It is known that single mothers are a virus which cause many of the societal ills plaguing Western culture. They leech off hard working men with the assistance of the feminist welfare state and still demand more. Without male leadership a boy ‘raised’ by a woman will, as black America predicts, “have high unemployment and incarceration rates. Young boys will be prone to violence, academic reticence, and poor performance in school.” As for girls raised by single mothers they will become emotional, more likely to buy the lie of feminist dogma, and will become a career driven androgynous ball-buster.
Despite the fact that being a parasitic single mother is becoming normalized. Despite the fact that more and more women are “choosing” to become single mothers to boost their narcissistic desires. Despite it all, there is a class of women even more vile and hurtful to both children and society than the single mother: the Fat Single Mother (FSM).
Mental illness is hugely correlated with obesity. Depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, and in some cases PTSD (from seeing their unfathomable bulk in the mirror every morning) are the main mental illnesses associated with being a fat shit. Along with obesity, being a woman is a predictor of mental illness. The reported rate of mentally ill women in the USA is roughly 23%. Depression, anxiety, borderline personality disorder, and narcissistic tendencies top that list. Any sane person will have a good idea what that will mean for a helpless and impressionable child.
FSMs, on average, are more narcissistic, solipsistic, and delusional than their thin counterparts. They genuinely do not comprehend that they are at fault for any of their life problems and thus will teach their children this. Leading by example FSMs teach their children to be entitled, lazy, and completely dependent on the others (i.e., the state). However, these narcissistic FSMs will also project their subconscious self-loathing onto their innocent child making them believe they’re shit with no hope in life. If the child is a male he will be scarred by seeing gentleman caller after gentleman caller ravage the holes of his portly mother. The active effects of the FSM riding the cock carousel are that because the FSM has no accountability she will blame many of her problems on the men in her life. In the case of a FSM the only man that sticks around long enough to abuse is her own flesh and blood.
Fat parents have fat children. This is nearly true in all cases. Fat children grow into fat adults and through their life they will face constant discrimination, bullying, self esteem issues, mental health issues, lower life span, and all around a lower quality of life. Children of mentally ill parents suffer abuse through neglect, stunted personal development, and low self esteem. Through life they show an inability to trust others, depression, fear, low academic achievement, and on and on.
A child cannot consent to being fat.
Children born to FSMs are marginalized from birth and have no hope but to continue the viscous cycle of abuse. Parents are meant to raise children, to mould them into the best human they possibly can, yet FSMs do the exact opposite and from every angle prevent their children from having any semblance of hope in this world. FSMs have the responsibility to become accountable for their actions or the state – instead of funding single mothers – will be forced to remove these children and teach them the fundamentals of being a healthy and happy human being.
Fat single mothers are child abusers and they are as detrimental to a child’s welfare as a two-bit crackwhore.
Read Next: Thin Privilege Doesn’t Exist
Global Depopulation Program, The final pill you must take.
I have no problem with depopulation if It’s nonwhite.
I approve of this message 👍🏻
Whites are probably anywhere from only 7-10% of the total population of the planet. If you have blue or green eyes, you’re probably only 2-3% of the entire world population. I will list 10 major countries with white majorities:
1) Russia
2) USA
3) Canada
4) Australia
5) Argentina
6) UK
7) Germany
8) France (barely)
9) Italy
10) Spain
Whites were already genocided through femimism, abortions, mass immigration, and miscegenation. This first started a little over 50 years ago. When most white girls 18-29 would rather lick the nasty ass crack of some obese ni#%er, then have mutual sex with their own, that means its GAME OVER!!!
And my best guess is that its not the tribe that orchestrated this and the 15-20 year spraying program of millions of tons of chemicals and heavy metals through the use of chemtrails everyday…These are offworld lizards that have been taking the form of mostly human babyboomers and now emaciated millenials like Zuckerberg.
Anne Frank tried to seduce A d o l p h H i t l e r and she lied that the N a z i s were after her. She committed suicide to promote the J e w i sh cause. Her Rabbi molested her when she was 8 or 9.
America should say barely too the taco venders coming here like it’s a two for one piñata sale
Already have the paperback plus kindle. Very through. The mindset chapter is sweet. This thing is like the holy bible of game. Worth at least five times the price. Get it before the price goes up!
Great Cheerleader! But you forgot your skirt and pom poms.
I’ll bring them next time. Oh, wait…
Thank you Charlie!
Also, I don’t see a link for all 19 books for 35. Missing link?
So I realized that I have to get it direct from roosh for the deal. If you want all the stuff, don’t make the same mistake I did!
Roosh, I loved how you once wrote Do not have sex with feminists. Is this rule in this new book?
R, I loved how you once wrote Do not have sex with feminists. Is that rule in your new book?
Why should Roosh or any MAN should vouch for something that they “once” wrote or said !? Why don’t you go ask similar questions to pussies !? For example, go and question them that;
Why you pussies claim that you are “equal” to MEN and at the same time, demand “entitlement and privileges” !?
‘Why you pussies claim that you are “equal” to MEN and at the same time, demand “entitlement and privileges” !?’
– That same question can be asked of anyone who participates in and benefits from AA/EEOC initiatives.
Truth is “bitter”, Mr. Senior! That “nobody” you are targeting are by NO means “benefiting” AA/EEOC “initiatives” !!
In fact, the AA doesn’t even apply to that “nobody”, and EEOC is merely acting on behalf of Corporations & Businesses, who are doing this because; they are NOT able to find required number of “locals” who have anything “useful & worthy” in their “brains” !!
They are just replacing the worthless with the “worthy”, especially in the case of “nobody”; who are always targeted by locals out of GRUDGE !! Truth is indeed “bitter” !!
you are wrong.
Businesses use slave/cheap labor.
Send factories to slave labor countries such as Mexico/China/Vietnam. Then import the products without import duties/tariffs. NAFTA/Favored Nation Status etc(all “paid for corruption” of big government to the detriment of the middle class)
Import slaves/cheap labor for products/work that cannot be exported. i.e billionaires cannot send their house/lawn to Mexico for maintenance. So they allow Mexicans here to do the work.
Or H1B visas to do the in-house software work that cannot be sent overseas…(because they tried oh so hard to find local talent – but gosh darn there aren’t any here)
All for fun and profit of the elite…
If you benefit from this – good luck.
But all westerners should be up in arms about the invasions, and denuding of industry/work.
Every Western/European country…
The affluent area of the Hampton’s is perfect example. Multi-millionaire/billionaire houses. traffic jam every morning know as the “trade parade” consisting of Mexican laborers/”trades” driving into town form their shitholes to work on the elite houses…
I am one of yours, you idiot. I hate feminists and wouldn’t touch a feminist woman with a stick.
Why are J e w i s h women racist against Blacks?
Israel is taking us to war in Syria. WW3 is coming folks!!!!!!!!
Why do J e w s genocide Arabs in Palestine?
Another reason women should not be cops.
Dallas cop fatally shoots neighbor in apartment she mistakes for her own.
Roosh, wow, you really look Jewish. That’s a Semitic pelt you got there, my man. Though it’s true that Iranians are a furry folk, too. You know the old saying, “When an Iranian takes a bath in your tub, why you’ve just got yourself a free bearskin rug.”