A GANG of five terrorists wearing stab-proof vests drove a B&Q van into pedestrians at 50mph on London Bridge before attacking revellers with hunting knives.
Up to seven people were feared dead and 20 hurt in the 10pm attack – amid a second incident at nearby Borough Market which armed police are responding to.
Two explosions have been heard outside The Sun offices in London Bridge at 1:23am and 1:25am.
A third huge explosion was heard at 1:28am near The Shard in London Bridge as multiple fire engines are parked outside.
Witness Erick Siguenza told BBC News that one of the gang screamed “This is for Allah” as he went on his stabbing rampage.
Staff at a packed pub in London Bridge locked the doors as the gang tried to smash their way in. Witnesses saw one man stabbed in the chest five times.
The gang had metal canisters strapped to their chests and two were gunned down – believe killed – by armed police, witnesses said.
Another three were thought to be still on the run as the police have confirmed that the attacks in London Bridge and Borough Market are “terror incidents.”
One bystander is believed to have been shot in the head by crossfire.
The Metropolitan Police confirmed a third incident in the Vauxhall area, after tweeting “you must run, hide and tell,” which later turned out to be an unrelated stabbing.
Fifty armed police have stormed Monument station with police dogs and have told people to run. The travel hub along with nearby Bank station, both across the river from London Bridge, have been closed.
Prime Minister Theresa May has said the “terrible incident” is being treated as a “potential act of terrorism”.
Paul Clarke filmed the reported stabbing in a restaurant, with police since confiscating his phone for evidence.
He said he heard gunfire unleashed in the restaurant, with a man appearing to be a chef injured.
He said: “I saw three people coming in.
“I don’t know what he had in his hand, it looked like a big long weapon.
“There was a man, one of the kitchen staff, on the floor, and the man was doing a stabbing motion.
“I just thought, we’ve got to get out of here.”
He said he and his friends then ran from the scene.
Alex Shellum, a witness at Mudlark pub under London Bridge, described a horrifying attack in which a woman had her throat slit.
He said: “At around 10pm an injured woman came into the pub seeking assistance.
“She was bleeding heavily from the neck – it appeared that her throat had been cut.
“People sought to stem the bleeding and the pub was closed.
Don’t Miss: 9 Measures To Prevent Future Terrorist Attacks
That girl in the top pic is a solid 7.
WNB. No don’t misunderstand I’d shag her but I wouldn’t detonate
Maybe in Englistan, but out here in the real world…
The hour is at hand for London. Strike back now or fall forever.
No white men with balls left in London. Just Muslims, faggots and suicidal virtue signaling globalist cucks.
Then let the games begin
I am sure there are some, but how many? Who knows…
Not to mention a cost of living so out of control that Teachers are grading their students papers at home by candlelight. What a “life”
London chose to fall. They elected a muslim mayor
we’re getting to levels of irony that shouldn’t be possible
yeah SaDICK Khan…
More cultural enrichment.
Ain’t diversity grand?
#BanKnives #BanVans #ThoughtsAndPrayers
Better – tag anyone who posts some “don’t rush to judgment not all muslims religion of peace Christians have a history of barbarism” or similar with #collaborator
Time to ban semiautomatic vehicles
HELP there’s been another attack but there aren’t any police outside my local mosque hugging and protecting Muslims!! They’re at RISK!!!!!
Europe is enjoying multiculturalism. This article explains very well what happened to my country, it is a mirror in which the Americans can look at themselves: Argentina: A Mirror of Your Future https://www.amren.com/features/2017/04/argentina-a-mirror-of-your-future-buenos-aires-latin-america/
Yeah, we have it here too.
Sympathy for mohamedans, blacks, mestizos, homos, etc…
Compassion will be the downfall of the White Western world.
Just as (((planned))).
I get what you are saying but from my time in Argentina I can say almost all of them deserve the destruction of their country. By the way, the immigrants weren’t the ones who destroyed it, they are just the symptom, no matter how you slice it.
“Aren’t you kids glad you grew up here in (Japan, Korea, Taiwan) where we don’t have to put up with this “cultural enrichment” shit?”
Oh yeah!.
Been to Korea several times.
They do not give 1 sh*t about diversity.
They have it right.
Got a bunch of nukes pointed at them though.
So do we (and yes, I mean the USA & the UK too).
Meanwhile, Israel has nukes pointed at us all.
Courtesy of one Mr. Jonathan Pollard…
it would be much cuter if his grandkids were black, don’t you think?
Pissing away thousands of years of culture, heritage and genetic lineage is a small price to pay for all the facebook likes you can farm having a ‘diverse’ family.
Nailed it. Completely.
Don’t they have a ton of Americans in their country impregnating their daughters?
30,000 personnel plus support staff mate.
They are restricted to base. Most stores and bars will refuse to serve GIs. Plus 30,000 in a country of what? 50 million? A drop in the ocean.
50 million if S Korea, 125 million if Japan
Hmm. How is it all those Blasians and other mixtures keep making their way back Stateside…?
In any case, wasn’t there another thread where they were talking about SK chicks having surgery to make their eyes look Western? Or look at modern day Japan. You’d be surprised at the effect just a handful of Americans can have on a culture.
Sure it happens a little. They come stateside because they aren’t welcome in their home country.
For real? Didn’t one win Miss Japan?
bu bu but.. theyre asian!!!
After Manchester the British public were almost defending Muslims. Now another attack.
Neither attack killed as many as Paris and Nice. Europeans went back to sleep after those ones, they will go to sleep again.
Of course the morons will label anyone who blames radical Islam as racists.
Already done on CNN (TNN). “People are saying Muslims are not outraged by these attacks, but they really are.”
Don’t worry guys, if they come at you all you need is…
Load – Ensure magazine is fully loaded with quality ammo. Don’t forget to bring one into the chamber to be on the ready for your country.
Empty – Completely expend all ammunition into terrorists without hesitation or emotion. At this time, it is appropriate to make faces, à la John McClaine.
Call for Backup – Your friends have guns and they want in on the festivities, too. Share your disdain for Islam together, all while checking out your buddy’s new AR-15 in action.
I have a 357 revolver that I use as my problem solver.
Dialogue- Be sure to say 80’s style witty one-liners after each terrorist killed.
“Remember when I said I’d kill you last? I lied.”
Don’t forget a backup gun , jic.
Always save the last bullet for yourself. And don’t miss.
Last bullet?
What’s that?
When you’re up against people you really don’t want to be captured by. For details… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fe8367efc56c8da291f310942576992872c1320f209c6c2f40fe7174d0a2f2c6.jpg
This is the American version I presume? Sounds much more effective.
I understand the concept.
In saying I will never have just one left..
Even then, there’s machete, throwing knives, baton, fists, feet, etc.
If you are outnumbered, you will get taken down. This is guaranteed.
Lol. No.
You’re a dreamer mate.
Or something else.
You wish.
You can stop being a dick now mate.
Only in your dreams…
In being a dick?
You re the one saying I would get assaulted or w/e by a few guys.
Eh? Don’t remember that.
The American way to deal with a terrorist, get your .45 caliber.
Bo Bo Bo Clack Clack Clack Clack Clack!
The only way to deal with terrorism if you’re black!
Paraphrased from KRS-One Bo! Bo! Bo!
A Romanian guy knocked out one of the terrorists with a bread crate yet a guy running for his life with a beer in his hand is considered a “hero”.
Tells you everything you need to know about the agenda.
From “We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender” to “run, hide, tell” ??? Fuck
It warms my heart to see just desserts delivered. For allowing Muslims to reside in the UK, Brits deserve these attacks. The US does, too.
Innocent people don’t deserve to be attacked mutilated and killed. You need your head examined.
They are NOT innocent: they support a gov’t that allows Muslim immigration.
Yes mate, I’m sure those kids at the Ariana Grande were in full support of government policy on immigration and deserved to die as a result.
Hahaha sorry not laughing at the kids just the sarcasm.
You are blaming the wrong people. Zionists and their allies have allowed unchecked immigration into the West. The same people who called LePen and Trump “racist” for wanting to end Muslim immigration and Western foreign policy in the Middle East openly support Israel’s ethnic cleansing and ethnonationalism.
The people have no choice since the left and right are bought and paid for by Zionists. Otherwise Zionists would have backed Muslim butt kisser Corbyn.
Bernie Sanders did well because he supports open borders and leftist policies…for America but not Israel. Not surprised since Sanders was the only candidate who lived there. He supports ethnonationalism there but wants hippie socialism for America.
Notice how Zionists back Theresa May? Usually they back left wing leaders but Jeremy Corbyn went too far criticizing Israel.
After Brexit you would think Nigel Farage would be the next PM of the U.K. but instead you get center right May who is David Cameron with a vagina.
“It warms my heart to see just desserts delivered. For allowing Muslims to reside in the UK, Brits deserve these attacks. The US does, too”
On one hand that’s a rather harsh attitude because of innocent kids who got caught up in the attack, but at the same time what does one expect? We also hear from time to time about young women getting attacked by migrant insurgents. These females are typical feminists types who are pro-open borders, and totally hate on white men a là “white men are rapists, misonygists, islamophobes” etc.
Don’t misunderstand me – innocent children getting killed or injured is exceptionally bothersome for me. But when I hear about women who purposefully align themselves with progressivism, islam, and their open disgust of white men, their screaming to demand that politicians let the dregs of shit-hole countries in, I can’t help but not give a flying fuck about any of these bitches who are attacked, because they are the ones taking part in the destruction of their own culture.
Asians are the most racist folks and every asian country hates it´s neighbour because they are untermensch 😉
Tony Blair pretty much destroyed the UK by allowing easy immigration settlement policies. As a result, 3 million migrants, mostly from Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, and Africa started coming in the masses. When you visit the UK, you’ll feel like you are in the streets of Calcutta. The airport is also infested with third world migrants working, and it’s sometimes astounding to witness a third world migrant working the customs desks, in their Indian accent interrogating you about the purpose of your visit. The irony. Australia is also in deep waters because they also allowed many third world migrants from India and the Middle-East to set up shop in their country.
In America, our immigration policies are still much more laxed and the ease of committing immigration fraud and getting away with it is so much higher in our country, than it is anywhere else. Just yesterday, a buddy of mine told me how his boss was able to fake some paperwork and sponsor an Indian for an H1b visa and put him in charge of customer support. The visa was granted. A Russian girl I know was able to find some beta dude online who agreed to marry her, even though she’s secretly using him to obtain a green card. Within 6 months, she got her green card, and she lives separately from the beta guy. And for asylum seekers, they just concoct some BS story of how they are persecuted in their country, and an immigration judge then usually awards them with a work permit, if not a green card until their case is finalized.
I blame our own government and UK’s government for allowing cultural Marxism to spew around.
The left is infested with morons and so are you.. They want to bring terror over and you want to “group & club” everyone together.
There was a large population of Indian/ Sikh (from colonial days) soldiers and their descendants settled in the UK that have never done such shit.
India has been a victim of Islamic terrorism from Pakistan/ Bangladesh for a long time. Who is sponsoring & helping them with that?
China for their CPEC and Saudi Arabia to spread their Wahabi Religious extremism. You should watch Channel 4’s – Undercover Mosque which shows them using UK Govt funding to sponsor their “peace inititiatievs” while spreading hate underneath.
Now who is best friends with Saudis.. the US deep state/ Bush & now Trump. Do I think Hillary is clean, doubtful. I am sure they have hooks into her too.
It’s never simple – Its a complex undercurrent of stuff way more complicated that Game of Thrones.
Whole reason for mass immigration is to supply business with endless cheap labor. In the beginning, it was mostly targeting blue collar whites and using third world immigrants to destroy their ability to demand better wages and working conditions.
In the 21st century, you see companies importing workers from third world countries who have college degrees, but they serve the same purpose as less skilled workers.
Many of these people realize that they are allowed to come to the US because they work for less money and work more hours than a comparable American born worker. Some of them eventually leave and return home, but new ones come to replace them.
Well Angela Merkel is doing the same to Germany, not long ago, a Middle Eastern person would “stick out” in some smaller German cities. The large ones had sizable Muslim populations for years but many of them lived temporarily in Germany. Merkel made it easier for foreigners to get citizenship. Under Schroder, the waiting period was 8 years, Then it was reduced to 5, where a person can get permanent residency. As a result the Muslim population grew exponentially.
Yup, France, Germany, Sweden, and UK are pretty much done. And once these migrants have citizenship, they can move anywhere! They can move to the USA (easier access for Europeans to get green cards and no visas), move to Australia (relaxed immigration for European citizens), and move to other neighboring European countries (Norway, Finland, Austria, Hungary, etc.).
Germany wasn’t so bad 10 years ago but it really slid downhill in the past decade. The cities used to be impressive and clean. Now just like England and France. You really have to watch out. Some places in the East and South are still decent places.
Otherwise the place has declined. Many cities you see more places selling halal food than German.
Are there areas in Germany where it’s predominantly White Germans? What are the towns and cities that I should avoid?
The cities in the West, Hamburg, Frankfurt are not good.
East Germany with the exception of Berlin is ok.
The timing suggests the attack ( once more) is election related. So who do the terrorists want leading the country?
How could something like this get through again, in the world’s cctv capital?
Cctv can only record the bloodbath
So a total surveillance state is good for capturing those treasured moments for posterity but can’t prevent shit from happening?
Just to capture those Kodak moments! sarc/.
Basingstroke has more CCTV than NYC, let that sink in.
one might wonder how they justified that but I imagine they didn’t have to
Nah, no justification needed; the process started with the IRA bombings which prompted the installation of thousands of cameras!
that makes sense
It is Ramadan related rather than election related. Make people hungry, make them mean.
Would that still apply to the Kabul attacks? ISIS do seem happy to attack during Ramadan, but in this case I’d say the election less than a week a way is most definitely the occasion they are targeting
When you say ‘Terrorists’ do you mean the globalists or the people that physically carried out the attacks.
Yes that was a rhetorical question and yes it was tongue in cheek, heh.
i don’t know what to think any more to be honest. The globalists, well neo-cons started all the wars, set the fire so to speak, and they and western governments have been happy enough to push the war on terror narrative that seems to sustain the object of concern. That is a kind of collusion in its own right as far as I’m concerned, at least to the extent that what has come to pass must have been anticipated in some form. I don’t think Manchester was anything other than a murderous islamic jihadi attack though. Re. London Bridge we need more info, but as a target it’s oddly symbolic ‘london bridge is falling down’…”london has fallen” (the film). Nice that ISIS has taken the trouble to get familiar with British culture
Don’t worry mate someone ran from terror with a pint in his hand and another threw bottles at the terrorists! Legends init cuz, peng #ourspiritsareunbroken!!!!!
there’s one picture of a middle aged victim with silver hair laying on the ground. He’s pictured reaching for his bottle of Stella ffs
Here we go just like Brussels and Paris, are these fools in europe going to learn. Every time I see this on the news I am grateful that I am an American, at least we can arm ourselves for this when it does come.
Europe’s toast, man. Their leadership is dead set on bringing in more of these heathens.
The USA has warning signs, too. Basking Ridge, NJ recently rejected a mosque being built in their town, but the Muslim minority there sued and the Feds forced the town to build the mosque, despite overwhelming public opposition.
We have bleeding hearts in America who inexplicably want to let these types of people into our country out of some misguided sense of sympathy.
I don’t buy these reports about Eastern Europe being a haven or bulwark against all this.
I was perusing the forum and there was some story from about a Cameroon man who was an anti-racist activist who 10 years ago infected like 100 young Polish girls with HIV. Most men here could not get a date with a Polish girl, let alone have sex with 100.
White men are hated worldwide. Why do you think the birthrate in Eastern European countries is the lowest in the world? Cost of living is very low. So if the women are choosing to only have 1 child, it’s because they do not want to bring more children like them or their husband into this world. Slovakia and Poland are cheap compared to Honk Kong and Singapore (places with similarly low birthrates).
This guy: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_5OhwJUeC4G0/R2UDiUvDu4I/AAAAAAAAAMk/317aJj9rc4A/w1200-h630-p-k-no-nu/mol.jpg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simon_Mol
And if he infected 50-100, we can only speculate on the number he had sex with as I don’t believe the transmission rate of HIV is particularly high (5-10%). So if 50-100 were infected, that would imply a partner count of 500-2000.
And this guy looks more like Dave Chappelle than Michael Jordon.
I think in general, Eastern European women are probably the most promiscuous as well as the dumbest. Anybody who thinks girls from Russia or Czech Republic are coming to Britain or the US to act as an au pair or nanny (let alone study engineering or physics or finance) are deluding themselves. They work as strippers, hookers, escorts, and porn stars.
Have you spent any time there? I completely disagree. There are SOME that are dumb as stumps, but a lot of Russian girls are ethnocentric. Nor do they hop in bed with just anyone.
Any woman dumb enough to sleep with an African is certainly a liberal and deserves what she gets, but I sometimes think you secretly get off on the thought of non-whites fucking White women. You seem overly obsessed by all of this.
He was famous in Polish antifa environments, which explains a lot of his success. Those girls bang whatever thing that passes in front of them.
Black guys have different game. They approach ALL the time..get rejected all the time as well but they dont give a fuck about that, they will just continue. Polish men do not apporach a lot I suspect so obviously they are getting nothing
“Black guys have different game. They approach ALL the time..get rejected all the time as well but they dont give a fuck about that, they will just continure. Polish men do not apporach a lost I suspect so obviously they are getting nothing”
It takes two to dance; why aren’t the polish women telling these guys to fuck off? I think there is something to be said about the theory that there is an anti-white male sentiment throughout the west and eastern europe.
They don’t tell the apes to fuck off because nobody is shaming them for practising bestiality. On the contrary , they are praised. In Germany every ad features a white girl and black/muslim dude now.
“Anybody who thinks girls from Russia or Czech Republic are coming to Britain or the US to act as an au pair or nanny (let alone study engineering or physics or finance) are deluding themselves. They work as strippers, hookers, escorts, and porn stars”
Agreed. 20 years ago maybe this was the case, but today, I highly doubt it. Females who won the genetic lottery automatically take advantage of the current social norms and technology to leverage their tits & ass for optimum survival and lifestyle.
“Have you spent any time there? ”
Ok, then if I may inquire – what is your east euro experience? Where have you been, and when? Your observations are also relavant.
Ann Coulter is not a liberal.
I have zero sympathy for any of these chicks.
Sleep with dogs, wake up with fleas, you stupid cunts.
“They work as strippers, hookers, escorts, and porn stars.”
You say that like it’s a bad thing. ;-D
They will hop in bed with just anyone who has a thick wallet.
That’s not surprising. I figured they would get to that point when I left about ten years ago govern the number of mud sharks I witnessed.
I’m dubious that he infected 100 girls with HIV. HIV has a terrible transmission rate in heterosexual sex. The only way he could do that is if he injected them all with a syringe loaded with the HIV virus.
That story sounds like alarmist bullshit to me.
Bestiality has always been popular in Germany…
It says in your link that it was 11 girls not 100, that he was not convicted and that it was never established that he had HIV.
Are RoK readers now believing hysterical women like most other beta simps?
You really believe this guy fucked 2000 women?
What about a guy who sleeps with Africans?
Btw, I’m a non-white who gets off on fucking white women. Actually I also get off on telling those no pussy getting basement dwelling dicktard neo-Nazis all about it.
what is the word on the st over there? peeps calm, freaking out??
Agreed. I know plenty of EE girls. Generally they work in support functions, like receptionist, hair dressing, make-up.
Not sure. I’m in Spain atm.
White women just love them some black dick. That’s just all it is.
lucky. enjoy
Yup, there is a critical error in the western civilization code that is making society (including leadership at governmental and nongovernmental levels) no longer fit for purpose.
I don’t know exactly what it is, but we have been apologizing for existing for a few generations, now– and the world has replied, “apology not accepted.” And none have replied louder than our own women.
Oh I will. All these fine ass muchachas here in Spain? Its impossible not to enjoy yourself.
I could say something about you being the one who doesn’t believe it, but I won’t.
That’s probably… good.
I just shared the link. I did not say it was a 100. He was not convicted because he died from HIV before (or too sick to be convicted). That guy was protected by the hypocritical left all the time and playing the victim card.
I think they do tell them to fuck off..it just doesnt stop them though. They approach like crazy.
Yes, but why would Poland want to paint its own women as whores?
No. As I’ve commented before on RoK, I see more white women with East Asian (Chinese/Korean) and South Asian (Indian/Paki) men than with black men, and Asian men have no positive stereotypes regarding sexual prowess working in their favor. Quite the contrary actually. The common thread is all these men are non-white. White women are hostile to white men but receptive to non-white males (regardless of whether they are black, asian, hispanic, or indian).
HIV transmission rate is quite low (like 5% right?) so if 10-50 women were actually infected, does that not imply a partner count in the hundreds?
You really shouldn’t. With any Asian women I had a relationship with, it was because I loved them or enjoyed being with them not because I got my jollies seeing Asian guys stare at us when we were out. That’s fucked up.
is dat JJ Walker???
Nope, the only E Euro girls I have experience with are the ones who come here. So that is probably skewed as we know girls who travel or emigrate are ho bags.
What are my chances of not being murdered if I moved to Cameroon and started agitating and telling the locals that they are all racist?
I also didn’t like going to Asian restaurants for dates because I was worried about them spitting on my food seeing me with an Asian girl.
This argument is based on one guy saying he read some bullshit story on a forum. I don’t even believe the news, let alone forum trolls and shit.
I agree. The most common inter racial relationship in the US is white male with Asian woman.
In Asia, it’s the same. Those expats have been planning for collapse for decades
I had the opportunity to live with (real) Africans and those people don’t take shit. And they have very strong in-group bounds, the exact opposite of whites.
Yes but I’m sure those Asian guys don’t have websites dedicated to abusing you and your girlfriend. Or taking every opportunity to insult you preemptively in the comments section to RoK articles. That’s fucked up, so fuck those fucking Nazis, they aren’t real men. No real man spends time worrying about a chick that’s not theirs.
Same question applies.
Mate, black men with white women is a classic pairing in the UK and its been on the rise in the US. I would say that American white women are the most sexually aggressive (even more so than black chicks) women. Hell American girls even chase me down in Spain!
Poland didn’t.
Your sharing the link sans explanation implied agreement. Your link doesn’t say he died from HIV. Point of fact, nobody dies from HIV. Whatever the reason for him not being convicted is really immaterial. The fact is that the story is not conclusive and therefore must be discarded.
Yup. I’m just reiterating with Pabst if the anti-white male trrnd lately.
By African, I meant an immigrant right off the boat from Africa. Recent events have made clear they are quite violent and have nothing going for them. If you read the story of Simon Mol, he refused to have sex with a condom and accused the women of racism when they insisted. But those dumb broads slept with him anyway!
I’m not particularly against miscegenation, but those women exercised no caution whatsoever.
BTW, I’m totally for trolling the shit out of those impotent Stormfags.
LOL! For real dude.
Sounds like those dumb broads got what they had coming to them. You know chicks love it when you’re just a little bit dangerous! 😉
I say settle them into limousine liberal neighborhoods. These liberal love diversity or so they say.
“The USA has warning signs, too. Basking Ridge, NJ recently rejected a mosque being built in their town, but the Muslim minority there sued and the Feds forced the town to build the mosque, despite overwhelming public opposition”
And one has to wonder why Trump didn’t do anything to stop this ape-center from being built. The ruling came from the federal level. President Trump? Little by little he’s falling in line with the globalists.
thats a wealthy shitlib town in surburban NYC- I say good for them. you reap what you sow
Maybe he’s negotiating instead of going the way of JFK . Just my 2 cents.
I hear ya – but the more shitlib towns that do this, the more the disease spreads.
You can even explain what to expect and when it will happen but they will refuse to listen. There is truly no hope for those kinds of people
Roll on Brexit!
And they seem to be in charge.
Does anyone here just not really give a shit about these kind of things anymore?
Well I give a sh*t, but not much we can do about it, short of forming paramilitary militias.
And who has time for that? What with 50 hour workweeks and 2 to 3 hour round trip commutes and all?
True, but how long have men like us have been calling things out for what they are and vilified for it? They’re reaping what they have sown.
Yeah. Almost would be better if all of this would come to a head soon. And self survival takes precedence over everything else.
I’m telling you guys we need to pick a spot on the map and start from scratch. Call it ROKville
It’s difficult to have mercy on the kind of militant globalist human trash that infests London (or any other european big capital) these days. For me, I say.
I seem to have a delayed response…. I wait a few days, then get really angry. I’m numb now. Find out the facts, then up my training. Tough when the only people who listen are the larger louts, who bitch and whine, but do nothing to prepare for the coming civil war.
yeah, me, people deserve what happens to them, you are responsible for your life and the life of others, positive racism is a defense against invaders, you shouldnt let anyone come to your country for any reason without scrutinizing them, they should not have criminal records especialy those related to violence, also they should be civilised and coming from a civilised country, they should adapt to the country and its laws and not the other way around, they should be put under surveilance and pass lots of tests put by the government, then and after only then they should become citizens, and if after becoming a citizen they do someting wrong like a theft or something like that ,their citizenship should be removed and they should be sent back to the shithole they came from and never be allowed to ever come again their whole life, and low IQ people from the country should live with people who are like them
European citizens need arms.
I hear a lot of their cuckold governments don’t even allow them any pepper spray. Finnish women are just supposed to say “no” or “stop it” if they are attempted to be robbed/molested.
Pepper spray…feh…the girls should be using sulphuric acid against the blacks & muzzies…
If pepper spray is illegal, might as well carry a .357 mag. The right to defend ones self & neighbors is an inalienable right.
They’d need balls first.
Yep, a gun is of no use unless you are willing to pull the trigger.
Not that it matters much, but I really want to see Andrew Fonfara freaking decapitate Adonis Stevenson tonight…
Remember how much effort was put into finding Roosh V and his “followers” during the meetup? How come we don’t see the same effort to find and root out terrorists and jihadists?
Because it’s not hard. All they have to do is go to all the mosques, close them and deport anyone who attends. But that raises uncomfortable questions that give women bad feelz, and their orbiters can’t have that so we have to pretend that there is really something more complicated that must be done.
The solution is easy on how to deal with moslems:
1) deport all non citizens
2) offer reimmigration incentives for citizens
3) internment for all those that remain
There is no reason we need any of these people. They do not add anything that a (white) native born citizen cannot.
All the white people in Britain came from other countries.
Some are foreign. Most are native born. Nonetheless, the problem in England is not with the Poles it is with the minorities and non christians. Moslems commit terrorism, abuse the welfare system, don’t assimilate and don’t contribute. Blacks are responsible for a disproportionate amount of crime and do not contribute to the country either.
The problem in the west is not foreigners. It is foreigners(and citizens) from non white/non Christian countries.
1) Shoot all muslim men.
2) Donate all cute young muslim women to my harem, kill old and ugly ones.
You’re all over the place mate. All white people in Europe immigrated from Asia. Some came peacefully, others game violently, like the Romans, Saxons, Vikings and Normans. Most blacks and Muslims in Britain are native born. Just last century the white people of Europe were tearing themselves apart in the most bloodthirsty war in history.
And then white people created Socialism and they’ve been bombing the Middle-East for decades stirring up all these problems. And then when they start bombing us, we forget our sins and just blame an abstract concept
Gee if you go back far enough we all came from Africa. Sounds like something a leftist would say.
I seriously doubt most are native born and even if they were 2nd gen at best. Nonetheless, it does not matter. Just like America, England does not have magic dirt where you can bring 3rd worlders and minorities in a country and immediately expect them to assimilate at the snap of a finger. Even Catholics in America (who are much more similar to our founders) changed America to suit their values. Just think what will happen when blacks, moslems, and other shitskins form collalitions in America.
Additionally, the “white” people you cite are all neocons ie: Jews and crypto Jews who bombed the Middle East. Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc. all manufactured wars done in the name of Israel.
Additionally, this is NOT an abstract concept. We are blaming actual groups of people and we back our grievances up with hard data and facts.
Have fun with your beige kids
It sounds like a fact, which it is. Well if we all come from Africa then that pretty much renders your whole argument nonsensical.
Islam is an abstract concept by definition. Blaming it won’t get you anywhere. You have to blame the precise individuals involved in any particular crime. Not a group of people that you arbitrarily assign the guilt to. Its a bit like saying all white people are responsible for slavery.
I didn’t cite anyone but if you don’t think that actual individual whites (i.e. not Jews) didn’t benefit from the war in the Middle-East you are deluding yourself. But in any case, if you think that Jews are responsible why aren’t you going after them? Or is it Jews and Muslims together that you consider guilty?
The only one who’s argument is nonsensical is yours. DNA tests (23andme) prove race ie: differences. The whole “we are all the same” argument is utter trash. I am not going to refute that argument because it has been done a thousand times. Go back to the huffpost with your nonsense.
Islam is not an abstract concept. It is a religion. It is also tangible. You can pick up and read a Koran, go to a mosque, and meet individuals who are moslems.
You do not have to blame precise individuals and you most certainly can blame a religion (or race) and the group of people who identify as such. It is much easier and beneficial to do the latter as it is more effective and less time consuming. Identify the problem group and deport/intern/imprison them. Problem solved. As a white American I should not have to deal with these problem groups. America is my country – not theirs.
In regards to slavery I couldn’t care less if you blame all white people or not. I don’t care either way. We did it because we could and it benefitted us. The one error Lincoln made was not reimmigrating the slaves
P.S we do go after Jews. Ever see the video where the lady says Jews will play a pivotal role in making west societies multicultural?
I’d say to open state sponsored brothels and put there all the women to work providing free services to race-mixers and thirsty betas…after though they get sterilized…
DNA tests prove the opposite. There is only one species of human and its called Homo Sapien. Don’t confuse culture with biology.
Religions are abstract concepts mate.
We have (in the West) a legal system that holds individuals to account for their actions. You cannot be prosecuted for an action committed by another individual just because some guy arbitrarily decides you are a member of the same “group”. This is not Nazi Germany or Stalinist Russia.
As a white American you are the child of immigrants who effectively destroyed the native population and/or forceably migrated other people to “your” country. And you have a problem with legal migration…
Lincoln made a lot of mistakes including slaughtering his own people but in fact, he wanted to send black people back to Africa.
Wrong again. DNA tests prove race. It clearly states where your ancestors are from ie: Europe. Race is different than species. Culture and biology are linked and are largely the same. You are citing another leftist argument in your attempt to side step heritage/DNA/race.
My suggestion of deportation, reimmigraion or internment does not mean prosecution. We would not put these people in front of a judge. We would see which group they are a part of, properly identify them and get rid of them. We did this(internment) during WW2 to the Japanese, Germans, and Italians. We most certainly can and should do it again but take it a step further.
As a white American I am not necessarily the child of immigrants if my ancestors migrated here prior to this country being formed. Also, it does not matter if I am or I am not. I am a white Christian. America was founded as a country for white christians. Not the religions and races of the world. Additionally, we do not have a problem with immigration just immigration of non whites and non christians.
What we did to Indians in the past is irrelevant. We conquered this country and made it our own.
Haha damn
Dang English bob You’re starting to sound like you’re on the wrong site. Most of us here don’t disagree with the value of homogeneous societies. So conquering the weaker society and sending minorities away doesn’t sound bad at all. It’s a dog eat dog world. Or ” my family or their family” world.
If this site is for facts and reason then I am on the right site. It takes a certain level of maturity and mental fortitude to accept when the facts don’t support your view and then change it accordingly.
Yeah the USSR and North Korea are great examples of homogeneous societies.
Actually, the latest findings say that humans began in Germany, not Africa.
I think white people are just trying to figure out why and how their cultures are being systematically destroyed. At the same time, the ones whom care want to stop and reverse this destruction. The easiest way is to stereotype and remove everyone whom may be involved or whom may shield or hide those involved whether on purpose or has happenstance. Maybe not the fairest way, but eventually the whites left will get desperate enough, probably, to do anything.
Whatever dude. It is still irrelevant either way.
For me the issue is not culture. Its ideas. The biggest threat to every culture is socialism. This forms the core of total war, modern taxation and intolerance. Yes intolerance. The modern state preaches tolerance but is the most intolerant institution on the planet. I am tolerant of people who don’t like Muslims as long as they don’t tell me not to like them. I have a lot of Muslim friends.
But ideas. What we have to manage is ideas and permanently kill this idea of socialism which is the root of the SJW evil we face today.
That’s libtarded logic. Harrass a man giving advice to other straight men. But ignore foreigners who hate you and want to kill you.
When I was in Germany I had a few nasty encounters with Muslims. They didn’t realize a guy like me would break their faces. I nearly ripped a guy’s arm out of his socket.
Because everyone knows that men who want to have a happy hour and hold similar neo masculine views are a bigger threat then Islamic terrorism. The former would revitalize the West, while the latter will destroy it. The elites would rather the West burn then allow it a chance to rise again
because it seems nowadays, a bunch of men comploting to get more pussy are more dangerous than a bunch of motherfuckers comploting to kill more people.
Strange era we are living in.
Christians used to torture and kill people too!
Omg they are only doing this because we are trampling on their basic human rights!
I swear on 9/11 that the first plane was still going into the tower when some liberal pos near me shrilly screamed, “we must have done something terrible to them to make them feel this way about us!” (I was in graduate school at a very, very liberal old university at the time).
Anyone who posts this nonsense should be tagged as follows: #collaborator
Did you throat punch her?
It was actually a male. Force-choked, but same effect.
The media thinks doing nothing is the best response. It’s not working out so great.
People don’t value their lives or the lives of their children as much as they used to in the past.
Yes, self preservation is a basic human impulse. Top deny that is to deny reality. And only mentally ill white guilt types do it.
I often ask myself: how is that possible? Which kind of deep brainwashing have people suffered? Perhaps it is just a matter of plain cowardice, hoping for their survival once the enemy takes over.
“People don’t value their lives or the lives of their children as much as they used to in the past.”
Quoted For Truth.
This is certainly the case for western worl; sharia apes do not think this way.
Maybe compared to the recent past. For most of history, it was assumed that you’d lose 50%+ of your children before adulthood. They didn’t pop out 10 children for nothing.
Tag this: #collaborator
or #praisediversity
Roosh stop radicalizing young men like literally omg
Terrorists view their enemies “doing nothing” as weakness. It’s something European governments don’t seem to understand or are unwilling to acknowledge.
European governments understand this very well. Apparently people don’t understand their subtle way of saying: white men, you are finished; you are no longer a part of our plan. just be a good slave and DIE already, we need brown low IQ people, not strong, rational civilization builders who value independence. We need fucking MONKEYS to run in our hamster wheels!
Meanwhile the Antifa fags and whores had a gathering at my school earlier this day. Celebrating after having supposedely destroyed some dangerous Nazi group in Hamburg. European youth are fighting imaginary enemies while muslims bomb the shit out of the continent. I was never very religious, but I’m starting to believe the Satan himself is pulling the strings of this madness..
it is like : “let our children die, let the bitches sing”
fucked up era. I’m out.
London Bridge is falling down,
Falling down, falling down.
London Bridge is falling down,
My fair lady
Oh…now that’s not very nice. Not very nice at all…
I like that… Very apt.
Now, goyim, don’t give in to “hate”. Remember, Christians commit just as many terrorist acts as muslims! Just last week, a bunch of Methodists flew a hijacked airliner into a tall building, goyim. You need multiculturalism to enrich your boring culture, goyim. Remember the holocaust, goyim! You must willingly destroy your own culture by importing millions of muslims or you’re a “racist”, goyim. It’s for your own good, goyim!
Now that’s how you use sarcasm correctly. Many of the posters here should take heed.
Sarcasm? Oy vey! This is the truth! Just watch MTV and we’ll tell you what to think so you won’t be confused, goyim!
Shut the hell up
Your mean words to me are just like the holocaust! You should be executed! Oy vey!
Well, I was never going to be taking a stroll on the London Bridge anyway.
Who’s bitten by the travel bug? Who poses for selfies on the London Bridge? Oh right, rich Leftists and SJWs.
This recluse is safe.
No need to be reclusive; like I’ve told my family and friends:
There is plenty natural beauty and cultural cities; so much to be explored in the USA, I have no need to venture to unsafe lands, in order to enjoy an adventure.
“….Alex Shellum, a witness at Mudlark pub under London Bridge, described a horrifying attack in which a woman had her throat slit.”
~Don’t you mean: “…a woman’s throat was slit”?
I personally think that these attacks are the result of America gradually losing control over its Wahhabist minions and the House of Saud.
The connection between America, terrorism, Wahhabism and the House of Saud is missed by almost everyone, yet it explains the vast majority of global terrorism, including 9/11.
It was probably a bunch of radicalized ROK readers or some of those other Alt-right literally Hitler types.
Diversity and multiculturalism is so wonderful we need more of it. I hope no one takes out their anger on muslims it’s not their fault, you know, religion of peace and all.
Merkel et el should be shot for treason. Bringing in rediculous numbers of Muslims from terrorist infrared war zones is beyond stupid! These (((leaders))) really have a death wish for native White populations in Europe. These attacks will continue until Muslims are removed and native White populations can arm themselves for the purpose of self defence. The (((globalist))) ruling class will never allow this and must be forcibly removed from power.
Future history will view her as one of the worst rulers ever. Unless of course things keep going the way they are, and then the future ruling Muslim historians will hail her as a modern day prophet.
As a female? After they throw acid in her face. Perhaps Islam rule will put these liberals in their place
Yeah, but who will do that? Hans the Cuck or Nigel the capitulate-to-death Faggot? Maybe Pierre Dicquesuckuere will throw a baguette at president Macaroni?
It won’t happen because she is in the priviliged, protected class. She’s one of the biggest yes-men out there, carrying out the will of the (((financial institutions.)))
you meant she’s one of the biggest yes women
I see no evidence of feminine traits.
Cunt News Network will somehow end up blaming Trump or Russians for it.
Keep calm and Cuck on.
Jeez, I thought I could take a break the internet for a while, but events keep driving the Red Pill agenda.
The Alt Right offers the real alternative for protecting white nations from Islamic terrorism: Criminalize the teaching and practice of Islam in our borders, stop all immigration from Muslim countries, and deport the Muslims already here.
Beat them to a pulp first and then torture them to cough up every piece of information so the rest can be herded up.
Yeah, we need something like Section One in that La Femme Nikita TV series on the USA Network back in the 1990’s.
That or just some good old mob justice.
I may have to come to that since the solid citizens would be fighting the invaders and the government intent on protecting the invaders.
Or the pacific blue method.
Bicycle cops fix everything!!!
Look, just say it: extermination policy. It’s the strategy we’re facing, and anything less than a response in kind is doomed to failure.
“Criminalize the teaching and practice of Islam in our borders,”
But in the US that would technically be unconstitutional. Not saying it’s a bad idea, just that it would be breaking rules.
Then officially declare war. We are at war anyway.
That I could get behind.
But in order to properly market this , we’ll have to call it a ban on ” war torn countries connected with terrorism” instead of Muslim ban.
These stories aren’t even irregular anymore. I now see headlines like “7 dead in London terrorist attacks” as the daily weather report.
Yeah, 7 dead don’t even move nobody no more:
Yeah these headlines have almost become an issue of “copy and paste”, just alter slightly to reflect body count and kill method.
Obviously, a ban on ‘hunting knives’ (whatever police think that means) is long overdue.
That’ll never work. They’ll have to ban fingers. All law-abiding citizens required to turn up for the chop!
This is the action chart that UK police say people should follow:
It says that running is a better option than surrendering or negotiating. Except with islam the only thing they are doing is surrendering. And all the SJWs and liberals will ‘hide’ behind social media and hashtags.
remember when Europeans actually fought back against invaders from the modern day Islamic world?
Seriously. This is the country of King Arthur, Robin Hood, and Richard the Lion Hearted. Who defeated the largest European land army including General Montcalm, and annexed all of Canada in the Seven Years War. Who burned down the White House in the War of 1812. Whose navy dominated the Seven Seas for 200 years. Who fought and died in Flanders Fields. Who invented radar and dreadnoughts. Who gave birth to Winston Churchill, Lord Nelson, and Arthur Conan Doyle. Who defeated the Germans twice (well, with some help). The country which was America’s mother, and whose language is spoken on every continent. Where real men drink their beer warm.
And now you are to follow what sounds like advice from a schoolmarm to a little tattletail sissy when faced with a bully. God Save the Queen.
‘Fight’ isn’t even an option? Just run, surrender, or negotiate.
DS meme time:
I never understood the histrionics over that first photo. A young Muslim reading her phone with a look of shock and dismay, right after a terrorist attack? Can someone please explain the problem.
>Can someone please explain the problem.
Quite simple really – that she is in a White nation to begin with.
In shock or in a sense of triumf?
Doesn’t look at all shock to me. looks like a bit of a grin. And zoom in on her hand that is next to her face. Is she shooting a bird?
Photoshopped muzz wench. Look at orignal.
Yes, I saw the original at the top. But just commenting on the earlier post stating it looked like she had a look of shock and dismay. Which to me doesn’t look like that at all.
I wonder where the original picture of her came from?!
If you invite a fox into your hen-house, don’t complain when he follows his nature. Solid Brits need to rebel, or leave. Stay put or accept the status quo, and you deserve your fate.
Would I pray that one of the sons of Albion loses hope entirely.
That he surrenders to the gnawing darkness in his heart and lets it guide his hand.
Would I pray that he does something hellish. Unprecedented.
Something your countrymen shall emulate when the black birds of carrion riot at the sheer horror of it all.
I will pray that he who was born under the white cliffs shall wash away the sand on his shores with a tidal wave of blood.
Exactly. Britain and Europe could have sewn up this problem long ago. After dozens of terror attacks with the same weak response, you’ve lost my sympathy.
Hey, it’s not Central and Eastern Europe fault that those western bastards sold us out.
I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. We should have let the Red Army roll to Land’s End. They might have suffered under the Commies, and they might be poorer, but they wouldn’t be on the road to extinction.
Don`t assume people in Eastern Europe are any better. They don`t get much immigrants because their countries are dirt-poor.
Yet, their birthrates in Eastern Europe are among the lowest and their women are the most promiscuous.
I’m Western Europe the low birthrates and promiscuity are bad, but the main problem is the traitorous government officials that are deliberately importing these fucking savages.
Did someone say promiscuous?
Searching flights
Yeah but didn’t some guy scream insensitive comments to a couple of Muslim women on the Portland metro? Sounds pretty equal to me…
That Jeremy Christian screams crazy shit isn’t the problem.
That he killed 2 men, and injured a third; that’s the problem.
New Crusade Now!
Deus Vult.
Except more efficient than the last ones, and don’t stop till you reach Australia.
The only good thing I’ll point out is that the people acting shocked about all of this are being met with heavy mockery and not an ounce of sympathy.
They’re getting what they deserve at this point.
“When the great Tao is forgotten, goodness and piety appear. When the body’s intelligence declines, cleverness and knowledge step forth. When there is no peace in the family, filial piety begins. When the country falls into chaos,
patriotism is born.”
― Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching
Once the people have their backs to the wall they will be awakened whether they want to or not. And once they witness the rot that surrounds them, they will change. It’s only a matter of time.
Nope. All out of sympy.
They chose Die-versity, so in the immortal words of John Rambo
You know what to do.
Only one minor issue there-no Kratom.
We need the start the conversation now about the plan to contain Islam and then eventually abolish it as an existential threat to Western nations.
I’m focused on the Western Hemisphere. The East gotta hold it down without me.
Actually, it’s a good idea. Someone in the know should write a series of articles about containing and abolishing the threat of radical islam in the West.
President Trump urges the Supreme Court to reinstate his travel ban so that incidents like this can be prevented in the US, and his Twitter responders tell him to go to hell. Liberals need a serious kick in the ass.
Well a good start would be removing AIPAC’s war mongering influence in the middle east and Jewish lobby groups pushing immigration and multicultism.
Someone has offered a solution, but perhaps needs improvement:
Gun control makes the people safer?
No problem. Just use knives, bombs, or run over them in vehicles. You can kill plenty of people still.
So gun control works!
This wouldn’t happen in Arizona, a state full of rednecks with an open carry law.
I am in Louisiana. Something similar happened in New Orleans in the last month or so. I don’t remember if it was religiously motivated.
But in my rural paradise, those people would be killed.
It won’t happen in Az. That’s a given.
You mean the state that keeps giving the nation immigration loving Senators McCain and Flake?
It’s a stunt??
Most likely it’s smoke to divert from some other things transpiring in legislatures and boardrooms.
Hey folks!
Trust your government. Believe your media.
Turn in your guns.
Be the victim on the evening news.
And let your police and army protect you. That is, if they have anyone to spare after protecting the government, the wealthy, and the banks.
Run for your life while those from foreign lands, those who you support with your taxes, chase you down like an animal and kill you like a dog.
Call me an asshole if you will, but at least where I live, those motha fuckers would get their asses handed to them; with buckshot and hollow points.
Provided they’re greased up with hog fat or lard of course-that way they get a surefire ticket to the eternal lake of fire with their schizo pedo profit Mo.
This is what happens when Western Europe forgets God. I hope Western Europe starves and becomes poor so that people would go back to Christian values. God will judge abortionists, adulterers, fornicators, and especially liberals for destroying the family unit.
The fate Western Europe has is even worse. Extinction. This is why you don’t put women in charge. This is why you don’t fuck with the natural order.
Such violence is why we’re trying to forget about God.
It’s sad to say this but during the good times people disregarded going to church and seeking God, and when the bad times like 9/11, people (millions of them) started going to church.
Islam, the last bastion of traditionalism, is being attacked with such methods. Trump is supporting Saudi and ISIS, continuing the proxy war, thus generating terrorists and criminals. These refugees that are committing crimes are mainly people from other countries taking a free lunch. Blame the entirety of the government, not the red or blue side, as well as the idiots who keep choosing them, aka the citizens. If only they hadn’t supported them, they wouldn’t have gotten blown up. Those who profess to support Christianity while simultaneously supporting this PUA culture and ruining their own women and hamstering their behavior are no better. If they truly supported it, they wouldn’t have done so, and they would accept being burned at the stake for their own sins according to their own Church.
European nations will become sound when European men regain control over European women. Once we wrest back the control over our herds of feral women under the iron fist of patriarchy, the other areas in disarray will be shored up and borders, language and culture will be enforcable by the men. Nothing seems to be enforcable right now. We must start woman by woman and Europe will soon sparkle again like a living room when you vacuum up after a terrible party.
Start with the hardest women first. Suure the college women’s studies professors will scream like squealing piggies when they get water chair dunked, dried and put to peeling potatos, but as the ‘woman reclamation’ process becomes commonplace and automatic, the peace in the land will be felt by the remaining women with an ounce of femininity and they will then sit and abide on their own, no longer distracted by the screeching zombie herd.
There will be many wet pissed women at first but they will be the shame of the towns after we cross the window and patriarchy solidifies. I believe a two year window is possible for bringing the women of a sizeable nation to heel. The cure I’m talking here is Christianopathic, not Islamopathic. Beards must also be grown and circumcision abolition/awareness must run concurrent.
Europe’s debt crisis is another problem. The Euro was a spectacular failure; even as a child I understood that a single currency for all nations meant that certain policies would be good for some and bad for others.
It is true that patriarchy is necessary. However, as long as there is separation between Church and State, traditionalism won’t flourish. This is because the secular State will allow nonChristian laws, which allow whoring etc to continue, and the men who are able to take the women, will. Certainly, patriarchy will lessen it, but it will still be a big problem. The Church would hand out the death penalty.
Jesus was a circumcised Jew.
Meanwhile the Antifa fags and whores had a gathering at my school earlier this day. Celebrating after having supposedely destroyed some dangerous Nazi group in Hamburg. European youth are fighting imaginary enemies while muslims bomb the shit out of the continent. I was never very religious, but I’m starting to believe the Satan himself is pulling the strings of this madness.
There is ONE SOLUTION and ONE SOLUTION ONLY to all of this. IF this is ever done, then all of what we see today will collapse: THE CONSECRATION OF RUSSIA BY THE POPE IN UNISON WITH ALL BISHOPS OF THE WORLD AS OUR LADY REQUESTED.
It is real. Divine intervention will take place if and only if Russia is consecrated to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart. At that point in time, Russia will convert to Catholicism. The Catholic Church will then have the most powerful nation on earth backing it. It will then crush the muslim and jewish sects. Feminism will fall, jews will lose their financial power over western civilization, feminism will end, freemasonry will end.
They got multi-cultied
“Emergency Plan” -, lol, especially FB “I’m helping”.
Screw “Keep calm and carry on,” it’s high time the Brits got mad.
They’ve been mad a long time. They’ve also been gamed by their state coincidentally. Government and governance is simple power in the raw. The name of the game is keeping your civilian populace gamed. It’s like living with a controlling bitch who pulls a new diversion every day to try to throw your frame. Government is a controlling bitch with a mask on but it’s the same.
“It’s like living with a controlling bitch who pulls a new diversion every day to try to throw your frame. ”
This isn’t hard. No muslim immigration.Ban all muslim immigration indefinitely. No travel to and from muslim countries including relatives. Time to start punishing the muslim community , the rank-and- file so called “peaceful” muslims. If enough hurt is put on the mooslims they will start self-policing themselves and start giving up these savages. It’s like in the flick “Full Metal Jacket” when that fat guy Gomer Pyle kept fucking up they made whole platoon do extra PT and push ups. Finally they beat the shit outta the guy with bars of soap but he eventually got his shit together…..In the USA I favor a total moratorium on all immigration for 50 years. We don’t need anymore people.
Even if you stop immigration it is too late. They have 5 kids on average per woman, while indigenous people have 1.4 or so.
Either it goes Lebanon, or it goes Egypt (with the gradual destruction of the non-muslim population).
You won’t hear it from your cuck media, but from an Islamic scholar “a civil war across Europe” is formenting. A growing number of first and second gen poor muslims with poor job prospects are forming a “Jihad Generation” to commit acts of terror across Europe. It’s also an extension of an ongoing war within Islam.
It’s high time Europeans flex a bit. They have had enough of being held in contempt by their governments who disarm them. Europeans need guns very very badly. Many western European citizens have never held a gun. A back yard homemade battle axe is a start.
Nice hedge trimmer conversion:
Home-made bows and arrows would help.
Ukranians improvised all kinds of neat stuff during the Ukranian Revolution and they successfully ousted their government. Meanwhile people need to keep in shape and practice aim.
One thing I can think of that’s good when you’re in a pinch, is the shoe sling. Take your shoestring and the stinky pad out of one shoe. Loop tie the shoestring ends around the tips of the shoesole pad and load the cradle with a small glass bottle, shot glass, rock or anything else that’s small and dense. Accuracy is only as good as your practice so practice the sling whenever you can. If you have to run, the one shoe will fly off unless you figured something to keep it on.
Thanks for the tip. I think it would be best to make the sling and train with it in advance. Then carry it with you along with a few selected projectiles. This way, when you need to use it, you already know how.
Be prepared!
Thanks again.
I wouldn’t want to bet my life on a homemade bow and arrow:
CAMX-so easy a girl can do it:
Looks intimidating but saw blades are pretty weak during twisting motions and the blades are badly placed for anything that isn’t a slashing motion, which isn’t very effective for a mass based weapon (as opposed to edge based). You’d be better off with a firemans axe or even just drive a few 6inch long bolts (sharpening optional) through the bat.
Concealed carry is allowed in my country. You can also buy gas powered guns as long, as you are 18 and above.
Canada, Norway, Sweden, Northern Ireland, France, Argentina, East Timor, Panama, Pakistan,Czech Republic, Switzerland, Honduras, Finland, Serbia, and of course, USA.
The Europeans have access to guns:
There are black-markets enough for them to get guns if they wanted them. 2/3 of France’s guns are illegal black-market.
Dumbass Liberal wonders if the police are overreacting.
This cancer called Liberalism is gonna get us all killed.
“This cancer called Liberalism is gonna get us all killed.”
Right you are. Only if you believe them.
I just finished watching the video you linked to. I find it hard to believe that anchor would wonder if maybe there’s a possibility of police over reacting.
And MSM wonders why nobody worth a damn watches their putrid programs.
Here’s something to lighten up the mood:
Even Switzerland has these cultural dinosaurs in large numbers now. Is anywhere in western Europe left free of them?
And remember that the politicians were keen on letting Turkey into the EU to allow much more of this – Cameron foremost amongst them. The political classes are traitors to their people.
Even they’re not stupid enough to take in Turkey and give them Visa-free travel.
If the British weren’t a bunch of neutered, timid, coward beta CUCKS this shit would not have happened. Little farm rabbits is what Europeans are. Harmless bunnies faced with a horde of hyenas. Keep making excuses as to why you can’t do anything about it. Rationalize it like the infamous hamster, the reaper’s scythe will come for you and your kind will go quietly into the night, perhaps even with a whimper.
Don’t put Western and Eastern Europe into the same basket. Being bunch of sheeple is Western speciality.
If you look to Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece and Belarus, you’ll find that they aren’t as cucked as the French, Germans and Brits. (Unfortunately, Romania does have hate speech laws)
Central and Eastern Europe know exactly what the Musulmanic scum are all about and have been fighting them for centuries and would relish the thought of wiping them out.
FUCK OFF THOT! There’s been a goddam act of JIHAD and you’re talking about your fake job offers???
It’s as if bots don’t understand context
At this rate, Warsaw, Wroclaw, Budapest, Bucharest, Sofia, Veliko Turnovo, Omsk, Kyzyl, Ulaanbaatar and Minsk are much safer than London, Paris, Berlin, Melbourne, Sydney and Rome.
Wroclaw kicks ass, and has crazy beautiful women as well
I was in Budapest last year. I remember waiting to go through the passport check at the airport, there was a group of muslim women wearing headscarves in front of me. I remember the immigration officer having a look of utter disgust on his face as he checked their passports. Other than that, never saw any others my entire stay.
This comment section is filled with many valid points but I’d like to add one thing I think is very relevant.
Gun control did fuck all to prevent this. In fact, it prevented innocent English people from defending themselves against the sub-human scum who call themselves Muslims.
Coming from a Canadian who’s at least very glad there’s an ocean between us and the Middle East, never let your governement take your gun rights away, America. The more I look at the news and how fucked up this world is, the more I realise that it an absolute violation of my human rights that my governement forbibs me from simply going to my local store and pay money to buy a tool that I will use for self-defense. To add insult to injury, even if I go through all the hoops and pay a tax to be allowed to buy a gun (to get a simple 9mm pistol even requires a special permit), I’m still not allowed to carry it on my person and use it for self-defense because God forbid we make the situation unfair towards the criminals…
It’s the UK. If we hypothetically assume guns were still legal, any decent citizen that shot a muslim piece of filth (there aren’t any other kind :-D) would be hauled in on murder charges.
This is the country that fined a farmer because a thief hurt himself on his property. Or the country that charged a man with a sword cane for having a weapon… after he scared away some would-be thieves.
The drill is becoming old now. Terror attack occurs. Then the candlelight vigils. Then complaining about isalmophobia. And finally, dither about until the next attack.
“This is the country that fined a farmer because a thief hurt himself on his property. Or the country that charged a man with a sword cane for having a weapon… after he scared away some would-be thieves.”
Do you feel any better knowing that it’s not the only country doing stupid shit like this? It happens on the regular in the US, but you have to ferret out the news on your own, because the MSM sure ain’t talking about it.
Germany is even worse. Sweden? HA HA. The US… a mixed bag but plenty of dumb to go around there too. It’s almost like all the western democracies are falling apart at the same time.
Does ” fuck all” mean “nothing?” I had to double take to make sure you weren’t saying something else.
It does mean ‘nothing’, as in ‘it did nothing to prevent this’. But ‘fuck all’ is an expression we French Canadians use a lot but now that I think about it, I actually have no idea if it means something in the english-speaking world.
Well… either one day they hit the wrong person or Europe (the western part anyway) sinks into oblivion. It’s clear much of western Europe is no longer actively protecting their own citizens.
I wonder why it is nobody has stopped to think: “The government can’t protect us anymore. Why am I paying taxes?”
I’m just about desensitized to it. Hard to work up emotion when the nation in question is essentially surrendering without even a whimper.
Its time to clear Europe of Muslims. Again.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such
principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.
– Declaration of independence
Beware of fake news covering up on this one. Be warned. Reliable contacts that I have in London are telling me that the truth is way different from what is written here.
Can you please elaborate? The only sources I have were black-cab drivers and the twitter (I don’t consider BBC, SKY etc. to be credible sources).
There were very few details given out by police so I’d like to hear any more information if you have it.
Britain should end the occupation and apartheid against Arab muslims that are obviously the cause for these attacks by otherwise peaceful farmers…
Oh wait sorry wrong country.
RIP to the victims, if only some people had guns they wouldn’t have to fight off terrorists with beer glasses and barstools.
My biggest fear is when the Islamic terrorists detonate a nuclear weapon in a Western city. I mean, imagine the backlash against Muslims then! That would be just awful.
At that point the backlash will have been earned, and no one will be able to pretend we’re not at war.
Exactly. Killing 10-50 innocent people at a time is totally not backlash-worthy. An atrocity killing thousands or millions at a time would create terrible backlash against Muslims for which I would organize candle-light vigils and Muslim solidarity marches.
Don’t worry, we’ll just outlaw nuclear weapons and hold vigils against hate speech
Rather a dirty bomb is a greater threat.
The solution to the problem is simple. Eliminate and eradicate all muslum scum still breathing. Start with the one next door
Westerners rather want a “diverse” high-tech Sodom with the flaw of an occasional terror attack than no “diverse” high-tech Sodom at all.
It’s hilarious…..I mean it’s got to the point of total farce. I an watching BBC and Sky….. Labour MP, female, waffling on about how strong London is because of diversity and multiculturalism……. they are doubling doubling down….. how do the people not see what’s happening? I’m just waiting, waiting, stocking up ammo, etc. in my bones I want a war even though I know it would be terrible but at this stage I really don’t give a fuck for these traitors…… European and Muslim alike……
Is it ‘duh-versity’ or ‘die-versity’? Hmmm……
As the muslim Mayor said, it’s “part and parcels of living in a major city”.
Hello, old friend. I have good news, and if you’re still around, you might send me an email at my tutanota address.
Great to hear from you. I’ve just replied to your email.
Sorry, I’ve been insanely busy – I’ll head over and check it out.
Been to Helsinki a few days ago – everywhere packs of wild Africans spitting in the streets, groups of gypsies, some refugees here and there. Its not as bad as elsewhere in Europe I guess, but still quite unpleasant to observe.
I’m surprised because typically the Finns strike me as not taking shit from anybody.
The Finns of today are not the same Finns who kicked out the Soviet Army in the Winter War. I have known a couple of modern Finns and they are basically undistinguished of the average European or American.
May already calling for a shut down of free havens online.
We all know what that means.
ROK gets shut down
Fanatic Islamic Website gets more likes
Hey, I know what to do!
1. Change your Facebook picture.
2. Spew meaningless platitudes.
3. Keep ignoring and importing the problem.
4. Repeat.
SJWism is societal AIDS. http://masculineepic.com/index.php/2016/03/23/why-postmodern-liberalism-is-like-aids/
It is clear they were provoked by our gender binary, heteronormative, homophobic and islamophobic culture. The problem is that under the patriarchy, CO2 emissions have increased, and those who lack white cisgender male privilege are sufffering most.
So we should look primarily at the Western Cullture which is corrupting the religion of peace.
(I am currently applying for a job at Huffpo. Please let me know if I have left out or not included any readers out there who feel marginalized as I do not want to offend anybody once I land a position in that publiation so I can make a difference in the world.)
The only unforgiveable thing you missed is a trigger warning, as some may be traumatized by your use of words like heteronormative and binary.
Yes, all speech needs trigger warnings to be safe.
Wake up West. The dream is over. Know thy enemy. Learn of the enemy. It is a war for civilization. Islam is submission. Don’t expect our political “leaders” to actually lead.
I know I’m preaching to the choir, but the barbarians aren’t at the gates. They’re inside and our “public servants” let them in.
Anyone else want to join the army and kill Muslims or is it just me?
If you join the army you’ll just get fucked in the arse for four years.
Without Vaseline.
Theresa May is just like Angela Merkela, a faux conservative and a globalist. She even criticized Trump’s travel ban.
Despite Brexit she is determined to keep Britain’s borders open.
The problem for the UK has a simple origin. They have been ruled by a Queen for far too long, their men have been trained to bent down to women and all their whims for at least three generations now.
Out with May, in with this guy. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/019eaa28e7881ec9e20958693b3ebad7bc7b1169a793214a0d481f7f7a178879.jpg
Out with May, in with this guy. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/019eaa28e7881ec9e20958693b3ebad7bc7b1169a793214a0d481f7f7a178879.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f6e587a2eef34061d1c0defbbe9de6a317953dae6cb8e9121cf7adf69ded8eb1.jpg
London would have terrorist and extremists death squads patrolling the streets if he was in charge.
Do you mean people trying to stop drug trafficking/sales?
No, elite squads that hunt terrorists.
But i suppose we could include drug traffickers, pedophiles and treacherous politicians. Sure.
No. They should give us back our guns and we’ll handle terrorists.
You can’t even throw a bottle properly or incapacitate an isolated man with a knife in a crowd. And you want guns?
What do you know about my combat skills mate?
Please tell us how easy it is to take down a man with a knife when you are unarmed.
See how you lose your temper so easily “mate”?
I wouldn’t give u a gun if you handed me 50 gold bars.
LOL! So you know all about my combat skills and my emotional state just from reading my replies in the comments section? You’re amazing dude!
Was just making a point Bob.
You keep barking like a dog, yelling obscenities.
I’m done, but you keep at it.
Bob guns were always very difficult to obtain in Britain. There was never a time when a sizeable percentage had access direct or indirect to firearms.
Who told you that? Prior to 1903 there was no significant gun law in Britain. Additionally, the right to bear arms was guaranteed in the English 1689 Bill of Rights. The difference between the US and Britain though is that few people exercised this right because they simply didn’t need it. But if you wanted a gun you could have one.
Your dear old mother can throw a knife. Actually throwing is less contact but close-in stabbing and hand-to-hand is more manly. Still you need proficiency in aim and throwing. OBSERVE the famous crazy knife throwing mother from Texas at her daughter’s birthday party in 1950:
That could be anyone’s mother letting out steam when she exits the kitchen. If YOUR OWN DEAR MOTHER can do that, than so can you or anyone else. Your mother should be saying “where’s all my knives been going”. “They’re always sticking in the side of the garage and fence”
I suggest that disarmed Brits begin practicing deadly moves with the claw hammer, car antennas snapped off and sharpened into ‘ice pic’ swords with quick duck tape handles, the hoe, the rake, the pitchfork and so on. Brits are disarmed goddangitt by a tyrannical cucking bitchwoman that keeps her subjects like children in a pen. I’ve always felt this way about the disarmed state of British citizens. Japanese citizens have it worse. Even their cops barely carry dart guns. Woe if muzzies came there.
Disarmed doesn’t have to be docile. Step it up. If you remain docile, your bloodsucking government will continue plucking your women, your children, your taxes, your property and liberties like pulling up turnips from a garden. They only tread where it’s easy. Quit being harvested by the bloodsuckers. It’s time.
Indonesian gangs popularized the nail shooting stick slingshot. Slings in general are loads of backyard fun and if you ever encounter a real situation like on London Bridge, your trained eye spies a target instead of panicking helpless and seeing it as a threat.
a UK Duterte wouldn’t be targeting drug users, he’s be targeting ‘extremists’. That might include actual extremists – you know like people who stab people or detonate bombs that kill children but most of the time it would be about thought criminals and dissenters. The fact that’s he’s threatening a reporter with assassination if she’s ‘a son of a bitch’ and doesn’t like his policies isn’t exactly something to recommend him
I`ve lost my faith in “democracy” a long time ago, especially when it includes female suffrage.
What matters is the values and convictions of the ruling class/man. And there is always a ruling elite, representative democracy or not.
Sure, Duterte would be tough on dissenters, like Putin is in Russia, but our ruling class are equally tough on dissenters (like us) as well.
Via hate speech laws, media campaigns etc. they are in fact crushing all dissent as much as any tyrant would.
It should also be noted that Duterte is known for his hyperbole and humorous statements. It`s more about sending a signal, these types of statements.
“Via hate speech laws, media campaigns etc. they are in fact crushing all dissent as much as any tyrant would.
It should also be noted that Duterte is known for his hyperbole and humorous statements. It`s more about sending a signal, these types of statements.”
I get where you’re coming from. We’ve all lost faith in democracy. My position is simply that as soon as you abandon the principles that are SUPPOSED TO ground democracy you are actually creating the conditions of your downfall. If you are not a member of the elite and you are a dissenter then the only thing standing between you and government jackboots are your democratic and legal rights. Leaders like Duterte are often experienced as refreshing particularly if they ‘get things done’ but if you get some equivalent ‘tough line’ character over here (well, in western countries) the chances of them doing the kind of thing that you approve of may depend precisely on how well you sync with the ideology of the ruling class
It`s a complicated issue, but in my opinion power(political or otherwise) is ultimately something that is taken by force, in some way or another.
Democracy was after all not given to any one people. Kings, Tsars and Clergy etc had to be physically stripped of their power, sometimes in quite heinous ways.
I think democracy is a brilliant idea on a local level, where local people understand the issues well. But the further away the seat of power(like Brussels), the more of a proxy tyranny do you in effect have.
And it`s to easy the to gain control over the zeitgeist via public education and the media etc.(especially with women) and then tell people how to vote and act, via a centrally controlled media driven narrative.
A guy like Duterte can cut through all of this, but I agree that leaders like him can be dangerous if they get totally out of line. Leaders should of course fear the consequences, if they stray from their promise of actually representing the citizenry. Those potential consequences would have to be violent in nature i fear.
One potential solution that I favour is simply to have an extreme balkanization happen. With local regions becoming autonomous to a great extent. That actually worked quite well during the middle ages, which was a relatively peaceful time period.
I agree with most of that, and I think you make good points, especially with regard to the size limits of democracy. The tendency towards centralisation is also a tendency towards central control, and typically bureaucratic control (as opposed to autocratic). Interestingly it’s a similar issue with regard to anarchical societies. Generally speaking anarchy doesn’t work – it is too vulnerable, but where it has done quite well it is on a pretty small scale. The future will probably require some kind of mixed economy in terms of political systems. Balkanization / balkans is unfortunately a term fairly associated with war and instability. Some kind of feudal arrangement might well be possible, and I think some thinkers like Alain Minc (the new dark ages have suggested something similar might be happening (although he’s a bit of a globalist so for him its a dystopia). But it’s not just about the system of government but ensuring we don’t give away the rights of citizenry by attacking the only institutions capable of protecting those rights – the principle of democracy isn’t entirely dependent on the particular system in place
Democracy is effective up until the point where people realize they can vote power unto themselves. The founding fathers understood this, and limited Democracy.
Good points!
I think it`s quite clear that when it`s a short route from the leaders to the people, you will have less potential for conflict, and for leaders that get out of line. The leaders would be part of the community, and literally live next door to the electorate, as opposed to a gated community somewhere.
I also think it`s the disruptive nature of Balkanization, and not the end result that gives that word a bad rep. The current situation in the Balkans being the best example.
cheers. Yes, the balkans reflects a particular history. But size wise they’re not a bad model for a more representative / less alienated kind of politics, democratic or otherwise. Federal models aren’t necessarily a bad thing either, but it seems very difficult to get the balance right. The US has major flaws, but somehow seems less centralised and authoritarian than the EU for whatever reasons. Centralisation can make the world smoother functioning in some senses, but the cost is too great if sovereign peoples and self-determination must be sacrificed towards that end. I don’t know what the solution is, federal, feudal or a renewal of the old fashioned sovereign nation state, etc but we need to get back to basics to rethink what works.
Mmmmm nah that’s OK.
Fuck yeah Duterte.
Ah now Trump can push his travel ban again. Its good he chose such a strong antimuslim terrorist position. Its funny how during the election the terrorists disappeared like a fart in the wind. Its almost like they wanted Hillary to win.
Pretty damn pathetic how few men stepped in to help while a girl is stabbed 15 times, running like sheep in a stampede instead.
These guys were wielding knives, not assault rifles.
Says alot about these metrosexual emasculated liberals and coked up yuppies our society creates and promotes.
We now literally are centuries away from the centurion or the samuraï as a role model.
Where are the men? Where is the defiance?
Don’t know it’s becoming pathetic.
I always watch this scene to cheer me up:
They were assaulting these fucks with bottles, chairs and everything thing else they had to hand. Then the police arrived with guns and finished them off.
Don’t believe everything you hear.
I hope that’s true. I wish those bastards were dead before the cops ever showed up.
We’re all equal bro, why would you white knight for a cunt? Hell, that’s the real reason those guys in Portland got stabbed. Some guy starts yelling and ranting in a train. The girls do the intelligent thing and leave. The guys decide they wanna get up in his face and confront him. Being white knights got them killed.
Cunt or not, What kind of men are we if we dont?
+ that cunt could have been my sister, mother or yours.
Fuck you dude, my mother and sister are not cunts.
Stopping a possibly crazy asshole from committing violence against innocents should be the proud duty of any self respecting man. Otherwise the assholes win.
So what if he was attacking women? It’s not white knighting, it’s keeping the country a place that we want to live in.
The cops should only serve to write the details of the incident and remove the asshole’s corpse.
They were fighting them dude. That’s why the casualty rate was not too high.
The attack was motivated by all three – it was part religious, part racial and part socioeconomic.
Think about this – Did they attack a poor area of the gun-ban country where youth improvise swell things like this homemade battleaxe?
No they attacked a nightlife venue where cosmopolitan crowds were spending money on bread, circus or throat lotion. Nightlife patrons were slow as usual to respond and still are hesitant to get into fighting mode AND THE MUZZIES KNOW IT. Pedestrians were still busy focusing on the ‘don’t walk’ signs and worrying if they’ll get a jaywalking ticket and they were busy exercising the usual judgement so they don’t get an attempted rape rap from their trusted authorities if they chat up the wrong one of their own white western women on the street. White men are expected and presumed to be conditioned to not focus on their own ethnicity of women or to be metro gay and too docile to have proficiency with a BATTLEAXE
I just returned from London, and from what I saw, everyone jaywalks.
I jawalk too. It’s safer than crossing at crosswalks where female driven hot flashes and crashes converge. Most pedestrian/car injuries are at crosswalks with cars turning into shorter and slower people.
I sprung a handstand on a cop’s hood once as he was turning and looking the other way. Then he looked at me like “should I buffalo this guy or not. Does he look legally indigent?” I had on my powerbeard and his pussy bitch protective order enforcer face was shaved smoother than a stripper’s snatch. My beard against his butt chin. I didn’t apologize and say “sorry officer”. That would invite fault upon me. I shook my arms like you noodle them after a power lift. Then I waved him on and said “eeh forget it” and waved him on with a disco style pistol point. He probably went on break for a bit to either hide or to eat something microwaved.
So very true
So the “religion of peace” strikes again for the third time this year in the UK. Like always fuck all will be done other than more virtue signaling from the leftists cucks about needing to “stop Islamaphobia”. Goddamn the left sure loves sucking that Durka dick after these attacks takes place but I’m not surprised since the only thing leftist are good at is throwing tantrums and submit like the pussies they are.
Liberals are more concerned with Trump’s reaction to the Muslim London Mayor’s comments than with the chaos in London committed by Islamic terrorists.
No need to invade any middle east shithole and get our boys killed. Just cut off welfare programs, stop with the “refugees welcome” nonsense and start deporting dudes by the hundreds.
Don’t bomb ’em over there; don’t bring ’em over here.
Looks like you spelled “Israel” wrong.
It frustrates me that they still say shit like “These are religious extremists with a perverted version of Islam” which is bullshit, I’ve worked and lived in the middle east and I’ve been married to a Muslim so I’m familiar with the doctrine and I can tell you that the terrorists are only following the religion, it is inherently bigoted and violent toward non muslims. It’s not a matter of interpretation it’s plain and straight forward if you read the koran and hadith.
You’ll notice you don’t get this shit from Thai muslims, Sri Lankan muslims, Somali muslims etc, it’s invariably Arab / Middle East muslims that cause trouble and turn entire cities into no-go zones for police and citizens.
“Somali muslims?” Maybe replace that with “Indonesian Muslims?” Though I don’t think it really matters what religion the skinnies are– that’s not the problem.
The problem is not only with the teachings of Islam, it’s the combination of Islam and people that grew up slaughtering sheep and members of opposing tribes with equal casuality, with honor killings and blood feuds, living like desert tribesmen inside the civilised western world.
The problem is the combination of Islam and Arab culture.
Arabs will always play the victim card when they are small and weak and few in number, but will immediately abuse and step on people when they are strong, as they do in Saudi, Iraq, Jordan, Palestine etc etc – once they get a whiff of power they will treat other nationalities as inferiors and slaves and rape small boys, even without Mohammed telling them what to do.
Our leaders have invited these people in and continue sucking up to them for the promise of oil money. They do not leave the desert and join our society, but rather they bring the desert with them and turn our society into their own.
Just wondering but;
Are there any retaliations against “refugees” or muslims in France, Germany or England after these terrorist attacks occur? No soccer hooligans cornering some muslims in a subway stairway and pummeling them? No fires being set to refugee centers?
Are these retaliations occurring and were just not getting news of it, or are European men really this cucked and allow this shit to happen without payback?
You mean vicious hate crime by nazis? We cannot allow hatred and fear to rule the day, diversity is strength!
White people retaliating (or even holding angry wrongthink signs) will be met with the full force of the state,
“..or are European men really this cucked and allow this shit to happen without payback?”
They’re really this cucked.
Muslim rapists in England.
Repeat after me: This has nothing to do with Islam. This has nothing to do with Islam. This has nothing to … oh hell.
Now the big question is, will Great Britain wake up and follow a sane path to self-preservation or will they go on embracing their death wish?
GB is wide awake with every attack. If a nationalist contingent within GB government were to begin acting against consensus of the globalist left, the real turmoil would be created by the left. The muslims are managable with the same force used against civilians – if only it were directed towards securing borders, language and culture. When the right moves for administrative authority, both NGO and chaired, the left with their fascist M.O. will be the ones breaking down dams and doing what they can to forment and green light more chaos. It’s really a war with the globalist backed left and the culprits run all the way to the top. It will take a bit of skirmish to reclaim the island state.
“GB is wide awake with every attack. If a nationalist contingent within GB government were to begin acting against consensus of the globalist left, the real turmoil would be created by the left…”
The smart money says this will not happen.
they’ll take more illegals and congratulate themselves to oblivion.
Not for nothing but if I was back living in the UK I’d be carrying again. Yes, yes “handguns are banned in UK”. Not hard to get if you know how and I’d rather be alive and up on charges than dead because of some smelly arab virgin.
What do you people gonna do, if you are the ruling class of britain
Islam continues to prove how incompatible it is with the west.
The west continues to apologize for it.
Theresa may has said sharia courts are a great benefit for Britain.
Europe is fucked. They keep spreading their cheeks wider & wider so the muslims can jam their foot ever deeper up their ass.
“Europe is fucked. They keep spreading their cheeks wider & wider so the muslims can jam their foot ever deeper up their ass.”
Quoted for truth.
May is slowly getting in line with the globalists – and no doubt Trump will eventually too.
I don’t think you need to worry about trump getting in line with the globalists. He gives zero fux about their wants & desires. He isn’t going to. Campaign for sharia courts in the u.s. or any of that shit. He’s no puppet 9f george soros.
“I don’t think you need to worry about trump getting in line with the globalists. He gives zero fux about their wants & desires. He isn’t going to. Campaign for sharia courts in the u.s. or any of that shit. He’s no puppet of george soros”
I question your assertions. But IF you are correct about Trump, then he’ll get JFK’ed.
As much as I wish to sympathize with London, the fact remain that half a hundred was maimed by the equivalent of 3 drunk drivers with kitchen knife. I’ve seen dog thieves better armed than that. This is pathetic.
At least they don´t need to change the filter now
Chickens coming home to roost. Some disassembly required.
Oi vey ! now that the world hates arabs we can advance our final plans and nuke all of them. What would we do without the good goyims !
A hundred years ago, an Englishman with a pocket revolver would have ended all three of them in five seconds, but alas!
I am wondering about Trump, he’s attacking his own lawyers and his comments about his executive order are sabatoging it’s chances for being passed.
With each passing day he seems like a figurehead meant to appease whites into sleep. With many thinking that things are turning around with him.
Aaaaand we still have the useful idiots coming out with nonsense like this:
My response?
Cute emergency plan. You’re missing:
1.Selling arms to the world’s biggest dictators and state sponsors of Wahabi terrorism.
2. Toppling elected regimes by sponsoring Coups.
3. Manipulating trade tariffs to plunder natural resources
No sympathy. None. They made their fucking bed, now they can sleep in it. Sorting it out is not our responsibility. We’ve got our own problems. We’re probably 2-5 years from being just like them, in fact.
…so weird, its like those Muslims don’t want to assimilate at all! They should get one of those walls, like they have in israel.
Fuck ’em. They died, I lived. The time for their sacrifice arrived. Life isn’t fair, and boo fucking hoo. They’re stronger in the spirit world now, I’m sure they’ll be reincarnated as superior life forms.