Ask Me A Question And I Will Respond In Video

It’s been a few years since I did a video AMA. I’d like to do one now to capture my current thinking and beliefs. Using the comments below or Twitter, ask me a question that you would like an answer to. No question is off-limits, and I wouldn’t mind some harder questions that make me contemplate a reasonable position.

I’ll collect questions this week, film my answers, and then upload a indexed video so you can jump around to individual responses.

Don’t Miss: VIDEO: The Future Of The World

95 thoughts on “Ask Me A Question And I Will Respond In Video”

  1. What are the future plans for neo masculinity?
    I’ve seen the progression from PUA to Red Piller to what it has become today.
    Is there a final form?
    2nd Question- How are we going to prevent The Male Happy Hour disaster from happening again? How are like minded ROK member suppose to meet in public without being lynched by angry mobs and lose our jobs? Perhaps a Dark Web ROK site? Get everyone install onion routers? A 15 step identification process for forums etc? I actually still want to take this thing public.
    3rd. Other than reading these types of boards, spreading the word to other men etc, how can like minded men like ourselves help slow the decay of society? Sometimes I think we are just a bunch of guys sitting around on our computers complaining about all the problems of society without actually helping it in any way. Has it slipped to far for us to save? Are We just too grossly outnumbered?

    1. 2nd question answer) It is as simple as you creating the meetups and build your own network wherever you are. As I try to do.

      1. Silence fool! I asked our Lord and Savior. You will speak when spoken to!

        1. Well he did say silence to Red so I’m going to chime in. My group just had a meetup last weekend. Many groups are still meeting up; we just went underground to avoid all the crazed SJW’s. We’re amassing our tribes and preparing for when conflict comes a’knockin.

    2. Final form: Religion. Pick one or die. Always bring a religion to a religious war.
      Its been the final form for a thousand cultures for a thousand ages. We’re among the first, relatively speaking, to think that religion is something we can discard. We’re mistaken.
      Other than reading forums, show up to the future: have kids, raise them red pill, take over the Earth. The future belongs to those who show up.

  2. What is your opinion on the growing realization that digital, cartoon women can be imperfectious while real women, all of them are all flawed. While some may poke fun at this it is true and more and more men are going to give up on dating, finding a mate. I am not endorsing becoming a weeb by the way.

  3. Who are the five males (either personally known or famous men) who have contributed the most to your views and current position in life today? What ideas, values or knowledge did each specifically contribute to you?

    1. Five?. Damn. To completely answer all that would take quitena bit of time. Stop hoggin all the roosh.

  4. You realize that to save Western Civilization – or Christendom – we need women to want marriage and to be fertile – raise kids. Yet “Bang”ing them seems to be counterproductive to that goal (as opposed to enjoying the decline into a new dark ages). At best you seem of two minds, but why not reform and go to the better angels of everyone’s natures – including and especially women – eggs are dear – than to damage women often reducing their Marriage Market Value?

    1. ^ This. I was going to ask this specifically in my 3rd Q but i thought I would leave it more open and see if this exact concern came up on its own.

    2. “Banged” women are those that are low quality. These women have already decided through their low sexual standards, low social behaviour and high number of sexual partners that they are low quality and are unfit for marriage later in their life.
      A quality woman on the other hand is one that is fit for marriage. She is a virgin or has had one (MAYBE 2) sexual partners in her life.
      Women only fit for “Banging” have made decisions that have scared her whether she realises it or not and disqualified her for a quality man.
      They are different breeds of women, not a single breed.

      1. The kind of girl who will sleep with you the first night you meet her is in no shape to be a good wife. I’ve never taken a girl’s virginity. Men who bang sluts are having little effect on *lowering* the quality of women.

        1. Dude, I disagree.
          What about the guys who do the whole 3 dates thing with a women, then pull the old “pump and dump”
          Most girls start out being potential wife material, its the actions of men being jerks to them and just fucking them that reinforces their behavior.
          Eventually they just cave in and become sluts.
          These are all just my opinions though, and I would like Roosh’s opinion on the matter.

      2. Women simply need to be forced to do what is right. They’re too precious to civilization and humanity to be allowed to make mistakes. Their mistakes cost many many lives, a huge toll. Even considering that male mistakes are much more violent and deadly, male mistakes are most often paid for by other men, which are biologically more expendable. Female mistakes on the other hand just lead to worse consequences, more insidious consequences.
        Society must control women’s choices at all opportunities. Sorry ladies.
        “Woman is the nigger of the Earth.” ~John Lennon, The Beatles.

        1. It’s the world, not earth. That statement by the way, was after he broke off from The Beatles, and it’s the most white knight song I have ever heard.

        2. The line “Think about it, do something about it” really boiled my piss!! Lennon was the first celebrity SJW, and for that he can go fuck himself.
          I still love pre-Yoko Lennon though for his hilarious antics, like making un-PC jokes, pissing on nuns and doing retard impressions on stage.

        3. Yeah, I find John Lennon singing that song very ironic, being that he was a drunken asshole who beat both his wives, and abandoned his first wife along with his son…

      3. Why would any man of substance or quality bang a low quality woman. Roosh had a world tour – was he seeking quantity and not quality – see how many sluts he could bang?

        1. Most men are attracted to youth and beauty. When we talk about “low quality”, we are talking about long term relationship/marriage material. A low quality girl can still be young and hot.

    3. Dude, its not going to happen. Women used to do that, and they got divorced when their husbands when off to war and they both cheated or they went to work and could get easy lays from their disposable neighbors.. What you guys are saying is great in theory, but it doesn’t happen like that unless she is a good virgin who would make a good wife.

    4. I wanted to see Roosh’s response to that supposed 17 year old who wanted advice on not being an Amerislut, even if it was a hoax. In the world of Return of Kings, what are the women supposed to do?

      1. Women can’t do anything, only men can do for them. Ban the pill. Ban abortion. Ban equalitarian laws.

        1. Are you trolling? Women will just use have men use condoms, in fact, that is already the casual sex contraception of choice. And at that rate, why not IUD’s, or any other contraception? Anyways, you still didn’t answer the question, how can you both hate slutty behavior and still go out and engage in sexual activity with slutty women?

        2. Don’t ask me, I am a militant Christian fundamentalist. I rip on these guys all the time. But u understand, to some degree. The reason men can hate the game but not the player is because women control the sexual marketplace. Women, in the balance, control each individual sexual encounter.
          Don’t hate the player, hate the game.

        3. I still can hate the player. If men didn’t make it so easy to be a slut, women wouldn’t do it nearly as often. Anyways, I have problems with man sluts too. You are going to get STD’s, have illegitimate children, and have a multitude of other problems if you are a man slut…

    5. What in the flock? Men are not gonna stop taking advantage of womens hypergamous carousel pumping ways. Just as women are not gonna stop spreading the disease.
      Wishful thinking at best.

      1. We’ve replace the idea of virginity and chastity as the default with “date rape”. The “rape shield” laws are now working in reverse – instead of assuming a woman wishes to remain virgin or at least celibate every one assumes she is a slut. Even if they take up their mattresses daily and carry them to class. This will not last.

  5. Do you think there is an agenda involving the genocide of white/Caucasian people?

      1. Africa for the Africans; Asia for the Asians, White countries for everybody.
        No one is flooding African countries with millions of non-Africans, and giving them Affirmative Action, special rights, privileges and free health-care.
        No one is flooding Asian countries with millions of non-Asians, and giving them Affirmative Action, special rights, privileges and free health-care.
        Only White countries are being forced to do this; White traitors are supporting it, White children are suffering from it. It is GENOCIDE.

    1. Let’s say it were true, and there’d be no more whites after say, a century, then how is that even a bad thing as we wouldn’t be around to witness the fact. If the blacks create a shitworld for themselves then let them have it. They’ll regret whites lol

  6. Why is it that you keep referencing Orthodox Christianity, whilst knowingly fornicating? Doesn’t that the defeat the purpose of the entire message of Jesus Christ regarding adultery and fornication? Also, although I understand taking as many red pills as possible as opposed to blue pills to avoid being used by a whore, aren’t you also being a whore mongerer? I care for your soul, Roosh, that’s why I ask these questions.

  7. Have you ever regretted your life and wondered if you could have instead used your time to become a astronaut or a wealthy guy like one of your writers suggested in one of his posts?

    1. Charismatics are a hilarious circus. Great entertainment seeing effeminate and highly emotional males sway and moan, crying their gay boy eyes out to their mystical lover jesus.

      1. From what I understand, atheists do all of the cock sucking and ass play to gay convicts/Democrats coming out of prison. I am assuming you are atheist because of your mockery of Jesus. You can mock all you want, but every successful country right now is a result of Christianity. Judging from your profile, you seem like one atheists who, because of his own insecurities with his own existence, projects his inner frustrations toward others with religious beliefs and gets overly mad with American whores rejecting him whilst also chasing them.

        1. Holy crap let it go dude. Stop acting like a fag and insulting someone on the internet

        2. Your right, Loki and the beast. But he insulted me first and kept going. I am just stating some Freudian psychology and facts. I am not insulting anyone. Who is this guy anyway? By the way, some of the toughest dudes, including American revolutionaries and soldiers, were protestant.

        3. I was merely stating facts and responding to his insult. Why are your tits all up in the air?

      2. Most actual cocksuckers are atheist or Catholic. Loki and the beast, I am just factually stating something that is true. I am not insulting anyone here. Besides if you feel insulted, that’s your problem isn’t it?

      3. Some of the toughest people that ever walked the earth were followers of Christ, lol.

  8. Do you own firearms?. If so, what are they? Howndid you come to own them ie given by father etc?
    If not, why?.
    Do you plan to in the future?
    I think all men should own firearms.

    1. …you don’t ask a man what firearms they own.
      Christ, why don’t you just ask the man how much money he makes? It’s just as inappropriate.

        1. I was raised that it is rude to ask such a thing. You don’t discuss how much money you make, try not to discuss politics or religion, and you don’t discuss you’re firearms. It’s private information that is nobody’s business. And business like that can be harmful if in the wrong hands.
          Now, I might divulge one, maybe two firearms that I had, but never my whole arsenal. I of course know that Roosh is intelligent enough to not give away all information. I was still surprised that someone would ask, even in an open Q&A.

        2. “try not to discuss politics or religion” Only idiots can’t handle those discussions.
          “and you don’t discuss you’re firearms.” But why?
          “It’s private information that is nobody’s business.” Okay? How? Is it rude to ask what kind of car someone has?

        3. Depends on who you’re asking. But that’s also different information. You wouldn’t ask someone you didn’t know how much money they make, it’s also impolite to ask about firearms.
          And I DID explain why. Because firearms information can fall into the wrong hands.

        4. Fall into the wrong hands? Who cares if someone knows what guns you have? What could they do?

  9. Do you see another conservative backlash in western society similar to the 1980’s, or is that just wishful thinking from people who have woken up?

  10. What do you think about Milo and the other attention whore that kissed him publicly?

  11. How to be true to yourself while living in a Leftist-dominated society like Canada or Western Europe where,oftentimes, people like us have to lead double lives out of fear of reprisal?

  12. How long will the flabby doughy elites rule if they crush all resistance? Their entire existence defies natural human order, and their society of fraud cannot sustain itself without worker drones to keep it going for them. Taking into consideration scientific timelines, the human race cannot keep going the way it is, either we will all become totally sapped of life and dependent on technology ruled by the few secret devil-worshipping oligarchs and their fake money system of control or everything will backfire and chaos will overturn their subterfuge of fake order until one group powerful enough to return us to a state of human normality takes the stage. It’s been prophecized by many writers in science fiction, the failure of democracy in the 21st century leads to a takeover by the veterans, because only they have the real leadership skills to take a hijacked human world and make it work. In short, how will jewish marxist leftism fail permanently?

  13. If you became president, what executive orders would you make the first day in office?

  14. Roosh, we often laugh at the antics of feminists and SJW’s but the focused effort against you from the ROK meetups must have still been withering. What mindset principles and practices did you use to stay mentally strong during that fiasco?

  15. I remember in one of your videos or live talks you said you ate very little to maintain the figure you have.. Am a few years older and always experimenting with various habits and rituals to keep the diet such that one stays trim and toned. Of course exercise and weights too.. Do you have any tips for a man in his thirties for how to stay in form?

  16. With the current tensions in the US, I see a lot of men in the manosphere taking the side of the police. While organizations such as Black Lives Matter are dangerous and need to be stopped, it has become obvious in their inaction that the police are handcuffed by bureaucrats, while average citizens are being jailed for ludicrous offenses on a daily basis. What are your feelings on holding police accountable for 1) Their inaction when groups like BLM disrupt peaceful meetings (like the Young Republicans gathering at Depaul) and 2) Continuing to enforce immoral and unconstitutional laws that enable gun confiscation, seizure of assets, false rape accusations, and unfairly targeting and arresting men during domestic violence encounters?

  17. Your Tolstoy essay was excellent. Are you contemplating joining an organized church/religion?

  18. Should the Universal income be implemented thoughout society by taxing space mining ventures to build a massive general fund for humanity that pays out eventually based on only the interest it accrues?
    Also could we as men rally to this sort of cause if it would even be possible as well as even being a good idea?
    A true equality of sorts that men and women could unite over.

  19. Do you think the world would could work without money? For example, every body looked after their own families and communities. We would receive what we need then share the rest. Will the concept of giving and taking actually work without the stupid politicians and tax men?

  20. What can we do on our everyday life for changing the current course taking place in western civilization?
    Your bang books showed us how to take a profit out of it, and your last book freedom of speech isnt free showed us what’s wrong with the world.
    How can we find a healthy place in the middle of those two worlds you’ve been mastering in the last decade, Roosh?
    Thank you for your work. Keep up the good job.

  21. What is the end goal of “patriarchal nationalism,” and what steps can we take to bring about a Return of Kings

      1. Or condoms that have “Reminder, flush biological fluids down toilet after fornication. Sincerely, ROK” printed on the side.

  22. when you reflect on the books you’ve written over the years, how do you feel writing has affected you and how much of a different person do you think you would be if you hadn’t written your books?

  23. how do we bring back the patriarchy?
    and how do we stop this real life calhoun mouse experiment?

  24. do you believe that M.A.D. is real (Mutual Assured Distraction) and that the illuminati card game made by steve jackson was made to expose the agendas of the powers that be and that they’re the real deal?

  25. Roosh, from your recent posts I gather that you are looking for a woman to bond with and start a family.
    You’ve already explained what you are looking for, but I am more interested in learning where (i.e. which country/region) you will start your search in and for which reasons you have chosen that specific country?
    Ideally I would like to have kids too, but I know that it will become increasingly difficult in our world to find a loyal and kind woman with whom it is worth taking the risks of starting a family.
    I agree with you that ideally she should be a 6-7 on the attractivity scale, as the more beautiful a woman is, the harder it will be for a man to enjoy a healthy long-term relationship, which is what you are looking for, I think.

  26. Do you think the West can turn itself around and prevent the major collapse, or will the West have to fall apart entirely before we can rebuild our civilization?

  27. Given the increased emphasis in your writing on the importance of family and religious belief, do you still see the acquisition of notches and flags to be worthwhile in and of itself? Should one aim to increase one’s notch count in youth (and if so, for how long and to what end) or should the aim from the very start be to find a decent woman to marry?

    1. And as a follow up question: do you still believe (as you wrote previously) that to be a man one must ‘fuck 25 girls’?

  28. Are you a Muslim? I know you come from a Muslim family but you seem to have Christian sympathies. How would you describe your religious beliefs?

  29. How about a world where many more girls are born than boys but females are stripped of voting rights and receive very little to no education and every man is entitled to own girl(s), a bit like cattle. Every man would be happy and there’d be less or no more violence. Even women would be happy because it’s in their nature to be submissive and they would no longer know any better in the first place. As far as I know my cat is happy.

  30. Hello Roosh,
    Long time reader, only single time writer (about the Arab Slave trade).
    I believe fighting against revisionist history is key in restoring the West to its Victorian-era Imperial greatness.
    -Why are we making the Jews an enemy? If anything, Netanyahu and the Jewish ‘tribe’ are an example to follow to preserve our traditions, but not stagnate ourselves in a neo-luddite anti-technology binge. Throughout the Industrial Revolution, the Jews have embraced technology whole maintaining their cohesive community.
    -Men are generally the most genetically predisposed to lead. However, there are a few exceptions: Barack Obama, Margaret Thatcher, Elizabeth I etc… I believe that legislative enforcement of gender roles is de facto tyranny, but the encouragement of gender roles is necessary to a cohesive society. Why do you often advocate strict controls on gender roles?
    -Donald Trump is an electoral nightmare. He is polling behind Hillary Clinton in almost every swing state. He has a 60% negative opinion rating., which has accurately predicted every election since 2008 gives him a 22% chance of winning. Given the disastrous consequens of a Hillary Clinton presidency, I believe it would have been wiser to support a more electable candidate in the primary. I support much of what Donald Trump advocates, but I was always realistic about his chances of winning a General Election. Given the importance of keeping Hillary out (she is far more corrupt and dishonest than even your average dishonest politician), would you be willing to rethink your primary choice from a strategic perspective?
    -I came to RoK from Janet Bloomfield’s anti-feminist blog (she was complimentary of you). I have alleged that bringing men into the RoK-sphere is a step-by-step process. First we convince mainstream Republicans to the anti-feminist side, then expose them more and more to the RoK. I seriously doubt mainstream America will go from embracing the gender equality message to Roosh V overnight. And we need mainstream America to convert. Why do you antagonize female anti-feminists? I believe that many (not all) are an important step in growing our ranks as a movement: when men see women challenging the gender equality narrative, they will question it themselves. This is but the first step in taking the red pill.
    Thank you for your time,

  31. I’d like to know what day to day life is like for you now that you are infamous. Do many people recognize you? If so, are there more supporters or more haters? Has all the attention made it much harder to pick up women? How has this impacted your social life?
    Sorry for multiple questions.

  32. Do you believe in the Holocaust? I know you are Iranian so I know you don’t but anyway I’d like to see if you answer this question 🙂

  33. Where do you live right now ? Do you still like Poland ? What is the best country in Eastern Europe to live right now ?

  34. Hey Roosh.
    I just would like to know what you think we can all do to get the meet-ups started again, safely and successfully?
    It has become apparent to me only very recently that Hillary will be elected president no matter how much support the Don gets (I suppose I was watching the first half of this election through rose-colored glasses). However, after watching her get off cleanly for crimes that really should be punishable by death, and watching most of the American people accept this, I have lost the little faith that I still had remaining in the system. The system will not BEND so it must BREAK.
    I think the internet will be censored following Hillary’s voter-fraud election. Our days of having a place to openly express our opinions via the internet are numbered. And in light of your video (and many others) predicting an economically unstable, corrupt, and war-torn America, nationalists need to stabilize now as much as possible.

    1. Disagree on Hillary. Trad voters will put trump in. You’re gaguing sentiments at the moment but the GREAT MANBALL grows daily. Swing states will topple to trump and many women who don’t even comment here (ten women total comment here) millions of other women are screaming to rebuke their demonic shitlib feminist posession. Every day women beg toebe redeemed and they curse the bitch system and wish better mor their daughters. The point is that political climate is in flux and PEOPLE are waking up daily.

      1. I totally agree, and I am thankful that people are waking up daily. However, I’ve begun to question more than ever the system since it allowed Hillary to get off without charges, and I wonder if it’ll be enough to trump the corruption (no pun intended).

  35. How do you keep children well raised despite social pressures they will face to be like the other kids?

  36. In response to the article “Does Life Have Inherent Meaning Without Belief In God?” is it possible for us to posit a fifth way to deal with existential crisis? With the luxury of hindsight, the knowledge passed onto us from the lessons of histories and the great thinkers, could we not say something similar to what I’ve heard Vox Day and Stephan Molyneux say as a mission statement?–Follow a hero or become one yourself?
    In other words, can we find inherent meaning in life if we make it our mission to do everything we can to save the world?

  37. 1. Please explain for the unaware why fat shaming is so important and when we can expect the next Fat Shaming Week.
    2. Please explain why it is important for a woman to submit to a man and how to best train your woman to do as she’s told.
    3. Who will you be voting for in the upcoming election and why?

  38. Should men who have already attained some success in life and who have written off family and children (for legal reasons) join the military to find some sort of point and purpose in life? Is this practical or should we be content to just make money and enjoy our bachelor lifestyles with our toys and hobbies while practicing game and banging the occasional broad once in a while?

  39. Do you consider yourself a confident and mature person? Why yes or why not?
    What’s your biggest insecurity?
    Why should men listen to you? And how much faith should they put in your words?
    Sorry, I know those are bitch-questions. But you wanted them hard, so here you go.

  40. Can you give your honest, brutal opinion on men who abstain from sex before marriage out of religious conviction (assuming that the conviction is sincere and that this genuinely isn’t the result of betadom)?

  41. How do you convince normal men that the manoshpere is relevant to them and that they have a part in it?

  42. Roosh, where do you see the ROK website going in the future? Any advancements or changes, specifically?

  43. Roosh Q #1:
    What does your mother think of ROK and your body of work?
    I get that it might be off limits, but I had this thought about 3 months ago. Glad to see you fielding a Q&A.

  44. Roosh Q #2: Perhaps you covered this in an article or one of your books, so apologies if redundant:
    Have you ever loved, and/or lived with, a woman? What was that like for you?
    This assumes you think women are capable of love according to your own definition. Perhaps you see it as a power dynamic to be calibrated between two disparate beings, and calling it love when it’s dialed in. It could be anything. Seems unlikely that I’d be the only to have ever wondered such a thing about you and others who are on the same wavelength. I ask because I sense a split in your readership — between those who seem to have possibly experienced some kind of romantic love (as nebulous a term as it is in all of its myriad gradation and variety), and those who might be either doomed or blessed to avoid it forever. Perhaps you can recall the early hormone-driven illogical “toy” loves of youth that give way to the more balanced and intelligent kinds later in life.

  45. Question:
    I’m a 23 year old male virgin, and I’ve lost interest in women. I gave up porn and jerking off 3 months ago because I was addicted to it. I’ve also been lifting, eating healthier, reading the Bible, and keeping busy with learning how to fix my car.
    Women aren’t attractive to me. I walk down the street and they all look either too fat or too manly. I still get erections, but only morning wood and while driving. Sex has lost its appeal. I don’t care to pump and dump, cause it doesn’t seem worth the time and effort.
    I’m not sure what to do. I don’t want to just go back to porn and jerking off, but even if I wanted sex I don’t think I could find someone I’d want to do it with.
    What do you think I should do?
    Thank you.

  46. Roosh,
    Your writing has really impacted me. My gut instinct told me modern feminism had gross inconsistencies; you put the irony into words. Most people don’t have the balls to say that shit.
    Two questions: Are there any arguments from feminists that you do agree with?
    Also: do you have any sympathies for the 20ish American girl? How does that contrast to the perspective they have?

  47. How and when did you meet the first virgin that you deflowered and which relgion if you would pick would you rather believe in Christianity or islam ? And why havent you been to a muslim country for pickup (have you ever picked up a muslim girl)

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