America Is Headed Towards A Civil War

The people of a nation must have common ideological, economic, political, and social ideas they agree upon or the nation, the civilization, will eventually die. Civil war is coming to the United States. Division, contention, fear, and silent invasion are being used to “reshape America.” The civil war that will emerge in the United States will not be like the previous one. This war will be for the mind and heart of the United States. It will be for the soul of the United States. What will we do when this occurs and what will be rebuilt.

In 2016 Roosh wrote an article titled, The Culture War Is Being Transformed Into A Hot War. Roosh discusses the methods that are being used to transform the culture war into a hot war. Even the Huffington Post ran an article in 2016 titled, The Coming of America’s Second Civil War. The author, a Rev. Dr. Susan K. Smith, paints the coming civil war as the result of white Americans. While she may believe the lies she is speaking and writing, more than likely she failed to realize she is part of the elitist machine which is being used to create contention and divide the United States.

Civil wars are over ideological and social issues. Economic and political issues are extensions of ideological and social issues. As real men, we will continue to have less and less in common with soy boys and progressives. The divide between the people that support the U.S. Constitution and those that want a New World Order is growing.

What does this have to do with us men? Men are the ones that establish order. Men establish civilization and build complex civilizations. Women have a much harder time establishing and completing group functions and tasks without 100 percent consensus within the group. As our civilization crumbles and eventually falls, new order will come primarily from the masculine, from men.

The Election of Donald Trump and Abraham Lincoln

In the years before the 19th Century U.S. Civil War, there were constant clashes between pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces. We are seeing constant clashed over what is termed Pro-Trump and Anti-Trump forces. Brietbart News has a list of over 500 acts of MSM sanctioned violence against Pro-Trump supporters.

In 1860 free state voting populations were larger than those of slave states so these states, as a total, had more Electoral College votes than slave states. One of the catalysts to the U.S. Civil War was the election of Abraham Lincoln over John C. Breckinridge. Lincoln took office in January 1861 and the war started in April of 1861. Abraham Lincoln was not on the ballot of ten slave states but still won the election of 1860 because he won the largest number of Electoral College votes. Seven of these slave states, unwilling to accept the results of the election, decided to secede from the United States.

Several states considered seceding from the United States over the 2016 presidential election. Oregon, California, and Silicon Valley threatened to secede after Hillary lost. Texas was discussing secession if Trump lost. Canada offered to make several U.S. States part of Canada if they left the United States.

Since the election of Donald Trump to President of the United States, we have seen an escalation of violence. Therapists have increased business because progressives did not have their way in the 2016 election. Many progressives are unable to cope with reality and instead choose to live in a fantasyland. Even before the 2016 election, we witnessed how nasty, aggressive, despicable, and violent progressives have become and these behaviors have escalated since Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election.

The election of Donald Trump has brought to the fore the stark difference between ideological, economic, political, and social ideas. His election exposed many politicians as the traitors they really are.

We are seeing more and more allegation of electoral fraud. Several U.S. Cities are allowing non-citizens to vote in local elections. Giving non-citizens the ability to vote in U.S. elections is the same as allowing a foreign power to elect government officials. A foreign nation could easily flood the U.S. with people to vote for certain candidates drastically reshaping the U.S. political landscape. The Department of Justice recently filed charges against 19 people that were not U.S. Citizens for voting in the 2016 federal election.

Providing non-citizens the ability to vote also makes it easier to commit electoral or voter fraud. Judicial Watch is currently suing or has sued California, Maryland, Florida, and eight other states over dirty or inaccurate voter records. These states have areas with more voter registrations than eligible voters. The National Voter Registration Act of 1993 requires states to take steps to remove ineligible registrants, to protect the voting process, and to turn over relevant records and information for inspection upon request. Several progressive groups have sued in some states to prevent the implementation or execution of those steps stating the requirements to clean up voter registration rolls is harmful to minorities.

Contention as a Destabilization and Fear Tactic

The elite are working hard to divide people along every possible factor. Sex, race, religion, wealth, speech, education, “equality”, and any other factor that can possibly be exploited to divide the people are being used. The goal is the complete overthrow of all liberties of all nations, and for that to happen the U.S. must be fundamentally be reshaped or destroyed. History is and will be rewritten to attain this goal. The deep state, the mainstream media, and other elite outlets, organizations, and front men and women are being used for this purpose.

We can see forces that are seeking to divide and conquer. Forces that teach men to be weak and women to be whores. This is a strategy of contention, of never-ending conflict. These same forces seek this division to control the people and reshape the United States eliminating all of our freedoms. In the words of Barack Obama, to “Reshape America”. The removal of due process, the attacks on free speech, and the right-to-bear arms are steps in the direction of reshaping of the United States. Economics will one of the primary forces used to reshape the United States.

There are more divisions now and larger divisions in the United States than in the 19th Century. The philosophical lies of progressives did not have a strong following until the 20th Century. We are witnessing the division and the weakness these progressive ideologies create. Progressive ideologies make people weak and afraid.

One of the goals of the division is the elimination of due process. The elimination of due process subverts justice. The elimination of due process creates an environment where someone is guilty until proved innocent. The #MeToo movement, political correctness, the Title IX tribunals on college campuses, the passing of judgement in the court of public opinion, and the idea that a woman should automatically be believed because she is a woman are all designed to undermine justice for everyone.

During World War I, Germany offered financial and military support to Mexico to invade the United States to keep the U.S. out of the war and act as a mediator between Germany and Japan. Mexico rejected the proposal because of Mexico’s own inner turmoil and because the Mexican leadership realized they would not be able to control a population armed better than many other populations.

The actions to eliminate the second amendment are part of the necessary steps the elite desire for control. People that are not afraid and stand up for themselves are threats to the elite and progressives. The actions are aimed at scaring the weak-minded, the emotional. Only the weak fear guns and other means of self-defense.

Mike Adams, a professor in the University of Narcissistic Criminals System (his words), wrote an article about the lack of maturity in younger generations. In this article, he also discusses how campus speech codes enable the aggressor and violence. People that are afraid of speech they do not like or with which they disagree. People afraid of ideas and of thinking and reason. Colleges and society are creating weak adults, and weak people are capable of violent and aggressive behavior because they act out of fear.

Progressives seek to literally, make people afraid of other ideas, and by extension, speech. The first and second amendments are pivotal to the United States and clearly distinguish the U.S. from other nations of the world, past and present. Words have power and ideas are much harder to kill so progressives are using their self-appointed Ministries of Truth: Apple, Google, YouTube, Facebook, Amazon, CNN, NBC, ABC, New York Times, etc. move in the direction of reshaping America.

The self-appointed Truth Ministries have become a de facto fourth branch of government. We are seeing these self-appointed Truth Ministries silence any voices with which they disagree. This has the effect of dividing people into “tribes” and “classes” based upon progressive ideological “protected characteristics.” This psychological warfare tactic effectively reduces people to mental slaves because these “protected classes” believe they will always be oppressed without progressives and the progressive ideology and thus, a psychological dependence is created. The creation of this psychological dependence is the core of progressive racism and oppression.

Destroying confidence in the U.S. Constitution destroys the effectiveness of government and the rule of law. Justice is denied to a person based upon lack of money, lack of access to inner circles, lack of “protected class” status, or perceived privilege. Without law society deteriorates to tyranny and mob rule. Without confidence in the U.S. Government, the government is effectively destroyed and will be replaced by factions that will struggle for control.

Silent Invasion

Mass immigration is being used to create additional destabilization. When speaking with American Citizens, most Americans are not opposed to legal immigration; they are opposed to illegal immigration. Legal immigrants assimilate into their host culture. Illegal immigration is being used as a way to silently invade the U.S. Many of illegal immigrants do not realize they are being used as pawns. “Refugees” can be in either category. Refugees, if willing to abide the law and become citizens, should be welcomed. If they arrive to take advantage or to plunder they are invaders.

The difference between an immigrant and an invader is the immigrant is willing to follow the laws of the nation in which he residing, the invader has no regard for law. The invader comes to exploit us, to take from us, to use us. There is no such thing as a law abiding criminal. Notice how the majority of politicians and business leaders do not advocate for illegal immigrants to learn about the founding of the U.S., the liberties afforded to U.S. Citizens, and become U.S. Citizens. When political and business leaders do not encourage immigrants to become U.S. Citizens they are importing people they want as slaves and a silent invasion force to “reshape America.”

Catch and release” fulfills three purposes. The first purpose is to destabilize society so people will accept the elimination of liberty for security because some criminals are released into the population. The second is to ensure the illegal immigrants remain to as competition for jobs with American Citizens to drive down wages. The third is to displace U.S. Citizens and make them aliens in their own country.

Read More: Donald Trump And His Supporters Are Fighting A Rigged System

165 thoughts on “America Is Headed Towards A Civil War”

  1. Liberals and Conservatives should just completely separate from each one another at the Mississippi River. The so-called Centrists or Independents will just have to choose a side and live with that decision.

    1. Yeah, I thought about that very often in the last months.
      There are probably just two groups of people, who just can’t live together.
      The line may be
      liberals conservatives
      r-selected K-selected
      can’t live/accept truth need the truth
      The problem is I guess, usually the first group needs the second one to survive.

      1. Sorry, the arrows were lost after posting. We really need an edit function here.
        To write it down more clearly:
        liberals vs. conservatives
        r-selected vs. K-selected
        can’t accept truth vs. need the truth

      2. it would be good to see it happen.
        Even let those who wish to secede have first few choices on locations: city/state/region/harbors etc…and watch them self destruct. While those who are traditional get to work building/inventing/creating.
        i don’t know much about India/pakistan nut, IIRC Lord Mountabatten was the leader who divided India(Hindu), and Pakistan(Muslim)… few teething problems – otherwise all cricket teams now. And got blown up in his yacht by the IRA – fitting end… typical Elite divide and rule tactics…

      3. Good grief. ALL human beings are K-selected, even the poor and the stupid. They just don’t do as good a job of it. Damn sociobiology.

    2. The liberals are a virus they need a host they will never allow that. War will happen and in USA and liberals will win as they are the ones willing to do what it takes to get what they want.

        1. To be honest I have to agree with Keith. We can man to man fight better than them but they are motivated by extreme hatred and fanaticism. So if it ever comes down to it, it would be best not to take them too lightly.

        2. Who is I. Control of america? Can u say anything against the left in public without losing your job? . Its you who is not a man don’t have a brain and can’t see things clearly.

      1. Nah. Liberals don’t know how to use firearms. They don’t know a butt from a barrel. And most military are red-staters anyhow. You can be as mad and fanatical as you want. But if you can’t fight you’re screwed.

        1. Best fight is economic war. Boykott and downvote Volkswagen and Mercedes Benz!
          Those are lefties with car production.

        2. It is really not that hard to use a gun. I am sure they can figure it out. Besides it would not just be pasty face white soyboys on the left.

        3. Cavalier, you fag. Knowing how to use a weapon is more than point and trigger pull.
          And you don’t learn how to use one properly by playing Far Cry 3.

      2. @Keith – I laugh every time I see a moron bashing on liberals, as it shows that person has no idea what a liberal is, or has any clue as to the history of the United States. America’s founding fathers were liberals, meaning they favored liberty, private property, capitalism, freedom of religion, and a limited Republican style of government. Examples of Liberal Values: Economic freedom, free trade, individual liberty, property rights, freedom of religion, separation of church and state, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, the right to a fair trial. They champion essential Human Rights (like those found in the Bill of Rights), but not necessarily at the cost of using too much governmental power.

        1. Haha, funny, isn’t it …
          I think we can ALL agree on these values ” liberty, private property, capitalism, freedom of religion, and a limited Republican style of government. Examples of Liberal Values: Economic freedom, free trade, individual liberty, property rights, freedom of religion, separation of church and state, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, the right to a fair trial”
          But we need the correct definitions:
          TODAYS liberals are the exact opposite of that.
          You will find these values TODAY only in Republicans and Libertarians.

        2. I dont know that history but I think these liberals and today’s liberals are not the same people and dont have the same mindset do you agree ?

        3. @I solve problems – You say…”TODAYS liberals are the exact opposite of that.” That is correct, which means they ARE NOT liberals. You are not “correcting” a definition, you are changing it. That would be like correcting the definition of a dog in order to call it a cat. 1984 double speak is all that it is, in order to destroy the meaning of those who believe in freedom.

        4. Today’s Liberal Democrats are not the same as those of Kennedy’s time.
          Retired Senator Zell Miller argued in his book A National Party No More: “The Conscience of a Conservative Democrat (authored and published in 2003) that the Democratic Party lost its majority because it does not stand for the same ideals that it did in the era of John F. Kennedy. He argued that the Democratic Party, as it now stands, is a far left-wing party that is out of touch with the America of today and that the Republican Party now embraces the conservative Democratic ideals that he has held for so long.”
          Don’t impugn my forefathers (Founding Fathers) trying to draw a correlation between the Founding Fathers and the freak show you call Liberals. Npt even close, troll

      3. Black Pills are one thing. Defeatism is something else.
        Hit the gym and the range. It will do a body good.

    3. America, you are the better country.
      Satcadir from Merkel county with 86% lefties (last elections)

    4. @Righty, fuck you dude, the Marxist need to die, and there is no compromise with. Conservatives are getting fucked thanks to COMPLACENT, weak, and pathetic people like you. Give them half the country….pfff…fuck you.

      1. @Wes the Great
        Besides talking a lot of theoretical juvenile bullshit what exactly are you doing to stop the Marxists?

        1. First off, convincing these “badass” inbred libertarians who run their mouth off about how badass they are with their 2nd amendment guns that they are really just a bunch of chickenshit cowards who will accomplish nothing is priority #1. Bitch, Rhodesia was held onto with an iron grip by a population of whites that only made up 8% of this country, and we cannot do the same with 70%, are you fucking kidding me? BTW, some of the whitest and richest areas in America are east of the Mississippi, while some of the most liberal shitholes in this country are west of the Mississippi….you want to give away HALF THIS FUCKING NATION to these degenerate fuck ups? LOL, your idea is even more utopian and retarded than my idea of fighting against these motherfuckers. Like I said, you are just a capitulating inbred coward, always looking for the easy way out. Also, we would still have to deal with libertarian inbred white trash trying to import cheap beaner labor into whatever new nation we made anyways, so our “new” nation would fail eventually. Pointless and pathetic.

      2. Oh Wes
        The USA is a like a bad marriage; best if the partners go their separate ways like Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia or the USSR. The only really liberal areas west of the Big Muddy are CA,OR, and WA. Perfect idea would be to let left coast, northeast/mid Atlantic and rust belt mid-West be their own nation; decent folks get the rest.

        1. No, you’re going to have to fight for it. Now, are you and L.L. Smash willing to die in a bloodbath, and along the way jackboot men, women, and children? OR, are you going to hide and let others take bullets.

    5. The government needs to keep it’s damn filthy socialist cotton picking grubby hands off the women. The men can do the job of governing the women just fine. Then the government can get back to it’s intended purpose of representing tribes of men.

  2. I still think living in the U.S. is better than in my native country (Romania), and my current settlement (Spain). It would be ideal to live in Eastern Europe with Western money, but I don’t know how to achieve that yet.

    1. Of course you prefer America *now*, while it still has a white majority population relative stability, and good infrastructure. You may not live long enough to see it, but once minorities become the majority, and the crime, schools, poverty, and social unrest increase, infrastructure decays, and the cities start to resemble Africa or Mexico, I think you will wish you were back in Romania.

      1. In Atlanta, all the black and mestizo areas look like dog shit.
        The white areas look like the Kingdom of Zeal.

  3. Problem, Reaction, Solution
    Problem: Whites in Europe and North America are too organized, too successful, too advanced, too independent, too dominant, too much of a threat.
    Reaction: Disarm Whites with Liberalism, then flood their countries with violent invaders under the guise of charity. Pit the duped liberals against the furious conservatives with the violent savages in the middle of it all trying to establish a new caliphate. In the middle of all the chaos, hatred, and anger a spark will be intentionally set to flame and the war will go hot.
    Solution: Bring the full force of the state down upon the last remaining vestiges of White civilization, disarming all Whites, establishing martial law and full surveillance states, fulfilling the –paranoiacs– need to make absolutely sure that Whites can never threaten them again.
    When it all goes to shit, just remember who the enemy is. There will be many attempts to deflect and confuse and divide & conquer. They are experts at throwing the blame off themselves. We must never fall for it again.

  4. maybe this comment will make it through:

  5. As America becomes more and more multiracial, future conflict becomes inevitable. People belonging to different ethnic groups, by and large, simply don’t get along when forced to live together. That’s why blacks live in black neighborhoods, whites in white neighborhoods, Hispanics in Hispanic neighborhoods, etc. There is nothing wrong with any person preferring his/her own race. America must acknowledge its white identity or else conflict (of increasing magnitude) is inevitable.

    1. There will be no conflict, since intelligent whites adapt to the times (will NOT be dying in a civil war) and idiot whites submit.
      Need examples?
      Intelligent whites learn relevant skills, live on their own terms, and get along while living separately.
      Lesser whites breed with darker races, or become cuckolds.

    2. Perhaps the ONLY relatively harmonious overlap is whites and East Asians, who do share a lot of common goals, traits, and ambitions (career success, low crime, high IQ, love of nature/parks, nerd culture, etc).
      All the best neighborhoods on the West coast are essentially white/Asian hybrids at this point, because by and large whites are the only other racial group that East Asians can tolerate or enjoy living with.
      They HATE living amongst blacks. A Korean and a Nigerian blooded person has to be the true yin and yang on the racial spectrum. Not northern Europeans and sub Saharan blacks.

      1. Whites and Asians will always tolerate a few-FEW- competent blacks. It’s human nature to bond with those who are like minded, and to breed with genetic diversity.
        I say this as a descendant of slave owners, who willfully impregnated slaves. Men have created entire countries of mixed races, but “flight” doesn’t occur until the first writing on the wall, eg. loud noise in public, trash appearing here and there, dilapidated housing with residents inside, etc.

        1. This Summer, in my home town of Leicester, I saw a Pole defecating in public, in broad daylight in front of a mother pushing a pram with four children.
          I’d been told about this but wasn’t sure I belived it until I’d seen it.

        2. Hare you actually even been to Mexico? I have and I prefer to live in Monterrey or Guadalajara than the s-holes of Chicago, san Francisco, or Detroit.

    3. Correct
      We do actually have Freedom of Association in our Constitution.
      We just aren’t allowed to practice it.
      I’d like to see it challenged in court.

  6. I can’t believe, with all the info available, that there are people who believe in the Democratic voting system in the 21st century.
    It was very likely already corrupt in Lincoln’s era…..but today?

  7. I believe that without massive voter fraud Hillary would have been crushed by a landslide. I think she may not have gotten even 1 electoral vote. Probably popular vote would not have been more than 20%. There was a large turnout of voters, many people that do not vote voted, they didn’t come out to vote for Hillary. In Democrat controlled States I believe that votes were flipped electronically to her, plus many illegal immigrant votes, dead people voting, voting multiple times by the same person.

  8. nothing to worry about.
    In one band they have: women, trans, gays, soyboys, nu-males, people from the third world with low IQ (the ones with high IQ won’t be part of this band obviously) who will argue who is more privilege and will take advantage of any situation to overrule over those who don’t think exactly like them (just like what happened with trotsky and lenin)
    In the other one: strong and intelligent men united who might differ in some aspects but still they have a common ideology and they perfectly understand that they have got to tolerate their little differences and work together to achieve their common goals.
    Isn’t obvious how is going to win?

    1. sounds obvious.
      except Trotsky and Lenin won.
      And murdered the Royal Family/princesses, and tens of millions of Russians…
      the same guys today could bring in 100 million soldiers from anywhere in the world to put down resistance in USA…

      1. Whose going to bring in these 100 million soldiers you’re so terrified of? The UN? The UN couldn’t control Bosnia or the Congo FFS. It couldn’t organize a pissing contest in a brewery. As for the Romanovs, they were degenerate. They had it coming. No fucks given.

      2. American and British Bankers financed the Bolsheviks. Otherwise, nothing would have happened.

        1. Exactly.
          they gave Lenin $10mil in gold in neutral Switzerland, and he traveled in sealed train thru Germany(World War 1)…
          And those same Bankers control everything now…
          Is far too complicated to discuss simply – but they always back all sides. And us slaves have to pay back those loans for war goodies…
          Rothschild – “Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!”
          The FED 1913
          JFK -eliminate the CIA, secret societies, return to silver backed currency?
          Nixon and the elimination of The Gold Standard – 1971.
          Clinton -reversal of Glass-Steigal 1999 (separation of investment/savings)
          2008? – merry-go-round of treasury(Gov workers and Goldman Saks employees) bailing the Banks for their crooked and speculative investments…

        2. @BadMan
          We should talk more and educate people about that !
          Can you recommend good souces for these topics ?
          It’s ironic how this is always labeled as conspiracy theories …
          But if anyone today wants to dismiss a discussion by calling something a conspiracy theoriy, I tell yeah, and before the Snowden leaks no one belived the tin foil hat people that there is massive surveillance.

        3. Yep: history. 50 years of interest.
          Nothing i listed there are theories.
          All bullet point generalized facts.
          A “conspiracy theory” is;
          “JFK was assasinated because he said ABC”.
          He did say those things i mentioned in recorded speaches.
          Sources? Need to be diverse. But takes time. Search for communist history and USA banking history.
          I reckon 4 things men (especially young) need to get right:
          Self: posture, nutrituion, gym, style.
          Cash: education, business/career, workethic, tenacity. Saving(not investing/gambling).
          Social: Frame, public speaking, self/confidence.
          Climate: know SJW tactics. Strawman, mockingshaming, adhominum, deflection, circulararguments etc.
          Women: Don’t know about that anymore.
          Twitter is full of all the right instructors(when not banned)

      3. That’s because the Bolsheviks were well funded by the Kaiserreich to destabilize Russia to get them to sign Brest-Litovsk. Civil War is just another banker’s war just with higher stakes and rewards.

    2. I don’t know, especially if the ork army is 5 times more and it is also backed by the crazy (police) state with money, diversity policies & affirmative action, etc.
      And don’t forget, the low IQ population has usually a higher pain tolerance and is more agressive.
      Especially the second group, strong and intelligent men united: This takes a lot of time, as these men are usually more individualistiv and it takes some time, until they start to unite.
      Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to see that we start fighting for our freedom again.

      1. Rourke’s Drift. Blood River. Hernan Cortez… The Orcs can’t organize themselves and White men throughout history have prevailed against overwhelming numerical superiority.
        If not, there’s those other White inventions: canned sunshine and bioweapons.
        There are many arrows in the White man’s quiver.

        1. The problem is they have a Self Chosen Tribe to make important decisions for them. Also I am sure when the fighting starts other “white countries” will do their duty to the NWO and fight against us.

  9. The Civil War was NOT caused by “slaves states vs. non-slave states”.
    Yes, that was an issue at the time…but not the cause.
    That is a government school lie.
    The cause of the Civil War was Lincoln’s doubling of the import tariff from 15% to 32.7% to support his cronies and make government bigger.
    Lincoln did not care about the slaves at all. He did not “free” them.
    Lincoln was a tyrant who destroyed the Constitution and liberty.
    Worshiping Lincoln is a tool used to brainwash us into loving big government.

    1. Lincoln also baited the South to make the first move. He refused to vacate forts that were no longer part of the United States. Like a genuine bully and punk he pushed them into a war that he felt certain he would win. He almost didn’t, too bad. The Civil War was not a true Civil War, it was a war for independence on one side and a war of aggression and conquest on the other side.

    2. Interesting how the mainstream narrative claims the Civil War was about “slavery” when the war started in 1861, but slaves were freed through the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863. Liberals are so historically illiterate they can’t even tie that together. You’d think those racist southerners would have rebelled as soon as the slaves were freed, right? Funny how the Emancipation happened 2 years after the war started. Even Frederick Douglass is on record saying they needed to make, I repeat, TO MAKE, the war about slavery. It wasn’t started as a war about slavery. But really, should we even be surprised at this point?

      1. Stop talking about the fucking civil war. You people are fucking unbearable. If I was president I would have started the civil war to….it was completely constitutional, and the southern states where shitholes….most southerners were impoverished white trash, the rich were the only ones getting fucked by “tarrifs” because they relied on slave labor to produce exports. The South’s economy was fucking retarded and based on slave labor much like the white trash of today who hire illegals. The civil war happened 150 years ago….stop fucking talking about it. It has NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT IS GOING ON RIGHT NOW.

        1. Wes the “not so” Ggreat – Yes, we should forget about history. Those are the words of a very stupid person. (1) It was slavery itself the caused the “poor whites”, as slavery took the well paying farm job. (2) the protectionist tariffs resulted in England and Europe to boycott American exports of cotton, sugar and many other crops grown in the south, which resulted in economically hurting the southern plantation owners. (3) The slave trade was owned and conducted by northern merchants, who sold the slaves to the southern plantation owners.
          I suggest you read some history books.

        2. No, we shouldn’t forget about history, but obsessing over one aspect of history and then exaggerating it to fit your personal narrative is fucking stupid. The Civil war did not create a monstrous government, Ab Lincoln was not an anti-America black loving traitor, the south was an area of America which was ruled over by a selfish aristocracy, and many whites in the south were white trash. Keeping the country together was a valid move, and if the states had a right to leave than the north had a right to invade them and reclaim that land….tough shit. If the South had not focused so much on their ariocratic slave economy of cotton, than maybe they would have had a manufacturing base, and maybe they would have been able to win a war. Interestingly enough, the culture, mentality, and “states rights” economy of the south is what made them weak and got them defeated. Hilarious, when war broke out, Jefferson Davis and all the other aristocracy were running around desperately trying to create a federal government of the South so that they could raise funds and create a military….if you love the constitution, why do you like the South, they were literally rebelling at the Constitution.

        3. Libertarian inbreds are just trying to revise the civil war history to fit their anti-government, anti-tribal, anarchy position…which is bullshit. The whites of that day and era were about as tribal and loyal to their people as you could get, they were not degenerate libertarins. Ab Lincoln did not increase the governments powers anymore than anyone else with half a brain cell would have.

        4. “the protectionist tariffs resulted in England and Europe to boycott American exports of cotton, sugar and many other crops grown in the south, which resulted in economically hurting the southern plantation owners.” Yep, that is what you get when you are reliant on a elitist and white trash slave system based on the export of just one or two main exports. The south should have diversified their economy, but but but I guess the “amazing” rich people didn’t do it. All the countries back then participated in protectionism. Funny, so many dumbass whites died defending their elites slave monopolies, an elite who could probably give one flying fuck about those same people. Seriously, what stupid economy depends on the exports of mainly ONE single crop to Europe, cotton. BTW, Britain found other sources of cotton during the war, which is why they didn’t come to the South’s aid. Ouch, I guess stupid idiots get it in the end.

        5. “The slave trade was owned and conducted by northern merchants, who sold the slaves to the southern plantation owners.” the Atlantic slave trade had been over for decades by that time you STUPID FUCK. The Atlantic slave trade was banned in America in 1807. So how did northern “slave trading” merchants have anything to do with the Civil War? BTW, if northern merchants were hurt by the protectionist policies than doesn’t that negate your idea that ONLY the south was a victim of protectionism?…lol…you’re not too bright are you, SoloHislop.

        6. Oh boy, look at that, no response from the history revisionist white trash libertarians. You idiots have anything logical to add to my asswhooping of SoloHilop? He made 3 points that I threw right back at him, do you have anything to add to that?

        7. I could smell the tendies microwaving, just from your posts. You might as well add “tips fedora” after your comments.

        8. You make many good points in your posts on the Civil War. Some things I would like to point out to the gun happy posters that think they can whoop the liberals in a Civil War. The Southerners could most definitely handle firearms and horses better than the Northerners. The South had the better generals. Yet the South lost. Because the North was in a better position as to manpower and resources. Regardless of whether the South was right or wrong they lost the war through years of allowing the other side political and economic victories. So has the modern right spent many decades losing to the left. If the left decides to start a war we can all be sure the power behind them expects to win. To just assume that they will be easy to beat pansies will insure a crushing defeat for the right. Puffed up with unrealistic expectations of easy victory the right will get routed hard as confidence gives way to extreme fear and discouragement.

        9. @Wes the Great Moron – Not everyone is like you, spending their entire day sitting at the computer to argue with and insult other people from behind the safety of your computer. How pathetic and sociopath of you. You delivered no whooping of any kind, as you failed to even prove anything to which the debate was about. For example, I stated…”The slave trade was owned and conducted by northern merchants, who sold the slaves to the southern plantation owners.” To which you countered with…”the Atlantic slave trade had been over for decades by that time you STUPID FUCK. The Atlantic slave trade was banned in America in 1807.” Well, Wes the Great Moron, lets look at some history for the answer…”The effects of the New England slave trade were momentous. It was one of the foundations of New England’s economic structure; it created a wealthy class of slave-trading merchants, while the profits derived from this commerce stimulated cultural development and philanthropy.” –Lorenzo Johnston Greene, “The Negro in Colonial New England, 1620-1776,” p.319. “Even after slavery was outlawed in the North, ships out of New England continued to carry thousands of Africans to the American South. Some 156,000 slaves were brought to the United States in the period 1801-08, almost all of them on ships that sailed from New England ports that had recently outlawed slavery.” “Northerners profited from slavery in many ways, right up to the eve of the Civil War. The decline of slavery in the upper South is well documented, as is the sale of slaves from Virginia and Maryland to the cotton plantations of the Deep South. But someone had to get them there, and the U.S. coastal trade was firmly in Northern hands. William Lloyd Garrison made his first mark as an anti-slavery man by printing attacks on New England merchants who shipped slaves from Baltimore to New Orleans.” “Whether it was officially encouraged, as in New York and New Jersey, or not, as in Pennsylvania, the slave trade flourished in colonial Northern ports. But New England was by far the leading slave merchant of the American colonies.”
          Hugh Thomas, The Slave Trade, N.Y.: Simon & Schuster, 1997, p.519.
          Lorenzo Johnston Greene, The Negro in Colonial New England, 1620-1776, N.Y.: Columbia University Press, 1942, p.68-69.
          “Brown University committee examines historical ties to slavery,” Associated Press, The Boston Globe, March 5, 2004

          You then go on to make this stupid comment…”if you love the constitution, why do you like the South, they were literally rebelling at the Constitution.” The southern states were referred to as the Confederates because the upheld the Articles of Confederation which left the individual states with more legislative power than the federal government…The first comprehensive rules of government passed were the Articles of Confederation, which were ratified (legally approved) in 1781. Under the terms of this document, the individual states held most of the country’s legislative power. The Articles of Confederation also provided for the creation of a central or federal government to guide the nation, but this government was given so little authority that it was unable to do much.
          I think you mom is calling you now, as she just finished microwaving some hotpockets for you.

        10. @West the Great Coward – I truly detest cowards who sit behind the safety of their computers while slinging insults at others. So big Wes, shall we see if you are a coward or not ? Would you come insult me to my face or are you too much of a coward to do so ? I will meet you anytime at the Harrisburg, Pennsylvania airport, right in front of the “food court” section (subway is in there). What excuse will you use not to show up ? Any excuse that you use to not show up will prove to all on here, that Wes is a complete chicken shit coward.

        11. If there is a Civil War, it will be more to the degree of the “Troubles” in Ireland from 1916 on. There will be individual acts of bombings, shootings, and concerted yet intermittent violence. No Gettysburg, no Cedar Creek. It won’t be warfare like that. It will be subversion, sabotage, riots and a guerrilla campaign waged against the Deep State.
          There will be insider cells, paramilitary unrest and civil disobedience. The Deep State won’t possibly be able to sustain political control.
          The Deep State ultimately will lose this war on a timeline long enough. It will be worn down by constant violence against families and children, which WILL occur.
          The FBI/ATF/Federal Law Enforcement will be overwhelmed. They’ll have to hire more people.
          The Treasury WON’T have any money.
          Suspension of Habeus Corpus will inflame the wound; local and city police are not a monolith and will not accept government control. There will be subversion conducted by individuals against the Deep State. They will be executed or imprisoned, and this will make things worse for the Deep State.
          The people who work for the Government are generally inept or heavy handed (again, think of the 1916 Easter Rising).
          No one at the CIA or NSA is capable of holding a weapon as these agencies are 51% female & 100% pozzed.
          The middle bureaucratic positions of the government will be taken out, leaving only the fools in the lower strata to not show up for ‘work’, leaving a shambles.
          It will be insanity but that’s how it will go down.

  10. great write up.
    All should study the past 100 years of wars and international communism…
    Alinsky’s rules for radicals, Bill Ayers – Hillary and Obama are acolytes of these guys/sytems…
    And it is imperative to include all Western/European Countries in this essay/problem.
    Same thing is happening everywhere.
    Have heard directly Drs have a thriving business from Trump Derangement Syndrome. Prescribing Valium to anxiety ridden women. Why? what happened in their lives? seems nothing has happened negatively to women…

    1. 2 worst mistakes in US history:
      1. Importing Africans for any reason.
      2. 19th Amendment.
      We are where we are right now, if not directly then at least partially, because of those two things.

      1. Sometimes I can reverse-project and try to figure out women. Its not easy usually requires lack of sleep, and lack of thought.
        But, always leads me to Ali-G and the “import only fit women sketch”:

        Yep, if .gov was only importing hot female “refugees” I’d vote for it.
        if they gave me a free house, kids, and monthly stipend – yep I’d vote for that too…
        And the dialogue in Parliament is word for word relative to what has become and exponential problem now: movie released in 2002.

      2. Nah we needed blacks, else we never could have become a world power like we have. Don’t forget everybody had a hand in Africa (still do actually), and once they did the dirty work, we could sit back and come up with technology, which ultimately made those slaves obsolete and solidified our superiority.

        1. Blacks didn’t make us a world power you idiot. They picked cotton.
          78% Of Slave owners were j ews.
          We could’ve picked our own cotton in the South for 75 yrs and still been a world super power.

        2. No need for name calling Sir.
          Of course blacks didn’t “make” us a world power, any more than steins and bergs “conquered” us.
          We planned to have blacks come, a certain kind that could withstand the heat and knew the crops. We used free labor to bolster our economy, until passive wealth allowed us to start the industrial revolution.
          Why you don’t know this is beyond me, but very alarming.
          You’re not ready for war if you don’t understand our OWN history.

  11. OK article but ” As real men, we will continue to have less and less in common with soy boys and progressives” is like a moustache on the Mona Lisa.

  12. Love the artwork at the beginning. Shows even the profoundly autistic can be creative when given the opportunity.

    1. You can count your imaginary shekels in the gulag if you’re one of us — sans any resistance to globohomo tyranny as you seem to think. Or you can count them in Israel if you are what I think you are.
      LMAO. Why do I smell lochs?

  13. “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”
    And the American tree of liberty is in dire need of blood. She is certain to receive it in the upcoming war, and none who survive it will dare kneel at the sound of The Star Spangled Banner.

  14. From the sound of all this writing….it sounds to me like you think you want a civil war. Why? You faggots got what you wanted…..your Cheeto Mussolini and his policies designed to fuck over the brownest and least fortunate of the population. Why aren’t you bitch-ass crybabies happy? And be careful what you wish for. You love talking about how you want the opportunity to kill people that are different from you, but you start shitting your pants if a few brown people move into your neighborhood.
    You faggots wouldn’t last long. You’d trip in your dad jeans because the only thing useful on you is gonna be your pair of New Balance sneakers so you could run like hell comfortably.

    1. A handfull of ragtag white soldiers in Texas kicked Mexicos ass. LOL! A race war betweeen whites and non whites wouldn’t even last 24 hours. You turds can’t compete on any level without manmade mandates like affirmitive action to “level the playing field.”

      1. You didn’t accomplish any of that. That was about 150 years ago. You faggots are too inbred, sickly, overweight, oxy/meth addicted, to win any war these days.

        1. “You faggots are too inbred, sickly, overweight, oxy/meth addicted, to win any war these days.” Projecting much? I worked as an LP detective for over a decade, and almost all of the theft cases I worked involved mestizoid scum, the rest were nogs with a small handful of white meth junkies. You beans like to talk a big game but aren’t about shit. Almost all the brownies I see look like a walking sack of potatoes and act just as dumb.

        2. Oh look, a cop who admits to profiling and being an overall racist piece of shit. You pigs talk a big game….but when it comes time to fight you’ll flash your badge and your gun to back out thinking you don’t look like a total pussy.
          And during a civil war….you pigs are gonna be the first ones killed. Like I said, be careful what you wish for, you thumb faced bitch.

        3. 150 years ago — before we’d invented the tank and the helicopter gunship and deployed them in mass quantities. Think about it, Paco.
          Also, think about what 99% of the Navy SEALS and 99% of USAF combat pilots look like. Something may occur to you.

    2. The only thing “Big” on you is your mouth, burrito boi.
      Looks like you’re back here causing trouble. It was nice when you were MIA for a while.
      I have yet to see a neighborhood in America that went from white to “Latino” and got better. So please keep enriching us with your gangs, crime, graffiti, filth, illegitimate births, and poor school performance. How did whites ever survive and thrive and control 3/4 of the world without diversity?

      1. Again…’re claiming the accomplishments of people that have been dead for 200 years. YOU didn’t do shit. White people are done owning the world.
        And burritos are delicious. Just because you can’t stomach anything spicier than mayo and your uncle’s semen doesn’t mean they’re not.

        1. Devil said:
          “I have yet to see a neighborhood in America that went from white to “Latino” and got better. So please keep enriching us with your gangs, crime, graffiti, filth, illegitimate births, and poor school performance”
          I notice you didn’t address that, you mildly retarded Amerindian.
          We don’t appreciate you and your racial cousins re-creating Mexico here in the USA.

        2. Crime, drugs, and filth are not exclusive to minorities. Go to Hicksville, USA in the middle of the country and every scumbag hillbilly (probably most of you fags) that voted for Trump falls in the same category. Every shithole in the middle of the country (mostly white) has high unemployment, crime, drugs, and just flat out look like shit. And if you’re gonna blame those crimes on brown people….how about you address the fact that whites are the ones raping, molesting kids, beating their wives, going on shooting sprees, terrorist attacks, serial killing, incest, you get the point.
          And you guys aren’t happy even with your Daddy in office creating all these policies to completely screw everyone you don’t like. You’re not happy with having everything… want everyone else to have nothing. Shit don’t work that way. Welcome to capitalism, bitch.

        3. Illegal Mexican:
          Hmmm. Are you claiming any accomplishments of your forebears? Those who built pyramids only to abandon them for little to no reason? Or the Temple made to rip out still beating hearts? Those who were destroyed by three hundred lightly armed Spaniards?
          Or more recent accomplishments, which are nil, unless you consider the beheading of civilians by cartels with chainsaws to be a novelty?
          Or peasant food that looks like diarrhea shat out at the speed of sound at a truck stop?
          Shut. The. Fuck. Up.
          BTW, ICE ICE, baby: you ARE going back.

  15. I’m no expert on this guy Jordan Peterson. But, just watched this video of clips.
    A debate with an English leftist (who sounds reasonable), and an over-articulate anti-white nonsensical bigot. Peterson has been carrying the fight – and well.
    When he said “not equality of outcome”. the 2 women said “why not?”. they literally sound sincere…they just don’t get it…we are so fucking doomed.

    1. Yeah, awesome video !
      And I had a similar situation. I had some short discussion about Trump with my buddies (and their – as usual – more leftist girlfriends).
      The first trigger was, that I said, Trump was the better outcome of this election. You saw just the jaws drop of the women …
      Then, a bit later, I was in the triggering mood. I cited the example (which I heard from Stefan Molyneux), why communism and “equality of outcome” CAN NEVER and WILL NEVER work. The story goes like this:
      A teacher/professor said he had never failed a single student before but had, once, failed an entire class. The class had insisted that socialism/communism worked and that no one would be poor and no one would be rich, a great equalizer. The professor then said ok, we will have an experiment in this class on socialism. All grades would be averaged and everyone would receive the same grade so no one would fail and no one would receive an A.
      After the first test the grades were averaged and everyone got a B. The students who studied hard were upset and the students who studied little were happy. But, as the second test rolled around, the students who studied little had studied even less and the ones who studied hard decided they wanted a free ride too; so they studied little …
      The second Test average was a D! No one was happy. When the 3rd test rolled around the average was an F. The scores never increased as bickering, blame, name calling all resulted in hard feelings and no one would study for anyone else. All failed to their great surprise and the teacher/professor told them that socialism would ultimately fail because the harder to succeed the greater the reward but when a government takes all the reward away; no one will try or succeed.
      I just love it, as it is SO simple, and even first graders would instantly understand it. So even our (beyond their intelligence) educated women have to acknowledge this example.
      Let’s just spread this example.

      1. that’s awesome…and if teachers weren’t leftists that use it!
        And end the PC nonsense in one semester.

        1. Disturbing that you have a nose for ass, moreso because you apparently can pick out the white man’s ass mixed with cheetos… I guess we can tell where your nose is parked to be such an expert in that particular odor so often to have a library of related ass smells to compare to. Familiar much with your ass smells because you head is parked up it.?

    2. It has been scientifically noted that when low iq groups or females/ those “feminine” weak male types take over any institution said institution collapses due to mismanagement and negligence.
      Best examples: The UK, Sweden, Detroit, Houston, Baltimore, Africa in general.
      These people cannot cognitively see ahead which is why so many women today are miserable due to being “liberated” and Africa or African Racial majority places are shitholes.

      1. ehm, you forgot Germany with Merkel & France with Macron – who have to potential to wreak western Europe with this insane immigration.
        Another example is south Korea with their corrupt female premier (just listen to the beginning of this video, I know mgtow content isn’t always apprechiated here, but these examples are good: Enjoy the Decline: South Korea )
        This happens on ALL scales btw,
        look at this men 101 video: Female CEO Doesn’t Want Women Working For Her
        Would be hilarious and I’d totally grab my popcorn and watch, if it wouldn’t be such a serious matter and affect the surrounding people negatively.

  16. The notion that ANY major political leader comes to power without globalist influence is utterly naive. Trump and his swamp creature appointed cabinet are perfect examples of this. Rhetoric is meaningless, and while such leaders may throw their base a bone now and then, in the end their actions only push the ball forward for the globalists. This may even include sabotaging their own presidency to make way for a globalist “solution.”

    1. ‘The notion that ANY major political leader comes to power without globalist influence is utterly naive.’
      Oh, it’s crazy that some can’t see this.
      Does anyone imagine the PTB would allow the greatest focus of power and influence to slip away because….because VOTES?????
      That’s what I’d do if global power was slipping away from me, slipping away because….because votes.
      Ah, well.

  17. We should fight this war sooner rather than later every new illegal foriegn invader makes the enemy stronger

    1. The Iraquis, Afghanis, Syrians, and Libyans think the same about you guys.When are you leaving their countries after an illegal invasion. I have never seen a country complain so much about borders then invade and blow up half the world. Why are you not consistent?

  18. There will be no civil war in your country.
    Though both ‘sides’ lust constantly after slaughtering each other, to indulge the very concept remains juvenile at best and irresponsible at worst.
    Nuclear, biological and chemical weapon armed countries; do not go to war to destroy themselves. This is for all the obvious reasons I won’t detail. People were starving to death in the old USSR when it broke apart, but there was no civil war in the way you suggest will happen in the USA. This despite the differing nations having been held together by violence.
    ‘Giving non-citizens the ability to vote in U.S. elections is the same as allowing a foreign power to elect government officials. ‘
    No it is not.
    That makes no sense, look….
    A FOREIGN country is foreign. The only reason you have foreigners voting is because some AMERICANS want then to vote, bring them in, encourage them to vote and allow them to vote. Americans probably drive them to the booths.
    That is not like allowing Brazil or Russia or Portugal to ‘elect government officials’. You seem to be blinded by your hatred of the ‘progressives’.
    The election of Trump is the saddest aspect of your current demise. I cheered like every decent person when he was elected. So, like any decent person I am dissapointed to see he is just an Elite Outsider or a Renegade Elite. He likes Americans and does not want you ‘transformed’.
    He threw the cultural political ball, and you did not catch it.
    Washington cannot save you, only you can do that and voting every 4 years is just not enough to be free.
    The total lack of activism, demonstartions of strength, will or popular support have sealed the deal.
    You have a Leader but no People’s Army.
    Those who hate America most (degenerate Americans) see this as I do. Thus, he is having a ‘Thatcher effect’; energising your enemies and concentrating their fire.
    She won every election as Britain slipped beneath the waves.
    It’s obvious but painful.
    I wish it wasn’t so, but let’s keep the truth in our corner.
    After his ‘still no wall’ second term, voting itself will be irrelevant.
    What will be left to vote for?
    These are dark days for American patriots.
    All once Great Nations go through this. Did you honestly think America was unique?
    My sincere condolences , but dreaming of shooting your enemies dead until it’s 1980 all over again is irresponsible.
    Instead, protect you children from what America is becoming.
    That’s it.

  19. For a civil war to happen, somebody needs to be organized, and put a militia together. Who out there is doing that? And how do they plan to prevent the government from knowing about it, or preventing it?

    1. Wars aren’t always fought with bombs and bullets. A cursory view of the cultural and political hostility in America is proof we’re already at war.

      1. Soon though the only escalation left will be about guns and gun ownership. Flying Bullets is the ONLY reason we are not already there yet…. But it’s coming sooner than later as exasperated toleration of leftist and socialist political terrorism is ending.

    2. it wont be a hand to hand combat war you, it would be a guerilla type tactical warfare where you wont know who shot you dead and from where. they can kill people easily now at 1000 yards away and at dead center. if you have any idea what 1000 yards is and hit dead center then i would be crapping in my pants because 1000 yards away is quite far. If i were a democrat Marxist liberal i would be very worried if they continue with there anti constitutional rhetoric and warlike positions they are taken there will be hell to pay for them and everyone in there party. if they ( the democrats leftist socialist party ) bring on a civil war most likely they will all be gone in less then one week nationwide. just by shear numbers of hunters who are professional riflemen I would to mstop and desisit the rhetoric of hate coming from the socialist democratic party. the last numbers of professional hunters are well over 2 millon with another 8 millon who know how to handle rifles professionally. One last thing there is no army on earth along with ours that can win a war against these people, once socialist begin extermination of good God fearing folks they will mobilize instantly and there targets are already known. this is just my point of and observations I am witnessing across our country. any spark can ignite this and I pray it does not happen. Pry for Gods intervention in something like this or God can let it happen due to our nations leaders committing heinous crimes and wicked sins.

      1. To be honest, I’d prefer it that way before the socialists take over the government, kill off millions of innocent people who just don’t agree with them
        and then wreck the economy and food supply and kill many more millions b/c of that.
        Happened already in history …
        And we need more straight talk. If you think about it, socialists are usually parasites. Most of them don’t produce enough to survive. They always need some hardworking (and gullible at the same time) host to suck dry. The question is, will the host realize this sooner or later ? Ah, and you can count the government to the parasites as well.

  20. “America is headed towards a Civil War.” I respectfully disagree. The traitorous elite that determine policy in the U.S., are not going to allow such a thing. They haven’t finished exploiting and hollowing out the country yet. There is much more money to be made, to throw their gravy train into a state of chaos. No, they will do the minimum stuff that is required to keep it straggling along. I do, possibly naively, believe that President Donald Trump is trying to change things for the better. I believe it not because he recently said so but because he can be seen on TV talk shows and radio programs as far back as 35 years ago, expressing his concern for the path that the U.S. is on, internationally and domestically. Trump has been remarkably consistent in his attitude for many years before he even dreamed of entering the political swamp. Unfortunately I doubt that the swamp elite, those long time corrupt and cynical players in D.C., will allow him to go far in changing things. And, let’s face it, most of the American public half of whom are either drugged up on one thing or the other, are sure not going to support him. I’m talking even those who voted for him, because talk is one thing, sticking out ones neck and getting ready for ACTION, in quite another thing…PEACE

    1. remember this when they believe they have reached peace and safety in the warped ludicrous environment which the socialist democratic party created ” then sudden destruction will befall all of them ” and there is no power living on earth that will be able to stop there fall into the abyss where they are all going anyway. people are not as stupid as the democrats have them to be. they are well trained and its an oiled machine which will come together quite fast in time of deep trouble.

  21. Americans oppose LEGAL immigration as well! All the Muslims coming in masses are through LEGAL channels. This is a stupid article acting as if illegal immigration is the only problem. You try living in a town overrun by Indian fobs on H1B visas bribing their employer for a green card. We don’t need no more immigration, legal or illegal!

    1. I’ve tried explaining this to so many cuckservatives and they just don’t get it. I mean, we’re LEGALLY importing fkng Somalis…. They have an avg IQ of 68 which means they are literally retarded! When I point to absurdities like this cuckservatives will pull out their trusty “merit-based immigration” card which is equally stupid. Yeah, great idea, let’s bring in a shitload of Indians and Chinese to compete with Americans who are already struggling and up to their eyeballs in student debt.
      The Chinese are already taking over parts of Canada, Australia and New Zealand so why buck the trend? There’s almost 1.5 billion of em so there’s plenty to go around!

  22. The 1965 Immigration Act was the poison that slowly killed America as a NATION. Whites were roughly 90% of the population in the early 60s but will be a minority in just a couple decades. The usual suspects knew exactly what they were doing and we’re now witnessing the disgusting rotten fruits of their labor.
    And any “conservative” who’s okay with LEGAL immigration is either ignorant or are just trying to signal how “not racist” they are. I feel like the foreigner in almost every American metropolis I visit these days and it’s spreading to the suburbs and rural areas now too but as long as they’re here LEGALLY so it’s A-fkn-OK!
    The US government goes around the world causing chaos then imports all the refugees fleeing that chaos into our country. If our government truly gave a shit about providing refuge to the persecuted then why don’t we make an effort to take in some of the Afrikaners who are being brutally oppressed?
    Let’s be real here, “Conservatism” hasn’t conserved jack shit. It’s just the soggy bottom bun of the kosher sandwich.

  23. So I guess all this means no Day Game for the next few years so you can all turn into Rambo.
    Will there be an armistice so you can escalate and administer kino?

  24. The next civil war is already over. America is in terminal decline, and the process long since passed the point of being reversible. Donald Trump is finally the absurd narcissistic President that exactly mirrors the absurd Narcissistic States of America. There’s no point in fighting, fretting, or being angry. Let it go and enjoy the ridiculousness of it all.

    1. “Donald Trump is finally the absurd narcissistic President that exactly mirrors the absurd Narcissistic States of America.” That is true up to a point. The problem is, among all of the narcissistic Americans, the ones that are so scr-wing this country up, are the far left narcissistic Americans. They by their actions 24/7 are much more stupid and toxic in the ruinous effect that they have on this country, then the dumbest hick from the hills.. Let’s get real here. THE LEFTIST WHITE LIBERALS ARE THE ENEMY WITHIN, REGARDLESS OF OVERALL NARCISSISM IN THE U.S.A..

    2. “The next civil war is already over”
      you are probably right about that.
      The man-haters wear: “the future belongs to women” shirts (size XXL).
      Wrong – the present belongs to women.
      they fought a war for 100 years against an “enemy” that was not in the fight – men. men who traditionally protect, and cherish them.
      A Pyrrhic victory…
      “Let it go and enjoy the ridiculousness of it all.”
      yea maybe – good idea…
      but, there is some hope in the Team (whether they brought in Trump or vise versa).
      Anyway I sign my emails to friendly feminists:
      Trump: 2020
      Trump Junior: 2024
      Trump Junior Junior: 2032.

  25. Even if I did believe in voting, my first and only thought was this – “there is no goddamed way I would ever vote for a woman.” You know why? Balls. Even incompetent men are slightly better than competent women.

  26. Liberals have the advantage in most major US cities as they control the flow of commerce in and out of the city. Liberals own the universities, hospitals, courts, police, fire, and emergency services and most local/state government buildings in most major metropolitan areas. Liberals are primarily both young (20-s early 30’s) and close to retirement, most liberals (if they’re white or Jewish) are skinnier and more fanatical then conservatives that are mostly between the ages of 35-55. Boomers past age 55 are about half liberal, half conservative and many Boomers surprisingly are healthier and more productive then most people under 35 due primarily to financial wealth and Testosterone replacement Therapy.
    Conservatives are predominately young-middle age (Gen X), most of Silent Generation and about half of all boomers in the country. About 2/3rds in this group are probably predominately in the obese category, so they won’t be running from a fight. Most conservatives live in rural and suburban communities and are highly concentrated in the South, Great Plains, Midwest, and Mountain states out west. Most are probably blue collar, ex or current military, and many are in the police forces. These are easily the most hard working and probably have more natural success with the opposite sex. But almost anyone could have conservative beliefs and be poor or unsuccessful with the opposite sex. The biggest case is DO YOU WANT FREEDOM or DO YOU WANT TYRANNY? If you’re a history buff like me, I will stick with the Constitution and exactly how it is written, in verbatim.

  27. The way I know we’ve been in a Civil War is that since 2013, I’ve been given nothing but dry, boring, 2-minute handjobs (if I’m even lucky) whereas just 3 years prior to that my blowjobs were long and most were predominately very happy endings.
    This Civil War is white man vs woman. End of story! Some emaciated little 22 year old punk isn’t going to attack a full grown man, 280 lb man.

    I am tellling tou people who are USA citizen and complain about immigrants come from other countries. That’s ok but some of you guys also think to move(or already moved) another country to be actually immigrants. What makes you free of being immigrants and others not? Because you are american, white? What makes you so special? I am sure many didnt see this contradiction! I am a regular ROK reader and dont live in USA.

    1. it’s not hypocritical.
      There is a drastic difference between a trickle of immigrants, and our present state of invasion in every European/Western nation.
      And I am an immigrant to USA – but, I learnt the language and customs when I arrived, and try to fit in (to as many local women as possible).
      Countries such as Japan and Thailand are very restrictive on their immigration policies. So yea many Westerners “live” there. But never really get permanent residency…
      And Japanese/Thais are NOT called racist for it.

  29. My book, Civil War Two the Coming Breakup of America, is back in print and available on Amazon in kindle format. It contains my opinions about why the united States of America will erupt in a civil war in our lifetime that will depopulate North-America and shatter the USA into several new, ethnically-based nations.

    It was first published in 1993 and I will have an update available by 2019. America is so far gone that this book won’t do you much good. It will do me some good if I can raise enough cash to buy a beat up old ship and name it The Deserting Rat and sail it around the Caribbean.
    I also have another book available on Amazon:
    I was in a real-life teenage Dirty Dozen in Vietnam. We were potheads, bar brawlers, dope peddlers, murderers, stockade bums, malingerers, murderers, deserters, drunks, thieves, pill poppers, junkies, fraggers, village burners and worse. We even had a cannibal.
    We were in the 2nd bat of the 173d Airborne Brigade.
    You want action and adventure? Here’s a video preview on Youtube.

    And here’s an Amazon link :

    Be aware that this book is not for those wussies forever getting their panties in a twist
    About shenanigans like decapitations and summary execution of so-called POWs.

    1. Fuck yea!! awesome.
      Quick question:
      R&R: Vietnam versus now?
      Now – Seems like in Muslim Countries Soldiers cannot drink – and there are no women – and have to undertake diversity training.

  30. Wow, what a poorly written essay! Is this some 9th grader? I agree a social storm is coming, but this clown is too painful to read and jumps from topic to topic so abruptly and spouts unsupported paranoia so freely that I just lost interest. It isn’t as if there aren’t 50 RoK articles on this exact topic!

  31. How far are the radical left libs going to go? – they have been known to bomb -gun down people they have their hatred for. Timothy McVeigh was a far left thinker- bombed the Oklahoma federal building killing over 100. They stir up simple minded people to carry out atrocious acts of violence. Riots Mayhem- BLM calling for randomly selecting a white man and murdering him and his family. A school shooting is used to stir up people to protest and more. It can be a lot more if a simple minded sort wants to be a hero of the cause.
    This is a serious problem for law abiding citizens=the AFT and FBI keep a list of EVERYONE WHO HAS LEGALLY BOUGHT A FIREARM. The government’s data systems are hacked so easily—don’t you think that a radical could get a list of every american who bought a firearm? Easy as pie for a hacker.
    A tip—what we did- the AFT law says a gun or replica of a gun of Pre-1898 is a NON FIREARM. Like jose wales civil war era revolvers. You can buy them without any FBI approval –straight to your door—they are black powder- muzzle loading type- but dig this—we got what is called a
    “conversion cylinder for cap and ball naa”
    You replace the original cylinder with this conversion and then it will accept modern ammo. No screwing around with a can of black powder—works great! Google it- learn about it- we did – and we are not on a FBI “HAS GUNS” list—but still carry protection everywhere- the country has goon crazy. Good luck.
    don’t be stupid- or you’ll be raped and dead. Trump can’t make america safe.
    get a revolver and carry it everywhere

  32. America is the most heavily armed country in the world. There are more weapons out and about in hunting season in Wisconsin than in almost all the armies in the world combined.
    These are patriotic Americans by the millions just biding their time waiting for the balloon to go up. It will be short, and the leftists will be culled from America, not to mention illegals. So why should we worry?

    and the other scheme they use: IF YOU CANNOT DEFEAT IT, THEN GO AND LEAD IT FROM THE FRONT!!!
    that’s what the j–s are want!!!
    ESPECIALLY US WHITES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    OR WE’LL BE NO MORE! ! !
    Be J wise My friends!!


  34. SO IT DOES NOT MATTER IF YOU A DARKIE ( as much as I hate jungle monkeys ) OR BROWN OR BLUE OR YELLOW OR PINK!!!

    and the other scheme they use: IF YOU CANNOT DEFEAT IT, THEN GO AND LEAD IT FROM THE FRONT!!!
    that’s what the j–s are want!!!
    ESPECIALLY US WHITES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    OR WE’LL BE NO MORE! ! !
    Be J wise My friends!!

    1. @Gabe the Clairvoyant – Perhaps your comments are being removed because it is disinformation. I suggest you look into British Israelists.

  36. The US will fall as soon as a Civil War happens…Russia and China are just waiting so they can share the fallen country. All cause Americans CANNOT get along and play the blame game 24/7.

  37. A dream of a civil war is just a coping mechanism for the right so they can deal with the destruction of the country. Conservatives and the right like to think they are going to kick ass because they have guns. Reality is that the other side has the military (doesn’t matter of the grunts are on our sid, the brass is on the globalist side), intelligence services and the police in almost all major cities.

  38. There will be no actual “war” nor any succession of states, so please stop fantasizing about it. And while we’re at it, let’s drop the misguided labels of “conservative”, “liberal”, and “progressive”. There are ISSUES that divide the USA population, and they will be decided, resolved, unresolved, reversed, and ultimately settled as the older, whiter, male population dies out.

  39. I am trying to make beer can chicken for the first time tonight. We’ll see how it goes. Low n slow on the grill with some potatoes. I’ve heard how great it is but have never tried, can’t believe it. Have a good night.

  40. I read this same prediction on bat-shit crazy websites all the time. There’s not going to be any “civil war.” the country is less divided than it was in the ’30s or ’60s. There are just a lot more people out there saying it is try to be heard above the din.
    Silly little dreams for silly little boys. Real men live in the real world.

  41. I don’t like to use the American Civil War example, because the next civil war will be nothing like that. That civil war had more-or-less distinct geographic groups (it was a fight over, after all, states-rights) and, with the rarest of example, no neighbor-on-neighbor violence. 600,000 deaths with 4 years of organized violence in a population of 31 million. 1.9%
    Conservative-communist civil wars are more common and neighbor vs neighbor. Consider the Finnish Civil War (1918) 3 1/2 months. 39,000 casualties in a population of 3.2 mil, 1.2% of the population in 14 weeks, only 1/4 of which were battlefield.
    But would agree with the premise of the article. The Obama administration turning the IRS, DOJ, and FBI against conservatives was just reving the engines. In next Democratic witch hunt, just like on campus on in the media industries today, if the conservatives shoot back, it will be full on.

  42. Its NOT CIVIL WAR BUT RACE WAR commie enemies of USA are using brown and blacks to start race war. That’s why they’re being imported and allowed in. I go to W-M and I’m lucky I didn’t get beat up by Indian mad woman. Also , latinos and non-USA- blacks are super aggressive. I’m 75 yr old Latina. I’m not racist. We have to be honest ; OPEN BORDERS only help USA enemies. We cannot go to other countries and vote. Its insane. USA is a goner thanks to ALL our POLITIANS ; THE GREEDY MONEY-HUNGRY BASTARDS, AND I THINK THE WOMEN ARE THE WORSE.

  43. I have a nice clean solution to this. We should have two governments in our country. A psychotic leftist government with heavy tax burdens and failed welfare programs, and a conservative government, with low taxes and fiscal discipline.
    You will be allowed to switch your allegiance only once per year, just like we do with health insurance. This will quickly make it apparent how useless and evil left wing ideology is, as people see the outcomes of each philosophy side by side.. Eventually enough people will switch to the conservative camp, that we will be able to remove the two tiered approach altogether.

    1. Haha, yeah, I thought about this solution as well, as there are basically two types/species of people.
      The convervative vs. leftist
      also known as the
      K selected vs. r selected.
      The leftist group is usually parasitic and can’t live without the other. But seems, when the leftists gain too much power, they will destroy the host/conservatives.
      It would be really cool to separate these two “species”.

  44. Thought the article was going to be about how all these lunatic leftist groups are going to band together against the so called republican Christian constitution lip service only rightist.

  45. As in how battles would actually take place, logistics, numbers on each side, battle strategies, how will the left be funded? Who will fund the right. I don’t see suburbia America grabbing their firearms and attacking their neighbors. I mean how do you see this playing out strategically and tactically?

  46. Hey I like this site. Agree with everything but don’t know if it is a true conservative site.
    I use the test word “Negro” (proper description) instead of the liberal ethnic slur of “bl*ck” to test for this.
    If nothing happens, the site has passed the test.

  47. Several states considered seceding from the United States over the 2016 presidential election. Oregon, California, and Silicon Valley threatened to secede after Hillary lost. Texas was discussing secession if Trump lost. Canada offered to make several U.S. States part of Canada if they left the United States.
    The problem with Texas leaving or ANY other state is multi-faceted:
    1. All kinds of FEDERAL installations, including the largest military base outside of metro D.C. (Fort Hood) is based in Texas;
    2. Defending the new Republic from external dangers. Where’s the Air force and Navy? Contract with the hated Uncle Sam for defense or Putin!? LMAO!
    3. Texas is not as RED as many think given its majority-minority status. A considerable citizenry would not support succession.
    4. The border with Mexico would become a sieve of Latinos heading north and not just from Mexico.
    3. A

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