British royal weddings are deeply imbued with tradition. There are reasons. Choices of spouses have consequences, and the Tudor dynasty was an exemplary case study. But since absolutist monarchy became obsolete, and the royals no longer call the shots, does that mean tradition can be thrown out the window?
Earlier, that didn’t fly. In brief, King Edward VIII had to abdicate the cushiest gig in the world to marry Wallis Simpson. There were three strikes against her: American, divorcee, and promiscuous. The royal wedding of Prince Harry—potentially a successor to the throne—demonstrates that attitudes have changed. Still, was that a good idea?
Should kings and princes marry virgins?
Traditionally, premarital chastity is highly important for royal brides. Used merchandise isn’t fit for kings and princes. Why? Catherine Howard’s marriage to the aging Henry VIII ended disastrously. She was disappointed on her wedding night, because she thought all rulers have twelve inches.
More seriously, Queen Lolita was caught in two affairs: the king’s “friend”, and an undisclosed Chad Thundercock returning from her past. (Long before, Catherine’s first experience was her music teacher feeling her up. That was consensual, but well into Pizzagate territory.) These days, such scandals keep tabloid reporters employed; back then, heads rolled. In the aftermath, concealing a future queen’s sexual history became a crime.
Making a fool of a king is pretty serious business, especially by cucking him. Dirty laundry about the queen’s—or potential queen’s—past is also scandalous. There indeed have been royal bastards, sometimes very effective ones. Still, it’s pretty important to know that the dynasty’s heir isn’t the milkman’s kid. Although today’s royals are basically just celebrities, they’re still important national symbols.
The tradition ends
Before the Baby Boomers, premarital sex was strongly discouraged. That’s been a cultural norm since the ancients figured out how reproduction works. These days, virgin brides are pretty scarce outside of devout religious communities. It’s likely little different for the upper classes. Will this bring turbulence to the Harry-Meghan relationship? We’re about to see. Much depends on whether her Cock Carousel days are truly over.
So Meghan was an actress; that might mean trouble. Still, it gets worse. A Daily Mail article lists several of her former liaisons. The first described—Simon Rex—is a Hollywood actor, model, and rap musician. As “Sebastian”, he also did three pornos marketed for gays, though “Hand Solo” would’ve been a better stage name. That’s merely the beginning; the article is a gruesome read. Wallis Simpson now seems nearly virginal by comparison. Further, Catherine Howard’s “alpha fucks, beta bucks” gold digging was small potatoes.
Could this mean trouble? Number of premarital partners strongly correlates to divorce risk. Bailing on her previous marriage after two years isn’t encouraging either. So is having divorced parents, among other factors. Apparently Harry didn’t sign a prenup. Uh oh… Royal breakups were a smidge messier when Henry VIII reigned, but orderly exit plans are prudent and discourage misbehavior.
I was a captive audience to the royal wedding’s livestream. When the commentators started laying it on too thick, I tried to drown out the blather with Metallica and Estirpe Imperial. However, some of it leaked through. They highlighted Meghan’s activism, and (of course) her commitment to feminism. They certainly weren’t the first to bemoan how leaving all that behind is unfortunate. Accordingly, she has closed social media accounts relating to that.
By tradition, the royal family avoids political statements. That’s odd, since they once ruled with absolute power. Their influence might be very helpful, if they have something sensible to say. However, that’s quite uncertain, given today’s epidemic of rich people becoming limousine leftists. Be all that as it may, an SJW princess could generate much controversy and make the whole family look silly.
Perhaps the tradition of refraining from politics will go out the window too. When do leftists ever shut up for propriety’s sake? She’s none too classy, according to her own brother, so anything’s possible. What happens if she starts ranting about “mansplaining“? Will they take away her limo and make her ride in a Yugo?
Further, if they split up, not even tradition stands in the way. After Princess Diana’s divorce, she was involved in various causes that got her much liberal admiration. Still, to her credit, campaigning for AIDS awareness and against land mines was pretty inoffensive. If Meghan goes full SJW, she’ll be a royal pain indeed.
The ethnic angle
There’s been much discussion about Meghan’s Black ancestry. Predictably, the media spins it positively. Actually, she looks less African than the impostor Rachel Dolezal, but the ceremony played it to the hilt. It’s highly doubtful that Harry was under orders to choose her specifically. (Likewise, his mother’s later taste for Muslim boyfriends was her own idea.) Still, it couldn’t have worked out better for the globalist shmucks trying to wreck Europe.
Historically, sometimes royals aren’t related to the public they rule. King George I didn’t even speak English, and neither did Junior. (The later House of Windsor dynasty is really part of the Saxe-Coburg und Gotha family, although their Anglo-Saxon subjects aren’t much different.) Still, on the other side of the pond, the memory of foreign royals likely inspired the Constitutional provision specifying that an American President must be born in the USA. That was still taken seriously until Obama.
Although it’s unremarkable for royals to seek matches in nearby countries, marrying outside of their race is another matter. That used to be very rare in the general public too, though massive propaganda efforts are having their effect. However, among the nobility, that was pretty much unheard of until Coudenhove-Kalergi. Surely the usual suspects are gloating about this latest development.
I’ll assume Harry’s choice is more than just celebrity virtue signaling. However, it will be played to the public that miscegenation is acceptable, even hip and fashionable. Al Sharpton was pretty ecstatic. So marrying Whites is the ultimate measure of success for Blacks? Dude, really? Muhammad Ali would’ve disagreed. On that note, a bloke named Rudyard Kipling wrote:
Let the corn be all one sheaf—
And the grapes be all one vine,
Ere our children’s teeth are set on edge
By bitter bread and wine.
All that said, it wouldn’t have been impossible for Harry to find someone who is classy, not a middling actress, younger than him, and ethnically British or at least descended from kindred peoples. That’s not too burdensome of a job requirement, especially since being a prince is a pretty cushy gig.
Weddings are supposed to be happy occasions, and I hate to rain on anyone’s parade. (Still, her brother had far worse to say.) It’s all about the loooove, as the gay marriage advocates constantly told us. Even John Lennon said love is all one needs, right?
Actually, the purpose of marriage is a stable environment to raise children, who are essential to further one’s lineage and nation. All other considerations (love, sex, shared living arrangements, etc.) are secondary. This is especially so for dynasties. When royals like Henry VIII let their little heads to the thinking, trouble often followed.
All that said, perhaps Wallis Simpson wasn’t so bad after all!
Read More: The New Royal Baby Proves That Even A Degenerate Society Lusts For Tradition
Harry is a Cuck and he cucked the Royal Family.
BTW, Harry is a bastard himself literally so it isn’t surprising the Queen let him marry Markle. A great way to discredit Harry once and for all…
The more prominent males have slut issues, the more normal guys take the red pill.
Btw anyone in yangon? Greetings from there!
excellent !!
Royal family are globalist zionist scum, pedophilles as well as satanist fuck them.
Your article is a solid read but I want to point out that no matter how much I dislike Obama…he was born in Hawaii…whereas his opponent in 2008, Senator McCain, was born in Panama (in the Canal Zone). Hard facts…deal with it.
Innuendo and outright lies aren’t a particularly effective strategy at discrediting one’s opponents. How about facts and figures…the truth?
Alpha males don’t waste time on conspiracy theories. Just the facts, as harsh or unwanted as they may be.
When you are born abroad to parents who are involved in the military, often at an overseas base, you are born a U.S. citizen via extraterritoriality laws which are recognized by all nations involved.
There are quite a number of relatively famous Americans who were born on an overseas military base, and it does show in their passport what country it was (Germany, Okinawa Japan, etc.)
C’mon man. Do a little research.
Barak Hussein Obama was the most massive toll ever paid for burning of coal. Only it was us, the people of America, mainly White, who paid the toll of that coal burning British bitch.
Motherfucker is as American as Hideki Tojo or Adolph Hitler. OR as I am Japanese.
What surprises me is so many shitlibs are here commenting and reading. They must be slowly absoring the red pill. And that’s ok.
But virtue signalling here won’t get you anywhere.
So sorry to rain on your parade but it has been proven that Obama was not born in Hawaii as he claims. Even his own half brother had admitted that Barack was born in Kenya. The birth certificate that Obama’s people released was a pathetic lie. The hospital that he claims to have been born in changed its name in the 1970’s. The certificate they released has the new name for the hospital even though the date on the document was 1961. There were several other issues with the certificate but that alone lets anyone who is objective realize it is an absolute fraud.
To me, Obama looks like the spit and image of Frank Marshall Davis, who babysat for him on occasion.
Obama kinda looks like a ring-tailed lemur.
I’ve seen that one. This is the guy he calls “Pops” in one of his autobiographies. If he’d acknowledged Davis as his father, the citizenship question would’ve been nonexistent, since this means he has two American parents. Unfortunately for Obama’s political prospects, Davis was a Communist, which would not have played too well.
@ Beau Albrecht
Agree, and no way Davis would have tolerated, let alone babysat, played with or mentored somebody else’ kid in his house.
Even if Obama was born in Kenya, what difference would it have made since his mother was a US citizen? Ted Cruz, was born in Canada, and only his mother was a US citizen at the time. But not much stink was made about it when he ran. Cruz even said it was settled law that he was eligible to become potus.
I would not be so sure of this unless you were in Hawaii and witness his birth.
I challenge anyone here who thinks that Obama wasn’t born in our country to get a real and valid American birth certificate for a child not born in America.
Good luck with that…if you can actually do that then perhaps your theories are plausible instead of what they currently appear…which is absurd.
I challenge anyone here who thinks that Obama wasn’t born in our country to get a real and valid American birth certificate for a child not born in America.
This is why Obama was so distrusted by real Americans, his Social Security number and birth certificate were both suspect. Americans expect their laws to be followed and there is supposed to be equality before the law for everyone. Special rules for rich people is an foreign custom from third world s***holes.
I don’t think you understand what “natural born” means. Until you understand the precise legal arguments for Obama being ineligible, perhaps you should not venture an uniformed opinion about it. Even if he was born in Hawaii (which is not established fact), he could still be ineligible. American Thinker has a decent article explaining the actual issue. Google it. It’s from 2016.
Getting a real and valid birth certificate in 2018 will prove what exactly about the plausibility of doing it 52 years ago in a small outpost in the middle of the Pacific Ocean that only had been made a state less than two years prior?
John McCain’s case is rather unremarkable, since he got a favorable ruling that being born in the Canal Zone counts.
As for The Lightworker, there are numerous details suggesting he has fake ID: family members saying he was born in Mombasa, the Hawaii hospitals conducting a long search but not being able to find anything, the Connecticut-issued SSN, etc. It’s not a huge big deal these days, but it’s an illustration of how liberals will happily bend the rules for one of their own, then shriek and flap their arms if someone questions their version of reality.
Even if Obama were born on Saturn, he’s still an American born male, because his mother was a US citizen at the time of his birth.
Those who because US citizens through naturalization are the only ones who cannot be presidents of the US.
*became, not because
Even if Obama were born on Saturn, he’s still an American born male, because his mother was a US citizen at the time of his birth.
Those who because US citizens through naturalization are the only ones who cannot be presidents of the US.
This is not the definition of natural-born citizen as originally used in the US Constitution. The definition used in the 18th century required a natural-born citizen to be born in the country, of parents(plural, not singular) who are citizens of that country.
He was never American. He has no history here. His grandparents on one side are British, and the other? Kenyan? Indonesian? I don’t know.
But a piece of paper doesn’t make someone an American. Being of this country and descended from the people who settled and built it does.
Civic nationalism is dead and Barak Hussein Obama wasn’t American I don’t give a fuck where he was born.
His history is full of sealed records and open holes. His SSN? How about college records? Why must they be sealed? I have to submit my college transcripts now for almost any new job.
WTF? Where there’s smoke there’s fire.
This is a common Leftist talking point that is 100% wrong. Obama’s mother was not old enough under the law to confer automatic citizenship on her son via birth. The law was structured back then to prevent young whores who got knocked up by foreigners to be able to magically produce “American” children. Today the law is different, but what matters for the purposes of our discussion is the law as it existed at the time Obama was born. The ONLY way Obama could have been an American at birth was if he was born in America.
Obama…he was born in Hawaii…whereas his opponent in 2008, Senator McCain, was born in Panama
It is a fallacy to believe that the US Constitution’s reference to “natural-born” citizen to mean only where a person was born. The US founding fathers relied on the books titled The Law of Nations written by Emmerich de Vattel when forming US law and the Constitution. Those books define natural-born citizens as “those born in the country, of parents who are citizens.” It was only in the 1800s as these books became less familiar to Americans that the error began creeping in that it only referred to where someone was born.
Under those requirements, MRubio and TCruz are not eligible. On the surface, it would appear Obama was ineligible…however, as has already been pointed out by another comment, Obama’s father may actually be Frank Marshall Davis.
Now regardless of the letter of the law, the spirit of this requirement was to have Americans as President who cares about America and American customs and laws. Obama, having spent some of his formative years in Indonesia, alienated real Americans and imported third world cronyism and corruption, which we are now recovering from.
Alpha males don’t waste time on conspiracy theories.
You are forgetting that one of the greatest alphas of all time, Donald Trump, raised this conspiracy theory for a time. He used it to get “street cred” with Obama’s resistance early on, which paid off in spades.
I’d like to point Trump eventually admitted that Obama was born in the US.
So that’s that.
I’d like to point Trump eventually admitted that Obama was born in the US. So that’s that.
For the moment…we shall see how Spygate shakes out.
Just to put it on the back burner. He knows like everyone should that the left will latch onto minor details to desiccate the larger issue.
What does that kenyan bitch have to do with prince harry marrying a carousel rider?
who really give a shit here about that cuck who marry that bitch ?
seriously, ROK…
Yeah, fuck the hypster trendy shit. Give us something more masculine… like Putin for example.
Indeed, Putin is the proper article. He hooked up with the exquisite Alina Kabaeva (when he was in his 50s & she was in her early 20s) & sired her child. Support Trump’s wall all you want, but Putin’s had a wall for a long time. He keeps the wrinklies on the other side of it.
Putin is a true king! He doesn’t play the hypocritical faggotish game of democracy like the western pussies!
Harry is a disgrace to the Royal Family. He could have had any of *thousands* of beautiful English women with at least a minimal past history, if not virgin. Instead he’s chosen a foreigner, non-white, divorced at least once (I read there may have been another very short-lived marriage and peeps are looking into it), older, many boyfriends, and a raving feminist who identifies with her half-black side. It is just surreal.
Look at the wedding… a nig preacher spouting off, a black American gospel choir, and with Oprah and Serena Williams in attendance.
It’s painful too think about the liberal stunts and pronouncements (anti-racist, pro-woman, etc) we are in for from these two.
Exactly. There are still a number of graceful high-class English girls out there who can cook him a scrumptious meal. Oh Delia Smith, come back!
Delia’s recipes are ctually really good.
If this marriage by some miracle works out, I’m spitting out my red pill/game/AWLT and swallowing one huge, nasty black pill.
Roosh did say on his last live call-in that he can see them working out. The reasons he gave make logical sense. However, I can see it ending as well. I hope this cuck wakes up and ditches her ass so that women and the msm worldwide can collectively gasp and say “omgggg noooooo..bbb bbb buttttt she was so perfect for him.” Bonus points if he says “i had a bad gut feeling about meghan…and i turned to ROK and specifically donovan sharpes slut tells article im now an officially red pilled man”! (Donovan would get great exposure this way too!l I really hope they find dirt on her that would disgust him, but then again, hes this far in, it probably wouldnt matter to him..and hed come up with some cuck line like ” i have a past too, i shagged a lot of fanny and who am i to judge others”. What pisses me off is the girls out there saying and thinking ” she hoed around and stillll got a prince, so can I!” And they arent wrong..ppl like prince hairyballsack are the reason why todays women run amok with zero consequences and care for their shit behavior. Trully disgusting times we live in.
Vera Lynn should be singing us something like England is No More while she’s still around.
Here is my twist.
Just like the Queen……Harry WILL DO AS HE IS TOLD….simple.
He has NO income as such (unlike his brother and “father”)….his “income” will come from the Inheritance he got from his hoe mother…and yearly handouts from his brother and father.
Living a Millionaire lifestyle is EXPENSIVE….it is highly unlikely that he could continue to live as he does now without the yearly handouts from daddy and big brother.
This was an arranged marriage….the “Family” is under the impression that this will make them more popular with the plebs and (with the MASSIVE support they received from the Fake MSM)…they may be right.
Our next Prime Minister may be a Republican (and a commie to boot)…. and Charles is NOT popular with the Brits (the Queen may not last much longer)…this arranged marriage was simply a survival strategy.
Interesting theory; and you’re probably right.
Harry is just one guy that got married with a mixed-raced woman. But there are thousands of British women that either hooked up or get married with black men. How do you going to prevent that degradation of Anglo-Saxonist race?? But but muuh white women, muuh British womenz….
Prince Harry’s going to change anything but thousands of British women that already have mixed children is definitely going to cause some trouble in the society. I doubt you have balls to stand up against black men. Typical weak ass racist Anglo cuck-faggot. Just blame the Prince everything will be fine.
Given all her negatives, my thought is, he has no intentions toward fidelity.
He had to choose a first, so chose one he sees as a throwaway.
The wedding will last about as long as ber novelty value.
” I doubt you have balls to stand up against black men. Typical weak ass racist Anglo cuck-faggot. ”
You live in Russia and dare to comment on standing up to nigs? You are one presumptive little prick. What do you know about standing up to darkies? I’ve lived it… in high school, the military, anywhere. Only a bit more hesitant now due to age and injuries. You come here and I’ll take you to the dark part of my city and we’ll put your big talk to the test. Untermensch.
Hahhahaha But but… there are gangbangers in russia too:×400.jpg
You’re over-protected & overrated black kang Anthony Joshua is in serious trouble. He will have to come to Russia to fight against our heavyweight boxer Alexander Povetkin. You shameless cucks are so weak that a negro is representing your country but your Prince’s privet life.
Ireland also was represented by a negro against us. I am talking about Mike Perez. He was the invincible kanz from Ireland until he got brain damage from our boxer. That monkey fall to the ground like a fucking tree in the first round.
Those are no black Russians. Those are some troops from African countries doing winter exercises with Russian VDV. From the outfits it looks like paratroopers training so it’s under VDV. Also don’t forget that VDV butchered many Nazis during WW2.
I know, im jokin
Most White British women are not marriage material.
Compared to the, Meghan Markle is real princess.
Peter Franzer
Everything is upside down for these arrogant Anglo-Saxonist. Marrying a non-white woman is cuck. But the country full of immigrants is not. They should have felt shame that black men are dominating their national sports. But no, these feminine men are more interested in gossiping about Prince Harry’s private life lol..😂😂
You used the term “beautiful english women….”. Never ever use those words in the same sentence! Lived over there for about 5 months, even the local English chaps I befriended called em Midlands trolls.
I lived there longer than 5 months, and anyone that thinks there aren’t some hot English women isn’t paying attention. I’m talking about looks only. And less fatties there than in the US, across all age groups. Just got back from a visit there, in fact. East Anglia.
Blue Eyed
Most White British women are incredibly ugly and obnoxious.
Less fatties… in Britain… HAHAHahahhHAhah a lot of fun!!!
I ran into a FEW attractive anglo-saxon women. Largely, ethnic english women have terrible diets, TONS of poorly applied makeup, bad skin and coloring, drink like a fish, bad fashion sense, and almost zero sex appeal and grace. I almost never did see a English woman resembling lucy pinder or Kelly Brooke (those 2 are nothing like they were, would still dick em down no doubt). The most attractive girls in saw in England were either from eastern europe or middle east. Few cute indians and half casts as well.
The elites are a disgrace themselves. Abusing and Murdering Children in their secret catacombs. the elites run all the pedophile rings/networks. they murder/rape/torture thousands of children.
Let it out bro, this is where the healing starts
are you retarded? wait redundant question
Blue Eyeed
You said:
“beautiful English women”
You lost me there.
SUNBURN – Negroes have a great biological edge in boxing due to a high ratio of fast-twitch muscle fiber (fast reflexes), thick skulls that can take a pounding without injury, they’re more violent due to higher test, etc., etc.
I have known lots of nuclear white guys in America, but they’re not professional boxers… as if that’s the be-all and end-all. It ain’t about American whites being weak cucks, it’s just that negroes here have an advantage in boxing and a couple other sports due to biological factors. If Russia had a substantial negro population, I guarantee a lot of your top boxers would come from that demographic. You just have a dislike for white men in the US and western countries and look for any reason to malign them.
For the record, whenever some big Pole or Russian or whatever fights an American black dude, I *always* root for the white.
You forgot tiny brain.
I don’t know from where to start but it looks like you have also fall for the superior kang genetic propaganda. Let me tell you some truth here.
Black athletes from the West are the most rodied up in sports & boxing is very corrupt sport. They looks more like bodybuilders than boxers. Look at Anthony Joshua or Deonty Wilder. They got bitch tits lol😂😂 apart from having unrealistic figures. African men don’t even look close to anything like them.
Top black athletes are also the most protected. Their management teams always tries to match against bums instead of elite fighter.
Blacks were considered invincible until we Slavs came to these black dominated sports after the collapse of Soviet Union.
klitschko brothers from Ukraine have dominated heavyweight boxing for 10 fucking years. But media didn’t gave them the attention they deserve. If Vitali Klitschko was a western black man then the western media would have call him the best boxer in history.
Similar Fedor Emelianenko from Russia have dominated heavyweight division of MMA. He beaten down guys that are twice bigger than him. He didn’t even have six-pack but beaten down so called “black-bulls”. They’re aggressive style talking, bodybuilders like muscles or kang genetics didn’t help them much when Fedor starts to beating them. He’s so good at fighting that even Mike Tyson had praised him. But he didn’t get proper Media attention either.
Muhammad Ali, Sugar ray, Mike Tyson etc didn’t faced any Slavic boxer that’s why it was the golden age of boxing for the kangz. Don’t get me wrong I respect these boxers but they’re not some unbeatable boxers that westerners tires to portray. I doubt they would perform that great if they had to face a Slavic boxer.
Just watch this cold war era boxing videos you will understand what I am saying here & why western boxers are protected from the Slavic boxers.
You are ducking delusional. Everyone knows that heavyweight boxing is nothing like it was. The reason is due to other sports in the U.S. (Basball, basketball, and football) becoming international commercial juggernauts. Who wants to get punched in the head for peanuts when you can play less dangerous sports and Make millions for 10-20 years, no matter if you are a winner or not! Can’t say the same about boxing and or especially MMA!!
They’re designed for durability in work and sport. And in those things (when they work) the design tends to hold up. Do not ask them to design, run or largely contribute to a functional Western society. As history has proven innumerable times, this is the definition of incompatibility.
We Slavs are as athletic as blacks at the same time we’re very innovative smart people. We might lack behind in running but in case of stamina we are in top. We can go toe to toe with them in most cases. America & Western countries always throw black athletes against us but most of the time we win against them. My point here is that black men athletes are overrated in the West.
Then to have this afro abomination of a wedding in a 15th century English chapel.
Talk about shitting all over their own heritage.
There is no England now.
This dude could’ve had grade A-1 top shelf prime untouched VIRGIN a$$. But this is what he chosed. Who is still laughing at this loser? Prince or not.
He is not a real prince. Real princes had the authorita to declare wars and even wage civil wars!
I wonder how she’d truly look without the plastic surgeries, the skin whitening products, the hair straighteners etc.
Like the face of the leading actor in the next Star Wars/Marvel or whatever popular franchise movie!
Glad one person realizes that she has her mother’s hair and earlier pictures clearly show the amount of plastic surgery. No doubt she had vaginal rejuvenation to spruce up that over used main corridor.
Even a Prince can be a cuck. I bet the royal family are not happy about a mulatto being in the family. Imagine what the kids will look like? Sorry if she can even have kids.
He’s not the cuck. He is the powerful white dude sticking it to a passably attractive black woman.
Are you daft? Megan Markle is not “black” she’s mixed raced. She looks more white than black.
Black british guy
So white man fucking black woman is just a cuck. But black men that fucks white women aren’t?
Kang logic anyone!
Yeah, maybe that happens when your monarchs dont have actual power for the last 3 centuries and instead a bunch of parliament faggots decide stuff.
Dutchess Catherine is doing her duty to ensure that no one else sits on the throne besides her own children. She knew what her job was.
The Royal Family reached such a nadir in the 90’s with Charles tampon fantasies and Diana’s party girl lifestyle that the fact that William married some fringe-Hollywood LA mulatto is just well, not a big deal.
You have a point
The louche sordid era of the 90’s was pretty much the peak of every sort of seediness.
Royal Family included.
>All that said, perhaps Wallis Simpson wasn’t so bad after all!
Seriously!?!?!? You forgot to mention that Wallis Simpson was a Nazi sympathizer who likely had an affair with Ribbentrop, encouraged Edward’s role in visiting with party members, and nurtured his own Nazi sympathies. Edward met with Hitler himself and basically instructed the Germans to repeatedly bomb London to weaken it in exchange for the return of his crown. I also believe they were sent to the Bahamas for the war since they could not be trusted to plot against their own family and country in Europe. Wallis and Edward are scum and short of betraying the UK in exchange for the throne, NOTHING Harry or Meghan do could be worse. For a group of people who encourages community and camaraderie, you’d think you’d be less likely to praise a heinous woman who encouraged dissent and the bombing of the English people.
A source:
In my opinion these royal marriages are arranged to promote some agenda…who he is married to and who he is fucking may be different….and I don’t think the royals are as obsolete and irrelevant as some may think…put all the royal families of Europe together and their wealth, and power, are still formidable.
Formidable for what? Maintaining palaces? Buying yachts? Cuz surely not formidable enough to wage wars, and especially to wage war against ur archenemies, the savage taliban hordes of the east!
Should any of this come as a suprise with the social climate you see there? The SJW’s have men arrested for things they say, banned Roosh from entering the country because he simply stated common red pill knowledge about women. What more do you need to see as a British red pill man? The damage is done over there, time to look for greener pastures elsewhere.
Yeah he made a mistake. Markle is a Liberal activist which is a massive red flag. And look at the company she keeps. Steroid Serena and racist Harpo. No thanks. Harry you fucked up. 3-5 years tops. She will find a way to fuck it up.
in a sense it’s a good decision : he doesn’t deserve a traditionnal wife.
Queen Elizabeth II needs to step down.
She looks quite senile lately
Maybe its time for king Sadiq??????
Hmmm. Interesting… mostly thumbs down on a comment (2 to 4 as of now) about how a queen needs to step down and let a king (Prince Charles) take over…. on a sight called “Return of Kings”.
That really makes me question the credibility of the readership, or at least the commenters.
He’s not royal.
The bastard son of Diana’s head of security.
Funny how they sent him into a war zone multiple times huh
I don’t buy it. His looks do actually resemble to his grandma, Queen Elizabeth.
I don’t understand why we white men still get hated for choosing any non-white woman beside Asians. Most white women aren’t loyal to us. We didn’t betrayed our women in the past. We didn’t choose non white women over ours. It was the white women who betrayed us at first. So this unconditional one sided race loyalty has lead us to nowhere. It needs to stop now. It’s time for us to become wise & rational.
Asian women are disgusting! East ones dont have a jaw and their skin is too pale while southern ones are like animals!
Yes I find Asian women gross, as well. The only positives are that a Northeast Asian woman will pass high IQ genes to my child and won’t morph into a buffalo after age 40, but aesthetically, they’re not very pleasing. The pale skin doesn’t bother me though — its the flat ass and small tits that turns me off.
I find nothing attractive about Southeast Asian women, though.
IQ of Asians are overrated. Chinese just copied all our weapons. They reverse engineered all the weapons that we had sold to them in the past. They have nothing of their own. Of course brains to reverse engineer anything but I wouldn’t call it high IQ.
Dont forget the egg shaped head and yeah the damn underdeveloped flat body of a child… I have friends who have the yellow fever for Jap and Korean pop shit girls and I just cannot comprehend it!
I suppose the Asian IQ is a myth, it’s just that Asians function by more primitive rules and social values based around collective organization and something resembling the old Protestant work ethics, and of course this gives results and people apparently confuse these things with high IQ.
And I predict any kid they have, with Harry’s fair skin and ginger hair, and her black gene pool, is going to be one butt-ugly mutt who will look nothing like any other British royal ever.
Nahhh, one day king Sadiq will be browsing through pictures of former British monarchs and will be like WTF was with the pale skin, were they sick or somethin hahahah
You’re confusing it with black men’s mixed race babies with white women. They’re babies are born very ugly because father is a ugly ass monkey. However white men with black women, babies are not born ugly. Look at MM or look at Tamera Mowry. They all looks beautiful & their fathers are white. By the way every black men knows that white men gets the hottest black women that they cannot get.
Every! ? I know one hot black beach that had a white boyfriend and fucking a poor black boy who works in an internet cafe
If I were prince/king/emperor or whatever I would have announced a casting for my potential wife. The requirements would be:
*Of Swedish origin
*under above 14 yrs and below 18yrs old
*Ripped athletic body with strong legs and abs
*Perform biceps/triceps curls before me while I dinner
*Low self esteem
I don’t think Prince Harry is a very important figure of geo-politics. He’s at best an overrated celebrity. Russian media didn’t even paid any attention to his marriage nor the Chinese/Iranian media. Only western media outlets covering his marriage ceremony.
Prince official dated at least 8 women beside MM. And the official numbers would be pretty high since most girls/women want to sleep with a prince for at least once in their life. So at this stage Prince Harry probably doesn’t care much about marrying a virgin.
I am not very interested in Asian women. We have many oriental girls in Russia & their behavior is pretty much identical to white Russian women. But they doesn’t look disgusting. I guess you’re talking about southeast Asians. Filipina & Thia girls are not usually attractive.
Nah, I generally dont like Asians, maybe I’m casually (or not so casually) racist but my thing is the white/caucasian especially scandinavian/swedish type… but unfortunately they appear to prefer the 30cm king kong ding dong.
united cuckland
The petri dish for the surrogate is brewing in a lab right now. Her uterus might support birth but it is going to need much help due to years of birth control, abortions and other interesting invaders.
The ginger idiot didn’t get a pre-nup, that is really disturbing.
Watch YouTube – a very royal narcissist by Knowing The Narcissist. This guy breaks her down bit by bit and it is really scary how devious and manipulative she is.
Yep. Ask her dad, her brother, or her two ex husbands (1 by anullment).
“Scary and manipulative”
Welcome to LA and the children of Hollywood cogs like an Irish drunk who is passed out in the Mexican gutter of Baja when his daughter is married.
Harry looks like a homely East Coast Irish guy you’d see in a bar…scuzzy carroty beard and lumpy pale features.
That is what Megan’s Dad looks like.
I don’t even think she cares that he is 6th in line at the throne.
Deep in a woman’s lizard brain is a desire to reproduce with women who resemble her father.
He’s a cuck. He can have any woman he wants yet he marries a 36-year old divorced mulatress.
Hahaha mulatress, very funny… not sure if it sounds like a character from a new disney film or porn!
This is a second article about Harry and Meghan on ROK in less than two weeks.
For Pete’s sake, guys. Move on.
To ROK-readers who have never been to the OK.
Compared to the average fat, unfeminine and obnoxious White British women Meghan Markle is pretty, feminine and kind.
Believe it or not.
Peter Frazer
I don’t know why but ROK guys only get upset when a white man chooses a black woman. There are several self-proclaimed race traitor commentators here with hapa children but they don’t receive any hate. It’s only when some one prefers black women. These guys need to understand that not every white man is interested in white women/Asian women.
He’s not any White man. He’s a goddamn Prince who had his pick of eligible, fertile White women.
Instead he picks a mulatto divorcee/actress. Strawman arguments don’t work any more.
Something is wrong here. Very wrong. The wedding, the woman, him (bastard?).
They profaned the entire history of Britain and its Royal Family.
I ran into a FEW attractive anglo-saxon women. Largely, ethnic english women have terrible diets, TONS of poorly applied makeup, bad skin and coloring, drink like a fish, bad fashion sense, and almost zero sex appeal and grace. I almost never did see a English woman resembling lucy pinder or Kelly Brooke (those 2 are nothing like they were, would still dick em down no doubt). The most attractive girls in saw in England were either from eastern europe or middle east. Few cute indians and half casts as well.
Nobody cares about the royal weddings exept for women, and britfags.
Another interesting thing about Catherine the Great Slut, she resorted to False Rape Accusation after she got busted – not before though. There’s little doubt she was REPEATEDLY draining the balls of her lover Thomas Culpenis. Or if you believe her, he repeatedly got access to her alone and secretly raped the King’s wife without a care for his life, with many courtiers witnessing the trysts and keeping it on the down-low.
No one got banged in secret (let alone raped), without some chambermaid or whoever knowing about it back in those palace days.
Watch for Markle to get caught blowing some chauffeur then claiming he raped her or some shit.
No Man makes the right choice in the antiquated and out-dated farce called “marriage.” It is 100% Male-only liability while for these cunts, it is nothing less than cash, prizes, and a trip to Rewardsville.
Today’s cunts are not worth and do not deserve commitment.
Nothing screams cuck like a good old marriage.
I’m not against men and women sticking together and having families.
But the type of guys I see flocking to marriage are the ones so beta they honestly believe ticking that box will buy them exclusive rights to a woman’s pussy.
Of course the thot is myopically focused on the antiquated ceremony, her day: the coronation of her narcissism. Beyond that any guy can sleep with her, especially if her man is a permissive cuck. These thots live from one day to the next, utterly incapable (as women are) of keeping a vow or promise.
The most pathetic thing about these cucks who marry these thots, is they honestly believe a woman will keep her vows.
Nah, only your authority as a man can guarantee a woman’s loyalty, and you sure as hell don’t need a marriage to enforce that. In fact, you’re more respectable as a man if you outright refuse. In this day and age you need authority to keep a bitch straight, not some silly 19th century Victorian party.
Comenting about royal weddings is what low IQ bimbos do so…
Anyone here remember Samantha Fox?
The British pop star in the eighties!
Only woman from that country I ever saw I WB.
Of course he made a doubleplus bad choice in marrying her.
But those things don’t matter on Caliphate 1.
When the Ministry of Color demands diversity, then even the inner party Royals must obey.
Of course he made a huge mistake. Number one, he married a black woman so he’s polluting the royal line with non-whites. Number two, she’s old…like older than him maybe? Number three…she’s had lots and lots of dick through her. I mean, arguably she’s pretty good looking but I mean, come on man, he’s a freaking Prince! He could literally have any woman ( young, virginal, white, caste, completely drop dead hot/gorgeous with perfect genetics) on the planet and this is what he chooses.
Doesn’t anyone really give a fuck about people pretending to be more important than they really are?
This shit is pretend from both sides of their worlds.
Markel is from Hollywood and Harry the “Royal” family.
Theyre prob in their palace right now fighting over the fact that Meghans facebook status still says single
I think we need to consider a couple factos here:
-they are royalty; not figuratively but literally. Their egos are through the roof as is their feeling of self-importance. They feel immortal relative to the common folk regardless of whether they reproduce. They’ll be in history books.
-Second: with his affluence and power Harry can confidentially impregnate countless women throughout the world; lots of women will be happy to raise the bastard of a royal family member. Maybe this is conspiracy talk but why or how could he not do it? I realize the news coming out could be one factor but I don’t think it’s like the english police would drag Harry into a paternity test over something a third world woman said in a tabloid paper. She would also have to fear a potential assasination or other harm being visited on her.
However, it will be played to the public that miscegenation is acceptable, even hip and fashionable
This. Case closed. He didn’t choose anything, this marriage is order from upper and obscure power.
No mention of the fact that the Royals are a welfare family who lives on British taxpayers? Who cares who they marry, they don’t work for a living and their wedding is paid for with public money – THAT IS THE MAIN PROBLEM.
Observing from America, I state Harry could of done better.
Should have joined SAS when he had the chance instead.
People who aren’t good at math or do not enjoy number puzzles or cryptography will have difficulty with this next statement:
The wife of the future King was chosen by religious people who practice numerology, and they ran the numbers to pick out the “proper” wife for Harry.
Who gives a fuck about this wedding? I have more important things to do…like play with my balls.
Look at that fear grimace.
This wedding is porn for women. Some used up hollywood whore in her late thirties is being wifed up by a prince. Think about the idea this sells. That cuck just made life a little shittier for the rest of us.
The Royalty know full well Harry is a bastard
so this is an attempt to make sure his lineage
never ascends to the throne.
Not that they are not themselves long since
the descendants of a bastard themselves:
Isabella of Castille did not carry the son of
husband Edmund Langley 1st Duke of York.
Her loose morals went for John Holland, the
1st Duke of Exeter / half-brother of RichardII.
so the genetic bastard Richard of Conisburgh,
3rd Earl of Cambridge is the ancestor of ALL
the rest of the English monarch’s through
his son: Richard of York, 3rd Duke of York
oil drilling is not a good royal idea
Poor Harry, a good guy but unable to pick up the cues that I as an American can detect in even a short 10 minute interview with the couple.
Ironically the marriage for love (in this case lust) comes from the arranged marriage for Prince Charles and the disastrous consequences. It comes from the mistaken notion that if people can just pick who they want they’ll live happily ever after.
Harry of course is so way down the line of succession it doesn’t matter.