Liberals And Mainstream Media Lose Their Shit Over “It’s Okay To Be White” Signs

Via Washington Post:

Posters proclaiming “IT’S OKAY TO BE WHITE” have been appearing on college campuses and on city streets across the country this week, prompted by an anonymous chat-room comment that suggested the message would feed social unrest and sway white Americans to far-right ideologies.

Since Tuesday, the posters have been spotted in Rocky River, Ohio; at Concordia College in Moorhead, Minn.; at Tulane University in New Orleans; at Montgomery Blair High School in Silver Spring, Md.; around college-campus rich Cambridge, Mass., including the Harvard Yard and at the University of Alberta in Canada. In most cases, schools and cities have pulled the posters down, but the message has continued to spread in images and hashtags across Twitter and other social media platforms, even prompting a related Know Your Meme entry detailing its Internet origins and cultural backstory.

The signs began as a suggestion on the online chat space 4chan last month, a kind of Internet prank laced with ennui and cynicism about race and white identity in modern-day America.

A series of messages said people should print signs reading “IT’S OKAY TO BE WHITE,” post them on college campuses and elsewhere, and then stand back and watch the fun begin. News reports would draw attention to the posters, the writer behind the idea predicted. Then white Americans derisively referred to as “normies” in the white nationalist ecosphere will discover that American journalists and “lefties” hate white people. In the process, normies will stop regarding news outlets as credible. That would deal a damaging blow in the culture war, the post said, inevitably converting more “normies” to the white nationalist, alt-right side. It could be that easy to seed social disruption, the post implied.

The episode is indicative of the efforts white-nationalist groups have made to recruit in and around the nation’s college campuses and other mainstream settings with claims of growing white maltreatment and expanding anti-white discrimination. The white victim construct is one that experts say, not so long ago, only had traction in avowed white supremacists, segregationists and neo-Nazi circles. But today, it animates open and anonymous public discussions of race and shapes the nation’s politics.

In the period just after the 2016 election, investigators with the Southern Poverty Law Center documented a surge in posters and recruitment activity by white-nationalist organizations on 150 college and university campuses. White nationalist organizations regard colleges as spaces where millions of young Americans, without their intervention, will be inculcated with the ideas of valuing diversity, seeking and creating inclusion and equity, the investigators found. And, on campus, white-nationalist groups have made every effort to counter that with well-dressed, tech-savvy and articulate spokesmen who recast equality and cultural sensitivity as a damaging loss for white Americans.

In the months immediately after the November 2008 election, the country saw an increase in both hate crimes and hate group membership, said Nicholas Valentino, a political scientist and research professor at the University of Michigan’s Center for Political Studies. For those already worried about what they view as the unacceptable price of equity, an end to white control, the country’s decision to elect its first black president was a chilling moment. But these Americans’ perception that equity is effectively anti-white discrimination appears to have been adopted by a bigger portion of the American white population, Valentino said.

“Whites inside various supremacist groups and movements believe, and have for a long time, that they are part of a victimized racial group,” said Valentino. “Far right, white nationalist, neo-Nazis and their ilk have always had this sense of aggrievement, the zero-sum mentality that says as other groups gain rights or options and opportunities from which they have been excluded, whites necessarily lose and this can not be tolerated. But research, my research and several other initiatives, suggest that the white sense of victimization, and by that I mean the perception of victimization, has been increasing dramatically since Obama’s election. At this point, it’s not a majority of whites, but it has grown dramatically outside those extremist groups.”

The sense that white Americans have become the lone group in America unable to attend to group interests shows up in those 4chan chat threads and Twitter timelines, too. During the 2016 election, then-presidential candidate Donald Trump even retweeted a message from a like-minded account littered with inaccurate data on race and murder. On the campaign trail, Trump said with some regularity that life was safer and all-around better at a time in America when no one had to concern themselves with being “politically correct.”

The factual basis for claims that white Americans are collectively suffering is difficult to find. On average, they continue to enjoy better income, personal wealth reserves, health, health care, housing, schools than any other group. White Americans also make up 90 percent of the nation’s elected officials despite making up about 61 percent of the total population.

At Concordia College, one of the campuses where the “IT’S OKAY TO BE WHITE” placards and stickers were found this week, removed them. Concordia officials said in a statement they did so because the signs did not adhere to campus display policies, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reported. Concordia President William Craft said he wanted to invite the campus community to discuss the posters at a public forum the school will organize. He also pointed out that the posters were distinguished, among other things, for a lack of information, even the name of the group behind them.

Read the entire article

Don’t Miss: Why White People Are Dying Off

44 thoughts on “Liberals And Mainstream Media Lose Their Shit Over “It’s Okay To Be White” Signs”

  1. I’ve never found that the way to beatthese fuckers is to ‘red pill’ them to the nature of women, then it is to awaken them to the degeneracy of the MSM and left.
    It’s OK to be white, in fact it’s pretty good.

    1. Everyone peddles T shirts. That’s why I got a million T shirts. I’m all out of good socks and underwear though. People should print up socks. They’re a moving advertizement. I go to look in my drawer for a good pair of socks and dig through piles of T shirts and find two semi blown out underwears and like three busted tube socks. I’m down to wearing these old man black dress socks I guess. If only someone could print up some “It’s OK to be white” socks, I’d put on my ray bans and go out walking just for the heck of it. I’d go walking in them things everywhere.

    2. It’s funny, as I was reading the article, the whole thing smacked of Murdoch Murdoch.
      Believe it was you who turned me onto his channel? Guy’s given me some great laughs.

  2. “The factual basis for claims that white Americans are collectively suffering is difficult to find.”….Uh, we are literally getting colonized by people who are not only retarded, but who also vote against us, blame us for everything wrong with the world, and constantly try to racially taunt know..”you white are going to be a minority soon, lol”, “we are taking over”…blah blah blah. Not to mention affirmative action. 90% of this country should be run by whites…what, just because some third world idiots got into our country doesn’t mean that we should just automatically give them EVERYTHING they want.

    1. I felt the article was heavily biased against whites. Essentially, who the hell do we think we are, getting uppity and stepping out of our place?
      All leftists have done is change places as to who is in, who is out, and to whom it is Ok to discriminate. Racism is a hate crime, and racism against whites is no different than the Nazi’s or KKK did. If it’s wrong, it’s wrong. But leftists are so married to evil they can’t see it

      1. And he article is innacurate. Asians have the highest income. Huffington post even celebrated it with a hooray article.
        Also, the most popular inter-racial relationship is a white male with an asian female.

    2. Today on the train there was this guy talking on the phone about yesterday’s shooting and how all white people are evil. He literally said they are the devil incarnate, not as good grammar however. He said everything would be better without white people! Very ironic considering the phone he was taking on, the train he was riding, and the language he was speaking were all products of white people!

  3. I’m no longer amazed that something this simple could activate self-loathing and irrational anger in super-libbies. Beneath its original aim, the success of this campaign seems to be predicated on one basic principal:
    “Most people are too dumb to live.”

  4. “Are we living in a totalitarian dystopia?”
    Not entirely yet, but if the libtards have their way we will be.

  5. If a man gets to the point where he need to advertise that it’s okay to be whatever it is he happens to be, white, male, rich, successful American, WASP, Christian, etc, then he’s lost.
    The real man says, “Who gives a fuck!” and continues to win despite any apparent obstacles — the least of which is a new-age ideology that seeks to destroy men by attacking his innate qualities, value and values.

    1. No one is suggesting to use being white as an excuse for shortcomings in life. However, it is extremely foolhardy to ignore the zeitgeist because it doesn’t happen to affect you at the moment.

    2. The point of the entire poster displaying escapade was perhaps a satirical effort to induce liberal mania and overt political correctness, in which case the poster creators thoroughly succeeded in proving their point on how utterly ridiculous and backwards society is moving.

    3. I think you’re forgetting the nexus of Red Pilling, Shitposting, and Triggering for maximum effect. It’s not about “advertising”; it’s giving them a warning to knock off the bullshit, that Whites aren’t having that, and punishing them with impunity by mocking & angering them.

      1. It’s drawing out the snakes too. You never know who is a sneaky backbiting shitlib ready to cheat and backstab right thinkers in a school or college until you poke them. Post the signs and see who comes out ‘up in arms’ and protesting and you got your boogers.
        I once had a pest, a possum living under my house that chewed wires and quietly threatened the crawlspace beneath the houre. So I called an exterminator and he shook a stick in crevaces underneath and poked around until the booger came out and walked into a cage trap. You have to poke and smoke out the menace. N
        Likewise with antifas and other similar thinking covert figures in schools and in the community, there’s no telling the toll that blatant white hating government wogs or college professors can extholl and the minds they can twist unless poked and revealed.
        The bike lock SFSU antifa college professor could have been much more easily poked into becoming ballistic with “it’s ok to be white” posters in his building. There are many more like him who need their buildings papered.
        We have to learn to read responses accurately. The real rad lefty shit cases will sweat beads and start visibly chimping, breathing and bobbing up and down when flashed with alt right or red pill distribution materials or politicizing. I once encountered some jewish scrappers who did the sweating and chimping, college types acting like wannabe JDL ninjas, revealing they had a muniteman like calling to death wish on the alt right boogeyman in their mind when they merely saw some printed materials. They all revealed themselves at that instant. Typical white antifas too can chimp and reveal themselves. Chimping isn’t a ghetto black thing anymore. White antifas look like they’re trying to do the macaroni noodle dance when they get upset and chimp.
        The ‘learned’ ones who react profusely to rightist stuff who read up on all the marxist crap are the biggest sores upon campuses especially if they teach or assist teach. The ones that get exceptionally hopping hot over the “it’s ok to be white” posters don’t belong in academia anymore and are more than welcome to show their colors so as to be revealed.

    4. Agree. We should never assume a position of weakness.
      However this was a simple tactic to beat the enemy and not just fruitless lambasting.

  6. They could have put up signs that said “Fuck Rich White People” or even “Irish Need Not Apply” (an actual discriminatory sign from the mid 19th century) and that would probably be totally fine by comparison.

    1. How about, “I’m not responsible for your stupid decisions, your low anger threshold or the fact that your mom and dad weren’t married and barely knew each other. The fact that your mother and father didn’t know about birth control is also not my problem”.

  7. I think there is a correlation between the feminization of American society and the Uber-sensitivity on display. My mom watches the View every single day. These gals, all of them over the hill, are triggered by the most inane, trivial stuff. I think it’s a very feminine trait to over-react. And a lot of men have adopted this trait too.
    By the way, I enjoyed the article regarding putting women into slavery.
    A few weeks ago, I was in a doc-in-the-box parking lot. A woman, maybe around 40 had a flat tire.
    I walked up and said “do you need some help?” She answered “no, I’ve got Triple A(road service).
    I asked her why she doesn’t just change the tire herself. She replied she wasn’t strong enough.
    Women know, they know they are the weaker sex.

    1. Those bitches are WAY over the hill. They’re certainly collecting social security. Isn’t the average age of those mouthy cunts around 60?
      (I just looked it up so you folks don’t have to: Joy Behar is a whopping 75 years, fucking Jumping Black Flash Whoopi is 61. WTF could any of these hags say that would be of interest to anyone is fucking beyond me).

    2. they are too God damn stupid to do it themselves, too goddamn weak, but they blame the “patriarchy” that would ordinarily actually fix it for them as being demeaning to them. fuck em, let em do it themselves.

  8. “If I put those up, I’d hide my face,” I was saying, then I scrolled over that pic, and I was, I really am I mean, surprised they’re looking for the guy. I don’t like that they’re looking for the guy. They’re gonna make an example out of hi—s bank accound in court. …if they catch the shitlord, anyway.

  9. It’s not just okay, it’s AWESOME!
    After all, no one worries that some other race on the planet has the potential to produce the next Literally Hitler who could shake the world. Only the world’s population of white men can produce the exceptional individual who has the goods to pull this off.
    We white men might be a race of super-villains – but at least we’re SUPER!!!

  10. Leftists seem more upset by words and signs than actual events.
    A campaign of gradually twisting their own slogans and images might do wonders….

  11. When the Whites finally start fighting back in earnest, it will be a painful reminder as to why we run shit in the first place. Completely biased, bogus article obviously written by a closet SJW/butthurt brown person. How embarrassing.

  12. “I am proud to be black” said the black man
    “I am proud to be asian” said the Japanese man
    “It’s ok to be white” said the racist

  13. the problem is they will never go full open declaration of war
    because they know that’s when we congeal and fight as one.

  14. “The factual basis for claims that white Americans are collectively suffering is difficult to find.”
    Polar bear hunting aka the knock-out game ring a bell? How about crime stats showing the percentage of white and black crime and just who is victimizing who? Four black thugs kidnap a disabled white kid and torture him and hurl racist epithets at him just because he’s white. They film it all yet THAT doesn’t measure up to a hate crime?
    Remind me why Obama and Kaepernick, apparently half white, each identify as black? Why does Shaun King or Rachael Dolzeal call themselves black despite being whiter than Frosty the Snowman?
    Because there are benefits to being called black. There is no “white privilege”

  15. >”It’s ok to be white”
    It’s actually much better than ok, if you’re doing it right. One might say that it’s even, “supreme”….

  16. It’s okay to be white……black…..brown….yellow….red….or whatever. Just be who you are and be the best you can be.

  17. Spot the double standard:
    “I’m proud to be black”, said the black man.
    “I’m proud to be hispanic”, said the hispanic man.
    “I’m proud to be Asian”, said the Asian man.
    “It’s OK to be white”, said the racist.

  18. I named the wi-fi hotspot on my phone “ItsOkayToBeWhite” and have been turning it on whenever I go to a place like Starbucks or McDonalds that offers free wi-fi. Once in awhile I’ll see someone looking all butthurt glance around the room.

  19. Wow. I can’t believe the lying media is trying to make an innocent campaign carried out by white nationalists trying to make a statement as some sort of sinister campaign carried out by white nationalists trying to make a statement.

  20. The question people should be asking is…
    why did that guy have to wear hoodie and cover his face from camera angle just to post that paper saying “It’s okay to be white”?
    I mean couldn’t he have done it without the hoodie and by not caring about his face showing up on camera?
    If you are going to put a paper saying “It’s okay to be white”, at least do it with a PRIDE!

  21. I first noticed anti white discrimination when my daughter was looking for scholarships. There were many available solely for minorities such as Hispanics or afro Americans but there were none for people of European descent. There is a congressional black caucus and an Hispanic one too. Imagine the uproar if there were a white one. In many places there are racial pride days/events such as for Filipinos backs etc , but white pride ….. Nazi.

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