Any experienced body builder will tell you that their trip to being huge was a giant metamorphosis (or meatamorphosis as I like to call it). I can’t directly give you insight as to the end stages and how different men have truly viewed them as I’m only halfway through my journey. But being halfway there, I am starting to understand what people like Arnold Schwarzenegger have said in the past about what body building is and how it works and how there are different stages. And really, the path of working out is one that can be explained as a metamorphosis.
Stage 1: The Couch Dreamer
Stage 1 is usually the guy laying on his couch. He’s watched his ex girlfriends drool over Ryan Gosling shirtless and likely blew off the queue until he found himself shirtless and alone after a breakup. This stage usually involves watching infomercials about working out while eating potato chips and complaining about your life. A bro has not yet found this poor soul and so he sits in a realm of Purgatory. Not directly making himself too much worse but not fixing himself either. Just pondering the pros and cons to doing nothing versus doing something.
Stage 2: The Beginning
It is at this stage that our assailant has finally begun his journey. This was likely due to a bro-tervention with a friend telling him that he’s being a sappy sad piece of crap and that if he wants to go balls deep anytime soon he better get rid of the tits he’s carrying around and turn it into muscle. This is the first significant transformation for men who start working out because it’s the first time they’re really working out. It’s also virgin gains territory where curling a 15lb dumbbell can actually give you gains. It’s also likely the first time men will see positive affects from their initial workouts.
Stage 3: Quitting Versus Continuing
This stage is quick and simple and follows almost immediately after the beginning. Either the man will find enough success and reasoning to continue turning himself into a man beast, or his mother will tell him to clean his room and he’ll quit. The more encouragement from friends will work wonders, but unrealistic expectations will shatter dreams. Many men quit here, but the best continue pushing onward.
Stage 4: Building Size
Stage 4 is around the time that men usually start seeing some sizable gains. The transition from toning based exercises to things that will actually start bulking up takes affect. Men at this level realize the idea of just getting really toned is an impossibility and will have you looking like a cross country queen. Men want pecks, biceps, quads, and abs, and they intend to make them large enough to see across the street. This is weight lifting level up number one of the final few stages. Good changes are happening and success is imminent.
Stage 5: Loving Yourself
Working out initially begins as a way to get women. Most men who get really into working out had some strikeouts with women at some point. With the strikeouts and a push from a fellow bro the idea to get muscles to get women comes about. By stage 5 men stop caring what women think. it is at this stage that men begin to fall in love with the way they look in a mirror. The downside to this stage is there is often more flexing in a mirror while working out than truly necessary. The upside is men at this stage have a very high confidence level knowing that they look good. The only thing humbling people at this level comes when someone more jacked walks next to them.
Stage 6: Gym Alpha
This is the elite level of your local gym. You’ve lifted long enough to get good gains and garner the attention of women and newbies to the gym. You’re buff and you know it but you’re also in limbo. It’s at this level that you can either choose to step it up a notch to go for Zyzz level. Of you can continue just being that buff guy at the gym who looks great at the beach. Staying on this level is acceptable, it’s similar to being a really good athlete in high school. You did your part, people will remember you, but your journey just might not excel past this.
Stage 7: Going Pro
For the really hardcore gym alphas, this is when they decide they want to make a living lifting. Whether its as a fitness model, through strongmen, or through bodybuilding this is when shit gets serious. These men are beyond being in love with themselves. They want statues built of their physiques for space aliens to admire. They’re making money off their body quicker than Puerto Rican hookers at Miami beach and love every second of it. They wake-up, lift, eat, nap, lift, and then don’t party, because they take their shit seriously. If its not a female fitness model whose too busy to go out they’re not banging her. But they can truthfully say they’re going for quality (because quantity would ruin their diet).
Stage 8: Legend Status
This level is for the most elite men. This is retained for legendary trainers and beastly bodybuilders like Ronnie Coleman and Arnold Schwarzenegger. These men have turned from being bodybuilders to being professional icons. Statues truly will be built of these men as they enjoy their brief stints atop Mt. Olympus to reflect back on the journey of weight lifting and how it’s been great to them in life. They know the time is short, and so it’s lived fast and intense, usually capping a lifetimes worth of events in as few as couple months.
Stage 9: Giving Back
This level can be attained with skipping levels 7 and 8, however the best men for this level have been through those stages. This is the stage where men have gone beyond their peak and are in their wisdom days. The muscle gains are starting to slip (or they just don’t feel like putting in as much effort anymore). The best part is these are the men who train the next generation. They’ve garnered past secrets to help get gains in non-traditional ways which fuel the next generation of men who will undoubtedly go on a journey to get fucking huge.
Read Next: Working Out Favors Men
Why the fuck would anyone want to be a professional bodybuilder?
Why would Arnold Schwarzenegger want to be a millionaire?
Because you touch yourself at night
blacky feerrrrguttt lulllzzzz
be austrian.
be poor
see reg parks and dream of coming to hollywood
admire his strength and physique
join shitty army
no hope in hell of winning body building competition
no weights
escape to do a competition in germany
first time
manage to convince the army you did it for them
work out more and more
travel to america and fulfill dream of bodybuilding title
have shitty accent and speak no english
want to do movies
known mysoginist, no one cares
get fucking conan role
do movies
become blockbuster movie star
decide you want to do politics
marry a motherfucking kennedy
decide to run for governor in the most liberal state of the US despite being a gun toting republican loving badass
motherfucking win
He’s done enough for 4 mens lifetimes, he took shit and turned it into sugar.
Could you honestly do the same?
Lol he was not poor.He is from a very well to do family…
Wrong. He grew up in a rural area… family couldn’t even afford to eat meat regularly, stunting his early efforts at muscle building.
You are hilarious.The “rural area” is a village some 10 mins ride from Graz (second city of Austria).
His father was in the police and his mother was from a very wealthy family,
I saw his family house with my own eyes and spoke to the woman who was with him at the same school and rode everyday in the same bus with both S. brothers!She happens to be the mother of my friend from Graz!
I am sorry but your ignorance in combination with unfounded arrogance has no limits..You can get away with americans,but you wont bs europeans here,neither with your stories about women nor with saying rubbish facts with a straight face
Massive 3 store building in which he had to live on the 2nd floor only. There was also no running water in it originally.
…bang housekeeper
-have half-Conan, half-hotel-staff bastard child
-get shit-canned by wife
-get hammered by ex-wife’s lawyers
-get dialysis….regularly
*snatch defeat from jaws of victory.
make shit movies with Sly as a token retirement gesture and in a futile attempt to convince yourself you are not totally washed up.
Green text story without the arrows bro?
For the same reason someone wants to be a professional entomologist, or herpetologist, or shipwright, or farmer. Passion.
You might be surprised at how many people would love, literally love, to do jobs that you and I would consider absurd or just plain shit.
Here is the best advice I can give to men:
1. Do not get married
2. Do not go in debt
3. Do not have kids
4. Do not go to jail
5. Read books
6. Stay healthy
MGTOW’s should go their own way and shut the fuck up about it already.
Convincing you to go your own way is what they do while on their way of going their own way.
great advice…. plus…
dress decently,
wash regularly
cut your hair nice
have a cool, tidy and clean pad that is conveniently located, go for location over size (easier to clean and get girls back to)
have a decent but not high maintenance car
eat real well (seriously how much money can you spend on food, buy the good stuff)
blend in from a distance
but stand out close up
be absolutely comfortable with who you are
be the king of your domain, with a quiet simmering confidence
let other people talk first – think hard – and then cut them down to size
never try to impress but be impressive
form your own opinions
talk yourself up, but not too much that anyone can catch you out
The problem is that modern bodybuilding, e.g. Ronnie Coleman, is largely an assualt on aesthetics and not a celebration of aesthetics.
In your opinion. For me, Ronnie’s back is the best back in bodybuilding ever. Seeing him doing the rear double biceps pose is an incredibly amazing view that cannot be found in today’s or past champions.
Yeah I bet you like the rear.
I see the comment threads have really improved in quality round here since my last visit.
I banned all the miscreants.
Stage 7 has a picture of “Zyzz”. He died from over-juicing. He is the definition of the ultimate beta. Someone so insecure about themselves they cheat in order to succeed.
They all are wanking on him at rok..
Really, from over juicing? Can you confirm that fact? From what I heard he had a hidden heart condition that got to him. We have had several soccer players in europe just fall down dead from such heart problems that were not detectable, and they didn’t juice.
Yes he did. I don’t mean to defame him, I do appreciate his inspiration to others. I figure though on ROK we would hold our men to higher standards.
There’s a fair amount of evidence that he probably juiced which probably increased his risk of death. That said the “pro” bracket tends to have juice implemented. Even Arnold has admitted to using steroids.
Not to mention he was like 15 when he started juicing. Him and his brother were dickheads. I’ve heard Aziz was a genuine guy if you got to know him.
He did not compete with anyone. How can he cheat then? He just took a short cut to get the physic your are probably and most definitely mirin deep down inside. No matter how much you say you hate him, I’m pretty sure your mirin deep down inside. RIP Father of Aesthetics, Son of Zeus and Brother of Hercules
Seriously, to the guys that think that pro Bodybuilders have anything to do with Alpha males are sadly mistaken. More like male whores with a faulty thought process. Anything over stage 6 is a subculture that sucks your energy and brain power from the real way to become Alpha. And I haven’t even touched steroids.
Yeah, dedication is for male whores.
nice strawman
You’re born small and weak, you die small and weak. What you look like in between is up to you.
Best thing I have seen posted here yet.
This guy looks pretty old and pretty jacked.
Just put up a picture of Arnold and men will flock. That’s a good thing, though, in this arena.
Working out is good, but the trick is to not over do it. You want form and strength. Whereas its good to keep fit, but juicing and overly sized muscles can have bad effects later on in life. I’m sure Schwarzenegger was juicing, and in time:
Sorry Mr. Rebel, I respectfully disagree wholeheartedly with your last assertion: “overly sized muscles can have bad effects later on in life” and then using Mr. Schwarzenegger as an example. Arnold moved on to other professional pursuits and therefore the adonis like physique he sculpted in the 70’s slowly atrophied – atrophy resulting in a gradual shrinking of the actual empirical measurement of a muscle’s size – and shrunk over the past 30 years: a natural physical process once dedicated weightlifting falls down one’s personal priority list. Compound the aforsaid atrophy process with the natural aging process and then these two processes in conjunction yield a physique similar to Arnold’s physique current physique in your aformentioned pictoral exhibit; a relic from a past life fiercly dedicated to competitive bodybuilding and not some emaciated, freakish, or unnatural body that is the leftover waste of some evil and destructive activity such as weightlifting.
Sorry Mr. Rebel, I respectfully disagree wholeheartedly with your last assertion: “overly sized muscles can have bad effects later on in life” and then using Mr. Schwarzenegger as an example. Arnold moved on to other professional pursuits and therefore the adonis like physique he sculpted in the 70’s slowly atrophied – atrophy resulting in a gradual shrinking of the actual empirical measurement of a muscle’s size – and shrunk over the past 30 years: a natural physical process once dedicated weightlifting falls down one’s personal priority list. Compound the aforsaid atrophy process with the natural aging process and then these two processes in conjunction yield a physique similar to Arnold’s physique current physique in your aformentioned pictoral exhibit; a relic from a past life fiercly dedicated to competitive bodybuilding and not some emaciated, freakish, or unnatural body that is the leftover waste of some evil and destructive activity such as weightlifting.
Sorry Mr. Rebel, I respectfully disagree wholeheartedly with your last assertion: “overly sized muscles can have bad effects later on in life” and then using Mr. Schwarzenegger as an example. Arnold moved on to other professional pursuits and therefore the adonis like physique he sculpted in the 70’s slowly atrophied – atrophy resulting in a gradual shrinking of the actual empirical measurement of a muscle’s size – and shrunk over the past 30 years: a natural physical process once dedicated weightlifting falls down one’s personal priority list. Compound the aforsaid atrophy process with the natural aging process and then these two processes in conjunction yield a physique similar to Arnold’s current physique – the one depicted in your aformentioned pictoral exhibit – a relic from a past life fiercly dedicated to competitive bodybuilding and not an emaciated, freakish, or unnatural body that is the leftover, discarded waste of some evil and destructive activity such as weightlifting.
You do make good points in the sense that their is a responsibilty of sorts to maintain what you build up. And yeah I agree that Arni got out of the weighlifting arena to do other things which was not good to do. I don’t workout nearly as much as a professional or even a fanatic, but when I’m doing my workouts on a regular basis I feel great and one would wonder why anyone like Arnold would want to stop.
Come to think of it, Jack Lalane looked pretty good for most of his life, but he stayed with his program all the way through.
And I also suspect there is a conection to men who turn to shit and let themselves go when they stop taking care of themselves and instead cater to the demands of some nagging shrew wife or girlfriend.
You do make good points in the sense that their is a responsibilty of sorts to maintain what you build up. And yeah I agree that Arni got out of the weighlifting arena to do other things which was not good to do. I don’t workout nearly as much as a professional or even a fanatic, but when I’m doing my workouts on a regular basis I feel great and one would wonder why anyone like Arnold would want to stop.
Come to think of it, Jack Lalane looked pretty good for most of his life, but he stayed with his program all the way through.
And I also suspect there is a conection to men who turn to shit and let themselves go when they stop taking care of themselves and instead cater to the demands of some nagging shrew wife or girlfriend.
Arnold had heart valve surgery, and his doctor told him to keep it easy while working out and not to lift too heavy. Arnold is still physically active, much more than most people in their mid 60s, but he doesn’t go balls to the wall in the weight room.
Sorry Mr. Rebel, I respectfully disagree wholeheartedly with your last assertion: “overly sized muscles can have bad effects later on in life” and then using Mr. Schwarzenegger as an example. Arnold moved on to other professional pursuits and therefore the adonis like physique he sculpted in the 70’s slowly atrophied – atrophy resulting in a gradual shrinking of the actual empirical measurement of a muscle’s size – and shrunk over the past 30 years: a natural physical process once dedicated weightlifting falls down one’s personal priority list. Compound the aforsaid atrophy process with the natural aging process and then these two processes in conjunction yield a physique similar to Arnold’s current physique – the one depicted in your aformentioned pictoral exhibit – a relic from a past life fiercly dedicated to competitive bodybuilding and not an emaciated, freakish, or unnatural body that is the leftover, discarded waste of some evil and destructive activity such as weightlifting.
Every “bodybuilder” that I’ve ever met has been a complete faggot. Obviously bodybuilding doesn’t make someone a douche, but the “sport” really seems to attract insecure, fake, hard-acting, one-upping tools.
Yes, dedicated bodybuilders tend to have a very limited range of interests. Ideally you would like to have a healthy emotional attachment to bodybuilding, similar to Arnold; a very charismatic, down-to-Earth, and joyous personality.
Yes, dedicated bodybuilders tend to have a very limited range of interests. Ideally you would like to have a healthy emotional attachment to bodybuilding, similar to Arnold; a very charismatic, down-to-Earth, and joyous personality.
Keep the good, discard the bad. I agree with what you said, that’s why I have a home gym. Squat rack, bench, a few weight plates, a cardio machine you feel comfortable with and you’re golden.
You can consult the “douches” to get the information you need to exercise and gain weight, and then just do your own thing.
You must know a lot of faggots then, most of the serious body builders I’ve met were nothing but nice.
Your a faggot. Obviously when you train your ego gets bigger. The wiser people are able to be humble. Your just a fat prick so just shut up and lift someone. Forever mirin
Props on the last pic. Made me smile.
Thanks. I figured a few would understand and appreciate it.
Don’t work out or lift weights unless you want to look like a gay freak.The only men who may want to build themselves up are the rare ectomorphs because they’re too scrawny to appeal to most women.Body building was always viewed as a homosexual activity even after Arnold made it less objectionable. Bulging muscles are gross looking.This should be the limit of your muscle building if you want to do it.
quite agree… but a little exercise goes a long way, and stats are showing weight lifting to actually be healthier than running cardio like a fucking mad hampster bitch….
The model in #7 died recently at a very young age. Heart attack.
You can’t get that kind of physique without serious steroids, particularly tren. I heard this cat was taking a gram of tren a week.
While some may look at the whole bodybuilding subculture as being weird and even with homosexual connotations, it’s only a small slice of the pie. It all depends on the mind set behind it. First of all, serious training is definitely not all about the bodybuilding stereotype of drugged up, pumped up, shaved and oiled homoerotic narcissism. It’s not always about doing something ‘to get girls’ either, although that may play a part.
If a man judges whether something is worth doing based only on whether it attracts girls, he may want to consider whether he’s the ‘alpha dude’ he imagines himself to be, or a circus monkey. I see the hall mark of a man as someone who does things primarily for himself, to satisfy his need to stretch his limits.
Personally I have trained for years on my own in my garage, with no mirrors and no one else around to try to impress. It’s something I do strictly for the challenge and benefits it gives me. I never trained in a commercial gym, and that’s just as well cos seeing all the idiocy that goes on in the typical gym would probably drive me up the wall.
I recommend reading ‘The Iron’ by Henry Rollins to anyone who hasn’t seen it yet (you can find the essay online). It views the challenge of training and self improvement from a much deeper perspective than the superficial ‘gym monkey’ stereotype.
“drugged up, pumped up, shaved and oiled homoerotic narcissism” …. hmm that’s quite a mouthful…… where do I get some oil from ?
While some may look at the whole bodybuilding subculture as being weird and even with homosexual connotations, it’s only a small slice of the pie. It all depends on the mind set behind it. First of all, serious training is definitely not all about the bodybuilding stereotype of drugged up, pumped up, shaved and oiled homoerotic narcissism. It’s not always about doing something ‘to get girls’ either, although that may play a part.
If a man judges whether something is worth doing based only on whether it attracts girls, he may want to consider whether he’s the ‘alpha dude’ he imagines himself to be, or a circus monkey. I see the hall mark of a man as someone who does things primarily for himself, to satisfy his need to stretch his limits.
Personally I have trained for years on my own in my garage, with no mirrors and no one else around to try to impress. It’s something I do strictly for the challenge and benefits it gives me. I never trained in a commercial gym, and that’s just as well cos seeing all the idiocy that goes on in the typical gym would probably drive me up the wall.
I recommend reading ‘The Iron’ by Henry Rollins to anyone who hasn’t seen it yet (you can find the essay online). It views the challenge of training and self improvement from a much deeper perspective than the superficial ‘gym monkey’ stereotype.
Stage 10: Renal dialysis. Every one of your pix of what guys should aspire to (except the “before” pix and Bruce Lee) are products of the juice. Fuck, that Zyzz dude died of a heart attack in his 20’s fer crissakes…think that was natural?
Stage 10: Renal dialysis. Every one of your pix of what guys should aspire to (except the “before” pix and Bruce Lee) are products of the juice. Fuck, that Zyzz dude died of a heart attack in his 20’s fer crissakes…think that was natural?
These bodybuilders have balls the size of peas from the steroids.
Excuse me for going a little off-topic here, but I can’t really get over the rare combination of:
“[…] the first time men will see positive affects […]”,
“[…] things that will actually start bulking up takes affect […]”
“Mikael holds a BA in English Literature […]”.
I’d say, please fix the problem that’s been affecting (see what I did there? :)) your writing, but maybe you should just turn in your BA. 🙂
or just use erect instead of effect if you are not sure
NICE!! like a lifecycle! totally agree! cool
The fuck…imagine coleman and arnold on the same era,, damn imagination. you edited that pic yourself?
Arnie looks flat-out normal compared to some of the disgusting freaks competing now; I seriously goddamn wonder about the mental health of some of these guys doing insane cycles and getting huge. Who the fuck are you trying to impress? Other dudes? I thought Zane had the best physique of all time btw….