With the proper motivation and preparation, small numbers of men can do great things. Numeric limitation is but one part of the equation. This fact will be illustrated by a story that appears in Cornelius Nepos’s brief biography of a Theban commander named Pelopidas.
In 382 B.C. the Spartan commander Phoebidas took possession of a Theban stronghold called the Cadmea. The Spartans were actually invited to do so by a political faction in Thebes that wanted to gain leverage over its opponents; bringing in a foreign military force seemed an expedient way to accomplish this goal. Phoebidas was happy to oblige; generals welcome opportunities to occupy forts. But the Spartan government had not authorized him to do this and, when they discovered he had exceeded his commission, stripped him of his command. They did not, however, return the fortress of the Cadmea to Thebes; in fact, they accelerated their efforts to set up a Theban puppet government.
The reason for this was that Sparta had begun to see Thebes as its future rival. Now that Athens had been brought under Spartan control in the Peloponnesian War, Sparta faced no other serious rivals in the Greek-speaking world. So Sparta stacked the Theban government with sympathizers and tools that would do its bidding. Those Thebans who were unwilling to align themselves with the new order of things were either exiled or assassinated. One of the exiled men was Pelopidas; and he, along with many others, relocated to Athens and began to plan a way to free Thebes from Spartan domination.
They kept communication with sympathetic Thebans back home using a variety of means. When the time for action came, they made their move. The day they chose was a feast day called the Festival of the Aphrodisia; it was a day when the local magistrates were to meet at a large banquet. Apparently Pelopidas had only about twelve men with him; yet, according to Nepos, “never has so shaky a start produced such a complete overturning of so much power.” But under the right circumstances, even very small numbers of men can set in motion a chain of events that can reshape history. Arrogant, bullying powers that seem to be invincible may, in fact, be more vulnerable than they appear. Much of power rests on perception; and when the myth is shattered, so is the power.
Pelopidas knew that his first task was to reach Thebes itself. So he and his dozen men left Athens in disguise; to move freely through the Greek countryside, they pretended they were domestic hunters. They dressed as country-dwellers brought hunting dogs, nets, and other equipment of this sort. When they reached Thebes they hid in the house of a sympathizer named Charon.
It was not long before news of the return of Pelopidas circulated around the city. This information even reached the ears of the magistrates who ran the Spartan collaborationist government; but since they were thinking more of preparing for the upcoming festival, they gave the report little notice. Arrogant and confident in their perceived security, they took no action to search for Pelopidas and have him arrested. Even more amazingly, they were provided written intelligence that betrayed the details of Pelopidas’s plans to overthrow the puppet regime.
We are told that the chief magistrate—an arrogant fool named Archias—was, while absorbed in his banquet, handed a sealed letter that contained the details of Pelopidas’s plot. But he took no action; he did not even condescend to read the letter. “I will put off this important issue until tomorrow (In crastinum differo res severas),” he said. He then stuffed the letter into his tunic and continued with his revelry. His blithe dismissal of the approaching danger is incredible, but nevertheless attested to by the facts.
Archias’s lack of action proved to be a fatal mistake. For Pelopidas’s coup was slated to begin that very night; he had picked a festival day on the assumption that the magistrates would have their guards lowered at that time. During the night, Archias and all his associates were seized and put to death. A signal was then given for a general uprising to take place across the city; taken off guard, the Spartan garrison was disarmed and ejected from Thebes. Once this had been accomplished, Pelopidas and his men took their revenge on those who had sold out their city to the foreigners: some were exiled, and others were executed.
This is the story as told by the Latin historian Cornelius Nepos. Under the right circumstances, small groups of dedicated men can become the vanguard for momentous change. Paucity in numbers can never serve as a crutch for inaction.
Nice read!
Speaking of changing the course or history…ESPN is making light of the fact that two IndyCar drivers were robbed at gunpoint at a Taco Bell in Indianapolis recently – the original title of this article was “Grand Theft Taco” – oh! Hahahaha! We got robbed at gunpoint by a couple of underprivileged urban youfs! No big deal!
You should check out some of the comments in the comment section. It’s like a Red Pill storm over there. Serves those leftist pukes at ESPN right. You also might want to give them a piece of your mind via Facebook while you’re at it (I already did) –
Actually, Bob, wondering if I could pick your brain. I’m up for a position as a web developer for a municipality, and I have a twenty-minute assessment set up for Friday. Can you think of anything in particular that I should brush up on?
Well…I don’t know what the job might require. If you could give me some particulars, I might be able to offer some decent, specific advice. But short of that, I would dazzle them with the old, “Uh-huh, I can handle that easily” angle. Whatever you might lack, you’ll figure it out after getting hired, right. You might want to brush up on maintaining that interview frame. Jeff Bridges (the actor) made a crack about trying out for acting jobs that always stuck with me – “Whenever I want the job, I just act like I don’t want it.” People are funny. If you show them just enough of yourself to let them know you can exceed their expectations, and then, if you back off and act disinterested, they will tend to aggressively pursue you (like women will). Good luck, my man, I’m pretty sure it all hinges on how well you sell yourself…
Well damn–this is a great answer!
It still is Grand Theft Taco, they just use a different “headline” and a different “SEO Title”
Well I’ll be jiggered (bet that’s what the IndyCar drivers said after the robbery)…
When the circumstances are ripe for a change, those who are prepared will lead it.
It only takes a few men to change the course of history…
Or a couple of camwhores with an average of 200,000 subscribers who just sit there and whisper into a microphone. How is that a thing? How thirsty are the white knights in 2017?
Half a million subscribers….fuck this gay earth.
What is “ASMR”? Autism Spectrum Masturbational Resources?
Does that translate to $$$$ ?
Somehow yes. Well, guys pay 15$/hour to talk to girls on fiverr.
Infinity thirst.
That’s probably cheaper than a therapist.
ASMR is not inherently sexual though.
Does this answer your question?
What the … ?
is that a conversational English instructional video?
Lol you’re joking right?
damn man you have got to be shitting me
Much the same thought crosses the mind when you read about Joan of Arc and the Siege of Orleans. The invincible English didn’t even know what hit them, but very few among the French had any fight in them until Joan arrived. http://masculineepic.com/index.php/2017/05/08/siege-of-orleans-joan-of-arc/
Even beaten men can turn the tides of history, often with unexpected help.
I think Joan of Arc just psyched out France’s opponents because she was crazy as fuck. The other armies got all freaked out that France had this crazy-ass, raving, lunatic bitch up in front of their army, foaming at the mouth and screaming weird ass shit in French.
WB French psycho anti-EU berzerker bitch
There was also, before Joan, a supposed prophecy going around that a maiden from Lorraine would arrive to save France from the invaders. Confirmation bias hit hard.
But the biggest effect was on the morale of the French, which turned from despondent to triumphant in a few days at Orleans, and rampaged on from there. Things can change fast.
This happens when you try to change the course of history with your democratic vote, goy:
He’s just grabbing them by the pussy wall.
Yeah, he’s just playing six trillion D chess at this point in time.
Lighten up, Franz.
Sickening, I know.
He’s dismantling that wall brick by brick so it can be ferried over to the US and rebuilt at the Mexican border.
Awwww, how cute he looks kissing the ass of our (((lords and masters)))…..
Off topic: Frankfurt Nov 18 – 21, Paderborn Nov 22 – 24, Berlin Nov 25 – 27, Frankfurt 28-29. Check your schedule to see if we can meet.
Is it necessary to change the course of history? Can’t you just hack it?
Weren’t the Thebans famous for their “Sacred Band” fighting unit that was supposed to be on par with the Spartans???
Indeed. 300 men, or 150 homosexual couples.
“Perish any man who suspects that these men either did or suffered anything unseemly.”
“History is made not by majorities who vote, but by minorities who fight. A man skilled with a butcher knife can reduce a five ton whale to steak slices.”
Jean Thiriart.
Will and determination matters more than numbers. Countless number of revolutions and uprisings throughout history has proven that.
Relentlessness creates the materialization of one’s dream.
“…Pelopidas had only about twelve men with him…”
Same as a Special Forces A-Team.
What is the saying?
Ah yes!
Dynamite comes in small packages.
Thanks for the reminder Quintus. Great history lesson, too.
Sounds as good as 47 Ronin — so why doesn’t this get made into a movie?
Picture of Thebes is the Egyptian one, not the Greek one.
We are the resistance