Don’t Believe The Historical Revisionism That Hollywood Inserts Into World War II Movies

The United States has a timeless love affair with World War II which is unlikely to subside, even as nearly all veterans of the conflict (whether soldier or civilian) pass away and we draw further and further into the 21st century.

To be fair, this is quite understandable. Due to its immense scale of destruction and epic scope, the conflict is perceived to be the ultimate “Michael vs. Lucifer” face-off in human history.

The great triumph of the unquestionably good—the humanitarian and liberating United States and its Western allies—versus the cartoonishly evil Nazi Germany equipped with their cruel “muh 6 million” gas chambers, frankenstein technology, funky arm gestures, and over-the-top decked out uniforms.

Famous photos like these are supposed to give Americans the warm fuzzy wuzzies inside almost 75 years later. Even when they are working shit jobs, suffering from obesity, and have nothing exciting going on in life.

Sure, Italy and Japan were part of the bad guys too. While Spain, Sweden, Romania and other countries certainly played along by proxy and provided some voluntary soldiers, port access, raw materials, and freedom of movement among other hindsight no-no’s.

However, the roles of Italy and Japan are significantly downplayed in modern times compared to the Nazis, who just make far better pop culture villains. (Heck, there are many SJWs in modern times who actually think Japan was a victim in World War II.)

The Nazi archetype also perfectly fits the modern ‘social justice’ zeitgeist in the United States, which is basically a (((puppeteered))) conflict that is designed to pit a broad coalition of “marginalized” peoples against a perceived oppressor.

Ignorant, insensitive, privileged, racist, heterosexual white male American “Nazi.” Somebody stop him!

Women, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans, gays, transsexuals, disabled people, and self-hating white liberal cucks are the “allies” of the conflict and are on the “right side of history,” as the saying goes. Meanwhile, right-leaning and able-bodied heterosexual white males are the “racist” and “white supremacist” Nazi ogres of our age, who have been “emboldened” by the election of Donald Trump in 2016.

There is just one problem with the newly resurrected Nazi-bashing narrative in an increasingly non-white USA: it was almost entirely heterosexual white males who also put a stop to the actual Nazi’s (and Japanese) in the 1940’s and freed nearly all peoples of the world in the process. That unsettling fact needs to get the George Orwell “Ministry of Truth” treatment for all future movies and TV shows right away!

Historical Fact – U.S. Armed Forces Were Segregated In WW2 And Overwhelmingly White

Latino-American actor Michael Pena played a Sherman Tank driver in the 2014 movie “Fury” alongside his four other white crewmen. While not as blatantly inaccurate as a black or Asian soldier, it nonetheless tacitly implies to a modern audience that Latinos played a big role in beating Nazi’s. Despite Latinos making up a VERY small percentage of the U.S. population in 1945.

With few exceptions, such as a select group of Navajo tribe soldiers who accompanied white American troops in the Pacific Theater to act as highly-efficient artillery “code talkers” (and bless their souls by the way), all military units of the United States armed forces were racially segregated in World War II.

White troops (making up well over 90% of total strength) fought in white-only units, blacks fought in black-only units, and the famous “go for broke” 442nd Regiment was composed of almost entirely 2nd generation Japanese-American men. This became the most decorated unit in the history of US warfare.

Despite the thoroughly commendable contributions of non-white soldiers in World War II, it is entirely safe to say that both the European war and the Pacific war would have been easily won just based on the white component of U.S. manpower alone, which was a much whiter country in the early 1940’s compared to today. Yet there has been a change in recent years, with an influx of social justice tinged World War II films which imply that ‘ignorant’ sentiment should be called into question.

Enter The WWII Black Super-Soldier!

Just put a black man in a P-51 Mustang (top speed 437 MPH) and he’ll be able to go toe-to-toe with Messerschmitt Me262’s (top speed 559 MPH) that his white counterparts couldn’t handle. (Red Tails, 2012)

This phenomena of historical revisionist and minority empowering World War II films truly began in earnest with 2012’s “Red Tails“, which told a (fairy) tale about the Tuskegee Airmen in 1944.

Straight from the get go, it implies that the bombing campaign in central Europe is going very poorly for the USAAF (United States Army Air Force). Experienced German pilots are entering laughable turkey shoots, U.S. bomber losses are heavy, and white American fighter escorts are portrayed as hopelessly inept at protecting them. Thus enter a group of wise-cracking magical negros from Tuskegee, Alabama who save the day (every day) while one of them even gets to bang a smokin’ hot Italian woman on his off time.

Voila. The European air war of the 1940’s meets fabricated 2010’s standards of racial justice, minority empowerment, “we couldn’t have done it without you” vibes, and interracial hanky-panky! Just don’t let some irritating things called “historical facts” spoil the fun.

And Now Integration!

White supremacist Nazi zombies are gonna git ya black boy! That pretty much sums up the upcoming movie ‘Overlord‘, which automatically throws any semblance of historical accuracy out the window by portraying the African-American protagonist knee deep in a racially mixed group of U.S. paratroopers over Normandy.

Brought to you by director (((JJ Abrams))) and screenwriter (((Billy Ray))), you have a pretty good idea of where this is going. Expect plenty of gleeful killing of Nordic-looking people, the African-American protagonist stoically taking verbal abuse from his douchebag goy white countrymen, a white female “Mary Sue” stock character who takes a liking to said protagonist, and plenty of other 1940s tropes given the same 2010’s social justice twist as Star Wars.

No! Those racist white male zombie Nazi’s are over there! Take my hand and let’s go hide in the bedroom!


nazi hunters

“Inglorious Bleeders” – Will a group of Jewish, Black, and Latinx female commandos fight evil Cis-white male Nazi scum in a future movie or TV series? Who knows.

I touched upon historical revisionism before in a previous article, in which the Game of Thrones developers (((D.B. Weiss))) and (((David Benioff))) wanted to create a TV series called ‘Confederate‘, a show which would cling to the desperate and preposterous liberal narrative that a hypothetical Confederate States of America would still have slavery in the 21st century (despite still 3rd world Brazil being the last place in the Americas to abolish it in 1888).

Whether it’s ‘Confederate’ or ‘Red Tails’ or ‘Overlord’, these revisionist visual works all ultimately serve the same intended purpose. Downplay the importance of white males (or at least make them look bad in the process), and elevate in stature various U.S. minority groups and members of the female gender to rock star status. Simply to fit the emerging demographics and social expectations of an “equitable” 21st century USA.

Read Next: Does The Hollywood Elite Use Rituals And Sexual Blackmail To Keep Its Stars In Line?

207 thoughts on “Don’t Believe The Historical Revisionism That Hollywood Inserts Into World War II Movies”

      1. Don’t be a fucktard, boy. Jesus was the Son of God. Hitler was an idiot that picked a fight with the Soviets before he could even secure victory over Britain. He was too stupid to win.

        1. God? Do you also believe in pixy fairies and hobgoblins? Fucktards believe in supernatural shit.

        2. The red army was on the borders and ready to attack. We stopped them by engaging and fight them back. We got perhaps two weeks before this murderermachine stomped in.

  1. ”Latino & Hispanic” are not a race. Hispanic is someone that comes from a Spanish speaking country from any race. Not all Hispanics are brown people there’s, Whites, Blacks, Mulatto, Brown, and even Asians in Hispanic countries.

    1. It makes no more “literal” sense than blacks in the US being called African-American even though 95% of them will never even set foot on Africa in the lifetime.
      It’s still the umbrella term (like Hispanic or Latino) to describe a group of people who have a distinctly non-Germanic or Slavic or even Italian (a Latin nation) appearance.
      The US had very few immigrants which came directly from the Iberian nations, while all the countries south of it did.

      1. Fred, nobody thinks Italians are white people. They are more or less the same race as Lebanese, Syrians or pale folk from North Africa, like Mummar Gaddafi. He could easily pass for an Italian.

    2. This is true. Some Latin American Hispanic nations are statistically “whiter” than the USA (Uruguay and Argentina). But that doesn’t matter here; the Latinos in these SJW WW2 films are dark mestizos. Not criollos or anything like that.

    3. In Spain people use the words “pancho” or “panchito” to refer to latinos of native American ancestry. If they are white or black, then refer to them as such. Anyway, I believe that by “latino” or “hispanic” most people understand what “central or southamerican of native American ancestry”. The wrongly called indians.

  2. TV, “Tell-a-Lie-Vision”. Electronic Heroin for the masses. Easy don’t buy into it I haven’t had a TV (((Tribe Vision))) for about 5 years + I think know I no longer miss it. Its a habit and get hooked onto it from a young age. I no longer even watch classics films any more it just doesn’t do anything for me.
    Even worse is radio I cannot any longer turn on my radio here in England in my car and all I here is some fuckwit retard of a DJ telling me I am not with it unless I have the latest album from such and such a singer/group. Apart from the internet I have given up all other forms of multi media. Apart from posting on places like ROK, etc.

    1. Congratulations Steve, you have unplugged from the Matrix. The definition of what a TV actually is, in technical terms:
      Television: (1) a device delivering hypnotic electromagnetic frequencies mixed with audio & visual subliminals, meant to directly target the subconscious mind and change opinions and attitudes of target; (2) a device capable of capturing sound and visual imagery within the target’s home — a surveillance device.
      “George Orwell” gave us some strong hints about the future use of TV in 1947 / 1948 in his classic and prophetic book, “1984.”

      1. The (((MSM))) is like some sort of bacteria or virus that makes me sick. I mostly avoid it, but invariably feel ill when I do get exposure.
        The historical, racial, and liberal revisionism is just too much.

    2. Meanwhile, millions of minorities, white women, and white children continue to get plugged into the Matrix; and they are also plugging probably billions of people around the world into this Matrix. Why individualist white men think that they are going to make a difference as individuals by just turning off the TV; I’ll never understand. Oh, our borders still are wide open and the hordes are still flooding in waiting ton get plugged into the Matrix.

      1. Wes the Great,
        What you say maybe true but at least (((They))) are not getting any money out of me everyone in Hollywood is a sell out including all your so called favourite actors/pop stars. I will never buy a Hollywood movie for the rest of my life I cannot even remember the last time I bought a record even all the Labels are owned by the (((Tribe)) at least I have the satisfaction knowing (((They))) are not making anything out of me.

    3. He he, “don’t buy into it”?
      In Germoney you come to jail, if you dont pay for the radio/television shit.
      I’s called GEZ and every household is forced to pay it.
      America, you don’t believe it, but you are still better.

      1. Satcadir,
        Yes we have the same law here in England a TV Licence which you have to pay yearly to the BBC (((Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation))) but you can opt out if you have no TV which I have also you can still own a TV just to watch DVDs they will have to prove you have been watching LIVE TV which they can’t.

        1. Exactly that has changed in Krautland. Now every household has to pay.
          And always men were adressed in a family😁.
          I pay not and if jails are empty I’ll go in there for max 6 month.
          No problem for me.
          Next turn MSM newspapers

    4. Awesome! I’ve never owned a TV,. When I was a teenager, I figured out that it’s a propaganda distribution device. I don’t need that in my life, and everyone else can live without one too.

      1. When I was teen, I were too dumb to figure anything about TV.
        I just read newspaper article guildtripping me for watching TV, and claiming if I don’t watch tv I get smarter. Me back then -“Oh, yeah? Let me try it!” Didn’t pluged it right off, just reduced it greately, until one day I figures I need the space that the tv takes for something else, and that was my final and official devorce. I have “ex dating” with it only when with relatives, and sometimes if they turn it on i am lik -“Oh, you prefer to watch TV? Ok, I am going for now, see ya soon.”
        Did I really became smarter? Is not me to say. But developed more interesting hobbies that I wouldn’t if I kept watching TV.

    5. I unplugged from cable in 1992. It’s a wasteland of crap and a devourer of your most precious possession, your time.
      When I hear people raving about the new season of Walking Dead or Game of Thrones, I’m frankly saddened.
      It’s a great big world out there, live your own dreams.

  3. hollywood is the church of the liberals especially netflix spendind time there or even complaining that the sermons are bad of a religion you dont belive in ais waste of time

    1. No danger, the M1 Garand is such a long, heavy and hard to shoot rifle…a woman, or soy boy will be ridiculus using it. 😀
      French female Resistance fighters had 9mm Stens or Grease guns for this reason.

      1. They put women in such ridiculous heroic alpha male roles so what would be the stretch to give a women a fake plastic garand to use in a movie. Someday a Hollywood movie will have the D day landings consisting of women, faggots and black men.

        1. Double D day sounds like an interesting battle. I picture alot of chicks just splashing around in the water while the faggots hold their bags on the shore until an artillery shell blows them all up.

        2. How can you transport all the luggage, a woman needs, to a DDay shore?
          You have to triple the fleet!
          Satcadir, on holidays in southern France with family (3 women)… I still can’t believe it!

        3. First of all, they’d get pregnant to avoid deployment. Leaving the fags and nigs.

        4. I see there’s a new Ocean’s 11 flick with all women.
          I liked Pitt in the various remakes-sorry but the original with Frank really sucked.
          But just women? You’d have to duct tape me to a chair with my feet nailed to the floor with toothpicks in my eyelids.
          Going out to the movies used to be a 2-3 times a month thing. Now, once or twice, if that, a year.

      2. The garand is heavy, but they shoot wonderfully. Best iron sights around, maybe other that the 03 Springfield and the trigger is pure sex.

        1. Yep, have a sniper version. Disgraced by Beretta Stamps and 7,62×51 but new arsenal stuff.
          You know: Do you want to have a new South Vietnam Garand? Not shooted only once dropped!

  4. Well maybe (((they))) are preparing for a world without white people. How many white people are gonna be there in few centuries considering the modern travel, artsy fartsy, mostly single white hipsters and an average children rate of 1 per white couple? When the world is black movies like these will be considered “classics”! That’s it folks, who is to blame that u prefer to play video games, travel and be artsy fartsy instead of making ur people dominate the shithollers of the world?

    1. I saw an article link on (((Drudge))) yesterday about so called burned out millennials quitting their 100k jobs to travel.
      Basically it was a handful of privileged Jooish girls in New York city who got cushy jobs due to their tribal connections and will probably have something waiting for them when they get back.
      But the article is supposed to broad brush millennials like this is normal.

    2. When the world is black there will be no movies to watch. A tribe of negroes out hunting with stone spears, half naked save for animal skins will find the ruins of our civilization and wonder what Gods could have built such things. Afterwards they will wander back to their straw huts, the highest technology they are capable of.

      1. And those tribes will have long since slaughtered the jooz,
        even reaching their planned lifeboat called New Zealand.
        They got completely exterminated out of Saint Domingue
        So they definitely didn’t learned their lesson from last time

      1. Awe oh the g0yim are getting red-pilledon the JU.
        Quick JIDF soldiers, make some cliché multis of militant blacks and Yokal whites so the peasant g0y go back to yelling nigga and cracka at each other and debating IQ and penis size.

  5. impossible to watch or listen to anything MSM/Movies- always the stereotype of the white male buffoon -and the extremely strong, efficient, competent, and IT- High-IQ of all the rest.
    And there is always slavery:
    1: 3rd world imported slaves to work here.
    2: Move factory to slave location – and then return goods without important duty(tariffs) – “the giant sucking sound” as Ross Perot stated, as the MSM assassinated him.
    Vietnam is a wonderful/cheap manufacturing location now:
    “It sends its children to the sweat shop or they get the Napalm again”

    1. I have an even better idea. Stop calling yourself British if you’re black ya pretender.

      1. The black man is Britain enjoys a buffet of all the white woman has to offer, he is a King there, while the blubbery, pasty, bespectacled white man gets nothing from his own women.
        No wonder to are angry

        1. A “buffet of white (British) women”? Isn’t that like a buffer of shit sandwiches?

        2. Do you mean buffet literally. In Africa cannabilism is rampant so it is quite possible that your statement was meant literally.

        3. Go ahead fuck the white trash, While I make love to beautiful chocolate colored women, from those jungles in Africa.

        4. Why you are downvoted for a redpilled comment I don’t know. I have seen in Ireland “migrants” collect poon and free dinner to boot. Women invited them in and the reason is clear enough.

        5. You better hope never to step foot in England.
          That buffet of all white women belongs to muslims.
          They will knife your throat quick fast with no remorse.
          They even do it in front of the Precinct Constable’s office

        6. Doesn’t blubbery, pasty, and bespectacled also describe a good percentage of British women?

        1. I quite like the guy as an individual. He’s red pilled.
          I won’t speak about other black guys, some are a waste of space, some are good value as people. Take it as you like.

        2. B E Devil, Plonker, I like that, haven’t been called that before. I have it on good authority that Black British Guy, and English Bob are one in the same. I think he had to change his avatar because he got banned by Disqus.

  6. (((They’ve))) been doing this since the beginning.
    Will never mention the Balfour agreement, Bloody Sunday, the communist threat to Germany, or the real, actual holocaust.
    A actual 1 million German civilians died AFTER the war who were placed in camps.
    They will Never tell you

  7. Between the ((tribe)) and the communists, the very first targets they go after after they assume majority control is history. Cut off people from the past from TRUE history and then pervert it to these new SJW agendas, and your neuter their ability to relate to one another by denying them a history they can rally around, keeps their opposition fractured and separated and demoralized.

    1. …art of war. deny your opposition the means to coalesce and unite you keep the conquered in chaos, making them ripe to seek new alliances that are sympathetic to your cause.
      not all war is fought in physical battlespace with guns and bombs. A true successful full spectrum fighter employs weapons across ALL battlespaces. the most effective place to win a war is to win in the psychological battlespace where most people are at their weakest. A true strategist understands that. Go and fight where their defense are weakest and most easily overcome. Its why meme warfare against the left is so successful. If your enemies great strength and weakness is their emotions that bind them and the easiest to inflame, wear them down by keeping them excited emotive and then exhausted. Case in point, how do you win a fight in a marriage? You let your female (or male) half that is the most emotive, wear themselves out with screaming and yelling and what do they do? They collapse from their hysteria and often go to sleep, but keeping them wound up also defeats their immune system and psychological stability from their own brain chemicals that leads to breakdown depression (which they already suffer from anyway because of their inability to deal with reality. How do you win? keep them in their highly energized emotive state and highly excited and irrational, and they burn out and collapse. until they recharge their batteries through sleep and calm, they just keep descending into their own madness. You beat SJWs by keeping them in the state they love the most. Hysteria. Nothing burns a person out faster than hysteria. Use it, and win.

      1. If you don’t believe me, just observe them how they act when interviewed or at their demonstrations.. The are hot flash fires that get crazy and then legs, but they rotate out the hysterical as they burn out and put fresher hystericals to fill the space as they back out to recharge. they keep is too keep their most effective voices out front and constantly engaged so they burn out TOGETHER, and then their psychophant followers back off due to lack of “leadership” up front. Most are cowards and only function in the mob setting where they have “emotional” support…
        pay attention. Its right there in front of you all.

        1. “… they keep is too keep their most effective voices out front and constantly engaged so they burn out TOGETHER….” should be, the KEY is too keep their most effective voices out front and constantly engaged so they burn out TOGETHER.

      2. “deny your opposition the means to coalesce and unite”….that’s called libertarianism; and they actually think not uniting is a good thing. There is a reason that (((they))) have such a huge influence in the libertarian movement. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least bit that the original Marxist goal was to de-tribalize and demoralize white men using “uh individualism”; after that they would essentially own white men and could do whatever they wanted. Sad part is we have lots of retarded and low IQ white men who actually believe Libertarianism is “da wey”.

        1. de-tribalization needs to be
          enforced on the semites
          if the planet is to survive.
          Just for them: No More
          Freedom To Assemble
          Freedom To Associate
          They must be denied
          Constitutional Rights
          if for no other reason
          than they deny ours.
          Just ask Zuckerbook.
          They were not meant
          to have those Rights,
          just like women were
          never meant to Vote.
          The Constitution was
          never designed for it

  8. Love this website, I truly do. It changed my life and I’m forever grateful for that. I hope you guys can be honest and see that you bitch almost as much as SJWs. Not trying to argue, just an observation. I’m not even saying this article is wrong btw.

    1. We “bitch” here because it’s one of the few places we can vent. And in the western countries, there is a hell of a lot for us normal guys to vent about. Us straight white males are being diminished, mocked, and unappreciated 24/7.

  9. I just say to those that praise these movies and tv shows if all of those are correct then why isn’t the greatest country in the world the United States of Africa? Come to think of it, where is the United States of Africa? Don’t you think all those great people would build a great nation?
    Gets them every time. No one has an answer for that. Instant change-a-subject responses.

    1. They have, it’s called Wakanda, but it’s covered with an invisible force field that looks like the jungle from the air.

      1. Let me guess. It’s right next to the all female military fighting force who never lost a fight to any male fighting force, the association for stay at home dads and the wives who like to screw them in the backside with pink dildos, and the association for transgenders and the straight men who love them.

  10. A lot of youngsters are learning about world history from Hollyjew movies. It’s no wonder that Nazis are thought to be the ultimate form of evil.
    Ironically enough, there were blacks, Jews, Arabs, Bosnians and even Slavs fighting for Hitler. The Nazis were not the blood-sucking demons that (((Hollywood))) wants you to believe they were.

    1. you’ve heard of Aktion T4? Lebensraum/Drang nach Ost? It would have probably been successful had Japan attacked Russia not the USA and quite possibly if Germany refused to declare war on the US after Pearl Harbour.

  11. We are conquering Hollywood.
    We are conquering your women.
    We will dominate America.
    While you sit on this site and cry

    1. Look it’s Herbie Goldstein working his keyboard Golem, the “well hung black man”.
      Funny stuff Herbie, but none of us are buying your schtick, ya schlemiel!

      1. I’m betting this is the work of some parasite at the SPLC, Tim Wise, or some smart-ass (((college kid)))

    2. We? Sorry my negro, but you can’t be conquering the world and shitposting on the internet simultaneously. Pick one.

    3. The self chosen are conquering the world. Blacks are just pawns to use. If they ever achieve their millenniums old dream of world domination, be prepared for perpetual slavery black man.

      1. And the tribe will just use them as human toilets.
        That SouthPark toilet safety scene is just a teaser.
        Why waste money paying for water flushing use
        when those sub-saharans are right there to open
        wide and chomp down and drink mellow yellow?
        While a sub-saharan girl will lick the hole clean.

    4. I highly doubt you are capable of doing any of those things, considering that your people hadn’t even invented the wheel when Europeans began to explore Africa.
      If you were kangz and sheeit, shouldn’t your people have been sailing to Europe and exploring it, instead of the other way around.

      1. bullcrap. What you are looking at is a slingshot effect of the strategy of prolific birth to counter the selective process at a time when it is not needed anymore, especially by importing it westward. At the same time, having children in the western middle class places people at a disadvantage, which will polarise wealth and ultimately shift the balance of power east.

    5. Oy Vey,
      you’re lying about everything.
      the “Tribe” owns Hollywood.
      the “Latinos” own the women
      You don’t dominate America,
      since illegal immigrants have
      deprioritized your group now.
      You got your Australopithecus
      women to whip you down, boy.

    6. Oy vey, yes yes, make black man with big schlong comment like in our pornography we force on their white women if they want to get paid. Demoralize the white man and paralyze his fighting spirit.
      Diversity and multiculturalism is about making white, brown, black, yellow whatever peoples argue and despise each other whilst blind to our cohesive networking and dominant takeover of nations until we pick their carcass clean and fulfil the prophets of the Talmudic New World Order.

      1. the attempted indoctrination with extreme bullshit by pilpul upon gentile ends with gentiles going their own way.

  12. The victors write the history.
    Baby boomer cuks that masturbated to WW2 movies and media like the history channel “We defeated the great evil in the great war” narrative are now getting written out and replaced with the super elite minorities that really won the war. lol cant make this sh1t up. Do you not see now you stupid cuks that you, the white man, has always been the enemy of (((them))).

    1. And yet the amazing part is they still don’t see it. 98% of Boomers are unsalvageable.

    2. It is ironic that the so called victors of WW2 can not see how badly they were actually beaten by the real enemy.

  13. For years I’ve been saying it’s the culture and that all of the liberal bullshit we’ve seen and endured came from the mainstream media. Shows like “will and grace” were not so much a show for entertainment rather for programming, namely, to portray homosexuals in an overly idealized embellished and, as follows, inaccurate way. It was an agenda not a show. When the neomasculine community was taking shape it was disheartening that how social engineering was done via media wasn’t spoken about routinely and if it was it was disparate. This was the same for conventional conservatives too. For the former, though frustrating it was a function of the (our) movement’s infancy. We just had to lay it all out. Now the canon is more established. And so it is more than encouraging to see articles like this speak to the problem as it is written and discussed frequently not only among men but also both the larger red pill and even conventional conservative communities.
    One last point. I stand by my thesis, which I have been reiterating over and over. The mainstream media and all its social engineering is doomed. The future is a highly customized media experience. This censorship will not last and when we get through it the other side will be an incredibly free personalized media and yes you and I via our own selection or an algo that tracks our “persona” will NEVER let a will and grace or jj abrams program into our queue. Remember, this is NOT grass roots all this liberal shit is top-down.

  14. Ever notice we are constantly inundated with references to Nazism and completely bogus Juish victim stories throughout all forms of media. Every month im seeing new tales of little old women who apparently saved hundreds of poor J from lampshades. Some old guy who sewed buttons on uniforms or something trivial being hunted for war crimes from the blood thirsty J. I cant check a news page without seeing some ridiculous thing Hitler apparently had planned for the world in comical super villain fashion. Movie after movie, countless books, conferences and written into educational curriculums.
    They constantly have to propound this evil white nationalist/racialist idea into everyone’s skulls. As the (((Bolshevik)) communists said “A lie told often enough becomes the truth”
    Not a peep of any real facts or the atrocities the Ju has been behind for centuries. As far as the (((media))) are concerned only one holocaust that ever happened and that’s the one that’s granted the J billions in reparations money, Balfour, immunity from criticism and justification to commit gen0cide on others.

    1. Hitler was also planning to fit sharks with laser beams to fight of US submarines and sink British commercial craft…. I knew we were missing that fiction too, so glad I could help..
      But yes, the virtual pile of bullsh** orthodoxy stories that you must accept or be ANTISEMITE….
      We have been fed a lifetime of lies by the (tribe) and the willing allies to them.
      Well said, Sasquatch.

    1. all the movies where americans save the day (let alone ww2) is propaganda bullshit

      1. Ya; whatever Slav boy. America should have let the Soviets get run through.

        1. heh, get run by who?
          the ww2 was already won by ‘Slav boys’ – the Russians, the Poles, the Serbs….plus Brits and Greeks
          yanx did nothing of importance except dropping them bombs on japs

        1. all you can do is drop bombs like a bunch of pussies which you really are
          fuck you coward cunts and your goatfucking allies

        1. underdog your real name is rabbi rabinovic’ from sukkat shalom synagogue in belgrade

  15. The important things we’ve learned about WWII:
    The Allies fought the wrong enemy. They should have destroyed the Russian Bolsheviks instead of the German National Socialists.
    International J3wry declared war against Germany, not the other way around. They declared an economic war of tarrifs, boycotts, and sanctions because Germans had the temerity to pursue economic sovereignty. Similar to what we have seen in the present age with Iraq/Iran/Libya/North Korea.
    Pearl Harbor was almost certainly a false flag hoax, that at the very least was foreseen and allowed to happen by the US, with the intention of dragging an unwilling public into war against a vague enemy. Very similar to 9/11.
    Dropping A-bombs on Japan at the behest of Tribesmen in the Military Industrial Complex was one of the most shameful things that any nation has ever done in the history of the world.
    The entire purpose of the war was the suppression of European national independence from the international parasite, along with the creation of Israel as a nation-state. All those white alpha males died and murdered each other so that International J3wry could set up a criminal outpost on stolen real estate.

      1. Patton was right to drive up through central Europe from Italy to cut off the advance of the red bear and prevent central Europe falling into Soviet hands.

    1. Reminder that both Nazis and Communists are scum. Why do you think we had the Cold War immediately after WWII?
      Crazy, I know.

    2. Wrong. Dropping the fatman on Japan was not shameful. The Japanese were not ready to surrender. Their regime had gambled on a rapid expansion through the pacific, digging in and negotiating peace from a position of strength. They lost in the aircraft carrier wars, partly down to luck.
      But for a false confession acquired by torture from a downed pilot, that the US had over 60 atomic weapons, maybe the Japanese would have kept going after fatman and little boy.
      Pearl Harbour was not a hoax and yes decryption of their sigint may have occurred but it just didn’t get the weight it needed. People are human and err. In the carrier battles, Japan on one occasion snatched defeat from the jaws of victory by miscalculating the enemy strength, running away when they were close to winning. Similarly, Singapore would not have fallen but the British greatly overestimated Japanese capacity, losing to a much smaller force which would have been exhausted by well planned defence.

  16. I wish the Nazis won. I also wish Germany won WWI. What did white people all over the world gain with the victory of liberal democracy? The question is what did we lose.

    1. If the United States had minded it’s own business instead of letting the Bolshevik tribe manipulate them, then Germany would have won WW1 and WW2 would never have happened.

      1. I don’t know about Germany “winning.” All sides in WWI were pretty much exhausted and broke by 1917. Far more likely there would have been a secession of hostilities on all sides, leaving the great houses and empires pretty much intact, with the possible exception of the Turkish Empire, aka the perennial “Sick Man of Europe.”
        Wilson, with his almost Troskyist* urge to export democracy to the rest of the world changed all that. Supplied with the unlimited resources of the U.S. empire, the Allies felt encouraged to keep fighting instead of seeking a peace settlement.
        While of short term economic benefit to the U.S. economy, it ultimately led to further chaos down the line for all involved parties, as well both the gradual but steady growth of the military industrial complex, with its attendant negative impact on civil liberties, that we experience today.
        Just a thought.
        Trosky wanted to export Communist Revolution. Wilson wanted to export Democratic Revolution. Hence the comparison. Their lineal descendants are
        the Neocons of the present. Hence our useless and bankrupting foreign adventures around the world, activities in places where we have no business being.

        1. Well some analysts have put Germany in the strongest position prior to American involvement. I have read that Germany had offered peace with everything returning to as it was before the war. Pretty generous of the Kaiser. But we could say that Germany at least wouldn’t have been defeated and the Imperial regime would have remained intact. This would have changed history considerably and no doubt for the better.

      2. WW1 was won by Spanish Flu, there weren’t enough people alive to keep fighting.
        WW2 was won by Russia, Germany was over-run by Russian infantry.
        America has already over-written the real history once.
        It doesn’t really matter who over-writes it again.

        1. LOL; the Russians would have gotten run thru by NAZI Germany if it was a one on one fight. The soviets were pathetic; read history. The amount of resources; troops; weaponry; airpower that the NAZIs had to keep in the west; and the bombing raids of German industry won that war. Most German war casualties actually happened in late 1943 and 1944. This idea that the Soviets won ww2 is a joke.

        2. Yes, the Hitler would have won like Napoleon would have won.
          If only that damn winter hadn’t got in the way.
          Who would have thought winter was coming?

        3. Yes, the H_itler would have won like Napoleon would have won.
          If only that damn winter hadn’t got in the way.
          Who would have thought winter was coming?

        4. “Those who fail to study history, are doomed to repeat it.”
          The war was already lost for Germany in 1942, their economy was bankrupt, and they only kept going by continuing to capture resources.
          In the modern industrial world, you need to grab a small country fast, kill all the population (including women and children), then colonize. Anything else is doomed to failure.

        5. @John Dodds…Napoleon did win against Russia; he was merely beaten by mother Winter; something that wouldn’t have happened to Hitler since Hitler had better and faster transportation networks and millions upon millions more soldiers. Britain and the Germanic tribes DEFEATED Napoleon. The Russians and the Russian winter merely weakened him. Like I said; read fucking history. America fought a two front war and pretty much single handily defeated Japan; while also bombing the shit out of Germany and helping the allies in west hold down 90% of the Luftwaffe (not to mention the massive aid given to USSR from lend lease). If not for the western fronts; the mere threat of invasion from the west; and the massive resources needed to fight the battle of the Atlantic; the air war over Germany; and the Africa Campaign; than the USSR would have been run through by the Germans with ease FACT.

        6. absolutely, Russians kicked the germans asses, and not the first time in history too….
          americans did nothing of importance in ww2, except, as usual, dropping some bombs

        7. Ya; the North Africa Campaign; the bombing of German industry; the battle of the Atlantic; the millions of troops/guns/armor Hitler had to keep in the west; the Air war over Germany; and the billions of tons of resources flooded into the Soviet Union from America; and not to mention the invasion of Normandy and the western front that consumed millions of German soldiers and 1000s of Tanks….ya; that had nothing to do with the Soviets being able to march on Germany.
          Anyone who thinks the Soviets were anything other than white trash doing Stalin’s bidding; and getting absolutely SLAUGHTERED on the eastern front; is an inbred white trash piece of shit themselves. Not one of you could come back at me with anything of actual logic either.

        8. You dipshits are getting divided on stuff that doesn’t fuck1ing matter.
          The (((enemy))) is storming your castle and you’re hiding in the closet measuring your d1cks and comparing notch counts of the past.
          Don’t let the (((trolls))) take you off focus.

        9. @ Sasquatch
          you’re right, but who started on who in ww1 and ww2 and even today…
          not gonna keep quiet while some play their imaginary -supremacy- card, when they got their asses kicked by Slavic tribes, whenever they came at us
          personally, I come from and stand by 14 W & White unity, but few of them seem to come from some sort of butthurt

      3. Goebbels pretty much predicted our modern demise if world j3wry were to win.
        He also said something along the lines of, We will go down as either saving the world or be written in history as the evil ones.

    2. The one thing that you can believe about WWII revisionism is that there will be plenty more of it.

  17. My grandpa, who had to fuck up Nazis in order to be granted legal immigrant status would find you and slit your bitch-ass, scared, faggot-ass white boy throat for writing all this shit if he were still alive.

    1. Your gramps should have stayed in Mexico, beaner boy. Oh I forgot. Mexicans don’t even like Mexico because it’s a shithole, so they have to run to a white nation like bitches.

    2. Fuck off, cvnt. My grandfather earned some of the military’s highest honors fighting them naht-sees, but if he were alive today I’d call him out to his face, and I’d force him to admit that he was a dupe, fighting for communism.

      1. Yup. I had a great uncle who died in WWII and earned a purple heart. If he were alive in the past five years, I would have told him to shove that so-called honor up his Yenta serving ass.

      2. It is a pity. They were all good brave men fighting the wrong side by mistake being manipulated through deceit. Too bad it really was almost impossible for them to know the truth, they couldn’t see the future. People that still think that WW2 was the good war now are completely stupid and beyond help.

        1. You dumb faggots don’t realize that if Nazism were alive today your little incel, weak, scared, inbred, diabetes ridden, crybaby bitch-asses would be headed straight for the gas chambers for being inferior.

        2. Cavalier
          I used to believe that Americans were brainwashed into thinking they had to stop the “madman” Hitler from taking over the world. Granted, they didn’t have the Interwebz or alternative news sites, but how did they explain Hitler’s allies and Hitler’s offer of alliance to America that debunked the taking over the world conspiracy theory.

      3. He’d probably just beat you silly like your stepdad does after he fucks you and your sister.

        1. You know jack shit abut Nazism and the history behind WWII. You’re just another retarded product of the American education system that caters to retarded mud races.

      4. i met one on a cruise ship just four months ago.
        He just opens up, starts admitting it was wrong.
        A lot more of them are aware than gets reported.
        They are scared to hell knowing they fought for
        the tribe that is laying waste to the entire globe.

      1. It wasn’t you, or the New Balance sneaker army, or the incel neckbeards, or the crybaby Nazis, or any alt-right faggot….that’s for sure.

        1. you are here illegally
          because you fear the
          El Salvadorian and
          Guatemalan dicks.
          They are stronger
          than your mexican
          mariposa race, puto.
          chupamelo, puñeta.
          Se le moja la canoa.

    3. Nope, unlike you Mex punks today, grandpa would have known his place and be in the fields picking our fruit and veggies.

    4. I think a diet high in beans can cause diabetes. Lot of farts too. Nazi is incorrect it was National Socialist. Also gas chambers are a lie. Delousing rooms because of the tribe and assorted Commie scum being infested with lice. Go pick some crops just try not getting any of your feces on the lettuce.

    5. Tu abuelo fue una marica de mierda que se gano la vida chupando la pinga de los judios, y parece que tu y tu padre an decidido seguir en sus pasos.

      1. Tu eres un mocoso costeñito de mierda. Por eso son considerados los mayates de Latinoamérica, pinche bolicua joto. Tu chupas la verga de los gringos ha ver si tu avientan algo de tragar, pinche muerto de hambre. De seguro vienes a este sitio buscando consejos para que te puedas culear a lo gorda de la esquina.

    6. Mexico is drug ridden shit hole and even though I’m lumped in with you faggots because I’m “Hispanic” (anyone with an Iberian name in the US) I dont want a large influx of you red- brown hominids in my country. I dont even go to mcdonalds any more, too many poor-english-speaking wetbacks at the cashier and drive-thru. Hernan Cortez did nothing wrong.

  18. It’s even a bigger lie than that. Merican made movies depicting WW2 always show that war being won exclusively by Mericans. It’s almost as if no British, Canadian, Australian, NZ or others were even involved. Murica didn’t even enter WW2 until 1942 even though the war started in 1939.

    1. Come off it. No movie shows the war being won “exclusively by Americans”.
      The Longest Day also proves you wrong.

      1. I may have exaggerated but my comment stands. This link will help you understand my original comment better -

    2. Doesn’t matter. Whats important is it was a horrendously wasteful war that was the turning point to man-kinds enslavement.
      (((Hollywood))) glorifies it and Muricans, Brits etc all have a big feel good wank on how they saved the world when in reality they were pawns and the people they served are firmly sodomizing their children and their childrens children until they are wiped out.
      Now your typical boomer cuk will have to escape to some cognitive dissonance to deal with that. But it is what it is. The new generations have to wake up. Tick tock…not much time left.

    3. How else would they brainwash the average American to believe that WW2 was the good war. It is an appeal to vanity. But it is still true that without America’s contribution Germany would have won and Communism would have been ended. So we are all cursed with that sin.

  19. Over 1 million American blacks served in WWII.
    ~700 were killed.
    They weren’t in combat often, and when they were it usually went poorly – black troops were considered undisciplined and cowardly.
    Stereotypes exist because they are true.

    1. Hell even Gandhi hated Blacks. For all the same reasons calling them Kaffir.
      Does anyone find it funny that Mr. Muh Dick is not only proving stereotypes right but is either a moron for thinking he isnt or is one of the worst trolls I’ve seen.
      Considering the overall lack of introspection my guess is the former.

    2. The US army tried out some blacks in a segregated infantry unit, and they went up against Germans in Italy, I think it was. I read the Germans easily racked up many kills and were quite amused at the number of US blacks who turned tail and ran away.

    3. So the black guy were smart and didn’t get killed.
      The white fags went forward and died.
      Just like they run foreward to wife up feminists
      “I like soldiers who don’t get killed”- Trump

      1. So the black fags were scared little girls and didn’t fight.
        The black fags in Chicago go forward to die daily.
        Just like they run forward to knock up australopithecus
        “Not God Bless America, but God Damn America”
        -Ohomo’s Pastor

    4. VERY much true Mike. Blacks got off easy in all U.S. wars until Vietnam, when they did in fact make up a significant overall percentage of troop casualties relative to their demographics.
      Integration and “equality” basically killed them.

      1. LMFAO…”Integration and “equality” basically killed them”; that’s a good one.

      2. now illegal immigration and their own kind
        are basically killing what’s left of them.
        They won’t be missed.

  20. Dont buy into the race baiting, Ive enough experience of all races, in war and peace, to know good and bad in all. Devide and conquer is the name of the game. The article is sound, know your enemy and do not let them create false enemies to distract your focus.

    1. Why haven’t any of the races besides Whites extended good faith offers of unity, forgiveness, and healing? Don’t you think that it is the blacks and hispanics’ turns to offer a show of good faith toward Whites? Why is it always on Whites to do 100% of the work in fixing everything with society? Why haven’t any societies besides White ones operated on ideals of diversity and inclusion? When will we see public apologies from so-called African Americans for all the hundreds of thousands of rapes, homicides, and robberies their people have committed against Whites in the past decade? When will we hear an apology from Mexicans for the millions of uninvited dirtbags from their country that they advocated for until they became the majority in someone else’ land?
      These are rhetorical questions to be sure, chappie.

      1. Because they are genetically incapable of being human.
        And they think that once the whites are gone, they will
        all move up in status and not be gnawed by inferiority.

        1. Whites can be extinct for thousands of years and they’ll still be blaming their dismal condition on “whitey.”

  21. FACT: There are fundamental differences between the races in physical traits, psychological traits, and moral values. Any other belief is a denial of reality.

  22. National Socialist Germany was the LAST nation-state post 1900 that actually took up arms to purge itself of all the very same evils we congregate on here to complain about in the modern Ango-West (yes, including modern Germany).
    They had it right. They rolled back the Weimar Republics leftist, communist policies, instituted programs to increase the NATIVE BLOOD birth rate, promoted the family unit, and instituted laws to protect the decency of the culture. Of course, once they figured out who started the original subversion to begin with, eliminated their scope of power, and purged them from society the economy exploded.
    One of the major lies of the war is that the Nazi’s ruled with an iron fist and ‘conquered’ nations like France and Austria. Hitler was given a ticker tape parade when he entered Austria, and despite all the hand wringing, life was fairly content for Paris’ citizens under German control until the allied bombings began.

  23. Khazar Joos are an affluent and closely-knit community in Toronto and Montreal, where I live. So many Joos live in those mansions at Westmount, Montreal. The (((Bronfman))), (((Saputo))), (((Firkser))) and (((Shapiro))) families in Canada were the ones who financed a campaign against Roosh during his World Tour back in 2015.
    You would’ve thought that the Joos would have some sense to hide their agenda from others, but a billionaire who owns HOME HARDWARE in Canada sent his wife and his feminist wh0re daughter to protest in Toronto. No wonder Joos continually get themselves exposed for their mischief and later sent into “concentration camps”.

  24. Heres the thing. We werent integrated then but thats a bad thing. A flaw which has been thankfully corrected. The only race is human. So I’m glad discrimination based on skin color is now over.

  25. The Jews won WW2, ask any Rabbi. Had one tell me with a smile that Hitler was the best thing for the Ashkenazim, as after the war Jews were popular and more. Got me thinking and the rise of bullshit revision has certainly proved the point that (((they))) are anything but grateful. Now that the actual participants are gone, except for the eternal Holocaust surviving zombies, the movies are reflecting (((Hollywood))) lies. Rewrite history and kill off the rescuers now that their purpose has been fulfilled. Way to go Jews!

  26. First and foremost Americans as a collective would have to repend their betrayal of Germany in World War 1 which in fact cemented the decline of the White race. They sold their soul on Jeckyll island. Only after admitting this forgiveness will have any effect. Only then history will be understood. And – the irony – America was already forgiven by the last true Germans. We are in your side we dont want you to suffer. The Americans just do not realize and therefore they are heading straight into the abyss (except for the Trump electorate) .

  27. What pisses me off the most about WWII Hollywood is the cliche theme park depiction of the 1930s and 40s.
    No poverty, nothing low quality, every set picturesque, every building perfect with not a brick out of place or a hint of shitty workmanship. People live in a Peter Pan world of warmly-lit amber attics while they read by candlelight deciphering enigma codes in beautiful cottages. Then they wake up to English muffins and warm tea, no shortages of course. And no horrible ads polluting these scenes either.
    Even the average women are far better dressed than any rich woman today.
    The dialogue is so concise and deliberate, people always say exactly what they mean with not a hint of doubt or indecision. Everyone is perfectly committed to their sombre wartime convictions.
    It’s essentially a fantasy world these silly movies present. I can’t watch one of these WW2 movies without a sense of surrealism.

  28. One of the most extraordinary things about the war is how The Ch0zen have revised it into a narrative on their unique suffering as a lone victim class.
    What about the Christians of Russia and Ukraine who were brutally slaughtered or starved out by the Bolsheviks?
    What about the civilians of Hiroshima and Nagasaki who were treated as human lab rats in a full-scale demonstration of nuclear aggression?
    What about the citizens of Dresden who were ruthlessly firebombed by Allied forces, left to weep among rubble searching for the remains of lost children?
    What of all the British and American soldiers who were sent off to die a torturous, painful death on a barren and unforgiving battlefield, for reasons shrouded in lies?
    What of all the German women who were raped by Bolshevik soldiers as their sons, husbands, and fathers were forced to helplessly look on?
    What of all the young idealistic German troops who were sent off to meet their horrific death in the frozen wastelands of the Russian steppe?
    What of all the Poles who were indiscriminately murdered in an effort to manipulate the events of the war?
    What of all those murdered in China and throughout Southeast Asia, as the Red Menace was given room to spread and grow in the ashes of the war?
    What about all those innocent Palestinians who were suddenly told that their ancestral homes no longer belonged to them – and that they would be brutally murdered if they dared “trespass” on their own land?
    What of all those hard-working young men who lost their jobs to Tr!besmen as they were shipped off to war, while well-connected J’s were able to stay behind and steal all the positions of influence?
    What about the Americans who were forced to endure wave after wave of exiled communists who dismantled our entire society in the confusion and prosperity of the postwar years?
    What about those living and unborn who are saddled with a $20T + bill for the cost of accommodating the wishes of the newly-arrived Nation Wreckers in the postwar years?
    Against the total backdrop of the 20th century, the suffering of The International Parasites hardly registers a blip on the radar. Even if it all went down as they claim it did, it’s nothing compared to the pain and suffering their machinations have unleashed upon the rest of the world. And yet all we hear is endless repetition of the unbearable mistreatment of those poor, poor ch0zen ones.
    If that is not proof of their ironclad control of Mass Media, I don’t know what is! Why haven’t we seen one single movie or television series which offers a different perspective on the impact of the war? Ask your Boomercvck relatives that one.

  29. Integrated WW2? Haha my ass… but Overlord looks like it’s a great movie for mindless entertainment purposes, afterall, who doesn’t love military movies, zombies and ACDC?

  30. I agree that SJW revisionism is annoying, but the Nazis were clearly bad and needed to be destroyed.

  31. This article is correct in 1944 the military was segregated and more effective as a fighting force and further regarding the waffen ss I’d have to say no better soldier ever fought for a worse cause. National socialism is just soft communism

  32. Oh, now RoK gives a shit about white people? That’s nice to see after reading dozens of “white girls suck, go get a brown Latina and mix your white genes into oblivion” articles.

  33. We are currently in the midst of WW3 but it is Fourth Generation Warfare, recognized only by those who are engaged.

  34. My father served in North Africa, Sicily and Italy in WWII. After he was wounded for the second time he was assigned to Fifth Army headquarters. He and his buddies would sit aorund a nearby air base and listen to the Tuskegee Airmen jabbering away on their radios just for fun. It was funnier than Amos and Andy. As for black infantry, they nearly caused total disaster when the Germans cleverly delivered an attack aimed directly at them. The truth is, the role of blacks and other non-whites was marginal at best.

  35. If find those racial lies offensive I could stand inglorious basterds that’s some anitwhite propaganda right there.
    I watched the Bible series on Netflix and it had all of the same stuff. No blacks were in the Roman army, no black helped Jesus carry his cross to Calvary. They add it in to feel good about themselves because us Hwhuites are evil

  36. What’s with slavs and western whites arguing here? White against white is the dream of jews… wouldn’t be suprised if this was JIDF.

  37. “Romania sent some volunteers”
    Romania had the 4th largest amount of Volunteers in the Eastern Front the Romanians did a lot in the Patriotic war they were no sideline nation

  38. The army had been desegregating until Wilson stopped it. That good Progressive, like most Progressives, was a closet racist. Whenever you see a Democrat demanding/advocating for someone because of what they are(Color, Gender, whatever) you’ve found someone who never bothered to understand ML King. Dr. King suggested people be judged for WHO they are.

  39. The irony is that Mexicans supported Hitler! Watch/read Orbrego ‘s “Derrota Mundial.

  40. This is no surprise.
    The US has been portraying itself as the victor of WWII for years. Hollywood has people all over the world (with the exception of the former eastern bloc) convinced that mighty Uncle Sam destroyed evil Nazi Germany all by himself. Sorry, this is simple not true.
    So, perverted Hollywood lying **again** about WWII? Really?
    WWII was a conflict between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union by a wide margin, just look up how many casualties each side had. The rest of the conflict was just some background noise (except, amaybe, the Japan-US war). While the USSR was bleeding
    white since 1941, the US and UK delayed the much demanded by Stalin second front until D-Day, in 1944. Three years.
    I know, some of you will say “but thanks to american weapons, raw materials, vehicles, etc” and I say, look up again how many people the Soviet Union lost on that war. Read about the huge battles, the amount of weapons, ammunition, etc.

  41. When you finally discover the reality of Nazi Germany, not reported by (((Mass Media))) and allied propaganda, all the allied view-point war films look like sick (((propaganda)))! The allies fought the wrong people because of UK stagnation, corruption and greed caused by the heavy WW1 cost and declining empire, and because of (((tribe))) power!
    Men from loads of countries fought with the Germans, even in the last days in Berlin, including from most of the allied countries and UK colonies!
    The irony is the Nazis were more racially tolerant than the allies, but realised that own kind with own kind is best e.g. they supported exiles of countries like India in their fight for independence from UK! The Germans really hated the colonial Negro soldiers the French brought in to occupy prime German land after WW1, so may have regarded it as pay-back shooting allied Negro soldiers in Europe!

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