If you’re reading this, let me first tell you that all is not lost. I’ve personally been accused of rape while in college, and although it is definitely not a fun experience, it is something that you can get out of if you’re smart.
Unfortunately, due to a multitude of reasons, false rape accusations are becoming increasingly common, especially in colleges. Universities are breeding grounds for feminists, alcohol is almost always involved at parties, and social reputation is king. This coupled with the fact that most administrators are either complete beta males or hyper-feminists means that if you’re a man, you’re at a disadvantage right off the bat.
This is the first thing that you must realize: the odds are stacked against you. Some might go so far as to say that you’re guilty until proven innocent in false rape accusations, and while this isn’t always the case, there’s definitely some truth to this statement.
This in mind, however, if you follow the advice that I’m about to give you, there’s a very high likelihood that the case will be dropped, or at the very least, you’ll be found not guilty.
Step 1: Plead The Fifth
This is perhaps the most important thing that you will ever do. Realize that law enforcement is NOT on your side. Yes, they are supposed to be unbiased, but the reality is that there’s always a political agenda that they’re encouraged to enforce, and in this case, the agenda is that all men are rapists.
Remember these words like your life depends on it, because it does: “I plead the fifth, I don’t consent to searches or seizures, and I want a lawyer.”
Again, repeat after me: “I plead the fifth, I don’t consent to searches or seizures, and I want a lawyer.”
Out of all of the advice that I will give you today, this is by far the most important step to minimizing the damage caused by a false rape accusation. What this does is it basically prevents officers and lawyers from later twisting your words against you in court, which is extremely easy to do if you have even a modicum of knowledge regarding frame control and semantics.
DO NOT fall into the trap of thinking that “Oh, I’m just talking with the officers…they can’t convict me for saying this!” If you do this, you are a fucking moron.
A good lawyer can twist literally anything against you in court, and police officers are extremely familiar with using a combination of intimidation and sympathy to get people to talk and talk until they reveal something that can be used to self-incriminate.
If, however, you plead the fifth, this can all be avoided.
The key is to be as polite as possible. These officers have the ability to make your life very difficult, very easily, so be very kind to them. Tell them that you respect what they’re doing for our country, but that you have to plead the fifth, because you know your rights.
If you can bring up the fact that you have a family relative who’s an officer, or how the media makes all cops look bad, that’s great, too—you want them walking away questioning the girl who’s accusing you, because you just seem like such a nice, well put together guy. This will make them far less likely to push the girl to press charges (which yes, police officers frequently do).
Step 2: Gather Intel
A large part of this battle is figuring out what your enemy is planning. In this case, your enemy is the girl who’s falsely accusing you of rape.
Ask the officers what you’re being accused of; get them to be very specific. Are you being accused of sexual assault? When did this supposedly happen? What were the circumstances? The more questions you can ask, the better.
The reason for this is that you want to give your lawyer the best damn shot possible at getting the charges dropped, and the more that you know about what you’re up against, the better he can adapt his case to your advantage.
If possible, ask the officers for a list of questions that they would like you to answer. Tell them that you hope they understand, but you’ll have to consult with your lawyer first. DO NOT answer any of the questions that they ask you, because as I said in step number 1, this is a surefire way to get convicted, despite your innocence.
Step 3: Keep Records Of Everything
Text messages, Tinder conversations, and even Snapchats… do not delete a single piece of evidence relating to this girl.
In a legal system where you’re practically guilty until proven innocent, every little bit of data that you have to support your case helps. Did she ask you if she could come over? Good—save that shit. A girl who was afraid of you raping her wouldn’t ask to come over. Did she tell you how she had a good time last night? Fantastic—save that. No girl would text this to a man who raped her. Did she send you nudes via Snapchat? Perfect—take screenshots. No girl would send nudes to her rapist.
I recommend that you email records to yourself, so that in the event of your assets being seized (if it happens), you will have everything stored on the cloud.
Step 4. Get The Best Lawyer
I realize that when you’re in college money is tight, but getting a good lawyer for a false rape accusation is NOT something that you want to skimp out on. The quality of your lawyer will literally determine whether you go to jail for five years and have your entire life ruined, because you can never find a job, versus if you get to walk free a few grand short.
Personally, I’d take the more expensive option if it’ll help me stay a free man. Do some research about the best lawyers in your area; you want someone with a lot of experience. Ideally they should be around the age of 45 or 50, because by that point a lawyer has a lot of experience, but he’s not so old to be soft-spoken and lacking energy.
If you can get a lawyer who used to work at the District Attorney’s office, PAY WHATEVER IT TAKES. This is absolutely crucial. A lawyer who worked at the District Attorney’s office will not only know the ins and outs of how prosecutors think, how their bureaucracy works, and how they typically approach cases, but he’ll also have incredible connections to the very people who are trying to prosecute you, which is something that you want.
Don’t even talk to the police until you have a lawyer. When I received a call from my campus judicial department, I asked them what I was being accused of. They said sexual assault. So I went to their office, got as much information as possible from them, got a list of questions, and told them that I would draft some answers with my lawyer.
Were they pissed? Yes, but who the fuck cares—they’re trying to convict you. I paid my lawyer $500 for literally 30 minutes of helping me answer questions, but it didn’t matter. I was able to get out alive and unscarred, even if it cost me a bit of money.
Step 5. Cease All Contact
One of the most tempting things for a guy who was accused of rape to do is to contact the girl who’s accusing him. DO NOT DO THIS.
Maybe you can do it if you’re sending text messages under the guidance of your lawyer, but anything otherwise would be folly. Here’s why: anything and everything that you’ve ever sent the girl can and will be used against you in the court of law. So what do you think the prosecutor is going to do when he’s in court trying to convict you?
“Your honor, it seems that this man here wouldn’t stop harassing Miss Smith. He contacted her multiple times over the past month, despite the fact that she wants nothing to do with him. Is this the type of man, one who so blatantly disrespects women, that we want on our streets?”
Do you see how conniving lawyers can be? Even if your intention is to genuinely inquire as to why she’s accusing you of rape, a good lawyer can twist this into you being a harassing pest who won’t leave her alone. Do not text, call, or contact the girl who’s accusing you in any way.
6. Win The Case
The most difficult part about a false rape accusation isn’t even the actual trial; it’s the anticipation that comes with waiting. Every time I get a next-day text from some girl regretting having sex with me, I always have trouble sleeping for the next two weeks, because I know it could be another potential false rape accusation.
Realistically, due to our bureaucratic, ineffective legal system, you could have to wait up to three years before your trial. Don’t look at this as a bad thing, however. It will give you ample time to prepare yourself financially and emotionally for your impending court date.
If you follow the advice that I’ve laid out in this article, and your rape accusation is in fact false, you will more than likely win; do not take this lightly, however. There’s plenty of men who’ve been falsely accused of rape who’ve ended up in jail.
In summary, follow each and every one of these steps. Don’t skip a single one. Don’t you dare get a cheap lawyer, give into her demands, or play into the police officer’s hands. Do your best to get out of this hell that you’ve entered, be thankful that you’ve stumbled upon this article, and hopefully, I’ll see you on the other side.
Read More: Meet The Man Who Apologized After Being Falsely Accused Of Rape
The author speaks from experience, but realize that if this happens to you, you are probably fucked. The advice here is solid, but you must fight back. Win or lose in the school’s kangaroo court, you must sue – the school, the administrators in their personal capacity, and the woman – in the real courts. Schools and administrators will not abolish these unfair practices until it is financially ruinous to maintain them. Women won’t either. Plus, once you’re fucked, only a court can right the wrong.
For the most part, I agree. However, there is the case of the Duke Lacrosse Team where they sued either the school or the city and won. Of course those guys came from families able to fund that effort but, still, it is an example of holding people accountable.
The guy from the mattress girl case is suing Columbia as well.
And the Duke Lacrosse guys now have a foundation that is dedicated to stopping things like this.
Yeah, I should be clear that when I say you’re fucked, I mean in the school’s kangaroo court. That is why you need to fight in the real courts. That is the only place where you’re going to get some semblance of fair treatment. And funding the effort is tough, but I would approach lawyers asking for representation on a contingency basis. Add the schools to the suit to make sure the money is there.
Did the Lacrose team win their case or not because it’s been referenced a bunch of times as if the boys got away with murder.
Not only did the lacrosse team rightfully win, they got a huge settlement. The DA (a Democrat, no surprise) was disbarred.
If possible, every family should have that one person well versed in such matters. Able to contribute advice, support and money. This person would have high regard, for sure.
The article has a critical flaw. It approaches the situation as if it will be handled as a legal matter. Highly unlikely.
In the vast majority of the cases it will be handled as a policy/regulation disciplinary matter and the accused will have none of the rights he refers to. It will be handled in accordance with the code of conduct/regulations the students agreed to when attending.
Yes, but DON’T fucking threaten to sue if she doesn’t press charges. If she does, then try to get them dropped. If she doesn’t, THEN sue.
You have to realize that the odds are stacked against you; only counter-sue as a last resort.
I would add, give a public statement that you will take legal action against her for the false accusation and against anyone who defames you.
Make it clear that siding with the false accusator is going to have grave consequences – if you show weakness the mangina army is going to try to ruin your life.
I’d expand this by saying, do this through your lawyer. Never put your own face in front of a camera. See Bill Cosby as the perfect example.
“I would add, give a public statement that you will take legal action against her for the false accusation and against anyone who defames you”
Exactly. This is the classic “The brst defense is a good offense”
Problem with this article is it acts as if this will be handled as a legal issue. Often it is not- it is simply a disciplinary matter handled within the University/college’s policies– INCLUDING confidentiality. You as the accused will be expelled if you violate it, they don’t seem to be as aggressive when the accuser’s accusations get out their…
Check with your attorney first.
Name the accuser.
Date foreign women.
“Date foreign women”
Date foreign women in a non feminazied foreign country.
Yes and no.
Yes because they aren’t “as bad” as western women most times
However, AWALT. Always remember that. It’s easy for any women to be westernized. You still need to be careful and Peter yourself. The sheer fact that she is foreign is enough for outside parties to feel you are raping her and taking advantage
Let me run the scenario for you.
– You like Stacy
– Stacy is appalled a loser like you thinks he has a shot.
– You move on and meet chun li.
– Chun li is actually hot and super feminine.
– Stacy is pissed cause how dare you get a good woman when she denied you.
– Stacy tells people you are probably holding her hostage
– Feminists start “educating” Chun li on why you are oppressing her.
– police get involved due to an anon tip.
– hopefully, Chun li didn’t drink the kool aid. But even if you are lucky, you are in the same situation as duke lacrosse
I just wifed up a Latina who watches telenovelas, has been working well. She grew up in a rural area & is naturally pretty old school and cold, hard truth in her thought process.
Always lawyer up, preserve ALL evidence, and once your case is dismissed… sue her till she has nothing left and drag her reputation through the mud.
I also believe in preventative medicine, i.e. preventing these things from happening.
1. Don’t date/bang within your school, social circle, or company. If you go to school in a city, only date/bang chicks who go to different schools.
2. Stay away from chicks that are crazy or that have jobs which make them crazy.
3. Stay away from chicks who live within 3 miles of you.
Bonus: Secretly record everything once you seal the seal. Better to get sued for breach of privacy than a false rape accusation.
You sometimes have to wonder who really benefits to perpetuate this false rape nonsense. Lawyers stand to make a killing for this to continue. Police would have more “safer” work, the legal system, and the prison industry. They get more tax funding due to the explosion in new criminals.
Women get the attention and book deals and a guest on feminist TV shows and speak at political conventions.
Create a need, then supply that need.
I’d say the district attorneys benefit the most, they get perceiveably easy convictions to pad their win/loss record and get to tell people they’re tough on crime (the politically unfavorable type).
Not sure most cops wanna spend their time chasing after people just because some dumb blonde chick brings a claim without evidence, merely because she regretted having sex with a dude 1 year ago.
Because if they don’t the media will come after the police force for not doing their duty. The cops give priority to cases which happen to be the focus of the media. In this times it’s rape and Internet comments.
Yes, and in urban areas like chicago… Which is more important: shootings and outright war on the south side or a false accusation?
Like I said, whichever one the MSM has its lens focused on the most. The PD has a PR department which will always claim to “solve the problem ASAP” (read: score browny points with the scarred masses and mayor), to make it look like theyre in control.
All it takes is no food or power for 2 weeks in an urban area to show how little control LEOs actually have.
3 days without water is enough to get a riot going! There are multiple layes of police most have never seen, ready to be deployed if needed.
True, but can those layers sustain two weeks of continuous, protracted riots that escalate in violence and intensity?
I’m not sure many PD’s can.
They’ll eventually resort to defending gov buildings in the end! But you guys have the national guard because most people are armed so it would be in their ber interests to avoid pissing off the population.
I disagree that lawyers stand to make a killing. Lawyers aren’t even allowed in these college processes.
And in court, unless you are going to take on the school itself, there is no money to be made in suing the women who bring these accusations. Even taking on the school is uncertain at best, and could be rendered impossible if the school simply adopted more consistent and even handed procedures.
Lawyers only stand to make a killing to the extent that men are willing to spend lots of money on principle. Personally, if I had been accused of something like this, I would be willing to spend, but reality shows us that most men do not feel the same.
For many, I’d believe that the perceived primary benefit comes simply from oppressing men. Money is either secondary, or the domain of opportunists.
Good graphic.
I still don’t understand why we need to believe every accuser of sexual assault. Being heard and supported, yes, insofar as that means getting their complaint taken down by law enforcement and evidence submitted in the form of a rape kit. Absolutely. But just to believe based on assertion alone? That is mind numbingly stupid, regardless of what we’re talking about.
But then it came from Clinton and got buzz from feminists, so I guess understanding was never really the goal to begin with.
> I still don’t understand why we need to believe every accuser of sexual assault.
It’s a lazy perversion of a very important idea. As it often happens with good ideas, people repeat them without thought, and after a few years of repeating we get the exact opposite of the original meaning.
If somebody says they have been assaulted, an instinctive reaction of an lazy and immature mind is to dismiss their accusation, rather than to admit the world is not fair, and horrible things can and do happen to good people. We should not succumb to the “just world” fallacy, we should listen to the purported victim and reserve judgement. The “belief” in that statement is operational and provisionary, not definitive and final.
To misconstrue the “belief” in the way that the accusations = truth is however the exact opposite of this original meaning of “taking seriously”, and it creates yet another victim (this time of slander and malicious prosecution), who in turn ought to be believed themselves when they cry out for help!
My personal experience of assault has been that it’s not at all academic. It’s not at all time for lukewarm lawyerly language. To be “believed” would certainly have been comforting. There are precious few people who had the personal courage to “believe” the victim (me), while many more took the easy road and were officious and bureaucratic, unhelpful. That’s probably why that’s the word they use: because it speaks to the emotions of the victims, or those who identify with the victims.
wakka wakka. Love this one. I am slow to believe that bill is a rapist, but this is a great pic pointing out some serious flaws. Love it.
So do I. Creepy, maybe, but when you have that kind of power you don’t need to be a rapist. I have the same thoughts about men like Bill Cosby and Roger Ailes.
If your game is so severely lacking that you give your time of day to Monica “Solid HB4” Lewinsky while being the POTUS, how do you explain that? I’m all for all the Clintons getting a fair trial, but since that’s not happening, we can at least talk about it.
We know this is BS. just bc they’re on the left doesn’t mean all of a sudden we are taking these accusations at face value. That’s hypocrisy. My rule is to NEVER EVER believe a rape claim until there’s undeniable proof, esp when the supposed perpetrator is famous and the accusations piling up around the same time go way beyond the statute of limitations. Happened with Tiger, Cosby, and now Clinton. I don’t believe any of it
The value in this is not to support the idea that victims should be believed, it is in undermining that very notion. These women did not deserve to be believed precisely because their stories were flimsy and lacking in proof. Hillary Clinton now advances a “always believe women” narrative, but that is not what she actually believes. This does not build the narrative up, it tears it (and Hillary Clinton) down.
yea thats true. its hypocrisy and fucked up on all sides of the clintons haha
Hillary is such a fraud.
I can understand being hesitant to believe the rape accusations against Bill Clinton by Ms. Broaddrick, especially when she made the accusation in public 21 years after she claimed the incident happened. This is perfectly healthy skepticism.
So in Ms. Broaddrick’s place, there’s Kathy Shelton. She was 12 years old when she was raped by Thomas Alfred Taylor. Hillary Clinton was his lawyer, and she did not believe her. Clinton succeeded in getting the charges plea bargained down to “fondling of a minor” and Taylor spent less than a year behind bars.
This is of course in spite of the fact that any sick pervert who would have sex with a 12 year old fully deserves the worst possible punishment for rape. There is no defense for it.
Between 3 and 4 there should be an important step: Until you get a lawyer and a good one for that matter, it’s a ‘No Comment’ job. Don’t try to barter with the police, they’re suspecious of everyone.
Look at that SJW fag virtue signalling like crazy with his “Real men take no” sign. It’s so pathetic. I’m pretty sure rape would be his only way to have sex in the first place.
Walking stereotype: balding, rail thin, beard and glasses. Every time. One could we a guide, similar to an air craft identification book on SJWs
I agree with almost everything, but unless you are slick with communication, don’t even try to buddy up to cops, they wrote the book on that. You will fuck yourself. Don’t start going off about knowing your rights. Clam up, say nothing, then get all the legal artillery you can muster. Don’t play games with the police, they are the experts and will sniff you out right away.
They will beat you ten times out of ten. They do this all the time, you do it once in a lifetime at most (hopefully, if at all.) Thinking you will manipulate them is sheer folly.
Depends on how you intend to play it. If you have a specific story that you stick to, you can often steer them away from what you don’t want them to go into. I have done so several times successfully.
But the thing is, most people loose their frame too easily to do such things, so if you’re not rock solid you should probably not try, because if they catch it, there will be hell to pay.
The trick is to actually befriend a cop first. Not for his help, but to get a feel of them.
Cops like me , but they are t my friend. I’m not that stupid.
However, my time in the army and police training tonight me some tricks I can be open and pleasant while ultimately not saying anything.
I explained it to a longtime friend recently. She said I was way too open at first. Then after I made her aware of what she knows now vs then, I only told he things I didn’t care about sharing. She thought me telling her about my family and trips and experiences was a lot, but I left out all the key moments that shaped me into who I am. The rest could have been swapped out for thousands of families.
Do that. Cops will see you being “open” and being naive, so when you tell them you don’t know law but you feel better if a lawyer was present, they can’t say anything.
Just chat about your love of certain coffee as you wait and tell them how you used to want to be an astronaught.
I dig the guy with the “Real Men Take No For An Answer” sign. Bet he’s trying to get action from the Asian looking girl with the “I Love Sex” sign.
But in all seriousness, there is a bit of truth behind No Means No. In fact, older men inside and outside of my family have taught me a valuable lesson. I’ve been told to adhere to this rule whenever I’m making out with a girl, we’re getting frisky, and then she says No. The one big reason I was taught to respect this rule is, these girls tend to be controlling psychos who will throw you a bone and then take it away from you. Basically, if they say No, respect their wishes, then move away, as far away as possible. Especially if you’re young, you’ll have plenty of chances to score.
Also, I was taught since young, to stay away from drunk women. After a couple of brushes with these kinds of women, I heed to this rule. These women are nothing but trouble.
Yeah, a good rule of thumb is if you’re not sure… don’t engage.
Mixed signals is the reason why this is even an issue as far as I’m concerned.
What we now call “mixed signals” we used to call “normal courtship habits”. A girl was supposed to give you chase, you were supposed to pursue her, and when caught then she’d melt lovingly into your arms. The whole tease-(yes/no) thing was part of that game and was meant to entice and build tension (or rather, that’s how it played out anyway). Now it’s nothing but a full frontal weapon wielded against men who are still working under the assumptions of the past. Good advice manuel’s family gave.
A girl was supposed to give you chase, you were supposed to pursue her, and when caught then she’d melt lovingly into your arms.
A bit like in Bollywood songs where the girl hops from tree to tree trying to escape her suitor and they end up kissing passionately, under a heavy rain-pour.
Or in Golden Age of Cinema Mexican movies, where the stereotype charro alpha like Pedro Infante would show up on his steed go, seduce the nubile lass, subdue her with some corny pickup line like “oh yeah, that’s how I like fillies, wild and feisty, so I can break them down”, then proceeds to take her in the hay.
A good example that comes to mind is from the movie Superbad. Specifically the part where the John Cera character refuses to have drunk sex with his dream girl. Not only he was a gentleman showing respect for himself and her, even if she didn’t show herself said respect, but he potentially dodged a bullet there. Specially considering Cera doesn’t look like your alpha who slays hoes left and right, he could have taken the chance but didn’t. Of course, the first time I watched the movie was in the military, and my fellow Airmen didn’t seem to agree with me. A bad sign right there.
Classic! Now I want to see Casablanca!
This is a scene by the aforementioned Pedro Infante. The movie is in Spanish, but quite frankly, it doesn’t need translation. If anything, if there’s something that does transcend culture and language, it’s game.
And for you young studs wanting to grow facial hair, THIS is how you sport a stache.
Casablanca is my all time favorite movie. Nice clip.
However, the stache is finished. There is no longer a proper way to sport one
Fucking hipsters. Not only have they ruined beer, bacon, flannel, Doc Martens, and rock music, they’ve ruined facial hair.
South park lampooned it quite a bit, as did the Chappelle show… bit maybe consent forms are the way to go.
Sad I even have to say that, you’d think regular courtship would be good enough.
Yup and hats. I will say, to their credit; they have brought farm to table eating to the city
the stache is not finished
I can see a few of your points except one, he wasn’t trying to score points with the Asian as he is already the slave of the she beast standing behind him with the wolf image on her shirt.
Good points all around. None but the Dark Triad types are safe from women on this front. Had a friend note he used aspects of the Art of War to his advantage in game with women. And he was the athletic, over 6ft, slay many chicks type. It might be time to start tooling the boys for the war they are unwittingly entrenched in.
This is why I always tell women I am deaf when I meet them. Not only do I get the benefit of privilege and not having to talk to them, but when they say no I have plausible deniability for taking them anyway
I’ve got a feeling the girl with that sign is really dick-signaling more than anything else.
If you notice closely, the sign actually has the word consensual in parentheses. You can barely make it out, but it’s there. It could be a lack of foresight on her part, or it was made deliberately, like one of those vague Terms of Agreement you get every time you sign contracts or download apps.
At first I thought she was trolling them, because it’s so hard to notice. Probably subconscious, and considering her looks, it probably mean’s she’s an angry bitch who needs to get drilled out.
The sad part is, at least in my humble opinion, she’s not ugly per se. In fact, I think she’s actually pretty and she seems to have a decently hot body. But it’s amazing how bad humor can distort a face.
That’s what I’m saying.
Yup. If she says no, you’re done. Don’t even fret about whatever excuse she makes up.
Just say “it’s cool”. And ask her where she wants you to drop her off. If she wants to stay, tell her something came up.
She will quickly want to pick up where you left off later, but if you’re smart you’d have moved on. Next guy shouldn’t have that issue thanks to you.
Actually we should all start getting used to being “in the queue” for court dates. Do you think Donald Trump loses any sleep when he has a “pending” court case, that will happen years down the road?
Of course not!
This is America and court appearances are an inevitable consequence for those that are pushing the boundaries of the legal system, both socially and financially.
Men in the USA should know that a court appearance is LIKELY something they will have to do in their lifetimes. So, I ask, why get worked up about it?
Contemporary LEOs have proven, through their actions, that they are in place to do the following and NOTHING MORE:
1. Protect themselves.
2. Maximize their total compensation.
3. Act as a source of revenue generation for the department currently employing them, the union they belong to and the local governments authorizing their activities.
4. Protecting the commercial interests of national corporations (with PAC’s lobbying on the behalf of the big corporations).
5. Protecting the private property and political interests of large, influential, land & business owners, residing within their jurisdiction; that also contribute to and participate in local politics (i.e. campaign donations for Police Chief, Judges and Sheriff elections).
6. Controlling dissenting narratives that would interfere with 1-5.
LEO’s have been totally co-opted, insulated from financial consequences and tax paying citizens are picking up the tab. That’s the sad reality of where we are today, in regards to contemporary Law Enforcement Culture. Civilians should view the police no differently than the way in which police typically view the general public, with suspicion.
Law Enforecement (LEO’s) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) have created a untenable position for themselves and they are not trusted by large portions of the general public any longer. Perhaps not a majority, YET, but still, large numbers concentrated heavily among those under 40 years of age, do not trust LEO’s or the DOJ. Also, even, IF, this under 40 crowd does not believe that LEO’s are dangerously lethal to civilians (which they do seem to believe), this under 40 cohort, ABSOLUTELY believes that LEO’s are, primarily, “revenue collectors”. People are finally starting to realize that the police are not there to assist or save people in danger.
Police brutality against non-violent civilians and the DOJ’s dereliction of the US Constitution clearly shows that LEO’s are learning to deal with the LONG TERM consequence of these actions, in an un-constitutional fashion; which they, as a group, have taken, while in the field. These reactive responses have been compounding all the issues surrounding LEO’s increasingly negative public image over the last 25 years.
Here is an example of a sleepy county in Oregon, that is 92% white, with 56% of the population over 45 years of age, yet, these people still VOTED TO DE-FUND THE POLICE DEPARTMENT because they got sick of receiving unjust traffic tickets, “Defunding government is a sensible voter solution to reining in local government” by Dave Duffy:
Think about that for a minute, if LEO’s can’t hold the trust of small communities, with these kinds of demographics, what chance do they stand anywhere else? Not much. This should be a VERY CLEAR message that LEO’s, in general, have lost the trust of the public.
Civilians should NEVER trust the motivations of LEO’s nor the DOJ and must always assume that their lives are in danger and their finances are in jeopardy, with EVERY interaction they have with LEO’s.
Why? Not because ALL LEO’s are bad, but because ALL LEO’s are LEGALLY AUTHORIZED to kill civilians AND TAKE THEIR PROPERTY, as they see fit (and the DOJ will ALWAYS take the side of the LEO in court).
Why should civilians take any risk of death or loss of property? It is far easier to simply not interact with, refuse to help with their investigations, as noted in the article and actively avoid contact with LEO’s, whom are LEGALLY AUTHORIZED to kill civilians AND TAKE THEIR PROPERTY, as they see fit.
We have come full circle, except now, LEO’s don’t regularly “exterminate” undesirables, JUST TO TAKE THEIR PROPERTY, they simply put them in jail indefinitely, for petty offenses, so someone can make money off their existence while in the system, via a government contract.
Law Enforcement Agencies and the DOJ, AS CURRENTLY OPERATED (see above items 1-6), can’t function when large numbers of people with good consciences serve in them. So, even if good people with consciences tried to enact grass-root change from within, they would simply be denied entry to the agency or get quickly removed from the ranks through various legal and administrative means.
Here is an except from Bowers v. DeVito. In 1982, the Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit held, “…there is no Constitutional right to be protected by the state against being murdered by criminals or madmen. It is monstrous if the state fails to protect its residents… but it does not violate… the Constitution.”
“no duty” = “free to ignore” because if there is no financial or legal consequence to inaction, then certainly some “bad apples” will use that as a legal basis for “choosing”, when to “render services” or when not to.
From the perspective of LEO’s, the above noted ruling means that they may “pick and choose” when they attempt to “save someone from death or injury” because the ruling does not obligate them to act. It is that perspective, which LEO’s are allowed to legally take, that should matter to the average citizen. The context from Bowers v. DeVito is very clear, the police CHOSE to not assist, despite Marguerite Anne Bowers repeatedly requesting their help and the courts then determined that the police are not liable for making the “choice” to not help her.
Finally, as for the “Oath’s” that LEO’s typically take, lets use a few excerpts from the LAPD oath for example, which seems to be MOSTLY concerned with swearing to not overthrow the government:
“And I do further swear (or affirm) that I do not advocate, nor am I a member of any party or organization, political or other- wise, that now advocates the overthrow of the Government of the United States or of the State of California by force or violence or other unlawful means; that within the five years immediately preceding the taking of this oath (or affirmation) I have not been a member of any party or organization, political or other-wise, that advocated the overthrow of the Government of the United States or of the State of California by force or violence or other unlawful means. I will not advocate nor become (name of office) a member of any party or organization, political or otherwise, that advocates the overthrow of the Government of the United States or of the State of California by force or violence or other unlawful means.”
Quite true, another thing I’d recommend is get legal insurance. It’s not the cheapest thing out there, but it’ll make a lot of difference when you have to pick your lawyer to know that your cost is capped at whatever the own risk is. Check the fine print before you sign, some insurances don’t cover criminal proceedings or some specific kinds of things, most don’t cover divorce for example.
Good stuff, but please stop referring to people who are not cops as “civilians.” A civilian is someone who is not a member of the military, not someone who is not a member of a law enforcement agency. Too many cops already think of themselves as soldiers (the proper term for someone who is not a civilian)… that needs to stop, and that needs to start with using the correct terms. In relation to cops, you are not a “civilian” – you are a “citizen.”
@Army Officer, my usage is correct per caselaw. For example, “civilian review board”.
Just because some people have incorrectly started using the word “civilian” to mean “not cop” doesn’t mean it’s correct, even if those people are judges.
Interesting read.
On an unrelated note, Gawker shuts down officially today. How the mighty have fallen.
If you can be a top ranking NFL prospect, that will help with any accusations too…
No, not necessarily. It may help you in a jury trial if you end up in the criminal system, a sympathetic juror or two. Most college accusations don’t, it’s handled as a disciplinary matter- the process is the punishment. Even if you’re found free of wrong-doing, it can have devastating impacts.
The NFL, depending on the political winds may be averse to associating with someone with the taint of a rape accusation.
Roosh wrote in article advocating secretly recording your fuck sessions you have. It seems very embarassing to have to show a video clip to a judge, but it could exonerate you – though by doing so you might be brought up on charges of violating the virtueless cum-bucket’s privacy rights, but that’s another issue. That’s how bad things have become today.
Wymyn never lie though. Who would go through the pain of a rape trial for a lie? No one does that. All wymyn should be believed. You’re pro-rape. Misogynist. Rabble rabble rabble….
an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
if you aren’t videoing your trysts your doing it wrong
Man, what a timely article. I’m moving to college on Sunday.
I’m not sure if getting in the habit of screen shotting Snapchats is a good idea though. Unless they REALLY like you, people get pissed off about that quick.
Don’t date fellow students.
Find out if non-students have a right to file a complaint with the school about you.
I’ve told my own son who starts college next month that I will withdraw all financial support if he dates fellow students. He’s worked too hard to get where he is, in a position to achieve his goals, to risk it in this way, the risk is easily avoided with application of white male privilege. The privilege of delaying gratification in the short term to achieve long term objectives.
I’m not sure how much dating of anyone I’m going to be doing, but it’ll probably have to be fellow students if I do, since they will constitute about 99 percent of the females i come into contact with.
Hope you’re a good judge of character then. Even if 95% of the females won’t make false accusations, the problem is if you happen to get involved with someone in the 5%. Is your future worth that risk? Deferral of gratification is key to being successful. Almost all truly successful people made sacrifices of some sort early on in their careers.
I’ll certainly have to be careful. But here’s how i look at it: unless my calculations are erroneous, the chances of me being falsely accused of rape are ridiculously small. Because my school participates in federal student financial aid programs, it is required to publicly release crime data under the Clery act. Upon examination, it’s public safety report reveals that 12 sex offenses were reported in 2014. I assume these were forcible, since the non forcible category was all zeros. My school is considered average in terms of safety. Now, rape has the distinction of being the most underreported major crime, and at the same time, the most falsely reported. It’s certainly possible that all 12 reports were true, but I saw an FBI statistic that estimated the amount of false rape reports to be around 8% so let’s assume that 1 of the reports turned out to false. There are 16,000 students at my school. Think how many of them have sex with each other. To me, it seems unreasonable to miss countless opportunities to gain valuable experience in interacting with women, and maybe even some very pleasurable experiences and possibly even relationships, over a 1 in 16000 chance of being accused of rape. Of course, I can’t account for every variable, but I think that the fear does not accurately represent reality.
You are confusing reported criminal acts, referred to the criminal system, with allegations which will be handled by the university officials and not even reported to law enforcement. Repeating my links from my post above– last link is to an organization formed to assist students accused of sexual misconduct ‘Families Advocating for Campus Equality’
Their ‘What every student needs to know’ list. Check out their entire website.
•With increasing frequency, innocent college students are being expelled from their universities after being falsely accused of sexual misconduct.
•There is no due process or presumption of innocence on college campuses.
•If another student files a sexual misconduct complaint against you, call your parents. Do not try to fight these allegations alone! Hire an attorney ASAP. Do not, under any circumstances, speak to a college representative without legal counsel.
•The school DOES NOT have your best interest at heart, only theirs!
•If the school investigators feel that there is even a slight chance that your accuser might be telling the truth, you will almost certainly be suspended or expelled.
•If your accuser had any alcohol at all, you will most likely be expelled. In the university’s eyes, alcohol may negate any consent to sexual activity.
•Sexual misconduct as defined on campus covers a wide range of behaviors. Basically anything that a student later regrets doing or considers offensive can be framed as sexual misconduct.
•Families Advocating for Campus Equality can provide useful resources. This is not a male/female issue. Any student can be falsely accused.
•Every student is deserving of fairness and due process, care and compassion.
The article has a critical flaw. It approaches the situation as if it will be handled as a legal matter. Highly unlikely.
In the vast majority of the cases it will be handled as a policy/regulation disciplinary matter and the accused will have none of the rights he refers to. It will be handled in accordance with the code of conduct/regulations the students agreed to for attending. Here’s a link to an organization fighting this non-sense:
1. You can keep your mouth shut, I’d agree that this is good advice. However, it will probably be deemed a violation of the school’s policy that students cooperate in disciplinary hearings. You’ll either be expelled for not cooperating, or the hearing will simply go forward without you and you’ll be expelled based on the accusations. Most universities do not allow the student to have a legal representative; they may allow him to have an advisor at the hearing. Who won’t be allowed to speak. The lawyer can start collecting evidence in preparation for a civil suit (several have been successful) over the process.
2. It won’t involve the police. It will just involve university officials and see 1. University officials have often refused to reveal specifics about the accusations under the rationale of protecting the victim, inability to disclose ‘traumatizing’ information. It sucks (see links). ALSO- courts have ruled that becoming involved in conversations with the police can be deemed as waving one’s fifth amendment right not to speak. Sometimes, even when folks talked about matters not relevant to the accusations courts ruled they’d waived the right. Take care. If you shut up, shut up and let the lawyer ‘gather intel’.
3. Yes. Collect and maintain records. Your lawyer should know what records must come from your service provider vice you to be accepted in court. Universities often do not allow the accused to present them as evidence. However, showing your records to initial incident investigators may get them to call off the witch-hunt. See links below.
4 and 5. Solid advice.
The best time to prepare for your criminal defense is TODAY, before you fellas run into trouble. If you’re a male living in North America, your chances of accused of, and arrested for a crime are high and increasing every year. You want to know who to call before trouble comes your way, and it’s likely that it will. It may not be a false rape accusation that gets you into trouble.
The plethora of crimes you can be charged with are growing exponentially as legislatures write law to criminalize normal male behavior, thought, speech and politics. And, I’m always amazed to hear how prosecutors and legislators continue to legislate new “super-sized” crimes to charge you with. Like super-sizing your McDonald’s meal, prosecutors seem to have a way to charge a felony on what would/should be a lone misdemeanor. They’ll add on multiple counts on what should be a single offense. And they are upgrading charges to more serious levels to be “tough on crime,” a tired tune that always plays well to the little old frightened ladies who vote for the Big Criminal Justice politicians, judges, and law enforcement.
It’s no wonder why the US locks up more free men for more crimes for longer periods of time than any other country on earth. Do we really have the most criminal behavior out of all the countries of the world? Or is there just a bigger criminal justice system that handsomely profits from arresting and prosecuting men for the most minor of offenses, especially non-violent offenses that lack any corpus-delicti. The state wants to be involved in every aspect of a mans life, taxing it, controlling it and criminalizing much of what used to be acceptable behavior for more money, power and votes.
Find your criminal defense attorney today! You’ll likely need his services in the future if you live in the land of the “free.”
This x1000 ^^^
This guidance applies to pretty much any legal issue. If you are ever accused or charged with anything, first STFU! Then get a lawyer. STFU, Lawyer. STFU, Lawyer. Repeat it with me…
This ^^^
How to creatively and lucratively utilize my spare time as an elitist lawmaker –
Step 1) Build more and more new private prisons.
Step 2) Pass increasing numbers of ridiculously oppressive laws.
Step 3) Give record executives shares in private prison consortiums, so they will heavily market rap music to impressionable black youth and various wannabe gangstas of other races, programming them to commit crimes so that they might get bling, street cred and bitches.
Step 4) Program SJW’s, liberals and feminist psychopaths via myriad social engineering fronts, to falsely accuse men of various crimes.
Step 5) Fill up private prisons with men of all races who are economically disadvantaged.
Step 6) Receive massive amounts of tax money for each filled prison cell, in addition to receiving profits from side ventures utilizing prison slave labor.
Step 7) Go have a long martini lunch with fellow lawmakers, and laugh my ass off.
Michael Jordan has a heavy investment in PP. So much so to the point that many blacks are turning on him.
The other whine against him is that his J’s are too expensive. I don’t think they realize that if they all stop buying them, the price willl go down. Nike knows that they can put these shoes anywhere from 200-1000 dollars, and they’ll sell out, simply because of the Jumpman logo.
And many will try to steal them…
Furthering the cycle. Or they’ll steal to afford them.
Touché, mon ami…
“Michael Jordan has a heavy investment in PP. So much so to the point that many blacks are turning on him. ”
Are you serious? Any source you could reference? Up until now I was a fan of his.
Nike + Jordan = Private Prison $$$ Via Legal Slave Labor
The reason lawyers are crooked and the law is crooked is because lawyers run the country. Tends to happen when you elect people based on how ‘perfect’ they are; you get perfect liars.
Law enforcement is hardly your biggest enemy when falsely accused of rape in college. You need to be more concerned with those pesky Title 9 enforcers who have a full time job in kicking the accused out of school. Yes, you heard that right schools employ people, sometimes entire departments full of them who are there solely to “investigate” accusations of sexual harassment or assault and then kick you out of school. They are not unbiased or fair to any extent. They are employed solely for risk management purposes. And the risk of having a student who has been accused of sexual harassment or assault on campus is much greater than finding the truth. The school would rather have you unhappy and maybe sue then have the federal government launch a big expensive PR unfriendly investigation. There have even been cases where schools have manufactured evidence against men.
If you are facing administrative sexual harassment/assault charges at a college or university you should seriously consider getting an attorney. You also need to document everything in writing and at least audio record meetings with administrators. If they have a problem with either confirming summaries of meetings in writing or object to recordings then leave immediately. If you can’t afford a lawyer at least find yourself an advocate within the university system. Even a friend is better than going it alone. There are also some fair minded professors left on campus (getting excessively rare these days though) that will “represent” you under campus policy. But, beware the system is completely stacked against you and administrators will lie to get you kicked out. Don’t believe a single word they say.
And they always lose when they get sued after the fact. Finish your degree later at a different school on the old school’s dime. Generally, your advice is very good. Especially recording meetings and conversations. Just check with your attorney that your state allows it. Most do, some don’t.
Actually unless it was a straight up due process violation most school’s win lawsuits, at least in the last few years. Remember they have a building full of lawyers and you have the one (or maybe two if you can afford it) lawyers.
I’ve worked in academia. The arrogance is astounding. Plus, the lawyers are usually more academic, not trial lawyers. 90% of the time, they deny due process.
Your words: “Every time I get a next-day text from some girl regretting having sex
with me, I always have trouble sleeping for the next two weeks, because I
know it could be another potential false rape accusation.”
“Every time…”
“Every time…”
“Every time…”
Why is it even one time, let alone: “Every time…”?
Basically the same idea, but FIND a LAWYER is the most important thing.
If you woke up with excruciating abdominal pain you would likely seek a doctor instead of pretending it might go away on its own. Find a criminal defense attorney and then obey him (or her!) to the letter, and they will tell you to shut up.
And you will have to ignore the media – including social media and friends. Anything you say can and WILL BE USED AGAINST YOU. Let your lawyer do the talking.
Whenever this topic comes up, this is the first thing I think of. Seth MacFarlane was ahead of his time.
Be careful guys, the schools don’t like having external lawyers meddling in their affairs. They’ll make it so that you can either withdraw or have to go through a extremely stressful “due process” that can go on for at lest 2-3 months, were they’ll hammer you with tricky questions that pretty much make you declare yourself guilty. Most guys can’t handle this “due process” and choose the former.
The best way to fight back is to repelled the Title XI rule that states, “Impact over intent.” This rule gives the school tyrannical powers to decide whose guilty and whose not based on their own subjective criteria. Nowadays you don’t even need to touch or talk to a girl to get in trouble if she gets offended by something you did she can accuse you of disturbing her “safe space.” This is enough for the campus police thugs and the parasitic administration to jump on you.
Who gives a shit what the college likes? Refuse to attend any campus hearing without your attorney. Refuse to withdraw or sign off on any agreement without the approval of your attorney. So what if the process is difficult? You are now at war and you should treat it as such. Sue their pants off later. The men with the stones to see this through, and good legal counsel, virtually ALWAYS win, either through judgement or settlement.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. You can avoid even being in the position of requiring the advice this article gives by not putting yourself in a situation where you can be falsely accused of rape in the first place. Don’t have anything to do with any female students on your campus. That means no parties with them involved, no midnight rendezvous with them, and no studying with them.
No, it’s not unreasonable. No, it’s not impossible. College is meant to be a means for improvement of yourself, not a time for dipping your dick in the crazy feminist tainted bitches running around your campus. If you find yourself having enough free time to party and get into situations where you can be accused of rape, you’re either not majoring in the correct field, or you’re not taking your studies seriously enough.
Unfortunately, crazy feminist tainted bitches are destroying the very foundations of the universities themselves which will soon render them useless as institutes of higher learning, as they were once called. My advise to young men today is to avoid university entirely and go into a trade. I offer this advise despite the fact that I hold a doctorate in a STEM field. I got out of the university when this nonsense was in a nascent stage but I saw it coming even then.
The cuck above in the photo, with the sign “Real Men” ect..ect.. Is maybe hopping that he may lay some butch dyke later ??
“Every time I get a next-day text from some girl regretting having sex
with me, I always have trouble sleeping for the next two weeks, because I
know it could be another potential false rape accusation.”
Kudos for Catholics 😉
Better advice. PREVENTION.
If you are reading this, chances are you are not dealing with this now. So what would you rather do? Try to cure your AIDS? Or prevent it?
Treat every interaction with a female as a risk. Because it is. Understand that first.
– keep records
– have alibis
Keep these pictures and texts for a couple years minimum. Have a box or some sort of cloud storage. After you are 70 and basically retired and don’t give a crap, then maybe delete these records. Maybe.
The issue is that we as men do not treat the situation as it deserves. No one treats a big risky investment as a run to Starbucks. No, you keep a paper trail and contact info and records in case someone tries to screw you.
So why if we do that for financial matters, will we not do that with our freedom? One accusation is all it takes to ruin your money, your career , your relationships and your future and that is before prison time and Alex offender registration.
So be smart. Treat women as a volatile and risky endeavor cause they are.
At the bar
At the club
At home well after marriage
One night stand
Long term relationship
Or even just a coworker you only say hi to.
This is also excellent advice. Assume every woman could potentially accuse you and prevent accordingly.
Seek out and establish a relationship with a good lawyer before you need one. You will be busy and stressed enough without vetting attorneys while already under investigation or charges. I already have a good criminal defense lawyer on speed dial that I don’t expect to ever have to use. However, like a fire extinguisher, he’s there.
Also, number 2 isn’t good advice. Once you have invoked the 5th, shut up…period. Unless, it is to give basic information like your name and address, special medical needs, or to answer questions like your jumpsuit size or if you are hungry. They can make your life worse while in jail, but the downside of chumming them up far outweighs the good. Be courteous, but STFU!
When I was a LEO, I could usually get a conviction when chatting with the suspect. When they would STFU, I rarely did.