Get Paid For Publishing Your Articles On Return Of Kings

In January we ran a promotion where guest contributors would get paid $10 in Litecoin cryptocurrency for every article we accepted. The resulting articles published in January and February were of high quality and enjoyable to read. Starting for all articles published since March 1, I am instituting a permanent system where guest contributors will be paid $5 in Litecoin for every article of theirs that we publish.

One problem we had with the January promotion is that we received too many articles. Our queue was over thirty articles long when it’s usually less than ten. I don’t have the infrastructure to review and process over five articles a day, so I’m lowering the compensation to $5 to keep the submissions at a level that I can handle. If we need more articles, I will increase the amount, and if we need less, I will decrease it.

Submit your article

Use our submissions page to submit your article. Here are some tips on how to submit an article that I am likely to accept:

  • Article should be between 700-1100 words.
  • Pick a well-defined topic. It’s better to be narrow in focus than wide since you are limited by word count.
  • Keep the structure simple: (1) opening paragraph with clear thesis statement that gets the reader interested, (2) main paragraphs with at least three supporting anecdotes, opinions, observations, lessons, or facts, and (3) concluding paragraph that sums it all up.
  • Get to the main point quickly. Ramble after you’ve stated your thesis, not before.
  • Try to add at least one anecdote or story about your life to give your article a personal touch. This allows readers to connect with what you’re saying. I don’t accept articles that are academic and detached in tone.
  • Potential topic ideas: rare dating niches, foreign women, data sheet on a metropolitan city, data sheet on a specific career, misbehaving women, how to make money, masculine hobbies, relationship success or failure stories, interesting book reviews, and picture collages of cultural decline. No Jew/race articles.

When you’re ready to submit, go to our submissions page. It has more details such as your ability to use a pseudonym. Remember to proofread your article!

I will personally review all submissions. If you don’t get a response within a week, your article was rejected. If your article is almost up to standard, I will give guidance on how to improve it.

How to get paid in Litecoin

After your article goes live, you’ll have a private URL to invoice me with your Litecoin address so that I can pay you by the 10th of the following month. For example, if you invoice me in April for an article that went live in April, you will get paid by May 10. If you invoice me in May for an article that went live in April, you will get paid by June 10. You’re also eligible for this bonus if you’re an existing guest contributor who already has a writer’s account (contact me directly for the invoice URL).

To receive payment in Litecoin, you need to create a Litecoin wallet. You can install a wallet on your desktop computer or on your mobile phone. Since we’re dealing with such a small amount of money, you don’t need to go crazy with security.

Desktop Wallet

For desktop users, I recommend Electrum Litecoin Wallet, which I personally use.

  • Run the software.
  • Create a new “Standard” wallet (I can also send to SegWit addresses).
  • Choose the option “Create a new seed.”
  • Write down and safely store your 12-word seed. It’s the only way you can recover your wallet in the future.
  • Confirm your 12-word seed on the next screen by typing it in.
  • Set a password to protect your wallet (optional).
  • When the program loads, click the Addresses tab to see a list of all your public addresses which you can share to allow you to receive Litecoin. For example, here is what my Litecoin address looks like: LL5XXBi5kuWNTd9Hhn33UY4Fp4FtknFkWi
Mobile Wallet

For Android users, I recommend the Coinomi Wallet, which allows you to store over a dozen different currencies and exchange between them using two external services.

  • Download and install Coinomi from their official website. Be careful with spoof websites when it comes to crypto.
  • Click “+ COINS” to add a Litecoin wallet.
  • Open your Litecoin wallet and click the Receive tab.
  • Copy the address at the top of your screen.

If you have an iPhone, your best option is Loaf Wallet, which is maintained by the Litecoin Foundation.

Thanks to all the ROK writers who continue to make the site what it is. I look forward to reading your future submissions.

Read Next: 3 Reasons Why Most Female Writers Are Garbage

39 thoughts on “Get Paid For Publishing Your Articles On Return Of Kings”

    1. Whats the point ???
      White men will always be pussies…….nothing will fix their pathetic lives.
      Waiting for the butthurt comments from the bad boy wannabe…

      1. To some degree this is true, but it’s more than anything an offshoot of trying to maintain a civilized frame. Naturally, third-world monkeys make no such effort, so your confusion is understood. Never forget who the best shots are, who maintains the best forms of organization and civilization, and who fails when the white man leaves. Call that butthurt or factual, depending on your level of misunderstanding.

        1. You care about civilizations.
          I care about survival ! thats the only thing constant since the beginning of the humanity.
          so enjoy your fags and whores… soon will be extincts thanks to degenerate liberals.

      2. I’ll just ignore you and drive off in my Jaguar. White men have nothing to prove to anyone. We built this world, just be grateful we let you live in it.

        1. When we will strike your civilization, I will return the favor to you. maybe only white women we will spare ! lol
          go drive your car mama boy…..

      3. Your blither is pointless. I’m African American, and I’m no uncle tom. But, I’m American, well educated, and well traveled. The Turd World is a huge group of shithole countries. Tell me this THIRDWORLDMAN. If the Turd World is so great, why do all Turd Worlders, like yourself, try to sneak into The First World by hook or crook ? And once you set foot in The First World, you never go back to your Turd World paradise.

  1. We were kingz n shit niggaz i swear to god man i my fucking family member from each iniquity i was an ancestor egypt man you telling me that that their emblems over there aint black? look at they skin man they black.
    hey you think you know man like im saying man we tryna go space n shit man like fuck man nigga these goddamn white peple man i ain’t sayin man these white peple be ruinin our lives mane shit mane lemme lemme tell you mane my gran grandmama she part Egyptian mane you tellin me little king ta tu ta tut thats my great great great great great grandpa mane and you tellin me that these goddamn egyptians ain’t black shit nigga look look man Julius Caesar’s was black I don’t know why this history books be lyin to you Julius Caesar’s was black he wasn’t white he Romans were ruled by by black peple shiet mane I tell you what I swear let all the black people in America go back to Africa they’re gonna be god knows what.

  2. This is a great idea. However incredibly disappointed in the lack of willingness to talk about race. Especially when we know that it factors into social decay and censorship by (((the powers that be))).
    And how interracial relationships statistically are the unhealthiest & hasten the decay.

    1. Not only are they the unhealthiest they scale awfully because they go at wierd ratios. so over 80% of black white cohabitations are BMWF so when you look to mixed black white towns white men are fucked. When Africans migrate to white countries they ipregnate and abandon women and marry others creating major shortages.
      The same is true for Muslims and asians but in reverse. In most of Europe by cohabitation this leads to chronic shortages for the young men and soon it will be ten times worse. Black women have every excuse why they don’t date white men but they are born not to be attracted.
      Not only that but the trail of babies left behind by black men and white womens failed relationsips accounts for a very high proportion of children in many areas and means many many white men, and this will run to millions, are unable to have children because of this.
      We are talking about something that is more destructive than the holocaust and cannot even be mentioned.

      1. E Micheal Jones did a book & talk about how the first groups targeted in the 40s-50s were predominately white ethnic european catholic enclaves in the US

        1. Its sad but in so many areas with large white and black groups you have seen a holocaust of the reproductive opporunities of the white men that are cut right down as the women breed with the black men. Multicult societies will obviously not last long. When you destroy somebodies reproductive chances like that obviously its a holocaust and you cannot really say anything else.

        2. race war is interracial dating and who gets to breed whose women. White men are being annihilated and everybody laughs at them. When you breed a women the black man considers it task accomplished and moves to the next woman.

      2. Ray
        1) Strip away all moral sense from women and the reality is that black men have the big dicks, the muscular build that they can get while smoking a crack pipe while a white heaves in the gym 4 hours a day to be a pale ecto on average, the Chad demeanor, the ruthless psychopathic fearlessness, the street smarts.
        2) Mud sharks are usually stupid although perhaps some white women from the middle class are not at Section 8. At any rate maybe 2 out of 10 black fathers care about an interracial kid.
        3) Black men have a higher sex drive plus more magnetism so this means they impregnate about 5 x as many females.
        4) Brazil is awful and these are the descendants of WHITE MALES and African women so I cannot imagine how much worse the Brazilian US of the future will be.
        5) White men are country fucks or suburbanites so they are ill-prepared for the ruthlessness of moral reality with blacks.
        6) Some white will marry Mestizos like the upper class did in Brazil.
        7) Jews will not intermarry with blacks too much. A few perhaps but for the most part they will remain a separate group.
        8) At a certain point poor whites will die out because there will be so many fucking abandoned babies as a result of mindless constant fucking that any welfare system will collapse. Blacks at that point, or Mulatto, will conduct armed raids on white farms in Missouri same as they do in South Africa.

        1. Watch your tongue boy!
          Not everything in my country is a shithole. If you go to Southern Brazil you will find beautiful European Settlements, cities and a rich culture with a high quality of life. Most people there are whites of Portuguese/Italian/German origin.
          Look in the mirror! Go fix the problems in your country first before trashing other countries!

  3. Abe Foxman can kiss mein c.o.c.k! The J3w is the most vile creature there is, next to the fish lipped feminist from Canada.

  4. Good to see you won’t publish articles about race and ethnicity anymore. They will always attract white power retards or losers who blame everything on the Jews. These people are just another bunch of brainless sheeps, like the Black Power movement or blacks who blame everything on whites.
    The whole point of masculinity is about being the creator of your own life and live life the way you want it to be. Not to be a brainless sheep who follows a certain culture/religion/stereotype/group etc., because he was born into it. And definitely not to be a whiner who blames everything on others.
    ROK should go back to its foundation. I remember the time when articles were about self-improvement in every aspect of life. It went wrong when writers on ROK wanted to impose their racial/religious/political views on readers.

    1. Good point. Those topics are not what this site is intended to be IMO. Besides, there’s so much commenting on the obvious it really doesn’t matter.

  5. Good news. Just wish we had a better comment platform. I hate Disqus but at least their platform was easier to navigate and follow commentators that you liked.

        1. Nice try ANTIFA Faggot. Did Anita Sarkeesian paid you to spread false claims and try to destroy Roosh reputation? Nobody believes you here Milady….

        2. No bitch! You masturbated and had sex with your lesbian bitch and again masturbated and now you are falsely accusing a MAN !! You putrefied pussy !!

        3. Your pussy is so stinky that even the word rape will run away from you, bitch!

      1. Thanks for responding to my post Roosh. Figured that was the case. WP plug-ins that will allow actual free speech are becoming far and few between.

    1. Nice try ANTIFA Faggot. Shut the fuck up and go back to college or learn how to build a business instead of living off welfare programs and voting for Hillary

    2. Why are you fixated and obsessed with rape? No one wants to go near your smelly pussy you fucking J3w3ss feminist whore

  6. She would get arrested and be parked in a mental institution if she would go to the police. What a mentally retarded cunt.

  7. If this is the last stand…this website…then we’re all fucked.
    Insane amount of beta cucks in the comments. Also, the writers you have on ROK are amateurs at best. Their perceptions of reality are very limited. They have sparks of brilliance but always paint themselves as victims.
    Where are the articles about responsibility? Realizing you’re a piece of shit and maybe you don’t deserve a perfect girl who’s not completely ruined by western culture? No? You wanna cry and whine in the corner, while you try to make money off of other fags crying and whining in the corner? Fuck off.

  8. We so desperately need a forum for the dissemination of the ideas of Real Manhood. Forget the Racism, Tribalism, Hatred and Stupidity. The world is full of forums for disseminating that garbage. I hate Feminist Cucks regardless of their race, religion, or national origin.

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