a handsome, famous doctor on tv so people listen.
He might be smarter than you think. As some commenters have pointed out, to be successful on daytime TV you have to turn into a sniveling pander bear for fat housewives glued to their flat screens. So perhaps this is all just a ruse to appeal to his target audience of morons with alternative medicine mixed in as chick, well more like hen crack.
I mean do you honestly think the real fatwives of Oklahoma are going to watch some player banging New York fashion models and lording over their inferior intelligence with knowledge of genetically engineered nano-drug cutting edge inventions over some hot guy with a fatty wife pushing reiki? It’s show biz. He needs to play the part that sells.
Except you can easily tell that he isn’t faking it simply by how he looks & sounds.
He is product of his environment. The great “progressive” hivemind and political correctness raped him early, he said it himself – “the reason I’m here is because I believed this from the start.”
No..he’s just that good at faking it. That’s how you get to be on primetime TV by being a world class bullshitter.
His beliefs can be bullshit, but that doesn’t make his character fake or fabricated. You can tell by his features he isn’t masculine. Thus, his emasculated tendencies and beliefs are real.
He is product of his environment. Progressive america and feminism.
Who knows what his features are..the guy has had a shit ton of plastic surgery to try and look younger than he really is. But the guy runs his show like a boss. Even though Roosh made good points, Oz wasn’t having it. He took charged and came out ahead. Whether you want to accept it or not, ironically Oz handled his shit very red pill. His product is selling fat women validating bullshit and he sells it well. He’s not an idiot..he knows it’s bullshit but it makes him rich and famous. The dude most likely bangs hot girls on the side while his wife ages and gets fat. The fact that you are convinced his persona is legitimate is a testament to how convincing he is. When you realize the reality the media is selling you isn’t an accurate representation of reality you’ll be taking more steps away from blue bill life.
I love entertaining conspiracies as much as the next guy, and often find myself thinking that every single celebrity is not even close to being who they are on TV/photos, but saying Oz is Red Pill is beyond insane.
“But the guy runs his show like a boss. Even though Roosh made good points, Oz wasn’t having it. He took charged and came out ahead. Whether you want to accept it or not, ironically Oz handled his shit very red pill.”
“Red pill” or simply, masculinity, isn’t being able to scream over someone like a child during an argument and have him shut up. Masculinity is a state of mind. Oz didn’t run shit, Roosh still made him look like a faggot erroneous SJW, and a shitty doctor. The fact that Oz got worked up and had to resort to white knighting for the crowd full of obeast fat trashy women says it all.
He resorted to ad-hominems as well, and tried to appeal to emotion and popularity.
All signs of a desperate attempt to gain the upper hand on Roosh.
Did he succeed – irrelevant. He still broke frame by being a mental midget with some shitty values.
You’d categorize that as masculine? You’d categorize that as Oz being a good role model for males everywhere?
Get the frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrruck outta here bruh.
“The dude most likely bangs hot girls on the side while his wife ages and gets fat.”
LOL based on what? If he gets any poon remotely attractive, why the hell is he still with his wife then? He’d get a hotter, younger wife to cheat on.
That is clear indicator of his real value. He has very little charm. You can have the money & fame, and even the looks (he hardly has), and you will NOT get far with women. Go check that James Franco text exchange with that 17yr old girl from Scottland. Motherfuckin James Franco struck out, you better believe Dr. Oz does too – probably even worse.
“The fact that you are convinced his persona is legitimate is a testament to how convincing he is.”
No Man can keep up a fake persona for so long without the mask slipping off to reveal his real self at least once or twice. Oz has no such glimpses of true masculinity, it’s all beta white knight. Hell, he probably started out acting, but this country and his peers have been so warped into progression and feminism and all the politically correct feel-good Bullshit that he is now that person he was pretending to be.
>>often find myself thinking that every single celebrity is not even close to being who they are on TV/photos
You’re on the right track. What you’re seeing on TV is nothing more than a persona that’s been crafted to appeal to their target market. In this case to unemployed or stay at home middle aged overweight women. This in no way reflects on who Oz really is. Their true self is reserved for offscreen and they do their best to keep that out of the public eye.
>Oz didn’t run shit
Yes he did. He ran his show confidently and came out looking much better obviously intimidating Roosh. Of course he had the upper’s his show and he’s preaching to his fat choir. But despite him being WRONG, he proceeded as if he was right and he held the official SJW party line message. It’s almost irrelevant who’s message is correct. How did they deliver it is the question. On a side note who knows if most politicians believe the shit they spew..i suspect not. The point is can they stay on message and stay positive. That’s how you succeed in life.
>If he gets any poon remotely attractive, why the hell is he still with his wife then?
Man you have a good deal to learn about how the world really works. The fat wife is perfect for his public persona. Fatties will see it and go “he loves us!”. But the wife has her reasons for being with him and he has his to be with her. Unknown to us. But I wouldn’t be in the least surprised to know he keeps hot ass on the site. Most rich and famous men do. Often their wives might have knowledge of this but they stay to keep living the lifestyle. There’s prob a quid pro quo. But as far as I can see there is nothing keeping a rich and famous high status celeb from hitting hot ass discretely on the side.
Hate him or not, Dr Oz has swarms of women that adore him. Maybe 90% are beasts but i’m sure at least 5% are stunners.
“You’re on the right track. What you’re seeing on TV is nothing more than a persona that’s been crafted to appeal to their target market. In this case to unemployed or stay at home middle aged overweight women. This in no way reflects on who Oz really is. Their true self is reserved for offscreen and they do their best to keep that out of the public eye.”
Like I said, the real Oz would have slipped up at least once.
“He ran his show confidently”
Hell no. You need to watch that again. Dr. Oz resorted to screaming and personal insults. Not to mention he did so to defend a effeminate and erroneous point of view.
This is the exact opposite of being calm, cool, collected. AKA confident.
“The fat wife is perfect for his public persona.”
Except being with a fat, old hag will hurt his value rather than boost it. Except being with a fat, old hag and kissing her in public and showing “genuine” love for her hurts a Man’s libido, and doing so for so long probably has conditioned him into what he was pretending to be.
If your real 5×5 max squat today is around 400lbs, and you spend 10 years squatting only 5×5 200lbs, your new 5×5 will be much lower than 400lbs when you attempt it.
“But I wouldn’t be in the least surprised to know he keeps hot ass on the site. Most rich and famous men do. Often their wives might have knowledge of this but they stay to keep living the lifestyle. There’s prob a quid pro quo. But as far as I can see there is nothing keeping a rich and famous high status celeb from hitting hot ass discretely on the side.
Hate him or not, Dr Oz has swarms of women that adore him. Maybe 90% are beasts but i’m sure at least 5% are stunners.”
Holy shit you’re clueless. If James Franco who has exponentially more charm, sex appeal and better looks than Oz can strike out with a 17 year old random girl (let me guess… Franco faked that all too), Oz isn’t tapping quality poon on the side. The dude has the charm & sex appeal of a fuckin’ shovel.
Does Oz have influence and power, masculine qualities, that he used to make Roosh look bad? Sure. But Obama has even more influence and power than him and everyone knows Obama is a Grade-A beta faggot. But let me guess, Obama and Putin are just actors and not really like this.
On one end of the spectrum of Turkish males there likes Oz, and on the other lies Roosh
I thought Roosh was Iranian or something, not Turkish?
Roosh is half-armenian and half-iranian/persian.
you guys are hilarious. after carefully studying a very successful man you notice a major difference in the way he operates compared to you…and then decide he’s doing it wrong.
ha ha ha . No.
He’s so successful that he’s controlled by a fat woman.
Actually two fat women if you count oprah.
1/10 troll
i think you’re blind to alternative mating stategies. that does not mean i’m a troll.
alpha = hypogamous slutty male obsessed with controlling his 2nd rate female(s)
beta = monogamous with better things to do
Like jerking off to bbw porn?
Sister your the reason blogs like this exist.
“Alternative mating strategies” …like screwing fat sows? Nah, I’ll pass.
Holy shite. Something intelligent accidentally got posted on ROK.
w o r l d e n d i n g i n 3 2 1 . . . . *******
It’s what unsuccessful people do best. ”Hey, look at that retard doing way better than any of us shit-talkers will ever do! Let’s all hate on him while we continue our shallow, shitty, little lives and pretend we’re happy every time we can only exert a modicum of manhood by calling others names!”
Yay! Name-calling makes grownups* happy!
*Oops, I meant the opposite of grownups.
Successful as a surgeon.
Unsuccessful as a man (because he let’s fat women control him).
There’s only one Dr. I trust…Dr. Cox. Sure he’s fictional character, but that’s the guy I want.
The animated gifs, strategically placed. Made my day.
Look at wife, then look at Jordan. Then look at wife. Then look at Jordan.
Thanks Roosh.
That cunt makes her man look bad an a national forum and he just took it? Wow. He truly is a pussy.
I follow Piers morgon on twitter and he got the flu after the shot ,proving that there a absolute joke
The flu shot is an absolute joke.
Or that there is justice in this world.
Pity it didn’t give him a nasty and uncomfortable rectal itch.
The vaccine CAUSES more cases of flu… JUST to keep the evil specter of the flu up and active. Everyone I know who gets the vaccine also manages to get the flu shortly thereafter; everyone I know who’s never gotten the vaccine (myself included) has never ONCE gotten sick.
See, the idea is that a vaccine is a bunch of weak/dead viruses that your body still attacks out of fear and learns its weak points, allowing your body to fight it off if it comes back in a healthy form. Maybe they just screw up nowadays and let healthy viruses go unnoticed and slip into the vaccine.
PS A few years ago, I got a flu shot, but apparently they targeted the wrong flu that year, so I got the flu anyways -_-
Who manages these things, anyway?
This is a legit article breaking down Dr oz wafflage ,have a read for a good overview.
Spot on Roosh. I agree divorce is inevitable for Doc Oz but I hope it’s cause he’s banging some young hot intern. He should trade his shrew wife in for a younger model. You’re quotes from Oz’s wifey are so typical of how unappreciative and petty gals are these days. She can’t stand that her husband is a brilliant surgeon so she has to minimize his accomplishments and insert her fat ass in his workspace ie the OR. Sticking her unaccomplished , jealous nose in his business and then taking credit for what HE”S done. She needs a good rogering I say…..
What a shame you think so poorly of Doctor Oz that you would suggest he’s low enough to violate the marital contract he entered. Adultery is not only a signal that someone is morally corrupt, but also mentally very broken. And let’s not forget it’s still a crime, and one damned excellent reason to have a divorce decree go 100% against the violator (male or female).
Why do men always encourage their so-called comrades into committing bad behavior? This only proves feminists correct when they try to claim men have no morals or capacity for self-control. Luckily, only the lowest-of-the-low (MRAs) think like you do; actual men are above that.
Wrong site for that shaming shit….beat it, door ———————–>
Oops, you accidentally responded to the post after the post that did the shameful shaming. I’m not the one who typed out juliantheapostate’s shaming language, but it seems he’s already been shown the door, so it’s fine regardless.
Next time, pay a tiny bit more attention to where you point that mouse.
Doc Oz’s wifey’s views on vaccines, GMO food etc are very illustrative of women’s inherent anti-logic , emotion based world view.
Those views of hers are spot on actually. Step outside the box and study up on gmo, vaccine schedules of different countries and their autism rates, the actual statistics on polio and when vaccines were intro’d. You’ll find that she has an extremely logical and prudent world view.
Ben, all rational people know you’re wrong. Take a seat.
jack, you accidentally spelled “irrational” wrong. And somehow you managed to spell “bow” as s-e-a-t. Sounds like you’re the victim of too much ROK dumbing-down.
As a person that lived in Africa and gave care to people with Polio, you’re full of misinformation. You should step out of box and realize thousands of people still have these diseases and the number would be in the millions without vaccines.
Jackeyb: Vaccines had their place and actually the vaccines we received when we were young were very different to their “improved” versions with extra thymerosal and everything which makes them dangerous. by the way pal, the Amish are a lot healthier than your fellow Americans and in spite of inbreeding, their autism rates are lower than in the U.S. vaccinated population…What does it say about your “conventional wisdom”. P.S. Give a healthy and clean environment everyday over your autism, polio and vaccines.
Exactly, polio is found in places with lack of sanitation. Rates dropped when sanitation improved, thats why you still see it in places like india, africa etc. It is mostly trans thru fecal-oral.
of course shes gonna be fat shes turkish. Middle eastern woman pack on alot of weight pretty quickly to begin with. Dr.Oz can get some fly honey from overseas like russia or brazil and yet he settles with a rude hog(which is haram since hes muslim, no eating out bacon lol)
“Lisa Motz” doesn’t sound like a turkish or muslim name. Turks tell me he’s not “practicing” either.
wow just wow.
The bossing around, yeah, embarrassing. But the reiki, the life giving force the flows through our bodies (ki, qi, prana, vital force, etc), and especially not vaccinating your kids, is all legit. To the arm chair scientists here that read “quackwatch” and other peer review journal articles (read MAIN STREAM medicine). Dig deeper, TRY IT on yourself or go to a practitioner that knows what they’re doing. Natural therapies like homeopathy, botanicals, acupuncture, or chinese herbs work beautifully. For many there are randomized clinical trials, for some there are just 1000s of case studies establishing their effectiveness. Take a step out of your left brained, reductionistic, allopathic world view and get a clue.
Yeah, I was reading this wondering what you people would say if the roles were reversed and a woman insisted on vaccinating her kids against her husband’s wishes. Trashing the husband for believing in crap and praising her for doing the right thing for her kids? Or trashing him for being a “pussy” AND her for being bossy?
But, you, sir, are proof that men fall for the anti-vax bullshit too.
Yeah, that damn evil main steam medicine. With their curses for diseases, transplants, re-inflating collapsed lungs, mending broken bones, eliminating small pox and polio. It’s all just bullshit.
Gimme that homeopathy any day! That’s DEFINITELY red-pill medicine!
Western medicine has its place. If you’ve been shot or had a bad car crash, there’s no better place to be than a level 1 trauma center in the US. But our medical system is absolutely horrid at dealing with long term diseases of lifestyle. There’s a reason the US is #1 by far on medical spending per capita, but 37th in life expectancy and dead last in “health care outcomes,” which is a measure of how effective each dollar of medical spending is in reducing morbidity and mortality.
Also, I’m no fan of homeopathy, it’s too subtle to do much, but it has been shown to be more effective than placebo. It does have a minor but measurable physiological effect. I’m not about to try to explain that one. Bottom line, there are better places to spend money to get healthier. Paleo diet, lift heavy, HIIT, etc. And acupuncture. Ha!
excellent straw man, bravo!
Weed also works pretty well. Not that I have tried it before, but I heard thats some guy called Peter Tosh told this to a friend of a friend who moved to Jamaica to find it out if that was true. He never returned.
he is just submissive in his personal life like many other powerful and successful people who like to lose control and go totally submissive in their private life. in general more women tend to be submissive than men but the offer way around happens a lot. I just don’t get the gain in judging them
Jesus Christ what a manly face on that wife of his. She has the head of a bodybuilder stuck on the body of a cow.
Same as Dr. Phil. Fucking clown chasing bucks. Has zero code or sense of truth. TV is the Devil anyways.
It’s a bit tough to judge a man for what his wife looks like ~20 years after they got married. Her weight too seems to go up and down from picture to picture. She looks OK for an old lady in a picture like this:
My guess is she was a 7.5 in her 20s.
Had to quit halfway through. Sometimes I can’t read tragedy.
Who is the real pussy? One of the most respected doctors in the US, or a man blogging about how you can lie and play games to get laid? At least i’m quite glad more people are following his advice and not yours.
It’s easy to follow someone when they’re bullshitting you, lying to you and always making you feel good. Dr. Oz does all of these things to put more cash in his pocket.
He is definitely a pussy for letting his wife control his life.
Ran into dr oz today on tv and they were discussing why female brains are much more powerful than male brains and why this makes women great leaders.
It’s the wifes job to look after the kids you stupid. Youre an anxious micromanager rooshy boy
Articles like this remind me why I must hold my frame and never marry.
This was pretty pointless
Oz is the bottom of the Y barrel; he is essentially a beta male by choice aka an omega male.
The girl i am dating is smarter than the average fem but even still she used to follow Oz like a lemming minded individual. I have laughed at her for following a botox junkie like Oz but I’ve taken great steps in weaning her off that ignorance and in her defense she has gotten better.
Oz is the male equivalent of Oprah: a guru for stupid females to run to whenever they need a quick fix for any difficulty in their lives, no matter how questionable that fix might actually be.
Dr. Oz is also a certified quack.
you’ve nailed it
“Lisa is intelligent, articulate, and unconventional; she eats no meat (Oz does)”
Intelligent women are MUCH more likely to engage in casual short-term sexual relationships and be whores.
“Although robust sex differences are abundant in men and women’s mating psychology, there is a considerable degree of overlap between the two as well. In an effort to understand where and when this overlap exists, the current study provides an exploration of within-sex variation in women’s mate preferences. We hypothesized that women’s intelligence, given an environment where women can use that intelligence to attain educational and career opportunities, would be: (1) positively related to their willingness to engage in short-term sexual relationships, (2) negatively related to their desire for qualities in a partner that indicated wealth and status, and (3) negatively related to their endorsement of traditional gender roles in romantic relationships. These predictions were supported. Results suggest that intelligence may be one important individual difference influencing women’s mate preferences.”
“Let’s tackle the conclusions of this study one by one.
1. Smart, educated, careerist women (aka urban SWPLs) are more likely to want to ride the cock carousel (i.e., “engage in short-term sexual relationships”). That old game hater saw that only low self-esteem sluts and dumb skanks like to play the phallus field is the complete opposite of reality. It’s the smart, educated chicks who dig the cock and, by deduction, it’s the smart, educated chicks who will fall for short-term pickup game more than dumb chicks.
In one fell swoop, a cherished feminist and beta male shibboleth gets crushed into dust and blown away.
2. Smart, educated, careerist women are less interested in a man’s money or career status. This dovetails perfectly with the Chateau contention that female economic empowerment has led to a sexual market where soft polygamy — the clustering of financially independent women at the peak of their fertility (and beauty) around charming alpha males — is the new norm in blue state meccas. If money and occupational status mean less to smart girls, then guess what means more to them? You got it. Game. And who loses in this arrangement? Yup, boring provider beta males.
3. Smart, educated, careerist women are more likely to eschew “traditional gender roles” in romantic relationships. So it is the smart girls, not the dumb ones, who say screw it to marriage, dating, fidelity and lifelong monogamy while they are in their primes, and who are more open to fucking around, casual hook ups, cheating and, ahem, serial monogamy. This is, not to put too fine a point on it, a description of a pickup artist’s paradise. Smart girls do eventually get married at higher rates than dumb, lower class girls, but the relevant factor to the typical urban beta male is how many girls in his milieu are ready for marriage and/or long term relationships *during their 20s*, when women are at their most desirable. If the rising age of first marriage is any indication, not many.”
Careerism, Alchohol & Promiscuity bad for women obviously, but very very good for Men:
Conclusion: Lisa got pumped & dumped countless times in her youth, and definitely cuckolds Dr. Oz today by continuing to get pumped & dumped like a used whore.
And since she is a certified whore, this CLEARLY means she has mental issues as well:
Not to mention she is nowhere near Beach Body Read (she’s actually out of shape despite having bigger arms than Oz), so you KNOW she has even MORE mental issues.
And we all know mentally ill women don’t deserve love, much less long term commitment:
What does that say about Oz who married this fat slutty cunt?
He’s even more fucked up than she is for marrying her.
Lmao what kind of psycho disagrees with her DOCTOR husband and refuses to immunize her kids… And what kind of pussy doctor doesn’t just do it anyway because it’s the right thing to do.
Oz has always been a psuedoscientific fool; I thought he just was a fake doctor. Surprise surprise on where the real stream of bullshit was coming from…
Who would have guess this limped dick supplicant would be the proto-beta male. Shocker. Sarcasm.
I understand now why Dr. Oz backstabbed you. Keep up the good long-term work, Roosh.
And I bet you’re shocked that Dr Oz set you up then beat you down like a rabid dog on a hot summer day. You have to admit you sort of had it coming
Disparaging him to a captive herd of mindless, fat sows isn’t “beating him down”, you idiot child.
You are not real good with context are you?
Oz was on his PC bullshit. He had to say that dumb shit. He was in front of a audience of women, on TV, with a Boss watching him from the backstage. Of course he wasn’t going to give Roosh a genuine one on one interview.
Roosh knew what was coming. He handled the interview well. He was walking in a lion’s den in a meat covered suit and did his best. They wanted the crazy and he gave them stable and calm.
Oz is a pussy. Get some drinks in him with no cameras around, and lets see how he REALLY feels about that slim chick in a skin tight dress walking in the bar with ass meant to have face shoved in it.
Of course he’d choose the skinny woman over the fat woman. But, he’s not going to say that on TV or with his wife around listening.
Oz dodged that question very quickly.
His sexual market value is much higher than hers – no way would she divorce him. His next wife would be a 20-something lingerie model (below 150 pounds) while she could only get a fatter, uglier and more Beta man.
As far as his medical tips are concerned – some are questionable – others are obviously shared by many MDs. Himself pushing vaccines while not vaccinating his own kids happens actually more often among MDs than we think. In Western countries the vaccination rate of the children of MDs is between 50-85% (50% in Russia) – well below the average of the population.
As far as his relationship frame is concerned – yeah – he is a pussy alright. And now he had his revenge.
Id say more of a cunt than a pussy…but I understand your need for diplomacy.
The interview is a textbook example of slimy, dickless male feminist argument tactics.
-Disparaging him to a group of fat idiot women, so they can cheer on the attacker.
-Condescending psychoanalysis (how’s your relationship with your mother and sisters?…) to suggest something is neurologically wrong with Roosh for not being an honorless void.
-Ignoring the clear logic of R’s arguments
-Presenting a bunch of “social” “science” papers as evidence. This is like a Christian using the bible as evidence when arguing against an atheist.
He deserves a fat old hag, and I hope hes stuck with it.
Oz’s wife has the fattest ass I’ve seen in a long time. Maybe not morbid obesity, but certainly overweight and at best – doughy/flabby. Doubt she’s exercised anything but her jaw in years. That is why it’s rally inappropriate for her to be on-air with him preaching her “healthy” whatever – which she apparently eats with a side of Big Macs and Fries.