Chef and CNN Travel correspondent Anthony Bordain hung himself in his Paris hotel on June 8, 2018. No suicide note was referenced in early reports.
My immediate reaction to hearing this news was recollecting a ROK article on Bourdain’s last wife publicly cucking him. Four months later, they separated.
The Dangers of Not Taking The Red Pill
I have minimal exposure to pozzed media, and did not follow Bourdain. I know he was passionate about food and travel, two of my interests. He created a TV series for the Travel Channel and CNN exposing viewers to exotic foods from all over the world, shunning tourist traps and mainstream hotels in search of an authentic experience.
He was wildly successful, wealthy, and famous. And yet he was unhappy enough to take his own life. We may never know precisely the reasons, but I predict his suicide stems from unhappiness in his personal life.
First Marriage to a High School Girlfriend
Bordain married his high school girlfriend, Nancy Putkoski, and they stayed in a childless marriage for two decades before divorcing in 2005. If I had married so young, I shudder to think of the horrible decisions I would have made, without learning the reality of women the hard way. Some state they separated because Bourdain was not home often, working long hours first in the kitchen, and later producing his television programs around the world.
Second Marriage to Martial Arts Fighter
In 2007 Bourdain married MMA Fighter Ottavia Busia, having a daughter the same year. This relationship was covered in two ROK articles here and here. Busia was visibly uncommitted to her husband, as seen in numerous photographs and social media postings. Her body language, turning away from her man, bringing the attention to herself, and posing in provocative images with other men were all warning signs, and the couple divorced in 2016, four months after the initial ROK article.
Relationship With Radical Feminist Asia Argento
Bordain next became involved with the train wreck known as Asia Argento, an Italian actress and feminist. In late 2017, Argento claimed that Harvey Weinstein raped her in the 1990s, after which she had multiple sexual relations with him over many years.
Argento’s Twitter feed is full of anti-slut shaming, feminism, profanity, globohomo promotion, and aggressive masculine imagery. Last week she was spotted publicly humiliating her boyfriend Bourdain.
Toxic Feminism
The media loves to play with the invented idea of “toxic masculinity,” the idea that being masculine is so evil and destructive that it can cause toxic “death or serious debilitation.”
But how often do we see masculinity leading to death? On the other hand, radical feminism has caused countless prominent, powerful, and wealthy men, from Robin Williams, to Freddie Prinze to likely Bordain, to end their lives.
Bourdain believed in the blue pilled myth of the gentle, sweet, kind and loyal woman. After being publicly cucked and humiliated by his last 2 partners, did this drive him to suicide?
Bordain’s Plan For His Daughter
My sole duty as a parent and as a father, particularly raising a little girl who is going to grow up to be a young woman, is that she will never look to men for affirmation, or anyone else for affirmation
or self-worth or be physically intimidated by anyone. My daughter spinning arm bars is a thing of envy — Ronda Rousey quality
Sadly, Bordain fell for the feminist line that we should encourage women to live free and wild lives without limits. His goal of raising his child to never by physically intimidated by anyone would be unrealistic if he were raising a son, but it’s downright absurd for a daughter.
And a woman who never looks to a man for affirmation is a woman who will be physically and emotionally alone, cold, unloved, and unlikely to listen to her natural feminine nurturing instincts.
Ronda Rousey is not the role model for what a woman should be — particularly not a father’s goal for his daughter. While Ronda may be the one in a million who found success in an unlikely career, why would a father yearn for a violent, aggressive, and masculine daughter?
Lessons From The Tragedy
First, we should realize that Bourdain was acting out of love and true desire for the happiness of his daughter when he made his misguided decisions. In the modern world, we are bombarded with societal truths, such as…
- Democracy is great,
- Feminism makes women happy,
- Gay marriage is beautiful and good,
- We should invade the Middle East and install liberal democracies,
- They Hate Us For Our Freedoms,
- Men and women are paid different wages
- Israel is our greatest ally,
- Militias are dangerous and evil,
- Hate speech should be outlawed,
- Big is beautiful
- Women And Men Are Equal
- Changing one’s sex is a choice all children must consider
- Lack of Affirmative Verbal Consent = Rape
- Sex with alcohol = Rape
- Syria used chemical weapons
- Men meeting up to socialize = Rape Clubs
It is difficult and time consuming to research and test these hypotheses to see if they are true. And besides, when seemingly all of one’s friends and neighbors are repeating the above mantras, surely doubting them is as wrong as considering whether the earth is really flat, right? It’s much easier to let the media reveal the truth to us. After all, that is their job!
A Misguided Loving Father
I don’t fault Bourdain, a busy man who married young, spent little time at home, and never learned the red pill. Our society teaches many lies, and I believed most of them for a long time. His wishes for his daughter come from a desire that she is happy and fulfilled. But sadly, masculinity and unrestrained freedom do not bring women happiness.
We are seeing huge experiments with civilization, and so far they seem to be failing. While it is easy to be trapped in the bubble of feminism, and believe that the world has been wrong for the entirety of history, and we are just now setting it right, if one stops to think logically, that doesn’t make any sense.
Men Can Always Start Over
I have never understood suicide. While I have experienced depression before, I have always thought if things really got so bad that I felt like ending my life, I would just disappear overnight to a third world country and start over. Take $5,000, and head near the equator, and forget all the stresses and personal commitments of the modern world. I’m beginning to think it’s something I should do before depression sets in. But regardless, men should know that suicide is never the answer.
I have seen successful, happy, alpha men fall apart, cry, and even break down in a seizure, over the intense stress and pain a woman caused them. Lack of a good relationship is far preferable to a miserable one. If you are experiencing severe depression, you can get out. The US National Suicide Prevention Phone # is 1-800-273-8255.
Read More: Return of Kings Correctly Predicts the Demise of Anthony Bordain’s Marriage
Ban J trolls!
mariage in the West is hell on earth, nothing else to say
Shouldve used a rope??
I’d rather not get restricted freedoms just because of history’s worst royal wedding and betas picking up ghetto trash, thinking they’re special just because they fit the die-versity agenda.
All things point toward race mixing. As we’ve seen with every depravity there is, if you want the Goy to DO more of something all you have to do is SHOW them more of whatever the agenda is. Especially the women, it all gets copied. Divorce in All in the Family, Drugs and teen promiscuity, Fast Times, heroin pushed in Pulp Fiction, Murphy Brown for lots more single motherhood. Trannies?? Look to Maxwell “Q” Klinger, resident transvestite in MASH. That got everyone the message that queers and steers are A-Ok in the military. Every single depravity we’re overtaken by in this society was preceded/instigated by TV and movies. More tatts? LA Ink is the show for you! Now there’s one called “Diet”, a show about fat chicks who fail their diets and get even fatter. Think that should increase fat acceptance and decrease fat SHAMING? Bet on it, Kiddo.
“I have always thought if things really got so bad that I felt like ending my life, I would just disappear overnight to a third world country and start over.”
I’ve never felt that bad, but I did disappear overnight to a third world country.
And let me tell you it’s been great, but me and many of my pals in our late 50s and early 60s have run into a problem …… what now? At our age, we’ve had sex with many women, had careers, produced children and we’re at the stage of just repeating ourselves. There’s nothing left I want to do, nowhere left that I haven’t been, nothing is new ……. what’s the point?
So I can see what happened to him, he just couldn’t be bothered any more.
To get to this point of view, you have to have experienced everything, if you’ve never left your home country, and don’t have much experience of women, you might not reach this state of mind.
@john. Well said. Houellebecq has written about this.
If you are an experience collector, and tony seems to have been one of those, at some point you have collected enough. One blurs into the other and you lose interest in collecting more.
All these people writing about driving a lambo and sleeping with the maid are equating meaning with the most immediate of highs.
Like Hemingway, Hunter Thompson, he chose his time to exit. He was done. It was time.
Let us celebrate his life and be greatful for the pleasure we got from watching his shows.
john dodds- How about going into politics?
Perhaps time for a spiritual journey?
Sir, this is the part where you reflect and enjoy your success. You’ve beat the system, for the most part. Live without the encumbrances of the average Western man.
Respectfully disagree. Correct me if Im wrong, but it appears you’re talking about breadth of experience, ie how much many more, new, fresh things can you experience before it gets boring.
I would suggest the answer to your challenge is think depth rather than breadth. ie. how can you go deeper into everyday, common experiences, staying present, conscious and masculine, which I think is a core essence of RP living. Thats where things get really interesting.
You are a bad guy, so you should be pre-occupied with those things.
Bourdain didn’t “marry young”. He was in fact 29 at the time of his first marriage in 1985, which is fairly on point to a western man’s average age of 29 – 31 at first nuptials (if they choose to do so).
The difference between him and the average man finding themselves divorced at age 50 more or less, is that he can recover a hell of a lot quicker with his wealth and fame.
Yes, but he didn’t recover. Instead, because he was fundamentally blue pill to the end, he was destroyed by the system that gave him that fame and fortune. The problem with fame and fortune in a BP world is that its celebrities must toe the BP line and suffer consequences of the bullshit social and political constraints it imposes. They enslaves men and women to a cultural Marxism that induces mental illness, as do all things that replace human nature with perverted constructs of though, speech and behavior.
Bourdain was doomed as long as he was cucked not only to the woman in his life, but to the institutions that gave him his fame and fortune.
It’s hard to wrap my mind around imagining me being enslaved or entrapped in a blue pilled bubble world. I’ve been red pilled for so long that I enjoy countering the entire universe of blue pill. The more I piss off the blue pill cathedral, the better I feel. They’re wrong and I can’t wait until an avalanche of truth and awakening buries them. Every time I counter them, it feels like we’re almost there. Truth’s time has come and each push seems like it could be the one that begins the cascade fall of the enemy.
Bourdain was so trapped in ‘another’ world was he? Is it that hard to shed your blue pill ways? How hard a grip can blue pill have over a mind? I guess it’s like fags in the park who act like zombies popping out from behind bushes saying “can I thuck your dick?” What motivates those fags? Are they too in a different bubble universe? Are they mind slaves? What’s wrong with people that they can’t just snap out of their brainwashing and think like me? I know what’s right and red pill is my good friend.
This is a great point, spot on.
why give in to darkness. you know. maybe he had some sort
of obsessive compulsive disorder. to me, that would explain
why he did commit suicide. the fact he couldn’t control some
sort of thing he had or was part of / looking for. and just let it happen.
well best to where he is now
Bourdain struggled with drugs and alcohol in his younger years, no doubt it was a crutch for the harsh reality of how things are versus how you percieve them to be. Something we all refer to around here as blue vs red pill. After traveling the world and realizing all your blue pill dreams aren’t coming true, he likely couldn’t cope with it anymore and chose to get out of it. He was too old, too stubborn, too elitist to ever change and having toxic women in his life must of been the tipping point.
Yeh becoming truly red-pill does take quite a hit to your ego and mentality. Knowing you were fooled and wrong for so long. Some men just can’t handle it or have the drive to find the truth.
Some think they can still conquer old divorced hags and make whores wives
The truth can be a bitter pill to swallow as many men are now finding out including myself.
“Bourdain struggled with drugs and alcohol in his younger years”
Along with the fact that Jewish men tend to all be ugly-AF when they enter the twilight third of an average lifespan (way more so than goys), those drugs really aged his face a lot faster than necessary.
I would always compare (((Anthony Bourdain))) with (((Ron Perlman))) in this regard.
Jewish men sleep with lots of goyim blondes, yet you you wimps get no jewish women.
You mad wimpy wasps?
a cow
on the
Amy Schumer looks more like a pig than a cow.
I met a Jewish attorney last year . I came in her mouth in my car . She said we won’t fuck a second time because I don’t believe in global warming
Dudestein — Jewish girls are EASY, at least for an athletic Anglo who can provide the tingles that slump-shouldered accountants and dentists just can’t. Back in those fabulous 70’s, I’d say that 50% of my paramours were of the Hebraic persuasion. Including Betty Freidan’s granddaughter, who was thankfully much more attractive than that old bat.
If you won’t sleep with those gargoyles why should we?
Had a relationship with a jap lawyer for years. She was ok but no hottie. She decided to end relationship cause I didn’t believe in global warming. She’s a lawyer I’m the scientist. Also has terminal case of Trump derangement syndrome.
Just published:
“Bourdain and Argento did not have a traditional relationship however according to Rose McGowan.
The actress released an open letter after travelling to Italy to be by Argento’s side, in which she writes: ‘Anthony and Asia had a free relationship, they loved without borders of traditional relationships, and they established the parameters of their relationship early on.’
McGowan goes on to say: ‘Asia is a free bird, and so was Anthony.”
I suspect the open relationship story is an effort by the whore Rose McGowan to salvage the relationship of the whore Asia Argento. But if it’s true it shows that Bourdain was truly a sad cuck. Open relationships are just another form of cuckholdry. An alpha’s woman does not get fucked by another man. Ever.
Should be, “salvage the reputation…”
If it’s an open relationship, I shouldn’t have to pay for shit. That simple
> An alpha’s woman does not get fucked by another man. Ever.
Except in the past, and many times at that.
The chad lifestyle is incompatible with chastity and monogamy.
What goes around comes around.
If you like your honey sweet, learn to love the bees.
If you like fucking thots, learn to love sluts.
“Anthony and Asia had a free relationship, they loved without borders of traditional relationships, and they established the parameters of their relationship early on.’
Aka “i fuck any alpha i want and you have to suck it”.
Disgusting. What type of “man” tolerates this shit???
Asia Argento is a piece of shit and the worst type of whore. She claimed rape because she fucked around with Harvey Weinstein while she was dating Vincent Gallo. She then dated Weinstein and even met his mother. She jumped on the $metoo bandwagon and latched onto Bourdain to further her career. On the episode of Bourdain’s show where he meets Argento he describes her as living in a modest apartment. Yet after his suicide she was spotted leaving “her mansion.” That whore worked fast and rode younger cock while milking Bourdain.
Nobody knows why he offed himself and nobody ever will. This is speculation at its grossest. Come on. I’m not defending the guy or anything, but it seems to me very uncharitable to imply a connection here. Granted, his wife did cuck him pretty hard. Very sad.
Duncan: Couldn’t have said it better myself.
it’s as legitimate as any of the other articles I’ve read on the subject even if it is, like them somewhat speculative. Feminist men discover down the line that they’re writing themselves out of a job, and that feminists, be they their wives, partners or daughters or otherwise, will at some level resent them for the fact even as they consciously laud what they say. I always quite liked Asia Argento but it’s hard not to see her behaviour as contributing to his decision particularly as she had benefited form his support during the weinstein affair. That might not be the whole of it of course. The guy had a history of heroin addiction, and heroin addicts often have a very different take on life and death to most people
Well, is there a possibility that he was just coming off heroin? Because the first year of that can be depression on unimaginable level…
I think it was in the past i.e. not that recent, but I’m not sure.
I did some voluntary work with hardcore heroin addicts once, and I was struck by how utterly fatalistic and even nonchalant they were about the possibility of dying. Nearly all of them had seen friends die and had more or less accepted the possibility that they might go the same way, even if they had no desire to do so.
Ya, and libertarians think that drug laws have no purpose. Can you imagine if you could just buy heroine at your local grocery store? Our society would collapse.
Glad to see that there’s some rational men still here within this community. This article is absolutely ridiculous.
It’s a classic example of “shoveling.”
How about these as alternative theories instead of the typical reactionary retard responses?
I suspect that there are a lot of various government (domestic and foreign) disinformation trolls that visit ROK who constantly play the divide and conquer games targeted towards the weak-minded and active post deletions by News Syndicator Via Breitbart as I pointed out on my 3 posts here:
Maybe ROK intends to turn itself into a magnet site for mental deficients. I would suggest installing some kind of bot control prior to being able to make posts.
The down side of being a celebrity, everything is public. The cuckcide does seem like the most plausible explanation at the moment.
It’s a highly published story, all over the mainstream media, meaning – there’s more to it than meets the eye.
Bourdain grew up in Leonia, New Jersey. His parents were Pierre Bourdain, a classical music industry executive for Columbia Records, and Gladys Bourdain (née Sacksman, Jewish), a staff editor for The New York Times.
With the background of his parents and as an employee of CNN, one should look for a usual suspect, a hack, and probably an intelligence agent.
He angered people of proud white heritage with a commentary that the world’s problems wouldn’t be solved until the population was “like Singapore”.
Apparently he tweeted something not long ago threatening to expose Hildawg – another case of Arkancide ??
At this point, it’s glaringly obvious:
I’m not going to lie. It does not sadden me a white hating J has become victim to his own tribes poisons he himself had been peddling. Poetic justice perhaps.
Same. I have a hard time feeling empathy towards Jews who push feminist/anti-white propaganda, which is basically 90% of them.
I never liked Bourdain or his show, and now i see my instincts have paid off once again. No surprise (((CNN))) gave him his own show.
Chef (((Bourdain))) biting the white hand that fed him and leaving behind an 11 y.o. daughter -may he rot in hell.
Wasnt he himself a feminism activist?
The “pizza” people are cleaning up their stragglers that might talk.
expect lots of “suicides” from famous people over the next few years.
Pizza gate is disturbing. (They) are sick people.
This. If you look look deeply into modern and past social hierarchies, you’ll notice that the pedos on the top end are the ruling and protected class.
Check it, mah brothers:
And another one bites the dust:
Don’t care why he did it. He wants the white race gone, so I’m glad he’s out of here. He made the right decision.
Jooish on his mother’s side. So it was virtually a given he would be another one clamoring for the death of the race that has made the world so much better. Even as a half-J it was his biological imperative to hate White Christian societies.
You whites did not make the world better. The numerous civilizations across the globe were not on the brink of destruction before your ancestors crashed their parties with destruction, disease, etc. The sun still rose & set across numerous nations before you appeared in their citizens’ lives.
@ Kang.
There may not have been a “brink of destruction” as you say, but…Who cured Polio? And small pox? Who developed high yield farming techniques? And antibiotics? Funny how these gifts given to the world by descendants of Europeans are contributing to the overpopulation that is now dooming those same people. If your assertion is that whites should have left the rest of the world to fend for itself, I tend to agree. Nothing good has come from interfering. Never does.
I call it “disruptive evolution.”
your monologue
was almost PERFECT,
but replace the word
“whites” with “non-whites”
I too have witnessed big, strong, masculine, badasses reduced to wimpering collapsed children, balled up in a fetal position due to skank women, and women alone. It is sickening. But the root is a belief system that men should be the care-taker and rescuer of gentle, delicate flowers – essentially all the blue pill stuff we all know to be false. (Captain Save-A-Hoe anyone?) That women can be loyal, and hearts full of love. That women can be believed and keep to their word, and have principals and morals, and codes of honor and conduct that are actually reserved for men – for the most part.
Bourdain is an important case study, aside from the individual. If you dismiss him due to his politics or supposed hate of whitey (RIH), you ignore the important lessons learned, and example of the dangers of buying into a narrative heart and soul, going all-in on a flawed belief system.
CNN has an homage to Bourdain, with a bunch of slides and philosophical quotes he made. The funny thing is all the things he said were not the words of a pessimist. Yet in the end, he concluded all his optimistic and reflective words were BULLSHIT and total lies. He proved it by refuting them all and killing himself.
Seperate but related to Bourdain. I find this whole women and fighting to be obnoxious. It’s just so insufferable. At the root is this need to invert everything. Okay so women don’t fight or seek out fighting for fun. So what? Why is that such an issue? Why is it a national priority to “fix” as if something is actually broken or wrong? And then there is this “toxic masculinity” running along the side of all this. Whereas men fight and seek out fighting-type activities etc, again this is supposedly wrong? And needs to be eradicated? Rape and violence against women are not ample justifications, we have laws and proir to feminism had a chivalrous culture that insulated women. That said, it’s the jock dickhead steroid archetype that is the target here. Indeed, these people are annoying as they tend to be bullies. But what I see happening with the attempts to muzzle men with toxic masculinity and all the rest and warriorize women with fighting and Star Wars ET al., is to make the women the asshole dickhead Dickweed steroid jock archetype. ? Why? I can see the disdain for the male jock bully persona but transferring it over to women nets society no gain if, alleviating, the aggressive jock dick is the aim. You still have dickheads in the world they’re just woman. If anything it’s worse now because unlike men, this has been accomplished using cultual manipulation and social engineering. Women might do cardioboxing or even boxing but they are doing it because it’s been made trendy. Left alone to their own decisions men will seek out boxing, MMA etc without the encouragement of a “trend”. Trends are shallow and fleeting. Moreover, people like Rhonda are extreme outliers. Ultimately I see the motivation for all this silliness to be with female glorification and that means masturbating female egos. 99.9999% of women have no business in fighting and training or no training they’ll lose to a man all of the time. And more girls are in sports, perhaps, but this fighting social engineering hasn’t caught on. And that’s good. But you see, it’s an overweight mid 30’s post wall cat lady that will hold an inner conviction that she is just as capable and “tough” as men. Worse, many are and have never been athletic. This is the aim. To make otherwise unremarkable women feel as though they belong to stand witg SEAL team 6 or 1st Recon Battalion. As an athlete and Marine, this is grating. Why? Because I went the distance and earned titles and accolades. Even the women that do these things cut corners and get concessions, so they really don’t earn it. Worse, said mid 30 post wall fatty catlady never did. Maybe a cardioboxing class she “courageously” joined after hearing a motivational speaker. But she now has insisted and convinced society that she is owed the notereity of being a SEAL or Marine or professional boxer, athlete…there is no end to her delusions because there are no limits to the unchecked ego. We talk about redistribution of wealth…has anyone realized “they” want redistribution of pride? The star wars “Mary sue” character epitomizes this dynamic. Just stay put and keep binge watching tv and eating…YOU (woman) are still a Jedi Knight inside just waiting to burst out and take it back for yourself! No training, no skill. Trails and tribulations…small successes with big failures? Ha, that’s only for inferior men, woman, never fails at anything they just retroactively “become” through force of will.
This is the level of pathological insanity we are dealing with.
Yup. That’s exactly what I “intensely dislike” about the new Star Wars movies.
Ep. IV: Luke watches Obi Wan get cut down by Vader (by choice, but still).
Ep. V: YEARS of dedicated study later, Luke tries to takes on Vader, gets ass handed to him, loses his hand.
Ep. VI: ANOTHER year of dedicated study later, Luke finally beats and turns Vader.
Ep. VII: Rey comes out of nowhere and with absolutely ZERO training, picks up a lightsaber and kicks whiny bitch Kylo Ren’s ass. Because girl power.
Haven’t seen VIII and don’t plan to.
Was it another year of study between TESB and ROTJ? I always felt like Luke just had a weekend ROTC course with Yoda, and then impetuously took off to go confront the Emperor. Yoda and ghost Obi-Wan have an exasperated conversation about how reckless and Anakin-like he was. Then Yoda mentions that “there is another.”
The ‘official’ explanation is that it took the Falcon a month (maybe longer) to get from the Hoth Asteroid field to Bespin without a functioning hyperdrive. So, Luke was on Dagobah at least that long – if not longer.
That’s one of the reasons Vader farmed out the search for them to bounty hunters. They couldn’t spend all that time looking for Solo and the crew and they’d already lost or severely damaged a lot of their Star Destroyer squadron searching that asteroid field.
Yoda died before luke finished t, he mentioned that the training was incomplete. Luke was already way to old, as padawans began training very young. In the end vader had to stop palpatine, luke couldn’t, but he needed to be there to sway vader’s allegiance away from the dark side. The farce awakens did not have any such depth…it sucked harder than any prequel.
I agree wholeheartedly with Rey as Mary Sue, Kathleen Kennedy shoehorning a feminist/SJW agenda etc. into Star Wars. But the Star Wars canon was never very consistent about Jedi training. Luke’s training was perfunctory at best. A little from Ben in Ep4 (still manages to blow up the Death Star) and some incomplete training from Yoda for a short time in Ep5; later manages to maim Vader in Ep6. In Ep1, little 8 yo Ani (future Vader) wins a pod race that makes the Indianapolis 500 look like walk in the park, then blows up a droid control ship–all because he is chock full of midichlorians. He then spends years in formal training at a Jedi Academy. So except for her lack of penis, is Rey all that different from the aforementioned male Mary Sues?
7 down votes from people with no knowledge of Star Wars canon and no response. Wow, now that’s masculine.
Very good points, and can’t believe 5 losers downvoted this.
It completely blows my mind when I hear about a rich man killing himself. Especially if no drugs are involved. If I had Bourdain’s money, I would slap that femnazi Asia’s face with a wad of cash and tell her to get lost. Then drive away in my lambo. Wtf is so wrong with your life you must end it????
Exactly Superman. Like dumb celebrities and rich people getting caught drinking and driving. Take a fucking cab, certainly you can afford one. Also, these people can afford the best psychiatric care and counselling money can buy.
I’m waiting for the ex to start clawing at his money for the kid’s inheritance.
Yea! And if driving your lambo and banging a French maid isn’t fulfilling enough. Go cook 5 star meals for the homeless. He probably had enough money for 3 generations just from his restaurant.. let alone his tv fame. If it was because of his disgusting 3rd wife Asia. I do feel sorry for him. But I bet Asia is walking around playing the victim feel sorry for me, I can’t believe this happened to me bla bla
Super, I totally agree. These rich celebs can construct their life any way they want. They can be in the limelight or opt out. They can have access to many women, including good girls and bad ones, young or old, whore or chaste. They can live anywhere, they can eat anything or nothing. They can live in a big city or the middle of nowhere. They are constrained by little. If they want to study the meaning of life alone with monks they can. If they want meaningless partying and sex they can. They can play vidja games and escape, or be in the limelight on Oprah. If they’re depressed they can seek the finest health care available.
And they always seem to leave behind kids and often a wife.
Fuck them.
Maybe Val Kilmer is right, it’s the ultimate selfish act, knowing the entire world will talk about it the next day – a final step into the ultimate limelight.
Because no matter where he may have fled, he couldn’t escape himself. He rightly hated himself for abdicating his manhood. Death was the only way out.
I’d say “forget him & move on”, but there’s a lifesaving lesson here that all men should ‘squirrel-away’ somewhere deep in their souls.
Probably more satanic celebrity business:
One of ((((them)))) who wants the white race gone….. Still who leaves behind a child?
Doesn’t matter how “alpha” you are. A woman in this stupid clown world we live in can cause catastrophic damage to your life.
Plan accordingly gentlemen.
Lol who cares. I wish more liberal “men” and women would kill themselves. Useless pathetic beings.
Bourdain relied on the notion that extreme travel and extreme food would make him an enlightened being. Instead, it only showed what happens to those who are devoid of genuine spiritual guidance.
Anyone who would get in a committed relationship with Asia Argento is either dumb, crazy, arrogant, gay, masochistic, or some mix of the five.
I posted these at PJ Media too:
Suicide aside, I use to take meds for anxiety, and panic attacks. For years. Until working with the “Attacking Anxiety & Depression” program. It worked for me. It got me off all meds. It cost about 400, maybe 450 dollars. It took effort, but it worked. Almost like a miracle.
I learned from the program, these conditions are caused mostly by our thinking. Yes, by our thinking. Negative thinking, that is. Often without the suffers awareness. Which is why the program’s principles work for both. Even though depression is a beast of a different order.
Because there are levels involved. And people are sensitive, or touchy about it. Particularly when told it is caused by their thinking. But it is. Not exclusively, but mostly.
For instance, another contributing factor is diet. Especially caffeine and sugar. Caffeine and sugar are such powerful stimulates, some have suggested, they should be considered controlled substances. If one has a problem with anxiety or depression, the first thing they should do is eliminate caffeine completely from their diet. And sugar, as much as possible. And add exercise. Exercise is great for stress relief.
But if your thoughts are, “Bull, no way! They have nothing to with it, don’t tell me what to do! Stop blaming me! It’s not my fault, asshole! I don’t feel like exercising anyway, I’m too depressed!”
Then in this way, you could say, your thoughts are causing your anxiety or depression. Or at least contributing to it. Kind of like a junkie denying junk is one of their problems.
Which, of course, is a flippant way of putting it. But it’s still true.
While I could go on at length about my dramatic adventure with ‘mental illness’ (which is really an emotional problem), and recovery, including a misdiagnosis of schizophrenia, I want to hit this very important point once again: caffeine and sugar are major contributors to anxiety, and depression.
Yes, they are. Please, do not argue, or post links. Yes, they are.
Even if you feel you require medication the rest of your life, please eliminate those two things from your diet. You will feel better. Especially if you add exercise to your life. If nothing else, you just might be able to lessen your meds, if not eliminate them completely.
Think of caffeine and sugar as the dietary equivalent of cocaine. Bad medicine.
I should know. Because like the junkie rock poet Jim Carroll once said; I was redeemed through pain, not through joy.
3 or 4 years after high school, a classmate of mine committed suicide. I did not know him that well, but we talked a few times. He was always upbeat, and funny. I was stunned by what he did. Just could not believe he took a shotgun, and disconnected his brain.
I thought about his suicide at least once, everyday, for about the next 5 years. And when I did, I also thought about his ex-girlfriend at the closed casket visitation, giggling and laughing with a group of male admires.
And the wordless hurt of his family. And how they were especially hurt by the confused rumors going around town, about their loved one now being the main suspect as the town rapist. Which he was not.
HE turned out to be one of the town’s well known bullies and scumbags, since before high school. Him, I remember too. Having had a close brush or two with the lowlife. And having been paired with him at work a time or two.
So yeah, suicide is a great way for people to remember you by. Because like this piece said, suicide is not painless.
ps. I left out something important about my unfortunate classmate. He was drunk when he pulled that trigger.
Alcohol is a depressant. Anyone taking anti-depressants, or anti-anxiety meds, should not be drinking. Not even sips of wine at dinner. Completely contraindicated.
Along with caffeine and sugar. If you take meds like that, those stimulants are also contraindicated. Because while they give you an initial energy boost, they cause an energy crash too. Think of caffeine and sugar as the dietary equivalent of cocaine. Bad medicine.
That is quite a wall of text, but, I’d back what you say about caffeine and sugar 100%. I used to drink preworkout powder like water until I started having panic attacks. For those who have never had one, they are sheer terror. The worst are when either it feels like you, or reality around you is fading away. The ones where it feels like you are having a heart attack or brain aneurysm are relatively mild in comparison.
To this day I still have panic attacks, and they are almost exclusively induced by caffeine consumption. Although not necessarily a primary contributor sugar and chocolate definitely potentiate anxiety. Chocolate obviously contains caffeine and theobromine, but sugar is more insidious CNS stimulant. Green tea, Yerba Maté, Pu-Erh all of it is off the menu. I get why Nikola Tesla avoided it like the plague, he was probably prone to panic attacks.
Interesting article. Tony was 61, travelling 250 days a year. All reports say he was exhausted. Maybe it was as simple as that. He couldnt continue the lifestyle he was living and had no idea how to live anything else.
Whatever the reason, Tony we will miss you. You went to parts of the world we are unlikely to go to, and gave us glimpses of them. For that we are grateful. And if there is one thing that actually brings people together it is food. Rest in peace brother.
Im so exhausted
guess ill kill myself
Ho hum
“Dirt nap”.
Well, at least he ain’t tired any more…
anyone who feels depressed is more than welcome to come party, workout, and and have a great time. They should also be able to call on their fellow ROK reader to help them out of their slump.
Bourdain was a New Yorker.
I ate and drank in his restaurant a few times, though never saw him.
If he had come to me, I would have showed him a bunch of ways he could spend his money and have a great time, and forget about those old bags he killed himself over.
50 is a lot different to 60, you’ve had to work all your life, I’ve just played the last 17 years. Everything becomes dull and pointless, probably quicker for those of us that have the money where we are not forced to work.
@ JD.
Very good point.
If I wasn’t getting up early to go to work every morning, I could see myself getting into some bad things. Idol hands and all…
Part of the problem — a big part — is that the belief is instilled in men from the cradle that women are necessities. Men are brought up to believe that they are defined as such by the presence of female companions rather than reason, courage, strength, and morality. Of course this causes men to feel dependent on women, which drives them away since women abhor responsibility. It makes them go out of the way for women who aren’t worth ten minutes of their time and prevents them from evaluating women.
Shutting this down in a time of chivalry, resurgent Victorianism, and rabid feminism seems no small task.
Excellent post DCM
Yes, well spoken DCM
It should be stated, Bordain was your sterotypical ‘liberal progressive.’ He liked diversity, multiculturalism, feminism, queer rights. In other words, he disdained everything traditional in what gives a society its cohesion.
he would probably have been miserable living anywhere for long that didn’t make the fantasy world in his mind how a society should be. I suspect he may have thought of himself as ‘elite’ because of his beliefs. That has been my experience with liberal progressives. They have a tendency to view everyone that doesn’t share their beliefs as backwards as contemptible.
Did he? Yes.
Wow – he had absolutely terrible taste in women.
I would have banged Asia 10+ years ago, post wall now of course.
Agree, but wife material she is not.
Interesting article. Other red pillers and 4 channers are saying that Bourdaine was part of the NVIDIA sex cult and that he was about to be indicted for helping the cult get minors.
Sounds like he was a weak fag
Never get the truth probably because his buddy found him and undoubtedly cleaned up the scene a little, but I bet Bourdain was playing the erotic-asphyxiation game and passed out against the noose. 6 Feet Under had an episode that started off that way. I think one of the Sporanos characters was offed that way. A bathrobe sash in the bathroom to hang himself? Right. Robin Williams, a belt caught in a door hinge, on that, he hung himself. These guys were jerking off in a fancy way and ‘failed’.
That’s hilarious! Who knows you might be right. Usually suicidal people leave a note. At least to their children. Did robin Williams leave a note? I know with him drugs were involved so his might be real.
David Carradine (Kung Fu) and Mick Hutchence (INXS) both the same, wanking in a closet is dangerous.
Its also dark and not very comfortable.
It also puts a new spin on “coming out of the closet” not necessarily a gay thing at all.
Anyone who’s ever read Robert Greene’s “48 Laws of Power” would do well to heed his bit of advice:
I saddled myself up with a dream killer about a decade back and made sure to learn the lesson well. Not that she was the direct cause of my life falling apart, but she was a major contributor. The major lesson was; as a man you must have purpose, more precisely, your own self directed purpose. Women aren’t a purpose, they are either a fun companion or a serious distraction. The Blue Pill pieta dude going on about his wife a few posts ago aint the norm these days. I’ve never had a woman with me at my darkest moments, they were there for the fun times exclusively.
The single defining trait of a man is purpose, his unique work. Lose that and it feels like a bit of his soul dies.
Same with David Carradine and Hutchison.
Bourdain and Argento were heavily involved in the Hollywood occult pedo rings. He worked for (((CNN))). There is a lot more to this than just his past relationships with these devil women. Argento partakes in spirit cooking with the godly woman Marina Abramovic. I personally believe that President Trump is bringing these occultists down with a spinning fucking backfist. Over 30,000 sealed indictments on the DOJ. There will be more of these elite deaths and suicides. Stay tuned for more and enjoy the show.
So says a male child with probable, Freudian, penis issues ,… what did your mom DO to you, that you are so afraid of women? Failure to be a man is easier when you can blame someone else, which, in your case, is women.
These issues are deep, perhaps medication would help, therapy, … blaming others is an immature defense mechanism. Go to school, get an education, and learn about what drives you to be so miserable.
Why on earth would a man get married today in the west, when a woman can cheat on him and still take half his money, his kids, get him to support them for 18 years without being able to be in their lives, and pay her alimony?
Davis Aurini said it best in his live steam discussing Bourdain:
“Men need 3 things in society- religion, a state that adequately rewards their contribution, and family.
Today, they have none”
I interpret this as: spirituality, some form of purpose or contribution to humanity that is rewarding, and love/connection.
The first 2 one can manufacture themselves- have your own spiritual connection with your God. As well as designate a purpose that you really want to live for.
As for love/connection/family- that is very tough in this society. Divorce laws are making it extremely dangerous. Basically today’s society had taken the most natural thing (finding a good woman and starting a family), and distorted it.
Well fuck it, it is sad to see that most of us are beasts inside, regardless of gender. Personal interest are everything to people, interest for which they will sell their very soul. I miss time when I was younger, more innocent, more stupid, with rose glasses, for the knowledge is a curse, reality is depression. And all those ideas of equality, utopia, and so forth, are good only on paper. As my grandfather always used to tell me: “Kid, just remember, we crucified Jesus.” And believe me, he knew, he lived in ex communist country, with all those soulless, marxist idiots, lived through ww2 in balkans (and that is no small feat by the way), he knew what people are capable of. All in all, that old guy Machiavelli was very, very right with a book of his. My opinion? As a generation, we are FUCKED UP. Don´t know for you, but i need that feminine energy, for without it i will never get my full potential. Just as the sun and the moon are in great balance in the sky, so should be a man, and a woman on earth. Each one complimenting other weaknesses with its strenght. Just imagine level of sickness, people marry, and in advice start to strategise a divorce scenario. For we got a small amount number of rivals and enemies already, that we need to watch our back against our marriage partner? Great work civilization, keep it up, for I will watch with a delight a collapse of system with a smile on my face. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes, and be just another example of a failed man, failed woman, fail relationship, failed civilization, failed history, and most of all, FAILED LIFE, that greatest, most wonderful gift we all get at the very start.
I’d like to retract what I said earlier.
I listened to a podcast over at Mgtow Mindframe regarded the suicide rate among males in this country and also mr. Bourdain. This guy was a real scumbag. A hard worker, but still a scumbag.
How about ‘beta male cuck liberal scumbag.’
This guys last years should serve as an example why we have this community. It’s to stay on top of our game and not throw our greatest assets away to whores. That’s exactly what he did. He supported whores. Hence, beta male cuck.
Put it on his grave with a dildo strapped atop the tombstone.
All KNOWN cuckery ends exactly the same way…mental illness, depression and self initiated death because the brain simply will not accept the very unnatural condition. Most accidentally discovered cuckery ends the same way. The stats prove that observation is correct. Just look at the divorced men who suicide. Anecdotal evidence doesn’t lie, but people will try to twist the stats to hide the obvious. Men suicide post divorce because their self respect has been completely humiliated and destroyed. End of story. Cuckery is the first indication that a suicide is guaranteed in the works, in the near future.
Few mention his daughter was at an age when girls test their boundaries and very likely get into a mode of making a hero of their mother and villian of their father. Parent alienation inflected on a girl by a divorced mother often plays a role. Bourdain may not have been equipped to handle his daughter’s behavior, as well.
When I read things like this I am so grateful to have a traditionally minded family oriented woman. She wasn’t a virgin before me but was nowhere near double digit notch count and she is Roman Catholic like me and values her religion, family, being a good cook, attractive,submissive and ladylike. But without the insight I’ve gained from reading ROK a few years I would not know what to look for in a woman. I’d still be wasting time on STD ridden sorority sluts and club sluts. When I first heard about Bourdain my first thought was that ROK was way ahead of everyone on this one. People underestimate how insightful this site really is and underestimate the power of taking the red pill. In his case, red pill vs blue pill thinking was literally a life and death situation. Very sad.
These people don’t understand where a woman’s power comes from. Compare Melania Trump and Michael Obama in a scenario where for some reason someone wanted to fist fight them. I can imagine Michael just throwing the hands up and going in whereas with Melania her social grace and charms would either defuse the situation or if that failed an actually physically capable man would come white knight for her, guaranteed. While at the most Michael would have people recording for World Star.
Also, that last part about suicide is exactly how I think about that topic. If I am in such despair I might as well pick up and move somewhere else, I obviously have no ties worth preserving if I find myself in such a state and what’s the difference if I fail after leaving? I die alone with dignity instead of alone with shame? Don’t ever go out like that.
My views are considered bizarre and paranoid by close friends because I have an interest in riddles and codes. As such, when I encounter a code and attempt to explain it- I am met with disbelief that any code is in use, even with many many examples.
I don’t know the reality of Anthony Bourdain’s life or death .
But I do know that the media details and headlines are written in code, because I have seen enough examples that are consistent.
One is left with one of two possible situations: either the story is completely fake, and Anthony Bourdain is alive somewhere in hiding. Or the specific details were set up in advance and he was murdered.
I am considered crazy for my ability to see patterns.
Unlike flat earth theory and Bigfoot, we already know that the media has an agenda and lies to us.
Most of you however appear unaware of the depth of the lies and misinformation.
For those of you with the capacity, look at the website for Gematria. And even free to find truth is a different one.
I agree. I felt somehow someway she was a part of his decision to end his life. His second wife is getting all his money. It should go straight to his daughter. She’s the one who’s entitled to it. Argento’s behavior was horrible. She shouldn’t have been strolling in the street holding hands with another man. Bordain gave her everything and she hurt him. If you’re serious about someone you don’t romantically hug and hold hands with someone else especially in public
Who suicided him?
Mossad or Hitlery?
Who suicided him?
Mossad or Hillarity?
Not only women project their desires onto men…
I’m a radically independent guy and never thought of myself as a caretaker of a woman who needs me.
Bourdain apparently had a j3wish anti establishment complex as well as evident by his twatter.
While I’m not Bourdain level crazy who went for masculine MMA women that flex their muscles, which is just plain gross to me, I tended to go for women with masculine traits none the less as I never wanted someone to rely on me and overly feminine behavior is a road to disaster in today’s ever more competitive world that provides little space for mistakes.
While I just went MGTOW – shunning women altogether, Bourdain apparently always was surrounded by strong independent types that conned and wrecked him easily.
Blame Bourdain’s suicide on any one of his screw-ups, and there were plenty, but the core factor was Bourdain was Jewish and all Jews are self-hating.
Sure, I’d love to start over. I don’t have $5 much less $5,000.
> Did Anthony Bourdain Kill Himself Because Of His Blue Pill Views On Women?
That entirely depends on what his life insurance payout was and how the receiver disbursed it. Also, I noticed a lot of well groomed out of nowhere media personalities have been offing themselves lately. Did Bourdain owe someone some deep debts and they came to collect while he was away from the comfort and security of home?
Ronda Rousey’s father committed suicide as well. So he’s more on point than he knows.
The picture of Asia with her new boyfriend came out on June 5th, which seemed to coincide with Bourdain going into a deep funk, according to Bourdain’s close friend. Asia posted a T-shire picture on June 8th approximately 5 hours before the suicide. The picture was of a T-shirt Asia was wearing that stated, “Fuck You – You Know Who You Are”. There was a picture of Sid Vicious, who was a punk rocker that Bourdain liked. This seemed to be directed towards Bourdain because the Asia took the picture down off the internet immediately after she heard of Bourdain’s suicide. My opinion is that the suicide is on Bourdain but Asia seemed to be the trigger event that sent him over the edge. If the T-shirt wasn’t directed at Bourdain, then I wonder why she took it down so fast after hearing of the suicide.
That’s hilarious! Who knows you might be right. Usually suicidal people leave a note. At least to their children. Did robin Williams leave a note? I know with him drugs were involved so his might be real.
I’m going through some deep depression right now and this was an important article to read. That equator idea isn’t bad.
I read that Bourdain was huge on the left. Very popular but that he was starting to red pill in some of his observations in his scripts. So the left offed him
“The red pill about women…” Hmmm.
I think it’s possible that you misunderstand us, horribly. Women and men hurt each other. Women are not your enemy, but they should not look to YOU for affirmation.
Don’t be so scared of us. We are all feminine, no matter what we do or like. We’re women. And we love you.
We just want you to love us enough to respect us as much as you do other men. There’s no secret truth about us. We’re just trying to find our way through life, just like you are.