Deer hunting is a culture-based hobby. It is ideally introduced at a young age to the lucky few whose family either grew up in or currently reside in the rural parts of the United States. It teaches you hard work, following through with a plan, respecting life and death, understanding masculine activities, competing against yourself to achieve your highest capabilities, and the hunter-gatherer mentality.
Around the ages of seven to thirteen, one is usually introduced to deer camp, shooting, and the world of hunting large deer. Prospective hunters are brought into a culture dominated by the yearly event of men leaving their wives for a week or two in order to drive into the middle of nowhere, sit around a camp fire, drink beer and whiskey, discuss weapon choices for killing deer, play poker, and generally just shoot the shit with like-minded family and friends.
The difference between this and a social club is that this phenomenon is centered upon the hope that you will have a successful hunt and return home to a wife that cooks your game and delights in the fact that her husband is one of the select few who can show her that he is capable and willing to provide for her and his family in the simplest form.
Why You Should Learn To Hunt Deer
In a hunter’s mind, there is nothing sexier than a woman who can cook his game efficiently and finds happiness in feeding her family with the healthiest form of meat currently available in the United States. It is a truly amazing thing that represents a family’s ability to respect traditional roles and a feeling of security that they can survive in a non-contemporary society if need be. Deer hunting is the closest a modern man can get to experiencing the hunter-gatherer lifestyle.
I remember my first time at deer camp at the age of fifteen. My grandfather asked me if I wanted to go with my uncles, cousins, and him. I enthusiastically accepted and looked forward to it all summer long. I remember laying out all of my hunting gear and preparing the 30-30 Marlin hunting rifle handed down to me by my father. During these countless hours, I learned my first lessons in deer hunting; taking the initiative, setting a goal, and seeing it all the way through.
When I arrived at camp, I was delighted to see my family. I imagine I had a gleam in my eye that they could relate to when they were my age. I was immediately put to work chopping firewood my first afternoon. This was an important moment and symbolized that I was not only expected to carry my own weight, but also stated that they considered me one of them and not just some young boy who needed to be cradled.
We sat around the fire, cooked baked potatoes, and ate steak. In the evenings, we played poker with a sack of quarters while all of us competed for the coveted fifty-cent piece. When we arose in the morning in the cold and dark, I drank my first cup of coffee with a smile, looked out into the woods, and imagined the record bucks that we would all have hanging from the camp pole.
Although that didn’t happen for me that year, the actual result of being successful my first year at camp really didn’t make a difference. I came home from that trip forever hooked on deer hunting and a solid appreciation for my fellow man. It was a right of passage that had to be earned, and it was one of the greatest moments in my life.
Masculinity And Deer Hunting
As time has gone on, I have been extremely lucky to have successfully hunted and killed multiple deer—as well as many trophy bucks—over the course of my life. It has become an obsession of mine and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. As I became a more experienced hunter, I have leased many different properties and hunted family land. I have prepared properties for deer by running farm machinery, planting crops, and reaped what I have sown with my hard work.
Every year, I look forward to hunting season and proving my skills to myself and other hunters within my hunting world.
In conclusion, deer hunting is a hobby that every man should explore. Almost every state within the U.S. has available hunting land, and with a little research, you should easily be able to go out and hunt. If this article draws any interest, I will follow up with specifics on how to kill deer successfully without the help of anyone.
Read More: 5 Reasons Why Every Man Should Go Hunting Once In Their Lifetime
It’s not really hunting rather than finding one and shooting it.
Wa…. wa….. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…..
What´s the difference from using a spear or a bow, you find one and hit with something from far away, like a rock.
One takes skill while gun doesnt. Its unfair advantage
Going with spear knufe n arrow or even less is more manly.
Guns should be used for war
Tell us more stud muffin
It’s letting one come to you in most cases and then shooting it. But it’s a lot if hard work unless you buy a canned hunt on a preserve.
You’re a moron
As a woman and a person who at least aspires to be something more than a selfish piece of shit, I am appalled at the author’s primitivity and lack of feelings. I could understand killing an animal so that you could eat it. But to kill it for sport? I get that it’s massssssculine but I thought we evolved to be better than mere animals… What am I saying, animals kill out of hunger only.
To sum up: there is no bigger pussy than a rich kid who needs to validate his own masculinity by hurting others. Even if those others are “just” animals…
I agree with what you said about, “if you kill it, you should eat it.” But I don’t see where the author encouraged people to kill just for sport.
The author meticulously described that he kills because he ENJOYS it. That’s what I was referring to.
You’re completely missing the point. It’s obvious you don’t have the slightest clue about what the author is talking about if all you got from it was “OMG, he LIKES killing sweet little Bambi!!!”.
Women meticulously describe, in detail, to their friends, coworkers, family, the media, and the internet how they ENJOY destroying the lives and hearts of men who loved them through divorce and child custody fights. Talk about “primitivity and lack of feelings”. Don’t you agree that such callous insensitivity to the needs and feelings of real, living, breathing humans is also a real problem that we should have a discussion about? I didn’t think so.
To sum up: “there is no bigger pussy than a [spoiled female] who needs to validate [her] own [Girl Power(TM)] by hurting others. Even if those others are “just” [men]…
Karolina, that you would even think you’d be taken seriously with such a comment on this kind of article on this type of site, its just too much. We are men, we care about our own, we take action, we accept ourselves. Your feelings, even the strong ones, on this subject are not proof of how “wrong” it is or isn’t to hunt. We do not accept your feelings as proof of anything, other than as proof of your current opinion and emotional state.
*Note to readers: if reading about other people’s hunting triggers you, avoid reading articles on the internet about hunting. Triggering avoided.
I’m going to kill a doe and name is Karolina on the plaque I put on my wall.
Oh, and I’m going to throw out the meat and skins. Just to waste them.
Daddy issues?
Don’t air your dirty laundry dear.
And will like your stupidity better than this crowd.
Cunt…fuck off. Go back to your safe space and leave the men alone.
@ Forest Strong
I do not cling to safe spaces. On the contrary, the more you offend me, the more superior I feel to you.
Hardly surprising. Damaged broads like being slapped around.
Gets upset when a woman with an alternate view point enters your space and tells her to leave said space to go back to her “safe space”.
animals do not only kill for food lol
I agree. And these same “he-men” who love to kill some beautiful creature in the woods are the same cowards who start stammering and pissing their pants when they get pulled over by Johnny Law. They go from, “Die Bambi Die!” to “No Sir, yes Sir” real fast.
Killing for survival is one thing but killing for fun is how serial killers start.
Instead of teaching your kids to kill animals, perhaps you “he men” should be taking them to petting zoos.
Historically, only White people had anything approaching empathy for animals. You will not find such concern for animal welfare amongst Asians or Muslims (Halal food: fortified with extra cruelty).
I think sensitivity, empathy and compassion are not only inborn but also taught.
Sorry but we are all animals. We don’t get special treatment. Nature doesn’t care about your feelings. If you happened to be born in Africa she wouldn’t spare you if a Hippopotamus found you. Besides, he can always eat his kill. Women like you suppress the very nature of men that gave you your society. Shut up and cook your mans game.
I am very aware that nature wouldn’t coddle me. That’s not the point. What elevated a human being above other animals is both his/her brains and morality. Do not debase yourself.
“As a woman”…. holy shit, we bow down before your superior wisdom…. but not really. You’re on the wrong website.
“But to kill it for sport?” <- Reading comprehension: FAIL.
“What am I saying, animals kill out of hunger only.” <- Was that a question?
Statement? WTF did you mean here? Oh and it’s not true. Animals kill for other reasons than just because they’re hungry. For example, chimpanzees:
“Bands of chimpanzees violently kill individuals from neighboring groups in order to expand their own territory, according to a 10-year study of a chimp community in Uganda that provides the first definitive evidence for this long-suspected function of this behavior” Source
“To sum up: there is no bigger pussy than a rich kid who needs to validate his own masculinity by hurting others.”
How about: “To sum up: there is no bigger whore than a rich bitch who needs to validate her own femininity by killing an unborn child”
Pani Karolino, proszę się zmyć z lewackimi poglądami. Na pewno jest gdzieś jakiś czarny marsz, który potrzebuje jeszcze jedną nędzę żeby podbić liczbę z 13 do 14 uczestniczek.
No woman says – or at least I haven’t heard of it – that she needs to validate her femininity by having an abortion. Check your information. Or your medicines. Or take half.
The author clearly says how pleasant killing a deer is and how wonderful he FEELS while hunting. I can understand that. And at the same time he doesn’t do it out of necessity.
You are right that animals don’t kill out of hunger only, my mistake. Having thought about it, they may kill for pleasure as they toy with a smaller animal (cats tormenting mice). Still, they aren’t nearly as vicious as those who hunt mainly for pleasure, and that goes only for people, don’t you think? Or wait, you don’t think.
Widzę, że ta strona przyciąga także głupich Polaczków. Żeby łączyć obronę zwierząt z lewackością zamiast ze zwykłą przyzwoitością, trzeba być durniem do sześcianu.
Your have said: “The author clearly says how pleasant killing a deer is and how wonderful he FEELS while hunting. I can understand that. And at the same time he doesn’t do it out of necessity.”
Define necessity.
The OP wants to eat meat.
If he kills a deer and eats it, he isn’t eating another animal.
Simple substitution.
And I guarantee that shooting a deer is vastly more humane than a cattle slaughter house.
The OP wants to eat meat. At least he gets his hands dirty. He wants to eat meat and he takes responsibility for the entire process of procuring it. He doesn’t just go into a fucking restaurant and order a steak medium rare.
Homo Sapiens separated away from Homo Erectus or another intermediate sub-branch, maybe 250,000 years ago. The author has stated that he enjoys an activity that has been widely practiced by the species for 99.99% of its existence. What he does is neither unnatural or evil.
Going into a restaurant and ordering a steak, without ever considering how it was procured, is morally more questionable, than hunting an animal and eating it.
My statement about women having an abortion was as dumb as your statement about the OP being a “rich kid who proves his masculinity by hurting ‘others’”.
But let’s break it down:
“No woman says – or at least I haven’t heard of it – that she needs to validate her femininity by having an abortion.” <- Wrong. Women who dare to speak out against abortion are attacked on a regular basis and accused of being inferior and of betraying the “sister-hood”. Also, the decision to have an abortion is a uniquely female privilege. Men have no say, but they’re expected to use their bodies to provide resources for decades if the woman keeps the baby. “My body, my choice” is a privilege reserved only to women. Men have the opposite: the privilege of getting drafted and killed during wartime and the privilege of being forced to use their bodies to provide resources for children that they may not have wanted.
Apropos głupich polaczków, to zgodzę się z tobą, więc idź już sobie.
Jedną z głównych oznak lewactwa jest kompletny brak umiejętności logicznego myślenia, czyli to co zademonstrowałaś dzisiaj i wczoraj.
The only thing that is illogical is your rant about poor men being killed in wars or made to pay for unwanted children. Guess what, it’s not females that declare wars… usually. Men are sent to wars by men. And nowadays they even have a say whether they want to serve in military or not.
If you don’t want to have a slightest chance you are a father, don’t fuck. Or get a vasectomy. It’s a choice.
I agree that killing a deer with one shot might be more humane than killing a cow in a slaughterhouse. It’s a problem that should be dealt with in a civilized society. I also agree that eating meat is natural. What I did object was the author’s pathetic need to validate his masculinity. He didn’t write: “Well, I decided that out of two evils rearing and killing my own deers would be a better way to obtain meat”. He focused on PLEASURE of hunting. That’s what I am criticising. He didn’t say he does it to avoid buying slaughtered animals, he does it because he LIKES it.
And it seems that everything else is secondary.
Gdzie ty tu widzisz lewactwo, biedaczyno?
You are one of the smarter posters here but
Women have declared wars.
Men screw for pleasure, not kids. Women more for both. You average male would choose to have 1 child in his entire life and screw 3 times a week.
Vasectomies are painful.
You know at certain point women just have to leave males to their ritualistic celebrations of their manhood.
As a male I agree that it is repulsive to the average balanced, sane woman as yourself but sadly it is what is.
I didn’t think there were any White Knights here at ROK but here you are. Pussy.
I agree deer hunting is lame, I want to hunt elephants, tigers, polar bears and whales ……… deer is for pussies.
Ignore Debbie Downer in first comment. Hunting is a great activity.
Mmmmmmmm. no.
Killing and hunting does not make you a man. Giant fucking myth.
Altho it might reveal you are a nutjob for thinking so.
And if you were in a survival situation? The nutjobs survive. Mmmmm yep.
Found the fake ass ‘manly man’.
your medieval prepper fantasys are never going to happen.
You shooting at a defenseless animal that can’t fight back isn’t “manly”. You want to become a man? Train in a combat sport and go up against other men who can fight back. That makes you a man.
My ass they cant fight back. The most dangerous animal in the woods is a bull moose in rut. If you are between them and the cow they want to plow – they will kill you. And you could be the most limp wristed vegan just out for a walk. Your gas -bagging shows how ignorant you are.
Why would you cockblock a bull moose in first place ? Lol
I’m from a Northern border state and you are not going to bump into a moose anywhere but Alaska, Canada and maybe Maine or Michigan in the far North.
A hipster out jogging in the average suburban park is not going to walk up on a fucking moose.
Boner: Check into geography 101 stat.
Colo is well south of your “far north” locales. Moose have been here since 1975 and are thriving. soapweed
How about I do what I want and you suck my ass.
you eat everything you hunt?like you just hunt deers, rabbits and birds? I really dislike the idea of trophy hunting. I know you eat the deers and it’s not an endangered species… But what about the people hunting elephants, big cats and other animals that are not meant to be eaten?the ones that do it mostly for fun and enjoy killing these awesome animals I mean. I’m a ecologyst conservative. Ecology and protection of nature is probably were I most disagree with conservatives. I could not hunt a deer, but I am not a vegetarian so saying it is barbaric or something like that would be hypocrisy
“what about the people hunting elephants, big cats and other animals that are not meant to be eaten?”
You mean like the African tribes that have been hunting those animals for food for thousands of years?
What do you do with a rhino that’s past his sexual prime and isn’t reproducing and spends all his time harassing and killing younger bull rhinos? You stalk him to within 20 yards, and shoot him in his goddamn face with a .500 Nitro Express, then mount the head on your wall and send the meat goes to the locals. That’s trophy hunting.
I not a fan of trophy hunting, but each to their own. Its heavily regulated, a lot of money goes into the local community, and they utilise the meat and skins.
If its well regulated there is less chance of species extinction, its in the best interests of the locals to ensure the animals are in reasonable managable numbers.
Without selective hunting of large game animals, their populations can increase to problematic proportions in 2-3 decades.
This has happened in Australia with salt water crocodiles, and great white sharks since they gained legal protection. In the last 25 to 30 years they have bred up so much, that they have become dangerous, colonizing previously safe watering holes, rivers and beaches= Increased deaths of humans. Same again for the Great Whites, swimmers and surfers are getting attacked(many dying) at a larger rate now than any time in my lifetime.
My former gf admitted to eating an elephant they caught near her village. She said it was very tasty.
I’ve killed women and children. I’ve killed everything that walks or crawls at one time or another. And I’m here to kill you, Little Bill, for what you done to Ned.
Bill Munny
Can’t beat the Clint.
It’s a bit different here in the equality state.
Your wife might get more points than you do, and you can divide gutting and the rest (you can build the smoker and do jerky, she can do steaks). Oh, and it is a family affair, where the kids accompany like a pack of wolves would bring the cubs.
Somewhat sexually dimorphic, but it is probably the essence of northern european get through the winter culture and perhaps the basis of the Amazons.
Seriously, at the local rest stop, there is a pointer to the museum showing a pic of a man who got a coyote, and his wife with rabbit (the rabbit is more useful) with the kids in the middle of the frame.
There is still some liberal listeria, californication, but it is minimal. In one case I was watching a survival thing and the woman “tapped out” and the women went ballistic about how she was too weak (the man was fine, finally built a fire, etc). We need Survivor: Farm and ranch girls v.s. STEMinists.
There is a big difference between a pioneer woman and these – useless women who dwell and rut in college towns.
So, masculinity is killing by weapon innocent animals that cannot defend themselves. I think you misspelled “sadism”.
I’d go hunt hunters like you. After taking the weapons away, so that you experience being the defenseless victim.
predators eat other is what they do..
humans are predators and if you fvk with an alpha he will hand you your soyboy head.
“I’d go hunters like you.” No you wouldn’t. That would mean you’d have to get off the couch. Plus you’re too weak to rack the slide.
mam, you are at the wrong site . this site if for men and trolls… wait a minute! Big red? is that you? I think so.
By the time they were 3, both of my sons knew the proper answer to the question – “What is Bambi?”
Answer – “viable target”
Women who heard that were apoplectic. I loved it.
Q: Why do you kill deer?
A: Because they’re delicious.
A true test of a man would be to give him a 4 inch switch blade, drop him on the African Serengeti with 1 gallon of water and a compass and tell him to find his way back to civilization without getting killed along the way.
And I’m confident you wouldn’t survive
I’m not a hunter. I also don’t have a micro dick. Think there’s a correlation?
Hunting for meat is honorable, hunting for trophies is for losers.
“Something about a bunch of guys alone together in the woods … Seems kinda gay” – Bart Simpson
Around Pittsburgh, if you don’t go deer hunting you seem kinda gay.
You’ve got a shitload out of deer out there, brother. I’ve driven through and seen herds all through the suburbs.
Go tell Marine and Army veterans how gay they are.
I find hunting grotesque.
If ur starving then fine; there is no shame in necessity.
But doing it coz u need to compensate ur tic-tac dick… w/e faggot. Ur not brave.
Karma will collect.
Oh, come on, shooting a defenseless mammal with a high-powered rifle is not brave, courageous or good.
Having lived in a county where hordes of urban males appeared every hunting season, we saw these mighty hunters first-hand — with their expensive trucks and SUVs, their expensive rifles, their whiskey, their drunken antics in the woods, their endangering the whole county and comunity with their drunken shooting, their wounding animals and leaving them to die long agonizing deaths. Ugh. Hunters are scum. And they could buy dead animal flesh more cheaply at the grocery store than the cost of getting a deer, which costs include the truck, the whiskey,t he forearms, the LLBean shirts and boots. The doctor who saves the life of a sick child is far more a man than a deer killer who needs no courage or brains at all.
Your the type of guy who all the locals end up hating. Stay in the city…please stay in the city. Sanctimonious prigs like you belong there.
Hunting is for guys with small penis’s…
the next elliot rodger losers
whatever pee wee
let me know when you have shot at something that can shoot back you silly cunt
Hunting is for guys that want to fill their freezer at almost ZERO cost.
It’s somewhat surprising to see so many anti-hunting folk on this site.
One of the misconceptions regarding trophy hunting is that the meat is wasted. Whether you go for the buck with that big rack or the doe, nothing is wasted. No hunter that I have ever known has wasted the meat, despite having shot that trophy buck. Not a single one.
The other point is that humanity has achieved the heights of civilization by having to hunt. We do not eat grass or stone or soil. We do not have claws or fangs nor can we run fast enough to chase and kill the game animals that would feed us. We had to cooperate, develop language to talk to each other and to plan the hunt. This is the legacy of hunting for men and it remains with us to this day. For my part nothing gives me more satisfaction than to provide meat for my family.
I hear you, man, but people started progressing once they abandoned hunter-gatherer lifestyle and started animal husbandry and agriculture.
Actually, regressing. Physically agriculturalists around 10,000 years ago were shorter and had more degenerative diseases than hunter gatherers. They also had a lot of dental cavities. More evidence of bone growth stoppage/stunting because of a lack of diverse nutrients.
That’s what happens when you go from eating primarily vegetables, roots, berries, and wild meats and fish to eating 30 different things made with 1 grain.
Oh FFS..just shut up and go make us all sandwiches.
I’m very surprised at the comments on this site. I’ve been a soldier (Army Airborne Infantry) and I have been a backcountry elk hunter since I left the military. I’ve taken 5 elk in my home state of Colorado. Am an archery hunter.
A day of backcountry hunting is far more demanding than an average day in the Army or a day at the MMA gym. If you haven’t climbed three thousand vertical feet over a five mile mountain approach, killed and processed a bull elk in the field, and made three or four round trips to pack the meat out on your back then you need to get out more. Physically tougher than a peacetime airborne operation in the Army. More mentally challenging than being an attorney. And ultimately very, very fulfilling and healthy when you cook up those lean steaks.
Omega Man is correct – we evolved as a species, because hunting. It’s still in your genes and it’s still the ultimate activity for men that are capable of doing it. Note that I am not referring to “treestand hunting” or bubbas going into the mountains to drink beer. I’m talking about being a mountain athlete.
Go back to your video games fellas.
Yep, even on the big game hunts for giraffe and stuff in Africa the meat is parted out in the local village–nothing goes to waste.
These comments are great. You can see the divide between urban bambi watchers and rural hillbillies. And everyone thinks their view is 100% correct. I wonder if the people against hunting realize that hunting season is only like 2 weeks out of the whole year and in most parts of America the deer has no natural predators? I’ve never hunted aside from plowing into them with my Chevy. “One shot” – deer hunter. ROK should just ban comments now that they cant ban trolls, it really destroys the authors integrity in some of their better articles. I’d never bother to write for this site the way it is now. Just seems like only petulant children read it. Neo-masculine? Noe more like a neo-adolescent site.
Urban Bambis and Rural Hillbillies
Its actually racial..
Rural hillbillies are from Colonial British (Maybe some Indian) stock and the urban Bambis will be Italians, Slavs, Jews, Irish, Germans or whichever. Also Blue State and Red State.
I think many non-hunters have the idea that hunting deer is like going to a carnival shooting gallery and shooting at the deer herds running by you. Hunting takes patience, persistence and perseverance in order to be successful. Useful characteristics to have in life. Hunter success rates aren’t extremely high since most hunters fail to harvest/kill and it can take a lot of time between sightings. Crop damage, car/deer accidents and winter starvation rates all go up when game populations go unchecked. Taxes and fees from licenses and associated hunting gear is the main source of revenue that is used to support healthy game populations along with maintaining wilderness areas. I never knew any hunter that didn’t utilize the meat after a kill. I also would stay away from anyone who drinks while hunting (that’s for after the hunt). Many times the social aspect of hunting is more important then the actual kill. When I introduced hunting to my sons it was also an initiation for them into manhood in which we became equals at a time when father and sons didn’t have much in common. Many hunters will know where I’m coming from and many anti-hunters won’t have a clue.
Ugh. Deer hunting is not manly. Where’s the risk to yourself? It isn’t combat. At best, it is a game of ‘wait it out’ or ‘hide and seek’ where only one side risks being killed.
The argentines have it right. Hunt wild boar with three dogs. You, a knife, three dogs against 400+ pounds of enraged boar.
That’s a man’s hunting sport. Not pussying around with a rifle shooting animals that can’t hurt you back.
Sure, there is value in knowing survival techniques. Once you learn them, you don’t need to go out and kill some helpless animal each week.
PS: I love guns, I have many. I train with them to kill people, not deer.
You claim to be a knowledgeable expert of all things manly. Except I can tell by starting your response with “ugh.” that you don’t hold yourself to those standards of manliness. That, or you are a woman. Either way your snarky bitchiness ia on full display and you destroy any legitimacy of what you say with your first sentence.
Being able to kill and process fish and game is a survival skill that should be developed by the men of ROK. When fine cuts of Wagyu beef are no longer available at your local Whole Foods, you will be served well if you have the skill set.
Hunting in remote areas does require skills such as land navigation, tracking, where you identify game trails, scat of species, and other signs of habitual activity.
Fishing is also a rewarding and valuable skill that will come in handy when SHTF.
These activities force you to face your kill, while you process every inch of its body. This is the time you appreciate the life it gave in order for you to survive.
Eating your kills also accustoms you to the gamey flavors that normally would put off a grass-fed beef or beer-fed, massaged Kobe beef eater. Men and their charges will need to be able to stomach a wide variety of animals from raccoon, squirrels, opossum and even rats, along with the luxury meats like deer and wild boar.
Derp commenters here also don’t realize in many areas, deer and elk, and especially non-native pigs, are overpopulated and a nuisance. Culling is necessary to maintain healthy populations and reduce the damage an unchecked deer, boar, elk population can have.
I gotta tell you, squirrel, possum, and porcupine are actually all really tasty, with porcupine leading the bunch. Rabbits, when you are cleaning them, tend to smell terrible for some reason and can be tough.
I hunt but I’ve actually run over more animals than I’ve killed with my gun. With an asian woman in the kitchen it all gets eaten.
Bullets are cheaper when killing deer versus using your car.
Signed: Wise Guy
I’m fairly sure my smart phone can do all the navigation I need. But it can’t give me the strength or endurance to get out in the mountains, I’ve had to work for that.
Men of ROK should not be responding to thots who comment here. That is not ZFG. They are just spewing their irrational emotions, and should be ignored.
And here is a very rational, emotionless comment. Sir, you have proved what all truly rational people know: this site became a circlejerk for eternal boys.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this subject. I have a mixed background since I have lived a bit on the countryside in Sweden, but also in cities like Stockholm and thus have a penchant for urban pastimes like dining out and hunting other types of wounded animals.
My father (and grandfather) used to be a hunter and competition shooter and I have always been fascinated with weapons. I owned one myself and will look out for more if the invasion of criminals continues. I do also have a good friend who is a hunter and who also has pretty good arguments for hunting, besides the meat and keeping certain animal populations low.
I think that many of us can agree that it is not very masculine or difficult to shot a defenseless animal with the help of a modern riflescope, but that’s only one aspect of the entire process and “lifestyle”. For example, you likely will give your dog proper training, use your knowledge to track for example wild pigs or deers within a particular habitat, and make sure to kill the animal properly when the time is right.
Especially wild pig/boar hunting seems pretty fascinating and indeed quite masculine. I have been invited to join during fall, but my friend and I live quite far from each other and it’s hard to find room for that in the Schedule at that time of the year. But perhaps a weekend.
I am majorly positive to your interest, and I think that many of the comments have been unnuanced and/or immature.
Edit: shoot, not shot; Schedule, not Schedule.
I’m surprised no-one else has mentioned gundog training.
I enjoy shooting Rabbits and hares, they’re delicious in a stew, and I enjoy the skinning and tanning process. It speaks to something primal within me.
They’re also classed as vermin, but that doesn’t really matter to me, they’re not causing any harm to this particular farmers field, but I’m still going to kill however many I need.
Even so, pulling that trigger requires conviction.
You’re about to end its life so you and your family can have a rabbit dinner- so you better not miss the heart, or risk chasing a wounded hare to finish the job. As I look through the telescopic sight at the first rabbit of the day, I pause before mentally taking responsibility for its life, and then shoot.
As I said it requires conviction and responsibility, so it is most probably why so many city boys, more interested in their tinder rankings, and vegan-on-Tuesday-warriors, saving the world are so opposed to it.
Worshipers of Shakti are Vegetarian on Tuesday & would sacrifice + eat you।।Js agree with the other stuff,
I don’t get the responses from people on here ranting about “killing for fun is bad” etc.
Did you not read the original piece? The author clearly stated that he “hope[s] that [he] will have a successful hunt and return home to a wife that cooks [his] game”.
Stop setting up straw men.
I’ve also hear arguments that eating the deer is wrong. Why? If I shoot a deer and eat the meat, that means that I’m not eating some other animal. Basically, we substitute one animal for another. Only the deer is killed in *vastly* more humane circumstances. If everyone hunted deer and ate that meat, what effect would that have on the mass farming and slaughter of, say, cattle?
Now, if your argument is about eating meat in general… then you can fuck off. No one cares. This isn’t a SJW website where you get brownie points for “virtue” signalling.
I’m afraid there would be not enough deer for meat-eaters. We need to rear animals for meat.
Still, the article is not about acquiring meat in a more humane way than from a slaughterhouse (btw, animals can be killed in various ways). It’s about deriving pleasure from it. It became a HOBBY. That’ what irks me. So sorry for raining on your parade.
If the idiots reading this were real men they would hunt down all the Demoncrats and WomeninHellywood Frauds and roast them slowly over a fire pit.
Open the PIT
Sure, maybe one or two. Then life in Supermax with Beaner and Hoodrat penises in your mouth and anus and finally dying of HIV in the prison hospital.
I think some of the commenters have been watching one too many Disney films, I mean do you think you turn up to a patch of woodland with a hunting rifle and deer wander out from their herd to greet you? Playfully lick you with their tongue and nibble your clothing as you blow their brains out? Fuck no!
You’ve gotta be camoflagued and not make a sound, watching where you step and even disguise your scent, looking for fresh tracks, fresh scratches on the base of trees from their antlers, fresh green buds on dying plants which they’ve been nibbling on as well as fresh deer shit all the while ensuring that you’re not down wind of your prey, not to mention stalking and finally taking the shot.
Ya or the American way, be literally too fat to walk that you have to ride in a atv or truck to a deer stand you paid someone else to set up. shoot anything that moves within 200 yards of your stand and hope it wasn’t your buddy (wearing ORANGE FFS). Usually shoot a few times because your so fat and outa shape your laboured breathing is fouling your scope, or so drunk your completely useless. Injure the animal ( not sure we even got a deer here yet), but lose the blood trail because once again the American deer hunter is tooooo fat to walk on uneven ground… ah it’s getting cold anyway and duck dynasty on the tv at camp.
That is the typical comment of a European who never set foot in the US and believes everybody is from California or Texas.
The people you see in your city paying 50 Euros for McDonald’s are rich tourists and of course they are fat.
You’ll find lots of lean and hungry people in the US.
I’m on your side of the pond bud, just north of ya!! American hunters from what I’ve seen guiding for years are not much to talk about…. your field hunters, not woodsmen, great at shooting, preparing and eating (I never ate so good). But I was seriously concerned for the health and safety of these guys….. would not survive the night in the Canadian bush after September….oh and scared shitless of their own shadows in a forest… oh one idiot shot a horse in a field… thought it was a moose (didn’t even have a tag for moose ya dum fuck)
You’re not North of me, I am from Michigan.
I lived in Northern Ontario and would cross the street to avoid your First Nations Natives. This I did learn living in North Bay, Ontario for a few years.
They’ll come into a fucking house and kill you in Northern Ontario in your living room. It makes me glad that America allows people to have a gun in their house and shoot an intruder. Natives in Ontario (But maybe not Quebec where you can have a gun) will walk right into your fucking living room and kill a white.
The cities are alright but when you get up into Northern Ontario or wherever you are surrounded by ruthless, murderous Indians with no right to defend your life.
I’m from Michigan and you’re probably from your Natives are all white-killing lowlife psychopaths I’d not want to be in the bush with from my Northern Ontario years (Lived there for a few years).
Talk about the Canadian bush and I’ll tell that the real reason for the US right to bear arms is the Natives. I’d rather be in the worst Hood in Detroit than up around them.
Maybe your holding the map upside down bud… Canada is north of Michigan. There is a whole lot of Canada north of Michigan but sure let’s compare dicks about it.
And your fear of natives is laughable… like I said previously ( Americans are afraid of there owns shadows) you afraid of poor obese people? Why lol? North bay is also not the bush…. that’s Ontario’s tourism district
You know natives can cross the border without a passport right?
They could come to Michigan right now without question at the border…. lookout!!
If we look at Northern Minnesota as oppose to London or Kitchener or Toronto a great deal of it is. But as you say, it is a moot point. Though not many people live North of Sudbury in Ontario so population centers in the Northern Midwest are denser than the same latitude in Ontario.
Or this is my experience from living in North Bay and Suds for a few years.
I’d stay the fuck away from Natives there. They are a reminder that the real reason to have a gun is if mad Natives came into your house. The black hoods of the US have nothing on the Natives in Northern Canada.
Natives are the reason Northern Ontario and other Canadian bush towns have a higher crime rate than Jane and Finch.
Michigan used to get a load of Newfs and Quebecers back when the economy was better (70’s) but no Natives.
Yeah, they can smuggle across the Detroit River but they don’t really commit crimes in Michigan apart from smuggling our guns to Sarnia.
Most Natives don’t live in Southern Ontario.
People from Northern Canada give the white Southerners a run for their money as dumb, violent hicks.
The people of Southern Canada form the mild, polite stereotype but up Northern Canada they are half-breeds and full Natives that give ghetto US a run for their money in terms of social pathology.
In fact I would lay odds that Northern Ontario is more dangerous than Kitchener etc in the South.
You do t have to tell me man… I I live here lol, I grew up in the south and left that for Canada ACTUAL… it sucks that the country gets a bad rap thanks to the hellhole that is metro Vancouver and the GTA… as for the natives do you seriously think this? If you think that native communities are more unsafe than a urban ghetto than I must be the fucking white terminator to them because everyone is very polite to me. My only issue is the native women age to all hell in like 5 years. The hottest native chick will transform into the glob right before your eyes I swear
If North Bay/Lake Nip is the center of tourism in Ontario that would astonish me as I lived in Suds, North Bay etc.
There’s like 4 hotels in North Bay. The industry there is one skiing resort, the college (I graduated from Nip U) and used to be the railroad.
I meant it’s Ontario’s summer tourism hub, lots of people have cottages, camps, lots of resorts… where I learned to fish and hunt as a kid before I started flying far north for the real fun
In Northern Ontario I knew some French-Canadians who married squaws and they regretted it.
Hey Mick, I couldn’t agree with you more on the Disney view of animals. A man of your calibre probably knows, even hand reared male pet deers will attack their owners during the rut. They can fuck you up pretty bad with their antlers. Same again with male kangaroos, many city slickers and non Australians think they are nice, cuddly, furry animals, when in reality they are very aggressive, territorial, and are capable of killing or seriously injuring a full grown male humans.
Well said, sir! This generation of anti-hunting (and anti-gun) types, like on ROK (maybe should stick to Maxim, GQ, or the Advocate), is power for the course. I never hunted deer and other big game in my younger days, but I avidly hunted bobwhite quail. I had expensive Italian shotguns, and top bloodline bird dogs. The solitude, freedom from hipsters, miscreatants, punks, liberals, and women, bonding with my canine pals, the beautiful rolling wooded terrain of SW Iowa and NW Missouri , and long walks in clean fresh air far exceeded any meat market gym “lift bro” get laid by gym bunnies and bar sluts malarkey incessantly preached on this site. Never mind the millions of dollars lawful hunting licenses contribute to conservation and habitat management, and the hidden tax on firearms and ammunition that dump millions into fish & game management. You have to walk the ROK boys through everything legitimate (except for booze, dope, trollops, narcissism, and being malcontents), so I’m sure these points will go over their heads.
Any hunting is good, including trophy. The best animals carers are their human hunters actually.
Besides, there’s a bigger turn on for your wife than you disappearing for a week and turning back with a big chuck of red meat.
Actually South, probably.
I’m from Michigan. Spent a few years employed in North Bay, Ontario.
Your natives are fucked and dangerous. I’d rather be in the woods with fucking Jason Voorhees than in the bush with those Natives up there.
I have to disagree. Deer hunting is so easy where I am from that it’s basically the short-bus of hunting. Yes I still do it, because I love venison and I like being outdoors…..but more than half of deer hunters are twats.f
In Western Tennessee, deer season opens in late September and runs to the end of the year. Archery only for the first 6 weeks, then Blackpowder and Archery for 2 weeks and then Archery/Black Powder and centerfire till end of December.
Most deer hunters I know, hunt will all weapons and begin scouting (walking through woods looking for deer sign, good stand locations…etc.) the moment deer season ends. So far in 2018, have been on 2 such outing lasting 1/2 days and 6-8 miles hiking.
Typical hunting day for us on public land involves getting up at 3 am, driving to the management area, hiking 1 to 1.5 miles to stand location, and usually sit from 30 minutes before first light till noon, then eat lunch and back at it till dark. No motorized vehicles allowed – so we use deer carts to get animal out of woods and then take to processor or butcher ourselves and store meat in cooler if do not go straight home.
Hard part is finding good spots to hunt and then being still and patient. Have been on many stands with bow watching deer just out of range….and hunted with rifle and not seen anything. Have experience very high highs and some lows. Feel devastated when hit deer with rifle or bow and could not find or maybe hit a little high or deer moved when released arrow……
Deer hunting is very good opportunity for fellow ship with other men, and hunting licenses, and sale of ammo, bows and firearms provide most of the funding for state and federal wildlife programs offices…etc.
Dealing with the cold (late season) and heat and mosquitoes (early season) can build character and hunting is not as easy as many non-hunters believe. Most of the guys I hunt with are pretty experienced (we’re all in late 40’s, or 50’s/60’s) and often pass on deer if we’re buck hunting. But the real value is in in the effort and discipline required to consistently kill deer with a bow an arrow. Archery hunting is a very deliberate activity that can be unforgiving of mistakes….it can be challenging to explain hunting in its totality to non-hunters, but it can be very tribal and the bonds of friendship can be very strong. It’s very cool to have “bloodbrothers” who will drive 2 hours to help you track a deer or fix truck at 11PM……
I grew up in rural Wisconsin around hunters and hunting. I now live in Alaska, also around hunters and hunting. The author of this article has it right. Hunting is a fine and masculine pursuit. People who dismiss deer hunting as unmanly because the hunter isn’t risking their life are completely missing the point. The vast majority of hunters throughout human history didn’t risk their lives when they went hunting. What kind of foolishness would that be? They had to hunt to survive. Why would they do it in a way that regularly risked their lives? I’m not saying that they didn’t occasionally get hurt or killed on the hunt. And of course certain types of hunting are inherently dangerous. But trust me, if a certain activity is engaged in often enough men are going to figure out ways to do it as efficiently and safely as possible.
So what IS manly about hunting? Well, the author explains it fairly well actually. You set a plan in motion and see it through. You leave your comfort zone and enter a realm (the wilderness) where you spend very little time and test yourself. You spend time in the company of men. Once you get the animal, you have to dress it out, pack out the meat, process it, etc. How many of you have ever dressed out a deer or caribou? Here in AK it is common to have to travel long distances to some really remote places to get to the animals. Once you’ve killed it, you still have to dress it (a very labor intensive process that can take hours depending on the size of the animal) and then pack the meat out. A good-sized caribou can have over 100 pounds of meat. One summer I went caribou hunting with friends and over the course of 3 days we hauled 4 caribou off the mountain. By the time I was done and driving back to town I felt like I had finished Ranger training.
So I guess my question is, if you all don’t consider hunting to be masculine, then what exactly IS an appropriate thing to do for a man?
You find a deer.
If the deer detects you it will run away.
So a man with a gun shoots a running deer in the back. Otherwise from ambush.
If you need to kill for survival that’s one thing, or even mercy killing (the animal is so horribly injured from a vehicle collision it is in agony and beyond help- I’ve killed animals I found like that but never liked doing it); our own laws allow killing humans in self-defense. But to call hunting a sport is ridiculous. The same hunter who can kill deer can still be mugged by someone half his size or fired when an angry woman goes complaining to Human Resources just the same as a non-hunter.
We are NOT going to stop the SJW infection by going around killing animals for “sport.” That is just venting frustration at something else, like someone chewed out by his obnoxious boss kicking the dog when he gets home. Just not spending money on garbage culture like “Star Wars: The Last Jedi”- I did not see it or “Rogue One”- will do much more.
Any good hunter would never shoot an animal in the back. You might try hunting sometime, it is nothing like Hollywood shows it.
So many comments from haters who have never been hunting in their lives. Well, I have hunted for 40 years and I agree withe the author. My 2 sons hunt and a number of their friends hunt with us . we hunt squirrels, deer, rabbits and on occasion , black bear.
For really being part of nature as opposed watching nature , It cannot be beat.
Why so many ” why shoot a defenseless deer? go after something that fights back ” well , its not a CONTEST . it’s the part men have played in nature as long as men have existed.
Do you only eat hamburger you have taken from chuck Norris in hand to hand combat?
hunting is not combat ,it is predation. We are omnivores.
one of the greatest blessings in life is to Hunt with your father, sons, or friends.
Well Said !
Why is it a hobby to kill something? Ok, I get having to kill something for survival but to kill something for sport: what’s that saying about the hunter?
My dogs happen to love killing for sport… I just say “wanna kill boy” and there he goes bounding off looking to tree a squirrel or flush anything. I like to get squirrel because they fuck with the house and barns and I hate cleaning up the mess they make.
So yes, I don’t quite get hard doing it but I love killing squirrels and stray cats just for pure pleasure.
Why cats too you say? Because they kill songbirds for pleasure… I love songbirds, they sing, they pollinate the garden and control bug outbreaks.. way I see it all is fair and well in nature. You probably think I’m a monster, I’d say practical
”So yes, I don’t quite get hard doing it but I love killing squirrels and stray cats just for pure pleasure.”
but then there you are, hiding from the spics and jigs in your trailer…
You mean century home on a acreage, and a few home rentals…. I do have a trailer though I use for a hunting camp. Boy being 30 sure is tough!!! Don’t have a problem with people of colour personally if they work and have self respect, respect for others. the dogs are racist however. I’m trying to work on that but not a whole lot of diversity where I live ya know
You wanna see what a 308. does to a cat? I’ll upload a pic just for ya
sounds like fun, maybe ill try it. dont listen to the bitter vegans, they just live in a fantasy world where animals have equal rights. even if every man, woman and child stopped eating meat, animals would still eat meat, so why bother, eat what u want and enjoy.
True Man would protect animal. Vile ‘meritrash – you are not even a boy let alone a man or a deva. “sakal mlecch karo ran ghata” – Earth belongs to Mahapurakh and friend of Mahapurakh. Semtich squattors : quit Earth.
Black age demons harming Deer will be punished severely by AkalPurakh. Heavy punishment awaits. chiti chamri – kala dil – marjo bhenchodo
Bharat Mat di Jai – Jai Hind. Truth alone Triumphs.
Almost anything anytime for Ahimsic Aryavartan Aryaputra oF Akhand Aryavartasthan.
May ZOG perish.
Vande Mataram.
What are you talking about?
you dumb hindutva nair give a brahmin a blowjob
“You mean like the African tribes that have been hunting those animals for food for thousands of years?”
When did I say that African tribes were to me a role model of behavior or something like that? Ahahaha man… But I have to say now that you talk about it that they usually don’t have super modern guns to kill the animals… So at least the combat is more fair
This comment was a reply to a reply to my post… I don’t know why it appeared here. Sorry people
Wow, whole lot of whiny little bitches on this thread. Let me ask all you pearl clutchers something, what kind of death do you think animals in the wild experience? Do you think they just grow to a ripe old age, find some nice soft place to lie down and quietly, peacefully slip away into oblivion? No, my precious little snowflakes, they don’t. They die horrible, painful deaths. Either they starve to death or they get torn to pieces and eaten by predators or they die slowly from disease. A quick death via a hunters bullet or arrow to a vital organ causes much less suffering to th animal. Not to mention it also controls the animal population since we’ve gone and killed just about all of the large predators, especially in the East. If you don’t like hunting, don’t hunt. But don’t think for one second that you’re more compassionate because you don’t. You’re not, you’re just ignorant.
This will be my last comment on this subject and I will do it because it’s true animals touch my sensitive side. People here can call me snowflake or pussy or whatever they want. I have always loved animals, since I can remember. I do not understand cruelty towards animals and from my point of view there is something cruel on hunting animals because even if you eat the meat you mostly do it for the thrill or for the fun of shooting the animal down. And about controlling animal populations… The species that would need the biggest population control is defenitly the human species.
Be the first to take the plunge…no one is stopping you
I disagree, human population control is already in effect and doing very well, governments are successfully convincing women to drop the birth rate below replacement levels. Governments are successfully reducing human independence worldwide and relocating rural populations into urban ghettos, roughly 95% of the human population of earth occupies only 1% of the landmass ( humanity ACTUAL), not all the industry and infrastructure you see on google maps…. that belongs to the elites only, not you or I.
And look there, they have also convinced that very sad 95% of humanity that the remaining 5% is somehow bad for living closer to nature. They have also convinced that same 95% living on 1% of the landmass that they are now “crowded” and need to further reduced the population.
By all mean please do your part
Unfortunately it is the stupidest of humans who are reproducing like cockroaches. Countries with low IQ have way more children, and many of these are invading Europe as well speak
The deer are so overpopulated in Western TN, that the limit is 3 does per day and 2 bucks per season. Have seen deer, coyotes and other critters in the suburbs of Memphis. Lot of deer get killed by autos in rural areas.
Hunting is a lot more than “killing stuff”, it’s about understanding the animals, the terrain, wind direction….etc. To a lot of folks I know an hunt with, after awhile, the actual hunt becomes more important that the kill.
Seems like there is an ever increasing gap between “men” with a rural vs urban /suburban background at least in terms of hunting and animals in general. Sad that many “men” grow up having never cleaned a fish or small game. Maybe I’m just older, but cannot understand how someone can be “red pill” without at least making an effort to explore / understand outdoor pursuits.
I myself shoot guns at a range and have no desire to go out and kill animals. I can understand if is for the purposes of eating the meat and respect is given to the animal along the way. In the case of SHTF, I would adopt hunting but until then I would not need to kill deer to think of myself as a man. I know I am one.
In my opinion most sport hunters are like men who buy big cars and humvees, they are compensating for something.
What a sense of entitlement that you think anyone gives a shot about your feelings.
Please Karolina go and wash the dishes sweep your house or do something feminine let men the thinking part they are better than women
In my family white tail deer hunting is a sacred rite of passage. All my father’s, Sons, and brothers have killed deer.
Hours of intense boredom, followed by a moment of incredible excitement set the stage for life.
One could argue that large mammal hunting mirrors war in its tempo. War is the field where children are chewed into Men. Hunting prepares the child for this field.
Taking the life of an animal is a gift. If all children learned the patience it takes to center a weapon and smash into the vitals of a beast; less people would be murdered.
Watching the pink mist on impact, hearing the wails, watching the arterial blood squirt into the forest as the beast makes its last thrashing stand, to finally be still. One can truly contemplate life in this moment of shared loss.
My Sons and I in a tree, on the same space on earth, watching the sun rise and set and never shifting outside of a 2 foot square watching and waiting as our senses revert to their more primal setting, every leaf studied for movement. This is what life feels like.
When the quarry arrives and moves into our lives the months of practice and preparation, perfected movements, distance calculations, breathing and squeezing come to a small lead point hurdled at rocket speeds to a lung or heart.
All Men are born to kill. The duality of Man is self evident. We can love, and kill within the same moment. Men can choke life with the left and love a child with the right both hands connected by the mans dual purpose. To love and to kill. Sharpen one at the expense of the other. Hone them both to be the best version of Man.
Stop shooting animals you coward faggot fight like a man mano a mano pinche gringo menso por eso no tienen naturaleza. killing an animal from 500000 km away is so brave you faggot.
When did ROK get infested with a bunch of pussies? To the point where some twat feels she can scold a group of men as if they gave a shit about her feelings.
The author wrote a genuine article concerning not only a rite of passage to manhood but also an activity that he enjoys that benefits his family.
This assemblage of sissified dickbags trying to dump all over this article is pathetic.
I hunt every year, my children join as they are able,and God willing, my Grandchildren will be able to enjoy this activity as well.
For those pansy-assed, virtue-signaling, cumstains on here deriding him for not shooting something that can shoot back, my hunting partners all have military deployments and all know what it’s like to take (or attempt to take,) a human life in combat. How and why and what I use to hint with is of no damn concern to anyone else.
Take your bullshit elsewhere. Oh, and woman, shut your mouth, there are men speaking here.
To all the “hunting isn’t manly” crowd; telling her to make you a sandwich is hard when you can’t bring home anything other than factory farmed garbage cut with soy. Do you actually believe those labels that say “pure grass fed Angus beef?”
And whatever your name is offended woman hunting is far more ethical than factory farms. Think about the “poor animals” who never see sunlight are heavily medicated that you buy from restaurants and grocery stores. Good job supporting that “barbaric” industry!!
“Hunting is gay” no sir thats the estrogen talking from all the soy in your fake “grass fed” burger.