YouTube has removed Alex Jones’ page, following bans earlier Monday from Apple and Facebook.
The Alex Jones Channel, which counts 2.4 million subscribers, still appeared in YouTube search results by midday Monday, but presented only a take-down notice when users clicked in.
“This account has been terminated for violating YouTube’s Community Guidelines,” the notice says.
Google had previously declined to comment on the InfoWars host’s standing, but said in a statement to CNBC in response to the removal of the page: “All users agree to comply with our Terms of Service and Community Guidelines when they sign up to use YouTube. When users violate these policies repeatedly, like our policies against hate speech and harassment or our terms prohibiting circumvention of our enforcement measures, we terminate their accounts.”
YouTube counts “strikes” against pages for posts that violate the company’s policies. Jones received a strike in July when he posted four videos that violated YouTube policies against child endangerment and hate speech, the company said in a statement to CNBC.
The final verdict has been delivered! Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! Our infallible Silicon Valley kommisars have decided to annihilate one man and his employees for anti leftist activity. If only there was a Gulag to thrown this criminal in so that his hateful mind could be reformed!
— Roosh (@rooshv) August 6, 2018
A page with one strike against it is suspended from live streaming for 90 days, YouTube said, but Jones attempted to circumvent the suspension by live streaming on other channels. As a result, his page was terminated, the company said.
The InfoWars YouTube page, which has significantly fewer subscribers, was still live as of noon ET.
Jones and his controversial radio show have for several weeks been at the center of a debate around fake news and misinformation on digital platforms. Facebook and CEO Mark Zuckerberg drew criticism last month for declining to remove the InfoWars page.
They did it all on the same day so you’d know without any doubt that they are working together. Monopolies of the internet, uniting together, to stomp their boot on Alex Jones’ bearded face. And you’re next.
— Roosh (@rooshv) August 6, 2018
Music streaming service Spotify removed InfoWars podcasts last week, and Apple and Facebook each cited violations of company policies regarding hate speech in banning Jones on Monday.
Don’t Miss: YouTube Blocks Conservative Views While Allowing Video That Teaches Children How To Use Dildos
I was not a subscriber to Jones’ channel nor did I follow him closely, but this ban seems to say a lot more about the tech world than it does Jones.
Those without an argument roll by the way of arbitrary speech codes and bans.
Is Jones a conspiracy theorist or (at least partially…) off of his rocker? This could probably be argued either way.
So what does a ban accomplish? Well, thinking people who were on the fence about Jones may suddenly find themselves more open to his point of view. Many analogies can be made throughout history… Prohibition laws did not squelch the public’s appetite for alcohol–it enhanced it… Tipper Gore’s crusade against explicit lyrics increased the popularity of Madonna, Prince, and Twisted Sister… Hillary Clinton’s rant against the Alt Right didn’t garner her any more votes, but it did introduce (and perhaps inspire) others to go online and read more about an emerging political ideology…
I’m left with one question: Who on the political right is going to carry the torch of free speech and expression in the tech world? We’ll need the right person and the right amount of capital to do so.
There really is nobody on the right that can help. For one thing, they don’t understand the culture war and even if they did, they have no stomach fighting it.
There are voices on the right that can win all “wars” from multiple angles, but the reality is, none of us will agree upon 100% of their platform. (And this is perfectly natural by the way.)
Shapiro, McInnes, Crowder, Cernovich, Sowell, Carlson, Roosh, etc. … these are all *very* different guys, and although their are all right-of-center, their positions on issues vary… but all of them make up the voice of the right and dissident right. Trump happens to be right in the center of it all, politically.
Whatever direction you want society to shift, these guys have something to offer. And put any one of them up in debate against any leading leftist, and said leftist will be quickly eviscerated and embarrassed.
And that’s where Alex Jones comes in. Jones is a microcosm of the left’s strategy which is not to engage in debate, but to engage in being offended and banning speech/expression which they disagree with. This is where the cause for alarm is.
The only thing worse than a politician is a child molester…
Reed Rothschild: How could you compare Roosh to Shapiro or any of the like? He’s a PUA not a political analyst.
As I said, they’re all very different guys, but all of them surround the right/center-right political line of thinking.
Roosh is a PUA, yes, but he’s far deeper than that. Look at what he posts on here. I am not going to speak for him, but the fact that he spoke out (again) in favor of free-speech and anti-censorship, says volumes. That is a core issue of the right.
If Roosh was exclusively a PUA, he would have no reason to speak up on behalf of Alex Jones.
“The only thing worse than a politician is a child molester…”
Unless you’re James Gunn. Or Roman Polanski.
PUA – political activists – etc etc . . . there all talking heads – tough to talk about roosh being a ‘pua’ when he has no on-field ootage (that I know of) and doesn’t expel tons of energy gaming as hard these days as he did in the past. Clearly he still games it up in some form or another but it also doesn’t look to be his prime motivation these days, though that’s just what I gather. He’s got the knowledge of gaming in multiple countries which is pretty rare so that’s worth reading about As far as his ‘politics’ goes he seems to lean libertarian – tohuh I don’t know, maybe he’s said somewhere what he considers himself. All I would say about PUA and politics are VERY interrelated – in fact they are almost one in the same. Take Marxism for example: the idea of Communit Marxism was to create a communal society, the point was to abolish the idea of a family unit – in essence everyone was to be considered ‘family’ – anytime the government tries to step in and play ‘big brother’ or ‘daddy’ its going to effect marriages – everything in society is interrelated with the government – if you have no jobs how are men gunna make a family? Look at our current society in the U.S. – I know more women who have great paying jobs than men, though statistically I’m sure men are still the top dogs in earnings as far as the middle clas goes I see a ton of women with high paying jobs and WAY more men barely getting by. So, just right there you can see the effects of the government influencing the relationship dynamic. The middle class women are becoming the bread-winners while the men have to stay at home with the kids. Which to be perfectly honest THAT specific example doesn’t bother me. I like the idea of having my stable career, but if the girl is working a feminine nursing job of some kind and she likes it and makes more than me I don’t mind taking time off to be with the kids. I know most guys will scoff at that idea, but its the world in which we live. Women have jobs, what are you going to do? You can try to roll back women’s suffrage if you want, I mean I wouldn’t mind that at all, but I live in the real world and I don’t see that happening. Its nice to fantasize about the past but you gotta be realistic. Women have jobs, its ‘fine’, it’s ‘whatever’ to me, I don’t care at this point about that specifically, my point is that as long as shes ‘working’ in some capacity than I don’t care. Raising kids is work, there’s no way around it. I’d prefer the wife raised the kid(s), its ideal, but say she’s a vet and makes a shit ton of good money, is that worth throwing out the window all in the name of total patriarchy? I don’t nessecarrily think so. Women are good at certain jobs and bad at others. Like I said, I’d prefer if she wasn’t the brea winner, but if she is than so be it, just don’t get involved with some corporate drone of a woman whose a type A personality / lunatic. As long as her job is uniquely feminine in some capacity I think your ‘good’ generally speaking. The point is relationships are tied to society on a fundmental economic level. The two go hand in hand. Any guy whose traveled the world and gamed girls is just as capable of talking about politics (if not more in some cases) than any politican out there. They may not understand policy as fluently, but that’s neither here nor there. In fact I find it as no surprise that the vast majority of good ‘pua’s’ (if you even wanna call them that) are incredibly intellectual when it comes to the notion of human rights and states rights and politics in general. You have to be aware of society and how it operates to game hard. Any idiot guy can go out and ask out tons of girls, but if you consider doing correctly you have to be aware of society and its motives. I kind of hate the term ‘pua’ (it sounds so gay nowadays) but generally speaking any Casanova / player is gunna be aware of society and its structure(s) in some way shape or form, they wouldn’t be getting laid if they weren’t.
Being a PUA is a form of ‘freedom’ that the right espouses more so than the left. Honestly you could write an entire book on this topic, but libertarians aren’t that much different than progressives socially – which is disturbing, very fuckin disturbing actually.
Libertarians and progressives are fiscally opposites if put on a scale. Libertarians want no government, progressives might as well be socialist commies who want total government. But on a social level (social issues – abortion, gay rights, etc.) They are identical. Which is what makes libertarians wolves in sheep’s clothing. Libertarians don’t care what you do on a social level, they only care that the government doesn’t start enforcing rules and regulations on everyone. Progressives DO CARE about social politics and will enforce their need to spread the disease of freaks anywhere and everywhere, but they still have a mindset of ANYTHING GOES (except those who are restricting them from doing so – aka white males, but more recently simply anyone). BUT libertarians are no different than progressives on a social level – libertarians make the claim that ANYTHING GOES ALSO. BOTH groups (while appearing like opposites) are identical when it comes to social politics.
What most people don’t understand about a Libertarian is their ideology is ALL ‘personally based’ – in other words every libertarian is ‘different’ because they all believe they can think and do whatever they wanna do. Why is this a problem? Because most people don’t see the wolf in the sheep’s clothing. One libertarian MAY LOOK completely different than another BUT the only thing ‘uniting’ them is the idea of ‘freedom’ and doing whatever the fuck they want. So you end up with guys like Alex Jones and MccInnes and I’ll even throw Joe Rogan in the mix on this one. Rogan is the bread and butter of what a libertarian is – they have no distinct ‘identify’ because they simply go where their emotions tell them to, they are like women in a lot of ways. As a side note virtually every libertarian I know of or ever met has daddy issues or a fucked up child hood of some kind – basically they have loser dads and so the sons end up with inferiority complex.
Long story short is a Libertarian is no different socially than a Progressive. They both believe anything goes’ – while you can obviously make the case the Progressive will force this idea on you, the ideas are still the same for both group. And the reason I mention all of this is its because it goes over everyones fucking head. They think Libertarians are ‘right’ leaning or conservative in some way when they aren’t – they are only fiscally small government. With everything else they might as well be just another lib fucktard progressive who doesn’t care if you fuck little kids or have gay sex. Literally. Progressives AND libertarians do not care what you do socially, I’ve heard arguments from Libertarians who claim its A-OK to fuck little kids, to have gay sex, do and sell hardcore meth, they don’t GIVE A FUCK. So the irony here in all of this is the libertarian wants to do and say whatever he wants while the progressive leftists are so hell-bent on controlling the narrative and on flying their freak flags that they are even silencing people (the libertarians) who are ALSO saying its A-OK to be a freak. The level of irony is disturbing, because both groups actually do the same things.
Joe Rogan is an example of someone attempting to ride the waves of Libertarianism while straddling the Far-left at the same time. The left are ‘fine’ with someone as long as they say fags are ‘OK’ and gay rights are ‘ok’ and doing drugs are ‘ok’ – The left will only start shutting you down when you try to shut them down as Alex Jones has done. The progressives, the lib fucks at CNN, MSNBC, all the 95% of the media etc…they DONT GIVE A FUCK WHAT YOU DO, as long as you aren’t trying to shut them down they’ll let you do whatever you want, which is the underlying doctrine of the political progressives and leftists. It doesn’t matter who you are anymore they’ll shut you down if you try to shut them down, anything else is a ‘greenlight’ though – why is it a ‘greenlight’ – because their notion of control is based on letting you do whatever the fuck you want and controlling you while your communities fall apart, while your families fall apart, while you fall apart – there control is simple: let um do whatever they will and they’ll choose to ‘destroy’ themselves while we push a narrative to allow everything they hate (gays, freaks, degenerates, crime, drugs, etc.) their only goal is post-modern in nature which is to simply push any relativistic ideology onto the masses at all costs possible, they ‘spam’ the narrative with every idea people intrinsically hate in order to ‘control’ from ‘behind the scenes’ while chaos ensues. They don’t care about any change, the idea isn’t one of ‘real change’ – its simply smoke and mirrors and about creating as much distractions as possible. Anyone who tries to stop the flood of distractions is shut down, but other than that ANYTHING goes in their book because they want it that way.
Here’s an interesting thought experiment for you all reading: think of a PUA who is a liberal and one who is a libertarian and one who is Right leaning. Now, throw them into society and watch how they pick up girls and try to get laid. Forget about religion for a moment because having a Christian moral backbone will make it difficult to even start the experiment, but just take them for their political positions. Ever seen a progressive lib fuck PUA? I have, but I’ll reveal the catch here to all of this in a moment. Typically a ‘man’ who is liberal or progressive will ‘make friends’ with the girl and more or less be a weseal beta boy who thinks she should have ‘rights’ and that its OK if she’s a single mom, etc etc. But how does he get laid? Well, I would say some of them are manipulative and simply play the libertarian card no different than the libertarian ‘man’. You see, they are the same dude, they have no moral compass, no values, they do whatever the fuck they wanna do (or they like to think they can) and so this in and of itself makes getting the lay somewhat ‘easier’ in a certain sense cuse there’s no moral ‘guilt’ complex – bt this also is a problem for them because you can’t keep her if you don’t marry her, and very few libertarians and progressives believe in the idea of ‘marriage’ – God forbid – they’ll do it, but this is a coping mating strategy for them only because society is built around monogamy. Realistically they detest marriage which is there downfall with relationships because you need marriage to keep the girls legs closed. She needs to be a part of the family. Again this is another example of how progressives (socialist / Marxists) are no different than libertarians. None of them really want families. Commies want to get rid of the family unit as do socialists and libertarians detest the idea of marriage even if they claim they don’t. Libertarians are a corrupted form of progressivism.
Now, onto the right leaning conservative PUA, how does he get the girl? Well traditionally he would go about using the tried and true strategy of just asking her out, not fucking until married, etc. Clearly that’s not gunna work out so well these days. But the right leaning conservative guy would probably reject the notion of being a ‘pua’ – his intent is most likely to get the stable foundation in play before the lay. Its not to say the right leaning guy can’t game hard if he wants (again religion not being a part of the equation here) but conservatives are focused more on the foundation being established which marriage gives them as a structure.
Anyways the real point I want to make with all of this is how different PUA’s can be politically. The guys at RSD are clearly progressives if not full blown commie socialists. They will do anything by any means to sleep with the girl no matter what and several of these guys openly proclaim that ‘everyone should love everyone’ – which is a fundamental communist ideology. The pua’s at RSD are promoting (whether consciously or not) a HEAVY HEAVY form of progressivism / communism. Why do you think their videos aren’t being banned??? The don’t get banned because they help fuel the flames of the degenerate, the flames of sexual promiscuity. Many of the ‘men’ at RSD are openly in favor of sexual promiscuity for ALL, which is a commie dream come true. and which the U.S. lives in day in and day out but shielded in secrecy. People are rampantly fucking anything and everything no strings attached, this is the Libertarian / Commie wet dream come true. Your already living in a Commie society and you don’t even know it.
RSD are social progressive liberals / communists / libeterians. To be a PUA you have to abandon the idea of promiscuity in general. The two don’t naturally work together, because it is so highly unnatural. Roosh is unfortunatly in this category, but he is vaslty opposed to the progresives who are clearly trying to overwhelm anyone. I put him in the libertarian camp, which like I said is just as bad as the progressive camp, the only difference is progressives force their views, libertarians do not. BUT libterarians are just as eccentric as progressives – think milo yiannopoulos. I’ll state it again because it sounds like I’ve been rambaling but I’m not – but libertarians have their OWN personal identities. Roosh just so happens to have a hardcore right leaning ‘idenity’ and so in all honesty it masks the true libertarian nature which is ‘freedom at all costs’. But what is ‘freedom’ to the libertarian, I’ll say it again, the same thing as the progressive – ANYTHING goes. The only major difference here is Roosh is opposed to progressives restrictions on free-speech.
Long story short: progressives and libertarians are the same people only different approaches. Libertarians don’t force their hand, progresisves actively shove it down your throat. But at the end of the day both groups openly allow homos, degenrecy of all kind, drugs, rampant sex, whatever you can do by means go ahead and fuckin do it they claim. While most all progressives are openly freaks and weird and eccentric, every libertarian is a bit different. Progressives are about being as weird as possible, libertarians are about just ‘being yourself’ which can lead to weirdness if they let it. But generally speaking the idea of no strings attached ideologys lead to demented individuals of somekind. The problem is you need some underlying structure in your existence, you can’t rely soleyl on your own individual self to ‘solve every problem’ like the libertarin believes. Libertarians are normally your atheists, or materialists or science nerds and alot also are very politically ‘savy’ because they fetishsize money and wealth and power so much subconsciously. But generally speaking they have no foundation, they try to rely on ‘science’ or even worse themselves in order to understand life and reality and society. it’s ass backwards. Libertarianism is flawed as fucked and is intrinsically no different than progressivism.
@Guest…very good; I’m glad the libertarian inbreds are getting called out these days. You said that economically they are different; but not really. First off; economics centers around the people. Anyone who tries to disconnect economics from people; culture; etc are fucking stupid. However; even libertarian economics relies on the assumption everyone is born equal (like liberals believe); for instance; if your poor it is not because you were born poor, had a horrible education, had horrible parents, or got involved in a major accident or born with deformities….no; it’s because you are lazy; GET A JOB; and be badass like the libertarians where were fortunate enough to be born in better circumstances or just lucky. Libertarians; and more specifically individualism; is the problem with this country…women and minorities wouldn’t have taken over if Alt-Right types had been in charge.
There economic desires are totally opposite. Progressives want big MASSIVE HUGE GOV oversight in ever facet of your life while Libertarians want virtually no government or the barest minimum just to get by. What everyone fails to realize is the Libertarian and progressives BOTH have no moral compass; do anything you want is both groups claim in the social sphere. You can’t have an ‘anything goes’ society or you gunna end up with more than just trannys running around. Right now in the U.S. you basically have media and gov fueling money for social anarchy. Instead of everyon being so damn weird people should try to be normal for a change. Be normal and have some standards, no on ehas any standards. Everyone is so ego driven its disgusting. I’m not saying you need some insane alt-right ‘standards’, but just be a normal person, for fucks sake. Everyones so fucking weird as shit these days. Just be a normal fucking person and the answers will come easy to you, but so many guys think they need be somewhere on the political spectrum as if its defining their entire existence; its not. Don’t be a libertarian and think you just wanna ‘opt-out’ of politics because the ‘gray area soooo big’, have some natural normal standards, but don’t be a racist bigot either. It’s good to call something gay gay if it is, but so many normal dudes have such a huge backlash against the progressivism they either ‘opt-out’ and become libertarians or they go all hardcore alt-right. Neither of those are normal behaviors. Politics doesn’t have to run your life. Unless your a politician you probably shouldn’t care. And if you do than maybe start a grassroots movement and do something about it. At the end of the day libertarians dont care nearly enough about anything (they never come to concluscions, EVERYTHING is subjective and ego driven) and progressives care WAY too much and want to force feed you their PC counter culture down your throats. The ‘right’ (whatever that is these days – maybe traditional conservatives) are also super passive. All I’m sayin is be normal and have a backbone.
Damn this all so chicom pinko of the tech giants to snuff Jones. Are they trying to cheapen life to keep up with the chicoms? Are they trying to hang Jones so other altrighters will fold and snitch on their contemporaries and proceed to infight?
Meanwhile in China proper where life is already dirt cheap, a dozen people are hastily executed.
Apparently the management at the fashion mall noticed missing receipts. They thought someone was skimming from the registers but none of the cashiers fessed up. So they were all executed for not ratting out the culprit if there even was one. This is a very effective way to encourage snitching and turning in your neighbor. The chicoms must maintain their status quo as a snitch society.
Those executed folks sure look well dressed don’t they? No prison uniforms. Those are their work clothes from that morning when they were taken from their workplaces, tried by a kangaroo bench marshall, cuffed and walked to the nearby dumpster bays. And “Bam boom bam”. They sure look sheeplike taking their sentences peacefully. No one fell on the sword for the others either, even if they were all innocent. I believe I would fight to the nail, showing no regard or honor for the court or the system. Modern governments are basically a collective of the ilk of beta ambition. Chinese government blends the modern consumerism with barbaric old school feudalism. What a wacky stripe of a flavor there. But yeah if I were Chinese, I would make my life’s work taking snipe shot at the petty local tyrants. They’ll get you in the end anyway so bide your time chipping away at them meanwhile. Poor poor cashiers. What meekness. Tears.
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago 1918-1956
I couldnt see your embedded video as Im in China right now, but there’s something fishy about the narrative on this. Do you have links to the original report? If China were to execute every person skimming off the top (or bottom I guess) there’d be no one left. Can you provide more detail on what exactley happened, where and when it happened, who who carried out the execution?
Why are you posting a weird fake video MCGOO and acting like it’s real together with some strange story?
China has executions just like the US and given that it’s a developing country that’s very needed
People get sentenced and then face a firing squad or lethal injection.
@SOMOXIS – If you’re in China then you’d have a better chance at getting the full muckraking report. The vid is a rare lucky find and China officially admits to executing 10,000 people annually but watchdog groups have evidence of it being many times higher. Just to try to make an accurate census of the 40 years of one child policy including total number of victims, hospital euthanasia, relatives penalized and so on relying on official Chinese government reports would barely expose the tip of the iceberg. A priest once told me restitution lawyers and ambulance chasers are quarantined there during purgatory they say. Huge mega government bureaucracies don’t need cover up conspiracies. Whatever the government does quickly covers itself up automatically by the sheer size of the entangled bureaucracy.
This crap coming soon to America as it knuckles under to the leftists, progressives, antifa and communists…and where oh where is those loudly vocal proud Republicans who defend their country and constitution?
This is our future because cowardice, because TOLERANCE for these SCUM is the order of the day. because “FEAR” of being seen as racists or fascists or god forbid INTOLERANT of these terrorists……but oh no….That requires personal responsibility, self sacrifice….Like integrity and honor courage in America…bygone terms of bygone generations……..pffft…all that static noise and the current generations have no clue. Get a clue. this video was a lurid look into the reality of what will be. Too soon it will be too late. Look at how they act already, the terrorism in the streets by them already, their allies in the media condoning it and actively subverting the legal President…..sickening what America has become, lawless due to treason and America hating scum.
Neal, correct as usual
@Larry Simmons – Child trafficking is a currency racket that no sizeable government can seem to keep it’s nose and coiffeurs clean of and most know that. That cinematic show trial video of some low tier trafficking mule doesn’t even put a dent in the (((organization))). How many families resisting the one child policy state had to go on the lamb and how many were butchered when caught, allegedly ‘trafficking’ their own children. Screw the state. Quit licking it’s ass and quit parroting it’s propaganda. Get a real red pill diet and your body and brain will identify and reject garbage news.
In the west it’s the same. To home school in Sweden is a felony and the kids are taken and trafficked into the same government black hole where they end up as medical waste less vital organs or they end up nameless in some elite’s sex dungeon or on their satanic alter tables. Don’t understate the evil we’re dealing with here. In the US they have these ridiculous constant ‘amber alerts’ and they’re all for parental abduction. What an oxymoron – ‘parental abduction’.
The bottom line is if you’re a child then you have a price – a MEAT MARKET price that’s gauged on supply/demand. A live recess monkey draws a higher bid than a live human subject in a research lab believe it or not and this is because of availability. The governments of the world are operating a big PEOPLE FARM, that’s why. We’re PEOPLE for Chrise sake. We’re . . . we’re PEEEPOOLEEEE
>> There really is nobody on the right that can help. For one thing, they don’t understand the culture war and even if they did, they have no stomach fighting it.
Bullshit!! Ron Paul has been running for the Republican ticket for god knows how long. But did the hypocritical bible-thumping white masses follow him so he can take the WhiteHouse? Noooope!
Did the allegedly sensible, hypocritical centrists follow him? Noooope! They’d rather vote for Bernie who clearly has integrity issues after seeing what Killary’s team did to him — and yet he still SUPPORTED Killary!! Now ain’t fucked up??
Did the white-dominated NRA who talks big about #2A (2nd Amendment) follow him? Nope, they wanted (gasp!) Jeb Bushfire or any other RINO because they’re part of the program. Got it?
This article clearly illustrates the fact that Main Street Amerika is CORRUPT to the bone. Every where you look (education, gov’t, religion, family, silicon valley, etc.), corruption has gotten to it, and TURNED it.
Amerika if finished. Can’t any of you ROKers see that??
Get the fuck out while you can!!
“So what does a ban accomplish? Well, thinking people who were on the fence about Jones may suddenly find themselves more open to his point of view….”
I guess the zealous and smugly self-absorbed geniuses who decided to ban him have never heard of the Streisand Effect. Clearly high IQ isn’t the same as Street-Wise.*
Also, I can’t help but notice that these same people tripping over themselves to ban Alex Jones for “Hate Speech” are not seemingly inclined to do the same for the various “South African Leaders” – read corrupt Wa-Benzi Thugs and Communists – tweeting about dispossessing and killing their White Farmers. I guess they have some very selective filters when it comes “Diversity” and “Racisim.”
The takeaway from all this is that, like the mismannaged Cities of San Francisco, Portland, Seattle and Honolulu – cities whose productive middles are moving away – the Tech Industries have well and truly signaled that they’ve been taken over by the Loony Left, and are in the beginning of a long decline.** Like their Urban Resident brethren leaving those cities and seeking better conditions elsewhere, the Tech Consumers and their dollars will increasingly abandon these companies in favour of others that will treat them more like thinking adults.
Just a thought.
*If you don’t like someone’s ideas or disagree with what he has to say, then OK. (Everybody has a difference of opinions on something after all.) You need only to ignore him to make him go away. But as soon as you expend time and energy trying to erase the person or his thoughts, you give him currency. The people seeing you doing it go “Hmmm, Why are they so upset, and I wonder what they’re trying to hide?”
**Travelers now avoid those same mismanaged cities because, say, they don’t wish to see masses of crazy homeless people taking a dump on the sidewalk, or step in it. And their governments can only virtue signal instead of taking the hard but necessary measures to stamp it out, amongst all the other very real problems they face. And now that we see that SF has elected itself a (fat and probably lesbian) black female mayor, one can only expect still further declines in that once great and elegant city.
Ever notice how it’s the scumbag nut job Leftists who pass the laws we could all just easily ignore but it’s the violent authoritarian fascist types in law enforcement and the military who happily and willingly force these laws on all of us at the end of a barrel with threats, intimidation, humiliation, kidnapping, beatings, shootings and cold blooded murder. But hey, they don’t make the laws right, they just cold bloodily enforce them…
Pick up the gun.
“scumbag nut job Leftists who pass the laws we could all just easily ignore”…ya sure; keep thinking that. Get out of here you dumb inbred libertarian; I know where you are going with this….”Muh Fascists are the problem; muh governent”.
Update from the trenches, proving the Streisand Effect is well and truly in play:
Theses “Tech Giants” are mental pygmies.
Just a thought.
We need our own platcorm, but that seems to be easier said than done.
This is actually pretty insane news if you think about it. Obviously its an attack against free-speech, but Alex Jones was always never that interesting to begin with. Everything out of his mouth made me feel dumber for listening. Like I said, obviously its an attack against free-speech in a way, but Jones ‘was’ (past-tense – he’s prolly not coming back at this point) a raving hothead. I was never a fan so I don’t care either way, but it is disturbing. Honestly I felt dumber listening to him. In response to most everything Jones ever said:
He’s hardly a martyr.
He’s a loud mouthed snake oil peddler directly connected to the jewish elites and intelligence agencies via marriage and his staff.
Basically paid opposition that by default has to be outrageous and non credible.
I guess they want some redneck followers to go on killing sprees via a consolidated ban?
If he was paid opposition his channel wouldn’t have been terminated. Alex Jones must have bit the hand that fed him for that reason being said.
My hypothesis is that the powers that be want to instigate further happening to reign in gun bans (if you’re a die hard Alex Jones follower your IQ can’t be very high) or that he got caught up in TWITTERGOOGLEFACEBOOK (companies that are all founded by (((them))) ) anti badthink drive.
He’s alright, but his videos are too long, and my phone can’t fastforward them. So I skipped ’em. I like Paul Joseph Watson vids more. Short and to the point. I could take or leave his “mocking” voice-overs, though.
No; he began criticizing the Jews; and he had lots of libertarian Jew obsessed followers; so the establishment (((shut it down)))
Alex “Muslims run Hollywood and the Federal Reserve” Jones not paid opposition? That’s a good one.
The Alex Jones safety valve intel op has run its course. He was created to handle the 9/11 era and he did that perfectly. His middle-aged+ white male followers have proven to be completely harmless and irrelevant. If they haven’t acted out against Z0G in the last 17 years then they never will.
Now no one young (<30) even remembers — let alone gives a fuck about — the Pentagon “misplacing” $2.3 trillion, the US government murdering 3000+ of its citizens on American soil and the consequent illegal and bloody invasions of several sovereign nations to the sole benefit of bankers and Isr4el.
Now we have the post-9/11 era of instagram, #metoo, #blm, LGBTQ+, fake news, “refugees”, MGTOW, hipsters and last but not least incels. The baton has been passed to Trump, Carlson, Shapiro and Peterson.
Blonde-haired “patriarch” Trump yaps about a wall and Making Murica Great Again fuck yeaahhhh, meanwhile his (((friends))) and (((family))) are cashing the fattest checks ever.
Confident, ironic white man Carlson yaps about irrelevant fake news and has scripted arguments with (((journalists))) where he emerges victorious in the name of Every Man (e.g. his “exchange” with Lauren Duca — if you can’t see her horrible acting throughout the whole thing then I’ve got bad news for you)
Shapiro and Peterson yap about shit that has been self-evident in the history of mankind up until the 21st century. (Just fucking LOL @ this panel of friends ever having an honest discussion: Peterson, Shapiro, Weinstein, Rubin)
Shutting down Alex Jones — even if it proves to be temporary — is also a great way to dissuade others from starting an independent info program as a means of making a living. (Hell, just look at how modest Roosh is living and he’s been at it for 10+ goddamn years.)
that’s far too simplistic. It could be that he was being seen as being too mainstream, or too many people were saying just that, that he was paid opposition. Maybe he just started saying the wrong things. Could be any number of reasons to close him down even if he was (partially) paid opposition. He may also be seen as having served his purpose.
You guys that see a Jew under every mattress depress me. The Globalists won’t even laugh at people like you even though you make it ever so easy for them to continue lording over the world.
Jones and other similar conservatives were warned they would be the next to fall after previous witch hunts, and they didn’t listen. If they don’t learn this lesson the hard way, they will never learn it.
hate speech (covers a plethora of sub contexts and is used incorrectly, when the left cannot counter facts)
false speech (okay to suit the agenda)
liberal speech (anything for the left)
but most importantly…. true speech (must be eradicated from the books of history)
it’s all the same when the ship is sinking, as there will be nothing left but a lexicon of phrases and words we are allowed to use without free thought.
The masses on Instagram and all other social media platforms follow like sheep
Who will confront the elephant in the room?
remember this gentlemen:
Our words come from our thoughts and they in turn come from our emotions. banning our words is telling us what to feel and convey. This at its base level, is a basic human right and need.
As I’ve stated on another post:
Use your faith as you shield, your experiences that will turn you in to stone, so that each Red Pill man can talk fearlessly to feminist and liberals so that no SJW or feminist no matter the size or the disadvantage we face they shall will know who they are messing with. Fight this with determination so that your future generations will remember you.
Blessed are the ones, who practice the faith and follow the Red Pill for future generation.
On most issues Jones is a crank no doubt about it. But I would rather have me spouting off nonsense people looking at it agree or logically disagreeing then merely preventing him from saying anything. I think the real goal here is not Jones. He is an easy target. What they want is to get to the point where even much more authoritative and sober analyses are shut down so no one has the ability to evaluate them and make up their own minds.
I rarely watched him. He never named ((((them)))) so I just wrote him off.
This is disturbing but ((((their)))) assault recently on the NRA should scare you even more.
He was actually controlled by (((them))) just youtube lalex jones exposed” and see for yourself.
The assault on the NRA is not an exclusively Jewish thing, it’s leftism and their hatred of gun owners that is the driving force behind it.
Ben Shapiro, FWIW, is a strong 2A guy… and obviously Jewish. Downvote all you want, but things are not always as they seem.
Alex )ewnes has made enough money to be set for life. The deplatforming of this paid controlled opposition shill is meant to signal to the wider population that we cannot talk about )ews an their stranglehold on the west as its all a ‘conspiracy theory’ and ‘hate speech’ that will be shut down. Instead, we are all supposed to accept the )ew world order propaganda of islamic mass migration and race replacement, transexualism, pedophilia normalisation etc and if we disagree we are all ‘nazis’.
Well, I guess he can’t be controlled opposition now. They wouldn’t censor him if he was.
I’ve watched him a few times, he gets on my nerves something fierce though. The last time I watched him I wanted him to shut up and let his guest talk instead. 🙂
Expired controlled opposition.
The elites use the kinds of Alex Johnson for one thing: to discredit any inconvenient questions about the people in power. Would you take seriously the “truther” movement after their main representative (A. Jones) just had a meltdown on live television? Thought not.
Don’t follow the medial blindly, whether mainstream or non-mainstream. You have to learn to read between the lines in order to understand the world these days.
Natural News was banned and Mike Adams started his own video platform –
Jones can do the same.
The herd will not gravitate to those sites unless they have mainstream support and naked feminists shoving underage clocks and dildos up in their asses like that feminist teacher from the Netherlands or that orchestrated disinfo Nebraska teacher or Jacksonville teacher who is actually a sex-ed teacher from Toronto and a fetishist.
Expired controlled opposition.
Would love to see him raging about it though? Anyone has the link to a video?
When will YouTube investigate “breastfeeding” channels where the mother and there almost teen sons are naked in a provocative video? Why aren’t there vigilantes going after breastfeeding feminists who commit indecent exposure of their snatches under the cause of breastfeeding? Why aren’t those feminist pedophiles in jail?
Because they are in your school system as well
Feminist teachers are pedophiles by default because they hate men. But they get paid above average wage to fook underage boys.
You never see a “conservative” cut off feminist pedophile teacher salaries, but follow the democrat sjw line like gun control for the “mentally ill”, though criticizing feminists is a “mental illness” and being a straight male is “toxic masculinity” so by default before you even get a chance to crank your rifle onto a feminist pedophile teacher molesting your 5yo son, she will have armed cops there to pump lead in “yo ass” faster than a turf war in Compton.
Mr. Frazer:
Food for thought
Sam Aurelius Milam III
The dominoes are in a row.
They are falling.
I can only watch.
What I have started, I cannot stop.
(Or will not.)
I want to hear good music,
And eat good food,
and love good women,
And read, and ride, and see,
Before the last one falls.
But the dominoes must fall,
Or none of the rest matters.
If Alex Jones can put his money where his mouth his, when will he do his “1776 WILL COMMENCE AGAIN IF YOU TRY” to tread on him?
This is why conservatives are always going to be defeated by leftists and feminists. Antifa uses violence to express their means, but conservatives will take every punch while Antifa is crying in pain.
The point is, if you’re going to have your livelihood destroyed, getting beaten up by leftist mobs, and eventually go to ail for false accusations of harassment or hate, isn’t it justified to commit a 1776 on those leftist morons? It’s ironic that conservatives have the weaponry, muscle and testosterone to wage revolutions but soyboys in masks and naked feminists are winning the war.
They can identify specific targets and they know to hit conservatives where it hurts. Conservatives on the other hand don’t. The globohomo machine has grown so large that it’s literally formless to us. We don’t know where to hit them.
What do you do against a giant weapon that outmatches you in strength and reach? You get inside and dismantle it. That is the only thing which will work. Don’t present a front to the globalists. The time for that is long past and it’s only going to hasten our defeat.
It’s sad that things were allowed to get to this stage and the sheeple are to blame. Like Jordan Peterson would say, if you are at a stage when the Gestapo/Cheka is already knocking at your door, you only have yourself to blame. Our previous generations have utterly failed us and now there is not a moment to lose. ((They)) are already plotting their next move which would be to be take conservatives off the internet altogether
True that when men meet inside private coffee shops for MRA topics the establishment, the Bronfmans, the wealthy elite in (((NYC))) and the feminist breastfeeding pedophiles all go bats-hit insane, but I’ve seen videos where soy-boy Antifa goons use those metal knuckles to inflict blood on muscular men, while those men are unable to rightfully put those Antifa, homos and feminist pedophiles six feet under.
The canary in the coal mine was Daily Stormer. Now they’ve gone after the cuckoo. Don’t think much about either bird but the way the tech industry can just gang up and remove its enemies from public view should be very alarming.
Tyrants create their own worst enemies and their actions give shape to the weapons that will one day be used against them. THIS is the beginning of the end for the globohomo techno-plutocracy.
YouTube is in possession of a private company, as well as Apple, Facebook, Spotify and the other big leftist companies are, so its their right to censor anybody they want. So, the typical complain that free speech is not tolerated cannot be used against them. But, when this anti-speech sentiment will migrate towards the state that would definitely be the apocalypse of this era.
YouTube, Apple, and all the rest of the snowflake tech giants are 100% reliant on the internet and airwaves (owned by the public), and electrical grid infrastructure (owned by power companies, regulated by the government for the public good).
Ergo, ALL of these companies should fall under the rules that public utilities must follow. And being a public utility you fall under the rules of the public square–free speech and expression, specifically.
You can press dislike all you want, but when ROK bans ju-related comments that’s not violation of free speech, hypocrites.
You meant a question mark at the end of your phrase.
ohhh the clasic but MUH PRIVATE COMPANY argument. the point is not to force them to do something. Th point is to make the people see that this companies are biased as fckkk, they are sold as heralds of free speech when they are not. tell me what is wrong in exposing them for what they really are. whatever if they are entitled to do whatever they want we are entitled to do so. Vote with your money. I´m not sure if you are controlled opposition or what, those argument are meant to distract from the main issue. Well the problem is not that they are a private company, the problem is that people believe them when they say that they are a free platform for every point of view.
So, that means a baker doesn’t have to bake a cake for gays.
Feminist pedophiles use the SJW Tribunals in Canada to force hotel chains to allow her to go nude around children in hotel PRIVATE swimming pools. And then this same fooker will hire armed police to use State violence on men if she complains of “harassment” or “leering” or “misogyny” because she is naked with children. Canada banned guns a long time ago, but that incel moron should’ve used his poor driving aim on that feminist pedophile while he was at it in Toronto.
He cannot refuse to make a chocolate turd cake. That’s a case of the fag’s getting their just desserts.
…But when a feminist pedophiles post ch1ldp0rn on Facebook and her image gets reported, IT’S THE COMPLAINANT WHO GETS BANNED! Fook you and your free speech argument! Facebook, YT and other sh1th0le services should be public utilities as they enforce government policies.
Why the fook is a feminist allowed to post a pic or video or herself naked with her son or taking it from a dog, but if I criticize such news, I’m the one getting a knock on my door by police for “hate speech” in cucked countries like United K1kedom, Canada or Australia?
Alex )ewnes is a )ew shill. That being said, he either pissed them off by screwing up or they decided they didn’t need him anymore. Him being shut down is also likely a strategy to ‘normalise’ the shutting down of free speech and free society. The amount of censorship on )ewtube and the internet is insane, its all run by evil )ews.
Not that alex )ewnes was right wing, but his being shut down is to control the Overton window of what is seen as acceptable speech and to dissuade any kind of right/far-right speech being published on any media, including the internet. As such, the media will promote leftist ideologies, further perversions like transgenderism and pedophilia and any ‘right’ wing person will be denounced as a ‘nazi’. All run by the heebs from hell.
Alex Jones is Bill Hicks and he is a zionist shill.
Roosh, they shut down Jones because he wasn’t working to the purpose that he was created for. He was always an undercover controlled opposition project from the beginning. His wife is jewish and he can live with her safe from goyish destruction in israel if the U.S. goes tits up. The true goals of these controlled opposition schemers is to gather the enemies of the state into one or several smaller demographics, making it easy to identify the dissidents, now they will start backlashing his followers as “conspiracy theorists” and “tin foil hat people” or some such ilk. While I think most of his followers had honest hearts, the JQ is just the tip of the iceberg that many of them refused to acknowledge, and so did he. He never talked about it on his show.
They will just have to make another to take his place, one more effective at gathering the true enemies of (((the state))). They are trying to create their own antithesis which will never work because it has to be a natural response. The true synthesis will come after the world experiences complete annihilation, because that is the only way (((they))) will lose their power.
He has done well for himself but the one thing about these alarmist personalities and their productions is they attract people who lack general knowledge and critical thinking skills. I remember when I was early 20’s and a 50 something guy got mad at me because I was not impressed with the conspiracy theory sites he was reading. He was so angry he deleted me off MSN Messenger.
Some people feel that they do not need to get their basics down in law, media, sociology, history etc. and that they can just take a shortcut to the “truth” by listening to these loud mouths. Reminds me of afrocentrics and the people with ‘proof’ of english being the original language or some shit like that.
I’m not saying not to get some news from the alarmists but to get all sides; not go to one or the other side for ‘truth’.
Bow down to your Jewish supemacist masters White man (and woman) in America!
They truly hate and despise you, and want to destroy you.
Well, bless their hearts. I concur that since it was on the same day, all this was coordinated. I bet those Silicon Valley types have a very interesting private email list where they plan stuff like this.
If they’re busting him for “fake news”, then they’d have to bust just about every MSM journalist out there too. Anyone know what he REALLY did that brought this on?
@ Beau Albrecht
Might have something to do with Jones taking Sandy Hook families to court, though I suspect thats all theatre too. Just playing his part.
I’ve always enjoyed listening to alex jones on long road trips. He’s very entertaining and does do good work in between the “frogs turning gay”, dick pills, brain shield, and various crap supplements. I’d say 50% of his work is good stuff…which is far better than CNN at 1% accuracy.
One thing for sure is he has never been rasist or used any forms of hate speech, yet he is getting kicked off the internet like he is running the dailystormer. If infowars can go… breitbart, returnofkings, any conservative site can be banned.
I’m very disappointed. Infowars IS larger than cnn and msnbc. I’ve been white polled because I know that the internet decentralizes information which and that the lunatic perverted leftist culture depends on a highly centralized information status quo. The left is full of lies and lies, especially lies built on lies built on lies (for example “trans” and “gender”) and lies like these are fragile no matter how domineering the control over the culture. The good news is the internet ensures a decentralized future but the bad news is the internet, for now, is controlled by a few people and they can hit a switch and delete whatever. Today is a dark day. The web is not free. But then again, consider…
1. They didn’t kill Jones. That is a marked man for sure. But they didn’t kill him and they can’t. Killing Jones might spark a hot civil war and they know it. As such he’s still powerful.
2. Censorship never works for the long run. Many times what’s censored becomes hyper popular. And even still, the left’s authoritarianism is now fully exposed.
Make no mistake, there is a real war going on here and it’s intensifying. Today was but one battle in many. Roosh’s meet up was another. But so was Trumps victory. We are winning some and losing others. Remember our enemy, they have fought for privilege over others be it women or perverts etc. These people see the rising right as a threat to their privledge and, apropos, like all addicts they’re reacting with hysteria and even violence. Do NOT lose hope. We fight again tomorrow.
Towgunner out.
I closed my YouTube channel Saturday.
I am not a fan of Alex Jones. But he has the right to do what he does. Spout his beliefs and share his findings and more.
Anyway, YouTube is a waste of precious time. Just like ROK is becoming.
Won’t see me around here much more.
Good luck Roosh. Has nothing to do with you. Only this website is not as good as it once was, especially the first two years. Quality of the articles and the commenters has deteriorated much.
Don’t go, Ed
Next (((they ))))will come for Tucker Carlson, the NRA media outlets etc. Jones was just an experiment.
Jones and his associates were avoiding Jewish question like no one other.
He was taking about the result- mass immigration, Islamic terrorism, transgenderism…but he never mentioned who is really behind it.
The terms “globalists” was created to distract people from the real enemy – Judaism.
Given a fight between Jones and YouTube/Facebook/etc if I had to pick a side I would certainly pick Jones’ side
But it’s disingenuous to portray this as “censorship” or Orwellian. This isn’t a government threatening to throw Jones in jail.
No, its much worse. It is individuals OUTSIDE of the law who are deciding what is heard and seen.. N o oversight, no honoring the Law of the Land.. It is pure fascism on the part of the corporate owners of a portion of the PUBLIC DOMAIN where speech is conducted. No thanks. I don’t want self proclaimed little emperors of their corporate domains telling me or denying me what I can say or post or read or see and decide for myself if the content of that speech or ideas is palatable. If it were already outrightly regulated and ILLEGAL for the content to be created and shared (pedophilia, child p0rn, other illegal abnormal sexual content grotesque and lurid horrors) being blocked, the remainder should not be blocked, but rather filtered if AGE APPROPRIATE, but political viewpoints should NEVER be blocked outright, no matter how disagreeable. That we have self imposed censors outrightly shuttering content they personally disagree with ON THEIR PUBLIC DOMAIN PLATFORMS, is reprehensible. Personal Offense is hardly a objectified filter, but purely subjective. This is the cancer of PC culture that has mestatized and destroyed the foundation of society, skewing the public domain into deep leftist controlled subjective territory. The tech giants should be immediately seized and nationalized as utilities and their Corporate boards arrested on treason and corruption charges. I might detest what you have to say, but I would gladly die for your RIGHT to say it and let the consumer determine its palatability, to accept or reject it, BUT DO NOT COMPEL ME TO CONSUME IT IF I DO NOT CHOOSE ORELECT TO CHOOSE FOR MY CHILDREN TO CONSUME IT! A society that shuts down personal opinions, is an autocracy out of control and should be abolished by all and any means that freedom liberty and justice can be maintained.
Operation talpiot. Check out Brendon O’Connell on youtube.
I, for one appreciate that ROK is not an echo chamber and people submit then Roosh posts varying content both pro and con. You cant have a conversation when all the heads bob in agreement and you damn sure wont speak you mind if its all agreement…So bring it on. No man should fear content they do not agree with, doing so stifles free and open dialogue. If you can’t comment and take a stand and stick to it, if you can’t speak your mind without fear, you don’t deserve a voice to start with. GFY if I offend you, but have the balls to actually state a position that is not nonsensical and back it up. If you cant handle criticism, GFY, this is the wrong place for you to be at all.
“When users violate these policies repeatedly, like our policies against hate speech and harassment or our terms prohibiting circumvention of our enforcement measures, we terminate their accounts.”
Does that mean they are going to start cracking down on feminist channels as well? They are the most prevalent purveyors of hate speech and harassment in present day existence.
You guys are hilarious.
Haven’t you read the book “1984”, by that famous queer?
These things were planned before our birth
All it would take would be President Trump switching from Twitter to
“The First Amendment only applies to the government” – I have heard so many liberal commentators spit this out today making me want to puke.”
Technically they are correct, at least how it is understood by the courts today. But the embodiment of the law is one of traditional Western values which are applicable to society at large. The concept of free speech just didn’t come out of thin air when the Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution. It was a principle that was expected to be adopted in large by the new country. Free men can speak their mind.
And what no one is pointing out is that platforms like Facebook, Youtube, etc. operate more like public utilities which in most states are heavily regulated. I’m not a fan or government regulation but it does have its place when you have one entity that provides a service that pretty much the entire country needs or relies on. I quit Facebook years ago, but I know I am missing out on lots of information because of it. I will hear about life milestones word of mouth weeks after they happen. Last minute events events get organized via the platform. It is sort of like not having your address (or email) on a good old fashion distribution list.
I don’t think the government should take over these platforms but it should at least make them construct policy that is fair and fairly enforced. If radical BLM get a “pass” Facebook should have to answer the “why” question and point to a policy that says hating white people is OK in their book. No more double standard and double speak.
Is it really shocking? This is what the left does, and it’s why the only solution is killing them.
They messed with the wrong conservative.
Alex Jones is incapable of losing this one.
They just ruined it for speech censorship.
freedom-loving American citizens need to go on strike for a week and bring these tech giants around.
Alex Jones blocks people from his chat rooms and from his website comments and twitter feeds. How is what Apple,Google, etc doing any different. Face it, everyone blocks people they think of as trolls on the internet. I enjoy a good conspiracy theory myself but when his downfall is as follows:
1. In his child custody case he argued in a SWORN affidavit that his infowars personality was him performing a role of an actor and that he did not really believe the things he was saying.
2. He then went on to make statements like claiming Sandy Hook was a fake, and the dead kids family were crisis actors. These families then got harassed that they had to move 6 times because of all the death threats they received and sued Alex Jones.
3. Jones claimed (without proof) that a DC pizzaria was raping children in the back run by Clinton and Mueller. A man then picked up a gun and shot the place up, believing his story.
4. With the whole Russia election controversy and Russia trying to cause increase tensions in the USA, the major media companies came under pressure to stomp out fake news.
This leads to 3 conclusion. 1 Some of Alex Jones followers are going to act on his words in violent ways. 2. He knows the things he is saying are false, because he swore an affidavit (which is punishable with 5 years or prison for lying) that his character in inforwars was fake. 3. He continues to push these fake news stories knowing people will behave violently. 4. It was only a matter of time before some rich person sued the websites publishing Alex’s content, because they too have some responsibility in stopping the spread of lies which hurt people.
I view this as very different from the manosphere. 1. The men here actually for the most part, BELIEVE their views and are not actors. 2. No one is shooting up a pizza store because of the content posted here.
I’m really surprised they decided to ban him now…If you went back over 6 years ago, he was talking about more relevant conspiracy topics that the elite had been doing for a long time. It was much more entertaining to listen to but instead everyday for the past 2 years, its been about Trump.
Turn the clock back to 2011, you would have ‘very informative’ shows on ‘chemtrails’, ‘vaccines’, ‘GMO foods’, 9/11 coverups, ‘$1.5 Quadrillion in Derivatives, Bilderberg meetings, Moloch and the Bohemian Grove. Slowly but surely, around 2012, he went off the kilter…With herbal supplements, Infowars Moneybombs, shouting frenzies with Piers Morgan, his fancy news studio and now the nonstop Trump talk. I’m a Trump supporter, no doubt, but I’d really like to hear other topics.
It was obvious he probably had an affair with that hot brunette reporter he hired around 2013 and that he went through a divorce. The show spiraled out of its once great success. To me, the last 5 years of Infowars sounded like I was watching Fox News. I feel bad for the people that first started listening to him the past few years instead of a decade ago.
The reasons for banning him off of these sites is probably the Sandy Hook thing and his constant support for Trump.
Everywhere I look I see ppl saying “I didn’t really watch him,” yet no one supports Alex or sticks up for him. Where are his millions of supporters? Strange parroting.
he shilled for israel, feel nothing for him