22 Photos And Tweets From The Deranged Women’s March Of 2018

Despite the loss of zero rights, privileges, and civil liberties for women and non-white male “minorities” (which together make up 70% of the U.S. population) since Donald Trump took office one year ago, SJW’s quite literally (Hitler) doubled down on their post-election outrage and made a sequel to 2017’s Women’s March.

From Italy, to the frozen tundra, to the American SJW strongholds of San Francisco, New York, LA, and Austin, women living in arguably the most privileged conditions which have ever been experienced in human history “resisted” again with the same tired platitudes about empowerment, diversity, and “Nazis” among other cringy falsehoods.

Male feminists, soy boys, and white knights came along for the ride too, while their more masculine counterparts were either lifting weights, running game, trading in cryptocurrencies, or just having fun doing something else which was actually worthwhile.

The following 22 photos and tweets perfectly capture the mood of that wacky saturday in January 2018.



Seven dog years is one human year right? How clever! Also maybe if your vagina hat wearing SJW owner cut back on her expensive daily Starcucks/Fivebucks coffee habit, she could afford better dog food for you.


I see a lot of white faces in that crowd. If you think that Haiti is so wonderful and “Trumps America” is the real shithole, why don’t you take a holiday to Port-au-Prince or send your daughter off on a university semester there?


Despite having a relatively young female mayor running the former capital of the once unstoppable Roman Empire, these Italian women gotta demand/resist more!


Men’s sperm aided and abetted in bringing you into this world. Also the hospital which helped safely deliver and care for you was built by men. And the house you sleep in, the shower you bathe in, the car you drive, the logistics network to get food in your refrigerator, and the smartphone you can’t put down.


Are you just mad because men stopped caring about your “depth” and “warmth” many decades ago?


Actually there have been many periods of U.S. history where there was very little immigration. In fact, as recently as the 1970’s the United States had among there lowest proportions of foreign born residents in the nations history. Cycles of high and low immigration is entirely normal.


How many weights could have been lifted or how many businesses could have been started on this beautiful day? Did you ever consider a rally to address actual issues like rampant homelessness in Los Angeles?


Agreed! Let’s start with trading David Duke…… and Tim Wise, Ta-Nehisi Coates, DeRay McKesson, and Shaun King for five white South Africans desperate to escape race-targeted crime and racial discrimination in their home country. “Racists for Refugees” right?  🙂


“Less Catcalls More Cats”. Don’t you worry lady. With your looks and your attitude, father time will guarantee that your wish will come true.


Oh right…. none of these women know how to cook.


Low testosterone soy boy Millennials with receding hairlines trying to white knight with women who will never sleep with them.


Nuh uh! Argentina, Chile, and Brazil are in “America” and they’ve all had female presidents. As for the United States being “run into the ground time and time again”, that’s a preposterous statement. Instead, take a look at what Dilma Rousseff did to Brazil and what Angela Merkel is doing to Germany if you think women are superior.


Why do feminists and social justice warriors use so much profanity?


Reminder: How many black women from Alabama died in World War II?


Keep your hair away from degenerate and employment-limiting dye products. Employers have the “rights” to not hire you if they don’t like the way you look compared to more professional looking candidates. Also if women want to continue discriminating against men who are tiny or short, we are going to discriminate against women who are old or fat. Fair is fair.


Then go protest against Switzerland. It’s probably one of the best places in the world to be a woman, and yet they’re neutral on everything that surrounds them. Good or bad.


There haven’t been any Nazi’s since 1945. Also right wingers in general don’t want to get assaulted or doxxed by crazy feminists and Antifa thugs for merely voicing an opinion.


There will never be equality until women start signing up in droves to work jobs in these extreme weather conditions like many in the oil and gas or fishing industries. That will never happen.


If a woman can’t cook for shit, a man owes her no wedding band.


Maybe it’s just all undesirable women.


He’s right!


Right again. Ending the article on a positive note, maybe it’s the one good thing that came out of the whole ordeal.

Don’t Miss: Top 15 #BackToTheKitchen Tweets

133 thoughts on “22 Photos And Tweets From The Deranged Women’s March Of 2018”

  1. @11 what’s with men in their late 20tys early 30tys starting to lose hair?
    BTW hair is a good proxy for testosterone, less hair(on your head) means less T in your body.

    1. That’s 1 stress, the other is the toxic chemicals in personal products! My hair grows 30% faster since I made the change to an organic shampoo and conditioner. Diet is also a big thing where most people think it’s acceptable to eat such toxic food daily where it makes you feel like shit everyday hence why people looks for stimulation to feel good!

    2. Yes I’ve noticed that too. And I’m seeing even younger males (early to mid 20s) of all races (White, Black, Indian) with receding hairlines or who are outright balding.
      I remember people used to claim baldness was a sign of high T and virility. Somehow, I think they were just trying to positively spin being bald.
      I’m actually surprised no one comments on how many young men are balding nowadays. Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.

      1. If I see one more n*gger with a 5 head, in the words of Peanut Arbuckle, “I’ma start screaming.”

    3. 62, Zero hair loss, but I have lost a bit of colour on the sides.
      Can’t have it all I guess.

    4. Why is it when a man uses steroids that his hairline recedes further? Increasing more testosterone into his body. In many cases. It more so has to do with genetics and DHT. But I won’t give these balding soy boys an excuse. The only option in that case is to lift and start juicing up

      1. Your body seeks to balance the sudden spike of testosterone the steroids cause by increasing production of estrogens. That’s why long-term juicers end up with smaller packages; increased estrogens (and thus smaller wankers and hair loss) are a side effect of their steroid use. That is also why it is best to make lifestyle changes to naturally increase testosterone (as far as is possible), doing so has none of the adverse side effects of synthetic steroids.
        (*Disclaimer: this is a very broad generalization to a general question, and I admit that there are more particulars at work here than my comment touches on.)

    5. I’m 38 years old & Middle Eastern, and have been balding since my early 20s. I shave my head now though.
      I’m not sure what’s the truth behind balding, if it is indeed low T or high T. Yeah I’m bald but I can grow a beard very fast though. I always thought men that can’t grow a beard had low T

      1. I have often wondered if that is why our people from that region developed variations of the skull cap. My grandfather suffered from loss of hair at the crown in his 20s and covered it with his kippah until he died. Very convenient!

    6. Fucked up diets consisting of almost literal garbage, no quality meals, instead fast food and processed trash.
      There’s a certain gene that causes balding the higher a man’s Testosterone level, but it’s a exception.
      If you can stomach looking at the leftist abominations long enough, you’ll see that not only they’re balding, but their hair is severely damaged, but then again, is there anything okay with them?

    7. “less hair(on your head) means less T in your body.”
      Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) inhibits and reduces the proper growth of hair in the follicles in a process called ‘miniaturisation’, but please share more of your insights on how testosterone = more hair, Mr. Science.

    8. You are right sir!
      Refined carbs elevates blood glucose which in turn elevates insulin/IGF1. Insulin and SHGB(sex hormone binding globulin) are inversely correlated. SHGB binds (total) Testosterone, so the lower the SHGB the higher the free testosterone and vice versa.
      Now a certain amount of that now elevated free T will be converted to DHT by the enzyme 5-alpha reductase. Fat, in particular saturated fat, elevates HDL cholesterol, while carbs(especially refined carbs) lowers HDL. HDL is a potent 5-alpha reductase inhibitor. So the more carbs you eat, whether sucrose, fructose, glucose, lactose etc. the more DHT you will produce. Also caffeine very much elevates DHT, so does alcohol.
      I believe MPB is a consequence of an unnatural diet for humans, it`s not something that has to happen. Of the 29 hunter-gatherer tribes that have been studied, MPB has not really been observed. Including in older men. Diffuse general hair loss yes, but not the Norwood pattern hair loss. If you haven`t lost your hair yet, stick to a Paleo-ish diet and avoid caffeine and alcohol as much as possible, and you will probably avoid losing our hair, even if you have DHT sensitive follicles.

    9. “BTW hair is a good proxy for testosterone, less hair(on your head) means less T in your body.”
      That is incorrect. It is caused by too much DHT, a byproduct of testosterone production. DHT is, coincidentally, used as a treatment for low testosterone in men.

      1. You can have high total T and lose your hair of course,
        but MPB in general is associated with lower T levels.
        Some men just have naturally higher Testosterone levels to begin with.
        The metabolic syndrome, so rampant these days, result mainly from the consumption of refined carbs. Your breads, pastas, potatoes, donuts and soda etc. Elevated blood sugar and the resulting insulin/IGF1 response leads to and increase in DHT levels, via a hormonal cascade.
        (See my other reply above.) Higher levels of insulin are also associated with increased aromatization of testosterone to estradiol. This could be the explanation for the observed lower testosterone levels.
        One proposed mechanism is the lower HDL cholesterol levels associated with high carb to lower fat(saturated in particular) diets. HDL inhibits 5-alpha reductase, and perhaps also aromatase. (Testosterone to estradiol aromatizing enzyme.)

        1. I’v started getting bold when I was around 27 years old. My testostrone level when I was 35 was bit higher than normal one. So I guess there is no corelation or colelation is rather weak.

    10. Genetics, genetics, it’s all about genetics. And hormones.
      -If you’re mother’s father – your maternal grandfather -is/was bald, then you’re gonna’ be bald. Sorry, but that’s the way it is.
      -Elevated testosterone levels equal baldness. Most women go bald as they grow older and their estrogen level fall relative to their testosterone levels, but since they have twice as many hair follicles as men it’s less apparent. (Think of old ladies with wispy white hair.
      -Identical twins separated at birth. One castrated when still a child. (Some 30s-40s insane hospital thing. Yuck! But there you have it.) Reunited later. One is bald, but the other one – the one who got fixed – has full head of hair.
      -Baldness can be forestalled. Good nutrition helps. (But when doesn’t it?) Vasodilators – search it – such Minoxodil can help hold the line. Ditto a host of others. (That good nutrition thing again.)
      -Bald doesn’t mean pussyfied. Bald can mean studly. Think Mr. Clean. Think Patrick Stewart or Bruce Willis. And whilst you at it, recognize that such Manly Man’s Men with full heads of hair as Rock Hudson, Marlon Brando, Paul Newman (What??) and Steve McQueen (Whaaaat?!!!) were gay. Tom Cruise? Well…. Really. Sorry.
      -Regardless, you’re all fucked anyway. So just relax, take care of yourself. lay off the crap food (except for the Double-Stuff Oreos and Skim Milk -cuz’ we’re trying to cut back) and and go chase girls.
      Hope this helps.
      Just a thought.

    11. I don’t think so. It’s genetic. Iirc it’s inherited from the mother (recessive ). 80% of guys are balding by age 50. I’m one of the lucky 20% 😁

    12. I wish my hair would fall out! I`m tired of having to make small talk with the brainless fucking women hairdressers in my town.

  2. Wait, so you’re telling me baldness is based on diet? My dad was pacard bald and all he ever ate was meat, potatoes vegetables and more meat. What the hell else can you do? I saw him with a beer like 3 times ever. I figured my thin hair was genetic. What would you eat to get that back? He didn’t really exercise. I don’t always. Is baldness a low T thing? I’d have thought the opposite, otherwise wouldn’t women all be bald?

    1. Big square jaws are also a sign of low T.
      Gyno bitch titties are a sign of high T.
      Manosphere science has spoken.

  3. This behavior is very revealing about western women. A good way to look at it is; women have become so spoiled and entitled that they are only concerned about the top 1%. The rest of the world does not exist. The remaining 99% is invisible to a woman. If she is not in the top 1% then in her mind she is oppressed. Such a bizarre sickness haha.

    1. Represents a huge blindspot that will wreck them if they are so blind….a true strategist would remember than for use later on…ALWAYS exploit blindspots, especially ones like this. Hide in plain sight folks!

    2. Actually? Famous Hollywood actresses are in the 1% and still think they are oppressed

  4. Their ignorance and mental illness on display in its full glory…Why oh why would someone want to get this iteration of insanity into their lives and home? If they are so insufferable and annoying, why would a man tolerate them long enough to have anything resemblings3x with them? Better HOW would he possibly tolerate them without permanent hearing loss and a migraine headache that never ends?

    1. Most women are empty vessels till they get filled with something.
      These unfortunate females have never been filled with a proper stuffing. I=
      Had they been, they’d have been marching int he March for Life and hearing the God Emperor speak live.
      They’ve been filled with the empty platitudes of feminism and equalism — the POZ.
      A precious few in the pictures (outliers for sure) are actually fuckable.
      What those need is man with strong frame, strong body, and strong mind to fill them with righteousness. And babies.
      An empty womb is a source of deep unhappiness and mental illness for women.
      As evidenced here.

    2. You forgot that one phone call where it can lead to a man’s foreclosure, imprisonment and/or death from police.

  5. Women today are totally nuts BUT men must stop supporting them or things will get even worse. No man should do any handy work for women, let them drown in the shit of the clogged up toilets. Don’t fix their electricity, let them die from social media withdrawal and so on and so forth.
    Plus, men must stop fucking these nutcases, I mean a total boycott on any sex with Western women. Men must stop giving them any validation in any way whatsoever.
    Let them dry up like prunes.
    I’ll give you just one small example. Any time the phone rings and there’s a woman voice trying to sell me anything I just hang up on them without explanation. Any woman who comes and ask for vacancies in my bar, I turn them down. I employ only men and we’re an excellent team.

    1. You said it best and most succinctly. The best thing about their willful blindness is they alone cut out their best pool of attention because they see only what they want to see..

    2. Remember: Men can survive without women, but women can not. The bitches totally depend on us to survive physically and the only thing they put on the table is their stinging holes.
      Not a good deal!

    3. “employee only men”
      well done
      If everyone did this – “going galt” etc. it would work.
      But, white knights/minorities outnumber us…

    4. M.G.T.O.W.s in Canada boycott feminists by not patronizing stores like Shoppers Drug Mart and stores in the Eaton Centre.
      It’s tough for Canadian MGTOWs to completely boycott women when I’ve heard that in cities like Toronto a feminist is hiding behind every tree either spying on men or waiting to attack men, or they come on here as Munashi (Ravi Macho or IRT).

      1. I would have given you fitting reply, but No, I won’t do that; because I am not a pussy !!
        I don’t even want to use any bad words against you. I only have a suggestion; just do NOT compare to or assume that I am a pussy !!

    5. “Any time the phone rings and there’s a woman voice trying to sell me anything I just hang up on them”
      Instead of hanging up, express interest in what they are selling and excuse yourself and tell them to hang on while you get the credit card and just leave them hanging on the phone.
      They can get fairly loud trying to get you attention after a few minutes.

  6. I went to the Gym at 11:30AM – there were 2 hot women there.
    Usually full of fatties/dykes.
    good move

  7. Sadly, with items like #10 that are an obvious “fake” it makes articles like this less credible – yes the title of the article does say “photos and tweets”, but still we’re looking at “photos” largely here and the photofunia plane and banner just doesn’t fit it – despite being a nice jab.

  8. I would definitely watch a real cat march. Then go pet them. These idiotic women have zero clue about reality. And the soy boy fucktards do not either. Just deport them all to Haiti

    1. Haitians don’t like feminists, lesbians (is that the same thing as feminists?) and gays. When Obama signed off in support of Gay Marriage, Haitians even went out in large numbers in their city to protest the mere idea of legalizing Gays in Haiti. Haitians do not even want 0.00000001% of the idea of legalizing the whiff of a gay man’s perforated back-end or strain of Gay-infected HIV.

  9. daily reminder that taytay is /ourgirl/
    ready for it is a thinly veiled love song about hitler and look what you made me do is about pre ww2 germany

  10. It is just me or are white women the most insecure, radicalized, Trump hating group out there? They’re the main demographic behind these protests. Uglies and cat ladies will be the end of civilized society.

    1. Only single university educated white women — career grrlz. And of course ‘my felow white people’ (((white))) women.

      1. 5,999,999
        1 Rabbi
        = 6 million?
        Did 6 million (((whites))) really die in Germany? Why are they so many of (((them))) in America?

    2. Counting the abortions that’s definitely true. More violent then Antifa and has to be a higher body count then Hitler’s by now.

    3. For what it’s worth, the majority of married white women actually voted for Trump from the polls that I have seen of the election results.

  11. My god!!.. western women are insane!!..I am an Indian girl from a small town who got married to a NRI( non residential Indian) living in Toronto.He told me about these kinds of stuff. Never took it seriously.Man was i wrong!. I befriended a nice couple after settling in. The wife and I quickly became friends. One day i was observing a religious fast. It a tradition where the lady of the house observes once a year to pray for the well being of her husband and family. I had invited them for the dinner afterwards. The wife suddenly asks when does your husband keep fast for you?..I tell her men do not keep fast. She suddenly starts telling me how that is unfair and not equal..blah blah blah!!..got so taken aback that she will react to such a simple thing. All the while her husband sitting right next to her and shrugging..I love Canada..never experienced such comforts while growing up and people are really helpful. However the women snap at such trivial issues that no one will even notice in India. If my dad ever saw me in such a march he will disown me!!..

    1. You’ll become like them sooner or later … especially if he takes you to tronto.
      Now back in the kitchen this is men’s space.

      1. I think women only become like that when they do not have strong fathers. They want a dominant father who will discipline them..Draw the line on their behavior. I think these women deeply crave a father figure who will tell them they are crazy!!..They are just sad and lost and want to be led. They do not even know that there is a hollowness in their heart that no amount of consumerism can satisfy.Sorry to intrude here. I find this blog fascinating. Some people are a bit crazy and few are bigoted( yet funny)..But overall amusing place. I will excuse myself. Have a nice day.

        1. I’m curious @manushi.
          Good point that any traditional female behaviour will be condemend by feminists.
          “They want a dominant father who will discipline them..Draw the line on their behavior. I think these women deeply crave a father figure who will tell them they are crazy!!..They are just sad and lost and want to be led. They do not even know that there is a hollowness in their heart that no amount of consumerism can satisfy”
          another good point.
          But, if I (tall, straight, white, blueeyed, and incredibly handsome) were to say this in public I would get screamed at, fired from job(if I had one) ,and most likely physically attacked/murdered.
          have you said it in public? and can you get away with it cause you are an Indian female?

        2. I’m a Toronto gal, born and raised. I agree with you that some women in these parts can really get bent out of shape really easily. And consumerism in general leads to emptiness and stress. I don’t think it’s a lack of male role models mind you. I think we’re just living in a culture where divergent viewpoints are unacceptable. God forbid you hold a counter cultural opinion! Offending someone has apparently become a crime against humanity. Personally, I’ve never heard of your fasting ritual but hey, whatever floats your boat. You might not agree with the customs in my marriage. To each his own right? Best wishes.

    2. Are you related to Ravi Macho or that other Indian troll Aviskar from Toronto? Why does a city of 2.8 million people have a disproportionate amount of cringe? something is wrong with Canada’s culture.

      1. @14th, now you crossed your limits !! You are either a pale-skin, anti-Trump femicunt or a mangina suffering with Jealousy, Enviousness, GRUDGE & Inherent INFERIORITY Complex !! especially when you encounter a Hindustani.

    3. Not ALL females “fast” for their Provider (aka Husband) and family !! And they are NOT doing any favor. In fact, they are doing fir their own benefit.
      Are you Employed !? Guess your MAN is employed & Providing for you. If He is on fast, probably He can’t work or deliver His best, and might end up loosing His Job or compromising His prospects.
      I hardly ever seen any “working” (read: financially independent) females observing Religious/Traditional “fasting” for their MEN !!
      Although its common sense, to all my fellows here: Its a Hindu Tradition (no force or pressuring) for females to fast (damn it, once in a year !!!) for their Husband. It is Absolutely “voluntary”.
      Imagine, MEN work hard day in & day out for their females & children; throughout a year and throughout their lives. Is this is not Sacrifice ? and is this any less than the “fasting for once or twice” in a year by their females !!?
      Also, majority of Hindu MEN observe “Deeksha” for the well being of their families. Many of these Deekshas lasts for several Weeks. During a Deeksha, MEN will Walk bare foot, Sleep on floor, Eat only once in a Day, Abstain from S#x & maste##ation, Wear either Saffron or Black or White clothes etc etc.
      Hey Sis, do not worry. I am not saying anything wrong or bad. Tell to your Canada white female that from Toilet Rolls to Tampon to Car to Internet to Smartphone to GYNECOLOGY; almost everthing she uses in her daily life is/are Invented, Innovated & Pioneered by MEN.
      May Lord Subrahmanyeshwara Bless you Couple with a Successor.

      1. its voluntary ravi..thanks…by any chance are you from tamil nadu or andhra?..i have a cousin married to a tamil guy..they have beautiful kid as well..i am bengali btw..:-))

    4. ” love Canada..never experienced such comforts while growing up and people are really helpful.”
      I loved Canada, until we starting importing masses of ugly south asians.

  12. “Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.”
    ― Robert E. Howard author of Conan (the Barbarian)
    Reminds me of every fag/fem on the streets of New York. Zero respect/courtesy. As there is no accountability/consequences.
    How many big men walk into me? About zero. Mostly never.
    Women/Fags/minorities? mostly every block – especially now they walk with iPhone out.
    Pisses me off no end…
    100 years ago the nutters marched for “rights” while men marched into machinegun fire…
    Same delusions today – nothing is wrong – not oppressed in any way… but hating on men.

    1. i could not find the reply button in that other question..So replying here.. This is common knowledge in most traditional countries..Because its true..A woman who spends a harrowing adolescence getting disciplined by her father grows up to be a worthy wife. Western countries are rich. Hence they have the luxury to invent things like social justice..Poorer countries..Or countries that are very old like India cannot afford such delusion. Women love men. period..The cognitive dissonance that comes with being told to hate the people you are naturally inclined to love is the root cause of these issues.I know people here talk about how conniving and manipulating women are..Yes we are..we are flawed..But if we were raised well..We will love you..I have never said it in public in Canada..In India you do not have to say it. It is common knowledge..

      1. Wow – excellent redpill pearl of wisdom:
        “Women love men. period..The cognitive dissonance that comes with being told to hate the people you are naturally inclined to love is the root cause of these issues.”
        this statement should be spread far and wide

      2. Feminism infects India….Ugly Dravidian women are the forefront of feminism in India. I would want them to mess with a white man like me. I will show those ugly Hindus what it’s like to become under white rule again!

      3. hi..
        I am also a NRI living in Toronto and am looking for an Indian woman who thinks like you as a wife. It is pretty much impossible to find here in Toronto given how Western culture and feminism has poisoned the minds of Indian women who grow up here and made them into career obsessed sluts. My problem is I don’t really have contacts or roots in India and am not sure how to go about finding a woman from India like you for marriage. Can you give me some tips or ideas of where to look? Thanks.

        1. Hi hv..
          You do not needs roots in India..you are indian and hold a canadian passport..i will assume you have some basic knowledge of indian culture..There are lots of matrimonial agencies in India..Shaadi.com..indianmatrimony.com etc..Create a profile and list your degree/work experience..your general info..Also mention what you are looking for in a wife and start the process..However since you do not have relatives in India this might be a time consuming process and you may have to commit to it for some time..Lots of young women looking for good provider husbands. I should warn you though. Traditional does not always mean that she is a nice person. Many really traditional women i have met are horrible. What you want is a right balance of education and tradition.Also look for a good family..a good family is very important..do not lose heart my friend..good luck 🙂

        2. Also there are many matchmaking services in India..You can use that as well..Lots of indian men that i meet abroad seem to become really jaded. Peer pressure forces them to act in a certain way to fit in..Please do not lose the warmth in your heart just because a few women were nasty to you..Have faith in the almighty..You will find your love. 🙂

      4. Hey Sis, just because you are a woman, no need to include yourself in that “kind” of “females”. Not every woman is (or equal to) Pathivratha Seetha Maha Devi.
        Sorry to say, Hindustani females are mimicking & becoming their western counter parts. Because, well, same reasons; No accountability, No consequences, No punishment etc !!

        1. Maybe some women are Ravi..but most of us are not like that at all..However the media may give you a false idea..I have mentioned this before..People without a strong family are susceptible to such things..most Indians have strong families..I do not know about western indian women though..do not become jaded ravi..Keep having trust on god…good luck 🙂

    2. @ Sir Lee
      What is it with you and minorities?Every post is hate! Hate without a cause is Beta behavior too. I guess you are an Asian guy (Sir Lee). That would explain a whole lot to me. Small penis, bottom of the dating pole, undesirable to your own women. @ Cannot lead because your Colonial Mentality and effeminate form will not let you. Sorry bro, I rather be Latino, Black or even Indian than an Asian man in this country. And remember, unless you are a Gay, having White male friends and acceptance does not add any value to you if the Women will not consider you a priority but a last very last option. Think about, Even ugly broke ghetto Tyrone’s sexed Beautiful White women. Set your priorities straight. I rather have a White women in my bed than 100 White men acceptance and friendship. Work on that dude!

  13. It’s interesting that these morons forget they actually have one more right that men don’t. And that is the right to kill a man’s child in the womb.

  14. This makes me think of Tocqueville and his famous assessment of the US. He said we’ll eventually vote to loot the treasury. Along the same lines that is what this women’s march is about. They have all their rights, so what gives? Well, women haven’t really “made it” or “beat men at their game” and certainly didn’t really earn things. What they do is go around find out where the suitable men are, observe their station with emphasis on their careers declare “sexism” and then petition the state to just let them into these otherwise competitive jobs. That’s not earning that’s more like looting. And that’s many things, nothing good, of course, but it can be called privilege. That’s right, the “p” word. In a Trumpian world that is based on merit women cannot compete. They are adicted to the state – diversity mandates, hiring quotas, affirmative action.

    1. When Wiemerica collapses economically, these Pussy hat feminists will be looted of their material possessions and their human dignity by armed hoards of illegal migrants, sexually frustrated incels and angry men with nothing to lose and nothing to gain from obeying the law.

  15. “, take a look at what Dilma Rousseff did to Brazil…”
    Rousseff was actually impeached. She’s also has been charged with corruption. Cristina Kirchner of Argentina was almost impeached. Her terms were literally littered with scandals (Alberto Nisman case, currency fraud). She has been charged with treason and corruption. South Korea’s Park Guen-hye also impeached. De Dutch Minister of Defense Jeanine Hennis was forced to resign after malfunctioning. 2016-2017 were terrible years for female politicians.

  16. I moved to Vietnam from Chicago. I’ve been here 8 months and in that short time I’ve married and impregnated a younger traditional girl. In fact, I went with her to the hospital today to get a check-up on the 3 month old embryo.
    I was witness to the pussy hatter’s temper tant…march 2 summers ago in Chicago. I got stuck with them on the bus on what should have been a normal beautiful day at the MMA gym and around town. I look at the photos above and it’s difficult to imagine myself being in the U.S. and dealing with these creatures. It’s only been 8 months since I’ve been to Vietnam, but the women here are such a 180 that it feels like decades since leaving O’Hare Airport.
    The point is Western women have nothing to do and absolutely nothing going for them. All the time they have to lead fulfilling lives and they spend their time at lousy jobs doing nothing important; casually dating and screwing whatever guy ticked enough boxes on their never ending check lists without the more important goal of family in sight; and spending their free time running around acting vulgar and complaining about political phantoms of oppression and tyrannical boogeymen.
    Mental institutions are more structured and balanced than the lives of the people in those pictures.

    1. I may be right behind you. I just don’t think there is a healthy alternative than going galt – and in SE Asia.
      ” complaining about political phantoms of oppression and tyrannical boogeymen.”
      H.G.Wells said same thing in 1920 about the Marxists:
      “…phantom unrealities as the bourgeoise and the proletariate…”
      Now they call it “toxic” masculinity, and the “patriarchy”.

      1. Feminism ís another head on the Marxist hydra in a long progression of class warfare, race and now LGBT and pedophilia.
        Come to SE Asia. Save up money, get a job lined up, start learning the language preferably before coming and get out of the casual dating mindset if you’re serious about starting a family. It’s probably best to avoid the Philippines, Cambodia and maybe Laos if you’re settling down permanently.

        1. I have been to Thailand many times on short stopovers.
          Once over 3 months – visa run to Cambodia.
          met Thai chicks in NYC recently that told me about the new and improved over 55 retirement visa (12 months instead of 3 months).
          And I know of the restrictions on foreign ownership of businesses, and land in Thailand.
          So, what is it like in Vietnam? thought it was similar to Thailand.
          Can you get permanent residence in Vietnam if you are married?

        2. Couldn’t reply to the comment about not being able to own a business in Thailand if you were a foreigner. If you are a US citizen you can own a business in Thailand. It is one of several treaty special exceptions given during the Vietnam War when The US practically militarily occupied Thailand.
          As to the Philippines, I have been happily married (I know, an oxymoron usually) to a Filipina for about ten years. You have to screen hard, with good family as a priority, but there are decent marriageable women there. That they tend to be slim and beautiful, with long black hair and sweet dispositions is a plus too.

    2. Until another (((6 million))) are erased from the face of the earth, feminism will eventually permeate into Asia.

  17. I disagree on the receding hairline thing. I am 31 I started getting a receding at age 21. I was and still am completely healthy. It’s all genetics it’s not diet or stress. I’ve seen obese diabetic males that smoke with flawless hairlines. Anywho I love this site I am against retarded feminists and sjws and white knights. I work out I am lean in shape and I shave my head. If the west continues this way it will fall.

    1. Wiemarica will fall someday. What you’re currently seeing with these Gay Prides, Slutwalks and Pussyhat marches are similar to moral degradation in the early stages of Wiemar Germany. It took one brave man to solve that mess of hyper-inflation, 65% unemployment and social ills like feminism, prostitution and child exploitation.

      1. Uhm you have no scientific basis to make that claim. That’s a stupid, uninformed comment. Balding has very little to do with health.
        Stress and diet may exacerbate balding, but it is very much a genetic roll of a dice. If you have the balding gene, you will experience male pattern baldness regardless of how healthy you are or how good your diet is.

        1. Stress can only accelerate a receding or balding if it’s written in your DNA. I have also seen people with 100x more stress than me eating fast food everyday because they have no time to cook, and these people are managers or supervisors at jobs which are hell and they are married have a wife and children to attend to and pay off 2-3 cars and a house yet they have a perfect hairline. Only the ignorant that have never had a receding hairline or balding say it’s diet just like people say acne is from not washing your face. When I was in my late teens I had horrendous acne I used to get teased at school some people say it’s from masturbating others say it’s from being a pig and not washing my face.
          I went to a dermatologist and the treatments sucked they didn’t do anything for me and my diet was pure back then more so than now. I was practicing karate only ate at home and only drank water and rice milk. At age 18 and a half or 19 all of the acne disappeared. It was my body and system growing up I have no blemishes or scars.

      2. I doubt it like I have said I have known many fat people that smoke and eat horrendous diets with hairlines of teenagers. I am very very healthy I eat mostly clean food from home here and there I have junk once in a while people think I am 24 years old and I am 31 I have a six pack and I have never messed with anabolics. It is from my mother’s side all of her brothers have receding hairlines yet my father at age 30 had a full hairline.

  18. If you take a closer look at that picture from Rome it looks like there’s almost nobody there aside from a band of degenerates sponsored by the local (((leftist))) rag.
    And just LOL @ (((Portman))) and (((Johansson))) leading this “march” in LA. When will they march in Tel Aviv and speak out against sex slavery in Israel and the way women are treated in Orthodox communities?
    Then you’ve got this shit:
    “Jewish communities standing for justice” and marching in the name of immigration for all (to the US & Europe, of course).
    Again, Jews gonna Jew. It’s the goyim I despise and hold accountable. At this point in history, CNN can have a 24/7 news ticker that reads: “We are the Jews. We will exterminate all white men. Their women and children will be our slaves” and there would be no backlash except for a couple of tweets, articles in the manosphere and a 100-page thread on Stormfront.

  19. It is the raw numbers that should be the thing that fills you with dread here. 600,000 in LA alone. And from the aerial pics in DC, NYC, Shitcago, similar.
    These bitches are basically now in control of the levers of power and have an ARMY of cucks in tow. Corporate cucks, politician cucks, and even now law enforcement cucks. We are a sick and diseased society and beyond fixing at this point. Total fucking collapse is the only cure or simply move yourself physically out of the States / Western Europe.

    1. You don’t think that the globalist feminists aren’t planning to spread their moral decay onto other countries? In Germany, naked feminist whores are protesting in front of Catholic churches in Frankfurt and Berlin, while Imans in France are kicking these degenerates physically out of their mosques.
      You should be surprised that feminist policy is a priority for North America. Smaller and poorer countries will eventually have to accept this Pussyhat feminism before accepting any IMF loan or USAID donation.

    2. lol and don’t forget Neil Cuckman, that c*ck s*cking loser that made The Last Of Us that every emotional male claims is the greatest video game ever made that made them weap tears from how emotional the game was. Then he goes and makes a sequel about an Angry 19 year old woman (Ellie from the first game who was an overpowered 14 year old girl who overpowers her own rapist and kills him) who overpowered and killed a bunch of armed dudes in the trailer. He’s like the leader of Cucks, can’t even create realistic female characters in his games because their all stupid strong on Wonder Woman’s level of strength regardless of their age or physique. I don’t know why it keeps saying forbidden for me to post, so I just censored out my stuff, to see if that’s why it kept saying that. I mean that would be weird. I rarely visit this site so I thought to post.

  20. Will North Korea and Russia please send a nuclear missile directly to these Pussy hat marches? For the good of humanity! Please follow the lead of solving the Pussy hat problem with a final solution.

    1. Sorry, will never happen. The leaders of those countries are having too good a laugh at our misery these people cause.

  21. Speaking of nutjob feminists and SJWs, have people here watched this Jordan Peterson video with a SJW feminist bitch and makes her look like the incurious, uninformed, feminist ideologue and twit that so many of these liberal and feminist women in the media are? Good grief.. what a complete and utter buffoon.. how does someone with zero ability or desire to actually listen to her interviewer rise to such a high position in the media?

    1. What a hateful, narrow minded bitch. She has her agenda and won’t listen. What a notion of an interview.
      (I couldn’t watch the whole thing.)

      1. All ex-girlfriends are like that.
        All SJWs are like that.
        All liberals are like that.
        Does it come naturally to them – or do they learn(indoctrinated) in school…

    2. Saw this video and the female interviewer repeatedly kept twisting and distorting what Peterson was saying and kept putting words into his mouth in an attempt to portray him as a misogynistic scum bag.

    3. “Grow up?”
      In a society that tells kids that “transsexuals” are not insane? Where women are encouraged to join the military and are portrayed as equal fighters while posters in police stations are strictly about men not hitting women?
      Where white (men) are told to be tolerant and accepting but everyone else can just flush that down the toilet?
      Plus, the definition changes from minute to minute.
      I could go on and on, but I do not want to use up the server’s capacity.

  22. Usually, what is good for the goose, is good for the gander.
    But with Israel, it does not apply.
    re: Wall, multi-culturalism (sharing)

  23. The strange part here is how these women are incapable of the most basic logical deduction.
    If women are so “oppressed” in the 2010s then how could they possibly have gotten so far with feminism back in the 1960s? How did NOW even exist?
    Obviously some pretty powerful people were backing them the whole time. The question is, why?
    Look around at our society and you have your answer. Since this went into high gear back in the 1960s my guess would be the former Soviet Union and its admirers.

    1. It’s because somehow in an effort to create an equal and progressive society, we’ve managed to infantalize an entire generation. No man or woman ever achieved success in this world without taking responsibility for their actions and forging past their personal weaknesses/mistakes. The women of past generations, including those who fought for equality (whether you agree with the premise or not is immaterial to my point) didn’t make headway by playing the helpless victim at every turn.

  24. I will fight for my family and not let these type of cunts invade my household. I married a Brazilian girl from my religion which is Jehovah’s Witnesses and I know many of you will think I’m in a weird religion. But I’m serious that we keep our women in check and also Disfellowship the cunts that rebel against gods standards and there family stop talking to the cunt. And when I have kids I’m home schooling them just like my older brother did with his daughter. And my wife only talks to the women of my religion or my mother which my mom is very traditional woman.

  25. 18! Sure, go ahead. Try to find a female plumber when your toilet plugs up. Searched the county for one. None to be had. There was this lady who owned a plumbing company that she inherited when her husband died that called herself a plumber but she’s not coming out to look at your toilet if it breaks.

      exactly…Women are complaining that there aren’t enough engineers or women in silicone valley,but they sure as hell aren’t fighting to work in the coal mines,oil rigs or to lay asphalt on the roads…
      They sure as hell aren’t fighting so men to have a right to opt out of fatherhood,as women abort a mans baby or drop his new born off at a firestation without the mans permission…..because vagina!!
      If women don’t get their sh#t together its over.There isn’t going to be one man left in this entire nation to date any of them. I think women fall apart emotionally without men in their lives.I am watching multiple old cat collecting obese women in my neighborhood with that retarded “if you don’t take me as I am than screw you attitude,”getting nuttier and nuttier by the day,as some of them haven’t had a date in 10 years!!
      I knew a woman who gained about 200 pounds who told her husband to bugger off when he asked her to do something about her weight,so they divorced as he was no longer attracted to her.I bumped into her dating profile online which declared,”I AM AN EDUCATED WOMAN,LOOKING FOR A REAL MAN!!” So yeah,this “strong and independent woman recently declared bankruptcy,has self inflicted diabetes and instead of hitting the gym and appearing fit for her own husband,now has a drug addicts baby and the father is loooong gone.America’s “educated women,”who have sex willfully with felons with no jobs as “intelligent,strong and independent women.” WHAT IN THE HELL HAPPENED TO AMERICAN WOMEN??????
      Its going to get to the point where women as described block you in the street just for a conversation…I have had many women in the past literally block the aisle in the grocery store at weird mart just for attention.If I see a woman coming now in my neighborhood while I am walking my dog,I literally go the opposite direction just so I don’t have to talk to them.LOL
      What really gets me is the 2 out of 10,who will give you that,”YOUR A RAPIST VIBE,”when the woman is literally physically repulsive and no one could pay a man to have sex with her.I believe most American women are literally mentally ill,thats their problem.
      Why don’t these nuts instead of marching with twats on their heads,just dress half naked in the streets while dancing on dance matts for attention, while a man cranks out that music box like little monkeys used to dance to,while our “monkey women,”dance for mens attention…
      As men are done with these nutty nuts who lead the world in abortion,obesity,single motherhood,divorce,personal debts,mental illness and most likely false rape claims….
      Who don’t cook anymore while demanding to be wined and dined,who wear mens crew cuts while demanding masculine men,who have big guts,someone elses kids,massive debt,4 cats…who declare being equal to men while everything they will touch today was manufactured,invented,set up and delivered by men….
      Who tell a man to earn points with them and ,”no money no honey,”while the woman has over 100,000 in personal debts herself,which demonstrates such repulsive,demonstrable levels of narcissim in our women,based on a lousy vagina alone.
      Most American women are downright so insane it scares me.Aborting millions of baby vagina’s out of their own vagina’s,celebrating fat acceptance while little kids in the world die of starvation,who initiate 80% of the 50% of all marriages that end in divorce…To the point nearly every man I know has been divorced and or paying child support.
      A man I know of recently inherited money from a dead relative and the day the money was deposited into his account,his wife left him!!! Wtf???
      Women think “companionship,” is something to bring to the table.What companionship???Men built the entire world and everything in it…How is an intelligent man supposed to have a conversation with a woman about make up,hair,nails,or about garbage tv and foods….Women calling themselves foodies…..living in their I phones,making their repulsive selfies as women do.Women are absolute children looking for financial and emotional adoption just like a puppy.Especially career women who get out in the working world and hate it,who accrue massive personal debts,who’s little vagina’s eventually want to pop out babies…If a woman is smart she realizes she is playing her life away at a younger age and cash’s in her chips while still young and beautiful.
      I find womens dating profiles amusing,to read about 50 year old women who finally declare after everything is sagging that they are ‘”finally ready to settle down.”LMAO!! Some even declare wanting to have children at that age when their menopause mustache’s are coming in…So 50 year old men just date 28 year olds instead,like the 50 year old woman did when she was 28….
      Perhaps the world will have evolved,when miley cyrus who sang,”its a party in the Usa,” sings “THE PARTIES OVER IN THE USA,” WHILE JUSTIN BEIBER DOES BACK UP VOCALS FOR HER,showing he has also evolved.

      1. awesome and accurate jawnee.
        I really want to share on Social Media.
        but, I will live another day

  26. I’m not American and thus I don’t feel it prudent to comment on the current political state of your country. I am a woman though and with that in mind, the current political climate in the West is sheer madness. A stark example being the “me too” campaign, which amounts to nothing more than a misandric witch hunt. Unverified accusations are being taken as gospel. I suppose I’m being naive, but whatever happened to journalistic integrity? Moreover, it causes doubt to be cast on any woman (or man) who’ve legitimately suffered sexual assault. All I can do is shake my head. As a society we’ve never lived in a safer period of time. We’ve never had more personal freedoms. And yet many of these young women (and some men) walk around in a perpetual state of victimhood, fighting perceived transgressions and (for the most part) imagined oppression. I believe in equality. Equality means both women and men are equally capable of both the good and the bad. Women are just as capable of being morally corrupt as men. And most importantly, women have agency in their personal choices. With agency comes responsibility. It’s time to stop infatilizing women and hold them accountable for their decisions, which is precisely the opposite effect of the current SJW movement.

  27. Don’t know why the topic has turned to beta lib men balding but here’s my 2 cents. How many of them are vegetarian or vegan etc ? They don’t get enough (and/or the right TYPE) of fat and protein in their diets and overindulge carbs – mostly processed carbs. “Low fat” products are never raw/natural. You feed dogs, cats, or chickens enough dietary oil (even if it is flax seed or fish oil or whatever) to keep their coat or feathers healthy. Same has to apply to humans ?

  28. American women are so obviously mentally unstable at this point….Well beyond “hot mess,” categorization….Their mental illness so obvious,its scary.
    Entire generations of women who just bring a lousy vagina to the table and nothing else….Perhaps in only bringing a vagina to the table,they have become the vagina,which most don’t know,they are not vagina hats….
    They are actual cotton vagina’s,women only offered a lousy vagina for so long which gave them a grandiose sense of self worth….(drum roll) THEY HAVE BECOME THE VAGINA ITSELF,GROWING COTTON VAGINAS OUT OF THEIR HEADS…..HEY LOOK,ITS AN AMERICAN WOMAN!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
    mAYBE WHEN TRUMP SAID,”Grab em by the pus$y,”he meant to say,”slap them upside their heads,”where their vagina’s are…..LMAO!!

  29. Soy boys and the unfuckables! feminism makes women angry because any REAL man wants nothing to do with a woman who shows no class or grace. Women start making demands and giving nothing back usually leads to men not retaining interest. I am sure they get the soy boy cucks but eventually they will want a masculine man and it will be too late. Mark my words, there will be a record number of older bitter women in the next 20-30 years.

  30. I agree with the majority of the sentiment contained in the article.
    There was that part in the beginning, though, where he tried to group non-white men with white women – making the claim that together they account for 70% of the U.S. Population … this is mislead. Blacks, for instance, account for 12% of the population (both male and female), and they’re the largest current minority group in the country.

  31. LOL David Duke racist? Why is he “racist” if he wants separation from non whites. I want it too. Oh you civic nationalists, still have to learn. Civic nationalist and SJW two sides of the same coin. (((Merchats))) love them the most.

  32. I have no idea why these women are marching …again!
    Like really Linda any excuse to act the victim =^.^=

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