In the comment section of a recent article, I was asked what resources I’d recommend for those seeking the bulwark of Christian spirituality in these trying times. Given the endless number of books and videos out there—some of which are spiritually quite misleading and dangerous—I thought I’d make a list of my personal recommendations for those of you interested in either starting or deepening your walk down this path.
Here is the list of my current top 5, in no particular order.
1. “Finding The Church That Jesus Built” by Deacon Ezra Ham
In this video series, Deacon Ezra (a Subdeacon at the time of filming) explains the entire history and development of the early Church. If you are a Protestant who has ever wondered what happened after the events described in the Book of Acts, this is a fantastic place to learn the answer to that question. If you aren’t a Christian at all—but are interested in the religion’s development as a matter of purely intellectual learning—you will still find much to appreciate here.
You will learn about the various regions of the ancient world, who ran them, where the Apostles went, and what they did there. You will also learn about the development of Holy Scripture within the context of Holy Tradition, and how these teachings were passed down over time. This series is so in-depth and educational that it was one of the final catalysts for my conversion from Protestantism to Orthodoxy.
If you want to watch the series from start-to-finish (which I recommend doing), here is the first video:
2. “Orthodoxy And Heterodoxy” by Father Andrew Stephen Damick
I have read hundreds (if not thousands) of texts on comparative religion and philosophy. Many are dense and difficult to read, while many others simply compare systems side-by-side with no standard against which all are compared.
In this book by Father Andrew Stephen Damick, Orthodox Christianity is that standard. Everything else under the Christian umbrella is described in terms of how it broke away from the Ancient Faith, while giving due acknowledgment to those aspects of the Truth which they have in common with it. The book is easy to read and highly educational, explaining in great detail the theological and dogmatic differences between both various Christian denominations and non-Christian religions.
3. “Unseen Warfare” (translation by Father Jack Sparks)
Outside of Holy Scripture, the Unseen Warfare series is my favorite set of spiritual texts. Originally written by the Roman Catholic monk Lorenzo Scupoli, it was later translated and edited by the Orthodox Saints Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain and Theophan the Recluse. It was then translated once more into English, and re-arranged into its present format by Father Jack Sparks (an ex-Protestant who converted to Orthodoxy).
Unlike the other resources in this list, Unseen Warfare contains practical instructions on how to draw nearer to God and submit your own will to His. Though the writing is simple, each page contains a wealth of wisdom worth spending considerable time digesting.
Occasionally, there can be a tendency among Christians to focus so heavily on head-knowledge that they forget the simplicity and grace of the Gospel. It is important to remember that Christianity is a not a religion of the intellect, but a religion of the heart. Whereas the other resources on this list will dramatically deepen your mental understanding of Christianity, Unseen Warfare skips the history and goes straight to the transformative core of its practices.
Each of the three books in this series is relatively short in terms of page-count, but they will take you plenty of time to work through if you follow their instruction properly. You can find the books either separately, or bound together in a single volume.
4. The “Whole Counsel Of God” podcast, on Ancient Faith Radio
If you want to understand the Bible in its proper context, it’s imperative to learn from those who understand said context in the first place. The idea that anyone can pick up Scripture and understand it right away, either of their own accord or by “inspiration of the Holy Spirit,” is a fairly modern invention that was never intended by the men who wrote its various books and letters.
The Whole Counsel Of God podcast is a gargantuan undertaking by Father Stephen DeYoung, an ex-Protestant pastor and Bible teacher who became an Orthodox priest. He goes through Scripture, line-by-line, filling in the details and context of every single verse.
5. “Orthodoxy And The Religion Of The Future” by Father Seraphim Rose
This is one of those books that will open your eyes to a wide variety of cultural, religious, spiritual, and social phenomena all at the same time. In Orthodoxy And The Religion Of The Future, Father Seraphim Rose wrote (way back in the 70s) about the various streams of occult and Eastern spirituality which were beginning to infect American Christian culture.
He pulls absolutely no punches in this book, describing in detail why so many different highly-appealing belief systems end up being so spiritually dangerous to their practitioners. As I’ve mentioned in the comment sections of various articles, I traveled through a wide variety of these systems myself—experiencing spiritual visions and phenomena which had me utterly convinced of their truth at the time.
Rose’s book succinctly describes what these kinds of phenomena truly are, and really lays bare just how deep into delusion a person can get when their minds, hearts, and souls are unprepared for the spiritual warfare taking place every moment of our lives. I can confirm from personal experience that, unguarded by a proper understanding of said warfare, we are easy prey for demons.
As my journey continues, I have no doubt my list of favorites will evolve and change along with my understanding. But if you’ve been enjoying my articles thus far (and are curious about the path of a man who went from Jewish atheist, to gnostic Mason, to Orthodox Christian), then these are my current recommendations.
If you are a genuine seeker—of the type that is always willing to challenge your own beliefs and opinion in light of new information—then this list will keep you busy for a while. I wish you well, and good luck on your journey.
Read Next: What Is Alt-Christianity?
6) The Diary of Happiness by Nicolae Steinhardt (this should have been number one)
You might have a difficult time finding it in English but if you can find this book it will definitely change your life. Believe me. I have red it and it is amazing.
“Believe me. I have red it and it is amazing.”
Hmmmm…. no. Red pill people are capable of making their own decisions based upon pure logic and reason. We don’t have to believe anything you recommend, particularly if you believe in the flying spaghetti monster
And what would be the benefit of 250 years of liberalism based on logic and reason?
Let’s see:
1) The guillotine
2) Socialism
3) Marxism
4) Fascism
5) Communism
6) Feminism
7) Consumism
8) Sexual liberation
9) Multiculturalism
10) Diversity
11) The abortion industry
12) The divorce industry
13) Homosexuality
Did I miss anything?
Is there anything else you are proud of?
When did I ever say I was proud of any of those things?
Once again….. Strawman. You really need to work on identifying that and avoiding it Johnny Cash.
Your like that “so your saying…” lady in that interview with Jordan Peterson.
Fascism was great though. Heroic, sublime and manly.
Reality…you’re the one avoiding. Religion and/or philosophy are the tools we use to answer eternal questions. He nailed it when he listed the response of neo-liberalism to this task. ( I would include scientific naturalism as well.) AND he’s right- these questions WILL be answered, one way or another.
To say that red pill people make their own decisions base on logic doesn’t necessarily exclude considering knowledge written in books. It’s partly red pill to see that learning from others’ mistakes saves you time and pain. Come now.
I don’t fully agree with you, but I up voted you anyway because you can actually debate without resorting to fallacies or acting like a petulant child. Kudos.
Red-pill? OH!!!!!! YOU mean the kool-aid everyone on here dranks and the stuff ‘Reality’ swears by – I think I’m good. ‘Reality’ is in line beyond Roosh to be the next Jim Jones.
AHAHAHA – ANOTHER FAILED trigger from Reality via Johhny Cash (his puppet BOT)- he likes seeing the thumbs down – it reaffirms to him how far he’s gotta go to CHANGE the Christian ethos – yo bro – its gunna take you a while to change everyones mind here – you got the next 3 to 4,000 years free??? I didn’t think so.
Jesus Christ IS the red pill.
Meeehhh, maaaybe – close enough
Reality (WEIMAR) whatever the fuck you wanna go by, what kind of mental disorder do you have man? The split personality thing…kinda fucked up eh?
“I was asked what resources I’d recommend for those seeking the bulwark of Christian spirituality in these trying times.”
These may be nice books, but unless your solution starts with the Bible itself, everything else is just fluff. Always ALWAYS go back to the source, the foundation. That’s the Bible. The Bible is how we know Jesus Christ. The Bible is how we know God the Father. The Bible is how we know the will of God. “Upon this rock, I will build my church”, Christ said. For us, that rock is the Bible, because everything we need to know about the faith starts there. It’s the cornerstone, and the first place we should always return to when seeking strength. There is no substitute for reading the Bible yourself, over and over. Everytime you read it, you’ll realize that you’re seeing things that you just didn’t notice before.
The other stuff? Fine as supplements. But if you want to deepen your faith, you know the very FIRST place you should go to.
“Upon this rock, I will build my church”, Christ said. For us, that rock is the Bible, because everything we need to know about the faith starts there. It’s the cornerstone, and the first place we should always return to when seeking strength.”
See, this is part of why I left Protestantism. The Bible is the greatest and most important collection of holy writings, without question. But you have made on idol of it, and attributed worship to the object itself in a way which none of the Apostles did (since, as is evident from even a cursory look at Christian history, the Church preceded by the Bible by a number of years).
Further, Protestants who refers to themselves as “Bible-believing Christians”–which is almost always a thinly-veiled attack on someone else–ignore all the parts of it they don’t read or don’t like anyway. That is why there are, by some counts, 30,000 different versions of Protestantism (each and every one claiming the Bible as the only source of their beliefs).
If you want to understand Scripture, you have to learn the context in which it was written. Hence my making this list and including the podcast and video series, which so far not a single one of the 120-or-so commenters has actually bothered checking out before commenting.
“Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock.” – Matthew 7:25
“You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about me” – John 5:39
Foundation first. One isn’t making an idol of the Bible to recognize that. I stand by my argument: any deepening of faith is impossible without frequent returns to the Bible as the source of our faith itself, since none of us were present to hear Christ’s words firsthand.
Not to mention that mainstream Protestantism these days is heavily klked.
Orthodox ‘broke away’ from the church-all this talk about it being the church Jesus built is wishful thinking. Christ made it pretty clear He wanted a head bishop (pope), if it wasn’t his intent the leaders of the church would’ve never allowed it to begin with. Just because the word ‘pope’ literally wasn’t in use until the head bishop of Rome doesn’t mean they didn’t have a head bishop (pope) prior. Trying to convince us orthodox is the ‘first’ church is a misnomer. Jesus wanted a head bishop (I.e. Pope) its not difficult to understand, that whole video trying to explain otherwise is some hard rationalizations for the obviousness of what Jesus was saying.
While I am neither Catholic nor Orthodox, I am Christian (in the classic sense of the term). The general public’s (and most so-called-Christian’s, for that matter) idea of what it means to be Christian is so completely skewed, there is legitimate reason that people are walking away from “modern”, “inclusive” Churchianity. I would walk away from it, too.
True Christianity is meant, among so many other things, to give people the knowledge and confidence (read: faith) to change themselves, their life, their ideology, and actions for the better. It also serves a a tradition to create a family, community, and culture with synergy as we all pursue that kind of real, actual progress. But you have to sacrifice your old self to get to your better self, and the instant-gratification-loving, my-hedonic-desire-is-the-only-Truth-ever types really chafe at that fact.
For most people I have encountered, I have found that “Christianity was not tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and not tried.”
Lift Heavy bros; not just physically, but spiritually too.
Solid points. I also agree that Christianity can vastly be beneficial to ones life even though I am Atheist. I was a serious Christian for a couple of years in high school and it taught me a lot. Part of that was questioning the nature of reality (in the context of Christianity). I’ve come to the conclusion that there is no god but paradoxically (for me anyway) Christianity was my first red pill experience. It taught me that people, unless they make a conscious effort to be good, can turn pretty nasty and are fundamentally bad. It also taught me to think about what happens after death and to value my existence. Personally I don’t believe in god but Christianity has obvious benefits. If you believe in God then by all means get serious about it.
Kroganon-Jesus made a church dude-that’s more than half the reason He even existed-of no church no salvation.
The principle of Christ as change
The Christ consciousness is not what most people see it as. It is that which brings change at a certain level. Through change it gives people an opportunity to choose: Will they go into an upward spiral, or will they revert back into their coma and thereby actually having to consolidate it, so going into a downward spiral? The Christ consciousness brings this forth, and sometimes when a population is in this stalemate, the Christ consciousness cannot do this through those people who represent the mind of Christ because they cannot violate free will. It can only do it through those who are in the mind of anti-Christ and are willing to violate free will.
So you are making a case for progress of a sort (not necessarily what progressives would label as such) that during periods of ‘Christ consciousness’ involves mainly Christians making free choices, but outside of those periods – what you call stalemate – requires the input of those who care nothing for free choice, who are as such of the “anti-christ”. To put that differently, where christians and christianity prevail then free choice is the motor of history but where it fails or stagnates then this tasks is commandeered by less scrupulous sorts who don’t care why you get with the programme as long as you do.
Is that fair?
“Faith” = not based on reality or proven facts
Mixing religion with the red pill has got to be one of the biggest hypocritical aspects of this sphere. Left wing lies = bad. but christian faith = good.
There are plenty of social/personal benefits from Christianity but there are almost zero benefits from liberalism. Yet, you choose liberalism, it seems. I understand. You must be a feminist. Go back to your safe space now. Your fatty princess is waiting for you.
When did I ever say I chose liberalism? Your logical fallacy of the day is called STRAWMAN.
Also I assume you are Christian (since your obviously so butthurt over what I typed) and like clockwork you respond with very un-Christian like language and tone. “Fatty princess” oh wow…. aren’t you Christians supposed to turn the other cheek?
Ohhhh are you gonna cry because he said a fatty princess awaits you? Crybaby!
There is nothing un-Christian in the way he addressed you. When ((J.e.w.s)) tried to build a market inside Jesus´s temple he showed them his wrath and kicked them out!
You dont know what you are talking about. Christianity doesnt mean “HOW TO BE A CUCKED HENPECKED WIMPS” like your libtards are!
Jesus also said “don’t throw pearls to the pigs” meaning unworthy people. And who said that Christians should always be on self defense?
“Turning the other cheek” does not give anybody the right to insult Christians and expect no reaction in return.
@Johnny Cash
And they wonder why Western Civilization is heading to Collapse. Those bommers from this generation think they know everything and are too smart for religion or conservative values. They are all a bunch of Educated Idiots who spent too much time with their Cucked Marxist College Professor that worship Fidel Castro and Islam. They think its “cool” to get rid of their Western Values but as they say “what comes around goes around” all they will get for their liberalism is an annoying Feminazi fat wife with dyed blue hair, like you said, that will boss them around and make them a henpecked husband.
Most Atheists I know are miserable or if not they end up being always angry.
>Most Atheists I know are miserable or if not they end up being always angry.
The whole “atheist movement” is just another tendril of Cultural Marxism meant to weaken our societies. It might better described as “anti-Christian” than “secular” or “anti-religion”. Nine in ten will not only stay silent about bad things in non-Christian religions but will actively rush to their defense. Especially with Islam, which The Cathedral has declared has a special status.
I’m no liberal but if you think about it objectively there are indeed some benefits to being a liberal. Assuming you buy into their ideas you can find plenty of friends who feel the way you do. Don’t succumb to getting angry and just insulting someone that disagrees with you. You can be better than that.
You don’t need to choose liberalism if you don’t choose Christianity.
Dude watch your mouth. You dont know what you are talking about. If you want to be an atheist thats fine. But dont go around critcizing one of the biggest contributions that helped keep Western Civilization afloat.
There is a lot of to be learned from Christianity. Christianity helps in keeping conservative families united and keeping the left-wing sodomites away from completely destroying traditional Family and Western Values. It also helps in keeping conservative girls away from riding the cock carrousel.
You lack real understanding about Christianity.
Next time Read the entire King James Bible before criticizing it. Otherwise you will keep looking like a fool as most teenagers who think its “cool” to be an atheist just for the “LULZ”. Kids now a days….. lack an understanding about their roots and religion…
“If you want to be an atheist thats fine. ”
When did I ever say I want to be an atheist? Your logical fallacy of the day is called STRAWMAN. Just like your buddy Johnny Cash above.
You guys should start a pub trivia group and call yourselves the Strawmen.
What’s wrong with the word Christian?
Why can’t I criticize Christianity? So what if it helped Western Civilizaton, even though it was secular reasoning that really did?
Sorry, Western Civ is overwhelmingly Christian. It’s decline is overwhelmingly not.
Look at all the downvotes. Butthurt Christians
There are plenty of social/personal benefits from Christianity but there are almost zero benefits from liberalism. Yet, you choose liberalism, it seems. I understand. You must be a feminist. Go back to your safe space now. Your fatty princess is waiting for you.
The article should be renamed to “5 books to read to deepen your delusion and make you FEEL closer to your imaginary friend in the sky”.
May I recommend a “great” liberal book for you?
It is called “Vagina”, written by some delusional feminist cunt.
I am not sure what the book is all about but I hope you can enlighten us.
Now now now….. cut the ad hominem Mr. Christian man sir.
That’s not very Christian-like behavior… all that name calling and all.. 😉
I’m a man.
@Just some guy you more like an emasculated one…
Real men know that our Lord is real!
Mister Man, what would you do in a hopeless situation?
1) Call a lawyer
2) Call your insurance company
3) Call your best friend
4) Start cursing
5) Pray
“Real men know that our Lord is real!”
That’s another logical fallacy called “No True Scotsman” which is an appeal to purity. Apparently you think that anybody who does not believe in YOUR Lord is not a “real man”.
Hmmm….. nope. There are plenty of real men out there who believe in Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Non-Religious, you name it.
Quit your fallacies boy.
Ahhh – getting more (or less creative) are we WEIMAR?? TRIGGER THE CHRISTIANS USING ACCOUNT name JUST SOME GUY (Check) – Provide varying information and group consensus USING name JOHNNY CASH (Check) – Use a third man to CUT AT the ‘Christian ethos’ and make him look like he’s a hypocrite USING name REALITY (Check) – -yawwwnnn – such dribble WEIMAR – such dribble. Provide us with SOME GOOD trolling won’t you???? Any backwoods fuck from (you know where ) can make up EASY little throw away conversations to ‘mock’ Christianity and make them look like hypocrites. GIVE US SOMETHING GOOD you sick twisted fuck. Come on man, you are so fucking predicatble at this point.
Don’t you mean “Cunt”. Once when I was a manager I had a staff member bring it in until explain how wonderful it was, and that I should read it
(I fingered through it, b ut it wasn’t very interesting)
I wouldn’t have been that mean spirited if I was going to rename this article…. BUT, after getting some very un-Christian like flak from the so-called Christians here, I say go for it. 😉
It’s amazing how they act like petulant children, just as much as SJW’s, when their precious fairy take ideas come under scrutiny.
They’ve got a pretty bad strawmanning habit too.
Wonder why liberals and pharisees hate the New Testament so much. Because it’s the greatest book on hypocrisy ever written.
The Wimp Testament
Mr. Reality if you want a burning bush for proof you will probably never get it. If you depend on “science” and logic for all your wisdom then your soul yes your soul will be forever wanting. I always get amused by those who say stupid things like “the bearded guy in the sky” or “I only believe in the scientific.” It never occurred to them how limited their perceptions or that their false god of science is bought and paid for by the mighty. I will agree with you that their are strong men of all faiths and no faith at all. I will also agree that some of the responses to you have little but anger behind them. However I totally understand the anger. Atheism is the most intolerant religion of them all. It is also the driving force behind those that are so successfully enslaving us all. Hence the anger directed at you. I have no doubt that you are a thoughtful kind of guy but you greatly limit that thought. The burning bush may not be found but the evidence is all around you of a very complex and self sustaining system that has no beginning and no end. Something that your precious scientists could never understand.
yawwwwnnnnn PREDICTABLE WEIMAR – come on man – THIS is the best you got against Christianity???? – fucking pathetic. Give us something GOOD fucker.
And this dog shit website removes my post while allowing your ghetto anti-white script…how very cultural marxist. You are right where you belong, negro.
You play the shittest devils advocate I’ve ever seen – your bots are a joke – how much does Roosh pay you in shitcoin?
Do you get paid to sit here and have conversations with yourself all day long????
Normally I would not shame somebody this way, but you are asking for it and it is for your own good….I think you are crazy because you are a virgin, which must be even REALLY bad since black women hand themselves over to anything with a dick. How does it feel that even black women don’t want you? I pity you. It all makes sense now.
Your so hot for me I give you a wiff of my ass and you crawl right up it. You are nothing bitch, go back to fucking your sister.
Aww does the black VIRGIN need my attention? And he still uses the same recycled cliches. You blacks are the inbred ones. Whites don’t even know their cousins or their aunts, yet you rodents have such a special relationship with them that you even have a special name for them….’aunties.’ I’ve heard stories about how you (well, not you, incel) lose your virginity to your cousins at 12 or your babysitter. So pedophilia and incest is natural to blacks, which is why you project it onto whites. Also MORE blacks in the South live in trailers. Drive through the Black Belt and take a look. Have fun masturbating to my words, I know it drives you crazy, you schizoid lunatic needy groid.
All it takes is a wiff and you crawl right in like the good bitch that you are
“Normally I would not shame somebody this way, but you are asking for it and it is for your own good….I think you are crazy because you are a virgin” – spoken like a true sixteen year old. How you could possibly think this is even insulting shows just how fucking delusional you are. FYI when did I say anything about ebing a virgin or being black? The answer is never – so your piss poor diversions fail again. You bore me, shut the fuck up until you hit puberty ok, thanks.
just read it…
…and the minds went boom, well, some at least…
I’m not 100% happy with the church I go to(it’s close to home and my daughters made friends there) but we have a great 25+ men’s group that has been reading through the works of C.S. Lewis. The guy really -gets- the nature of humanity and his books seem aimed at people like me who like the aesthetic/tradition/ritual but still struggle with the metaphysical angle.
I’m actually reading Out Of The Silent Planet today. Excellent writer.
Make sure to follow that up by reading books two and three of the space trilogy. “Perelandra” and “That Hideous Strength” are also excellent books.
Of the three, “Perelandra” was my favorite.
Thanks for the excellent references on Orthodox Christianity. I’m Protestant/Reformed, but always want to keep learning, and strive to have an open mind.
C.S. Lewis is basically Jack Chick with a few more IQ points and a literary education which didn’t teach him anything useful about the real world.
Assume that you believe that C.S. Lewis’s soul went to heaven after he died. What keeps Lewis from rebelling against God and becoming Literally Screwtape?
That’s easy…grace, just like for the rest of us. He wrote about that as well.
CS Lewis is great…keep reading….he’ll lead you to other good authors like Chesterton and Newman…
Why oh why do my good, (Virtual and Virtuous) friends here in the manosphere get caught up with word contests with those hateful and unenlightened goobers? The fundamental teachings and guidance provided by the Church stands as a bulwark to Western Civilization and the nuclear family. The faithful relied on the tenets of faith for moral guidance, civil society and cultural bonds. It ain’t perfect, but neither is man- who administers the Church. Where we once felt God’s presence in watching over us as been replaced by secular and hostile government cameras installed everywhere watching over us. The absence of faith has resulted in the absence of shame. The dissolution of the family, the lack of individual respect both earned and gained. The lawlessness of communities, the corruption of a once homogenous culture that actually stood for something greater than themselves.
My Lord is my defense and my deliverer. He is both my righteous armor and my vengeful sword. And by his guidance this country shall endure and my enemies perish.
And what’s it to you if you don’t believe? I don’t care if you don’t. Why should you care if I do?
Christianity didn’t do a very good job of saving the nuclear family by burning all those innocent women to death at Salem.
If I choose to believe in the teachings of something, I want to see RESULTS. And since the historical results of both Christianity AND Marxism is pretty poor, I choose to believe in something more real. Like REALITY…
Awwww – poor baby has to make up ‘reason’s to ‘believe’ something – IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW – hahahahah – oh my fucking god, Reality is just a cry baby who wasn’t raised with any morality or religion and so he has his thumb in his mouth. Here’s the deal WEIMAR, when people bitch about something they don’t like (in your case Christianity, morality, CRY ROOMS and SAFE SPACES) when people like you repeatedly talk about that shit and put in in a conversation it shows whats really on your mind. And what is on your mind is that your sad that EVERYONE else has a religion (Christianity) and you don’t. Ha, what a cliche you really are. Booh Hoo – little bitch is mad that EVERYONE else is happy BUT HE ISNT so he has to go thread to thead to thread to thread to thread to thread to thread (litterally – the WHOLE FUCKING site this dipshit posts on) to thread to try to make SOMEONE / ANYONE ‘believe’ and ‘listen’ to your shitty little life. Sorry little baby, but no one’s going to ‘hear you out’ and listen to oyu. Your fake little conversations about what is ‘reality’ and your shitty little bitchfest about your own worthless existence no one gives a two fucks about. The ‘ethos’ your trying to create is half-assed at best. I thought YOU (WEIMAR aka Johhny Cash – John Dudds – G – GRock – Ravi – Reality – Just Some Guy – etc etc) might ACTUALLY be a problem for men. But it all makes sense now. Your not a problem, your actually quite cute and adorable. I actually hope you post much MUCH more on here with your fake little conversations – why? Because you reinforce everything EVERYONE else already knows EXCEPT YOU. You think your distorting opinion to validate your neo-nazi belief system and to try to alter mass group think, but your actually doing the opposite. It’s fucking hilarious as all fuck. The more ‘black pills’ you throw out there, the more you lose. And you won’t ever understand why because you are a materialist who when he actually diess is dead for good. Unlike the Christians who are immortal – you’ll be dead, dead as fuck actually. And its fuckin hilarious that THIS is EVERYTHING that you have. You spend all day everyday commenting on ROK to try to persuade people because you yourself have no standards you NEED to make everyone else NOT have any either. You have 0 integrity, 0 standards, 0 ethics – ALL you have are digital thumbs up or thumbs down which for when a perosn walks away fro their computer immediatly is gone for you its everything. You won’t change anyones mind (your just reaffiriming everything they already believe) and this Christian board proves it. You can create your fake accounts all day long but until you provide REAL logic, its just more random quesitons to everyone else. Not ‘real’ logic, not ‘red-pill’ not anything – its all dribble and words and provocacation. Your pseduo-mind games may distort a few lost souls and may convince a couple iggnorant fucks like yourself, but ultimatly its vain, and you’ll answer for that when you meet our maker. Sad fuck. Goodluck in hell – it only lasts forever afterall.
Ask God why he isn’t feeding starving children in Africa, who he loves.
If you even knew anything (anything at all actually) before you opened your cunt mouth and started talking – you would know that if you are referring to GOD (aka the Christian GOD) you would KNOW (as in it would be fuckin common sense) that ADAM (the first man) and EVE (the first woman) you ever hear about these two? They ‘created’ – yes – CREATED SIN by doing what exactly??? BY SINNING. Most children know what a sin is but clearly you don’t so I’ll fill you in. It’s when you go against human nature – THATS what it means. There’s no logic to sin – sin is a distortion of human nature – thats ALL it is. Why doesn’t GOD STOP THE STARVING CHILDREN —-
YO, WEIMAR – I know you personally made your fake account JUST SOME GUY ask this because YOU rare the one who really wants to know. YOU really are more retarded than I could’ve ever imagined man. WEIMAR – GOD doesn’t do shit to starving kids in Africa – Adam and Eve sinned – humans fuck and have kids and the SIN gets passed on. STARVATION is sin. GOD’s not even a part of the equation. Humans are the ones that fucked up. You may not like the reply, but your bitching about WHY GOD DOESN”T DO THIS OR THAT – your premise OBVIOUSLY concerns God (the Christian God – what other fucking ‘god’ could you be referring too) – Clearly you WEIMAR are just a lost soul, a materialist fuck who when he dies will become fucking dirt – YOULL GROW INTO A TREE – and then my descendants will come by and chop you down and print the fucking bible on you.
God doesn’t do shit about the kids in Africa because Adam and Eve fucked up and were living with their fuck up – God made Himself into a man to reclaim those kids – so if you want to know what has God done or doing for those kids in Africa its what He already did (died and passed on his soul) to humans to reclaim their true natures. EVERY kid that goes to sunday school growing up KNOWS THAT shit – I guess your parents were fuck ups and didn’t send you to sunday school or church??/ No wonder your raging hard and are a neo-nazi fuck who fucks his sister to keep the white bloodline ‘untainted’ – lmfao – I thought you WEIMAR might actually be a problem – but you and Roosh are fucking jokes. Kendegarden level of thought processes goin on in your heads – aka a materialist is like a pig – he eats and east and eats and then gets gutted and no one gives a fuck. Maybe actually research the bible before you try to make dumbass staetments first ok? Good. Glad you agree. Now go back to fucking your sister and have fun in hell.
Stopped reading at nuclear family. Keep that liberal nonsense to yourself. Only the traditional family is worthy of praise.
Former Western Convert to Russian Orthodoxy and back to Roman Catholicism. I along with many Roman Catholics and my Orthodox brothers in the East view the Church (Latin and Greek halves) as one body divided between the Latin West and Greek East. The Latin West is currently under occupation and the only legitimate branch of Christianity in the West (Roman Catholicism) has been sullied by the “innovations” of Vatican II (which in reality is a masonic occupation of the See of Peter).
I converted to the East primarily out of the occupation of Rome and issues with the Roman Pontiff and his seat being “sedevacante.” However, my journey into the Orthodox world revealed two fundamental aspects that made me return back to my home: 1.) The Orthodox are divided along lines of ethnicity with the name of their ethnic derivation superseding that of orthodox and church (Greek Orthodox Church, Russian Orthodox Church, Serbian Orthodox Church etc). They will quickly tell you if not signal the East is for the parceled ethnics of the post-Byzantine tradition. 2.) Mostly all Orthodox Christians view Roman Catholicism as the only legitimate body of Christianity in the West and many hope for the reunion one day as do many Roman Catholics. This led me to two conclusions, the orthodox who claim to be catholic, don’t truly possess catholicity because they don’t proselytize and two, are too ethnic to be considered universal. They are however the Church’s Eastern Body. Lastly, most Orthodox recognize the primacy of the See of Peter but not Papal Infallibility (which I believe can be negotiated at a future council).
Finally, the Protestants are finally bearing the fruit of their labours and showing a faith corrupted from its inception with homosexual so-called “marriages” and female priests who administer the Eucharist (just one blasphemy and heresy after the other). Finally, all the Russians who held out against the communists to preserve their ancient church did not retreat into Roman Catholicism but maintained their own faith and sought to preserve it. For those of us who are Roman Catholics (especially cradle Catholics) to abandon our traditions and Church for greener pastures (which is a form of cowardice and where ostensibly you’d always be considered a foreigner and outsider who left for greener pastures) should fight for the rescue of the Church from the Vatican II heresy and all the antipopes who’ve occupied the See of Peter since 1960.
Reunification will be difficult, but would make great strides towards restoring our society to some semblance of sanity. The Enemy loves that we are at each other’s throats instead of fighting our common foes together.
Personally I would like to see more “teaming up” between the Orthodox, the Roman Catholics, and even the Protestants against the things that all 3 bodies can agree are enemies of Christianity. That would be a good starting point for potential reunification in the future, rather than the endless in-fighting and bickering that goes on today.
Reunification can happen if traditionally Catholic countries such as France, Spain and Austria somehow manage to shake off the zionist masonic yoke. As to the Protestants, there will absolutely be no recognition by the Orthodox of anything “protestant” and definitely not by us. To be a protestant is to be in a state of protest, that protest has gotten them to the state of total perversion and Jewish ownership. The Catholics as you know have fought numerous wars against the protestants who eventually became one in the same as freemasons. The Orthodox have always strongly discouraged freemasonry but it was the Papacy that forebade it, explicitly stating that a freemason cannot be a catholic or a christian in general.
Needless to say, protestanism is a cloak for judeo-masonry and was the engine for spreading its errors to the last great Byzantine Empire … Tsarist Russia to hasten its downfall. The protestants are schismatics who will either be made to convert to Rome or the East, however there will never be under a reunified Church a recognition of those schismatics who brought through their errors and judeophilia a tonne of miseries on both the Roman West and Greek East. As Queen Isabella of Spain once made known to the Jews and Muslims of Southern Spain we will make known to the WASPish elites and their allies if we ever regain power… convert, leave or die.
Orthodoxy has had its run-ins with Masonry as well, and was condemned by the Greek Church in 1933.
And yes, there are definitely mega-church Protestant groups working for the enemy. Look at “Christians United For Israel,” led by John Hagee. The deeper you look into it, the darker and more ridiculous the whole facade becomes.
Protestantism never made inroads into Tsarist Russia (except at the margins like Finland and maybe Estonia). Russia was the land that the Reformation, the Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution all pretty much forgot.
Simply stated: There are only two legitimate halves of Christianity in the world today that although in division, make up one body. We’re both prodigal brothers that through misunderstandings and political power moves on behalf of both the Roman Pontiffs and Byzantine Emperors divided the Church in 1054. We had a real attempt at reunion at the Council of Florence in 1431 that almost unified us but this reunion will happen in the future. Christian miracles only happen amongst the legitimate halves of Christ in the West and East… the apostate protestants have none. Any Christian with a rudimentary knowledge of theology belonging to Rome or the East knows that in any future Council, the protestants have no place and are as much in schism as the Arians were under the Arian heresy.
Great back to back posts Anti-Modernist. It took me a long time to realize the evil destruction imposed on the Church I was born to by the hideous Vatican II. For so long the Oprah Winfrey show style, hippie folk singing, peace be with you mass left me cold and longing for the simple solemnity of the deposed Latin Mass. Turning the Mass into a cheap TV production like one of those god awful reality shows was just the tip of the iceberg. The current Pope Che Guevara was the final straw for me. I can’t go back, I just can’t and I am now officially an old man. My Church left me and not the other way around.
I don’t see Orthodoxy as “half” of anything. It is the ancient Church, which does not “make up one body” with groups in schism. My sentiment that it would be nice to team up, was not an ecumenical statement but rather a pragmatic one. I do recognize and acknowledge that other groups contain some part of the truth, as I believe all systems and religions do to some extent. But the fullness of truth does not lie outside the Church.
Anti-modernist- so pope john Paul the II is an anti-pope by your definition? What kind of drugs are you on man? And papal infallibility is nonnegotiable as are all the other dogmas-eastern orthodox either rejoin and be happy they did or stay separated – Catholics want them back but ‘negotiations’ are not part of the equation. The most Catholics will ‘conceads’ might be that the ‘sacrrements’ administered by the orthodox are still valid, but even that’s a stretch, if their ‘sacraments’ are valid before reunification why ever rejoin in the first place? Catholic church’s positions are nonnegotiable-they either want to rejoin or they don’t, it’s that simple.
Would also suggest Synagogue Rising by Hugh Akins. Know your enemy, indeed.
Just reading thru the comments here. Seems freedom of speech gets taken too far sometimes. I’ll be blunt.
For those who don’t believe in Christianity, do you have no more of a life than to advertise your lack of class to the faithful?
These are the same Christians who criticize the Muslim faith on about every 2nd or 3rd ROK article. Hypocrites deserve no classy response. I prefer keyboard mud slinging.
You think you are so smart. Coming here insulting other people´s religion dont you? And then using troll tactics to start arguments about religion here. If you dont have any Christian faith why did you even bother to waste your time opening this article and commenting on it? I know the answer for this… cause you just wanted to make people, who have faith, upset by insulting and trolling then. If you had any degree of real respect to others you wouldnt even bother comenting here and trying to push your ideas over them. Its a free Country and you can think whatever you want, but that doesnt give you the right to try to force others to think the same way as you our insult their views
Yeah keep trolling on ROK smartass, thats a really nice productive way to spend your time….
And yes I´m a critic of Muslim Faith. Its not a Western Religion and there is a lot of hatred in their religion , which makes them do crazy stuff. Plus they dont like Western Society. But like any good Brainwashed Marxist College Student you love to Worship everything that is not Western Culture and bash your roots. Keep doing that…. but dont complain if one day your fat feminist wife cheats on you with a Muslim Refugee and you end up raising a Kid that is not from your own DNA.
But yeah Keep doing all you are doing MR.BIG SHOT REALITY….. Lets see How your life will be like in 10 years from now…
Reality JUST DOES NOT GET ANYTHING – it doesn’t matter how much logic you throw at this guy – he doesn’t want a conversation, he wants to sit back and mock and dogmatize – if you knew anything before you opened your assmouth you’de know that Christians DO NOT see themselves as ‘seperate’ entities. Christian’s ASSOCIATE with churches and the bible etc etc, but they are CITIZENS of the world – to a Christian Jesus is no different than talking about the periodic table of elements or discussing music or anything. Jesus existed (99.9% proven and the 0.01% are delusional fucks like yourself) and the man is TREATED like ANY other HSITROCIAL FIGURE. Do you not grasp this concept or something??? You seem TOTALLY oblivious to the most basic ideas of Christianity. Christianity DOES NOT mean 100% pacifiscim and ACCEPTANCE of EVERY IDEA. It clearly states to denounce certain ideas. WHICH they DO. Therefore it is NOT hypocriscy. Your understanding of Christianity is some of the worst (if not the worst) by far that I’ve ever seen. Normally I would just laugh and mock your TROLL account ‘REALITY’ but I suspect that you consider ‘REALITY’ as one of your MAIN accounts and what you actually believe 9 why else call it reality) – ha. And so its become quite clear to me that you have no understanding of Christianity in the slightest and only mock because you yourself have no faith and no religion and realize when YOU die your fuckin dead and your subconsciously trying to provoke your own death actually. We can kill you if you want man? You wanna die? I’m sure someone can set it up for you and give you that euthenaisa you want so desperatly. All in all though, you bore me. So have fun trolling. And when on your death bed think about all the lies you spewed on here, I’m sure that’ll be comforting. REALITY is swine to the slaughter – come here piggie piggie!
Do people who have faith have no more of a life than to make an entire article about how much they love Jesus?
Just some guy
If you don’t like the article you can move on without reading it. You know, move on with your life if you have one.
Christians have only one wad to shoot: If you don’t believe that Jesus existed historically, that he rose from the dead, that he has terrifying supernatural powers, and that he’ll use these powers to punish you in the afterlife – like Pinhead in those dumb “Hellraiser” movies, I suppose – then what does Jesus have left to offer you?
And before you answer my post with your apologetics, answer my other question: Where is the lie in what I wrote above?
This, sadly, is the typical Western view of God. “What can He do for me? What’s the benefit to me? How does He help me get what I want?”
It is a self-centered orientation on life that cannot even comprehend the idea that we worship God because He is God. Yes, Christ conquered death for us so that we may have eternal life. But that is a very small piece of the pie.
In the same way we respect our earthly parents simply because they are our parents, we respect our Heavenly Father simply because he is our Father. He created us, He created the cosmos, and He is beyond the understanding of the limited human being.
We worship God primarily because of who He is, and only secondarily because of what He does for us.
Michael, you were created by “sperms meets egg”. That sperms came from your father, and not a “heavenly” father. The cosmos was created by “big bang”. There are plenty of things that humans know now that they didn’t when superstitions ruled discourse.
Start writing red pill stuff (facts even if they are uncomfortable facts) instead of prepackaged lies (like religion) in the future.
GOD programmed the BIG BANG
GOD programmedthe COSMOS
GOD programmed the EARTH
GOD programmed the gravity in our Universe
GOD programmed your consciousness
GOD is a developer
Do you think nature, space, planets, gravity all were created by mere conincidence and chaos? No an Intelligent Entity that is called GOD created all. You can deny and insult me all you want MR.”REALITY” but that is the truth. You are probably a young kid who is still too naive about the world. But when you get older maybe your brain will start working… right now you are too naive about life and the world around you to understand how stuff really works
He is the one and only Great Architect of the Universe
When I was younger, I (anonymously) wrote articles on how to pick up girls, have threesomes, etc. Then when I started putting the cultural pieces together, I wrote articles on the various forces at work in our society. I took (and wrote about) one red pill at a time, as I became more aware of them.
Ultimately, it led me to God as the primordial Cause of Causes and Author of life. As I became increasingly aware of the spiritual nature of what appears to be physical and material warfare, it dawned on me more and more that not only have Christians accurately identified the causes behind social ills for thousands of years — but Scripture itself (specifically the 6th chapter of Ephesians) already explains, in just a couple paragraphs, what it took me nearly 3 decades of trial and error to figure out on my own.
That’s the irony that some guys don’t get; they think Christianity is “blue pill nonsense,” when the truth is that the world of space/time you think you live in is actually the blue-pill Matrix itself. Christ and His teachings broke through the veil and laid out a clear (and, in retrospect, obvious) roadmap for how the entirety of the Cosmos works — including both the material and immaterial worlds — as well as our proper place within it.
With time, many guys on the “red pill” path will come to accept Christianity as the highest possible form of red-pill truth.
Oh, yes, sure.
Also apes and men have the same ancestor.
If Darwin’s theory of 1859 was true it would never be shoved down our throats in public schools.
Bro, you don’t have to justify yourself to this fuck – Reality & White Brazilian Patriot are the same person – the user is a ‘black pill’ neo-nazi who systematically goes through the articles with different accounts and ‘role plays’ and triggers people – he’s got more accounts than you can imagine – REALITY is his favourite for bashing Christianity – but as you can see he tries to play devils advocate which he sucks at – just ignore him and he’ll leave and go jerk himself off eventually.
How do you know any of that?
Michael you didn’t address a single point he made.
You’re deliberately ignoring the Hell aspect of it.
Lived the historical Jesus, or what’s about creation in 7 days don’t meet the intention of the bible.
I’s called the “literal misunderstanding”.
An example:
If I tell you on your wedding day, or if you have an important test at the college: ” May the force be with you!”….you know exactly what I mean.
It’s not interesting if there was a galaxy thousand years ago.
Same is with the old bible novels.
Famous guys told them to the crowd on the market place in ancient orient and the art of storytelling was to set alive the old healing sagas to the situation of the people.
And if you have a good preacher you’ll find…it still works.
Remember the Vegas massacre? When thousands started singing God bless America only moments before machine gunfire began ripping through their bodies?
“For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18:19–20, NKJV)
I don’t understand what you are trying to get at.
Were you playing devils advocate or do i have to connect the dots for you. Im trying to understand how a church of followers can be shot up in the middle of service, worshiping a deity that claims he is thine shepard and doth thou his flock, He whom Shalt not lettuce any harm falleth upon thine, as longeth as thou serveth thine father.
Suddenly bullets ring out Pop Pop Pop! Families ripped from one another never to be seen again.
Christianity is not a religion of materialism. It is the polar opposite, in fact. It is the migration of the soul from the material to the immaterial world, in a way which is holy and healthy, and upon which the problems and conflicts of the material world have no real bearing. As the saying goes, “The blood of the Martyrs is the seed of the Church.”
God made the shooter use shitty bump stocks thus many lives were spared. Very few people get that the Vegas body count was very low compared to what a competent rifleman could have done.
They have done a great work…
Disgusting me from religion from 4 years old to 16 at school.
Being teached the Bible
By religious catholic hypocrites beating children, throwing power tantrums at us while smiling to the parents afterwards.
God is dead religion is over who cares about a gay friendly pope ? Washing the feet of migrant in the Vatican?
“The fools says there’s no God”
May God bless you all!
Benny, the whole story is by Anselm of Canterbury:
The fool says: There is no god!
Wise man:
“Do you agree, that there ist nothing more to be thought above god?
Fool: I agree!
Wise man: Then there ist something more to think, than a non existing god…a god that exists.
If you are pleasured about this…never read Immanuel Kant!
The fool believes a book written by an anonymous author.
YAWWWWNN – you bitch about strawman arguments and then make them yourself, really? Laughin my ass off. I can tell when your trying to do your little devils advocate gay dance back and forth with your other accounts, but I think you actually believe what your saying in this one…your about as pseduophilosopher as they come my lil bitch
Christian/Jewish faith is an excellent protection against superstition.
You should have no other god beside me just means that all others “believings in…” are obsolete.
Conclusion: It’s a fascinating man’s world even for a nonbeliever.
God is real. He always was, even philosophers from antiquity with their sceptical minds were aware of so called logos. Only thing that keeps people away from Him is our hectic live style with all distractions. Find solitude and you will find God. Christian God.
Indeed my friend. Only in silence can one hear the song of God.
How do you know?
I did and there is countless of examples in history. If you live in rush then is little to no chance for spiritual experience. But you must want to find God and obey his commandments, there is no other way.
Didn’t answer the question.
Askig how do you know God is real is like asking how do oy know your great grandpa is real; i.e just because oyu can’t see him doesn’t mean he doesn’t exist or didn’t (if your referring to Jesus). Why believe? Why believe you had a great grandparent? Why believe in Gerogre Washington? Everything is an ‘act’ of faith in some regards. Your trollig is fuckin annoying though WEIMAR – what point do you think you ‘prove’ by simply asking ‘How do you know God exists?’ – Its because your a materialist – you think unless you can see, hear, taste, touch it than it exists and if it doesn’t than it doesn’t exist to you – the eternal skeptic – what a disguesting life to live – just useless flesh and bone – lets get that euthanasia ready for you because theres no point for a nilishtic fuck to even be alive.
DIDNT ANSWER THE QUESTION – uhhh, because YOU (WEIMAR – the guy running all of these accounts – they all have the same i.p.) its because YOU asked the question dumbfuck. You don’t kow how to answer your own question or figure shit out yourself? If it’s NOT obvious HE WONT BELIEVE IT – HOW DO YOU KNOW GOD EXISTS!!! I CANT SEE HEAR TASTE TOUCH FEEL KNOW HIM!!! ITS NOT OBVIOUS IT CANT BE REAL! Trying to talk to someone this stupid is like trying to debate a 5 year old or a small child. God exists because we have historical proof that he did (Jesus) and that he did mircales – of course you’ll reply – MIRCALES DONT = DIVINITY. Than what does fuckface? If a miracle isn’t enough proof for you than your a lost fucking cause. You’ll say, “but, but THATS ALL just hearsay! I NEED a miracle RIGHT NOW then!” – being alive isn’t enough of a ‘miracle’ for you? Sigh. Like I said, your a lost cause and just another pig to the slaughter.
Islam has more respect for Christ and his teachings than any Christian I’ve ever met. We are all the children of God, there are no chosen people, no one true religion, no dogma to follow.
Islam hasn’t even respect for Islam, as you can see at the bloody frontlines between Sunna and Shia for more than 1000 years.
Divide and conquer. Study what the Jews did to Lebanon to cause their religious civil war.
Denying His divinity is “respect for Christ?” I think not.
Yo brother Michael, as brethren in Christ by the Holy Spirit we ALL should be reading GOD’S WORD in the KING JAMES VERSION HOLY BIBLE:
I say get pass all the “resources” and go straight to the SOURCE before “delving into” anything else. Amen.
~ Bro. Jed
The source is the Church, though. It is the context in which Scripture was written, and the Church existed before the Bible did. I encourage you to watch the series by Deacon Ezra listed in this article, I think it will open your eyes to the ancient faith.
I’m Protestant, specifically Baptist. From personal experience, Orthodox Christianity seems silly and perhaps even pseudo-Christian. For those who are touting Orthodoxy, can you address the following?: (I’m not trolling. I’m genuinely open-minded to being convinced.)
1. In multiple churches in multiple countries, I’ve seen Orthodox priests offer loud, very long-winded prayers, typically with monotone, rapid speech. It can last about an hour. Oftentimes they even shut off public access to part of the church while they do so. This reminds me of Jesus’ instructions about vain repetitions and acting piously just to be seen. It doesn’t seem Christ-like at all, yet it’s pervasive. Why? And why should I still take Orthodoxy seriously?
2. In Jerusalem, I saw a group of Orthodox priests (or some other higher office) come marching down the streets, banging sticks loudly on the ground to signal other pilgrims to get out of their way. I immediately thought of the Sanhedrin, and later of the “make way for the Tarkina!!!” scene from the Chronicles of Narnia. It was so comically outrageous that I don’t know how they did it with a straight face. Again, it doesn’t seem Christ-like at all, yet this is how they behave near Christianity’s holiest sites?
3. In the Church of Holy Sepulchre, a Greek Orthodox priest scolded me for touching my wife in a non-sexual way. Why? Was my behavior in opposition to Christ’s teaching? Also, why did the Orthodox (and Catholics) recently shut the church down for several days? Fellow Christians are barred so that the church can protest taxes (on unrelated buildings in other parts of the city)? Of course, the church made sure to announce that their long, vain, repetitive prayers continued even though everybody else was locked out.
4. In Egypt, Georgia (the country), and elsewhere, I saw Orthodox laypeople revering icons of saints and photos of their patriarch (past or present) to an excessive extent. They even kiss the pictures, like some guy kissing the Godfather’s ring. Why? It seems disturbingly similar to idol worship. Even worse, in one case their reverence for the patriarch seemed heavily tied with regional politics; that dangerous blend is what led to the Yugoslav genocides.
5. On this website, several of the pro-Orthodoxy articles seem to cite the church’s “traditions” as a major selling-point. Why? I certainly don’t mind tradition (I see to it that my wife dresses conservatively in public.), but it’s as if traditions have become more important than sound doctrine and the Gospel. This seems non-Christ-like to me.
Thanks for speaking what you have truly observed!
I have too heard about orthodox priests beating their wifes / women… and about their repititive prayers. Ive heard about ‘lukewarm’ christians visiting orthodox churches and feeling like they are supposed to be like ‘robots’… heavy focus on buildings, mystery and the liturgy. And then they dropped out….
Im catholic myself… and similiar things happen in catholic mess too. But however I can say that somebody who visits the church focusing on the WORD instead of just following ‘rituals’, he can grow in faith after every church visit. After youve been in church, you should spend time to let it sink in… speak with others for a better understanding.
We as christians, gotta have the MIND OF CHRIST…. Focusing on the word and letting the spirit inside of us grow. Rituals dont make this, you can grow in spirit by being in nature and dwelling in spirit and word. However, I can understand that some rituals are a good way to EXPRESSS and honor to god.
It amazes me that you can find deep spiritual and christian conversations on such a website! Michael is doing great works!
I’ll do my best to answer these one-by-one, with my extremely limited knowledge of the topic. I am quite new to Orthodoxy myself, so keep in mind as you read these answers that I’m 100% sure people in the Church longer can probably give you better ones.
1. The type of worship performed in Orthodoxy is liturgical, and has been handed down in its current form since the 4th century. The services are the same, for that particular day / season / festival, every single year, and only the homily / hymns/saints of the day are different. It is not the sermon-focused worship you’re used to, it is focused on the Eucharist and always contains psalms, songs, hymns, and prayers. As to vain repetitions, I suppose that depends on the person’s attitude. Two men can pray the exact same prayer, and it can be vain to one and deeply meaningful to the other. As to why you should take Orthodoxy seriously, I recommend watching the series by Deacon Ezra listed in this article.
2. I have no idea what the incident you’re describing is, so I have no comment. I would need details and context in order to give you a better answer.
3. I don’t know, but clearly that priest thought you were doing something inappropriate. Priests are also sinful humans like the rest of us, not a single priest in the history of the Church has been perfect. Nor will a perfect priest ever exist. Same for the laity.
4. I have also seen some people take icon-veneration to a level that I would consider superstitious. However, venerating icons is not, in and of itself, idol worship. Nobody is worshipping the actual image, nor the material on which it’s painted / printed. Veneration of icons is appreciation for the work God has done in His holiest people, and a symbol of our relationship with the Saints. The Gospel teaches everlasting life for those in Christ Jesus; hence, the Saints are very much alive in our view and we build relationships with them through veneration and prayer. I know it can seem jarring to a Protestant, but it’s not what it looks like at first glance.
5. Oftentimes, the doctrines of the Church are spoken or sung via the liturgical worship style and hymnody which are sometimes called “traditions.” A lot of learning about Orthodox beliefs, in fact, comes from carefully paying attention to what is being said or sung. As the Church has evolved over time, things have been added to these readings and songs which clearly and carefully define what is sound doctrine and what is not, being updated as various heresies arose and had to be put down. Therefore, the traditions are the best possible way of making sure the doctrine remains sound from one generation to the next.
Hope that answers your questions. Maybe someone deeper into it than I am, will also add on and either correct me if I said something wrong or add some color and detail that I missed.
Mr. Witcoff, for our Baptist friend, let me quote the pillar of the Protestant Reformation, Martin Luther, upon seeing the rise of the Anabaptist movement in Germany in the sixteenth century, “I’d rather drink blood with the pope than drink mere wine with fanatics”.
Christianity was created by ((them)) to enslave the goyim and establish a moral code for the goyim to follow but not the elite. Carry on
So why Satanism is so popular amongst the elite?
Don’t be clown.
My opinion, it’s a front to keep the masses plugged in. You hear it in popular rap music, rappers talking about God and Satan in their songs. They do this I believe to reaffirm the masses that religion is still relevant and that these forces exist. Same reason you hear professional athletes thank God after winning a big game. As if God, chose them as the victors. Pure bogus
Stupid question here, sorry: is there a Christian monastery that allows its adherents sexual intercourse?
No. Monks have sworn a vow of celibacy.
Try Catholic OBLATES – they’re the closest your going to get.
The decline of religion & the decline of society walk hand in hand. The belief in God seems to keep us together. Our structure, our foundation, our respect for one another. Maybe he’s real or not; we can all agree that without a moral fiber things will crumble apart faster than we can catch them. Why not look past inconsequential differences, (which is exactly what certain oppressors want us to do)
Straight out of Will Durant…
I really started to enjoy this website after discovering it a few weeks ago, but now I see it is yet another diversity center that caters to crybaby, anti-white minorities. They are allow to spew their hatred towards the master race, while whites cannot even defend themselves without being censored. Go ahead and ban me. I’m so sick of this shit.
Then why not just fuckin leave bitch? Looking for beta men to wrap you in a blanket? – no one gives a fuck what you think anyways. It’s a masculinity site – not a nazi white supremacist site dumbfuck
WEIMAR – way to ‘RETIRE’ your account in order to start over with a different one though – I know what your doin lil bitch, its ok, I know your unloved.
Or better yet – just POST UNDER a different name…OH WAIT – YOU ALREADY DO! LAWL
What is the Church Christ founded? Easy enough to figure out.
Once again I will note that the Creeds say “one, holy CATHOLIC Church”, not Orthodox Church. And Matt. 16:18 says it is founded upon Peter – “Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church”.
So we see right away it is the Catholic Church headed by the See of Peter – Rome. None other, irregardless of the base propaganda of wannabees.
But let’s examine a bit more. What happens when a group breaks away from a larger group, especially in churches?
1. They change their name because the original group has the original name, and they can’t use it. Hence, the breakaways chose to be called “Orthodox”, while the Catholics continued to be the Catholic Church.
2. They falsify their history and claim they are the original group against logic and history. Did the Orthodox do this, yep.
3. They are the smaller group. Orthodoxy is much smaller than the Catholic Church – which contains over 30 different rites dating from apostolic times.
4. The breakaways are fragmented. The Catholic Church is ONE Church with over 30 different rites and unity of sacraments. The Orthodox, nope. They are national churches rather than a true church – each with different, mutually opposing beliefs and sacramental systems which dictate which Orthodox churches they are, or are not in communion with.
Christ’s prayer (Jn 17:21) “that they may all be ONE, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me.”
St. Paul (Eph. 4:4-5) There is ONE BODY and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; ONE Lord, ONE Faith, ONE Baptism
Your basic problem, Michael, is that you are still protestant in spirit. Protestantism does not recognize or practice unity of faith, doctrine, and worship. Hence you have carried this over into Orthodoxy which is also protestant in this way, but more structured, and with claims to being the Catholic Church, though it is not.
You have moved toward unity of faith, but have not attained it yet. Keep reading the Fathers and you’ll end up Catholic if you accept God’s grace.
Orthodoxs are divided in national churches, in loose communication with each other. I don’t mean that it is per se a bad thing , but which national church should someone choose? I think Greeks are in the path of western churches of degeneracy and weak and directly controlled by west. Minor nations like romanians bulgarians are petty chauvinists and regional close minded. So only solution is the Russian church. Good luck you will be branded a spy and enemy of the western establishment.
How about concrete scientific EVIDENCE? How is that for deepening one’s faith?
JFL that you need so many copes to try to preserve it.
I find this strange that ROK encourages men to believe and deepen their faith but at the same time encouraging men to have sex with a lot of women?
Would you please explain, because it doesn’t make any sense to me.