Anthony Bourdain Commits Suicide Two Years After Getting Cucked By His Wife

Via Breitbart:

Bourdain, who was in France filming a segment for his show, was discovered unresponsive in his hotel room Friday morning by Eric Ripert, a close friend of the chef.

“It is with extraordinary sadness we can confirm the death of our friend and colleague, Anthony Bourdain,” CNN said in a statement Friday. Senior media correspondent Brian Stelter reports that Bourdain hung himself.

“His love of great adventure, new friends, fine food and drink and the remarkable stories of the world made him a unique storyteller. His talents never ceased to amaze us and we will miss him very much. Our thoughts and prayers are with his daughter and family at this incredibly difficult time.”

The chef, married twice, leaves behind an 11-year-old daughter, Ariane.

His MMA-practicing wife with buff men

Previously: Return Of Kings Correctly Predicted The Demise Of Anthony Bourdain’s Marriage

After dropping out of Vassar College two years into his degree, Bourdain worked in restaurants in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. The young chef would go on to graduate from the Culinary Institute of America.

Bourdain shot to fame after publishing his best-selling memoir Kitchen Confidential and became one of the world’s most famous chefs after starring in the television show’s Cook’s Tour and No Reservations.

The book detailed his life as a young chef in the gritty underbelly of the culinary world while battling drug addiction. “All I can tell you is this: I got off of heroin in the 1980s… There are a lot of guys that didn’t get that far,” he told Eater in 2016.

Did getting cucked contribute to his suicide?

Bourdain won a Peabody award in 2013 for his work on Parts Unknown. In his acceptance speech, Bourdain explained the genesis of the show.

“We ask very simple questions: What makes you happy? What do you eat? What do you like to cook? And everywhere in the world we go and ask these very simple questions.

“We tend to get some really astonishing answers.”

Bourdain was dating Italian actress Asia Argento, who accused movie producer Harvey Weinstein of sexual harassment. Bourdain addressed the controversy by accusing director Quentin Tarantino of giving away his soul to work with Weinstein, blasting him for “a life of complicity and shame and compromise.”

Read the entire article

Don’t Miss: Return Of Kings Correctly Predicted The Demise Of Anthony Bourdain’s Marriage

156 thoughts on “Anthony Bourdain Commits Suicide Two Years After Getting Cucked By His Wife”

  1. I don’t think so. That “wife” looks like a teenage boy and is not very attractive. Asia Argento is not very attractive but she was better than Mrs. Bourdain.

    1. Fuck him. The dude always seemed to be down trodden and depressed anyway.

        1. @RW
          The linked article was solid; parts of it even felt like Hunter S. Thompson at his best…author has his finger on the pulse, zeitgeist, etc.

          Like several other ROK readers, I’m relieved (in hindsight) to have had some sort of positive outliers for parents…I admit a few of their traits matched the worst of their generation, but by and large they stuck to “millennia-old values” — the very ones the author astutely calls out as lacking in Boomers (I am Gen X born in the 1970s, as reference.) At least mine were self-aware enough to agree with everything in that article, and have even apologetically tried to explain the worst parts of their generational cohort to me.

        2. OCEAN
          1974 here.
          The majority of Boomer parents who were Christian and white were not the mad hippies of the 60’s.
          Most middle-class white males who were 30 in 1975 had served in the army, might have tried pot once or twice in college but no more than Animal House depicted, held a job and just wanted to weather the entire JFK-Vietnam-Watergate-Boogie Nights era quietly.
          The extent to which Boomers were Free Love hippies at Woodstock is really exaggerated. A few were and indeed many were Jews or Irish-Catholics like Abie Hoffman or Jim Morrison.
          But the average 30 year old guy in 1970 Midwest saw a Charles Manson and thought he was a mad drug-crazed hippie.
          The real extreme Boomer shit was the fringe.

        3. @peter north…what do you not get? Hippies, SJWs, Marxist are all SYMPTOMS. Detribalized, selfish, woman worshipping baby boomers allowed these idiots to thrive and grow. It was the mentality of the baby boomer that fucked us over….”muh race don’t matter”…”this country was founded on diversity”…”Native Americans were peace loving hippies”…”lets focus on oil and taxes instead of preserving our nation”…”oh look, brown men, lets bring them in to do cheap work for us”…”I am so proud of my daughter for going to college and getting a career”…”men and women are equal”…”free trade is awesome”. Ya, that type boomer shit that destroyed us. Hippies/SJWs are faggots who accomplish nothing and could never destroy a nation all by themselves. Just look at the boomer cucks in government. 95% of that generation is like this.

        1. Ironically won the ‘great war’ that relinquished white people to an excruciatingly long demise.

    2. Argh, don’t be stupid/naive. He commited suicide to avoid Guantanamo Bay. He was a pedovore (someone who eats children). Sick, sick, individual. I’m only sad we didn’t get a chance to see him get beheaded.

      1. Sir, I am very aware that Trump is going after the pedophiles and those involved in child trafficking–many of which are in high levels of governments around the world. With that being said, do you have evidence to support this accusation? That’s a horrible thing to be accused of…

        1. Take a look at his wife. You can judge a lot about a man by his woman and friends. Note: Chelsea Clinton and Obama both wrote “touching” twitter messages about his passing.

    3. ROK is nothing but bitching beta males criticzing women for everything. Bunch of fuckin faggots. Pussy worshipping losers

      1. Uh, we criticize a lot of things…so blaming people for doing wrong now equals worshipping them??? How is talking shit about someone the same thing as worshipping them? Also, have you ever heard of this thing called feminism? Plenty of other articles on here about many other topics bro. Stop being a faggot troll.

        1. wow, great comeback. You obviously have nothing to say, do you? Fuckin pussy

      2. Sad thing about your comment is, you’re correct. It didn’t used to be this way, not this site is populated by MGTOW’s and prostitute fuckers.

  2. The liberal mind seems like it’s a chaotic place to be stuck in.
    For what it’s worth, I really liked his shows and I thought he probably was a cool dude outside of his shitty politics.

    1. HE would have supported sending any man to the brick house to get raped by Tyrone at a drop of the hat for just the mere accusation of rape or “sexual assault”. Guys like him are damaged goods, to old and stuck in their old mindset to actually reconnect with reality. It is hard to have much sympathy for someone who supports a #MeToo movement that destroys other men’s lives.
      The minute you have a woman who is out there being all “empowered”…drop her like a box of rocks, or have some fun and film her cheating on you, post it on the public forum so that everyone knows she is a whore, and then go out there and find a new hoe for yourself. You give women the ability to cheat, they will cheat, especially if you are an older guy with a younger woman.

  3. Asia Argento was certainly not a stabilizing influence in his life. I was always confused about the appeal of his show. He always seemed absolutely nihilistic and miserable. I’m guessing that Asia Argento began being emotionally intimate with another guy, Hugo Clement, after Bourdain supported her for the last two years with the #MeToo thing, and it spiraled from there. He was almost certainly not mentally strong enough to deal with yet another woman with no loyalty to him.

    1. “….He was almost certainly not mentally strong enough to deal with yet another woman with no loyalty to him….”
      The “transition” from a Blue Pill Cuck to a Red Pill Aware man is BRUTAL!
      If one is NOT strong enough to begin with…(like Robin Williams and TENS OF THOUSANDS of divorced raped dudes out there) can be….suicidal.

  4. Seemed like an agreeable guy. Perhaps he had a terminal disease that was not made public.
    If not, it’s sad that such suicide news come out as it can drive ‘lesser’ men to despair and throw away the only life they know after seeing men of great success choose the same fate. Sure he was old enough not to have any completely healthy years left but with his money (I assume) he could afford good healthcare and a life of leisure for the rest of his days.

    1. He was 61 so he probably had another 15 years left in him within reason. I primarily just think he’s a dick for leaving his 11 year old behind. This is gonna mess with her brain for the rest of her life.

      1. Being 62, I doubt he had more than 9 worthwhile years left. I don’t know anyone over 70 that has a life I would consider worth living. It just becomes a tedious grind of managing your pain and illness.

        1. Are you kidding? A man in his 70s can remain strong if he watches his diet and avoids eating things like cake:

          Remaining active through your 80s and on your feet:

          And using your equipment regularly and keeping it loose:

        2. Schwarzenegger is filming the real Terminator 3 sequel to 1991’s T2 and he is 70 years old and still lifts. Of course, most don’t have Arnold’s genes either and I doubt even fewer have his drive and motivation for work.

    1. Funny, I shared the first RoK article about Bourdain and his high-T wife just a few years ago. Let’s just say the truth hurts. It hurt him and it hurts the people who liked him

      1. The ROK article about Bourdain’s ex…it was the first thing I thought of when I read about his suicide.

        1. Turboprop…I thought the exact same thing. The moment I heard it this morning on the news, I thought ROK wrote about this chump two years ago, and pretty much predicted the outcome of his marriage back then.
          He got played by much younger women. The lesson to be learned here is that you really shouldn’t have a long-term relationship with someone much younger that you. Five to ten years younger max. Younger than that you will get cucked by her in the long-run. Just bang them and move on.
          I am 51, and so glad I discovered ROK and the red pill way. My life is so much better the more I become Alpha.

        1. What the fuck is Faggy Dan’s problem? Even a cucked Bourdain is a thousand times more alpha than a semen slurping gaped asshole like him. Oh, I guess that’s his problem.

    2. I think it sucks when guys kill themselves, especially over bitches, but this cuck would have crucified anyone of us if he had gotten the chance. As an older man he had no excuse to not to have the wisdom to figure things out (an excuse a young man might have), and he was just another baby boomer idiot who was COMPLETELY DISCONNECTED from reality. I feel weird saying this, and I even liked some of his shows (I mean the guy did a cool episode with Ted Nugent), but good riddance, one more liberal/feminist voter gone.

    3. But why kill yourself over some loser slut? Plenty more, plenty younger.
      I just don’t get it.

      1. @Tracy…because to these baby boomer cucks they are not sluts, they are empowered women.

      2. He never got red pilled, that is why guys can kill themselves over a woman. I can see a young guy maybe falling into that trap, but a 60 years old with children can’t use that as an excuse. He should really have known better.

    4. When I first heard about it, I said, “It was over a chick… he has cuck tendencies.” Then when I read his girlfriend was Asia Argento, I was sure. These pics remove all doubt.

    5. Yeah, Tough to be a public figure. All your humiliations are on full display.
      He tempted fate by fawning beta-like over a younger gal that could still generate interest in younger men.

    6. If you are married, you will be cucked, it’s not a matter of ‘if’ but ‘when’.
      You have to learn to have temporary relationships with women, not really care about them, and happily move on when the time comes. If you have a good job and decent money, the world is full of young women prepared fuck you to share it.

      1. “There’s nothing but blue skies.” -Johnnie Nash, 1972

      2. That’s cause the man is competing with the state. The women is fully protected by the law while a man is basically a slave in marriage now. If she gets upset, she basically wins the lottery (divorce) and takes all his money, house, car, everything and worst, he has to pay a long term debt to her if he has kids.
        If you want a family, these still traditional “Eastern” countries where a woman wants to serve her man and family instead of being brainwashed to be a corporate slave!

      3. john
        The reality is that when all external traditions are removed women are 2-3 orifices that provide pleasure when a penis is inserted.
        In evolutionary terms they did not evolve to have the morality or stone principles that males have because their primary purpose was to serve as a penis socket.

      4. I tell all of my bluepill friends the same thing when they meet some new chick and catch a case of NAWALT-itis:
        “Enjoy the ride while it lasts, because eventually it will come to an end.”
        They never listen, and I get to hear the predictable sob story a few months down the line after they get cucked by their temporary “dream girl”
        It also serves as a reminder of the times when that guy was me. Never again.

    7. Bourdain has been white knighting like mad lately about how Argento is a brave heroine and how proud he is of her. There to be an undercurrent of desperation about it that left the impression of her being the dominant (or at least higher status) one in the relationship in spite of his accomplishments, bank account, and fame all being greater.
      It probably did push him over the edge that no matter how much he cucked, yet again a younger woman left him for a younger, lower status man.

    8. Asia Argento, Rose McGowan, and Ronan Farrow are toxic cunts who despise men. And Hollywood bitch-boys are too limp-dicked to question the obvious holes in their $metoo bullshit. Vincent Gallo is the only correct man in the scenario, though he was originally pussy whipped and White Knighted Marilyn Manson’s coke whore.

  5. It is an unfortunate and all too common occurrence today. His ex wife embarrased him multiple times and this is the result. She will of course have no remorse because she will believe she did nothing wrong. Women never do. RIP to Anthony

    1. I think this is right. A literal cucking and he found out the girl is not his.

    2. wrong. He was about to be exposed as a pedophile. Along with the other famous faces who have committed suicide this week.

      1. You’re obsessed with pedophiles and making ridiculous accusations. I bet you’re hiding behind your curtain spanking it while you watch the young boys in your trailer park. Weirdo.

      2. They did not commit suicide. It is Illuminati ritual sacrifice. They are culling the herd of their goyim who know too much and pose a risk to their next execution phase of the great plan. Do chefs become famous through hard work? Do they make books that go all popular so soon? Juish money was behind that!

  6. Despite the headline the article doesn’t say anything about him getting cucked. A man with celebrity status, good looks and wealth probably was not all that hurt by his wife. So to assume a woman caused his depression and subsequent suicide gives way to much credit to women. You guys are reaching, once again.

    1. “good looks”? Yeah I know he was pretty tall and quite trim for a man that age, but his craggly face was more in the direction of an 80-year-old rather than ‘merely’ 61.
      And mate, it doesn’t matter what your wealth and status is, men are sucker punched right in the balls, stomach, and heart all at once when their woman cheats on them. Loyalty is really just one of the FEW damn things we insist on when seeking a partner beyond being reasonably attractive, personable, and (hopefully) a decent cook.

    2. Yeah I thought the very same !!! Fucking clowns on here with their myopic view of the world. The man killed himself two years after his wife left him so it muct be because of that because thats all they fucking read on here.

      1. Twice cucked by two tatted-up sluts, daughter probably isn’t his, and mental crisis when he realizes women are not unicorn snowflakes. His GF blew Weinstien’s balls FFS, just to get a movie part. His left wing blue-pilled worldview got shattered and he couldn’t take it. Very plausible actually.

        1. Right that is plausible but thats not what they were saying.
          Not to mention there is a whole lot conjecture thrown in there.

    3. I agree. The dude had a history of drug abuse and alcoholism. Drugs and too much drink takes its toll on the body and mind. I’ve seen it with my own family, drugs, and alcohol will permanently fuck your brain up.

  7. Too straight normal guywith fame chasing wild women.
    Could have had top 10 nice country/family girlssssss withtheir dad’s approval…
    I likethe wild crazy tated chicks. But danger.
    Beware of the borderline BPD woman. Seriously researchand be careful

  8. Oh yea. being cucked is “good for men” sez no one sane, but the rest of the perverted Leftists and gay groups and so on ad nauseum….
    Strip the last of a mans dignity and self respect and he will quickly kill himself.
    Solution to the problem; Don’t set yourself to be beaten down and lose that self respect. No relationshit is worth that kind of end.

  9. Old and ugly.
    Why on earth would a rich famous guy want an ugly old bag like her? He could have been puttng up college girls and swirching rhem out every couple of years until he died.

    1. When you are in that sort of position and date a young woman you will have to deal with relentless shaming from the media, everyone telling you that she only is with you for the money, that she is a whore etc. What people fail to realise is that women are attracted to the actual fame itself and actually prefer famous men who are not as rich as bankers etc who are not famous. It is no wonder that many celebrities prefer to have public relationships with women closer to their age simply to avoid the relentless bashing from the media and leftist society.

    2. definitely need to keep 30-40 college cheerleaders on the hook.
      On the down low – whatever it takes. I would – I will one day.
      definitely not this creature: nasty and ugly and feminist…the fuck?
      maybe he was forced to? part of the gig?

  10. Good riddance BORE-DAIN was a libtard loser. It looked like CNN just walked out on the street and asked bums if they wanted their own TV show and Anthony said sure.

    1. What child? Daughter was probably born of some other man’s seed, some MMA fighter.

      1. “Honey this baby sure kicks alot! ”
        The first hint Anthony Bordain knew the baby might not be his.

  11. A woman with 6-pack abs is not a woman to fuck, let alone to commit suicide over her doing whatever.

  12. i KNEW he was gonna kill himself.
    Just wish i remember where i wrote it.
    But yeah, last year when he said he would
    serve Trump poison for dinner, i knew then
    that he would kill himself. It’s just something
    about that choice of words which gave it away.
    For sure; he was in pain over being cucked.
    And he was forbidden by leftist peer pressure
    from even seeking solace in the savior Jesus Christ

  13. Honestly, a little ashamed people are gleefully dancing on this guy’s still warm body. I don’t like his politics either, but he seemed like a decent guy who was a character who lived an interesting life.
    Some of you need to look in the mirror because I know some of you are just neck beard incels who won’t ever amount to a smear of dogshit on the sidewalk.

    1. Any man who leaves a CHILD by committing a selfish act deserves scorn

    2. He was a degenerate J ew, Anti White. Dehumanizes whites and white nations, while singing the praises of Israel and the Jewish state, which he visits frequently. So Who gives a damn?

      1. R.W.
        Who gives a damn?
        Exactly. Dude sang the praises of a country I’m not interested. So what?
        I sing the praises of Asia.

    3. Personally, I will piss on the graves of all these fuckers.
      I’ll bury the bastards. I’ll bury them all.

  14. Big surprise…. he’s a member of the tribe on his mom’s side.
    Besides being a media-type, it also usually guarantees weird political views and various other mental issues.

    1. Yeah, what a big surprise. He “discovered” his tribal ethnicity recently while on a trip to Israel. Explains his book deals and TV gig. This guy has always been a douchebag with pretty minimal talent, but he was certainly reliable for spewing his liberal BS. And his choice in women has been horrendous… why???? Why couldn’t he leverage his wealth and celebrity into better pussy? Is he a closet homo or pedo, with lots going on, on the side? What was this guy into during the late hours of the night?

        1. I am aware of that. My point is that Tony just didn’t suddenly discover his roots. It was known to him and others for many years, which explains why he because a BS-spewing celebrity.

  15. Pedophile. Funny how all the pedophiles, pedophile enablers (Kate Spade – Clinton Foundation and Haiti Foster Children) and those who want to turn in the pedophiles (Chris Cornell) end up committing suicide.

    1. You’re right in that pedophilia is the number one “mover and shaker” in politics and the entertainment industry — and it has been since the end of WW2. There’s been lots of casualties worldwide in efforts to keep the massive scope of the problem from becoming better known to the naive public. But in reality, it is only one behavioral “prong” of the Elite’s religion: Satanism. And it doesn’t matter if you don’t believe in “evil” or “demons” or “Lucifer” etc, because your worst and most powerful enemies certainly do and always have. Time to wise up, me thinks.

      1. Allister Collins
        “And it doesn’t matter if you don’t believe in “evil” or “demons” or “Lucifer” etc, because your worst and most powerful enemies certainly do and always have. Time to wise up, me thinks.”
        Absolutely right!
        Too many people need to get this thru their head.

        1. “your worst and most powerful enemies”
          Usually the women you sleep with.

  16. I will shed no tears for Bourdain. His being a chick was his problem. His being an enemy of my descendants is what I care about.
    I used to like his show but boycotted it when he started talking about how he wanted the white race to die off. If he had said the same about Jews he would be Roseanned off the air. (Or if he talked about wanting to poison Obama like he wanted to Trump).
    It is sane and honorable to despise someone who wants to destroy the future of your descendants. Giving them money in any fashion is betraying your descendants and people.

  17. If you can’t face being rejected at 61, then you truly never lived in the real world (the West, mainly). But, just like RW pointed out, he was a Boomer and a Jew. Those two are almost synergistic in nature, like glyphosate and thimerosal working in tandem to destroy beneficial gut bacteria and creating Autism in toddlers. Baby Boomer and Jew could destroy just about everything it sees, touches, and smells, before the chips fall on themselves.

  18. Look carefully at that first photo. The woman in the green dress is full of sexual and life energy, confident, happy, not at all willing to follow a man. Just looking at her, I would be reluctant to all her to salsa dance. She could follow me, but I would feel disgusted with the experience afterwards, because I would sense her machining energy the whole time. I would never choose her as a tango dance partner because tango is much less forgiving of assertive women.
    As for the man, he is a sad sack. I would immediately put him on a rajasic yoga routine, emphasizing back bridges to fix that horrible posture plus various poses and calisthenics (especially pushups) to build core strength. I guarantee he would be a terrible tango dancer, very wimpy and unsure in his moves, like a limp-wristed faggot, no sexual or life energy. Notice how he slumps into his hip and pushes his pelvis out like a weakling homosexual.
    Posture tells far more about a person than face.

    1. Another thing. I feel sorry for all the guys who fucked or got sucked off by that woman. For you younger men, heres a warning. Right you you may think a high notch count is all that matters but when you get older like me, you will realize quality is what matters, not quantity, and notches with disgusting women are something to avoid.

      1. Bourdain smoked did so much cocaine that it depleted his dopamine levels permanently.

        1. No, like many druggies he started with heroin but switched to crack in the 80’s.
          In all he did drugs for 20 years.

    2. fwiw from wikipedia:
      “Bourdain practiced the martial art Brazilian jiu jitsu, earning a blue belt in August 2015. He won gold at the IBJJF New York Spring International Open Championship 2016, in the Middleweight Master 5 (age 56 and older) division”

      1. Like him or not, Bourdain did more in the last 5 years of his life than most men do in a lifetime. I didn’t like his SJW stance, but I recognize that he was masculine in his own right. He had a lot of potential to be an Alpha, but it was just too late for him to eat the red pill.

      2. Just goes to show that some exercises that are thought very masculine aren’t. Yoga is no panacea, btw. But certain yoga bodyweight exercises are close to a panacea, including back bridge (upward facing bow in yoga). because if you do back bridge correctly for a minute daily, you will be unlikely to stand like Bourdain is doing in that top photo. And standing erect, stomach in chest out, will make it difficult to act like a simp. Mind affects body, body affects mind.
        Ordinary free standing handstand another great exercise, whether banana style or modern gymnastic style. Either way, impossible to hold a free standing handstand for a full minute without being quite strong in the shoulders and core. By contrast, all kinds of ways to fudge weight lifting (also pushups and pullups) so that you don’t actually have real strength and/or are overweight. Not that I’m bashing weight lifting, but every weight lifter should try a wall handstand right now to verify they can hold it for s minute. (free standing takes balance and wrist strength and so I wouldn’t expect every weight lifter to do free stand for a minute with ease.)
        As for martial arts, don’t get me started on the soys that have umpteenth degree black belts in some martial art but would be demolished in a street fight.

      3. Unfortunately, the “cleaners” were in the 25-35 light-heavyweight division, and there was no referee to ensure fair play.

    3. “The woman in the green dress is full of sexual and life energy,”
      I just see a post wall woman wearing a sack.

      1. She has plenty of core strength and strong glutes, if you know what to look for. The personality stuff is more subtle, but I sense it from years of asking inline women to dance salsa and tango. Just based on posture, I know what they will dance like.
        Warning to programmers: if I ever become king of the world, I am going to round up all the programmers responsible for overly complicated scripted websites that don’t work right, like this one. and I will put their testicles in a vise and then turn the handles hard, really hard, and the pain will continue until all this fucking broken software is fixed to my satisfaction, and as a former programmer myself, my standards are high. You have been warned.

        1. Programmers are unemployable.
          Only women and H1B slave labor are to be employed.
          Similar to Home Depot workers. Not a single former (semiretired)tradesman/handyman. Who would love the extra cash, and gain great gratificationexplaining stuff.
          Instead there are fat young elstupidos. Who know nothing.
          Tax breaks?
          Same at swim camp- people who cannot swim and are fat . Very fat…
          Luckily there are a few real swimmers for private lessons…

    4. Evidently Bourdain dabbled in Brazilian jujitsu. Maybe his last thought when the “cleaners” strangled him was: “Guess I should have trained harder to defend the rear naked choke.”
      Of course, they probably set him up with some kind of trank beforehand, so he couldn’t damage himself by resisting…

    1. After going all-in, totally overboard defending the PoundMeToo slut, he realized AWALT and gave up the ghost. Some men can’t survive the red pill.

  19. Didn’t realise this was the same guy from an article a while back – it certainly seems plausible that this guy realised he was being cucked and being duped.

    You might as well enjoy that brief period in your life when you are able to enjoy getting sex for free because even if you end up being a middle-aged guy with money the reality is that young women will not instinctively be attracted to you.
    Your options are a) prostitutes b) a woman your own age with little sexual energy c) trophy daughter.

  21. JACK
    1910-1930 was the Greatest Generation.
    1930-1940 was the silent generation and the oldest of the Flower “Children” (Manson was already 35 in 1969 and Abby Hoffman was 30 in 1976).
    The real Boomer madness was like Anthony and born in the 50’s. These were the kids who came of age in the 70’s.
    1960-1965 was the Disco era and Yuppies who entered the working world in the 80’s. Their attitudes were a reaction to the 70’s. Think James Spader.
    1965 was Generation X but the real heart of grunge, bursts and 90’s decadence/cynicism was 1970-1977…kids who were born in Watergate and grew in the Cold War and were under 18 when the Wall came down.
    1985 on is Gen Y. These are kids who came of age in the 2000’s during the Bush era.
    And so on.

  22. You know the US has become batshit insane today when:
    The answer to endless wars is more wars.
    The answer to the police state is more tyranny.
    The answer to a dead economy is starting a trade war.
    The answer to regulations is more laws.
    The answer to endless debt is more debt.

  23. Naw.. the girl he was dating is a winestein girl.
    He offed himself before we find out what sick sick shit they were into.

  24. The transition from the blue pill mindset to the red pill mindset can get overwhelmingly painful. Some are not strong enough to deal with it.

  25. I’m gonna throw this out there:
    Suicide by “hanging” is pure bullshit in my opinion. All these celebrities apparently are killing themselves by hanging, but I call bullshit on that and think it is a cover-up for something else (murder, abduction, fake death & disappearance, etc). Just think logically for a few minutes about the logistics of hanging yourself (to death) in your home or hotel room. Pretty bloody difficult in my opinion and wrought with many potential complications, which means it takes lots of balls and technical expertise to do such — and these f*cked-up celebrities are hardly ever in their right frame of mind anyways, so how come so many pull it off without complications???
    On the other hand, virtually all of these wealthy celebrities are already abusing drugs / pills, so wouldn’t that be the easiest and most efficient way to kill yourself — by overdosing on pills you’re already taking??? It also takes the least amount of courage. Another efficient method would be a gunshot through the mouth (and I’m sure virtually all celebrities can easily get a handgun or already own one), but obviously this method takes a little more moxie than simply swallowing a handful of pills.
    My point is that attempting to hang oneself is a cliche these days, but a very unlikely method of actually killing yourself, especially without any help or technical guidance. As such, what is really happening to these celebrities??? No way some middle-age, depressed female fashion designer (Kate Spade) is hanging herself to death via a red scarf tied to a doorknob. Nor is Robin Williams, Linkin Parke dude, Chris Cornell, Alexander McQueen, Bourdain or many others. It simply isn’t even plausible.

    There is a porn star named Rodney Moore looks exactly like Bordain.
    He shoots huge disgusting wads onto the faces of porn models.

  27. Deal is, the S.O.B. was far more likely to have been jirking off while choking himself. Hung by a belt in the bathroom, riiiight. Same for Robyn Williams, his deal was sitting in a chair with a belt around the neck, hung by the door hinge. Williams and Bourdain’s dignities were shielded from the truth of their passing by folks that were in a position to cover things up. That’s one thing.
    Other thing is, this Kate Spade broad, Jew fashion designer from NYC, she was just in an article bitching about how her recent lines are swamped by the products of successful Gay White Men at the top of the industry and women (Spade) have no chance in NYC. Further, she was about to get a divorce. Suicide? Rigged-up murder? Maybe.
    Other, other thing is, White doods and veterans have been killing themselves for 40 years now, celebrated by Jewish Democrats in media and politics who openly cheer the passing of White men. Suddenly, Bourdain and Spade, Jews both, supposedly off themselves and all of a sudden, we have a NATIONAL EPIDEMIC of suicide. Hundreds of thousands of white guys can kill themselves over decades, no problem. Two NYC Jews, again, supposedly, off themselves and the entire establishment clutches its pearls and collapses from the vapors, from the sheer outrage of the National Epidemic of suicide.
    Their hypocrisy is breathtaking in every way.

  28. She has plenty of core strength and strong glutes, if you know what to look for.

  29. God, I fear for the world with all of the ignorant posts on here. You are little babies. Your mama must have weaned you with a sour pickle. Get some character and leave race and gender out of your crying game. The men of 40 years ago would have flicked your ear and sent you away. Big talkers on a screen. YOU are the very cucks and losers you whine about. You white supremisist mouth breathers are a danger to civilization. Grow a nut sack and learn to be men. Pukes.

  30. Cuck me once, shame on you. Cuck me twice, shame on me. Thrice, I hang myself!
    Honestly, f*ck him. SMUG CUNT with a face I’d love to punch (George Stephanopolous is up there too). No wait, eff that, I played football, I’d love to do an Oklahoma drill with him (youtube that if anyone is interested). When I first heard, I thought he choked on a yaks penis in Mongolia and died. “I’d like to poison Trump”. What grown MAN says something that a 6 year old girl would say? Oh thats right, he was on the whole globalist horseshit agenda and whites are evil nonsense. What a virtuous individual! NOT! Once less piece of sh*t on the face of the earth….Rest in Pain, Bourdain.

  31. Roosh was on target again (e.g about Bordaine). The rest of us can learn a lot from this site.
    I am deeply pissed about the SLIC hate monger org getting away with smearing Roosh recently.

  32. This is why men should stick to building home gyms and avoid working out with their partners in public gyms. Getting cucked and women’s polygamy and hypergamy, cheating behind one’s back goes with the territory in the presence of real alpha males. Namely those with (let’s face it) better genetics, better physical prowess, better height, better faces, full head of stylish hair, know how to fight, more “relationship” experience. Also more money due to dealing drugs, steroids, having fame and sponsorship, charging fleecing clients (male and female) “bro-stitute” personal training programmes that cost thousands of £ $ per month in some cases. If the PT offers “it” for free in both sense of the word its game over.

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