We all know that rejection is a big part of game. Many game writers like to pretend that rejection is ‘not personal’. This is bullshit. Rejection from a woman is always about you and you alone. Suck it up, learn from it and then move on.
Reality Bites
Perhaps you are new to the game, or maybe you’ve been out of it for a long while, due to a long-term relationship or marriage. Either way, even if you’re the world’s most insecure guy, the chances are you will overestimate your SMV (sexual market value) – by five points.
Yes, that’s right. Most guys new to game think they are a whole five points higher than the women they approach rate them.
If you’ve sat in your bedroom for a decade reading game articles online, watching YouTube videos and masturbating without talking action then you’ve never challenged yourself. You’ve never collected real-world data to test your hypothesis about your worth.
It is only by going out into the real world, approaching real-life women, hitting on them (and making it obvious that you’re doing so) that you will get feedback that is worth anything.
And the chances are, unless you’re a natural, that feedback is going to say ‘sorry, you’re not good enough.’
Why Rejection Is Always Personal
Bullshit game writers who want clicks will tell you that a woman rejecting you is not personal.
This is irresponsible misinformation.
If you stand in front of a woman for more than five seconds and make it clear that you want to have sex with her, and she refuses you, and doesn’t even flirt with you or seem a little bit pleased, then the one thing you can be certain of is that it has something to do with you personally.
How could it not?
I’m not saying that other factors don’t come into play. Of course they do. Perhaps she is in a bad mood. Perhaps she feels ill. Perhaps her dog just died. Perhaps she has a boyfriend. Here’s the thing though. Imagine you were Ryan Gosling, George Clooney, Justin Bieber. Think she’d turn you down then? Or do you think she wouldn’t at least giggle, blush, and act a little bit flattered?
Of course she would.
You’re Not Triggering Womens’ Hypergamous Natures
In love and sex as well as in business the cold truth is that men and women want the best deal possible for themselves. As a guy, you naturally want to sleep with the most attractive girl you can. If you had a choice between two girls, one homely and the other a Sports Illustrated model then any man, being honest with himself, would pick the model.
It’s the same with women. They want the best return they can get in the market for their worth (determined by their looks and age).
This tendency doesn’t go away just because a person is married or has a partner. In some cases it intensifies. Once a woman has settled down with a guy it is only natural that she will scan the market from time to time to check that she’s made the best investment possible.
This being the case, if you approach, set out your stall, and don’t even get a flicker of warmth back, then you need to have a look at yourself and what you might be doing wrong.
I’m not saying you’ll get every girl. Of course not all married women will go with you. Neither will all girls with partners. Yes, a girl might just have been passed over for a promotion at work and not feel like chit-chatting with a random in her local coffee shop. But think about it like this—everyone has a price. If someone came up to you in the street and offered to give you $1m then you’d take it, right?
If you were displaying enough value then she would be flattered at least, and might even allow things to go further. That she didn’t must, in part at least, be a reflection on the way you are presenting yourself to the world.
The Sexual Marketplace Is Real
People in the manosphere talk about the sexual marketplace. Evolutionary psychologists like David M. Buss (The Evolution of Desire) talk about the sexual marketplace. It’s not pretty, it’s not romantic, but it’s real. Every human being has a sexual market value that is apparent to others around him or her.
Granted, a person’s SMV goes up and down throughout their life. Look at Denise Richards now compared to ten years ago. Or look at men like David Beckham who become more handsome with age.
Your SMV will also vary depending on where you are in the world—I got loads of attention from women in Moscow, for example, probably disproportionate to other places. But everywhere you go you will be judged, and women, having a biological imperative to ensure the best possible genes for their offspring, have a razor-sharp antennae for male SMV. It’s a value exchange—your looks, status and power for sex. And the harsh fact is that if you’re not showing enough value then you won’t get even a sniff of sex.
Improve Your Value
You can read all the articles about game you like. You can learn techniques. All of that is great. But you need to improve your value at the same time.
Luckily for guys, male SMV is based on things other than looks. Dress sense, body shape, power (as communicated through social savvy, business ability etc) are all extremely important.
It seems strange that in 2016 I am still banging the drum for very very basic self-improvement for guys who want to go out and meet girls. And yet men still come to me for advice on how to pull tens who have bad haircuts, shitty clothes, and nerdy demeanours. Get that stuff sorted—it’s important and you won’t start making real progress until you do.
Remember, if that perfect ten you approached doesn’t think you’re good enough for her then chances are she’s probably right.
To find out more about how to improve your value and attract beautiful women read Troy’s bestselling book, The Seven Laws of Seduction. To learn more click here.
“Hallo Droy Franziz. How do I ged dreesome doogether wid perfect den zupermodels?”
Don’t underestimate him. He probably knows some kama-sutra shit.
American women especially have some weird thing for foreigners. I’d call it an underworked market.
How ironic! American women hook up with Third World fellas, it’s an adventure, or perhaps a “cultural exchange.” When American men do it, it’s “sexual exploitation”. Then again, those guys are men. As long as they are getting poon from foreign women, they could care less about being exploited.
Awesome. When women leverage their first world status for sex, it’s novel-worthy grandeur. When men do it, they are just pedophiles (even when their girl is 25)
That’s the same with all women…
Who cares what women think anyway?
haha! yeah, foreigners that look like this. Not bug-eyed IT guys.
I guess it gives a whole new meaning to the term “Thank you! Come again!”
Why the fuck would you be trying to hook up with a married woman?
In the spirit of this refreshingly red-pill article, the brutally honest answer to that question is for thrills. Doesn’t make it moral, doesn’t make it right, but dicks don’t have a conscience.
Because you know for sure she’s not going to demand a serious relationship at any point.
Ask your wife? Flip that script. I don’t understand why some men blame the other man when a married woman cheats.
“Remember, if that perfect ten you approached doesn’t think you’re good enough for her then chances are she’s probably right.” I usually don’t like your articles, Francis. But this one is so wonderfully red-pill, I absolutely love it!
It’s blue pill as fuck. As blue as the pill shoved down men’s throats in primary school when the bitter feminist teachers insist women can do no wrong. Troy is just putting the pussy on a pedestal. Having the exact opposite of an abundance mentality, turning inward and then chasing after is NOT why anyone here should be improving themselves. Women should be made to feel the need to chase after you, and that comes from improving yourself for the sake of it.
Why do I want a “perfect 10” who pretends to like or only likes me because of my wealth, appearance, and how I manipulate her emotions? Why do I want A woman who is only looking for what I can do for her and if given the opportunity (marriage/divorce, false accusations, pregnancy, etc) to take off with what she wants would do so?
That’s not how it works…she finds you attractive and succumbs to the obvious benefits you represent. Women like this actually do fall in love with you. Is it as a result of your obvious success? So? Isn’t that success the point of the whole damn relationship in the first place? Otherwise, if men weren’t driven in this way, becoming “successful” to fulfill the needs of independence and sexual pleasure, WHY pursue the work to become successful? Why sacrifice the study time? Why DELAY in favor of the long-term goal, when it’s so widely available in a cheaper, less expensive short-term play? BECAUSE a 10 is worth the initial-intermediate-and-long term price.
If you take issue with a woman liking you for your looks and success. Then what the fuck do you like about a woman? See you can’t answer that question without sounding like either a blue-pilled fanny or a hypocrite.
That’s the POINT. I don’t take issue with a woman who likes me for my looks and success. The WHOLE POINT of having looks and working for success is to ATTRACT a SUPERIOR woman. How the fuck is this hypocritical?
That’s just the american version of the 40 virgins. It’s bullshit that boys are told to get them to work hard, sacrifice their lives, etc.
Why do you think guys who work hard and delay and struggle to be successful get angry about ‘bad boys’? It’s because they believed a line of bullshit and they can’t make reality and what they chose to believe to make sense. Here’s this shiftless asshole that didn’t put any work in and he’s getting what they were promised.
Then this site’s writings are very clear about maintaining frame, not breaking game. Why? Because it will break the spell. Years and years of effort can go down the drain very quickly with disastrous personal and financial consequences.
So this isn’t a woman who actually ‘loves’ you. She loves what you bring her and how you make her feel and the moment that falters she’s gone. She’s a ten. She doesn’t have to put up with you and she won’t once the spell breaks.
Again, I have to counter: Women are driven by the same evolutionary process that we are. They see safety and security in the superior male, and are genetically driven in this direction.
Civilization impacts this process, both negatively and positively. Positively: we haven’t destroyed humankind, yet. Negatively: the “yet” part.
If I’m smart, and I “win/earn” the 10, I also demand the limiting legal constraints of the civilization that protects me and my progeny from a woman who was a 10 in her 20’s, and is a 10 in her 40’s to some young 20 year old fuck who she decides to have an affair with…OBVIOUSLY a 10 in her 40’s is NOT the SAME as a 10 in her 20’s. If she’s so shallow that she has to use this affair with one or many to re-certify her “self-image,” I have foreseen the possibility, and i now implement the legal protections that I took BEFORE the situation arose. Ask Donald Trump how it turned out with Marla?
If you’re smart enough to have obtained the necessary attractive features of successful life, you should be smart enough to understand that there are legal mechanisms that can protect you. If you’re NOT, then I suggest that Darwin has once again raised his ugly head.
Men are supposed to rise above their base instincts, correct? Isn’t that the point of all this self improvement? Why men build, seek knowledge, enlightenment and so on?
The “limiting legal constraints of the civilization” have been removed. Another often mentioned fact on this site. Prenumps get tossed too. This is no longer a civilization of free people based on property rights and contract. Now maybe you’ve been successful enough to afford a legal team that will triumph but if you’re counting on the law to protect you well good luck. Equal protection under the law stuff died out.
This site’s authors and many of its commentators trip over themselves and this is one of the areas they do it. How many here have stated that game must be maintained forever or suffer the consequences? What is all this ‘self improvement’ down this particular path for this reason but playing to base instinct, not logic, not higher emotion, not reason, not any sort of enlightenment, just simple base instinct. How many times is it repeated here that women are dominated by their base instincts? How many times is repeated that most (all?) are incapable of logic, reason, higher emotion, etc? I am not arguing any of that is true but merely pointing out the logical flaws in the reasoning being presented if we span across articles. It can’t be all these things. Because if they are all true, my question remains, why would I want that? The ROI is horribly negative unless the man is incredibly wrapped up in his own ego and image. One or more of these teachings must be false or why would a man even want to bother?
You seem to be implying that once a woman gets old enough she won’t be able to get anyone better so then not as much effort is required. That I am neglecting some asymptotic function. Perhaps. So you have to keep up frame for thirty years on an ever decreasing effort? But that’s still not loving you, it’s loving what you offer, and maybe the role you’ve decided to play, but not you. Furthermore apparently many/most women won’t recognize they can’t do as well until after they’ve left.
So if all the lessons this site teaches are true why should I want this?
Hey, I’m not arguing you SHOULD “want this.” in fact, it’s your choice, not mine. I’m arguing the merits of the article. Your perspective seems to say that logically, a woman should fall in love with your for who you are, not what you have. Mine is, what you have achieved is a major part of who you are. If you’ve delayed gratification, BECAUSE you were working on (what you call) “sell-improvement,” and what I identify as simple achievement (self-realization), how is success NOT part of who I am? If I’m a self-disciplined individual who values cognitive improvement and meritorious reward, and in that process I INCLUDE a certain type of woman, that doesn’t transgress the level of discourse presented on this site. Not at all, in fact, is reinforces the message.
I may not agree with every specific article I read here. I will never agree that it’s ok to hit a woman, and I know that there are readers here who strongly disagree. However, the merits of self-improvement, financial independence, classical literature, western classical philosophy, personal achievement, self-defense, the Constitution (particularly the Bill of Rights), and the classical definition of simple virtue are all valid logical constructs.
We’re in a battle between the forces of darkness and the forces of light. As the degeneracy of our civilization increases to the detriment of successful men, what is a man expected to do? Isn’t the whole idea of “game” a logical result of women who no longer view chastity as a valuable commodity? Of course, it is. At one time, we traded material wealth for a young woman’s virginity and the promise of successful progeny. That’s all out the window, now. The value system of the society has changed, and the modern day result is that successful men, who wish to marry, will “buy” the 10 with the achievements of an improved version of himself (obtained via self-actualization), and material promises of future lifestyle for the woman.
Is this perfect? Perhaps, not. However, your point about a man’s wealth being unprotected is way off the mark. You’ll never know who I am, or what I do, but I use protective tools to protect client wealth, all the time. Best wishes, to you. The world is only going to get more challenging. I wouldn’t give up on women, they offer too much pleasure for men. If the world is falling apart, and it is, I think we all owe it to ourselves to enjoy as much as we can, while we can. We’re all going to be sacrificed on the Leftist alter of Self-Destruction, anyway.
You responded to my question. I asked why should I want a perfect 10? There are many ways to improve one’s self that don’t have to have anything to do with appealing to the base animal instincts of the human female. I have spent my lifetime improving myself, but society has changed to where the skills, knowledge, and character I have achieved aren’t worth much to the instinct dominated and indulging modern american human female, especially the so-called “ten”. Well except for maybe the money they can earn in society.
As I have learned the hard way, this isn’t a delayed gratification society. As late as the 1970s a man who did so would be worth something, but that has passed. Interest rates have been held at effectively zero for eight years, with low savings rates and high debt which shows us how this society values delayed gratification. Not at all. This is a society in decline, in consumption mode. It is consuming itself. That ten (as opposed to a unicorn) wants to consume what you’ve been busy building up by delaying gratification. As a measure of success that’s like buying a certain car because it is seen as a mark of success even though it consumes your resources keeping it road worthy. Part of self improvement is in enlightenment, getting beyond these wild-kingdom aspects of physical life.
The forces of darkness and light, the duality of the demiurge. Giving into what the darkness has brought certainly won’t reverse us away from the winter of civilization. Rejecting it might slow things down, but playing darkness’s game certainly won’t. You don’t earn the “ten” with self improvement on any measure of character or intellect. You earn the “ten” with how you manipulate her base instincts. How you appeal to them. It’s a materialistic self improvement. But to what ends? The same hollow ends that drive people towards McMansions and high debt loads. So she’s a symbol of success. As Carlin said, Symbols are for the symbolminded.
What I wrote, and perhaps I was not clear, regarding men’s wealth is that the rule of law, the protection of law is no more for the man who isn’t hiring professionals that know the system and more importantly the people who run the system. Your function is not required where there is protection of property under the law. Any literate man would be able to do it himself where the protection of law is intact. Complexity requiring specialists is (in part) created to destroy the protection of law. To revert back to the rule of men. Where those with the most wealth, power, and influence are protected but all others are laid bare.
Yeah, you’re right. I choose to think I’m right, too. Is the society in danger of crumbling? Of course, we’re witnessing it happen, now. Are women by and large materialistic sycophants? Mostly. Is the law structured to favor those who use capital to hire experts who have written the rules and then get to enforce them? Yup, absolutely. Is the society of the Collective taking complete control via the corporate-welfare state? Yes.
Does any of this negate an individual man’s drive to obtain the best piece of ass he’s capable of nabbing? Nope. Not at all. In fact, if the non-productive slime are fully justified in stealing ALL of the fruits of the labor of the successful man, than the man owes it to himself to achieve WHATEVER he defines as fulfillment. This does not preclude improvement in other areas. For me, the quest for a top shelf woman was a youthful goal. I realized that goal. However, I never stopped improving as a man. I no longer worship at the throne of material attainment, I know I was never as egotistic as some to want to “have it all.” However, I admit that I still admire beautiful women, I enjoy their company, I enjoy what they have the ability to provide. I’m not Greek, and I could never understand the lifestyle…are there top10’s among older women? sure, to a mature man there is…as long as they’re out there, and I’m able, I’ll pursue them.
This is a quest for some men…for me, it’s enjoying what life has to currently offer while civilization still exists…
I remain unconvinced that piece of ass is worth all of that. And my point is exactly that, there are infinite definitions of fulfillment and this site acts as if there is only one.
As to civilization crumbling. Human civilization comes and goes. The writings of the ancients tell us so. After the last cataclysm roughly 11-12K years the survivors of the high civilization that knew how to grow crops and build buildings started things again. Po-tee-weet. So it goes.
…and this article encapsulates perfectly why I have quit the race and have stopped trying.
It’s like this; you either have to adapt to the way the world is and thereby get laid, or not adapt and don’t. If you do adapt then you lose a part of yourself, you simply become a product for women to consume. If you don’t adapt, you can at least keep your soul. It’s a decision each one of us has to make.
I disagree with this article. So does Roosh. In one of his books he said that his girl rejected Fred Durst in his prime. Women have hormones, mood swings, they have boyfriends, other complicated relationships, male orbiters, faggots, etc. It really depends on the mood she’s in and the game you run.
And like he said, if you were Matt Damon would any of that matter ? Mood swings only affects her when she is dealing with what she consider losers.
The interesting question is: How would she treat Matt Damon if she didn’t know he was famous or saw him in a movie?
One thing that I at least noticed in myself is that I sometimes feel an attraction towards an actress because I watched a movie and was “part of” a romance with her. For a comparison, I do not experience this with most models or Instagram girls at all. They look sexy, but they are forgotten quickly.
I have the same sensation sometimes with female famous athletes. I wouldn’t be particularly attracted to them normally, but the halo effect kicks in for sure.
But say you didn’t know they were famous athletes? It’s funny how just a little thought can change so much.
I’ve seen women drop famous men. Many wouldn’t give a shit about Matt Damon
“I’ve seen women drop famous men. Many wouldn’t give a shit about Matt Damon”
Seriously? Fame is like drugs to women – most women latch on to men who are famous simply to baste in their limelight.
That doesn’t mean that they’ll bang ’em though.
Of course. Fame in men is more valuble to some women than others.
Fame is also likely to be a quality that attracts initially but may lead to disappointment if the girl learns that the famous man isn’t much (at least in comparison to what she wants) beneath his fame.
And as for the article claiming that 99% of women would open their legs for Justin Bieber … well, guess I’m stuck with having to choose from 1% of the female population because I wouldn’t want to be in so much as the same building as a woman who couldn’t keep her knickers on around that adolescent wanker.
Most famous men have been divorced, often against their will.
Ultimately, women turn against their men. The monkey must always swing to a new branch.
And when/where did you see that ? How does one even “see” that ?
Women drop male celebrities. The thing is his alpha status would ensure he has a waiting list of hot females for back up.
My cousin spurned a Premiership footballer, for one. Mate’s girlfriend had an (albeit soap) actor after her and told him where to go
They betray their men because the mindset shown her is ubiquitous. This is no different than when the feminist school system insists there is something wrong with men and not the woman. Women who behave like this deserve to go extinct.
true but it’s also an ego boost for them to reject a higher man. I’ve seen fat chicks reject men and then call their friend to brag about it. I’ve been in peak life condition and some above average girls would give me the cold should or reject me really hard (I thought it would be a layup) but I’ve had some hot ones slurp up my cum a week later.
Monkey branching is literally hitler.
Most famous men only marry famous women, thereby mitigating the relevance of either of them being famous.
Roger Federer will never be divorced.
true, not every famous man is a womans kupa tea, think for example, justin bieber he doesnt attract older women who are attracted to george clooney, my bad justin bieber is not a man, he’s what you think he is
You’re living in a dreamworld. It’s not 99%, but it’s easily over 60%.
He is: very rich, world famous, in the spotlight, controversial (‘exciting’), in a creative job, highly desired by literally millions of women (okay, maybe mostly tweens) and physically attractive. That’s almost a perfect formula for female desire. Sure there are plenty of women who could care less. But you should understand the smv dynamics, which clearly you don’t.
Phil Collins got taken to the cleaners in a $46 million divorce rape. He later re-married the same whore when she was much older, uglier and actual damaged goods since she is a gimp!
Dave Foley can’t return to his own country without risking prison because he can’ t keep his butt ugly, ginger, ravenous ex twat in the same luxurious lifestyle she is accustomed to since he is no longer at the peak of his popularity and she squandered everything he made
Don’t insult good old Uncle Adolf like that
Elvis Presley and Tom Cruise ultimately wound up getting divorced by their groupies. Granted, these were both pretty strange guys, but in general I would imagine that marrying a groupie is the dumbest thing to do. The groupies worship the guys as gods and when he lets his guard down that he’s a normal man, they wind up disappointed.
“The groupies worship the guys as gods and when he lets his guard down that he’s a normal man, they wind up disappointed”
Ecxellent point. This is true of guys who wife-up or just cohabitate with a man she thinks is so cool and mysterious, once the “mystery” i.e. whataver image the hormonal driven dumbass projected on him waers off, she realizes there’s no spark – she moves on.
My mother booked a lot of musicians back in the early 80’s for the music club she worked at, and went out to dinner with Don Walker (of Cold Chisel) at the peak of their fame, and she said she felt nothing for him. Richard Wilkins still has plenty of female admirers but Mum can’t stand him- she met him as well and reckons he’s a vain prat. So there you go…
Power is an aphrodisiac to many women. Unlike men, women don’t need to feel physical attraction for a guy to get involved with him. Money, fame, authority, are all natural magnets to women.
And I too think that there is a connection between money, fame, and authority and women’s labias geting moist. So the physical attraction a female has for a man will not be for his cock, but rather his wallet.
Make no mistake, physical attraction is necessary for women that have a good head over the shoulders. Its the gold diggers, the mercenaries, the users, those that are twisted in any other way that you need to watch out for.
That’s only true on the extremes eg: no hot young chick will be attracted to some guy who is 88.
This is a common scenario that had always been the case:
When a guy says to one of his buddies “Dude, my girlfriend and I know this chick that will be perfect for you, would you like to meet her?” The guy”s friend has to ask the most important question before he says ‘yes”; so what does he say to his friend? He says “Oh really? What does she look like?”
Inversely, when a female says to one of her girlfriends “My boyfriend and I know this really great guy that would be perfect for you, would you like to mey him?” The female’s girlfriend has to ask the most important question before she says ‘yes”; so what does she say to her friend? She says “Oh really? What does he do for a living?”
Case closed.
The analogy of the hot young chick is an extreme. I am referring about a woman that is truly seeking for a relationship (short or long term) in other words, that she doesn’t have an agenda. I do agree, however, that if a woman is more interested in what a guy does for a living before meeting him, you should run for the hills.
I’ll tell you, and it happened before, women rejected famous people, yes REJECTED, and I understand smv dynamics, but nothing is 100 percent going to happen, think about it, if you have the perfect formula for female desire , are you going to attract all women of the world without exception ? and I mean ALL ? there must be at least 1 female out of 100 who is going to reject you and you can do nothing about it
Yeah brah, when I’m in a bad mood I would only blow off fat chicks
Agreed, and look at the alternate side– plenty of smoking hot girls are dating male 5s and 6s, or lower really. I saw 2 very beautiful women out with thugs tonight at the restaurant. Women are not attracted to men based on any sort of logic or pattern. Sure, you can increase your odds by being a clown, a smooth talker, a muscular guy, a man of status and wealth, but none of that guarantees you anything, other than the odds are a little more in your favor. I usually like Troy’s articles but I think this is a case of applying male logic to the female mind.
Usually they’re dating lower physical men due to money, or an artificial circumstance (known each other for 20 years), and usually the 2nd won’t stand the test of time.
The thug thing, some women want to feel like they’re living on the edge. That he could do something crazy, and by women ‘s logic, sexy. This always fades, and you can find these women much later with some stable, average everyman to compensate.
True. Some women only like certain types of men, whether it’s race, height, build, or character, and there is nothing you can do about it. If all women are rejecting you, then you have a problem
Is having known someone for 20 years an artificial circumstance?
“Much later” = post-wall?
I think many women are also simply stupid i.e. no ability to think long term or predict patterns from past. You see them totally comfortable being with deadbeats, these are the ones who also subtly take on the natural sleazy appearance and speech as they age. Started as hot 19 year olds and adapted to shit surroundings lol
Remember I come from a biker social circle. GOJ will tell you the exact same thing, because he knows the same types and sees butt-ass ugly dudes with beautiful women.
It’s because these women are often desperate for aggressive masculinity…..and if the pretty boys won’t do it then the ugly, tatted thugs are next in line.
exactly. Many women that make bad choices with men are just not very cerebral. The have a very limited ability to introspect. They are just dumb. The dumber a person is the more random their behavior. Its hard for us men to accept and understand. But when you are dumb then you are rule by the chaotic tides of your every changing emotions.
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But follow your heart feelz, love conquers all!
Ugh… this is the same excuse all dumb sluts use. That and that stupid Marilyn Monroe deserve me quote.
When the woman is young and inexperienced, this sort of thing is very common. Once they wise up after been burned a few times alongside getting older, they focus more on stability and security.
They can’t help it, women are biologically wired to respond to dominant, masculine traits
what is GOJ?
It’s all about that cult leader game mindset! You read that one on here? One of my favs and rings dead true.
yeah, somtimes when you get rejected you learn nothing, she doesnt tell you why she rejected you, and yes I agree with people who say picking up women is a numbers game, not everywoman you approach is going to be your girlfriend
And then it ends for no reason. I banged a foreign trust fund immigrant girl on a million dollar stipend from her parents, on a first night lay, she claims to not have had sex in 2 years (I believe that, based on what happened in the bedroom) had a mini relationship where I completely dominated her in bed, she bought me things with daddy’s money, then out of the blue goes deadly silent. There’s no explanation or logic. There’s nothing I could have done to game the situation and had a better outcome. Sure, I probably could have extended it a little longer by giving her more attention, but in the end, they are fickle hamsters and we cannot build a model which predicts their behavior with any accuracy.
Even with girls you bang, you can be ghosted without any rhyme or reason. A couple years back, I had a fling with a girl that lasted a few weeks. She would cook for me. We would fuck multiple times every time she came over, she would text me after, sending nudes and telling me how she craved more. Then, out of the blue, she disappeared. I never got an explanation, and the only shitty part is she was great in bed. But I had others in the lineup, so it didn’t bother me too much. Abundance is a great thing.
this story is getting more and more common. I had a similar experience. It used to be that you have sex with a woman and then the power shifts to you. Well these days not exactly. Many women these days are very unpredictable even when you do everything right. Patriarchy of the past knew that women could not be trusted to make good male decisions becuz of their very capricious nature. Sex with them is no guarantee of them not leaving. Its only getting worse.
I was more entertained by her than anything. She lived a 6 figure lifestyle but without daddy’s money would be lucky to earn $20,000 a year. I was enjoying the perks and financial benefits more than the company or sex.
I was supposed to pick up some $200 wireless sound bar the next time I saw her. She had received it as a gift, and didn’t need it because of course she buys every new tech item the week it is released. She said I could have it but I didn’t take it because her friends were there, and didn’t want to come off as a leecher. In hindsight I should have milked every possible moment with her because they are so flighty it can end with zero warning. I did think the dominant sex and framing so she called me “daddy” during mad sex sessions would make her stick around a bit, but no matter. I got what I wanted from her.
I see a lot of guys who are average looking dating or married to really fat threes and fours….what’s that all about? Why do so many American guys settle?
My theory is they simply found a woman who’s not an utter bitch. The personality of most American women I meet is abhorrent. Guys think, well at least she will be kind to me, better wife her up? I absolutely can’t imagine that, but then again, in marriage, looks will fade, and you’ll get bored of them anyway, so you’d better make your decision on something else.
To add to your point, some of these guys were dating women who, at one point, were dead even with them looks-wise. A woman 6 or 7 can easily become a 3 or 4 with an unhealthy diet and a lack of exercise.
Those fat hambeast wives turn like MS Pacman. I’ve seen it. They make up the bulk of the divorce rape epidemic. Those fat cows drink up MSM entertainment and expand on their couches until they snap and are triggered to ”get mad girl” as their brainwashing has instructed them. ”Run Jane run” the TV says. ”Abandon your nest” you weak minded tubs of lard. They then sign death warrants against their man like they were posessed and it’s the beginning of the end. A lazy fat cow usually doesn’t do anything drastic unless they get mad first. They haven’t been off their ass in so long that they become disoriented when they snap and go on a warpath. They literally don’t know what they’re doing. This is why you have to keep your woman belted into a continuous patriarchal regimin that keeps her fit and active. Keep her ass ripped producing and tit feeding until the bitter last egg and by then she’s put her entire soul into it. Even if she is propagandized to bolt and run after that, she likely won’t muster her scruples for domestic armageddon in that fashion since she’s used up in a good way and her purpose is fulfilled. She always knows when her purpose is done and she finally gets her foot massage from her first grandkid.
I think this is very common. Probably 80% of american women, and certainly those who aren’t educated or professionals, drop 3-5 points after 10-12 years and 2-4 children. Combination of lower motivation (he’s not going to leave his children), hormone changes (post birth) and aging a bit. The man and woman were probably close to equal SMV in their early to mid twenties. You see most females drop rapidly, while the guys stay about the same, at least til mid 40s or so.
The main point has gone right over the head.
You know what the thugs have that a lot of the better looking guys don’t? Huge balls. They bring things to the table that trigger the lizard brain better than Dan Blitzerian types.
> They bring things to the table that trigger the lizard brain better than Dan Blitzerian types.
What things, precisely?
Black rappers in their rap tracks state that they’re players and tell directly to women they’re interested in, that they want to fuck them.
They’re being very straightforward, even painfully.
Is it the case?
I observe thugs. It’s an act sometimes and the group wings for each other. It’s a natural game for them and they orchistrate the thugland setting like a practiced football team. The staged sparring, fights and dialogue/drama. A thug crew approaching a beautiful woman on the sidewalk immediately becomes social. The girl is drawn in to the characters as they rapport with one another with their time tried expressions, explatives and anecdotes. That’s on top of being tat ugly, muscular and a little fun sparring while raising the armpit closely to the girl to get her whiffed on the pheromones. She’s being ‘introduced’.
What’s really funny is when these posers try to intimidate a man who knows what you do
And I’m seeing a shitload of men dating way below their value. That’s horrible.
you are very correct. I have said this many times before. The modern American woman is very capricious in how she selects sexual partners. Many times a women will date or sleep with a guy once or twice, and then a year later wonder what she ever saw in him. Ask your average hot chick why she picked one man over another man. You will not get a substantial answer. You will get a bunch of ” i dont know” and ” um i guess i just felt like it”.
Attraction is very subconscious and complex. Woman dont even understand the man choices they make. This is especially true in a the era of broken homes. When a woman comes from a fatherless home its skews her attraction triggers. Her dad was supposed to serve as a model of what a man should be like. When that model is missing her attraction triggers become random and chaotic. It truly is not personal. If you are getting some hot chicks, and another is blowing you off, then its probably not you. Now if all of the attractive girls dont like you….then its most likely you. Lets not delusional here.
Well the logic is there is none women have diffrent things they look for in guys the giys do in girls ive seen some ugly guys with really good looking women but the thing is (based overall) women usally spend more time looking for a guy with a good personality than a douchbag with goodlooks while guys look for appearnce its simple really no need to complicate it
” Women have hormones, mood swings, they have boyfriends, other complicated relationships, male orbiters, faggots, etc. It really depends on the mood she’s in and the game you run”
Exactly. Whereas there are some good points made in the article – the notion of, as the author states, “Remember, if that perfect ten you approached doesn’t think you’re good enough for her then chances are she’s probably right” is putting too much importance on just one chick. Who cares t what a female thinks? As long as there are enough and abundance of equally hot bitches(10’s) to choose from, one perfect “10” may reject you, while another may like you.
Indeed there are things that men can do to increase SMV, but females are hormonally driven; and dealing with them is anything but linear.
exactly, this is being weak when you care what a woman thinks, yes, what One woman might be thinking, there is one billion hot women to choose from, and thats life not everyone will like you and you’ll not like everyone, to think diferently is insane
The vast majority of people will not like you and vice versa. Some you will instinctively despise the minute you see their face. If you live to be old enough you will barely be able to tolerate (small doses) most people you used to like.
I knew a girl who dumped a famous guy for me.
I knew a girl who met Michael Richards in a bookstore and gave him her phone number. He kept calling her, but she thought he was “weird” (her word) and never picked up. She played me one voicemail that he’d left and it was hilarious. Imagine Kramer trying to act smooth.
Weird? That’s putting it mildly…
why the fuck would she give him her phone number? clearly she was interested but then again this is female logic and attraction. it’s all over the place.
Doctor Van Nostrand? Was she a “NIGGER”?lol
So she could get a sadistic ego boost by ignoring Kramer’s calls and play the messages for Jammy to increase her smv in his eyes
Someone is more famous than you?
I know, hard to believe.
I always say game is basically confidence and timing.
Fred Durst never had a prime, he was always a douchebag who only appealed to tone deaf white trash wigger morons. He named his “band” after a flacid penis suffering from ED. That was why the horny slut rejected him
Fuck I wish there were 10s to practice on. Lucky to see 7.5 once per month. Some disconnect with the OP’s word choice there. But I get the point, he’s referring to a desirable female with lots of social options.
This is all bullshit for people who have never been good with women and never will. Accept reality and at least go MGTOW, or you can run yourself into the ground with self improvement and rejection.. But do what you like.
The only thing with MGTOW (which I kinda belong to but not really) is that it is bad for society (and country) in the long run.
Who cares about society. Sometimes I really wonder … after having been deliberately raised in a web of so many lies and with so much pain for repressing who you are, is society really entitled to receive even the slightest effort from your part?
Afaiac, I will prefer to find myself some nice cozy place far away from this mad bullshit civilization and watch the vultures eat each other from far away.
I agree there’s no obligation to society. This is about pursuit of personal happiness. But something about the way MGTOW express themselves, they don’t sound happy.
I’m kinda in the same spot. I don’t want anything to do with modern society, and modern society doesn’t want anything to do with me. I’ve come to accept that.
There is a small part of me that feels somewhat bound to societal obligations though. It’s a very small part.
I am working on killing that small part with every passing day.
You know, happiness may not even be what it’s about. It may be about self-respect and inner peace.
Eckhart Tolle wrote about people who are on death row and in the inevitability they find acceptance and peace and enlightenment. They are not happy – it is impossible to be happy on death row, he writes. But they are at peace with what is happening.
Better to be a disillusioned angry fucked who is true to himself than to keep sucking up to society’s standards in the hope of … one day … finally getting that long-desired reward. Fuck those fuckers.
I’ll save that for my last year of life when I’m battling cancer. There’s time and place for everything.
The point is, a relationship with society is like a relationship with a person.
When you are in a relationship with a shitty person, you can keep investing in the hope of one day getting the reward you dream of. Or you find yourself different people.
It’s like asking: Should I keep plowing in on this super hot “10” who is a total bitch and unappealing for anything but a quick fuck? Or do I instead leave her be and find a girl whom I truly can appreciate and where less effort is required?
I empathize with your view.
Not that I’m the most moral guy, but it’s hard not to judge the current state of young people and not see how stupid and shitty they are in so many different ways.
They are blind and walking down the wrong path in every area of their lives.
Socialism. Their art degree. Their promiscuity. Their idiotic views on helping ‘immigrants’.
They’re self destructive in literally every choice they make.
I have no idea what you look like…I’m a guy, so I really don’t care, but there are some really simple fundamentals which make women pretty easy…I know that there’s a lot of bs challenges to the modern man out there, but after four decades of this process, I really believe women are as easy now as they’ve always been. Perhaps, they’re easier. I don’t know why, but I have to advise you that if you can’t completely reject your attitude, then just hire professionals. That’s OK, too, and for some people, it actually makes more logical sense.
Competition is down, certainly, but so are worthwhile women.
I honestly don’t have the desire. Having the desire is turning your head in the right direction before taking the first step.
It’s called being genuine and honest. There are only two types of people, those who are unhappy and the delusional who pretend they are happy. Happiness is not of this world. The second group do this in an attempt to convice themselves and others who are naive and gullible enough to believe it to make them envious. Now excuse me while I go post on Fakebook how awesome my life is.
Fuck society. And hitting on married women trying to sleep with them isn’t bad for society?
It would be, if men had the balls to do anything about it. Heh. But those men would not get cheated on in the first place.
I feel like it’s been proven that most women, regardless of whether you’re Alpha incarnate, or a sniveling beta bitch, will eventually stray, if they’re ever inclined to.
Society? Society is what has made MGTOW and PUA into what they are. Neither is good for society in the long run but both are reactions to men getting a raw deal. Perhaps a worse deal than they have had in a long time maybe ever. Society has never offered men much more than hard work but usually it had some sort of tangible reward for it. Now, no. There’s nothing there when a man does all he’s supposed to. And sure society owes him nothing one would say and if society owes him nothing then he owes society nothing.
We can argue that both are survival techniques. When society collapses (and I think it will eventually happen), these men will be at the forefront.
Quite frankly, what you stated is typical of a MTGOW(not to overuse that phrase). What you and guys like you fail to understand is that in a man’s youth, he needs some sort success with the opposite sex. If none is seen, well…guys like Elliot Rodgers are an explanation of such rejection. He’s just an extreme example. There’s many guys who fall into a deep self-loathing and depression without any kind of attention from a woman. Self-improvement is key not only for success with the kind of women men want, but for an overall higher quality of life. All this talk of finding zen within yourself sounds nice and all, but from the way you guys talk it doesn’t sound like most men who proclaim to “go their own way” have found it.
Rodgers would’ve benefited more from some attention from his father, which would probably have helped develop skills that beget women.
Is that all that registered in your dome from my paragraph?
I don’t understand the question.
Let me rephrase that: if that was all you managed to get from my statement I have no further desire to debate with you.
Very well.
me and what guys? how nice of you to lump me with god knows what so you don’t have to deal with what I write but rather what others you’ve lumped me with have. Makes it a hell of a lot easier. You’re responding to me, deal with what I have presented.
Popular PUA is every bit of a ‘fuck society’ reaction as popular MGTOW is. The only difference is that PUA tries to cloak itself in traditional conditions and reasons why women deserve to be gamed. That’s not good for human society long term either. It’s saying well since there’s an 80/20 rule, be the 20 that gets the 80 which is no better or worse than just refusing to play.
The simple fact remains, society has altered the deal. The behaviors, the things men are supposed to do, have had the rewards pulled away from them. As a result we see the rising popularity of two extremes that few men once took part in. The two ends have more in common than they do differences.
As I have indicated many times, the writers on the site seem to think every man is like them. No, there’s a distribution. There’s a distribution in sex drives, what a man gets out it, what a man wants from women, etc. If banging tens was what all men wanted then sure, wealth, good clothes, the whole nine yards of that role would be universal advice. But that’s not what everyone wants. Furthermore not everyone enjoys gaming women for whatever reason.
So you think a man who doesn’t have success with women will enter a deep depression and self loathing. What about the guy who finds the process of manipulating another person simply disgusting behavior? What is he supposed to do when the very essence of ‘game’ has him hating himself for doing it because it goes against his internal sense of right and wrong? How is that better?
Society’s balance needs to be restored before holding men to some set of behaviors because they are good for society. Society threw men so far under the bus in the last 30 years any pretense of this social contract stuff has become nonsense.
I was dealing with you. Hence the reason for the reply to you directly. If you ask me, there’s no such thing as a “pick up artist”. All a “PUA” does is simply approach a woman he finds attractive and talks to her. You know, sorta like how men since the dawn of man have been doing. The only reason a term such as PUA exists, in my opinion, is because we’ve become so used to picking broads up online and dating within our social circles. Now when a man initiates a cold approach these days its seen as a bold move when before it was just commonplace. Perhaps this PUA label came to be because some of us choose to employ…unorthodox methods for lack of a better term. In the end, all it is is simply picking out a potential mate. Do we call backyard lizards PUA when they do their pushups to attract a female lizard? That’s just stupid, guy. Another thing….be real. Seriously. The situation you describe is not nearly as bad as 80/20. Stop being a bitch, grab your nuts and stop spreading your sourness.
And before you reply with some other bullshit, lemme tell you this. If you want a woman you won’t have to run all that “PUA” game you campaign so righteously against, go to an Orthodox church and pick a homely girl. She may not be the prettiest, but I’m sure there’s many a virgin from there to pick who’d make great housewives. Or you can pray to Jesus to bring you the “one meant for you”. But don’t be coming here and knocking men who actually wanna be the best they can be and be successful with modern women.
The moment you start babbling about ‘you guys’ you’re arguing against something else entirely, not what I wrote. Which you didn’t address. You haven’t addressed the society aspects, the expectations for behaving the way one was expected. You went on some anti-MGTOW thing.
PUA or whatever you want to call it is not just cold approaches. It’s far more than that and you know it. Article after article here makes that very clear.
You know why? You’re acting like a victim. What exactly does society expect from you that seems to be irritating your vulva? If you took an honest look at shit, you’d see that the world is yours. Life belongs to those who fucking take it. Society doesn’t owe a fucking thing. You got that right. Also, you don’t owe society anything. You were smart enough to know that. Clap clap clap!! You have the right on USA(despite such negative thought to the contrary nowadays) to prettu much set whatever fucking life for yourself as long as its according to the laws and social contract. So, you speak of society’s demands that are making your first world country life so tough. Name some. I’ll wait.
Other bullshit? I was dealing with the good of society argument and you want to rant against MGTOW. I haven’t campaigned against PUA/game righteously or otherwise. I’ve simply pointed out it’s one end of a spectrum. Three replies to me and you haven’t once addressed the ‘good for society’ topic. Instead you’re doing your damnedest to make me into some MGTOW caricature. Sorry, that’s not my hat. So please, find someone else to hang the MGTOW suit on.
But since you bring up traditional church girls, if you want what’s good for society long term that’s probably closer to it than going around trying to bang tens.
I did.
So now you’re becoming personal and insulting. I’ve given you enough chances and entertained your inability to stay on topic and address my point long enough.
You’ve offered nothing to counter the argument that I’ve presented. The idea that men should do this or that for the long term good of society is nonsense because society doesn’t live up to its end. Maybe it never did, but it certainly doesn’t come anywhere close now. Those laws you speak of and that social contract you speak of are a big part of the problem. And no, you can’t have any sort of life you want because nobody is left alone. Men have moved out into the woods, into the deserts and that only makes them easier targets for self proclaimed managers of society.
Everything I said was in response to your whining. I mean argument. You’re the same type of guy who cries about girls wanting bad boys instead of squares like you. I’m through wasting my keystrokes on you.
I don’t know if I fully agree with that. I have come to realize that the three things that really matter in life are money, sex and power. When I’m focusing fully on money or power (by either scheming or working constantly), sex fades to the background. I think these men just need some success in some field that matters, not the bullshit schooling that they have to go through.
Your behavior in this exchange is very clear. You attack personally rather than discuss ideas. Part of self improvement is moving up the intellectual ladder and your chosen methods of debate are on it’s lowest rungs.
This may sound hypocritical coming from me, but I don’t believe that’s what life is all about. Don’t get me wrong. I’m all for reaching one’s peak as a man in all aspects of life, but I believe what would really fullfill a person is the search for truth. I’m ready for the athiest/agnostic onslaught, but if you ask me, God is the answer. Sex, money and power are all great for the flesh in this life, but what if…just what if, Jesus was right 2000+ years ago? If I can find peace in seeking out the almighty in the afterlife then I say the hell with all these scandalous broads after a man’s money. I want the truth. I want peace within my soul. I’m only 22, but many times I wait for the day my carnal desires fade if I live to be that old so I can see clearly.
I’m not debating you. Insulting you was more like it, that’s right. I addressed, albiet rudely and shortly, your concerns yet you failed to show me how society is keeping you down.
Not only do you not live up to your statement of being done you continue to demonstrate a reading comprehension problem.
I stated that the argument that a man should choose how to live based on what is good for society as a whole long term is nonsense given the prevailing conditions. This is in no shape or form even remotely close to society keeping anyone down and obviously so to anyone proficient in reading the English language.
…..that sounds like you believe society expects you to behave a certain way for its greater good without having anything in it for you. I’m not stupid. But, meh.
Are you unfamiliar with human society? Of course there are expectations and demands. However eliminating the benefits and protections of meeting those expectations and demands does not equate with “keeping you down”. It is simply elimination of the practical reasons to follow the expectations of society. That’s clear for anyone who understands what the English language words mean.
I took all the jargon you wrote and simplified it. Anyone who speaks plain American can decode that. Plus, with the way you convey your ideas, you act exactly as if you’re being kept down.
You’re also right about not ceasing to reply when I said I would. I have an issue with giving bozos the last word. But then again, what does that make me? It is just the internet.
But hey man, you’re still a fellow ROK reader. I am somewhat of a prick. You’re my elder for all I know. I’m going to bed. Goodnight, and good luck to you.
No jargon was used beyond two acronyms in common use here. You did not simplify. You created something.
I’m pretty much in agreement with your overall points, and think it’s good to have views like these challenging the typical ‘muh dik’ viewpoints. PUA isn’t good for society, as it feeds into optimising women’s endless ‘choices’. You say manipulation is abhorrent, but that’s what women are doing ‘subconsciously’ (in most cases it’s knowingly). Not that 2 wrongs make a right.
I can see an advantage of game, rather than PUA, as a screening tool. You ‘manipulate’ the scenarios with women to see if they’re willing to shape up to your outlook. You don’t have to bang them, which is the society-damaging component of PUA. I don’t think mgtow damages society at all. 40% of men in history never reproduced as opposed to only 20% of women, according to one source I read. So there’s nothing wrong with accepting oneself as part of that statistic. mgtow is a clever strategy these days, but many will still bang women, which damages their cred, and society.
Looks like the same old can’t get laid you are a loser comment there. Most MGTOW are guys that did get laid married or had long relationships with women. Many had children also. Society today treats those men has criminals. PUA are the same men that have decided to not give a shit about women and just enjoy the sex.
There is no such thing as a traditional church girl. That is the greatest of all lies in the west. In fact the church is just as much a part of the destruction of society as anything else.
I don’t believe they really exist, I was just working under the premise nouveau jimmy jones put forward to express a choice that would be good for the long term interests of society. It works in that respect even if mythical.
To clarify: I was saying that some men personally find manipulative techniques abhorrent. They are effective. I very much agree they are. But a man’s got to live with himself. Telling such a man to do these things is about as effective as telling him to become an astronaut in 1968 to get women. The option is off the table with regards to building her attraction.
Now as a screening tool sure. That’s just conversation. Pulling out information, not manipulating her into something. I’ve made remarks to see why a woman was attracted to me. When I find out its money/income I walk away.
Hey, dont teach americans how to market and sell bullshit…:)
Pua industry was needed to sell books and dvds to morons with no basic social skills,makes you wonder how did people used to do it for milions of years before pua was invented.
Nowadays, material on how to pick up girls is everywhere on the net and yet most guys are going without, porn and masturbation is on on all time high,MGTOW AND LGBT IS ON THE RISE, hookers charging arm n leg, price of penis is on all time low, dime a dozen…
YES. Thank you. Many of my “fellow” Americans are stupid. Everything in thos country is about marketing. Hell, even human relationships have been capitalized on.
He owes it a kick in the balls
And from not having been an unstable, half breed, abomination of nature
Men did not talk to women they were interested since the dawn of time, they ran up to her and fucked her with no concern if she was interested or if she found him attractive. Kinda like most species on the planet still do if you watch national geographic documentaries since you brought up the lizard dance. Foreplay consisted of butchering her male relatives/husband. Ah the good old days, AKA the majority of history before the term Alpha had been perverted into meaning muh nice clothes, sportscar, money and metrosexual, waxed, pumped up, roided out beach body. I’m sure you have a problem with this historical fact even though you are “conservative” which is why it is so funny that you are accusing somebody else of being “a bitch”
If you can’t pull snatch when you are dirt poor, you don’t want the kind that comes around once you come into some money
Yeah, as a matter of fact I do have a problem with that. That right there is what you call rape. Anyone who condones that type of shit and considers it alpha is nothing short of a scumbag. Living by your primal instincts isn’t alpha. That just makes you an animal. What if one of those animals did that to your mother? Sister? Any woman of significance to you? You wouldn’t praise those filthy fucks as “alphas” then, would you? What a bozo.
Your age explains why you are such a dumbass. You still believe in Santy claus and the tooth ferry to?
You paying any of my bills? Nope. So what you think of me couldn’t affect me any less. Find someone else to troll.
Lord knows how they enjoy it with all the free internet porn which really brings home how ugly and unskilled at sex 99% of women are. That even applies to the majority of the 1% who are in porn!
Still wanna push the issue ehh? Look, if you live near Fresno, CA then we can meet up somewhere and handle this little problem you seem to have toe to toe. If not, I’m done bickering with your punk ass. Its easy being a tough guy behind a keyboard.
Power over yourself is still power. And personal peace can hardly be achieved when you have to defend yourself on a daily basis. So while power might not necessarily be as simple as a number, I see it as a necessary component of living any life, even a contented one.
You mean the country that betrayed you and the society that threw you under the bus?
You, my friend, are one sorry motherfucker.
It’s impossible to run yourself into the ground with self improvement. Self improvement is like fuel to take you to greater heights with or without a woman in your life or even in your plans.
And if you’re not getting enough Kratom, forget about it.
Or maybe the girl just hadn’t had her daily dose yet.
Any man who won’t take his Kratom is literally Hitler.
Although der fuhrer could have been the greatest man to walk the earth if his ‘final solution’ had been to use Kratlon-B in the showers
I snort Kratom in between shots of Maker’s Mark and top it off with a Xanax bar. Fuck breathing.
I hate to say it but I think I am finally bored of the predictable Kratom joke…
possible kratom deficiency. Suggestion: Increase Kratom dosage.
Literally Hitler is fresher. I love it.
Aaah OK. All better now.
Loving literally hitler is literally hitler.
I arranged to have K banned by the FDA because I’m sick of the “jokes” on ROK.
“Rejection from a woman is always about you and you alone.”
While I respect notions of taking responsibility, this is just bullshit. Possibly best evidenced by the “success rates” of the gurus in the manosphere. So let me get this straight … you get laid with 1 out of 100 women and the 99 times it fails is “all about you”? That’s a tough cookie, man!
Now, I am not hating on gurus, mind you. Afaiac, 1% is perfectly fine. But it seems to me that a lot of this can be boiled down to finding someone who is both available and compatible.
Anyhow, while taking responsibility is respectable (“This woman rejected my advances and that’s okay”), self-blame and self-doubt, as you seem to advocate (“I am being rejected. Something is wrong with me.”) seems counterproductive to me.
Sure, if you are extremely emotionally damaged and suffer from extreme social anxiety or whatever, you will not get laid. But from what I saw in all the social circles in my life is that it is by no means necessary to fulfill some sort of image of a Herculean superman who is powerful, strong, aesthetic, etc. It’s a stupid simplification that, imho, does not measure up to reality.
Agreed, it’s a personal decision.
Speaking of hot women, I just read something interesting out of Rio. So the Brazilian synchronized diving team came out last. Why? Because one of them, 20 year old Ingrid Olivieira, kicked out her teammate and roommate, 17 year old Giovanna Pedroso, out of their room so she could engage in an all night sex romp with a member of the Brazilian canoe team.
“In love and sex as well as in business the cold truth is that men and women want the best deal possible for themselves. As a guy, you naturally want to sleep with the most attractive girl you can.” Ain’t that the truth?
Below is a video of both girls training before the Olympics.
The olympics is big orgy fest now.
And it’s a reflection of how society is breaking down. To train hard for four years only to not just lose, but to get annihilated and ending at the bottom because your roommate couldn’t keep it in his/her pants the night before is a symptom of the debauchery of modern humans.
The olympic village is an observable social experiment in human behavior. Given the opportunity, with all social restrictions removed, females will fuck 2 different alphas every day.
Having said that, it would also be interesting what happens to the women after their Olympic careers are over, what they do afterwards, where they end up, who marries them, etc. Now, if women like Tonya Harding are an example, it’s only downhill from there. That Oliveira girl up there is probably done. Not only will her sponsorship deals be over because no one will take her seriously, but men in general will not want to have anything to do with her unless it’s to tap that juicy ass. Because at the end of the day, if one removes the athletic prowess, it’s all about sexual objectification of athletes with ideal physiques.
Handful of female medalists will get product endorsement deals for a couple years after the games. Unless they are very photogenic, they get forgotten quickly, they become coaches.
Compare that to Michael Phelps. Unless he screws up royally, like Oscar Pistorius, that man is set for life. Unfair for the ladies? Maybe. But since most women burn their cartridges early, this is how things eventually happen.
Indeed. A lot of hot women out there that just want to be fucked.
Due to cultural evolution, 75% of men are 5 or below, simply based on looks, which are the most immediate noticeable variable.
I saw some survey where females on online dating said 80% of males were ugly or otherwise not date-able. Some of that is caused by male/female ratio out of balance online.
The top 50 of 100 men would date 70 of 100 women based on looks.
The top 70 of 100 women would only date 15-25 of 100 males based on looks (there are several different, similar studies).
Those numbers sound plausible. Women are fixated on male height, eliminating men for no other reason. Males look at a woman’s face and figure and then start making trade offs.
You don’t even need studies to come to that conclusion. One needs to go to a local college. Nowadays, even the unattractive women will flat out reject the unattractive men in order to get a shot at the alphas. And even the alphas will go for the ugly women in order to get laid.
I used to hate that, but with game it’s starting to look like a blessing.
Things changed since about the time I was growing up. Part of it is the casual hookup culture celebrated by the PUAs here. If a woman is going to bang someone, and if attractiveness is a sold criteria, why not? It’s perfectly reasonable even for hamster head logic. In the old days, and in more traditional cultures, women are/were more pragmatic and these are the places that Roosh have raided and helped to degrade. If women are looking for actual relationships (and actually looking, not just passively waiting like a houseplant to be picked up), then they will think like men in an many ways and balance out a number of factors including reliability and even “beta” values. An alpha banging them would lower their SMV and they’ll actually avoid them.
true, unlike real world where the female true ratio to men is 1 to 5, online dating can trick women into thinking that they are lower in numbers compared to men, which give them bad attitude which leads them to stay single until they marry a cat or a tree because no man wants to marry a post wall bitch
Are you sure nobody wants to marry that post wall bitch?:))
The post wall bitch have more options than most of us here
Exactly. I’ve seen plenty of short, bald, fat….whatever men with decent women to know women are full of sh!t
Can undate-ables/ugly dudes use game and somehow trick these women into having sex?
Or once women labels you as ugly or unattractive game is over?
The simple fact in 2016 is that the sexual marketplace is now in women’s favor. As men, we have the choice of busting your ass and improving your SMV. Its really the only way in America and around the globe. Or you can drop out of the race and talk as much shit about women as you’d like once you’re done fapping to a Jenna Jameson clip. We all know this.
Why not (fap, fap) both. (Fap fap fap.)
Haha….because porn-induced ED is real. I learned my lesson back in high school. My then-girlfriend was trying to jerk me off at the movies. Matter of fact, we went to go watch the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo remake. 17 year olds should have no trouble getting it up. I quit porn ever since. Quitting weed and fast food was much easier than quitting porn.
Why in the world would you quit those few pleasures in life to be able to get a clumsy, dry, movie theater handjob from your boring, plain Jane, girl next door, most likely fat girlfriend?
I’ll say it again. If you live anywhere near Fresno, CA, meet me somewhere so we can do it old school. You’re tough right? Lets see what you got, pussy. But you don’t, and you won’t. Case closed. Go ride someone else’s dick.
Women have the advantage, when they’re young. That’s how it’s always been. In older times a young girl would have multiple suitors. Men have the distinct advantage over the long term, especially as women age. I’m not saying wait till 35 to start dating. I’m saying there will always be high competition for the most beautiful women. That’s never going to change. As a man, you’re going to have to work to get a quality female.
This is the strenght of the manosphere: to be willing to judge each other as a way of life; it prevents men to fall into the delusional state of the feelgood groups and forces them to actually improve if they are willing to call themselves valuable
I’ll worry about this once ’10’ in America doesn’t just simply mean, “Under 150 pounds”. Until then…meh. Who cares about SMV talk in the States when 90% of the women can’t even be bothered to go for a walk 4-5 times a week?
I smell sour grapes.
If ‘sour grapes’ means ‘a guy who left Fatland twenty years ago and started to live for real’ then I guess so. Good luck ‘gaming’ that smoking 170 pounder. Don’t forget to keep your ‘frame’ and ‘escalate kino’ Ha ha.
Lol….funny, seeing as how all my exes were between 105-130. You must have a sorry track record. You sound like those guys in high school who would accuse this girl and that girl of being a slut. Funny how none of those guys even had a chance at banging those supposed sluts.
A guy online making claims about his dating history….Never thought I’d see that! I’ve seen it all now! Do you deadlift 6 bills at 180 bodyweight also?
Did I say I dated supermodels? You act as if I said I had a 15 inch cock. Where are you from anyways, the south? If you’re a halfway decent looking guy with any sort of confidence, it is not hard AT ALL to get a thin girlfriend, or even a one night fuck. I respect a lot of commenters on thos website but some people here straight up sound like some bitter haters. I get it, I was like that at one time. Then I took a vagina to the penis.
The odd specificity of “105-130” exes was both glaring and hilarious. Thank you for that.
The odd specifity of a smoking 170 lb. ‘er sounds reminiscent of a sorry ass loser who pobably woke up to one of those land whales one morning after one too many Oxycontin/Natural Light binges.
I have had to lower my standards in the weight department. Cant lie. Skinny girls are now so instagram famous. I think they prefer social media over relationships with humans.
Chubby Drunken bar flies and thick coffee shop girls are now my bread and butter. Dont tell my buddies.
Why is that odd? You can learn to guestimate a woman’s weight within 25 lbs from her BMI, without putting her on the scale. Granted they are an endangered species in today’s america.
Riding a fat girl is like riding a scooter – fun until your buds catch you on one.
More like coasting downhill on a scooter that’s broken.
It doesn’t matter who the woman is…she might reject you, and do it callously, but if you get back in front of her down the road, and you are sporting a huge stack of money, suddenly, she will tell you something like, “I always knew you had something special going on…”
And once you give those broads that special something, you zip it back up and its back on the road!!
Exactly. Flash the cash, get the ass. “Buh-bye…”
“And don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out, sugartits”.
Yup. I’ll dial 1-800-SLUT-BAG if I wanna see you again…
I’d rather have a wank than fuck a gold digger.
I hear ya, man. I do preemptive strikes frequently. After a one-night stand, I’ll leave cash on the night stand and call them a cab. This sets the terms of the relationship. If they take the cash (which they always do), the terms are etched in stone. If I bang them again, they know the score – ass for cash. Keeps things simple. And they are way less likely to do the usual shit-tests, or fuck with you. One man’s meat is another man’s poison. To each their own, etc.
I disagree with the tactic of paying hoes but i can see how it could work.
How much do you leave on the nightstand,?
Between $50 and $100.
Do you ever wonder why women don’t leave $50 – $100 on the nightstand for you?
No, but now that you mention it…hmm…
Bob, who’s dresser/place? Your place? This is interesting. What’s your typical funnel for dating? Cold approach-number-drinks-escalate… or something like internet-number-phonecall-dinner-drinks-escalate? I’m curious because I want to repeat this exact situation, try the money thing, and see if I get some repeats… Every time I have sex it’s with a different person. My friends think I’m a sleazeball.. and I am. But it would be nice to have some return lays. I’m gettiing tired of all the approaching, and all the money i spend going out to meet chicks.
I had a friend working overseas in banana republic. He said he often gave dates who stayed overnight $25 for cab fare the morning after, and they would ride the bus home for 25 cents. He said they were regular local girls, not pros. He rarely called them back. He was always on to the next thing. But that is different culture from a developed first world economy, where its going to muck up your game. The more you stimulate the greed impulse in a woman from a western culture, the bigger the problem you create. You start falling into a self made trap that money is a substitute for tight game. Then you ruin your life. End of story.
I exclusively use bars for this type of thing. Meet a girl, hit it off, take her back to my place. There are two scenarios here. Scenario 1 (if I call them a cab) – The next day, I’ll put the money on the night stand before they wake up and then I’ll call them a cab (sometimes I just give it to them once the cab comes, if they are awake before I am). I always toss it off when I give them the money or they pick it up off the night stand. The first line is for a cab situation: “Here’s a little somethin’-somethin’ to get you home, pretty girl – by the way I called you a cab…” I always give them $100 if I call them a cab. Scenario 2 (they drove their own car to my place) – I’ll usually give them $50 if they drive their own car. Now the line becomes, “Just a little somethin’-somethin’ to brighten your day, pretty girl, just like you brightened mine.” (Always flatter them – they love being called “pretty girl”, pretty much universally, and the last part of that line is a solidifier, it plays on their emotions, “Awww!” Etc.)
Now about a third of them will get irate, and try a shit-test. “What do you think I am?” Well, that’s already been established – maintain frame and ignore them. Why? Because in the many years that I’ve left money for women, I have never had a single woman who refused to take it – even the ones who threw a fit. About another one-third won’t say anything. And the other one-third are really excited about it, and say things like, “Cool!” Or, “Oh my god, I can’t believe I’m taking money for sex!” – but they like it. Those are the ones I focus on for repeat performances. If they are happy about getting the money, I get their number and give them mine. Pretty soon, if you keep at it, you’ll have a willing supply of sluts ready to hang out with you and spread their legs for money. And some of them will start calling you up, too, whenever they need $50 or $100, to see if you can cover it.
They won’t fuck up the arrangement either, via the usual female bullshit. Because they really get used to that money. They can’t accuse you of any of the typical false accusations either, because they’re fucking you for money and those terms are etched in stone. This is often cheaper than paying for a date. You’ll be amazed at how many attractive women like the idea of getting paid for sex. Since nobody knows but you and the women you are paying, they tend to relax and enjoy it, as most women are down for anything provided nobody else finds out – especially if they get paid.
And so what if your friends call you a sleazeball – speaking of which, I have run into girls to whom I’ll give an extra $20 per successful-outcome blowjob, during an all-day hook-up…but only if they have five-star skills. Yeah…sleazy ain’t it…who cares what people think, they can’t think for themselves anyway. Give it a shot – it’s an effective, drama-free way to go. And happy bangin’ to you good sir…
Wow, that is a really cheap trick.
I mean an inexpensive lay…wow, you get away with that shit?
See long comment below about the techniques I use…
Alright, I’ll keep some extra cash in the bedroom and try it out!
Some of them will try to ratchet up the price for their services as time progresses. Sometimes I’ll increase their fuck allowance if they have good skills, great looks, and a good attitude. Other times I won’t. Also, with the economy sucking, there are many women who are down for this now. A college bar will get good results. So will a Hooters. Many Hooters waitresses are down for that type of arrangement. But you have to go in, flash a lot of cash, get to know the girls. If they are in college, there’s your in. They need money for tuition, etc. Dive bars can be really good. Upscale places, not so much. Mid-range bars are okay. That’s all I got…good luck.
I like your approach!
You are doing this upside down. Place a help wanted ad for an fictitious escort service (not illegal in the US if you never actually pimp anybody) or porn production company. You then have to “sample” the goods or audition the “talent” before you can hire. Free bangs. If you have money you need to clean, open a strip club. Skanks who want to dance PAY YOU to work at your club and if you tell them that it is already too full of peelers you get free bangs to make room for one more girl on the floor.
Depends on the brand of gold digger. There is honesty in gold digging. If I am with a girl who is just with me for money then I am with you on the preferability of the wank. However, I want a girl who expects to be treated well, to be taken to a good diner, an expensive martini bar, a show at Lincoln center. In turn, I expect her to play the part. She better be dressed right, act right, walk right, her table manners better be immaculate.
I like the show and I realize there is a cost to it. I am ok with that so long as everyone is playing their roles and, of course, her dignity comes off with her dress and she, as Robert Heinlein says, does her whorish best afterwards.
That kind of “gold digging” to men is more like a one night arrangement. I desire that show and I am willing to pony up for it.
Gold digger looks for the male to buy her things beyond the date, shopping, jewelry. Or it can also refer to a female who marries for the man’s wealth. Gold digger targets men with money who she would otherwise never talk to.
yes, that is something that will never happen in my world……the date is something I am purchasing for myself and can be at any price point I chose. If she wants jewelry or rent I suggest she find someone who can’t get laid by yawning.
I needed to hear this post. Thanks Troy.
We all know how important it is to radiant energy. For me the big changers were the gym, giving up bad addictions (smoking, TV, video games, sitting on my assignment 2 much) and eating right (organic). I have 100x more energy due to eating real food so how do you think women feel when they sense my energy compare to the average man that has little… For some stupid reason when you look after yourself, it gives you a shitload of energy (confidence / self esteem) compare to being a slave to addictions.
What a load of horse sh!t. Seriously the worst article i’ve read on this site.
Rejection is never personal,even when it is. Any successful ambitious man knows not to take any rejection personally. Even when his character is being slaughtered.
The writer suggests that women are always making rational intellectual judgements and critique of a man when he proposes a romantic/sexual relationship. In a 5 second window? LMAO!
I’ve been in many situations where i’ve been rejected by women well below my status in looks,finance,personality,career,etc. I just laugh it off and carry on,obviously knowing for a fact that i can and definitely will get better than her.
You Mr Writer obviously are either Adonis incarnate,or you’ve resorted to “Back to the drawing board” everytime you’ve been rejected. What an exhausting life you must be living.
A progressive man is always reforming himself and striving for better,irrespective of whether a woman rejects him or not. So when he does get rejected,he brushes it off and continues his journey toward total success and self-improvement….Always!
PS: Mr Troy just posted all that garbage as a selling presentation for his worthless book. If anyone bothers to waste time reading it,i suggest searching the web for a pirate copy. At least you wont be robbed of your hard-earned cash.
Come on now,
You’re interpreting the article in a way it may not have been intended.
Split-second judgements are far from a complete evaluation of who you are and what’ve you’ve got to offer. But with that said, sometimes that’s all we get.
Isn’t that what game is? The ability to display higher value (no matter the time frame).
But sometimes, I reckon you’ve got to increase your value to have more of it to display. Faking it won’t last in the long run. And I think that’s what Francis meant.
If you continue getting the cold shoulder over and over again without much luck, you’re at least not displaying what she’s looking for in however short a time frame she unconciously makes this decision. Not to be confused with the fact that rejection is a normal part of hitting on women. You can’t be liked by everyone but you can increase your odds as we know.
Did someone else already get around to saying “A 10?!!! more like a 3 WNB. I turn down girls like that at da club all the time” about all the girls in the pics? If not, I would like to be the first. Thank you.
Haha! Proper lad.
Thoughtful article
The reason you have to keep banging the drum for self-improvement is that so many guys don’t want to improve. This requires too much effort. Instead, they prefer that women sink down to their level.
In theory they should reap the results of their labour but in reality they end up with less favourable results than that. Let me explain: because of the skewed market out there were the 7-10 are “instagram godesses” with thousands of followers, 6s are left for the average commoners to fight over therefore causing an increas in demand for their mediocrity (the new 8s), the average joe ranking at 5-6-7 would have to date much lower or…there’s no alternative.
If you dont improve you are toast and that include hitting the gym, having a good diet, having an alright job etc. Momentarily the best practice is to adapt to the new environment rather than change it. No one can chnage it in own lifetime and not on their own.
This is why I only talk to 8 and above. (Real 8s that is). Soon enough you see their flaws and realise that an 8 is a four with make-up.
True true and you begin to realise that 8s aren’t as hostile as theyre perceived to be, they don’t get approached as much!
Exactly, I find that 8s are usually flattered and happy to talk to you, even if they turn you down. You made their day.
Of course your approach matters “yo baby yo whats up?!” probably won’t work.
Hard truth for a lot of guys to stomach, but until they do they will be stuck.
Many live in a buble they’ve created in their own heads to feel safe. Their very own safe space. They peek at the real world sometimes but effort is tiring.
It is true. I mean, I don’t fault a man for his tastes (within reason….fat is still fat) and if your tastes are such that you can avoid the real world and live in fantasy land and still be genuinely happy than I’ve no qualm with that. What gets me are the people who are fucking rage machines while living in their safe space like they are shocked that a young bar rafalli doesn’t come crawling into their bubble with them
It is more than that. The real deep down fear to the “self” As I am I’m not good enough. That shit is hard. That kind of truth is where murders and suicides live. What those guys need to know the self improvements are from them and it is also who they are. They get moved out of their comfort zone and make a new comfort zone. Those are tough things to do.
I’m at the point now where I don’t care one iota about being turned down. The moment I start talking to a girl I start seeing all of her flaws. And it actually makes my life a little bit easier not having her in my life.
One less bitch you gotta worry about…
He’s teaching people to improve themselves for the sake of having the opposite of an abundance mentality. Thinking it’s all on men is how american women have sunk as low as they have. Men should improve themselves for the sake of improvement, not because they are pedestalizing women.
Troy is in London man….
Anyway I think improvement should have purpose rather than be an end unto itself.
There is purpose. The purpose of being powerful. Power is a virtue that shows you have mastery over your environment. There are other reasons, like not having a heart attack when you are 40. Being excessively introspective does not improve game for those struggling, approaching more to build frame does.
Yes but to make improvement happen you need a “why”. Without a “why” there is no reason to do it. It’s not motivating to tell someone to improve just so they can improve. For a man to make an effort towards something he needs a reward.
I get what you saying about heart attacks but for most people that is too abstract.
The fact that virtue is not a why shows how diseased the west is and how that sickness still infects many here.
Dropping dead from a heart attack at 40 beats watching your body rot away after middle age then spending years suffering at the hospital from cancer or wtv until you are lucky enough to croak at 80
Both sound shitty.
Started running 3x a week using the “couch potato to 5k plan”…the plan works, start running with no walking next week….also found 50,000%RDA of B12 works wonders…next stop weight lifting…and I am a married dude. Hornier around my wife, its awesome, she notices a difference for sure!
Make sure you wife knows that when a man gets hornier than his wife there is inevitable leakage which may make its way into young girls at the bar.
Try this: weight vest at about 20% of your body weight. Work up to 30%. Walk 4 -5 miles in one hour. This will shred you like wheat.
A wife should always be available to satisfy her husband’s sexual needs. Wives who do not have sex with their husbands deserve to be cheated on.
Are you really female?
It’s impossible for a guy to want to have sex with just his wife or any woman for more than a year MAXIMUM. How much she puts out has nothing to do with it.
Absolutely. I don’t know why some users doubt that I’m female.
I see why you call yourself a dummy.
Because if in some laboratory experiment we were going to create the perfect female, you would be it.
You’re much too kind. Nobody is perfect. I could stand to lose about 10 pounds though I am far from obese. I can also be too emotional at times. There are occasions where I am bratty but my husband puts me in my place. Thanks for the compliments though.
Women can’t sink any lower than the level they are already at, have always been at and always will be at
No I believe that if they can try really hard, they can definitely sink lower. It just takes self-belief, determination and dedication.
Hey Bob. While self-improvement is always a good thing, and certainly I credit that to settling down and getting married, they and game are not enough. I think perspective matters. This is why travel is so essential. Like fish in water, many young men wind up buying into the cultural myths around them because they don’t know better. I know people who make 3 times more than me but struggle with finances because they don’t understand the concept of living within their means.
Very good point. Indeed I travel frequently although I would include financial budgeting as part of a self-improvement plan.
I intend for my daughter to have internatoinal experience as well. Not as a slutty bimbo American tourist, of course, but rather to spend time with family and friends for a year or so in different cultures including Thailand (have friends there) and even Vietnam. I’ll confess I suffered this myself in thinking that the culture of America was no only universal worldwide, but even timeless. A lot of this arrogance and insularism is rife in Troy’s writing. I’m going to make a separate post.
I have friends in Vietnam too. I must make it over there…
I wonder if I should write an article here because being married for 14 years and a parent should mean something. Not only am I married, I even can tell my wife off and get away with it. I use the word “no” on an almost daily basis with her.
Picking up chicks, knowing clown game, and pumping weights at the gym certainly are useful to young men. Heck, I wish I had those skills myself back then but young men (and women) should be cognizant that life isn’t all about the 10 year or so period between when they’re of the legal age of sexual consent and their late 20’s. I accidentally figured this out by, well, banging milfs. Spending time with them gave me appreciation for (what are now) classic films, music, the arts, travel, book clubs, etc. 25 years later, I have a rich set of life experiences to draw upon as a father and husband. I utilized their male friends as mentors.
Take care EB. In the meantime, please take my invitation to do something I want to do, but now with a small girl cannot: Transnavigate the world via the Trans-siberian railroad. Fly to London, take the chunnel to the mainland, take the train to Saint Petersburg, from there to Moscow, then from there, to Beijing, fly to ‘Nam and get some Apocalypse Now surfing in, then from there to Hawaii, to LA, and from there to home.
I’ll have to wait 20 years until I’m allowed to do it. Don’t know what the world situation will be like by then. Heck, I don’t know what’s going to be happening next year.
Great idea thank you. If I can get my blog started this year I’ll invite you to contribute.
Thanks. You can contact me at marek 1965 at Comcast dot net.
There are 1000 possible reasons why you get rejected. 500 are not in your control, 500 are.
Game is about controlling the 500 you can as good as possible and to maximize your chances with women . You will never have the ability to get every girl you want.
Men over estimate by 5? So I am not an 86?
Good article troy. I think one thing that you point out that is often passed over is that while women TEND towards hypergamy it needs to be, as you so aptly state, triggered.
A hypergamous woman needs to see something that she honestly feels is a huge leap forward for her both compared to what she has had before and compared to what is currently possible.
Hypergamy is evolutionary biology pre-programmed into females, some are more open about it than others. Huge leap forward… disagree there.
Yes it is. But it specifically is looking for something “better” The programing of hypergamy isn’t going to allow a girl to look at a guy who is a lesser choice than her current options and think that is the guy for her. Hypergamy doesn’t mean she will open her hole for any loser. It means she will open her legs for anything that is superior (or that she believes is superior) to her former or current options. THis means that you must make yourself better in order to take advantage of that hypergamy. You can’t just happen to be there.
Women can fuck around for trivial reasons also. Tinder proves that.
Women have a “logic” that is all their own. However, if you want to take advantage of their natural inclination towards hypergamy you cant just stand around eating subway with your dick out…you actually have to be someone that they really want to fuck and different women will have different reasons.
As for tinder…I think the average woman on tinder, average in all ways, will get hundreds of rando guys with their cocks out ready to fuck them. Even if they chose one a day they are choosing based on some fuck nuts criteria, even if it is insane and seems totally random. THe simple fact of the matter is that no matter how slutty women are, men of higher value will get more and better quality than men of lower vale.
I was questioning your huge leap forward word choice in other comment. Women will fuck a man for his tats.
The guy doesn’t need to be better in every way or even most ways. Just different. That pair of shoes she just wasted $500 on isn’t any better than the 100 other pairs she already has in her walk in closet, just new, shiny and barely different from the pair that you think look exactly the same that she already owns
Confidence,confidence, confidence. Followed by looks.
Confidence comes from experiencing something to back it up. in the case of success with women, looks are BY FAR the most important thing. If you look great, women will check you out everywhere you go, flirt with you, sometimes tell you straight that they think you’re hot. Constantly experiencing this hardwires REAL confidence right into your nervous system.
So how does an ugly guy get confidence with women? Especially hot ones? He can either get mad wealth or status, and the attention will come from gold diggers and social climbers. Very often he’ll lie to himself that they actually want him for his cock, other times he won’t care.
With neither looks nor status though, all you have is the artificial confidence that comes from scamming pua coaches telling you to tell yourself that “you are the prize” and that you can bang all the Victoria’s Secret models you want, and if they don’t want you it’s “their loss”. People who act confident with nothing to back it up are hated by both men and women.
Nope its confidence -with looks coming in second.
This is coming from a guy who won the genetic lottery and has far above average looks.
A good looking guy without confidence is like a fat girl with a pretty face. One giant disappointment.
For many years I was that guy – good looking , but a supplicating beta bitch to the core. You know what it got me – lots of interest and quick flings.. but nothing more. The ladies saw that I was nothing but an empty suit.
Ive since changed.. but many years were lost in the process.
That said – a man who is good looking and has confidence will pull and retain 8s and 9s much easier than an ugly guy -even an ugly with lots of confidence. In the ugly guys case – if he is confident – he will be able to pull and retain 6’s & 7s with ease. This alone will make him stand out from his peers.
A good looking guy who lacks confidence may be able to regularly pull 6s and even an occasional 7 or 8 – but – unlike the ugly with confidence – he is incapable of keeping any of them around.
Why would he want to though? Variety is the spice of life
Id side with Roosh here, you must be a good little clown to pull those tens-full of entertainment for their shallow minds. Im fine with a ride-or-die 7 who hasnt been piped out, and being my regular self. “Deserving” of some bitch, nyukkah plz…
Never met a ride or die bitch, must be like a unicorn. 99% of dudes aren’t ride or die and just bitches themselves
Meet one with a belief system, that she truly is fervant to. Religion puts women in line, not to sound like a Mormon lololol but there is centuries old wisdom in it. 2016 media or a religion, which would you prefer your girl to listen to.
What makes so called 10’s out of reach though? Her looks in relation to your complete SMV? What else do they even offer? Fuck what they say, yeah you always need to up your game, but thinking you aren’t good enough because a bitch says so? Well you just failed my man.
Unless you work in show biz or model industry, where women are objectively judged on their attractiveness every day, the term 10 is rarely accurate. More likely it means a woman who turns your head. Slapping the 10 label on 7.5 creates distortions in game. But I agree with the general premise of the OP that self improvement will create more social opportunities for a man.
10s are measured in boner strength.
So do the women get ranked higher the more viagra you take?
No meta. the other way around.
You need a truckload viagra to get hard for that 3.
You need a pill for that 6.
You need half a pill for that 8.
When you spot that 10 you can do 2 rounds without any drugs. Thats why she is called a 10.
Omega male advice.
Agreed. 10 should turn heads and men seeing her for a minute should ask about her half a year later.
So…you got ten. You had a wild time for a month, two or three.
Then she has enough. She says: “I am leaving.” You: “Whatever.”
After a couple of months you meet. You have sex within an hour. But after that you compare 3 months with her a 3 months without her. And deep inside you feel that you stagnated these three months with her…doing little else but having sex and grew these 3 months without her and it´s over. You are out.
And then what? Another attempt and another? To what end?
To this end? There are no winners in the mating rat race.
He didn’t fail, this article delivered some brutal truths that men need to hear.
Like fat acceptance for women, the game/pua community has blown so much fucking smoke up the arse of their audience that they believe they’re entitled to the best gash out there, regardless of what they’re bringing to the table or whatever competition’s out there.
If a 10 rejects you, instead of shunning reality and thinking “fuck you, I am the prize. I AM good enough.” you should honestly assess if you’re a 10 yourself. If some fat ugly ditchpig felt entitled to your cock, I’m sure you’d take great offence at her thinking she’s good enough for you, as would I.
After a bad year where I neglected my health and physique, I really let myself turn into a fat, porky mess. When I first went back to the gym I was invisible to all the hot girls there. But as the weight started dropping and I got my lean, strong, bastard-hard body back, I was getting eye fucked all the time, they kept accidentally bumping into me and just happened to hover around wherever I was.
Now, going into that gym to start with, I felt I wasn’t good enough for those beautiful, shapely and toned girls… because I wasn’t! Some might call that a limiting belief, I call it a healthy perspective. As I got fatter and more repulsive, when I walked the streets, the women that were checking me out were getting fatter and uglier too, and the hot ones who were once responsive to my gaze looked repulsed. I knew that if I wanted someone gorgeous, fit and fuckable I had to be that way myself.
You have to be whatever you want, or you don’t have the right to be pissed off when it doesn’t want you back.
We got to this point in society by absolving women of all responsibility. Women need to be controlled in order for society to prosper; putting it all on men ensures matriarchy and slavery for men. Troy’s single mother upbringing is showing here; he just put women on a colossal pedestal for something they often did nothing to earn.
Troy never explicitly stated women shouldn’t have responsibility too. I’m failing to see how he’s putting women on a pedestal by stating the obvious.
Of course it goes both ways. Just like we here deride fat ugly skanks for being brainwashed into thinking they’re beautiful and deserve a rich adonis. It would be hypocritical not to hold the mirror up to this community to show the hypocrisy of Ugly/average men being brainwashed into thinking that they are “the prize”… and should have gorgeous models on their pricks just because.
I just hope no one new to the red pill sees this after failing there first approach and decides to only improve themselves and avoids approaching again for months.
Exactly,couldnt agree more,it works both ways for sure !!
New to approaching/new to the redpill
Pick one.
We are not going to grow unless men can engage. The most important thing for men starting down this path is to see game principles work. That means 1000s of approaches to build solid frame and outcome independence. Not beating them down the same way state drones did to them growing up.
If it’s about growth, there are better ways of going about it. But if we’re being honest, approaching is about the endgame of inserting your penis into a vagina. If you can’t achieve that outcome after 1000 approaches, then there are certain biological realities one has to face, that the only way you’re going to insert your wang into an attractive lady is by swallowing your pride, whipping out the old American Express and paying for it.
That’s not what I was saying and you know it. Sitting around playing rationalistic games will always be trumped by the man who is out there, gaining experience.
Not if he isn’t learning from that experience.
So you object based off the hypothetical notion that they will learn nothing from approaching. Every guy I have introduced the red pill to who focused on improvement over approaches has failed. The ones who approached succeeded. Experience trumps training every time.
You approach, you get a girl. A girl in your league. If ONS is your thing you might even score above your SMV from time to time. But thats it.
You improve you do move up in a higher league. You still have to approach to get a girl. But now your closing numbers for the former league go way up while you can land better pussy overall. If LTR is your goal there is no way to avoid the personal improvement.
Many of these men have no drive because they get no women. Let’s not put the cart before the horse.
A grown man has much more important things going on in his life than women.
They are a minor perk in his life at best and a time sink at worst. If a mans main (if not only) motivation comes from the desire to “get a woman” he is a hollow shell to begin with.
Experience = improvement. It’s the same thing really.
That’s backwards.
The entire point of life is to reproduce, if you fail to follow this, you will go extinct. No matter how much wealth you amass, though success and indifference goes a long way in setting up most women to be attracted.
Ironically this option yields much better quality poozy at a lower price point with almost no effort required in comparison to self improvement/ game guys with a much higher smv are putting so much effort into. It just lacks the juvenile ego boost of convincing a – 100 you have inflated to an 8 in your mind because you got her to be dtf which really means laying there like a starfish while you do all the work in bed, as if it wasn’t already bad enough that you had to do all the work to make the bang go down in the first place. There is a reason some females can make a living renting their vaginas and that is because most women/people are completely repulsive
Never said the author failed, but believing whole-heartedly in a 10’s rejection of you is a failure. Yes what she says may be true, but they have layers upon layers of bullshit going on that you can’t take that shit at face value. You need to be brutally honest in your criticism of yourself while also factoring in external feedback (rejections etc), would you date/bang you if you were a 10/10 girl? If no, proceed to improve. If, though, you have your shit together; looks, personality, and wealth, and a bitch still disregards you? Then fuck her.
Learning the difference between cuntary and insufficiency is a skill, you need to judge her rejection of you, not just take it at face value.
Really can’t disagree with that to be fair. It all comes down to feedback from several encounters, not just one. Someone may be rejected by a 10, but they may have had 10s in the past, and know there’ll be more in the future – in which case it’s no big deal. But if someone keeps failing time and again, then it IS them that’s the problem.
OK, hold on.
First of all, Justin Bieber and George Clooney are rich and famous. And unfortunately one of the unwritten laws of the universe is that, aside from having the fortune of being wealthy and having status, celebrities are granted suaveness and composure through the confidence that their money and rank in society provides. I myself also find that women are just as selfish, jaded, and delusional as men when it comes to the sexual marketplace (actually, most are way worse than men), but, just as you mentioned with your Sports Illustrated model example, we have to remember that this doesn’t mean that men are going to look at Brooklyn Decker and then look at some girl behind the cash register at Starbucks and think to themselves “eh, hipster baristas have always been more my style.”
Second of all, you are right in claiming that women want more than just looks most of the time. However, your mention of style and demeanor in my opinion still falls under that category of “appearance”. Women want intelligence, drive, skill, and charisma, along with looks (and many other things). The first three in this list combined suggest that he is a suitable marriage partner; he will be able to make money, and provide for a family (a biological instinct in all women that liberals seem to have been trying to weed out for ages now. It won’t go away). Charisma ensures that a man will be good with people, good with children, and good to his wife. And yes, the list goes on, as these are just to name a few of the dozens of qualities a woman looks for in a guy aside from thick hair and bright eyes.
Every good person deserves a perfect 10, but in reality the scale goes from 1-9. The extra point is something special that changes for everyone. Maybe a 10 for me is a girl that can play guitar, but a 10 for @disqus_XwNIJffQpS:disqus here is a girl that is athletic, and he doesn’t want a girl who is musically talented. That’s fine with me. We must remember that this scale that goes from one to “perfect 10” usually winds up not being what we expect on account of one man’s trash being another man’s treasure.
Very blue pill conventional thinking. Good luck running beta game.
You are thinking like a female, the vast majority of hetero guys give zero fucks if a piece of ass makes alot of jew paper because she won’t be spending that shit it on him the way a rich guy would on a gold digger. They don’t give 2 shits if she runs so much track that she doesn’t get her rag anymore or if she can shred like Jimmy Hendrix either because it doesn’t make the puss any tighter. One thing you are almost right about though is the one man’s trash thing because Brooklyn Decker looks like Golem from LOTR to me, but then again I recognize all of them for the trash that they are.
I love that this article flies directly in the face of the current SJW narrative that game and the manosphere teaches men to feel they are entitled to women. Of course none of them will ever read it. It would destroy their precious world view.
But if you read some of the comments, you’d get the impression that they DO feel they are entitled to women.
They are, MOTHER Nature ( a female) made males stronger for a reason.
I have no competition
You have to look at the whole package. A 10 really is never a 10 when you dig into who she is. Sure she might have a rocking body but if her nature is toxic at some level, its only a matter of time before the wine turns to vinegar, and you are paying child support and alimony to have some other man move into your home and sleep in your bed. Easier to hunt unicorns at this point.
Calling a female HB10 pedestalizes a women with perfection. Its a messed up paradigm on many levels. I think that way of thinking goes with marketing sizzle of over-selling game to AFCs.
It isn’t just her nature, age makes every poosy acidic/vinegary, even the ones you thought were once a 10
Or just save yourself time and effort and get a prostitute. Then get back to working on shit that’s important.
Once a year in las vegas to give yourself a birthday present maybe. But hitting a hooker every week is messed up, most men are going to look for alternatives to that.
That hobby gets expensive pretty quickly too.
Sex with a hooker can’t compare with sex you have with a girl who’s into you and you into her. It’s almost better to just beat off. Unless you’re drunk and want to blow in slut. I’ve done it few times.
Some blue pill bitch just reported my other comment as spam so it disappeared. I’d say 3 way with two HB8s, even if they are escorts, is better than wanking. That’s just me.
Haha. Yeah I could agree with that. I pay for the services of some of these porn stars
ROK seems to be more about selling game to incels on the hype they can bang HB10s. Comments that question that premise aren’t welcome. Its not a good site for intermediate level game.
Like lots of sites selling a world view, this place tends to be an echo chamber.
There are $50 hookers. You may indeed not notice much of an improvement over fabing to porn.
Then there are the $500 escorts. You may want to do that from time to time if your average girl (or girlfriend/wife) is the 5/6 or below range. Why? Just so you dont forget how it feels to bang an 8 or 9. You may still enjoy the sex with your beloved girl more, but the pure hottness of the escort more than makes up for it.
And then. And THEN there are the $5000+/day models. These are 9s to 10s and they are damn fucking awesome in their job.
Not only do they look amazing and know EXACTLY what men want, they also make it seem they really like you and enjoy the sex with you very much. They also seem to have the ability to orgasm at demand and make you feel like a male porn star. No matter if you are good or just average. They earn 10times as much as the escort for a reason.
If you have not yet experienced all levels it is not possible to judge the industrie as a whole. Maitresses have been around for a long time. The kings of old did not fuck random girls, now you are starting to understand why.
I admit I’ve thought about getting a higher end girl but haven’t pulled the trigger on it. I have no idea what $5k gets but that is a lot of money. If I’m paying a girl that much, it’s to be arm candy at a social function
The only difference between a $50 street walker and a $5000 “escort” is the latter’s unrealistic self image and a chump with more disposable income to waste than common sense who is willing to be gouged by her. SMV is observed in pay for play as well, the same ” high class escort” who is charging a fat ugly old married businessman $5000 is letting 10 thugs run a train on her then blow their wads all over her mascara smeared face in exchange for a bottle of Grey Goose and a blunt lol
Don’t obsess over 10s and “10-ism” and trust me, that’s when you will pull 10s and leave bewildered dudes in your wake.
I’ve pulled several 10s in my life (I have no reason to lie, it’s been a good run), and I have to say there’s not a single thing different about them. At all. I give them zero pedestal because that’s what makes you stand out among the herd of drooling dopes trying to get their phone number. Deliver a kind form of pure indifference, and they start coming around. Don’t compliment the things they want you to stare at. Resist the urge to fawn over their flawlessness. “Little negs” (be polite, but on the level) remind them that you, too, have abundance. To the 10, it’s pure magnetism.
I don’t care about what I “deserve”
Even some fat bitch with an ugly face and saggy boobs thinks she deserves the top men in the world
What you actually “deserve” doesn’t really matter
I appreciate the usual self improvement dialogue we like to instill, but here at ROK, we are told men are the shapers of society, architects of civilization and everything within. By that virtue alone, our smv is higher than women. Are we entitled to beautiful women if we exude no positive traits? No, of course not. But the moment a man has good qualities about him, no women deserves to reject him of the premise of appearance, superficial judgement. The reality is, the elites (or their infernal master) have corrupted the very marketplace in which a once virtuous and holy transaction was made and so her undeserved ego will think she is better. Even the examples made: Denise Richards, skills: none, looks: faded
David beckham, skills: pro athlete, brand specialist, looks: sharp and increased with age. Point being, even if beckham is without his rugged boyish good looks, can match with a younger, beatiful female. We objectify sex and success, as it should be. But walk into the conversation KNOWING you ARE 5 points higher. But yea, most of don’t deserve a perfect 10, but not the reasons stated in the article.
The moment a male is indeed a “shaper of society, architect of civilization” he is first a man and second a leader with very high SMV. He need not worry about pussy. Pussy will throw herself in his path anyways.
The moment a male is a guy who takes no responsibility, with dreams involving a goverment job, a mortgage and a leased tesla he is first a pussy and coward and second a man-child with very low SMV. He who can not lead even himself and thinks he simply deserves that woman because of his amazing but secret inner self; is just a fool and pussy will avoid him like the plague.
my friend…5s and 6s get hot women ALL THE TIME. Douchebags like me get women all the time. Because women like aggressive men or sweethearts. Or gamers, or nerds, of parapalegics…?
Hmmm, tear down men and then slide in an advertisement for your book to “improve their SMV”. Come on….
This is an honest article. It is a value market in every sense.
It seems only hometown, highschool-type relationships maintain an aura of genuineness about them. even though in school, value and status take different forms in their own ways, but still.
I deserve a 14…. I might put up with a 10 until that 14 shows up, but as fast as modern women are degrading themselves it’s idiotic to lower my standards for broken and used goods. I’m worth more that a dozen “models” so don’t sell this tripe about my worth kiddo!
A 14?? Sheeit. I wanna ”20”!! I want it all!!
Literally a 20 is outside the realm of possibility but I’d settle for a . . eeh . . I’m rounding it off to a 12.5 or so
damn why they build a sauna downstream of Chernobyl
As fast as female beauty rots a man needs at least a 200+ to justify making a commitment to some broad, and considering how much men already do for women we are fucking all worth that
A 20 would have 4 tits, 2pussies/A-holes and no heads, just 2 mute mouths that only suck/lick but never talk.
The problem with SVM is that there is no accurate , this is important accurate (for example you can measure time accurately) measurement for SVM . I might be wrong but I think everyone bluffs in social situations and in dating this becomes more frequent as you got older you want to hide your flaws . This is true for both men and women .
Interesting article and interesting comments. I honestly believe the majority of women have their own SMV so utterly fucked up that no man is “good enough” for them.
And I’ll throw this out: I’ve seen broads that I’d grade out as 4s,5s and 6s have become the absolute fucking worst in terms of attitude. I’m not even talking about trying to pick them up, I’m talking in terms of basic shit like getting the fuck out of the way on a sidewalk or driving etiquette.
So we have a system/marketplace that’s morphed into academia: Grade/SMV inflation that makes fucktards think they should be CEOs on day one and fuggos think that they’re princesses.
The natural beauties have good genes and tend to be balanced and good natured. All 10’s aren’t cunts. The surgically modified 10’s are different though. They invest heavily in their looks so as to force their smv up and they think that they can buy their way into the lineup beside the real quality genes. These vain specimins come with a price. They’re not naturals but they only want a return on their investment. They’re cuntier than the naturals. They likely hate on the natural unmodified beauties.
If you find a real natural unaltered beauty, she’ll likely top the charts all around being sound in mind and personality as well. Yes you can have it all if you seal the deal with a fresh one. Go down the scale to a 5 or below or a fattie and the smv also reflects other sorry traits as well. Fat slob bitches have a ton of other shit wrong with them, guaranteed. I once knew a fat whore that was also homicidal, stupid and crazy and a gold digger as well. She had every bad trait rolled into one. She couldn’t even cook a box dinner. The bitch was gross with ears that looked like thick cauliflower petals or something, like deformed almost and with excessive earrings. Everything about her was bottom of the scale. The fact that she was a whore made me think ”geez, what less could anyone look for in a woman?”. I knew the guy who ended up with her and I was amazed how anyone could set their sights so low. It’s almost like you could swear the guy was intentionally dredging the bottom of the lake for this worthless woman. It would be so much easier to game a natural beauty. Their fine features also ensure likelihood that their mind and personality is well formed and balanced. You can’t put a price on good genes all around and the good news is that a true natural beauty is easier to approach than an ugly obese woman. Beauties are used to compliments and are pleasantly more approachable than a fugly fatty with warts who thinks you’re trying to mug them. Don’t even approach the fugly pieces of shit. They know you’re worthless and crazy as well for even thinking of doing them. A professional model may become jaded but a natural beauty who isn’t a working model is simple to chat up with normal game and the return is tenfold what it is with the others farther down the scale especially with LTR prospects. It’s true the high end natural beauties are less crazy than the low end scrough.
The same can also be said for females, too. They often (especially within western nations) well over-estimate their SMV by a long way, due to the way that their egos are fed rampantly through social media, online dating, and the like. I’ve heard on many occasions about total land-whales and swamp donkeys complaining they can’t land a decent alpha guy when they aren’t even a 3 on a good day. They also bemoan that any man they meet is one they ‘lowered’ their standards to be with, when in reality, they are about as good a potential partner as it would be to drink bleach.
The whales know you’re a low game chump if you settle for them and they’ll take you to the wringer for it in the end. I don’t know what the hell they’re thinking, like they think chewing the guy and picking their cro magnon teeth afterwards will raise them up somehow as they burp. They’re closer to the wild animal negative side of predatory woman. They’ll devour the soup kitchen and then continue on to cannibalize on the scruffy guys waiting in line. Even if you are higher up smv, they view you as low down as any other soup kitchen meal. Bottomed out is what they are.
A woman does not base her SMV on how many men approach her, but how men deal with her rejection. Guys who lash out or tell her “you ain’t shit anyway” clearly valued the opportunity more than someone who can move on unfazed in a pleasant way.
Women have experienced being told “you aren’t hot enough to reject me” only to come back later to try a second time.
Here is an example: In the past week, 5 different men approached me on the street, at a coffee shop, and in a grocery store who were visibly irritated when I told them I had a boyfriend. One mildly attractive man proceeded to tell me, “Whatever, I usually only date models anyway.” I responded with an uncomfortable laugh because…why are you telling me that? But then he proceeded to follow me around the produce section.
Moral of the story, approach all the women you are even mildly interested in. We already assume you’re doing that. But if she says no, smile and say, “Okay, have a nice day anyway.” That will help her realize that her rejection didn’t ruin your day.
Spot on!
There are no 10s.
hmm? . . math. 9+2=11
Yes there are. A scale with a non-existent endpoint is a useless scale. A 10 is more subjective than the rest on the scale. It is basically a girl that all would agree is a 9, who happens to have all of your specific preferences checked off (as in you personally).
No such thing as a girl all would agree is a 9. Some guys are “chubby chasers” who can’t get wood for any bitch under 300 pounds. Some guys only are attracted to one race etc.,
I would also disagree – to some degree. There are parts that are accurate and make some sense. But a woman’s hour by hour and minute by minute ability to “assess” value is not something to analyze and then create some predictable formula for outcome.
I would agree more with approaches – raw number of approaches. Couple that with focusing on yourself, staying the best “you” that you can be, studying, reading, understanding the world around you. If you are TRULY secure with yourself and your masculinity, you wouldn’t care for a second what some broad thought of you. it’s just “NEXT!”. You can’t go getting excited about any single girl, whether she’s a 6 or a 10 matters not.
Scoring a 10 is definitely an achievement, but sleeping with 8s and 9s is quite good too. I’ve had 6s, 7s, 8s, and maybe closely approaching a 9, but I never felt deprived to not be sleeping with a 10. A woman rating in that range is going to know her value – which of course will go down as she ages. She’s not going to be a virgin. She’s not going to have a low notch count. She’s therefore NOT going to be LT GF or wife material. So treat her like any other chick you want to bang. It doesn’t really matter.
You can only say “NEXT” when you have options.
There are many child-man who are well into their late 20s with such a low SMV that they can not get dates at all. So once they do get a date, it was maybe 3 months since their last one and maybe a year since they had sex.
These boys are not going to play it cool. They can not say “next” because there is noone else with a pussy interested in them.
This article is for these guys. They have to understand that they need to improve to the point when females find them fuckable. Until this point is reached, everything else is bad advice.
Have seen many 10s.
Usually, they become 1’s and 0’s within a couple years, thanks to feminism making loser cock the recent version of an “alpha”.
You can’t compete with loser cock?
Anyone can. Just not for a 1 or 0 woman. Pointless effort.
There is no “deserve”. Women don’t deserve a super alpha,men don’t deserve a perfect 10.You can either get it or not with the value you offer.And I agree with the premise that rejection is a sign of not offering enough(or just presenting it the wrong way,whatever).Men of value often disregard how passing a comfort test is important when your value is too high.Many women won’t just give it up for a celeb guy because he isn’t signaling effort in any way,and pump and dump by a celeb isn’t really appealing to any girl outside groupies or Insta whores.Yeah we can argue that all women are that,but let’s keep it real.Overgaming is real.Realer than you can imagine.Many alphas didn’t get any for the sole reason of scaring the crap out of average girl(yeah,a beautiful 8 can be average mentally).
Funny how so many disagree with the article. It’s bang on accurate.
Nope, women choose looks first, it’s biology, an attractive man will most likely father attractive children and a mother wants attractive children because attractive people are more valued in society hence her offspring will be more likely to thrive.
That explains all these “models” hooked up with 5 foot nothing, obnoxious, bird beaked jewish guys driving porsches. No, money is most important to the contemporary western whore.
Anomalies. Money comes in at number two.
Disagreeing with this article is like telling your football coach ” I can’t catch the ball because I can’t predict the wind, or the turf texture, or the opponent speed.”
The fact is, somebody is doing it. If I don’t open her up, some dude will be more confident, aggressive, or desperate and he’ll make it happen. Nobody bats 100, but as a man, it’s my responsibility to have as many tools and skills in my tool belt.
I think this article is meant to be more of a pep talk than a psychoanalysis. Good talk. I’ll see you out there.
The real reason why guys don’t get the 9’s and 10’s: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYtD5mitYeQ
The best sex you’ll ever have is bought and paid for. Doesnt matter who you are or your Smv. That may affect the price but all men will pay for sex, its only a question of what form and how much. You can hire a “10” on backpage or other escort sites for as little as 100-150/hr, and if youre not a jerk theyll stay much longer and charge you less or free next time. Never be fooled by appearances: the guy you think gets all the women is usually paying them.. This is most true for celebrities: they start hiring it out, because they can finally AFFORD to. All women are narcissists, all women are self centered, all women want all their problems solved and bills paid for by a man, juat read romance novels if you canstomach them and youll see what i mean. Their panties drop only when they believe you are appealing to their vanity, not until, nor after theyve used you up. The keybto hapy dating is to have some cash to playbqith and always be 5 steps ahead of these hypergamous bitchZ
Never seen anything remotely close to the mythical 10 on Backpage. Why would you want to see the same Backpage public toilet a second time, or ever again? That’s like trying to save money by saving and re-using toilet paper after you already used it to wipe your ass after taking a dump. The whole point of paying is to avoid that and to get to act like “a jerk” to it during the hour. The reason most guys pay a pros. is to do things so filthy they are disgusted by the hooker and ashamed of themselves immediately afterwards. The johns do not want to and are unable to bring themselves to ask their girlfriend/wife/mother of their children to be subjected to such sick, twisted perversions. They could never look her in the eye ever again if she would so much as agree to “try them for the first time”, let alone actually do them.
If she says yes to these things a guy immediately knows he has wifed up a raging whore who was probably having her own ass pimped out on backpage at least ten times a day by her bad boy “boyfriend” herself before her rectum prolapsed, she lost her looks, was discarded/replaced then had to settle for his last choice, beta provider self and he would rather not know that. Ignorance is bliss, that’s why so many guys get so angry after taking a version of the “red pill” even though it is really just light pink.
Most of the aged out porn “star” bukake/golden shower targets for mandingos who didn’t OD or who aren’t making a pathetic attempt at web camming to be able to barely afford junk food groceries and the rent on a shithole apartment are married soccer moms driving a mini van in the suburbs now. Occasionally they try to organize a swinger’s party with their fat, old, middle class, cubicle drone neighbors in a vain attempt to relive the “glory” days. Glory hole pun intended lol
You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Hang out with some celebs who can have anyone, but hire out anyway —
The hell is all i can say this site is utter bull shit looking through the comments there are actual belivers lmao you would honeslty have better luck winning the actual lottery than this illogical advice this site gives people
Premise is flawed if not worse. The problems of comparison with celebrities has already been noted, but it also seems to imply that you can, in fact, “get every girl,” and that if you don’t the problem is entirely on you.
Some girls just aren’t going to like you, period (for whatever reason that is), and there’s nothing you can do about it. The problem arises obviously if it happens frequently in your approaches.
This article is B.S. Here’s why: American men in particular have a low self-esteem and American women vice versa but there’s a sort of statistical spread. American women who are 6’s think they are 8’s. Men who are 8’s often hit on the 6’s because they hoped it would be easier than hitting on the 8’s but it’s not. This is partly why American women have such disproportionate expectations of men compared to other cultures. My former girlfriend said when she went out in old jeans and without makeup, the blue pillers would hit on her like gnats.
So overall, not just for sex but also in relationships in general, I found myself comfortable with 7 and 8’s even as I’m a lowly 4. I am NOT exaggerating. Of course, I’m not entirely a 4. I’m not homeless. But I’m short, don’t have a managerial job, or drive a great car.
For the women who are 4’s to 6t’s, they possess a subconscious awareness that they’re not really all that hot and only get low self-esteem men hitting on them so they would take out their frustrations on the losers. This is why you see so many beta male orbiters around low quality women.
All the self-improvement in the world, or practice hitting on women, won’t help you if you don’t have a fundamental appreciation of your self-worth as a human being and I see that sometimes here on RoK, but not enough. Write off your teens and early 20’s and be like Hemingway and run with the bulls. Don’t make your life about making yourself into a chick magnet. Pick up a hobby or interest for its own sake. This will be your “core” identity to fall back upon when women reject you since it will be separate from them. Avoid the clubs (they’re loser dens anyway).
The fact is that PUA game DOES work and can help make a 6 into a 10 when it comes to picking up women, but I think it means selling your soul unless you can objectify the women you’re picking up because you’re putting on an act for them. They won’t like YOU (ever see the Don Draper character in MadMen?) They like the artificial image you present AT ALL TIMES and if you fail a shit test, they’ll feel betrayed (and in a way, they have a point) and roll you over. At best, you’ll have to manage a transition for them to appreciate the “real you” and that involves a sophisticated process similar to raising a child. PUA’s think first about getting a woman into bed but don’t consider the larger holistic worldview a man needs to live in.
One man’s 10 is another man’s 7…