US Supreme Court Approves Racial Discrimination In College Admissions

In late June, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a 4 to 3 decision confirming that race should be a factor in deciding which students should be admitted to university. This was a somewhat surprise decision, with most pundits predicting that race-based admissions would be seen as clearly illegal.


U of Texas President Gregory Fenves, “thrilled and gratified” by the ruling

The Justices were separated along ideological lines. After David Souter left, the court has no reasonable members; all are ideologues from one side or the other. Justice Kennedy is perhaps the most reasonable centrist remaining. Justice Antonin Scalia recently died, and the US legislature has refused to allow a vote on Obama’s choice to replace him. Additionally, Justice Elena Kagan, an Obama appointee, recused herself because of a conflict of interest (she advocated for race-based admissions when she worked for the Obama administration, and kudos to her for honorably stepping aside). This left the court two votes short of its normal nine members.

In the end, Justice Kennedy was the swing vote. While he never voted to support race-based criteria in his career prior to this case, he was reluctant to completely rule out race as a factor that colleges can consider, and joined Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, and Sonia Sotomayor in approving racial discrimination by college admissions teams.


Abigail Fisher had challenged UT, who denied her admittance

I do believe there is merit to being exposed to a wide variety of ideas, backgrounds, nationalities, and points of view in college. The college years are when we typically form many opinions about the world, choose our careers, and often build lifelong friendships or marriages. I benefited from a highly ranked campus on the east coast which had students from every state in the nation, as well as many international students.

I still remember tagging along with a hot Egyptian female who invited me to a rave, in my pathetic blue pill days where I completely ignored the brilliant opportunity she provided me, and I have good memories of a Moroccan suitemate who introduced me to different music, food, and culture.


I had friends from several countries, each with varying opinions about the world, differing religions, and plans for the future. Many of the most bizarre or different students made a far more lasting impression on me than if they had just been another “Biff the Frat Boy” character on my hall. So I see the value of diversity, especially in one’s formative years.

Diversity, in fact, is what stimulates me so much about foreign travel, and in large part, forms the appeal of foreign women.  It’s why men are driven to “collect flags.”


However, opening the door to racial discrimination is a dangerous thing. When colleges are allowed to racially discriminate, they are allowing factors beyond the control of the student (the color of his or her skin) to become an important factor on whether he or she is an appealing enough candidate to be accepted into a competitive school.

Essentially, this is no different than admitting only abnormally tall or abnormally short students, regardless of their scholastic performance, because then that would create a “diversity of height.”


Not all diversity is valued, only the “right” diversity.

Diversity of ideas can still be achieved through other proxies besides skin color. For example, geographic diversity is a factor already used. A certain percentage of students are typically accepted from that state’s population, with the remainder coming from other states or internationally. And with international students, schools don’t accept only white, English speaking students from, say, England, but instead spread out their international student spots among a variety of countries.

I’m thankful for the social learning I was able to do in college, thanks to being exposed to and interacting with German, Russian, Chinese, Egyptian, and Persian students. And come to think of it, their skin tones did differ considerably from mine, even though they weren’t selected on the basis of their race.

Role Reversal[3]

One mental exercise I practice is to turn an argument on its head, and see if it has any merit when completely reversed. Imagine this same story was being reported in the 1960s: “Supreme Court confirms race should be a factor in deciding which students are admitted to college.” The obvious implication would be that whites were trying to preserve their fully white schools, and trying to use the law to prevent any minorities from attending college.

This of course, would be completely unfair and wrong, and the law should have been rightfully stricken down as illegal and bad. So why would it be allowed today, just because the races in question are reversed? Is there something inherently bad about white people (and Asians) that we should limit their access to education? If this is merely an argument that “diversity is good” then the same law which is good today (encouraging diversity) would have been bad in the 1960s (preventing diversity), which makes no sense.

Racism is Never OK

Another argument racial discriminating advocates put forth is that whites must be punished for the crimes of other people who are also white. In the past, white people owned slaves. And in the past those dark people that were owned, suffered and were unable to be economically and physically free. And therefore we must punish people who look the same as those past bad men, in order to make things right. What is ridiculous about this argument, is that it is exactly how racists in the past behaved.


Racist hateful white men who lynched an innocent black didn’t *care* that he was innocent of whatever crime they accused him of—they simply wanted him punished or killed because he looked like other black men.  In other words, the innocent lynched black was judged on the color of his skin and not the content of his character.  If racism is wrong, then race based affirmative action is wrong. It’s just as wrong as if German Jews were allowed to tattoo crescent moons onto the arms of Christian Germans because their ancestors did bad things to Jews.

Discrimination does not somehow become magically good because the perpetrator becomes the victim. Any basic understanding of the law teaches this. It is no more justified to steal from the town rapist than it is the town preacher. Stealing is wrong, regardless of the circumstances or the background of the person doing the stealing, or the victim.

This supreme court ruling is just another step down the path of lawlessness and racism, sewing seeds of discontent that will likely one day grow into an ugly, dangerous reprisal.

Read More: 4 Reasons Why The Collapse Will Be The Best Thing to Happen For Men

246 thoughts on “US Supreme Court Approves Racial Discrimination In College Admissions”

  1. Tell women to shut the fuck up, Bring nazism back
    Deport all niggers, sand monkey and churros
    Kill the immigrant in the street, fuck it, god fucking christ

    1. Not the Daily Stormer comment page. I can understand the impulse to post such things in outrage or anger, but this is not the forum.

    2. I calmed the fuck down, following the suggestions in the article about anger i’ll use my anger in a good way against the first brown person i meet.

  2. Following the lead of or elites, I now use skin color as a basis for whom I do business.

  3. The government established Jim Crow laws to force the people to discriminate against black people. They had separate (“but equal”) facilities and businesses they had to use, because it wasn’t right to have them use the same water fountains as white folk. This is what the various Civil Rights acts (most of which were pushed primarily by Southern Republicans) were designed to correct.
    Flash forward to this decision. What’s basically happened here is that they’ve reopened the doors to that same kind of discriminatory legislation. Gone is the legal principle that one cannot use race as a factor for employment, education, and the like. Now, the doors are open to any criteria that discriminate for or against people based on factors they cannot control.
    Apparently the Left dreams of a world where people are not judged on the content of their character, but the color of their skin or the shape of their genitalia. What a disgrace.

    1. The civil rights leaders of the 60’s who were killed must be rolling in their graves.

        1. He wasn’t a civil rights champion either.
          He was a Panther and a Black Muslim.
          He was a supremacist.

        2. Malcolm X was a black supremacist who hated the U.S. and whites. Martin Luther King Jr on the other hand was patriotic and a Republican who just wanted to bring peace to his nation.

        3. I’ve actually come to respect Malcolm X over the years. Yes, the supremacy was problematic to say the least, but what I like about him was that he was advocating for blacks to stand on their own and create their own successes without relying on the white man (the state).

        4. MLK was not patriotic.
          Perhaps he would be today, were he still alive, as communism seems “patriotic” nowadays 🙁

        5. His speech exhorting blacks to get off the democrat plantation, given shortly before he got whacked, was poignant.
          Looking back, Malcolm X was crazy but he was the only person for ~50 years who had any chance of breaking LBJ’s lock on the black vote. Maybe if he hadn’t been whacked, we wouldn’t see 90 to 98% of the black vote going to the dems?

        6. Yeah. I often wonder what could have been if Malcolm had lived. It seemed that he was gradually shifting away from the supremacy/separatist ideology.

      1. Martian Lucifer Koon died for torturing white hookers and being a communist.

    2. The laws were there for everyone’s protection. Unfortunately, idiotic do-gooders (eg: Ike) and the Machiavellian-minded (eg: LBJ) nixed them.
      Now, some 50 years on, we can easily see that the USA was more civilized when they were in place. Selma, Baltimore, Chicago, DC, NYC…crime was down, civilization flourished and blacks weren’t trying to waste each other in the streets with today’s reckless abandon.
      Of course, if folks like Lincoln and Grant had followed through on their efforts and repatriated the blacks, or moved them to what would’ve been akin to a reservation (Dominican Republic), then a whole dark chapter of US history could’ve been skipped.

  4. I’ve never understood why I should value “diversity”. If you can gather different views and opinions by being around individuals, then it doesn’t matter what color those people are since “I don’t see race, I see individuals”. But if that’s the case, then diversity makes no sense, since it’s not about skin color but different views and opinions.
    I actually came out against Diversity on a company mandated “fill out this form!” thing at my last company (note the past tense).
    “Do you agree that diversity makes us strong?” (implied “yes”).
    “No. When code is not working in a program I don’t need a round table discussion with fifteen people from fifteen nations to gather opinions. What I need is to get the code fixed, and a person competent to fix the code. Committees and diversity do not write code. I want results and a fix, not some fifteen member circus.”
    Didn’t go over well.
    I have yet to see the advantage of getting the opinion of some sub-Saharan African about my C++ routines. Makes no sense.
    I also have a problem with disrupting my right to freedom of association. If I want to hang with only (insert race here) people, how is that anybody’s business but my own? I have the right to be with any group I wish to be with. If the law prevents (or violates through mandates) that freedom, then the law is wrong. Remove or nullify the law, but don’t go all Social Justice and try to “make amends” legally by forcing association in the opposite direction.

    1. How dare you question the unquestionable absolute truth that diversity makes us stronger.
      I cant even……..

      1. Yeah, clearly I’m on The Wrong Side Of History ™. Heh.

        1. Watch this for a couple of minutes.
          skip anywhere in it.
          What you dont understand is that its a Religion.

        2. Oh, I actually consider Leftist cultural Marxism to be very religious, complete with dogma, heresy, intolerance, persecution and every other concept reserved in the past for religions.

    2. My generation is too young to remember “bussing,” but I’ve heard it was every bit as effective as you’d expect. Poor black kids resented being forced to mingle with wealthier whites, and the whites resented their school reputations dropping because their collective grade averages slipped.
      Forced association doesn’t work. It didn’t work with the Jews in Rome, and it doesn’t work now.

      1. I grew up on the tail end of the busing craze. There was nothing good come of it. I recall having to be forced to attend a school way outside of my district in 1st and 2nd grade, in Philadelphia (my father was stationed there at the time, in the military).
        I was mugged once in second grade by two thugs, and at the end of first grade me and two friends were chased into a phone booth by an adult with a knife, where we promptly called my mother to come save us. Yay diversity.
        I got my fill of Diversity in those two short years, and never want to go back.

        1. Yeah, we fled from it full force. It was precisely because of me being mugged that my dad put in for a transfer of station out of that hellhole. Now we live in nice, non-“Diverse” central Ohio. Love it.

        2. The MI/OH border is a wasteland. Nasty. Better full in Michigan, or full in Ohio.
          Dayton Air Force Museum – get her to that and you’re in like Flynn.

        3. You see, that’s the dirty secret no one wants to admit when diversity is pushed on people. I grew up in a “diverse” neighborhood that was only possible because it was all retired military. Yet the kids of the military vets would purposely segregate, even though they all went to the same school down the street and had shared similar experiences around the world as military brats.

        4. What the fuck is wrong with “Buckeyes”? This is a new wrinkle…? So we’re poisonous nuts. I wear it as a badge of honor. Heh.

        5. Dirty, smelly, shit laying all over the streets and sidewalks, dirty nasty people who had no sense of right and wrong. Theft was rampant, violence was omnipresent. The only thing I got positive from it is that I learned how to fight, fast, and learned to push back hard.

        6. And you….married her?
          Actually Michigan is a bit less free than Ohio in many ways.

        7. I know….it’s a stain on the marriage that will never be washed clean. I’ve made peace with that fact.
          Totally agree with Michigan being mostly a cesspool (Bronner’s is nice though). Like I said, she’s all hung up on a damn football team and would blindly decide to move there as opposed to a state that is objectively better. I reiterate….women!

        8. Well, UP Michigan is quite beautiful. Cold and snowy as fuck though.

        9. I live in central Ohio as well. Went back home after my four years in the military, my town turned a lot less white in those 4 years and had a lot more people on welfare.

        10. Seriously? How cool! I live just north of the Delaware/Franklin county border, moved here just before they built Polaris. Where abouts are you, if you don’t mind my asking? I have an email in my profile if you’d prefer not to make it public on this thread.

        11. I grew up in Newark about 30 minute’s east of Columbus. I’m going to school up in Kent. The city use to be a pretty nice place and some parts still are, but you can see that more people on welfare have moved in before with most Houses becoming rentals for low income families. I have nothing to fear from marking my location not yet at least.

        12. Know Newark well (n-erk!) My daughter and wife visited Kent State this last weekend actually. Small world. If you’re ever around C-bus give me a shout and we can grab a beer.

        13. Sounds good. I usually come back for a little bit at a time to visit my grandfather and family. If I come back to the area here later this year I’ll make sure to give you a ring.

        14. And today, the schools are as segregated as ever. It was a complete failure in every aspect. If anything, the minorities are worse off today; in the past there was an effort made towards “separate but equal”. Today, the schools in the ghettho are utter garbage (in fairness, in the 60s the separate but equal in the south was an untrue slogan, but that’s an easy fix).

        15. A population that operates on instinct with hair trigger violence. They really are ape-like.

        16. It’s funny, because my family came from the U.K. not too long ago, I’ve never really taken the “whites be da slave holders” guilt shit seriously. Mine didn’t, they were in England and Scotland for most of this nation’s history, fuck if I had anything to do with that. So, no guilt, no guilt = zfg about social justice weenies and their guilt tripping.

        17. Yes. And you need a permit to buy a pistol, which is stupid.

        18. We would need to set up inter tribal relations then. Support each other when the fall happens.

        19. Yes. But that’s ok, because hot blonde chicks. They could name it after a sewer pipe, I’d still go to OSU games on campus just to be surrounded by half a million 18-23 year old hot blonde chicks.

        20. I often mention that my family was Italian on one side, Native American on the other. We not only didn’t own any blacks, we were probably working in the fields next to them. Unless I owned someone, I don’t really care. Using slavery as an excuse for poor behavior 150 years after the fact is an excuse.

        21. Doesn’t matter, we steam roller them whether they fear us or not most of the time.
          I’m not a sports fan, just noting the fact of the matter. When I hit games at OSU, the game on the field is my least concern. I love the traditions though, all the things they’ve been doing since the 1920’s, etc. Just good clean fun. Plus, hot chicks (I may have mentioned that already). We have season tickets this year actually.

        22. In West Philadelphia you were born n raised, on the playground is where you spent most of your days

        23. You mean that “Its a Small World” ride at disney is total horseshit??

        24. The name we are going with right now is the Gentlemen’s Empire but not sure if that’s what we’re going to stick with. I got a meet-up happening in July if you want to come. Pretty informal. Got a couple of other new guys that are planning to attend as well.

        25. Yup. once slavery was abolished, the south needed a new source of labor. Italians fit the bill. Thats why you see so many Italian surnames in Louisiana

        26. My family was historically dirt poor. My great grandfather apparently died in prison and it didn’t get better till my father decided that he wasn’t going to live like that when he grew up. He decided that he would do whatever it took to do better. So he got a hard job and by all accounts mastered it. And after 40 odd years, he can easily say he worked his way into the upper middle class from poverty.

        27. My ancestors were either
          1) religiously pious to the point of severely ticking off the predominant religious and political authorities
          2) discriminating equally by killing, looting, and plundering.
          So I’m with you on the SJWs.

        28. Another half Italian here, from mother’s side. Funnily enough, I’m the only one of the three sons that actually looks like her. So, honor badge of the Italian heritage.

        29. They aren’t segregated here, I assume they are still under a court order. Before court ordered desegregation our local school system had separate but equal, both sides had similar sized, equipped and age buildings.
          Good or bad? I don’t know but I went to a school that was about 50-50 black white with a very few exceptions. Personally I didn’t care for it.

        30. I’ve been living in a utopia of diversity for 48 years. Anything you want to keep should be thoroughly nailed down or diversity will get it. My advice would be to never let the sun set on your ass in the diversity neighborhoods.
          I was a corrections officer in another life, for a while I ran an inmate road detail in two different small towns. One of the jobs I did was have them pick up trash from the street and right of way. We would go to the less diverse part of town and go through every neighborhood and might get two trash bags full, then we could go down the street in the diverse neighborhood and get a dump truck load from ONE street. You can always tell which street the diverse residents use to walk back and forth to the convenience/liquor store because the ditches would be overflowing with beer bottles and Black and Mild packages.
          On another note I always noticed they would never buy a 6pack/12pack etc, they would walk back and forth ALL day and get one at the time?

        31. I grew up in Minnesota home of the “golden gophers”. Buckeyes sounds pretty good right about now………live in NC now home of the tarheels whatever the hell that means…….

        32. Actually went to a golden gopher buckeye game in the mid 80s and the buckeye cheerleaders were brunettes………and very naughty.

        33. Unfortunately, John “Prince of Light and Hope” Kasich, the amnesty-loving imbecile, is working to diversify your area 🙁
          With his ridiculous medicaid expansion, he has the “non-diverse” of Ohio poised to pay for the upkeep of that diversity too.

        34. Why do you give her opinion any validity?

          Seems like youre sayong she has the final say.

        35. Yeah…listen Chippie, we need to talk (THE talk).
          It’s not you, it’s me (it’s really you).
          I just really need to spend some time finding myself (I need Alpha trolls, not Beta lulz) and I think some space is what I need.
          But we can still be friends (we’re not friends) and say hi whenever we cross paths (I’m blocking you). Ciao!

        36. See? Diversity does enrich us! With trash!

        37. Of all the sports, baseball is the least boring to me, which seems counter intuitive to the level of action. I actually do like going to watch a minor league game now and then. Long lazy afternoon, relaxed atmosphere, some kind of game of sorts going on that you can glance at now and again.

        38. We do have our brunettes. Central Ohio is basically Germans with a sprinkling of Irish thrown in, so you get majority blonde and some brunettes and the ever rare red head now and again.

        39. Oh no. Your feeeeeeeels!.
          Its ok. Just go politely ask the boss if you can go have some beers. Probably not. Shes got chores for you to do while she makes plans above your pay grade. Ha.

        40. The ‘future orientation’ part of the ape brain never needs to become well developed when there’s food available year round… Hell the Zulu didn’t even have a word for ‘future’, the entire concept of a ‘now that hasn’t happened yet’ made no sense to them whatsoever… F-cking savages.

        41. When I was a kid we lived in a rather “diverse” building full of mostly vibrant Africans. They would piss in the stairs and elevators of the building, throw beer cans and bottles on the floor and typically trash was strewn about, get in fights which typically consisted of handfuls of them shrieking at other like baboons in public areas, and I couldn’t even wait for the bus or walk home from school without some dumbass negro trying to sell me crack. I’ve always said, ones tolerance for diversity is inversely proportional to their proximity of it. If you live around them chances are you’re saving to move.

        42. Based on the description of the behavior of the blacks, it would have to be blacks who lived in an inner city project — and BTW, most inner city black project dwellers don’t behave like that — since middle class blacks don’t behave like that. Given it’s rare to nonexistent to find whites living in an inner city project, how did you and your family manage to be there? Curious minds would love to know.

        43. I didn’t have the greatest most ambitious parents in the world, to say the least. If you must know my crackhead father split when I was six and my mother was more worried about getting drunk and high with whatever guy was around than relocating to a better neighborhood. There were plenty of other white families as well as a few latinos as this was a very mixed area. As for the rest of your comment if you do not believe that they behave in this way I urge you to visit an inner city housing project and see for yourself. See if you don’t find a beer can or two in the hallway and a puddle of piss in the staircase.

        44. I grew up in an inner city neighborhood — I’m black — so I’m very familiar with them. And although I’ve seen the kind of behavior you describe in your comment, I’ve seen plenty of blacks who live in that environment who don’t behave in that fashion. I’ve been to many inner city neighborhoods outside of the one I grew up in and one thing you don’t see is: white people. The powers that be take great care in keeping poor whites and poor blacks separated.
          BTW, I find it even more suspicious of your claim there were multiple white families in your inner city neighborhood. Sounds to me like another concocted story designed to support the race realism memes about black people.

        45. Listen there are poor white people too. I’m not from Baltimore or Detroit, and I don’t really care if you find it questionable or not.

        46. West coast, old school Baltimore, or any other inner city black ghetto — is not going to have a mixture of poor whites and poor blacks. Unless you’re a white person who’s in a relationship with a black person who lives in one of these projects, you’re not going to be living there.
          Race realists are pining for a return to the “good ole days” of segregation. To attain that (pipe)dream, they must convince the non race realists, and for some: themselves, that most, if not all, blacks are dangerous to live around(one of the race realist memes). Convincing requires a constant barrage of stories regarding black people committing crime, and first hand reports are the best kind. Hyperbole or outright lies? No problem — attaining nirvana segregation is the goal, by any means necessary.

        47. Getting us negroes back to Africa(BTW, most of us negroes have never been to Africa, so the “getting us back” part needs revision) is a (pipe)dream less doable than the nirvana segregation. Just sayn’

        48. I don’t use the term, but the African in African American isn’t a reference to our being born in Africa, but a reference to our ancestors being born there. And why is that such a big deal to your side?

        49. Well my ancestors are from Germany. That is something I feel would infuse much more pride than having Africans as ancestors. I don’t run around calling myself a German American. None of my friends call themselves European Americans. I think you should stick with negroes or, if you want to seem more modern, dindus. Those names fit.

        50. Because you all bring a little corner of the horribleness that is Africa with you wherever you go.

      2. Remember it quite well from the early 70’s. It was a clusterfuck from the start & did more harm to an already decaying public school system. Public schools in general started going down the crapper when progressive education was implemented into the curriculum two decades earlier.

      3. In the 90’s, I went to a new high school that “bussed.” As an example of the contrast in quality of education, we were colouring countries with coloured pencil in Junior Geography. The predominately white “non-bussed” school that I went to in grade 7 made us know the countries and their capitals based only on the continental outline with borders.
        The “bussed” schools usually have a ratio of more blacks to whites and an abysmal dropout rate. Teen pregnancy and frequent fistfights/violence are also specialties.
        Now think about it-they dropped the education to an elementary school level, and these animals still could not succeed.

        1. The lower education levels, yes, I forgot about that. My parents had me reading by age 4. Granted, that’s early for any kid. I recall sitting stone bored in class for two years while most of the student body was struggling with the concept that the “e” at the end of “Kate” was silent and made the “a” into the long “a” sound.

        2. My parents didn’t start teaching me to read until I was four, but that’s primarily because they didn’t realize I could read a bit earlier. They would read me children’s books every night, and I learned which patterns went to which sounds from that.
          After they gave me a new Seuss book for Christmas and I started reading it under the tree, we started in earnest. It sure made early Elementary school boring.

        3. She was always a bitch.
          Totally random memory, my second grade teacher was a really hot 20-something red head named Ms. Butler. At the time I didn’t think anything about her attractiveness but now in memory damn, she was fine. How she ended up in inner city Philadelphia is anybody’s guess.

        4. Dunno, this was like 1973 or 1974 I think. She dressed very conservatively, although most people did back then except the smelly hippies.

        5. That’s possible. I heard some school districts will put new teachers in the worst schools just to test their desire to teach. I wonder how many school teachers said f’ that and did something else.

        6. Eerily similar early development pasts we share, though I was older when it happened so could appreciate her body more.
          Our red head, Ms. V., had that arctic bitch front going on along with really pale skin that flushed redder than her hair that made me need to friction away the frost and the happy coincidence of puberty + first-year teacher would have gotten us both on the news nowadays. May have something to do with my affinity for red hair.

        7. Dunno. Possible. I only interacted with her as a student so it’s anybody’s guess.

        8. A lot. I was one of them. Over half leave within five years. I stuck it out for ten.

        9. Makes you wonder how much teaching talent’s gone down the drain. And they wonder why students suck at just about every course now.

        10. Oh, that takes me back to kindergarten. I was already reading chapter books while the other kids could barely read yet.

        11. It’s possible it was the only teaching job available. That happened to one of my relatives 🙁

        12. I had a smoking hot fifth grade teacher. At the time i did think about her a lot..
          Really helped prime the pump.

      4. “Forced association doesn’t work. ”
        Yet the Paris mayor now wants Social Mixing by approving social housing in the most expensive “arrondissement” there.

        1. I guess 100 people dying and many more wounded by Muslims wasn’t enough to convince him that they’re actually awful people. What a ma-roon.

    3. Back in law school I used the same reasoning when we were discussing affirmative action in class. Myself and one other person were the only ones in a class of 60 to dare ask for proof of how “diversity” makes things better. They also couldn’t answer how me, a white, middle-class kid, was benefited more from being in a class with a black person than my co-argument buddy, who came from a poor, mid-west hog farming family.

      1. I really honestly haven’t heard a reasonable answer to the question. Normally it goes straight to the Race Card without any further discussion.

        1. I understand that a diverse group will have members with different histories and thus different thought patterns and perspectives and I understand how that could be useful. I take exception to the bold statement that is inherently useful.

        2. Yeah, but I can get that by going ten miles down the street and talk to people in the poorer (or richer) neighborhoods, regardless of their skin color.
          Dunno. My next door neighbor has a different history and different thought patterns. I really don’t need to consult some guy from Mogadishu to get some deeper understanding of the world when I can just walk over and talk to my neighbor. Or whatever.

        3. Right, again, can be vs. is. Somebody who is not me may be more attuned to certain things and see an argument, fact, etc. that I may have missed or dismissed. Then again, they may be a fool. And as you say, its not hard to find a person who is not you. Thus, there is no need to mandate diversity.

        4. plus why the hell does anyone really want a deeper concept of the world. Most of the people who are yammering on about understanding other cultures hardly know the difference between their asshole and their elbow.
          I don’t even fucking care about people who live south of 57th street in the city I was born and raised and lived in my whole life.
          During the hurricane when everything south of 34th was basically down town beiruit I was having a fucking grand old time. I watched those savages wrestle for water on the news and laughed.

        5. I don’t mind a deeper understanding of the world, which is why I voluntarily choose to travel, so that I can experience it when I want and on my terms. Paris is beautiful, Munich is gorgeous and London is a wonder of the modern world. Cheyenne is what the rest of America from the 1950’s forward should have evolved into, Black Rocks SD is a gorgeous wonder to behold and the Swiss Alps are breathtaking. I really don’t need “diversity” thrown at me to come to these observations on my own through my own efforts.

        6. I liked munich and am a huge fan of paris. That said, I don’t forsee going to Europe every again. It is too far away and too expensive when the Caribbean is so close.
          The idea that there is a world outside my direct POV is too much for me to handle and ignoring it seems to be working wonders for me.

        7. I’m triggered and need a hug box to retreat to.

        8. So true. The question alone has been deemed racist for even asking. No one ever shows evidence that it makes more than a slight difference in people. Sure if you are a card carrying kkk member, then getting to know some minorities will do you some good.
          However for most people, the color of ones skin or background matters less than how your behavior has been shaped by those factors.
          If I see a young male walking toward me in sagging pants, walking with an exaggerated limp, hand on his junk, acting out for his friends, I judge him as a potential threat.
          If I see another young male walking toward me in a pair of slacks, a button up, a fitted jacket, nice shoes and who is joking with his friends, I still take stock in what his potential threat could be, but I am less worried he is going to jump me.

        9. It is a small off shoot annex. 4 hour direct flight to an island that was civilized by the French. I get a 6 am out of LGA or JFK and I am in my hotel and settled by noon.

    4. Funny I’m of completely different make-up and background yet I think exactly the same thing.
      Diversity for the sake of diversity, as in the technical example you give, is completely useless and more times often than not, a superficial display of being non-judgmental and fairness.
      It can also be an impediment on an organization running efficiently. In my experience, people are much more upfront and direct with their own types.
      The only diversity that matters within a collective is diversity of opinion/thought (not necessarily derived from ethnic/cultural/religious diversity) and specifically when dealing with very large-scale and complex problems. In such, a creative medium such as this one can be helpful.
      Of course, diversity of opinion is exactly what the collective left can’t tolerate.

    5. You are so missing the point. If your code doesn’t work we can get it government entitlements.
      If it still doesn’t work we can talk about how unfair it is that it is in a situation where it is unable to work.
      Fixing the code?
      No you need a 15 nation round table to discuss ways in which the code is superior to working code.

      1. I hadn’t considered that. Never coded an app for failure before, so I never really examined the benefits of doing so. You gave me a new perspective. You must be from the Diversity.

        1. I’m part of the Diversiarchy
          When something doesn’t work it is the fault of toxic masculinity, patriarchy and AR-15’s.
          If you write some code and it is not working you think to “fix” it. That is because you are part of the patriarchy. You can’t just fix it. You should give it government sponsored therapy and allow it to be itself.

    6. I still remember that company that was looking for a Java programmer. It was about two years ago. A friend of mine told me about it. I was happy to hear that and asked him: “Great! Which company is that?” He responded: “Oh, no. You can’t apply. They are looking for a woman. There is some rule that says there must be at least one woman.” The company had been looking for a programmer for months. Probably still looking. And it wasn’t because they couldn’t find a good female programmer. It was because they couldn’t find ANY female programmer whatsoever.
      So that diversity shit shouldn’t bother you at all. It’s even at your advantage. If you are one of the few who got hired because of their skills, you will be valued and cherished and have the upper hand, because they will know you could leave at any time.

      1. I’m seeing and hearing confirmation from my other white male friends, about an interesting trend in IT here. Managers are quietly hiring “native” white dudes into IT shops now deliberately. My current manager (he’s new) openly told me this was his policy (to hire natives only and avoiding H1B’s), although he said it to me at a lunch when nobody else was around. Seems that trying to fight through ten layers of language dysfunction with Hindus has become a burden to productivity.

        1. That’s the most sensible thing to do. English is one of the easiest modern languages in the world (if not the easiest), and if someone can’t reach at least a decent level in it, it’s either because he isn’t trying (meaning he is lazy) or he is stupid. I have an acquaintance that has been living in the UK for the past 2 years and he still doesn’t know when to use indefinite article and when to omit it. Would you hire someone like that?
          Here, in Eastern Europe, 90% of the IT jobs require fluent English. You may not be as good as a native speaker, and you may not be perfect at what you are going to work (many companies offer internship and training) but English is a necessity. It’s a bit ridiculous that fluent English is a bigger requirement in Eastern Europe than in the US.

        2. I’d imagine it’s a bigger requirement there. Here in the States Everything’s in Spanish so that’s the language that’s become the “necessity.”

        3. Hiring native workers? *GASP!* What a revolutionary idea! All joking aside, this is exactly what should be happening.
          I am not opposed to Indians, Nigerians, Poles, Chinese, etc. coming to our country to learn certain skills (and if they can manage to get anything out of our broken college system, I say more power to them). But the overwhelming majority of these people should go back to their native countries and use what they’ve learned to improve their own nations.

        4. English is far from the easiest of modern languages. Time to put the canard of the contrary out of its misery.

        5. English has no cases, all inanimate objects have no gender (as opposed to other languages where they may or may not have), the adjectives don’t change depending on plurality or said gender, the verbs virtually don’t change when conjugated. I could carry on, but the other stuff is of minor in importance compared to the aforesaid.

        6. True. Where English gets you though is the bizarre spelling. Mixing German and French was, as it turns out, not a kind thing to do for people concerned about spelling things phonetically.

    7. You’re just not a “team player,” fella. We need some team building workshops with an overpaid consultant that knows nothing about our industry.

      1. Yeah, that’s about how it goes isn’t it?

    8. -Off Topic-
      DAMN. Where were you this past semester when I was taking intro to C# online and my Prof wouldn’t answer any of my emails sent after the second day of the course…
      I still got my A, but damn I could’ve used ANYBODY to tell me what the hell was wrong with a couple of my programs.

    9. “I have yet to see the advantage of getting the opinion of some sub-Saharan African about my C++ routines.”
      Amusingly, these folks probably have some other “diverse” ideas that diversity pushers would be afraid of.
      This is the same in the law. In my experience, good lawyers don’t need the diversity badge to prove their worth. One of my mentors is a black dude (also rumored to be gay), but a fucking outstanding lawyer. If you’re good, you’re good, regardless of your color, etc… But the unequivocally worst lawyers I have encountered (talking about ones working on my side, not opposing me where antagonism can be expected) were the diversity hires. I remember we had a summer associate position that was specifically reserved for a diversity hire. We had a kid from a top ten law school to fill the position. I got tasked to mark up one of his assignments. It came two weeks late after I badgered him about it (as it wasn’t real work, I had other shit to worry about first). And when I read it, it was barely written in anything I’d call English. It was shocking how bad it was. I’m talking incomprehensible. I’m not joking when I say that this was written at a level that I surpassed in elementary school.
      But this guy is going to enter a profession where written work is the primary deliverable, with the credential from a top school, and will undoubtedly fill some AM Law 100 firm’s diversity quota. Buyer beware.

      1. At a local univerisity “international students” are allowed to write essays in their native language. The university must hire a translator for the prof to be able to understand it and then grade it. The foreigner receives the same diploma when he graduates even though he is unable to speak or even understand one word of english.

        1. Often these “grads” are later hired by the university as professors and their accent is soo thick the class can’t understand a word they are saying. When a local english speaking student asks for clarification after class the prof is too busy socializing with the “international students” from the country the prof came from in their language! Since the red carpet has been rolled out for the “international students” at the locals expense there are not enough seats for every student enrolled in the class and many have to sit on the floor in the stairs of the lecture hall in violation of the fire code.

    10. Ugh, C++? What a hot mess of pointers; not advocating for Java either, Python is superior in my opinion.

      1. C++ offers a great balance between low-level efficiency and flexibility, and high-level convenience.
        Python has a stigma in my eyes as it is used as “baby’s first programming language” too often. My state university system runs Python classes for the first 2 years and then hits students with ASM and C (not ++). A cynic might say that’s to get as many people as possible paying into a degree that they’ll never complete, so they can be fleeced further.

      2. It is a mess. I’ve since moved on to the .NET C# world, and Java. This was about 10 years ago, or so.

    11. Did they force you to change your answer and say “Huh, I thought of it that way?”

      1. No, but it basically put me on the short list for layoffs. Which was fine, in this industry I can put out a resume at 8am in the morning and have interviews scheduled by noon.

    12. Agreed. I am 49 and have been through many classes espousing the benefits of diversity. I am in sales and have pushed back many times. If I can find 9 African Americans that kick the crap out of every sales team who needs diversity? If I can find 9 whites who kick the crap out of every sales team who needs diversity? Bottom line, pick the most qualified person for the job and then go find more of them. Have a degree from Harvard but can’t do the job? Hit the bricks……..

      1. There is no affirmative action program which will work in sales. Either produce, or starve.

  5. Any enterprising administrators want to turn their university into a juggernaut in the time it takes to graduate a single class? Set a policy of admitting students solely based on academic performance.
    You may stand to benefit with the most successful alumni a school has ever seen, and a reputation for producing high quality graduates. You ought to start now, while it’s still legal to *not* discriminate based on race.

  6. >> “So why would it be allowed today, just because the races in question are reversed? Is there something inherently bad about white people (and Asians) that we should limit their access to education? If this is merely an argument that “diversity is good” then the same law which is good today (encouraging diversity) would have been bad in the 1960s (preventing diversity), which makes no sense.”
    The answer is a simple one.
    Racism was never a problem for the left (neither for the right). It’s widely supported by the whole political spectrum, including supposed “anti-racism” organizations (and including black people, who are even more racist than white ones).
    The problem was lack of diversity, which is considered morally wrong, So to promote diversity you’re allowed to use racism, the same way one century ago you were allowed to use racism to prevent diversity.
    Racism is basically the only thing that never mattered at all. It keeps being the same.

    1. I still don’t understand why diversity is a moral issue at all. It has no innate Good value that I can find. Most of the time it’s nothing but an annoyance and being forced to kowtow to somebody else’s poor tender ego.
      Better put, what can I learn from a guy from Liberia that I haven’t already learned from my next door neighbor Chas (implied white dude, in case there are any doubts)? What can the Liberian contribute to my understanding of the world? Where will his advice be of benefit? Maybe in how to spot people with Ebola, but even then I can read a book or article and figure it out pretty well.
      So what actual moral good does “Diversity” provide me?

        1. I know you’re kidding. It’s an actual question that I’m starting to ask out loud in public a lot these days. That and “Teamwork” are bullshit concepts that we’re expected to accept at face value as inherently good. I’ve yet to hear anybody actually answer my direct question in a satisfactory manner, as expressed above.

        2. What are you talking about? I’m like all totes-mcgotes super serial!
          But in all seriousness, I would love to just watch the stunned reaction of people as you ask those questions. Chances are 99.9% of the population hasn’t given that question a second of thought.

        3. I find that teamwork works best when each person has a particular task they perform without question. When I was in the Boy Scouts, you could always tell which boys were a team because there would be a few kids setting up the cooking area, a few kids pitching all the tents, and a few kids running back and forth for supplies.
          Teamwork should mean everyone does the tasks assigned, and everyone takes pride in his own task. It does not mean sitting in a circle talking about each individual aspect of everything, and it does not mean the group is composed entirely of friends.

        4. That kind of mutual cooperation is fine. The “Teamwork!” I’m talking about is the kind pushed in corporations. Basically, they call in 10 non-producers who don’t understand the project and the two guys who actually have to build the product. You sit for 2 hours as each useless breather gives you her “input” which is meaningless, then you go back and actually create the product. Basically you’ve wasted 2 hours of your life for “Teamwork!”, then they step in at the end of the project and claim credit and get promotions. Fuck that noise.
          Real teamwork, like a squad of soldiers, is invaluable for exactly what you outline.

        5. People really don’t question it, it’s turned into a cultural bromide that’s posited as axiomatic. Questioning it out loud is literally a stunner to most people.

        6. How many fucktards does it take to make a spreadsheet? To be fair, Excel was the only product in the MS Office suite that I found difficult, and even I managed to learn how to use it after a few minutes. But yes, I see your point. All those people figuring out how to use Excel, then they let the nerd finish the project, and then everyone gets credit.

      1. I really have no idea. And I think that a bit of diversity is great, some fresh blood and new ideas, even bad ideas, to shake the thing.
        But the current situation is beyond any logic. Societies are breaking down. And I don’t think some leftist people understand what nightmare that can be.

        1. I don’t hate diversity per se, I just attach no moral value to it. I mean Chinese restaurants are cool. Kebobs are cool. But you don’t necessarily need “those people” (pick your food ethnicity) to prepare it correctly. A decent chef can study the styles and come away as competent as any chef from China (or wherever). But if they’re here making food, that’s cool too.
          As to new ideas, I’m not convinced that we get any new ideas by seeking out people with different skin color. Western society has self-critique built into it, and that has served us well to the point where we have built the modern world. Asking Mugumbo his opinion on a skyscraper is futile, besides, he’s too busy daisy chaining rival tribes to answer most of the time. I get nothing from him that I can’t get from anybody else.

        2. New ideas are not related to skin colour. And Africa lacks particularly anything interesting to share beyond mineral resources. Indeed, most of interesting stuff is geographically located: western European countries (include US, Canada and Australia), north-eastern Asia (check a map, and you’ll see that most of what Asia has of interesting comes from there), jews communities, and few more.

        3. New ideas are not related to skin colour.
          Exactly, that’s exactly my point.

        4. You need dreamers, big-picture planners, and doers. With those kinds of people doing what they do best, all ideas are possible.

        5. Even not related to an specific country. Check this map of wealth in China. Now draw a 1500-2000 km radius circle around South-Korea… and it happens that this area of China is exactly the wealthy one. All the productive areas in Asia are concentrated in Japan, Korea and this chinese area near Korea, which are likely to have quite a similar culture (South Korea and Japan are very similar in many ways, for example). Is that a coincidence? Or is this area the “Germany” of Asia and the one that can bring interesting things?

        6. Right. And they can be any race, color or creed. They gain no value from being “diverse” in skin color, to me. Either they provide value as an individual, or they do not. My life should not be structured around trying to include useless breathers in my circles simply because they are brown (or whatever). Yet, society holds forcing me to do such as nearly a religious dogma. Nobody can tell me why this is important.

        7. That really has to do more with geography than anything else. If you look at a climate map you will notice almost all of the blue is desert, while almost all of the red is fertile. The red areas simply developed agriculture, whereas the blue areas didn’t even get a chance to start developing until the 20th century. On a whole, China is very homogeneous as culture and race. Outside of Tibet, Outer Mongolia, and Xinjiang (uyghur country), pretty much the entirety of China is Han.

        8. On the other hand, when society does fall, these people would be easy to conquer and rule.

        9. South Korea is given an economic stimulus by the USA, as is Japan. China is where all of our stuff is made, giving them a less direct US-sourced stimulus, so it makes sense that the locations closest to its ports are the rich ones.
          I suppose that the areas you mention are productive as that’s where the USA is spending its money.

      2. The only diverse society functionning well is the French Foreign Legion.
        Now I don’t think a lot of people preaching it are willing to live like in the FFL for the sake of diversity.

        1. Is the FFL functioning well still?
          Also, Does the FFL count as being all that diverse? As I understand it, that institution drills groupthink into its members, to the degree that they’re all compelled to speak French and only French.

        2. True, they’re just racially diverse, not culturally. Their only culture at work is the one of the Legion.

      3. Remember 20 years ago when we were bombarded with “tolerance”? I am good with tolerance. I tolerate fucking idiots every minute of the day. Now that’s not good enough and we have to “accept” everybody (minus Christians and white men).

        1. Real tolerance is fine as far as it goes. Civil life requires restraint. Now it’s “Tolerance means you destroying your culture and giving up everything you value in order to validate my feelings about my own (whatever)”.

        2. I’m not a believer in any new world order conspiracy/alien/illuminati/patriarchy conspiracy that made the male/female gender roles and put white men in power. I believe that happened naturally, so I do not feel the need to accept/replace the current culture with those subcultures. We merely have to tolerate the small percentages that don’t line up with the majority and can adopt any positive aspects we find in them. e.g. I would love a world with more artists, but can do without a proliferation of debaucherous bathhouse gay sex.

      4. People think that a cool or sad story from a foreign land is beneficial to their over all world view, when in reality its no more important than the fiction they just read or watched on tv. Its interesting is all and they mistake “interesting” for some sort of learning or life changing information because it came from someone with a funny accent. Fucking mind games.

  7. I am not surprised in the slightest that the Supreme Court confirmed that race should be a factor in deciding which students should be admitted to university, because this is just one of many similar edicts to come, in which TPTB will continue to aggressively relegate humanity to the position of being optionless serfs.
    Case in point – the time is rapidly approaching when nobody but the very wealthy will have any say at all regarding exactly where, and with exactly whom, they can live.
    In the Kevin Costner movie, “Three Days to Kill”, there is a very interesting ancillary storyline which runs through the course of the film. One day, Costner’s character, who is a hit man for the CIA, returns home to his European apartment and finds a refugee family living there. Rightfully angry, he makes a phone call, and finds out that the European Housing Commission (or whatever the name of the agency actually was in the film) was now mandating that anyone who had an apartment, had to make that apartment available on a seasonal basis for refugee families, and do so on very short notice. Costner’s character eventually starts to like his new roommates (part of the overall Hollywood/SJW futuristic mindfuck here), but the more frightening aspect of this film, is the fact that this really is happening right now in Europe. And eventually, it will spread to the USA and elsewhere.
    Back in 1969, an elitist insider gave a speech to a gathering of doctors and healthcare professionals. And in that speech, he painted, with words, exactly what was going to happen in the future. And the speaker at this gathering said that in the future, only the super rich would own real estate, because even people who were once considered wealthy, simply would no longer be able to afford it. (This is merely history repeating itself; think of the land barons in the UK during feudal times – hey, wait, they still exist! – never mind.) And most especially, this included people who had worked and saved money their entire lives, and had already paid off their mortgages – all of these people would eventually find themselves out on the street, looking for an apartment. Because instead of going through the normal cycle, where home prices rise, and then fall, home prices would eventually go up, stay up, and keep going up further. So the average schmuck would be priced out of the market forever. And property taxes would continue to rise right along with those perennially rasing property values, to the point where nobody but the super rich could afford to pay the taxes (as well as the insurance and the miscellaneous upkeep expenses).
    At that point, according to this insider, the Federal Housing Administration (or some similarly named future agency) would start to dictate exactly where, and with whom, all but the super rich in the USA would live – just as is happening right now in parts of Europe, as Kevin Costner’s modern-day film shows us, in real time.
    If you don’t think it could happen here in the USA, think again. Obama and his cohorts have already started sending Section 8 housing dwellers into upscale urban areas, to live among the semi-rich. Certain properties have to be made available, right now, via HUD and other federal agencies, to low-income U.S. residents, per federal mandate, in whatever regions the Feds select. And that sure as hell fits this scenario, doesn’t it? People who own their own homes, and live in really nice areas, are already being bullied and dictated to – and that puts the Feds just a hair away from eventually telling everyone exactly where, and with exactly whom, they can live.
    I have stayed in hotels all over the USA during the past 15 years, while traveling on business. And I have already seen this very thing happen up close and personal. Yes, the Feds are actually already housing low-income people – many of whom have severe mental illnesses, like schizophrenia (when the hospitals get overrun or the person can no longer afford to pay for healthcare, this is where they are now being sent, and I guess this would technically make them Obamacare refugees) – at various nationwide chain hotels, and they are doing it on the taxpayers’ dime.
    And actual refugees from other countries are also starting to appear at these very same hotel chains, too, all of which is paid for in the very same way (meaning via your tax dollars).
    So the refugees and the mentally ill get priority status – meaning, if you should lose your home in the future, due to losing your own job, and you are forced to live in a hotel, you will be the first person out on the street once the refugees start filling up that hotel…
    I saw this happen for the very first time shortly after Hurricane Katrina, way back in September of 2005. I was staying at a hotel in Atlanta, which was part of a national chain, and suddenly, I found myself with no room at the hotel despite having stayed there for a couple of weeks and having already paid for two more weeks in advance. Why? Well, it’s an interesting story. You see, when the Feds kicked many of the low-income property owners out of the Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans (and other wards, too) – and these were people who had lost their homes due to flooding no less – the Feds gave each of them a prepaid debit card with $1500 on it and a one-way bus ticket to get the hell out in order to be relocated against their will to various cities in the Southeastern and Southwestern USA. Well, when the Feds did that, one of the cities they targeted with the hurricane refugees was Atlanta. And one of the hotels they targeted happened to be the one where I was staying, and intended to stay at, for at least another couple of weeks. But no dice for me – refugees always get top billing in this Brave New World…
    The only solution here, is for the truly discerning, critically thinking male, to get so rich, that he will be able to afford the soon-to-be-realized state of hyperinflationary home prices and property taxes, which is already boring down on us like a freight train. Because if he doesn’t, a time is rapidly approaching when – even if he has a great job, and his very own apartment, which he happens to rent in his very own name – he will be forced to share it with 10 Somalian refugees (or maybe even 10 transgender Somalian refugees, at that), if the Federal Housing Administration tells him he has to do so (all paid for with his own tax dollars, of course)…

      1. Really? I thought all of Austin was weird. Haven’t gone through in 12 years, but that’s how I remember it. Still better than San Antonio.

        1. There’s the weird core, centered around the capital and the university, and there’s the reasonably sane perimeter. If you watch carefully, you’ll learn to see the exact moment you cross the invisible line.

        2. San Antonio at least has the anti-hipster, the Cholo.
          But than again, the majority of women are ham planets with tattoos on their faces who’ve never left outside the main highway loop.

        3. All I know of the city:
          – A friend’s girlfriend is from San Antonio. She’s got problem glasses, short dyed hair, and a nasty feminist attitude.
          – Any friends who went to Trinity became worthless to society.

        4. Anything higher than associate’s in San Antonio is considered over qualified, the local population is that under educated.
          You’ve met one of the few purple haired feminists to come from here, and spotting one in San Antonio is like finding a rhino in the wild.
          If you get a local Mexican girl young, consider yourself lucky. An overwhelming majority of women here are single mothers and the ones who aren’t are likely women from out of town.

  8. If you haven’t done it yet, read “The Bell Curve” — explains everything. Of course, there’s a huge swath of the idiot population that would call you racist for understanding the unmitigated truth in what the Bell Curve says about the human race.

    1. Notice that progressives denounce IQ testing as a pseudoscience and a “mismeasure of man,” except when a study purports to find that lower IQ white people vote for Republicans, or support Donald Trump, for a more recent example. Then mysteriously IQ becomes a valid predictor of white people’s political behavior.

  9. Diversity is great and I agree with the author. I enjoyed meeting people from India, for example, at college. Affirmative action doesn’t have as its goal to create a diverse student body, it is a remedy for past wrongs and on that basis it shouldn’t be allowed. The fact is if a college wants affirmative action, assuming that blacks have economic disadvantage (it does, and it is based on this assumption) just reserve slots for lower socio-economic backgrounds. This would at least eliminate the onerous skin color test that is now the law of the land.

    1. There are some blacks who do well in society. Why don’t people ask how they become successful? What mindset one must have to beat the odds.
      It’s not impossible. Just go do it.

  10. Whites should think like Jews. Everytime something happens, Jews ask themselves “is it good for the Jews?”, and based on Yes/No answer they take an appropriate course of action.
    If only whites had a group identity and asked themselves “Diversity? Is it good for the whites?”. The answer would be obviouse.
    Instead whites ask questions such as “Is it fair?” or “Is it just?”. Wrong questions.

    1. Doesn’t everyone, when faced with a decision, ask themselves “is this good for me” Ok, well, not everyone. I mean not idiots. But most people…like if an opportunity comes up, don’t they say “is this good for me?” I don’t think that there are very many people with any brains that don’t ask that question and there are very few, if any, of any group who ask the question about the well being of the group before the well being of themselves.

      1. When then “Diversity action” exists?Why millions of third-worlders poured to the West? If whites acted as a group, this would’ve never happened. Whites stopped acting in their self-interests decades ago.
        White-Guilt, is it good for whites? Why then so many bought into it?

        1. I can’t get behind any kind of group think. I simply have never subscribed to any positive benefit coming from putting the group before the individual. It is unnatural and in the end no good.
          The only people who want the group to succeed over the individual are people who would be worse off without the group. This means that the people in any given group who are most adamant about its success are the ones who aren’t apt to be successful in any meaningful way themselves.
          This isn’t to say that people should never care about a group, only that to put it above individual concerns is cause for consternation in my opinion.
          On a small scale it reminds me of college. I used to hate group assignments because I knew that I was going to do better than everyone in my group. The people who were happy about it were the people who would be latching themselves onto my success.
          The top tier of the group is going to pull the weight and, usually, would do far better for themselves if they didn’t have to. They are only guilted into it by the bottom tier of the group who would all be worse off without the collectivist efforts.

        2. Says someone who either hasn’t really though things through or who has a wildly exaggerated opinion of his own capabilities….
          We would ALL be far worse off without our groups (as mere isolated individuals.) Social cohesion is one of the most beneficial and productive innovations that we humans have going for us… Without it the first time some warlord comes across something he wants that you have (whether it’s your food, your land, your tech, or your daughter) it’s his… Our ‘groups’ (aka nations, states, communities, ethnicities, etc.) with their cohesive values and rule of law are all that stands in the way of this.
          Then of course is the trump card: an individual cannot maintain their own gene pool this can ONLY be accomplished as a group. Many of our genes have evolved to function optimally within a background of other genes that have been present throughout our group evolution… If you do not act to maintain some degree of cohesiveness to this group you are handicapping your own decendants.

        3. Disagree on social cohesion. Believe that strict individualism is much more important. Don’t give a fuck about gene pool.

        4. Then you choose to give your decendants a sub-optimal outcome (most of their genes are going to come from that gene pool you don’t give a fuck about.) Those of us who know of such things as coevolved gene complexes, reversion to mean, etc, understand that we are stronger together than we are alone. People like you who only care about your own skin are a disgrace to your race, your nation, your gender, and your species.

        5. decedents? Why in the world would I want any of those.
          I don’t care about the race. It is a joke. You boys have your little homo jerk off session. I am out doing things. What you think you know about gene science is a joke.
          Everyone in the world has a dream that a war will come and the outcome will be them on top. The jigs think they will stop whitey. The jews think their messiah will come. the arabs think global jihad. The Christians think the rapture. Race dingbats think that somehow the white race will win a race war and make for a return to traditional values.
          You are all fucking idiots.

        6. Ah, so you’ve self selected as unworthy to reproduce… The rest of us, the grown ups who actually give a shit about humanity as a whole (and not just what it can give us) will make plans to benefit our progeny because we aren’t content to be reproductive losers.

        7. keep pretending bucko. I am sure it will do you a lot of good. Let me know when you have that progeny. I might need my car washed.

        8. If it ever comes down to a race ‘war’ I’d put my money on the race that when push came to shove dominated pretty much every other throughout history… Hopefully though that’s not necessary (I’m more of the live and let live mindset, but ‘let live’ doesn’t mean ‘let ourselves be demographically overrun to oblivion…’)
          Lol, yes, fucking women and making babies must make me a ‘homo’ lol… Project much?

        9. Race war won’t happen and you have nothing to do with the accomplishments of others

        10. Bull shit I don’t… The parts of their accomplishments, and of mine, attributable to inborn genetic attributes, are of a shared biological resource that we all benefit from (including ungrateful oblivious assholes like you,) and to do nothing but reap the fruit of that Darwinian selection, while doing nothing to protect the resource, just makes you a total dick.

        11. Already here… No matter what they choose to do with their lives, they will at least exist, which is more than can be said of yours.

    2. Jews have no trouble making sure their youngsters get indoctrinated and propagandized with Jewish identity. If American organizations sent white American kids to the UK or the Continent to learn about their white heritage, you know how the (((media))) would characterize this.

    3. im not even white and i agree w this. i think all groups should think in this manner

  11. Racism is Never OK

    We should question this hard from now on. As I’ve pointed out before, the “racist” white men who built this country, like Andrew Jackson, always acted in white Americans’ interests, and they had no trouble finding white women willing to marry them. Early American white women could see these men’s willingness to do what it took to protect and provide for them and their families. They didn’t shame these men for killing feral redskins or keeping the plantation’s slaves in line so that the land stayed productive. “Racism” came from the men who did the harsh but necessary things to make their people successful on this continent.

    1. Racism is not only ok it is ALWAYS right. Skin was supposed to be like a uniform or team jersey you could never take off designed to let you know who is supposed to be on your side and who isn’t. The only scum who ignore this are the lowest treacherous swine.

  12. Transcendentally disgusting. Perhaps i should say, but I get too angry, like watching movies about 9/11, which I do not do. The Civil Rights movement is proven a lie. We can see it one of those social movements which have gone from being a movement for rights, to a war on all right.

  13. Look, white dudes… you shouldn’t be upset about this at all. Here’s why:
    #1: White men are the first in any society to let go of stupid and pointless things. White men are skipping colleges in droves. College is over– it’s not a thing for an intelligent person any more. It’s just four years you will spend getting deep into debt instead of establishing your life. Hell,spending those four years hiking through Europe would be time better spent because:
    #2: College has been HARMFUL to white men for a few decades at least. I went into college as a master-level computer programmer because I was one of those high school dorks who spent his Saturday nights learning assembly code while everyone else was learning how to unsnap bras. So what was the teacher’s reaction to me in college? I was accused of “cheating” by multiple professors. Why? Well, let me use one of these professor’s own words: “You can’t know this, I haven’t taught it yet.” In one case I was even denied my class credits (and I was too timid to find a lawyer and sue in those days).
    #3: The requirement of college certification for jobs only still exists in dinosaur and government industries. If you want to be cutting edge, whether you went to college or not doesn’t matter a bit– your prospective employer is going to want to see what you’ve DONE. I actually know of a software firm that will ONLY accept employees WITHOUT a college degree because, quote, “we don’t have to unteach them everything.”
    So don’t grieve for this. Let the leftists swallow themselves.

    1. I actually know of a software firm that will ONLY accept employees WITHOUT a college degree because, quote, “we don’t have to unteach them everything.”
      Good on them, what is the name of that firm?

      1. They have specifically asked me not to draw any attention to them whatsoever. They have several “unorthodox” practices in these modern times, and they don’t want to get a media assault. I’ll just say they’re a successful indie gaming company. If you have been a gamer in the last ten years, you have almost surely played their big hit.

  14. Sure, colleges can admit students based on skin color as long as the said colleges do not accept government money from taxpayers.

      1. If you’re a private college and receive no government support, you can have all white students or all black students or whatever. If the college receive tax breaks, then no.

        1. You’re arguing for freedom of association. It’s a great theory, but you’re more than 50 years too late. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 ended that. Now if you even make it clear you will only sell your house to someone of your same race, you are actually committing a crime.
          You can thank LBJ. What a horse’s ass that guy was.

  15. I’m actually quite impressed. An article dealing with race and the stormfags haven’t ruined the comment section.
    Now let’s see how long it remains that way.

      1. Imagine how the patients feel… knowing that their black doctor could have been passed through med school with grades that would have flunked out any white or asian applicant? Knowing that your life may be in the hands of an affirmative action quota instead of someone that earned his entrance through something other than a liberal race quota and the color of his skin.
        Meanwhile if you point this out, a liberal will scream and call you a rayciss.

  16. I’m sick of whites being called somehow ‘guilty’ for being the descendents of slaveowners. Stupid sjw’s will say ”you whites all owned slaves and whipped them like in the movies”. Well that’s horse shit. MOST whites couldn’t afford a slave. MOST whites had to work for themselves. Even today, who can afford a butler or a maid? Who wants one anyway?
    Back during the Dutch slave trade, the top 10% of the wealthy could afford to bid at the slave auctions and only the top 1% who controlled the southern plantation system could afford to buy large numbers of slaves. A typical white working family wasn’t for slavery any more that a laid off GM worker would be for new Chinese plants. It all boils down to the Elites selling out their country and outsourcing all of the local economy and jobs to cheap third world slave labor. Whether it’s Chinese plants or imported slaves in your country, it’s still outsourcing. The plantation bosses ran the same sham as the corporate bosses today who outsource industry to cheap third world slave labor.
    So are all whites among the top 1% elitist bosses?? Should all whites be blamed for the elite bosses importing and outsourcing local jobs?? During the early 19th century in the south, there were entire swaths of the south where a new white immigrant family conldn’t even find work. The plantation bosses ran the south and sold out the white man like the corporate globalists of today. Faced with starvation, whites packed their belongings on wagons and headed west, to California. Between 1825-1855, a mass exodus of whites from the south of loaded wagon trains headed west, leaving pockets that began to resemble something more like Haiti, and with an economy akin to the Mexican elitist oligarchy with no middle class and a huge peasant population.
    But again, I go off when people say ”ooh you whites ALL had slaves”. Bullshit. To own a slave was like owning a brand new Cadillac Escilade or a Hummer. Maybe one in a hundred people can afford one or want one. Most whites are just fine working for themselves. Marry a white woman with half a brain and your children too can do anything and everything that’s expected.
    FRESH EGGS. Before 1st wave feminism (-1875) the average age a white western woman married and began breeding was shortly after puberty (13.5-14yo). Forget college and even high school. No chance to do blow jobs in the back of the school bus. Women were strapped into marriage early on and families were rolled out with the freshest eggs. No Down’s, no autism, no aspie. Just clean cut vine-fresh DNA. It’s sad today the sickly old eggs that whites are breeding by. I don’t know if even teams of slaves would be any consolation, even if they helped wheeling around the drooling down’s offspring. We need to start smacking fresh eggs white man, at least fresher than the rotten liquid omlette that feminism has cooked us into. With healthy offspring we don’t need no stinking slaves. The aryan man ”can do all” I’ve heard somewhere. No slaves required.

    1. “During the early 19th century in the south, there were entire swaths of
      the south where a new white immigrant family conldn’t even find work.
      The plantation bosses ran the south and sold out the white man like the
      corporate globalists of today. Faced with starvation, whites packed
      their belongings on wagons and headed west, to California”
      And then they were replaced with wet back border jumping beaners because we are supposed to believe the kids of these whites couldn’t figure out how to pick fruits/vegetables or didn’t want to because it was too hard. It had nothing to do with the fact the corporate globalists could pay spics less. What a load of bs

  17. What could possibly go wrong with putting racial politics ahead of academic merit?

  18. the author is wrong – racism IS okay. everybody’s racist. go to any homogenized countries – its a very us vs. them mentality, and thats totally fucking ok.
    my problem is with racism + violence. i do not condone that. but being one skin color and not wanting to socialize w indians or blacks or whites or asians, etc… thats called “natural”!
    ps – probably the race im most racist against is whites. i think majority of them are fuckin losers and just saltine squares overall. AND YET– i still get called an uncle tom by my colored friends bc im not a lefist, i dont support affirmative action, and i sympathize w white males getting boxed out of modern society in the name of diversity, which is totally wrong and unjust.

    1. I don’t know man REAL. racism is kind of fucked up. I don’t mean the SJW version of it I mean real racism like wanting to screw people over because they are different just isn’t right but, someone who just wants to associate with their own kind isn’t racism, it’s just the way it is.
      The SJW warrior version where anyone who doesn’t toe the line is a racist is just idiotic.
      Saltine squares? Lol and I thought I had been called everything.

    2. Your colored freinds are right, you are an uncle tom because you “sympathize with white males getting boxed ou of modern society in the name of diversity” when it is NOT “racism+violence” Being a typical jiggaboo you are too dumb to leave a comment without contradicting yourself

  19. To answer the question about whether this would have been constitutional in the 60’s under the 14th Amendment, given a very fair reading of that amendment, would probably be less.
    The intent of the 14th Amendment was to give the federal government tools to protect citizens, especially, at the time of its passage former Africa slaves. Most academics think that as part of that duty the federal government could choose to engage in “remedial policies” if the need was found to exist. (Evidence of this can be see in the civil rights acts passed after the ratification of the 14th Amendment).
    That said, I believe the courts would have held that any remedial policy would need to be narrow in both scope and time and require a compelling interest with no reasonable alternative. I think given all of this a case could have been made that a narrowly crafted affirmative action program could have passed constitutional scrutiny that lasted maybe 10-15 years at most.
    But, that is not the case it has now been about 50 years and the empirical evidence suggests it has little positive affect on minority enrollment and some pretty good evidence that it is hurting the same people these policies are designed to help.
    So, yes, racism in any form in 2016 is abhorrent to our Constitution and the court was just wrong to rule as it did.

  20. Racist hateful white men who lynched an innocent black didn’t *care*
    that he was innocent of whatever crime they accused him of—they simply wanted him punished or killed because he looked like other blackmen.

    Is this part of the article about a specific, proven incident?
    “Persian” students? I assume that means Iranians? It always did seem odd to me that citizens of a hostile country, in which we have no embassy, could-somehow-openly become students in our schools.

  21. Wasn’t a quote from the Romans “Divide and Conquer”? Diversity makes us weak not strong. Commonality is strength diversity is weakness, but in the idiotic culture of the Baby Boomers, good is evil, morals don’t exist and the Emperor has no clothes.

  22. I assume there will also be drinking fountains for “coloured only” and they will sit at the back of the bus? Oh wait, segregation was only bad when conservatives were doing it.

  23. People should be allowed to segregate themselves along racial, religious or ethnic lines as they please. It’s called free association. Forced integration is no different than forced segregation, and has been a massive failure. The dogma of ‘diversity is our strength’ is a belief with no basis in reality used by the global elite to destroy any sense of racial or national pride so the masses are more easily controlled and manipulated turning everyone into a mindless consumer clone.

  24. Of course Sotomayor, the “wise Latina” herself, voted to uphold affirmative action – she herself is a self-described “affirmative action baby”. Meaning, she took a seat on the Court away from someone who deserved it, just because she was given preference for being a “fiery Latina” (her words). Funny, she didn’t recuse herself from the case, no? You’d think having unfairly benefited from affirmative action thru her whole career would make her slightly biased in favor of it.
    I can’t even look at that ugly bitch without wanting to hurl. All I see in her disgusting face is the collapse of our civilization. And don’t even get me started on (((Ginsburg))) and (((Kagan))).

  25. The majority of the money which funded the fancy campus you banged sand niggers rolling on E at came from taxes extorted off the majority white population, not tuition. All the diverse students you got on with so well were parasites who were too stupid and lazy to build their own colleges in the turd world holes they crawled out of you brainwashed leftist cuck race traitor.
    There were no innocent blacks lynched, only gorillas “thinkin wit muh deek” who couldn’t keep their monkey paws off “dem fiiine white wimmenz”. Do you think farmers destroy their tractors today for no reason aswell?
    Then you follow with the holohoax myth. Anything Germans might have done in self defense was not even close to being bad enough for what kike commies did in eastern europe like the holodomor.
    The “town preacher” is spreading the same inverted morality you spew and deserves to have his tongue cut off and stolen out of his empty head while the “town rapist” is engaging in natural mating behavior.
    There is no greater good than doing something “bad” to someone who deserves it. Next time just take a picture of the toilet paper you used to wipe your ass and post that instead of writing this drivel.

  26. The majority of the money which funded the fancy campus you banged sand
    niggers rolling on E at came from taxes extorted off the majority white
    population, not tuition. All the diverse students you got on with so
    well were parasites who were too stupid and lazy to build their own
    colleges in the turd world holes they crawled out of you brainwashed
    leftist cuck race traitor.
    There were no innocent blacks
    lynched, only gorillas “thinkin wit muh deek” who couldn’t keep their
    monkey paws off “dem fiiine white wimmenz”. Do you think farmers destroy
    their tractors today for no reason aswell?
    Then you follow with
    the holohoax myth. Anything Germans might have done in self defense was
    not even close to being bad enough for what kike commies did in eastern
    europe like the holodomor.
    The “town preacher” is spreading the
    same inverted morality you spew and deserves to have his tongue cut off
    and stolen out of his empty head while the “town rapist” is engaging in
    natural mating behavior.
    There is no greater good than doing
    something “bad” to someone who deserves it. Next time just take a
    picture of the toilet paper you used to wipe your ass and post that
    instead of writing this drivel.

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