6 Tips For Pulling A Same-Night Lay

This weekend I went to a party at a private members club in central London, where I met an attractive girl in her early twenties who turned out to be the daughter of a wealthy British TV celebrity. After an hour or so of conversation, making out and so on, I took her back to my place where we had sex several times before falling asleep.

Meeting a girl and having sex with her on the same night — when things go smoothly — can seem like the most natural thing in the world because, let’s face it, it is: if a man and a woman are attracted to one another then what more natural an outcome can there be?

And yet for the beginner the idea of pulling a girl out of a club and taking her home can seem as unachievable as taking an Uber to the moon — it certainly was for me. With that in mind, I thought it would be useful for me to codify the steps I took to demonstrate how simple and easily replicable they are.

By the way, this isn’t about pumping-and-dumping girls, but simply about achieving your very-natural male desire quickly and efficiently—once you’ve slept with her then you can transition into a relationship if there’s chemistry and you want to keep seeing her.

Here, then, are the steps I took which led to me bringing the girl home with me.

1. Achieve Momentum By Approaching Girls Before You Get to the Venue


State, vibe, mojo — whatever you want to call it, it seems to me that there’s no substitute for momentum when you go out to meet girls. As much as you can study game techniques and Google opening lines and so on, a lot of game is about the subconscious vibe that you are put out as you enter the venue and walk around.

Most players know that this can have a magnetic effect, so that when you’re really on form it’s not really about what you say to girls at all, but more how you make them feel simply through your presence. When you’re really on form this can have an almost magical effect, with previously unobtainable-seeming girls opening with ease all around you.

So how do you achieve momentum? It’s actually very easy, but I’m afraid that those with approach anxiety will have to work hard to put their fears aside. The best way to get that swing in your step, that arrogant swagger that you require, is to have approached a lot of girls already that day.

So earlier in the day, before hitting the venue, I’d gone out shopping an incorporated a spot of daygame, approaching something like twelve girls in the street while going about my business. The twelve approaches yielded a few phone numbers, which of course I’ll follow up with, but immediate success wasn’t the point. Instead, my aim was simply to get into a sociable mood so that later when I went to the club I would be on form.

It may seem counter-intuitive to the newbie, but even rejections can help to pump up your state—in fact, in a way they can work better. After I’ve experienced three harsh blowouts, either on the street or in the club, then something in my brain clicks and nothing can faze me. After all, I’ve already been rejected, it hasn’t killed me, and if I’m going to go down then it might as well be in a blaze of glory. From that point on I find myself able to approach any girl with impunity.

When I entered the club, having the twelve approaches under my belt, I noticed that girls were checking me out and smiling at me as I walked around — not something that necessarily always happens. This wasn’t because anything had changed in my look and presentation, but rather that the hunter in me had been released (probably with a commensurate spike in testosterone, although I’m no scientist) and the women there picked up on it

2. Attend Carefully To Your Style

Suit Beard

I don’t intend to get into the “do looks matter” debate here (they do and they don’t at the same time) but for God’s sake at least control what you can and make sure your style is on point. This doesn’t need to cost a lot of money. After my daygame session I went home where I changed into a white Ted Baker shirt, a light grey summer jacket from Zara and a colourful pocket-square from H&M.

I also wore an expensive but fantastic pair of heeled boots from Jeffery West that give me that all important little extra bit of height. My haircut is cheap but I style it carefully with good products (I stopped going to expensive stylists earlier this year when it became apparent that it really made very little difference.)

Through following my own tastes as well as occasionally reading style blogs and keeping an eye on what others wear and what’s in the high-end shops, I have developed a look which is striking enough for people to comment on — really important when you’re going out to meet girls.

3. Approach Directly And With Confidence


Because you are in state already, having done your pre-club approaches, you should be in a good state of mind to talk to the girls you meet in the venue with verve and determination. In a busy nightclub, particularly if it’s later in the evening, I would suggest going direct—walking up to the girls you like and telling them you find them sexy.

You should also use light touch right off the bat in non-sexual areas — the forearm, the lower back and so on — in order to normalise physicality between the two of you. Of course, you will then need to transition into more normal conversation to keep the interaction going, but you should ensure that you spike this up periodically with sexual references and suggestive comments to get her turned on and curious about you.

Also, remember that all pull and no push is bad — you must occasionally signal your disapproval and hint that you are willing to walk. For example, when my girl from Friday told me she was from Chelsea I pushed her away laughingly and said it could never work out between us, since I lived in East London. Obviously she realised I was joking but it added that little frisson of doubt to the interaction that only increased her attraction.

4. Once You Find A Girl Who Likes You Then Stay With Her…But Don’t Look Needy


To a degree it depends on what time in the night it is, but assuming it’s relatively late then once you’ve found a girl who you like and who seems into you, you should endeavour to stay with her so she doesn’t wander off with her friends or get swooped up by another man.

The important thing here is to strike the balance between hanging in there and not looking needy. Ideally you will have made out with her a little bit so that you know it’s definitely on — remember, you don’t need to make out with a girl for her to sleep with you, but on the other hand if she won’t even kiss you then there’s no way she’s going to bed with you.

Your aim, then, should be to hang out, keeping the mood light but being ready to pull the trigger and take her from the venue as soon as possible. What you must avoid doing is looking as though you are “mate guarding” — that is, jealously trying to ward off other men. If a guy approaches and tries to chat her up while you’re there then by all means lead her away, but also be prepared to walk.

If she is initiating conversations or seems especially receptive to them then your time might be better off spent with another prospect. After all, you are looking for a DTF girl who is DTF you — if the stars are aligned then things should be relatively hassle-free.

Assuming she doesn’t vie for the attention of other men in the venue then the best course is to stick with her and then lead her out at an appropriate moment (i.e. as soon as possible).

5. Always Be Escalating


Absolutely 100% key when setting up a same-night lay is that you must without fail progressively escalate the encounter throughout the evening. You must do this is two ways – verbally, through conversation that gets progressively suggestive; and physically, with touch that becomes increasingly sexualised. Through this dual approach you are looking to get the girl turned on sufficiently so that when you get her back to your place she is ready to have sex.

This is not as easy as it sounds and you need calibration, which can really only be learned through practice. However, my advice to the newbie is as follows – in the context of what is socially and legally permissible, be bolder than you think possible. When you gain experience you will be amazed at how sexual you can get with a girl you’ve just met. Also your boldness – which will suggest sexual confidence and experience – will serve to turn her on more. 

6. Deal With The Logistical Bullshit


Once the girl is turned on and ready to leave the venue with you, it is your job to get her home as quickly and efficiently as possible, dealing with any annoying occurrences that might come up. Usually I find the best way is to grab a taxi, but even that can be difficult (see my previous tale of cockblocking courtesy of Uber).

Lost taxi drivers, drunk passers-by, closed roads, lost keys, and cash shortages. Whatever it is, you have to find a solution. On Friday night I was trying to find a late-night bar with my girl but there was nothing open. More than once she suggested she should go home, before I convinced her that a better option would be a nightcap at my place. I then found an available cab and we were away. Had I not done so and allowed the moment to pass it is likely I would never have seen her again, rather than us enjoying a night of sex together.

In summary, if you are looking to achieve a same-night lay then have your style together, approach loads before hand, be upfront with girls you like in the venue, always escalate and lead her home (to your place or hers) solving impromptu issues as they come up. Fail on any of these elements and your chances will decrease significantly.

Read More: Why the Skeptics Are Wrong And You Need to Learn Game Now 

89 thoughts on “6 Tips For Pulling A Same-Night Lay”

  1. It’s Jeffery West, not Jeffrey West.
    I think it’s a made up story and the article just regurgitates old stuff.

      1. This weekend I went to a party at a private members club in central London, where I met an attractive girl in her early twenties who turned out to be the daughter of a wealthy British TV celebrity. After an hour or so of conversation, making out and so on, I took her back to my place where we had sex several times before falling asleep.
        You sound like a fisherman boasting about the size of the fish he caught. It just doesn’t ring as true. But if you did do it, then … congratulations.

  2. You made a few good points. I know everything clicked for me when I realized how sexual and forward I could be with a girl I just met. If she shows obvious interest, almost anything goes. My move with girls in skirts or dresses is to run my hand up the inside of her leg until she stops me. It escalates and tells me how easy she is.

  3. This is actually a pretty good post. Figuring out logistics is definitely important. Escalating as soon as possible has worked well for me. But I definitely believe that looks do matter quite a bit. Good looking guys really don’t have to try very hard. If you’re good looking and confident enough then saying, “Lets go to my place” is pretty easy. Don’t feel like you need an excuse to get her back to your place.

    1. This point reminds me of a childhood friend. He’s highly attractive to women and he and his brother scored thousands of women over their prime lifetime. Simply amazing. The older brother is a classic PUA and doesn’t “try too hard”. He knows what works and flows with it.
      His younger brother seemed to have swallowed the blue pill and bought into the whole leftist claptrap including the notion that women are oppressed by men. So he felt a need to go put on this “sensitive guy” routine when trying to take home women that seemed to ANNOY the women. It’s like the kind of stuff white knights pull to try to pick up women (and the women just string them along) except in his case, the women really did want to sleep with him and just let him go through his routine and then slept with him after it was over.
      Consequently, he drew the conclusion that women must really like the “sensitive guy/blue pill” routine because it “got him laid”. He didn’t figure out that women slept with him IN SPITE OF such nonsense rather than because of it.
      Looking back, it’s hilarious.

      1. ‘Consequently, he drew the conclusion that women must really like the
        “sensitive guy/blue pill” routine because it “got him laid”.’
        So you don’t need the red pill when you are good-looking.
        Actually, being a blue pill guy makes your life easier if you can still get laid at will.

        1. Er, no. that wasn’t the lesson of the anecdote. Actually, it made his life harder but the dumb fool didn’t figure it out because by the time he hit bottom at the age of 35, he lacked the youthful fresh perspective to reconsider his worldview.
          There were tons of gorgeous, and well-to-do women with inherited money (who would have shared it with him) who could have made him into a John Kerry marrying a ketchup heiress. The girl who snagged him played “hard to get” and The Rules and this was like catnip and meth for the master beta male. He gave her everything he had and she kicked him out and…
          He lived under a bridge for half a year until he got back on his feet.
          Then he got a good job and even bought a new place and she moved in. He pays all the bills and she calls all the shots. He watches her TV shows when he gets home from work and has no outside social life.
          I am not making this up.
          Blue pill doesn’t make any man’s life easier (except for men who “deal” it kind of like a drug dealer and don’t get high on their own supply) Most good looking men I knew were a little red pill but not fully aware of these things since life was so easy for them. They just didn’t bother learning how to put on game to pick up women, etc. because they didn’t need it. They are in many ways like pretty women.

    1. Troy is now one of the leading writers on this site…one of the few that is ensuring there is good quality ‘pulling’ advice…

  4. I still have a hard time believing guys actually need formulas and tricks to just get a girl. You guys spend way too much time on this shit and way over think it. You’re literally putting the pussy on a pedestal.
    Maybe they just smell the gym rat desperation on you, so you need to compensate by having a million steps for everything where you’ll still be 1 in 10.

    1. These are techniques specific to club chics. Nothing wrong with trying to help men who feel overwhelmed in a club pickup scenario. My advice to those men, however, would be to avoid clubs altogether. Almost any other venue is easier. Clubs are loud, annoying places.

      1. Yeah, I don’t do clubs unless it’s a venue I’m on stage at. I really don’t go to those places unless I’m paid to be there.

      2. I do agree clubs are a last resort… if you’re there and you see a hot chick by all means go for it, but it is much easier for most of us in a venue where the girls aren’t on high alert they’re being hit on and there aren’t tons of guys vying for their attention.

        1. Personally I think that clubs are perfect. Loads of girls all in one spot. They are dressed to the nines and look sexy. In my opinion, in a club you can’t lose like Parker Lewis.

    2. Yeah, its like all of those stupid armies, with all their lame strategies, planning and training. Its all BULLSHIT! You don’t need that to win a war. I just rip of my shirt and pull out my rambo gun, and everyone runs away. Your humblebrag fails my friend.

      1. You’re not an army, this isn’t war, and spending your entire life in pursuit of the one or two bangs you manage to pull a year from you abysmal approach ratio is just sad.

        1. You rage so easily humble-bragger. Makes me think you wouldn’t pass a hot girls first shit-test. So what is your fine advice to the guys who can’t get girls no matter what they do? Be yourself?

        2. Such angry. Very rage. Wow.
          You live and focus your life around women, you become a cuck. Have fun, cuck.

        3. Lol his advice is be a man….which is not wrong
          but too abstract for guys who are starting out in the art of seduction.

      1. Next on RoK: how to use phenibut, kratom, and Mike Chang’s six pack shortcuts to get the right hairstyle to take home the hotty on the first night! (Disclaimer: excludes heterosexual clubs and events)

      1. Cold approach? Nah, by the time I get to her she’s had enough time to see me to be all hot and moist already.
        Cold approach = doing it wrong

    3. there are people out there who need a step by step guide until they reach a point where it flows naturally.
      I had to go through these steps.
      Now my game is all natural (or whatever that means).
      But I can break it down to a newbie as to exactly what I do…..helps them learn.cuts years of their learning curve.
      This is a community for people to learn and get better.
      If you can’t contribute anything worthy …..don’t bother posting.

      1. You sound like one of those whiney tumblristas who can’t handle anything negative. Lol cry more.

        1. Troy’s article is spot on….
          I have been in the game for around a decade….same as Troy.
          If someone asked me…..tips for pulling a same night lay or picking a chick.I can say “it’s all about dominance and submission”.(at any stage of the interaction)
          But for a guy starting out, that is too abstract for him to understand let alone apply.
          I remember when I started out….my pickup coach gave me a list of 5-6 things (all abstract concepts) for seducing girls.
          But they were too abstract for me back then.After a few years, it made complete sense as to what he was talking about.
          this is why breaking down game is very important.
          Ask any natural…..all he will say is “be confident, be yourself, be a man blah….blah….” which never helps a newbie.

        1. Define “man”.
          You need to realise that boy’s are corrupted from an early age by the society they live in. What boys perceive as being a man in one place might not be a true reflection of being a man.
          It’s 70% environmental, even if the genetics are all correct.

      1. Really, truly stop giving a fuck. I know it’s hard to do when your in your 20’s because your brain is literally stewing in T but once you get to the point where you truly could not give a shit whether or not you nail the most gorgeous bar whore ever or going home to read a book, it’s almost like they can sense it. I guess you become a challenge or something.

        1. I’m in my early thirties but it makes sense. I give to much fuck about everything. Especially about scoring with women. Hence why I very rarely score. Thanks.

        2. i agree…….i’m 57 and consistently bag lots of younger women………don’t give a shit, and convey it with hard eye contact…….simple

    4. Keep in mind that most men under the age of 35 probably didn’t have an adequate male role model to teach them these things through example. They’re here learning, most of them I think, because of that, so I’d suggest not being too harsh on them. They’ll sperg a bit with the spreadsheets and lists, but once they find the formula that works for them it will start to become natural and less Getting Laid In 10 Steps. They have to have somewhere to start, better here than most places.
      All that said, I kind of get what you mean. Christian P. below basically encapsulates what I think about it.

      1. One big thing about the PUA that lives his life around women is they’re a fraud. It’s actually incredibly easy to pick out, it’s sort of like the body builder who builds his whole life about being in the gym and his next steroid shot, and the newest list of things to gain. I just woke up after a crazy night, I’m a bit groggy, but I’m sure you get it.
        Many of these lists are all too mechanical. I guess leaning more towards introversion and never needing others for validation helps. But any guy with reasonably high SMV with a drop of charisma could cock block and even swoop a PUA prospect with just a drop of white knight game and a smile. Kinda set the girl’s inner slutdar off. I had a friend I used to go out with all the time, and he followed these types of routines. Tried to anyways. Over a 4 month period he had hooked up with his recent ex, and had a devil’s threesome with some busted gnargoyle. It was all too important to him. Like a constant.

        1. A lot of different elements here. For a start no guy should live his life around women – 100% agreed. For me that’s a given.
          Second, the issue of being cock-blocked by a high SMV guy. Yeah, maybe – could happen. But there’s no black and white here. I very rarely get guys cockblocking me – in fact, I genuinely can’t remember it happening. I think that’s because so-called ‘high SMV’ guys with no game tend to be pussies too scared (or white-knightish) to walk into another guy’s set. Also, because I have my fundamentals down (“attend carefully to your style”) I too am a high SMV guy. I’m not running around wearing eye-liner and a PUA feather boa you know.
          You then refer to routines and yet I don’t talk about lines of routines or anything of the kind in the OP.
          It’s important to understand is that what I’m talking about in the article is simply mirroring the behaviour of these so-called high SMV guys you speak of. I’m not advocating fancy tricks of anything cliched out of the PUA dressing-up box. “Game” then becomes something that fits into the normal flow of your life rather than a chore that takes up lots of time.

  5. I don’t really do clubs any more but when I did I found the best time to get women was between 11PM and 12:30AM. Women don’t like to spend money in clubs so they drink beforehand, try to get in free, then expect to drink of a Beta’s dime. They are usually too trashed after 12:30AM to make coherent sentences and by then your chances are pretty much blown. Approach around 11:15PM and expect to be out there by midnight at the latest. Do one drink in the club and then bounce. If you aren’t within walking distance to your place make sure to have an Uber outside and ready. Next to the Mother Hen the biggest cockblock ever is trying to get a cab with a drunk woman who has the attention span of a toddler. If you wait longer then five minutes she is going to go right back into the club.

  6. Another good trick is to *give her* to another guy who is trying to approach her. You’ve shown uber un-neediness, and of course she can’t be too friendly with a guys she’s been “given to” because that would look desperate (and most guys are socially dumb enough to think its an in to get the girl). A not so subtle trick to poison the well.

      1. Less these days, as they would say in sales I go for hotter leads(cold leads are low percent sales, hot leads high percent sales prospects). And usually flirting with other girls, so I have her complete attention. But its always good to have these tricks in your back pocket.

        1. I like your approach. Hot leads is the way I do it too. Its important to be able to read women (i.e. IOIs), but if you can, your success ratio will be high.

    1. Actually, she have averadge tits and butt. 7/10 or 8/10 would be closer to the truth.
      But sure I totally WB

  7. In my career, which has been very successful with numerous affairs and scores, many very attractive women, not Magic Johnson or Wilt territory, but well ahead of them I think in terms of successful relationships and families,
    I can only think of a few women I slept with more than once, who I didn’t close on the first date. (Not necessarily the first day I met them, but at least the first reasonable opportunity.)
    I have on occasion pursued hotties for multiple dates, and when I have I have more often than not closed them eventually, but it never worked out.
    If the chemistry was there, it was there the first night.

    1. “Chemistry” is so often overlooked. I’d say it’s almost 70% of the equation with the remaining 30% involving not being a weirdo and not fucking up (“game”).

  8. One problem I’m running into here in LA is often I have to travel 10 miles or more for a first date because girls are unwilling to come my way after trying to convince them to. Most women aren’t willing to go back to their place on a first date. I’ll often ask after escalation and kissing “If we were closer to my place I’d say lets go back to my place but…” probably less then 30% of the time they’ll respond with “maybe we could go back to my place.” It’s seriously frustrating.

    1. If your game isn’t tight enough to get them to pick you up in the first place (in which case they will surely have to come back), you could pick them up and take them to a restaurant or venue near your place for the date. The guy gets to choose the date location.

    2. It could be they have roommates. They may be totally fine with going home with a stranger on the first date, but they don’t want their roommate to see that they’re a slut. You need an alternate location you can take them to. I understand, I much prefer going to their place than bringing strangers to my house.

  9. be bolder than you think possible
    Yup, I see this all the time. I met a girl earlier this year in a group setting, invited her out to a bar with some friends, after a drink or 2 we were making out and fingering her on the dance floor (then later back to her place for the lay). I look back and think “man, what a ho” but you’d be surprised how far most girls will let you go, particularly in public. The problem is most guys don’t try. They may try something weak like making a mildly sexual joke and when the girl turns up her nose they give up–what you should do is jump 3 or 4 steps ahead and be incredibly bold. This is what gets girls to blow you in the bathroom, finger them at the bar, etc. Just do it.
    The part about pre-approaching targets before you arrive at the venue is spot on. Gets you pumped up, in the mood, and probably as you say raises your T level or something.
    This is the hardest part for me: I would suggest going direct—walking up to the girls you like and telling them you find them sexy
    See, when I see a scantily clad millennial slut, I just hate feeding her ego and validating her by throwing compliments at her. I know I’m probably throwing away a lot of lays by doing this, and I don’t quite have the abundance mentality down yet, but working on it. I’m far more likely to just start up a convo with her on an unrelated subject, but I can see how the boldness of calling them sexy would be quite effective.

  10. Just too damn much work to be worth it. Hell, I’d rather just call a hot escort than have to go through all that just for a lay. I know some guys revel in the chase, but it gets a little old to me.

    1. That’s too much work? Seriously?
      Dressing nice and being flirts is hard labor? It’s not like he’s telling you to defeat an entire army of archers, alone, you and your spear and shield. Just dress with style (which you should be doing anyway right?), flirt with chicks and always be escalating. Easy as breathing.

      1. Well i was talking about the half day of planning and preparing. (hitting on girls earlier in the day, preplanning the ride home, timing the approach. UGH.

        1. well he said start out by going to some retail shops and hitting on something around 12 girls to get yourself in the “social” mood before ever going out… I guess I could be assuming more time is involved but in Dallas where I am that would take a long time.

        2. If you’re doing things during the day, just do it as part of the things that you are already doing. It’s practice and you don’t need to follow through with anything so women who are not in your target range can also be chatted up. You’ll even make their day if they don’t normally get approached. They may even go home, fantasize about you and rub one out… so that’s great karma. Win/win.

  11. Another perfect example of why things are so f’ed up.
    Keep using up all of the ‘once-were-virgins’ and there will be zero women of wife caliber left.
    If that is what you want, all women will be sluts, then there will be no wives for any of us. None worth having anyway.
    Too bad for you.

  12. One lesson: Be in charge, be the patriach.
    All women want to be fathered, yes they are kinky that way. Then again all men want to be mothered, taken care, balls caressed made to feel good too. So we too are kinky. Fullfill your stereotypical hetero-gender roles and you will slay pussy as the kids say. Basically don’t be a goony beard man and things will work out.

  13. I’ve found that if everything is going great, but she’s still hesitant it’s most likely she’s embarassed about something. IE: she didn’t shave her legs and is wearing leggings, she hasn’t trimmed her vagoo in a year and it looks crazy, she has stretch marks or something and is body-concsious, or (the big ones) she has a boyfriend, is lesbian, or has an STD she’s not very open about telling you.
    The trick with this is to just be direct. Don’t be a dick, just be polite and direct.
    Ask “I don’t get it. We seem to really hit it off, and I get this vibe from you that you really want to be together, but you keep pulling back. Tell me what’s wrong.”
    (As a confident guy, you don’t “ask” what’s wrong. You tell her to tell you what’s wrong…IE you don’t say “What’s wrong?” like it’s a question. You say “tell me what’s wrong” like it’s a command…but politely.)
    If you can get a woman to spill her dirty little secrets the first night you met her, then chance are she will bang you that night. Because she feels so comfortable around you.
    This does involve some listening. So you can’t just go up and grab her by the arm and go “me fuck you now!”
    I’ve found one of the fastest ways to “get to the good stuff” (convo-wise in order to see if she’s interesting and to speed up getting to her confessions which make her wet to fuck you) is to just be direct again.
    Make her feel like ANY girl in the world can have chit-chat with you. What makes her different? You meet… you exchange a few pleasantries ….
    “You know, as much as I like chit-chat, I can get that anywhere. I’m not interested in talking about the weather, or how slamming this club is, or what you’re drinking, or what job you do. I’m interested in talking about YOU as a person. What makes you tick.”
    This usually catches them off guard, because, again, they’re trying to keep up this persona of the “perfect girl” while out. So, now you’ve broken past one layer of bullshit and reminded them that they haven’t been doing ANYTHING to impress you so far.
    Remember… you need to make them think it’s about impressing YOU not you impressing THEM. You have to be subtle about it. But, by being polite and direct you will exude confidence and she will naturally want to open up to you.
    Within about 30 minutes of chatting you can tell if she’s worth your time. If you ask questions and keep getting stalemated on answers, she’s not warming up to you. If you ask questions and you get this flare in her eyes where she feels she’s having a connection, then keep going.
    When I chat up a girl I can usually get her confessing her deepest darkest secrets in an hour. Secrets like how she was molested by a neighbor when she was growing up, how she was bullied in school, how she cheated on a major exam … things that make her feel bad, but she’s telling me as a confession because she’s opening up since she has confidence in me, and is trying to clear the water with me so she doesn’t feel like a fake person in front of me anymore. Women (not sure if they do it conciously) will also start telling deep dark secrets to test your reaction. If you go “DAMN, girl! You got touched by a neighbor! You sick! I bet you like to take it up the ass!” … yeah, you’re not getting any that night. You need to act appropriately when they say things. Don’t say things like “it’s ok”. You don’t know if she’s ok with these issues or not. Also don’t say “I know how you feel” unless you have a story to back it up. “Yeah, I was molested, too”.
    Instead, just say “hey, we all have issues, we wouldn’t be human otherwise”.
    Let her know you’re not turned off by her secrets. Tell one or two of your own.
    Eventually, it needs to roll around to sex. Once you’ve made a connection and had some meaningful chat just roll out with this line (if she already hasn’t breached the subject)..
    “So… do you like to be spanked?”
    Look her right in the eyes when you say it, and don’t say it with a shit-eating grin or other bullshit. Just have a blank expression, but stare at her. You’re conveying “This is a serious question, and I expect a serious answer”. Keep staring at her as she squirms, laughs, etc … don’t move, don’t smile, don’t do anything but stare at her. She will stop squirming and giggling and acting all girly and not taking it seriously and realize you’re serious about this.
    Why not smile? Because if you ask this while smiling, then she will just think you’re a cheeky guy. “Oh, you’re such a tease, we’re going to talk about sex now, but we’re not going to do any tonight.” That’s the big mistake most guys make when breaching the sex topic… they make fun of it. This means she still has control and you’re being a little bitch that she can blow off.
    By staring at a woman you naturally make her uncomfortable. It’s human nature. When you ask this quesiton and just stare at her she’s going to have the usual “oh what a tease, little man” reaction… you just stare at her during all that bullshit to let her know she is acting inappropriately to your question. You not some bitch little guy coming up flirting with her about tease talk. You’re asking a valid question, because you want to know if she’s worth your time taking home tonight.
    This single phrase also tells her a lot about you…
    1) you want to fuck her (obviously)
    2) you’re adventurous in bed (IE: you can do it “rough” which many women crave)
    3) you’re dominant / aggressive / alpha in bed
    Those are the “big three” a woman wants to know before fucking a guy.
    By being calm, polite and confident while talking to her she already knows you can be a decent guy OUT of the bedroom (instead of a controlling dick). But, after saying that line she now pretty confident that you’re a take-charge kind of guy in the bedroom that likes to dominate his conquest.
    This gets on the topic of sex. Again, don’t get shit-eating grins or other pussy stuff. Maybe get a relaxed “know it all smile” and things …. show confidence in your body language that you’ve been in this rodeo before and you know how to perform like a stallion.
    From there it’s pretty fast to get her to bed. Why? Because once you breach the subject of sex, especially with a phrase that sounds adventurous and daring, she’s either gonna put up or shut up.
    This is where issues of body-conciousness and things come into play. If you’re still getting some fight out of her, just be direct…
    “I feel we’ve got a connection, and like you really want to do this, but you’re hesitant. Just be honest with me and tell me what’s wrong. I think I deserve that much.”
    Yes, you do deserve that much, because you’ve been polite and a decent guy.
    If it’s an issue of body-conciousness, then you let her know you wouldn’t be standing there talking to her if you thought her body was an issue. And before she says it just say “look, it sounds shallow, but people are attracted to others by their bodies … I was attracted to yours, wihch started a nice conversation which has now lead around to talking about your body… so…”.
    (You have to anticipate shut-downs a woman can use, and make statements about them before a woman can. It’s like being a salesperson. You anticipate any fight-back to the sales call, and have prepared dialogue to counter it… dialogue that pre-addresses it and counters it automatically in a fashion that disarms her, puts her at ease and lets you know you’ve already thought of that and since you come to a solution with it it’s no longer an issue. This also lets her know you’re a thinking man … a man that plays chess and thinks more then 5 minutes in front of his face. A man that anticipates things, like HER NEEDS, and addresses them before she even does. Women love this.)
    If she has an STD, there’s really no way around it unless you can use a condom for it. I don’t recommend heading home with her if she has an STD, but I also don’t recommend just saying “ok, bye!” Stay and chat with her about it. Let her know it’s a “no go” for you, because you worry about STD’s. She’ll probably feel like crap. Let her know at least you’re being honest. Either she’ll remove herself from the conversation since she knows it won’t go anywhere (“yeah, I’d love to take you home and catch your Hep-C now that I know you have it! Awesome!” said no man ever) or something else. I say keep talking with her, because you may run across her later while out clubbing and such and she’ll have hot friends. She knows she doesn’t have a shot with you, but she may introduce you to a hot friend and see if she can play match-maker. She already knows you’re a good guy, and she’s always looking to earn brownie points with her friends.
    Once you get her back home, you need to deliver on that spanking (if she’s into it).
    The way you make a woman think you’re a sexual god is … very simple… give her orgasms. Lots of them.
    If she does like spanking, then you can pull her hair, while you pull her pants down, then toss her over your knee.
    Spank dat ass.
    After some spanking and dirty talk, start to rub her outer pussy lips/labia.
    If she balks about it, spank her more. She needs to know you’re in charge. She has no say in what’s about to happen. She is just a “victim” to your whims. (This triggers the “I’m a good girl and shouldn’t do this, but I was forced to do it” in women which gets them wet. They’ve been conditioned to be good girls and not to want sex, but they want sex. So, they need an enabler…alcohol, dominant men, etc… somethign they can blame for their actions.)
    Eventually start fingering that pussy. Rub that clit, push down on the g-spot, rub her asshole some (this will start a quick convo on whether she likes anal or not… if she doesn’t then don’t force it on her… you’re hear to rock her world, not make her regret coming home with you).
    It depends on how responsive her body is, but you should try to get several good orgasms out of her like this… switch between spanking and fingering. When she works up towards an orgasm, deny it to her and spank her. This will make her want the orgasms even more… she will start to fight to have them.. so when you finally let her have them they will come on strong.
    The spanking and fingering makes a girl wet as hell, because she realizes you’re not just there to get yours and go. Spanking and fingering is all about her pleasure and her orgasm. (Well, secretly you’re probably getting off on the dominaiton, too). That’s why it’s a very powerful tool in a man’s arsenal. It says “I’m focused on you completely right now.” and women love that.
    Eventually you transition to fucking. If you find out she likes to do oral, you can unzip your pants and have her suck on your dick as you spank her and finger her more. You can use the pleasure/pain to train her how to suck your dick right.
    If you’re a quick-shot, then rely a lot on fingering and oral or such. If you can last a long time, then just keep giving her orgasms and dominating her.
    The goal at the very end is to end up with her being completely orgasmed out. Depending on the girl this can be one big one, or it can be a lot of little ones leading up to a huge one or somewhere in between. If you get hard again quickly, then fall back on fingering and spanking or hair pulling and such to keep her from just getting clothes on and leaving. A guy that shoots quick usually gets it back up quick. IE: a “minute man” usually can blow 4-5 good loads in an hour. That first one is fast, but you can last longer and longer each time you get it up again. You need to entertain her while your refractory period is going by spanking her, talking dirty, doing oral, fingering her, pinching nipples, and generally dominating her and letting her know she’s not going anywhere until you’re completely satisfied.
    What I like to do is orgasm a girl out via fingering until she can’t take any more… and THEN I fuck her. This is very dominating, because it lets her know she’s just a little fuck toy for my pleasure. She’s really sensative and worn out down there, and I did that to her, but now I’m going to take what’s mine and she’s not going to do anything about it but take it. If there’s any resistance, usually a quick hair-pull and ass slap puts her back intot he right state of mind to do as I want. 9 times out of 10 when I’m rough-fucking them like this after I’ve worn them out they’ll have another surprise orgasm in the middle of it due to the situation processing in their mind … “I’m worn out, but this guy doesn’t care and is going to take me again anyways! what an animal! omg… I’m cumming again!”
    When the night is over, she needs to be a used-up mess.
    That’s how you reel them in and then make sure you follow through.

  14. who is the girl in the pic? the strory would be more bedlievable if he posted a pic of the actual girl and a real photo of him

    1. There is no actual girl, dummy, this is all just figments of his highly overactive imagination.

      1. Apparently gmac is a man for whom the concept of a same-night lay is so inconceivable he has to vent his spleen in the comments section.
        gmac — is it impossible for you to believe that out of the 7 billion people on the planet there are some men and women having sex the same night they meet? Just because it has clearly never happened to you doesn’t mean it’s not happening elsewhere.

  15. I really wonder what kind of a loser writes this kind of nonsense? And then I think about the kind of moron who would read it and take it seriously…

      1. I know! But it was just so FUNNY reading your fantasies and all these clowns thinking it was true. I’m still laughing – at you, not with you!

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