Men Need To Take Back The Reins

As I grow older and hopefully wiser, I feel there is a moral duty in each and every one of us to give back, as it were, to the world around us by making a contribution. This contribution can be anything from sharing acquired knowledge to spreading monetary wealth — if such a fortunate thing might have happened to your personal finances — to giving of your time to those less fortunate than you.

If you make it only about yourself and only you, I can guarantee you that you’ll be emotionally empty and find yourself unfulfilled in your spirit. This is because if no one outside of yourself affirms that you have internal quality to draw from, your internal mirror will not reflect any true, tangible value back to you about who you are.

Have you learned the bigger, manly lesson behind Clint Eastwood’s Gran Torino movie?

I recall a case study many years back about who were the happiest people on the planet. As funny as it may seem to some, the results showed that those immersed in goodwill work, where the recipient had no way of paying them back in any way, were the happiest of most contented of all. This finding coincides with what science has come to show as the reward center of the brain; the part that releases not just endorphins but also dopamine. The trigger cannot be pulled with just any random act of our choosing; it requires specific stimuli.

Now, there will certainly be those amongst the readership here that will balk at what I am about to say, and to them I retort, in advance: move on. But, if you have ears to hear, and if you can value another person’s life experience who have reached his mid-forties, then read on and take stock of what I am about to share. Because what I have to say here is meant for the betterment of world around me, and specifically, my words are geared to the young men and men in general out there.

Now some might ask, am I so brazen as to assume that I have any right to believe that my understanding of “right living” is palpable and applicable across the board?  Fuck, yes.  Any man, or person for that matter, who tries to walk in accordance with what they feel and believe to be true, and doesn’t believe that they have the stock to instruct others ain’t worth shit.  Your belief system must be rock solid, and you yourself must be convinced, through trial and error, that you are on the right path.  You must have conviction, and you must make a solid attempt to walk in accordance with your beliefs.

I’ve been a wrestling coach and personal trainer now for the better part of nearly 14 years, teaching folks from all walks of life in about a dozen countries, plying these trades, and a lot of what I do has to do with psychology. I’ve learned and seen. I’ve become a mentor to many of those whom I’ve trained, and some of the life lessons I’ve dispersed outside of the physical aspect of my coaching have been received with open ears and minds.  Some have even come back to thank me, years later, for the guidance given and lessons learned.  So yes, I do believe I can help many around me.  Not all, but many.

Having been fortunate enough to travel the world many times over in my global excursions as both a professional wrestler and rock musician, I have seen many cultures and shared my time with peoples of many nationalities from many walks of life. My life experience, therefore, is quite broad here in my mid-forties. Add to that the life teachings of a morally strong father who is a preacher, and voilà, you have a pretty solid ethical foundation upon which this man’s personal house has been built. The lessons learned early on in life are certainly not lost in transition, as the years roll on.

The Upright Agenda

Gladiator: another movie that teaches the viewer what true manliness embodies.

For years and years now, I’ve looked around and digressed at the movements and undercurrents of modern society, and the not-so-slow erosion of the moral fabric and backbone of our Western society. A lot of this has to do with our excessive desire for hedonistic pleasure, much like the times of Ancient Rome, just before it’s empirical collapse. People today are more interested and immersed in frivolous, vain pleasures than at any time in recent world history. A lot of this has to do with the advent of technology, and the easy distractions that it provides its captives.

Never before has it been so easy to become entrapped in an alternate reality, one which is lived only inside of one’s own head. Through the advent of the internet and the explosion of social media, people are snared into a false world of virtual existence that only feeds their growing inner emptiness. Less face-to-face encounters, more cluttered brain activity and mental overload by cheap, meaningless thrills brought on by “likes” and “followers,” in addition to useless entertainment and bullshit “news” that are forgotten by the end of the week, at the very latest. People’s heads are cluttered full, but their spirits are vexed and their souls are empty.

In this conundrum, folks today are increasingly mind-fucked. There’s no nice way of putting it. And for the record, I refuse to be politically correct to appease the people out there who feel offended at the slightest thing that inconveniences them. That’s another area, where we, as a culture, have strayed far off track: we try to use “convenient language” that wouldn’t rock anyone’s boat or stir any backlash.

We’ve become gutless and spineless in the day of political correctness, afraid of what those around us might say to dissuade our beliefs or stance. To them I say: if the shoe fits, wear it. If you feel offended, you have reason to be offended. Point blank. Check your own beliefs and values and see why anything that rubbed you the wrong way was so potent an aggravator in your case. And if your beliefs or attitudes have been challenged, then you have a personal obligation to do some inventory and housecleaning, because no one can survive inner civil war within themselves and come out whole.

The problems today goes way beyond the prior generation finding fault in the younger generation. This is not a case of grumpy older men picking apart strapping young lads for the sake of ego or “not just getting it.” Trust me when I tell you, your fathers (and mothers) went through all the shit you’ve gone through internally, because although technology advances, people inherently stay the same. Our internal makeup as individuals has remained the same for thousands of years, despite the hogwash social engineering that evolutionary dogma tries to push on us.

This is proven by the fact that even old, antique texts still resonate with people today. The teachings of, per se, Socrates, are still as relevant today as they were in 470-399 B.C., as wisdom is universal. Therefore, there is no such thing as ”not getting it”, when it comes to the older generation (read: accumulated life experience) picking apart the fallacies of the younger generation (read: the indoctrinated). Only a fool would discount, no-sell and bypass the information, advice or teachings of those that are far ahead of them in the game of life.

The Invaluable And Central Lesson To Be Learned

Men are meant to lead the charge, as they have through history, building empires and constructing great cultures, so only direct, strong talk should be expected by anyone that holds themselves to actually be a man. Surely, Napoleon was not a pandering twit, who placated to those he addressed, in order not to ruffle any feathers. Nay. Leadership is something else altogether, and men, since the beginning of time, have been called to lead. Regardless of your spiritual beliefs, think of the lessons told in the first chapters of Genesis, where Adam and Eve fell into sin and God allotted the wages of punishment for their disobedience.

Then He (God) said to the woman, “I will sharpen the pain of your pregnancy, and in pain you will give birth. And you will desire to control your husband, but he will rule over you.”

“And to the man he said, ‘Since you listened to your wife and ate from the tree whose fruit I commanded you not to eat, the ground is cursed because of you. All your life you will struggle to scratch a living from it.’” (Genesis 3:16-17)

Now anyone with an iota of understanding and a rational, clear mind can think of these passages for just a moment and see some mighty weighty truth behind them. They depict exactly how things have turned out. This is also where I come to my intended man-to-man talk with the males of species out there, and it concerns men’s relationship to women, by and large.

For whatever reason, nowadays, men have, to a great extent, become emasculated. Their balls have been shorn and their authority is not just questioned and balked at, it is damn near dismissed. Many guys today don’t even know what it is to have authority or to walk with their heads and chests up high, taking on the role as the alpha of the species. Modern society sure doesn’t want it. And this is a damn tragedy.

Be it the onslaught of first, second, and now third-wave feminism, each more ugly and belligerent than the last, or the social engineering of unisex dogma, teaching boys and men to be passive, dress in pink and get in touch with their feminine side, the results of this ambiguous infusion have been dire. Men today are lost, out of touch with themselves, slaves to their gadgets and increasingly beta, therefore easily controlled by outside influences and others. Men, in short, have sold themselves down the river… but for what?

Here’s my question to you: what have men gained by giving up their position of authority and selling out their masculine fortitude, much like Adam shifting the blame of him eating the apple to Eve, who extended the forbidden fruit to her husband? How has it benefited men, that they’ve become passive and accepting, which are feminine, motherly, nurturing traits to begin with?

Looking at the statistics of gamers locked in their basements, young men dropping out of the educational system, male suicide rates, the onslaught of depression meds and the mass explosion of internet porn, it’s damn clear that men are not well at all.

Where your grandfather was out at the dances like a killer wolf looking to land your grandma in the hopes of getting fruitful with her, guys today are settling for a POV with Asa Akira, imagining it’s them, getting the royal treatment, in lieu of learning the age-old mating and courting game that countless generations of men have implemented with women for as long as people have been around. I don’t know about you, but it all sounds and seems pretty pathetic to me. Would you rather live it, or just dream it?

The age-old dance of the predator and prey, an essential dynamic to intergender relationships.

The Great Error Of Men At Large

It’s here, in the area of sex and male-female relations, where men have gone so badly astray, by and in large. It’s this hemisphere of the human experience, where, for some God-forsaken reason, men have sold their manliness and masculine forté down the river, in hopes of placating women and appeasing their every desire.

Now remember the lesson from Genesis 3:16 where God says that as a result of the first human couples’ disobedience, the woman would seek to control the man, but the man would still rule over her. It’s an inherently rotten deck of cards that we’re dealt at birth. Women will always try to control men, as it is part of their fallen nature. You’re going to get both sides of the coin when you get involved with a woman, every single time, and it’s up to you, as the man, how you learn to navigate through the woman’s inherent desire to control you.

Of course, you can always hope that she gets spiritually enlightened to the fact and smartens herself up, taking the red pill that is good for her. Yet, the man’s original place and position was one of leadership, for he was created first and God gave expressly the man the commandment not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:15-18).

Tending to your woman’s needs is quite reasonable and proper, but bowing to their every want is a neverending train of unhappiness, exhaustion and vanity (in short: hedonism). You are simply not responsible for fulfilling the wants of other people. Wants are cherries on top of the cake, their little bonuses, and should be seen as and enjoyed as such.

Happy wife, happy life. Ever hear of that one? Where did this garbage adage come from? Let’s flip it around: happy husband, happy life. Doesn’t rhyme, does it? Maybe that’s why no one ever thinks about the flipside of the coin or even questions the reverse. But it stands to be questioned: why are we, as men, trying so hard to please and appease women? What the hell are we gaining in all of this pandering, soft agreeability? What has led us to believe that women should somehow be gifted with the finest of all experiences, pleasures and treasures, and we, as men, are dictated to provide them with such simply because they have two X chromosomes?

One of the saddest cases of feministic hogwash in cinema, What Women Want, featuring Mel Gibson reaching an all-time low, showcasing how pathetic being beta really is.

Over the past few decades, the role of men has considerably changed from what it had been for thousands upon thousands of years. A large part of that has to do with men bending over backwards for women now, which is something that didn’t happen to this absurd extent in the past. It’s like men have become fearful of the reactions and opinions of women, and in order to stay the course and keep the females (I don’t say ladies, because that is a term which should be used sparingly, if the etiquette lends to it) happy, men have sold their cojones down the river.

What it all boils down to is selling out to the illusional ”power of pussy”, which really, is nothing more than men selling out for a piece of the pie that they desire here and now. Put a rain check on that thing and let your hunger build! Hunger makes you sharp.

So men have given women not just what they’ve wanted, but more. They’ve abandoned alpha male traits and become betas in an attempt to keep their women happy. Yet, the divorce statistics are off the charts and marriage is seen largely as a joke now. Don’t believe me? Just think of nearly every sitcom out there. The single mother/single parent households are racking up beyond measure.

There’s a distinct (albeit erroneous) glorification of individuality and the freedom of being single. But hey, keep on drinking to forget your misery, popping those psyche meds and depression pills, and remember that social media will be there to spike your dopamine, regardless of the law of diminishing returns!

There’s no mentorship anymore on a societal level. Well, not unless you pay through the nose for it by taking a course specifically engineered for that very purpose. Back in the day, however, the elders of whatever tribe or culture passed those essential life lessons on to the younger stock of pups as part of the daily grind. Fathers taught their sons the essentials of masculine skills and values, where mothers passed on to their daughters the virtues and know-how of being a good wife and mother in turn. This has all been done away with now, and we, as a culture, are reaping it’s bitter fruits, thorns and thistles.

Time For Resolution

It is men at large that I rally to “man the fuck up” in today’s ever-convoluted, muddied waters of confusion and displacement. It’s time to take back the reins, to step into a place of personal responsibility where you own your shit, where you implement hard resolve in leading the charge.

Your inner person and self-worth will thank you for it. Your ego will find a healthy, strong embodiment, in lieu of boastful, empty egotism. Your close community will sense the change, and the chips will start to fall into place, from your personal relations right down to your business dealings.

Oh, there will be plenty of backlash and mockery. The world at large will not understand, for the public consciousness and conscience is sedated. Expect to be shit upon and gear up in full battle armor. Just stand strong, like building your body up at the gym, and before long the empty clutter and non-beneficial opinions of others won’t even trifle you.

Become a man of your word. Stand like a rock. Act like a man, like the heroes of lore and history have stood before you, because they are your role models and predecessors. Stop pandering and placating to women, trying to appease them and their every whim, in the sorry hopes of landing a little piece of pussy. Don’t sell your manliness down the river.

Know your stock, have some respect for yourself. Have some rock-solid standards. Aim higher. Go for a unicorn, rare as they may be. Be a hunter. An adventurer. Step up to the challenge and make your life interesting. Be the hero of your own life story. There’s a lot of false advertising out there. Don’t fall for the hype and mirage. Don’t believe the bullshit. Test the waters, try the ice before stepping out onto it. Make better choices. Own your shit. Find a cause worth fighting for, because every man needs a worthwhile battle to discover his own power. Take responsibility. Take charge. Be a leader. Become an alpha.

The Payoff

So, what’s the upside to all of this? Feeling like you are empowered. Feeling like you might even understand a small iota of what Winston Churchill preached when he spoke to his peoples in 1940 at the time of The Battle of France, in the face of the Nazi threat.

Another upside? Gaining the respect of women, and more specifically, the woman in your life. Pussy follows in quick order. It’s the natural order of things, as it creates the needed polarity for intergender relationships.

Another upside? Personal clarity. You will be able to cut through the riff-raff much easier than ever before in the past. You will be able to see things for what they are, not for what you have been told they be.

Life is short. Don’t waste any more of it. Your golden youth is only for a moment, but consequences can carry over a lifetime.

Read more: Taking The Red Pill Is One Of The Hardest Things A Man Can Do

112 thoughts on “Men Need To Take Back The Reins”

  1. Do you guys ever pretend that George Washington is in the car with you and you have to explain to him what everything is?
    Nobody? Really?

    1. No but I pretended it was my grandfather who passed away in 1972 or my father who passed away in 1982. They would think the world has gone crazy.
      Hell, I think the world has gone crazy and I’ve been here to watch it happen.

      1. Wow man, totally agree. My poor grandpa would shit bricks if he saw what a mess society is today.

        1. My grandpa died in October last year and we were joking, “At least he won’t live to see Hillary be president!”

      2. When my mother starts talking about all the things my father has “missed” by being dead for 12 years, I tell her he didn’t need to see any of this shit. He would have been apoplectic.

    2. The Founding Fathers would be turning in their graves (and flipping tables in anger) if they saw what their America has become.

      1. Consulting138s

        Google is paying 97$ per hour! Work for few hours and have longer with friends & family! !al209d:
        On tuesday I got a great new Land Rover Range Rover from having earned $8752 this last four weeks.. Its the most-financialy rewarding I’ve had.. It sounds unbelievable but you wont forgive yourself if you don’t check it
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        1. Flowing and ass do not belong in the same sentence. Now excuse me, my Keto Chow is talking.

      2. “Allow me to test my understanding. The right to peaceable assembly is used to protect rioters but not peaceable assembly, the right to freedom of speech is undercut by the press, half the country pays no taxes and the other pays about half their income, and the people are predominantly illiterate and unable to even read the ruling documents we made for them?”
        “Wow, this ‘smart-phone’ information device is amazing.”

    3. Nah, actually just Robert E. Lee here. George Washington was a degenerate slave owner.

    4. I often do, and we end up arguing about liberty and the need for rebellion in the face of tyranny. Usually in my dreams he ends up accidentally impaled on a lightsaber.

    5. Bill & Ted’s Really, Really Excellent Adventure- the boys bring the founding father’s to the present day. George Washington becomes the drummer for Wyld Stallions!

    6. I think I’d be ashamed to play such a game. I imagine George would just sit there giving me dirty looks and shaking his head.

    7. Wouldn’t matter, he would not recognize it anyway. The wheat they raised long dies out has been replaced by nothing but virulent weeds. He would be physically and violently ill.

  2. “Life is short. Don’t waste any more of it. Your golden youth is only for a moment, but consequences can carry over a lifetime.”
    Boy oh boy, is that the truth!
    All you younger guys, listen to that last sentence, even if you listen to nothing else in the article. If you’re having problems, fix yourselves before it is to late. Because there is a point when it will get too late. Trust me on that.

    1. It’s easy to do things that cause you to look over your shoulder for life waiting on it to catch up with you, and it will someday.

    2. The years between 25 and 60 will go by so fast, and with so little definition, that you won’t believe it when you get there.

  3. I’m not sure exactly how, but I’m thinking on how to mentor younger men in a society that is as weak as this one. These boys definitely need some guidance. It ain’t good.

    1. Part of the problem with them is they’ve never been taught to respect their elders so they won’t listen.
      They get programming from tv and the internet that tells them, since they are young and progressive that they already know it all and those “old” people are just stuck in their ways which aren’t compatible with modern life.

      1. Many difficulties teaching them dangerous things, because they simply can’t listen to instructions. Risk of injury is high.

      2. 1,000 upvotes.
        That goes along with the whole willful ignorance of history thing, doesn’t it?

      3. I can tell you how to fix it, but no one will like it.
        End the Technological age of modern electronic communications and electricity driven convenience. Mankind would then diverge into two paths, one that adapts and returns to the old ways and be sustainable. The other straight in to hell and end its miserable existence.l, good riddance. the convenience and rise of that technology has made mankind arrogant and lazy. With it gone, mankind would move forward, but mankind will not give up its new “opium”…oh no. so it be …..

        1. Who is terrorising you Street right now…Antifa. who are they terrorising? Everyone else. End of story. Figure out the roles. It’s not rocket science.

    2. Lead by example. We all had hero’s we looked up to as young men. If you’re someone they look up to they will listen. Sometimes young men are just defiant. They will ridicule and mock your advice but even when you think they’re not listening they remember it. I can’t tell you how many young men have became angry at what I had to say only for them to return later and admit I was right.

  4. In my town, they canceled school the day of the eclipse because the kids don’t listen now, will look at the sun regardless; and the schools don’t want to be held accountable. Because you just know some parent out there would sue because the school was clearly negligent…

    1. I’ve been wondering why so many schools were closed or closing early.
      We had a couple of eclipses back in the day and school was just like any other day.

        1. this is not the country you were a child in and grew up in. this country is populated by sure Darwin award winners and greedy opportunists. this country jumped off a cliff, it cant hit bottom and splatter fast enough or far enough.

    2. Dude, look on the bright side – it’s one less day of SJW brainwashing. Take the kids out yourself, let them watch the eclipse and give them a real science lesson, uninfected by diversity.

      1. Box95g

        Google is paying 97$ per hour! Work for few hours and have longer with friends & family! :!al145d:
        On tuesday I got a great new Land Rover Range Rover from having earned $8752 this last four weeks.. Its the most-financialy rewarding I’ve had.. It sounds unbelievable but you wont forgive yourself if you don’t check it
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      2. Nation95g

        Google is paying 97$ per hour! Work for few hours and have longer with friends & family! :!al305d:
        On tuesday I got a great new Land Rover Range Rover from having earned $8752 this last four weeks.. Its the most-financialy rewarding I’ve had.. It sounds unbelievable but you wont forgive yourself if you don’t check it
        ➽➽;➽➽ http://GoogleFinancialJobsCash595BuzzNation/Pay$97/Hour ★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★:::::!al305l..,…….

    3. Hilarious! I can actually remember back to 3rd grade (February 26th, 1979) – we all went to school that day during the eclipse, and my vision is still good enough to read your comment and laugh my ass off. The funniest part of this is that I had “the conversation” with my 80-year old mother just last night… she warned me not to go outside on Monday!

    4. Are the fathers supposed to accompany the kids to school on the day of the eclipse, or what?

  5. Funny you mentioned “What Women Want” … I suffered through it with my ex years ago. What struck me about it years later is, here’s this Alpha who’s acquired the ability to read womens’ minds, and the common thread throughout their angry thoughts is “I hate the fact he’s seen me naked.”
    IOW, they all hate him, but THEY. ALL. FUCKED. HIM.
    Double feature: “Shallow Hal”. The moral of which is, “Inside every miserable fat chick is a slim sexy hottie dying for men to see her.”

  6. Absolutely Outstanding article Michael – Bravo!… You’re hitting on all cylinders here. More high-quality articles like this please.
    I can relate to this on so many levels… If I may share my personal experience (after a 16-hour day) – I’ll try to be as brief as possible and I hope not to sound too self-indulgent…
    I’ve mentioned in the past that I spent almost 13-years in the mortgage industry, and in 2005, I made the decision to permanently leave the business and start a construction company. The reasons for my transition were many, and I can honestly say that now, after 12 years in business, my life has more meaning than I ever thought possible.
    I made a point early on in the business to focus heavily on employee relations, which was something that was sorely lacking in my previous career. Today, we have 21 full-time employees, many of which have been with us for over 10-years. Four previous employees have transitioned into their own successful businesses. Several of my guys also own multiple properties as a result of teaching them how to invest in real estate to solidify their futures.
    We’ve managed to achieve tremendous solidarity within the organization; we’re a very close-knit group… My guys would literally bury a body for me if needed (I’m joking of course). Life is never without it’s challenges, but focusing my attention on helping others achieve success has been a very positive, life-changing experience – I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

    1. A lot of “bosses” who have never went to the trouble of learning to be leaders should read your comment.

    2. Great comment. It speaks well of you that you rode out the Great Recession in the construction business. I had to bail, but escaped with my ass. Several of my colleagues were effectively destroyed by it.

  7. “Per se” means ‘as such’ or ‘in it self’. It is a shame to see otherwise good writing marred by incorrect use.

    1. “Per se” comes actually from latin and it means “by itself”, “by themselves”. And no, I didn’t Google it but I have actually studied latin.
      And if we wanna point out mistakes…I can also say to you that “in it self” is wrong and should be “in itself”.
      One incorrect word and you had to point it out.
      I am actually quite proud of my husband and his writing skills. He is great with words (maybe one reason of many for which I married him :D).

  8. Inspiring article Michael.
    However if you ever find yourself divorce raped and living an undesired spartan lifestyle, you will never live this down.

      1. Depends if you have the time and health to recover.
        PS- I’m laughing at you nic– I get it. The Clintons and democrats praised old Senator Byrd when he croaked in 2010 and glossed over his years as a kleagle in the KKK. Democtrats project more than a movie cinema.

        1. Good point. I was lucky that I was not down for the count. But, praise Jesus, I didn’t walk the same road again.
          As to the handle and avatar, Sen. Byrd is the perfect trigger for the left’s cognitive dissonance. Shall they abjure his klansmanship, or celebrate his political role as Porky Pig? Meltdown.

  9. I am so glad I was raised by Christian parents that stayed together through thick and thin for over 65 years until they passed away. Mom stayed home and raised us kids, and Dad brought home the bacon.
    I learned the value of a dollar by starting to work when I was 8 years old doing odd jobs.
    I was taught to hunt, fish, which end of a hammer to use, fix a motor, plumb and wire a house. I never spent more than I made, always had a job and saved for a rainy day.
    I was taught how to be polite, respectful to my elders and to women, to be grateful, to love God and your country.
    Today I am not the richest man or the smartest but I figure I am truly a blessed man, and I feel sorry for the directionless young men of today.
    Many are raised in broken homes, without fathers, put in daycares and then brainwashed by Marxist teachers. They have so many strikes against them they can’t cope with life. Leftists destroyed masculinity by eroding the traditional family imho, now we are stuck with beta, whiney men.

    1. “I was taught how to be polite, respectful to my elders and to women, to be grateful, to love God and your country.”
      And you found a young, attractive female who appreciated these qualities? If so, did you meet her in church or something? Certainly not in a bar, I am guessing.

      1. Michael, the one who wrote the article was also “taught how to be polite, respectful..”etc. And he did get a young woman (I was 25 when I met him and he was 39). Attractive? Yeah, I do think I am. We didn’t meet in church. A common friend showed me his pic, I wrote him on Facebook, then I quit my job (I was an event organizer for a multinational) and I moved to Finland to be with him. 3 months later we got married.

      2. If your happiness is dependent on having a woman (or anybody else), I suggest you reëxamine your priorities.

    2. It’s a great gift to give a boy a rock to stand on. I’m grateful to my parents, and also my most excellent grandfather. He was only here until I was 18, but he taught me an enormous amount. Some of which took me decades to fully understand.

    3. Wow….read like my bio mostly, except my parents are still alive…and 40 plus years later I have never been more cynical of our reality or our future.

    4. Err ! “respectful to my elders and to ?????” !!
      why not “respectful to my elders and to MEN and women” !!??
      Giving some one respect based on their “gender” !?? Damn it. It’s a undeniable fact that the Society always “shields” females. Isn’t it sexism !? Isn’t it “gender biased” !?

  10. The one who wrote this article is my husband.
    And I must say I am really proud of him. Not just for writing this, but for being a multi-talented guy. Wrestler, singer, composer, artist, voice-over artist (at the moment one of the top voice-over artists in Finland).
    He even wrote his own biography, called Battleground Valhalla. (
    Although we have sometimes different opininions about things, I always support him and let him be the man of the house. That’s what a good woman should do. I don’t always wait for him with food on the table and a clean house. Sometimes I come home from work, dead tired, and I have food made by Michael and he even took care of some house chores. But I don’t let that become a habit and I don’t take it for granted either.
    He is my manly man, and I love him more than anything. He is my Conan and I am his wench. And that’s perfect 🙂

    1. With due respect to your husband (he IS a wrestler after all, lol!) you are gorgeous.

        1. I’m thinking we need to add that to the universal truths.
          Death, taxes, & male thirst.

    2. damn it damn it damn I have to believe in pink unicorns farting cotton candy…always someone to ruin my day. Congrats and good luck to you, may it last forever.

  11. A really top notch article Michael. Thanks for writing this.
    I have a few friends between 25 & 38 struggling with aimlessness and have forwarded this to them as a must read.
    I am fortunate to be married to a wonderful and respectful woman who is happy to play the role of wife and let me be the boss. But it’s also a marriage full of respect, love and good humour. We are contented because we are fulfilling the roles we are designed for.
    Keep up the good work mate.

  12. Sorry, but if I am to take advice from a professional wrestler, it will be Handsome Dick Manitoba.

    1. Then take it from a former life-coach, best paid voice-over artist out of Finland, creator of Hevisaurus characters (famous children rock-band) and beloved husband 😉

      1. Okay, I’m going to write an article on ROK about what a badass I am, and then have my wife troll the comments. Jesus Tittyfucking Christ. You didn’t even get the joke.

        1. Robert, commenting and expressing my opinion + standing behind my husband doesn’t make me a troll. Plus, Mike doesn’t even know yet I have been writting here. Mike is a lion, but I am a lioness and I do stand behind my husband even when someone is trying to make a stupid joke. Grow up or shut up!

        2. Michael did write a fine article and put it out there for men to read and comment. And from reading his Wiki page, he appears more than capable of handling some gibes and light criticism without demurring from the content that he wrote.
          As this is a mens blog, your comments are not appreciated and you’re unwittingly undermining your husbands article with each post. Stop.
          Also: Mike, if you are coming to Germany for Harley days next year let people know.

  13. Just checking if my Discus account works…yep, it does.
    Got banned from (((Breitbart)))

  14. All your life you will struggle to scratch a living from it.’” (Genesis 3:16-17)
    Genesis 3:16 where God says that as a result of the first human couples’ disobedience, the woman would seek to control the man, but the man would still rule over her. It’s an inherently rotten deck of cards that we’re dealt at birth. Women will always try to control men, as it is part of their fallen nature. You’re going to get both sides of the coin when you get involved with a woman, every single time, and it’s up to you, as the man, how you learn to navigate through the woman’s inherent desire to control you.
    Having been pwned by this, all I know is struggle to scratch a living, at every turn at every opportunity and every person has endeavored to make me fail. To this day I have never worked harder to scratch a living and having been broken financially twice to complete losses, I pick my self up yet again and march forward trying to survive. Im not beaten yet, what could be more defining of a man than never giving up no matter how badly beat down. Gynocentric society and system, in your face.

  15. Keep watching other people play sports on TV, jerking off to porn and playing games on the computer and you will inherit the world you deserve.
    Find a beautiful, young woman (there’s lots), and stuff her full of babies.
    Make a lot of money and spend every extra minute you can steal with your
    family. Raise your kids to see the world properly and teach them useful skills. Go to their shit at school, watch their sports and scream your ass off.
    Do that and you will inherit the world you deserve.

  16. Excellent article. Couldn’t agree more about the epidemic of people living vicariously through their cell phones & online social media accounts, while being morally bankrupt hypocrites in real life.

  17. Gran Torino taught me that white people are going extinct, at the very least, they could pass the torch.

  18. Listen to and keep around wise elders, whatever your age. Remembering the truth that the wise man is not necessarily a saint and the saint is not necessarily a wise man.

  19. Who is that Maximus guy? Why do I like him? LOL 🙂
    >>> “Any man, or person for
    that matter, who tries to walk in accordance with what they feel and
    believe to be true, and doesn’t believe that they have the stock to
    instruct others ain’t worth shit.”
    Very good post. I think the whole manosphere/red pill philosophy is reaching a tipping point.
    There is no more time to fuck around and enjoy the decline.
    If boys don’t grow up and become men… The West is extinct.
    It’s been a fun ride… oh the money made, the pussy slain.
    But at the end of the day… our enemies are at war with western culture and heterosexual men.
    And unless those boys recognize this is a REAL war and begin to get serious about saving The West.
    There will be no “West” left for them to enjoy the decline in.
    “There is no avoiding this son. We have a job to do.” ~ DUNKIRK

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