The colorful history of Britain is one that is greatly enriched by the exploits of the various tribes who have made this island their home over the ages. We think, for example, of the Romans, the ancient Celts, the Saxons, the Normans. Arguably, however, all of their achievements pale into insignificance when compared with the Vikings who came by longboat from Scandinavia.
In late 2017, Swedish researcher Annika Larsson of Upssala University announced that she had discovered a thousand year-old Viking textile with ‘Allah’ inscribed on its hem. Media outlets such as The BBC, Guardian, and The New York Times all rushed to speculate that the Viking culture was clearly deeply influenced by Islam. Some in the alternative media were openly critical of the BBC et al., accusing them of ‘abuses of history’, and ‘falling over themselves’ to use a non-story, based on flawed science, to promote their progressive agenda.
The seamless integration of recent immigrants in Sweden only adds evidence to support the BBC’s narrative. The more interesting questions then are these: what were Muslim Vikings like? What motivated them to invade Britain? Using a multitude of accredited historical sources, below is a touch of leftist-approved fiction to portray with a high degree of accuracy how much of modern Britain was first civilized by the Vikings.
Stavanger, 793 AD, Late Spring
The long dark nights of winter are now but a distant memory for the occupants of Stavanger, a bustling coastal town off the West coast of what centuries later would be known as Norway. For sure, there is still a stubborn chill in the fresh morning air, but it is rare to find anyone here who actually feels it; most people – men and women alike – are laboring hard to finish building the finest fleet of ships ever to set sail.
At high tide the next day, the first of these mighty warships (termed longboats) will leave these shores, heading westwards, together with many of the men who built them. None of those leaving behind their loved ones will imagine that they are about to make history. They have no inkling that, in the classrooms of their descendants for generations to come, the achievements of the Vikings will be spoken about in hushed and reverent tones.
On this morning, we find the chief foreman and father of eight, Mohammed Hussein, making a final inspection around the harbor. Along with several hundred fellow Vikings, he will leave for Britain the next day. He personally will have the honor of sailing on the largest of all these vessels – the Holy Jihad – its sky-craping mast taller than any of Stavanger’s many minarets.
Stifling a yawn (the first call to Morning Prayer is especially early at this time of year), Mohammed looks up to see his youngest son, Ahmed, running towards him on the quay. Father and son embrace warmly.
“Are you really leaving us tomorrow, Father?” Ahmed asked plaintively.
“If it is Allah’s will”, Mohammed replied, with a reassuring smile. “By his mercy and grace, we leave at first light. He will surely send us a mighty wind and speed us across the waters.”
Ahmed seemed satisfied by this answer, and it emboldened him to ask another question. It proved to be an error he would regret. All he wanted to do was to please his father and show he was making progress with his studies. Ahmed sensed he wasn’t the best scholar in his class, but he had memorized most of the Koran and much of the Hadiths. Was it reasonable to expect more of a five year old boy?
“Father”, he started, “When Allah guides you safely to the land of the infidel, do you really intend to strike at the neck of all those you find? Will the stones and the trees cry out to you if Jews try to hide behind them?”
In a flash, Mohammed struck the back of his hand across his son’s cheek. Tears welled up in Ahmed’s eyes, not only due to the sudden physical pain he felt, but because he knew he had upset his father. It was never a good idea to make his father angry; his sister had made that mistake once by being seen alone in the company of a male infidel. She had deservedly paid the mortal price.
“Who has spoken to you of such things?” demanded Mohammed, shaking his son with near fury. “Remember this always: Islam is a religion of peace and the Vikings are peaceful Muslims. Why, did you not read in the Koran that to take one innocent life is like killing all of humanity?”
Ahmed was confused. “Yes, father, but Imam Erikson taught me of the principle of abrogation and how the Prophet explained that a later, greater truth can replace an earlier teaching. Imam Erikson said we should be guided by the Prophet’s actions in Medina. Should we therefore spare the infidel?”
Now it was Mohammed’s turn to feel discomfort. He himself was no scholar, having devoted his life instead – like many of his colleagues – to the study and development of mechanical engineering, modern sanitation, new technologies, the seamless fusion of meat and stick, and algebra. He felt sorry for the child before him.
“If that is what the Imam told you, who am I to judge? Only Allah can judge us. Remember this.”
He rubbed his beard in silence for what seemed a long time, thinking. At last, he remembered the point he was trying to summons up from the deep recesses of his skull. He recalled with pleasure the Viking Islamic studies course he had attended years before, when he had met Ahmed’s mother, Hafida.
“Listen, my dear son. We will not kill the infidel. Not this time. We will instead make him pay the Jizrah in return for sparing his life. Remember that the infidel is living in the darkness and we will be giving his all of our algebra, modern technology, and cuisine he will lust after. We will share what we have with him and he will share his money with us. This is being social, no? Let’s call it… socialism.”
Morning Prayer the following day was a far more somber experience than normal. Although his prayers were as devout as always, Mohammed couldn’t help but think of his cherished family he was leaving behind. Who knew when or even if he would return to Norway? Allah knew, of course. Perhaps Imam Eriksen knew as well, for all Mohammed could tell.
He had made a solemn promise to Hafeda that, no, he wouldn’t take any permanent sex slaves. Nor would he rape too many captives, and he would be sure to use protection by praying to Allah first.
His sons delighted them with the ambition inherent in their requests. He embraced all of his sons in turn. He first hugged Leicester, then Birmingham, followed by Luton, Bradford, Blackburn, Rotherham, Southall, and finally Ahmed. To all (except Ahmed – no-one knows for sure why), he promised that his fellow Vikings would populate Britain and establish dwelling places across the land. These places would be named after his sons. In this way, the Vikings’ legacy would be forever remembered.
History does not record whether Mohammed made it safely back to his family in Norway. What we do know, however, is the following: due to the thriving population of Mohammed’s ancestors in the towns and cities bearing his sons’ names, Mohammed and his fellow Vikings reached Britain’s shores by Allah’s grace.
Read Next: 21 Quotes Of The Vikings’ Havamal To Guide A Masculine Lifestyle
They wuz Vikangz?
They wuz pillagers an’ rapists n’ shiet?
they certainly was!
they certainly wuz!
I see Vikings as light skinned blond/red haired with blue/green eyes. No black haired brown eyed Muslims in that bunch. Fuck the BBC as a bunch of pedo (Jimmy Saville) loving socialists.
“Vikings in Britain”
I can tell what part of UK a Brit is from quite easily and his ancestry.
The Cockneys often seem to have a bit of Jewish or Gypsy blood in them. Like the Krays or Bob Hoskins.
The tall and long-headed blue eyed blonde guy who is 6’3 is probably from East England and traces his roots to Danish Vikings.
So does the tall red haired guy from Scotland, but his Norse blood is from Norway.
The guy who is 5’6 and looks like Elvis Presley or Tom Jones with curly black hair who looks like he’s a dago is from Wales.
There are some cultural differences there as well. English from Eastern UK are more likely to be cool and removed, culturally speaking in the Danish-settled parts. Welsh are sweaty and swaggering, like Elvis Presley or Tom Jones were.
In the South of England around Jersey and Devon the Brits look French. Black hair, blue eyes. Partly because of the Normans and partly because of the back-and-forth migration from Normandy etc.
It is a broad generalization but the East Coast of England seems to have gotten far more Danish and German blood and the Welsh are some sort of ancient group of Celts genetically similar to a Mediterranean.
Going back to Pre-Roman times, Wales and Cornwall were the sources for tin for much of the Mediterranean world, meaning that there was significant interaction between the inhabitants and Phoenicians/Sea Peoples. Combine that with the early descriptions of the Picts as dark and swarthy, and there’s a reason that the Welsh look, as you put it, look like Dagos, i.e. Southern European/Mediterranean.
Just a thought.
P.S. I don’t believe Elvis was Welsh, or even Scottish or Irish for that matter: But then again in the South, there’s such a mish-mash of cultures and racial oddities, Melungeons for example, that it’s fair to say “Who knows?” The only what find out the truth would be to do a DNA test on his daughter. Elvis is speculated by some to have been part Melugeon/Tri-Racial Isolate BTW.
The Celts (Irish & Welsh) normally look like Tom Jones.
The Scots are a funky mix.
BTW, Tom Jones was/is a supreme alpha.
This is a joke article, right?
(It’s true that the Kievan Rus’ did trade with Muslims as well as a host of others along the Volga River. And explorers such as ibn Fadlan and al-Ghazal actually made it to Scandinavia:
Also see:
So there certainly would have been some cultural back and forth, plus maybe the odd immigrant. Further, trade goods of an exotic nature, incl. the “Viking textile with ‘Allah’ inscribed on its hem” might have been favored because they were exotic and status goods, a common phenomenon in international trade. A more historically recent example of this would the 18th-19th Century tea trade and imported porcelain’s influence on traditional American [and British] interiors. Also consider Chinese Chippendale furniture in the same vein. But that’s not the same thing as saying that, having some Muslim goods, suddenly Vikings all became Muslims any more than Americans and British all embraced Confucianism.
They didn’t. That’s just PC wishful thinking.)
Just a thought.
P.S. For further reading re Viking contact with Muslim culture, consider the late Michael Crichton’s novel “Eaters of the Dead.” (Also and in the “what if” category of things, Consider Kim Stanley Robinson’s novel “Years Of Rice And Salt,” wherein he posits an alternative history where 99% of Europe’s population was killed off by the Black Plague and was repopulated by Muslim pioneers.)
The BBC trying to make any old runny sh** stick to the wall of shame anymore.
The MSM media doesn’t actually care anymore when it lies to you. How bizarre is that?
JOURNLISM IS DEAD!!!! Understand that fact and all the MSM output instantly makes sense for being the absolute trash it really is.
I read somewhere that some Muslim refugees came up into some random Swedish man’s apartment and raped his ass. If that does not demonstrate Swedish cuckdom, I don’t what does.
We come to your country and don’t just rape your women…we FUCK YOU in the ass!
At least in the United States Jorge is not just walking into any old white man’s house and sodomizing him!
Jorge is a hispanic name you ignorant cunt.
He knows that, you extremely dumb mother fucker. He used “Jorge” to equate the hispanic invasion of America to the muslim invasion of Europe. Saying that at least the beaners here don’t sink to the level of raping American men in their homes.
Is that clear enough now, you pathetic little fag?
Jorge is a white mans name actually. Remember that Spanish comes from Europe people. “Hispanic” is such a dumb term. In this case, “George” isn’t a white mans name either. Also random but stereotypical nigga names like “Tyrone” are actually Irish in origin
Haha it’s funny because you suck at life and can’t read.
And Gerard means “Great Spear Fighter.” Bet you didn’t know that, you ignorant cunt.
Of course I know he MIGHT mean that. But I both wanted to be insulting and didnt see why I would give an ignorant cunt (either way) the benefit of the doubt. Im anti mas immigration and more nationalistic than any of ye pricks I’m just not a racist cunt about it with cheap names like “beaner” fucking hell at least try to be original or actually insulting.
As for Geard being strong spear. I did know that like any fucking body who gets a cheap keyring during the course of their life with the meaning of their name on it. Jesus how easily impressed with yourself are you ?? And so the fuck what if i didnt. Jog along ignorant people,jog along
The BBC is irrelevant to 75 percent or more of the U.K. population that doesn’t live in London or another large connurbation.
It only survives as another parasitic stealth tax on the UK people.
Fuck it. When it goes the country will be better off. It’s lack of concern for even trying to appear non biased now is shameful. Fuck it and all the libtards who work for it.
It is an embarrassment to my country’s former good name.
That explains the raping and pillaging
The Mohawk Indians got rid of the Vikings pretty quick. They knew how to deal with illegal aliens. My understanding is that they killed to Norse with arrows right on the beach.
However, the founding population of Iceland is 5% Native American so a few squaws got traded.
As for Arabs, they never knew of Northern Europe. The Iranians MAY have interacted with the Norse in Russia if we are to believe the Banderas film, but that was a stretch.
I heard it was actually drama between leaders of the Viking colonizers (something to do with a murder committed by a jealous woman) that finally got the Vikings to leave?
All Icelander citizens today trace their Amerindian DNA to two or three Micmac women.
That part seems to have been based on fact, although the Banderas character (ibn Fadlan) seems to have encountered vikings in volga bulgaria
Probably they did. The Barbary Coast pirates/slavers likely raided these areas; it is a confirmed fact that they raided Ireland.
Chances are, though, that what is now The Netherlands, especially Friesland, was too much for them. Even the Vikings preferred easier prey.
And yet they conquered Northern France and established Normandy. They also settled in huge areas of Britain, and it wasn’t always like shooting fish in a barrel. The Britons of the 8th & 9th centuries AD were not the depleted genetic waste of the 21st century.
They had one confirmed raid in Ireland and it was planters they took not actually Irish people. There resupplied their and sold their wares there. Some europeans led boats for them too,where the term renegade came from. Read a great book on htem. Very interesting people and times.
This man is hilarious & these BBC monkeys are too
Well, “they” are trying to tell us all that some Vikings were women too. Eventually “they” will come back again and say “no, no! All Vikings were women and these Viking women were unstoppable forces of nature…fill in the blanks”.
And for what? So some mating pool reject female feels good about herself, if only for a moment and only vicariously through fantasy?
Yet if a man hits a woman (see: Moldylocks) we’re right back in the Victorian Age.
Vikings interacted with the Iranian writer in Central Russia. Antonio Banderas later made a movie about it.
Arabs never traveled as far North as Germany even. They got into Sicily and South of France and Spain but the North of Europe was a wilderness at that time.
Barbary Coast pirates raided Ireland.
That was just coastlines and ship-to-ship raids on merchant vessels. The Barbary Pirates never made it deep inland.
The only minute blood that mixed in with Vikings was a few Native American squaws they traded from Micmac Indians for bronze.
My understand is that Icelanders are something like 5% Amerindian through the DNA of one Native American woman from the founding population who was Eric the Red’s concubine from Maine or Newfoundland.
This historical record as to the origins of the Vikings was largely lost during the Dark Ages. But, modern genetic evidence would not support a theory that Moorish intrusion on the lands of the indigenous Europeans made it any further north then maybe modern day South Germany. The Spanish managed to stop their advanced in the 12th century and it is highly unlikely that the Moors would have been able to simply bypass the Spanish to make it to Britain or further North.
Maybe a few adventurers penetrated that far North but it was hardly a full scale invasion. Just as one or two most likely found their way to America. Viking longships were designed for river travel and not that of oceanic travel, especially multi-week crossings or coastal rounders. There is an archeological record that it was done, but that doesn’t mean it was the norm. We sent some men to the moon a few times. That doesn’t mean there was a bus that went their daily.
Keep in mind that many explorers during the Dark Ages and the Enlightenment were motivated by tales of Antiquity. They wanted to see what was beyond this or that. Some might have made the journey old to find that it was mostly empty land and if any ancient civilization wealthy and strong had long since died off. But, empty land is a fine place to set up a new settlement that isn’t going to be under the rule of some despot or raided by brigands.
Were there griffins in the Balkans, a race of giants that once roamed the land, an island of advanced knowledge destroyed overnight, or other grand civilizations throughout the world? My guess is probably. But when the time came where technology finally allowed man to explore those lands they were far gone (or distant cousins such as the Incas and Aztecs).
Bottom line is there is no reason to speculate about ancient times because the historical record is mostly gone (or was unrecorded in the first place). All we really have are some bad translations, of translations, or translations, of texts and some really really old buildings left. The next guy’s guess is as good as yours to what actually happened.
The Vikings were almost certainly derived from the German Gallic tribes displaced and driven North and West by the Roman invasion of Gaul. Everything important in the world was created by the Germanic tribes and their descendants aka the master race.
you use of the term germanic tribes is looser than your mothers cunt
there is one major issue here :
anyone could be a Viking.
because a “viking” means “raider”.
a lot of people in Scandinavia, around Baltic Sea, and even Brettony – were farmers, craftsmen, sea merchants.
but when times were rough, they organized “vikingurr” – a raid to pillage and plunder
in time, some loved the spoils so much, they went “pro”.
later on, warfare, climate and spoils were not so good, so they claimed new lands and became farmers once again.
there was no particular “viking nation”, or “viking people”, however in general they were people from entire Scandinavia, Baltic Sea area – west and northern Slavs, Slavs of great rivers Don and Volga, Prussians, even some Saxons looking for adventures.
so there possibly might be some Moors, doing raids with vikings, but there would be just individual cases – adventurers, outcasts, slaves, mercenaries, etc.
or – allied Mediterrean Moorish pirates – they would join forces with northern raiders, just to get to loot some major cities.
like a pirate helping another pirate, for a greater prize.
There is nothing in the historical record to suggest that the Moors, other then maybe one or two odd brigands, ever made it that far North. The Moors were also not a seafaring people, but preferred land travel. Sure, they did have some nautical prowess, but so did many other civilizations of the time. There is nothing to suggest in any text though that they could have circumnavigated the Iberian peninsula the whole way up to the English channel, then cross, it and raid northern point of the UK island. If they had that ambition/technology/fortitude most likely the Moors would have stopped for awhile in the West of France and perhaps pushed South from there to crush the Castilian Spanish. They probably would have also sought water routes instead of relying upon the overland Silk road routes.
The vikings were most likely Nordic in origin with some Germanic influence. One thing that the scientific record suggests is that it was darn cold up in the area until about the 1400’s so it makes sense those people might have on boats to see what was beyond the sea.
Actually, the 1400’s were the *beginning* of the “Little Ice Age,” and not the end.
Prior to that things were relatively temperate up in Northern Europe. For example, it was possible to grow grapes in Britain. Also, Greenland really *was* green and suitable for agriculture.
That all changed in the 14th Century when things suddenly became wetter and colder worldwide, the consequences being amongst other things the Plagues that wiped out 1/3 of the population of Europe and indirectly led to a decline in the power of the Catholic Church.
And it was cold. For example, the Thames would regularly freeze over to the point where it was possible to ride horses on it. Not the case now at all.
Hope this helps.
Just a thought.
Well, why not change history. The left knows that the right wing is full of “non-aggression” pothead libertarians and selfish baby boomers only concerned about themselves. Why not change history, they know white boi libertarians will never do anything about it, they know that white man will never pick up weapons and fight/get violent (like the Vikings), they know that no matter how much the right wings wins in elections that that the right wing has ZERO balls and will only go to libertarianism and selfish “muh individualism”. The left knows that the demographic future of this country is essentially a guarantee to their power. So why not demoralize white man even more, it has been working for the last 50 years, why not keep going, the left/the blacks/the browns/the women of this country have been having a blast and have been benefiting non-stop from it, laughing at weak and pathetic white boi the entire way? The more demoralized white man gets the more de-tribalized and weak he gets, soon white man will just be word to represent those random pale people that kind of wonder around from time to time.
Getting rid of any history that portrays white man as a strong group of tribalistic people is probably a big part of it. Can’t have white pride in this nation, and pride comes from your history, your ancestry, your culture, and your bloodline. Hey white boy, the genes that literally make you who you are have a direct connection to the Viking and other past white people who kicked ass and took names. Those people fought to pass their genes on (like every normal living organism does), they fought for their nation and tribe. Libertarians and leftist liberals are literally destroying that entire lineage and letting the most failed people (the losers of past) breed our women and repopulate our nations. It is kind of funny when you think about the meritocracy of it all. Of the many tribes and cultures out there, whites stood out from the rest won their land and wealth through wining wars/hardwork, but I guess libertarians don’t believe in meritocracy and think it is great that our tribe gets conquered by other failed pieces of shit who couldn’t make their own tribe great.
it goes to show that hard work is worth nothing if you are not willing to fight for it and past victories are worthless if u cant fight now
Words of wisdom.
Isn’t it funny how white (men, mostly) are the only ones NOT allowed to have any pride?
Make no mistake about it, that’s on purpose. Only problem for those behind it all is that when the Asians take over the rules of the game are going to be very, very different indeed, and some are in for a very unpleasant surprise.
I wouldn’t go that far. I think you don’t hear much about “white pride” because white men’s accomplishments speak for themselves. They don’t have to advertise. It’s like how you hardly see BMW and Rolls Royce commercials. Everyone knows their reputations proceed them, so why advertise them? Non-white groups have “pride” rallies because most of them don’t have much to be proud of, so they have to have a pep rally to celebrate what few accomplishments they do have. Think about it. When you invent the car, invent the computer, and stretch railroads from the Atlantic to the Pacific, what is there left for you to say or do, except drop the mic and walk off the stage? A lion does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep.
I was a full-on Austrian School libertarian starting in 2011 after the CIA actor ‘Osama Bin Laden’ died, and I met Ron Paul the following spring. I still pivot back to it as a critique of society, and because there is much overlap with the Alt-Right, but with each passing day I see that it completely omitted invaluable information such as gynocentric economics, and a critique of (((consumerism))), which is not capitalism at all but a (((Bernaysian))) invention that enabled and shepherded feminism more swimmingly than Marxism ever could. Instead, all they are concerned with is Keynesianism, while lauding their de facto pet anarchist illegal aliens.
Hey libertarians, here is a great video highlighting the hypocrisy and cowardice of the libertarian. watch from minute 7:00-11:00. Remember, Turning Point USA (the largest libertarian organization in the country) thinks race is a social construct, offers subsidized trips to the Jewish ethno state of Israel to learn about the “free market” (you know, a country with universal healthcare and lots of socialism). Omg, libertarians are the most degenerate fucking pieces of shit on this planet. FUCKING COWARDS.
Part of this is Protestant individualism brought to the US by Anglo-Celts in the first place.
Once your tribe is safe, healthy, and secure than individualism is great, but putting yourself above your tribe as if you are a divine spirit and god in-of-yourself is total bullshit.
Have you ever noticed how even atheists are unwilling to say anything about Israel or even Judaism in general? It’s usually Christianity they condemn.
If you run into an atheist in public ask about a country with their religious symbol everywhere, including their flag, and how billions of American taxpayer dollars went into it. You’ll never get a straight answer except maybe from someone like Sam Harris.
But let a small town use five dollars of taxpayer money to replace a light bulb for a town hall Nativity scene and watch them go berserk.
The left, barring their auxiliary black and Hispanic shock troops, are a bunch of hippies and homos.
Yeah, the right-wing is really intimidated by Carl and his butt buddy Skillex.
madman marz:
Wes is right, sorry to say.
Look what has happened in my fifty years in this country. Transsexual BATHROOM rights, for crying out loud? #metoo? a female Thor spouting feminism? If the right isn’t intimidated, it may as well be.
Yet if white man goes then what? Asians will run things, and they won’t allow themselves to be ruined the way Western society did. Woe unto any who try.
Man, the comment system here is a mess!
This is all just a shit-test, folks. The trannies, the cuck0ldry and the ahistorical revisionism. These leftists have adopted the tetchy feminine disposition to see how much we will tolerate before we put our foot down.
American history no longer exists prior to 1861 because women and nonwhites had no role in it…(to be fair, they never did). These Jacobins will eventually erase us like Stalin disappeared people from photographs once they fell out of favor.
We seriously need a war
We’ve been in Afghanistan for 20 years.
I was in Dubai and it was booming in the years that the US military budget bankrupted the US. Look at the Skylines in Dubai and then look at the towns that produce all-volunteer armies-crumbling rusty Podunk towns far from the East Coast centers of powers that decide the wars.
Another war would bankrupt the United States.
Red Ice did a nice piece debunking this crap over 6 months ago:
Does anyone know how to edit/delete posts, damn this comment facility is so shite it’s no wonder everyones decamped over to A.K.C
Everyone? About 3 posts a day as far as I can tell.
This is even more stupid than the whole cheddar man thing. Can the BBC finally lose funding and fade into obscurity?
It wasn’t just the BBC who promoted this story. Almost every accredited media outlet did. Are the Islamophobic commenters on this site really claiming that the Guardian, the BBC AND the New York Times are all wrong? None of them have retracted their stories after it was revealed that the allegedly Muslim symbol looks to the untrained eye to have been a forgery. In order to believe that all of these prominent media outlets are wrong, you’d have to believe that the entire accredited media is owned by a handful of corporations, controlled primarily by a tribe who follows a deeply ethnocentric doctrine.
Haha great post. Unfortunately it will be drowned out by madman marz and the like with their countless inane BS tales and misdirection.
vikings weren’t muzzies for sure, they’re just overrated
the Viking were slavers; they captured whites on their coastal raids and shipped them to the middle east where they sold them captives to the Muslims. Obtaining Islamic goods in the process does not make them Muslims.
So a 5 year old asks an honest question, and his “peaceful” dad backhands him? riiiight
Damn! you whites are getting psychologically infiltrated. lets face it boys your future will be a Brazilian, technocratic scientific dictatorship with big brother “see something say something” on every digital billboard street in amurica. your women are the whore of the world. they will become a rare commodity in the far future. if you think white women today are privileged. wait a decade from now 🤣😂
For those who believe history is written by the victor, the left believes they have won.
So I go in the bathroom at school and their are postit notes all over the mirrors with motivational meme sayings on them. They’ve been doing this around campus lately. I read a few and I see one right in the middle in big black sharpy that says “google MGTOW and hypergamy” lol
Someone out their is not happy with the womenz. I left a note to google this page instead
Thank God for islam, the white mans kryptonite
As teotoon said – the Vikings had business relationships with Muslims. They captured Christians in Northern Europe and sold them to the highest bidders in North Africa and the Middle East. The city of Dublin was founded by Vikings as a port to export Irish captives on the way to the slave markets.
Vladimir the Great was a Swedish Rus king. He accepted envoys from all major religions before deciding which faith his kingdom would practice. He rejected Islam due to their prohibitions on alcohol and pork. (They also reportedly smelled bad and were unpleasant people – things that don’t change)
How the eff would anyone know exactly what was said and what was meant by what was said in that (or any) conversation if they were not present, themselves???
So does that mean Vikings are returning to Sweden now?
Almost too funny the attempt at subversion is.
And the term “fraud” was never heard from again.
just lazy, blatant (((propaganda))):
Mohammed was a white dude.