Down to Gehenna or up to the Throne, He travels the fastest who travels alone. — Rudyard Kipling
Our society (or the matrix of modern feminist societies) often puts enough social pressure on men to seek “relationships” or “alliances”—more so if these men are high-value to begin with. We are often told to lose ourselves in the arms of women and others, trying to seek an elusive “support”; whereas the reality remains that real strength often lies within ourselves.
Unless a man learns to trust his own body and mind and pursues self reliance—whether it may be psychological, physical and financial—his slavery remains indefinite to the society which seeks to enslave him.
Indeed, man is a social being. But realistically speaking, does the “social” expectation of seeking relationships make sense in the long run? In the end, the truth always reveals itself :the real test for a man is how he lives with himself, alone.
This is test which every man must face at some point of his life, even if he might presently be in a relationship.
Some of the men I’ve met who’ve been married or in relationships have admitted that the loneliest years of their lives were those when they were committed to those relationships. Some of them had in fact committed to these relationships because they had to fit in society – excluding the common reason of sexual thirst.
The failure to stand alone to decide for themselves has led to many men becoming victims of the herd mentality in modern feminist societies, especially when it comes to relationships with modern (substandard) women. But the end result was not up to their expectations. What good was “companionship” when it did nothing to drive away loneliness in their lives, to begin with?
The power of solitude
One common thing in the modern world is seeing people socially indoctrinated to strangle their own individuality into becoming “people pleasers” (mainly because of their inability to say “No”) which creates a self-created vicious downward spiral of servitude to others. This could also be due to self-loathing as well as an unregulated need of acceptance by others (social validation, or at worst, simply attention whoring), as commonly seen among modern women.
But with the feminization of modern men in modern feminist societies, it is common to see modern men often behaving likewise too. Sometimes the fear of loneliness can also stem from a convoluted belief that “herd membership” is powerful than being alone, which Harry Browne in his best seller How I found Freedom In An Unfree World explains as The Group Trap:
The Group Trap is the belief that you can accomplish more by sharing responsibilities, efforts, and rewards with others than you can by acting on your own. It’s an easy trap to fall into. It’s a common expression that “in union there is strength.” Just the opposite is true, however. You achieve more for yourself when your rewards are dependent upon your own efforts rather than upon the efforts of other people.
When you join a group effort to achieve freedom, you usually waste precious resources on an endeavor that has very little chance of success. In the same way, group efforts are common in businesses, marriages, and even friendships, and there too the Group Trap can cause subtle problems.
Innocuous as it may seem, the Group Trap continues to garner victims every day in today’s bluepill modern societies. The only way out is non-compliance to this trap, and solitude offers an option out.
We all have a threshold limit for everything—and that too includes human contact. A lot of men even experience it in their interactions with women.
Eady: You travel a lot?
Neil McCauley: Yeah.
Eady: Traveling makes you lonely?
Neil McCauley: I’m alone, I am not lonely.– Heat (1995)
Solitude and loneliness are separate, with a thin dividing line between them. You can be single, yet not lonely. And it’s commonly see in self-actualized individuals who understand what solitude actually is, and what benefits it holds for self-discovery.
Withdraw within to discover the giant
The concept of solitude has fascinated humanity from antiquity – mainly because of the potential and opportunity it offers to tap within the hidden, infinite and mysterious source of power which resides in the depths of our souls.
In fact, solitude is one of the defining traits of many successful people – whether they might be great thinkers, scientists, and leaders—because they are able to distinguish themselves from the herd of common people.
In fact solitude is one of the core characteristics of the self actualized individual, as mentioned of Abraham Maslow’s Self Actualizer:
Self-actualizing individuals “positively like solitude and privacy to a definitely greater degree than the average person.
In today’s world, most men don’t know how to utilize solitude, because they’ve never truly discovered who they are. The thought of self-actualization and self-discovery is itself a scary thought for many, but what is forgotten is that the master often begins his quest for self-mastery through solitude.
Solitude is a wonderful example of self-commitment—a commitment we can renew periodically or regularly. In today’s world which programs men to bind themselves to unhealthy attachments, the empowerment that regulated solitude offers is often grossly underrated, or worse, sometimes even shamed.
As often, it is necessary to become qualified in our lives, but it is also important that others too qualify themselves to be a part of ours. In the end, the greatest companion we retain throughout our lives is the self, for it never leaves us during all of our days.
Read Next: Nikola Tesla Explains Why He Never Married
The power of solitude is one which must never be underestimated. Whenever you talk to someone about this, they will start to use labels to try and denigrate your reputation, such as introvert, hermit, recluse etc.The fact is society is full of idiots and the loud mouthed population is growing and expanding to the point where any man with some common sense and rational thinking, will most likely, want to be left alone.
Being able to spend some time alone, and think for yourself, is what helps us as individuals, to discover our path in life and who we truly are as men. The destruction of masculinity by the feminist movement along with the garbage propoganda that is spewed by the mainstream media and pop culture zeitgeist, has resulted in two different forms of men. One, being the effeminate and emasculated man who screams for all the wrong reasons and embodies the wrong ideals and values. Second, being the man who has cleared the smoke and mirrors infront of his eyes, and wants to disconnect himself from the world in order to find himself.
As the second man, when I spent time alone, it helped me to understand who I am in this life and what I should do to find ways to achieve a better standing for myself spiritually and emotionally. This can be achieved when we spend some moments alone in deep thought and philosophical thinking. However, it is only when we are surrounded by loud and obnoxious individuals that this process of thinking is disrupted. But more importantly, it is during these circumstances, that we as individuals, can truly learn and appreciate the value of solitude.
Make the most of these moments when you have them, because just like time and money, solitude is a precious commodity which must never be wasted.
Very solid points Truth. As a man who has unplugged, I find while at my most silent, in the quietest of moments when I am almost at the point of reaching out to others, lies a voice crying for an answer. It sits there in the back of my mind and when I do answer it, I write beautifully, I access new ideas, I become more creative, focused, have a stronger ability to absorb what is in front of me, can understand in a deeper way areas that have been hampering my judgment. It is as if, the world outside gives way to a deeper world inside that is begging to come forth.
great article…. huge difference between being a loner and being lonely…..
Thank you..
As always you speak the truth
Thank you.
If they see you starting to break away, out comes the “Hey! you’re not a HERMIT, are you? comment. Translation: come back to The Herd with me and the other zombies. Because your pointed lack of interest in joining (and submitting to) The Group is making ME LOOK BAD by comparison.
lol. And yeah they really do think this way. Try to shame you into becoming as dependent and collectivized as they are themselves.
“Because your pointed lack of interest in joining (and submitting to) The Group is making ME LOOK BAD by comparison.”
LOL, yeah, that is so true. Great point,
need a weekend retreat, cabin in the woods. where no one can intrude into your space. modern world its like psychological warfare. you can’t escape the bullshit.
Excellent reply.
Societies greatest innovators have been introverts. Look at Tesla, Einstein, Newton, Wright and Edison…. were they social butterflies? No, they were in their labs and offices figuring shit out, just like a real man does! Great article
Good company is difficult to find in other people.
Excellent article!
I love solitude. People can think it is odd or weird all they want, but I actually need alone time or i snap. All my life I have tried to have contact with others for what I need, yet remain independent and lead my own life.
Women often like to warn men that they will “end up alone” if they don’t get married, not realizing that they are projecting their own fears that men don’t share.
That is correct. Women have always depended on men or others for their survival since the dawn of human species. Women need men more than men need women. Period!
Men today need to be drilled this mindset. Men’s one great weakness is the need for pussy. Once you learn to control that addiction, no woman would be able to bring you down.
“Women need men more than men need women. Period!”
Pun intended?
You can both control the addiction and move to a place where healthy female sexuality (can be seen in a bikini) hasn’t been so ridiculously overpriced due to simultaneous rampant female obesity on an island with rampant male financial success (America iotw, obv.).
That’s why feminists are against legalizing prostitution. They would be allies with the patriarchal Christians to be against that. How hypocritical.
Lot of sense there amigo. “Women need men more than men need women” – correct.
If there was no men women would have been still living in caves competing for who had the better straw woven purse.
I was more alone when I was married than I could account for any other time in life.
Now that’s wisdom!!!!
Yes. It’s far lonelier to be with someone you’d rather not be with.
Get a dog they make better companions.
That ‘die alone’ stuff is overplayed. What if you simply outlive your wife? Die alone anyway. I’m hoping that very old age, if I get there, will be a peaceful blur of clean air, books, walks in the woods, top shelf Japanese tea, some top shelf whiskey here and there, a top shelf cigar here and there, maybe A LOT of weed, top shelf threads and top shelf leather shoes, a top shelf leather easy chair, barbell work if I’m capable. Watching sports on the tube. Maybe indulge in video games that will be extraordinary by then. I hereby nickname my future self as “Top Shelf” That stuff always comes through anyway. People…eh…not so much.
It’s not going to be this ego-infested, competitive time where you even care about who wants to be around you or not. It will be a blur of going, “I woke up again? Heh. Cool. Time for a walk in the sunshine.” Also, there are going to hundreds of millions of people who opt out of parenthood now, ready to hang out by then. I can imagine some really cool living communities for us out in the woods somewhere.
Nice work Oscar.
If you haven’t heard this one, I thought you might appreciate the man who nailed a placard above his front door, which read:
“He who enters does me an honor,
He who does not–a favor.”
People often criticize me for being a lone wolf but let me tell you, it’s a huge stress reliever and you can get a lot done. I think I’ve learned more skills in solitude than I have had in company with so many distractions and annoyances.
It doesn’t have to be something antisocial if you’re doing it right.
Yeah I’m getting there. One thing I’ve learned is that brief bouts of malaise will hit on occasion if you’re more or less living a loner’s life. I live in a mega-city so I can’t speak for ‘loneliness in the woods’ types. But the bout of loneliness will come and go. I no longer allow it to feel like the final appraisal of my lifestyle. In other words, if I get hit with some mild loneliness induced depression, I no longer read it as an “It’s all wrong!” dramatic punctuation and final conclusion. It’s just a mood, it’s not me. It fades.
Get out of the city if you can and change your life – it will be worth it. make it more rural though – not suburbia. Suburbia will kill you more than a city ever will.
no surprise ..the left believes in the power of the collective/state over the individual
“Whosoever is delighted in solitude, is either a wild beast or a god.”
This is a great article. Thank you.
Thanks for the quote man.
It sheds some light on this passage from Thomas Mann, which has troubled me for some time: “The proudest intellect stands in most immediate confrontation with what is bestial, is most abjectly at its mercy.”
“Shattering fetters,
like a fish in the water tearing a net,
like a fire not coming back to what’s burnt,
wander alone
like a rhinoceros.” – Khaggavisana Sutta
You can tell a lot about a person by their ability to be comfortable when they are alone. These are the folks that I find myself learning a lot from. Whether it is in a bar or when I’m meeting solo travelers when I’m overseas, they almost always have super interesting stories. Nice article….
Once upon a time I was designing a small sailboat optimized for single-handed, blue water cruising. A woman asked me, “Won’t you get lonely?”
“No,” I responded. “I’m very good company.”
‘Outcast’ by choice!
“Our society (or the matrix of modern feminist societies) often puts enough social pressure on men to seek “relationships” or “alliances””
That very first sentence definitely rings a bell to me. Before swallowing the red pill I was unaware of this, but now I realize how my female friends (I no longer have female friends) would always tell me I need to find a girlfriend and I should stop “using girls for sex”. They would make horrible recommendations about girls I should date, saying this girl “would be perfect for you” even though she was a drunken slut, or another one wanted to hook me up with her fattie hair stylist who “had a cute face” even though she was huge.
Looking back I feel like these female friends of mine were trying to sabotage me, whether subconsciously or not, I’m not sure. They hated when I told them about the much younger girls I’d hook up with, calling me a molester or pedophile. They would always say “wouldn’t you want to be with someone your own age instead?”…, I’m 35 years old. I would not want to be with a 35 year old woman lol
“Wouldn’t you want to be with with someone your own age instead?”
I’ve been single and have lived alone for years. If my life continues this way for another 50 years, I will be completely satisfied with it. Every single woman I’ve known, when I tell them that I am single and happy, tries to hook me up with someone. I believe they have an agenda.
And the thing is, they’ll want to hook you up with a girl that’s single because no else wants her.
Another example of how modern women are dead weight. They are screwed when the men of the western world realize this en masse.
It never ends, it just never ends.
“They would make horrible recommendations about girls I should date”
All of the women I CHOSE to date were good looking(if I could furnish pics, I think you all would agree).
ALL of the blind dates I was set up with were with unattractive women.
Someone on this site said this, I dont remember who, but he was 100% correct in saying women are looking to set up THEIR friends with someone better than they deserve, these supposed female friends of yours are looking out for their female friends best interests, not yours…
Interesting. I also used to have a lot of female friends(still have some) and none male friend. But after discovering red pill truths I find that everytime is more difficult to have that “friendship” with them. I can see now what they do,what and how they think, how they try to manipulate you or at least I understand what I always saw and I prefer to be alone, as always.
Trying to work on the male friend part though. I have always find it difficult,not because I’m a nerd and can’t make friends, but being a loner makes harder to accomodate to other wants instead of simply doing my own thing.
Why try to accommodate to others? Let them accommodate to you.
Exactly. And that is what I’ve learned in the past few months. Two weeks ago I quit my job(female boss.enough said) So I have my mind more clear and I can better decide what to do with my life.
Good for you! Keep it up. Once you get into the habit of being alone and prefer that, others will try harder to grasp your attention, especially women. They’re always curious what you’re doing, thinking, and so on to try to draw your attention.
Great article…
The reference to the Heat movie was outstanding. Bravo…
Fuck the pick-up articles, fuck the anti-feminist articles, fuck the “how to be a man” articles.
Out of all of the information on this site, I would say that learning and adopting a lifestyle of solitude as written in this article is one of, if not THE the most important things you can do to make your life a success.
Our society today is one big, massive groupthink of desperate people who have no aim in life. Instead of finding out true happiness in oneself, most instead try to fill the void of purpose they experience with degenerate, collectivistic activities such as getting shit-faced, watching mindless reality TV, and commiserating with the rest on how they received the short end of the stick of life.
After living on your own, you will actually have time in your life to think what REALLY makes you happy. This is nearly impossible to do when you are in the presence of the horde and they constantly shove shit down your throat in an attempt to make you one of them and appease their sense of righteousness and non-existant purpose in life. You are the sum of who you surround yourself with, and if you continue to surround yourself with these people, you will become one of them, whether you like it or not.
After a living on your own, you will start seeing society in a 3rd person view and start realizing just how much the majority hates itself and how fucked most of the world is. You will wonder how you ever wanted to be with one of them in the first place, and start to reflect on how all of the superficial bullshit you did with them in the past which never really made you happy to begin with.
You will truly begin to feel happy on your own and will love being in a state of solitude, not only from women, but also from men as well.
At this point, I don’t feel guilty about going out and drinking with friends during the weekend, I just feel bad for them. You can see it in their eyes when you turn their offers down- a mix between surprise and a hint of insecurity- because they know you have something better to do than waste your life away at the bar living a vapid existence.
Living in solitude and seeing all the things you mentioned, catching ones breath and figuring out what in this life is worth and what not. I’ve done pretty much everything that was to be done, and now enjoying my own company and some whores here and there…. There’s nothing better than that.
“The mob that once bestowed commands, consulships, legions, and all else, now meddles no more and longs eagerly for just two things–bread and circuses.”
Bread and circuses, i.e. welfare and low entertainment.
“Fuck the pick-up articles, fuck the anti-feminist articles, fuck the “how to be a man” articles.”
Right on!
Pioneer of solitude here :
You won’t believe what advantages differentiating yourself from others gives you. A great romanian historian, Nicolae Iorga said : ,,it takes distance to understand a situation”. That can be easily applied to history (distance meaning time ) but also to society ( distance meaning solitude and actual distance). Great article ! It touches a very important factor. Factor which I’ve been blabbing about to all my ,,living with my mom’ bro’ ” aquaintances.
Keep it up BOYS !
If you need a model in life it’s the tiger – always alone, always fearless.
“it takes distance to understand a situation” – that is wisdom in pure form.
I think there is something uniquely masculine about the utter serenity that men can find in solitude. The ability to find fundamental contentment with nothing more than your own thoughts is perhaps the ultimate expression of self reliance, self sufficiency and self confidence.
This is born out by women’s attraction to the ‘strong,silent type’. Men’s ability to find and draw strength from solitude both intrigues and infuriates women, for it is a plain they can never reach. The vast mass of women simply aren’t wired to be able to reach the place that men can when they find solitude.
To embrace solitude is, in a very real sense, to embrace masculinity.
hence the need to champion solitude for women (the “you go grrrl” crap) and turn men into co-dependant manginas.
We’ll see men going to the restroom in groups pretty soon.
I’m not so sure. Men predisposed to solitude will, I think, ultimately find it, despite everything feminised society does to try to shame them for it.
One of the fruits of solitude is the understanding that you do not need the validation of others in order to know your true value. Let the manginas go to the restroom together. Men who understand the value of solitude would rather go outside and spend some time alone.
And good luck to the ‘You go grrrl’ cheerleaders. Put a man alone in a room with nothing but his own thoughts and he will likely find contentment. Put a women alone in the same room and she will likely go mental.
Solitude is a prize. To win it you need, at a minimum, to own a penis.
I wonder if that is why mental health issues are more prominent in women today. Certain aspects of modern life demand much more solitude than the past.
I think you are correct. One of the many ironies of feminism is that it has achieved ‘equality’ in so many ways that the feminists just never saw coming – because they had (and have) no idea of men’s real, lived, experience of life.
After 50 years of feminism we find women moaning about not being able to find a ‘decent’ partner, moaning about the stress of work, moaning about being stuck as a wage slave, moaning about having to pay for ‘everything’, moaning about ‘expectations’ placed on them, moaning about being invisible to the opposite sex, moaning about having to make approaches, moaning about any aspect of life that involves taking responsibility for themselves.
In other words, moaning about having to live their lives as men have always had to.
The majority of men live most of their lives, mostly alone. But without the moaning.
This is what equality looks like. This is the reality of ‘male privilege’.
You’ve come a long way, baby.
The funny thing is that being able to do these things require a certain biology which women do not possess. They keep trying to be like men and can’t. Then they say it’s not fair. Well no shit! Just like us men can’t get pregnant and breastfeed. We accept it and focus on what we do best with what we are born with.
Women with the entitlement mentality can’t accept that hence their unhappiness.
Indeed – and I think it goes deeper than physical biology.
Women only see the surface of the lives successful men lead – the jobs they do, the houses they live in, the cars they drive, the stuff they own, the interests they follow. They don’t see the hours worked, the risks taken, the sacrifices made, the failures along the way, the pushing forward even when exhausted, the responsibilities assumed, the burden carried by the mass of men who are successful. (And the unsuccessful men? Well women don’t see them at all.)
All of that effort is regarded as a ‘given’, just something that men do. And if men can do it, so can women, right?
Well for the last 50 years or so, women have been indulged in that lie. Affirmative action, preferential treatment in the workplace, the feminisation of the corporate world to better suit female sensibilities, millions of pointless ‘make-work’ positions in either state or state mandated roles and laws and policies to ensure women are ‘equal’ to men. So that they too can enjoy the lifestyle of the successful men.
But still, women overwhelmingly have not stayed the course. They leave when they get pregnant, then often do not come back or come back part time, they drop to a lower paying / lower status role when things get ‘hard’, they retire early – all because they can find a man to bank-role their choices. And not once have any of them ever, truly experienced the effort, risk and sacrifice that a successful man has had to work through. The safety nets (both state funded, and social networks) that cosset them are so ubiquitous to most women, that they cannot understand a world where they don’t exist – the world that men have to operate in.
But that is over now. Feminism is expensive. Men and the state have been tapped out. The only way it can continue is for women to start delivering like men, creating wealth like men and being taxed like men. It means women having to follow the path that men have have been treading – working 50 hours a week, 50 weeks a year for 50 years. No going part time once children come along, no dropping to a lower paid job when things get hard, no retiring early.
This is why women are starting to squeal – true equality has arrived. And it is delivering the mass of women, not into the world of successful men, but into the isolation and struggles that the mass of men have always faced. Thing is, men are built for isolation. Women are not.
Women will buckle long before they can start delivering like men, and when they do the whole feminist house of cards will come tumbling down.
What they fail to understand is that high status, high SMV men are NOT attracted to women high in the corporate hierarchy. Women “leaders” get there and there is no trophy husbands lining up. Just users and betas. It takes time to achieve that status and once they’re there, they’ve hit that wall and can’t compete with the younger women that men are attracted to.
This is the lie and dis-service that feminism gives to women. So sad when we try to tell them and they fight you until it’s too late…for them.
These women want to be equal to the top executives for doing no work.
Equality is earned not given. This message must be given out. Unless these women want to be equal to the men that are hobos that can be arranged.
Indeed – but I would say that it is not equality but respect is earned – and it is earned by the hard work of the individual. Equality on the other hand is ‘bestowed’ by others who have power over you.
That is why feminists, and women in general, luuuurve ‘equality’. They don’t have to work for it. Better yet, having something bestowed upon you by some-one more powerful than yourself (even if it’s just big daddy government) plays right to their submissive hearts. There is supplication in the way they meekly accept the gifts of ‘equality’. It is the behavior of the weak.
And it’s also why most men hate ‘equality’. For most men understand that real power is gained by besting the market place, nature, or other men in a fair fight. Men understand that any power or privilege granted to you from a superior is no real power at at – for if it can be granted, it can be taken away.
And this is one of the tragedies at the heart of feminism. Women crave what men can have – the masculine pride of having faced the challenges and bested your opponents, and the success, status and confidence it brings.
But the vast majority of women are completely unable (even now) to face those battles, engage their opponents, withstand the blows and prevail. And so we give them a facsimile of it. We encourage them into universities, we use affirmative action to put them in the front of the queue for jobs, we give them a leg up the promotion ladder, extra rights and privileges in the workplace enshrined in law, whilst hamstringing men with ‘sensitivity’ guidelines and retooling the workplace into a feminized hell-hole.
Just so women can feel that masculine pride. But they never do.
For that pride comes not from the degrees, or the credentials, or the job title or the salary. It comes from fighting the fair fight and winning against a worthy opponent. The very thing all of these ‘advantages’ they enjoy sought to keep them from ever experiencing.
It’s such a waste. For had a man not been displaced from following that path, it is likely he would have broken through and become successful. And even today, when a man breaks through and becomes successful, he tends to form a family.
When women ‘break through’ they tend to go out and buy lots of hand-bags.
And often it’s these same women who are lamenting ‘Where did all the good men go?’ Well the truth is that feminism traded them for Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Hermes and Chanel.
Good work, ladies.
Shorten that to:
“To embrace solitude is to embrace masculinity”
and you’ve got an aphorism for the ages.
The “downside” to detoxifying from all the social chaos is that you also become much more sensitive to it and eventually it becomes unbearable to be around.
But a democracy is a form of military rule with fiat/military script and feminism is a tool of covert warfare. The lieber code of president Lincoln is quite interesting when it comes to these things. He believed in Christian universalism, ie to repay evil with good etc.
Are you a peaceful inhabitant who doesn’t deal in negative claims of guilt or are you a belligerent (anti-Christ) who is acting against the naked trust that already exists? All that remains apart from Christ is absolute wrath, but in Christ Jesus their is no guilt/condemnation.
“The “downside” to detoxifying from all the social chaos is that you also
become much more sensitive to it and eventually it becomes unbearable
to be around.”
Yes, agreed, but I have found what you describe to be not the destination, but a step on the ‘path’. Things can seem unbearable at times but further introspection (ironically) takes you to a place where instead of finding things unbearable, you will instinctively dismiss them. TV, corporate bullshit, MSM, hopelessly lost blue-pill friends and colleagues – they all fall away, leaving you more time and space to find truth and follow your passions. With these things striped away your masculinity cannot do anything else but rise to the surface.
“Our society (or the matrix of modern feminist societies) often puts
enough social pressure on men to seek “relationships” or
“alliances”—more so if these men are high-value to begin with.”
You are primarily describing the situation in schools and universities where humans are stuffed like animals in a barn and are forced to “socialize” or else to be rejected as outcasts or half-casts. And the more one dwells in solitude the more one’s situation deteriorates. Solitude is not the solution in such situation, the only solution is to get out of this prison because real life is not like that.
There is a war on solitude for men.
Notice much of that the surveillance state does to justify itself is all about “lone wolves”?
And every time some Ritalin wonder shoots up a school, they say “loner”, even in cases when the person was not a loner. If it happens in a work environment, they say “he kept to himself”.
How often is it said about home schooling being bad because “the kids won’t be socialized”? More like Socialismized.
Lots of men who live alone have dogs. Notice the cops shoot dogs dead with impunity now?
The people who fund “mob action” such as the protests in Ferguson are also the same people who despise and fund the banning of high capacity magazines. That one person could turn their mob comprised of weaponized ignorance is to them like a cross is to a vampire.
And now, most of you will hate me for this.
While solitude for men (read: producers) is vilified, solitude for women is championed.
As usual. The gynocracy to blatantly flips everything that only a blithering retard would fail to notice when the facts are laid out.
An example of this is a movie called “The Wall”. It was based on a book that was very popular feminist reading in the 1970s. I would not recommend you watch “The Wall”. Why? Because it’s excruciating. It’s so full of indoctrinary crap while being so boring it’ll make your asshole bleed. Yet women ate that crap right up.
Solitude for men, combined with red pill knowledge and internet access, is very dangerous to those in charge.
The Columbine duo were immediately written off as outcasts but they weren’t, I’ve heard.
The time where i could learn something from people is most likely over. and it´s too rare anyway, so trying to search for “friendship” is a waste of time. I´m in a elite club – alone. there are some people i can listen to, but that´s only through internet.
so only short collaborations/temporary friendships exist for me, when the mission ends it´s all over. and i would not bet my life on it. disappointments don´t just leave scars but also wisdom and knowledge.
Right now i would rather have a Rottweiler than a “friend” too bad i have neither LOL
Right Oscar. Most modern U.S. males are terrified of being alone for extended periods. And I do mean terrified. They are raised to be psychologically (and sexually) dependent upon females for their sense of masculinity, security, and self-worth. And we see the results all around us.
Many aboriginal cultures would force adolescent boys into periods of extended solitude precisely to break Team Woman’s apron-strings, and to begin teaching him how to rely on himself . . . and only secondarily, upon other men of his group.
Left or right, the biggest manginas are always the guys who never learned to be alone, and never spent any appreciable time alone. They were handed-off from mothers to ‘girlfriends’ or wives, and spend their lives in a chain of fem-servitude. I’ve known lots of these guys, and they absolutely fall apart as individuals if they gotta spend a few months without mommy/girlie/wifey. When a relationship breaks up, they fall apart, and RUSH to latch onto the next female, because they never were taught to become themselves. Indeed, they die never knowing who they are, beyond the Group Tool that modern matriarchal societies fashion them into. And as we’ve seen, these guys will demand that the rest of us become as weak and dependent as themselves on female approval… or else.
Great stuff. Most, nearly all, guys need that approving ‘good boy’ pat on the head from females. They either get it or suffer if they don’t. I’ve stayed unmarried and I just know, I JUST KNOW, that people see me as a guy who was incapable of winning the queen’s approval. That’s all I am–a guy who missed the mark. If I travel, chase hobbies, improve myself, learn, read, eat well, lift etc.. it doesn’t matter. To them it’s like, “Yeah that stuff’s cool, but it didn’t work.” What they mean (without really knowing) is that any kind of effort is only worthwhile if it panders to and wins queenie’s ‘good boy’ pat on the head. Anything outside that is a waste of time and a fool’s errand, in their mind. They don’t know the mechanics of the situation we’re in at all. It’s just, not married=loser. The fact that their marriage is making them absolutely miserable never factors into their thinking. How they actually feel and their actual life’s quality both are bits of insignificant dust when placed before the god of FEMALE APPROVAL which is their main priority. I’m so glad the RP clarified these things.
If you’re still single and they think you’re incapable of winning a queen’s approval, tell them it’s the other way around. No woman is able to win MY approval.
Yeah they say “you’re single for a reason” like that demotes you to second class citizen or something.
Oh and let’s not forget they think you haven’t grown up for not getting married. I think they’re trying to cover up their own faulty of getting married and becoming old which they like to call becoming “mature”
I know what you mean. Women will hate on you, point blank. I don’t even care about their reaction anymore. The more irritating thing is that there are so many males who obviously have an issue with a guy who has remained single. It’s like they can barely be in the same room with a person who made different decisions than they did. That’s how insecure or regretful they are about their own decision (which has left them in a position of being bullied for decades by some 180 pound cow with the whole culture at her back). A guy like me shows them the option; “You could have stayed single” just kind of whispering in the air. Nooo! They can’t handle it that the option was there and they chose door B and ruined their life. To get cognitive balance, they have to dismiss the single man as any of the following;
-peter pan
-weird mother issue
All of that nonsense just to drive off their own regrets. Upon introduction, a married guy will already have opinions on the deepest levels of your psychosexuality, just because you stayed single and he didn’t.
I’ve talked about this a few times on ROK. I live overseas and the next time I go home, I will be very wary of this kind of shit; usually hinty and made jokingly but I won’t be around it anymore. You can’t get a true grasp on how blue pill the culture is until you get post 40 as a single man. Most guys just can’t accept the evidence that it was an option. Way too painful. Truly admitting to yourself that you took your heart, your mind, your free-time, your balls, your dick, your freedom and your wallet—your whole life–set them all on a silver tray and handed them over to some fat asshole who growls like a man, farts on your leg at night, eats like a starving savage in your presence, laughs when you hint at sex, and zaps out any hint of happiness that you’ve found….Wow, way too painful. Guys just handing over their entire life to some asshole who had decent tits when she was 22. What a mistake.
“My solitude doesn’t depend on the presence or absence of people; on the contrary, I hate who steals my solitude without, in exchange, offering me true company.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche
…and solitude threatens consumerism, as does contentment and self sufficiency, therefore solitude is never mentioned in the mass media unless suspect, scorned and shamed. It’s always the ‘crazy loner’ who commits the worst crimes… The fear of isolation and loneliness is used to sell all sorts of ‘remedies’ guaranteed to save your sorry self from yourself… However, it’s solitude that is the cure for isolation and loneliness but you’ll only hear that in the Manosphere where men mentor men: Solitude is a man’s friend ~ use it to improve yourself, to create, to learn, to maintain, to grow and you will find contentment and self sufficiency. MGTOW.
Solitude would threaten consumerism also by not instilling jealousy between neighbors for products they don’t have when compared.
You need to have a balance, I enjoy my own company an like some things by myself but I also have a healthy social life. I was a real loner in highschool but got more confident in myself in my 20s an made alot more friends. Being a total introvert loner isn’t good for your mental health, you still need some loyal friends or some sort of social activity. To be happy in solitude is a good character trait if you balance it out.
I think the social life is overrated. Would rather focus on my plans for financial freedom, which most people never attempt, than hang out doing nothing. After financial freedom occurs, I could afford to shoot the breeze all day if I wanted.
I agree it’s overated but I still enjoy doing things with friends, like playing pool or rugby or going gym together if one of my friends is free, but overall I enjoy my own company an do most things alone. I think people that have a constant need to be doing things with other people have some kind of emotional weakness since they haven’t learnt to be happy with their own thoughts.
Why fear being alone?
Solitude came to me rather naturally and I embraced it.
Never had a Twitter/Facebook/Instagram/Pinterest/Tinder/Tumbler/whatever
account. Thus, over the last few years, contact was gradually severed with
about 90% of all former acquaintances including those living in my area.
Then I ditched TV about 5 years ago. I ended up having
nothing to talk about in terms of TV stuff, the latest trendy happenings in
society and so forth. And so I lost the remaining 10%.
Nowadays, now and then, some former acquaintance would drop
an email that they will be in town and would love to have a drink and catch up. I do turn up, courteous as ever, I sit and mostly listen to their awesomeness and how their life is amazing. The truth is, they are trapped, and wasting everyday trying to keep up with the joneses, without ever getting there.
The last one I met is a childhood friend who now is regional CFO of some multinational company. The guy’s annual salary is pretty close to 7
figures yet his personal life is a mess. He believes if only he could get
another job paying 40% more, all his problems will be solved. Then he spent 2
hours explaining how.
I kept wondering how could a smart man be so plugged into the matrix, be so oblivious to the obvious things to do.
You know, I have some of my best thoughts when I am doing a menial task, alone, like folding the laundry or vacuuming the carpet. I love being alone.
This can be practiced within a marriage as well, however it can only be possible in short bursts. The wife cooperates in this arena and I am aware of a couple other marriages where this takes place.
The article advice is best observed when one has broken up with an intense relationship with a woman, IMO but can also be practiced anytime.
I live in near-solitude. I never thought I would be living this way, but man is it amazing. G-d cannot make His presence known to you when you’re surrounded by either the chatter of other peoples’ voices, or the chatter of your own mind. Stillness alone reveals truth.
Solitude is essentially confronting and understanding yourself. For a lot of people this concept is a frightening one, which they do not dare to admit. How many individuals avoid solitude until old age when they are nothing but husks of their former selves and have lost the ability to develop their personal identity.
Good article, surprisingly topically to an online argument I’ve had with some SJW types in last few days that included standing on your own vs being part of a mob
Hey Linacostaaah. Some of the RoK guys would like to make tu lotus purrrr.
I enjoy solitude, unfortunately mine came with loneliness. Such a thing happens when one perceives the world in a highly synesthetic manner. It’s like explaining colour to the blind (but it would explain why I feel so jaded with impressionism & whatnot). I eventually got over it through introspection, psychological research, and embracing traditional masculinity (mmm… 3-piece grey pinstripe suit).
Even though it was a rough road, I’m happy with my journey to self-actualization, and wouldn’t trade it for anything.
Now, if only I didn’t find it so illogical to join the hedonism of modern human mating rituals… all well.
The US has done a good example of globalization by being a stand alone nation in terms of geological location goes. When you need something you can dip into society to get what you want. If you feel it’s harrowing to be in the company of a group leave it.
Freedom from the known. conditioning from the past , the beliefs out with it. All that stuff that is in the way that creates inner conflict , keeping you from discovering that which is timeless immeasurable
Freedom from the known