4 Additional Insights From A Decade In Higher Learning

This is a follow-up to my first article in which I shared observations and wisdom from 10 years in higher education. What I have learned from academia is transferable to every other field of endeavor. And the additional insights I share here are relevant to the lives of all men, no matter their level of education or path in life.

1. Learn To Think Tactically

Napoleon Defeated

Approach your life as a military commander would approach a campaign. Have fallback options and practice triage.

We’ve all heard the term “safety school,” in which a prospective university student sends out a slew of applications, including to a lower-tier school that is less-selective and to which his acceptance is guaranteed. Never count on a single course of action. If you don’t get into your top choice school, start up at a school to which you were admitted, take care of some prerequisites, establish a solid GPA, and transfer in your second or third year to a better school.

Similarly, if you weren’t directly admitted to a specific program, e.g., engineering, begin in a similar program, e.g., physics or chemistry, and transfer into the desired program later.

Rather than being routed when things don’t go as planned, execute a tactical withdrawal where you can remain on the offensive, advancing your goals and aspirations in the face of adversity. You must always be maneuvering, anticipating potential obstacles and setbacks.

And when presented with competing options, choose the one that best serves your interests. If you apply for two internships and you are selected for both, choose the one that is most prestigious or pays the most. A military tactician must be mindful of logistics. You have limited time and energy: invest them where the return is greatest.

Do not let considerations of abstract ideals such as “honor” or “keeping your word” factor into your decision. No one in the real world entertains such quaint notions and neither should you. Adopt a mercenary mindset. The question you must always ask is: what’s in it for me?

Implement a long-term strategy where completing one goal facilitates completion of the next, like a line of dominos. While aimlessly traipsing about campus, occasionally sitting in on a calligraphy class worked for Steve Jobs, such an irresponsible, haphazard approach to life will not cut it in today’s unforgiving world.

2. You Must Be Tenacious


People will not give you anything or do anything for you if they don’t have to. When I started at university, I was very meek and lacked assertiveness. I was afraid to push an issue and be forceful. If a professor didn’t respond to an email, I simply let the matter go.

Young women today are encouraged to “lean in” and to “ban bossy.” In a similar vein, you must not be afraid of being seen as annoying. Send email after email if necessary. If you find yourself being stonewalled, contact the unresponsive person’s supervisor or boss. If you are not seen as a priority (and you most likely won’t be), you must be dogged and resourceful to get a response.

Don’t come across as menacing, but be firm and persistent. I’ve lost count of the times I’ve sent follow-up emails or stopped by in person requesting an update on the status of something (financial matters, authorization matters, etc.). You may be seen as obnoxious and exasperating but so what? It’s more important you get your way than be likable.

3. Save And Inventory Everything


Whether you are a student, teacher, writer, musician, or machinist, save everything. Every note you jot down. Every idea that comes to you in the middle of the night. Every PowerPoint presentation you create. Every CAD file. Every email.

And have an organizational scheme for inventorying everything that you save. I highly recommend you utilize Cloud services. Do not waste a moment of your time manually synchronizing your work on multiple devices. For $99 a year, you can get a Dropbox Pro account with 1 TB (1,000 GB) of storage. It’s well worth it. I have a desktop and two laptops and I can access any file on every device. I can edit a document at the office, leave my laptop behind, and pick up where I left off on my desktop at home. It makes your life much easier. In addition, back up your work regularly.

Perform a data dump to an external hard drive (do not rely solely on the Cloud) every month or so. If you ever lose your laptop or have your tablet stolen, you want to have to only replace the physical item and not all the work into which you’ve invested thousands of hours of effort.

I witnessed how my thesis adviser lost so much time due to his lack of organization. He was a very intelligent man but painfully absent-minded and disorganized. There were hundreds of icons scattered on his desktop. No organizational scheme to speak of. He had to complete the same form over and over because he couldn’t find the one he had already filled out.

I, on the other hand, have such a tight organizational and hierarchical scheme that I can track down any file (out of tens of thousands) in less than 30 seconds. Very often the key to success is not genius: it is organization. For instance, I can reuse grant proposals with very minor revision. Something that would take weeks of effort to write from scratch I can customize and tailor in a few hours.

You will never be prolific if you have to start from square one each and every time. Remember: you want to work smarter not harder.

4. Social Justice Policies Lead To Machiavellianism

The OG of medieval Italy, Niccolò Macchiavelli

Men are waking up and realizing the deck is stacked against them in academia and corporate America. In response, they are becoming craftier and more ruthless. If the standards are systematically lowered for females in an effort to achieve parity in numbers, then the remaining males who are permitted entry into a program or given a job will simply be the elite in terms of intelligence and abilities.

It is the men of average or lesser ability (who may still be more qualified than the most qualified women), who are being shut out and disenfranchised. Preferential hiring, retention, and promotion policies thus have an enriching effect, making the competency gap between females and males even more obvious.

And if academia and corporate America kowtow to affirmative action, men will simply devote their energies elsewhere, e.g., to start-ups and entrepreneurship, where for the most part, gender and race are irrelevant. Males are also banding together in solidarity, effectively recreating the long-reviled “Old Boys’ Club” by minimizing their professional dealings with female colleagues. Very often I have closed door meetings with male colleagues. And we do strike quid pro quo style arrangements that promise mutual benefit (financial compensation, co-authorship, etc.).

For example, if a competition or request for proposals (as funding opportunities in academia are often called) limits the number of entries you may submit to one per person, you may circumvent this by pulling in a friend, colleague, or underling to serve as the point man on the second entry you want to submit. It’s not fraud. It’s being clever.

Also, very often in technology competitions sponsored by universities or industry there will be a separate women’s category, in which the entries must come from female-led teams. That shouldn’t stop you either. Instead, bring in a female colleague or friend and get them to assume a nominal leadership role. You cut them in on the prize money, they get to put the experience on their resume, and you get the majority of the prize money.


I discovered the insights I shared here and in my previous article through trial-and-error and experience over many years. Hopefully, they can save you a good amount of effort and frustration.

Read More: 5 Insights From A Decade In Higher Learning

87 thoughts on “4 Additional Insights From A Decade In Higher Learning”

  1. Involving a woman on your team is something which served me well at university. We had this nonsense ‘business challenge’ thing. I stuck a girl in the group and designated her the leader. Her job was to agree with everything I suggested – effectively giving me a double vote in any disagreement – and stay out of the way of the men doing the work. When it came time to present, she was front and centre. We won the competition.
    You can use the idea in reverse too: try to be the most useless member in your team. One thing Steve Jobs did very well was finding Steve Wozniak.

      1. I saw a framed certificate on the wall of a classmate whom I knew to be a bona fide moron “Young Computer Scientist of the Year” or something. “You’re a total fuckwit – how did you win that?”
        “I chose my partner wisely”
        Life lesson learnt.

      2. Not sure what the OP was getting at but I attended grad school and everything is team oriented, typically groups of 4, and as you can imagine there is always a weak link in every group. If you overachieve, your efforts will not be rewarded commensurate to your exerted contribution. And basically every team receives an A or B, partly because the grader realizes in the case of poor performance, it was likely due in part to a stupid and clueless team member, and he doesn’t want to punish the entire team.
        At the time I was taking night classes, and working by day in a field where I received a salary based on longevity. There was one month where I outperformed all my peers, but received the least amount of pay, because I was the youngest. After graduation, I moved to a field where I am paid commissions based on my performance and achievement, but if forced to work in a corporate atmosphere, I think a valid strategy would be to put forth minimal efforts. The team will accomplish the job. Don’t be a slacker, but it’s really futile to put in anything above the bare minimum, because it will not be rewarded.

        1. When I was in school everything became group settings. That shift really started strong around 2002-2007. Certainly a few dozen classmates can thank me and a few other guys for getting their degree, and carrying their asses.
          That in itself is probably the biggest downfall of higher ed, and subsequently the concept chased itself into medium-large business models. Involve a bunch of people to mimic “inclusionary” false atmospheres. Businesses, as I describe it, are either “committee-happy,” or “meeting-happy,” neither of which accomplish much more than 1-3 men could in lesser time, and to better, faster quality resolve by copying in team members on pertinent emails.
          We had a marketing simulation class which, first as groups, we entered agreed upon data to test a product via computer simulated market place. While my group would finish top 1-2 spots by a small margin compared to others in class, when we split from groups and ran individual simulations, I dominated the class earning 5x the nearest competitor. My strategy? (this was pre iPhones). I dumped heavy $$ into R&D, focused entirely on quality, and charged top dollar for my device (essentially a smart phone just like the iPhone). At first I was 2nd to last place for the first 3 simulations, then my business exploded and blew by the entire class. A “group” wouldn’t have managed that.

        2. We had a very similar if not identical game. We were running a fake company selling shoes, and could choose to make high quality shoes, cheap shoes, unbranded shoes you sold to Wal Mart by the millions, could hire celebrity spokesmen, or any combination of the above.
          I was trying to figure out the mindset of the creators of the game–would they value the Wal Mart model of pumping out as much product as possible? Were they obsessed with celebrities and strongly rewarded you for paying spokesmen? Sounds like they decided that doing market research and making a quality product is what was rewarded, which is NOT what I would expect a modern university would be teaching. I tried several different strategies; I guess I didn’t anticipate that the software was complex enough to reward long term strategy over several turns, so when I tried heavy R&D one week and we performed terribly, we switched strategies. Our team was never above the midpoint of the competitors.
          The irony is that companies, of course, are extremely anti-democratic. There is a CEO, and he makes the decision. Companies are very patriarchic or monarchic in their nature, so the idea of modeling the operation of a company in a team environment is silly.

        3. Which is why in any group project, roles must be given. If you don’t there is no direction.

  2. 3. save and inventory everything.
    I cannot agree with this enough. My time spent in corporate hell taught me this lesson quickly. You must demand that all requests to your department, all notices, anything that can be argued be issued in an email format or written on company letterhead and submitted for review.
    Colleagues will throw you under the bus if it comes down to a “he said she said” type situation. You will find out very quickly who’s trying to pull a fast one on you, or set you up when you ask for emails regarding their requests.
    I cannot tell you how many times “Bob” from down the hall would come into my office with a big smile asking for help, or information or resources. I would always smile and say..”sure thing Bob, I’m kinda juggling a lot right now, put that request in an email and I will get on it.” Bob would never send that email, because Bob knew he would be recorded doing something he wasn’t suppose to be doing.
    Corporate America is very hostile, protect yourself and yes, act like a mercenary. The days of working for a company for 35 years and retiring with a Rolex are over.

    1. Agreed. What a coincidence that I was just reading this ROK article by Aaron Clarey:

      The Snitchy Bitch

      Ever since the corporate world started to bring in all these affirmative action, diversity training and other bullshit to make a hostile environment for men, it has become blood impossible to make a career. There is no such thing as a career anymore.
      One sexual harassment lawsuit, a layoff etc will destroy that trajectory you had planned in your head, and hoped would last 30 years. It is naive to believe that there is a thing called a career.
      Which is why I advice any man who is working, to save us much money as you can and to always be prepared for a layoff. The entire working environment is going to crumble over time, so best to save as much as you can and to always keep building an exit stategy.
      Corporate America will fuck you up the ass.

    2. Corporate America is a mercenary game. Loads of people go into it expecting stability, but its but there at all. I mostly see, 2 to 4 and out. It would be better to call these people project consultants.
      Entrepreneurship is the way to go if you can get started early. The odds of failure are similar, except you can see the hammer falling in the distance, rather than getting a phone call to HR just before lunch.

      1. Exactly right. That is how I see each employment prospect- 2 years and out (if I’m even lucky to have the job for that amount of time.)
        The sad fact is there are still so many men out there who naively believe in the career dream- have a house, a family, a job etc. They are the ones unfortunately, who are in for the rude awakening.
        However, at the same time I think that with everything we are seeing such as the recession, outsourcing, rampant feminism affecting the workforce, family courts etc, more men are now starting to check out of society by boycotting marriage, having kids, starting self employment etc.

        1. The funny part is it’s the women in these companies in lower levels.. i.e. Accounts Receivable accountants, whose jobs could easily be heavily automated or reduced to a single position, that wind up with 30 years and tenure.
          Take a high quality business developer. They’ll use that guy for all he’s worth. The man literally driving the forefront of the business, acquire some key large accounts, then drop him on his face.. in fact, it’s almost a guarantee. Where do people who create business from scratch wind up over time? Usually Director, VP positions. etc., and the cock suckers in those positions are the ones firing the quality talent. They’re just hoping you give them fuel, like a false sexual harassment charge to load their gun.

        2. Oh yeah. In all my years in Corporate America, I’ve seen very few people fired for real reasons. They were always political, and the company always used a trumped up harrassment or incorrectness charge. People who chummied up and were liked soley by personality did great while sleeping, drinking, genuinely harrassing women, and stealing. Getting fired today has nothing to do with value to the company.

        3. This is true, if you are a certain type of man i.e. a clown and an asshole you can get away with a lot more than other more “rigid” and professional but far better workers would not. But it always can be used against you so better not to deal with them at all. It all boils down to the HR department, the females orbiting it and the rest of the men assholes in charge. In my current job of 7 months which I plan to leave if something better comes along, I made the mistake of not signing my contract when I submitted it to the HR. Came two months later notifying them of my mistake and gave them the signed contract and the HR lady’s response who liked me was “oh yeah whatever i’ll put it on my file, are you happy here??” I always have an angry aura about me and I guess that gave away my dealings with women but it is hardly about any talent anymore.. just politics and having a pleasing personality to the feminists/HR.

        4. HR departments and companies staffing them with women is one of the biggest examples of Social Conditioning and Presuppositions gone haywire. And also probably the first incidence where a man realizes everything we’ve been taught is bullshit. The theory is that women are “people persons” and “sensitive” and so can be trusted to negotiate human interactions and sort things out the best for everyone involved. NOT true. Women in HR are probably the most negligent, incompetent, and blood thirsty people out there.
          Good luck in the job hunt. I hope things work out better for you.

      2. 100s of applications for positions that boil down to a single sucker being quelled into a position with planned obsolescence. If during a 2nd or 3rd interview any hiring agent says:”We’d like to see you here 20+ years and hopefully become an integral part of our company,” they just baited you like a pro. If you hear that, you know it’s coming.
        It’s imperative to have a side-business, no matter how small or insignificant when you start it. And keep it completely secret from everyone there. I made the mistake of accidentally allowing an internal spy discover a side business I had going. 3 months later I was given my separation agreement, 90 minutes after landing $6.5mill in bidable projects from a large national bank. That opportunity stands to this day as the largest single opportunity developed for that company from a new customer.
        Gone too are the days of recognition or long term value associated for being their golden boy. In fact, it will more often be used against you as you’re seen as a threat by lesser men.

        1. You MUST adopt the philosophy that everyone in the office is your enemy. It’s the guy that you think is your best friend and golf buddy is the one holding the knife quietly behind his back.
          If you can, do not drink or socialize with anyone outside of work. Try not to go to company picnics or x-mas parties if possible. If you have to do these things, keep the same type of attitude as if you were in the office. Better to be seen as the “stiff” than the target.

        2. I hear that. Sometimes you’re fucked either way. I was both excluded from company socializing, and critiqued for the few events that occurred that I couldn’t attend. I literally had my daughter per court order, on a night the showing of a manager’s mom who died was. I mean I maybe had to speak to this guy once a month at most. But since the rest of the department – except most women of course showed up, I was accosted for not showing. Corporate culture is highly toxic. Caveat Emptor

        3. Damn Bane,
          You need to write a book on this subject. It would make you good sales and provide us men with awesome wisdom.

        4. Its already been written: The Art of War by Sun Tzu.
          I might consider submitting a few articles to ROK in the future for consideration. There are some strategies that can be adopted to make your time in corporate hell a touch more tolerable. Ultimately you need to treat your future or current corporate job as temporary, be the mercenary, not the victim.
          “Fortune favors the prepared mind” – Louis Pasteur

        5. This to the letter^. I literally was hired to rebuild an entire factory and was told, plausibly in my opinion at the time, that once it was done I would be in charge of running the upgrades…I could make a “20 year career out of it”. Myself and my team worked like donkeys. Within 1 month of the completion of the last major planned installation myself and every other guy was let go (15 engineers). They gave me an offer on my last day, take a 4 month severance and sign papers saying I would not disparage or sue them or get nothing.
          And to your point about having a back up plan, this is spot on. I heard rumors that the company had done their staff wrong at other plants. 6 months prior to the layoff I had started a side business, which is now my primary source of income going on 7 years. When the hammer finally dropped, I had enough income on the side to cover all my bills. I was able to sit in HR and pointedly tell them that it was no big deal, I had a seprate income. My biggest disappointment was that now I wasn’t going to clear 200k for the year.

        6. Men need to treat corporate America how it treats them. I like to call it the “Wally method.” Do as little as possible at the company without getting fired and just make sure you look good on paper, but never present yourself as a threat to management. I switched out of white collar to blue (except I do run a small accounting operation, primarily for the small businesses of other men I know), but it applied in sales and accounting, I’m sure it’d be the same (if not moreso) in engineering.

        7. Exactly. As per my post above, most people get fired because they pissed someone off about non-work issues. Getting involved with co-workers isn’t worth it. And for people who’re lonely and have no lives outside of work. . .Join a damn club or something. But don’t make your co-workers pseudo family. Too many predatory psychopaths out there too; just waiting for someone to pop on their radar.

  3. Number 3 is an important one. Make sure to start doing it at a young age. I didn’t start the practice till my late 20’s and I am missing so much data I generated in college and early in my career. I am missing years worth of email, documents, memos, and presentations I spent hundreds of hours generating. I have old data on two old laptops I still have, but I can only access the hard drive on one of them. And, even then, half the files I get off of it are corrupt.
    Also, make sure to save copies of important files you generate at work. Don’t always assume you will be able to pull them off the company server or out of your company email. Ever had to leave a job in a hurry? Get laid off without any notice? IT suddenly changes permissions on the server and you can no longer get to your old files? Unless you want to go begging to an old boss or buddy in IT, keep your own backups of these files. (Caveat: never steal protected corporate data or proprietary work product. It will ALWAYS bite you in the ass. The massive corporation will use their audit trails to figure out you downloaded it before you left then sue you until you run out of money or force you to settle).

    1. When I was released they called me into a conference room, and disallowed me to return to my desk, had 3 fat slob guys “escort” me out like I robbed the place – with my personal thumb drive still in my company laptop which they confiscated and later returned after reviewing everything on it, including all my UN and PW for every financial account I have. They knew they were releasing me on false pretences and I’d have plenty of reason to be very pissed off. I just laughed.
      I made it regular practice to back up everything to a thumb drive every few days, or weekly a least, and recopy to my home PC. Soon, I’ll be a direct competitor of theirs. Most companies do this; to quote my old VP boss mangina that fired me; “We create too many of our own monsters who come back to haunt us.”

      1. This is why I encrypt any portable personal drive. If this ever happens to you (or anyone else) after being terminated immediately email your old boss and anyone else in authority. Inform them that you were not permitted to return to your workstation to retrieve personal belongings. Provide a detailed list of your personal belongings. Demand their immediate return and specifically forbid them from accessing or searching any of your personal belongings. It is also a good idea to make the verbal request to return, escorted, to your workstation so that your can remove or at least identify your personal belongings before leaving the office. An employer cannot trespass you off of their property then keep your personal stuff. In most states that is illegal and called “unlawful conversion”. If the employer does not return your property in a reasonable amount of time then add it on to a unlawful termination lawsuit as another count. It means their insurance company will have even more reason to settle with you for at least a few grand. If they tried to search your personal stuff, especially a drive (or worse tried to hack it if you encrypted it) that is another few counts and probably another few grand in a settlement.

  4. That guy in the picture on top reminds me of the employees of a guy whom I did a contract job for. He was two heads shorter than me and – for some mysterious reason – all his employees were even shorter than him. And they were encouraged to wear ugly company sweaters, to perfect the chump look. That shit broke me up.

        1. I am tired of Anglo/Americans and their stupid movies and TV shows and pop culture. What a decadent culture. Panem et circenses.

        2. Yes bob, didn’t you know that this site is a forum for people who are all about disregarding the past when blue pill men were famous for brutally honesty! For Christ’s sake, Belushi said female comedians aren’t funny. That kind of stuff has no place here!

        3. Yeah man, it is really sad to see the gawkerization of the internet media of my country and our women posting buzzfeed shit.

        4. give me one celebrity who is at the absolute top of his profession (at the time Belushi had the #1 movie #1 pop album and #1 late night show all at the same time) who would come out and simply say he doesn’t like working with women because they aren’t funny.
          Millions of men say that shit online. Let’s see an A list celeb say it for the record to an interviewer.

        5. But see they are relevant whether you acknowledge them or not. I don’t give a shit about the Kardashians, but to call them irrelevant is insane.

        6. What I wanted to say, is that outside of the Anglo world, celebs are not valued that much, they don’t take a central place in our cultures. This is what Tom Arrow and the Swedish pointed out as well. They may be relevant, but never central as they are in the US, because in the end, we know that buffoons and celebs don’t matter.

        7. Right, but that is muted by the lack of relevance that the word outside of the angle world has globally

        8. Some of them are great Arists, some change the world. The fact is that the countries who care less about celebs are just 3rd word countries who are too poor to afford the luxury of art. In the US we can afford it and usually waste it.

        9. To clarify, I did not say they are not relevant. I said that I do not care. Big difference. For all I know, you can fall to your knees and worship whomever you want. I may not even disrespect you for it.
          I am tired of debates about who is important. I do not need anybody to agree with me on that shit. Shit does not matter to me. You do not become my friend by liking the same celebrity or my enemy for having a distaste for someone I like.
          Why can not just everybody decide who is important for them personally? Life would be so much easier without this religious zest.

        10. I actually agree. Many are. What I do not like is your attempted democratization of taste. Just because somebody does good work and 90% of all men find great joy in his work, does not mean that I have to give a shit.
          There is no need for objective ‘great art’. Something either touches me and is relevant to my life at any given moment or it is not.

  5. #3 is very wise.
    I’ve begun documenting every project that I do and I’ve seen with my colleagues how this can pay off. Putting together a website for example to catalogue your work and highlight your positive attributes and themes gets you one step closer to landing a job and building a reputation.
    Everything is going digital… and Facefuck isn’t going to get you that far. If you want to show others what you are capable of, don’t tell them about it, just show them.

  6. I don’t recommend Dropbox for cloud storage. Use a secure storage facility instead that has reliable encryption.
    I also do not recommend transferring your work files to the cloud and then to your home computer. You may be violating your company’s security protocols and this could have serious ramifications for you, including jail time if you work for the government.
    Last, there people to whom your word counts. Keep that in mind.

    1. Yeah, these penises with all their regulations and protocols. And in the end, all it takes to whack you is a stupid boss who understands nothing of computers to accuse you of stealing his data. Well, I guess it is good for hardening the ego.

    2. What do you mean by ” secure storage facility” exactly?
      Like GitHub or something? I’m noob.

      1. Dropbox and Google Drive are notorious for being insecure with a lack of encryption particularly on the client side. Try Wuala for example. But you shouldn’t be storing your office work on your personal drives. Unless you own the company, the work belongs to your employer.

    3. 32Gb Flash drive works just fine for me. They’re cheap, somewhat reliable, and if it’s very important info, triple redundancy back ups are a breeze. Moreover, if you think Russia or China will EMP weapon your life, back up it all on MDisc or large capacity non-circuited sources.

      1. I’m more concerned about attacks from my own government. There is a push in Britain for the police to have powers to access the Internet browser history of everyone in Britain. Check out the TorProject to protect yourself.

  7. “Males are also banding together in solidarity, effectively recreating
    the long-reviled “Old Boys’ Club” by minimizing their professional
    dealings with female colleagues.”
    Also because they want to avoid a sexual harassment lawsuit.

    1. Even having an “Old Boys Club”, you are still not immune from lawsuits. There was an article here a while back about some executive broad was not invited to meetings and sued for discrimination.

      1. You’re right and I think I have a way around that.
        Say one man opens up a traditional members-only gentleman’s club, but lives upstairs in private rooms. As the whole building is his private residence, he is free to determine who is invited or not. Of course, there are complications with insurance and membership fees, but that’s what lawyers are for.
        A friend of mine was working toward that complete with library, theater, exercise room, and bar. Unfortunately, he decided to make a very bad illegal decision and his income dropped from a respectable six-figure to a tragic and very low five.
        And…another friend of mine *has* accomplished it, but as it is gay-members only 1) I am not invited being rabidly heterosexual, and 2) it doesn’t apply to this scenario as women have no desire to infiltrate his gay-only abode.

  8. This is an understatement” “Very often the key to success is not genius: it is organization.” I closed a business 10 years ago for which I saved files that far back (usually I’m clean up to 7 years, and hadn’t gotten around to shredding these yet, but knew right where they were). The Bureau of Workman’s Comp had a class action lawsuit against them. I turned in the paperwork and got a check back for my portion for few hundred $$$. Free money, simply based on being organized.

  9. #4 The advantage women have been exploiting for years is the natural male instinct to coddle and protect them. When you let go of the idea that female colleagues have your best interests at heart, you’ll find them surprisingly easy to manipulate.
    You just have to exploit their competitiveness (which is, generally, in one form or another, for male attention) and let them think they are exploiting weak men.

  10. If I could put together a list article on “X things I learned as a game designer” the first would be “There is no harm in asking”. We thought about doing a martial arts card game and said to ourselves that it should be the Bruce Lee Card Game. A short internet search and a few phone calls later and I was talking to his estate’s attorney in California and he was cool with the idea. It didn’t pan out but never think something is beyond you.
    Same shit applies with women. How to date a supermodel? Ask a fucking supermodel to date you! Want to get laid tonight? Ask a girl to fuck you, tonight!

  11. Higher Learning = useless memorization, writing what no one would ever read, reading what no one would otherwise pay money for, intellectual masturbation, preparing oneself for a world that no longer exists, overpriced and poorly written textbooks, learning what one could learn for free at a library or online, leaning from people who can’t do in the real world the things that they talk about so eloquently …a scam to make people feel “intelligent” while robbing them blind and making them a debt slave.
    Anyone who is semi-functionally literate can get a bachelor of arts degree.

  12. I have a few questions put together through a bit of ranting but are somethings I’ve been thinking about as I get further and further into academia. (Working on a master’s in a humanities field I know it’s useless, but higher ed is expected of me, my brain doesn’t make the mathematical shortcuts most men can do, I believe in letting people who are best in a STEM field be there and not taking someone more deserving’s place to fill some quota ) It seems that if you are above a 5 and a female no one will take you seriously despite your qualifications. It seems as though if you are a man and talented and applying for a field such as engineering and it’s between you and a woman we know who they will pick. So is academia’s purpose in the US truly just promoting fat women? I speak in terms of the humanities fields, engineering and any other STEM field are exempt.
    It feels as if you need to look as abhorrent as possible in order to show your dedication to your work, by either becoming obese or gaunt. If you are a decent looking woman other women will harbor endless resentment towards you and not take your dissertations seriously. I’ve been considering starting to wear my glasses with the lenses out with contacts underneath because I can’t see out the sides but need to look “serious” and withstand other bitches pettily tearing into me. I’ve watched hundreds of documentary films on various subjects ranging from breasts, to Industrial London, to American Political dynasties and every single historian interviewed belongs in one of these categories: old hippie women in their 50s who talk really softly, fat women, old white guys, As an expert of higher learning do you think these observations are accurate?

    1. I disagree that women must be plain or frumpy in order to be taken seriously in an academic or professional capacity. I believe that double standard (looks or intellect) is applied only to men. Women are encouraged to sexualize themselves regardless of their title or career. Women are not rebuked when wearing completely inappropriate attire, e.g., healthcare professionals or businesswomen routinely wear short skirts, high heels, etc. Plenty of women with office jobs wear slinky tank tops. Appropriate attire for men on the other hand is either ill-fitting, unflattering khakis or a suit that covers every inch of bare skin. Men are not allowed to express their sexuality or show off their physiques. I’m a body builder: if I showed up to my place of employment wearing a tank top, no one would take me seriously and I would be asked to change or leave. Women are allowed and encouraged to flaunt their sexuality no matter the setting. In high school, I had teachers who dressed very revealingly and were never chastised for it. For men, people expect muscular men to be vapid “meat-heads.” A scrawny, wiry beanpole will be seen by others (especially women) as much more intellectually competent.

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