Do you remember Occupy Wall Street? OWS started out as a starry-eyed movement that was supposed to bring down the corrupt capitalist oligarchy, ending financial inequality once and for all. It culminated with police driving the remainder of the ragtag hippies out of the Zuccotti Park a month later. How did OWS fail so spectacularly yet GamerGate is still going strong? Let’s take a look at what the two have in common and why grassroots movements tend to fall apart.
OWS recruited people from all walks of life, which gave it immense momentum at first but became a problem later on, when everyone was supposed to start contributing to the discussion. The sad truth is that most people really have nothing to say but will speak nonetheless, if given the chance. When you force the smart people to shut up so that stupid people can talk, you have a recipe for disaster. When you add just a pinch of social justice, you get the wondrous “progressive stack” that makes everyone with an ounce of common sense leave.
The diversity of participants also made it impossible to settle on a single goal. The list of what OWS was supposed to achieve went from erasing student loans to less corporate lobbying to “better jobs.” Anyone could come along and declare the local OWS chapter to be against whatever perceived injustice and thus undermine the credibility of the entire movement. Each of these stated problems would probably take several decades to resolve; when put together, they doom any group trying to solve them all in one fell swoop to failure. Once the mainstream media stopped taking OWS seriously, the game was over.
It didn’t help that the government surveilled OWS from the start and infiltrated it thoroughly. The undercover agents gathered information on participants and most likely derailed OWS by inciting violence, drug use, and other illegal acts, which would then give an excuse to the uniformed policemen to come in and do whatever they please. The end result was total demoralization of everyone involved in OWS and a warning what happens to those who would like to organize against the government.
What about GamerGate?
GamerGate shares a surprising amount of similarities with OWS. The diversity in GG is astounding and all the minority checkboxes are filled: gay, lesbian, trans, black, Asian, hispanic, all of them and much more are gamers and care about their pastime.
But, there is no “progressive stack” nonsense. You don’t get any preference because you belong to some arbitrary oppressed minority. You have to prove your worth and earn your honor in some way. Gaming is actually manly in that it is the purest form of meritocracy possible. In gaming, women have none of the feminine privilege they do in real life.
Unless you’re a girl that likes to chew cords
The perfect weapon
Gamers are used to adapting to circumstances, to playing the same thing over and over until they beat it and have infinite persistence. Being called a shitlord doesn’t discourage a gamer, it actually motivates him. When you make gamers a part of the movement that wants to eradicate corruption in gaming journalism, guess what? They compete with each other on who will contribute the most, instead of demanding to be put in the progressive stack. Gamers make donations that cause SJWs to whine about “weaponized charity” and become triggered by politeness. All of that with a great sense of humor and constant self-deprecation.
The major difference between GamerGate and OWS that made the former last and the latter crumble is in the field where the battle took place. The government has all the material resources at its disposal and can outlast any protest or boycott. There is simply nothing OWS or a movement 20 times the size of it could ever hope to change. Government is the immovable object and the amount of force OWS exerted doesn’t matter.
But, when a relatively small group of gaming enthusiasts goes online and starts sending emails, sharing information, and asking questions, what is the government supposed to do? How do you stop an online revolution done by these virtual ninjas?
Character assassination doesn’t work, because we are all anonymous online and you can easily just pick up another nickname and keep going. GamerGate cannot be derailed because there is no leader to be subverted or a central figure that gives out orders. Infiltration is pointless because the agents can’t draw attention to themselves without earning merit and actually helping GamerGate.
When a scandal with false information did happen to GamerGate, they quickly added new rules for verification of all info. SJWs can try to shout down gamers on their own, but that is akin to punching the wind, so the big daddy government is bound to join the fight sooner or later.
Don’t censorship me, bro
Simply put, to stop online revolutions a government must go scorched earth and introduce radical censorship methods. These will have to be so severe, that a lot of normal internet and computer functions will become unusable. However, these draconian methods would probably alert even more people to what’s going on and where the real oppression is coming from, making them engage in online activism, thus spreading the word. GamerGate is like the Borg and there is simply no way to stop it.
What GamerGate has shown is that a grassroots consumer movement can actually make a difference, but not by fighting a physical fight. We’re now in an electronic age and the power is with those who have the information. Where Occupy Wall Street failed, GamerGate has succeeded, because it was exclusively online, where we’re all equal and physical force means nothing. This is how you effect change, not with guns, but with your mouse in one hand and keyboard in another.
Did you like this post? Read more #gamergate news on Reaxxion, ROK’s little brother. Click here to visit.
It’s because the Wall Street SJW’s didn’t like living in tents. So they decided it was more comfortable to go back to mother’s basement and bitch about it through the usual outlets, Facebook and Tumblr.
that is EXACTLY what gamergaters come off as. Except they have “reddit” on their paper shield.
Literally ‘”NO YOUing” people you disagree with. SJW maturity, everyone.
Almost 100% correct. However, most of them had parents of means so they didn’t go to their parent’s basements, they went back to their own apartments in Brooklyn that their parents were paying for.
It’s a lot easier to bitch and moan from the comfort of ones own house,
parents house, chair, couch, rubber bouncy ball or wherever one puts
their rumpus on, while spilling out drivel from the privacy of behind a
computer screen.
Still the reason this has gone on, is people need something to bitch about. And once again, the feminist machine has to beat their war drums to maintain their bullshit numbers.
“I am happy and content…”- Said No Feminist Ever….
Well, I think a major reason why OWS failed is because that isn’t where the cancer that is ailing our country is coming from. It comes from DC and the Political Class, and from modern academia. Much of the financial rot that destroyed our economy came from the politicians who forced the banks to do the shit loaning. At this point, our politicians are now a legally endorsed mafia, and more and more of the citizenry are waking up to this fact.
If you look at the November elections ,the story isn’t “Americans voted for the GOP!” the REAL story is “Americans are voting against the political class and holding people accountable to their promises.” People ARE paying attention to what these shitheads say and then what they DO. Everyone involved with Amnesty and the Gang of Eight bill got the boot by the voters. The GOP is unraveling as the citizenry is putting the flames to their feet. Either do what we elected you to do, or get the fuck out. The same is happening to the Democrats as they have become the party of “Diversity and victomhood.” and running on that platform has fallen completely flat for them.
I keep saying it, but it bears repeating: Political Correctness, the tool used by the Political Class to shut down debate on serious issues is dying. It’s dying in Europe, and now in the US, the cracks are beginning to show. We’re a few years behind UKIP, who has made many massive upsets in Britain despite the media and their Political Class continuing to screech from the pulpit that UKIP are irrelevant (even though they’ve just had two defectors from the Tories switch to UKIP and win by landslides in their constituencies).
The story of the November elections is that the US Political Class is in trouble. Nobody is voting for the other party out of revenge, but are now pushing their own candidates to replace fake representatives, just as UKIP is doing. Nationalism is reasserting itself.
Anyways, GG’s victory has helped to show that the Political Correctness narrative is failing, and that these SJWs are actually paper tigers and armchair generals, especially once their own tactics are turned against them. It won’t be an overnight victory, but we’re well on our way.
I always like articles about tactics. The left has been massively organised for a long time, however the footsoldier SJWs are just whiny little princesses who want to feel good about themselves and feel a part of something that is ‘happening’. The desire to protest seems to have trumped any kind of focused aim. In fact these people will rapidly become a liability to the causes they attach to themselves to.
Also, love how privilege stack girl needed privilege stack guy to get her point across
“Let’s oppress some feminists with facts” 🙂 Greendestiny you got a new fan and kick ass article.
you dudes get funnier every second! Tee hee!
I’m laughing at you too.
Awful comparison.
OWS was against the oligarchs, GG is against online journalists and SJWs. One was a popular mobilization and another is just bunch of people throwing insults on each other on twitter.
Guess what? The oligarchs don’t care who wins the GG battle. Even if gamers win spectacularly, they’ll all go back being wage slaves, buy mediocre games from corrupt companies like EA, and just sit their ass to play more games. How do they even affect the elites?
GG is just another distraction for the masses so that they don’t unite against the real masters. Even Roosh admits it so:
OWS was just astroturf by the Democrats ….the same people who love WS now .
Peter Schiff said it right, …the problem is Washington, not Wallstreet,
Agree. More people need to see that the problem is the politicians in Washington (all of them). The people need to ban together to see the actual problem….any and all politicians in D.C..
A side note: a politician who gets voted into office, in Washington, is now considered “a Washington insider”. I loved hearing this bullshit a few years back about how certain politicians were going to clean up the country because they were the “outsiders”.
More bullshit from your typical politician (left or right).
If OWS was Democrat astroturf, it would have been embraced by the Democrats like the Tea Party was embraced by the Republicans. OWS and its message was an indictment of the entire US political establishment. It was too toxic for the Democrats to pick up, even if slightly less toxic to them than to the Republicans.
All various Democrats did was to make a bunch of public statements that were weasely enough to sound like they were symphatizing with the concerns of the protestors without actually expressing any kind of agreement. Typical political please-everyone boilerplate.
I agree 100%. Movements organized around consumption are all the same. It’s just churching up hedonism and convincing yourself it is a sacred duty.
OWS failed because most people saw what OWS was, a bunch of failed slothful losers with rich parents who were whining about how unfair life was because they couldn’t get a 6 figure job right out of college with a degree in basket weaving with a minor in women’s studies.
Stupid girl says,
It was way disorganized without specific goals. All I understood from it was “The world is unfair, give me some free shit. Stop the capitalarchy man.”
Income inequality has become ridiculous there is no doubt, so when I went myself to go check out OWS Toronto I went with an open mind. As soon as I arrived I asked them if there was an information desk or someone I could talk to to get a better understanding of what the movement was about.
There was no such information. Their campaign didn’t work because there was no specific campaign. It was just young and homeless people throwing a shit-test. When I started asking hard questions I realized it was basically just a party with a political-revolution theme.
What I think it DID accomplish however, was act as a networking event for counter-cultural thinkers. I know some people from that movement who are going balls-to-the-wall to figure out how to live off-grid and make sustainable small-scale villages and such. Some interesting stuff. But I also know some people that wont acknowledge that their “grassroots” lifestyle can only work because their parents are worth millions of dollars.
Nope, OWS failed because it made a direct attack against what the system valued most. It’s entirely irrelevant who it was composed of. An attack on Wall Street means that virtually all government agencies, especially including the CIA (which is mainly responsible for protecting corporate interests) will be your enemy. OWS failed because it was laughably easy to take it down via media propaganda and intelligence operations. By depicting them as losers, hippies, college liberals, etc., they were ruthlessly discredited and then systematically destroyed from the inside.
OWS were incredibly naive. They thought that pitching a few tents was enough to attack America head-on. They were grossly unprepared against the massive heft of the government that was going to get thrown against them. The pattern that the government used in destroying OWS was pretty much the same pattern it uses in creating ‘uprisings’ in the middle east and destroying ‘terrorist’ groups. NO ONE attacks America’s corporate interests.
I believe it was a little of both. There is no way that the government (the arm of corporate interests and wall street) was going to let this fight continue thus they put all resources behind it to bring it down (i.e. misinformation, discredit the people and movement, media propaganda, etc..). The government (and corporate America) controlled the “talking points” because they had the air waves (media) to do it.
The other side was the bullshit brought on by the protestors and how unorganized they were from the beginning. You did have too much nonsense with this grouping of so many different types of people (and arguments). It had no direction, too many distractions, too many entitled SJWs in the mix, homeless people, etc. We call that a cluster fuck.
The author is right…unless we want to look like China with censoring everything online…it’s the place to go for a “grass roots” movement to get shit done.
I completely agree with you, that’s why I mentioned they were naive and disorganized. The few people with a plan and the determination to get it done were dwarfed by the masses of SJWs and the like. That’s why the next OWS-type movement needs to have a plan and needs to protect itself from outside influences as ruthlessly as it can. This is something that the crackdown on OWS has basically ensured and made inevitable. The next OWS isn’t going to be about camping and free discussion. The next OWS is going to be brutal.
The Government doesn’t serve or answer to anyone but itself.
“next OWS is going to be brutal”
Gonna start outright murdering people in your insane sprint to socialist dictatorship?
Except that mainstream media outlets were reporting propaganda that was favorable to OWS. Watching most news reports you’d think these people were some sort of credible and respectable movement.
But that is what most of them were. These losers didn’t even practice what they preached. They wouldn’t share their food with homeless people even though they wanted banks to “share the wealth.” They complained about $4500 laptops being stolen when they wanted free stuff from other people.
Now to be fair to you, this movement did not appear overnight. It is the direct result of parental coddling of children. By shielding them from the results of their mistakes, and preventing them from dealing directly with the real world, we now have what is essentially a lost generation of people who expect everything to be handed to them.
> Watching most news reports you’d think these people were some sort of credible and respectable movement.
> But that is what most of them were.
I’d never seen someone contradict themselves so quickly in the same post. You’re not a very fast one, are you?
Only the loser millennials blame the past generation. Sadly the normal millennials are so few and far between that they are the exception and not the rule.
What exactly does this worthless, pathetic, degenerate and entitled generation of slothful losers have to complain about? They were born into an era of unprecedented wealth and opportunity. None of them are subject to being forced to fight in any war if they don’t wish to do so. Just about all of them can seek out any kind of trade or college degree that they want. Most of them even have parents who let them live at home for free.
The previous generations that “raped America” as you claim laid this foundation of wealth and opportunity for the youth of today.
And yet they choose to squander that opportunity by studying programs in college that do not translate into jobs, and they feel they are too good to cut their teeth in low wage jobs because they have nothing more than a pulse as far as job qualifications go.
And what do they do? Instead of trying to solve their own problems they whine and bitch and expect someone else to do it for them.
Ok I see you got a chip on your shoulder. Some ‘worthless’ millenial beat you to a job you wanted?
> The previous generations that “raped America” as you claim laid this
foundation of wealth and opportunity for the youth of today.
Except they didn’t. This is the first time in the past century that the next generation of Americans is less wealthy and less educated than their parents. The harmful changes to society that you and I are worried about started happening around 2-3 decades ago. Surely millenials didn’t start planning the collapse of western civilization while still in the womb?
Every generation is born into less than ideal circumstances. I’m just floored at how millennials claim that of every previous generation, they somehow have it worse because the previous generations supposedly screwed over everyone else. They act like they are about to be shipped off to die in some gulag somewhere and have absolutely no hope for the future.
Yes, it is bleak. But success is still possible.
> They act like they are about to be shipped off to die in some gulag somewhere and have absolutely no hope for the future.
Huh? Are you high, man?
When did I say there’s no hope for the future?
I realized you were slow but you continue to amaze.
You’re still thinking that OWS was more than it was.
If those whiners put forth that kind of effort into advancing themselves professionally they’d have at least achieved some moderate level of success by now.
You’re still believing what the people who own the media want you to believe.
OWS wasn’t about demanding free shit (at least, not the people who originated it). It was about protesting what happened in 2008. And frankly, anyone who _isn’t_ protesting what happened in 2008 should have their head examined.
“It was about protesting what happened in 2008.”
Now that I do agree with you on.
OWS should have been screaming for 0bama to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate exactly what led to the crash. Surely some laws must have been broken.
Well, we know what led to the crash. There was an investigation and it pinpointed the perpetrators. It’s just that they were not punished. What happened was a bunch of big banks taking on bets with huge risks and finding a way to pass on those risks to ‘too big to fail’ and the general public (mortgage owners, pension funds, etc.). Everyone in Wall Street was in on the scam, including credit rating agencies who urged people to buy the toxic CDOs.
True. And I won’t be surprised when it happens again because the US government has incentivized bad lending practices by being ready to bail out he banks.
It will definitely happen again. Each time they do it, though, it’s slightly different.
Exactly. You nailed it. The Millennials were not only betrayed by Wall Street; they were betrayed by capitalism itself! Before 2008 even the ones who majored in [fill in the blank] studies were getting decent jobs out of college. But irresponsible behavior by the “bankster” sector (with a paid off government turning a blind eye) pulled the rug out from under an entire generation. Say what you want about they Millenials, and they’ve got plenty of faults, they at least can see the economic emperor has no clothes, and that the system is dying of its own internal contradictions. If only the T-baggers were so prescient.
He didn’t contradict himself, you lying jackass, you re-worded his post.
Project much?
And no, across-the-board tax cuts are not “harmful changes to society”, dumbass.
You’re still believing what the people who own the media want you to believe.”
He’s not the one pretending this pathetic, failed beerputsch (which, once again since you’re so damn slow, was completely fawned over by the media) was anything but a bunch of idiot college kids trying to install a Regressive Socialist dictatorship in exchange for forcing everyone else to pay for everything they want.
Wrong again, idiot. The crash was caused by Democrats in government forcing banks to make loans to people they knew would not be capable of repaying them.
Put another way, OWS participants used an archaic tactical model woefully unprepared for the reality of the 21st century.
It was as if 18th century British redcoats bearing muskets & lined up in their usual orderly ranks and files in the open field – and without even clear leadership or an organized battle strategy to boot – met a modern military force. Inevitable slaughter.
It’s easy to defeat a person. Very much harder to fight an idea.
At least they put gross economic inequality in the forefront. For a while.
The Democrats talked about the same imaginary windmill that is everyone (except Democrats) being forced to be equally poor by the government. Whoopty shit,
But OWS WAS nothing but losers and hippies, and the media did nothing but kiss their ass and cover their violence, like that sleazebag Olbermann’s lying about OWS rapes and getting fired for it.
You’ve got no argument except, “WAH WAH CORPORATE BOOGEYMEN”, like your failed beerputsch.
That, and they didn’t bring AR-15’s and tell the fuckers to jump or get hanged like Bundy. Seriously, Wall Street is about as anti-capitalist as Stalinist fucking Russia. When there are emails about directly lying to get AAA ratings (et al.), which is direct malfeasance, and none of the people that orchestrated it are in jail.
When the government is a revolving door, you get what you pay for. Personally, I almost hope they do it again (they just passed that big ass bill that removed the impediment) and listen to a bunch of fucking morons cry about it.
I want Glass-Steagal back. At least then, if JP Morgan’s investment arm implodes, I won’t be bailing their lying asses out. Oh, and Rick fucking Santelli: Why did I have to pay to bail out those Wall Street fuckers? They gambled and lost, they should’ve been left to fucking implode. Oh, but that would’ve affected the banks because we let them join with investment houses.
Tell me again how it was a big surprise…
Rick Santelli never argued that taxpayers should bail out Wall Street. Indeed, he argued the opposite: he thought that the firms that made stupid decisions should fail.
I don’t want to get into something way off topic; however, the reason for the “financial crisis” was more due to over-regulation/subsidies than it was due to under-regulation. If not for government funding of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and Ginnie Mae, lenders would not have lent money to borrowers who couldn’t pay back the loans (or at the very least, they would have done more due diligence, which would have, at the margin lowered the number of defaults). Because the lenders knew that they would always be able to sell their loans to Fannie/Freddie/Ginnie (either directly or indirectly), they didn’t worry about risk.
It’s difficult to fault the lenders for not concerning themselves with risk when they were encouraged by the US government to not be overly concerned with risk. Why were they encouraged by the government to not concern themselves with risk? You guessed it: Social Justice Warriors.
But you want to scream your moron ass off about how the rest of us have to pay your taxes for you.
Fuck you.
Many (most?) Americans don’t make in a year to pay what I fork over for my income taxes alone.
Try again?
The entire house of cards should’ve collapsed, but the problem is we let investment houses marry the banks. That meant it became impossible to let them fail, lest the entire banking industry (and the dollar, along with the ability to maintain our military) implode. Next time, I suggest just dragging the head honchos out of the buildings en masse and hanging them (firing squad works as well) for treason, along with the ratings people who lied about the AAA status. Then take a giant hammer to the banks and shatter them into a hundred pieces, barring them from mergers for a decade.
The only reason I’m agreeing with this statement is because during the OWS I was too busy working a shitty job to make ends meet.
That being said, however, the “work hard and you’ll get far” mantra worked up until about 10 years ago. Now it’s all about who you know and how much dick you can suck.
And it still applies today. But most millennials have a far looser definition of “working hard” than previous generations.
Is there networking involved? Absolutely. But how does one build up that network? It is by being willing to bust one’s ass by working hard.
I hear you and I agree with you, but it is tougher to make it today. I’ve done quite well for myself, but it was a VERY tough journey.
I think I was hard for everyone. Sure some people are born into more opportunity than others, but it still is possible in the USA at least to become something from nothing.
I would go as far as to say networking is the HARDEST PART.
For example I self-published my very first novel back in April of 2014. It is a modest, 255 page novel and I knew I would not see huge success with it and I still have realistic expectations but even getting one’s name out there, even to friends and family, is rough.
I still plan on cranking out novels but even though people may say “pfft writing a book isn’t hard work!” I would probably disagree.
The issue is in this country we believe men in business suits sitting in chairs where daddy put them do hard work, and call the people at the bottom the laziest people in the world, even though they put in 40+ hours of work a week lifting, moving, and dealing with people more than that business suit ever would.
Sounds like your real problem is that you’re a shitty writer who thinks she’s supposed to be famous.
It’s always been about who you know unless you move to start your own company or business. If you become an entrepreneur you will be someone everyone wants to know. Sales reps will want to know you, politicians will want to know you, other business leaders in your industry will want to know you, gold digging whores will want to know you. So get out of corporate America, stop sucking dick and start your own business. Did you know more businesses are closing in America every year right now than opening. Guess what that means! It is the best time ever to start a business. You have no competition. Just don’t get married and you’ll be fine. By the way, interest rates are still low, so you can get a cheap loan to start your business. Opportunity is ripe right now. It’s kind of like oil. It is super cheap now because the market is flooded with too much oil. So everyone is trying to get our of oil investments. Guess what. If you have money to invest in stocks, it’s time to buy oil, then sell it when all of the companies are holding out on their stock.
If you stay in the corporate world, there will always be an aspect of who you know and the political aspect of getting people at your job to like you. This is what you call sucking dick. If you don’t make an effort to get your boss and his/her boss to like you, you’ll be passed over for raises and maybe even fired if downsizing becomes necessary. This has always been the case and is not new. It’s called power and leverage.
That would be amazing to just…up and start one’s own business but this is not the 1980’s or the 1990’s any longer. More often than not I hear the same sort of advice given and it comes from people who are well into their 40’s and 50’s, back in a time where starting up your own business was easy and options were a plenty.
Yeah, I get it, it is hard work to start up your own business. Corporate America surely hasn’t made it any easier but also it takes money to do so…money that is not readily available to every single person who gets out of high school/college/whatever they do to start up in the world.
That is what you don’t understand. Hard work is not valued in our society at all and when our economy actually does crash, and I mean crash HARD because no one wants to hire/train any person between the ages of 18-35 and therefore no one can perform the jobs needed to make this country run, maybe then men and women who actually bust their ass, only to earn a meager wage, will be valued once again.
But that’s the thing. Every solution from everyone is “START YOUR OWN BUSINESS!” Which would be great…but going by that logic we would have an entire nation of asshole higher ups with businesses that go no where because they have no employees to actually RUN THE FUCKING BUSINESS.
So, you’re lazy. Got it.
Basket weaving? Too much work and effort for them.
GG has lasted, but what has it accomplished? Most people wouldn’t even know about it unless you’re immersed in feminist or manosphere reading. The internet is not real life.
The success or failure of GG can be measured in sales numbers.
How do sales of games which cater to the SJW agenda measure up to those who don’t?
You’re still giving your money back to the same people who created a lot of these problems in the first place. Things like gaming and MMA that have been held up as “male spaces” are like Indian reservations. A pittance offered to a defeated people. Men need to demand a hell of a lot more.
GG went after game review websites. not gaming companies.
Outstanding, Looks like you had a SJW trying to move the goal post. And so what men are in the PUSAN perimeter it doesn’t mean we have lost. Far from it
Outstanding, Looks like you had a SJW trying to move the goal post. And so what men are in the PUSAN perimeter it doesn’t mean we have lost. Far from it
Well, men can’t demand more, because they are a defeated species! Bye crybabies!
The Internet is real life. It’s were most people spend their time. You can scream at a building in real life and nothing happens. Say the right words in the right places online and people’s real lives are ruined. The web had space for everyone. Everyone can claim their own space. In the real world you can’t just claim a space. You can’t open a business and cater to only one race or religion or sex without the hammer of govt falling on you. You can’t open a men’s smoking club without women demanding to join and forcing you to create a non-smoking section for their children.
Online you can say this is ours. We don’t have to let you in. We don’t have to let you speak. We don’t care about your point of view because we already know what you’re going to say before you say it. We refute your position with facts. Get over it. If we lose here we lose all that is left of our freedom to associate, our freedom to differentiate, our freedom to have discriminating tastes. We become bland and homogenous. Just like SJW’s. We have no identities of our own and only represent those of our sponsors.
The fighting here has already started spilling over into the real world. People are tired of political correctness. It’s stifuling. It’s opressive to the soul. It turns people against each other. But fortunately it is dying. We just have to keep focused.
GG can be used as a primer for other Manosphere movements
Sponsors were lost, sales declined, people did notice and if you look on Youtube , you see GG was bigger than you know.
There was success and quite frankly , no one had to leave their living room to accomplish it.
It’s pissed off SJW and has not yielded to “Progress” The SJW have failed to implement censorship.
OWS attracted relatively less successful white men from the upper classes, many of them graduates from elite universities who couldn’t get into the higher status positions in American society that they felt entitled to. They gathered together in public, presented themselves as losers, and then they wondered why men with more successful lives mocked them.
Well, duh. Young men hate public humiliation by their betters. No wonder OWS fell apart.
And you didn’t need government conspiracies to draw in the troublemakers. The OWS leaders naively said that they represented the “99 percent,” so naturally that acted as an implicit invitation to street criminals, sexual predators, vandals, mental patients and other dysfunctionals from the American mob. I laughed when that happened and these OWS goofs complained that they didn’t mean to invite those people from the 99 percent!
You know I never thought about the first paragraph that way, it seems to make a lot of sense. Rather than try and make an internet business, these special snowflakes going to elite schools want daddy and uncle john’s business to give them a big cushy job instead. Well I have a newsflash for liberal men(especially white ones), you better make your own job in this world, the babyboomers are never going to die. The system will likely implode before they get out of their positions. Why? Because the babyboomers were wiped out in 2001 and 2008, they need to keep their shit job to pay for expensive mortgage for their overpriced house in the burbs driving around two old shitty cars.
What you say is true in a sense. People in their 50’s and 60’s who worked all their lives and saved for their retirements suddenly find as they approach retirement that the moneys not there. They either lost it all because they got laid off and had to cash out their savings and sell stocks or because of the fed pumping trillions into the stock market the price versus earnings ratio is so high that even though they own a ton of stocks the dividends aren’t enough to retire on. They’re fucked.
I know this because I’m one of them. I had to cash out half my stocks to get out of debt when my wife left. I am so thankful I live in a modest home. We had planned to build a much nicer home when the kids got older but if we had I’d have lost it. I can barely afford this one. And I’m thankful to be driving two old cars because that saves me another $500 or more a month.
At work I’m the oldest guy on our team but my boss told me he’s glad I’m on the team because of my years of experience with the company and because he knows that most of the young guys with more technical experience tend to leave every couple of years and he knows I’m here to stay. I used to do that myself. Always trading up to a better job. But once you reach your top and have kids and a mortgage and retirement to think about you become more stable. In unstable times companies look for stable employees.
I feel bad for young people including my own kids and neighbors kids who are or will soon be looking for a job. It’s going to be hard for them to find a good one. But it’s not the fault of companies. It’s the govt and the corrupt politicians that brought us here. I’m just paddling as hard as I can to keep my head above water.
MGTOWarrior – off topic but you used to have a pretty awesome YouTube channel which I notice is no longer there, have you stopped making videos?
Because OWS had no practical answers to any of the things they didn’t like
It was just whining for the sake of “feeling like a good person” – so it’s a lot like leftism in general
sort of like gamergate crybabies? ha ha!
that nervous laughter…
The faggots, Womyn and SJW are still crying about #GG “Not meeting their demands”.
Have they made any headway in their battle against video game “misogyny” in 6 months?
Keep chugging that professional victim Kool-Aid, bud.
Simple, and nobody gives a fuck if an investment house implodes, it’s not FDIC insured. Have a huge bank implode, and then you have issues even if the banking arm isn’t what caused the massive losses. you basically end up paying twice.
Occupy Wall Street was a left wing protest that tried to position itself as being welcoming to all poltical positions that agreed with the general thrust that the banks fucking up then getting bailed out with tax payers money to do it all again with little in the way of prosecutions was unjust. Unfortunately rather than attracting rightists that agreed with that point and could make attacks from the right, they instead attracted rapists who preyed upon the women in camp. This was entirely the fault of all the far-leftist baggage that they’d brought with them.
Gamergate by contrast stands opposed to said far-leftist baggage.
OWS failed because, at it’s base, it was a protest about a fairy tale – equality. Gamergate lasts because it is the flip side of the coin. It is about throwing truth in the faces of those who believe the fairy tale.
Also, everybody knows that many people in “movements” like OWS are professional demonstrators and rioters just like the ones who show up for Al Sharpton’s agitated incidents. Nobody falls for that crap any more and regard it as staged, not least because they realize it’s political drama that won’t influence their opinions these days.
How the OWS movement should’ve played out had they had any creativity and spine to do anything more than sit in a park:
This man is brilliant.
Occupy Wallstreet was infiltrated within a very short time. I remember watching it and seeing strange guys driving up and donating dozens of pizzas for the crowds. The few meaningful protesters were silenced by the morons who took over. When the united chanting became the norm it was as good as over. And still it took brutal police power to remove them from the public areas – mostly done at deep night hours. They frankly never had a chance – too divided, no clear leaders, infiltrated instantly, unclear demands, super-smart aware individuals surrounded by Summa-cum-Lattes and stoners.
Whether Gamergate will last much longer remains to be seen. The main difference to OWS however is that Gamergate is not much of a problem to the elite. Sure – the SJW gender-feminist causes may have to be remained on the back-burner for a while in the Gaming press, but that is no biggie.
Some OWS wanted to attack and change the fundamental financial structure of our times – usury, banking and the Federal Reserve. That shit has no comparison really – OWS aimed at the top, while Gamergate aims at some players in the Gaming industry – mostly because Gamers are fed up with the marxist culture narrative pushed down their throats.
The ultimate questions of why OWS failed is not one of terrible ideas(banks getting away with robbery of trillions with 0 repurcussions), but of terrible people. Those terrible people produced god awful leaders. I’d say that the SJW stuff really got ramped up right around the same time OWS was becoming mainstream. Let’s face facts, disjointed movements with no leadership fail spectacularly. Even worse is when it’s a pissing contest to see who’s the “most oppressed” and silencing anyone else.
The failure of OWS is their failure to find a black, native american, dyke, tranny, who grew up poor, in a wheelchair, with depression, and had a speech impediment to lead their movement. That’s what I mean by a pissing contest. But furthermore let’s say you are a young liberal that wants to lead this movement, are you prepared to have your entire life monitored? Because it will be. Every action, every breath, and every word. Oh, some off-handed comment you made 10 years ago, internet witch hunt then you’re gone. Oh, a mildly offensive comment you posted on the internet in 2007, internet witch hunt and you’re gone. Not even the people at Salem or the Bolsheviks would be this unforgiving with their leadership. Knowing this, who want to lead? Nobody. Nobody wants to volunteer to sacrifice 100% of their privacy and personal life for their cause, and the intelligent people who could lead are also smart enough to realize the dire situation they’d be putting themselves in.
Also Gamergate is still alive? Really? I don’t give two shits about femicunts complaining about video games. I barely even play videogames anymore, I find them to just be boring and repetitive. Honestly I haven’t heard any gamergate shit in like a month, not that I was really paying attention either. OWS had a lot more staying power but their key lack of leadership and clear-cut goal divided and ruined them. It was torn apart when people realized it was young, white, straight, liberal males running the show and every little side group wanted to play their hand. And by the end of it all what did we have to show for it? Nothing. Fools all of them. Get your money and get out of America, we’re not a melting pot, we’re a boiling pot that’s about to explode.
There were a lot of disparate issues involved but some were more prominent than others. Everyone talks about income inequality now.
Even on student loans there was some movement. I forget exactly what Obama did on that front, but I recall that he did something.
The woman who “laid the intellectual foundation” for OWS became a Senator and is talked about seriously as a 2016 candidate for president.
That’s not failure. On the flip side you can also look at the Tea Party and see that they had much influence. I’m not sure #GamerGate can have similar influence if it doesn’t involved itself in retail politics. What politicians if any are pro-game? Any media talking heads on the right side?
There was an occupy movement that happened outside of City Hall in Philly. I visited it relatively frequently. It sounded like a good idea at first, but it quickly ran out of steam and just became a cesspool of dirty squatters living in smelly tents. Just total hypocrisy, if you think about it. How many of us have the luxury to put off your obligations, resist joining the workforce and join a protracted government siege? Mom probably had your bed made, with your favorite comforter–you know, the ones with the little bears on it, and a warm cocoa with marshmallows….. This defeats the purpose. And that progressive stack shit don’t work. I guess if you are a white male, you’re galvanized against having problems and getting screwed by the government. Get the [email protected] outta here! That white privilege shit is ridiculous because it combats racism with a better racism: college and government backed racism. I think the only people that actually buy that bullshit are the people that can benefit from it and those who were brainwashed. The fact is that wall street or city hall really couldn’t care less if these protesters lived or died. Maybe some of the professors should’ve taught that instead of the progressive stack. Useful things always help, especially if your head is full of shit.
Is GamerGate even a legit issue? It’s just women complaining about how females are portrayed in games. No one is stopping them from developing their own games. Game developers know what kinds of games bring in the most money. They’re not going to risk making a feminist game that no one wants to play.
Fact of the matter remains that games target is male . If there is a female protagonist, you gotta make them hot. Hot girls don’t get offended by hot girl heroes in games. But ugly girls do.
Dude, GG is DUDES complaining that they didn’t get the girl they wanted. Full stop. There’s no denying it. It’s a movement started by a guy who got dumped. Too funny.
Wrong cunt. “A Guy complaining that he got dumped” was the catalyst for the movement. #GG was started by sloppy cunts, like you, who believe that women should not be called out for their slovenly behavior.
More bullshit from your typical SJW…the door is ————————> , sweetie.
OWS was predominantly SJWs and stupid hipsters that don’t know shit.
Yeah, exactly. Movements like this are doomed to fail.
Maybe OWS failed because the banking sector, which is what runs the world is the one community nobody is allowed to piss off?
No way, it HAD to be because the neckbeards weren’t on their side!
I was at the Occupy Seattle movement. At the time I was unemployed and living out of my car doing a cross country job hunt. I figured being in a large herd was a good survival tactic since I was homeless in a strange town.
However, I left when some city workers came to clean the area we were in. One other person and I helped out the city workers to clean up our mess, but everyone else was too lazy to even get up.
I think it’s Intellectually Dishonest to Generalize The Occupy Wall street Movement as a bunch of “Hippies.” Fundamentally mostly everyone here can agree that the wage gap is a problem, that the National Debt is a problem and that the Wealthiest in America are taking much or the wealth. Wages have remained stagnant, No Health Insurance, low Job security, while the cost of living and inflation has been rising. Before you could work a blue collar job your entire life and provide for yourself and a family, but it has become increasingly difficult to do so. This is not what you call “communism” or any ignorant rubbish, naturally people who work harder should get compensated more…making 10 or 20 times more than your average worker is one thing but making 400 times more than your average worker is another thing altogether. Also coupling this with high student loan debt with some carrying the burden of over 100 or 200,000 dollars in debt before people can even begin their lives.
Although both parties are under Wall Street and The Federal Bank, the Republicans who many here support OPENLY support big Corporations, which by the way are the ones who benefit most by hiring people at low wages and shipping American Jobs overseas where they don’t have to worry about minimum wage laws or other benefits packages which America enjoys. We can also look at the Tea Party movement which was grassroots in origin but were bought by Big Money, almost at its onset. Occupy Wall street was a movement that struck at people of all races in America. Simplistic generalist memes or misinformation further distance the ignorant from the real topics of conversation.
The irony of the GOP supporting big corporations is that corporations are ultimately a socialist/democrat creation, big government gone wild.
Ironic but currently most “progressives” do not support Big Corporations and Money that has infected both Major Parties, and which Republicans openly support. I like the term “Corporate Welfare.”
While people LOVE to complain about Welfare Recipients and the abuses of Social Safety Net those same people turn a Blind Eye to the much larger abuses of Big Corporations and Wall Street.
“Socialism for the rich, capitalism for the poor”
I don’t know if I would categorize corporate abuses as ‘much larger’ than welfare abuse… I tend to put those on the same level.
Which is worse, being forced to buy what you don’t want or need, or being forced to pay for what you don’t want or need?
In reality, both situations are in exactly the same cycle… government sponsorship of corporate monopolies and anticompetitive practices is essentially putting a gun to the head of anyone who won’t cooperate with corporate interests, while the IRS puts a gun to the head of anyone who won’t cooperate with federal interests…
Does it really matter whether the knife at your throat is being held by a commie or a nazi? In the end, they are both incestuously intertwined, and the person holding the knife is still the ‘lawful authority’.
Food stamp welfare cost you $36 a year. Corporate welfare cost $6,000. Yes, Much larger.
Corporate abuses are a much larger problem than Welfare abuses…but Welfare Abuse gets more of Right Wing attention and overall attention. We even Bail out Companies because they are “Too Big to Fail.” Even a Democratic President goes along with it. But we collectively are angry at the image of the “Welfare Queen” than Mr Big Bank, Mr Wall street and Mr. CEO who we actually bail out. It more holding an UZI to my head vs a small pin.
well, I cannot speak for ‘collectively’, because I am not a part of the collective, that’s why I am here. I am a bigot, a racist, a sexist, a player, a dominant, a gun nut, a monarchist and a constitutionalist, and I wear each of those labels with pride as an individual, refusing to accept the shaming that each of those labels is intended to invoke.
As far as _I_ am concerned, micro$oft suing an independent developer, putting dozens of people out of work because the tiny workgroup cannot afford to defend themselves from spurious lawsuits, is just as despicable as a political special interest group putting dozens of people at a bakery out of work because they don’t want to bake dildo-shaped cakes for a lesbian wedding, which is as despicable as equal opportunity groups forcing a tiny business to close because they cannot afford to hire a dozen useless women, or a couple of hundred people losing their life savings to soaring health insurance rates due to having to support the valueless.
Monsters are monsters, and the monsters are in charge. The only difference between the GOP and the asses is that the jackasses are ever so slightly ahead in their ongoing quest to destroy individuality… the ‘conservatives’ of today are only comparatively conservative… they are liberals that are only a few steps behind the Stalinists.
The ‘too big to fail’ moniker is simply one more, relatively inconsequential link in the chain to turning human beings into batteries for the Fedcorp machine. (What some refer to as the ‘cathedral’).
Food stamps are NOT the most egregious abuse of the welfare system. SSD, ‘home assistance’, WIC, healthcare, HEAT, a million other programs, and the reams of ‘professional charities’ that receive federal monies. Including the hundreds of thousands of federal employees that we are paying to administrate said programs, are sucking a far far greater percentage of your income than you can possibly believe.
When you notice that 85% of our federal taxes go directly towards various entitlement programs, You begin to realize that federal ‘charity’ is as great an evil as corporate charity.
The point is corporate welfare is much larger than poor people welfare. People know that our federal government is incompetent at administering just about anything, and they don’t like the idea of subsidizing someone to sit on their ass all day, but the true cost of this is extremely low, at least when you look at the size of our enormous government today.
It reminds me of a video I saw at a tea party convention. They went around asking what should be cut, and they don’t want anything cut, except they think politicians are paid too much. The pay of our politicians is such a ridiculous fraction of one day’s worth of tax revenue that it is totally meaningless how much our politicians are paid. The other issue that people love to rant and rave about is foreign aid. I don’t like foreign aid in 90% of cases, but again, it is so miniscule when compared to other parts of government, it doesn’t make a difference to our taxes.
Here you go:
Also, 85% of federal taxes go to entitlements? Only if you consider the military an entitlement (and actually I do consider it a welfare program, mostly paying people to light money on fire and sit around collecting a paycheck for a service that no one is demanding).
I partially agree with your statement however their are extreme right wing Conservatives out there as well, you probably focus more on certain liberals because you find them more offensive.
or maybe because I am such an extreme right wing conservative?
you are aware that Military and military contracts are less than 8% of our total income, right?
The miitary and ‘military industrial complex’ are everyone’s favorite whipping boy, because the costs are easy to calculate.
But when I say ‘entitlements’ that’s exactly what I mean. and yes, I am including corporate welfare and foreign handouts. Most people really do not understand exactly what a HUGE percentage of our annuum goes into buying votes.
Not to mention The Interest on the fed, that comes to 80%.
And yes, collectively entitlements and interest come to 165% of our earning potential as a nation… and every year both those numbers creep even higher.
Corporate welfare, entitlements, and federal employment need to be cut to the bone. and even then we can never, ever repay our debts. The EPA, the FDA, the FCC, the PPC, the IRS, FBI, and about a billion other alphabet agencies need to be completely defunded. Every employee from every one of those agencies needs to be fired… Yes, it will cause massive unemployment, but within a few short years (I am betting 6) those people will be looking for a job (or even food) anyway.
The military is the ONE place we do not need to slash, despite leftist ignorance about it’s costs. All we need to do is get all the fucking women out, and fire all the ‘support staff’. If it can be done by a civilian contractor, let a civilian contractor do it… the military is for warriors, not ‘supply generals’ and yoemen.
lol are you? You don’t strike me as one actually.
Oh yes, I am so far out on the right that people mistake me for a leftist. Monarchist, traditionalist, catholic supporter, gun rights activist, hell, I even support legalized slavery, think abe lincoln and John Lennon should have been shot decades sooner, support legalized duelling, want to institute the death penalty for both abortion doctors and those who choose to have one, and would rather see children starve than give a single penny to charity or other ‘giveaways’. I quote scripture occasionally (mostly the teach a man to fish line) even though I am far too right wing to actually believe in christianity, and I would rather see the current leaders hanged for treason than voted out of office.
But, I still love a good debate. Even if I’d rather be in the ring beating someone bloody.
I’m not sure if you are being honest or sarcastic lol. Anyway to each his own.
I don’t like online sarcasm. It’s hard to carry through. at least Irony can be understood by the seasoned.
Why not be honest? I am anonymous here, really, and any outraged person that wants to track me down can indeed find my business, a trade that thrives on outrage.
That’s true I just believe a man should be given an opportunity if he has something to offer, has the talent, and the hard work to succeed. I’m not conservative in the American sense of the word. But I do believe in some traditional values.
yeah, that’s where I tend to break with tradition. total meritocracy freak. I think that people should be ‘zoned’, and have a natural hierarchy, including racial, but that avenues for people to improve their lot, move up the hierarchy, should be plentiful for those with the will to pursue them.
I don’t believe in “racial” hierarchy again that has been in place since Europeans set it up a few hundred years ago, obviously I think it is bullshit and am a living definition of opposition to it. I believe a man is born and with hard-work and determination can achieve what he sets his mind too. And if he does this he should be afforded the opportunity to showcase his talent if there is a need for it.
Not its capitalism for the Rich and Socialism for the poor. They get the tax breaks they themselves are unregulated. While the Poor are regulated and taxed out of the existence.
Are you trying to title your own comment by capitalizing words?
I use capitalization for emphasis when expressing certain views.
Some good points here. It’s very much a domino effect in where one thing leads to another. We all know that the United States constantly gets fucked over with any trade deals or pacts that we make (globally). Our trade deficit, alone, shows how fucked we are getting on a constant basis (pretty easy math if you ask me).
But, politicians (both sides) will get up there and sell Americans on why it’s such a good thing to have NAFTA, CAFTA or the new TPP deals. It’s not secret that NAFTA (one of the worst) was done by Clinton with a GOP congress (one party or two?). Either way, many average working Americans got fucked in that deal.
And it continues with the “secret” TPP trade deal going on, now.
I have not heard one politician explain to me (over decades) why the United States is constantly getting fucked over (with our trade deficit). I’ve heard many talk in circles…but never explain how it benefits average working Americans (relating to jobs).
How trading in a manufacturing job (i.e. $18 an hour) is better for you versus a service job (i.e. minimum wage or just above it).
Yes Driver I completely agree with you…I am also very critical of the TPP deal currently. Also Obama has extended the Bush tax cuts as well as other big money policies the Republicans openly support leading to the question why did the people vote for him in the first place. Progressive voices in the Left like Occupy Wall Street call for the reduction of Big Money influence in Politics and Tax secured derivative dealings by Big Banks. But I highly doubt they will reach the Presidency.
”Also Obama has extended the Bush tax cuts as well as other big money
policies the Republicans openly support leading to the question why did
the people vote for him in the first place.”
Tax’s cuts are not an issue as long as it is across the board. Unfortunately its tax cuts for corporate cronies instead of honest men trying to make a living.
Yes Titan I agree, bad times right now.
Fuck video games and its community. Bunch of geeks. Fuck hash tags too.
I’m not a gamer. My XBox 360 is used to watch movies far more often than it’s used for games. The last new game I bought was “Skyrim” in 11.11.11. With that being said, I have a lot of respect for the Gamers of gamer gate. They seem to be the only ones, out side of the “Manosphere” willing to stand up and tell the feminist cunts to STFU. While the NFL is wearing pink sneakers to “Spread Awareness” for breast cancer, while the Army has gone full retard with their Sexual Harassment Awareness Response and Prevention (SHARP). It is the Bunch of Geek gamers who have help on to their balls and stuck to their guns.
GamerGate has had the effect of finally waking up many in the gaming community from their apathy and to the danger that the radical left – namely SJWs – are to their community.
It also helped bring about awareness of the kinds of raging cultural battles happening with the help of journalists like Milo who have also helped to introduce the ideas of the manosphere into the mainstream – specifically with his sexodus articles. None of that would have happened if it weren’t for gamergate.
Id suggest that is causing even more of a backlash by SJWs who are kind of shocked that they are experiencing pushback like this. They aren’t letting this die which is why it’s lasting longer then OWS. In a way, the SJWs are the one which continue to make GamerGate relevant and fueled.
I’ve been a gamer a long ass time and still am, though more casually. What I never expected was for the manosphere which I found about about 6 months ago to intersect with the gaming community.
Fast forward a few months and gamergate is dead as a doornail. Sorry basement dwellers! Don’t bother trying again, thanks!
At least put some effort into your trolling. It would be much more entertaining.
Another attention whore.
Mods, “nothanks” is asking to be banned after (s)he gets her attention fix.
Back to the subject at hand, there was an interesting piece on the failure of the Occupy thing I recall. Take it for what you think it’s worth, it’s from a left-of-center perspective and insightful:
OWS, what a fucking joke. Those faggot entitled shits would have done far more damage to “the System” simply by refusing to buy a new IPhone and a morning Mocha.
Their consumption fuels the system they hate.
Some minority of those people refuse Apple and Amazon dot com, but yeah a majority are college or middle class, still beholden to their consumption habits and more interested in making token gestures, status signaling and more interested in poser identity politics.
OWS did not fail. It was quite successful in that it changed the entire paradigm and got people thinking and talking about the 99% versus the 1%. It energized a whole new generation of young people toward activism globally (spawning similar takeovers of public areas around the world). It also made young Americans aware of the police state nature of the American government when it came crashing down upon OWS. All of which probably bothers the heck out of pro-establishment posers who need advice on how to get dates.
There’s talking about doing shit and then there is actually doing shit. That group did a bunch of talking and many other groups, then and now, do a lot of talking. But, how many of those people could go without the very things that they use (or need) today to make that happen? How many of them could go without a smart phone, cable, etc…if it truly meant changing our system (for the better or at all)?
I’ve see (and heard) many talk a good game. But when it comes down to actually fucking doing something about it (between making a stand and giving up your phone or cable) these people back off. God knows, they could never live without there god dam smart phones (to make a difference).
Bottom Line: Americans hate to be inconvenienced….so it continues.
Shut up chump: Get up off your OWN ass and DO something. Otherwise let the young organizers organize while YOU sit back and whine, intellectualize and read articles on websites. These kids STAND as giants while guys like you SIT as mere pipsqueaks. Let those who are actually DOING something take care of the business that guys like YOU should have been doing a couple of generations ago.
OWS was a complete and abysmal failure. It was nothing more than a bunch of faggot whiny punks who had their panties in a bunch because they were $100K in debt from Sociology and Womyn’s studies degrees. Had those shits gotten an engineering or Comp Sci degree, they’d actually have jobs and health insurance. Occasionally that bring out a token Illegal Mexican to cry “Borders are Racist. No human being is illegal”.
When all was said and done, OSWers packed up their shit and went home defeated.
They “Stood” against no one. They chanted the same clique chants that their shit bag parents chanted 30 years ago: “Who’s streets, our street”, “People united can never be divided”
As for your question of “why don’t you do something?”: Because I got mine, so fuck you.
Way to ad hominem. Do you have anything to say about the OWS movement other than attacking the individual members of that movement? As far as “packing up their shit and going home defeated” they seemed to be “occupying” public places for several years.. more dedication than I am willing to put forth, and I’m guessing you as well.
Well, it’s kinda hard to attack their issues because they had nothing more thought out than “Ahhhh tax the rich”.
“These kids STAND as giants while guys like you SIT as mere pipsqueaks. ”
This sounded familiar. It took me a while to place who you were emulating.
Marius Pontmercy: Faggot son of a rich father, Lawyer, pussy pedestaler and SJW of Dumas’ “Les Miserables” was having a little bitch fight with his Daddy. MP stated that the SJW of the French Revolution “Stood as Giants” against the Louise VXI.
Pontmercy than went on to suck his 15 year old girl friend’s asshole.
The young organizers got their asses handed to them because they were “disorganized” from the beginning. They need to get their shit together and regroup. Hey, if the fucking truth hurts….then it hurts. It’s my opinion and I’m pretty sure I’m fucking entitled to it.
The rest of your bullshit about game and pussy is just that…..bullshit. I’m good to go on my end and I’m here to shed a little light on the problems that a lot of young guys face today. That’s for stopping by and thanks for your opinion. It’s just that….your opinion.
The rich are hiding between 21-32 TRILLION DOLLARS in offshore accounts that we can’t tax because of tax loopholes in the system that every Republican politician swears Little Baby Jesus himself commanded be kept open. Tax the rich indeed.
But even the grads who majored in [fill in the blank] studies were getting decent jobs somewhat related to their majors before the banksters tanked the economy in 2008. Really, if you want to talk about rape, Millenials are the generation that got it in the ass from capitalism. No wonder they’re sore.
I’m a fan a Tesla too.
If he had his way — and I wish he had– there’d have been no need for OWS.
“The year 2100 will see eugenics universally established. In past ages, the law governing the survival of the fittest roughly weeded out the less desirable strains. Then man’s new sense of pity began to interfere with the ruthless workings of nature. As a result, we continue to keep alive and to breed the unfit. Read more at
“Simply put, to stop online revolutions a government must go scorched earth and introduce radical censorship methods. These will have to be so severe, that a lot of normal internet and computer functions will become unusable. However, these draconian methods would probably alert even more people to what’s going on and where the real oppression is coming from, making them engage in online activism, thus spreading the word. GamerGate is like the Borg and there is simply no way to stop it.”
I remember an article along this line that once dictatorships in the middle east tried to shut down the Internet in their countries to stop protests, it caused the disinterested majority to join the protesters and what was a trickle became a tidal wave of dissent.
The 21st century cry of freedom appears to be – “You can have my LOLCat when you pry it from my cold, dead hands!”
I have to give Occupy credit. They caused a sensation that made the front pages of the biggest newspapers.
They may not have lasted long, but I can’t remember “income inequality” ever showing up in the media before Occupy. They had a large impact even on mainstream discussion.
There was no centralized leadership, but that’s something in common with pretty much all 21st century mass movements.
I think of Occupy as just an American version of the wave of protests that were spreading across the entire planet. Remember, the Arab Spring and the London Riots were also happening at roughly the same time?
Taken together, it changed the world by setting a new precedent. Movements and protest are now accomplished with social media and mass communication, not with a few charismatic individuals and their activist groups. OWS marked the end of 60s style activism. The hippies and the drum circles came out in force one last time.
If anything, these gamergaters have learned from Occupiers, adopting passive aggressive tactics and avoiding hierarchies that are easily attacked, infiltrated, or bribed.
I think OWS was about as successful as a movement can be in 2014. Governments are autocratic, powerful, and ignore anything but corporate interests. OWS drew a lot of attention to some points which needed to be discussed. The next step would be to get government or society to take action on these issues. That is simply not going to happen in America today. Look at any issue–the answer is also the one that makes very little sense but makes someone a lot of money (Iraq, health care, TSA, etc.)
“Income inequality” is a code word for “I am too slothful to push myself to get a better paying job or any job at all. I want everything handed to me.”
You might have had a point if not for the fact that many who work the lowest-paying jobs have multiple jobs and put in just as many workhours as the vaunted, successful, heroes of capitalist labor do. Forget about 8-hour workdays, this is America, where the well-paid work loads because of an expectation of career machismo, and the poorly-paid work as much because they must to make ends met.
Thank you! Someone finally said it. And the income of the rich just keeps going up in the good old US of A, while the poor keep watching their’s shrink. I used to be right-wing to my very core, but now that I have learned things about the world beyond what some theist from the pulpit or Faux News says, I actually wish we could invent a new, fairer system of economics that didn’t involve money.
Even though OWS fizzled, it did raise consciousness about the extreme, and growing, income inequality in the USA. It also demonstrates that revolution needs discipline and focus. Performance artist campouts just don’t cut it anymore.
The funnies part of OWS was when the NYPD sent piss soaked homeless down to the occupiers . It seems some 99%ers are more equal than others.
“The sad truth is that most people really have nothing to say but will speak nonetheless, if given the chance.”
This is so true. I went to the Christmas showing of the pretty horrible “The Interview”, the film about North Korea which was almost cancelled and then at the last minute aired in a few smaller theaters. There were 2 news crews there, asking people why they were there at the film. I saw a woman beaming from ear to ear talking about how it’s important to exercise our rights and it’s our American duty blah blah. OK First of all, America probably bans more movies than anywhere on the planet except North Korea. Because boobs are considered worse than movies about assassinating, or torturing, or mutilating someone in America. Second, there is no issue of “rights” involved– North Korea makes the rules for North Korea. A person anywhere else in the world is free to see or not see this film, regardless of what kind of “rights” they have. Third there is no “freedom of speech” issue. The first amendment prevents the government from banning certain forms of speech, which is completely different than what a private person or a filmmaker or artist says or does on their own.
” America probably bans more movies than anywhere on the planet except North Korea.”
Are you retarded? What movies has the US banned? Did the state ban “Death of a President”, the 2006 movie about the assassination of the sitting president? When has the state banned “Boobs”? Or how about hard core ass ripping gang bang porno? Try typing’ Blue Room Cody Lane” into google. The FBI wont kick in you door for doing so.
The Motion Picture Association of America rates movies. It is a private organization and their ratings have no legal binding. Sure, a privately run theater my choose not to play anything rated over “R” but that is not state censorship. Yes, movie producers may self-censor to keep their MPAA rating under and “R” or “NC17” but that is not the state. And no, their is no law about showing a child an “R” movie”. My father and I watcher Terminator 2 together when I was 10. The state would not have kicked in our door and arrested pops if they knew.
There are enough problems in this country without people like you making shit up.
Great Article! OWS failed because of the useless wastes of fresh air that it attracted. The major difference in the two movements is the way they rape people. In Gaming a rape is all good fun with no consequences to the perpetrator or victim. In OWS the raping destroyed lives and have consequnces that are still around today inside of the unfortunate victims. When Andrew breitbart tried to take the ows protestors to task about the rapes happening in the ows camps, the SJW’s call him a racist, right wing queer hater etc. Once all the hot young pussy was too scared to be part of the ows protests and stayed away, their hipster orbiters soon followed suit and that was the end of that. Heres a vid of Breitbart standign up to the the little animals when he was so rightheously freaked out about the despicable rape epidemic.
Funny how OWS insisted those rapes not be reported too. Aren’t these the same losers who are complaining about rape being unreported?
The left always eats it’s own because the end justifies the means to Marxists types like the SJW’s. They simply didn’t care about the girls being raped in the camps as they were considered collateral damage in their great fight to get their hands on other peoples property without working for it.
There are rumors that cocaine use contributed to Breitbart’s untimely demise. He sure looked coked-up there. Look it up here.
OWS failed because the movement was filled with losers, SJWs, hipsters, rich people pretending to be poor and communists. OWS was just a big joke to make fun of. Any movement with people like this is doomed to fail.
Gamergate is more successful because it is really a popular movement, and not some limousine-liberal SJW garbage like Occupy.
The Last Psychiatrist on the money, as always, on OWS
There was an old Loony Tunes cartoon where Yosemite Sam plays the black knight. Anyway, he has a pet fire breathing dragon. The dragon didn’t eat enough coal and his fire has gone low and he caught a cold. Because of this cold he was sneezing which was bad seeing as they wind up locked in a silo filled with High Explosives. At one point the dragon nearly sneezes and Yosemite Sam needs to stop him. Eventually though, the dragon sneezes and the silo shoots up into the air like a rocket ship. Sam looks at the dragon and simply says “Dragons is so stupid.”
This really is the most perfect analogy for why OWS failed I think.
Picture Yosemite Sam as the OWS movement and Bugs Bunny as common sense.
Every time those morons would be on TV I would just say “dragons is so stupid.”
As a side note about OWS and their plans. One bright plan I remember was to start a loud drum circle outside the stock exchange to stop trading by distracting floor traders. Follow that, playing instruments to distract stock floor traders. These are the same people who didn’t realize that 100 yards away 1 world trade had just come down.
Dragons is so stupid.
For gamers gamergate is basicly an MMO. Now it’s just a case of who drops out and who new joins. However the game is showing the players the society they live in is connected to them in a much bigger way.
“How do you stop an online revolution done by these virtual ninjas?”
The same way you stop every other protest in the Western world: ignore it.
It’s sad the OWS movement turned into silliness with getting off topic. They were supposed to bring everyone, no matter what your morals or values were, to stop the on-going never-ending bailouts of the banksters on Wall Street. Instead, they turned into a gay rights issue, complete with global warming advocacy and focused on expanding feminism.
Now the banksters are free to continue their never-ending bailouts by lobbying Congress to remove what little Glass-Steagall like protection in the Dodd-Frank Act from the trillions in unlimited worthless derivatives and credit-default swaps.
Americans have been SUCKERS again for the banksters and will never learn until they see a full Mad Max scenario blanket the US.
I contest the very premise this article is based on. A movement that managed to force its way into the midst of the national discourse but then faded away is a failure, while a bunch of people posting on the internet and (wow, awesome!) keeping on doing so rather than going away is a success?
The author asks who still remembers OWS. Quite a few, it seems, from how many people in the comments section here have strong opinions about it. Just recently, on another website, I got a comment to the effect of “You must be one of the people who supported OWS”. And even if it were true that few people still remember OWS, that doesn’t quite compare to GG, which few people have ever heard of.
While OWS was going strong, it reached heights way beyond what GG ever has. When was the last time Obama made a weasely please-everyone statement about GG? When was the last time a Fox News host ranted about it? Prior to OWS, all the major issues it was about were things hardly ever discussed, there was just widespread privately held sentiment about something being wrong. Now, those issues have forced their way into the public discourse, even though OWS itself faded away. OWS might be dead while GG is alive (if one considers keeping on ranting on the Internet as “life” in any relevant sense), but GG has its work cut out for it if it intends to achieve what OWS did during its brief but dramatic life.
A valiant effort by the writer but one that ultimately ignores the greatest contributing factor of Gamergate.
Clicktivism is very very easy.
There is literally all of five minutes of effort involved and beyond that there’s nothing you don’t want to put in.
It’s the same reason sites like or Avaaz manage to exist.
It’s very easy to get someone to sign a petition or click a link or post a brief comment.
To actually go out on the campaign trail, make camp and lay siege to the government takes a lot of will, effort and some material resources that you will not get back.
Of course it also takes action.
Occupy succeeded on getting started but as the writer pointed out, they fell apart due to internal disputes over progressive agendas. If those fools had actually set out to overthrow the government then they would have succeeded in instigating a wider rebellion at the very least.
It’s never just one thing. It was a combination of things that brings down a system, any system.
* The Oligarchy was the titled target for the campaign. OWS == Occupy Wall Street. What well funded determined entrenched power is going to stand for that kind of shit? The response was predictable: news blackouts on OWS, unless it was negative news; police directed to break up assemblies of OWS where ever they formed and as it was the police doing the disruption the double-digits believed that OWS was doing something wrong.
* Primarily the leadership of OWS was women. However, the really high powered (empowered) female real movers and shakers of things were themselves members or at least aspirants to the Oligarchy. So, those in OWS leadership were at best second and nth stringers therefore, nothing got done.
* The NSA, CIA, FBI, (other TLAs) were all part of the Oligarchy’s infrastructure whose major purpose was the perpetuation of the Oligarchy. Since the purpose and scope had offical government backing and sanction to bust heads of OWS, it did and with foregone knowlege that they would get away with it. And did exactly that.
it succeeded because Laurie Penny is on the other side.
Laurie Penny is someone with a 100% failure rate in life. She was part of the nth-string women voicing the vision of OWS.
It was doomed to fail.
Interesting article. I enjoyed the read.
Occupy movement failed because they`re whiny hipsters. Look at Ukraine and Euromaidan events – the protesters kept fighting even when bullets started flying, and eventually they won.
I like to think that Gamergate consists of liberals and conservatives working side by side, as opposed to OWS which was almost entirely liberals(although they initially had a noble cause which many conservatives would support).
Without conservatives(channers, manosphere writers, etc) GG would have no teeth, it would just turn into harmless whining like OWS did. I think even pro GG people had their jaws drop a little when Mike Cernovich got involved, like “wait, this guy is tearing shit up, I thought we were just sending emails to companies and spreading memes?!?!” Its people like Mike who make GG different from OWS.
The liberals are also serving an important purpose of course, they are bringing in moderates and providing some defense against the typical racist/misogynist accusations which may have prevented progress if this were purely another 4chan troll job.
“The undercover agents gathered information on participants and most likely derailed OWS by inciting violence, drug use, and other illegal acts, which would then give an excuse to the uniformed policemen to come in and do whatever they please.”
Bwahahaha. Sure, it was the undercover cops. Not the ignorant,upper-class, decadent,drug-addled,coddled anarchist and marxist bargain basement paid wannabe revolutionaries that were carrying the thing off.
“Why Has #GamerGate Remained Alive While Occupy Wall Street Failed?”
That would be because occupy Wall Street was a jew-conceived,jew-funded, and jew-directed astroturf marxist revolution which recruited as its footsoldiers mostly people who had absolutely nothing to bitch about compared to the working class they claim to champion,and who had never experienced any hardship or adversity in their lives.
When they got a taste of it, they decided to go home and lick their nuts like the little pups they are.
As for them “organizing against the government,” that’s the most hilarious thing in this piece. What part of OWS’ platform of catering to whiny minorities who claim to be aggrieved, income redistribution (the logical outcome of trying to fix “financial inequality”) and working things out so that the decadent pervert sons and daughters of wealthy industrialists and academics once again benefit while everyone else suffers when they already have a disproportionate amount of wealth and power to begin with does this government actually oppose? The truth is that OWS wouldn’t have had HALF its numbers without the propaganda arm of the government, the mainstream media, (which has admitted to just republishing word-for-word “articles” written by government agents and putting the name of the “journalist” on it as well as running all of its pieces about the government THROUGH the government to see if they are “allowed” to publish them) running puff pieces on them for weeks. I would also guarantee that government money bought and paid for many of the rabble-rousing “speakers” at these rallies via NGO’s such as the Institute for Democracy (a euphemism for International Socialism).
If the OWSers had gotten their way, the result would have been that the policies we see in place today would not only have continued, but would have been escalated to an even more egregious degree.
If you want to see who the government considers its enemies, all you have to do is pick up a copy of the Highway Patrol and the DHS’s manual on “domestic terrorism”. The people on that list are Whites, Christians, National Socialists,Patriots, and Constitutionalists.
The government is not afraid of people who champion more benefits for non-Whites, “hate speech” laws,”progressive stacks” and income redistribution. These are the policies it wishes to implement itself and WOULD implement if it wasn’t afraid of the people who hold to the foundational beliefs and culture of our nation. It is paying,with our money, for these “anti-government” rallies which are meant to fool people into thinking that by supporting the government’s preferred policies they are “attacking the System”. And they ARE attacking the System. The System of Western civilization that our nation is built on.The reason why the government,as it currently exists,wants us to attack THAT system is because it is liberal (in the classical sense of tolerating all non-violent groups,ideas,and beliefs) and meritocratic,whereas our current rulers (they cannot be called leaders anymore) are nepotistic,pedophilic,ignorant, morally backwards,opportunistic and corrupt.
If you want to see what the state does to its real enemies, to people TRULY organizing against it, ask Nikos Michaloliakos, the leader of the 3rd largest party in Greece about it. You’ll have to do it on visiting day,though, as he is currently serving in prison for allegedly running a “criminal organization” (the 3rd largest political party in Greece). He was put in prison without a trial and with no evidence of conventional criminal activity. His real “crime” seems to be that he wanted to put the Greek equivalent of the types of people OWS railed against in jail. Not because they didn’t subscribe to marxism,though, but because they had actually committed a number of felonious financial crimes.
How many OWSers of Michaloliakos’ prominence were put in jail for years on bogus charges without a trial?
How many of them were gunned down by Federal agents like Randy Weaver’s family over a non-violent crime,such as modifying the length of a shotgun?
The System that OWSers and radical campus libtards want to shut down is not the Obama Administration,it is democracy, free speech, free assembly and association, freedom of the press, and the right to live your life without the government telling you what to think and what to do. For OWSers who are essentially geldlings and mental midgets, the idea of having to make your own choices and take personal responsibility for them is a horrifying prospect. The government finances, trains, and directs them and all radical libtards against YOU because it wants to abnegate your right to rule yourself. It has no right to rule you, not even by the law of the jungle, as it is staffed by cowardly,paranoid, disturbed and self-interested persons who fear our autonomy. It cannot force compliance if we resist. It can send out its marxist OWS footsoldiers to act unofficially on its behalf to put down a genuine uprising,but they are even more spineless,insane,and useless than the SJW types in government. And by the way, the only reason they have not been exposed as the unofficial paramilitary arm of the government that they are is because we have not put up a physical resistance against them. If anyone ever did, you would see two things. First, these “anti-System revolutionaries” would go run and hide behind the “pigs” that they were just heaping calumny upon, and two, the police who had tolerated these punks committing all sorts of criminal and violent acts the whole time would move with overwhelming force to put down those attacking the faux-revolutionaries,even if they were provoked by violent action taken against them,even murder, from the marxist SJW OWS types.
Long story short, the government is illegitimate,cannot possibly protect us or even itself from an actual organized (however loosely) threat from within or without, and cannot continue on in its current form,but OWSers will never do anything that actually undermines or reforms its agenda because they are getting paid directly by those in power to agitate against YOU in the guise of attacking “the System”.
That is why Highway Patrol,Secret Service, and DHS are not being advised to harass liberals who believe in “social justice”, they are being advised to harass people from flyover country and the chosen representatives of the White working class (not the marxists that the White working class has always rejected).
Because OWS was never anything more than an astroturfed beerputsch attempt to make Obama dictator.