How The Manosphere Is Filling A Void Left By Feminized Modern Churches

Religions, specifically Christianity has an interesting history and consequently an interesting evolution.

Like all religions it originally started as the sole form of government. If a tribe got too big a few strongmen would not be enough to keep it under control, and there were military as well as survival benefits to having a larger tribe.

Ergo, “religion” where an “all powerful god” gave “his people” rules to follow (which amazingly all seem to be the basic same commandments regardless of which religion you choose), otherwise they would endure a “hell” of a new form of government. And so instead of Mog threatening to bash your head in to do what was best for the tribe, people in fear of “hell” started following rules and laws that made for larger, stronger tribes.

Of course religion was an improvement from “Mog the Tribal Chieftain” beating your head in, but like all forms of government, it corrupted it’s leaders. Be it a pastor, a rabbi, an imam, a president or a conrgessman, it didn’t matter. Sooner or later the power of ruling over a people proved too tempting to leaders of all religions and soon they imbibed in the benefits, becoming fat, rich, and lazy.

Sadly for them, even within the most sheepleish of followers, some would still dare to point out the fact or even the risk that the leaders were hypocrites, using religion as a means to simply enrich themselves. Some even dared to suggest there was no god, or that their god was the wrong one. And since this threatened the power of the leaders, they had to go back to Mog the Tribe Chieftain tactics.

Burning at the stake

These amounted to witch burnings, burning people who wanted to read and become literate, burning people who thought the sun was the center of the solar system. Soon, however, reality, science, self-respect, sanity, and the power of the masses slowly made inroads into debunking religion as government.

And with a lot of philosophy, science, wars, and burned heretics at least some religions were reformed allowing for secular government, most notably in the (evil and hate-filled) United States.

This then relegated religion to where it belonged – largely a personal affair between a man and his thoughts about god and the afterlife that would have no say in what others were to believe in such matters. However, for all the flaws of religion, it did deliver an absolutely enormous benefit to humanity—wisdom

Religious Wisdom

The reason all religions have more or less the same commandments is because it made sense. It was beneficial to society to follow them.  And that’s merely the commandments. If you look at all the major religions’ primary texts they are nothing more than life advice guides that has the culminated wisdom of men over the past 6,000 years.

Ergo, religion, for all of its flaws, filled a role in society filling the gap where mere codified secular law could not.

The law does not tell you how to raise a family. Religion does. The law does not tell you raise your children. Religion does. And the law does not tell you how to run your romantic or social lives. Religion does.

The Golden Years

50 church

It is here, the crossroads where religion was NOT the government, but served to fulfill a man’s spiritual life, that religion would enjoy its heyday and do the most good. The secular government would provide the rules by which everybody could live together, your religion would teach you how to get the most out of life.

You would love your family and friends. You would respect other people, leaving them be, loving thy neighbor as you love thyself, as long as none of them hurt or harmed you. And if the thought of a universe without a god or a life without an afterlife scared you, then there was always a convenient tale of 72 virgins or sitting at a table playing poker with Jesus and your childhood dog.

There’s just one minor problem. Religion, especially Christianity, could not stop evolving.

Can’t Leave Well Enough Alone

Be it the never ending empiricism of science, the freedom of thought secularism grants you, the leftist movement of the 1960’s, or feminism railing against the “religious right,” people started leaving the church. And like corporations cannot abide decreasing profits, churches cannot abide decreasing attendance.

And so in an effort to stem the flow of congregants leaving the church, the church started diluting itself, sacrificing its standards to appeal to a larger market and therein save all those religious leaders their jobs.

In my town alone there is the church that actually baptizes animals. It’s right next to another church where (20 years ago) I listened to a long haired hippie preacher rail against the evils of capitalism. Which is only one of about a gazillion churches that fly gay banners outside their steeple.

And let’s not forget about the score of female pastors I’ve seen. And you Catholics have GOT to realize your pope isn’t a pope, but a leftist purposely chosen to win a popularity contest with the young and naive generation.

Of course, I am not against any of these things (bar the socialist posing as pope). I think gays should be able to worship. I think gays should be able to get married. I think women can make great pastors. And if you want to “baptize animals” while railing against capitalism, well then by golly you go do that.

The only problem is in doing so you admit your entire religion was not only wrong, but is a money-making operation. And in doing so, you also alienate your customer base of true believers and genuine Christians.

Of course my observations above are only my observations as a PK and outside observer. I haven’t been to church in 20 years. But I vicariously live through other Christian bloggers of whom I have great respect – Dalrock, Wintery Knight, Free Northerner, Chris Bechtloff, and Last Christian Standing.  And the common refrain I hear from them is the invasion of feminist thought co-opting and destroying whatever remnants of spiritual wisdom and traditionalism that real Christians may have once enjoyed.

And it’s driving away men in droves.

Be it “man up and marry those sluts” or “you have a Christian duty” or the increasingly feminist lectures disguised as “sermons,” churches may have opened themselves up to the “lucrative” markets of gays, feminists, and young uppity leftist women, but it’s sending men elsewhere.

Of course, I never chartered religious people with terribly great business acumen, but any business strategist would point out serious religious men are better long-term customers for religion than 22-year-old feminist, liberal sociology majors who are “spiritual, but not religious.”

Thus, for whatever short term gain may (and likely, may not) have been had, churches are not only hemorrhaging Millennial followers, but men as well.

“The Church Of St. Leykis”


However, just because the church is leaving millions of men behind, does not mean they won’t search for religion or spirituality elsewhere. And truth be told, most people attend church not only because they want to worship god, but also because of the guidance, wisdom, and structure it provides in life.

And that’s great news for the likes of us, because whether you realize it or not, ROK, Tom Leykis, Dalrock, and the hundreds of others sites that have evolved over the past 10 years to reconstitute the wisdom that was lost since the 1960’s, are a perfect, dare I say, superior substitute.  We are the new “church.”  And we most definitely welcome any men looking for some kind of wisdom, guidance, even spirituality.

Of course, we are not preaching salvation, advocating one religion or another, or offering any advice on how to make it to the winning side in the afterlife. That is again a private affair between you and your god. But everything else non-religious the church once provided is provided here.

Wisdom, comradery, fellowship, support, guidance, humor, structure, and brotherhood. All delivered without a lecture, precluded by a ton of outdated songs, chants, formalities, and Christian girls who hold you up to Jesus to judge your dateability.

Internet Killed The Mega Church Star

Not only can a single podcast or blog reach millions, but it does so at a millionth of the cost it would take a traditional church to reach the same. Podcasts are also more convenient than early or even late service, allowing you to listen wherever, whenever. The topics are more pertinent and relevant to men today, giving you direct advice without relying on archaic and easily misinterpreted scriptures.

If you’re looking for life advice, rather than being stuck with the local pastor at your church, you have a choice of thousands, ensuring only the highest quality “preachers” make it to the top. And instead of pledging a tithe of 10% to a religion, all you need to do is “buy something on Amazon” or purchase the occasional book (which you were likely going to do anyway).  Truth is, I’m surprised a young, enterprising pastor fresh out of seminary hasn’t put together a “digital” church as of yet.

Regardless, this isn’t to say that you shouldn’t attend church (or synagogue or mosque). Nor that you should give up searching for one that delivers the traditional religious message and guidance you are looking for. But if you’re in limbo, and in between houses of worship, or just need a classic belt of fire and brimstone truth, about the only place you’re going to find it nowadays is here and on the hundreds of blogs and podcasts that populate the Knowledgesphere.

And we’re damn happy to have you.

Read More: A Brief Introduction To The Country Formerly Known As Sweden

359 thoughts on “How The Manosphere Is Filling A Void Left By Feminized Modern Churches”

  1. I have a buddy who just recently completed Seminary at a pretty prestigious school. He informed me that everything has a feminist/transgender agenda. Cis-Gender this, Pan sexual that, God is a woman and the Holy Spirit has breasts. He said it was a nightmare, and if he hadn’t received a scholarship he would have quit.

    1. “I have a buddy who just recently completed Seminary at a pretty
      prestigious school. He informed me that everything has a
      feminist/transgender agenda. Cis-Gender this, Pan sexual that, God is a
      woman and the Holy Spirit has breasts. He said it was a nightmare, and
      if he hadn’t received a scholarship he would have quit.”
      He should have quit anyway, even though he didn’t waste his own money, he wasted his own time, which is also money, to learn heretical filth which he had to internally reject.
      Orthodox seminaries on the other hand are full of former Heterodox (Roman Catholic and Protestant) pastors and priests running from the ever growing heresies of their schisms.

        1. Well, we need more of that. And this is coming from a heretic. While we’re at it, let’s bring back “bastardy” as a working term.

        2. “bastardy” would probably include most people these days. Not myself I should add

        3. Good thing you said that because I was about to call you a complete and utter bastard.

        4. I’m trying to bring back “solid dick”, but have had…less than positive responses.

        5. It would include me, and I think it should come back into common usage. Being a bastard means being crippled by the lack of a father figure. Even the best of moms can’t be dads, and kids need both.

        6. too true. Not everybody would be happy about it, but it would serve a legitimate purpose

        7. No, Karn Nakulo.
          Your parents are dead, and Whatever sins your parents commited, whether they were married or gave birth to you before they were married, does not matter anymore.
          Wether or not you were conceived inside or outside Marriage, and whatever sins your parents may or may not have committed,
          By the Grace of God, I hereby decree that you are now free from your parents sins, and that you are innocent of whatever sins they perpertraded, and you are not a “bastard”.
          Their sins died with them Karn Nakulo.
          And thus you are not a “bastard” anymore.
          You are hereby a Man free from your parents sins,
          And you are NOT a “bastard child”, regardless of the circumstances of you were born into.
          So pack your worries in a plastic bag and dump them in the nerest container.
          THEN use your free will to become the Man you want to be and become a servant of God.
          Because if you don`t, you`ll be going to Hell and spend eternity with all the faggots who called an innocent orphan like yourslf – for a “bastard”.

      1. Yea I had a free ride to college. Worst thing ever. I dropped out with one semester left. With all the stories Ive heard now, the only ones I would consider are Baylor and Brigham Young. Neither is happening.

      2. A new Dark ages is coming…Russia and the Orthodox church will withstand the insanity.

    2. Seminary is where faith goes to die. It’s been that way since the whole “Frankfurt School Critical Theory” development.
      I honestly believe that I am better educated on the Scriptures and philosophy than the vast majority of pastors, because I skipped the schooling.

      1. “I honestly believe that I am better educated on the Scriptures and philosophy than the vast majority of pastors, because I skipped the schooling.”
        preach it

    3. There are still some seminaries that haven’t lost their minds like that. I’m currently attending one. The only women you see around here are local nuns, and it has a boot camp atmosphere, and not just because we’re out here doing push-ups, but because we do a Litany of the Hours in between classes. We’re a Catholic seminary, so we keep things pretty stag, and unlike other Catholic seminaries they have a strong proscription against those who may be gay. It was rather breathtaking to hear one of the priests tell us all that all Christians have a right to attend services in a traditional way, rather than the watered down approach that has happened since, and in spite of, Vatican II, and I’ve never heard a priest say that before.

      1. Any churches you’d recommend? Or priests to get in touch with with that view point?

      2. Yeah, you can still find them. Pope Benedict was great in that he went to the old teaching and traditions of the church that came from the ancient Greek studies. Men are men, etc. But not just because someone says so, but because the greatest thinkers in the world proved that it’s the way to preserve our species. The new Pope, eh, I don’t know.

    4. God, even in contemporary christianity [sic] is whatever you feel it, he or she is. It’s all about feelings. And, females worship feeling, which constitute the character of their God, above anything real, tangible, or even mythical and intangible. And, they’ve dragged down every religion and church where they’ve been allowed a voice.
      That’s why even in the confines of the New Testament, Paul had to instruct the fledgling sect to tell the women to STFU — I mean, “remain silent.” Same difference. Of course, like all other things, western men got softened into a liberal mindset despite very clear direction and warnings against letting women muck up the divinity and sanctity of worship.
      And, we now have an explosion of diarrhea passing for worship. No self-respecting man can allow himself to be subject to such nonsense, and that’s why many don’t attend church. It’s just a big bunch of emotional diarrhea.

      1. Paul and most men in the biblical knew what he was talking about. Sad now that we only understand their foresight at the verge of a collapse.

        1. Really? From Galatians 3:28:
          There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
          True Christianity accepting gay marriage is just a natural consequence of their teachings.

      1. Not the bible. Just manuscripts from people writing about the bible. I don’t know any of the names.

    5. Women do tend to add to ceremonies and with often unintended consequences.
      At one “new age” ceremony in a northern Ontario town, this lady deacon was going to lead in the blessing of the Water (of Life) which was to be used in a baptism later in the service. She poured the water into the bowl, but at a trickle so that it sounded like a moose pissing into a puddle of water. Moose hunters often make a pissing moose sound in order to entice the bigs bulls out into the open where we can get a shot at them. A number of us tried very hard not to laugh out loud, but she must have heard the snickering anyway, as she became visibly angry and somewhat snarky for the rest of the blessing ceremony.

      1. And from that same primordial water, man synthesized deuterium, or heavy water, which he would use in the construction of the atomic bomb — making water a catalyst of death and destruction.
        Stupid women! Sheesh.

      2. That’s funny. You should have raked something on the pew, like antlers on a tree when a bull elk gets territorial.

      3. Don’t care how educated the woman is, she’ll always bring weirdness and useless stuff to religion. They flock to the New Age movement because it’s about getting some kind of recognition and “self empowerment” that they don’t get in real life. Women can’t get that in normal life because they’re vapid. Nothing is real or works out for them.
        In history, almost every story where a woman ran a country or was a high priestess of a state religion, it ended in disaster. Which is why you don’t hear of many of them. They got wiped out after starting pointless wars or driving populations to insane behavior. Recorded ancient histories are about strategic wins and losses, and women run institutions didn’t make it that far. They got wiped out before they were even in the game.

        1. Totally agree with you although I think Queen Elizabeth I is the exception.

        2. Yeah, you’re right there. But man, I totally read the shit out of ancient history, and there’s a lot to be learned there. Things don’t change that much, only technology. But comparing women to men, the ancient Greeks and Romans had well defined ideas about the difference between the two, and when they’d write about their contemporary female rulers, they’d just shake their heads at the irrational behavior of their kingdoms.

    6. It would do well for your friend to read about Saint Athanasius and his battle against Heratics in the Church.

    7. Cuckoldry is built into Christianity. Don’t expect much from a religion that celebrates cuckolding as holy.

  2. I was watching a video of the Pope telling people the man should be the head of the household and keep his masculine virtues for the running of a family. Bit unfair to call him a socialist, yeah he is probably disgusted at the finance oligarchy that’s developed and asks people to respect the poor. But I haven’t read or seen anything to suggest he thinks gay marriage is ok?

    1. He has openly codemned gay marriage. I’m not too happy with him, but he isn’t that pro-sodomite.

      1. He has also condemned “gender theory” but it ends at that, verbal condemnation, his has yet to act on any of them, Ireland is a case in point.

    2. A lot of false things are being said about the current Pope. But any reader of ROK should know better than to blindly trust the mainstream media, that is always willing to manipulate messages for their own goals. This pope might not be the bane of sodomites, but he is not changing the Catholic church stance towards gay life style, either. Being gay might not be a reason to condemn someone, but acting on these unnatural impulses is.

    3. Have you read some of the Soviet and really old school communism literature? It often puts masculine virtues high up on its lists. Don’t take me wrong communism is still utterly deplorable, but masculine virtues extend into economics and communism/socialism is the most unmasculine economic system conceived.

    4. i married my central american, devout catholic wife in her country last year. in our pre-marriage interview, her priest told her “remember, when you go to america, that feminism is the work of the devil and is not a good basis for family life.” that was pretty inspiring. i doubt priests get to say that in the US.

  3. I see the need for religion after leaving it behind for a long time. I was raised a Catholic but the local parishes seem left wing. Any suggestions as to what traditional church to look into?

    1. Traditional Catholic types that use the old pre-1960s Mass is the only way to go if you’re Catholic.

    2. See if you can find a nearby FSSP parish — or, if you can’t find one and want to be a little more daring, SSPX.

        1. I’m not Catholic, but if a Tridentine Mass is available wherever I happen to be, then I attend. Not only do I appreciate the liturgy, but I have some assurance that the homily won’t be terrible. Not to mention the children are usually well-dressed and well-behaved.

    3. Lutheran Church Missouri Synod churches tend to be reliable. Presbyterian Church of America is also comparatively safe.
      Honestly, this is where you do the thing that pastors condemn above all – church shopping. Read the Bible, educate yourself on the doctrine (R.C. Sproul is a good teacher), and then compare what you know to what your local churches teach.

        1. I strongly advise against the Wisconsin Synod. Dad was a pastor for it. It’s a hate filled cult.

  4. The first problem is thinking there is no definite right or wrong. There are moral laws in this universe, and it is religion’s job to discover what they are. The second problem is thinking that modern ideologies are not religious. We need to widen our definition of church. A woman’s studies course at NYU with a psycho lecturer indoctrinating young students, is that not a church? Vox media spreading their filth across Facebook, is that not preaching? Churches have appeared in many forms in history, and today’s “secular” culture is more religious than ever, though the left will not admit it. They all teach eternal truths mixed with faulty human philosophies. The answer is not to withdraw from faith, for fear of becoming a fanatic, because like color or temperature, religion is a human condition impossible to erase. The answer is to boldly stand by the few things you know for certain. Feel-good pearls of wisdom are nice to hear, but I prefer the gritty hell and brimstone sermons. Tell it like it is.

      1. Fun question. Some would answer “philosophically-derived ethics”, others would answer “natural law.”
        Personally, I think the best dissertation on the subject was C.S. Lewis’s “Abolition of Man.” He researched what he called the “Tao” – seemingly universal standards for ethical behavior. It’s a relatively short, yet incredibly deep read.

      2. All laws are moral opinions codified. Even driver’s laws are moral opinions, e.g. “Who owns the road, how do we collect tolls, should we license bicycles, should we license walking?”
        What is a moral law? A codification of a well-proven truthful metaphysical reality. Laws that are based on untrue metaphysical propositions are harmful, immoral, wrong.
        To refuse this jurisprudence leaves you with relativism. Those are your choices. Natural Law, or relativism. Or nihilism.

        1. interesting link. i like this one:

          Critical legal studies is a younger theory of jurisprudence that has developed since the 1970s. It is primarily a negative thesis that holds that the law is largely contradictory, and can be best analyzed as an expression of the policy goals of the dominant social group.

          i understand the theoretical concept of a natural moral law akin to physics. though, a law usually makes predictions that can be verified. what predictions does a moral law make? are they predictions about a stable society? about individual contentness? about afterlife?
          some angles could be verified, others would be harder.

        2. If you study epistemology you will learn that physics and the laws of physics can be verified only to a degree. There is a limit to our knowing, our perception, our material abilities. For example, quantum superposition. We’ve hit a physical barrier in our ability to verify the laws of science. We cannot accurately measure the location of an electron whirling around the nucleus. The electron follows all the laws, and we know the laws, but we are unable to located it. In fact, the uncertainty principle says that the harder we try to locate/observe something at this quantum level, the less we’ll be able.
          This uncertainty, this physical barrier, combined with the classical problems philosophy teaches us about epistemology and physics (e.g. the Mind-Body Problem and Zeno’s Arrow) infects all of physics and reason. It becomes obvious that our universe is absurd without some underlying explanation, some underlying creation, an order, a Great Chain of Being. This gives rise to metaphysics. Metaphysics is our attempt to use the material to explain the immaterial.
          And it is from this immaterial metaphysical necessity that we gain a solid workable epistemology AS WELL as a jurisprudence that affects JUSTICE. Justice, morality, law, and reason all lie in the metaphysical. To try to explain any of those things in only physical terms is a dead end, riddles and unbreakable paradoxes leading to absurdity.
          So a moral law does not make predictions. Moral laws flow from the reasonable assertions regarding Nature and Nature’s God, so to speak. And yes, there is a limit to metaphysics, and that makes some laws and angles easier to verify than others. How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?
          At first it can seem discouraging to know that your social order rests on the metaphysical theories of stuffy philosophers/theologians. But think of the alternative. Relativism or nihilism. I think it is best to have a book that everyone agrees on, a playbook for civilization, The Holy Bible. It doesn’t change like the fickle imaginations of nihilists and relativists.

        3. you make some good points about the problems of physics, although i find it hard to understand what the problem of, say, zeno’s arrow is. i do not see a contradiction. but maybe that is because i have a background in video editing. motion is an appearance. and since we know that everything is quantized, there obviously can not be seamless motion. to expect that things behave in the small as they do in the big is a state of mind i no longer share. same with the negatively answered question whether atoms are “solid” on their lowest level. it does not mean anything as we do not touch atoms. it seems very nonsensical to me.
          albeit you bring up some interesting thoughts, you then continue to encourage me to believe in objective validity of justice without any kind of palpable evidence or predictions.
          i interpret this as weakness of your mind.
          where did those philosophers get those norms from, if not through some kind of methodology? did they pull them out of thin air? did they talk to god? yes, i know that religious people have active speech regions in their brain during prayer.
          i do not claim that nihilism is preferrable. as i see it, justice is a part of evolution and has evolved to be what it is. but from that standpoint, it should be very clear that there are predictions that can be made.
          if no predictions could be made, thus no effects measured, justice would be inconsequential, unnecessary.
          and if you look at the laws of today’s feminism, slavery and probably many laws during our history – objectively – i think it is fair and reasonable to say that they protect the rights of the dominant group on top of solving conflicts between equals.

        4. There is no objective justice in this world. Only God can dispense it. We have our choices, and the consequences. It is a sort of justice.
          We have Law and Revelation. We know the difference between wrong and right, if we are honest with ourselves and with God.
          Through law and revelation we can institute a kind of justice in this world and seeks to be in alignment with truth and honesty. But it is not real justice. It is our human version. Sometimes we will get it wrong. May God forgive us.
          Although this kind of justice is not satisfying to a materialist, it is better than the alternative, which is relative justice, “evolved” changing shifting nebulous justice. What kind of “justice” evolves? That makes no sense. Murder evolved to become immoral? Is rape sometimes right?
          Plato in The Republic uses a discussion with Thrasymachus about justice that was written thousands of years ago. Look it up. They failed to define justice. Nobody has been able to define it since.
          Only God can bring justice. Through his revelation and his law you may know some of it, perhaps. Will it be objective? I doubt it. Most criminals try to rationalize and worm their way out of justice, and tell themselves they are justified in their crimes.
          Others are able to face God’s justice and confess their sins and understand their need for salvation.
          Christ and his teachings and the Bible give us the best shot at “justice” in this world and everything else sucks in comparison after studying it out. That’s where my hope is. In Christ.

        5. “where did those philosophers get those norms from, if not through some kind of methodology? did they pull them out of thin air? did they talk to god? ”
          I don’t know that I can distill 2,000 years of Natural Law for you into a blog comment. I will just say that if you study it out, Natural Law is 100 times more methodical, rational, universal, useful, relevant than the alternatives. Start with books on Natural Law. We’ve only been writing them in The West for 3,000 years.

        6. you sound very confused.

          We know the difference between wrong and right, if we are honest with ourselves and with God.

          maybe you do. i do not.

          Only God can bring justice. Through his revelation and his law you may know some of it, perhaps. Will it be objective? I doubt it.

          if it will not be objective, what will it be?

          They failed to define justice. Nobody has been able to define it since.

          somebody assigned the word ‘justice’ to something. what was it? you can not define a term that nobody agrees upon. there is no point in philosophizing about it.

          Murder evolved to become immoral? Is rape sometimes right?

          of course. there are cultures where stuff like that happens without much retribution. did any of them rise to the level we have? no. because those tribes and cultures that allowed these things openly have not persisted.

        7. Right now “justice” is usually the usurpation of resources and power from white males, redistributing to whichever group screams the loudest or threatens the most damage.

    1. > religion’s job to discover
      By hearing voices in your head that you think are “God?” That’s a classical symptom of schizophrenia.

      “Religion is organized schizophrenia.” ~Dr. Robert Sapolsky
      Dr. Robert Sapolsky The Biological Origins of Religion (Bio 150/250 Lecture, Stanford University, Spring 2002)

  5. American culture is becoming horribly fucked up. With the feminist + mangina court ramming through gay marriage, numerous churches are going queer as a way to get a surge in donations from gay couples they can marry. They’re essentially whoring themselves out like the rocky horror picture show.

    1. but they are finding that overall, gay people don’t really attend church. Nor do liberals typically (not modern ones at least). Other than the Unitarians, most of the big mainstream (liberal) churches, UMC, PCUSA, Lutheran and Episcopal, are dying. They are basically straight, white, old liberals who don’t or haven’t bred enough, and/or their kids were so liberal they gave up church.

  6. Traditional values and identities will be replaced by malleable ideals that are easily redefined to fit the needs of our ruling classes. The results have thus far been wildly successful as evidenced by the West’s transition into value-fluid societies.

  7. Any church that allows gay marriage, or a female pastor, or claims that Jesus was a woman is NOT a church; it’s a fucking cult.

      1. I’m a protestant and I hear ya…. and am very inclined to agree. These warped ‘progressive’ style churches seem to have some kind of paper trail to goes back to the protestants.

        1. Conservative Protestantism is growing across much of the West, yes they currently outnumbered by liberal Protestants. Though liberal Protestantism is he bleeding dry of members: Presbyterian Church USA, the Evangelical Lutheran Church, Epicopalians, United Methodists, and more. Conservative churches are reporting record membership growth: WELS, ELC-MS, Presbertyerian Church in America, and North American Lutheran Church. I myself am a Free Presbyterian (North America) which was only founded in 2005 and now has 2 dozen churches across the United States and Canada.

        2. Methodist was known as the most liberal big box church to spring up when suburbia boomed in the 50’s through 70’s. New suburbanites had their pick of Methodist, UME, Presbo, Lutheran or Episcopalian. The order of liberal to con went roughly Meth, Presb, Luth and Episcopal.
          The conservative four were Baptist, Seventh Day, Church of Christ and Church of God (Church of God was and remains pretty thumping hard core). I never saw a point in joining a church with liberal positions. Liberal Protestant churches seem like they’d be places more suited for divorcees, drug rehab narc anon chicks building a ‘clean up’ portfolio for their probation officer, ex hookers and any used carousel skank that thinks they can simply wipe themselves clean like you wipe your ass hole after shitting, and be suddenly as good and clean as a virgin and ready to re market yourself to some grass eater beta.
          Mormon Churches remain a fairly good source to abscond with a pure virgin but I wouldn’t keep and try to grow a family or clan within any mainstream LDS church. Get out and go fundamentalist for your own preservation. Like Catholic churches, LDS stakes are also thick with government/fem/sjw and see something say something bots.
          Unitarian is class of its own and from Mars. Some of the most advanced free thinking minds can come from people of this faith but the weak blow out like what you see in a narc anon group. If you need discipline or are dumb as a bag of rocks, a free Unitarian church will straighten you out no better than the street would.
          If there were any litmus test for a church, it would be whether they actively oppose abortion, if they can defend and shelter traditional patriarchal families persecuted by the state, and if open politically incorrect discussion goes un censored. Some churches will overreact and sabotage members who become vocal on issues that would compromise their 501c3 status. A REAL church knows their 501c3 is only a shit offering to the goddamned devil state so they can remain open and free from owing the tax fags.

        3. “Mormon Churches remain a fairly good source to abscond with a pure virgin”
          as a Mormon I feel i must tell you this just wrong….while it is indeed taught obsessively to not have sex before marriage…as a Mormon that grew up outside of Utah and then moved to Utah for a few years I have never heard so much BS that these “virgins” claim to have done and yet are still “virgins”….the biggest mind blowing thing is floating or space docking….the fun act of sticking the penis in the vagina but remaining motionless….this counts as not having sex and they are still virgins….in unrelated news Plan B unexpected pregnancies are the highest in the country because these girls walk in there saying I can’t be pregnant I didn’t have sex.
          see season 2 of Alpha HOuse an amazon prime show for an episode that has a whole 5 minute hilariously accurate scene showing off floating or as the show calls it “soaking”. this scene is complete with the guy accidently moving once or twice and she then proceeds to flip out because they are now going to hell because of premarital sex.
          “Get out and go fundamentalist for your own preservation.”
          this is where I think we run into problems….Mormons have lost complete sight of the religion Joseph Smith started, and as such adore their “prophet” with greater admiration than catholics adore the pope and liberals adore Obama. to be frank Im not sure how I retained my Mormon faith and gave the middle the finger to the mainstream church….If you date a mormon girl….be prepared for hell, the blind brain washing of “follow the prophet” is absurdly powerful and is full of female logic like following the herd.
          again I am pro Mormon religion….well the original religion founded in the 1830s….so I encourage all to find it, but ya know be warned, the modern Mormon church is bat shit insane.

        4. BOW WOW that’s informative. ‘Stickpeople’ fucking is still fucking no matter how they try to excuse it. The dogma has always seemed excessive and is used more as a topic for ice breaker and bulk conversation or to socialize the gatherings under the leaders. Piles of ‘dog’ma laid out to where you can barely walk the premisis without stepping in ‘dog’ma shit.
          As in most western churches, the core tenets of patriarchal order need to be repeatedly stirred up for convo and for consideration or else their everpresent ‘pulp’ church dogma will return to front and center and the herd goes back to sleep. The tenets of enforcing virginity, taming and breaking women to service and domesticity and discouraging independent careerism in the young women, especially the bright ones are core strategems that must be kept alive and covered for or ‘protected’ by any normal vigilent male. Don’t let the ‘state friendly’ thought police water down the truth with dogma. Liken this to the way some would shield the male babies from Herod’s witch hunt. ‘The way’ of patriarchy must be shielded from being attacked by church manginas in authority.
          Blindly trust no one in the mainstream church. Keep your own personal clique of die hards ready to break away and who thumb their noses at the 501c3 pact with the devil. There are too many government black op drones who are too busy redeeming their wicked pasts, too preoccupied wallowing in their sins that they don’t have the fortitude to call out and purge the open manginas in their midst, or in other words they’re too beat or ‘soulwhipped’ to clean their own house of worship. Only a fired up soul can stare down the authorities without fear. Open manginas should be celebratorily removed and consecrated in the most paganistic ritual form. Fitting for a mangina. You reap what you sow.
          Open and legal polygamy must return and thus the main LDS isn’t a strong or safe enough place to lay your trust or openly practice your faith.

        5. Yeah, and when you consider why the Protestant Church was formed in the first place. Religion was the big dog in controlling populations. The Protestant Church was formed so the English and other Kings could do what they wanted apart from the Roman Catholic Church. And those kings, at that point in history, had become beholden to the Merchant Class. It was a time when civilian money was buying political power from the Monarchies. And the religion was in the way. So they changed it to suit themselves. Pretty much the end result is the Mc Churches here in the U.S. that all preach different stuff to hold on to their congregations. As long as those congregations give money and vote Republican.

        6. Pretty much agree, but actually the UMC (Methodist) are not as liberal, not NEARLY as liberal, as the Episcopal (USA) church…I mean, it’s off the fucking rails liberal/feminist.

      2. It’s a curious thing that members of the the RCC/Orthodoxy seem so willing to tolerate radical heresy, both in the past as well as in the present, provided it remains within the bounds of their respective church structures, and doesn’t formally break with it. The Church Luther tried to reform had become a festering pile. It was deeply heretical, and had no intent to change. And oh yes, it then went about martyring those of wouldn’t submit to its heresies. Doesn’t sound like anything we’ve heard of, does it? Yet, this arrangement we’re told time and time again by its proponents, is somehow substantially different from the present heresies in the Protestantism. After all, it’s not really heresy/wickedness, if it’s kept under the purifying umbrella of the mother church, is it?

        1. Lutheran “churches” now bless gay unions and allow for priestesses. Luther’s own heresies and arrogance led to this monstrocity. There’s an active movement to canonize Savonarola, an active opponent of Pope Alexander. Unlike Luther, he kept orthodox and never left the Church to form his own sect. The Protestant Reformation, no matter its reasons, opened the Pandora’s box to a myriad of heresies that plague Christendom today. Rome has never ordained priestesses. Rome won’t recognize sodomite marriage. This is post-VII wishy-washy Rome too.

    1. Any church that brings women into any position of control, and gives an approving wink to fornication and divorce, is already on the road to pagan status.

      1. Christianity has always been pagan anyway. Does any of this sound familiar?

        […] they perform their ritual, and persuade not only individuals, but whole cities, that expiations and atonements for sin may be made by sacrifices and amusements which fill a vacant hour, and are equally at the service of the living and the dead; the latter sort they call mysteries, and they redeem us from the pains of hell, but if we neglect them no one knows what awaits us.
        Plato (4th century BCE) The Republic. Book II.

        more info at:
        Pagan Origins of the Christ Myth

  8. Jesus would be angry at the way these faithless snakes have twisted the word of God. Why can’t the atheists and communists just keep their filth to themselves and not interfere with different views and factions? Because, like a disease, it is the nature of bacteria to spread and infect everything in sight.

    1. I’m not sure Jesus would be angry. He was pretty chill, except with that one fig tree. God’s the angry, jealous one if I remember right.

        1. If Jesus is God, then it follows that as God s choose to be angry, so is he. Or He. I’m sorry, Trinitarianism confuses me.

        2. He had several incidents of righteous anger. Then in Revelation 2 he threatens whores and their bastards with death.
          20 Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.
          21 And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not.
          22 Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds.
          23 And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.

    2. Don’t forget where Karl Marx lifted the words to his most famous line.
      • “…each according to his ability.” (Matthew 25:15)
      • “…and distribution was made unto every man according as he had need.” (Acts 4:35)
      • “…not one of them claimed that anything belonging to him was his own, but all things were common property to them.” (Acts 4:32)
      • “…the daily distribution.” (Acts 6:1)
      • “…your liberal distribution…” (2 Corinthians 9:13)

  9. Any Christian should recognise what the prophet Daniel called “The Abomination of Desolation”

  10. speaking of Tom Leykis and church here is one of the many hilarious clips from his “Ask the Atheist” segment he used to do on his old show, religious or not they’re funny either way also btw for those that don’t know and are still looking for guidance in this crazy world his show is back at blowmeuptom dot com or his app tomeverywhere dot com Leykis 101 is still on Thursdays @ 3pm PST 6pm EST good times!!

  11. This man is far too cynical for me. Though I suppose it matches his bio on the side of the page. The dismissive view of everything seems at odds to everything this site stands for. However if censorship spread here we would be no better than the feminist and blue pill media, I prefer to discredit ideas, not ban them.

  12. Captain Capitalism is a feminist and a faggot so pay no heed to his words.
    If you look at paragraph 19, you`ll notice the following dead give-away.
    He writes that he thinks:
    “gays should be able to get married” and that “women can make great pastors”
    In other words, pure feminist and faggot-propaganda.
    So pay no heed to his words.
    Because the truth is, as we all know, that all atheists are faggots.
    – Regardless.

    1. Quote it completely dude so as not to mislead people. You are cherry picking sentences and using it out of context.
      “Of course, I am not against any of these things (bar the socialist posing as pope). I think gays should be able to worship. I think gays should be able to get married. I think women can make great pastors. And if you want to “baptize animals” while railing against capitalism, well then by golly you go do that.
      The only problem is in doing so you admit your entire religion was not only wrong, but is a money-making operation. And in doing so, you also alienate your customer base of true believers and genuine Christians.”

  13. And btw:
    There is nothing wrong with Witch-burnings.
    For centuries, Witch-burnings kept feminism from getting power,
    so there is absoultely nothing wrong with Witch-burnings whatsoever.
    Had we kept up Witch-burnings, we would not have a propblem with feminism to this day.
    We would just use the feminists for what they are designed to be, namely as free fuel for public barbeques.
    Feminism is The Whore of Babylon.

      1. I`m merely a humble servant of God.
        God, who is The True Genius, hates The Whore of Babylon
        a.k.a: “feminism”.
        ” Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
        5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.
        6 Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double.
        7 How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow.
        8 Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire:
        for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.
        REVELATION 18

        1. Thanks for taking this time out of your night, but I have read Revelations. It’s my favorite book and I do love the Whore of Babylon bit. Good stuff.

        2. The Fall of The Whore of Babylon is what I`m currently on Earth to witness.
          With my own two eyes.
          That, and Shepherding my little flock, ofcourse.
          But that goes without saying.

    1. When you suddenly realise that half of the people burnt as witches were actually men

    2. Feminism is The Whore of Babylon
      it probably is, but your comment is still nuts. Where did you learn your bible, from the movie Seven? Its pretty simple: don’t fucking burn people alive

    3. Witch burning is rejected on the basis of the idea that nobody was guilty of it. So while people might support the death penalty for murderers, they don’t support it for witchcraft because they assume that it wasn’t a crime being committed anywhere ever.
      Hence the reasoning becomes kind of circular. If you want to actually judge burning as a punishment, you have to posit that some of those burnt were in fact guilty as charged.

      1. Hello Corneliu.
        You wrote:
        “If you want to actually judge burning as a punishment, you have to posit that some of those burnt were in fact guilty as charged…”
        IF I understand you correctly Corneliu, you seem to be under the impression that no-one actually practised witchcraft, and that that all those convicted of witch-craft were just innocent victims of false accusations ?
        Well, nothing could be further from the truth, Corneliu.
        In Scandinavia for instance, many witches actually even had actual text-books of witchcraft containing how to perform spells.
        For example The Icelandic manuscript called “Galdrabók” from the year 1600 AD, was a straight up text-book of witchcraft.
        While some of the spells found in the book were supposed to be “protective”, the other spells in the book were designed to cause harm or hurt to either humans or animals.
        Now, needless to say, when people went to the trouble of writing a text-book of spells, or obtained these text-books of spells and witchcraft by either copying the original manuscript themselves or purchasing a copy, they did so for a purpose.
        And to claim that none of those who wrote, copied or obtained such books actually neither used the spells or intended to use the spells, is ofcourse ridiculous.
        It would be like claiming that none of those who buy books about Game, actually intend to use Game to get more chicks.
        So, there were text-books written about spells that were designed to harm, – and there were people who obtained those books, with intent to use those spells.
        Now wether or not those spells *actually* did any harm or not is thus not the issue.
        The people who got the books and performed those spells, certainly *intended* to cause harm.
        So wether or not they actually *succeded* in causing any harm to others through the casting of some of these spells, either way they certainly *believed* that their spells would actually cause harm to others.
        So these Witches got books with supposedly harmful spells, whom they used with the intention of harming others.
        Thus, Witchcraft was totally real and people did it.
        And by casting spells designed to harm, the Witches actually tried to harm others, because they themselves believed the spells to work.
        And to try to cause harm to others, is a crime even today.
        Wether or not people actually succeed in harming, is not the issue: The mere attempt in itself is usually enough to be convicted.
        For instance: If someone picks up a gun loaded with blanks, but he believe to be loaded with real bullets, and he then attemts to shoot your cow, that person is not “innocent” of a crime, just because the bullets turned out to be blanks.
        No, he is guilty of *attempting* to kill your cow.
        He is certainly not innocent, simply because his weapon of choice turned out be inadequate or malfunctioned.
        And that my friend, is what you need to take into account.
        There were Witches. And some of them intended to harm others, through spells. And they believed the spells would cause harm.
        So wether or not the spells actually happened to succeed in causing the intended harm, or wether the spells failed, the Witches who cast them were either way not “innocent”.
        If their spells worked they were guilty of wathever harm the spells brought.
        And if the spell failed, then their chosen equipment for causing harm, simply happend to malfunction; – But they were still guilty of the attempt itself.
        So, Witches were real and active.
        And as we have now seen, a Witch who attempts to cause harm to others, with tools she believes will work, is thus earnestly attempting to harm others.
        And wether the spells worked or not, she was regardless guilty of her attempt.
        In exactly the same way one is guilty of the attempted murder of a cow, if one picks up a gun which one believes to contain real bullets and fire that gun at a cow, even though the bullets turn out to be fake..
        In the same way these Whitches were guilty of attempting to harm others, even if their methods turned out to be useless.
        So: There were Witches, performing Witchcraft, with the intent to harm, using the tools they though would do the job.
        And thus: they were certainly not innocent.
        So unless you think one should get away with attempted murder if the weapon happen to jam, you should totally support the principle that these witches where guilty of attempt to hurt others,
        – and thus deserved punishment.
        Here you can read more about one of these Scandinavian Whichcraft-books: the Galdrabók.
        From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
        The Galdrabók (Icelandic Book of Magic) is an Icelandic grimoire dated to ca. 1600.[1]
        It is a small manuscript containing a collection of 47 spells.[2] The grimoire was compiled by four different people, possibly starting in the late 16th century and going on until the mid-17th century. The first three scribes were Icelanders and the fourth was a Dane working from Icelandic material.[3] The various spells consist of Latin and runic material as well as Icelandic magical staves, invocations to Christian entities, demons and theNorse gods as well as instructions for the use of herbs and magical items. Some of the spells are protective, intended against such problems as trouble with childbearing, headache and insomnia, previous incantations, pestilence, suffering and distress at sea. Others are intended to cause fear, kill animals, find thieves, put someone to sleep, cause flatulence or bewitch women.

    4. You’re a sick fuck who seemingly got your morality from the movie Saw. How many more millions do you think you have to burn, Christfag?

      Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined and imprisoned; yet we have not advanced one inch towards uniformity.
      –Thomas Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, 1782

  14. I thought this article was kind of a strange mess, but then I realized that it was heading for a wank-fest and it all made sense. Wank on.

  15. Guys like Dalrock and the fellow that runs the best Christian manosphere site of them all are indeed filling the void as you describe. Totally agree.
    It is a gross and erroneous (and all too common) overstatement to hold that “all religions are the same,” however. Just for starters, the lesson you SHOULD have taken away from the account in Genesis of Abraham being directed by God to sacrifice his son Isaac, and then being stopped at the last moment by God from doing so, was to DISTINGUISH Abraham’s religion from ALL the other surrounding religions which DID practice child sacrifice. If THAT is not enough of a DIFFERENCE in religious teachings then, yes, it would be impossible to find significant differences in religions according to such an unreasonable, arbitrary definition of the word “difference.” Those pagan religions never went away, either. Take a good long look at a movie like EYES WIDE SHUT to find out who still practices them. But like Sidney Pollack’s character said in the last scene, you won’t sleep as well once you figure that out.

  16. If you actually think the Pope is a leftist, you’re a moron.
    Despite his pro-gay babbling in his early pontificate, he eventually stated that gay culture is a negative thing for society and family. And he constantly barks about the forced acceptance of LGBT and feminist anti-family doctrines as a “new Imperialism” that the Church must stand against. If anything, he’s becoming closer to a manosphere pope himself.
    Even in that new encyclical where he supposedly goes hippie, he can’t just leave things alone. The leftists praise him for paying attention to the environment, but he also insulted the climate scientists in his essay for hyping up the threat, which was something that irked the leftists.
    And finally, let us focus on the man himself. The pope before him was Benedict XVI, a man known for being outright traditionalist. Did the conservatives support him? Did they try to defend him when the liberal media unleashed an endless barrage of false accusations tying him to sex abuse cases he didn’t know about or can’t be blamed for? No. You sackless pieces of shit did nothing while a fellow traditionalist, a pope, was under attack, only because he doesn’t like young kids having condom sex. So in the end, he stepped down, and the cardinals picked someone more to the left than him to be the next guy with a tiara. You sackless pieces of shit did nothing while a fellow conservative figure fell under attack, despite the fact that unlike Protestant and secular leaders, he actually apologized for the rape scandal in the Church. No Protestant or secular official has that kind of transparency, despite the fact that just as many kids get raped by Protestant ministers and public school teachers. Hell, even rabbis had that kind of problem.
    Clarey, you once said that the Republicans are more to the left because the voices in public keep calling them to the left. That in the end, the Republicans have to sell themselves to the public, even if they have to compromise. Same thing happens with the Church. They’re a service, they have to take in complaints. Pope John Paul II was too liberal, the people said, so they voted in Benedict XVI. You morons (yes, all of you, conservative and liberal alike) complained that Benedict was too conservative, so they vote in Francis I. And now you people complain he’s too liberal. You people are like PMS-ing girls who can’t figure out what they truly want. Do you want a conservative pope who holds you up to moral standards? Or do you want a liberal pope who goes with the flow? No, I know exactly what you want. You want a Pope who pretends to be conservative and slams the SJWs for you, yet turns a blind eye as you gigolos fuck a whole schoolbus’ worth of girls just for shits and giggles. You people complain about the Pope for being a liberal, yet when the Pope was traditional, all you sackless losers complained that he was stuck in the past.
    In short, go fuck yourselves. The pope is liberal, so you complain he doesn’t have morals. When the pope is conservative, you complain that he’s stuck in the past. Apparently, the only pope which would fit your description of a perfect pope is a hypocrite who slams feminism one day, and ignores your wanton fucking of girls in the next. In short, a hypocrite. That’s exactly how the Renaissance popes acted, touting morals against feminism yet turning a blind eye to excessive whoring. Didn’t you fools protest against us for that? Oh wait, no, you fools would love to have such corrupt popes now. While at the same time, the Protestant “mega churches” become so mired in forcing their congregants to donate that they make Johann Tetzel look like an excellent example of being Christian.

      1. Nothing? All I stated was how you’re wrong about the Pope. He’s far from leftist.
        Is a guy leftist if he says gays are bad for the family? Is he leftist if he says that the Church must oppose the “new imperialism” of LGBT rights and modern feminism?
        You folks often ask us Catholics why the Pope is somewhat of the left. Well, I provided you with an answer, and I also showed how he isn’t a full leftist. He’s actually more of a “homophobic bigot” than most of you guys are. Doesn’t that make him more traditional? All I hear from you guys is that “gays are okay” whereareas the Pope is the one babbling about how gays are bad for the family.

  17. Church and government are two sides of the same coin. They both fill a power vacuum and they both grant free agents the licence to roam communities or territories and enforce code on non adherants. Both allow conquest of territory through conversion and coersion.
    God doesn’t and never did ‘LIVE’ in any church. Hahaha!!! REALLY there’s about as much ‘GOD’ to be found in a church as there is ‘people’s trust’ to be found in a ‘state house’ tittie-dome rotunda! Only power, force and influence can be found in the houses of church or state.
    If rogue independent sjw’s are bad, they become hell on wheels when they sieze control of a church or state apparatus. The free mind knows right from wrong and is in tune with more of their tribal instinct for survival than any church or state bot. The free mind does not need some governrent suit or church robe or any other P.C. dog barking orders at them.

  18. First, claiming the manosphere is filling the void of religion is placing a bandaid on an amputated limb. Sure, it will help the area it covers, but it is too small so the rest of the wound bleeds out.
    Second, an internet religion or proxy thereof is a terrible idea beyond a simple profit mechanism. It falls destructively short of religions primary function of bringing people together under the auspices ceremony, tradition, rite, and cultural norms.
    For reasons too complicated to explain in a comment, industrialism murdered rites of passage for males which hing on biological fact that males are biologically expendable (a single man can impregnate 100 females, but a single female cannot be impregnated by 100 men), and instead exploited the biological expendability of men, negating life’s passages largely maintained by religion. Telecommunications only further buried the carcass by allowing for people to have their needs and wants superficially met by mail-order and virtually without having to develop the social skills necessary to function as our forbearers did.
    Without evolving into a social, fraternal, or religious organization with dues,rites, and meetinghouses the best the manosphere can hope to become is religion’s grave marker.

  19. And of course, for those of you who think that the Manosphere is filling the void where religion left, you’re gravely mistaken. It’s in greater shambles than the Catholic Church was during the Renaissance. The difference is that the latter actually contributed to society in both capitalistic and socialistic terms, employing people with great talent for big commissions and helping the poor at the same time. All the Manosphere has managed to be is a pothole in feminism’s march to power.
    If anything, the insecure babbling of many in the Manosphere and VGTOW communities gives the feminists all the ammo they need to paint us as woman-hating barbarians. Just like the Catholic Church, there’s plenty of people using the Manosphere as an umbrella to advance themselves. The only difference is that the Catholic Church actually accomplished something in society that the Manosphere didn’t: maintain an open presence in public and give people hope for the future.

    1. They can grind us up and kill us all they want, but that’s not what they want, they want us to work for them, to sustain their civilization, to continue serving.

  20. As an atheist I have to admit the following:
    1. The Catholic Church showed compassion for male sexual rejects by creating the celibate priesthood and celibate monastic orders. It valued these men’s lives even when their own families didn’t.
    Consider the story of Thomas Aquinas, for example. Thomas had some brothers, apparently better looking than him. Because he drew the sort straw in his family’s genetics that made him the fat, unattractive boy in the family, around the time Thomas turned five, his father decided that Thomas didn’t deserve to breed, so the father sent Thomas to a monastery. The Church recognized Thomas’s intelligence, however, and he became a famous theologian.
    2. Women in the religious Before-Times could reject advances by sexually yucky men with the convenient fiction that god forbids fornication. That deflected attention from the real reason, and it had the effect of sparing the men’s feelings. They could maintain the illusion that god loves them even if all the women they knew didn’t.
    Now that we have secularized sexual relationships, women can give more or less the real reason: You don’t make me wet, so go away and leave me alone. The secular, male sexual reject after hitting this barrier with women over and over must wind up feeling really bad about himself after awhile. When you abandon religious reasons for living, that leaves ones allowable by a materialist world view, and especially sexual fulfillment for young men. No wonder every so often one of these sexually evicted men suffers from existential despair and goes postal, like Elliot Rodger.

    1. “1. The Catholic Church showed compassion for male sexual rejects by
      creating the celibate priesthood and celibate monastic orders. It valued
      these men’s lives even when their own families didn’t.”
      The monastics were always celibate and date back before Christianity was legalized under Constantine. But, the mandatory celibacy to be a priests, that’s a post-Schism thing, everything functioned better before that little innovation to prevent priests from leaving their assets to biological heirs (rather than Roman Catholicism). In Orthodoxy, the priests that deal with the laity, that run the local parish church, etc, are almost always married. The wives of priests are often de facto “first ladys” and organize the women in whatever women groups do and keep the priest in touch with the mood and wishes of the other half of the church population. Whenever Roman Catholic priests have to give a homily on sex/marriage, they have to deal with everyone thinking, “Yeah right, what does he know about any of this.”

  21. In Europe, there is an increasing number of young ethnic European men (and women) going go join Isis. Youths raised in secular European schools, by secular European parents.
    For most people, this sounds absurd. But the reason is just what is pointed out in this article. These young people have no guidance or direction in life, and the Christian church has proven to be spineless sellouts with no principles whatsoever.
    Isis, although promoting a sick and twisted ideology, at least have one thing going for them; they have principles.

    1. No, you ignore an important factor. Principles are indeed important but power is important at an even more base level. ISIS controls a state with territory where they make laws and can enforce them. What does the Church control? It was robbed of its power by the people who rule us today,

    2. Liberalism will be defeated by itself. It’ll be fun to watch Achmood and Jose undo everything these faggot SJW worked for.

  22. OT: I don’t find it coincidental that women’s increasing willingness to suck men’s penises has apparently tracked the male sexual eviction trend. To me it looks like a fallback form of rejection, as if the woman after disrobing with a man realizes that she let the situation get out of control, so she performs oral “sex” on him because she wants to keep his penis away from her vagina.

    1. If she’s ‘dry’ or if the lube is empty, the girl likes to grease the monkey with a little ‘hock-tooey’. I knew a girl who turned her head when I would try to kiss her like her mouth was sacred but she put her poot up like she wasn’t afraid what went in there. LTR wives often do that as well. They keep their eater for eatin’ and their groundhog down where it belongs while they cook. They hose it at the end of a long day of woman’s work when they shower.

    THE REASON that atheists are atheists to begin with, is simply because God has never bothered to make contact with them.
    If God had made contact with them, then they would know He exists, and then they ofcourse would be atheists no more.
    And the reason God has nevered bothered to make contact with these atheist-faggots, is because God knows THEY SUCK.
    So Fellas:
    The next time you hear someone refer to themselves as “atheists”,
    – just know that what they`re really admitting is that these guys suck so much, – that not even GOD wants anything to with these motherfuckers.
    AND THAT GENTLEMEN is why the atheists are atheists.
    Case closed.

    1. And nobody at Return of Kings, not even the Christian readers, wants anything to do with you and your bullshit trolling.
      Didn’t I tell you to fuck off a few days ago?
      Oh well I’ll say it again, fuck off troll!

      1. Listen Dude.
        It`s not my fault that you`re an atheist.
        You are an atheist, because GOD never bothered to contact you.
        And the reason He never bothered to contact you, is because GOD knows all atheists suck.
        Simple as that.
        So, instead of admitting to the obvious, namely that you suck so much, that not even GOD can stand to be around you,
        – you somehow try to shift the blame over to me ?
        And although YOU`re the one with a personality so crappy that even GOD pukes at the mere thought of having anything to do with you, and He hence has ignored you so perfectly your entire life that you`ve deluded yourself into thinking He does not exist..
        – you still try to portray ME as “the bad guy” ?
        I`m really starting to understand why GOD has ignored you your entire life.
        What a fucking looser!

        1. I portray you as the bad guy because instead of defending your position with intelligent ideas you insist on calling people faggots and telling them God hates them. I have nothing against religious people in general, I’ve said it a hundred times. I just have a problem with people like you who have to push their ideas on everyone without having any facts to back it up, not to mention calling names like a little kid. I don’t even know if I’d consider myself atheist, I just refuse to believe that YOUR GOD is the only one that can possibly exist, when there are plenty of gods to choose from, including many that were around long before Christianity. If you had anything worth listening to, Id probably be interested in hearing why you think the way you do, but since all you can do is talk shit, and don’t even know your own book, I know your just a troll out to get a rise from people.

        2. Remember, Chrisfags like FEMWING are Trolls because Jesus told them to troll men.

    2. As somebody who fell from catholic faith long time ago, let me say that your statements are over the top. CASE CLOSED.

    3. ” just know that what they`re really admitting is that these guys suck so much, – that not even GOD wants anything to with these motherfuckers.”
      If they suck so much, it is only because they were created in the image of your faggot god.

      1. You seem a little confused there, little zazzoz.
        You see my God is YAHWE and He hates faggots like you.
        That`s why He instituted the death-penalty for faggots.
        Your God however, is Barac Obama, and he IS a faggot like you.
        That is why he travels to Kenya to advocate more sodomy on the African savannah.
        Furthermore, atheists were given free will same as everyone else.
        The fact that they use their free will to suck as much cock as you do, zazzoz, is not God`s fault.
        It`s their own.
        And by the way zazzoz !
        Those horns you guys have, almost doesn`t look gay at all !
        Really , if one did not positively know for a fact that all demons and atheists are faggots, one would hardly suspect at all that the only purpose of your horns is so that your co-demons can hold your head while they fuck you in the mouth.
        That lip-stick you`ve got smeared all over your face, however..
        …well, let`s just say it doesn`t really leave much doubt about your “LGBT leanings .” To put it mildly.

        1. > You see my God is YAHWE…
          Yeah, he was concocted at a late date to replace the El deity plagiarized from clay Ugaritic tablets. *chuckle* Even the Bible itself admits to the scammy switcharoo.

          For example, the priestly theological treatment of Israel’s early religious history in Exodus 6:2-3 identifies the old god El Shadday with Yahweh:
          And God said to Moses, “I am Yahweh. I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, as El Shadday, but by my name Yahweh I did not make myself known to them.”
          This passage shows that Yahweh was unknown to the patriarchs. Rather, they are depicted as worshipers of El. In Israel El’s characteristics and epithets became part of the repertoire of descriptions of Yahweh. Like El in the Ugaritic texts, Yahweh is described as an aged, patriarchal god …, enthroned amidst the assembly of divine beings” [p. 141)
          Mark Smith, “The Origins of Biblical Monotheism: Israel’s Polytheistic Background and the Ugaritic Texts.” (Oxford University Press, 2001)

        2. Goddamned, Thyme.
          You just keep getting dumber and dumber:
          “ʾĒl (or ‘Il, written aleph-lamed, e.g. Ugaritic:
          𐎛𐎍, Phoenician: 𐤋𐤀,[1] Hebrew: אל‎, Classical Syriac: ܐܠ, Arabic: إل‎ or إله, cognate to Akkadian: ilu)
          is a Northwest Semitic word meaning…
          … “GOD” or “DEITY”.
          So retard, in the Northwestern Semitic language, the word “GOD” is “EL”.
          While YAHWE is the name He called Himself.

        3. Mr. Obvious strikes again, Duh! Notice how you weaseled out of saying “El Shadday,” as I had quoted it from Smith’s book. *chuckle*

        4. Well Thyme,
          since your an atheist-faggot and I don`t really care what your opinions are, I usually just skim through most of your gay-propaganda.
          So you`re right. I don`t pay much attention to the details of your atheist-bullshit.

        5. Not an atheist, liar-faggot. But deflection is the strategy of losers like you.

        6. Your deranged little rants are very amusing Firewing.
          Do one for me. I’m an atheist and believe that all supernatural beliefs, including your god are a fantasy.
          Off you go……oh and don’t forget to use the word faggot as much as you can.

  24. The Catholic Church weathered the Barbarian invasions; the Saeculum obscurum/Pornocracy period; the Reformation; and those asshole Borgias.
    This socialist turd pope and the post-Vatican 2 years? Yeah, we can weather them.
    However, that’s cold comfort to those who are going to have live in his reign. Perhaps in a couple hundred years they’ll laugh at it, but right now it’s a pain for us who believe.

  25. The Bible told us to not let women lead mankind and yet society did and here we are today.

    1. “The Bible told us to not let women lead mankind and yet society did and here we are today.”
      words of wisdom

    2. It also said a bunch of other pussy faggot shit like “Love thy neighbor as thyself”, “Turn the other cheek”, “Do for the lest of your brothers”.
      Jesus would be the long haired faggot hippy protesting for $15 for McDs workers today and amnesty for illegals.

      1. Zazzo:
        Since you still got your entire face painted with both make-up and lip-stick,
        your the one who litterally provides the “pussy faggot shit”.
        For real dude, I`don`t think I`ve ever seen anyone with more make-up than you.

  26. Hey Aaron, good analysis of the current state of affairs in the mainline places and thanks for doubling the traffic @DarkBrightness. However, I think you are wrong about Dalrock and the others you linked to.
    I won’t speak for them, but me? I’m the middle aged bloke in the pew without a wife and two teenaged sons. I blog the lectionary every morning and vent when things get too stupid, because I live in the people’s republic of Dunedin — which makes Wisconsin look fascist and Berkeley centrist and sane. (We have had a Labour MP in both seats here for 100 years. One hundred years of socalism. Does things to the brainz around here).
    In my view, a blog is not a church.
    Church, in my mind, is about Christ and salvation. At present the church has, where I live, negative socail status — your religion is supposed to be high church athiesm or social justice warrior worship — and the rot in our seminaries (Frankfurt school and all) is lessening as the old hippies and their liberal enablers all gently enter perdition.
    (You can have a functioning athiestic society that lasts for generations. It looks like Buddhism because it is Buddhism. I am less certain about how such societies survive multiculturalism — because in my home town with 100 languages it is turning to chaos everywhere but the churches, And yes, if you hit Auckland ever I am vindictive enough to get my old man to drag you to his multicultural Pentebaptist place :P)
    But in the USA it’s pretty dire. There are good congregations in lousy denominations and lousy congregations in good denominations. Down here all the social climbers have left and only the true believers remain so (a) the divorce rate is dropping (b) people are breeding like rabbits (unlike the general population) and (c) the social structure of play groups and young families is functional — because the breeders are the faithful. The next generation is more religious, because for three genertions the progressives have either had one precious spawn or gone child free.
    Blogs, also, are not social movements. Getting your crew together and subverting an area and making it tradtional: that is a movement. Writing… less so.
    It will not be a real social movement until the progressives literally shit their pants when they think about confronting us, and the Islamists lose their spine, balls and women to us.
    Because at present, the liberal church is losing and the conservative church is too bloody nice.

  27. Christianity was not started as a form of government. Dammit people. Get your shit together before you publish nonsense and look like a fool.

    1. Most religion was though, and christianity was an offshoot of government’s religion anyway (judaism)

    2. Um…no, religion was the government. No if, ands or buts about it. But you know claim I was wrong all the time because facts unsuit you.

      1. Just in case you forgot what you actually wrote I will quote it for you.
        “Religions, specifically Christianity has an interesting history and consequently an interesting evolution.
        Like all religions it originally started as the sole form of government.”
        I agree that some religions such as Islam were intended to act as not only a religion but also a government. Christianity however, was not. It showed people that there was a freedom from government that could never be taken away from them no matter how oppressive the government they lived under could be.

  28. Also sounds as if you are seeking the Catholic Church which doesn’t fall to the societal relativism that so many of the Protestant denominations are these days.

      1. The Pope returned that attempted gift with the comment, “This is not good.”

        1. Such P.R. embarrassments are bound happen when you stop by a memorial to a “liberation theology” priest.

  29. This is about how far I got:
    “Of course, I am not against any of these things (bar the socialist posing as pope). I think gays should be able to worship. I think gays should be able to get married. I think women can make great pastors. And if you want to “baptize animals” while railing against capitalism, well then by golly you go do that.”
    I am against all that. The reason things were better back in the good ol’ days, Aaron – is that anyone with a triple digit IQ knew that – no, no you don’t do any of those things. Don’t try to BS me you twerp because I was there.
    I’m starting to look at you less as a pundit and more as a chit house performance artist. Yours is the face of the problem of throwing out your faith, Aaron: you’ve thrown out your morals and ethics with it. As have the queers and the female pastors (most of whom enable the moral decline), I am not religious myself but I am smart enough to see and appreciate the value of classical Christian morals and ethics. You should be too.
    Jesus Aaron…I’ve followed your stuff for awhile now but lately your have really started sucking the big green wiener. Let’s get back to the real world: Homosexuality is a very powerful indicator of mental illness. Yes, some queers are capable of some degree of normality outside their homosexuality but most aren’t. Stop trying to white wash that. Yes, women CAN be pastors but the vast majority of them can’t and everyone (except you) knows it. Nor do they make good fireMEN, policeMEN, or combat soldiers. No, they should not lower the moral, intellectual and physical standards of such occupations to accommodate sexually disturbed degenerates, women, or low IQ/low skill ethnic minorities. Here in Canada – in Tranna – sanctimonious finks just like you loudly proclaimed that queers should be allowed to teach too. The result? Pedos started “teaching gay sex ed” to ELEMENTARY SCHOOLERS. All the PC wieners and snivellers were SHOCKED! Shocked, I tells ya!!!! Yet anyone with half a brain that saw that coming was labelled a homophobe. So shove the political correctness, okay?
    Finally – you need a dose of humility. Back in the good ol’ days a sawed-off mouth like you would have been taken outside and given some REAL knowledge to help you out with your attitude. You are a purveyor of common bloody sense – when you try to be – not a scholar or an rock star. If you want to speak for men you should damned well act like one.

    1. Glen, this is the total response you’ll get from me for the rest of our lives.
      Fuck off you sad pathetic excuse of a man.

  30. Think before writing. Here are hints.
    If something was a certain way for 5000+ years
    Then it changed during the Enlightenment
    NEVER say things were “put in their proper place”. The Enlightenment is the dislocation of humanity from its organic state. There is a reason religion was never a private affair until some Enlightened boffins said it should be so. Religious authorities traditionally work hand in hand with the monarch to keep society stable and continuous. When you rob the religious authorities in a society of their ordering prosecutorial power, be it in Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, etc – you don’t actually extract religion from making rules, you just change the religion.
    The religion of liberalism is the default degenerating influence in the absence of explicit religions. It is the religion we live under today, and it isn’t ‘private’ at all. It’s public, brazen, and will destroy your life in a heartbeat.
    Oh no, witch burnings! And of course the case of the Catholic Church arresting Galileo!…. by putting him in this lovely villa.
    This is what your society sometimes looks like if you want to not have things degenerate into a democratic hellhole where a woman or a homosexual’s word is worth twice yours. Sorry, but it’s the price you pay. The ‘Golden Years’ as you put them were what Peter Hitchens called the ‘afterglow’ and they were always ephemeral. Any culture not explicitly religious will eventually succumb to the implicit religion of liberalism. Thus, your priesthood today are not the gentlemen in robes mediating to divine forces, but rather the angry feminists with purple hair telling you how bigoted you are.
    Secularism doesn’t exist. You will always have a state religion. The question is, do you want mutating liberalism as your state religion with different doctrines every hour, or a static tradition where you will believe the same things that your great grandchildren will believe. I choose the latter.

  31. This article had potential to be good, but instead, it isn’t.
    More truth about women can be found here than in any church, I’d agree. And that’s a shame.
    But truth about the afterlife, well, I will look elsewhere

  32. Humanism is a faith, not a set of reasoned opinions. You can’t battle a faith with reasoned opinions. You need an alternative faith. That’s why reviving the churches in some capacity is so important.

  33. I disapprove of your labelling Catholicism as a business or corporation and it is clear as you’ve stated you are an outsider looking in, but you of course have a right to your opinion.
    I am a Catholic who attends weekly masses and celebrates other elements of my faith. This does not limit my thinking, on the other hand I believe it’s an enriching experience.
    What I would like to note is that Catholicism and Orthodox churches are the only ones I acknowledge as ‘real’ ones, as here you will find church doctrine followed and genuine Christianity.
    I also believe (as evident by my presence here) that Catholicism and the ‘manosphere’ are not mutually exclusive.
    However, it is true that I also feel most enriched by my time in Poland, where Christianity is luckily present eveywhere. The problem with secularism is that often it can trvialize religion to the point where it doesn’t play a part in the lives of its followers – hence the loss of faith.

    1. You sure seem obsessed with every sentence you wrote started with “I think”
      fuck what you think. And fuck what you feel. nobody cares what one person 7 FUCKING BILLION humans on this planet feels.
      Hey, look over here guys! There’s a guy who “thinks” and “feels” and manages to say abso-fucking-lootley NOTHING but dumbass fucking shit that has been said by other equally dipshitterist morons of the same 23 year old caliber.
      Grow some god damn fucking pubes before comment on a post that has more intelligence that you entire fucking life!
      Fucking god damn insignificamt fucks.

  34. Feminized churches suck because they aren’t churches. They are just another product for women, part of the self-help/ emotional self-discovery industry. A real church believes that the Bible is literally from God. Otherwise it’s just a group of people you would never want to hang out with in your free time sitting in a room wasting a Sunday listening to a glorified motivational speaker.

    1. > … the Bible is literally from God.
      That belief is what keeps making Atheists, if this fellow has any insight into the matter:

      “Indeed I think that every Christian sect gives a great handle to Atheism by their general dogma that, without a revelation, there would not be sufficient proof of the being of a god.”
      –Thomas Jefferson, letter to John Adams, from Monticello, April 11, 1823

      1. He he.
        Notice how Thyme keeps quoting and name-dropping all kinds of loosers and faggots as though we would somehow care what this or that little homo said.
        He he he.
        Why would we give a fuck what some dead faggot-politician wrote to his little rainbow-friends ?

        1. Hey, it’s FEMWING, the Chrisfag boy-lover Bride of Christ! A relationship just like Ganymede to Zeus (if you want to understand the cultural context of the day) as documented in “Sex Rites: The Origins of Christianity.”

        2. Listen Thyme, since you are a faggot this will be very hard for you to comprehend.
          But try to understand that not all male relations and interactions are as perverted as those you have with your “friends”.
          As for me, I`m a soldier of God.
          That means that I work for The Divine Royal family.
          As a sodier and a servant.
          Now I realize that in the US you have faggots in the armed forces. But in The Army of God, we don`t.
          Infact, we`d be happy to wipe the faggots off the face of the earth, but unfortunately current legal-limitations limits our possibility for that as for now.
          But not to worry, though.
          God wiped out plenty of faggots when He created AIDS and allthough there is now medicines for that, something new and improved, wether it be a decease or something else, will come to them in due time.

        3. FEMWING the “Bride of Christ” faggot, is going to be loved up, just like Ganymede to Zeus.
          2 Corinthians 11:2 – For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present [you as] a chaste virgin to Christ.
          Revelation 19:7-9- Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.

        4. He he.
          You still think the Bride of Christ is “The Church” ?
          Seriously ?
          I know that there are a lot of folks who think so, but are you one of them ?

        5. You still trying to deny that the Bride of Christ is the Church? Seriously?
          Bible verses related to The Bride Of Christ from the King James Version (KJV)

        6. Yes Thyme!
          Finally you get it !!!
          Yes Thyme I am denying that what you call “The Church”, meaning the *worshippers* of Christ and His Father, is “The Bride of Christ”.
          The Church are the servants, soldiers and friends of Christ and His Father.
          The Bride of Christ is someone totally different.
          Personally, I happen to know who The Bride of Christ is.
          Suffice to say that She ofcourse is a She.
          She is ofcourse The Perfect Female.
          And She is not human in any way.

        7. Ok, we get that you deny the Bible and what it says.
          (Not that denying the Bible is wrong… LOL)

        8. Not one place in The Bible does it say that The Church IS The Bride of Christ.
          Not one single place.
          The Bible speaks alot about The Wedding of The Lamb and The Bride, but not ONE single place does it say that The Bride IS The Church.
          But hey! Let`s cut the crap:
          I challenge you to find me one single place in The Bible, King James Version, that states that The Bride of Christ IS The Church.
          Go ahead. Show me one single place in the King james Bible that states that The Bride of Christ IS The Church.
          Come on Thyme! Put your money where your mouth is. Let`s go!

        9. Yeah it does, and your goalpost-moving, as if it has to say it in exactly the same phrase as you demand, is pretty sophomoric. (I’m sure you believe many things that aren’t explicitly stated with the word “is” within the Bible, so your standard here is very inconsistent.)

        10. No The Bible does not say that The Bride of Christ is The Church.
          The claim that “The Church is The Bride of Christ” is a claim based on the following:
          None of you have a fucking clue who The Bride is because The Bible does not tell who she is.
          And since you have no idea, you just assume “it`s got to be The Church, who else would it be ?”.
          Because that is the best suggestion people can come up with, if they don`t knonw any better.
          But nowhere in The Bible does it say that “The Bride IS The Church”.
          And the reason that The Bible does not say it is The Church, is simply because The Bride is NOT The Church.
          Like I told you: I know who The Bride is and She is NOT what you call “The Church”.
          I know her identity. And therefore I know She is NOT The Church.
          So dude. Once again: either find 1 place in The Bible that states that The Bride is The Church.
          Or my advice to you would be that you attempt to behave dignified enough to admit that you do not know who The Bride is.
          So, cough up the Bible verse that says that The Bride is The Church, or admit that you do not know her identity.

        11. > But nowhere in The Bible does it say that “The Bride IS The Church”.
          And nowhere in the Bible does it say specifically that “Jesus IS the Savior,” nor is the word “Trinity” ever mentioned either. Oddly, people still believe those things. You’re playing a silly semantic game.
          However, I will applaud your change in tone from the totally ridiculous to actually trying to explain what you mean without calling everybody who might disagree with your theology a faggot.
          > you do not know her identity.
          Quit being coy about it. The jilted Bride of Frankenstein? Seems perfect for a Jewish Zombie. If you can figure out which resurrected Zombie has the most magical powers. (Jesus is a late-comer in manifesting Zombie resurrection powers, ya know.)

          “The tombs broke open and the bodies of the many godly men and women who had died were raised from the dead to walk among the living in the holy city!” (Matthew 27:52)
          Jesus is not here. He is risen – just as he said. come, see the place where hi was lying dead! (Matthew 28:6)

        12. Hey Pussy “Soldier”
          Your god hates you for your cowardice. It;s too bad that you’re such a pussy, just like your christ, that you don’t even follow your own bible.

          …Acts 5-28 saying, “We gave you strict orders not to continue teaching in this name, and yet, you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and intend to bring this man’s blood upon us.” 29 But Peter and the apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than men. ”
          Romans 13:1-7 makes it abundantly clear that God expects us to obey the laws of the government. The ONLY exception to this is when a law of the government forces you to disobey a command of God.
          Among all good men one principle at any rate is established beyond controversy, thatif the authorities issue any order that is contrary to the law of nature or to the commandments of God, the order should not be carried out. For when the Apostles said the obedience should be rendered to God rather than to men they appealed to an infallible rule of action.

  35. This is an awesome post. We need a Jewish reactionary blog as well. Good to see the Christians getting this together.

  36. Cappy, if a man reads the Bible and believes what he reads, he doesn’t have anything to do with modern churches. Planned Parenthood is so much worse than Baal and the worship of Molech. The Lord remembered them in due time. Eve was the first feminist. Satan certainly exists. Men have to seek shelter where they can. The coming civil war will be very nasty.

  37. Let’s see. I can give 10% of my money to the zombie jew or I can nurse a hangover on Sunday morning. Hmmm.

      1. He’s being mocked right now.
        Your faggot god supposedly burned cities because of too many fags. What’s that limp-dick done lately?
        Your jew zombie is a lie.

        1. You seem a little confused there, little zazzoz.
          You see my God is YAHWE and He hates faggots like you.
          That`s why He instituted the death-penalty for faggots.
          Your God however, is Barac Obama, and he IS a faggot like you.
          That is why he travels to Kenya to advocate more sodomy on the African savannah.
          Furthermore, atheists were given free will same as everyone else.
          The fact that they use their free will to suck as much cock as you do, zazzoz, is not God`s fault.
          It`s their own.
          And by the way zazzoz !
          Those horns you guys have, almost doesn`t look gay at all !
          Really , if one did not positively know for a fact that all demons and atheists are faggots, one would hardly suspect at all that the only purpose of your horns is so that your co-demons can hold your head while they fuck you in the mouth.
          That lip-stick you`ve got smeared all over your face, however..
          …well, let`s just say it doesn`t really leave much doubt about your “LGBT leanings .” To put it mildly.

        2. Ummm yeaa.
          Prove your Zombie Jew is real and the thousands of other gods throughout history are false.
          Stupid Xians ; The Bible done said so
          Stupid Hindus: The Vedas dine said so.

        3. Zazzoz, you little puny faggot:
          You`re the emasculated one.
          Never in my life have I`ve seen a dude with more make-up on his face, than you.
          And on top of all your make-up, you`ve even put a layer of red lip-stick over your entire face.
          You`ve somehow managed to put more make-up on your face than Boy George.
          And you dare call The Son of God “emasculated” ?
          Look at yourself, dude.
          You look like a 20 cent transvestite-hooker with AIDS, covered in 4 gallons of make-up.
          What a fucking joke you are.

        4. Are you back from sucking off your preacher at bible study faggot? Get back on your knees to praise your faggot god.

        5. Considering how God has banned faggotry, and burned down Sodom and Gomorrah where every living faggot in it was burned alive,
          – while you`ve spent your week-end in front of the mirror doing your make-up;
          I guess it`s time to reveal to you that you look like the biggest faggot in the Galaxy in that get-up.

        6. Ohh did your imaginary god “burn down” some cities because of fags like his son. Where is that little bitch now? There’s a pride parades, all the time.
          Where’s your worthless faggot god today? Where’s his faggot angles with their flaming dildos?

        7. You`re the faggot zazzoz.
          You`re posting pictures of naked men.
          “If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them.”
          Leviticus 20:13
          So, if there are faggot-parades all the time, that is your own fault Zazzo.
          God has told you to kill them all, but still you let them parade around.
          So – why don`t you kill them Zazzo,
          like God has told you to do ?
          And why are you posting pictures of naked men ?

        8. “God has told you to kill them all,”
          Why don’t I? Because your god isnt real. It is a make-believe to control stupid people, like you. So why don’t you listen to your imaginary god and kill the faggots like his son?

        9. Stop lying Zazzoz.
          You just posted a drawing of a naked man.
          And only a faggot would post a picture like that.
          And that`s the lock, stock and two smoking barrels of it.
          You posted a drawing of a naked man and only a homo would post that.
          So your a blasphemer and a homo, and I would kill you if the circumstances and the law permitted it.
          Not for kicks or for pleasure, but out of duty.
          But as of now there are currently penalties for killing homosexuals.
          And I`m not going to spend a second in jail over a homosexual like your self.
          I have neither the time nor the will to do anything illegal.
          So; we shall have to wait until the laws of the land have been democratically changed to allow “taking out” blaspheming homosexuals like yourself.
          Which suits me fine, as I take no pleasure in extinguishing life, and I hate having to perform acts of violence.

        10. Faggot” your bible say that the laws of god supersede the laws of man. Therefor, your statement “I would kill you if the circumstances and the law permitted it.” makes you a pussy and anti-bible. Why do you ignore the laws of your so-called god?
          Acts 28:24 When they had set a day for Paul, they came to him at his lodging in large numbers; and he was explaining to them by solemnly testifying about the kingdom of God and trying to persuade them concerning Jesus, from both the Law of Moses and from the Prophets, from morning until evening. 24Some were being persuaded by the things spoken, but others would not believe. 25And when they did not agree with one another, they began leaving after Paul had spoken one parting word, “The Holy Spirit rightly spoke through Isaiah the prophet to your fathers,…

        11. I don`t ignore the laws of God.
          And like I said, if and when laws and circumstance permits it, I would kill you for your blasphemy.
          But I would not enjoy it.
          And I will not do anything illegal or give you any excuses to persecute Christians.
          So, when the laws are lawfully and legally changed and the killing of blasphemers legalized, I will do what I have an obligation to do.
          But until then, I`m putting it off.
          Both because I hate violence and because I`m not going to waste one single second in jail, over you brotherfucking atheists, blasphemers and faggots.
          Your simply not worth it.
          But anyway, since you posted a drawing of a naked man with his ass in the air, you have proved yourself beyond all doubt to be a homosexual.
          And since you proved yourself to be homosexual by posting that drawing, I find it incredibly gross and extremely creepy to communicate any further with you.
          So there is not much more to say, dude.
          I`d apreciate it you just fucked off and stopped posting here on Return of Kings.
          You`ve dishonored yourself and that is basically all there is to say.

        12. Acts 28:25.
          I’ve posted it several times. You are disobeying your make-believe god’s word by not killingh homos.
          If your god was real, he’d send you to hell.

  38. Historically, the clergy has been more interested in filling carnal voids than spiritual ones–especially if they’re owned by an altar boy.

  39. True Christianity will survive forever! Those bastardized, feminist churches do not scare me!

  40. > a long haired hippie preacher rail against the evils of capitalism
    You talking this guy? Jesus: “But woe to you who are rich…” (Luke 6:24)
    This is just a single example; there are tons of other anti-wealth, anti-success passages in the BuyBull. It’s time to acknowledge that Jesus was bad on economics, as Chapter 8: “The Uneconomic Jesus as Enemy of the Poor” documents in the following text:
    Avolos, H. (2015) The Bad Jesus: The Ethics of New Testament Ethics. Sheffield Phoenix Press Ltd.

  41. > Internet Killed The Mega Church Star
    How the Internet Is Taking Away America’s Religion
    Using the Internet can destroy your faith. That’s the conclusion of a study showing that the dramatic drop in religious affiliation in the U.S. since 1990 is closely mirrored by the increase in Internet use.
    MIT Technology Review

  42. Hmmm I’m trying to figure out why every article about religion inevitably results in commentators calling each other ‘faggots’…

    1. Simple, Jesus was an emasculated faggot who hung out with 12 men instead of marring and having children.

      1. You got it backwards, Zazzoz:
        You`re the emasculated faggot who`s so feminine that you`ve covered your entire face in make-up.
        And after spending your entire inheritance on covering your face with make-up, you`ve just had to add an additional layer of lip-stick on top.
        So, you transvestite: even the dude from “Silence of the lambs” is more masculine than you.
        You goddamned faggot:

  43. Ignore them. Join the Maronite Catholic Church, or any christian denomination from the Middle East. We have none of these distractions. We consider the fate and actions of our souls, no matter what convenient “identity camp” others employ to avoid the issue.

    1. Or consider the Mandaeans, followers of the original John the Baptist, who reject Jesus of Nazareth as a late imposter.

      1. Actually, John the Baptist was a relative and follower of Jesus. Nobody said otherwise until you idiots popped up in the modern day.

        1. Yes, John was His cousin and His friend and a man Jesus had great respect for.
          I personally have enourmous respect for John the Baptist.

        2. Actually, Jesus appears to be a follower of John the Baptist.

          John the Baptist presented genuine problems. Since the baptism made John look like the mentor of Jesus and the initiator of his career, the Baptist had to be demoted, but not too much; the initiator became the forerunner. Mark’s method of performing that demotion is fascinating because, paradoxically, it does in fact the opposite, and had to be corrected, three different ways, by the other three evangelists.
          The baptism itself was the first awkward fact. Ordinarily, John’s baptism stood as a sign that one had repented of sin: “A baptism in token of repentance, for the forgiveness of sins” (Mark 1:4). It appears not to have troubled Mark that he presented Jesus as a repentant sinner. There is no hint in Mark’s first chapter that Jesus was in any way the Son of God before his baptism; indeed, there is the clear hint that at least Mark’s source, if not Mark himself, held the “adoptionist” theology.
          Randel Helms (1988) Gospel Fictions. Prometheus Books.

        3. He was not. He even stated to John’s followers how HIS OWN presence has made more of a splash, and John can’t even get himself to baptize the guy until Jesus Himself gives the order. John baptized with water, and Jesus baptized with the Holy Spirit. Goes to show who was superior. John even stated that he’s unworthy to untie Jesus’ sandal straps.

  44. I had a friend who was going to be a priest. He said at his seminary openly gay men would actually share bedrooms. And everyone was cool with it. This was 30 years ago. Also, my cousin was going to be a priest. He came out as gay but is still a practicing Catholic.
    I left my religion long ago but still go to weddings and funerals. But I am amazed at how many gays are priests.

  45. Hey, the Pope isn’t what the media makes him out to be. I agree with a lot of what you say, but leave our Pope alone. You don’t know what you’re talking about. He is not a socialist, he is in line with Rerum Novarum, which is both anti-crony Capitalist and anti-Marxist, written by Pope Leo XIII.

    Below you`ll find a lot of posts from a lying, blaspheming motherfucker named “Father Thyme”.
    ” Father Thyme ” is a self-confessed EPICURIAN.
    So what the fuck is an “Epicurian” ?
    Well, the Epicurians are THE GUYS WHO CELEBRATE GAY-PRIDE MONTH.
    So “EPICURIANS” ARE FAGGOTS in other words.
    We, the cool Christians, Muslims and Jews here at Return of Kings, hate faggotry.
    And as we all know, all atheists are faggots.
    So Brethren, since you are bound to come across the Gay-pride Troll known as “Father Thyme”, know that he is a liar, a blasphemer and he is an “Epicurian”.
    And “Epicurian” is just a fancy word for “Faggot who celebrates June as Gay-pride month”.
    So Brothers: Do not pay any attention to the lies of the Sodomy-enthusiast and Gay-pride enthusiast known as “Father Thyme”.
    He is a liar, a faggot, a slanderer, a blasphemer and a cocksucker.
    Thank you for your attention Brothers and Have a nice day!

    1. WARNING:
      The guy called “Zazzo” is also a faggot.
      He just posted a drawing of a naked man, nailed to a wooden cross.

    2. Actually, the historical Epicurus wrote against homosexuality; this online source you muckraked has got Epicurus completely wrong.

      “In particular, Epicurus disagreed with Nausiphanes on the issue of free will and determinism, and the function of philosophy, though Epicurus also condemned homosexuality, which he accuses Nausiphanes of practicing with his students.”
      Hellenistic Philosophy: The Epicurean School
      University Of Wisconsin – Parkside

      Remember, the central moral theme of Epicureanism is written directly into the US Declaration of Independence as “The pursuit of Happiness.”

      As you say of yourself, I TOO AM AN EPICUREAN. I consider the genuine (not the imputed) doctrines of Epicurus as containing every thing rational in moral philosophy which Greece and Rome have left us.
      Syllabus of the Doctrines of Epicurus
      Moral – Happiness the aim of life
      — Thomas Jefferson to William Short, October 31, 1819

      1. Father Thyme, I just read your tragic life-story over at:
        I`m really sorry to read how your father fucked you daily when you were a kid and that must have been horrible for you.
        But to try to use your fathers daily rape of you and your brother as some sort of “excuse” to fuck your own step-son, is just sick beyond words.
        And allthough we understand that your childhood-traumas has fucked you up beyond what words can describe, you will find no sympathethy here at Return of for what you did to “Roger”.
        First of all homosexuality is always wrong.
        Secondly, regardless of what you call it, fucking your own step-son is simply inexcuseable. – No matter how much you try to convince your readers that “he wanted to”.
        Thirdly, you write that your step-son “Roger” was “born as a homosexual” and that “so were you” and that is somehow supposed to make it “Ok”, as you put it.
        Well, it`s not. And I think I speak for everyone here at Return of Kings when I say that no-one hear will ever support you and Rogers “marriage”, no matter how you attempt to spin it.
        And in addition, although you was raped by your own father, that is no excuse for blasphemy and slandering God.
        You wrote that you “felt” that no-one was there to help you and that you could not tell your teacher what was happening, and to do so would be to “betray your father”, but that is not correct.
        You could have fought off your father, or hit him with a bottle or escaped or called the cops or done something. So you`re “poor you” attitude does not fly.
        You could have defended yourself and fought of your father instead of just lying there and praying to God that your dad would stop.
        So your “hatred towards God for not intervening” as you call it, is totally misguided.
        Grow up, start taking responsibility, stop fucking your step-son Roger and stop blaming God for being fucked by your own father.
        And regardless what “ceremony” you and Roger will get at The American Humanist Assosiation, and now matter how “supportive” you claim they are, your perverted “union” will never be be a “marriage” anyway.
        Deal with it.

        1. Father Thyme, I just read your tragic life-story over at:

          I`m really sorry to read how your father fucked you daily when you were a kid and that must have been horrible for you.
          But to try to use your fathers daily rape of you and your brother as some sort of “excuse” to fuck your own step-son, is just sick beyond words.
          And allthough we understand that your childhood-traumas has fucked you up beyond what words can describe, you will find no sympathethy here at Return of for what you did to “Roger”.
          First of all homosexuality is always wrong !
          Secondly, regardless of what you call it, fucking your own step-son is simply inexcuseable. – No matter how much you try to convince your readers that “he wanted to”.
          Thirdly, you write that your step-son “Roger” was “born as a homosexual” and that “so were you” and that is somehow supposed to make it “Ok”, as you put it.
          Well, it`s not. And I think I speak for everyone here at Return of Kings when I say that no-one hear will ever support you and Rogers “marriage”, no matter how you attempt to spin it.
          And in addition, although you was raped by your own father, that is no excuse for blasphemy and slandering God.
          You wrote that you “felt” that no-one was there to help you and that you could not tell your teacher what was happening, and to do so would be to “betray your father”, but that is not correct.
          You could have fought off your father, or hit him with a bottle or escaped or called the cops or done something. So you`re “poor you” attitude does not fly.
          You could have defended yourself and fought of your father instead of just lying there and praying to God that your dad would stop.
          So your “hatred towards God for not intervening” as you call it, is totally misguided.
          Grow up, start taking responsibility, stop fucking your step-son Roger and stop blaming God for being fucked by your own father.
          And regardless what “ceremony” you and Roger will get at The American Humanist Assosiation, and no matter how “supportive” you claim they are, your perverted “union” will never be be a “marriage” anyway.
          Deal with it, dude.

        2. FEMWING the Christfag is having an emotional meltdown. That’s sad. Maybe pray to your husband, Bride of Christ. *chuckle*

        3. Father Thyme, I just read your tragic life-story over at:

          I`m really sorry to read how your father fucked you daily when you were a kid and that must have been horrible for you.
          But to try to use your fathers daily rape of you and your brother as some sort of “excuse” to fuck your own step-son, is just sick beyond words.
          And allthough we understand that your childhood-traumas has fucked you up beyond what words can describe, you will find no sympathethy here at Return of for what you did to “Roger”.
          First of all homosexuality is always wrong.
          Secondly, regardless of what you call it, fucking your own step-son is simply inexcuseable. – No matter how much you try to convince your readers that “he wanted to”.
          Thirdly, you write that your step-son “Roger” was “born as a homosexual” and that “so were you” and that is somehow supposed to make it “Ok”, as you put it.
          Well, it`s not. And I think I speak for everyone here at Return of Kings when I say that no-one hear will ever support you and Rogers “marriage”, no matter how you attempt to spin it.
          And in addition, although you was raped by your own father, that is no excuse for blasphemy and slandering God.
          You wrote that you “felt” that no-one was there to help you and that you could not tell your teacher what was happening, and to do so would be to “betray your father”, but that is not correct.
          You could have fought off your father, or hit him with a bottle or escaped or called the cops or done something. So you`re “poor you” attitude does not fly.
          You could have defended yourself and fought off your father instead of just lying there and praying to God that your dad would stop.
          So your “hatred towards God for not intervening” as you call it, is totally misguided.
          Grow up, start taking responsibility, stop fucking your step-son Roger and stop blaming God for being fucked by your own father.
          And regardless what “ceremony” you and Roger will get at The American Humanist Assosiation, and no matter how “supportive” you claim they are, your perverted “union” will never be be a “marriage” anyway.!!
          Deal with it, dude.

        4. Still in hysterical Bride of Christ meltdown mode? Maybe your faggoty hubby Jesus can help comfort you.

        5. Father Thyme, I just read your tragic life-story over at:

          I`m really sorry to read how your father fucked you daily when you were a kid and that must have been horrible for you.
          But to try to use your fathers daily rape of you and your brother as some sort of “excuse” to fuck your own step-son, is just sick beyond words.
          And allthough we understand that your childhood-traumas has fucked you up beyond what words can describe, you will find no sympathethy here at Return of for what you did to “Roger”.
          First of all homosexuality is always wrong.
          Secondly, regardless of what you call it, fucking your own step-son is simply inexcuseable. – No matter how much you try to convince your readers that “he wanted to”.
          Thirdly, you write that your step-son “Roger” was “born as a homosexual” and that “so were you” and that is somehow supposed to make it “Ok”, as you put it.
          Well, it`s not. And I think I speak for everyone here at Return of Kings when I say that no-one hear will ever support you and Rogers “marriage”, no matter how you attempt to spin it.
          And in addition, although you was raped by your own father, that is no excuse for blasphemy and slandering God.
          You wrote that you “felt” that no-one was there to help you and that you could not tell your teacher what was happening, and to do so would be to “betray your father”, but that is not correct.
          You could have fought off your father, or hit him with a bottle or escaped or called the cops or done something. So you`re “poor you” attitude does not fly.
          You could have defended yourself and fought off your father instead of just lying there and praying to God that your dad would stop.
          So your “hatred towards God for not intervening” as you call it, is totally misguided.
          Grow up, start taking responsibility, stop fucking your step-son Roger and stop blaming God for being fucked by your own father.
          And regardless what “ceremony” you and Roger will get at The American Humanist Assosiation, and no matter how “supportive” you claim they are, your perverted “union” will never be be a “marriage” anyway.!!
          Deal with it, dude.

        6. Jesus was a really creepy guy.

          Sex Rites describes the evolution of religious rituals involving sex, drugs, and human sacrifice as the foundation of Christian myth and ritual. Diana’s description of the religious rituals and myths which led up to Christianity is far more damning than the typical atheist critique of religion. In particular, it describes the outrageous suffering of children at the hands of ancient religious leaders. She describes rituals in which children were mutilated, raped, drugged, and killed, as acts of faith. She also highlights positive aspects of ancient cultures, which were the origins of humanism and secular government.
          Historian releases “Sex Rites: The Origins of Christianity”

    3. Wrong, Christfag. Epicurus regarded homosexuality as destroying real friendship among men.

      Epicurus had become convinced that the predominance of homosexual relations in his era was beginning to destroy the value of, and the very possibility for, authentic friendship among men.
      What Lucretius Wrought

      1. Father Thyme, I just read your tragic life-story over at:
        I`m really sorry to read how your father fucked you daily when you were a kid and that must have been horrible for you.
        But to try to use your fathers daily rape of you and your brother as some sort of “excuse” to fuck your own step-son, is just sick beyond words.
        And allthough we understand that your childhood-traumas has fucked you up beyond what words can describe, you will find no sympathethy here at Return of for what you did to “Roger”.
        First of all homosexuality is always wrong.
        Secondly, regardless of what you call it, fucking your own step-son is simply inexcuseable. – No matter how much you try to convince your readers that “he wanted to”.
        Thirdly, you write that your step-son “Roger” was “born as a homosexual” and that “so were you” and that is somehow supposed to make it “Ok”, as you put it.
        Well, it`s not. And I think I speak for everyone here at Return of Kings when I say that no-one hear will ever support you and Rogers “marriage”, no matter how you attempt to spin it.
        And in addition, although you was raped by your own father, that is no excuse for blasphemy and slandering God.
        You wrote that you “felt” that no-one was there to help you and that you could not tell your teacher what was happening, and to do so would be to “betray your father”, but that is not correct.
        You could have fought off your father, or hit him with a bottle or escaped or called the cops or done something. So you`re “poor you” attitude does not fly.
        You could have defended yourself and fought off your father instead of just lying there and praying to God that your dad would stop.
        So your “hatred towards God for not intervening” as you call it, is totally misguided.
        Grow up, start taking responsibility, stop fucking your step-son Roger and stop blaming God for being fucked by your own father.
        And regardless what “ceremony” you and Roger will get at The American Humanist Assosiation, and no matter how “supportive” you claim they are, your perverted “union” will never be be a “marriage” anyway.!!
        Deal with it, dude. ….

    1. Before women’s suffrage, women cuckolded their husbands with Jesus, just like Mary cuckolded Joseph* with God. After women’s suffrage, women cuckold men to the Alpha-State government.
      > men who serve God
      There’s the cuck·serv·a·tive in a nutshell. Always talking about men being on their knees. “Every knee shall bow,” the Buy-Bull says. Bullshit! Stand on your own two feet like a man; don’t bow and serve.

      * Who’s your daddy? The Cuckold Carpenter in Myth, Ritual and Philosophy

      1. Father Thyme, I just read your tragic life-story over at:
        I`m really sorry to read how your father fucked you daily when you were a kid and that must have been horrible for you.
        But to try to use your fathers daily rape of you and your brother as some sort of “excuse” to fuck your own step-son, is just sick beyond words.
        And allthough we understand that your childhood-traumas has fucked you up beyond what words can describe, you will find no sympathethy here at Return of for what you did to “Roger”.
        First of all homosexuality is always wrong.
        Secondly, regardless of what you call it, fucking your own step-son is simply inexcuseable. – No matter how much you try to convince your readers that “he wanted to”.
        Thirdly, you write that your step-son “Roger” was “born as a homosexual” and that “so were you” and that is somehow supposed to make it “Ok”, as you put it.
        Well, it`s not. And I think I speak for everyone here at Return of Kings when I say that no-one hear will ever support you and Rogers “marriage”, no matter how you attempt to spin it.
        And in addition, although you was raped by your own father, that is no excuse for blasphemy and slandering God.
        You wrote that you “felt” that no-one was there to help you and that you could not tell your teacher what was happening, and to do so would be to “betray your father”, but that is not correct.
        You could have fought off your father, or hit him with a bottle or escaped or called the cops or done something. So you`re “poor you” attitude does not fly.
        You could have defended yourself and fought of your father instead of just lying there and praying to God that your dad would stop.
        So your “hatred towards God for not intervening” as you call it, is totally misguided.
        Grow up, start taking responsibility, stop fucking your step-son Roger and stop blaming God for being fucked by your own father.
        And regardless what “ceremony” you and Roger will get at The American Humanist Assosiation, and now matter how “supportive” you claim they are, your perverted “union” will never be be a “marriage” anyway.
        Deal with it.

        1. Father Thyme, I just read your tragic life-story over at:

          I`m really sorry to read how your father fucked you daily when you were a kid and that must have been horrible for you.
          But to try to use your fathers daily rape of you and your brother as some sort of “excuse” to fuck your own step-son, is just sick beyond words.
          And allthough we understand that your childhood-traumas has fucked you up beyond what words can describe, you will find no sympathethy here at Return of for what you did to “Roger”.
          First of all homosexuality is always wrong.
          Secondly, regardless of what you call it, fucking your own step-son is simply inexcuseable. – No matter how much you try to convince your readers that “he wanted to”.
          Thirdly, you write that your step-son “Roger” was “born as a homosexual” and that “so were you” and that is somehow supposed to make it “Ok”, as you put it.
          Well, it`s not. And I think I speak for everyone here at Return of Kings when I say that no-one hear will ever support you and Rogers “marriage”, no matter how you attempt to spin it.
          And in addition, although you was raped by your own father, that is no excuse for blasphemy and slandering God.
          You wrote that you “felt” that no-one was there to help you and that you could not tell your teacher what was happening, and to do so would be to “betray your father”, but that is not correct.
          You could have fought off your father, or hit him with a bottle or escaped or called the cops or done something. So you`re “poor you” attitude does not fly.
          You could have defended yourself and fought of your father instead of just lying there and praying to God that your dad would stop.
          So your “hatred towards God for not intervening” as you call it, is totally misguided.
          Grow up, start taking responsibility, stop fucking your step-son Roger and stop blaming God for being fucked by your own father.
          And regardless what “ceremony” you and Roger will get at The American Humanist Assosiation, and no matter how “supportive” you claim they are, your perverted “union” will never be be a “marriage” anyway.
          Deal with it.

        2. Projecting, Christfag?

          “…a pederastic relationship between an older man and a younger man. A Greek reader would understand.”


        3. Father Thyme, I just read your tragic life-story over at:

          I`m really sorry to read how your father fucked you daily when you were a kid and that must have been horrible for you.
          But to try to use your fathers daily rape of you and your brother as some sort of “excuse” to fuck your own step-son, is just sick beyond words.
          And allthough we understand that your childhood-traumas has fucked you up beyond what words can describe, you will find no sympathethy here at Return of for what you did to “Roger”.
          First of all homosexuality is always wrong.
          Secondly, regardless of what you call it, fucking your own step-son is simply inexcuseable. – No matter how much you try to convince your readers that “he wanted to”.
          Thirdly, you write that your step-son “Roger” was “born as a homosexual” and that “so were you” and that is somehow supposed to make it “Ok”, as you put it.
          Well, it`s not. And I think I speak for everyone here at Return of Kings when I say that no-one hear will ever support you and Rogers “marriage”, no matter how you attempt to spin it.
          And in addition, although you was raped by your own father, that is no excuse for blasphemy and slandering God.
          You wrote that you “felt” that no-one was there to help you and that you could not tell your teacher what was happening, and to do so would be to “betray your father”, but that is not correct.
          You could have fought off your father, or hit him with a bottle or escaped or called the cops or done something. So you`re “poor you” attitude does not fly.
          You could have defended yourself and fought off your father instead of just lying there and praying to God that your dad would stop.
          So your “hatred towards God for not intervening” as you call it, is totally misguided.
          Grow up, start taking responsibility, stop fucking your step-son Roger and stop blaming God for being fucked by your own father.
          And regardless what “ceremony” you and Roger will get at The American Humanist Assosiation, and no matter how “supportive” you claim they are, your perverted “union” will never be be a “marriage” anyway.!!
          Deal with it, dude.

        1. As any Cuckservative True Believer (Hoffer, 1951) would.

          Mass movements aggressively promote the use of Doctrines that elevate faith over reason and serve as “fact-proof screens between the faithful and the realities of the world”.
          The True Believer

        2. No disrespect, but I can’t take you or your wikipedia reference seriously.
          I do, however, take God and the Word of God very seriously.
          1 Corinthians 3:19-21 (NKJV)
          19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, “He catches the wise in their own craftiness”; [a] 20 and again, “The Lord knows the thoughts of the wise, that they are futile.”[b] 21 Therefore let no one boast in men.
          *I stand by my statement.

        3. It is a quote directly from “The True Believer.” (Hoffer, 1951) You can verify it yourself. But you’re just deflecting with bullshit, because it accurately describes you.
          I take the Buy-Bull seriously too, when it’s right, like here:

          1 Corinthians 1:26 Not many of you were wise by human standards…

          Other theologians have confirmed St. Paul’s low opinion of the lack of intellectual prowess within his followers.

          The scandal of the evangelical mind is that there is not much of an evangelical mind […] American evangelicals are not exemplary for their thinking, and they have not been so for several generations.
          Mark Noll, “The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind” (Eerdmans Publishing, 1993, p. 3)

        4. lol. Now you resort to cursing and name calling. How progressive and liberal of you. I understand that the Truth hurts those who enjoy living in darkness and try to lead other people astray.
          *As previously stated, I can’t take you seriously.
          I stand by my original statement.
          But, seriously, as a human, I need to be able to disagree with you without being called names. I would never do anything to hurt anyone, but it should be ok to peacefully and respectfully disagree. If not, it feels that one group (or just you) is attempting to manipulate and/or control another, which is ridiculous and unacceptable.
          We should be evolved enough to do that right? You believe in evolution, correct. Rhetorical, no need to respond.
          Good day sir.

        5. Complaining about your hurt feelings when you hear “bullshit,” poor dear, how very femi-nazi of you. Maybe you’ll like this sort of Biblical language better, jackass?

          “Behold, I will corrupt your seed, and spread dung upon your faces!” (So sayeth the Lord!) – Malachi 2:2-3
          “Hath he not sent me to the men which sit on the wall, to eat their own dung, and drink their own piss with you?” – II Kings 18:27

        6. Do you stand by the Bible using language about spreading dung on faces and drinking piss? If so, you’re a hypocrite of extraordinary proportions, feminazi.

        7. Never watched your youtube video (lol)…no time and not interested. Have read the Bible “in context” with understanding and it makes sense…the entire text.
          *I maintain: Scripture should be kept in context to gain understanding.
          Will not engage you further on this topic as you offer no wisdom, insight, or even an open heart to understand and learn. Your misery, bitterness, and anger are symptomatic of deeper issues within you.
          *I’ll pray you find Jesus Christ.
          God bless.

        8. I’ve read the entire text, more times than you have. You’re disengaging because you’re unable to argue well.
          > Your misery, bitterness, and anger
          The most common Christian put-downs when they’re beat.
          > I’ll pray you.
          Yeah? I’ll think for you.

        9. 🙂 I would never put you down, but I will tell you the truth and hopefully it will set you free. The TRUTH is that you are angry, bitter, and miserable. Thats why you curse and insult any and everyone who doesn’t agree with you. It’s ok. I understand. If you were really happy and at peace with who you are and what you believe you would not sit online and curse and insult people who disagree with you. You would probably sit back and grin to your self on how you have it all figured out. 🙂 Only Jesus Christ can set you free and give you peace that permeates every area of your life.
          lol at “beat.” I’m disengaging because this isn’t a battle. This is evangelism. Jesus won the battle over two thousand (2,000) years ago. I hoped to enlighten you with the Truth of Jesus Christ and the Word of God, but you’re not looking for light. You’re looking for an argument. You hope to turn people from the true and living God so that they can be miserable with you (misery loves company). It won’t work. Your thinking (flawed insight/worldly wisdom) equates to:
          1 Corinthians 3:19-21 (NKJV)
          19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, “He catches the wise in their own craftiness”; [a] 20 and again, “The Lord knows the thoughts of the wise, that they are futile.”[b] 21 Therefore let no one boast in men.
          FyI- I think for myself and in this instance I think (& know) you’re wrong.
          Your follow up insults will not receive a response, regardless to how much reverse psychology and statements trying to convince yourself that you won an imagined battle by sending wikipedia links and youtube videos, lol, you try to use. The Word of God is alive and stands as Truth forever. No exchange will ever change that. Your blood is not on my hands.
          I pray you come to know the Truth of God’s Word and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior before you have to stand before Him on judgement day. God bless.

    2. what does lead mean
      because at the churches I attend men are taught to lead by
      looking after the kids so wife can attend church and do bible study
      looking after the home so wife can work if she wants
      working all day at a job and coming home to do all the homemaking and childcare, while wife sits on facebook…

      1. I don’t believe that. A Christian wife knows her primary role as wife and mother is to look after her husband, children, and home first. It’s awesome to volunteer at church, but she knows she has a husband and children to feed and care for, especially if she doesn’t work outside the home. And if the husband would prefer to stay home while she goes out then he can, but if not they can go together as a family (and/or switch when dad wants to go out with his friends). If there are concerns then the husband and wife need to sit down and talk, not challenge each other in a negative way. The husband is the head of the house, but they are to submit to one another.
        Every couple has issues, even fairytale couples. The difference is that mature folks don’t look for “a way out” when hard times come. They have covenanted to become one and cover each other. Marriage is for grown people, not the faint of heart. A wife is to love, respect, and honor her husband as the lord of their home. The husband is to love, respect, and honor his wife as Christ loves the church. Flighty, immature, temperamental people struggle with commitment in almost every area of their life…perhaps they should approach marriage with caution.

        1. oh these women believe that the home is their responsibility
          until their husband comes home from work…
          christians twist the word serve
          men serving their wives used to be, provision, protection,leadership
          now it is homemaking childcare and men practicing being an excellent wife!
          men are not allowed to pursue their goals or interests ( seen as selfish)
          wives are more of a burden than support
          it used to be a man married a wife to support him
          like Jim ELLIOT married Elisabeth Elliot, she supported him and left her easy life in the west with him
          now if a man asks his wife to support him, male pastors rebuke him and say
          he should serve his wife and follow her needs
          so if we brought the Elliots into our generation of Christians
          Jim Elliot would have been made to abandon his call to spread the word of God ( as that is selfish) and serve his wife by following what she desires!!!
          I see this at my church
          at CBMW,TGC,9 marks etc
          they all teach this nonsense…

        2. Thats a stretch, at best. I would never speak against a church I haven’t attended, but I’m sure you’re exaggerating. We must remember that it’s ok to share the household chores, but again if mom does not work outside of the home and dad does, then imho it’s selfish to require him to come home and do everything every day.
          I think its ok if mom wants to have coffee with her friends and see a play or just hang out while dad watches the children. And that swings both ways, so mom should stay home with the children when dad wants to hang out with his friends. It’s really not complicated.
          Jim and Elisabeth Elliot were a man and woman after God’s own heart. Beautiful couple. Great example of a Christian couple.

        3. stretch?
          I see it right in front of me!
          but primarily the home is the wife’s responsibility…

  47. Interesting discussion. Actually, these days we’re seeing increasing numbers of men flocking to “parody” religions like Pastafarianism, Discordianism, and hell even Jedi(ism). Although they aren’t “real religions”, it demonstrates that men are still seeking some kind of Truth and Wisdom, and a cosmos bigger than themselves, as they always have done. Naturally these guys are written off as nerds and basement dwellers.
    I wonder how long before the feminists, SJW and beta orbiters will want to take those, too.

  48. Father Thyme, I just read your tragic life-story over at:
    I`m really sorry to read how your father fucked you daily when you were a kid and that must have been horrible for you.
    But to try to use your fathers daily rape of you and your brother as some sort of “excuse” to fuck your own step-son, is just sick beyond words.
    And allthough we understand that your childhood-traumas has fucked you up beyond what words can describe, you will find no sympathethy here at Return of for what you did to “Roger”.
    First of all homosexuality is always wrong.
    Secondly, regardless of what you call it, fucking your own step-son is simply inexcuseable. – No matter how much you try to convince your readers that “he wanted to”.
    Thirdly, you write that your step-son “Roger” was “born as a homosexual” and that “so were you” and that is somehow supposed to make it “Ok”, as you put it.
    Well, it`s not. And I think I speak for everyone here at Return of Kings when I say that no-one here will ever support you and Rogers “marriage”, no matter how you attempt to spin it.
    And in addition, although you was raped by your own father, that is no excuse for blasphemy and slandering God.
    You wrote that you “felt” that no-one was there to help you and that you could not tell your teacher what was happening, and to do so would be to “betray your father”, but that is not correct.
    You could have fought off your father, or hit him with a bottle or escaped or called the cops or done something. So you`re “poor you” attitude does not fly.
    You could have defended yourself and fought of your father instead of just lying there and praying to God that your dad would stop.
    So your “hatred towards God for not intervening” as you call it, is totally misguided.
    Grow up, start taking responsibility, stop fucking your step-son Roger and stop blaming God for being fucked by your own father.
    And regardless what “ceremony” you and Roger will get at The American Humanist Assosiation, and now matter how “supportive” you claim they are, your perverted “union” will never be be a “marriage” anyway.
    Deal with it.

      1. Father Thyme, I just read your tragic life-story over at:
        I`m really sorry to read how your father fucked you daily when you were a kid and that must have been horrible for you.
        But to try to use your fathers daily rape of you and your brother as some sort of “excuse” to fuck your own step-son, is just sick beyond words.
        And allthough we understand that your childhood-traumas has fucked you up beyond what words can describe, you will find no sympathethy here at Return of for what you did to “Roger”.
        First of all homosexuality is always wrong.
        Secondly, regardless of what you call it, fucking your own step-son is simply inexcuseable. – No matter how much you try to convince your readers that “he wanted to”.
        Thirdly, you write that your step-son “Roger” was “born as a homosexual” and that “so were you” and that is somehow supposed to make it “Ok”, as you put it.
        Well, it`s not. And I think I speak for everyone here at Return of Kings when I say that no-one hear will ever support you and Rogers “marriage”, no matter how you attempt to spin it.
        And in addition, although you was raped by your own father, that is no excuse for blasphemy and slandering God.
        You wrote that you “felt” that no-one was there to help you and that you could not tell your teacher what was happening, and to do so would be to “betray your father”, but that is not correct.
        You could have fought off your father, or hit him with a bottle or escaped or called the cops or done something. So you`re “poor you” attitude does not fly.
        You could have defended yourself and fought of your father instead of just lying there and praying to God that your dad would stop.
        So your “hatred towards God for not intervening” as you call it, is totally misguided.
        Grow up, start taking responsibility, stop fucking your step-son Roger and stop blaming God for being fucked by your own father.
        And regardless what “ceremony” you and Roger will get at The American Humanist Assosiation, and now matter how “supportive” you claim they are, your perverted “union” will never be be a “marriage” anyway.
        Deal with it.

        1. Still projecting, Christfag?

        2. Father Thyme, I just read your tragic life-story over at:

          I`m really sorry to read how your father fucked you daily when you were a kid and that must have been horrible for you.
          But to try to use your fathers daily rape of you and your brother as some sort of “excuse” to fuck your own step-son, is just sick beyond words.
          And allthough we understand that your childhood-traumas has fucked you up beyond what words can describe, you will find no sympathethy here at Return of for what you did to “Roger”.
          First of all homosexuality is always wrong.
          Secondly, regardless of what you call it, fucking your own step-son is simply inexcuseable. – No matter how much you try to convince your readers that “he wanted to”.
          Thirdly, you write that your step-son “Roger” was “born as a homosexual” and that “so were you” and that is somehow supposed to make it “Ok”, as you put it.
          Well, it`s not. And I think I speak for everyone here at Return of Kings when I say that no-one hear will ever support you and Rogers “marriage”, no matter how you attempt to spin it.
          And in addition, although you was raped by your own father, that is no excuse for blasphemy and slandering God.
          You wrote that you “felt” that no-one was there to help you and that you could not tell your teacher what was happening, and to do so would be to “betray your father”, but that is not correct.
          You could have fought off your father, or hit him with a bottle or escaped or called the cops or done something. So you`re “poor you” attitude does not fly.
          You could have defended yourself and fought of your father instead of just lying there and praying to God that your dad would stop.
          So your “hatred towards God for not intervening” as you call it, is totally misguided.
          Grow up, start taking responsibility, stop fucking your step-son Roger and stop blaming God for being fucked by your own father.
          And regardless what “ceremony” you and Roger will get at The American Humanist Assosiation, and no matter how “supportive” you claim they are, your perverted “union” will never be be a “marriage” anyway.
          Deal with it.

        3. Father Thyme, I just read your tragic life-story over at:

          I`m really sorry to read how your father fucked you daily when you were a kid and that must have been horrible for you.
          But to try to use your fathers daily rape of you and your brother as some sort of “excuse” to fuck your own step-son, is just sick beyond words.
          And allthough we understand that your childhood-traumas has fucked you up beyond what words can describe, you will find no sympathethy here at Return of for what you did to “Roger”.
          First of all homosexuality is always wrong.
          Secondly, regardless of what you call it, fucking your own step-son is simply inexcuseable. – No matter how much you try to convince your readers that “he wanted to”.
          Thirdly, you write that your step-son “Roger” was “born as a homosexual” and that “so were you” and that is somehow supposed to make it “Ok”, as you put it.
          Well, it`s not. And I think I speak for everyone here at Return of Kings when I say that no-one hear will ever support you and Rogers “marriage”, no matter how you attempt to spin it.
          And in addition, although you was raped by your own father, that is no excuse for blasphemy and slandering God.
          You wrote that you “felt” that no-one was there to help you and that you could not tell your teacher what was happening, and to do so would be to “betray your father”, but that is not correct.
          You could have fought off your father, or hit him with a bottle or escaped or called the cops or done something. So you`re “poor you” attitude does not fly.
          You could have defended yourself and fought of your father instead of just lying there and praying to God that your dad would stop.
          So your “hatred towards God for not intervening” as you call it, is totally misguided.
          Grow up, start taking responsibility, stop fucking your step-son Roger and stop blaming God for being fucked by your own father.
          And regardless what “ceremony” you and Roger will get at The American Humanist Assosiation, and no matter how “supportive” you claim they are, your perverted “union” will never be be a “marriage” anyway.
          Deal with it, dude.

        4. Go ahead, boy-Bride of Christ faggot, copy-n-paste your ridiculous screed again. It just gives me another chance to prove, via Christian art, that Jesus was the original Christfaggot.

        5. Father Thyme, I just read your tragic life-story over at:

          I`m really sorry to read how your father fucked you daily when you were a kid and that must have been horrible for you.
          But to try to use your fathers daily rape of you and your brother as some sort of “excuse” to fuck your own step-son, is just sick beyond words.
          And allthough we understand that your childhood-traumas has fucked you up beyond what words can describe, you will find no sympathethy here at Return of for what you did to “Roger”.
          First of all homosexuality is always wrong.
          Secondly, regardless of what you call it, fucking your own step-son is simply inexcuseable. – No matter how much you try to convince your readers that “he wanted to”.
          Thirdly, you write that your step-son “Roger” was “born as a homosexual” and that “so were you” and that is somehow supposed to make it “Ok”, as you put it.
          Well, it`s not. And I think I speak for everyone here at Return of Kings when I say that no-one hear will ever support you and Rogers “marriage”, no matter how you attempt to spin it.
          And in addition, although you was raped by your own father, that is no excuse for blasphemy and slandering God.
          You wrote that you “felt” that no-one was there to help you and that you could not tell your teacher what was happening, and to do so would be to “betray your father”, but that is not correct.
          You could have fought off your father, or hit him with a bottle or escaped or called the cops or done something. So you`re “poor you” attitude does not fly.
          You could have defended yourself and fought of your father instead of just lying there and praying to God that your dad would stop.
          So your “hatred towards God for not intervening” as you call it, is totally misguided.
          Grow up, start taking responsibility, stop fucking your step-son Roger and stop blaming God for being fucked by your own father.
          And regardless what “ceremony” you and Roger will get at The American Humanist Assosiation, and no matter how “supportive” you claim they are, your perverted “union” will never be be a “marriage” anyway.
          Deal with it, dude.

          Your his step-father for fuck`s sake!!
          Don`t you understand that IT`S JUST INSANE TO FUCK YOUR OWN STEP-SON !!??
          Get a fucking grip, dude !!

        7. FEMWING is having a hysterical Bride of Christ meltdown. Is your mascara running yet?

        8. The fact that you been fucked by your own father is just tragic, dude..
          But that is no excuse for what you`re doing to Roger. Sodomy is a sin and in addition, your Rogers step-father, you sick fuck !!!

        9. Still in meltdown mode, Christfag? I think a Bride of Christ like you should pray to your Husband to comfort you.

        10. Don`t speak to me you sick motherfucker!
          Just FUCK OFF ! You fucking psycho.

        11. Jesus was cuckspawn, and you celebrate that every winter solstice holiday season, Christfag.

        12. God will not be mocked! You will not be held blameless for insulting the Most High! If you do not repent, the lake of fire will be your destination!

        13. Jesus Christ was born from the power of the Holy Spirit of God! He will not be mocked!

        14. I’m mocking him, and your pretend godman can’t do a damn thing about it.

        15. I’m mocking him, and your Bronze-age skygod can’t do a damn thing about it.
          Oh, the “lake (or river) of fire” is originally ancient Egyptian mythology. Maybe you’re really young and are still scared of mythological monsters-under-your-bed.

        16. If you die in sin, you will be judged and cast into the lake of fire, to burn for all eternity! God destroyed Sodom for the sin of homosexuality, and America has the same fate!

        17. If God isn’t real, then why do you hate Him so much? You know that God is real, but you hate him because of your evil heart. You convinced yourself that he isn’t real, so that you can continue living in sin. Repent and believe in the Lord of Light, who is the King of Kings!

        18. Sin? That silly talking-snake fable with Adam and Eve, if you ever did believe such a tale, has been thoroughly debunked by geneticists:

          The facts first. Sheehan et al., building on earlier work by Li and Durbin (references in margin), calculated that the minimum population size associated with the worldwide expansion of humans out of Africa roughly 100,000 years ago was 2,250 individuals, while the population that remained in Africa was no smaller than about 10,000 individuals. For population geneticists, this is the “effective population size,” invariably smaller than the census size, so these are minimum estimates, and ones derived from conservative assumptions. The population sizes are estimated by back-calculating (based on reasonable estimates of mutation rates and other genetic parameters) how small an ancestral population could be and still give rise to the observed level and structure of genetic variation in our species.
          Note: 2,500 is larger than two.
          This means, of course, that Adam and Eve couldn’t have been the literal ancestors of all humanity. Normally, such a scientific trashing of scripture could be absorbed, at least by liberal theologians. They’d just reinterpret Adam and Eve as metaphors. But that causes big trouble on two counts…
          Jerry Coyne (2013) Scientists Try to Reconcile Adam and Eve Story, Whiff. Again. New Republic.

        19. Romans 3:4
          “God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.”
          Anything that goes against the Holy Bible, is a lie from Satan!

        20. You’re just another Ted Haggard or George Alan Rekers, Christfag, because you’re obsessed with “dick.” But Christfags like you are like that.
          St. Paul couldn’t keep his mouth off a young traveling companion’s dick, as recorded in Acts 16:3. (Realize that Paul would have used his mouth, unless he had access to a modern glass tube to prevent STD infection during his middle-eastern genital mutilation.)
          You’re like St. Paul, amirite?

        21. You will not be held blameless for mocking a Holy servant of the LORD! You are heading straight to eternal torment, if you do not repent!

        22. I see. You think the earth can instantly stop rotating for “a whole day.” Then re-start rotating. *chuckle*

          And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day. –Joshua 10:13

        23. I love all! If I did not love, then I would not warn you of your fate! Repent, and seek the Kingdom of God!

        24. You’re ranting like a SJW on the rag. Isn’t there something in your medicine cabinet that you can take?

        25. You’re the one who brought up the subject; I showed you who did it in the Bible, i.e., St. Paul, during a genital mutilation ceremony he performed on his young traveling companion in Acts 16:3.
          The BuyBull is a vile, filthy book, and you embrace it, Christfag.

        26. You love dicks, and calling people fags… Stop projecting your fantasies of taking one in your butt!

      2. WTF ???
        You`re having sex with your own step-son and you`re blaming The Lord ?
        Are you insane ?

      3. What are you, some kind of weirdo, Thyme ?
        Stop your blasphemy.
        And leave “Roger” – or whatever the hell your kid is called, alone.
        I don`t think I`ve even heard about someone marrying their own step-son.
        Your fucking sick !!

        1. What are you, another Christfag “Bride of Christ,” having an emotional meltdown?

    1. Be gone Satan.
      You`re the fucking Father of lies.
      You blaspheming bastard.

      1. Look up your Holy Cuckold story in your Buy-Bull, Christfag.

        This is how the birth of Jesus the Messiah came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be pregnant through the Holy Spirit.–Matthew 1:18

        Way to put the Cuck in Cuckmas, boy!

        1. Didn`t I just tell you to fuck off, Satan ?
          Yes I did. So fuck off back to Hell and burn for eternity.

        2. Got a question for you, Cuckservative:
          Why do you believe in the scary mythological Norse underworld of Loki’s daughter Hell? Do you also believe in the scary mythological underworld of Zeus’ brother Hades (of whom Jesus spoke more than once)?
          What other super-scary monsters-under-your-bed do you believe in, boy?

        3. You had ONE thing to say – and now you said it.
          So if you say ONE more thing you`ve proven yourself to be a liar.
          So : you said your ONE thing and that was “Merry Cuckmas” so your done.
          And furthermore we don`t celebrate “Cuckmas”, here at Return of Kings.
          But we understand that “Cuckmas” is the aniversery of the date you tasted your first *cuck* and that aparently was on the 29th of July.
          So : “Merry Cuckmas” to you to, and now that you said THE ONE thing you had to say, go FUCK OFF BACK TO HELL AND BURN FOREVER – and never say another word to me, lest you break your word.
          So back to Hell you go forever. You little piece of Satanic shit. Fuck off.

        4. And THERE you proved yourself to be a liar and a word-breaker.
          You said you had ONE thing to say to me, but you lied.
          So you lost Satan.
          As we always knew you would.
          Tough luck, you little Uber-Faggot.
          Now fuck off back to Hell and burn for ever & ever.

        5. You prove yourself to be a pissant nitpicker. Note that I had one thing to say to you. I didn’t say “only one” thing. Now here’s another thing.
          But, you’re trying to deflect from my critique of your childish belief in mythological monsters-under-your-bed, like the Norse mythological underworld of Loki’s daughter Hell, boy.

        6. Again:
          Now you`ve proved yourself for the 2. time to be a liar and a word-breaker.
          You said you had ONE thing to say to me, but you lied and spoke again.
          So you lost Satan.
          As we always knew you would.
          Tough luck, you little Uber-Faggot.
          So “Merry Cuckmas” to you to and now fuck off back to Hell and burn for ever & ever,
          – lest you prove yourself to be a liar and a word-breaker for THE 3. TIME by saying another word to me.

        7. You haven’t proven anything with your semantic tricks, cucky-boy. But you are proving that you’re a Christfag with some “Bride of Christ” issues.Is your mascara running yet?

        8. It is you who have proven yourself 3 TIMES, to be a word-breaker and a liar, Satan.
          Now fuck off back to Hell and celebrate your “Cuckmas” there.
          We all understand that “Cuckmas” is the aniversery of the date you tasted your first cock and that “Cuckmas” is a very big deal for you.
          But we don`t celebrate your faggot-day here, but the rest of the faggots in Hell probably do.
          So fuck off back to Hell and celebrate your “special day” and every other day there, forever, with your own faggot-kind.
          Off you go now little Satan.
          Fly fly.
          Fly fly.
          Fly fly.

      1. Even Christianity is of pagan origin. (But you’ve been playing D&D instead of reading the ancient classics.) Does the following sound familiar at all?

        […] they perform their ritual, and persuade not only individuals, but whole cities, that expiations and atonements for sin may be made by sacrifices and amusements which fill a vacant hour, and are equally at the service of the living and the dead; the latter sort they call mysteries, and they redeem us from the pains of hell, but if we neglect them no one knows what awaits us.
        — Plato (4th century BCE) The Republic. Book II.

        More information at: Pagan Origins of the Christ Myth

  49. The problem is most Christians don’t understand Christian history or theology. The “church” or “ecclesia” refers to those called out of the world. The gatherings were never intended to be incorporated institutions or part of a government in any form. The reason the Romans persecuted them was because they refused to incorporate. Likewise, the role of a “Pastor” is not a Christian tenant. The role of a “shepherd” was always pluralistic. Every man was responsible for guiding his own family according to his own conscience, and the men were accountable to one another as equals. Like the scriptures foretold, wolves seeking their own glory will offer new teachings in order to get a following. Shepherds not doing their job allow this to happen.

  50. The Beta Take Down of White Knight Mark Driscoll, and the subsequent Red Pill feast on the remnants of every bullshit “man up” sermon he gave, was I think a large turning point within the Christian male community, at least for men under 30. This fucking douchebag could not hand out ENOUGH of the male-bashing, father’s day rant-type sermons, and then wound up being labeled a bully by all the Beta boys that followed him all those years. It was truly beautiful to watch/read about. Bets are on as to how long his wife will stick by him.

  51. If ROK is filling a void left by churches, Did the church used to be a meeting place for the mentally ill and imbecilic obsessions with faggotry as is evident in this discussion section?
    If I leave here and start going to church, will I find intelligent people who are concerned with forming a community about self improvement, the truth, and taking control of their future?

  52. For some reason – I don’t know why – about twice a year I click a link to Captain Capitalism. I always instantly regret it. It is not that I hate him or think him particularly evil, but . . . dumb, dumb, dumb. I was looking around for a metaphor for this article when I realized that someone had helpfully provided one ( ) only the ratio of nature to garbage should be reversed. This article is just lazy. Roosh should get any money he paid you back and Clarey should apologize to all of his readers individually for having published it
    Clarey, have any of your religious friends ever mentioned to you that there are whole books, indeed whole series of books, about church history and the history of religion and mythology? Granted that falls under the set of disciplines you deem “worthless”, but your commentary here falls under the activity you criticized among bankers as fraud. You clearly are an ignorant blowhard and you haven’t read anything on the subject, nor did you learn anything from whatever swamp preacher raised you and all your experiences are apparently filtered through a haze of alcohol and confirmation bias.
    What was particularly cute was Clarey dubbed this “Knowledgesphere” on his webpage. Ignorance is strength, I guess. Given that the left’s first effort in the culture war was to attempt to destroy religion, and is only now finally getting around to manhood in its mopping up action, you may reconsider who your allies and enemies are. Roosh, get your money back and dump this joker. Your are hurting
    the men you are claiming to help and hence damaging your business. Men, to the books. Ignore Clarey.

  53. As a Christian I have to agree. What ever your looking for you won’t find it in a church today. It’s about personal relationship anyway. God restored it where you can converse with him just like Adam did. You don’t need an intermediary.

  54. Firstly, this is primarily driven by Episcopalian “churches.” These are not houses of God; rather, feel-good social environments that do some good works in various communities but directly contradict the Bible in many cases. It’s not uncommon to see openly gay priests, and I might go so far as to say in many cases that’s encouraged.
    Second, we see many Christian churches appointing females in key roles, such as communications. This is a mistake, as the last thing we need to do is feminize what should be a strong environment for truth.

  55. Ug that picture with the gay flag makes me cringe. The “church” that allows that is so fucking naive. I can see where they’re coming from as if responding to a narrative challenge that, indeed, they really mean all are welcome. And we are such nice people that we’ll welcome perverts too, see look at this flag here. But its a ruse and these “churchs” are being taken advantage of. This is the terrible truth:
    That is a flag of occupation, period.
    The lgedsjkhsdbqrs cult are godless. They hate religion. It stands, because, homosexualism is nihilistic. Its for the moment, consequences be dammed. These are people who say its a “right” to engage in risky behaviors that result in things like losing control of your bowels. Um, that means being fucked in the ass so much that you just shit yourself. You expect these people to be concerned about something long-term like death? Ha!
    The good news is that its episcopals and not all of Christianity.

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