10 Books That Changed My Life

What is game and why do modern men have to use it? In this podcast I explain the societal and environmental changes that have made game a requirement for men to sleep with attractive women under the age of 30. I share the origin story of how I got started in game and offer an effective nine-step program for men wishing to get started themselves so that they can be more successful with women. Lastly, I describe the future of game and how its application may change with time.

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Previous Podcast: The Past, Present, And Future Of Game

24 thoughts on “10 Books That Changed My Life”

  1. Good list Roosh a coupe I shall check out.
    For self help “The 80/20 Principle: The Secret to Achieving More with Less.” By Richard Kock 1999.
    A coworker lent this one to me and said it changed the way he thought.
    It did for me. It opened my mind up to the idea that often targeted small efforts would yield bigger results. It may not be a perfect science but his main concept is good.
    At first I did it in my work as an English teacher overseas.
    I did the neiche stuff where less time equaled more cash and gave me more free time. I coasted on my day job and put a lot of effort into obtaining and preparing for my evening gigs. They paid better per hour and rewarded me more mentally..
    The guy that lent me the book was doing this, pilling up cash, and gave me lots of pointers as well..
    Years later, in business I’ve applied and figured out of all the possiblites equal the most gain for the least effort or deployment of resources.
    Thus contrary to what others in my field are doing locally I do or don’t do the following.
    Don’t waste my time on commercial bid meetings. These are cheap whore fests.
    This is what 80% or so companies in my filed do they think “we only do commercial” like their fucking special or something ,failing to realize that 2008 on that’s been a declining end of the industry.
    They “don’t do residential,” or do it poorly send boys to do mens work thus leaving the field open to yours truly.
    %80 of my business is residential. Again less if any competition. Quick turn aorund times and thus pay.
    In that vein I target small commercial where yes jobs are smaller but often there are no other bidders. Have a whole roster of small commercial clients that use my services exclusively. No bid meetings.
    “80/20” taught me to foucs my energy where the highest returns are regardless of what others, do or say and often contrary to popular wisdom..
    Just one example of a book that influenced and helped me break away from the herd mentality that’s been drummed into us from day one..

  2. OK I’m going to be THAT commenter.
    Can we get a list so we don’t have to listen to an hour podcast if we don’t have the time? ;-D

      1. Fourteen months ago,after resigning my previous job , i’ve had luck to learn about this company over internet that was a life changer for me… They hire people to work from home. Last paycheck after doing this work with them for four months was 10000 dollars… Awesome thing about it was that the only thing required is basic typing skills and internet connection… https://www.facebook.com/Internet-Jobs-for-US-UK-Australia-Canada-and-New-Zealand-1585996635048445/app/190322544333196/

    1. 1. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill (1937)
      2. An African In Greenland by Tete Michel Kpomassie (1977)
      3. Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman! by Richard Feynman (1985)
      4. Walden by Henry David Thoreau (1854)
      5. The 48 Laws Of Power by Robert Greene (1998)
      6. Influence by Robert Cialdini (1984)
      7. Rich Dad Poor Dad (1997) by Robert Kiyosaki
      8. A Death In Brazil by Peter Robb (2004)
      9. Building A Bridge To The 18th Century by Neil Postman (1999)
      10. The Empty Boat by Osho (1974)
      I copied it fro Youtube the list was made by Roosh in a comment to spectator.
      To put a bit of myself on the comment I would say that the books that influenced me most are these three:
      The new Testament
      Plato’s Republic and
      Aristotle’s The Nicomachean ethics.
      From Roosh’s list I highly recomend the 48 laws of power, if you lack the time to study power manuals: like Sun Tzu’s the art of war, Clausenwitz’s on war (I haven’t finished it yet but it truly is superb on the lesson’s it gives on strategy), Machiavelli’s the Prince or Kautliya’s the Arthashastra (for me Kautliya’s Arthashastra is by far the best, even if I am at the middle of it, because it is not “nihilistic”). The 48 laws of power gives out easily a good part of the knowledge of such works.

        1. I haven’t read the Politics… yet, The prince is good but a bit too self-centered it is power as seen by a person who once held just a bit of it, still it is good as it acknowledges a great part of human behaviour. Davila I did know nothing of him but got a copy of Donoso Cortes’s book… in Russian and I have not read it… yet.
          From what I read on Davila he sounds quite interesting. My add of these three books are the one’s that were the most influential that I have read they aren’t the only that influenced me.

        2. Yes it was the obras, The problem is that for me it is very dificult to find such important works in my country (Greece) on a general note you cannot even find Evola here and I managed to find only a book (his critique on Hobbes’s Leviathan) of Schmitt in circulation! So second hand stores do not have what I want here sadly…

        3. For some reason, here (Colombia) you can find a lot of interesting books in normie bookstores; and sometimes really interesting rarities in second hand stores. In the lasts, besides Donoso’s Obras I have found Bardeche’s Proust Romancier (its only edition from the 70’s), Meinvielle’s Concepcion Catolica de la Economia (from the 30’s, do you know about him?) and Celine’s Bagatelles pour un Massacre (from the 30’s ).
          I have read Evola (in his translations to spanish and english, I don’t read italian), but I’m very critic about his positions, you can find in the comments section here my position about it: https://www.righton.net/2016/10/21/against-perennial-philosophy/
          It is sad that you can’t find interesting books there; but thanks to the lingua franca (which you obviously dominate) and the internet everything is possible. If you know where to look you can find the scan of almost any book out there in the net. Also, if you buy through internet you can order anything you want (I don’t do that because I’m a little paranoid about profiling) from sites like Arktos and Counter Currents.

        4. The effect on Greece is the fact that after the 60’s the left completely and totally dominates the academy, there is simply no one to translate these works. For some works one needs to find some very old and rare translations that might date before the 50’s and that only for some German thinkers.
          I also have a good chance finding books in Russian that are not found in English, like Donoso’s obras published as sochineniya.
          I have Evola’s trilogy on the fall of man and his book on love, I haven’t read them… yet. I found for him though some dislike on his mania with Hinduism and Budhism it would be better if he based himself on Christian thought (like Berdyaev, he’s still not perfect but the very least he does not give such a foreign vibe), the same complaint I got for Guenon but while I want to know of Evola of Guenon I do not.
          I read your comment on righton.net, I agree with all I might add two things on point 1 and 2
          on 1 it is totally defeatist, this point of view that even Spengler has.
          on 2 the soul makes the race and the body and the mind (as man being tri-partite he still has the need of his body and his mind, also canonical in Christianity the bodies need to arise too for a complete resurection pointing out the need of it for man to be whole, also add to that the ideas of Plato and apply it to the body.). So still by following the soul logic race does matter.
          I buy all my English books from amazon because it simply is convenient and easier to get them from it. For all the rest I am maniacal about internet security: I use 3 filters simultaneously….
          For me western thought has been regressing to previous times, hence the mania with the Kaliyuga, or with Freedom and Hedonism. This IS the result of the left but also of the romantic beliefs on the nation as a coherent group and creating a love for peasant culture, in the tryout to educate the masses they prefered shortcuts. For example far fewer people will read Plato’s Republic and any other of his work (I have read them, for ancient Greek books we have some of the best publications) or Aristotle’s Ethics compared to how many WILL read Spelgler’s or Evola’s work. They are far more accessible.
          Lastly, you kind sir too command the lingua Franca quite well!

        5. Celine: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis-Ferdinand_C%C3%A9line
          Meinvielle: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julio_Meinvielle sorry, apparently there is no english version or any kind of information about him in english. He was an argentinian catholic priest who wrote extensively about Nationalism, Economy, Philosophy, the Jewish Question, etc, etc.
          About religion: I usually dont talk about it or relate politics to it. I suggest this reading material to you because you seem to be religious. I’m not catholic/christian but I’m pragmatic: as long as a person know who is the enemy, what’s wrong with the world and is doing something (anything) about it, I dont care if they pray to Jesus, Odin, The Great Pumpkin or the Spaguetti Monster.

      1. 9/10 of your choices are BS self help merchants…. Osho… yeah great… let’s all have an orgy and we can liberate ourselves…. kind of makes sense from a satantic perspective i suppose.

    2. yeah exactly… probably 5/10 of the books I already read and 3/10 aren’t going to be of interest, so that means an hour of my time for 2 books…. and you call that masculinity ? I call it beta self help stupidity.

  3. Bible. Wrinkle in Time. Ender’s Game. The Wheel of Time. Bhagavad Gita.
    I’ve always been me. Who knew the horrors I saw in Wrinkle in Time as a child was reality.
    For ” game ” the Wheel of Time should cover any wants. Be prepared for a difficult path if lacking a natural warriors heart or if already think are one. Don’t tell me the author lied, that’s the beauty of it.

      1. My advice on getting through first reading. Their god/s have many names and forms. The same god can be different depending on mood / circumstances / name evoked by / emotion and perception of person…they can be identified by intent or misidentified by intent or action…..they can also play games misrepresenting themselves.
        So on first read gloss over all the names ( just fill in with god / higher power you’re familiar with ). General context will point you in the right direction. Through reading you will start to become familiar with various forms. Beyond that will get greater detail in future readings as gain knowledge. Just if you stop each time encounter a new name and attempt a quick research…you will get stressed out. Like anything, we get what we get out if it. I think get far more getting start to finish then endless diversions.

  4. The Bible does not count. Everyone knows it changes your life. That one is too obvious!
    1. The Richard Sharpe Adventure Series by Bernard Cornwell (About an officer in Wellington’s Peninsular army. He is a 19th Century James Bond, though much more rough around the edges and far less refined. He is a mean English son-of-a-bitch who always saves the day for the Empire)
    2. Brave New World by Alduous Huxley (A glimpse of what might be waiting for us in the future)
    3. The Master and Margaryta by Mikhail Bulgakov (A great satire of life in Stalin’s Soviet Union)
    4. Miracle on the River Kwai by Ernest Gordon (British POWs in the hands of the Japanese)
    5. Rifleman Dodd by C.S. Forrester (A British rifleman of the 95th Rifles trapped behind French lines)
    6. The Horatio Hornblower Series by C.S. Forrester (Royal Navy officer Horatio Hornblower against the French)
    7. Waterloo: The True Story of Four Days, Three Armies, and Three Battles by Bernard Cornwell (A gripping story of Wellington and Blucher at Waterloo)
    8. After Stalingrad: Seven Years as a Soviet Prisoner of War by Adelbert Holl (A German ‘Gulag Archipelago’)
    9. Legion of the Damned by Sven Hassel (Read this before you vote for a Neocon)
    10. The Cruel Sea by Nicholas Monsarrat (Royal Navy during WWII)

  5. Here are five books that might make you raise an eyebrow or two:
    1) “Fifty Years in the Church of Rome” (1886), by Charles Chiniquy
    2) “Futility”, or “The Wreck of the Titan” (1898), by Morgan Robertson
    3) “The Banditti of the Plains” (1894), by Asa Shinn Mercer (this book was banned, destroyed, stolen from libraries, etc.)
    4) “The Mass Psychology of Fascism” (1933), Dr. Wilhelm Reich (many of this author’s books were burned)
    5) “Programmed to Kill: The Politics of Serial Murder” (2004), by Dave McGowan (author died of rapid-onset cancer, wink-wink)
    You can probably find most of these in readable format online – and free is always a good price.

  6. My favorite is:
    “I’ve done nothing useful or productive my entire life… but I’m going to show you how to get rich like I did… writing and selling self help books.”
    By: Add Self Author Here

  7. Osho is a fraud:
    Osho preaches anti religion yet his “spiritual” club resembled a cult, a sect – a religion!
    Osho used to appreciate Hitler, stating something along the lines that “Justice is in the hands of the strongest” and that “Fear and hatred brings people together”.
    The untrained in identifying phonies will usually fall into the trap of the marketing and charms of such “teachers”.

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