Just when you think things can’t get any worse for me, I was trying to shoot a video promoting Free Speech Isn’t Free when a bird made a bowel movement on me. As you can watch below, I was immensely triggered, and almost shut everything down, even after energizing on Kratom flowers.
If you like this article and are concerned about the future of the Western world, check out Roosh’s book Free Speech Isn’t Free. It gives an inside look to how the globalist establishment is attempting to marginalize masculine men with a leftist agenda that promotes censorship, feminism, and sterility. It also shares key knowledge and tools that you can use to defend yourself against social justice attacks. Click here to learn more about the book. Your support will help maintain our operation.
This post was originally published on Roosh V.
Those obviously weren’t Kratom flowers. If those were real Kratom flowers, you would have flown up into the air and defecated on the bird, thus completing the cycle.
I know for a fact that I defecate upwards when on kratom.
Each person responds differently. Some are able to fly, others shit upwards. There is one known case where an individual shot out shat like a cannon. Historical texts hint that it was him who caused the Aztecs to disappear and not disease/warfare/etc. One large BM wiped them clean off the map.
that sounds reasonable.
Actually the Great Kratom Shat mentionned in the Kratom Prophecy has not happened yet.
The great Kratom cannon shot of shit will happen circa 2100 during the Great Wars for Kratom Supplies and the shit will travel so fast upwards that it will reach the speed of light and thus leave our universe, go through an other dimension then come back during the Aztecs era, thus eradicating them and causing a time paradox.
By your own accounts, it both has and has not happened.
Exactly. The universe is a flat circle.
Not a paradox it is the mystery of Kratom.
I could neither make heads nor tails of this post until I consulted the information found here:
Maybe it is the other way around. Maybe Kratom is ancient Aztec shit.
I am sorry, but since we are living in a 2-dimensional universe: What do you mean by the word “flat”?
If take too much Kratom, you can become a red pill factory.
Oh come on that’s stretching it a bit far…’The Great Kratom Shat’ is a myth contrived by a lunatic sect of kratom users within the manosphere. Waiting for some ‘great shat’ is like waiting for Trigglypuff to stop eating fast food and donuts.
Oh great, a Great Kratom Shat denialist. What’s next, the Kratom-enhanced Moon landing was fake ? You guys are hopeless.
Corrected it. Pardon my French.
“After the great orange one, who is very rich, rules the Atzlans three generations shall pass, then shall a great war shall cover the face of all the earth skies shall be darkened, mojo shall be naught, and there shalt be a pouring out of iniquity. The red and blue strain shall be no more in those days. When this comes to pass you shall see Kratom coming with glory in a mighty defacation.” – Book of Aztec 12:3-5
Interesting you sense that the universe is flat. There exist confined regions of space which contain galaxies. Galaxies tend to flatten or ‘pancake’ into two dimensional swirling formations. Within the ‘space’ confines of a galaxy, the space along with its integral component ‘gravity’ within take on a liquid form, sort of like how water in a tub or basin swirls when going down the drain.
NOTE that outside galaxies there’s a sharp cutoff of this ‘liquid’ property of space/gravity. Outside the periphery of galaxies space actually takes on ‘gaseous’ properties, not liquid. Matter in dark (gaseous) space doesn’t swirl. Why? Gravity doesn’t exist in ‘gaseous’ space, only in ‘liquid’ space. The space-state property where there is cutoff of gravity is sharp and rapid, just like the hard line between gaseous and liquid matter. Gravity doesn’t taper off with distance from a swirling galaxy. No, it becomes zero beyond the ‘liquid’ space periphery of the galaxy. Gravity is quantified and jumps by ‘one’ natural unit when liquid space is entered. It becomes zero in ‘gaseous’ space. When you view other galaxies from within the Milky Way’s ‘liquid’ space enclosure, it is like looking with the eyes of a fish underwater. You’re seeing the sky above that is distorted by refraction. Even the people on bicycles out of the water in ‘gaseous’ atmosphere appear with ripples and appear to fly. Interesting concept the ‘flat’ universe.
Here’s some real potted lunchelon meat product for the inquiring scientific mind.
enjoy . .
No I didn’t say that. The moon landing clearly happened. Kratom was the missing part of the puzzle.
Something like this?
Is that a flying …. shiiit.
It’s a turdis
Gravity has got nothing on Kratom.
Too lazy to see if anyone mentioned it yet, but the mainstream media is sitting up and taking notice: http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/10/health/kratom-opioid-withdrawal-pain-relief-supplement/
Stock up.
Aww man, they don’t have a comments section. Was hoping we could send a bunch of ROK guys to make kratom jokes.
A fowl feminist?
I smell some fowl play
They even control the fowl of the air
After such an experience one could understand your being justifiably tense, might I suggest a massage?
(also, here’s to the book’s success)
nothing like a relaxing massage after a hard day at your pointless career. Unless that is her career.
Damn you sexist! I want to see a fat hairy dude like myself getting the massage and moaning like a suffocating pig!
Could’ve called it ‘don’t bang free speech’.
Roosh has come a long way as a communicator IMO. Very relaxed on screen. Baptism of fire has changed him
it could have been worse- on your head- that would be a bad omen!
Straight on the Screwn Chakra.
Glad you survived, Roosh. Your experience reminds me of the time back in high school when a friend of mine was shit on twice by the same seagull (we think) at the beach within an hour or so.
Scary, disturbing stuff for sure. Please stay safe.
This is the kind of “little bird” we need to take a proverbial shit on SJWs and feminists.
“Just when you think things can’t get any worse for me, I was trying to shoot a video promoting Free Speech Isn’t Free when a bird made a bowel movement on me.”
No you’ve got it wrong! It’s good luck!
Scroll down to #5
If that had been a Saudi prince you’d be getting big bucks!
Damn those rats with wings….
Sorry Roosh. Won’t happen again. I got your six.
Some Angry Bird!
It was a SJW bird.
I believe it is “an”.
I thought Arabs consider being crapped on by a bird to be good luck.
Like Instagram models consider being crapped on by an Arab good luck?
Civilization is a shit pyramid. Get used to it
Who wants to see only shit, will see only shit. Everything is in our head.
The problem with twit-o-sphere blanket statements like “free speech isn’t free” is that it could mean any number of things, all of which suggest poor outcomes for teaching, discussion, and learning.
Free speech isn’t free
There is a delicate balance to preserving our right to make our voice heard.
Free speech isn’t free
We should expect to pay for advice/knowledge or for the ability to give it.
Free speech isn’t free
Consequences for speaking your mind.
Free speech isn’t free
So what is?
Let’s instead move towards a society where free speech is free, to help ensure more voices and ideas are heard so that only the best ones go to the top.
Hey, a bird pinched a loaf on Dustin Hoffman in “Marathon Man” and he prevailed over his enemies. Keep your head up. And covered.
The suspected bird:
This guy shares too much ideology and DNA with mass killers such as Trotsky. Don’t trust him, when they are affable its when they are at their most dangerous.
He just said that the right to bear arms should only mean single shot hunting rifles.
The US constitution clearly states that “We the people” have the right to overthrow a tyrannical government and the right to bear arms so that this can be accomplished. if the guys supporting the tyrannical government have full auto then so do we the people.
It Government that has murdered the most people in the world, not mass shooters.
Someone once said that Governments that fear an armed population should also fear the noose.
Tell Lori to shut her cock washer! That’s an order!!
Nah not an omen, just the matrix gods fucking with you. They like to fuck with me too. For instance the other day I woke up, looked out my window to see a bird shit on my truck and fly away.